Big nose. Surgical correction of a large nose. How to understand that you are a beautiful girl

How many women have so many opinions. All women agree on only one thing - everyone wants to be beautiful. However, not everyone is satisfied with her appearance. Today we will consider dissatisfaction with the female sex with their noses. The nose is the most prominent part of the face. And at the same time most of all attracts attention. Not all female representatives can boast of a miniature and beautiful nose.

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery

To correct shortcomings, women go to extreme measures. One of these is the correction of the nose with the help of surgery. Such an operation in plastic surgery is called rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is a surgical correction of defects in the nose or its complete restoration. Nose is a very sensitive part of the body, which is why rhinoplasty is one of the most complex operations in plastic surgery.

To perform such an operation, the following indications are needed: an unsatisfactory hump on the nasal septum, a curvature of the nasal septum, which interferes with normal inhalation and exhalation, an elongated nose or a thickened one at the tip, the consequences of injuries or the presence of enlarged nostrils that spoil the aesthetic appearance of the nose. However, women of fashion without all these indications own will go under the plastic surgeon's knife. In private clinics, for a certain amount, most people can do such an operation.

Upon arrival to the doctor, you will be asked to develop a model of your future nose. You are photographed in full face and in profile. After the photo is placed in a special program on the computer. This program will allow you to change your nose exactly according to your wishes. Be very attentive to the choice, as you can change the nose in the photo, but not after the operation.

There are two types of surgery in rhinoplasty. One of them is closed. The advantages of this operation are hidden seams. All sutures are inside the nose. But such an operation is bad because the plastic surgeon cannot participate in it as much as possible. At the same time, open surgery allows the surgeon to see all the components of the nose as much as possible. But after open operation a scar remains, which in most cases becomes invisible over time. However, not in all cases.

Rhinoplasty can only be performed from the age of 17. Since only at this age cartilage tissues the nose is already formed. One of the advantages of rhinoplasty is the choice of anesthesia. It could be local or general anesthesia. The choice is determined by the doctor. Some people are allergic to general anesthesia, so they use local anesthesia.

The operation to change the nose takes about two hours. it maximum time providence of the operation. After that, you will stay in the hospital for a few days. There will be tubes sticking out of your nose through which you will have to breathe. And since they quickly clog, basically everyone breathes through their mouths. After ten days, plaster fasteners can be removed from the nose. Don't be scared when you see your nose in the mirror. The bruising and bruising will go away with time. And you will see your nose the way you wanted. The healing period is from several weeks to several months, depending on your body. Only after 3-4 months you will be able to see the beauty of your nose. And only a year later you will see final result. And then you can truly appreciate the work of a plastic surgeon.

Will Your Nose Say Thank You After Surgery?

This operation has its pros and cons. There is bleeding after the operation. For several days, and possibly weeks, you will have to breathe through your mouth. Since breathing through the nose will be excruciatingly painful, and sometimes even impossible.

An infection may be introduced during the operation. This can lead to bloating. And if the source of infection is not detected in time, then your nose may start to fade. Another disadvantage of rhinoplasty may be the loss of sensation in the nose.

If you stumble upon a bad doctor, then this will threaten you with consequences. The choice of a specialist must be approached with great responsibility. It is necessary to analyze reviews about plastic surgery clinics and their employees. Remember that the plastic surgeon does not bear any responsibility. And his medical error can cost you your health.

The disadvantages of rhinoplasty include a long rehabilitation period. This period may take whole year. However, the main symptoms after the operation will go away in about three months. If you do not want others to know about your operation, then you should leave your usual place of residence for three months, or not leave your home. Both of these are very complex.

Another disadvantage of rhinoplasty is the inaccessibility of the operation. This operation It is very expensive and not everyone can afford it. In some clinics, operations are introduced in installments, but this innovation has not yet gained the necessary momentum.

There are many benefits to rhinoplasty. During surgery due to a violation respiratory function long-awaited relief comes. You can fully inhale and exhale air. You will be able to perceive the smells around you as much as possible, since the olfactory function will work to the maximum for you.

