The tunnel in the ear is a symbol of youth fashion. How tunnels are made in the ears: a description of the procedure, methods and features

Earlobe stretching not only makes your ears bigger for big jewelry, but is a real adventure for your ears, so to speak. You can see how your skin is able to stretch, and stretch your ears to the limit. Some people refer to this as "calibrating" their ears. Even though this is a misnomer, it is widely used among beginners. Here is a way to do it yourself, causing yourself less pain than another person would.


    Pierce your ears. If you haven't already, pierce your earlobes. Piercing guns aren't as good, especially if you're being pierced by a non-professional. Go to a professional to pierce your ears with a needle. You need to wait at least 5 months before you start stretching your ears for them to heal completely.

    • Piercing an ear with a professional piercer with a needle is the most safe way"pierce" the ear to a larger size than can be done with a gun.
  1. Find out the size of your earrings. Most piercings with standard handguns are done in 22 or even smaller ("20") calibers. Most piercing needles start at 14 or 16, but there can be more. Years of wearing long, dangling earrings and tugging on them can make the holes in your ears get bigger! Professional piercers can even measure your ears to see what size they are.

    Decide on extreme point. By personal experience it is difficult to determine the extreme point. Stretching is a passion, a hobby, so decide on a larger size later. But now imagine roughly where you want to stop. So you can go to the store and buy exactly what you need.

    Buy a cone and earrings. A cone is a long stick for stretching a puncture from small size up to more, but for the first few stretches (before 10 and 8 gauge, depending on the elasticity of the skin), you can simply insert the earring. Cones are not decorations, so they can only be used to stretch to the next size and bring their tunnels / connectors to the desired result. There are other ways to stretch, such as "dead stretch" and "winding". Dead stretching involves simply waiting while the piercing naturally will stretch enough to move to the next size without a cone. Wrapping is when the PTFE tape is wrapped around your earrings, then lubricated with oil and put back into your ear. A few wraps of tape every 3-4 days will stretch the piercing to the next size fairly quickly.

    • When you first stretch a piercing, it's much easier to wear rings and horseshoe earrings than plugs because they promote dynamics and enlargement. Heal a stretch piercing in the same way as you just did.
    • Lubricants also make the stretching process easier. After removing the cone, take some jojoba oil, emu oil, vitamin E, or any other lubricant. Neosporin and Vaseline are not good lubricants and are not recommended for use on cuts and other open wounds(such as your ear piercing!).
  2. Stretch your ears. Stretch your ears. While taking a bath, insert a cone into the ear piercings. When he finally enters, let your ears rest and insert the earring. Don't forget to lubricate the cone and the front of the ear. Some people advise taking hot shower so that the ear becomes a little more elastic, and massage it to obtain normal blood flow.

    • One stretch should start with the cone at the front, the next stretch should be the cone at the back, then the front, then the back, and so on. This prevents scar formation and facilitates stretching.
  3. Keep your ears clean! Make tricks with sea ​​salt(1/8 teaspoon of sea salt is dissolved in a cup warm water) twice daily for the first week. To care for your piercing, use an ear solution to wash off the crusts or small pieces of tissue that come out of your ears. That's when it's best to use hoop earrings.

    Get ready for the next stretch. Here is a table for determining the time between stretches:

    • 16k to 14k - 1 month
    • 14k to 12k - 1 month
    • 12k to 10k - 1.5 months
    • 10k to 8k - 2 months
    • 8k to 6k - 3 months
    • 6k to 4k - 3 months
    • 4k to 2k - 3 months
    • 2k to 0k - 4 months
    • 0k to 00k - 4 months
  4. Using Teflon tape and wrapping it around your earrings can make them bigger between stretches and make the stretching process easier, but the tape can harbor bacteria and cause infection.

  5. Know when to stop. If you stretch your ears incorrectly and get a tear or a thin earlobe, reduce the size and do a daily oil massage to thicken the earlobes. If you have tears, reduce the size and insert one expanded stopper with opposite side to "round" the hole again.

