Postinor in the first half of the cycle. Long periods - why? It is accepted in such circumstances as

Postinor is a drug that is used as a contraceptive in emergency situations, after completed intercourse. The effectiveness of the drug is quite high, however, there are side effects. It includes enough big portion hormones that cause AT similar situation it is worth taking a responsible approach to considering how menstruation can behave after Postinor.

The action of Postinor

If you still decide to use this drug, then first of all you should familiarize yourself with the principle of its action. To begin with, there are two main hormones that are unique to the fair sex: progesterone and estrogen. In a girl who does not have health problems, they are in harmony with each other throughout the entire menstrual cycle.

The composition of the tablets contains levonorgestrel, the principle of action of which is similar to progesterone. It is worth noting that its effect is almost 150 times stronger. In this regard, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of a failure during menstruation after taking this drug. Levonorgestrel is able to cause such reactions of the reproductive system:

  • Ovulation is delayed - the process of maturation of the egg is inhibited, as well as its exit from the ovary;
  • A hormonal surge quite often causes rejection of the endometrium;
  • Spermatozoa that enter the reproductive system of a girl lose their activity and ability to conceive.

Many believe that the use of this medication can cause a miscarriage. This opinion is erroneous. If the fertilized egg has already attached to the wall of the uterus and the development process has begun, then pregnancy is inevitable, and Postinor is useless in this case. It can only prevent conception, but does not terminate the pregnancy.

What is the effect of the drug on the course of the menstrual cycle? If Postinor acted at the right time, then the woman can only wait for the onset of the planned menstruation. If menstruation began after the medication, then the pregnancy was successfully prevented.

Admission rules

The drug is indicated for use only when you have certain reasons to be afraid premature pregnancy, and to be more precise, after unprotected intercourse. It is recommended to take Postinor according to the following method:

  • No more than 24 hours after intercourse. In this case, the success rate is close to 95%.
  • For two days after "dangerous" sex. Works in about 85% of cases.
  • Two to three days after coitus. AT this case the contraceptive effect drops to 58%.

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy 2 tablets of medication are required. One of them is drunk at the above time, and the other - after 12 hours. It should be understood that if time has been lost, the use of the tool may be meaningless.

Before you start using Postinor, you should carefully study the instructions, namely the sections "Contraindications" and "Side effects". Having considered them in more detail, it will be possible to conclude that Postinor can be used during menstruation, but the manifestation of side effects, in particular such as or more, is not excluded.

Indications and contraindications

As mentioned above, the only indication this drug is considered emergency contraception. Drinking Postinor is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Allergy or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Application under the age of 16 years;
  • Severe form of liver failure;
  • During pregnancy;
  • Lactose intolerance;
  • Glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • Lactase deficiency.

In addition, it is worth taking the drug with caution if you have various kinds diseases of the liver or biliary tract, as well as jaundice, lactation and Crohn's disease.

Among the main side effects it is worth noting the following:

  • Allergic reactions: rash, swelling, urticaria, itching;
  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Dizziness;
  • Violation of menstruation;
  • Headache;
  • Fatigue;
  • Nausea;
  • Hemorrhages.

In case of overdose, there may be an increase in severity side effects.

When should menstruation

Ladies who took this medication always ask the following question: when should menstruation go after Postinor? There is no single answer, as it is all individual. First of all, it depends on the girl's personal hormonal background, as well as on when the pills were taken. Not less than an important factor is the stage of the menstrual cycle when using the drug.

So can the cycle go astray after using the Postinor contraceptive? Obviously yes. Unfortunately, not one of the doctors will be able to tell you exactly how long you need to wait for the start of the menstrual cycle, and also whether the menstruation will go. ahead of time or later. If it starts, you should contact a specialist. If the delay is more than 5 days, then this is also a cause for concern.

In most cases, after medication menstrual cycle starts a little earlier. This is due to the fact that levonorgestrel affects the second, and this is normal. It is also possible that taking Postinor may not affect the course of menstruation. However, the possibility of a cycle delay after using emergency contraceptives should not be ruled out.

If you came earlier

What is evidenced by the fact when, after using the drug, menstruation came ahead of schedule? Quite often, women notice that a week after Postiron, menstruation begins. This is primarily due to the effect of levonorgestrel on the second phase, which therefore becomes shorter.

