How many times are they fed in the army - what do military personnel eat and drink? Norms of the daily allowance of the military personnel of the Soviet army Army food

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Don't want to serve in the army? We will legally help you!
A year of military service is not an easy period in the life of a young man, it is a kind of school of life, a test of endurance, an opportunity to improve physical fitness and reconsider some values. Therefore, most conscripts try to find out in advance what awaits them: is there hazing, what loads and conditions are provided for, what is worth taking with them, what is it nowfood in the army.

The issue of nutrition is of concern not only to recruits, but also to parents who are worried about whether their long-grown up and not complaining about appetite guy will starve these 12 months, who happily absorbs his mother's cooking in unlimited quantities. It is enough to consider the main points regarding the army ration to understand what awaits the recruit.

What has changed in the diet of a modern soldier - "conscript" in recent years

Meals in the army, as well as military service in general, are always surrounded by myths, often not corresponding to reality. For many, a soldier's table is associated exclusively with viscous, inedible barley, stale bread and stew.

Often listening to the memories of those who served many years ago about the heavy daily routine in the army, exorbitant physical exertion, terrible conditions and poor nutrition, recruits, along with relatives, prefer to find ways to get away in order to avoid the upcoming tests.

Read more about how heavy it really is in our article.

About, what do soldiers eattoday, there is a lot of conflicting information. Some sources claim that nothing has changed with the reforms, and young people are malnourished, literally starving, others claim that modern conscripts have the opportunity to independently choose from the proposed menu and the introduction in parts of the "Buffet".

What can be trusted:

  1. Indeed, the diet in the army has become more varied and rich. You will have to forget about homemade pickles and grandmother's pies for a year of service, but you definitely won't have to starve.
  2. Favorite by many sausages, dumplings, dumplings and coffee with milk are now not uncommon in the soldier's diet.
  3. It is also true that in many parts there is a choice. The soldier can take the first and second to his taste, choosing from the proposed assortment. The menu may include 2 soups, and a couple of side dishes with different meat products.
  4. "Buffet" is rather an exception to the rule, which can be found only in some parts.
  5. Food preparation is now done by civilian personnel, which has had a positive impact on the quality and taste of the dishes. Professional chefs are undoubtedly doing better than soldiers, as they used to be.

However, it is worth noting that innovations have affected far from all parts. As a rule, the larger the point, the better the catering is organized. Also, the promises that millet and pearl barley will be present only in the first courses do not coincide with reality: cereals are also invariably present on the menu in the form of cereals.

One thing is certain: not a single conscript will go hungry.Food for soldiers in the Russian armyclearly complies with the established standards, containing all the products that provide the young body with everything necessary. A balanced diet and three meals a day according to the schedule fully replenish the energy expended.

What does a soldier's breakfast consist of in 2020

Having worked up an appetite after the obligatory morning exercises, the fighters receive a full breakfast, consisting of:

  • pasta, or porridge cooked from oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, rice or barley;
  • sausages, meatballs, chicken or goulash made from liver usually go with the side dish;
  • addition in the form of butter, processed cheese, sometimes a boiled egg;
  • sweet coffee (or cocoa), diluted with natural or condensed milk;
  • for dessert: waffles/cookies/gingerbread or a fresh bun.

Once a week, a portion of dumplings is included in the menu of conscripts.

If such a set seems meager to someone, then practice shows that most recruits can hardly master an impressive portion, consisting of high-calorie foods.

Sample lunch menu

When compilingdiet in the militarythe amount of vitamins, microelements and various useful substances are taken into account, which should make up for energy costs during physical exertion.

A soldier's lunch is always denser and richer:

  1. Be sure to first course, which can be rich borscht, soup with cereals or vermicelli, fish soup, pickle, hodgepodge, cabbage soup. In some units, two or three types are prepared for soldiers, giving them a choice.
  2. A side dish for lunch is usually pasta, more often buckwheat, sometimes barley or rice porridge. Less commonly, defenders are pampered with mashed potatoes.
  3. Liver, chicken meat, beef, or pork are put as an addition to the side dish. Cutlets, appetizing sauces or schnitzels are prepared for soldiers from meat products. Not uncommon on the table and fried fish.
  4. Vitamin reserves of the conscript will replenish the vinaigrette in the winter or a salad of fresh vegetables, depending on the season. Sometimes soldiers are pleased with fruits (more often this is an apple).
  5. Dessert is a jelly or compote made from dried fruits. Addition can be crackers or cookies.