In terms of aesthetics, you will get the desired shape of the nose. And your mental state will improve. Once a young girl turned to the plastic surgery clinic. She was in a severe car accident, the main blow fell on her face, namely on her nose. The septum of the nose was pressed inward - not a pleasant sight. Psychologically, the girl was crushed. She did not want to live not because of hellish pain, but because of ugliness. The doctors of the clinic took up this case and made the girl new nose. This operation literally saved the girl's life. Since before it was held, the girl tried to commit suicide. This is one of the biggest advantages of rhinoplasty - the hope for a new life.

A person who is not satisfied with his appearance is in constant depression. stressful state negatively affects the human body. From psychological state a person depends on his physical condition. Having corrected nose, you can look at yourself differently, love your appearance to find happiness. Rhinoplasty will give you self-confidence.

Correcting the nose without a knife

Due to imperfections in appearance, women develop whole complexes. However, you should not go under the knife on trifles. Now there are a lot of ways to get rid of shortcomings and without cardinal methods. You can, for example, use optical illusion. Make-up artists are the same surgeons, but removing flaws without a knife, but with the help of their tools.

To correct your nose without a knife, you will need: a thick face brush, a correction blush, a dense pressed powder light shade, a face pigment for highlighting, a brush that breaks up shadows.

So, if your nose is too long, you need to powder the tip of the nose with dark powder. It is worth darkening the part that goes after the highest line of the nostril. We take a dark-colored corrector or powder and shade it. Thus, visually your nose has become much smaller.

If the wings of your nose are wide, then this can also be corrected with cosmetics. It is necessary to darken the back of the nose, even the slightest darkening will make your nose visually longer. By darkening the septum between the nostrils and highlighting the tip of the nose, you will remove the so-called snub nose.

If your nose is wide, then you need to highlight the front of the back of the nose with a corrector. It is necessary to draw a straight line, about five millimeters. And the side surface of the nose needs to be darkened. If your nose short and thin, then highlight the back of the nose. And it will become visually wider.

The hump on the nose can also be removed without surgery. It is only necessary to highlight the front wall of the nose. At the same time make dark side surfaces nose. And do not forget to matte the hump itself. A potato nose can be corrected in much the same way as a wide one. nose. The front surface of the nose needs to be brightened, and the sides darkened. A corrector works well for this. The main thing is to visually lighten and darken so as to create the desired shape of the nose. If your nose was broken, then such a hump can be hidden with the help of cosmetics.

Not only women turn to makeup, but also a strong half of humanity. It is customary to call a photographer for solemn events. Let's take a wedding, for example. The groom on the eve of the event broke his nose. And in the photo for posterity you need to look good. Rhinoplasty is out of the question, because there is little time, and there is no need. It's up to the makeup artist. The makeup artist will help you get rid of all the defects and look attractive in the photo.

With the help of cosmetics, you can change any part of the body. If you correctly darken or highlight parts of the body, you can achieve a stunning result. Such a correction is temporary and is suitable mainly for photo shoots or events. AT Everyday life such a correction would be useless.

At birth, each person has his own facial features, his hair color, the shape of his lips and the shape of his nose. It is these traits that make a person individual, not like others. Doing all sorts of operations to change a particular part of the body, you lose your zest. These operations are good when there is a medical referral to them. And if there is none, then you should not go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

Women basically carry out all operations not for themselves, but for men to please them. Think about it, perhaps it is your nose that will attract your soulmate to you. And if you change it, then your fate will pass you by.

The beauty of a woman is far from the proportions of the body or the sophistication of the face. And no matter what the girls come up with for themselves, their opinion is not always correct. To get rid of the complexes, it is worth looking at everything through the eyes of the stronger sex.

Now we will talk about appearance. She is given Special attention, as a creepy or ridiculous appearance can be sharply repelled. Because of such blunders, interesting and attractive women are often lonely.

External (natural) data - (face, lips, nose, neck, ears)

Find a highlight in natural beauty you can always. Often couples talk about how they were attracted to just one trait. It can be slightly protruding ears or a rounded face.

An ugly face is rough and unkempt skin, covered with black dots or pimples. Of course, there are diseases and predispositions to acne and so on. But in most cases, girls are simply too lazy to use scrub and cream.

Lips should not be bitten or cracked. After all, any man during his reflections can think about whether I want to kiss her. Rough lips are not the best prospect.

