Free vouchers for families with many children: where to get and how to arrange a vacation at sea. How to get a ticket to the sanatorium for free for sick children, the elderly

A trip to a sanatorium has an extremely positive effect on a person’s health, so you should be attentive to such an opportunity if it suddenly appears, and some people have the right to receive a ticket for free. Let's take a closer look at the question: "Sanatorium treatment - who should be free?"

It is worth noting that even a working person can get a ticket to a sanatorium, the main thing is that he meets the requirements. Financing of such vouchers is carried out thanks to the Social Insurance Fund (abbreviated as FSS), but more on that later.

It is worth sorting out which of the citizens can count on the fact that he will be given a free ticket. Here are the main groups of people whose treatment will be sponsored by the Social Insurance Fund:

  • WWII veterans;
  • people who received the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad";
  • people who during the Second World War worked at facilities responsible for air defense, at the construction of various defensive structures, as well as military facilities located within the borders of the rear of troops;
  • people who were included in the crew of transport ships;
  • people who served from the very beginning of the Second World War until 09/03/1945, and the period must be at least 6 months;
  • people who were awarded medals or orders of the USSR for successful service that was carried out during the period indicated in the previous paragraph;
  • invalids.

This is where the list of people sponsored by the FSS ends, but those patients who were discharged from the hospital but require continued treatment can qualify for a free ticket to a sanatorium at the expense of the regional budget.

This opportunity is provided to every working person immediately after discharge at his place of residence. The list of diseases, after which it is possible to get a free ticket, is always determined by the regulatory documents of a particular region.

Also, people who work (or worked, but completed it upon retirement) in some departments, for example, in the Ministry of Defense or in the Mayor's office, can count on free spa treatment.

Will a person who has received such a ticket have to pay something on their own?

People often ask a question regarding the additional payment for something when receiving a free ticket to a sanatorium. It should be understood that a sanatorium-resort ticket (possible period - 18-24 days) in the situations under consideration is paid in full by the mentioned authorities. The sanatorium must be located on the territory of Russia, the fare in both directions will also be paid for you, but the details should still be clarified at the FSS department.

Note! If you have any drugs that you take constantly, then you should take care of them yourself, since such drugs may simply not be available in the sanatorium!

To which resort will the voucher be provided?

It should be understood that not all sanatoriums accept people on preferential vouchers. It is worth considering the situation based on the groups of people who are entitled to free treatment in a sanatorium, here they are.

  1. People traveling at the expense of the FSS. Those who receive voucher payments from the FSS must conclude an agreement with this fund, which will indicate the sanatorium where you will go. In such situations, they give a ticket for treatment that takes place in various resort regions.
  2. Patients in need of follow-up care after discharge from the hospital. Those people who receive funding for vouchers from the regional budget need aftercare. Most often they go to a sanatorium that provides just such services, and most importantly, located close to the place of residence of people discharged from the hospital.
  3. Employees of departments, departments. With this option, everything is simple, since people can only go to the sanatorium that belongs to a particular department or department, and this issue is considered individually.

How to get a ticket?

To receive a free voucher, you must contact the attending physician of the medical institution at the place of residence, where the specialist will fill out a certificate, which will indicate the name of the resort, as well as information about the sanatorium and the visiting season recommended by doctors (we are talking about the form 070 / y-04).
  • the passport;
  • certificates confirming belonging to a specific preferential category, that is, a certificate or, for example, an ITU certificate;
  • an individual rehabilitation plan created by a specialist;
  • a certificate entitling the patient to use a set of social services (this can be obtained from your Pension Fund office).

You will receive an answer within 2 weeks, both the treatment profile and the recommended season will be considered. After a positive answer, you will need to get a special card, you can do this at the clinic where you received the initial certificate. When you return from the sanatorium, you will need to return the coupon to the clinic.