Some women suggest that the use of Postinor contributes to the resumption of menstruation. And indeed it is. If pregnancy does not occur, then most often in this case, menstruation resumes.

Possible reasons for the delay

The delay after Postinor is observed in many cases. Because levonorgestrel is potent substance, there may be unpredictable effects on a woman's body. There are several main ones after taking Postinor:

  • The timing of the medication was ignored. Possible pregnancy;
  • Increased blood clotting. Vessels are not able to release blood to the outside;
  • Alcohol was consumed during the drug;
  • In parallel, other medical devices, which may be the reason for the neutralization of the contraceptive action;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Diseases of a gynecological nature, as well as endocrine abnormalities;
  • The delay in menstruation after Postinor is due to special contraindications.

Even if all the above reasons for the delay are excluded, and menstruation still does not begin, then you should not postpone going to the doctor. It is not excluded the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy, which is very difficult to diagnose on their own.

In addition, quite often girls resort to taking this drug. adolescence, as they disdain contraception in the form of condoms. Therefore, the delay occurs as a result of changes in the hormonal background of young ladies. There is also general malaise.

Complete absence of menstruation

Often, Postinor causes a hormonal imbalance, which can lead to a serious disruption of the cycle, as well as to. What to do if menstruation did not go after Postinor? In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The most commonly diagnosed problems are:

  • Disorder of the correct functioning of the ovaries. Recovery usually takes about three months;
  • Dysfunction of the ovaries, in which they cannot cope with periodically incoming portions of levonorgestrel. The consequences can be deplorable - up to infertility;
  • Failure of the secretion of hormones, which can lead to the impossibility of conception.

These are not all the reasons why menstruation does not come. There are many other factors and risks that directly depend on the specific situation. If there is no menstruation after taking Postinor, seek professional help.

  • Reception of certain groups of vitamins;
  • Use of homeostatic preparations;
  • Proper nutrition.

Initially, this drug is considered completely safe for, but only if the woman has no contraindications and health problems. Despite this, it is not suitable for everyone and it is better to think a hundred times whether to use it as a contraceptive or to abstain.

Other difficulties after taking Postinor

After Postinor, menstruation can change its character, and changes in volume are also observed. In addition, there are a number of other difficulties associated with taking this medication. A woman who has problems with blood clotting may form blood clots. As a result of blockage of the vessels of the heart and brain, the development of a stroke or instant death is not excluded.

As a rule, if a girl does not have problems with the menstrual cycle, side effects of the drug occur quite rarely. You may also experience the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Nausea;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Headache;
  • Edema.

The nature of menstruation

Menstruation after Postinor can dramatically change its character. This is directly related to the effect of the main active ingredient of the drug. The change in the nature of menstruation is explained by the change hormonal balance woman's body. In some cases, changes may extend over several cycles. In this case, you need to seek help from a specialist, as this medication is considered difficult.

They are the reason that, as a result of exposure medicinal product the frequency of contractions of the walls of the uterus increases during menstruation. Since not every girl can experience an increase in clotting, bleeding can stop only after a while. Moreover, the risk cannot be excluded uterine bleeding against the background of a hormonal imbalance.

Painful periods () are a deviation from the norm. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. Due to the greater loss of blood during menstrual flow anemia can develop, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Severe weakness;
  • "Flies" before the eyes;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Dizziness;
  • Loss of consciousness.

In order to be able to use the traditional medicine. Nettle decoction is considered the most effective. In addition to nettle, you can use mint, rowan berries and the following herbs: yarrow, shepherd's purse, mountaineer pepper. If folk remedies do not give the desired effect, sodium etamsylate can be used. However, you can take this medication only after consulting a doctor.

Also, quite often, after using Postinor tablets, women complain that. In some cases, this may appear as brown daub". This situation is considered a frequent occurrence after the application similar drugs. Himself and their paucity is explained increased clotting blood.

How to restore the cycle

Is it possible after using Postinor? The answer is unequivocal - yes. So what needs to be done in order to restore the course of the menstrual cycle? Here are some recommendations from doctors:

  • If you notice any changes in the functioning of your body after using this medicine, consult a specialist. Take care of your health and do not start the situation;
  • In order to restore the cycle after taking the pills, you will need to undergo a set of examinations to make sure that nothing threatens your body;
  • Do not use medications this type too often. If initially they did not affect your body in any way, this does not mean at all that this will continue in the future.
  • ».

