Buteyko purification reaction. Proper breathing according to Buteyko

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Wise men at all times said: in order to know God, a person must first of all ... learn to breathe! In other words, improve your breathing. Only in this case, a person will be able to confidently manage not only his words and emotions, but also his health and even fate.

Therefore, in the history of mankind, the process of breathing and conscious work with it was paid attention to by all religious traditions and systems of spiritual practices without exception.

So, the Torah tells how God breathed life into Adam, thereby reviving him. It also says that the breath returns to God after the death of a person.

In many world cultures, the concepts of breathing are also key. Indeed, in many languages ​​the words "spirit", "soul" and "breath" have a common origin. Since ancient times, people have singled out breath as the main property of everything living and animated.

In Chinese philosophy, one of the main categories of "qi" is defined as "air", "breath", "energy". The ancient Chinese believed that "qi" permeates everything in this world and connects everything together.

In Indian medicine, the concept of "prana" literally in Sanskrit means "life", "breath". And yogis are sure that “prana” permeates the entire Universe.

And from ancient Greek mythology, the word “psyche” migrated to the arsenal of world philosophy, psychology and medicine, which translates as “soul”, “breath”.

The respiratory practices themselves originated many thousands of years ago in the East: in India - Pranayama, in China - Qi Gong, in Central Asia - the Sufi system of exercises, in Tibet - the respiratory practices of Vajrayana Buddhism. All these Eastern teachings penetrated the West only in the 20th century. And in the 21st century they have become a vital necessity.

The fact is that modern civilization has changed people a lot. And first of all, we have changed because we have forgotten how to breathe correctly. Comfort comes at a very high price. After all, our health depends on how we breathe.

Diseases of civilization

Even 300 years ago, when medicine was not developed, natural selection “cult out” sick people. And most people barely lived to adulthood, leaving no sick offspring.

Under these conditions, only a small part of the diseases were determined by genetic defects, but most of the diseases were the result of conditions and lifestyle. It wasn't until the introduction of antibiotics that serious infections were eradicated.

There were fewer deaths. And live longer. But life has changed.

The first fruits of civilization are the appearance of a huge number of harmful products, due to which the human body began to become clogged with toxic concentrates, chemical carcinogens, new refined food products and alcohol. Human genes were not adapted to such changes. And natural selection stopped working, because medicine worked well. And then new chronic diseases appeared, shortening life. Scientists called them "diseases of civilization." At first, they develop imperceptibly for a person, as the harmful effects of the external and internal environment accumulate. The person is not sick yet, but not healthy either. But he could be healthy if he began to apply the necessary measures in a timely manner. Prevention is of particular importance precisely in the fight against the "diseases of civilization".

And one of the most important preventive measures is the ability to breathe properly. Experts assure: breathing is a reliable barometer of the state of the human body. Even by how often and deeply we breathe, we can make an accurate diagnosis of any ailment and prescribe treatment. And in the end, cure not only the body, but also the head. According to scientists, breathing is closely interconnected not only with the state of health, but also with the state of consciousness.

Maybe breathing not only keeps the soul in the body, but also decides its fate?

Basic instinct

What does it mean to breathe correctly? Strange question at first sight. After all, each of us daily makes almost 20,000 breaths and exhalations. And we don't really think about how we do it. Otherwise, the same tragedy would have happened to us as with the hedgehog from the joke. Remember? A hedgehog ran through the forest, forgot how to breathe, and died.

Breathe! This basic instinct was laid in us by nature. A person is considered born when he takes his first breath. And dead - when he draws his last breath. Between the beginning and the end there is only a series of breaths. The same is with our smaller brothers.

But everyone breathes differently. For example, jellyfish have the simplest form of breathing. Oxygen dissolved in water is absorbed through their skin, and dissolved carbon dioxide is expelled to the outside in the same way. And on the abdomen of insects there are many small holes. Each of these pores is an entrance to a tube called the trachea. It works just like a human breathing tube, or windpipe! Thus, insects breathe in the same way as we do, with the only difference being that hundreds of breathing tubes can be located on their abdomen.

And the rate of breathing, that is, how often we inhale air, largely depends on the size of the creature itself. The larger the animal, the slower it breathes. For example, an elephant inhales about 10 times per minute, and mice about 200. And it turns out that life expectancy is directly related to the frequency of breathing: an elephant lives longer than a mouse. And turtles breathe very slowly and live very long lives.

The average person inhales 16 times per minute. But maybe less often - 6-8 breaths per minute. And maybe more often - up to 20 times a minute. Depending on the circumstances. Moreover: young children breathe 20-30 times per minute, and babies - 40-60 times!

Doctors have been thinking about the riddle of uneven human breathing for a long time. The first information and advice on proper breathing were already found on Chinese jade inscriptions, which date back to the 6th century BC. Ancient sayings teach: “When breathing, you need to do the following: hold your breath, it accumulates, if it accumulates, it spreads further, if it spreads further, then it goes down, becomes calm, if it becomes calm, then it strengthens. If you release it, then it grows, when it has grown, you need to squeeze it again. If you squeeze it, it will reach the top of the head. There it presses on the head, presses down. Whoever follows this method lives, and whoever does the opposite will die.”

Revolutionary opening of Buteyko

Konstantin Buteyko (1923–2003), scientist, physiologist, clinician, made a revolutionary discovery in the field of medicine in 1952. He argued that people breathe incorrectly - very deeply. And it is precisely because of this that they often and seriously get sick.

The scientist found that, contrary to popular belief, deep frequent breathing (and we have always been taught: “Breathe deeply!”) Does not contribute to oxygen saturation. Sick people inhale more air, which leads - paradoxically - to a decrease in the level of oxygen in the cells of the body. The fact is that the cause of the development of diseases is hyperventilation (this is intensive breathing that exceeds the body's need for oxygen. – Author.). That is, with deep breaths, the amount of oxygen received by a person does not increase, but carbon dioxide becomes less. And its deficiency leads to serious diseases. So, for example, the lung volume of a healthy person is 5 liters, and a patient with bronchial asthma is about 10–15 liters.

According to Buteyko, excessive removal of carbon dioxide from the body leads to spasms of the bronchi and blood vessels of the brain, limbs, intestines, and bile ducts. The vessels narrow, which means that less oxygen is supplied to the cells. In cells, biochemical reactions change, metabolism is disturbed. Thus, chronic "overeating" of oxygen leads to oxygen deficiency.