Many parents sooner or later ask themselves the question - is it possible to send their child for treatment or for preventive rest in a sanatorium under a preferential program? There is only one answer - perhaps thanks to existing laws. And there are many more ways to get a free ticket to a sanatorium for a child than parents know.

However, there are some nuances here as well. To get such a ticket, you need to have the relevant documents on hand and know where and, most importantly, when to apply. Often these procedures are long and tedious, but there is almost always a chance.

We offer you to get acquainted with the options for obtaining free tickets to the sanatorium for children.

Obtaining a ticket at the clinic at the place of registration

The easiest and most affordable way for most parents is to contact the local doctor at the local children's clinic. Sometimes pediatricians themselves offer to take a chance if the child has clear signs of a particular disease, but this happens less and less - the funding for polyclinics is only decreasing from year to year - you will have to find out for yourself.

It happens that a list of “free” vouchers is posted on information boards at the reception and opposite the offices of pediatricians or other specialized doctors. In some polyclinics, such information is available at the manager's office, from whom it will be possible to find out the conditions for obtaining a voucher and all the necessary documents.

To get a discounted ticket at the clinic, you need to collect the following documents:

    Application on behalf of the parent (samples are provided);

    A health resort card filled out by a pediatrician or other attending physician in the form No. 076 / y-04;

    Certificate from a dermatologist about the absence of infectious diseases;

    The results of the analysis for enterobiosis (taken the day before the departure of the child).

After that, you just need to pick up a ticket and calmly send the child for treatment. However, you can go with him if the sanatorium works according to the “Mother and Child” system, but do not forget that in any case, all transportation costs are paid by the parents.

Important: If for some reason the pediatrician begins to refuse the possibility of providing a ticket, this issue should be immediately resolved with the head of the clinic. There are frequent cases when preferential vouchers are left “for their own”, which is strictly suppressed by the management.

Getting a ticket at the hospital

The method is possible for situations where your child needs rehabilitation after being in a hospital. In the same way, you can get a ticket for children who have been diagnosed with a serious illness, and for small patients who have survived operations of varying degrees of complexity.

For this, you need to contact either the attending physician or the head physician of the hospital. Since such vouchers are financed from the budget of the medical institution, it is impossible to find information about them in the open form - the issue of issuing is decided individually. But, if the child really needs specialized treatment, there is a chance to get a ticket.

To do this, you need to prepare the following package of documents:

    Parent's statement

    Sanatorium and resort card form No. 076 / y-04 (filled in strictly by the attending physician of the hospital);

    Extract from the medical history;

    The results of all tests taken during the period of hospitalization.

There are cases when the hospital cannot provide a ticket at the expense of budgetary funds, but can give a recommendation and conclusion on the need for treatment or rehabilitation of the child. Where you need to go with this package of documents, the head physician will explain. Most often, we are talking about the social security service or the social insurance fund.

Getting a voucher in the Social Insurance Fund

You can apply to the Social Insurance Fund without a recommendation from the hospital. You need to remember only one thing - this organization first of all works very much with beneficiaries - parents of disabled children, families with many children, and other categories of citizens.

Nevertheless, if your child has a disability, then here, in addition to the sanatorium card and the application, you will need to submit a document confirming the status of a disabled person. The same applies to certificates of a mother of many children and other things. In addition, you will need to provide a birth certificate of the child and his passport, if he has already received it upon reaching the age of 14.

The key advantage of this method of obtaining a ticket will be the possibility of accompanying a child and reimbursement of travel costs. Most often, this is a partial subsidy for the purchase of railway tickets, but if the sanatorium is located in a neighboring region, and not several thousand kilometers away, then there is a chance of full reimbursement of costs. But we must remember that such a scheme only works for children with disabilities.

The advantage of applying to the Social Insurance Fund will be the timing of the consideration of the application. As a rule, they do not exceed 20 days, so you do not have to wait for approval or refusal for several months.