Life doesn't always go smoothly and as planned. To mitigate the consequences of spontaneous sexual contact, a woman is sometimes forced to use emergency contraception.

What drug can be recommended today? The most proven is Postinor. It gives fast and reliable results. But there is a problem - menstruation after Postinor goes astray. This is because the body experiences a shake-up from a huge portion of the synthetic hormone contained in the tablets. Caused by this medication hormonal disbalance is the main and most negative consequence for the female body.

The principle and mechanism of action of the drug

In each period of the menstrual cycle, Postinor acts in various ways. Taking it in first half causes a violation of ovulation - the egg remains in the follicle (the process of its maturation is suspended).

In the second part of the cycle(after maturation) Postinor affects the structure of the mucosa, preventing the egg (already fertilized) from penetrating into the wall of the uterus.

In addition, the mucus in the cervix becomes thicker under the influence of levonorgestrel, and it is more difficult for sperm to enter the uterine cavity.

The drug interferes with ovulation or the conception of a child, and also interferes with implantation.

Basic rules of application

It is advisable to drink Postinor after an "unsuccessful" sexual contact in order to prevent an unplanned pregnancy.

The package contains two tablets. Both will have to be accepted. The first - during the day (then the probability contraceptive effect almost 100%). If you managed to drink the pill only on the second day, then the chance of not getting pregnant drops to 85%. On the third day, the probability will be already 50/50%.

The second pill should be taken 12 hours later, otherwise there will be no contraceptive effect.

This drug has contraindications and negative side effects:

Possible symptoms after taking the drug:

  • breathing difficulties;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • swelling on the face;
  • skin rash;
  • severe pain;
  • profuse bleeding.

If you experience severe side effects, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The correct reaction of the body to Postinor

A few hours or days after taking the drug, the woman should go bloody issues. They go with different intensity 3 or 5 days. This is a sign that pregnancy has not occurred (there has been a rejection from the surface of the uterus of the mucous membrane to which the embryo is usually attached). For a full guarantee, a control test must be carried out.

When the danger of an unplanned pregnancy receded, the problem comes to the fore: how to restore the body after Postinor?

When will the cycle return to its original state?

Regular monthly bleeding after Postinor should begin at the usual time. because of individual reaction of each organism for a “lethal” dose of hormones, it is not easy to wait for their onset. Some may have periods immediately and abundantly, while others will have to suffer in anticipation.

During this period, all women are very nervous and worried. How many days you have to wait, and when the cycle after taking Postinor is restored, not a single gynecologist will say. Sooner or later, menstruation comes. Anyway, in a few months healthy body recovers on its own.

If menstruation does not start

Delayed menstruation after taking Postinor - common occurrence. The hormones contained in the preparation have a very strong effect on reproductive system. A woman's body after such a hormonal shock can go on strike. If the expected menstruation after taking Postinor does not begin in any way, then this may have the following reasons:

  1. Alcohol consumption. Is it possible to drink Postinor at the same time with strong alcoholic drinks? Acceptance of any hormonal drug gives heavy load on the liver, and additional exposure to this organ can lead to the development of toxic necrosis of hepatocytes and other fatal consequences.
  2. Incorrect deadlines. Only by taking a pill within 3 days after an intimate relationship, you can count on positive result. Otherwise, the embryo will successfully attach to the uterus, and the pregnancy will develop. A delay in menstruation may indicate the completed conception of a child.
  3. Preparations. Taking medicines such as HIV medicines peptic ulcer stomach, epilepsy, strong antibiotics, barbiturate-based drugs, can weaken the effects of Postinor and cause other negative effects.
  4. The period of early puberty. At this age, the menstrual cycle and general hormonal background not stable. Their violation often ends with a long failure of the cycle, and bleeding can begin, which can only be stopped surgically.
  5. Pregnancy. It is still possible with absolutely correct reception of Postinor. If after a month menstruation did not come, then there is a chance that the embryo managed to gain a foothold in the uterus. To check, you should do an analysis for hCG ( chorionic gonadotropin person). Reuse of Postinor in this situation is unacceptable.
  6. Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. These side effects weaken the effect of the drug as its concentration in the blood decreases.
  7. Diseases of the liver and gallbladder. An organism weakened by these diseases can react not just with a delay in the menstrual cycle, but with an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

A fetus that has experienced a strong hormonal surge in the mother's body and is entrenched in the uterus is definitely healthy and viable. Active substance Postinora affects exclusively the activity of germ cells (male and female). Therefore, if after consulting a doctor there is no risk, and a decision is made to keep the child, then the woman can be sure that he will be born healthy.

