A form of deviation that requires harsh prohibitive repressive measures. The main forms of deviant behavior. The concept of deviant behavior

Deviant behavior

Deviant behavior- this is behavior that deviates from the generally accepted, socially approved, most common and established norms in certain communities in certain period their development.

The problem of deviant behavior has been in the spotlight since the beginning of sociology. Emile Durkheim, who wrote the classic work "Suicide" (), is considered one of the founders of modern deviantology. He introduced the concept of anomie, which he first mentioned in his dissertation, which later grew into a scientific work on the division of social labor.

Deviant- an individual who differs in his personal characteristics and behavioral manifestations from generally accepted norms: social, psychological, ethnic, pedagogical, age, professional and others.

Classification of deviant behavior

Definition of "Deviant Behavior" according to different sciences:

Social sciences: social phenomena that represent real threat physical and social survival of a person in a given social environment, the immediate environment, a team of social and moral norms and cultural values, a violation of the process of assimilation and reproduction of norms and values, as well as self-development and self-realization in the society to which a person belongs.

Medical approach: deviation from the norms of interpersonal interaction accepted in a given society: actions, deeds, statements made both within the framework of mental health and in various forms of neuropsychiatric pathology, especially at the borderline level.

Psychological approach: Deviation from socio-psychological and moral norms, presented either as an erroneous anti-social model of conflict resolution, manifested in violation of socially accepted norms, or in damage to public well-being, others and oneself.

V. N. Ivanov identifies two levels of deviant behavior:

1. Pre-criminogenic: petty offenses, violation of moral standards, rules of conduct in public places, avoidance of socially useful activities, use of alcohol, drugs, toxic drugs that destroy the psyche, and other forms of behavior that do not pose a danger.

2. Criminogenic: actions and deeds expressed in criminal criminal acts.

The "core" of deviant behavior in the classification of F. Pataki are:

- "pre-deviant syndrome" - a complex of certain symptoms that lead a person to persistent forms of deviant behavior. Namely:

The classification of V.V. Kovalev is built on three different bases:

1) socio-psychological:

Anti-disciplinary behavior;




2) clinical and psychopathological:


Non-pathological deviations.

3) personal-dynamic:

- "reactions";

- "development";

Forms of deviant behavior

Gambling (gambling addiction)

Suicidal behavior

Signs of deviant behavior

1) Deviant behavior of a person is behavior that does not correspond to generally accepted or officially established social norms.

2) Deviant behavior and the person who displays it cause a negative assessment from other people (condemnation, social sanctions).

3) Deviant behavior causes real damage to the person himself or to the people around him. Thus, deviant behavior is destructive or self-destructive.

4) Deviant behavior can be characterized as persistently repeated (repeated or prolonged).

5) Deviant behavior must be consistent with the general orientation of the individual.

6) Deviant behavior is considered within the medical norm.

7) Deviant behavior is accompanied by phenomena of social maladaptation.

8) Deviant behavior has a pronounced individual and age-gender identity.

The term "deviant behavior" can be applied to children at least 5 years old.

Thus, deviant behavior is a stable behavior of an individual that deviates from the most important social norms, causing real damage to society or the individual himself, and is also accompanied by social maladaptation.

Deviant behavior in a dystopia

Fiction authors sometimes use ordinary humane behavior as deviant in the dystopian societies they describe. So Ray Bradbury deviantly shows a reading in "Fahrenheit 451"; in Sergei Lukyanenko's "Stars - cold toys" Geometers consider deviant (for everyone except Mentors) touches, hugs; for the world described by George Orwell, any personal relationship is deviant. The natural behavior we understand becomes the starting point deviations society itself. Also an example is the novel by Evgeny Zamyatin "We"; in which a deviant is a person who has a soul, is able to love and think abstractly from the dogma accepted in society, based on Taylorism, the subordination of any human activity to the laws of algebra and geometry.


  • Zmanovskaya E. V. Deviantology: (Psychology of deviant behavior): Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. - 2nd ed., corrected. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004. - 288 p. ISBN 5-7695-1782-4
  • Gilinsky, Ya. Deviantology. - 2nd ed. correct and additional - St. Petersburg: R. Aslanov Publishing House "Legal Center Press", 2007. - 528 p.
  • Kovalchuk M. A. Prevention of deviant behavior of high school students: Monograph. Yaroslavl: Publishing House of YaGPU im. K. D. Ushinsky, 2002. 242 p. ISBN 5-87555-132-1


  • Psychology of deviant behavior: deviant behavior, subject, goals, tasks. System of prevention and correction. (Russian). Archived from the original on February 12, 2012.
  • About the program for training specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior
  • Prevention of deviant behavior of minors in a large city


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See what "Deviant Behavior" is in other dictionaries:

    See Deviant Behavior. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. editors: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983. DEVIANT BEHAVIOR ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    deviant behavior- (from Latin deviatio deviation) see deviant behavior. Brief psychological dictionary. Rostov-on-Don: PHOENIX. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    deviant behavior- "deviant behavior" Stable behavior of an individual, deviating from generally accepted social norms, causing real damage to society or the individual himself, often accompanied by social maladjustment of a person. This is the concept of sociology and ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Deviant behavior- (deviant behavior) - (sometimes - "deviant behavior"), stable behavior of the individual, deviating from generally accepted social norms, causing real damage to society or the individual himself, often accompanied by social maladjustment ... Economic and Mathematical Dictionary

    See DEFECTIVE BEHAVIOR. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    Deviant behavior- (from Lat deviatio deviation) behavior deviating from the norm, violating generally accepted (including legal) norms existing in a given society, socially dangerous or socially harmful ... Encyclopedia of Law

    Doing things that go against the rules social behavior in one community or another. The main types of deviant behavior are primarily crime, alcohol ... Psychological Dictionary

    Deviant behavior- deviating from generally accepted norms: moral, and sometimes legal. Behavior is mainly due to socio-psychological deviations of the personality (primarily micro-social psychological neglect). It is a manifestation of situational ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy

    DEVIANT BEHAVIOR- (DEVIANT BEHAVIOR) The most adequate way to understand studies of deviant (ie deviant) behavior or the sociology of deviance is to understand them as a reaction to traditional criminology. Criminology and sociology of deviance... sociological dictionary

Chapter 1. Deviant Behavior as a Problem social work

1.1 The concept and causes of deviant behavior

1.2 Forms of manifestation of deviant behavior

1.3 Family as an object of social work

Chapter 2. Social work with adolescents with deviant behavior

2.1 Legislative and regulatory framework for the prevention of neglected and juvenile delinquency

2.2 Main areas of work with children with deviant behavior in public institutions

2.3 The main directions of socio-psychological, psychotherapeutic and legal rehabilitation of adolescent deviants

2.4 Social control of deviant behavior




The processes of democratization taking place in the country cover the most diverse socio-economic and socio-political spheres and structures of our society. At present, among the problems of socio-economic recovery being solved, an important place is occupied by the creation of a fundamentally new model of the state system. social prevention deviant behavior of minors. The punitive-administrative policy that existed before should be replaced by a protective-security one, represented by a set of measures of adequate medical-psychological, socio-psychological, social-legal and socio-pedagogical assistance and support for families, children and adolescents. The need for such a strategy is explained, first of all, by those extremely unfavorable trends that characterize the dynamics of asocial manifestations in the adolescent and youth environment.

The situation in the world of modern childhood is alarming and dangerous both for children and for the future society. In the current conditions, a significant part of children with deviant behavior in the truest sense of the word turned out to be "no man's". It cannot be said that the state does not pay attention to these problems: the International Convention on the Rights of the Child has been signed, a new Family Code has been adopted that meets generally accepted international standards. The following laws were adopted: “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”, “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”, amendments to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals social service population of the Russian Federation. Despite this, departmental disunity, as well as the lack of modern mechanisms in the management social sphere leads to low efficiency of the use of these funds. There are no structures that would monitor the entire process of rehabilitation of a maladjusted child and would be responsible for the final results.