Usually, after dinner, the soldiers leave the dining room absolutely full. This meal is the most dense of all.

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Dishes for dinner

The rule that you can’t overeat in the evening and dinner should be lighter applies not only to civilians.

What do soldiers eatafter another hard day:

  • various fish products: fried or stewed with mixed vegetables, cutlets, or gravy with meatballs;
  • garnish can be buckwheat, millet, rice porridge, stewed cabbage, mashed potatoes or dumplings / dumplings seasoned with sour cream;
  • complement the evening menu canned corn, green peas;
  • as a drink: tea or a glass of juice.

On holidays and weekends, young men receive a bun or any fresh pastry.

The soldier's menu is quite voluminous and varied.Dietincontemporaryarmiesallows defenders to feel full and full of energy. Often on the tables you can see healthy sauerkraut, lecho, pickled / pickled cucumbers. The daily allowance for each conscript includes bread and a pack of butter.

There are some nuances. You should not count on huge pieces of meat floating in soldier's soups and borscht, sometimes it is difficult to catch potatoes in them. In many respects it depends on the organization on the part of the management, the food supply of a particular part. A significant role is played by the conscientiousness and professional suitability of cooks.

Buffet Innovation

Information about the novelty for the Russian army can be found in many media and the Internet. "Buffet" is an opportunity to choose, taking into account your own preferences. Soldiers are offered an assortment consisting of several first courses (2 or 3) and various side dishes. Also, a young man can independently assemble a salad in the so-called salad bar from pre-cut vegetables / greens and fill it with oil or ready-made sauce at his discretion.

The innovation has already been evaluated in some military units, but one can only hope that this practice will be introduced everywhere.

To datefood soldiers in the Russian army- This is a general menu, most often compiled for a week in a specific part.

What do soldiers eat during exercises?

The service involves conducting exercises outside the territory of a military unit, during which soldiers cannot visit the canteen for meals. But this does not mean that the soldiers remain hungry. In this case, each young person receives a dry ration, excluding any perishable food or food that needs additional preparation.

Suhpay consists of:

  • crackers, crackers, jam;
  • canned food: stews, ready-made cereals with meat, condensed milk;
  • small bags of sugar and pepper, vitamins;
  • freeze-dried instant soups, milk powder, instant juice, coffee, dried fruits;
  • disposable tableware, napkins and a simple food warmer and a quick water cleaner.

All components are securely packaged. Products in rations make up the daily ration of a soldier, or are designed for a single meal. The shelf life and integrity of the packaging is carefully controlled.

If soldiers have to live for a certain time at the training grounds in established tent cities, three meals a day are organized using a field kitchen. Of course, the diet in such conditions is not very diverse, but the soldiers always get hot food.


Going to the service, recruits and their parents should not worry, the soldier is definitely not in danger of starvation.Diet in the Russian armyprovides everything necessary for a young body. For many young men, this variety is very different (for the better) from the usual civilian menu.

Too fastidious guys, of course, will have to forget about their gastronomic preferences for a year. But most often, being outdoors, a busy schedule and physical activity lead to the fact that all soldiers are happy to gobble up the offered dishes and, returning home, can boast of a toned, muscular figure.

Not ready to replace the usual varied menu with a modest army ration?

Despite significant changes in the army diet of a modern soldier, gastronomic delights and favorite dishes will have to be forgotten for a whole year. Calories are really calculated in the daily menu, but the quality of food often leaves much to be desired.

Entering the valiant troops of the Russian army, conscripts naturally think about how they will be fed, whether it will be possible to buy food on their own. And this is not an idle question at all, because the Internet is replete with information that some soldiers are starving and malnourished, while others choose their favorite dish from a dozen dishes on the buffet.