When the delay in menstruation after Postinor is more than two weeks, then a visit to the gynecologist is inevitable. Only a doctor can figure out why menstruation does not start, exclude pregnancy and various pathologies caused by this drug.

Other deviations

Violations in the menstrual cycle are not limited to delaying the onset of bleeding. There are other signs of atypical behavior of the female reproductive system:

  1. There are periods of an unusual dark brown hue in a smaller amount than usual. This phenomenon occurs frequently. Levonorgestrel has a thickening effect on the blood. It curls up and slowly leaves the vessels of the uterus. You should be worried if recovery does not occur in the following cycles.
  2. Allocations for a period of 7 days or more are also common. This is affected by the day of the cycle on which the woman took the drug. If menstruation does not want to stop even on the 8th day, you need to see a doctor to rule out internal bleeding and learn how to recover from Postinor.
  3. A large amount of discharge can also indicate pathological changes in the uterus. If the pad fills up more often than 2 hours, you should immediately go to the doctor.
  4. If there is a delay after taking hormonal pills Postinor, and the test is negative, then hit on reproductive system turned out to be too strong. It remains only to wait for the body to recover from it.

You can take Postinor during menstruation. This will cause the cycle to pause for a few days and then continue. How after Postinor during menstruation? This issue will have to be resolved together with the gynecologist.

Why can't you take Postinor regularly?

If in a row vital reasons healthy woman took Postinor, then pathological changes will not occur in her body. But regular (more than 2 times a year) taking these pills leads to hormonal failure, causing infertility.

Carbohydrate-fat metabolism also suffers greatly from taking Postinor. A woman runs the risk of gaining a lot of weight.

The ovaries cease to function, become exhausted and fade away. Hormones are not produced in the right amount, which knocks down the menstrual cycle, and infertility may occur. Even treatment by a gynecologist will not restore the lost reproductive function.

Frequent thickening of blood in the vessels from the action of hormones additionally causes the formation of blood clots. With partial coverage circulatory system impaired blood and oxygen supply internal organs, and with a complete blockage, this can result in hemorrhage and a fatal stroke.

Planned pregnancy after emergency contraception

If everything went well - after Postinor menstruation went and regular cycle recovered, which means that in the distant future, no complications can be feared. 3-6 months after using the drug, a healthy woman can become pregnant and give birth to a desired and planned child. Ovulation occurs without problems after Postinor.

For this drug, all the necessary tests and trials have been carried out. It is officially approved and sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Each emergency contraceptive, when used correctly, helps to avoid pregnancy, but it also causes harm to the body quite strong. Use it regularly - inflict one hormonal blow after another on your body. Before using Postinor as an ambulance for "bad" sexual intercourse, a woman should carefully weigh all the consequences and arguments for and against.

It has long been proven that none of the types of contraception used will give one hundred percent protection against unwanted pregnancy: the condom can break, and not on time taken pill, lead to conception.

Postinor - drug emergency contraception

If the probability of becoming pregnant is high, then in the first three days after unprotected intercourse, you can use the drug Postinor. It belongs to the group of emergency contraception. Its main purpose is to start menstruation. But the question often arises when menstruation will come after Postinor. Let's try to figure this out.

About the drug

With this drug, many are familiar firsthand. It prevents unwanted pregnancy and is a contraceptive. It is based on the hormone levonorgestrel. Postinor does not belong to the group of oral contraceptives that must be taken daily. it medicinal product which can help in some emergency situations. An example is the case when a condom bursts at the most inopportune moment.

One tablet of the drug contains almost twice as much levonorgestrel as the body normally produces. Less of it is contained in oral contraceptives for daily use. According to the instructions, you need to take two tablets within twelve hours. Large quantity taking the drug at a time will not affect the final result, but it can easily lead to hospitalization.

