White liquid stool. Mucus in the stool: is there any reason to worry. Pathogenic causes of mucus


With this delicate problem, they do not rush to the doctor, but in vain. Mucus in the stool in an adult is a serious reason to examine the stomach, intestines and start treatment. Seeing a doctor will help avoid serious consequences. What diseases are characterized by the appearance of mucous secretions, how dangerous are the symptoms, what becomes a provoking factor so that a secret begins to come out with the feces? These are important questions that require detailed answers.

What is mucus in stool

The wisely arranged human body constantly secretes mucus to protect tissues and organs. An oily, jelly-like substance of a white or transparent color is formed by secretion, which is produced by the glands of the intestine. Part of it is made up of epithelial cells, leukocytes on the surface of the mucous membrane. This secret plays an important role:

  • protects against the influence of toxic components of feces;
  • protects the intestinal lining from the mechanical impact of coarse food fibers;
  • prevents chronic constipation due to difficult passage of feces.

The body of an adult constantly produces and removes viscous contents - this is a normal phenomenon. Thanks to mucus, feces can easily move through the intestinal tract and exit through the anus. With inflammatory changes in the intestines, there are serious problems with the release of lubrication. As a result:

  • in the absence of cracks, damage to the mucosa, bleeding, development of hemorrhoids;
  • serious pathologies are possible with excessive secretion production;
  • a change in the color of the discharge indicates the presence of problems requiring treatment.

What does it look like

Normal - transparent mucus in the feces of an adult comes out in a small amount and consists of dead epithelial cells. With pathological lesions of the intestine, changes in the stomach, a protective reaction occurs to the process of irritation. A lubricant begins to be intensively produced, protecting the mucous membrane, helping to remove foreign substances, pathogenic microorganisms.

Depending on the pathology, the viscous contents may differ in color and shape:

  • white or transparent- problems of the distal intestines;
  • yellow- provoke antibiotics, hemorrhoids;
  • grayish flakes on the surface of the stool- evidence of damage to the rectum, descending intestine;
  • green- bacterial infection;
  • pink- processes with the release of pus;
  • small flakes mixed with feces- problems of the small intestine;
  • mixed with blood- ulcers, cracks, hemorrhagic inflammation;
  • black- cancerous tumors.

The reasons

There are many reasons for the appearance of mucus in the stool in an adult. Some of them are associated with lifestyle, for others diseases become a provoking factor. Typical reasons for the formation of mucous secretions:

  • poor quality water;
  • the presence of coarse dietary fiber;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • hypothermia of the pelvic organs;
  • taking medications;
  • bathing in a pond with cold water;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • frequent dieting;
  • stressful situations;
  • consumption of unwashed vegetables, fruits
  • smoking;
  • unbalanced diet.

Feces with mucus in an adult is a signal of the presence of pathological changes. Discharge causes diseases:

  • irritable bowel syndrome, accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, constipation;
  • dysbacteriosis - imbalance of microflora;
  • tumors in the stomach, intestines;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • allergy to substances that enter the stomach;
  • infectious intestinal lesions - typhoid fever, enteritis.

It is not uncommon for a jelly-like secret in the feces of an adult to appear as a result of:

  • helminthic invasions;
  • viral infections;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • hemorrhoids with cracks and ulcers;
  • stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers;
  • polyps;
  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammation of the colon;
  • spastic colitis;
  • intestinal diverticulosis;
  • proctitis;
  • cystic fibrosis.

White mucus in stool

What contributes to the appearance of jelly-like white discharge in an adult? These symptoms in the feces indicate the presence of diseases of the stomach, pathologies of the intestinal tract. The reasons for the appearance of symptoms are:

  • inflammation of the rectum, as well as the sigmoid and descending;
  • protective reaction to irritation by pathogenic organisms;
  • fungal infection of the anus;
  • malnutrition;
  • lack of beneficial microorganisms - dysbacteriosis.

Mucus in the stool in an adult white color is formed as a result of:

  • bacterial lesions of anal fissures;
  • inflammatory diseases of the large intestine;
  • irritation of the intestinal walls during allergic reactions, lactose intolerance, atopic dermatitis;
  • damage to the intestinal mucosa;
  • the use of antibacterial drugs;
  • inflammation of the rectal mucosa;
  • violations of normal microflora;
  • diseases of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder.

