The cat has a fever, what to do and how to treat? Skin diseases associated with impaired keratinization processes

Keratitis in cats and cats is another of the most common ophthalmic diseases pets. What kind of disease is this? Why does it occur? What types of keratitis in cats exist, as well as the main symptoms and methods of treating keratitis in cats at home - we will analyze in our article.

Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea. Recognizing this disease is not so difficult, because normally the cornea is transparent and shiny. But worth it inflammatory process"capture" it, as the eye immediately becomes cloudy. In most cases (almost 100%), keratitis in cats is acquired.

  • Often, keratitis in cats develops due to mechanical effects on the cornea (solid particles, grains of sand, dust particles, twigs, and much more).
  • At least inflammation of the cornea develops together with conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva - the mucous membrane of the eyelids). When blinking, in a cat, the eyelid mucosa tightly adjoins the cornea, and bacteria (and they will certainly appear on sensitive inflamed tissue) enter the cornea, leading to an inflammatory process.
  • Do not forget about eye burns (thermal, chemical), which are difficult to treat.
  • Infectious diseases. AT this case keratitis or keratoconjunctivitis will already be a symptom of an infectious disease (adenovirosis, herpes, calcivirosis, and others). And it is necessary to treat the pet already comprehensively, because local therapy will only remove the symptoms of eye diseases, but the underlying disease will “rage”.
  • Allergy. She can evolve into anything. And without qualified assistance Helping a pet is difficult.
  • Autoimmune.
  • blockage or inflammation lacrimal glands. This causes the cornea and conjunctiva to dry out.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • genetic predisposition.

Most often, British, Siamese, Persians, Sphynxes and American smooth-haired are predisposed to keratitis.


Symptoms of keratitis in cats will allow the owner to recognize the disease in time and contact the veterinarian for help. Below we have prepared the brightest of them, as well as a photo of the disease, so that it is clearer to you whether you have encountered it.

  1. The cornea becomes cloudy, becomes as if rough (matte). And such a lesion can be noted both in one eye, and immediately in both.
  2. Sometimes the cornea sprouts blood vessels.
  3. Infiltrate accumulates (fluid inside the cornea), due to which upper layer eyes swell.
  4. Flows from the inflamed eye. The fur underneath is wet. Pus may accumulate in the corners.
  5. If the disease has gone too far, scarring may occur. Alas, further therapy will not give visible results, the cat is blind.
  6. Terrible photophobia. Agree healthy cat with pleasure lies in the sun, but if the animal has an inflamed cornea, then the mustache will hide from the bright rays of the sun or a lamp.


Treatment of cats and cats from keratitis at home always begins with the elimination of the cause! Without this, it is simply impossible to restore normal vision to the pet. It is not so easy to get rid of inflammation of the cornea.

Yes, hormonal antimicrobials can give positive result, however, if the cause remains unresolved, then sooner or later the keratitis will return. The most commonly used eye drops are antibiotics. If fungi are to blame, then fungicidal agents are required. Unfortunately, antifungal drugs prescribed for a very long course of treatment. And it is not always possible to achieve positive results.

If the cause was a virus, then the use of specific sera is necessary. Without them, recovery will be almost impossible. But it is worth curing the mustache from the underlying (viral or even bacterial) disease, as keratitis in cats goes away on its own.

What to treat?

The question - how to treat keratitis in cats can be answered after finding out such factors as:

  • the cause of the disease;
  • the severity of the disease;
  • depth of corneal lesion.

Eye keratitis in cats is treated with ointments, eye drops. Sometimes animals are injected under the conjunctiva. Also, the veterinarian may prescribe tablets, subcutaneous or intravenous injections.

For treatment viral keratitis use antiviral therapy - interferon-containing drugs. Complications caused by bacteria are treated with antibiotics and sulfa drugs.

In allergic keratitis, local and local antiallergic drugs are prescribed. general action. If there is a threat of corneal perforation, corneal plastic surgery is performed in various volumes.

Ulcerative keratitis

Neurogenic or otherwise - ulcerative keratitis in cats occurs in connection with the defeat of the trophic nervous tissue animal. The result of the disease is the formation of a flat ulcer on the cornea. This is a long and slow process, but the cat does not experience pain and discomfort, because the sensitivity of the cornea is absent. With a favorable outcome of the disease, the ulcer disappears, and a slight clouding remains on the eye.