The action of Postinor is based on the fact that the body accumulates a large number of gestagen after its application. It is able to slow down the process of ovulation and lead to corresponding changes in the endometrial layer of the uterus. After using the drug, the attachment of a fertilized egg in the uterus is also impossible. The time of the arrival of menstruation is affected by the phase of the cycle in which the tablets were used.

In the case of sexual intercourse in the first half of the menstrual cycle, taking Postinor will have a blocking effect on the ovulation process, which will prevent conception. In the second half of the cycle, the action will be associated with a change in the uterine mucosa, which will make attachment of the egg impossible. In the first case, the action is associated with a decrease in the synthesis of estrogens, in the second - with a decrease in progesterone and luteinizing hormone.

Under the influence of levonorgestrel, the mucus in the cervical region becomes viscous and does not allow sperm to pass through. The probability of conception drops several times. For maximum effectiveness, the drug should be taken immediately after unprotected intercourse or in an unforeseen event. In advance, before the planned sex, such procedures are not recommended.

Postinor does not allow a fertilized egg to gain a foothold in the uterus

Correct Application

Tablets must be drunk no later than seventy-two hours after sexual intercourse with the outpouring of sperm, if pregnancy is not planned. Two tablets must be taken at least twelve hours apart and no more than sixteen. It is on how quickly they were drunk that the result of the onset of menstruation depends. Statistics show that conception will occur with a probability of:

  • 5% - if you use the drug after twenty-four hours;
  • 15% - if twenty-four to forty-eight hours have passed;
  • 42% - if you take the pills after forty-eight hours.

When in the genital area a woman has no serious problems, then the arrival of menstruation after taking the drug is not delayed, they come on time. If they arrive one or two days later or earlier, then there is no cause for concern. If they are delayed for five days or more, there is a reason to conduct a pregnancy test or contact a gynecologist.

It is especially important not to forget that Postinor is approved for use at the age of sixteen years and older. It is not recommended for the category of women who have a strong hormonal imbalance.

More than once a month, Postinor should not be taken. And it is worth remembering that if the implantation of the embryo has already taken place, then this drug will not help here.

Over time, the effectiveness of the drug decreases.

In case of delay

Postinor, according to the instructions, leads to a failure of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation comes one, two days later or earlier than usual after using the drug. The next menstruation is also shifted by this period. The result of taking the pills is a weak spotting that lasts one or two days and resembles menstruation. They can repeat one more time in one cycle.

There can be several reasons for the late onset of menstruation:

  • pregnancy;
  • crash in hormonal system;
  • lack of a regular menstrual cycle;
  • infections in the genital area;
  • drug allergy.

Ovarian dysfunction recovers within two or three cycles. If the fourth and fifth periods in a row came late or did not come at all, then consultation with a specialist is required. At frequent use Postinor ovaries may not be able to cope with their intended purpose. The result can be infertility.

Only a doctor can help with pregnancy. The only thing that can be done at home is to conduct a pregnancy test. The final answer can be obtained after gynecological examination and taking an hCG test. If the results are positive, then there is no cause for concern in terms of the full development of the child. Postinor does not adversely affect the fetus and its full development.

Before using Postinor, you should take a pregnancy test.

Possible deviations

If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, hormonal disruptions, then some deviations are possible as a result of the use of Postinor for emergency contraception.

These include:

  1. Profuse bleeding. Is the result of receipt powerful dose gestagens into the body, which causes a decrease in progesterone levels and pituitary hormones. Rejection of the mucous membrane in the uterus becomes the result hormonal changes, and bleeding occurs, which cannot be stopped on its own. If a woman changes two pads in a three-hour interval, then there is a reason to see a doctor.
  2. Increased duration and intensity of bleeding. This problem typical for women with disruptions in the hormonal system. That is why it is not recommended to take this drug for this category of women.
  3. Iron-deficiency anemia. Occurs as a result of heavy bleeding.
  4. Painful and scanty menses. This deviation is quite rare.
  5. Interruptions in the menstrual cycle. Occur in response to interruptions in the work of the pituitary gland or ovaries.
  6. Allocations Brown color. They are quite an adequate response to taking pills.
  7. Increased blood clotting. It occurs with repeated use of Postinor and threatens the formation of blood clots in the vessels, which can lead to a stroke or heart attack.