Mucus instead of feces in an adult

When a viscous secret resembling snot or mucus comes out of a patient's anus instead of feces, this means that a person is not able to retain the contents of the rectum. In this condition, there is pain in the lower abdomen, fever. Provoke the appearance of such symptoms:

  • prolonged constipation;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • volvulus;
  • bacterial infections;
  • rectal ulcer;
  • neoplasms;
  • polyps;
  • foreign object in the intestine.

With blood

A very serious situation is the release of bloody viscous contents. This is a sign of dangerous diseases. Mucus with blood in the feces of an adult has specific features in appearance, depending on the diagnosis. Experts note:

  • pathological impurities - streaks with lumps of mucus - Crohn's disease, oncology;
  • inclusions of blood clots in the feces indicates bleeding with hemorrhoids, rectal cancer (mucus can be found on toilet paper after defecation);
  • jelly-like mass - proctitis, polyps, stomach ulcers.

It is urgent to undergo an examination and begin treatment when mucous discharge with blood first appeared during bowel movements. Symptoms, depending on the nature of secretion, signal pathologies:

  • the presence of an admixture of mucus with blood of a watery consistency - a respiratory, intestinal infection;
  • scarlet mucous contents - cirrhosis of the liver, varicose veins of the intestine, ulcers or cancer of the stomach;
  • copious discharge in the feces - diverticulosis of the rectum, ischemic colitis.

yellow slime

When a stool with mucus appears in an adult, the yellow color of the discharge may indicate the presence of polyps, symptoms of hemorrhoids. A viscous secret protects the mucous membranes from damage. The appearance of feces with yellow mucus signals such problems:

  • bacterial inflammation of the intestine;
  • malabsorption of products;
  • taking antibiotics that affect the healthy intestinal microflora;
  • hypothermia of the pelvic region;
  • intestinal infections;
  • cancerous tumors.

Clear slime

There are many reasons for the appearance of jelly-like secretions in the stool in an adult. Mucus that looks like a transparent dense film is evidence of membranous colitis. Viscous contents may envelop the stool or be in the form of mucous impurities. Provoke the phenomenon:

  • smoking;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • drinking coffee;
  • remedies for flatulence, gases;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • infectious diseases of the intestine;
  • spastic constipation;
  • colds with runny nose.

pink slime

The formation of pink mucous secretions in the stool of an adult indicates the appearance of serious problems. The situation requires accurate diagnosis and immediate treatment. Pink mucus during bowel movements may indicate the presence of:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • allergic colitis;
  • varicose veins in the intestines;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
  • colon polyp;
  • enterocolitis;
  • intestinal diverticulum;
  • capillary bleeding in the upper colon.

black slime

Fecal masses and mucous secretion can turn black after taking medications and vitamins. You need to know that the appearance of such jelly-like secretions in an adult can be a dangerous symptom. An urgent visit to the doctor and tests will clarify the situation. A change in the color of mucus in the feces is associated with a strong darkening of the blood accompanying the pathology:

  • bleeding in the small intestine, esophagus, stomach;
  • growth of a malignant neoplasm.

brown slime

The appearance of brown mucus in the feces of an adult may indicate an insufficient function of the pancreas, hypotonicity of the colon. Liquid secretions accompany intestinal dysbacteriosis. These conditions require the intervention of a gastroenterologist. Doctors note that brown discharge does not always indicate dangerous syndromes. You don’t have to worry if the reason is the ingress of mucous secretion from the nose into the esophagus and intestines. This happens with diseases accompanied by a runny nose:

  • rhinitis;
  • allergy;
  • acute respiratory disease;
  • polyps;
  • flu.

Diagnostic procedures

When such a delicate problem appears, it is better for an adult to first consult a therapist. The doctor will conduct a survey, find out the nature of the mucus, the consistency of the stool, the features of the lifestyle, nutrition. Important issues are the intake of hormonal drugs, antibiotics, the duration of the disease, the symptoms. Based on the results of the examination, a referral to a specialist consultation will be given:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • proctologist;
  • surgeon
  • oncologist.