The nose is only embarrassing if it is too big or round. The neck must be clean. Ears are small. If you evaluate the portraits of real beauties, then small features are ideal. They give youth and playfulness.

Shape and its parameters

Big breasts are not a must. Much more important is beautiful and slim figure. According to statistics, 60% of men will never date fat women. Excessive thinness also does not paint.

Parameters 90/60/90 today represent only the ideals of the last century. AT real life slender girls who are actively involved in sports have smaller parameters.


Men don't like weird and unfortunate hairstyles. Naturalness is more important. Especially praised long hair. And it's good when a girl knows how to braid them, do different hairstyles.


Strange, but many girls today try to parody monsters from horror films. Why so many cosmetics? She should only emphasize the cheekbones, eyes, highlight the lips, if necessary. But, in no case, you can not create a completely new face that stands out from the crowd.


Do not buy a lot of cheap and flashy jewelry. Big earrings and beads create unpleasant associations with fortune tellers in the bazaar. Small carnations and a thin chain can perfectly emphasize a beautiful neck and ears.


This is a special part of the face. Crooked or diseased teeth are repulsive. But white and smooth - attract. Although this is not always the case. Sometimes the teeth are far from the “ideal”, but the smile simply attracts.

How quickly does a man determine that a girl is ugly?

The opinion of a man can change dramatically during the day after meeting. At the first meeting, a rhinestone is evaluated by appearance, sense of style, harmony. There is such an expression - "repulsive appearance." This effect often appears in the first seconds. It can be provoked by shabby varnish, greasy hair, any stains on clothes, the presence of strange items of clothing.

One face is not enough. Sometimes you want to entrust your thoughts and feelings in a conversation. A woman without a rich inner world, their rooted beliefs will not be able to become a pleasant companion. It's not true that men like stupid girls who are constantly laughing.

Men say that there are no ugly women, just not enough vodka!

What does it mean?

This expression does not paint the stronger sex. Its essence is that a drunken man does not care what girl is next to him. In a dope, he imagines a beauty, and in the morning he begins to see clearly.

Sometimes women use this saying to get their lover through booze. Remember, nothing will come of this. No matter how hard you try, nothing will work.

The ugliest girls in the world through the eyes of men

Let's go to extremes. The following women their behavior, appearance and lifestyle repel all men. They are more like cartoons, which, unfortunately, many people use.

The first two women show what it leads to surgical intervention. Men only verbally support silicone breast. You can look at her.

But most husbands are well aware that they would never allow their wife to do such a thing.

Donatella Versace

Traces of operations do not give her the opportunity to be called a grandmother.

Used to be beautiful woman, but for a lot of money turned into a monster.


The popular Kristerna shows how creepy girls can look with tattoos and piercings.

Lizzy Velasquez

In this list, because of a terrible disease - anorexia. It always starts with one thing - a woman refuses to eat, because she wants to be thin and beautiful.

Films about ugly girls

Popular films are those where a nondescript girl turns into a real beauty. Although, sometimes, leading role they take an “ugly”, by the standards of society, actress.

Beauty: 1990

Yes, Julia Robberts is excellent. But in the first half of the film, she plays the role of a prostitute who is completely unaware of style, manners, communication. She seems a normal person, but cannot present itself correctly. This is a problem for many girls.

Office romance: 1977

Classic Soviet cinema. Few people could imagine that a pretty woman could turn out of a boring and gray “mymra”. This film gave food for thought to many girls. Since she could change, why can't I?

The Devil Wears Prada: 2006

A young girl gets a position in a major modeling campaign. Everything around is perfect. And she's dressed awkwardly, with a stupid hairstyle. To show herself, she needs to completely change.

My Terrible Nanny: 2005

AT large family great amount problems. A sweet and spineless father does not cope with raising children. Suddenly a strange woman appears. Her appearance is intimidating. But there is no choice, they need a nanny. Every time the children succeeded, there were changes in her appearance. And so on until it becomes perfect.

Are men ready to date ugly women?

This question comes up in many polls. And the result is 20%. This means that 20% of men are ready to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of their chosen one. But there are also conditions. For example, an important factor are money. With a large state, a man is ready to take a difficult step and start living with one that he does not like at all.

If there are no rich parents, then ugly women have a hard time. Their problem is their own criticism. Self-blame leads to gray mind, sticky hair and baggy clothes.