Konstantin Buteyko argued: the deeper the breath, the more sick the person is. The more shallow his breathing, the healthier and more resilient he is. Therefore, Buteyko breathing exercises are a system of healing the body. It is aimed at limiting deep breathing and is called the "method of volitional elimination of deep breathing (VVHD)", which allows you to get rid of hyperventilation of the lungs.

“Breast breathing leads to the fact that we inhale too much air, and our blood vessels constrict,” Buteyko wrote. “Healthy breathing is slow, no more than 16 breaths per minute, through the nose, and also quiet and light.”

An important rule is to breathe only through your nose. Because only the nose is equipped with a complex air filtration and heating system. The nose is only for breathing, and the mouth is for eating food.

When breathing through the mouth, the air that enters the lungs is not moistened, is not purified from microscopic dust and everything else, which leads to various diseases and negative phenomena in the respiratory tract:

Decreased respiratory function of the sinuses;

memory disorder;

The composition of the blood changes (the amount of hemoglobin, calcium, sugar falls; the acid-base balance is disturbed);

Changes in physical development;

Impaired development of the facial skeleton;

The functions of the nervous system are disturbed (headache, nervous tic, irritability, urinary incontinence, night terror);

Frequent development of tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia;

There is a hearing disorder;

Vision is impaired;

Digestion worsens;

Reducing the protective properties of the respiratory tract in case of infection.

This is an approximate list of diseases and disorders that can occur with mouth breathing disorders.

What does the nose do

The beginning of the respiratory tract is the nasal cavity. It performs a number of important functions in the process of respiration. Firstly, the nose is the first barrier to the entry of harmful substances from the environment into the lungs. The hairs of the nostrils trap dust particles, microorganisms and other substances that enter the nose during inhalation. Secondly, cold air, passing through the nasal passages, is warmed by the warmth of the blood vessels. Thanks to this, already warmed air enters the lungs. In addition, the inhaled air is humidified in the nasal cavity, and nasal mucus, thanks to local immunity, fights harmful microorganisms and viruses.

In children, in comparison with adults, the nasal cavity has a number of distinctive features. The nasal passages are narrow, and the nasal mucosa is abundantly supplied with small blood vessels, so rhinitis often occurs in children. To prevent this from happening, children from an early age must be taught proper breathing through the nose.

It is with diseases of the nasal cavity (chronic rhinitis, adenoids, curvature of the nasal septum, etc.) that many lung diseases and respiratory dysfunction begin.

The nose is the first and most important boundary line between the “inner world” of our body and the aggressive external environment. Passing through the nasal passages, cold air is moistened by nasal mucus and warmed by the warmth of the blood vessels. Hairs growing on the mucous membrane of the nostrils and nasal mucus trap dust particles, protecting the bronchi and lungs from pollution. With every breath, the nose bravely takes on the dangerous components of the air, disinfecting the air stream. Faced with a viral attack (and today 200 respiratory viruses are known to science), the nose tries to resist it with its own means - it produces a huge amount of mucus that washes out harmful agents. In the absence of infection, about 500 ml of mucus and fluid are formed in the nose per day, and much more during illness. That is why a person with a runny nose should increase their daily fluid intake by at least 1.5–2 liters.

In general, a runny nose is a signal that you have been “attacked”. At this point, you need to act very energetically to stop the further spread of the infection. Otherwise, "harmless" snuffling can be a precursor to more serious health problems.


“The paradox is that when a choking asthmatic greedily swallows air, this only aggravates his condition. I want to breathe even more, my lungs work like bellows, my heart beats like a motor at full speed, and there is not enough oxygen anymore. One has only to hold one's breath, relief comes instantly. A defensive reaction is triggered: without waiting for the next breath, the body reacts to the delay by expanding the blood vessels in order to deliver as much blood as possible to the organs and provide them with a maximum of oxygen. Normal breathing is not only a breath for the sake of another portion of oxygen, but also a reasonable pause on exhalation, necessary to save carbon dioxide, which we are in a hurry to get rid of, considering it harmful.

The essence of the method

The scientist experimentally proved that the blood of healthy people contains much more carbon dioxide than in patients with, say, bronchial asthma, colitis, stomach ulcers, or those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke. Therefore, in order to save a person from an illness, it is only necessary to teach him how to save carbon dioxide in his body. To do this allows NOT DEEP, BUT SURFACE breathing.

To saturate the blood with carbon dioxide, which is very small in the surrounding air, you need to regulate your breathing, making it superficial, and the pauses between breaths longer.

The advantages of Buteyko breathing exercises are the ability to perform exercises anywhere and anytime: at home, on a walk, at work, and even in transport. In addition, it is quite simple and suitable for all age groups, from children from 4 years old to people of the most advanced age.

The essence of treatment is to gradually reduce the depth of breathing. As the breath holding lengthens, blood and tissues become more and more saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide, acid-base balance is restored, metabolic processes are normalized, and immune defenses are strengthened. And the disease recedes.

Why is carbon dioxide important to humans?

Quotes from lectures, articles, books by Konstantin Buteyko:

“... The toxic effect of deep breathing or hyperventilation was discovered back in 1871 by the Dutch scientist De Costa. The disease is called "hyperventilation syndrome" or the initial stage of deep breathing, which accelerates the death of patients. In 1909, the famous physiologist D. Henderson conducted numerous experiments on animals and experimentally proved that deep breathing is disastrous for a living organism. The cause of death of the experimental animals in all cases was a deficiency of carbon dioxide, in which an excess of oxygen becomes poisonous. But people have forgotten about these discoveries, and we often hear calls to breathe deeply.

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“... A few words about the origins: life on Earth arose about 3-4 billion years ago. Then the earth's atmosphere consisted mainly of carbon dioxide, and there was almost no oxygen in the air, and that's when life arose on Earth. All living beings, living cells were built from the carbon dioxide of the air, as they are being built now.

The only source of life on earth is carbon dioxide, plants feed on it using the energy of the sun. For billions of years, metabolism took place in the atmosphere, where the carbon dioxide content was very high. Then, when plants appeared, they and algae ate almost all the carbon dioxide and formed coal reserves. Now in our atmosphere, oxygen is more than 20%, and carbon dioxide is already 0.03%. And if these 0.03% disappear, the plants will have nothing to eat. They will die. And all life on earth will perish. This is absolutely true: a plant placed under a glass jar without carbon dioxide immediately dies.”