But if it joins secondary infection, develops purulent keratitis in cats, which can lead to complete destruction of the cornea.

Appearance ulcerative keratitis associated with pathologies of the animal organism:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic disease;
  • chronic renal failure.

The development of the disease is affected general state immune system. It also affects severity. pathological process and the nature of the course of keratitis.

Treatment of ulcerative keratitis in cats is to eliminate the causes of inflammation, and the use of antiseptic solutions:

  • rivanol - 1%;
  • furatsilin - 1:5000;
  • boric acid – 3%.

Eosinophilic keratitis

A disease such as eosinophilic keratitis in cats is an infiltration of the cornea with blood cells - eosinophils.

The reasons, causing development eosinophilic keratitis may be different, but, as doctors have noticed, the herpes virus is often to blame. Another provoking factor can be the stimulation of the immune system. This disease is chronic often relapse.

In terms of treatment, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating agents such as cyclosporine, corticosteroids are used. Sometimes prescribed antiviral drugs. If in your case keratitis in a cat is recurrent, it makes sense to keep the animal on long-term, maintenance therapy.

There is also such a thing as bullous keratitis of cats. This disease is characterized by the formation of fluid-filled vesicles on the cornea. Treat this species ailment with standard medicines used to rid a cat of keratitis. As an example - the drug "Solcoseryl".

Keratitis in a kitten

If keratitis in a cat or cat is one thing. People are studying methods of treatment, and boldly begin to remove the disease at home or take the pet to the veterinarian. Another thing is when the disease affects the baby, and here questions begin - how to treat keratitis in a kitten, what drugs will not damage the baby's eye.

I hasten to reassure you - the treatment of keratitis in cats and kittens is no different. Therefore, give your baby drugs that are applicable for a particular type of eye keratitis without hesitation. The only thing to consider is the dosage of the medicine. If you doubt the amount of the drug sufficient to treat a kitten, take your pet to veterinary clinic.


Prevention is always better than cure. Keratitis in cats is no exception.

  • Don't forget about vaccinations. Timely vaccinations help to create a tense immunity, which will protect the animal from infection. This means that the risk that the cat will develop keratitis is much less.
  • Check your cat's eyes after she's walked outside. If you notice lacrimation, then again carefully examine your eyes to exclude exposure to mechanical irritants.
  • Homes must be clean. Dust thoroughly, wash floors.
  • Brush out your pet. The hair that falls out can also get into the eye and rub against the conjunctiva and cornea, causing them to become inflamed.
  • Watch your diet, do not forget about vitaminization, deworming. Strengthen the immune system of your beloved four-legged friend.
  • As always, no self-medication. An erroneously self-diagnosed and selected “from oneself” or according to advice from the Internet, treatment can only harm the pet. The cat will lose his sight once and for all.

If you have any questions about keratitis in cats, write them in the comments! We will definitely answer!

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Endocrinology and reproduction of dogs and cats

Fundamental Guide to Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pathology endocrine system and reproductive function in pets. The book opens with a description of the functions of the pituitary gland and diseases such as diabetes insipidus and disruption of growth hormone secretion. The following chapters discuss the role thyroid gland and clinical conditions associated with its dysfunction: presented detailed review for thyrotoxicosis in cats; hypothyroid conditions in dogs and cats, thyroid tumors, and hyperthyroidism in dogs are also considered. The Adrenal Cortex section includes a description of hypercorticism (Cushing's syndrome), hypocorticism (Addison's disease), pheochromocytoma, and multiple endocrine neoplasia in small animals, as well as methods of glucocorticoid therapy. Of particular interest is the review of rapidly accumulating recent times prevalence data and clinical signs hypercortisolism in cats. In the section on endocrine function of the pancreas, describes the pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment diabetes in dogs, and also - for the first time! - summarized information about the development and course of diabetes in cats. This section also discusses diabetic ketoacidosis and pancreatic tumors. Disturbances in the function of the parathyroid glands (primary hyper- and hypoparathyroidism and, accordingly, hyper- and hypocalcemia) and the role of renal hormones are discussed. The last three sections of the manual contain a description of the normal reproductive cycle, endocrinology of pregnancy and childbirth, methods of reproduction control, causes of infertility and diseases. reproductive organs in bitches; pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment are considered in detail reproductive disorders in males, as well as obtaining sperm for artificial insemination and the use of frozen semen. The book concludes with a chapter on cat reproduction.