Home image of a woman through the eyes of men

Rarely do girls show their true colors. Stretched leggings, huge sweaters and bathrobes are hidden until the moment when there is nowhere to run. But hoodies completely destroy the beauty of a woman. Mysteriousness, dignity of the figure, elegance are lost.

Even at home, you can be attractive. All clothing must fit the figure, be free of stains or holes. Walk around the house as you would without changing clothes to go to the store or park. Men evaluate bad appearance as unwillingness to do something pleasant.

Unhealthy women are ugly women

The health of our body greatly affects the external and internal state. Not here in question about different diagnoses, heredity or injuries. Men like it when girls take care of themselves: eat proper food, go in for sports, watch the regime of the day.

When everything is under control, the woman looks cheerful, cheerful, ready for adventure. It is such a chosen one who will be able to bring color to a man’s life, to interest him every day.

But most correct completion is that all women are special. Therefore, it is so pitiful when they voluntarily neglect themselves, destroying all beauty.

Oddly enough, it was not so easy to find stars who did not do rhinoplasty! Most celebrities get their nose trimmed first, even if it wasn't too big. We urge not to take an example from them and not to become like everyone else. Better look at celebrities, whose nose is not perfect, but unique.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is the owner of an unusual, very aristocratic appearance. And certainly Gaga would not be herself if it were not for her prominent nose! Fortunately, the singer is in no hurry to do rhinoplasty - after all, her personality is the key to success.

Uma Thurman


Quentin Tarantino's muse would also not be so attractive if her appearance was a little "simpler". In fairness, we note that Uma has been overdoing it with Botox lately, but still the star's nose remains unchanged - the actress never wanted to make it small or upturned.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Another owner of a large hump nose is Sarah Jessica Parker. The actress is one of the few stars who did not do anything with the nose of such a "controversial" shape. As you can see, this did not interfere with Sarah's career in any way - how can we imagine another Carrie Bradshaw? Of course not!

Meryl Streep

The refined appearance of the beautiful Meryl Streep does not need any correction: the Oscar-winning actress has never had plastic surgery, and even more so, she has not tried to change the shape of her nose. She just doesn't need it!

Cate Blanchett

The extraordinary beauty of Cate Blanchett became the basis of her career. If we carefully look at the photos of the actress, we will notice that she also has a very large nose, which nevertheless does not spoil the star at all.

Anna Kendrick

If Anna Kendrick had a rhinoplasty, then her face would certainly become too doll-like and sugary. But because Anna has a prominent nose, she does not look like the same "Barbie dolls" at all. We hope that the actress will not come up with a crazy idea to do rhinoplasty.

Barbara Streisand

Barbara Streisand drove men crazy in her youth, although her beauty can by no means be called “standard”. The main "feature" of Barbara's expressive face is her big nose, which the star was not only not shy about, but also elevated to a cult. That's the power of individuality!

Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster is a unique actress who, in principle, did not do any plastic surgery or injections. By the way, Jody's nose is aquiline - and we think it's beautiful!

Rachel Weisz

Rachel Weisz has a small hump on her nose and a fairly wide bridge of the nose, however, these imaginary "flaws" do not prevent her from being a very attractive woman. By the way, Rachel is generally for naturalness: the star does nothing with her face and can easily go out without makeup. It's all about self-confidence!

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts has also never had a rhinoplasty, although the shape of her nose is far from modern ideals. Slightly pointed and with a slight curvature in the bridge of the nose - and this is not a drawback, but a "highlight".

The nose is an organ through which a person is able to breathe and distinguish odors, in addition, nose is individual feature and makes the face unique. A large nose immediately attracts attention, but, unfortunately, often only because it violates the proportions of the face and deprives it of harmony and charm. Women are more likely than men to worry about the size and shape of the organ of smell, believing that a big nose, if it does not disfigure a girl, then at least deprives her of attractiveness and makes her feel ashamed of her appearance. Poor consolation for the weaker sex is the opinion of experts who believe that people with large noses are better protected from allergens and from infectious agents, transmitted by airborne droplets.