Any changes in the functioning of the body can make a person worry. At the same time, there are situations when you need to analyze the problem, talk to the doctor, and only then draw conclusions about how dangerous the phenomenon has overtaken you. For example, mucus in the feces is not always a cause for panic, but in some cases the phenomenon really deserves attention.

The norm of mucus in the stool in an adult

Mucus in human feces is not visible, however, in small quantities it is always present in it. There are glands in the intestines that produce it, since it is necessary for normal bowel movements.

Mucus acts as a lubricant, thanks to which the intestines are easily emptied; without it, this process will be much more difficult. In addition, the secret envelops the walls of the intestine, which is necessary to protect it from various kinds of irritants.

However, the secret is mixed with feces, so it is almost impossible to see it with the naked eye. This can only be done in the laboratory. In medicine, mucus in the feces is understood as a discharge with a jelly consistency, consisting mainly of epithelial cells and leukocytes.

But there are situations when this secret becomes noticeable to a person, and this is an occasion to think about whether everything is in order with health.

The presence of mucous secretions in the feces can be considered the norm in such situations:

  • colds, runny nose, in which there is an abundant secretion of mucus, which descends into the intestines through the esophagus from the respiratory tract;
  • consumption in large quantities of certain foods: cottage cheese, bananas, oatmeal, watermelons;
  • If the phenomenon has overtaken a child who is breastfed, this may be due to the fact that his digestive system is still weak and immature.

If we talk about the norm of mucous secretions - both in a child and in an adult - they should not be abundant.

Possible causes of increased mucus in the stool

The presence of mucous secretions in the feces in large quantities may indicate intestinal lesions - functional or organic. Their appearance in abundance is a signal that the glands produce a secret in order to neutralize the negative effects on the intestines.

Thus, mucus acts as a protective reaction of the body to irritation of the walls of the organ by pathogens or foreign bodies, and at the same time a symptom. A sign of what disease it is or is not, being the norm, it is necessary to find out during a medical examination, anamnesis.

Often the phenomenon indicates that an inflammatory process occurs in the intestine.

In accordance with where the pathological process takes place, the secret can be of the following types:

  • White mucus, in the form of large flakes with a grayish tint or films that envelop the feces on its surface, is a signal that the distal intestines are affected. In this case, the phenomenon may be accompanied by constipation;
  • Yellow mucus or having a yellowish tint, mixed with feces and having the appearance of medium-sized flakes, indicates that the upper sections of the large intestine or small intestine are affected. If the small intestine is affected, as a rule, the amount of secretion to be separated is not abundant.

If we talk about specific diseases that provoke the appearance of mucus in the feces in excess of the norm, these include:

  • Enteritis is a disease of the small intestine. In this case, the stool is liquid, watery, the amount of mucous secretions is not abundant. With enteritis, the mucous secretion is mixed with feces.
  • Colitis is a disease of the colon. With them, the stool will not necessarily be liquid, and the amount of secretion in the feces is plentiful, and it is usually located on their surface.
  • Haemorrhoids. Mucus is produced in large quantities by the intestines to protect the mucous membranes. A characteristic feature of hemorrhoids is that the secretions are streaks that are not in the stool, but come out of the anus after a bowel movement. You can see them on toilet paper.
  • Polyps in the intestine.
  • Mucous (membranous) colitis is an inflammation in the mucous membranes of the large intestine. Such intestinal damage is functional. The discharge has the form of ribbon-like strands or a film of dense structure. Because of this, it is often confused with tapeworms.
  • Dysbacteriosis. If the balance of microorganisms in the intestine is disturbed, the absorption of nutrients is disrupted. Because of this, the body produces a large amount of mucous secretion, which is needed to remove toxins and other harmful substances.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome, which refers to a long-term disruption of the digestive system.
  • Intestinal diseases of an infectious nature. To fight and remove the infection, a mucous discharge is produced.
  • Colon diverticulitis. The disease is a protrusion of part of the intestinal wall, which is a formation similar to a hernia. The disease is characterized not only by mucous discharge, but also by flatulence, the presence of bloody discharge in the feces.
  • Neoplasms in the colon. In this case, another symptom is the presence of bloody streaks in the feces.
  • Cystic fibrosis. The disease can manifest itself both in a child, and in the very first months of his life, and in an adult.

