The most famous dogs of Soviet cinema. What breed of dog from the movie "Mask" Dog breed from kf mask

The film "The Mask", released in 1994, soon gained wild popularity. The main character, played by the inimitable Jim Carrey, was accompanied everywhere by a cute dog who helped the hero in his misadventures. Maybe someone mistook Milo (that was the name of the dog) for a mongrel, but in fact it is a thoroughbred dog. What is the breed of dog from the movie "The Mask"?

Dog from the movie "Mask"

For the role of Stanley Ipkis's companion, a male Jack Russell Terrier named Milo was selected. Initially in scenarios there was a dog character of a larger breed, a golden retriever and others were considered. But according to the director's intention, the hero of Jim Carrey Stanley Ipkis would not start a big dog for himself. But the little crafty Milo came in handy for this role.

Based on the sensational film, a cartoon of the same name was later shot, the dog from "Mask" continued to win new hearts, now of a young audience. The audience did not want to part with the cute dog forever and he periodically appeared on various talk shows and TV shows. And later, a sequel to the famous comedy called "Son of the Mask" was filmed, where the Jack Russell Terrier, beloved by the audience, again got his role.

Jack Russell Terrier: description

In general terms, the dog from the movie "The Mask" refers to the representatives of peaceful, sociable, cheerful compact dogs, bred several centuries ago in the English kingdom. In their blood, the genes of dachshunds, greyhounds and beagles were mixed.

These animals simultaneously considered hunting and decorative. They are no taller than 30 centimeters, and weigh only 5-7 kilograms. The main color is white, with the presence of brown and red spots of different shades.

The breed of dog from the movie "The Mask" can become a favorite for the whole family. Mobile and restless, she loves to play with children, peaceful to other animals in the house, smart and curious. Perhaps the decision to use a dog of this particular breed in the film was due to its complete lack of aggression and good training abilities.

The Jack Russell Terrier is not at all difficult to teach some tricks and he will gladly perform them for a small treat. If you want to adopt a pet of the same breed, you should consider following:

  • This is an emotional and "loud" dog that barks for any reason.
  • You will have to pay attention to the animal and time for games, because of its high activity, it simply needs to move a lot. However, you can always entrust it to your children.
  • The breed of dog in the film "The Mask" refers to hunting, it is characterized by courage and perseverance in striving for the goal. To one degree or another, this is characteristic of all terriers.
  • If you decide to use the dog for hunting small game and birds, give him more independence. Instinct will do its job.

Features of education

The breed of dog from the movie "The Mask" requires exclusively domestic content. It’s great if she has a fenced yard with a green lawn at her disposal, where you can have fun frolic.

  • With a young healthy terrier, you need to walk at least 30-45 minutes. If he is taken to a crowded place, a leash is needed. This shutryak may well follow other animals, or start provoking large dogs, which can have consequences.
  • It is desirable for representatives of this breed to take a course training. Only in this way can you get a well-mannered and obedient dog from a stubborn, active and unpredictable dog.
  • To mitigate the inherent aggressiveness of terriers by nature, you need to “socialize” it as early as possible by introducing it to other animals. Then he will learn the rules of behavior in society and will better understand what can and cannot be done categorically.

Characteristic qualities of the breed

it jumping dogs. They can easily jump 1.5 meters high. They love ball games very much, during which they can afford a variety of jumps in all directions. Another passion of Jack Russells is digging holes. This feature must be taken into account when leaving the dog alone in the yard, even for a short time. She can easily dig under the fence and run away from the site.

The wayward Jack Russell has a strong stalking instinct and aggression towards other dogs, it is advisable to take control of these features of the breed from early childhood. For those who get a dog for the first time, it is better to opt for a calmer breed. The dog from the "Mask" is "too tough" even for experienced dog breeders.

With the release of the comedy "The Mask", not only the charismatic hero, but also his little companion sunk into the souls of film lovers. The agile and nimble dog Milo introduced a real fashion for the miniature hunting dog Jack Russell Terrier. The brave breed remains popular today.

The formation of the Jack Russell Terrier breed began in the distant 1818. It was then that the priest John Russell, nicknamed Jack, acquired a puppy. The pastor was looking for an agile hunting companion, and the little dog seemed to him an ideal companion for forays into the forest.