    • Don't shower with wooden plugs in your ears. The wood will swell and deform, so an open spot is formed in the puncture, there will be free space for bacteria and dirt particles.
    • Do not skip gauges when stretching. This may lead to rupture or other unwanted effect, including infection and exfoliation of the skin. Go one size at a time from 18k to 16k, to 14k, 12k, 10k, 8k, 6k, 4k, 2k, 1k, 0k, 00k, etc.
    • Do not stretch your ears with silicone plugs (flesh tone, etc.)
    • The cargo is not in a good way for stretching because it turns out great pressure on the lower part piercing, which can lead to its complete rupture.
    • Take vitamins and/or herbal immunomodulators when you stretch. A complex of vitamins C, E, B, antioxidants and echinacea will help the skin heal faster and, in turn, reduce the risk of infection.
    • Stretch your ears exclusively with surgical steel, titanium, or glass. Wood and other organic matter should only be used for healed piercings. DO NOT stretch with synthetic fibers, as this provides a haven for bacteria, which can lead to infection. Synthetic jewelry can only be worn in healed punctures.
    • Even if they are easy to insert because they are rubber, such devices will definitely tear your ears.
    • Explore the internet to find people's detailed accounts of how they stretched their ears. You can find a team of experts in one place.


    • If you have a tear, reduce the size of the ears, and do not continue stretching, because this will either tear the ear or scar the tissue.
    • There should be no blood or pain during the stretching process. If you have, insert your old earrings and continue to make lotions with sea salt. Wait about two weeks.

A couple of years ago, tunnels in the ears were not very popular and were considered an attribute of informal youth and avant-garde.

Today the situation has changed, and the number of fans of this type of piercing is increasing, but the number of its opponents is also increasing. Some tunnels are disgusting, some are delighted, some simply do not understand this, but it certainly attracts attention.

To accurately determine whether to decide on this type of piercing or not, you need to get maximum amount information about it, which we will now try to do.

History of appearance

Ear tunnels are one type of piercing that has been widely used since deep history and to this day does not lose its relevance. Exact time It is difficult to determine the origin of this trend, but the available results of research and excavations allow us to say with confidence that it was present among the ancient Sumerians. Images of representatives of tribal cultures, familiar to everyone from literature and cinema, rarely live in the imagination of people without huge amount earrings on the face and tunnels in the ears.

In America, in the 70s and 80s, tunnels were very popular among artists, musicians and other representatives of bohemians, who learned this way of decorating themselves from the tribes of Indonesia and Kenya, where stretched earlobes have long been considered the identity of beauty and masculinity. In our country, such an element of body modification as tunnels has gained popularity relatively recently.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you ask yourself the question of how to make tunnels in your ears, you should think about whether you should do it at all. This, of course, is extreme, spectacular, fashionable and outrageous. However, fashion passes, and who knows what you might want in a couple of years? And getting rid of the tunnels is not so easy.

It is important to understand that a stretched tunnel, which has a diameter of up to one centimeter, still has a chance to grow on its own, but everything that is larger will not do without surgical intervention. AT best case you will have scars on your ear. If this does not scare you, and you still want to decorate yourself, in this way, let's figure out exactly how tunnels are made in the ears.

Technique how to make a tunnel in the ear

Everyone who wants to install tunnels in their ears must decide what size they should be and how they are made. It is important to remember that the installation of a tunnel, unlike conventional piercing, is a long and rather troublesome business. In no case should you try to make tunnels yourself, because there is a huge risk of infection. Today, tunnels can be made in any tattoo or piercing parlor.

There are three ways in total:

  • expansion of the puncture;
  • lobe incision;
  • creating a hole with a scalpel (punching).

The first method is suitable for patient people and involves the gradual stretching of the hole in the earlobe to the desired size. In addition, due to the slow expansion of the puncture, it is easier to determine the optimal tunnel diameter.

First, the master pierces the earlobe and inserts the earring. When the puncture heals, the first dilator is inserted (its diameter is usually 2 millimeters). With this expander, you walk around until the hole expands to this size. This time may vary.

After that, the next larger dilator is inserted, and so on until you reach the desired size. At each stage, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the ear, keep it dry and clean.

Get ready for a guaranteed permanent aching pain during stretching and healing, but in a couple of months you will become the proud owner of a smooth and beautiful tunnel.

The second method is rarely practiced. The incision is made only if the person is exactly sure what size of the tunnel he wants to get and wants to do it quickly.

The third method is used only with anesthesia and is quite dangerous, because there is a risk of tearing the earlobe. This method is chosen by extreme people for installing large diameter tunnels.

In this case, a hole of the required diameter is cut out in the ear using a special surgical scalpel. This procedure must be carried out only in a specialized salon!

The tunnel must be treated with an antiseptic every day, do not touch it dirty hands and try not to overdo it. Until the tunnel heals, it is better not to swim in natural reservoirs and pools. Decoration is better to choose silicone, acrylic or surgical steel or PTFE.