* * *

“We were pretty lucky: we knocked down more than a hundred of the most common diseases of the nervous system, lungs, blood vessels, metabolism, gastrointestinal tract, etc. with one blow. It turned out that these hundred-odd diseases are directly or indirectly related to deep breathing. The death of 30% of the population of modern society comes from deep breathing.

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“... We prove our case instantly. If a hypertensive crisis cannot be removed for weeks, then we remove it in a few minutes.

“Chronic pneumonia in children, lasting 10-15 years, is eliminated by reducing breathing in a year and a half. Cholesterol stains, deposits in patients with sclerosis on the eyelids, which were previously removed with a knife, but they grew again, dissolve according to our method of reducing breathing in 2-3 weeks.

"The reverse course of atherosclerosis has been undeniably proven by us."

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“We have established a general law: the deeper the breath, the more severely sick a person is and the faster death, the less (shallow breathing) - the more healthy, hardy and durable he is. Carbon dioxide plays a role in all of this. She does everything. The more it is in the body, the healthier it is.

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“The fact that carbon dioxide is important for our body is confirmed by embryology. The latest data show that for 9 months all of us were in seemingly terrible conditions: in our blood we had 3-4 times less oxygen than now, and 2 times more carbon dioxide. And it turns out that these terrible conditions are necessary for the creation of man.

“Now accurate studies show that the cells of our brain, heart, kidneys need an average of 7% carbon dioxide and 2% oxygen, and the air contains 230 times less carbon dioxide and 10 times more oxygen, which means that it has become POISONOUS for us!”

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“And it is especially poisonous for a newborn who has not yet adapted to it. One must be amazed at the wisdom of the people, forcing parents to immediately swaddle their newborns tightly, and in the east to fasten their arms and chest with ropes to a plank. And our grandmothers swaddled us tightly, then they covered us with a rather dense canopy.

The child slept, normally survived. Gradually, the baby was accustomed to this poisonous air environment.

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“... We now understand what carbon dioxide is - it is the most valuable product on earth, the only source of life, health, wisdom, vigor, beauty, etc. When a person learns to keep carbon dioxide in himself, his mental performance increases sharply, the excitation of the nervous system decreases . Our method of elimination of deep breathing (VHDD) treats only one disease - deep breathing. But this disease creates 90% of all diseases.”

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“... Now, as a result of a huge research and experimental work, the actual effect of oxygen is well known. It turns out that if mice begin to breathe pure oxygen, they die in 10–12 days. There are many experiments with people breathing oxygen - the lungs are damaged and inflammation of the lungs begins from oxygen. And we treat pneumonia with oxygen. If mice are placed under pressure in oxygen, where the concentration of molecules is even greater, at 60 atmospheres of pressure they die in 40 minutes.

Obviously, for our body, the optimal level of oxygen is about 10-14%, but not 21%, and this is approximately at an altitude of 3-4 thousand meters above sea level.

Now it is clear why the percentage of centenarians is higher in the mountains, an indisputable fact - there is less oxygen. If you raise the sick to the mountains, it turns out that they feel better there. Moreover, in the same place, angina pectoris, schizophrenia, asthma, heart attack, and hypertension are the least affected. If such patients are taken there, an environment with a lower percentage of oxygen is more optimal for them.”

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“... Our blood comes into contact with the air of the lungs, and the air of the lungs just contains 6.5% carbon dioxide and about 12% oxygen, that is, just the optimum that is needed. Increasing or reducing breathing, we can violate this optimum. Deep and frequent breathing leads to the loss of carbon dioxide in the lungs, and this is the cause of serious disorders in the body.

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“Deficiency of CO 2 (carbon dioxide) causes a shift in the internal environment of the body to the alkaline side and this disrupts metabolism, which, in particular, is expressed in the appearance of allergic reactions, a tendency to catch colds, proliferation of bone tissues (called salt deposition in everyday life), etc. ., up to the development of tumors.

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“We consider it proven that deep breathing causes epilepsy, neurasthenia, severe insomnia, headaches, migraines, tinnitus, irritability, a sharp decrease in mental and physical performance, memory impairment, decreased concentration, impaired peripheral nervous system, cholecystitis, chronic rhinitis , chronic inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumosclerosis, tuberculosis more often occurs in deeply breathing people, because their body is weakened. Further: dilation of the veins of the nose, veins in the legs, hemorrhoids, which now received their theory, obesity, metabolic disorders, a number of disorders of the genital organs in men and women, then toxicosis of pregnancy, miscarriages, complications during childbirth.

“Deep breathing contributes to influenza, gives rise to rheumatism, chronic inflammatory foci, inflammation of the tonsils, as a rule, occurs in deep breathing. Chronic tonsillitis is a very dangerous infection, no less dangerous than tuberculosis. These infections deepen breathing and affect the body even more. Salt deposition (gout) - also occurs from deep breathing, wen on the body, any infiltrates, even brittle nails, dry skin, hair loss - all this, as a rule, is the result of deep breathing. These processes are still not treated, not prevented and have no theory.”

At birth, the child notifies the world around him of his appearance with a loud cry that accompanies the first breath. A person breathes throughout life and, dying, takes his last breath. Without breathing, life is impossible, having learned to breathe correctly, a person is freed from excess weight, ailments, and ensures the harmonious functioning of the body.

There are many breathing techniques, such as Yoga, Qigong, Buteyko, using which in practice you can change your own life, getting rid of health problems.

Yoga is a teaching aimed at developing a person's ability to control the functioning of his own body, physical and spiritual forces. The method of yoga breathing exercises is called Pranayama, it teaches the management of vital energy.

Yoga breathing technique is a mixed breathing with ventilation and opening of the lungs. By practicing Pranayama, a person will increase immunity, improve metabolism in the body, reduce pressure and restore nerves. Yoga will fill the body with vital energy, give balance and harmony.

Yoga breathing exercises will teach you how to breathe properly in order to saturate the blood and body tissues with oxygen.

Correct breathing exercise

  • Standing straight, exhale freely and naturally sharply.
  • We inhale in three phases.
  • Gradually we stick out the stomach forward, filling the lower part of the lungs with air (the diaphragm moves).
  • We expand the middle of the chest and ribs - air enters the middle part of the lungs.
  • We take in the maximum amount of air and expand the chest to the limit.
  • Exhale slowly through the nose, starting at the bottom of the lungs. The stomach is pulled in, then the chest, shoulders and collarbones. To exhale as completely as possible, you should smoothly compress the intercostal and abdominal muscles.