Obtaining a permit at the Department of Social Protection of the Population

Another option is to contact your local Social Security office. This option will take much longer in terms of document collection, but much more efficient in the long run. Although here you have to know your nuances.

The first thing to do is to come to an appointment with a specialist, whose main task is to determine not only the authenticity of the documents, but also to get in touch with the parent. The task of the parent is to make a good impression on the inspector, not to demand too much, to be as polite as possible. If everything goes well, the case will remain only for the documentary part.

In addition to the health resort card and application, you will need:

    Copies of passports of both parents;

    A copy of the child's birth certificate and passport (if over 14 years old);

    Document confirming disability (if any);

    Adoption document (for adopted children).

The work of the social security inspector with the family, if the ticket is approved, will continue until the child reaches the age of majority. If the family is recognized as prosperous, parents will periodically be called and set up meetings at which they will offer new directions for vouchers.

Obtaining a permit at the district administration

But not only disabled children and orphans can get preferential vouchers in Russia - almost every child has a chance to receive it if parents apply to the district administration at the place of registration in time.

The peculiarity of such vouchers is that these are not medical, but preventive visits to sanatoriums and children's rest homes. Groups meet every few months and are divided into two types: for children from 4 to 7 years old accompanied by one parent or for children over 8 years old without an accompanying person.

Important: Free vouchers are given by the district government only for beneficiaries, and they have their own in each region. In addition to disabled children and orphans, this often includes children who have lost one of their parents, victims of natural disasters and catastrophes, etc. Vouchers with partial payment of the cost are available to everyone.

In this case, the package of documents for each child is compiled individually.

Free vouchers to the sanatorium - what to fear? (opinion)

From time to time, information appears on the forums of young parents that all preferential vouchers should be treated with caution, that not all children are satisfied with the time spent in health centers. There are several reasons for such opinions.

First, many parents are not satisfied with the food. Unfortunately, many sanatoriums have preserved the menu according to the standards of 20-30 years ago, without taking into account the individual characteristics of children's metabolism, the insistence of nutritionists and other things. If your child needs special nutrition, this issue should be resolved long before being sent for treatment.

Secondly, if you send your child to a sanatorium in winter or in the off-season, you need to take care of the right amount of warm clothes. Interruptions in heating are one of the main complaints of parents who are outraged by the state of most Russian sanatoriums. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this, but you can still protect the health of your child.

Thirdly, it is worth asking about the specifics of the sanatorium, and what groups of children are usually sent there. If your child has physical problems, low mobility and other diseases that distinguish him from the group of apparently healthy children, parents are advised to think about whether he will be comfortable in such a company?

Otherwise, parent forums assure - there is nothing to be afraid of. There are no problems with theft of personal belongings, as in the 90s, for a long time, and the staff of sanatoriums treats children much better, given their age and developmental characteristics.

What to remember

    Vouchers for spa treatment are issued to children and adolescents from 4 to 17 years old inclusive. In some cases, with neurological diseases, it is possible to treat children from 2 years of age.

    The parent has the right to accompany the child for treatment in another city, but not every sanatorium works according to the "Mother and Child" system. In this case, all living expenses are borne by the parent.

    For some vouchers there are subsidies that partially cover the cost of travel. You need to ask about them yourself, since by default the parents are obliged to cover the transportation costs in full.

    Before you send your child for treatment in another city, you should learn more about the sanatorium itself. Alas, most of them were built in the Soviet years, and there were no major repairs in them for at least 20 years.

    The fact that free tours are not issued in the summer is a myth. Despite the high demand, many parents refuse trips due to the high cost of train tickets. To stand in their place is real, it is enough just to apply as early as possible and wait.

    A complete list of sanatoriums that offer preferential vouchers can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health and in other open sources.

Treatment in a sanatorium-dispensary today is not a cheap pleasure. Many do not suspect that obtaining a free sanatorium voucher is possible for almost any citizen who falls into the category of people entitled to social assistance at the expense of the state. Find out who is entitled to free access to the sanatorium, where to apply for benefits and a package of necessary documents.