Types of tunnels

Due to the variety of this type of piercing, you can choose an earring for every taste. After the earlobe is pierced and healed, a tunnel of 2-3 millimeters in size is first installed, and after that it is necessary to determine the desired size and continue stretching.

The following types of tunnels are considered the most common due to their accuracy.

  1. 5mm. This option is the most miniature and can be decorated with rhinestones, as well as precious or semi-precious stones.
  2. 8mm tunnels are the most common and fashionable, they look quite neat, but already attract the eye.
  3. 10 mm. In this case, we can already talk about courage, because such an earring is very noticeable and covers almost the entire lobe.


If you have made tunnels in your ears, they need to be carefully maintained. Caution and accuracy are important here, as you are dealing with your own body. The danger of physical damage to the ear, in which a hole of impressive size has been made, is obvious. It is also important to remember about hygiene.

In addition to the usual washing of the ears with water, they also need to be treated with an antiseptic once a day. If the hole is no more than 8-10 millimeters, healing will take approximately 4-5 weeks.

Attitude towards tunnels among others

There are many polar opinions about such decoration as tunnels. Some people do not share the enthusiasm for such an undertaking, believing that its adherents are persons who have committed an irreparable reckless act, trying to emphasize their otherness and expose their originality. Such people believe that all this is flaunted by those who are unable to stand out in any other way.

Others, who, by the way, are the majority, have a more loyal attitude to the idea and believe that the decoration remains just an decoration, so you should not look for anything more in it.

As you can see, not everyone can appreciate the beauty of the tunnels. It is important to remember that this type of piercing has been around for a long time and is the same way to decorate yourself as earrings or clip-on earrings. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to make the largest tunnels.

You can quite pick up something stylish and miniature. The little tunnels of the girls look quite neat, emphasizing the chosen image and individuality. In addition, in this case, there will be no problems if you want to get rid of such a piercing.

Effects of tunnels in the ears

The severity of the possible consequences after such a piercing leaves no doubt. But does everyone know what they can expect after making such a decision? The most common problem that cannot be avoided without the use of strong antiseptics is rotting of the inside of the tunnel.

Sepsis, intolerable itching, as well as blistering also applies to possible consequences. The reason may be not only improper care, but also the features of the structure of each individual organism. That is why, if you decide to make tunnels in your ears, you must consult a doctor in advance.

Reversibility of tightening ears from tunnels

Many believe that if you remove the tunnels, the mark will remain for life. But in fact, this is only partly true, because the appearance of scars depends only on the chosen size of the tunnels.

Tunnels with a diameter of up to one centimeter are able to overgrow on their own, and it remains only barely noticeable scar, as from the usual earlobe piercing for earrings. If the diameter does not exceed three centimeters, the hole can also overgrow, but this will take more time, and the scar will be a little more noticeable.

Difficulties are getting rid of sufficiently large tunnels with a diameter of 4-5 centimeters. In this case, it is no longer possible to do without surgical intervention, which consists in cutting off the sagging part of the lobe and suturing. Of course, similar procedure leave behind a noticeable scar. But even such a scar, with a strong desire, can be removed with the help of plastic surgery.

The combination of a nose piercing with other piercings in the body will undoubtedly set you apart from the gray mass crowd. Here you can find out more information about it and watch a video of how it is made.

How to tighten the tunnels?

To do this, you will need an antiseptic, an anesthetic (novocaine, lidocaine), a sterile scalpel or needle, means to improve microcirculation, BF-6 glue, and tissue regeneration stimulants.

  • First you need to remove the decoration. If the diameter of the hole is within 6-8 millimeters, it will tighten on its own. If the diameter is larger, you need to determine the elasticity of the skin. In about a day, the hole should shrink to about a centimeter. If the reduction in diameter was less, most likely, specialist help will be required.
  • You need to contact an ENT doctor to resolve the issue of surgical method getting rid of the defect of the urine. The choice of method depends on the situation. Sometimes you can limit yourself to excising the scar tissue around the perimeter of the tunnel and applying a couple of sutures. But in difficult cases, there may be a need for plastic surgery to restore the original appearance of the earlobe.
  • If the tunnel is tightened on its own, this process can be accelerated by micro-notching. The meaning of this method is that the edges of the hole are damaged with a medical needle or scalpel in several places, so that this stimulates skin regeneration.

    Before carrying out the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and treat them with a solution of any antiseptic. The same solution is also used to disinfect the urine. To minimise pain, you can spray Lidocaine Spray on the skin or apply novocaine ointment.