A bitch named Trumpy became the ancestor of an entire breed, giving her appearance a compact physique and a characteristic color. To strengthen the hunting instinct, Russell crossed the offspring of a white dog with terriers. In order to preserve the color, he used representatives of the breed with light hair.

Soon breeders became interested in white puppies. During the period of popularity of dog fighting, fighting qualities were instilled in most breeds. Jack's dog was no exception. The descendants of Trumpy began to be crossed with bulldogs, and the breed gradually acquired "militant" features. Over time, the cruel entertainment of the nobility fell under the ban, and with it the improvement of dogs began to wane. Descendants of fighting Jack Russells can still be found today. The exterior is distinguished by its short neck and stocky build.

Interesting! Exploring the pedigree, breeders classify the Jack Russell Terrier breed as a fox terrier. John himself during his lifetime denied such a resemblance, attributing his offspring to the hunting type and recalling the exhibition past of fox terriers.

Modern Jack Russell Terrier

Two hundred years of perfecting the breed did not pass without a trace for the Jack Russell. Modern representatives bear little resemblance to the first bred puppies. Today's representative of the species is an ideal hunter.

Qualities carefully invested in the genotype of the breed:

  1. Wool length. Jack Russell is focused on hunting in earthen burrows, so short hair helps him quickly dump clods of earth from himself. The terrier covered with mud could not develop sufficient speed, so it often lost sight of the fox.
  2. White color. Light tones of wool help the hunter to instantly distinguish a dog running out of a hole from a fox. When working with the same terriers, the shooter often shot his own dog, mistaking him for prey.
  3. hanging ears. Thanks to this structure of the auricle, the ear canal is protected from moisture, dirt and other misfortunes that distract the puppy from work.

The beginning of all these qualities in the breed was laid by Russell himself. Breeders were engaged only in the improvement of the species.

High requirements concerned not only the exterior, but also behavioral qualities. A miniature hunter must be brave and swift. A true Jack Russell will not be afraid of either big prey or the difficulty of catching.

The life of a modern dog is not limited to hunting. The breed is increasingly being kept as a pet and companion. Farmers in England respect the dog for its protective qualities.

Appearance and breed standard

For all the time of selection, the breed gradually changed. The modern Jack Russell Terrier has a short stature, an agile, flexible body and a muscular build. And the length of the body must exceed its height.

Exterior feature:

  1. The height of the dog at the withers is 25 cm;
  2. The weight of an adult is 5-6 kg;
  3. Strong proportional chest;
  4. Strong loin;
  5. Docked tail in an upright position reaches the level of the ears;
  6. The flat head tapers somewhat in front of the muzzle;
  7. The eyes are set deep, dark, almond-shaped;
  8. Thick lips and well developed muzzle muscles;
  9. The ears are bud-shaped and droop slightly.

The wool of the breed is of three types:

A prerequisite for the standard is color. On a light body there should be red or brown spots. Their shade doesn't matter.

Video - All about the Jack Russell Terrier breed

Famous pet

A real surge in popularity awaited the Jack Russell Terrier in the 90s. The film "The Mask" that was released on the screens simply blew the minds of lovers of miniature dogs. The whole world was imbued with the charisma of little Milo. The breed has known real fame, and with it, distribution.

Initially, the image of Milo was spelled out a little differently. Stanley Ipkis's dog was supposed to be bigger and bolder. Among the options was a golden retriever. But having studied the image of the main character, the film crew doubted the desire of Ipkis to start a huge dog. The character was impressed by a small mobile and ubiquitous pet. So the idea was born to “give” Jim Carrey a Jack Russell.

The breed did its job. The protagonist's movable pet was soon to become world famous. The famous "voice" of Hollywood animals contributed to this. Milo was voiced by Frank Welker, who previously voiced Scooby-Doo, Garfield the Cat, and Droopy the Detective.

Shot from the film "Mask"

There is also a reminder of little Milo in the modern sequel to the film. In the film "Son of the Mask" the main character got a dog named Otis. This is a reference to the comedy Milo & Otis.

Dog Character Masks

Jack Russell Terrier is an amazing mixture of the best hunting qualities, concentrated in a miniature courageous dog. The character of the breed has been honed along with the exterior over the centuries.

