Beautiful and terrible: the names of female demons. List of hell demons: names, description, images

Among the demonologists, there has not yet been found a Linnaeus who would create an exhaustive and generally accepted classification of infernal creatures. As for the options available, they are just as contradictory and imperfect as attempts to establish the exact number of demons. Here are some common types of classifications:

1. By habitats.
This type of classification goes back to the Neo-Platonic notions that not all demons are absolutely evil and not all must necessarily dwell in Hell. The classification of the spirits of Michael Psellos was especially widespread in the Middle Ages:

- fiery demons - live in the ether, areas of rarefied air above the moon;
- air demons - live in the air under the moon;
- earthly demons - inhabit the earth;
- water demons - live in the water;
- underground demons - stay underground;
- lucifuges or heliophobes - haters of light, living in the most remote depths of hell;

2. By occupation.
A rather arbitrary classification proposed in the 15th century. Alphonse de Spina. A number of claims can be made against this scheme: many of the characteristic demonic functions have remained outside of it, and it is also almost impossible to assign one or another of the known demons to a certain category.

- Parks - women spinning the thread of fate, who are actually demons;
- Poltergeists - demons who play pranks at night, move things and do other minor dirty tricks;
- Incubus and succubus - seducing mostly nuns;
- Marching demons - usually arrive in crowds and make a lot of noise;
- Service demons - serve the witches, eat and drink with them;
- Demons of nightmares - come in dreams;
- Demons formed from the seed and its smell during sexual intercourse;
- Demons-deceivers - can appear in the form of men or women;
- Pure demons - attack only saints;
“Demons who deceive old women into thinking they were flying to the Sabbath.

3. By rank.
Based on the fact that demons are fallen angels, some demonologists (I. Wier, R. Burton) suggested the presence in hell of a system of nine ranks, similar to the angelic hierarchy of Dionysius. Their system looks like this:

- The first rank - Pseudo-gods, those who pretend to be gods, their prince Beelzebub;
- Second rank - Spirits of lies, fooling people with predictions, their prince Python;
- Third rank - Vessel of iniquities, inventors of evil deeds and vicious arts, they are headed by Belial;
- Fourth rank - Punishers of atrocities, vengeful devils, their prince Asmodeus;
- Fifth rank - Deceivers, those who seduce people with false miracles, the prince is Satan;
- The sixth rank - Air authorities, causing infection and other disasters, they are led by Merezin;
- The seventh rank - Furies, sowers of troubles, strife and wars, they are ruled by Abaddon;
- Eighth rank - Accusers and spies, led by Astaroth;
- The ninth rank - Tempters and spiteful critics, their prince Mammon.

4. Planetary classification.
Since ancient times, spirits have been correlated with heavenly bodies. Even in the ancient “Key of Solomon”, the author claims that there are “spirits of the sky of Saturn”, called “Saturnians”, there are spirits of “Jupiters”, “Martians”, “Solar”, “Venus”, “Lunar” and “Mercurians”. Cornelius Agrippa, in the fourth part of the Occult Philosophy, gives a detailed description of each category:

- Spirits of Saturn. They usually appear in a long and thin body with a face expressing rage. They have four faces: the first behind the head, the second in front, and the third and fourth on each knee. Their color is black - matte. Movements are like gusts of wind; when they appear, the impression of ground vibrations is obtained. Sign - the earth seems whiter than any snow. Images taken by them in exceptional cases: A bearded king riding a dragon. Bearded old man, old woman leaning on a stick. Hog. The Dragon. Owl. Dark clothes. Spit. Juniper.

Spirits of Jupiter. They appear in a full-blooded and bilious body, of medium height, in terrible excitement, their eyes are very meek, their speech is friendly, the color resembles iron. Their mode of locomotion is like lightning during thunder. A sign - people appear at the very circle, having the appearance of being devoured by lions. Images taken by them in exceptional cases: The King with a drawn sword, riding a deer. A man in a miter and long clothes. Girl in a laurel wreath and decorated with flowers. Bull. Deer. Peacock. Azure dress. Sword. Buxus.

- Spirits of Mars. They appear long and bilious; the appearance is very ugly, dark and somewhat reddish in color, with deer antlers and vulture claws. They roar like mad bulls. Their impulses are like a fire that spares nothing. A sign - you might think that lightning flashes around the circle and thunder rumbles. Images taken by them in exceptional cases: An armed king riding a wolf. Red clothes. Armed man. A woman with a shield at her hip. Goat. Horse. Deer. Fleece wool.

— Spirits of the Sun. They usually appear in a wide and large body, dense and full-blooded. Their color is like gold dyed with blood. Appearance is like a glow in the sky. The symptom is that the caller feels covered in sweat. Images taken by them in exceptional cases: King with a scepter, riding a lion. The king in the crown. Queen with scepter. Bird. A lion. Clothes of gold or saffron color. Scepter. Wheel.

— Spirits of Venus. They appear in a beautiful body; medium height; their appearance is charming and pleasant; color - white or green, with gilding on top. The walk is like a bright star. A sign is the girls frolicking around the circle, inviting the defiant to them. Images taken by them in exceptional cases: King with a scepter, riding a camel. A girl dressed amazingly. Nude girl. Goat. Camel. Dove. The clothes are white and green. Flowers. Grass. Cossack juniper.

- Spirits of Mercury. They appear in a body of medium height; cold, wet, beautiful, affably eloquent. With a human appearance, they are like an armed soldier who has become transparent. They approach like a silver cloud. A sign - the caller is terrified. Images taken by them in exceptional cases: The king riding a bear. A wonderful young man. A woman holding a spinning wheel. Dog. Bear. Sphinx. A colorful dress. Rod. Stick.

— Spirits of the Moon. They usually appear in a large, broad, flaccid and phlegmatic body. In color, they resemble a gloomy and dark cloud. Their physiognomy is puffy, their eyes are red and watery. The bald head is decorated with prominent boar fangs. They move with the speed of the strongest storm on the sea. The sign is heavy rain near the circle itself. Images taken by them in exceptional cases: King with a bow, sitting on a doe. Small child. Hunter with bow and arrows. Cow. Little doe. Goose. Green or silver dress. Dart. Man with multiple legs.

5. By areas of influence.
The classification proposed by contemporary demonolatry priestess Stephanie Connolly is perhaps the most convenient for practicing spellcasters who invoke demons for specific purposes. According to S. Connolly, the main spheres of influence of demons are as follows:

- Love-Desire (this category includes Asmodeus, Astaroth, Lilith, etc.)
- Hatred-Revenge-Wrath-War (Andras, Abbadon, Agaliarept, etc.)
– Life-Healing (Verrin, Verrier, Belial, etc.)
- Death (Eurynome, Vaalberit, Babael)
– Nature (Lucifer, Leviathan, Dagon, etc.)
- Money-Prosperity-Luck (Belphegor, Beelzebub, Mammon, etc.)
- Knowledge-Secrets-Witchcraft (Ronve, Python, Delepitora, etc.)

Surely no one can say which of the systems is the most correct. The only fact that can be confirmed is that there are demons of a lower and higher order. Accordingly, there are stronger entities, which, most often, are used by magicians and sorcerers to induce damage, love spells, etc. And at the same time, there are demons that on their own are not capable of harming a person. For example, succubi and incubi, all sorts of larvae can harm only if they have been in contact with you for a long time.

It should be understood that contact with demons in some way defiles the human soul and body. However, for a demon to harm our health, it needs to eat. In this regard, many demonologists classify these creatures according to the emotional component of a person. The stronger the emotions, the more power the entity that feeds on it has.

No wonder they say that love spells are one of the most dangerous effects on a person. In this case, everything is tied to love or sexual attachment, and one and the other emotion constantly feeds the creatures of the lower world and completely depletes the person himself. Regardless of what kind of demon you had to contact, you should remember about the methods of protection and insidiousness of these creatures.