The problem of deviant behavior of minors remains very relevant. The youth environment is becoming a dangerous criminogenic environment. Such unfavorable tendencies as the "rejuvenation" of crime and the strengthening of its group nature are growing. The share in the total number of persons registered in the departments for the prevention of juvenile delinquency in 1999 was 32.5%. The number of "female" crimes is growing from year to year. Law enforcement agencies are very alarmed by the trend towards "rejuvenation" of female crime - 12.6%.

The number of deviations in the neuropsychic health of children and their physical development is growing. At the beginning of 2000, there were 563.7 thousand of them in the Russian Federation. Of particular concern is social orphanhood, and, as a result, begging and homelessness of children are becoming widespread; the growth of such negative phenomena in the children's and adolescent environment as drug addiction and substance abuse, an increase in the criminal activity of children. Over the past three years, the number of children - drug addicts has increased by 2.8 times, drug addicts - by 3.5 times.

Domestic violence is on the rise: every year 2 million children are beaten by their parents, 50,000 leave home, and 2,000 commit suicide. The situation of children from refugee families remains difficult. The social problems of children have both general and regional characteristics, which determines the regional specificity of the activities of social structures and centers for social protection and support for children. The complexity and complexity of the problems of modern childhood causes an urgent need to expand social support centers.

The purpose of rehabilitation institutions is to give the child not just an overnight stay, food, warmth, but also to help him adapt to life, the people around him and society as a whole. Therefore, the tasks of these institutions are multifaceted: to relieve the acuteness of mental stress, to carry out the primary adaptation of the child to life in society, to identify actual problems, and crisis situations leading to a disadapted state of young citizens; creation of a network of youth leisure centers and ensuring their activities, interaction with services, organizations of the city and region on the issues of maladjustment of adolescents with deviant behavior.

Practice shows (especially in our country) that people often face problems that neither they themselves, nor their family members, friends, neighbors, or even benevolent officials can solve. This requires people of a special profession - social workers.

Thus, the purpose of this term paper- consider the essence of social work with adolescents with deviant behavior, analyze tasks and functions social workers aimed at improving their situation, the essence of social work with parents, to consider and study legal framework social protection of adolescents and children, practical measures to implement these provisions. In addition, I consider it necessary to consider the family in my work as an object of social work from the standpoint of social pedagogy.

The methodological basis for the structure of the work and the logical connection of the above issues in it was the development of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of social theory, psychology and management theory. When writing the work, textbooks and textbooks on social theory, monographs and science articles in periodicals, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws, Codes of the Russian Federation, instructive and methodological material.

Chapter 1. Deviant behavior as a social work problem

1.1 The concept and causes of deviant behavior

Evaluation of any behavior involves comparing it with some kind of norm. Non-standard deviant behavior is often called deviant. Deviant behavior (lat. deviatio-deviation) is behavior that is not consistent with the norms, does not meet the expectations of the group or the whole society. This is due to the uncertainty of social expectations. The fact that society creates norms, standards of behavior does not mean that it always complies with them. Even an ideal society cannot remain ideal for long.

Deviant behavior is called behavior in which deviations from social norms are consistently manifested: selfish orientation (offenses and misdemeanors associated with the desire to obtain material, monetary, property benefits: theft, theft, speculation); aggressive orientation (actions directed against a person: insult, hooliganism, beatings, rape, murder); socially passive orientation (desire to escape from active social life, evasion of one's duties and duty, unwillingness to solve personal and social problems: avoidance of work and study, vagrancy, use of alcohol and drugs, toxic drugs, suicide, suicide). The works of N.A. Dremova, G.L. Isurina are devoted to the study of the structure of motives for delinquency in juveniles. Forms of deviant behavior are very diverse.

Social deviations can be classified on a number of grounds:

Depending on the type of violations (law, morality, etiquette);

By target orientation and motivation (selfish, aggressive, with a denial of goals and means);

By subject: individuals, groups, social organizations.

Asociality is considered as the most general concept, meaning any deviation from social norms. Social neglect means a persistent and complete disregard for social norms or prolonged and general social neglect.

In the domestic literature, many researchers deal with the problems of children with deviant behavior, such as S.V. Darmodekhin, P.D. Pavlenok, E.I. caused by neuropsychiatric diseases. At the same time, non-pathological and pathological forms of deviant behavior are distinguished in the domestic literature. Researcher V.V. Kovalev emphasizes that non-pathological deviations are a violation of behavior in a mentally healthy person and it is possible to speak of deviant behavior as an independent and psychological phenomenon only in the absence of organic mental pathology.

Deviant behavior is divided into two groups.

1. Behavior that deviates from mental health standards, i.e. the presence of an overt or covert psychopathology in a person. This group, firstly, consists of persons who can be conditionally attributed to the third group of characters, i.e. asthenics, schizoids, epileptoids and other mentally abnormal people. Secondly, this group includes people with accentuated characters who also suffer mental disorders but within the normal range.

2. Behavior that deviates from the moral norms of human society and manifests itself in various forms ah social pathology - drunkenness, drug addiction, prostitution, etc. This type of deviant behavior is expressed in the form of misconduct or crimes. If these transgressions are minor and do not bring great harm public relations, then the persons who committed them are punished according to the norms of labor or administrative law. Law enforcement agencies, represented by the police and the judiciary, apply coercive measures to deviants (administrative arrest, fines, etc.), and social and medical services carry out with them a set of measures for social adaptation. If the deviant commits a crime, then such an act is qualified according to the norms of criminal law. That is why crime as a type of deviant behavior is mainly studied by jurisprudence, and immoral behavior by sociology, psychology, psychiatry and other sciences.

- this, on the one hand, is an act, actions of a person that do not correspond to the norms or standards officially established or actually established in a given society, and on the other hand, a social phenomenon expressed in mass forms of human activity that do not correspond to officially established or actually established in a given society norms or standards. Social control is a mechanism of social regulation, a set of means and methods social impact, as well as the social practice of their use.

The concept of deviant behavior

Under deviant(from lat. deviatio - deviation) behavior modern sociology implies, on the one hand, an act, actions of a person that do not correspond to officially established or actually established norms or standards in a given society, and on the other hand, a social phenomenon expressed in mass forms of human activity that do not correspond to officially established or actually established standards. within a given society, norms or standards.

The starting point for understanding deviant behavior is the concept of a social norm, which is understood as a limit, a measure of what is permissible (permitted or obligatory) in the behavior or activities of people, ensuring the preservation of the social system. Deviations from social norms can be:

  • positive, aimed at overcoming obsolete norms or standards and associated with social creativity, contributing to qualitative changes in the social system;
  • negative - dysfunctional, disorganizing the social system and leading it to destruction, leading to deviant behavior.

Deviant behavior is a kind of social choice: when the goals of social behavior are incommensurable with the real possibilities of achieving them, individuals can use other means to achieve their goals. For example, some individuals, in pursuit of illusory success, wealth or power, choose socially prohibited means, and sometimes illegal ones, and become either delinquents or criminals. Another type of deviation from the norms is open disobedience and protest, a demonstrative rejection of the values ​​and standards accepted in society, characteristic of revolutionaries, terrorists, religious extremists and other similar groups of people who are actively fighting against the society in which they are.

In all these cases, deviation is the result of the inability or unwillingness of individuals to adapt to society and its requirements, in other words, it indicates a complete or relative failure of socialization.