    Next, you need to take a sterile disposable scalpel or a sterile needle from a syringe and make notches one millimeter deep in several places. After that, you need to lubricate the edges of the wound with BF-6 medical glue and connect them to each other.

    It is important to be careful, because when an infection gets on damaged skin inflammation may develop, which will significantly delay the healing and tightening of the tunnel.

  • The method of micro-notches can be replaced by a short-term insertion of an ornament into the tunnel, the diameter of which is larger than the hole itself. Preparation for the procedure, as well as its completion in this case will be the same as in the previous version.

Who has tunnels in their ears

A couple of years ago, tunnels in the ears were not very popular and were considered an attribute of informal youth and avant-garde.

Today the situation has changed, and the number of fans of this type of piercing is increasing, but the number of its opponents is also increasing. Some tunnels are disgusting, some are delighted, some simply do not understand this, but it certainly attracts attention.

In order to determine exactly whether to decide on this type of piercing or not, you need to get the maximum amount of information about it, which we will now try to do.

History of appearance

The process of installing tunnels is absolutely simple, another question is how pleasant it is.

There are three main methods for installing tunnels:

This method is suitable for very patient people. It is based on the gradual, slow stretching of the hole to right size. The earlobe is pierced with a medium needle, after which the most ordinary earring is inserted and the ear heals. Then, with the help of a special stretching, the hole is stretched and a small tunnel is inserted. And so on until the desired size is reached. stretching the tunnels in the ears1. Puncture extension or

2. The second method is rarely practiced and is based on the incision of the lobe and the installation of a large tunnel at once. This method is used in cases where the client has accurately determined the size of the tunnel to be installed and is in a hurry to insert it.

10/12/09, shummi243 I love tunnels....and the rest who banter tunnels are either jealous or it's their personal opinion that should not be poured into hatred for the one who has them! Right now I'm pulling my ear right now 5 mm.. ..but I support sizes up to 12mm....the rest is overkill in my need to know the measure in everything!

09/01/10, Trisixtiflip Cape I can say one tunnel is 40mm thick and nothing blows through all the rules! And the fact that the tunnels in the nose is DIBILISM is putting it mildly! Do not mow under Pauli, this is an idiot, he has 2 cm tunnels on his balls in the video, he saw a sick head!!! And I don’t advise you to pull by 40mm, as I pull a maximum of 16mm no more then you will regret it, I already regret it, well, you can sew them up! And the fact that making a tunnel in the nose is not an advice, and it hurts a lot! my friend's 2mm is galimo and it hurts! Damn, make a better septum and don't worry! Damn, what infuriates me in the winter is to beat Symmetry! Nails stick to the skin, then it hurt to remove it, well, that's only in the cold! So if you don’t have frosts, calmly go and punch!

09/01/10, Mishevy Plyushka There are no comrades for the taste of the color. Why just "fashion"? I'm not chasing fashion and frankly, I don't give a damn about the opinion of society. I like it!

12/03/10, Toka Shikoloka I like kick-ass xD And there's nothing wrong with that. I stretched one for myself, I will make the second soon: D

The second, cardinal method is practiced infrequently. The cut is made only if the client is sure of the desired dimensions of the tunnel and is in a hurry to install it.

The third option is used only with anesthesia and is quite dangerous, because. there is a risk of tearing the earlobe. It is chosen by extreme sportsmen in order to install tunnels of very large diameters.

There are several types of "installation" of such embellishment. One of them - hole stretching from millimeter diameter to the largest possible size. Another option, more painful in my opinion, is hole cut in the lobe a certain diameter. It should be noted that healing and further stretching longer in this way. Although the latter method is painful, it is considered more correct from a professional point of view. Only a true pro knows how to cut, what to cut, with what and at what angle to cut.

Contact an ENT doctor to resolve the issue of surgical way getting rid of the defect of the urine. The choice of treatment method depends on the specific situation. The procedure may be limited to excision of scar tissue along the perimeter of the tunnel and the application of one or two sutures, while in complex cases it may be necessary Plastic surgery for recovery original form earlobes.