All movements should gradually pass into each other, without braking and pauses. The side view resembles the movement of a wave along the body: from the abdomen up and down from the collarbones. This exercise is the basis of yoga breathing exercises. Watching the video will help you breathe properly during your workout.

Ujjayi - breathing technique with sound

Ujjayi implies an ajar glottis, while creating the effect of a squeezed balloon: inhalation and exhalation are accompanied by effort. If we compare Ujjayi with ordinary breathing, then in the first case, gas exchange is stronger due to the difference in air mass pressure in the lungs during inhalation and exhalation.

The Ujjayi method is energy-saving breathing exercises. Fixing attention on doing the Ujjayi exercises and the sound of the voice releases thoughts, which is an element of meditation.

When breathing Ujjayi, the inhalation and exhalation are deep and slow, the cycle without physical exercises lasts half a minute, synchronously with asanas - up to twelve seconds. A beginner in the practice of "yoga" finds it difficult to breathe Ujjayi throughout the entire session due to insufficient development of the muscles.

Ujjayi Breathing Exercise

  • Stand up, place your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the body.
  • At the same time as you inhale, raise your arms to the sides and up and say in a whisper "O".
  • Simultaneously with the exhalation, lower your hands and pronounce "A".

You need to breathe slowly and deeply. Do 5 times, gradually increasing to 10 times.

Breathing exercises Buteyko

The Buteyko method appeared in the middle of the 20th century and is based on a decrease in the depth of breathing. 152 diseases are known for which the method is effective. With the help of Buteyko exercises, 98% of human ailments, including allergies, are treated.

The respiratory volume of a healthy person is 5 liters, in a patient with asthma - up to 15 liters, which indicates hyperventilation of the lungs. With a deep breath, according to Buteyko, the amount of oxygen in the blood does not increase and the content of CO2 decreases.

Breathing correctly, according to Buteyko, is to increase the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood. Proper breathing in this case is superficial, with long pauses between breaths, saturating the blood with carbon dioxide.

Buteyko exercises

  • Hold your breath until you feel that there is not enough air for as long as possible. Then inhale in small portions, shallow. If there is a desire to inhale more air - repeat again.
  • Stop breathing while walking until you feel short of breath. Breathe and repeat.
  • Breathe deeply for three minutes. Slowly increase the time to ten minutes.

At the initial stage, performing Buteyko exercises presents difficulties, unpleasant sensations arise, appetite decreases, panic attacks of lack of air appear, and rapid breathing occurs. Later, the necessary development of the respiratory organs appears and the discomfort disappears.

Exercises to prepare for natural breath holding

  • Run 10 times: 5 seconds inhale - 5 seconds exhale - 5 seconds break.
  • Full breath. Do 10 times: 7 seconds inhale (diaphragm - chest breathing) - 7 seconds exhale (diaphragm - lower region of the lungs) - 5 seconds break.
  • Pull in your stomach. 7 seconds inhale - 7 seconds exhale - 5 seconds break. Pull in your stomach. Do 10 times.
  • Ventilation of the lungs: 2 seconds inhale - 2 seconds exhale 12 times. Then 1 time to take a break on the exhale.
  • Rare breath. 5 seconds inhale - 5 seconds exhale - 5 seconds break. Do 4 times.

5 seconds inhale - 5 seconds hold - 5 seconds exhale - 5 seconds break. Do 6 times.

7 seconds inhale - 7 seconds hold - 7 seconds exhale - 5 seconds break. Do 6 times.

10 seconds inhale - 10 seconds hold - 10 seconds exhale - 10 seconds break. Do 6 times.

  • Hold your breath once, first on the inhale, and then on the exhale for the maximum possible period of time.
  • Breaks in breathing while sitting, standing, while walking and squatting, while running from three to ten times.
  • Invisible breath. Breathe superficially for three to ten minutes, slowly reducing the amount of inhaled air.

A strong feeling of lack of air testifies to the correct performance of the exercises.

The advantages of Buteyko gymnastics are the ability to perform exercises anywhere at any time. The Buteyko method is simple, suitable for children from four years old and adults.

Proper Oxysize Breathing

Oxysize is a unique method of losing weight, which is based on simple exercises for proper breathing. The inventor of the Oxysize weight loss program is an American Jill Johnson, who managed to get rid of excess weight in this way.

Using the deep, correct breathing of Oxysize exercises, you can achieve weight loss in a short time, get rid of cellulite and sagging skin. At the same time, Oxysize workouts are not exhausting, breath holding is not required, which leads to the absence of contraindications to exercise.

Losing weight with the help of Oxysize gymnastics consists in delivering oxygen to problem areas of the body, therefore the basis of the Oxysize technique is the ability to breathe properly. It is important to set aside two or three weeks for learning (video can help here) proper breathing, bring it to automatism and then move on to the exercises.

Oxysize breathing consists of four stages

  • We inhale through the nose, while the stomach inflates like a balloon. The pelvis is set forward, the muscles of the press are in a relaxed state.
  • Three short breaths with simultaneous tension of the muscles of the perineum and buttocks.
  • Exhale through the lips folded into a tube, at the same time the abdominal muscles are pulled under the ribs.
  • In conclusion - a sharp exhalation until the lungs are completely empty.

Straighten your back, do not raise your shoulders.

The best time of day for classes will be in the morning, the beginning is a warm-up that works out basic breathing. Moreover, a warm-up is an optional condition, you can immediately proceed to the main part. Gymnastics for weight loss Oksisayz takes about twenty minutes daily, while the results of the classes are impressive: the body becomes toned and slender.

Oxysize weight loss exercises are done in the morning before breakfast or after three hours after eating. After gymnastics, you need to refrain from eating for another hour.

It is important to do 30 or more breathing sets every day. If the exercises are performed first in one direction, and then in the other, these are two respiratory series.

The longer you work out, the longer the effect will be, since Oxysize for weight loss has cumulative properties.

Gymnastics Qigong

Respiratory gymnastics Qigong comes from China, serves to improve the physical capabilities of the human body, adjust its condition. Qigong breathing, combined with a balanced diet and physical activity, allows you to achieve weight loss, as it saturates the cells of the body with oxygen.

Qigong breathing is suitable for anyone, regardless of age and history of ailments. Scientists from Japan have found that it is possible to achieve weight loss with the help of Qigong due to the properties of exercises to restore the activity of the nervous system.