In fairness, we note that not always a big and wide nose “spoils” the life of the owner and, for example, looks good on a wide high-cheeked face, and also goes well with big eyes, wide eyebrows and plump lips. The situation changes radically if a person has small facial features and, against their background, a nose looks large, having optimal ratio length and width. It is no coincidence that one of the most popular plastic surgery For several decades, rhinoplasty has remained, during which the size and shape of the olfactory organ is changed. Experts say that the bones and soft tissues grow until the age of 18, and sometimes the formation of the nose continues until the age of 21, so before this age it is premature to talk about its size, all the more it is not worth correcting an organ that has not yet formed. Interestingly, with age, the nose begins to appear larger due to age-related changes face, including muscle ptosis and reduction.

Signs of a big nose

The size of the nose is usually judged by the ratio of the length, height and width of its individual parts - the base, back, root, tip, and by the correspondence of the organ to the face as a whole. A nose is considered large if its length is more than a third of the length of the face.. In addition, the external perception of the olfactory organ is affected by its width and height. For example, a girl’s nose will look big and wide if its width exceeds a third of the length. Same way looks great nose, if the back is more than 30 degrees with the plane of the face, especially against the background of a sunken (deep) bridge of the nose.

In addition to subjective, based on visual inspection size criteria, there is also a scientific method for determining sizes - this is the so-called nasal index (used in anthropology). The nasal index is found by dividing the width of the nose by its length and expressed as a percentage. Depending on the result obtained, there are:

  • up to 70% - a small nose (leptorinia);
  • 70-85% - medium-sized nose (mesorhynia);
  • 85-100% - big nose (hamarinia)
  • Over 100% - very large nose (hyperhamerinia)

Studies show that Europeans have relatively small noses, and large ones are more common in native Africans and Australians, which is associated with the peculiarities of maintaining respiration in various conditions residence. It has been proven that the shape and size of the nose are largely hereditary and are determined by national characteristics one people or another. So, the Slavs are more likely to have high and thin noses, while the Asians have wide and flattened ones.

Physiological features of large noses in men and women

Studies conducted by American scientists led to the conclusion that people with big noses are less likely to get sick respiratory diseases thanks to the longer nasal passages, in which the air lingers a little longer, which means it has time to warm up and get rid of some of the pathogenic microbes. According to statistics, seven percent fewer microorganisms enter the body of owners of large noses, as well as plant pollen, which provokes allergy attacks.

Video about nose correction methods

Surgical correction of a large nose

A large nose in men rarely becomes a source of discomfort, representatives strong half humanity, if they resort to rhinoplasty, then for the most part in emergency cases, for example, to get rid of the consequences of fractures. But girls often worry about what to do if you have a big nose, because for ladies, both the shape and size of the olfactory organ are of great importance! Modern plastic surgery, fortunately, is able to correct almost any defect, including shortening the back and narrowing the wings of the nose.

To give the body the desired proportions, reduce its bone and cartilage frame. "Unnecessary" soft and bone tissue removed through incisions inner surface nostril. Often, during the operation, the curvature of the nasal septum is corrected, that is, it is done.

In the case of correction of a large wide nose in a girl or a man, first of all, the nostrils are narrowed: a part of the soft tissues is removed, after which the shape of the wings is formed. In addition, quite often during rhinoplasty of a wide nose, the bridge of the nose is raised. In the event that the bridge of the nose is too wide (quite common physiological feature), usually remove part of the nasal cartilage segments, and then stitch those that remain. Plastic big nose It takes up to two hours and is done under general anesthesia.

Attention! In rhinoplasty of a large nose, often covered with thick skin, it is more difficult to correct the tip of the nose, and not the back, as is commonly believed, and special skill is required in order to smooth the transition from the back to the tip. Some plastic surgeons in such cases, open access is used, believing that it allows you to maintain the anatomical unity of all parts of the nose.

Photos of patients before and after correction of a large nose

How much does it cost to reduce a big nose. Cost of surgery in Moscow

Non-surgical ways to reduce a large nose

Only rhinoplasty permanently eliminates a large nose. If it is not possible to perform an operation, then you should at least try to hide the real size of the olfactory organ using the following techniques:

Makeup. Girl with big nose should correctly place "accents", that is, distract from the nose and switch the interlocutor's attention to other parts of the face. It is best to highlight the eyebrows - intensify the color and give them a round or curved shape, as well as make brighter eyes. Makeup artists advise applying dark shadows during inner corner eyes and thereby visually narrow the bridge of the nose - this technique is also good for correcting a wide large nose. The length of the nose can be visually reduced if the tip is made a little darker (powder with a dark shade of powder). Interestingly, girls with a big nose should not highlight their lips brightly, since the effect of switching attention in this case does not work.