08/06/09, i4gt 11/11/08, Twix "who stinks?)) ahah))) maybe you sniffed the wrong hole?..." Hahaha oh YEah))) actually really stinks if you don't rinse but that's not a problem. "In general, the value of jewelry located near natural holes(nose, mouth, ear, genitals), universal: it is always an attempt to prevent the penetration of evil forces and evil energies into the body "- the history of piercing I think when a person gets pierced or something from ideological or religious beliefs and not in pursuit of fashion or image, it really cannot be condemned and critical of everyone who sees a hole

18/06/09, Hitchcock I myself have a tunnel three centimeters long. And nothing, I live. With all these processes of making a tunnel and piercing, you need to look at the prospect of your life. Of course, if you want to become a banker or a presenter, a lawyer or a policeman, such things are not encouraged. but other options don't really matter. Moreover, a person himself forms his own style; I stretched out my tunnel in 2 months. to start with, you can insert wider sewing needles into your ear. knitting needles, then the rod from the handle, hatem rod from the gel. then brushes, preferably with an enameled surface, because. wooden only irritate the ear. Then the handles. Stretching to a centimeter, wait a week, and only then pull as much as you want, without fear of damaging the lobe. The tunnel can be healed by stretching up to 1.7 cm. Tunnels are very expensive, starting from 30.00 BYR. there are silicone ones, but it will look like a clown. if you have any questions, write to the contact. there are also my pictures, ul tds you can check out my tunnel. address in contact id22429734.

14/07/09, beach boy Well, what! Cool thing! It happens that you take a kind of pretzel with a tunnel in your ear for this very tunnel, spin it (the pretzel) over your head, and release it into a pure field. And he flies away...

17/07/09, frick And I love them very much .. if a person does them, he knows what he is doing! I’m a girl, I stand at 1 cm, it’s great for me ... it’s like not a lot and not a little ... and when I pulled for the first time, they were beautifully overgrown with me ... there were no scars .. maybe completely invisible ... I think it’s very a convenient thing, you can insert plugs and no one will say that they were tunneling ... but about the fact that they are drilled with a drill xDDDDDDDD, you need to come up with such nonsense) and I also love them because you can put your fingers in them xDDD ... in general, I remember this cool stuff, regardless of fashion)

The second method is a surgical incision, which speeds up the process of obtaining the desired diameter of the tunnel in the ear, but is painful procedure. Experts do not recommend using it if it is possible to stretch the tunnel.

Until recently considered an attribute of informal youth, today they are becoming increasingly popular. Opinions about this kind of jewelry may be different. But one thing is for sure: the tunnels attract attention.

Of course, tunnels in the ears of 10 mm or more are only suitable for representatives of the underground. However, a small tunnel may well be combined with an office style. Tunnels in the ears of 3 mm can generally be mistaken for ordinary carnations.

In addition to the original, but not defiant appearance, tunnels of small diameter have one indisputable plus. If you decide to remove the plug (the so-called ring that is inserted into the tunnel), the hole will overgrow on its own after a very short time. There will be no trace of 3 mm tunnels.

Holes up to 10 mm heal a little longer, gradually shrinking. The result will be a small, barely noticeable scar. The best option in order to add a “zest” to your image, but at the same time not to shock the public too much - 5 mm tunnels.

Do you want to see this with your own eyes, and at the same time see what tunnels are in your ears? The photos at the end of the article will help you with this. After viewing the photos, you can choose the most suitable tunnel diameter for yourself and get rid of the fears associated with its installation.

Photo of tunnels in the ears

For easy viewing of the image, click on the thumbnail, a slider will appear

Today, tunnels in the ears are very popular among young people - large holes in the lobe, into which special attributes are inserted - plugs. Many people have a question - why make tunnels in the ears, because it scares and can interfere with getting high office at work, as such a person will not be taken seriously. But if you think about it, then when, if not in young age, experiment with appearance, especially since the piercing can be removed and overgrown with all punctures.

A photo

How to do

If you have a burning desire to make beautiful tunnels in your ears, then you need to decide on the size of the desired hole, how to make it and the decoration that you want to insert. It should be remembered that the tunnel is not an ordinary piercing, this occupation is longer and more painful.

There are 3 ways to get a tunnel:

  1. Gradual expansion of the puncture (old or new, but healed) with the help of special stretchers;
  2. Lobe incision;
  3. Punching (cutting and creating a hole with a scalpel).

First way- not fast, however, less risky and painful. The master inserts an expander into an old or new healed puncture. This is usually the smallest dilator, with a diameter of 2 millimeters. You need to walk with it for some time until the ear gets used to the foreign object, and the hole takes the diameter of the jewelry. Next, a larger expander is inserted, and this happens until the hole is the right size. After that, an ornament is inserted into the hole - a special earring for the tunnel or a plug. This method simple and relatively safe.