SATAN - (Hebrew) adversary, enemy, accuser, Lord of fire, Hell, South.
LUCIFER - (lat.) the carrier of light, enlightenment, the morning star, the Lord of the air and the East.
BELIAL - (Hebrew) without a master, the foundation of the earth. independence, Lord of the North.
LEVIATHAN - (Hebrew) serpent from the depths, Lord of the sea and the West

Devil Names:

Abaddon (Abaddon, Abaddon) - (Hebrew) destroyer

Adramelech (Adramelech) - Sumerian devil

Apuch (Apukh) - the Mayan devil

Ahriman (Ahriman) - the Mazdakean devil

Amon (Amon) - Egyptian god of life and reproduction with a ram's head

Arolllyon (Apollyon) - Greek synonym for Satan, archdevil

Asmodeus (Asmodeus) - the Jewish god of sensuality and luxury, originally - "judging being"

Astaroth (Astarte) - the Phoenician goddess of voluptuousness and lust, the equivalent of the Babylonian Ishtar

Azazel (Azazel) - (Hebrew) gunsmith, inventor of cosmetics

Baalberith (Baalberit) - Kanaan Lord of consent, later turned into a devil

Balaam (Valaam) - the Jewish devil of greed and greed

Baphomet (Baphomet) - the Templars worshiped him as the incarnation of Satan

Bast (Bast) - Egyptian goddess of pleasure, represented in the form of a cat

Beelzebub (Beelzebub) - (Hebrew) Lord of the Flies, taken from the symbolism of the scarab

Behemoth (Behemoth) - the Jewish personification of Satan in the form of an elephant

Beherith (Begerit) - Syriac name of Satan

Bile (Vil) - Celtic God of Hell

Chemosh (Chemosh) - the national god of the Moabites, later - the devil

Cimeries (Kimmeris) - sits on a black horse and rules over Africa

Coyote (Coyote) - Devil of the American Indians

Dagon (Dagon) - Philistine vengeful god of the sea

Damballa (Damballa) - the snake god of voodooism

Demogorgon (Demogorgon) - the Greek name for the devil, should not be known to mortals

Diabolus (Devil) - (Greek) "flowing down"

Dracula (Dracula) - Romanian name for the devil

Emma-O (Emma-O) - Japanese ruler of Hell

Euronymous (Euronymus) - Greek prince of death

Fenriz (Fenritz), Fenrir - the son of Loki, depicted as a wolf

Gorge (Gorgon) - decrease. from Demogorgon, the Greek name for the devil

Haborym (Haborim) - Hebrew synonym for Satan

Hecate (Hecate) - Greek goddess of the underworld and witchcraft

Ishtar (Ishtar) - Babylonian goddess of fertility

Kali (Kali) - (Hindi) daughter of Shiva, high priestess of the Tuggians

Lilith (Lilith) - Jewish devil, the first wife of Adam

Loki (Loki) - Teutonic devil

Mammon (Mammon) - Aramaic god of wealth and profit

Mania (Mania) - the goddess of Hell among the Etruscans

Mantus (Mantu) - the god of Hell among the Etruscans

Marduk (Marduk) - God of the City of Babylon

Mastema (Mastema) - a Jewish synonym for Satan

Meiek Taus (Melok Taus) - Yezidi devil

Mephistopheies (Mephistopheles) - (rpech.) who avoids light, see also Goethe's Faust

Metztli (Metztli) - Aztec goddess of the night

Mictian (Miktian) - Aztec god of death

Midgard (Midgard) - the son of Loki, depicted as a snake

Milcom (Milcom) - ammonite devil

Moloch (Moloch) - Phoenician and Canaanite devil

Mormo (Mormo) - (Greek) King of Vampires, husband of Hecate

Naamah (Naama) - Jewish she-devil of seduction

Nergal (Nergal) - Babylonian god of Hades

Nihasa (Nihaza) - Devil of the American Indians

Nija (Nidza) - Polish god of the underworld

O-Yama (O-Yama) - the Japanese name for Satan

Pan (Pan) - the Greek god of lust, later placed in the devil's retinue

Pluto (Pluto) - Greek god of the underworld

Proserpine (Proserpine) - Greek queen of the underworld

Pwcca (Pakka) - Welsh name for Satan

Rimmon (Rimmon) - Syrian devil worshiped in Damascus

Sabazios (Shavasius) - Phrygian origin, identified with Dionysus, snake worship

Saitan (Saitan) - Enochian equivalent of Satan

Sammael (Sammael) - (Hebrew) "God's malice"

Samnu (Samnu) - the devil of the peoples of Central Asia

Sedit (Sedit) - the devil of the American Indians

Sekhmet (Sekhmet) - Egyptian goddess of revenge

Set (Set) - Egyptian devil

Shaitan (Shaitan) - Arabic name of Satan

Shiva (Shiva) - (Hindi) destroyer

Supay (Supai) - Indian god of the underworld

T "an-mo (Tian-mo) - the Chinese counterpart of the devil, the god of greed and passion

Tchort (Damn) - Russian name for Satan, "black god"

Tezcatlipoca (Tezcatlipoca) - Aztec God of Hell

Thamuz (Tamuz) - Sumerian god, later attributed to the retinue of the Devil

Thoth (Thoth) - Egyptian god of magic

Tunrida (Tunrida) - Scandinavian devil

Typhon (Typhoon) - Greek personification of Satan

Yaotzin (Yaotsin) - Aztec God of Hell

Yen-lo-Wang (Yen-lo-Wang) - Chinese ruler of Hell

- a terrible demon from Aztec mythology, which is a cross between a woman and a butterfly. It is depicted in a very unusual way even for mythological demons: stone knives are attached to the ends of its wings, and instead of a tongue, there is also a knife. Itzpapalotl also has a special magical cloak, with which he can easily turn into a completely harmless butterfly.

- a whole group of demonic beings. These are the demons that inhabit the forests of Australia.
Yara-ma is a small creature with bare red or green skin and suction cups on its arms and legs.
Yara-ma hides on the branches of trees, waiting for prey. When the victim approaches, he jumps on it, digs into the body and sucks out the blood.
The yara-ma has such a large mouth that it can easily swallow a whole person. In some cases, if Yarama-ma falls asleep immediately after eating, his victims manage to escape and escape.

- South American ferocious demon from the mythology of the Mayan people. Zotz is a malevolent, dog-headed, winged entity. This demon lives in hell and drinks the blood of anyone in its territory that catches his eye.

Xipe Totec
- an evil Mexican demon, which is a character in the mythology of the Mayan people of the era of pre-Christian Central America. In the views of the Maya, this demon could bring terrible disasters and suffering to people, destroy cities and send deadly epidemics. Therefore, it was necessary to constantly appease him so as not to disturb the evil spirit.
In the Aztec and Mayan tradition, human sacrifice was a common practice. Xipe-Totec also demanded human blood, while sacrifices had to be made at intervals of several months. This story resonates with similar stories from other nations. Suffice it to recall the tribute that the Athenians had to pay to the Knossos king Minos, annually sending young men and women to his palace as a sacrifice to the Minotaur, who lived in the labyrinths of the palace. In Slavic mythology, such a plot is associated with the sacrifice of girls to the Serpent Gorynych.
Researchers of mythology suggest that such a plot similarity originates in the prehistoric tradition of human sacrifices of that period of the existence of civilization, when there was no division of people into races, but there was a single community of people who spoke the same language (which, by the way, is reflected in the legend of the Tower of Babel) .
After its disintegration into independent ethno-national and cultural-original units, the plot spread throughout the world along with the people who settled and was filled with special details, different in each case.

Brimbston Demons
look like very old and decrepit people and are neither alive nor dead. Their bodies look withered and twisted, in some places holes are visible that appeared from smoldering and decomposition of the flesh. The faces of the demons are also terrible - a naked terrible skull with a grin of long blackened teeth, dirty yellow eyes with thin streams of blood oozing from them. These creatures feed exclusively on human flesh and fresh blood.

It is customary to call the entities that inhabit the four elements - Earth, Water, Fire and Air. They can be attributed to the spirits of wildlife, which are in the service of sorcerers, magicians and other evil spirits, and the souls of dead people reincarnated by the devil can use the help of elementals.
In ancient and modern legends, elementals are commonly referred to as "peers, devas, djinns, sylvans, satyrs, fauns, elves, dwarves, trolls, norns, nisses, kobolds, browns, nicks, stromcarls, undines, mermaids, salamanders, goblins, ponks. , banshees, kelpies, pixies, flywheels" and many others.

ANCIENT MEXICAN BELIEFS tell that there were abodes for demons and spirits, which were divided into certain categories. In the initial monastery, the spirits of innocent children lived, waiting for further distribution, in the next monastery there were the souls of the righteous and heroes, and the souls of sinners lived in dark terrible caves. And it was they who were active in real life, contacting living people who were able to see them.