Forms of deviant behavior

Deviant behavior is relative, because it is commensurate only with the cultural norms of this group. For example, criminals consider extortion to be a normal form of income, but most of The population considers such behavior deviant. This also applies to certain types of social behavior: in some societies they are considered deviant, in others they are not. In general, the forms of deviant behavior usually include criminality, alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, gambling, mental disorder, and suicide.

One of the recognized in modern sociology is the typology of deviant behavior developed by R. Merton in line with the ideas of deviation as a result of anomie, i.e. the process of destruction of the basic elements of culture, primarily in the aspect of ethical norms.

Typology of deviant behavior Merton is based on the concept of deviation as a gap between cultural goals and socially approved ways to achieve them. Accordingly, he distinguishes four possible types of deviation:

  • innovation, suggesting agreement with the goals of society and the denial of generally accepted ways to achieve them (the "innovators" include prostitutes, blackmailers, creators of " financial pyramids", great scientists);
  • ritualism associated with the denial of the goals of a given society and an absurd exaggeration of the significance of the ways to achieve them, for example, a bureaucrat requires that each document be carefully completed, double checked, filed in four copies, but the main thing is forgotten - the goal;
  • retreatism(or flight from reality), expressed in the rejection of both socially approved goals and ways to achieve them (drunkards, drug addicts, homeless people, etc.);
  • rebellion, denying both goals and methods, but striving to replace them with new ones (revolutionaries striving for a radical breakdown of all social relations).

Merton considers the only type of non-deviant behavior to be conformal, expressed in agreement with the goals and means of achieving them. Merton's typology focuses on the fact that deviation is not the product of an absolutely negative attitude towards generally accepted norms and standards. For example, a thief does not reject a socially approved goal - material well-being, he can strive for it with the same zeal as a young man who is preoccupied with a career in the service. The bureaucrat does not abandon the generally accepted rules of work, but he executes them too literally, reaching the point of absurdity. At the same time, both the thief and the bureaucrat are deviants.

Some causes of deviant behavior are not social in nature, but biopsychological. For example, a tendency to alcoholism, drug addiction, mental disorders can be transmitted from parents to children. In the sociology of deviant behavior, there are several areas that explain the reasons for its occurrence. So, Merton, using the concept of "anomie" (the state of society in which the old norms and values ​​no longer correspond to real relations, and the new ones have not yet been established), considered the cause of deviant behavior to be the inconsistency of the goals put forward by society and the means that it offers for them. achievements. Within the direction based on the theory of conflict, it is argued that social patterns of behavior are deviant if they are based on the norms of another culture. For example, a criminal is considered as a bearer of a certain subculture that is in conflict with the type of culture that dominates in a given society. A number of modern domestic sociologists believe that the sources of deviation are social inequality in society, differences in the ability to meet the needs of different social groups.

There are interconnections between various forms of deviant behavior, with one negative phenomenon reinforcing the other. For example, alcoholism contributes to increased bullying.

Marginalization is one of the causes of deviations. The main sign of marginalization is the rupture of social ties, and in the "classic" version, economic and social ties are first torn, and then spiritual ones. As a characteristic feature of the social behavior of the marginalized, one can name a decrease in the level of social expectations and social needs. The consequence of marginalization is the primitivization of certain segments of society, manifested in production, everyday life, and spiritual life.

Another group of causes of deviant behavior is associated with the spread various kindssocial pathologies, in particular, the growth of mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction, the deterioration of the genetic fund of the population.

Vagrancy and begging representing a special way of life (refusal to participate in public useful labor, focusing only on unearned income), received in recent times widespread among various types of social deviations. The social danger of social deviations of this kind lies in the fact that vagabonds and beggars often act as intermediaries in the distribution of drugs, commit theft and other crimes.

deviant behavior in modern society has some features. This behavior is becoming more and more risky and rational. The main difference between deviants who consciously take risks and adventurers is their reliance on professionalism, faith not in fate and chance, but in knowledge and a conscious choice. Deviant risky behavior contributes to self-actualization, self-realization and self-affirmation of the personality.

Often deviant behavior is associated with addiction, i.e. with the desire to avoid internal socio-psychological discomfort, to change their socio-psychological state, characterized by internal struggle, intrapersonal conflict. Therefore, the deviant path is chosen primarily by those who do not have a legal opportunity for self-realization in the conditions of the established social hierarchy, whose individuality is suppressed, personal aspirations are blocked. Such people cannot make a career, change their social status, using legitimate channels of social mobility, which is why they consider generally accepted norms of order to be unnatural and unfair.

If one or another type of deviation acquires a stable character, becomes the norm of behavior for many, society is obliged to reconsider the principles that stimulate deviant behavior, or to reassess social norms. Otherwise, behavior that was considered deviant may become normal. To prevent destructive deviation from becoming widespread, it is necessary:

  • expand access to legitimate ways to achieve success and move up the social ladder;
  • observe social equality before the law;
  • improve legislation, bringing it into line with new social realities;
  • strive for the adequacy of crime and punishment.

Deviant and delinquent behavior

AT social life, as in real traffic, people often deviate from the rules they are supposed to follow.

Behavior that does not meet the requirements is called deviant(or deviant).

Illegal actions, misdemeanors and offenses are commonly called delinquent behaviour. For example, hooliganism, obscene language in public place, participating in a fight and other acts that violate the law, but do not yet constitute a serious criminal offence. Delinquent behavior is a type of deviant behavior.

Positive and negative deviations

Deviations (deviations), as a rule, are negative. For example, crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, prostitution, terrorism, etc. However, in some cases it is possible positive deviations, for example, sharply individualized behavior, characteristic of original creative thinking, which can be assessed by society as “eccentricity”, a deviation from the norm, but at the same time be socially useful. Asceticism, holiness, genius, innovation are signs of positive deviations.

Negative deviations are divided into two types:

  • deviations that are aimed at causing harm to others (various aggressive, illegal, criminal actions);
  • deviations that harm the personality itself (alcoholism, suicide, drug addiction, etc.).

Reasons for deviant behavior

The causes of deviant behavior have previously been tried to be explained on the basis of biological features violators of the norms - specific physical traits, genetic abnormalities; on the basis of psychological features - mental retardation, various problems mental nature. Wherein psychological mechanism formation of the majority of deviations, addictive behavior was declared ( addiction- addiction), when a person seeks to escape from difficulties real life using alcohol, drugs, gambling. The result of addiction is the destruction of personality.

Biological and psychological interpretations of the causes of deviation have not been unambiguously confirmed in science. More reliable conclusions sociological theories that consider the origin of deviation in a broad social context.

According to the concept disorientation, proposed by the French sociologist Emile Durkheim (1858-1917), social crises are the breeding ground for deviations, when there is a mismatch between accepted norms and human life experience and a state of anomie sets in - the absence of norms.

The American sociologist Robert Merton (1910-2003) believed that the cause of deviations is not the absence of norms, but the inability to follow them. Anomie - it is the gap between culturally prescribed ends and the availability of socially approved means to achieve them.

In modern culture, success and wealth are considered the leading goals. But society does not provide all people with legal means to achieve these goals. Therefore, a person has to either choose illegal means, or abandon the goal, replacing it with illusions of well-being (drugs, alcohol, etc.). Another variant of deviant behavior in such a situation is a rebellion against, and established goals and means.

According to the theory stigmatization(or labeling) all people are prone to breaking the rules, but deviants are those who are labeled deviant. For example, a former criminal may renounce his criminal past, but others will perceive him as a criminal, avoid communication with him, refuse to hire him, etc. As a result, he has only one option - to return to the criminal path.

Note that in modern world deviant behavior is most characteristic of both the unstable and the most vulnerable. In our country, youth alcoholism, drug addiction, and crime are of particular concern. Comprehensive measures are required to combat these and other deviations.