Hairstyle. If a girl has a big nose, then soft large curls and waves suit her. You should not style your hair in a straight parting (it will look like a continuation of the back of the nose), it is better to opt for a side parting.

Glasses. What to do if a big nose interferes with life, stylists know who advise choosing glasses in the original frame. The accessory will not only divert attention from the respiratory organ, but also make the image complete and stylish; dark-colored frames with a narrow frame of lenses, best of all with pronounced angles, are well suited for owners of large noses.

Big nose: it's interesting

There is an opinion that there is a connection between the size of the nose and male "dignity". However, experts do not support this idea and argue that a man’s big nose is not a sign of remarkable sexual abilities.

The Chinese sages recognized the nose as the master of the face and believed that its shape could predict the fate of a person. In their opinion, a big nose is more common in men who are serious, responsible and hardworking, in addition, generously endowed creativity. There is a whole doctrine about noses and their connection with the character of people, called nosology, according to which a person with a large nose has a firm and courageous character.

The fact that the nose at all times was considered the main “detail” on the face is confirmed by the names works of art: the story "The Nose" by N. V. Gogol, the fairy tale "Dwarf Nose" by V. Gauf and the poem "Frost the Red Nose" by N. A. Nekrasov.

Writers A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, L. N. Tolstoy had big noses.

Big noses have become the calling cards of many popular artists, such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Barbara Streisand, Uma Thurman, Gerard Depardieu and Jean Belmondo. Moreover, there are cases when, having succumbed to the fashion for rhinoplasty, people, along with a big nose, lost their individuality and lost their careers. This happened with Jennifer Gray (film "Dirty Dancing") - the big one did not prevent the actress from becoming the favorite of millions of viewers. However, after Jennifer reduced her nose and became like millions of pretty girls, the directors stopped filming her - this type was not interesting to them.

Among Russian stars also many owners big noses. Among men, we single out A. Dzhigarkhanyan and V. Mashkov, and among women - Lolita Milyavskaya and Alika Smekhova. Until recently, this company included Kristina Orbakaite, but a few years ago the singer underwent rhinoplasty (in her words due to an injury): as a result, her nose stopped being big, but remained pretty.

It turned out that Chiara is allergic to EVERYTHING. For wheat, rye, corn, buckwheat, oatmeal, pears, apples, plums, potatoes, pork and in general ... Just everything. She could only have rice, barley, baked apple and beef. Well, yes, peas and other green vegetables, but she hates them.

I don’t understand, - Tatyana was confused, - wheat is not allowed here. And no bread? Even from the Volkonsky bakery? Well, you know, it's in the center, a very solid bakery...

I don’t know, ”the Lizard snapped,“ you can only barley and rice.

Girl! Yours! You will feed according to the list - everything will be fine. And smear creams. Ours. This one is for a thousand, this one is for one and a half.

She handed Tatyana two plastic cans without inscriptions. Tatyana breathed a sigh of relief. She obviously hasn't caught up yet that Kirka is allergic to both baby biscuits, which she only eats, and cow's milk(on a goat - no, cheers!), and on cornflakes and it's all banned now. But expensive creams are, of course, according to Tatyana's part. Here she is.

Good! - She nodded happily, taking out the money. - Of course! This morning and evening. This time a day, after bathing. Does it really moisturize? What's in it? Oh, herbal extract! Excellent. I will have to try too. My skin on my hands dries, it's just awful. Don't believe me.

With a sigh, I began to collect Chiara. Gave her a bull, which I specially bought this morning in a tent. I had one like this when I was a kid. You press your finger on the stand, and he falls, bending his thin legs.

You are an amazing doctor, - said Tatyana, - how cleverly everything is set up with you. The patient came, and you are immediately a remedy for him.

She opened the jar of Chiarine Cream and sniffed.

And what a remedy! This is how all doctors should work. Just give out medicines right away. That's great. Very comfortably. I'm so glad you were recommended to us. You have so many accomplishments...