Without a doubt, this dog can be called the most mobile in the world. Such a pet simply cannot sit still. And the owner won't let it. The sociable, active and sympathetic breed will be the best friend for any family.

Jack Russell playfulness does not melt with age. In good conditions, hunters live for more than 15 years. Even in old age, the dog retains curiosity and good spirits. The hunting instinct remains with him.

However, the desire to catch everything that moves often provokes domestic conflicts. Jack Russell perceives absolutely everything as prey, including a domestic cat and other pets. In order to live in peace, it is advised not to have other pets near Milo.

Curiosity and activity in the nature of the breed are woven into a tight knot of mobile temperament. This dog will never agree to the role of sofa decoration. His calling is to explore and sniff out. It is important for the owner to understand the habits of the pet and not forbid him to look into secluded corners.

By the way, the Jack Russell is a wayward dog. Any command she will definitely try on the tooth. The training of the breed is somewhat complicated by this obstinacy. The dog will never follow stupid orders. He always has his own opinion. Rules exist only to be broken.

Little hunter training

Raising any hunting dog is fraught with difficulties. The Jack Russell Terrier is no exception. A small and assertive hunter will definitely try to command the parade. The owner will need tremendous endurance and firmness of character.

Education begins the moment the puppy first enters the home. The place of the dog is of great importance. This applies to both the physical rookery and the position in the family hierarchy.

Despite its miniature size, the Jack Russell is a strong-willed and strong dog. The mindset of the breed is dominant, so she will definitely try to dominate the house. The desire of the dog to dominate can be compared with the habits of large breeds. For example, a mastiff. In everyday life, the Jack Russell will not blindly obey. Most likely, he will become a loyal and intelligent partner.

The breed has a high need for communication. Loneliness for the Jack Russell Terrier is akin to real torture. Separation from the owner endures hard and painful. Left at home, he will certainly take up damage to property. You can’t punish a dog for this, because she’s just trying to eat longing with a piece of the sofa. To make separation less painful, the pet should be provided with unfamiliar toys and new experiences. The loneliness and favorite treats of the doggie will brighten up.

The training is based on the formation of an adequate canine character, the owner's commands for which will be a priority over instincts. Everything that will be forbidden to an adult animal should be stopped already in puppyhood. At the same time, prohibitions are necessarily expressed in a strict voice, but not in punishment. Rudeness provokes aggression on the part of the pet, which is unacceptable when raising a domestic companion.

Training a pet depends on the goals of the owner. Hunting and show dogs are trained according to different methods. However, each dog must be able to perform a number of mandatory commands. These include the orders "Sit", "Wait", "Down" and "Ugh!".

The transition to the next command occurs when the dog unconditionally fulfills the previous one. In this case, the order should not be repeated twice. If the dog understands that the command can not be followed, he will definitely use this right. When educating, it is important to find that fine line between self-confident and obedient dog.

Puppy education

Training should begin immediately after the arrival of the pet in the house. The first training is carried out in the form of a game. Only after 10 months of age can you move on to serious activities.

Before starting training, it is important to teach the puppy to interact with a person:

  1. Nickname training. At the initial stage, you can use tasty rewards in order to call the puppy to the bowl. Then the owner simply calls the baby by name, passing by him. Over time, the pet will develop a strong association with a particular nickname.
  2. Bowl. Puppies should be fed in a designated area. No matter how much you want to treat the crumbs from the table, you can’t feed him, otherwise the adult dog will beg for food.
  3. Walking on a leash. So that the first acquaintance with the collar does not frighten the puppy, you can invite him to play with a new item. Then, for several days in a row, a collar is put on the dog for several minutes. When she gets used to it, you can move on to using a leash.
  4. walks. Every time the puppy relieves on the street, he should be vigorously praised and even encouraged with treats. If the baby cannot decide on natural "gatherings", it is advised to take a pet's homemade diaper for a walk.

Puppy cost

The cost of a small Jack Russell Terrier depends on many factors. When drawing up the price, genetics, the pedigree of the baby and his exterior are taken into account. The future owner can purchase both a club pet and a pet-class puppy.