You can continue the list with violations of the absorption processes of any products. As a rule, we are talking about food allergies, which can be of this nature:

  • celiac disease This is a congenital disease in which the absorption of nutrients is impaired due to damage to the mucous membranes of the small intestine;
  • Malabsorption syndrome. This phenomenon suggests malabsorption of fats;
  • Intolerance to milk sugar (lactose). It is caused by a lack of enzymes that are needed for its normal digestion.

The pathological reasons for the appearance of mucus in the feces include the following factors:

  • starvation;
  • the use of antibiotics;
  • drinking raw untreated water;
  • hypothermia of the pelvic organs, in particular, the anus;
  • constipation resolved by defecation regardless of stool consistency.

What to do if mucus appears in the stool

This phenomenon is a symptom, therefore, it is necessary to get rid of it only together with the factors provoking it.

If you have an idea why you are experiencing this problem, and are sure that it does not represent a sign of illness, wait a while. Perhaps she will retreat on her own.

If we are talking about neoplasms, they are removed surgically. Dysbacteriosis usually requires the use of probiotics, including if the problem is caused by the use of antibiotics.

What can you do yourself if you are sure that this phenomenon is not a symptom of the disease?

Whatever the provoking factor, treatment involves diet. Refuse fried, spicy, too rough, heavy food. Dairy products are recommended to be consumed only in pasteurized form, and water - boiled.

Medicines for treatment will be prescribed by a doctor, but at home you can use folk remedies. Which one to use should be determined based on why you have the problem.

  • Mucus in stool for constipation

Frequent constipation often leads to increased secretion of mucus during bowel movements. To fix the problem, it is necessary to normalize the regularity of the stool.

We prepare the remedy according to the following recipe:

  1. 1 tablespoon of senna grass (can be replaced with buckthorn) pour a glass of boiling water (250 ml).
  2. Close the vessel with the mixture with a lid, let it brew until it cools.
  3. We express the infusion and drink before going to bed.

The infusion can also be prepared using a steam bath by combining the ingredients in the same proportions. It is necessary to apply the medicine daily (once / day) until the unpleasant phenomenon is eliminated.

  • Mucus in stool with diarrhea

Diarrhea can also cause the appearance of mucous secretions in the stool, especially if it does not stop for a long time.

We prepare the medicine like this:

  1. Pour ½ liter of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. oak leaves.
  2. When it cools down, decant the liquid.
  3. The resulting infusion should be consumed several times during the day.

To prepare an infusion, instead of oak leaves, you can use partitions of walnuts or pomegranate peels, taking the ingredients in the same quantities. The drug should be used until the result is obtained.

  • Fermentation in the intestines

Herbs will help to neutralize the process, which is often accompanied by mucous secretions.

The microflora in the gastrointestinal tract does not have a standard and established value. For each adult, the ratio of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms has its own individual feature, which forms the consistency, color shade and smell of the stool. During the normal functioning of the intestines, as well as other vital organs that are actively involved in the digestion and assimilation of food, transparent mucus in the feces should be absent in principle. The presence of such formations is a direct sign that a pathology is methodically formed in the human abdominal cavity that affects intestinal motility and the formation of feces.

Poop with mucus can only be noticed by those sick who closely monitor their health and take care of the stable functioning of the digestive tract. The very unpleasant symptom, manifested in the formation of mucous clots in the stool, makes itself felt as follows:

  • there are frequent urges to go to the toilet (daily emptying of the intestines is considered the norm, and in people with a rich and plentiful diet it is not a deviation - 2 trips to the toilet during the day);
  • the density of the stool becomes more liquid, and the feces lose their former shape, the sign of plasticity of the feces disappears;
  • stool becomes loose and mushy(in such cases, at the time of defecation, a person may experience a feeling of pain and burning in the anus, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the rectal mucosa);
  • mucus appears instead of feces in an adult, which comes out earlier than feces (each time a person fixes different volumes of secretions, as well as their color);
  • feces become foamy, and this kind of consistency is due to the mixing of mucous contents with feces.

Loose stools with mucus in an adult, in addition to visual manifestations, may also be accompanied by spasm of the intestinal walls and a persistent pain syndrome. The clinical picture of this disorder of the gastrointestinal tract largely depends on which factors influenced the formation of white mucus in the feces in an adult.