Tatyana nodded at the wall, and the Lizard pouted with importance, although she waved it away in embarrassment. And then suddenly she got up and said:

Wait a minute. I have one thought emerged.

Oh, Dr. House also has constant insights! - Tatyana was delighted. - I love it when he suddenly ...

Show me your leg, - the Lizard told me, coming up to us. Now she stared at the red spot for a long time. She even took out a flashlight and turned it on. And suddenly she frowned.

And you know what… I had my doubts. And they seem to be confirmed.

Is this not an allergy? Tatyana asked with a smile.

This is oncology, - the Lizard answered, looking into Tatyana's eyes.

I glared at the doctor.

Well, - said the Lizard, - you wait a while. Need to check. But very similar.

N-oncology? Tatyana muttered.

Only now I saw that she was unrealistic ugly nose. Because suddenly he swelled up, as if a wasp had bitten at the very tip, blushed, and then it was not possible to see anything, Tatyana covered her face with her hands and sobbed.

It can't be! she screamed through her sobs. - She recently passed medical examination!

Well, - the Lizard said offendedly, returning to the laptop, - you never know how IT happens. Here is my case...

She clicked the keys. But Tatyana shook her head. Chiara looked and looked at her mother, and then she began to cry too.

Listen, - I finally remembered that I can speak, - Tatyan, maybe you can calm down a little while in the corridor? You scare Kirka.

Yes, - the Lizard said softly, - I understand, stress ...

Tell me what's up with my daughter! - shouted Tatyana and immediately said: - Well ...

Her nose began to run, and she began to pat her pockets in search of paper handkerchiefs.

Take a napkin from the nurse at the post, - Lizard advised and pointed to the door.

I am now, - Tatiana grumbled, got up and headed for the door, still covering her face with her hands. I looked at her back and thought about taking Chiara out, but as soon as Tatyana came out, the girl calmed down and began to play with the bull.

Skin cancer is treated quite successfully, - said the Lizard, - here I had a case. Caught at the very beginning. And cured. I call it a successful cancer case.

Skin cancer, I repeated.

And for the first time in my life I felt how bitter the word "cancer" can be when it is used in THIS sense.

This word did not fit with the rosy-cheeked plump Kyarka, who giggled every time the bull fell. Although it seems to be normal. Gotta mourn. It is supposed not to believe.

I did not immediately believe that my father was taken away.

Here and here. As soon as I thought this, it was as if someone grabbed my throat with a cold iron hand.

I won't cry! - I said not even to the doctor, not to Chiara, but to the bull, who fell with a satisfied look, showing that it can be pleasant to fall.

Maybe the bull is nice. And if I fall here - so who will drag Chiara home?

“I want to go to my mother,” flashed through my head.

Hide under your mother's wing, snuggle up to your shoulder, close your eyes, forget everything! Never go to visit Andryusha! Do not take this stupid rabbit! Live, read, wait for dad and dream of becoming a lighthouse keeper! Not to see how a girl cries when her hand is scratched and an allergen is dripped, not to hear that she may have skin cancer.

I looked around anxiously. It was like I was surrounded. Although there was no one in the office, except for Chiara playing with the bull, and the doctor, who kept clicking keys, going over her successful cancer cases.

I thought: on the other hand, who will then hear and see? Here, along the way, there is no one else. Bychku only if.

I swallowed metal hedgehog, stuck in her throat, tapped on the hole in her chest, into which they just splashed boiling water, and said:

It's clear. Please give me the oncologist's phone number.

Are you more expensive? Or cheaper?

And click-click again. And Kyarka the bull - bam! And threw. Almost missed the window.

I got up, walked around the table, leaned behind the doctor, picked up the toy, and when I straightened up, I saw that the doctor was looking at his laptop.

Best Recipes Chinese food. Stuffed carp.

And although the Lizard handed me two phones (And more expensive! And cheaper!), shoved me a jar of cream (a small bonus for seriously ill children!), Helped me get out of my lair and not forget anything (Phone, baby, don't forget the phone! It will come in handy for you , call an oncologist), and although we went out, crushed like someone else's heavy fur coat, by this word "cancer", a stuffed carp danced and spun in my head. As if hinting: wait to faint, girlfriend.

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