Kali ma
- Indian goddess of destruction and plague, bringing grief and sowing death. In one hand she holds the head of Raktevira, the king of demons. Kalima entered into a mortal battle with him, won and drank all his blood. One of the most common depictions shows her squatting by the body of a dead Shiva, consuming his sexual organ with her reproductive organ while she devours his intestines with her mouth.
This scene should be taken not literally, but metaphorically. It is believed that the goddess takes the seed of Shiva into her womb in order to conceive him again in her eternal womb. In the same way, she devours and destroys all life around her in order to recreate it all anew.
Kali ma has black skin and an ugly, ugly face with bloody fangs. She has a third eye on her forehead. Kali ma has four hands with long claws on thin fingers. The body of Kalima is adorned with garlands of babies, snakes, the heads of her sons, and the belt is made from the hands of demons. On her neck is a necklace of human skulls, on which Sanskrit letters are engraved, which in India are considered sacred mantras, with the help of which Kalima created, connecting various natural elements.

- a gloomy and very cruel goddess of the snowy and cold North.
Scandinavia, by the way, was once called Skadin-auya, which means “Land of Skadi”.
In Norse myths, Skadi appears as the beautiful daughter of the giant Tjazzi. After the murder of her father by Thor (one of the main gods in Scandinavian mythology), Skadi came to the gates of Asgard and challenged the gods. Trying to pacify her righteous anger, the god Loki (the son of the god Thor) took the goat and went outside the gate to greet her and make a sacrifice to her.
However, the victim, according to the legend, was by no means a goat. Loki tied one end of the rope to a goat, and the other to his genitals. The goat pulled the rope one way and Loki the other until his genitals were torn out of his body. Bleeding, Loki fell at the feet of the cruel goddess Skadi. She considered it punishment enough for her father's death.
With the help of magic, Loki regained his lost genitals and continued to pursue other female goddesses.

Another demon - a representative of Scandinavian mythology - is the goddess Hel, known in ancient German mythology under the name of Holda or Bertha.
Hel was the patroness of various reservoirs (except the sea, which had its own patron god), the goddess of the hearth, spinning and growing flax.
According to ancient legend, Hel traveled across the sky with Odin on his wild hunt, which, apparently, was associated with the Valkyries. Hel was the mistress of the dead and the queen of the underworld, called Niflhelm in Scandinavian-Germanic myths. It was considered the world of the elements - freezing cold and volcanic fire. The first part was inhabited by the righteous and the gods, and the souls of sinners burned in the volcanic fire. Hel received this kingdom as a gift from Odin.
Hel was born from Loki and the female giant Angrboda. The sight of the goddess was terrible, because one half of her body was healthy, and the other was sick, with traces of decay.
In the struggle of the gods and chthonic monsters, Hel took the side of the first, accepting into her kingdom all the dead, except for those who died in battle.

Shri Lakshmi
- one of the central characters of ancient Indian mythology. This goddess, beloved of the god Vishnu, was usually depicted with a lotus in her hands or sitting on a lotus with a casket and money falling from her palm.
Legends say that she appeared from the foam of the milky ocean, that is, just like the Greek Aphrodite, she came out of the sea foam.
Lakshmi accompanies Vishnu in each of his reincarnations, always being reborn with him. She accompanied Vishnu in his most important rebirth: when he became Rama, Lakshmi became Sita. When he became Krishna, she became a cowherd girl named Radha.
Since Lakshmi is considered the goddess of luck, the Indians believe that she has a rather capricious, absurd character, because luck usually leaves a person quite suddenly.

is a creature from Scottish mythology. This demon appears in the form of a horse.
There is a well-known belief that a person who met Kelpie on the bank of the river and swam across it to the other side would never be able to return. The kelpie always drowns its prey before consuming it.

General concept of demonology and 13 Archdemons of the Hell Dimension

I think it makes no sense to explain in detail what kind of magic this is. But for beginners, I will briefly explain that this is a summoning of demons and everything connected with it. Moreover, this means work not only with hellish demons (as some may think), but also with demons of other Dark worlds, such as Lang, Tartarus, Duat and others. Here is also a brief definition of the word "demon": "A demon is an energy being of a destructive (destructive) type, located in another dimension, but capable of manifesting itself in our three-dimensional world and performing various actions in it." As you can see from the definition, Hell is absolutely optional here.
And, nevertheless, we will start with the demons of the Hell dimension, subordinate to the Dark God Lucifer, since this will be the most understandable for beginners in black magic. First of all, I want to clarify that Lucifer is not a Fallen Angel at all, and the demons of Hell are not former Angels at all. These are completely different creatures serving the Dark God Lucifer and, for the most part, created by him! However, they are mentioned in Christian and other books, and Satanists probably know their names. The most famous are 13 Archdemons, the strongest assistants of Lucifer. All of them are described in detail (with illustrations) in the book "Goetia". For those unfamiliar with this book, I will give a brief description of these 13 here.

1. Beelzebub - the supreme general of Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness and demons, and, in addition, his younger brother. Christian and some other sources often confuse him with the Lord of Hell himself, believing that "Beelzebub" is one of the names of the Luminous Lord of the Night. However, this is not the case, although they are indeed the closest relatives. It is almost impossible to summon Beelzebub, since it requires the most complex ritual and 666,000 human sacrifices, which was extremely difficult even in ancient times. Beelzebub commands 666 legions of 6666 demons each.
2. Belial (Veliar, Belial) - Duke of Hell. General Manager of Hell. It is this demon that keeps order in Hell, directs all the younger demons working there, invents new tortures for the souls who find themselves there, etc. He commands 366 legions of Hell with 6666 demons each (6666 demons in general in all legions). The call requires 111,000 human victims, not to mention the complexity of the ritual.
3. Andromellekh - Chancellor of Hell. Keeps all the records, the chief bureaucrat, so to speak. This demon directs the distribution of souls entering Hell, as well as the entire management of hellish positions (unless there is a direct order from higher ones). Andromellech has 166 legions. The call requires 6666 human casualties.
4. Azrael (Azrael) - Muslims are most afraid of this demon, however, not quite understanding its essence. In fact, Azrael is the Lord of Lies (this title is often erroneously attributed to Lucifer himself). This demon presides over the buying of souls, deceiving and seducing mortals in many worlds. He also develops most of Hell's other plans in other worlds and manages the diplomatic department, that is, almost all of Hell's external contacts. Commands 66 legions. It takes 6,000 victims to summon.
5. Astaroth (Astarte) - the demon of violence. It is the influence of subordinates, and in rare cases, of this demon himself, that our world owes to the majority of maniacs and simply insane, senseless murders. Summoning the demons of his legions is extremely easy - just kill someone in a rage and pronounce the name of Astaroth. However, it is very difficult to control his servants. It is more likely that madness will consume you than you will control it. This demon has 46 legions. For a personal call (that is, Astaroth himself, regardless of his will), 1111 human victims are required.
6.Zafael - the demon of Death. The most interesting of all the demons of Hell for me personally and other necromancers. He is the Deathbringer. The demons of his legions kill and simply take the souls of those whose hour has come. In addition, he is the Executioner of Hell, the personal killer of Lucifer. killing gods, angels and other Higher Beings by order of the Lightbringer. And, oddly enough, it is Zaphael who is the intermediary between the Hell and Paradise Dimensions, and the bright god Sabaoth very rarely resorts to his services as a killer. In submission 16 legions. The call requires 999 human casualties.
7. Raab (Leviathan) - Lord of the Ocean. This demon is the progenitor of sea serpents (including all kinds of "Nessie"), controlling storms and tsunamis. In particular, the 2004 tsunami that hit Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, etc. - his handiwork. Raab - perhaps the best in Hell takes on a material form, although the last time Bishop Vicar met with this form was in 1676 during his voyage. As far as I know, this is the last real encounter with the Sea Beast Leviathan. Commands 9 legions (mostly made up of sea demons). The call requires 766 human casualties or 33 whales killed.
8. Lanita (Lilith, Empusa) - the strongest of the demons of Hell. She rules over monsters and succubi, sexy vampires. However, this Archdemon should not be confused with the biblical Lilith, the wife of the fallen angel Samael. Lanita (or rather her servants) are called upon in some love affairs and to destroy rivals in the same affairs. Leads 6 legions. For a personal call, 666 human victims or an orgy involving 66,666 people are needed.
9. Bacchael (Bacchus, Dionysus) - the fallen god (not to be confused with the Fallen Angel). Once this demon was the Greek god of wine, fun and nature. Now it is the Lord of the Vampires and the ruler of infernal orgies. Of course, Vakhael controls only those vampires that swore allegiance to Hell or simply consider themselves to be the servants of Satan. In fact, vampires have many gods. Also, this demon is called upon during violent orgies, sinful sin and bloody feasts. It is already easier to call him, it takes only 111 victims (and not necessarily at the same time). Subordinate 1 legion.
10. Sadragiel - the demon of Fear and Madness. Unlike Astaroth, he does not breed maniacs (with rare exceptions), but induces all sorts of phobias, ranging from claustrophobia to vaginophobia. It is the appearance of this demon (or its closest servants) that the so-called "plants" are obliged to - patients of mental hospitals who are not even able to go to the toilet and eat food on their own. For black magicians, however, it is very useful. Commands 3 legions and demands 366 sacrifices for a personal apparition (against his will). As you can see, Sadragiel has higher requirements, and more subordinates than Vakhael, but since that former god, he has more power and therefore he occupies a higher step in Hell than Sadragiel.
11. Nambrot - the demon of war. With its relative weakness, it is this demon that leads the legions of Hell into battle. He is the main strategist and tactician. Of course, this demon is far from Mars (Ares), but still some part of the wars on Earth still occurs through his fault. He and his subordinates are often called upon by Satanist warriors. Commands 1 legion (personal guard). Requires only 66 human casualties to summon.
12. Aham - the demon of diseases. Great Lord Plague. Also very interesting for necromancers. A significant part of the terrible epidemics that mowed down half the population of the Middle Ages on his conscience. He does not have legions, although he controls about 3000 disease demons. It takes 30 victims to summon.
13. Belet (Belet) - the demon of lust and carnal love. The last and weakest of the Archdemons. Most black magicians, who at least once used love magic (love spells), turned to him. Of course, this demon is not capable of creating "pure" love. But everything that concerns carnal lust is in his competence. Controls incubi and 1000 demons of debauchery. He is also responsible for much of what is called "perversion" in our world. It only takes 10 human sacrifices or an orgy of 66 people for his personal summoning.