Reasons for explaining deviant behavior

Deviance arises already in the process of primary socialization of a person. It is associated with the formation of motivation, social roles and statuses of a person in the past and present, which contradict each other. For example, the role of a schoolboy does not coincide with the role of a child. The motivational structure of a person is ambivalent, it contains both positive (conformal) and negative (deviant) motives for actions.

Social roles are constantly changing in the course of a person's life, reinforcing either conformal or deviant motivations. The reason for this is the development of society, its values ​​and norms. What was deviant becomes normal (conformal), and vice versa. For example, socialism, revolution, the Bolsheviks, etc., motives and norms were deviant for tsarist Russia, and their carriers were punished with exile and prison. After the victory of the Bolsheviks, the former deviant norms were recognized as normal. The collapse of the Soviet society turned its norms and values ​​back into deviant ones, which became the reason for the new deviant behavior of people in post-Soviet Russia.

Several versions have been proposed to explain deviant behavior. At the end of the 19th century, the theory of the Italian doctor Lambroso arose about genetic prerequisites for deviant behavior. The "criminal type", in his opinion, is the result of the degradation of people in the early stages of development. External signs of a deviant person: a speaker lower jaw, decreased sensitivity to pain, etc. Nowadays, to biological reasons deviant behavior include abnormalities of the sex chromosomes or extra chromosomes.

psychological the causes of deviation are called "dementia", "degenerativeness", "psychopathy", etc. For example, Freud discovered a type of person with an innate mental drive to destroy. Sexual deviation is allegedly associated with deep fear castration, etc.

Infection The "bad" norms of the spiritual culture of representatives of the middle and upper strata from the lower strata are also considered the cause of deviant behavior. "Infection" occurs during communication "on the street", as a result of casual acquaintances. Some sociologists (Miller, Sellin) believe that the lower social strata have an increased readiness for risk, thrills, etc.

Simultaneously influential groups treat people of the lower stratum as deviant, extending to them individual cases of their deviant behavior. For example, in modern Russia"persons of Caucasian nationality" are considered potential traders, thieves, criminals. Here we can also mention the influence of television, the annoying demonstration of scenes of deviant behavior.

Nebula of normative formulas of motivation that guide people in difficult situations It is also the cause of deviant behavior. For example, the formulas “do the best you can”, “put the interests of society above your own”, etc., do not allow you to sufficiently adequately motivate your actions in a particular situation. An active conformist will strive for ambitious motives and action projects, a passive one will reduce his efforts to the limits of his own calmness, and a person with a conformist-deviant motivation will always find a loophole to justify his deviant behavior.

Social inequality - another major cause of deviant behavior. The fundamental needs of people are quite similar, and the ability to satisfy them in different social strata (rich and poor) is different. Under such conditions, the poor receive a "moral right" to deviant behavior towards the rich, expressed in various forms of expropriation of property. This theory, in particular, formed the ideological foundation of the revolutionary deviation of the Bolsheviks against the propertied classes: “rob the loot”, arrests of the propertied, forced labor, executions, the Gulag. In this deviation, there is a discrepancy between unrighteous goals (complete social equality) and unrighteous means (total violence).

Conflict between cultural norms of a given social group and society is also the cause of deviant behavior. The subculture of a student or army group, the lower stratum, a gang differ significantly in their interests, goals, values, on the one hand, and possible means of their implementation, on the other hand. In the event of their collision in a given place and at a given time - for example, on vacation - deviant behavior arises in relation to the cultural norms accepted in society.

The class essence of the state, which supposedly expresses the interests of the economically dominant class, is an important reason for the deviant behavior of both the state in relation to the oppressed classes and the latter in relation to it. From the point of view of this conflictological theory, the laws issued in the state protect, first of all, not the working people, but the bourgeoisie. The communists justified their negative attitude towards the bourgeois state by its oppressive nature.

Anomie - the reason for the deviation proposed by E. Durkheim in the analysis of the causes of suicide. It represents the devaluation of the cultural norms of a person, his worldview, mentality, conscience as a result of the revolutionary development of society. People, on the one hand, lose their orientation, and on the other hand, following the old cultural norms does not lead to the realization of their needs. That's what happened to Soviet norms after the collapse of the Soviet society. Overnight, millions of Soviet people became Russians, living in the "jungle of wild capitalism", where "man is a wolf to man", where there is competition, explained by social Darwinism. In such conditions, some (conformists) adapt, others become deviants, up to criminals and suicides.

An important cause of deviant behavior is social (including warriors), man-made and natural disasters. They violate the psyche of people, increase social inequality, cause disorganization of law enforcement agencies, which becomes the objective reason for the deviant behavior of many people. For example, we can recall the consequences of our protracted armed conflict in Chechnya, Chernobyl, and the earthquake.

Deviant behavior is a well-established form of behavior with clear signs deviations from generally accepted social norms. Can cause harm to the individual and others. Often accompanied by disadaptation in society.

What can be considered deviant or deviant behavior? What is abnormal? But what will be abnormal? The complexity of diagnosing is aggravated by multilateral views on the problem of norm and pathology in various scientific fields. AT different sources the terms "deviant behavior", "deviant behavior" or "disorders of conduct (deviations)" are encountered. This article will mainly use the term deviant behavior. All these terms in Russia are identical.

The problem of deviations is studied by psychiatrists, psychologists, philosophers, teachers, sociologists. If drug use, as a form of deviation, causes psychological dependence, psychologists will work with it. But a drug addict also develops physical dependence, i. disease - drug addiction, this is the field of medicine.

But then what will be the main problem of the addict? In psychological dependence or it is necessary to struggle first of all with illness or disease? How can a person be saved from physical suffering without delving into his mental characteristics? Will the mechanism of pathogenesis be clear with a one-sided approach? Deviant behavior is not a pathology and not strictly a medical term. Are killers or maniacs, drug addicts or alcoholics so abnormal in terms of mental health? Or did they initially have a “flaw” in their psyche from birth? Unfortunately, there are many more questions than answers here.

Deviant behavior expresses the psychological status of the individual on the axis "socialization-disadaptation-isolation" (E.V. Zmanovskaya).

Attempts by researchers to search for something abnormal in deviant behavior, with subsequent rubricization into “normal” and “abnormal” for one reason or another, essentially lead nowhere, they are endlessly controversial. If we take into account that in different sciences these concepts can also contradict each other when compared. People with disabilities may be mentally healthy or may have serious pathologies psyche.

What are the causes of deviant behavior? It is not yet known exactly, but the influence of the social environment and the personal characteristics of the individual are usually distinguished. Medical prerequisites are considered mainly in the presence of pathological changes in the psyche. There are several approaches in trying to classify deviant behavior. Let's consider the most common ones.

Deviant behavior from the point of view of sociologists is a social phenomenon. Within the framework of the social approach, the following deviations are distinguished:

  • Intention to commit crimes or offenses.
  • Excessive drinking or alcoholism per se.
  • Dependence on the use of psychoactive substances, drug addiction.
  • Inclination to commit suicide.
  • Leaving home for a long time, vagrancy.
  • Behavior that is contrary to the norms of morality, morality and ethics.
  • Prostitution.
  • Hooliganism.
  • Adherence to religious sects, comes to fanaticism.

Lawyers consider deviant behavior all actions for which a person can be held accountable before the law. Based on degree potential danger For society, the following forms of deviant behavior are distinguished:

  • An offense is a failure to comply with moral and legal norms, the requirements of legislation on the proper behavior of a person.
  • Misconduct is an evasion or direct refusal to comply with the norms and rules prescribed in various legal acts (except for the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which do not pose a serious danger to society. In the form of punishment for misconduct, measures of disciplinary or social influence are provided.
  • Crimes are the most dangerous form; for actions interpreted as criminal, a person is brought to criminal responsibility.