In this regard, in some cases, a slight increase in temperature, nausea, weakness, a feeling of intense thirst, dry mouth and vomiting are recorded.

Causes of mucus in the stool in an adult

Men and women who lead an active and eventful life have a much greater chance of acquiring the indicated symptoms and a pathological manifestation of the digestive system than people whose social circle is minimal and whose life activity is distinguished by a measured pace. This is due to the quality and organization of nutrition, stressful situations, the ratio of hours of physical work of the body in relation to proper rest.

These are the main and most common causes of mucus in the intestines, which are most often found in medical practice. Therefore, in the case of an adult seeking help with the corresponding symptoms, the general practitioner or gastroenterologist who examines the patient first of all checks for the presence of the above pathologies.

To what doctor to address and what analyzes to hand over?

After the therapist or gastroenterologist has conducted an initial examination of the patient's health status, performed palpation of the abdomen, entered the complaints heard into the patient's medical record, he decides on the appointment of the following types of tests and the passage of such diagnostic procedures:

  • clinical blood test (sugar level is checked, the ratio of the main cells that take an active part in metabolic processes);
  • morning urine, which is taken on an empty stomach and shows the possible presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • Ultrasound of the organs located in the abdominal cavity (the specialist examines the state of the tissues of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, intestines, stomach, duodenum);
  • samples of fecal masses are given for bacterial culture of their composition;
  • smears are taken from the walls of the anus to make an analysis for the possible presence of helminth eggs, which also quite often form mucus on the feces;
  • intestinal endoscopy (a special probe is inserted into the anus, which is advanced into the cavity of this digestive organ, where its cavity is examined with the detection of possible pathologies).

Depending on the presence of concomitant symptoms characteristic of this disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, the attending physician, at his discretion, may prescribe other types of tests for delivery, as well as the passage of diagnostic measures.

How is mucus in the intestines (feces) treated?

The therapy process is based on what exactly served as the formation of this kind of content in the feces. Most often, doctors use drugs in the following categories:

Of great importance for the stabilization of the work of the digestive tract and the elimination of mucous formations in the intestines is the complete rejection of the use of alcoholic beverages, smoking. Nutrition should be fractional, when a person eats 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.

Stool with mucus is a fairly common phenomenon. This is due to the fact that in a healthy intestine, mucus is produced in small quantities. It protects the gastrointestinal tract from external irritants and facilitates the evacuation of feces from the body. In the complete absence of mucus, a person may experience constipation and other problems with the stool. Having reached the large intestine, the mucus is mixed with feces, so it is almost impossible to notice it without laboratory tests. However, with malnutrition, colds and malfunctions of the digestive system, the amount of viscous substance in the feces can increase significantly, so that during the act of defecation it becomes noticeable even to the naked eye. This phenomenon can indicate serious health problems, so if you or your child finds mucus in the stool, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

Causes of mucus in the stool

Mucus is a viscous substance composed of intestinal epithelial tissue and white blood cells. It is a protective reaction of the body to external stimuli. Mucus in the stool may be the result of incomplete processing of certain foods (oatmeal, cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, etc.). However, in this case, it is almost impossible to notice it with the naked eye. For analysis of feces for mucus, muscle fibers, starch, etc. a coprogram is prescribed, according to which the main reasons for the deviation of these indicators from the norm are determined and appropriate treatment is prescribed. Mucus in the feces can have a different color, which is used to judge the nature of damage to the digestive tract. So, a green stool with mucus indicates a purulent or bacterial process, a transparent astringent is the first sign of catarrh, and a pink tint with red patches can be a symptom of a stomach ulcer or hemorrhoids.