Well, that's all 13 Archdemons of Hell. Of course, calling them personally is very difficult. However, it is relatively easy to summon their servants and the warriors of their legions.

And other entities. In early sources, the difference between the terms "demon" and "god" is not always traced, just as the connection of demons exclusively with the forces of evil or good is not traced. The lack of differentiation between the class of demons and other entities in archaic times was due primarily to the practicality of such a unity of all entities. It didn't matter who the ancient man turned to - he asked for help and waited for help, he didn't care where the help would come from.
The demon is not only punishing, but also helping. All familiar angels are also demons ... This idea does not even contradict the religion that says that demons are the offspring of fallen angels.
An angel has the same structure as a demon. Not only that, the angel has the same cliches of behavior as the demon. The only difference is perception...

In the Christian tradition, as in Judaism, there was a further evolution of the term, after which all supernatural beings and gods belonging to the pagan tradition and opposed to the one God began to be called demons. All evil spirits were included in this category. Spirits that have not fallen away from God are called angels. From here comes the Christian idea of ​​demons as fallen angels who have lost the favor of the Lord.

Basic information about daimons (geniuses) in the ancient Greek classics is taken from Plato's Dialogues "After-Law", "Feast", "Apology of Socrates", etc.

In the dialogue "After Law", Plato calls daimons a kind of air creatures that have the third and fourth ranks in the hierarchy of spirits and take their place after the stars and gods. Daimons, being something between gods and people, act as intermediaries (between gods and people) and therefore they should be especially revered in prayers. Daimon (genius) is assigned to a person from birth and accompanies him until his death (cf. angel). Daimons of the fourth rank consist only of air and ether, and therefore "no matter how close they are from us, they remain indistinguishable." At the same time, they belong to the genus "able to learn quickly and have a good memory."

Iamblichus in his essay "On the Egyptian Mysteries" distinguishes daimons from visible (understood) and invisible (surpassing rational perception) gods, and from mortal demigods-heroes. By their nature, daimons are lower than gods.

According to Talmudic tradition, the demons were created by God at dusk after the first Sabbath. Before he could finish them, night fell, and therefore the demons did not get the bodies. They occupy an intermediate position between angels and humans, living in the air between the earth and the moon, preferring unclean and desolate places.

Christian tradition considers demons to be evil servants of Satan, living in hell, but able to roam the world, looking for souls ready to fall. Demons, according to the teachings of the Christian church, are powerful and greedy creatures. In their world, it is customary to trample the lower ones into the dirt and kowtow to the stronger ones.

Hierarchy and classification of Demons

It is rather difficult to classify demons, since often the abilities and nature of different spirits are intertwined and interrelated. However, the Dutch physician and occultist Johannes Weyer, in his book Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, (1588), gives a detailed classification of demons and instructions for those who wish to invoke them.

The following ranks stand out:

  • The ninth, lowest rank is "Tempters and spiteful critics", who are in charge of low passions. Among them there are demons of gluttony, drunkenness, greed and so on. They are led by Mammon.
  • The eighth rank is “The accusers and spies”, trying to instill despair in people and turn them away from repentance. Their leader is Astaroth.
  • The seventh rank is the "Furies", they are the sowers of troubles, wars and strife. Their head is Abaddon.
  • The sixth rank is “Air Powers”, creatures hovering in the air, spreading pestilence, causing infection and other disasters, They are led by Merezin.
  • The fifth rank is "Deceivers" who work false miracles and signs that seduce the people. Their head is Satan.
  • The fourth rank - "Punisher of atrocities", demons in charge of punishment for villains, vengeful demons. Asmodeus leads them.
  • The third rank - "Vessel of iniquities" - Inventors of evil deeds and vicious arts. They own the ideas of hard liquor, gambling and much more. Their prince is Belial.
  • The second rank - "Spirits of lies" - Oracles, soothsayers, fooling people with predictions. Prince them - Python.
  • The first, highest rank is "Pseudogods", false gods. It is they who require people to worship them and bloody sacrifices. They are led by Beelzebub.

In the Zohar and later Kabbalistic texts, evil spirits are often referred to as "Klipot", which means "sheaths" or "shells". These are surpluses, garbage or filth, from which the "organism" of the universe is freed. By the 13th century, the doctrine of the ten diabolical Sefirot was formed, which are polar opposites of the ten divine Sephiroth. Each diabolical Sephiroth is ruled by one of the princes of darkness, which, in turn, is ruled by Samael - a fallen angel, and now a poisoning demon. MacGregor Mathers classifies them in the following order:

  1. Satan and Moloch
  2. Beelzebub
  3. Lucifuge
  4. Astaroth
  5. Asmodeus
  6. Velphegor
  7. Baal
  8. Adrammelech
  9. Lilith
  10. Naama.

They correspond to 9 ranks of Angels:

9 - seraphim

8 - cherubs

7 - thrones

6 - dominance

4 - power

3 - start

2 - archangels

1 - angels.

Iamblichus, a major theurgist of the Neoplatonic school, a man skilled in sacred magic, teaches that: "Good daimons actually appear to us, while evil ones can only appear in the illusory form of phantoms."

“Good daimons are not afraid of light, while evil ones need darkness. The feelings they evoke in us make us believe in the reality of the things they show us, even if these things are absent. “Gods, angels and daimons, as well as souls, can be called up by invocation and prayers. But if a mistake occurs during the theurgical action, beware! Do not imagine that you are associating with beneficent deities who answer your sincere prayer; no, for these are evil daimons, only under the guise of good ones, for elementaries often pretend to be good, and pretend that they belong to a much higher rank than they actually occupy. Boasting betrays them."

Magicians who adhere to the theory of Kabbalah, which is a mysterious and complex set of ancient teachings, have ten such forces. Astrologers in the past believed that there were seven main forces in the universe - according to the number of planets visible to the naked eye (the Sun and Moon were also considered planets). Now they take into account already ten forces, adding Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to the seven visible planets.