The informative value of this guide cannot be overestimated. It is intended for veterinarians, teachers and students of veterinary faculties and academies, endocrinologists and other doctors medical specialties.

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A complete guide to laboratory and instrumental studies in dogs and cats. Veterinary consultation in five minutes

This book has been created to provide the very busy veterinary practitioner and student with a rich reference material. It contains information on almost 300 diagnostic procedures and laboratory tests, arranged in alphabetical order.
The uniqueness and value of the approach used in this completely new edition for Russia lies in the rapid receipt background information; it is based on uniformity of data provision, breadth of coverage, engagement a large number experts and modern presentation of the material. The writing scheme for all topics is the same, and the presence of an extensive list of topic titles that complement the section under study ensures that each topic is fully covered.
In this comprehensive guide, you will find:
o Sections dealing with lab test topics.
They enable a quick search for clinical important analyzes with information about test preparation, test administration, factors affecting each test, and brief guidelines for interpreting this analysis.
o Sections relating to instrumental research.
They are designed to provide clinical meaningful information, which will enable practitioners to quickly determine whether any procedure is necessary in a particular case.
All chapters contain information about the relevant physiological processes, indications, contraindications, possible complications and information for the owner relating to the topic in question. The chapters on laboratory tests contain sections that apply only to this laboratory test: the type of sample required; information on sample collection, handling, storage and stability; the sequence of steps needed to proper conduct test; important limitations of the test, as well as a table listing the reasons for the appearance pathological changes as a result of the test. In chapters related to diagnostic procedures, includes information specific to these procedures: preparation of the animal, detailed description methodology, specimen handling, and appropriate post-procedure care.
All chapters contain sections that provide guidance on interpreting the results of a test or procedure, including normal values or range of values, pathological findings, critical values ​​requiring treatment emergency care, as well as lists medicines or other factors that may affect the results, performance, or interpretation of a test or procedure. The chapters end with information about subtests, related topics, recommended literature, and online resources.
This first edition is a complete, up-to-date source of reference medical information that will help in practice and clinical training to quickly find and instantly use important information required to provide high quality veterinary care.

The fact that the cat's temperature has risen can be sure only from the indicators of the thermometer. Therefore, any owner of a cat should be able to correctly measure the body temperature of his four-legged ward.

Why is the temperature rising?

The balance of heat transfer and heat production can be disturbed. This happens due to many factors. For example, a cat had a heat stroke from overheating. As a result, its temperature can reach 41 degrees and above.

Cats often develop a fever if they are exposed to viral infections. This condition is called "fever". Also, fever may accompany an animal undergoing surgery.

Stress is also often accompanied by a temporary rise in temperature. And it can be caused by a change of residence, transportation in transport, the first exit of the pet to the street.

Some healthy cats react with an increase in temperature to a trip to the veterinary clinic. At the same time, the veterinarian refuses to vaccinate the animal and does the right thing. After all, you need to vaccinate a healthy animal. Therefore, it is worthwhile to find out why the temperature has risen. If it is stressful, then after some time the temperature of the animal will return to normal.

How to measure the temperature of a cat?

38.5 - 39.2 degrees is normal performance animal body temperature. The temperature is measured using a rectal thermometer; in the absence of such, it is not forbidden to use ordinary thermometer. The temperature can be measured both in a lying and sitting cat, but it is more convenient if the pet is standing. Lubricate the tip of the thermometer vegetable oil or petroleum jelly, lift the cat's tail and gently insert the thermometer into the rectum (3-4 cm deep). Accurate readings can be obtained after a couple of minutes.

The body temperature of the animal is above 39.5 degrees. What to do?

We need to carefully examine the animal. try to find possible reasons temperature increase. In any case, the animal will most likely need veterinary attention (ideally on the same day).

When the temperature rises to 40 degrees and above, it is impossible to delay a trip to the veterinarian because such a temperature can have an extremely negative effect on the pet's body: rapid dehydration, cerebral edema and other irreversible processes that can lead to the death of the animal.

How to bring down a high temperature in a cat on your own?