After taking the tablets, vomiting, swelling and pain in the chest, headaches are possible. Urgent help should be sought if there is shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, unbearable pain in the lower abdomen and repeated vomiting.

Particular attention to the use of the drug should be paid to women with fibroids and other tumors in the gynecological field. Taking Postinor is also not recommended for those who smoke.

Postinor is recognized as a completely safe contraceptive that works well in unforeseen situations if you follow the instructions correctly and do not abuse it. Treatment after its use is prescribed only in cases where menstruation is delayed or does not come. And only when, after a thorough examination, the final cause is revealed.

Blood clotting when using Postinor can increase dramatically

Should know

Postinor is medication with its contraindications and side effects. Therefore, its reception is accompanied different rules and features to be aware of:

  • in case of vomiting within three hours after taking any of the two Postinor tablets, you can take another tablet additionally, but only after consulting a gynecologist;
  • after using the drug before the start of the next menstruation, it is necessary to take additional measures for protection, such as condoms;
  • during lactation, with Crohn's disease, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, Postinor should be used with extreme care;
  • in case of side effects in the form of a rash, swelling and itching, it is possible to take antihistamines but only after consulting a doctor;
  • Postinor is contraindicated in women with severe kidney failure, lactose deficiency and glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • do not forget about the age of less than sixteen years and pregnancy, when taking pills is strictly prohibited;
  • Postinor affects the intake of anticoagulants and drugs for glycemia, lowering their effect;
  • reduce the effectiveness of the drug can: tretinoin, barbiturates, nevirapine, oxcarbazepine, ampekavil, lansoprazole, tacrolimus.

When there is an urgent need to use Postinor in girls under the age of sixteen (in case of rape), then the issue can be resolved positively on an individual basis by a gynecologist.

from side effects and adverse effects will only help proper observance all the rules for the use of the drug, which are prescribed in the instructions. You should never rely on the internet or magazine articles. When using emergency contraceptives home help only a competent specialist will provide, with whom you can consult in advance, knowing about the alleged sexual intercourse. He defines with precision possible contraindications to taking pills.

Menstruation after the use of Postinor is a clear proof of its effectiveness. But one of the main questions remains the one, the answer to which will be the period of onset of menstruation after taking the pills. As always, everything is individual and largely depends on the state of health in the female genital area. This drug tried on themselves thousands of women whom he helped to avoid conception. But do not forget that such pills are not one hundred percent safe and should be used only in exceptional cases when there is no other choice.

All means of emergency contraception lead to violations in the menstrual cycle. Postinor is no exception. High content levonorgestrel can be powerful negative impact on the body and lead to negative consequences even after a single dose. One should never forget the possibility of infertility in case of abuse of the drug. Therefore, Postinor should not be considered a magical remedy for unwanted pregnancy and its use should not be abused.

A remedy for preventing unwanted pregnancy - Postinor, is known to many women firsthand. This is an emergency contraceptive drug that provokes hormonal failure. Therefore, the delay after Postinora or, conversely, unscheduled menstruation is a common thing.

The basis of the drug is large dose a synthetic hormone called levonorgestrel . Therefore, even one tablet causes not only a violation of the cycle, but also changes in the entire body of a woman.

Characteristic features of the drug

To understand how long the next regular discharge will come after taking Postinor, why there is no menstruation or it came too early, it is necessary to study the essence of the action of the remedy.


The action of the drug is aimed at suppressing ovulation. This makes it impossible for the cell to be fertilized when sexual intercourse has taken place. However, after Postinor, there is a strong shake-up and a cycle failure. No one can predict when the period will come. Maybe it will happen in a week, and sometimes it happens much later. Sometimes a pregnancy test shows a negative answer, but regular discharge does not all come.

Efficiency pharmaceutical agent guaranteed only if the first tablet is taken within the first 72 hours of unprotected intercourse.

In this case, Postinor will lead to the desired outcome in 80% of cases. If the woman took the medicine (the first pill) after two days, then her probability of not getting pregnant is 50%. After 72 hours, taking the drug will be useless.

The first tablet is drunk as soon as possible after intimate contact. The second should be drunk exactly 12 hours after the first.

The action of the drug

If there are no periods after Postinor for more than 2 weeks, you should consult a doctor, and after 5 days of delay, take a pregnancy test.