Numerologists deal with nine forces, corresponding to numbers from 1 to 9. The great forces of the universe are neither good nor evil. Each of them has its good and its evil side - or, in occult terms, its positive and negative aspects. The evil side of this or that force is the sphere of action of powerful evil beings, the so-called "demons". The good side, respectively, is the sphere of "angels", or good spirits. The magical universe is like an ocean in which invisible waves of gigantic ebb and flow roll eternally; these waves carry us all along, but there are strong enough and smart people who are able to curb and use them.

Occultists (as well as Catholic theologians) do not advise neglecting demons and do not consider them just a product of the imagination. In the occult tradition, there are two main approaches to the problem of the Devil and angels. Some magicians believe that the Devil is the god of sorcerers and witches, and in order to earn his favor, one should worship him and follow his commands. Others are convinced that demons are evil entities endowed with great power, but a sufficiently powerful and courageous magician is able to subdue them to his will. To force the demon into obedience, rituals are necessary, during which the magician makes sacrifices, burns incense, draws occult signs and casts spells. Such magical operations are considered extremely dangerous.

Demons and Gods

As many researchers have noted, gods of foreign peoples usually become demons. This is the case with many of the evil spirits mentioned in Weyer and in the Lemegeton. Some of them were originally gods of the tribes that lived in the neighborhood of the ancient Jews, or the Canaanites, whose territory the Jews conquered. Since in the Old Testament these gods are mentioned only with anger and contempt as rivals of Jehovah, they later began to be perceived as inhabitants of hell.

Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies, was considered the lord of demons in Jewish folk traditions at the time of Christ, whom the scribes accused of having "Beelzebub in Himself and casting out demons by the power of the prince of demons" (Mark 3:22). This demon was originally the god Baal-zebub, revered in the Philistine city of Ekron; King Ahaziah, to the displeasure of the prophet Elijah, sent ambassadors to him as to an oracle. The name of this god can be translated either as "the lord of the flies" or as "the lord who drives out the flies"; it is also possible that the priests of Baal-zebub divined from the flight of flies.

Baal (Baal) means "lord"; this title was attached to the names of many local gods in Syria and Palestine. The supreme Baal was the great god of fertility among the Canaanites. The Old Testament says that the adherents of Baal allegedly sacrificed babies to him: they "arranged heights for Baal to burn their sons with fire as a burnt offering to Baal" (Jeremiah 19:5). Attempts have been made to connect Baal with the Celtic sun gods Belenus and Belinus, as well as with Beltane, the Celtic fire festival celebrated on May 1; however, apparently, these correlations are based on a false etymology.

Children were also sacrificed to Moloch - the Phoenician and Canaanite god - and Adrammelech, whose cult, apparently, was brought to Samria by immigrants from Syria. The name of the demon "Chamos" is a distorted "Hemosh", and "Melhom" is a distorted "Milk"; Shemesh was the god of the Moabites, and Milkom was the god of the Ammonites.

Dagon was the supreme deity of the Philistines; it was in his temple that they placed the Ark of the Covenant, captured in the battle with the Israelites. The power within the Ark destroyed the idol of Dagon, shattering it into pieces.

Another demon, originally a Canaanite god, is Baalberith, "lord of the covenant," that is, the god of treaties and agreements. Together with other demons (including Beelzebub, Astaroth and Asmodeus), he took possession of Sister Madeleine de Demandol, an early 17th-century nun from the Ursuline convent in Aix-en-Provence. Under the influence of demons, she had visions; she danced and sang love songs, struck lewd positions, and told chilling tales of sodomy and baby-devouring, which she had witnessed at witches' sabbats. Investigators found that Madeleine was seduced and bewitched by her confessor, Father Gofridi. He was tortured and then strangled and burned at Aix in 1611.

The prototype of the demon named Astaroth was the goddess of the Canaanites and the Phoenicians Astarte, identical to the Babylonian Ishtar. Her cult was especially pompous, and the Old Testament prophets constantly condemned her adherents. Subsequently, this goddess turned into a male demon, who appears to the caster in the guise of a beautiful angel, but has bad breath. Astaroth teaches the magician all the sciences and reveals to him the truth about the past, present and future.

Asmodeus, the demon of fornication, lust and all sorts of excesses, is often mentioned in Jewish sources. This character appears to have originally been an evil spirit. According to some legends, he has the legs of a rooster, a bird known for its voluptuousness. It was Asmodeus who killed the seven husbands of Sarah in the Book of Tobit. Perhaps his name goes back to the Persian "Aishme deva"; that was the name of the "demon of the wounding spear", the demon of passion, anger and rage. Other researchers associate the name Asmodeus with the Hebrew word "shamad" - "destroy". The Lemegeton states that it must be called with an uncovered head.

Belial (Veliar) - "insignificant" demon of lies; he also appears to have been a spirit of evil from the beginning. His name is derived from the Hebrew phrase "beli ya" al "-" useless". The ancient Jews sometimes called him the supreme demon. In the text "The War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness", found among the Dead Sea manuscripts, Belial appears as the leader of the army of darkness. " But for vice you created Belial, the angel of enmity. All his possessions are in darkness, and his desire is to bear sin and guilt. All the spirits under his control are the angels of destruction. He appears to the caster in the guise of a beautiful angel and speaks in a deceptively gentle, pleasant voice.

Mammon, the demon of acquisitiveness, was originally just an Aramaic word for wealth or profit. And he began to be considered a demon because Jesus said: "You cannot serve God and mammon" (Matt. 6:24).

The name of the demon Kimaris, riding a black horse and commanding all the spirits of Africa, apparently comes from the name of the Cimmerians - a people who, according to Homer, inhabited the foggy and dark regions of the Far West. This demon predicts the future and, perhaps, is identical to Balaam, who in the Old Testament is presented as a greedy magician, and in the New - as a symbol of money-grubbing or idolatry and adultery (II Peter 2:15; Rev. 2:14).

The name "Satan" comes from a Hebrew word meaning "to resist." In the early books of the Old Testament, written before the Babylonian captivity (that is, before the 6th century BC), the word satan is used in the sense of "adversary." In the episode that tells about the journey of Balaam, the Angel of the Lord "stands on the road to hinder (satan) him" (Numbers 22:22). At the same time, the word satan did not necessarily refer to a supernatural adversary. So, the Philistines refused to accept David's help, fearing that in the battle he would go over to the side of the enemy and become their satan, that is, the enemy (1 Sam. 29:4). The word "Satan" in its more familiar meaning appears in two later passages written after the Babylonian captivity. Here Satan is an angel who belongs to Jehovah's entourage and acts as an accuser of sinners before God. In the Book of the Prophet Zechariah, approximately dating from the end of the 6th century BC. e., a vision is described in which the high priest Jesus appears before the judgment of God. At the right hand of Jesus stands Satan, "to resist him," that is, to act as an accuser.

What can attract the attention of the Demon to you

If you are interested in the paranormal, then the topic of Spirits and Ghosts may be intriguing to you. It is a completely different matter if otherworldly entities settled next to you. The presence of spirits in the house can be light and unobtrusive, so that sometimes even the most experienced and sensitive medium cannot catch their presence, but sometimes their presence is so obvious that even a person who does not believe in the paranormal resorts to help, trying to get rid of uninvited guests . In the latter case, we are talking about negative energy entities - demons. If they have settled in your home, they can make noise, cause discomfort and even harm to the inhabitants of the house. Below we will look at the signs of a demonic presence in the home.

At the very beginning, the signs of the presence of a demon are not very pronounced and may not differ from an ordinary spirit. These include:

  • strange sounds and phenomena: the sounds of steps, doors opening and closing, indistinct whispers or groans, white noise, turning on and off electrical appliances;
  • visions: you see shadows in your peripheral vision, flickering lights, objects that change position when you turn your back, dark figures, etc .;
  • unusual sensations: a feeling that someone is watching you, a feeling of an outside presence in the house, a sudden and inexplicable feeling of coldness, goosebumps, a feeling of touching the body;
  • strange smells: smells of perfume, food, sulfur, just unpleasant smells.