Barley and millet, unpopular among the army, will be used in the diet of the Russian army only as one of the ingredients of the first courses, but not in cereals or side dishes, a representative of the Russian Defense Ministry said.

This message, of course, inspired many military personnel, but in reality the situation has not changed, because, as we know, we write one thing on paper, but in reality things are quite different.

What do they eat for breakfast in the army?

  • Oatmeal;
  • Pearl barley;
  • millet;
  • A piece of butter;
  • Bread;
  • Processed cheese in a briquette or a little hard (sometimes);
  • Macaroni \ Buckwheat \ Rice;
  • Sausage \ Sausage \ Stewed liver \ Cutlet;
  • Egg \ Omelet;
  • Milk (sometimes), but if the porridge was in milk, then they don’t give it;
  • Tea\Coffee with milk\Cocoa;
  • Cookie\Waffle\Gingerbread sometimes.

Milk, butter, processed cheese, juices are given in individual packages. Everyone receives a strictly equal amount of food, there is no way to single out a soldier and put less or more in weight.

What do they eat for lunch in the army?

  • Soup (pea, pickle, borscht, fish, cabbage soup);
  • The second, consisting of a side dish (barley, pea porridge, rice, stewed cabbage, pasta, buckwheat and rarely potatoes), sometimes with gravy and a meat or fish component (cutlet, piece of meat, fried fish, chicken, liver, sausage, sausage);
  • Salad (beets, carrots, cabbage, vinaigrette, in summer - tomato / cucumber with onions, garlic) - not in all parts;
  • Fruit (apple, peach and other seasonal) - usually in the summer;
  • Bread;
  • Compote, juice, jelly;
  • In winter, they give a piece of fat, in the spring they give a vitamin pill - a dragee.

This is how the dishes that soldiers eat look like:

The fact that the soups in part are not very rich, but rather thin, be ready right away, you usually won’t find meat there, and it can be difficult to catch potatoes.

Sausages and sausages are rare, some recruits consider such days to be holidays, and there is no need to talk about meat without fat and veins.

What do they eat for dinner in the army?

  • Puree, stewed cabbage, buckwheat and other side dishes;
  • Chicken, fried fish (saffron cod, flounder, cod, pollock), meatballs;
  • Canned green peas, corn;
  • Bread and butter;

Sometimes in the army, soldiers are given dumplings with sour cream, pilaf with pieces of meat or chicken, and for the holidays they prepare appropriate dishes, for example, for Easter - Easter cake, and on May 9 and New Year they give sweets and fruits (tangerines), for Maslenitsa - pancakes with sour cream and condensed milk, but this is rather an exception.

In some parts, with the loyal attitude of the leadership, the soldiers themselves prepare the festive table for the New Year and May 9, order pies from the chefs, cook potatoes with chicken and chop salads in the kitchen.

In military units there are small food shops or stalls where soldiers can buy baked goods, sweets, and cigarettes.

Naturally, for different types of troops, food rations are slightly different, for example, soldiers serving on submarines are given more cottage cheese, herring, salmon, condensed milk, more coffee, tomato juice. In the summer, recruits get more chicken meat, vegetables and fruits, chocolate and milk, cottage cheese and sour cream for food.

Of course, much depends on the military unit, command and branch of the army in which the conscript will serve. Most of the guys who served longingly recall their army lunches and dinners, where they were fed daily barley and millet, which was hardly peeled off the plate, empty cabbage, and something like coffee.

Recently, more and more units are switching to the so-called "buffet", where the serviceman is given a choice of first, second and third course. According to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the total energy value of the daily ration of a Russian soldier today is 4300 kcal.

But in fact, this is the maximum nutritional energy value, which is not always possible to use up, even taking into account all physical exertion. Therefore, some soldiers note that during the service they not only did not lose weight, but gained excess weight.

The food system in Russia, of course, will still undergo various changes, we hope for the better ...