Second way- incision of the earlobe to the desired size. This method is suitable for impatient people, however, there is a risk of infection. Therefore, the hole will need to be looked after much more carefully than in the first case. Moreover, you need to trust professional master, which will make a smooth, neat cut in right place and will not be mistaken with the sizes.

Third Method considered the most extreme and is used by avid piercers who want a big tunnel. In this case, the surgeon cuts a hole in the lobe of the desired diameter with the sharpest scalpel. This method is very dangerous and painful. This procedure is carried out under anesthesia or anesthesia. Risk this method consists not only in introducing an infection, but also in the possibility of tearing the earlobe with large incisions. This method is not recommended for those people who are not ready to go through the tunnel all their lives.

Stretching methods

As mentioned above, with the first method, the hole is gradually stretched, taking all the expanders large sizes. If you have chosen this method, then you need to prepare for the fact that you will be constantly pursued by aching and nagging pain in the lobe, and you will need to care for and treat the ear every day, gradually stretching it with an expander. However, after a few months, when you reach the desired size, you can insert the jewelry and forget about the pain.

It is better to entrust the piercing and insertion of the dilator to a professional piercer. In addition, he will control the stretching process and the risk of harm to the earlobe will be minimal. All that is required of you is the gradual expansion and advancement of the dilator in the hole, as well as careful processing of the ear.

An analogue of a special dilator can be a Teflon tape, which is wound around the decoration in several layers, thereby gradually increasing the diameter of the hole to the desired size. Obvious disadvantage of this method is the disproportion of the tunnel created in the earlobe. To avoid such problems, it is better to give preference to professional stretchers of different diameters.

In another version, weights are used to stretch the tunnel in the ear, which are suspended from the earlobe. This process is quite lengthy and inconvenient, so it is not popular.

How to care

To care for the tunnel you will need:

  • Antiseptic - "Miramistin", "Chlorhexidine", hydrogen peroxide;
  • Cotton pads, sticks;
  • Ointment "Levomekol" or analogues;
  • Alcohol or disinfectant solution for stretch marks and earrings.

Caring for the tunnels is simple, but you need to perform this procedure twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, especially during the stretching period. The hole should be treated with an antiseptic, and the dilator and jewelry should be disinfected in an alcohol solution.

When leaving home, you can lubricate the area around the hole with ointment, so the inflammation will come down faster. And, of course, you need to make sure that crusts of lymph, blood, and the like do not form in the hole or around it. Treat wounds with peroxide or Chlorhexidine.

Following these rules, the healing process will go faster, and you will reduce the risk of infection or inflammation of the earlobe.

How to get rid of tunnels

There are many reasons why people get rid of tunnels. Many can get bored, some close the hole due to work, others experience pain and inflammation. In any case, getting rid of tunnels is a process no less simple than stretching them.

Do ear tunnels close up? The answer is simple: the smallest holes, up to 5 millimeters in diameter, can close on their own, without surgical intervention. It is enough just to pull out the jewelry and take care of the hole, and it, in turn, will gradually tighten.

If the tunnel is larger in diameter, then you will have to resort to the help of a surgeon. The hole is sutured and stitched, which will also need to be carefully looked after and disinfected.

Again, the smaller the hole, the easier it will heal and the scar will be less noticeable. The largest tunnels (up to 10 centimeters in diameter and more) are not always able to be sewn up in such a way as to bring the earlobe to its original form.

Possible Complications

It will be no secret that this kind of change in appearance can lead to some problems and complications. Therefore, it is necessary to entrust the tunnel to a professional and perform all manipulations under sterile conditions. However, this does not guarantee that wearing tunnels will not affect your health and appearance. Negative factors and risks include the following complications:

  • Infection, even after stretching and already while wearing jewelry;
  • Paralysis facial nerve with an incorrectly chosen puncture or incision site - the most severe and irreparable consequence for a person;
  • Inflammation cartilage tissue due to infection and improper care of the ear;
  • Rupture of the earlobe, if a very large size of the tunnel was chosen;
  • Decreased hearing and even vision with an incorrectly chosen puncture site;
  • Tissue necrosis due to too rapid stretching of the earlobe;
  • Severe itching, blisters, inflammation of tissues and lymph nodes as a reaction to a puncture and expansion of the hole.

As you can see, the risk of wearing tunnels is rather big, however, all the same consequences can be after a regular puncture.

If you are not quite ready for such changes, but you want a big piece of jewelry, use imitation plugs and earrings for the tunnel. Insert such a false earring into a regular puncture, and others will think that you have a tunnel.

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