In the criminal and civil spheres of Russian legislation, classifications are presented deviant forms legal behavior. If we return to the social aspects of the consideration of the problem, then, first of all, we need to consider the concept social maladaptation, since it is the various forms of maladjustment that entail the manifestation of deviations.

Disadaptation is a manifestation of a decrease in the ability to follow the requirements of society with the obligatory feeling of them as personally significant, as well as the inability to express one's individuality under the current conditions of the social environment.

Social maladaptation is manifested in a decrease in learning ability, in permanent or frequent failures in family life, interpersonal relationships with others, sex, health, frequent disagreements with the law.

In personal manifestations of maladjustment consider:

  • Nihilistic views on social demands, constant opposition and protest.
  • Denial of guilt even with obvious evidence, constant claims to others.
  • Constant emotional stress.
  • Inability to control one's condition, productively cope with negative emotions.
  • Low communication skills.
  • Cogitative and behavioral reactions, inadequate external manifestations(cognitive distortions of reality).

Obvious signs of social adaptation in children and adolescents will be the use of drugs, alcoholism, prostitution, vagrancy, frequent conflicts with the law, pyromania, sexual deviations, Internet addiction, gambling (addiction to gambling), suicidal attempts, joining religious sects, etc.

medical approach

The medical classification of deviations is built with the obligatory consideration of age and the presence of psychopathological criteria. Behavioral features are considered in terms of clinical manifestations and diagnostic criteria corresponding to them.

Doctors distinguish the following behavioral disorders: dependence on chemicals, disorders eating behavior (uncontrolled gluttony, bulimia, anorexia, depression after childbirth, excessive use of vitamins or steroids, mania (arson, theft, games, etc.), sexual disorders of an inorganic nature (voyeurism, exhibitionism, sadism, pedophilia, etc. ).

Also, a group of behavioral disorders peculiar to adolescents:

  • Manifestations aggressive behavior(much greater than normal stubbornness or disagreement with the rules) at home and in interpersonal relationships with loved ones.
  • Unsocialized disorder. Such adolescents behave aggressively with other children, are not capable of communication. Because of this, they cannot enter social groups and build normal relationships.
  • Socialized conduct disorder. Adolescents build relationships in a social group, their style of behavior is dominated by aggression.

Medicine also distinguishes mixed disorder of conduct and emotions (F92) - aggressive and asocial behavior of adolescents in the presence of depression, anxiety and other affective disorders. In any case, the psychiatrist faces great difficulties in diagnosing, so he needs to do his job - to observe and analyze mental disorders, to use his diagnostic criteria more carefully when trying to simultaneously penetrate into related disciplines.

Psychological approach

E.V. Zmanovskaya proposed a classification based on the type of norm violated and subsequent negative consequences deviations:

  1. Antisocial (delicit) behavior. This includes any form of behavior (action or inaction) that harms society to varying degrees, up to and including being held accountable before the law. In adults, it manifests itself in illegal and criminal acts, entailing criminal or civil liability. Such teenagers steal, rob, commit acts of vandalism, get into fights for no particular reason, but they fight violently, easily overstep the law and moral standards. Children from 5 to 12 years old steal, torture or abuse animals, show childish cruelty in relations with peers and younger children.
  2. antisocial behavior. This is a constant purposeful non-observance of social and moral-ethical and moral norms that pose a threat to interpersonal relations. Such adolescents and children have early sexual intercourse, often change partners, engage in prostitution, and are prone to other violations in the sexual sphere (voyeurism, seduction, exhibitionism, etc.).

Often it is these teenagers who leave indecent inscriptions and drawings on the walls, in elevators. They do scarification, tattoos, the theme is determined by inclusion in different subcultures. Among children, such behavior is more often expressed in leaving home, a constant desire for lies, slander, extortion, and begging are not uncommon.

  1. Self-destructive (self-destructive) behavior. It is expressed in behavior that deviates from the norms of medicine and psychology. Examples are different kinds of dependencies. Or such deviants are looking for risk for their lives in various activities - fast driving, extreme sports and hobbies.

The specificity of self-destructive behavior lies in the relationship between the form of behavior and group values. Those. the adolescent's behavior may be dictated by the influence of the social group in which he is integrated. It manifests itself in self-cutting, scarring, tattooing, pathological gluttony or refusal of food and the desire to lose weight, the use of drugs, computer addiction. Sometimes in suicidal behavior. In children, as an option, it manifests itself in smoking or substance abuse. But self-destructive behavior is not usually characteristic of children.

After consideration different approaches to the rubrication of deviant behavior, one can see much in common between medical and psychological approaches. But any classification is conditional. In reality, often all these forms of deviant behavior are combined in various variations or intersect. Therefore, each case is considered individually.

Classification according to the structure of deviant behavior

V.D. Mendelevich divided deviations into individual and group. In the first case, we mean various psychopathy (personality disorders) and other forms of behavior, classified as clinical forms, there is no dependence on external influences during the formation of deviations.

But more often we are faced with group deviations. The emergence is based on the principle of group pressure and the manifestation of loyalty and tolerance to this type of relationship. In other words, in a group, the rules are usually silently accepted by everyone and enforced. It should also be remembered that adolescents are prone to grouping reactions and striving to meet the standards of this group.

Deviations can be temporary, permanent, stable and unstable. Temporary ones are usually short-lived and stop when the teenager leaves the group. Constants are long and depend little on external stimuli. In the case of stable deviation, we will be dealing with one form of a well-established type of deviant behavior. The main feature of the unstable is the frequent change of deviations and the short duration of its existence.

Can meet with spontaneous and planned deviation, structured and unstructured. Natural arise suddenly and under the influence of emotions and external circumstances. Planned always have a premeditated plan and clearly defined. In preparation for them, the individual experiences pleasure and emotional upsurge. When structured, all roles are pre-scheduled, who does what and who does what. With an unstructured relationship there is no hierarchy, the organization is at a low level, connections are weak, actions are ill-conceived.

Distinguish still expansive and nonexpansive, altruistic and selfish. With expansive deviants invade the lives of other people, encroach on their freedom and rights - sexual deviations, aggression, addiction of relationships. With non-expansive, the individual affects himself (food addictions, sports). Selfish are aimed at obtaining pleasure. Altruistic are directed at other people and self-sacrifice. Sometimes manifested in some types of suicidal behavior.

Creativity as a positive form of deviation

A person is not able to constantly comply with all the rules and regulations. Harmonious development of the personality involves vigorous activity, creative orientation. According to V.A. Petrovsky, if he “can be attracted by danger, the uncertainty of success, the unknown”, then the individual combines creativity, and his behavior can be called ideal. His actions are considered supra-situational activity.

Progress in science and culture constantly obliges the creative individual to act beyond clichéd behavior. His aspirations for new impressions and experiences are called search activity. This is not characteristic of an ordinary ordinary person. He is more interested in guarantees of stability and security. He does not need novelty in feelings. He follows all the rules and regulations, and that's how he lives.

Deviants cannot live in a state of peace and stability, they always need acuity and something new. Their search activity as a result is self-destructive. In normal creativity, the process itself brings pleasure. Getting a negative result tells the researcher to look for other avenues. The deviant has only one goal - to enjoy the result itself.

The basis of creativity is divergent thinking - the ability to solve problems different ways, constant search for alternative solutions. Creative thinking is amazingly flexible. Where ordinary people find one or two solutions, creative people will find an infinite number. They are not used to being content with one solution. Can easily move from one aspect of a problem to another. Such people always offer original and unexpected solutions, they can always look at the problem “from different angles”. If the deviant can be put "on the true path", then he often reveals the potential for high personal growth and creativity.