In these cases, veterinarians do not recommend the use of antipyretic drugs for humans. Only in the last resort if the help of a veterinarian is not yet close, and the temperature has risen above the bar of 40 degrees, you can give the animal analgin. But it's better to do physical methods: put on the neck and inner surface hips ice or wrap the pet in wet gauze and immediately take to the veterinarian. Why is it better to go with a sick animal to the clinic, and not call Aibolit at home? Because an increase in temperature can be caused by various viruses, which can only be determined with the help of tests. Consequently, time will be won, and the pet's life will be saved.

Yunkina Anastasia Alexandrovna
general practitioner

An increase in body temperature in animals can only be judged by the readings of a thermometer.
Therefore, every owner should be able to measure the body temperature of their pet.

Why is the temperature rising?

The mechanism of temperature increase is based on the imbalance between the process of heat generation, the so-called heat production, and the process of heat transfer. And this balance is disturbed under the influence of both external and internal factors. And there are many such factors. For example:

  • When the body overheats as a result heat stroke the intake of heat from the external environment significantly exceeds the body's ability to give off heat. As a result, body temperature can reach a critical level of more than 41°C.
  • When pathogens are introduced infectious diseases the temperature rises as a result of the development of a protective and adaptive reaction of the body. This reaction is called fever. Many non-infectious and surgical diseases also accompanied by fever
  • Under stress, a short-term increase in temperature occurs in a healthy animal. The main stress factors for cats are transport trips, a change of home, moving to a country house, when the cat goes outside for the first time, emotional overload, such as an exhibition.

Separately, I would like to say about visiting the veterinary clinic.
This for most cats is the cause of the development of stress, and, consequently, an increase in body temperature. Therefore, the following situation often develops: the doctor, before vaccinating, measures the patient's body temperature, and it turns out to be elevated. Only healthy animals can be vaccinated.

In this case, the doctor refuses to vaccinate your cat until the cause of the fever is determined. stress or illness.

If your pet is agitated, but before that he felt well, and there are no other signs of illness, the doctor will recommend that the temperature be taken again after a while, when the cat gets used to the environment.

The body temperature of the cat is elevated. You ruled out the development of stress. So it's a sign of illness...

What to do?
Body temperature 39.5 - 40 ° C. Carefully examine the cat, remember what happened to your pet in the last few days. You may be able to determine the cause of the fever or identify some other signs of the disease. In any case, it is necessary to show the cat to the doctor on the same day.

A significant increase in temperature, above 40 - 41 ° C requires immediate medical attention and emergency care.

Owners need to know:

  • An increase in body temperature above 40.5 ° C leads to loss of fluid from the body, to a decrease or lack of appetite, general depression, accompanied by rapid heartbeat and respiration.
  • Body temperature above 41.1 ° C leads to a critical loss of fluid from the body, can cause cerebral edema and serious violations in work internal organs which are manifested by: palpitations and heart rhythm disturbances, severe shortness of breath, accompanied by wheezing, diarrhea and vomiting, yellowing of the conjunctiva of the eyes and mucous membranes oral cavity, lack of urine and the appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth, bleeding from the intestines and hemorrhages on the skin. Any of these complications can short terms lead to the death of the animal.

How to bring down the temperature if it rises above 41 ° C?

It is necessary to put ice on the neck and inner thighs, if this is not possible, moisten the cat's hair cold water, provide drinking in small portions of cool water.
Do not administer antipyretic drugs at home, give pills. Not all antipyretic drugs are used in veterinary medicine. Some drugs can cause more harm than good. It is better to limit yourself to physical methods of cooling.
It is important to try to bring down the temperature as soon as possible and take the animal to the doctor..

Often the question arises: go to the clinic or call a doctor at home?

Drive to the clinic. An increase in body temperature - nonspecific symptom many diseases. Therefore, in animals with weakened vital important functions diagnosis of the disease should be carried out against the background of supportive treatment. It is very important to put accurate diagnosis underlying disease and do so as soon as possible.

If after clinical examination patient information for diagnosis will not be enough, the doctor will prescribe additional research, such as: laboratory research blood and urine tests, infection testing, possibly hormone levels, X-rays and ultrasounds. It may also be necessary to consult narrowly specialized specialists, for example, an endocrinologist, a neuropathologist, an oncologist, an allergist.
In parallel, the doctor will correct the condition of the animal, if necessary, begin infusion therapy(“droppers”) to replace fluid loss and nutrients, will introduce antipyretic drugs in the required dose.