The most common causes of increased mucus in the stool are:

  1. Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). This is due not only to swallowing the secretion of the nasal mucosa in large quantities, but also to catarrhal inflammation of the intestines. In this case, viscous inclusions will be transparent and hardly noticeable.
  2. Dysbacteriosis. It is characterized by a violation of the ratio of beneficial and conditionally pathogenic bacteria in the intestine, as a result of which the absorption of nutrients decreases during the digestion of food. With dysbacteriosis, a large amount of mucus is caused by the protective functions of the body, due to which toxins and pathogenic microflora are more quickly removed from the intestines.
  3. Membranous colitis (mucosal colic) is a functional lesion of the intestine, the symptoms of which are mucus in the feces in the form of dense films, constipation, diarrhea and abdominal pain.
  4. Taking antibiotics and bad habits. Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for flatulence, as well as excessive consumption of coffee and smoking can lead to the appearance of a transparent viscous substance in the stool.
  5. food allergy. It is characterized by malabsorption of certain foods due to their intolerance.
  6. Haemorrhoids. In this case, increased mucus production protects the mucous membrane from mechanical damage during defecation.
  7. Oncological diseases of the digestive tract. Malignant growths in the intestines are the cause of mucus in the feces with bloody streaks.

If mucus comes out of the anus without feces, then this may be a sign of constipation or worms.

Mucus in stool in children

The presence of a small amount of a viscous substance in a child's stool is absolutely normal. And if this symptom is not supplemented by diarrhea, a change in the behavior of the baby, a decrease in appetite or an increase in temperature, then there is no need to sound the alarm and panic. However, if the mucus in the feces is observed constantly or it has bloody inclusions, then you should contact your pediatrician. Mucus in the stool is often seen in infants who are breastfed. The main reason for this phenomenon is the malnutrition of a nursing mother. In this case, you need to consult a pediatrician and review the diet, deleting unwanted foods from it. To find out which product causes an allergic reaction in the crumbs, you can do a special analysis of breast milk.

Mucus in the feces can also appear with the introduction of vegetable complementary foods in the child's diet. In this case, you will need to reduce the amount of puree, and then follow the change in the baby's stool. If the situation does not change, you should switch to another type of complementary foods.

How to get rid of stool with mucus?

If a large amount of mucus is observed in the feces for some time, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor who will prescribe certain tests and select an effective treatment. Before contacting a gastroenterologist, the patient is recommended:

  • limit your diet by completely abandoning the use of fatty, spicy, overly salty, smoked, canned foods, smoking, alcoholic and carbonated drinks or reducing their number;
  • drink plenty of fluids - along with it, various toxins will leave the body;
  • apply traditional methods of medicine.

A good remedy for diarrhea with mucus is black pepper. It should be taken 15-20 peas before going to bed with a glass of boiled water or strong tea without sugar. Also copes well with mucus, if it is caused by an upset stomach, an infusion of St. John's wort, chamomile and wormwood.

By following the basic rules of personal hygiene (washing your hands before eating, eating clean fruits and vegetables) and controlling your diet, you can protect yourself from many gastrointestinal diseases. Monitor your health and if you have any concerns, contact your doctor immediately.

Sometimes mucus in the stool worries even an adult. But one should not think that the presence of mucus in the stool is always a bad sign, since it is also normal. But if the mucus makes you suspicious, plus you feel unwell, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

What is slime?

Mucus is a clear or yellowish jelly-like substance that normally mixes with feces and is expelled during bowel movements. It is almost impossible to notice it with the naked eye.

Normally, mucus performs a number of functions in the body in an adult and in a child:

  • envelops the walls of the intestine, allowing the feces to freely and painlessly leave the body;
  • provides protection for the intestinal walls, because if the stool is very hard, this can lead to cracks or ruptures in the intestines, but we wrote earlier;
  • the mucus that is in the lungs, nasopharynx or other organs in which it performs its functions comes out with the feces.

Mucus in the stool can be pathological or non-pathological. Non-pathological mucus usually has a whitish or yellowish tint, sometimes clearly white, and with pathology it is pink, yellow, brown, black, orange, red, bloody, or simply with blood impurities in the form of clots or veins, or in the form of a thread.

With pathology, a lot of mucus will come out or even one mucus will come out instead of feces.

It is unacceptable to ignore such a phenomenon and you should immediately consult a doctor for advice and treatment. Only a specialist will determine why feces with mucus come out of the intestines and how to fix it.

Causes of mucus in the stool

A person may pay attention to an increased amount of mucus or its color change when feeling normal or when something bothers him. He may also note that after the enema, stool and mucus come out, which either floats on the surface or is mixed with feces.