Qigong exercises

The Qigong complex for weight loss consists of three main exercises, which you need to perform in relaxed clothes that do not restrict movement.

  • Wave. Helps reduce the feeling of hunger. Lying on your back, bend your knees at a right angle. One hand lies on the stomach, the second - on the chest. Simultaneously with inhalation, the stomach is drawn in and the chest expands. Exhalation is the opposite. Run 40 times.
  • Frog. Sitting on a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Clench your palm into a fist, with the other palm - clasp it. Elbows on your knees, fist rest on the forehead. Close your eyes and completely relax. 15 minutes three times a day.
  • Lotus. Sitting on a low chair, cross your legs in front of your stomach. Put your hands on top of each other with your palms up. The back is straightened, the head is slightly lowered, the eyes are closed. The first 5 minutes is normal breathing, concentrate on it. The next five minutes is a normal inhale, a relaxed exhale. For the next ten minutes, breathe naturally, you do not need to control your breathing, completely relax.

The correct implementation of Qigong will help in 2 months of regular classes to achieve weight loss by 10 kg. The video will help you understand the technique of doing the exercises.

Strelnikova's method

Gymnastics appeared as a medicine, but later became indispensable for singers and all those who study and practice vocals. Breathing exercises facilitate voice production and are the basis for the practice and development of any vocal. The complex is also used for speech development in children.

The skepticism towards the development is due to the fact that Yoga, Qigong, Oxysize, the Buteyko method run counter to the complex presented by Strelnikova. In gymnastics, attention is focused on inhalation and natural breathing is preserved. Such training is aimed at increasing the air potential of the body, due to this, its vitality increases and recovery is achieved (with pneumonia). Yoga is aimed at the most complete exhalation.

Regular performance of the complex fills the brain with oxygen, the ability to memorize increases, the headache disappears, the self-regulation of the body awakens.

Who will help Strelnikova's gymnastics

Vocal in the life of an artist is of paramount importance, so Strelnikova's breathing exercises, aimed at developing her voice, turn out to be an indispensable tool. A unique set of breathing exercises designed for singers, vocalists, actors. The exercises were called "acting breathing exercises." This is a one-of-a-kind complex aimed at restoring vocals.

Exercises will improve the condition of a patient with ailments of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, nervous diseases. Gymnastics will benefit patients with pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, injuries of the musculoskeletal system, and neuroses. The method will relieve asthma attacks, normalize blood pressure, relieve migraines and pain in the heart, increase efficiency and immunity, and teach you how to breathe correctly.

With pneumonia, gymnastics activates blood circulation and lymph supply, eliminates the development of stagnant effects, improves lung ventilation and drainage of the inflammation focus. Exercises for pneumonia are performed with a gradual increase in loads, otherwise there is a possibility of an exacerbation of the disease. More effective with pneumonia will be regular breathing exercises, combined with chest massage.

Contraindications to the implementation of the Strelnikova complex

Rules for performing Strelnikova's exercises

To achieve the greatest effectiveness of classes when performing exercises, you should follow certain rules:

  • It is natural to smell the air as much as possible. At the same time, inhaling as much air as possible is not the goal, this is a common mistake. The breath here is short, sharp, energetic, natural.
  • Do not interfere with the exhalation process. Inhalation follows synchronously with movement, exhalation - passively, inaudibly.
  • You can not do exercises through force. You need to do as many breaths as possible without tension.
  • You should learn to perform short series of breaths at the same speed (the frequency should be equal to the pulse rate and be about seventy times per minute). Usually it is 1200 breaths with a pause between them up to three seconds.
  • Performing exercises, it is desirable to keep within half an hour.
  • Counting by "eights" will help not to go astray. After each eight, you need to mark the execution on a piece of paper.
  • 32 breaths are performed, after which rest is made for up to ten seconds.
  • You can not do the complex in parts, you need to perform all the exercises, preferably for half an hour in the morning and evening.
  • The effect is observed after regular classes for a month.
  • If time is short, thirty exercises are done from “palms” to “steps”.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova, exercises

The complex is universal and suitable for all ages (from three years to eighty and older). It consists of 12 exercises with names. The main ones are three: “Pogonchiki”, “Palms”, “Pump”. They are in all complexes designed to treat various ailments, including pneumonia. Watching the video will help you do the exercises correctly.

  • Shoulder straps. Stand straight, arms bent at the elbows, hands at shoulder level. Inhale noisily through your nose while clenching your hands into fists. 4 breaths - lower your arms for 4 seconds, taking a break - 4 breaths - break. Perform 6 cycles of 4 breaths (24 breaths).
  • palms. Standing straight, fists pressed to the stomach on the belt. Simultaneously with inhalation, sharply lower your fists down to the floor. Next, return your hands to the belt. Run 12 times for 8 breaths. Between a block of 8 breaths - movements pause 4 seconds.
  • Pump. Standing, the legs are already shoulder-length, the arms are lowered along the torso. Lean forward slightly, at the end of the movement, take a noisy breath, ending it along with the tilt. Slightly, halfway, return to the starting position. Then bend over again and inhale. The back is round. Do not bend below the waist. Head down.

The development of the speech apparatus with the help of gymnastics Strelnikova

The result of correct speech breathing is normal speech volume, intonational expressiveness, and excellent sound production. Respiratory gymnastics for speech development is necessary so that the child pronounces the words on the exhale, evenly spending the exhaled air, and does not choke on the words on the inhale.

Strelnikova's method is used by speech therapists for speech development in stuttering children. The technique relies on the massage of the muscles lining the air sinuses in the head with the help of a jet of air while inhaling. The blood flow in the head increases, which is a remedy for the speech apparatus.

Strelnikova's exercises are designed to develop, improve and restore vocals, develop proper speech breathing in children and adults, are used to shorten the course of rehabilitation after suffering severe lung diseases (pneumonia), improve the condition of the body and prolong youth.

Breathing exercises according to different methods have an extremely beneficial effect on the human body. The purpose of breathing exercises is to relieve stress, calm the nervous system, switching attention to breathing and execution technique.

Few people know that Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, who was born in 1923 in the Kharkov province, in the village of Ivanitsa (now the Sumy region of Ukraine), was not only an outstanding Soviet scientist, clinician and physiologist, but also a philosopher of medicine. He came to this after he developed the so-called Buteyko method.

Surprising and extraordinary lies in the fact that Buteyko expressed and scientifically substantiated a fundamentally new concept - shallow breathing. Most people know that in any difficult and painful situation, classical medicine says one thing - breathe deeply.