A three-course meal, a salad bar, compotes and "homemade" pastries - now the soldier is fed like this. On the example of the 100th supply regiment, we figured out how the new food system in the army works. Before reading the material, we recommend refreshing yourself - everything looks very appetizing!

835 canteens of the Russian Ministry of Defense have already switched to catering for personnel with buffet elements. The new system allows the soldier to make his own choice from dishes prepared by qualified chefs.

Lunch includes two ready-made salads, a salad bar, two soups to choose from, three hot dishes to choose from, as well as three side dishes, compote or juice. But still the main change is the variety of food. The salad bar is in great demand. Before, when it was not there, soldiers often did not eat salads, because in the finished dish there could be something that they do not like, do not eat. And now they have the opportunity to choose the ingredients themselves.

Nina Vlasova, technologist

The portions are large, and according to the norms of DMT (deficit of body weight) - simply huge.

The energy value of the main combined arms ration is 4374 kcal. At the same time, the norm in food and energy for young people aged 18 to 29 years old who are doing military service by conscription is 4200-4400 kcal. This calorie content is achieved due to the optimal ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For comparison, in the US Army, the calorie content of a similar ration is 4255 kcal., Germany - 3950 kcal., England - 4050 kcal., France - 3875 kcal.

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

Meat dishes are served for lunch, fish is provided for dinner - these are also military norms, and not a whim of cooks. Such that soldiers completely refuse, for example, fish, is rare. But still it happens. In such cases, seniors in rank may intervene and, by order of command, the soldiers will take what they are entitled to according to the norm. This is especially true for DMT. But in this case, no one will stand above them. “They will give it to a friend, if you really don’t want it at all,” the girls working in the canteen laugh.

The menu is adjusted depending on the time of year and on the preferences of the military. So, for example, barley is almost never cooked, because the soldiers do not eat it. According to the employees of the canteen, the military likes buckwheat with meatballs most of all. Needless to say, a predictable choice. They also say that soldiers love dumplings and sausages. Both are given a couple of times a week.

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

If earlier food in the army was organized according to the principle “what you give, then you eat”, now the soldier himself goes through the distribution line and chooses what he likes and wants.

Today, about 1,400 salad bars have been delivered to the troops. They allow the military to make their own salad, seasoning it with sauce or just butter. You can choose from pickled or salted vegetables, several types of cabbage, olives, olives, fresh herbs, bell peppers, radishes, canned beans, green peas, corn and other ingredients.

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

The food of the soldiers has become much better. We have a very large selection of meals and snacks. The military decides what they eat. Always available lecho, canned corn, sauerkraut. We give fresh vegetables in winter once a week, and in summer, of course, more often.

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

The menu is updated daily. According to the employees of the canteen, there are no “extra” cooked dishes left. Such that all the soldiers took, for example, meat, but no one would eat chicken - no. Moreover, if a soldier wants both a piece of chicken and a piece of meat, they will give him. Naturally, observing the prescribed norms and proportions. The military can eat two side dishes. The portion size will not change, but it will consist of two different halves. Both the main courses and the salad bar have a control portion.

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

Speaking of control, there is always an attendant in the dining room. The outfit for the dining room is now not to peel potatoes, but to make sure that everything is in accordance with the rules and regulations. Not the hardest work, although, undoubtedly, responsible. There are pluses: the dining room is warm, light, and the friendly women's team probably feeds the soldiers, although they did not admit it to us. In total there are five people on duty. They are appointed by order and change in shifts.

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

In general, the organization of meals for soldiers has become much better. Having a choice is always good. As for the established norms, with the transition to the new system, they not only remained, but also increased. The quality of food preparation and the culture of eating have improved, and the assortment has increased. We have a guest book, and from it we see that the servicemen like everything.

Deputy commander of the rear unit Vladimir Flegontov

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

Thanks to the involvement of third-party organizations on an outsourcing basis, personnel are no longer distracted from combat training activities. Now the task of the soldier is to come, take a tray, eat, give the tray and move on. The quality of food has significantly improved, the range of dishes has been expanded, and the energy value and chemical composition of food rations consistently meet regulatory requirements.