If a person consumes large quantities of sour-milk products, oatmeal, or vice versa, starves for a long time or does not receive protein foods, then mucus may appear in the feces. This is not a pathological process and there is nothing to worry about. It is enough to change your diet and everything will return to normal.

But if there are no problems in nutrition, then this indicates the development of a fungal, infectious or viral disease of the body, and not just the gastrointestinal tract.

These diseases include:

  • when the intestinal mucosa protrudes inward;
  • , duodenum or any of the sections of the intestine (small, large or rectum);
  • tumor neoplasms of the intestine,;
  • , haemorrhoids;
  • when the normal intestinal microflora is destroyed, the food is not digested completely and irritates the mucous layer, due to which the mucus comes out with the feces;
  • , happens for various reasons: constipation, or cracks, all this can provoke an ailment;
    One type of bowel obstruction
  • - This is a special condition in which the entire intestinal tract suffers. Frequent spasms, weak secretion of enzymes cause a violent reaction of the body, due to which the feces come out with mucus or even blood;
  • ;
  • intolerance to the body of any food;
  • acute respiratory infections, there is no pathology as such, because the mucus comes out that is swallowed by a person from the nasopharynx and, when the runny nose is cured, then the mucus from the feces will also disappear;
  • infectious diseases caused by salmonella, shigels or other bacteria;
  • fungal infection of the body;
  • insufficient production of enzymes by the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
    Enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract

Symptoms of the disease

Usually people detect mucus in the feces not by chance, but in cases where something bothers them. That is, a large amount of mucus is one of the symptoms that signal the development of the disease.

In addition, patients usually experience:

  • severe abdominal pain, cramps;
  • bloating and;
  • tightness of the abdomen, constipation or diarrhea;
  • in severe cases, vomiting or other phenomena;
  • pain during the act of defecation;
  • impurities of blood or pus in the stool, possibly undigested food residues;
  • change in the shape and consistency of feces, its non-specific odor;
  • mucus or bloody substance may remain on the patient's toilet paper or underwear;
  • with respiratory diseases, characteristic symptoms of cough, nasal congestion, rhinitis and more;
  • headaches and fatigue.

Having found these symptoms, as well as ichor or white discharge with feces, you should immediately consult a doctor and take tests to determine the cause of this phenomenon.

What it is and how to treat it can only be told by a competent specialist, but you do not need to self-medicate.


Mucus in the stool in an adult is sometimes the first sign of a serious illness of the human body, and most often specifically the gastrointestinal tract. To recognize it in the early stages, you need to contact a therapist. He will study your symptoms, the presence of not only mucus, but also other signs of the disease, find out what the frequency of the stool and its nature, and refer you to a highly specialized specialist (gastroenterologist, proctologist, oncologist). A narrow profile doctor will definitely prescribe a series of tests and examine the patient.

Studies to determine the causes of the presence of mucus in the feces include:

  • collection of feces on;
  • and the simplest;
  • narrower tests for helminthic invasions (opisthorchiasis, strongyloidiasis, amoebiasis, fasciliasis) as prescribed by a doctor;
  • (including intestines);
  • computer or magnetic resonance;
  • blood test for the presence of viral diseases;
  • in addition, you can take biochemical blood tests, as well as a general clinical blood test.

Colonoscopy helps identify dangerous bowel diseases

After examining the results of the examinations, the doctor will diagnose the patient and prescribe the appropriate treatment, which will be selected individually for this case, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body.


Treatment will depend on the diagnosis made by the doctor. But even if an infection, helminthic invasion or cancer is detected, treatment should be comprehensive and include:

  1. Medical treatment.
  2. Diet and proper nutrition.
  3. Compliance with the daily routine.

When prescribe drugs that normalize the work of the pancreas. If a patient has cancer or other neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are prescribed.

If the appearance of mucus in the stool in an adult is associated with excessive consumption of alcohol or unsuitable foods, as well as taking medications, then it is enough to eliminate the provoking factor and the problem will go away.

An important stage of not only recovery, but prevention is the observance of proper nutrition and daily routine. Foods such as oatmeal or cause excessive formation of white thick mucus, but bananas or persimmons will better bind it to a normal state.

So before treating a symptom, consult a doctor. Suddenly, it is in your case that there is no reason for concern, but unreasonable medication can only do harm.

Why mucus may appear in the intestines, video:

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