A negative result indicates that the drug has fulfilled its purpose, but serious complications could occur. The action of the tool is carried out in several directions:

  1. Causes a delay in ovulation, due to which the female sex cell remains in the ovary. She cannot be fertilized.
  2. After applying Postinor, the structure of the endometrium changes. The influence is directed to the functionality of the uterus. Changes in its ability to reject and build up the inner layer. When there is no menstruation and occurs slight delay, should be regarded as a normal occurrence in this case.

Thanks to these directions of action of the drug is achieved Great chance avoiding pregnancy. A test performed at home will confirm this.

Effect on the body

When the girl drank the required dose of Postinor, which the manufacturer indicated in the instructions, side effects may occur. The action of the drug causes diarrhea, headache, nausea. The most striking consequences are the failure of the cycle, hormonal disorders.

If there are no periods 5 days after their expected start, you must take a pregnancy test. However, if critical days did not come 2 weeks after application pharmaceutical product, you need to pay attention to the layer of the endometrium. After Postinor, various deviations in its development are possible.

Sometimes there are no periods long time. Even after a month, the normalization of the cycle sometimes does not occur. Therefore, it is necessary to take this remedy only in last resort. If menstruation does not start, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Not every woman is allowed to use Postinor. There is a group of people for whom taking the drug is contraindicated:

  • It is forbidden to prevent unwanted pregnancy with the help of the presented remedy for women whose menstrual cycle is irregular. The consequences of hormonal failure are extremely serious.
  • If there were facts of diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, chronic diseases genitourinary system, the use of the drug should be abandoned. The remedy has a particularly strong negative effect on the liver.
  • Adolescents who have puberty, the use of Postinor is categorically contraindicated. The consequences are fatal. To the point of being unable to have children.

This is very strong remedy, after which it is sometimes necessary to carry out treatment. If menstruation does not begin within the first five days after taking Postinor, then the drug gave complications of a greater or lesser severity to the reproductive system. Therefore, you can use it only as a last resort, no more than once every six months. And it is better to never resort to such means at all.

Menstruation after drug use

Critical days after taking emergency remedy must go at their usual time. However, no doctor will answer how long to wait for this event. Due to the individual nature of the impact on the body, menstruation after the use of Postinor sometimes begins even after a few days.

it normal phenomenon, when a small amount bloody secretions. This phenomenon is called intermenstrual bleeding. It is caused by changes in the inner layer of the uterus.

If the menstruation did not go, they are all gone, although the test gave a negative result, then there was a hormonal failure and the restoration of the cycle sometimes takes quite a long time.

Prolonged absence of menstruation

After taking Postinor, sometimes there is no menstruation for a very long time. If regular allocations did not go in due time for them, this is due to a number of reasons. The main factors are the following:

  1. Disorders in the female reproductive system. There is a serious hormonal failure.
  2. The action of the pharmaceutical agent violates the functionality and structure of the uterus.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Endocrine or gynecological diseases.

If menstruation after Postinor did not go even 14 days after their usual period, you should consult a doctor. Even using the test, sometimes it is impossible to recognize ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, a blood test will show an accurate result.

Abundant menstruation

If a woman drank the medicine (two tablets of the drug), then spotting can come almost immediately, depending on the day of the cycle when at eme funds. How long to wait for menstruation - not a single specialist will say for sure. Everything is purely individual. Small discharge, which began no later than five days from the expected date of menstruation, is considered the norm.

In case of unusual copious discharge, you need to see a doctor. Perhaps there was an overdose or the drug adversely affected the endometrium of the uterus.

Effect on the fetus

If, after taking Postinor, pregnancy nevertheless occurred, then a series of examinations should be carried out. If the fetus is fixed on the wall of the uterus, survived the strongest hormonal shake-up of its mother's body, then it is likely that it develops normally.

A number of studies have confirmed that negative impact on the fetus pharmacological agent not not set .

The drug changes the structure of the endometrium and affects the degree of functionality of the egg, sperm. The child is born completely healthy. Therefore, if a woman has decided to endure and give birth to her baby, she may not worry about the correctness of his development after she takes Postinor.

Represented emergency means emergency contraception is not safe enough for women's health. They should be used only in the most extreme case, without contraindications for use.

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