Jack Russell price:

  1. Puppies from titled parents. The price of such a baby is in the range of 70-80 thousand rubles. Championship titles increase not only the prestige of a particular dog, but also prove the quality of his temperament.
  2. Offspring from a professional breeder. Puppies bred according to the rules of the breed, but not intended for exhibitions, cost less - 40-45 thousand rubles.
  3. An ordinary thoroughbred puppy without an eminent pedigree will go to the owner for 30 thousand rubles.
  4. Pet-class animals are much cheaper. Such puppies come from purebred parents, but their exterior does not fit into the rigid boundaries of the breed. Such "culling" does not affect the temperament of babies. All necessary papers are attached to such a crumb. The cost of a puppy varies from 3 to 7 thousand rubles.

The largest nurseries specializing in breeding the breed are located in St. Petersburg and Kyiv.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a great companion for an active person. A properly educated dog will become a true friend and a wonderful pet in any home. And sincere respect and love will help in training the owner.

Due to the fact that literature, art and cinema are currently actively influencing people, many began to call dog breeds not by the name of the breed, but by nicknames borrowed from a book or a favorite movie. An example of this is White Bim, Beethoven, Hachiko. The four-legged friend of the protagonist of the film "The Mask", who was dubbed Milo in life, was no exception. This funny merry fellow made every viewer smile. The nimble, mobile dog aroused the interest of the general public, as did the film The Mask itself. What breed was used for filming? In fact, this kind of four-legged friends is called the Jack Russell Terrier.


The breed of dog from The Mask has an interesting history. Initially, it was bred with a purpose and a badger by combining such breeds as the Parson Russell, Dachshund and Welsh Korga. As a result of crossing, the Milo dog breed from The Mask was obtained. The authorship belongs to the English priest - Jack Russell.


The breed of dog from "Mask" has a narrow chest bone, which is very convenient for hunting in holes where the terrier must climb and pull out the beast. Short strong legs and a slightly elongated body clearly indicate a relationship with a dachshund. The growth of the Jack Russell Terrier has modest parameters: an adult dog barely reaches a height of 25-30 centimeters. The breed of dog from the movie "The Mask" weighs no more than five to six kilograms. If a pet is purchased for a show, the tail is usually docked. However, when kept at home, the owners prefer to avoid such execution.


The breed of dog from the "Mask" has a spotted color, which combines white, brown, red or smooth hard coat makes it very convenient to keep a pet in an apartment. This breed is clean: just one combing of wool in the morning is enough to avoid unwanted molting.


Leading cynologists of professional clubs did not recognize the Jack Russell Terrier for a long period of time. The breed of the Milo dog from The Mask was not registered even by the owner himself, who preferred to work on improving the terriers only for his own pleasure, using them for hunting. Only in the year 2001, Jack Russells received their recognition, and also acquired a conformity passport.


The breed of dog from the movie "The Mask" has a cheerful disposition and high activity. Extraordinary intelligence and mobility are characteristic of these four-legged friends not only on the screen in the image of Milo, but also in real life. Such dogs will not let you get bored, so inactive, phlegmatic, irritable and very busy people will cause a lot of trouble, and therefore are not recommended. It should also be added that this breed is distinguished by special devotion, the same as that of the hero of the same name in the film "Hachiko".

For a full life, a dog needs constant communication, walks. Otherwise, she will begin to yearn. Large families with children will fully appreciate the nature and mobility of such a pet. The breed of the dog from the movie "The Mask" is especially recommended for hyperactive children: when communicating with the Jack Russell, the child's psyche is balanced, and the dog becomes his best friend and companion in games.

Of course, this active four-legged friend will be appreciated by fishermen and travelers. This cheerful and fearless companion will not cause problems in feeding and care. Terriers are great at dealing with both hunting foxes and domestic rodents. In this matter, the dog breed from the "Mask" is a real champion.

This clever girl is very popular among dog sports lovers. The Jack Russell is remarkably trainable, not afraid of the public, and carries himself with incredible dignity.

natural born hunters

Today, this breed is extremely common in the UK. It is used as a hunting and farm dog. There are varieties with hard and smooth hair. Most of all, this breed was liked by mounted hunters. Despite the fact that Jack Russell Terriers are often taken on a captured animal, they are released, since this animal is under protection in the UK. Terriers like to hunt hares or In a country like France, these dogs successfully find shot game in large thickets of bushes. The Jack Russell Terrier excels at detecting deer tracks, and since these dogs are not as noisy as larger hounds, the hunter can easily get close to the animal. These dogs are of great help when driving wild boars.