When the demon gains strength, its presence becomes more pronounced and the signs intensify, and the following may be added to the above:

  • recurring nightmares;
  • a feeling of heaviness, pressure in a dream, after waking up, unexplained bruises and scratches may appear on the body;
  • a general feeling of discomfort and fear, you cannot relax and rest in your home;
  • tension between family members, constant disagreements and quarrels;
  • the demon is one of the family members. Often demons choose one family member, sometimes it can be a child, to whom he usually appears in the form of a harmless entity. Watch your child: if a normally active and cheerful child becomes withdrawn and talks about his new “imaginary” friend, this is a sign to look out for;
  • damage or inexplicable disappearance of religious objects such as crucifixes, icons, rosaries, etc.;
  • things in the house are turned over and scattered, although there are no signs of strangers entering the house;
  • it is not known where the inscriptions appeared on the walls and other places in the house.

Signs of demonic persecution or possession

Unfortunately, it often happens that when a demon appears in a house, the people themselves unconsciously begin to feed it. A vicious circle arises - the presence of a demon causes negativity between family members, quarrels and fear, which the demon feeds on, becoming more and more powerful. A demonic presence can escalate into a haunting or possession by one or more people, depending on the strength of the demon.

If you notice one or more of the following signs in one or more family members, know that the situation is getting out of hand:

  1. estrangement: a person withdraws from their loved ones socially and physically. He becomes more silent, ceases to take part in family affairs;
  2. anger/resentment: a person has sudden strong emotional manifestations, usually anger or resentment towards other family members;
  3. lack of interest: a person loses interest in what previously interested him - work, study, favorite hobby, etc .;
  4. recurring nightmares and fears, the person is afraid of the dark, may scream in his sleep;
  5. inexplicable marks on the body: scratches, bruises, bites in places where the person himself cannot reach (it is important not to confuse with the poltergeist phenomenon);
  6. a sudden interest in the occult and black magic;
  7. unexplained illness and weakness, may be accompanied by weight loss, hair loss, discoloration of the skin, clouding of the mind, loss of appetite, vomiting, general weakness.

You can certainly talk about obsession if a loved one ceases to be like himself, his voice changes, he has bouts of incredible strength or supernatural abilities. It is important to remember that the situation is reversible. First of all, stop feeding the demon with negative energy and seek help as soon as you see the first signs of its presence in the house. Don't wait for it to get worse!

What Geographically Attracts Demons

Demons live on a certain plane of existence, and sometimes they are attracted to certain places or people. What attracts the demon to a particular place:

  • murder/suicide: violent or unnatural death can leave enough negative energy in space to attract a demon;
  • black magic: any place that has been used for black magic rituals serves as a kind of portal for various entities, where they can linger. If a group of people participated in the ritual, then such a place becomes a “magnet” for spirits;
  • places with negative energy: any place where people with bad thoughts and intentions live. If the negative is strong enough and long enough, then such a place can attract the attention of the corresponding entities.

What attracts the Demon to a particular person

  • occultism: sometimes even in a playful way or for the sake of curiosity, activities such as divination, tarot reading, using a prediction board can attract negative entities to you;
  • black magic: black magic rituals open a portal to our world for such entities, especially if the ritual was performed by a group of people;
  • depression/negative thoughts: a person suffering from chronic depression has a weakened aura, which can attract negative entities to him, incl. demons;
  • drug use: a person who regularly uses drugs can also attract negative entities to himself. Why? Because drugs deplete a person physically, mentally and spiritually, and a weakened aura attracts other entities that continue to feed on his energy (or what is left of it).

How to identify the otherworldly entity in the apartment

It is not a secret for many that in addition to the visible, tangible physical world, there is a world of organized energy and vibration, another dimension. It is inhabited by creatures that people have given the name of angels, demons, spirits, larvae, etc. Sometimes our dimensions intersect and entities penetrate our world. About how to determine the presence of an entity in your home, read on.

To identify an alien entity in an apartment, you need to be observant, remember what unusual has happened recently and what is the situation in the present. Weak entities show their presence in small things. Most often through unexplained phenomena. There are 4 main features by which a conclusion is made about the presence of an entity in the house:

unusual phenomena

Have you noticed a flickering light in the house, although you recently changed the light bulb or checked the wiring? Or maybe your TVs are acting up in a strange way with a stable broadcast signal? Such phenomena may indicate an otherworldly presence.
Everything happens because of the vibration-wave structure of entities. Intersecting with the electromagnetic field of an electrical device, they cause interference.

Also, spirits can give out their presence by a sharp change in temperature, inappropriate for this place. For example, just now it was warm or even hot in your house, and the windows were closed, but at a certain period of time in one of the rooms the temperature drops sharply. You will feel this cold and it is unlikely that you will find it pleasant, because even warm clothes will not save you from it. In the place where this phenomenon was noticed, it is worth putting a thermometer and roughly tracking the time the anomaly appeared in order to take measures to expel the uninvited "guest".

Similar to a sudden change in temperature, a strange smell that suddenly appears and also suddenly disappears can serve as a signal.

Pet reaction to demons

One of the important signs of otherworldly presence is the behavior of pets. Did you notice anything strange about them? It has long been believed that animals (especially cats) have the strongest connection with the other world, unlike people, and can see and interact with such guests. Therefore, no matter how pets, who can reveal the location of the demonic entity.

If you have suspicions about the presence of spirits or larvae in the house, keep an eye on your pet - he may be behaving strangely. The behavior of a cat or dog to a greater extent can show what kind of character your guest is. Animals react aggressively to unkind entities. And they can just look at the good ones or even fawn over them if they don’t see anything dangerous for themselves and their owners in them. If you begin to notice that pets are trying to attack someone invisible, you should conduct a diagnosis of the house or apartment in order to understand what has come into your home and what his intentions are.

bad dream

The next factor in the presence of a demonic entity in the house can be bad sleep. If you and your family have had bad dreams for a long time or someone in the household began to notice that they wake up at a certain time at night, then you can be 99.9% sure that there is an uninvited guest in your house. You may feel in your sleep that you are being pushed or jerked out of sleep, and no one is around. This is another sign that an otherworldly entity has wound up in the house.

Disease and vampirism

The last of the main signs are frequent illnesses, depression, weakness, lack of strength. This may be due to weakness in your body, fatigue at work, or seasonal blues. But if this has not happened before, and the state of health is deteriorating, it is worth sounding the alarm. Of course, you first need to see a doctor, but in cases of otherworldly interference, the doctor will not be able to diagnose and treatment will not bring relief.

The fact is that there are vampire entities that can feed on life energy, depleting life forces. Most often this becomes noticeable when the whole family is sick, but a vampire can choose a victim and one person. Something not from this world feeds on the energy of your household and yourself. Most often, the essence contributes to weakness, malaise, exacerbation of diseases of the nervous system, as a result - diseases.

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DEMON is a word derived from the ancient Greek "daimon". So who are these, after all, demons?

The mythological consciousness of pagan beliefs says that the demon is the “soul” of an object, an unknowable force that can be evil or very evil, the demon is present in all phenomena or things, fire and water spirits, spirits of trees and spirits of stones, representing the Universe as space, everything is filled with demons. (Thales).

Religious consciousness, especially Christian mysticism, believes that a demon is a creature opposite to an angel, and demons often came from former bright angels or even gods. Most often, the Demon is something evil and absolutely indifferent to a person, but if you turn to him, then the person who knows, the demon will readily serve and fulfill the slightest desires only in order to provide himself with fueling energy.

Devils, no doubt, are also very strong entities, but since they do not have a physical shell, which deprives them of a huge amount of earthly pleasures, they are extremely willing to make various agreements and can completely obey the will of the magician and even do good. The passion for cabalism, on the one hand, and the development of demonology, on the other, had consequences in the form of the development of a hierarchy and a certain specialization of demons (for example, incubi, demons, succubi and imps); if we talk about Byzantine theologians, then they divided the demons into 4 categories:

- god-like demon (theodaimones);

- humanoid demon (anthropodaimones);

- bestial demon (zoodaimones);

- plant-like demon (phytodaimones).

If we understand God as the creative force of nature, more precisely, progress, and, regardless of what we are talking about - about society, about inanimate or living nature, then the forces of destruction are what is meant by the devil. The Devil has had a huge number of names over the past few thousand years. This is the Prince of Darkness, and Lucifer, and Beelzebub, and the Beast, and the Antichrist, and the evil one, and the Prince of demons, and the tempting serpent, and the Angel of the Abyss, and Satan, as well as many other names. The Devil Names section provides the most common names and a brief description of the names of evil spirits.