We have daily photo reports for each dish. We provide them to our organization, and if you wish, you can always check whether everything complies with the rules and regulations.

Inna Gribanova, canteen manager

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

Daily reports are important not only for the military, but also for us. I, as a technologist, can always check if everything was in order when I was away. I mean weekends, holidays. You can look and make, for example, a remark or advise something. But in general there is no such need. The chefs who work here undergo a rigorous selection, they are all very qualified.

Nina Vlasova, technologist

It is known that monotonous food reduces appetite and digestibility of food. Therefore, food service specialists are constantly working to expand the range of products and dishes.

When there is a variety of dishes, it is more interesting for a chef to work. True, it is difficult to prove oneself here, everything is strict with us, and deviations from the rules are prohibited. On the other hand, the same set of products prepared by different chefs turns into a unique dish. It also depends on cutting. We are very pleased when the military thank us when we hear positive feedback.

Valentina Lysenko, cook

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

The most interesting thing happens behind the scenes. Huge pots, stoves, everything sizzles, sizzles. They take cooking seriously: carrots, for example, are stewed separately to preserve keratin. Separate rooms for storing bread, for cutting meat, fish, a vegetable shop and, most importantly, a shop where buns are baked. "Own" pastries on the menu daily - for breakfast and dinner. They say it's in high demand.

By the way, inflation did not affect the canteen in any way. The products remained the same - all domestic, farm.

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

There is always vegetable soup on the menu, which is especially important during Lent. Vegetarians can also adjust their diet, but the canteen employees have not yet encountered such a thing. On holidays, apples, sweets and cookies are added to the usual nome.

In his free time, a soldier can drink tea or coffee; for this, more than 5,700 tea rooms are equipped in the soldiers' barracks and dormitories.

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

In terms of nutrition - a huge difference from what it was before. Everything here is delicious, clean, always neat. There are fresh vegetables. It's better from a medical point of view. Since July, since the start of nutrition according to the new system, we have not had any outbreaks of intestinal infections, and this is already an indicator.

I like the way they cook here. I personally take a sample from each dish. And if earlier, when they came with a complaint, the soldiers could say that “you don’t eat there, therefore you don’t know”, now I eat at least a spoonful, but I eat from each cauldron.

Tatyana Muravyova, ensign of the medical service

Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

Anastasia Voskresenskaya

    Norms of food for soldiers of the Russian Army


    The book "Regulations on the food supply of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacetime" is quite voluminous and there is no point in citing it all, because. in it, most of the articles are of interest only to those who are directly involved in providing troops with food, preparing and distributing food. We will give only three nutritional standards, which are the main ones for the army, the other for the navy, the third for the sick lying ...

The book "Regulations on the food supply of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacetime" is quite voluminous and there is no point in citing it all, because. in it, most of the articles are of interest only to those who are directly involved in providing troops with food, preparing and distributing food. We will give only three nutritional standards, which are the main one for the army, the other for the navy, the third for patients lying in hospitals and medical battalions.

The trouble is that today the army does not receive all the products in full, of the quality and quantity determined by the government. So, reader, do not grunt ironically while reading these nutritional guidelines. This is what they are obliged to give to a soldier, but not exactly what they give him. In the Soviet Army, the soldier was given everything that was supposed to be, but in the Russian they only declare it.

Norm No. 1

Combined-arms ration

Name of products Quantity per person per day, g.

Bread from a mixture of peeled rye and wheat flour of the 1st grade… 350

Bread white from wheat flour of the 1st grade. 400

Wheat flour 2 grades 10

Groats different 120

Pasta 40

Animal fats rendered, margarine 20

Vegetable oil 20

Butter cow 30

Cow's milk 100

Chicken eggs 4 pcs. in Week

Food salt 20

Bay leaf 0.2

Mustard powder 0.3

Tomato paste 6

Potatoes and vegetables (total) 900

Potatoes 600

Cabbage 130

Beetroot 30

Carrot 50

Cucumbers, tomatoes, greens 40

Fruit and berry juices 50

or fruit drinks 65

Kissel concentrate on fruit or berry extracts 30

or dried fruit 20

1. All military personnel, except for those who eat according to other standards and those who, instead of food, are supposed to give out its value in foreign currency.