Briefly about some types of deviant behavior

Delinquent behavior. This is illegal behavior that threatens the safety of society. An individual subject to this type of behavior will be a tort, and the actions committed by him are torts. In essence, delinquent behavior is directed against state norms and rules expressed in legislative acts.

In psychology, delinquent behavior is interpreted as any unlawful act that violates social foundations and order and does not necessarily entail criminal liability and is not necessarily a crime. Why do some people easily obey the law, while others do not?

It also recalls data on gender differences in the commission of a crime - women are more likely to kill children, steal from stores, engage in prostitution, men are more likely to steal, rob, cause injuries, kill, steal cars, commit sexual violence. The presence of psychopathologies can hardly explain the commission of an unlawful act or crime. However, this issue is open for discussion.

Dependent behavior (addictive). Is serious social problem for many years now. Because of it, working capacity can be completely or partially lost, the financial and social situation worsens, problems in the family, personal relationships, sex, provokes the commission of crimes. The most common objects of addiction are psychoactive substances, including alcohol, food, games, sex, the Internet, shopping, religion, religious sects.

The degree of severity is different - sometimes there are no external signs, sometimes biological and psychological addiction, serious violations of social adaptation or even isolation, as well as signs of psychopathology. All types of addictions can be combined with each other or go from one form to another. Addiction as a process is cyclical.

Suicidal behavior. Suicide is suicide, i.e. deliberate self-deprivation of life. Is suicidal behavior pathological? Hardly. These days, this type of behavior is not seen as a sign of mental illness. This is usually the behavior of a mentally healthy person. Of course, there are other points of view.

Suicidal behavior is the actions of a person aimed at suicide or at the presentation of suicide. In its structure, directly suicidal actions and suicidal manifestations (thoughts, feelings, statements or hints) are distinguished. Allocate true suicide - when a person purposefully takes his own life, but this is preceded by depressive states, depressed mood. People around you often don't even know what's going on. Demonstrative suicide - is not associated with a true desire to die, is aimed at drawing attention to oneself, death occurs only by accident. Hidden suicide - extreme sports, the desire to serve in "hot" spots, other activities associated with a constant risk to life. Suicidal behavior is more common among teenagers and adults. This rarely occurs in children.

Aggression is not a separate form of deviant behavior. But it is closely associated with various forms of deviations due to destructiveness (destructiveness), which in turn is a sign of deviant behavior. And all forms of deviant behavior - delinquent, dependent or suicidal necessarily carry aggression, directed either at oneself or at the environment.

An example of deviant behavior:

Andrey G., 21 years old. From the age of 10 he has been brought up in an orphanage. His father died in prison when Andrei was 12 years old, he was convicted of robbery. The mother is deprived of parental rights, leads an asocial lifestyle, suffers from alcoholism. Andrei is characterized as a weak-willed and driven teenager. Easily succumbs to other people's influence, smokes cigarettes from the age of 11, addiction to tobacco smoking has formed after 4 years (according to the observing psychiatrist). Alcohol is used occasionally. Repeatedly seen in the use of the so-called "spice" and smoking marijuana. He treats educational conversations calmly, with mockery. He spoke frankly more than once that he wanted to go to prison, believing that this would raise his authority among his peers. Able alcohol intoxication committed theft of a bicycle. which he subsequently sold. He did not show any interest in studying, often skipping school. Easily gets involved in fights with strangers at the slightest impact on his interests.

With difficulty he graduated from 9 classes. He was sent to a vocational school almost by force. Physically well developed, for some time he was fond of parkour, repeatedly showed his achievements in front of other pupils orphanage, jumped from the roof of garages with a passing “somersault”, constantly strived for risk, climbed onto high fences or roofs and jumped from there. Andrei had repeated fractures.

Among his peers, he did not enjoy special respect or authority, but they did not reject him. leaving Orphanage at the age of 18, six months later, he was convicted of distribution and sale of narcotic substances. After 1.5 years he was released. But literally six months later he was convicted again, this time for robbery in a group of people. He has no regrets for what he has done. He believes that the next conclusion will only add spice to life, as he admitted, since he is bored living in freedom. The interests of the young man are narrowed, the value own life outwardly denied. Preventive measures, including psychotherapy, had no positive impact.

Here there is dependence on smoking, there are signs of delinquent behavior. There is practically no interest in life, a tendency to unjustified risk of life and health. Complex therapy is required.

Tests to identify various forms of deviant behavior

Tests can be used to identify forms of deviations. But one should be careful about their results. They are not obvious diagnostic criterion. Rather, only as a way to confirm their suspicions. To identify chemical addiction or alcohol, you can use the RAFT test. The Michigan State University Alcoholism Test (MAST) detects early stages alcoholism. Fagerström test - determines the degree of dependence on nicotine. Testing methods are selected depending on age, gender and behavior.

Prevention of deviant behavior

It is built at the level of the social policy of the state. It should be carried out starting from early childhood in all areas of the organization of prevention - social, legal, psychological, pedagogical.

Forms of psychoprophylactic work:

  • Impact on society and the social environment as a whole. The object of work is the family, class (or other social group), a single individual. Impact on the formation of a negative opinion about deviant behavior. The use of social advertising as a means of influence. The positive impact of the media, the choice of a competent media policy.
  • Informing. Reading special literature, conducting lectures, conversations. Information should be differentiated by gender, age and other characteristics. Rejection of the prevalence of intimidating information.
  • Teaching successful communication skills through trainings and group sessions.
  • Organization of substitutive activities for deviant behavior. This includes the education of sustainable interests in socially approved forms of activity. As well as positively influencing self-esteem and personality development (sports, art, knowledge).
  • Taking care of your health as a style of behavior and life position. A person must be aware of the importance of his health, be responsible for it and strive for harmony with the world around him and with himself.
  • Personal growth. It trains immunity to negative impact and improves the adaptive capacity of the individual.
  • Decrease negative consequences from already occurring deviations, prevention of recurrence.

Of course, prevention should be comprehensive, consistent, differentiated and timely.



By discipline: "Problems of social work with youth"

On the topic: "Deviant behavior of adolescents: forms of its manifestation"

Completed by: 5th year student

Konstantinova I.N.

Specialty: social work

Checked by: Zyubina E.V.

Serpukhov 2011

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………...3

1. Deviant behavior of teenagers. General characteristics……………4

2. Forms of manifestation of deviant behavior……………………………...6

3. Prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents…………………….11




The modern socio-psychological deformation taking place in our society leads to the growth of various forms of deviant behavior and the involvement of an increasing number of minors in illegal activities. In the minds of many teenagers, the line between the norm and deviation is blurred, the shift of value orientations towards asocial and illegal activities, the criminal lifestyle in general, is intensifying.

The growth in the number and forms of deviant behavior among children and adolescents leads not only to adverse consequences for society, but also for adolescents themselves, threatening their physical and mental health, and often leading to their death. The growth in the number of different types of deviant behavior, which are based on the process of social maladjustment of children and adolescents, is becoming increasingly widespread, growing into a serious social problem and requires deep scientific understanding.

Research in the field of juvenile delinquency draws a direct link between the trends in the growth of delinquent behavior in children and adolescents and the growth of family distress. So, according to the Research Institute of the Family, in families of juvenile delinquents in 80% of cases there was complete indifference of parents to the fate of their children, in 70% of families one of the parents (more often the father) abused alcohol, up to 40% of adolescents grew up in conflict families, in 15% families, parents have actually reduced their parental responsibilities to meeting the elementary physical needs of their children.