However, as Buteyko himself said, it is worth taking about 30 as deep breaths as possible, and you will feel dizziness and discomfort throughout your body.

It should be emphasized that the Buteyko method has a scientific basis, although it has a huge army of not only supporters, but also opponents. Be that as it may, you will probably be interested to know that the British Prince Charles of Wales, who suffered from allergic rhinitis, was cured by the Buteyko method.

After this incident, the Parliament of England even discussed the possibility of introducing this method into official medicine at the state level.

According to Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, shallow breathing, which is acquired after a series of trainings according to his system, helps to get rid of more than a hundred diseases.

This is a serious statement, and given the fact that this breathing exercise has really helped many people, it is worth considering whether to implement a simple and uncomplicated habit of shallow breathing!

Buteyko breathing method

There are many articles on the Internet devoted to a detailed analysis of this phenomenon in general, and the Buteyko method in particular. We will not go into details, but will give only the basic data, guided by which, anyone who wants to improve their health or get rid of bronchial asthma, hypertension, angina pectoris, cerebral vasospasm and many other diseases will be able to fully recover.

  • Breathing is carried out only through the nose, and the breath comes, relatively speaking, only to the level of the collarbone.
  • Inhalation should be slow, about 2-3 seconds and imperceptible (the chest and abdomen should practically not fluctuate).
  • Exhale calm and passive for 3-4 seconds.
  • This is followed by a pause also 3-4 seconds.
  • The ideal breathing rate is 6-8 times per minute.

Please note that this is not about holding your breath, but about volitional elimination of deep breathing. The main point lies in a strong-willed decision, and this is not easy, therefore, it will take from 2 weeks to 3 months to correct breathing. If a person has a real problem with asthma, then perhaps he should make an effort to achieve a full recovery, which, moreover, does not require financial investments. Here are a few more recommendations.

  • At least three hours a day, by willpower, it is necessary to reduce the depth and speed of breaths. It doesn't matter if you're walking, standing or sitting. Remember, the habit of shallow, proper breathing is not formed all at once!
  • Increase the pause after exhalation.
  • Before breakfast, lunch and dinner, do 3-6 extremely long breath-holds so that you can easily hold up to 60 seconds or more.
  • After long delays, rest for 1-2 minutes.
  • Ignore the uncomfortable sensations that may initially occur after delays. Studies have shown that no patient can reduce breathing to such an extent that it becomes harmful to the body.

The last interesting fact about Buteyko's health sounds like this: the smaller the depth of breathing and the frequency of breaths, the healthier and more durable the body will be!

And one more thing: do not confuse a pause with holding your breath - these are different things.

So, the Buteyko method is really interesting not only for its unique approach, but also for the many testimonies of a real and complete recovery.

Do not get sick, and always be cheerful!

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The body's healing system, known as breathing exercises or Buteyko exercises, is called by the author "a method of volitional elimination of deep breathing." According to him, proper breathing should be quiet, slow and nasal. The scientist claims that the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is an indicator of health and the most important factor in its recovery. Moreover, in healthy people it is much higher than in patients. Therefore, for treatment and general recovery, Buteyko recommends exhaling as little and as little as possible, using shallow breathing.

The dependence of a person's condition on breathing is well demonstrated by an attack of bronchial asthma. When the patient begins to suffocate, he actively grabs air, which significantly worsens his condition - breathing is not enough even more, the lungs swell intensely, and the need for oxygen is increasing. But if he stops breathing for a few moments, the body's defenses will work - the vessels will expand and increase the delivery of blood with oxygen to the tissues. As a result, the general well-being of the asthmatic will improve significantly.

Important! Buteyko breathing is not only the inhalation of oxygen, but also the saving of carbon dioxide by slowing down the respiratory process. According to the scientist, carbon dioxide in an increased amount heals the body and is able to get rid of many diseases.

The essence of the technique is to perform exercises that contribute to a gradual decrease in the depth of breathing and an increase in the duration of its delay. The longer the pause between inhalation and exhalation, the better the saturation of cells with oxygen and the preservation of carbon dioxide in them. As a result of restoring the correct ratio of these two most important elements in the body, a number of positive changes occur - the acid-base balance is regulated, metabolism is improved, immunity is strengthened, existing diseases are cured.

The breathing technique proposed by Dr. Buteyko is positioned by modern medicine as a way to get rid of bronchial asthma. But in reality, it allows you to cure 118 diseases without drugs and other supportive measures. First of all, these are allergies, pulmonary, cardiac and vascular diseases, obesity, pain syndrome of various origins, pathologies of the digestive tract, and many others.

The great advantage of Buteyko breathing exercises is that the exercises can be performed anywhere, regardless of time and external circumstances. They are distinguished by simplicity, accessibility and versatility - both children from 4 years of age and the most elderly people can do it.

Contraindications and warnings

The limitation for using the method of Konstantin Buteyko may be the presence of the following diseases:

  • mental and mental disorders;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • acute infections;
  • insulin dependent diabetes;
  • aneurysm with large blood clots.

Also, breathing exercises are contraindicated in the presence of transplants, after heart surgery, during pregnancy. Difficulties may arise with diseases of the teeth or chronic tonsillitis.

For those to whom gymnastics is suitable, it is necessary to take into account the warnings of the author of the technique:

  1. Be prepared for difficulties - the treatment requires a lot of effort in order to be able to refrain from taking a deep breath at the initial stage. In some cases, to achieve the goal, you cannot do without a special corset.
  2. Be prepared for unpleasant sensations - at the initial stage, fear often appears, unwillingness to do gymnastics, exacerbation of diseases, pain, and failures in the respiratory process. It is very important for such manifestations not to give up classes, waiting until the discomfort disappears and recovery begins.
  3. Refuse drug therapy - if this is not possible, you should at least reduce the dosage of drugs by 2 times, but for complex diseases, be sure to do this under the supervision of a doctor.
  4. Exclude other methods of treatment - Buteyko exercises are effective on their own and do not require any auxiliary measures.

Preparatory exercises

Before starting Buteyko breathing exercises, it is necessary to prepare the body:

  • gradually switch to less deep breathing;
  • learn to breathe with a delay and only when a feeling of lack of air appears, which should accompany the performance of all exercises in the future;
  • increase the duration of the exhalation so that it lasts several times longer than the inhalation.