2. Non-military cadets of schools and nautical schools of the Navy.

3. Retired conscripts en route home.

4. Citizens who are at military training camps.

5. Conscripts who are at the recruiting stations and on the way.

6. Pupils of full-time military bands.

To this food standard, a number of categories of military personnel are provided with additional food:

1. Military personnel (except officers) serving in the mountains at an altitude of more than 1500 meters or in areas with a severe climate at an altitude of more than 1000 meters:

Cow's milk 100

Smoked meat or semi-smoked sausages 50

2. Servicemen (except officers) of a separate guard of honor company of military unit 01904:

- on the days of solemn meetings and seeing off 200

Butter cow 15

Cow's milk 50

Hard rennet cheese 10

3. Military personnel whose service is connected with parachuting:

Butter cow 15

4. Servicemen working with toxic fuel components:

Butter cow 25

Cow's milk 100

Hard rennet cheese 15

Chicken eggs 3 pcs. (in Week)

5. Military personnel working in conditions of exposure to ionizing radiation:

Butter cow 25

Cow's milk 100

Hard rennet cheese 15

Chicken eggs 3 pcs. (in Week)

Fresh fruits 100

We will not dwell on all the details that occupy many pages in the book, the relative moment of the onset of the right to receive rations (for example, paratroopers begin to receive additional food on the day of the first jump and until the end of the service), the procedure for issuing food rations - to whom you can give food or from boiler, and to whom only from the boiler, tables for replacing some products with others (for example, 200 grams of meat are replaced by 150 grams of stew, and one egg is 60 grams of meat, etc.).

Smoking military personnel, including those in the Navy (except officers), receive 10 cigarettes per day and 3 boxes of matches per month. Non-smokers are given 700 grams of sugar per month instead of tobacco.

The above norms apply to those who serve on land, including a number of members of the Navy. For those who serve at sea, the food standards are somewhat different.

Norm No. 3

Sea ration

Bread from a mixture of peeled rye and wheat flour of the 1st grade 350

Wheat flour 2 grades 10

Groats different 75

Pasta 40

Animal fats rendered, margarine 15

Vegetable oil 20

Butter cow 50

Cow's milk 100

Chicken eggs 4 pcs. in Week

Food salt 20

Bay leaf 0.2

Mustard powder 0.3

Tomato paste 6

Potatoes and vegetables (total) 900

Potatoes 600

Cabbage 130

Beetroot 30

Carrot 50

Cucumbers, tomatoes, greens 40

Fruit and berry juices 50

or fruit drinks 65

Dried fruits 30

Multivitamin preparation "Gexavit" 1 tablet

Who eats according to this norm?

1. Sailors, foremen, warrant officers, ensigns serving on surface ships and in the Marine Corps.

2. Sailors, foremen, warrant officers, warrant officers serving in coastal units of special and special intelligence, coastal bases of surface ships, in training units. training specialists for surface ships serving in naval crews.

3. Citizens attending naval training camps.

4. Pupils of full-time naval bands.

5. Persons from ships in distress and taken on board the ship (ship) that rescued them, where sea rations apply.

As well as to the combined arms ration in the marine ration, there are additional nutritional standards:

1. Personnel of ships during the period of navigation outside the territorial waters of Russia

Smoked meats and semi-smoked sausages 50

Condensed milk with sugar 30

Natural coffee 5

Fresh fruits 200

Fruit or berry extracts 2

Cookies 20

2. Personnel serving in deserted areas and on ships based in these areas

Condensed milk with sugar 20

Powder coffee drink 2

3. The personnel of the landing units of the Marine Corps, whose service is associated with parachuting

Butter cow 15

Powder coffee drink 2

Of course, the norms of supplementary nutrition for the categories of military personnel indicated in the general rations (who work with poisonous fuels, microwave radiation and radioactive radiation) fully apply to the military personnel of the fleet.