If the cat's condition turns out to be critical, the doctor will strongly recommend placing the patient in a hospital under the supervision of qualified personnel who monitor and maintain adequate functioning of the heart, lungs, kidneys and other internal organs around the clock.

When you detect a fever in your pet, remember how bad it is for you when you get a cold, how exhausting heat. Your friend is experiencing the same sensations. Help him in difficult times.

Cases when growths appear on the paws of a cat are not uncommon. Outwardly, the keratinized layer of the skin resembles a second claw, which is why it got its name dermal horn. Most often, growths appear in an animal on the paw pads (in rare cases in the nose and eyelids).

Such a skin pathology may not deliver pain cat, so the pet can live with her all his life. The growths on the paw pads in cats in most cases are benign, however, there are exceptions.

Skin horn is light or dark shade, dense consistency. The surface of the growth is rough, due to the presence of grooves. The size of the neoplasm on the paw pad of a cat does not exceed 5 cm.

When a build-up appears, the pet does not experience discomfort, and the education itself is most often benign. When pressing on the “skin horn”, the cat may experience discomfort due to the fact that the appearance of the growth is inflammatory.

In 5% of cases, horny growths on the paw pads of a cat indicate oncology. If a skin pathology is detected, the pet owner should not try to eliminate the formation on their own. In the pharmacy, it is easy to purchase one of the recommended medicines that will stop the development of the skin horn.

Reasons for the formation of build-up

There may be several factors due to which formations appear on the paws of a pet. The most common reasons include:

  • Nail injury. In the process of a fight with another cat or if a paw is bruised (during the game), tissues begin to grow in the pet at the base of the nail;
  • Keratosis. The disease appears when negative impact chemical irritants(skin burns or influence chemical substances). After such an impact on the surface of the paw pads, the skin becomes keratinized;
  • Viral infections. Some diseases can provoke the formation of a growth on the pad of a cat. These include leukemia, as well as papillomavirus, a veterinarian is able to confirm their presence;
  • Oncological disease. In rare cases, a skin horn may indicate a pet has a basalioma or squamous cell carcinoma;
  • Cyst.

home treatment

At mild form pathology can be treated at home. The use of pharmaceutical products helps prevent the growth of growth in the future. FROM positive side the medicine "Etretinat" managed to prove itself. It is prescribed at a dosage of 1 mg / kg of pet weight. Give the remedy to the cat should be careful, as it can accumulate in the body of the animal.

The use of Aldara cream is also quite effective in the process of combating pathology. It must be applied 3 times a week. The agent is applied to the cleaned skin covering and rub in until completely absorbed. When using the cream, it is important to ensure that the cat does not lick it off the paw pads.

A medicine such as Acitretin will allow you to get rid of the process on the pad of a cat. It is recommended to use it under the supervision of a specialist, since the remedy in some cases causes side effect. The drug is quickly excreted from the pet's body and has a short half-life.

Tablets "Azithromycin" - another effective way get rid of pathology. The medicine should be given 1 time per day, and the course of treatment itself lasts two weeks. The dosage of the remedy is 10 mg / kg of the pet's weight. pharmacy remedy inexpensive yet quite effective.

When to contact a specialist?

It is necessary to visit the veterinarian if there are a large number of growths on hind legs in cats (or on the front paws). The pet's malaise and the regular appearance of pain during the movements of the animal should also be a cause for concern.

Except medical method Your veterinarian may suggest the following treatment options:

  • laser operation. In this way, it is possible to safely get rid of the growth on the paws of the animal. The laser leaves no traces and allows you to effectively fight the virus;
  • surgical method. It is used if the area of ​​build-up formation is too large. With the help of a scalpel, skin pathology is eliminated, however, scars may remain after the operation, and the formations may reappear;
  • Cryotherapy. it painful procedure, since the skin formation is processed liquid nitrogen. A dry crust appears at the site of the growth after the procedure;

Some cat owners use folk methods. These include the use of aloe leaves, propolis, juniper and bay leaves, as well as the use of vegetable oil.

Prevent the appearance similar pathology You can, if you carefully monitor the health of your pet. It is important to notice changes in his state of health and twice a year to undergo preventive examination at the veterinarian.

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