To achieve this goal, you need to perform only 2 exercises, each lasting 7-10 minutes:

Exercise 1:

  1. Get straight. Exhale, on a slow breath, slowly raise your shoulders and immediately begin to exhale, lowering your shoulders.
  2. Slowly inhaling, take your shoulders back, trying to bring your elbows together. On a slow exhale, move your shoulders forward, squeezing your chest. Do everything stress-free.
  3. On the next inhale, tilt to one side, and on the exhale, straighten up. Repeat on the other side.
  4. Exhaling, gradually throw your head back, inhale. On a new exhalation, lower your head to your chest. Inhale and stand straight.
  5. While inhaling, turn the torso to one side so that one arm is behind the back and the other in front. On the exhale, come back. Repeat on the other side.
  6. Without controlling your breath, twist first one, then the other shoulder, and then both at once, as if controlling the oars.

Exercise 2:

  1. Take the pose of a soldier - stand still, turn your shoulders, pull in your stomach, lower your clenched hands.
  2. Gently rise on the toes of the feet, taking a leisurely breath with a full chest.
  3. Freeze without breathing for 5 seconds.
  4. Exhale slowly as you return to the starting position.

After completing these exercises, you need to adjust your breathing.

Teaching proper breathing

This complex includes 3 exercises. They are aimed at gradually reducing the depth of breathing until it is reduced to nothing.

Endurance training:

  1. Sit up straight, relax, look ahead.
  2. Start breathing very briefly for 10-15 minutes, overcoming the lack of air and the desire to breathe.
  3. If breathing is not enough at all, you can make it a little deeper.
  4. When performed correctly, the body will be filled with warmth, and then with heat, you will want to take a deep breath. To overcome this desire, you need to relax the diaphragm.
  5. At the exit, do not change the depth of breathing.

After the end of the exercise, the usual pause after inhalation and exhalation should increase by 2 seconds.

Muscle tension:

  • Lie on your stomach, with force press your chin to the floor or a fist placed under it.
  • Hold your breath, increasing the pressure of the chin. Endure as long as possible.
  • When it is not possible to hold the breath, strain other parts of the body - raise the head and shoulders, pull the arms one by one, then the legs.

This consistent muscle tension will make it easier to switch to shallow breathing.

Breath hold:

  • Stand up straight, take a deep breath.
  • Hold on for as long as you can.
  • Exhale forcefully through your mouth.

At first, the breath delays will be short, but over time they will become much longer. To control the change in the duration of pauses, the exercise must be performed with a stopwatch.

Shallow breathing training

These Buteyko breathing exercises are aimed at developing the habit of breathing shallowly and bringing pauses up to 1 minute.

  1. Make the maximum possible delay. When there is a strong feeling of lack of air, take minimal breaths. If there is an irresistible urge to inhale deeply, do so and repeat the exercise from the beginning.
  2. During a similar delay, do not stand, but walk without stopping. After the maximum possible pause, inhale and repeat the steps.
  3. Breathe shallowly at first for a couple of minutes, and then bring these periods up to 15 minutes.

Such training should be performed daily, at least 4 times a day or more, but at regular intervals.

Basic exercises

This complex develops the ability to hold your breath for a long time, regardless of the load:

  1. We breathe shallowly, performing each respiratory movement for 5 seconds, including maintaining a pause of the same duration after each exhalation. We do 10 repetitions.
  2. We breathe deeply, but the duration of the respiratory movements is increased to 7.5 seconds, and the delay remains the same. In this case, inhalation should begin from the diaphragm, and then move to the chest, and exhalation, on the contrary, should end with the diaphragm. We also do 10 repetitions.
  3. We massage the nose with our fingers along the entire length, holding our breath.
  4. Breathe alternately through the nostrils - 10 repetitions.
  5. We retract the stomach and repeat the breathing movements of the second exercise. We do not relax the stomach until the end of the exercise. We do 10 repetitions.
  6. We ventilate the respiratory system - breathe quickly, inhaling and exhaling without delay for 2.5 seconds. We do 12 times. At the end, hold your breath to the limit, exhale strongly.
  7. We breathe rarely by levels:
    1st level: All respiratory movements, including the delay after each exhalation, last 5 seconds. We do 4 repetitions and without a break we move on to the next level.
    2nd level: We repeat the exercise of the previous level, but we make an additional delay after each breath.
    3rd level: We increase the duration of inhalation and exhalation to 7.5 seconds, we do the delay only after exhalation for a duration of 5 seconds. We perform 6 repetitions.
    4th level: We repeat the exercise of the second level, but the duration of each movement is increased to 10 seconds. In just 60 seconds, 1.5 respiratory cycles are completed. We do 6 repetitions. The goal is to reach 1 cycle per minute.
  8. We delay the pause - while standing, hold your breath as long as possible, first after exhalation, then after inhalation. Do 1 time.
  9. The same exercise, sitting - 10 repetitions.
  10. The same exercise in walking in place - 10 repetitions.
  11. The same exercise, squatting - 10 repetitions.
  12. We breathe superficially - completely relax, breathe with the chest, gradually making the respiratory movements less deep until they are performed only in the nasopharynx. Follow this rhythm for 3-10 minutes.

Important! All Buteyko breathing exercises must be performed only on an empty stomach. They are done silently and strictly through the nose, unless otherwise indicated in the description.

Stages of recovery

The final stage of the healing breathing technique is the reaction of recovery and cleansing of the whole organism. This process is very individual, depends on many factors and can vary significantly in terms of appearance - from 1 hour to several months after performing gymnastics.

The initial signs are very unpleasant:

  • nervous tension;
  • sleep disorders;
  • feverish conditions;
  • fever, headaches;
  • pain in the tissues affected by deep breathing;
  • exacerbation of symptoms of the underlying disease.

The recovery itself takes place in 5 stages, each of which corresponds to the achieved duration of breath holding - from 10 to 60 seconds. This delay is called the control pause, which is performed after a normal exhalation and is counted until the first slight desire to take a breath. That is, it shows how many people can not breathe without the slightest tension. To measure the control pause, you need to breathe in the usual rhythm for 5 minutes, and then carry out the indicated test. After it, breathing should remain the same as it was before the test.