In connection with all of the above, the study of the causes of adolescent deviance, the factors contributing to its overcoming and the forms and methods of social work with children and adolescents with deviant behavior are becoming increasingly important.

The object of this work- teenagers with deviant behavior.

Subject research is social work with adolescents with deviant behavior.

    Deviant behavior of teenagers.General characteristics

Deviant behavior[lat. deviatio - deviation] - a system of actions or individual actions that contradict legal or moral norms accepted in society.

Deviant behavior comes in many forms. According to the form of its manifestation, deviant behavior can be divided into those manifested in an open, explicit form (for example, theft, hooliganism, and other crimes), and in a hidden, latent form(for example, bureaucracy, sycophancy, etc.). Deviant behavior can also be divided into individual and group, as well as primary and secondary.

In a broad sense, the concept of "deviant behavior" covers any kind of deviation from social norms - both positive (heroism, self-sacrifice, outstanding creativity, altruism, etc.) and negative (aggression, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc.). .).

Even in the most developed, highly organized and civilized society, it is not possible to achieve a situation where absolutely all of its members would strictly and everywhere follow the norms and rules established in it, strictly fulfilling the social roles prescribed by them. In any society, there is always some kind of violation of these norms, rules and roles that society cannot tolerate. Such social deviations are called deviant or deviant behavior.

Social tension in the country is generated by a serious increase in various kinds of violations of social norms by minors: the scale of crimes, alcoholism, prostitution and other manifestations of deviant behavior are expanding. The crime rate was the highest in the last 30 years, at 1,856 crimes per 100,000 people. The society cannot but be alarmed by the fact that, under the influence, first of all, of socio-economic reasons and the decrease in the moral and ethical level of a significant part of the population for last years there is a spread of such a social vice as prostitution in all its forms: female, male, homosexual, costumed (under the opposite sex). Drug traffickers are drawing more and more drug users into the orbit of drug users. large quantity people, especially minors. In the Russian Federation, for every 100,000 adolescents aged 15-17 years, 40 people are registered, these are either drug addicts or substance abusers.

Depending on the way of interaction with reality and the violation of certain norms of society, V.D. Mendelevich singles out 5 types of deviant behavior:

1) delinquent;

2) addictive;

3) pathocharacterological;

4) psychopathological;

5) based on hyper abilities.

Delinquent behavior is behavior that violates social and legal norms. Under addictive behavior is understood as such behavior in which there is a change in the mental state through the use of psychoactive substances (PSA) or through the constant fixation of attention to the development and maintenance of intense emotions (for example, religious or sports fanaticism, Internet addiction, gambling, i.e. a pathological tendency to gambling, etc.). Pathocharacterological the type of deviation is due to the process of education, psychopathological- Manifestations of mental illness. A special type of deviant behavior are deviations caused by hyperabilities person.

Among all these types of deviant behavior, the first - delinquent behavior, in its extreme forms, which is a criminally punishable act, most often becomes the center of public attention.

Therefore, in practice, a narrower sense of the concept of deviant behavior is more often used. The fact is that in real social life it is almost impossible to ensure full, absolute compliance with all norms. Therefore, many deviations are allowed: they are tolerated, but within certain limits that do not violate the integrity of the social system. If any type of deviant behavior threatens its functioning (for example, crime), social and legal sanctions are applied to it.

2. Forms of manifestation of deviant behavior

Drunkenness and alcoholism. There are differences between these concepts. Alcoholism is characterized by a pathological craving for alcohol and subsequent social and moral degradation of the individual. Drunkenness is the immoderate consumption of alcohol, which, along with a threat to the health of the individual, violates its social adaptation.

The formation of alcoholism is influenced by social, genetic, physiological (Group 1) and psychological (Group 2) factors. These are heredity, character, individual personality traits, environmental features, low level of financial situation and education. The latter always have a cumulative effect on the former.

Alcoholization of adolescents is facilitated by the following factors: the alcoholic environment and the stable alcohol traditions associated with it; characterological features (unstable and epileptoid types of accentuations and psychopathy); age-specific tendency to imitate and unite with peers, when an informal group becomes the main regulator of behavior. There are also congenital alcohol syndromes, when infants experience a physiological dependence on alcohol as a result of the mother drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

Reasons: curiosity (what effect will alcohol have on me?) - to prevent this phenomenon, systematic monitoring of the child's behavior by parents and an explanation of the harm of alcohol for the human body, especially for children, is needed; entry into a youth group, the purpose of which is the acquisition and systematic drinking of alcoholic beverages, drug use - mainly teenagers with a low level of mental development, deprived of useful collective activities and entertainment, insecure, passive. To distract all these schoolchildren from addiction to alcohol, it is necessary to involve them in the activities of a healthy group of peers, where they would develop spiritually and assert themselves.

Teenage alcoholism is spoken of when its first symptoms appear before the age of 18. The disease at this age is characterized by a malignant course, which means the rapid progression of the main symptoms, the development of drunkenness, the intoxication with large doses of alcohol, the low effectiveness of treatment, the breakdown of social and family ties, the occurrence of psychosis.

Society provides for certain legal measures against drinking teenagers. The sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. The appearance of schoolchildren in a drunken state entails a fine for parents. The soldering of minors leads to administrative responsibility, and the same influence in case of official dependence leads to criminal punishment.

Drug addiction and substance abuse. Substance abuse is a disease caused by the consumption of toxic substances, i.e. tranquilizer tablets, caffeine obtained from strong tea - chifir, by inhalation of surfactants (psychotropically active substances). In a state of "intoxication", in addition to euphoria, there are visual hallucinations.

Drug addiction is understood as painful cravings, addictions to the systematic use of drugs, which lead to severe impairment of mental and physical functions.

The path of young people to drug addiction begins with neglect on the part of society and family, when a teenager falls under the influence of the authority of an informal group. Drugs are an opportunity to stand out or, conversely, to dissolve in the gray mass of their own kind. the Forbidden fruit sweet: even the danger of contracting AIDS is perceived as heroism, bragging about large expenses for acquisition or terrible painful consequences is also pride. Drug addiction has social consequences: poor health, reduced mental abilities; falling into the "risk group" of contracting AIDS. For criminal elements, this is the most easy way getting money. The acquisition of drugs becomes the cause of a number of crimes against the person: theft, robbery, robbery. Drug abuse leads to an increase in mortality, the development of somatic and mental illness. The drug addict, as the disease develops, degrades as a person, because the slavish dependence on drugs makes him commit immoral acts.

Prostitution. Prostitution refers to the systematic activity of providing sexual services for payment. It is especially dangerous to involve minors in prostitution. The main reason for prostitution among adolescent girls and boys is their desire to earn money, combined with the desire for a “beautiful life”, followed by social reasons, a low level of culture, including sexual culture, promiscuity and trouble in the family.

Factors holding back prostitution could be an increase in the living standards of the population, the implementation of a sex education program, and the smoothing of social inequality. Society should instill in a woman a sense of female pride, repel rudeness, rudeness, theft, drunkenness, protect a woman from aggression and violence.