Now we know that in the occult and philosophical understanding, demons are spiritual entities, embodied in an abstract form, they are incorporeal beings, and nevertheless, capable of certain actions. The basic principle of communication with a demon is the knowledge of its name and the main purpose of this demon. If you know the name of the desired demon and have certain skills, then you can very well call him and tell him about your wishes.

Demonic Names and Purposes

    Abduscius is a demon that uproots trees.
    Abbadon is the ruler of the abyss.
    Adramalech is a demon who was considered an adviser and was responsible for the Satanic wardrobe.
    Abigor is a skilled warrior, demon rider.
    Azazel is the bearer of the banners of the mighty army of hell.
    Agvares is the organizer of the dances, the great infernal duke.
    Alruny is the name of a sorceress who can change her appearance; in German mythology, this is a female Demon.
    Alastor is the herald.
    Amon is a marquis.
    Amduscias is a musician.
    Ancu - a ghost with a wagon foreshadowing death (Brittany).
    Andras is a great marquis.
    Astaroth - the great duke of the underworld, kept hellish treasures.
    Asmodeus is a demon of lust, family difficulties and great passions.
    Astarte - the goddess of motherhood, war and fertility - from the ancient.
    Astarte is a great infernal duke.
    Acheron is a monstrous infernal demon, his eyes glow.
    Barbatos is a predictor of the future, he also knew how to find hidden treasures.
    Balthazar is a tailed half-demon, half-man.
    Belphegor is the one who seduced people with wealth.
    Baphomet - was a symbol of the satanic goat; most often depicted as a half-man-half-goat or in the guise of a man with a goat's head.
    Vaalberith is the chief infernal secretary.
    Baal is a demon of deceit and treachery, a great infernal duke.
    A vampire is a living dead that drinks the blood of people.
    Valafar is the patron saint of robbers and robbers.
    Warlocks are male witches.
    Beelzebub - lord of flies, commanded the legions of hell.
    Belizar is a demon of lies and one of Satan's strongest allies.
    Verdelet is the master of ceremonies of hell.
    Golem - this is the name of a terrible person who is created by magic in Jewish folklore.
    Dantalian is the one who pushes people to bad deeds, thereby feeding on their energy.
    Dagon is the baker of hell.
    Devil - Christian teachings say that this is the Great Prince of Evil.
    Dis - Dante gave Satan such a poetic name.
    Dubbuk - according to Jewish mythology - a wandering spirit.
    Zepar is a demon that drives women crazy.
    Ishtar - from Babylonian and Assyrian mythology - the great mother goddess.
    Incubus is a male lover demon.
    Cernunnos - god of fertility and hunting, horned Celtic god.
    Kali is the Indian goddess of destruction, death, horror, fear, the wife of the destroyer SHIVA.
    Xaphan - makes fires in hell.
    Leviathan is the lord of the oceans, a huge snake.
    Lamia is a female demon, a vampire who hunted, most often, for children.
    Lillian - children of Lilith from demons.
    Leonard is the master of the covens.
    Lilith is the first wife of Adam, the queen of succubus.
    Lucifer is the son of the dawn, a fallen angel. He rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven, aka Satan.
    Malebolge is the eighth, almost the last circle of hell, created for scammers and cunning people.
    Put Satanakia is the Supreme Commander of the Satanic Army.
    Marbas is the one who sent or cured the disease.
    Mammon - experienced a passion for wealth.
    Mephistopheles served Faust for 24 years.
    Melhom - kept the treasures of the princes of hell.
    Mulciber is the architect of hell.
    Moloch is the deity to whom children's souls were sacrificed.
    Nibras - responsible for excessive entertainment.
    Nebiros is the field marshal of the infernal army.
    Olivier is a fallen archangel who awakens cruelty towards the poor in a person.

Some examples of Vampire names

CIVATATEO: A vampire witch, found among the Aztecs. He is said to have served various lunar deities. The most beloved victims there were children, they died of illness immediately after they were attacked. It is believed that these vampires were white-faced.

DEARG-DUE: A hideous creature from Ireland whose name meant "Red Blood Sucker". This vampire is still feared and still dates back to Celtic times. There is only one way to curb a predator - you need to put stones on any grave that is suspected of housing such an animal. The best-known story about these vampires is that of a beautiful woman who may have been buried at Waterford, near the "Bowing Tree" (probably Aspen, a variety of Willow) in the little yard of the church.

DANAG: A Filipino vampire, as a species, he appeared to be responsible for what was created by Taro in the islands many years ago. This vampire had been working with humans for many years, when one day such partnership ended because a woman cut her finger and DANAG sucked her blood for so long that he completely withered the body.

Other mystical Names

    Loa - "soul" according to Voodoo religion.
    Isis - the mother goddess of ancient Egypt, was a symbol of a faithful wife and a prolific mother-protector.
    Cocytus is a frozen river from the ninth circle of hell.
    Druids are a caste of high-ranking Celtic priests.
    A zombie is a living corpse that does the sorcerer's orders.
    Demeter is a Greek goddess, her image is an integral part of the cult of the female deity of modern witchcraft, she is the goddess of agriculture and fertility.
    Jinn - from Arabic mythology - most often they are evil and ugly demons, they have supernatural power, as well as obey those who own the secrets of magic.

    Danu is the progenitor of fairies from Celtic mythology.
    The homunculus is an artificial human being created through alchemy.
    Gris-gris - from shamanism - talismans or spells kept to ward off evil and good luck.
    Gaia is the spirit, Mother Earth in Greek mythology.
    Goblins are ugly and malevolent elves.
    Osiris is the Egyptian god of the dead.
    Bellarmina is a witch's bottle that is used to make a potion.
    A witch is a woman who uses black magic to achieve her goals.
    Ankh - a cross with a loop, the Egyptian symbol of immortality, the universe and life.
    Athame is a ritual dagger used by witches.
    Allotrilophagy is the spitting up or vomiting of foreign objects most often associated with the possession of the Devil.
    The altar is an elevated place for religious ceremonies and offerings of sacrifices to the gods.
    Pandemonium - in hell - the capital of Satan.
    Lemegeton is a pocket witch book, the Lesser Key of Solomon.
    Summer - in hell - a river of oblivion.
    Kabbalah is a Jewish system of philosophy, theosophy, magic, science, and mysticism that developed during the Middle Ages.
    Kerriduen - among the Celts - this is the goddess of reason, wisdom, magic, magic and divination.
    I-Ching is an ancient Chinese system of witchcraft and divination.
    Gnomes are spirits that live in the earth.
    Angels are the helpers of God (white angels), and the fallen angels are the embodiment of the evil of the servant of Satan himself.
    Hecate - from Greek mythology - is a powerful goddess who patronizes magic and sorcery.
    Ghoul is a terrible creature that rips up graves and eats carrion.
    Voodoo is a religion originally from the West Indies, a hybrid of the Catholic faith and African religions.

· Primary elements - earth, water, air and fire - four primary elements.

The topic of this article is the names of the demons of Hell, as well as their classification. Hell has a certain structure, as well as a vertical of power. This vertical is called the hierarchy of demons. It determines what place one or another of them occupies in the structure of Hell, as well as the tasks and goals that he must fulfill.

Demons of Power

The highest level belongs to the Demons of Power. They include the Lord (Lucifer), as well as Bezelvul and Astaroth. These demons of Hell share their position with their spouses, but at the same time, the leading role in the management of Hell belongs to men. The role of women is not diminished or limited. They can also make important decisions, but only under their own responsibility. Let us describe in more detail what the highest demons of Hell are.


Lucifer is the ruler of Hell. His parents are Nokaniel and Jehovah. His wife is the demon Kasikandriera. Lucifer has no children. He has the most power of all demons. All natural phenomena, beings, energies of the worlds subject to it, rest on it. Lucifer outwardly has a strong physique and great growth. His skin is red, he has dark hair and large horns on his head. Lucifer also has large dark wings. This demon only cares about his world and the creatures that live in it. He is trying to improve their lives.