Thus, the Jack Russell Terrier is a versatile and gifted hunter of modest stature. His courage, endurance, activity and courage are valued not only in hunting, but also in the family circle, where this smart friend will not let anyone get bored.

Immediately after the release of the film "Mask" won the love and recognition of the audience. Well, how else, because incendiary music, subtle humor, special effects and a delightful cast could not leave anyone indifferent. The main character, wearing a mask, changes beyond recognition. It seems to him that wings grow behind his back, he is cheerful, free and happy.

His four-legged friend's name is Milo. He is kind and devoted, like a small child loves cartoons, it seems that he very organically complements his master.

What is the breed of dog in the movie The Mask? This question interests many, let's try to figure it out. People who do not understand dog breeds may come to the conclusion that Milo is a funny mongrel. In fact, everything is not so. This is a representative of the hunting breed - Jack Russell Terrier. Surely you are curious? Well, let's get to know her better.

Flipping through the pages of history

Long ago, in the English city of Devon, there lived a church minister named Jack Russell. In his free time, he was engaged in boxing, but no less pleasure was given to him by hunting badgers. The hunter needed helpers, his first dog was a terrier bitch. She was white, yellow-brown spots were only near the eyes and ears, well, a little near the tail. Over time, the hunter had more and more dogs.

You can’t call these dogs tall, it rarely happens that a dog is higher than 35 centimeters. They have narrow shoulders and strong paws, they easily penetrate into holes and return from there with prey, hunters have always been pleased with their skill and took them with them, going in search of foxes and badgers.

The owner separated dogs that showed aggressiveness, as a result of crossing with greyhounds, individuals became fast and agile, and beagles added flair to the dogs. During his life, Russell's breed was not registered, this happened only after he was gone.

His successors continued to work on crossing, Jack Russell Terriers received the qualities of real hunters from dachshunds, and Corgis added quick wit and ingenuity to them. Their descendants became shorter-legged, but in 1999 this breed was divided into two subspecies: squat and long-legged.

I look like?

We can say about the breed that they are active, smart, strong, working dogs, their body is flexible, it is of medium size. But this is not a complete description, here's what you can add:

  • The coat of dogs is not soft, it is smooth, but not always;
  • The height of the body is less than its length, the chest is narrow;
  • Short but strong legs indicate closeness with dachshunds. The weight of the protagonist of the film is about 6 kilograms.
  • They are clean, like to take care of themselves, but they need help in this, combing their hair in the morning.

My character

Dogs, like the main character of the film, are active and mobile. If you have little time or you prefer to spend your free time on the couch watching TV, then the breed is not for you. Communication, running around, walking and traveling - this is the way of life that they like, otherwise the dog will get bored, and trouble is not far away. They get along very well with children, otherwise they are simply delighted.

Often this breed can be found at dog shows, and this is quite understandable, since they like training, as well as participation in exhibitions.

The dog of this breed is a faithful and devoted friend, the state of aggression is alien to him. If there is a child in the family, and besides, if increased activity is his normal state, listen to the advice of dog handlers - buy a Jack Russell Terrier. Animals are not conflict, if there are other animals in your house, do not hesitate, they will find a common language. But there is one "but":

  • Animals must get used to each other from childhood;
  • Other people's cats and dogs can become the subject of hunting;
  • If there are rats or rabbits in the house, the dog can hunt them, as hunting is a favorite pastime that delights the animal.

Be prepared for the fact that the dog will express delight, positive emotions and just joy with loud barking. But do not forget that we are talking about terriers. He is very wary of strangers, can be jealous and quick-tempered, because he believes that the owner belongs only to him.

habits and preferences

You will have no problems with food and care, dogs are unpretentious and hardy. They know their "norm", so obesity does not threaten them. But they need to be fed often, since a lot of energy is spent on motor activity during games, fun with a child, walking and hunting.

What does dog grooming include?

  • Nails should be trimmed as needed;
  • Hair care;
  • Ears and eyes must be clean.

The “hunting instincts” of representatives of this breed cannot be restrained, otherwise, slippers, documents and books that are not removed in time will be gnawed. Water rat, hare, rodents - with such prey you can see a dog returning from hunting. But, so that they do not disappoint you, like other dogs, their education must begin when they are still very small. Classes with dogs cannot be stopped even when they become adults, their intellect requires work, lessons are not a burden for them, but a pleasure.