Suicidal behavior. Suicide is the intentional taking of one's life or an attempt to commit suicide. Suicide is a type of destructive self-destructive behavior, which includes drunkenness, drug use. The number and rate of suicide increases during periods of economic crisis and unemployment. The flow of information, stresses and superstresses, conflicts, low social status are quite frequent phenomena, all this often serves as an impetus for suicide. Recently, the number of suicides in Russia has increased: the peak for young people is 16-19 years old, the older generation is 40-50 years old. Today there is a surge in teen suicide. In the first place among the problems typical for adolescents (up to 70%) are relations with parents. On the second - difficulties with school, on the third - the problem of relationships with friends. Reasons are also common: the loss of a loved one or a rejected feeling of love; wounded self-esteem; alcohol abuse, drug use. Suicidal behavior in adolescents is often explained by the lack of life experience and the inability to determine life guidelines. Teenage suicide is a way to influence other people. Girls most often resort to poisoning, boys - to self-hanging, cutting veins, less often - to poisoning. The rate of suicide attempts is 10 times higher than the rate of completed suicides. For people with suicidal behavior, social and psychological assistance services and hotlines are organized. Preventive work with children is very important: education of character, optimism, vitality. Suicide prevention is a whole science: the displacement of pain, stress relief, change of orientation, replacement of values, the revival of spirituality and morality. For the early detection of signs of suicidal behavior, the following are of particular importance:

1. Accounting for past illnesses or brain injuries.

2. The influence of complex family relationships on the child's psyche as an additional stress factor.

3. Analysis of the reasons for the increase in irritability, increased susceptibility, the appearance of timidity, feelings of inferiority, exaggeration of one's shortcomings, belittling successes and merits.

Deviant behavior on the basis of sexual diseases. There are two types of deviant behavior on the basis of sexual diseases - pathological and non-pathological deviations. The first appear in the form of all kinds of sexual perversions, which are the subject of research in medicine and psychiatry. Non-pathological deviations mean deviations within the normal range and are the subject of socio-psychological research, since they include deviations from social and moral norms in sexual behavior healthy person. Below is an analysis of one of the sexual deviations - homosexuality.

Homosexuality is an expression of personality, often formed as a result of an inborn predisposition. The discovery of an atypical attraction in a teenager leads to a personality crisis, depression, a neurotic state, massive alcoholism, and unjustified medication. The number of suicides is 5-7 times higher among underage homosexuals than among heterosexual persons. Often children and adolescents are drawn into homosexual relationships through deceit or violence. In such cases, we are talking about the corruption of minors, which is punishable by law. The circle of actions that seduce and corrupt children is quite wide: attention to the nakedness of children, demonstration of the child's genitals or inducing him to do so, sexual games, showing pornographic postcards, offering sexual relations. These actions come not only from the mentally ill or criminals, but also from ordinary people who do not know how to establish relationships with peers or are not confident in their sexual abilities.

Offenses. Offenses are one of the forms of antisocial behavior that is directed against the interests of society as a whole or the personal interests of citizens. All offenses are divided into crimes and misdemeanors. Crimes - a socially dangerous act, provided for by criminal law, committed with intent or through negligence by a sane person who has reached the age of criminal responsibility. A misdemeanor is also an unlawful and guilty act, but it does not pose a great public danger. Offenses in the form of a misdemeanor are manifested in adolescents in a defiant manner of behavior, foul language, pugnacity, petty theft, drunkenness, and vagrancy. Adolescents are inherent in both mercenary and violent motivation for illegal behavior. Selfish offenses are committed because of mischief, curiosity, unmotivated aggression. To date, juvenile offenses include theft of vehicles, possession of objects youth fashion. Violent offenses are caused by the needs of self-affirmation, lack of education, especially in families where drunkenness, rudeness, and cruelty were the norm of behavior. Violence means the use by one or another subject of various forms of coercion, up to armed influence, against other subjects in order to acquire or maintain economic and political dominance, gain rights and privileges, achieve other goals. The following social forms of violence are distinguished: physical, including bodily injury; emotional or mental: in the form of verbal abuse, aggressive attacks, deliberate terror; sexual, carried out both within a group of young people and by representatives of older ages; neglect, indifference, deliberately inattentive attitude to the needs, interests of an individual or to young people in general in a particular social group.

So, there is a real need to implement an interdepartmental approach to the rehabilitation process, which will ensure continuity in working with children of deviant behavior from the moment they are discovered to full and comprehensive recovery (psychosomatic, social, legal, intellectual). The organization of systematic social work with the child and his environment will contribute to his return to society.

3. Prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents

Prevention of deviant behavior is an obligation that is part of the daily work of all social organizations and institutions.
According to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” No. 120-FZ dated
On June 24, 1999, a system of bodies and institutions for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency was created, these are government bodies for social protection of the population, institutions for social services for the population, specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation (social shelters for children, social rehabilitation centers for minors, assistance centers children left without parental care), commissions on juvenile affairs and protection of their rights, education authorities and educational institutions, youth affairs authorities, health care institutions, departments of juvenile affairs of the Department of Internal Affairs.

Prevention of deviant (deviant) behavior of adolescents is undoubtedly necessary and relevant at this stage in the development of social relations in Russia. Sociological studies show the compensatory nature of deviant behavior. First of all, this concerns the use of drugs, which make up for the lack of communication, attention from loved ones, emotional warmth, various impressions, and also relieve stress, phobias of various kinds. Young people are sorely lacking in vivid impressions; dullness, everyday life, devoid of positive emotions and pleasures, pushes some of them to the use of narcotic and toxic substances. Drug use can be seen as an emerging youth subculture, shrouded in an aura of mystery, performing the function of escaping from real problems, difficulties, disorder in the world of mirages and illusions. Moreover, many categories of young people have no shortage of free time. The commercialization of the leisure sector does not allow many young people to spend their free time interestingly and with health benefits.
(physical and spiritual). The socio-psychological approach allows you to look into the underlying causes that affect the emergence of deviant behavior, to get a more objective idea of ​​the mechanism of social evolution, as it tries to explain:

a) why deviant behavior is most often presented by an external observer as an act of aggression;

b) why modern conditions more and more people take the path of deliberate risk, an integral attribute of any deviation;

c) how deviant behavior appears “from within”, not from the side of an external observer, but from the side of the subject of deviation, what value meaning the latter finds in such a non-standard form of behavior.

In preventive work, it is also important to identify and study the totality of all the causes, motives, circumstances and actions of an individual or social groups that make up the explicit or hidden mechanisms of their behavior that does not correspond to the norms or rules accepted in society. Preventive measures are important in all spheres of human life. Prevention in the broad sense of the word is understood as “a set of preventive measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening the normal state of order” or “a system of state and public social, hygienic and medical events aimed at improving the health of the population and preventing diseases”.


To combat the growth of deviant behavior among adolescents, approaches are required that combine work at the individual level with measures taken at the organizational level of the school, extracurricular sports, cultural and leisure and other institutions. Measures are required at the general social level to create a social climate that recognizes the seriousness of adolescent deviant behavior.

The problem of teenage deviant behavior has psychological, pedagogical, social, legal and other aspects. Despite all the government measures taken today, the educational potential of the family is not sufficiently supported by positive trends in the spiritual and moral development and education of children in the public sphere. The production of children's and youth feature and animated films has been reduced; prices for children's books are excessively high; such powerful remedy moral impact on the younger generation, like television, does not fully use its artistic and aesthetic capabilities in this direction. Serious attention is still required to improve the pedagogical and psychological culture of parents. The solution of these specific organizational tasks will create conditions for the performance of the most important function - the prevention and correction of adverse phenomena of social maladjustment of the younger generation.

The human rights activities of social workers in the system of penitentiary institutions in Russia are still being formed. However, its prospects are closely related to the general trends in the development of social services and are dictated by the urgent need to help prisoners in their self-correction, to prepare them for their release.


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4. Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” dated July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ.

5. Mendelevich V.D. The structure of deviant forms of behavior in conditions of large-scale socio-psychological changes / The system of social work in a transitional period: principles of formation and functioning. Materials of interregional scientific and practical. conferences. - Kazan, 1998.

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8. Plotkin M.M., Shirinsky V.I. Family trouble as a factor in deviant behavior of children // Family in Russia, 1997.

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Manifestations, but unstable and shallow. FROM...

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