Astaroth is also the Demon of Power. He is the Deputy Lord and his first assistant. All the energies and forces of Hell in the absence of Lucifer are closed on him. Astaroth is married to Astarte. Their firstborn is Perochul. Astaroth left Paradise with the Lord. This is one of Lucifer's closest friends. His character is sociable and cheerful. Astaroth is popular with women. Outwardly, he is very handsome. The skin is pale with a bluish tint, the hair is bright black, deep dark eyes always shine. Astaroth also has huge wings.


Wezelvul is the second assistant of the Overlord. His wife is Bufovirt, his son is Miloris. This fallen angel or demon is a master of his craft, taking everything seriously. He is a true patriot of Hell, who helped the Lord in the creation of the world and its development. Beelzebub's individual appearance: short dark hair with long bangs, a serious expression on his face, gray-blue skin, pale. He has large dark wings that shimmer in red and large gray horns. His personal sign is a fly, since insects obeyed Weselvul in childhood.

Approximate Rulers

In the hierarchy, the next step is occupied by the demons of Hell, which are Approximate Rulers. They have the right to act on his behalf in solving various state issues.


Belphegor is the Demon of the Brotherhood, one of the Approximate Lord, and also one of the best friends of Lucifer. He leads a group of demons, can act on behalf of the ruler in solving various issues. Belphegor is married to Depinpick. He is one of the strongest fighters of Hell, who knows no mercy and pity in battle. He is also merciless to those who break the law. It is believed that there are two main merry fellows in hell - Belphegor and Asmodeus. This demon is beautiful in appearance. His skin is bright blue, his hair is dark blue, his eyes, horns and wings are also blue.


Asmodeus is the Demon of the Brotherhood who leads a group of demons. He is an approximate ruler, also has the right to act on behalf of Lucifer. He has no wife and children. Asmodeus became the head of the group of Demons at the age of 7, and at 12 he became Approximate, which is considered a unique phenomenon. The character of Asmodeus is contradictory. At the same time, he is called both the charm and the psycho of Hell. This demon has pale skin with a blue tint, shoulder-length dark long hair, gray eyes, a strong build, large dark gray wings and large horns.

Lucifer's Attendants also include other demons of Hell, who are not only his friends, but at the same time the main assistants in solving the issues of Hell's life and in current affairs. But they cannot act on his behalf. Let's briefly describe them.


Abbaddon is the Demon of the Brotherhood who leads a group of Demons. He is an Approximate of the Lord. He has no wife and children. This is a strong and fierce fighter. Knows no mercy in battle. Abbaddon is the conqueror of women's hearts. He is handsome, his skin is a light peach color, he has blond hair, a strong build, blue eyes, straight white horns, light blue wings.


Adonai works in the group of Asmodeus, is an Approximate of the Lord. He is married to Lamia and has many children. He has a complex history of existence in Hell, as well as an uneasy relationship with the Overlord. For breaking the law, his wife is currently serving a severe sentence, performing hard work. Adonai does not maintain any contact with her. Outwardly, this demon is quite attractive. He has red eyes, dark brown skin, blond hair with long bangs, dark colored horns, and large brown wings.


Belial - Approximate Ruler, Chief Priest. This is one of the most powerful Demons in Hell. He has no wife and children. He oversees the work of the priestly directions, devoting himself entirely to the work. Belial has almost no free time. He is quite demanding and cruel, does not give anyone concessions. This demon does not tolerate refusals and excuses in his work. For such things, he personally severely punishes up to the exile of the soul of the offender in the mortal world. Belial, like other priests, makes various items into which he invests a certain energy. Outwardly, he is beautiful. Skin color - blue, eyes purple, hair brown. Belial has big black wings and bull horns.


Kadumar - Approximate Lord, Demon of the Brotherhood. He has no children and no wife. This is a strong fighter. He has fiery skin, red hair, solid dark red eyes, large horns, and black and red patterned wings. The physique is strong.


Lokisor is the Demon of Power. Not married, no children. For some time, Lokisor stayed on Earth, where he performed the tasks assigned to him. He wears clothes only made from the skin of demons or demons. He makes it himself and sometimes sews it. Lokisor also makes whips. He has blonde hair, blue skin, blue solid eyes, black bull horns, and black wings.


Olotan was a former Gatherer Demon, now a Demon of the Brotherhood. He is not married and has no children either. This is a fairly strong fallen angel, or demon. He came to Asmodeus's group at his invitation, having previously led a group of Demon Gatherers. Olotan was trained by Asmodeus and then set to work. Demanding in the performance of official duties. He has peach-colored skin and constantly changes his hairstyle. Olotan has large horns that go a little to the side and then straight. He, like all demons, has large wings.


Palatem is another Demon of the Brotherhood from the Asmodean group. Married to Kali. Palatem led a group of Power Demon for some time, he took this place at a young age. Then Asmodeus noticed him and invited him under his leadership to the Demons of the Brotherhood, taught him personally. He has brown skin, long blond hair with bangs over his eyes and a slight yellow tint, solid brown eyes, large horns, and dark wings.


Pichthion is also the Demon of the Brotherhood. He has no parents, wife and children. Only Voloyan, his sister, is among his close relatives. He works in her group. This is a rather cruel demon, does not tolerate rudeness and insolence, a strong fighter. Has red hair, emerald eyes, light skin, fiery wings and red horns.

Brotherhood Demons and Priests

Priests and Demons of the Brotherhood occupy the next step in the hierarchy. A group of priests has certain privileges, but they, at the same time, have more stringent standards of behavior than other Demons, as well as a huge responsibility for their actions.

In their internal structure, the Demons of the Brotherhood have several different directions, the main of which are the following: Rikot, Motolu and Panora.

Panora is a type of demons responsible for maintaining order and law. They participate in on-site inspections and also eliminate violations.

The direction of Motolu includes demons, which are elite scouts and fighters.

Rikot are the demons that are the heads of the groups.

In addition to maintaining order and law, all the Demons of the Brotherhood participate in battles. The head of all of them is Satan. All demons belonging to this group obey him, except for the priests.


Satan is the Head of the Species, the Demon of the Brotherhood. The names of the demons of Hell, which are known as his children: Adonai, Astarte, Kaido, Grongad and others. This is a strong fighter who independently achieved his status through hard work. Satan's appearance is asphalt-colored skin, no hair on his head, small gray eyes, a weak body (one shoulder is slightly higher than the other), large curved and crooked horns, asphalt-colored wings.

More about priests

Priests are very powerful demons who are able to subjugate and control energies. They distribute the limits of these energies to the Demons of Power, and also monitor the state of egregors and the movement of energies, and can restore their proper circulation. Belial is at the head of them. There are certain directions in the priesthood: Priests of Chaos, Priests of Animals, Priests of Nature, Priests of Fire, Priests of Mystery.

Other Inhabitants of Hell

The classification of demons is not limited to this. There are other inhabitants of Hell. In addition to the above, Strong, Medium and Small demons stand out in its structure. Small ones are succubi and incubi, as well as Dream Demons. Succubi and incubi work in the same direction. They are responsible for maintaining communication with different worlds and differ in gender: for incubi it is male, and for succubi it is female. Demons and nols are at the lowest level of the hierarchy (these are no longer demons).


In Hell, demons are slaves or servants. They do not have a great mind, their activity is not directed in a creative direction. However, they have power, albeit a small one. Imps are capable, like demons, of telekinesis and teleportation, as well as telepathy. They resemble humans in appearance and do not have horns and wings, with rare exceptions. They are terribly untidy and slovenly, and also timid, are peddlers of rumors and gossip, hate and fear demons.


The nols are the working class. However, they are engaged in creation, unlike demons. They do not possess strength, but they are endowed with intelligence. A neat appearance is also their difference from demons. The Nols are the mortal inhabitants of Hell. Like demons, they create families in which not only nols, but also demons can be born. However, if a nol is born into a demon's family, he is thrown away, as it is considered shameful for a demon to raise such a child. Special institutions exist for the nols, where they are taught free of charge in various crafts.

The hierarchy of the demons of Hell was briefly described by us. Of course, we limited ourselves to describing only the main ones. As you know, the main demons of Hell, as well as its smaller inhabitants, have wives. The characteristics of some of them are also very curious. The description of the demons of Hell, as you understand, is devoid of scientific accuracy. It is impossible to prove their existence. However, the strongest demons of Hell in many sources are described in much the same way. This leads to certain thoughts. Perhaps the above classification of demons is not just someone's invention.

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