That is why they “offered to shoot” a representative of this particular breed. And she succeeded, the dog coped brilliantly with its role. After the film was presented to the audience, people began to be interested in the breed and its popularity grew noticeably. In our country, a puppy can be bought for 15-25 thousand rubles, when buying, you need to ask if the puppy has documents. Trust only specialized nurseries, otherwise you run the risk of "falling for the bait" of scammers, because they can offer you a baby of a different breed.

The list of roles in the movie "Mask" of representatives of this breed can be seen in "Love-carrot 2", "Beethoven", "Paws", and this is not the whole list of tapes. Who knows, maybe more than one director will “offer” the Jack Russell Terrier dog to star in his film or play the role of the main character in it.

Many fans of American cinema probably do not know what breed of dog from the movie "Mask". One of the main characters of this comedy with the participation of Hollywood actor Jim Carrey was his four-legged partner - an adult Jack Russell Terrier. They organically looked in the frame, amusing the grateful audience with their antics. I would like to note that the famous comedian very often acts with various animals and looks very harmonious with them (remember at least the epic film about the detective Ace Ventura).

One of the main characters of this comedy with the participation of Hollywood actor Jim Carrey was his four-legged partner - an adult Jack Russell Terrier

The dog does not take acting talent. The funny antics of a cute pet from the movie "The Mask" did not leave indifferent viewers from all over the world. Sitting in front of their TV screens, people watched the funny dog ​​from the movie come to the aid of his eccentric owner.

Features of the breed (video)

Why was the Jack Russell Terrier chosen?

It is not surprising that it was a dog of this breed that took part in the filming of the film. She is very smart and easy to train. Therefore, the film crew hardly had any major problems with this four-legged actor. The dog performed all the tricks perfectly, which amused all the spectators a lot. Suffice it to recall at least the moment when Milo from the "Mask" (such was the dog's nickname) accidentally put on an old mask of a pagan god found on himself. How funny the dog has become, having received superpowers. She boldly rushed into battle with the intruders who wanted to harm his master.

By the way, this was not the only role of the restless dog. He has 1 more film work behind him. This cute dog also starred in the children's movie "Problem Child" (part 2).

Characteristics of the breed

The movie The Mask perfectly captures the essence of the Jack Russell breed. You can remember how quickly a four-legged actor helps his hapless owner find the keys. This indicates a high intelligence of the animal. Or remember the scene when Milo was rushing into a closet full of money. Such behavior is a sign of a certain stubbornness and willfulness of the filming dog.

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog: origin, description, content

Where did the Jack Russell Terrier come from? This breed appeared several centuries ago. It was brought out in the UK. This was done by pastor John Russell, in his honor the breed got its name. Its main task was to hunt foxes and other animals living in holes. The black nose of the Jack Russell perfectly smells the prey, and the dog relentlessly follows its trail. A dog of this suit is small in size, but in terms of endurance it can compete with even the largest dogs. The color of the terrier is white with black. Sometimes the spots on the body of representatives of this breed are brown or red.

Despite its primary purpose, the Jack Russell dog breed has become a reliable friend of man. Many people decide to have such a restless pet. An important role in this was played by the release of the film "The Mask", which caused an increased interest in this breed.

After the deafening triumph of the film, the audience began to find out what the dog's color is called. It is worth noting that it was at that time that a real boom began. Almost every fan of American cinema wanted to get a four-legged friend of the same breed as the dog from The Mask. The demand was so great that dog breeders could not keep up with it. It came to absurd situations. Milo's fellow dog was worth the price of a good car.

People who bought such a cute dog for themselves did not regret their choice. What are the main advantages of acquiring such a pet? First, he is very mobile and energetic. Walking the dog, the owner will also need to constantly move. And this will benefit the health of the owner. Secondly, animals do not require special care. Moreover, they are very smart and trainable. Even a child can play with a dog. But it must be remembered that the breed from the movie "The Mask" is particularly cunning. If a pet for some reason does not want to follow commands, it is unlikely that the owner will be able to force him. Therefore, you need to find a special approach to the dog. And then the relationship between the owner and the pet can be safely called ideal.

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