Sick and wounded servicemen of all categories who are being treated in medical institutions from the medical and sanitary battalion of the division and above are fed on medical rations. At the same time, the market value of products is deducted from the monetary allowance of officers and generals.

Norm No. 5

Medical ration

Name of products Quantity per person per day, g.

Bread from a mixture of peeled rye and wheat flour 1 grade 150

White bread from wheat flour 1 grade 400

Wheat flour 2 grades 10

Groats different 30

Semolina 20

Pasta 40

Poultry meat 50

Vegetable oil 20

Butter cow 45

Cow's milk 400

Sour cream 30

Hard rennet cheese 10

Chicken eggs 1 pc. in Week

Food salt 20

Natural coffee 1

Bay leaf 0.2

Mustard powder 0.3

Tomato paste 6

Potato starch 5

Dried or pressed baker's yeast 0.5

Potatoes and vegetables (total 900

Potatoes 600

Cabbage 120

Beetroot 40

Carrot 50

Cucumbers, tomatoes, greens 50

Fresh fruits 200

Dried fruits 20

Natural fruit and berry juices 100

Jam 5

1. Patients with burns and radiation injuries of the body:

Canned meat "Liver Pate" 50

Sour cream 10

Curd 120

Hard rennet cheese 20

Compote from canned fruits and berries 150

Natural coffee 5

2. Patients being treated in the main and central hospitals:

Semi-smoked and smoked sausages 20

Cow's milk 200

Cocoa powder 1

Canned vegetable snacks 15

Dried fruits 10

Compote from canned fruits and berries 50

It should be noted that patients with especially severe forms of diseases and injuries are sent to the main and central hospitals.

In this short article, we were not able to give a number of nutritional standards, in particular, the norms of submariners, aviation crews, divers, sanatorium, children's, but we note that the two main norms given in the article (and 2) are the smallest and in number products and their range. For example, divers receive (should receive!) additional dried vobla, red fish, caviar, chocolate, ketchup. In the therapeutic ration given here, we see sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, natural coffee, jam.

But in general, these two basic norms give a complete picture of how our defenders of the Motherland should eat, and if, finally, a democratic state and society as a whole understand the old Eastern wisdom "Who does not want to feed his army, he will inevitably and forcibly feed the neighbor's army" , then the soldiers will be full and satisfied, and their mothers will not shudder at the sight of the postman, but will calmly and patiently wait until, finally, a red-cheeked and well-fed son appears on the threshold, for as General Lebed said: “The army is not to to fight, but in order that there should be no war. Simple and clear. The stronger the army, the less willing to try its power, which means that it is less likely to have to use weapons.


1. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 400 dated July 22, 2000 "With the announcement of the Regulations on the food supply of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacetime"

2. Order of the Deputy RF Ministry of Defense - Chief of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation No. 28 dated March 30, 1998. "On the announcement of the terms of storage of food rations and food rations."

3. Journal "Landmark" No. 8-2003, No. 11-2003.


Norm number 1. According to this norm, soldiers and sergeants of military service, soldiers and sergeants of the reserve when they are at the training camp, soldiers and sergeants of extended service, ensigns eat. This rule is only for the Ground Forces.

Product name Quantity per day
1. Rye-wheat bread 350 gr.
2. Wheat bread 400gr.
3. Wheat flour (highest or 1st grade) 10gr.
4. Various cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat, pearl barley) 120gr.
5. Pasta 40gr.
6. Meat* 150gr.
7. Fish** 100gr.
8. Animal fat (margarine) 20gr.
9. Vegetable oil 20gr
10. Butter 30gr.
11. Cow's milk 100gr
12. Chicken eggs 4pcs(per week)
13. Sugar 70gr.
14. Salt 20gr.
15. Tea (brewing) 1.2gr.
16. Bay leaf 0.2gr.
17. Ground pepper (black or red) 0.3gr.
18. Mustard Powder 0.3gr.
19. Vinegar 2gr.
20. Tomato paste 6gr.
21. Potato 600gr.
22. Cabbage 130gr.
23. Beets 30gr.
24. Carrot 50gr.
25. Bow 50gr.
26. Cucumbers, tomatoes, greens 40gr.
27. Fruit or vegetable juice 50gr.
28. Kissel dry / dried fruits 30/120gr.
29. Vitamin "Hexavit" 1 dragee

*From January 1, 1992, the daily norm of meat is 185 gr. , from January 1, 1993 - 200gr.
**From January 1, 1993 the daily norm of fish is 120 gr.