  1. While the control pause does not exceed 10 seconds, the body is cleared of superficial problems. Usually there is an increased secretion of all liquids and mucus, symptoms develop that resemble a cold, dryness appears in the oral cavity and nasopharynx, and intense thirst.
  2. With a pause of 20 seconds, everything starts to hurt, including places of old injuries or operations, all chronic diseases become aggravated, sputum is intensively separated, and in case of pulmonary diseases, the temperature rises greatly.
  3. The possibility of a delay of 30 minutes begins a psychological cleansing, which causes a reaction of the nervous system, crying for no reason appears, irritability increases, and depression may develop.
  4. When the pause lasts 40 seconds, a cardinal cleansing is already taking place - the state of blood vessels, metabolic processes, the work of all organs are normalized, cardiovascular problems, allergies, hypertension are eliminated, neoplasms are resolved.
  5. After reaching 60 seconds, the body is completely cleansed and healed, but negative manifestations still remain and manifest themselves depending on the presence and type of the most chronic diseases. Language will be the indicator of reaction. If there is a raid, then the process has not yet ended. When fully recovered, it will be pink and clear.

Treatment with Buteyko breathing exercises has helped many people restore their health. This healing technique has a huge number of supporters around the world. But each body is individual, and the result largely depends on its characteristics. However, it is still worth trying this unique method, since there is always a chance of a positive outcome if a person himself strives for recovery.

Greetings to all blog readers! Bronchial asthma is an insidious enemy that poisons the lives of many people. But the miraculous Buteyko breathing exercises for asthma have been developed, which will help get rid of the symptoms of the disease for both adults and children.

Getting rid of carbon dioxide in the body

Soviet scientist K.P. Buteyko invented a method for ridding the body of excess carbon dioxide in. The method is based on reducing the depth of inhalation and increasing the break after exhalation. Having mastered shallow breathing, people get rid of many problems.

The method is aimed at healing from bronchial asthma and other problems with the respiratory system, followed by getting rid of drugs.

At the very beginning of training, an exacerbation of the disease is possible. It is possible that there will be shortness of breath, tremor of the hands, difficulty holding the breath. Lessons must continue!

To prepare yourself for work, try holding your breath in the morning:

  • keep a notebook where you will write down the indicators;
  • start with 10-20 seconds;
  • gradually increase to 90 seconds;
  • measure your heart rate.

When you start regular exercises, the depth of breathing will approach this pattern: inhale - 2-3 seconds, exhale and pause - 3-4 seconds.

Warning! To get rid of bronchial asthma, get ready for long-term treatment with gymnastics.

Cause of diseases

The method, developed in 1952, helps to get rid of such diseases:

  • asthmatic;
  • emphysema;
  • pneumosclerosis;
  • with symptoms of pneumonia;
  • angina;
  • hypertension;
  • cerebrovascular accident.

According to the scientist, the cause of these diseases is the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide, the lack of the latter leads to the emergence of 90 diseases.

His reasoning is:

  • Deep breathing should bring oxygen to the blood.
  • It turns out the opposite: a deep breath leads to a decrease in carbon dioxide in the blood.
  • And its lack does not allow oxygen to pass from the blood to the tissues.
  • As a result, oxygen starvation begins, which leads to spasms in the vessels and bronchi.

Spasms do not allow oxygen to “reach” the tissues, a person does not have enough air, he begins to suffocate, trying to breathe in deeply.

The result is a vicious circle! Therefore, the scientist considered that the cause of many ailments is deep breathing.

Based on these findings, the scientist invented breathing exercises, which he tried on himself when he “earned” bronchial asthma. A person must learn to breathe superficially in order to relieve vasospasm, and enrich with carbon dioxide. To do this, he recommends a pause between 2 breaths.

Fact supporting his theory: lung volume of a healthy person is 5 liters, and that of a patient with bronchial asthma is 10-15 liters.

Benefits of Buteyko gymnastics

  1. No equipment or special clothing is required to perform the exercises.
  2. People of all ages, from the age of 4, can learn how to do the exercises.
  3. Availability of the methodology.

You need to do it regularly, preferably at the same time.

Buteyko Gymnastics Results

Positive results recorded in patients confirm the effectiveness of the method.

  1. Attacks in asthmatics stopped after a few minutes.
  2. A strong cough stopped.
  3. With severe rhinitis, breathing through the nose was restored.
  4. There was a restoration of metabolism and immunity.
  5. The symptoms disappeared.

First, learn how to do these exercises.

  1. Try to hold your breath so that there is a feeling of lack of air. Stay in this state for as long as possible, taking small breaths. If there is a desire to take a deep breath, start the exercise again.
  2. Holding your breath, walk around the room until there is enough air, then breathe and repeat all over again.
  3. Breathe shallowly for 3 minutes, then increase the time to 8-10 minutes.

Perform exercises 3-4 times a day.

You may feel cold, then a feeling of heat, perspiration will appear. After training, do not increase your breathing, get out of the state very slowly.

Buteyko exercises

  1. For the upper parts of the lungs. 5 seconds each: inhale, exhale with muscle relaxation, then pause. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Full breath. Inhale 7.5 sec. (start with the diaphragm, and end with the muscles of the chest), exhale - 7.5 seconds. (start from the upper parts of the lungs, end with the diaphragm), pause 5 seconds. Repeat - 10 times.
  3. Holding your breath, massage the reflexogenic points of the nose.
  4. Repeat exercise No. 2: first through the right nostril, pinch the left, then through the left. Do 10 times.
  5. Repeat #2, keeping your stomach pulled in. Repeat - 10 times.
  6. Perform 12 deepest and fastest breaths and exhalations no longer than 2.5 seconds for 1 minute. Then hold your breath as much as possible. In this case, complete ventilation of the lungs occurs.
  7. Perform a rare breath:
    - inhale (1-5 seconds), then - exhale and pause for 5 seconds - repeat 4 times;
    - inhale (2-5 seconds), then hold your breath, exhale and pause for 5 seconds - repeat 6 times;
    - inhale (3-7.5 seconds), then - hold your breath, exhale and pause for 7.5 seconds - repeat 6 times;
    - inhale (4-10 seconds), then hold your breath, exhale and pause for 10 seconds. - repeat 6 times;
  8. Double breath hold: perform a long pause on the inhale, and then on the exhale.
  9. No. 8 to perform while sitting, while squatting, while walking in place. Repeat starting 3 times, working up to 10 times.
  10. Perform shallow breathing for 3-10 minutes.

To properly perform gymnastics, watch the video.

Dear friends, Buteyko breathing exercises for asthma really relieve many diseases. Do not be afraid of discomfort at the beginning of classes. They will pass quickly!

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