1. Since the daily norm of bread far exceeded the needs of the soldiers for bread, it was allowed to give bread to the tables in sliced ​​form in the amount that the soldiers usually eat, and to spread some additional bread at the distribution window in the dining room for those who did not have enough of the usual amount of bread . The sums generated by saving bread were allowed to be used to purchase other products for the soldiers' table. Usually, this money was used to purchase fruits, sweets, cookies for soldiers' festive dinners; tea and sugar for additional food for soldiers on guard duty; lard for additional nutrition during exercises. The higher command encouraged the creation in the regiments of a kitchen economy (pigsties, vegetable gardens), the products of which were used to improve the nutrition of soldiers in excess of norm No. 1.

In addition, bread not eaten by soldiers was often used to make crackers in a dry ration, which is established in accordance with Norm No. 9 (see below).

2. The replacement of fresh meat with canned meat was allowed instead of 150 gr. meat 112 gr. canned meat, fish canned fish at the rate of replacing 100 gr. fish 60gr. canned fish.

3. In general, this order lists about fifty norms. Norm No. 1 was the base and, of course, the lowest.

Sample menu of a soldier's canteen for the day:

Breakfast: Pearl barley. Meat goulash. Tea, sugar, butter, bread.

Dinner: Salted tomato salad. Borscht in meat broth. Buckwheat porridge. Portioned boiled meat. Compote, bread.

Dinner: Mashed potatoes. Portion fried fish. Tea, butter, sugar, bread.

Norm number 9. This is the so-called "Dry ration". In Western countries, it is commonly referred to as the fighting ration. This norm is allowed to be issued only when the soldiers are in conditions where it is impossible to provide them with full-fledged hot meals. Dry rations can be issued for no more than three days. After that, without fail, the soldiers must begin to receive normal nutrition.

Option 1
1. Biscuits "Arctic" / Bread 270-300gr./500gr.
2. Canned meat 450gr.
3. Canned meat and vegetable 250-265 gr.
4. Condensed milk 110 gr.
5. Fruit juice 140 gr.
6. Sugar 60gr.
7. Tea (brewing in disposable bags) 3 pack
8. Sanitary napkins 3 pcs.
Option 2
1. Biscuits "Arctic" / Bread 270-300gr./500gr.
2. Canned meat 325-328 gr.
3. Canned meat and vegetable 500-530 gr.
5. Sugar 180gr.
6. Tea (brewing in disposable bags) 3 pack
7. Sanitary napkins 3 pcs.

Notes: Canned meat is usually stew, minced sausage, minced sausage, liver pate. Canned meat and vegetable products are usually porridge with meat (buckwheat porridge with beef, rice porridge with lamb, barley porridge with pork).

All canned food from dry rations can be eaten cold, however, it was recommended to distribute the products into three meals (example in option 2):

- breakfast: heat up the first jar of canned meat and vegetable products (265g) in a pot, adding a jar of water to the pot. Mug of tea (one bag), 60 gr. sugar, 100 gr. biscuit.

- dinner: heat a jar of canned meat in a pot, adding two or three cans of water there. Mug of tea (one bag), 60 gr. sugar, 100 gr. biscuit.

- dinner: heat the second jar of canned meat and vegetable (265gr.) in a pot without adding water. Mug of tea (one bag), 60 gr. sugar, 100 gr. biscuit.

The entire set of daily dry rations was packed in a cardboard box. For the crews of tanks and armored vehicles, boxes were made of durable waterproof cardboard. In the future, it was supposed to make dry ration packaging sealed metal so that the packaging could be used as a cooking pot, and the lid as a frying pan.


Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR No. 445 of 1990.

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