Who is entitled to free vouchers to the sanatorium

The right to a free visit to the state dispensary is a social service guaranteed by the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ, provided to citizens who fall under the preferential category. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 328 dated December 29, 2004 defines the list of beneficiaries entitled to free sanatorium treatment:

  • invalids of war;
  • participants in the Second World War;
  • combat veterans;
  • military personnel who have an award for service in the army from 06/22/1941 to 09/03/1945;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad, awarded with the corresponding badge;
  • family members of the disabled and war veterans, combat veterans who are currently dead;
  • disabled people depending on the disability group;
  • disabled children;
  • persons who received radiation exposure in connection with the Chernobyl disaster.

Sanatorium-resort treatment of the disabled

Sanatorium treatment is guaranteed by Russian legislation for disabled people of all groups. At the same time, the restriction on work does not matter, but disability group I is a priority. A referral to visit a dispensary is issued by a district doctor in the form of an informational certificate based on the presence of:

  • indications for sanatorium treatment;
  • no contraindications;
  • conclusions of the medical commission of the treating institution at the place of registration.

If there is a certificate, a disabled person, or a person representing his interests, should write an application, and then submit an application to the territorial office of the Social Insurance Fund or through the MFC or the State Services portal. Employees of the institution can refuse only when submitting documents not at the place of registration or if there are contraindications for visiting the sanatorium in the certificate. Given the equality of citizens to receive social services, the Fund's branch forms an electronic queue by the date of receipt of the application, the number of which can be tracked independently.

Not later than 21 days before the start of the arrival, the social institution issues a ticket to the citizen to visit the dispensary and receive the necessary treatment. Upon receipt, a person must apply to a medical institution at the place of residence, where it is necessary to obtain a sanatorium card of the established form, on the basis of which treatment will be carried out. The rehabilitation card is filled in in accordance with the form No. 072 / y-04. You should know that persons with disability group I can go to sanatorium treatment free of charge together with an accompanying person.

Free vouchers to the sanatorium for children

There are several options for obtaining a ticket to a sanatorium for children for free, each of which has its own nuances. Through district polyclinics, preferential vouchers are extended to federal general-type sanatoriums and dispensaries specializing in a number of diseases. Parents should ask the head physician of the hospital or the district doctor about their availability, and if they find what they need, it is necessary:

  • fill out an application;
  • issue a card of the established form from the pediatrician;
  • get a certificate of the absence of skin diseases from a dermatologist;
  • get a contact certificate from a pediatrician and the results of an analysis for enterobiasis;
  • get a ticket.

The next option is available for children requiring rehabilitation due to a serious illness or surgery. Parents should be offered a discounted ticket before being discharged from the hospital. In the absence of the possibility of issuing a voucher by a medical institution, employees must issue a conclusion indicating the need for treatment, a card of the established form to provide to the employees of the sanatorium and advise on further actions.

The Social Insurance Fund primarily issues free sanatorium vouchers to disabled children. Parents should receive a referral or opinion from the attending physician, then register and apply to the local branch of the Fund for registration. Together with a free ticket to visit the dispensary, a coupon is issued that provides free travel to the location of the sanatorium and back. In addition to the sanatorium card, upon arrival at the dispensary, you must provide a document confirming the right to benefits.

For orphans and disabled children, a method of sanatorium treatment is provided through the department of social protection of the population. To receive a free visit to the sanatorium, a legal representative should register and provide a list of documents:

  • statement;
  • documents on the social status of the child;
  • medical conclusion on the absence of contraindications and a certificate of form 070 / y-04;
  • originals and copies of the birth certificate or passport of the child;
  • a copy of the medical policy;
  • copies of parents' passports.

It is also possible to send a child to sanatorium treatment for free through the place of work of one of the parents, it is necessary to write an application in the established form. It should be remembered that preferential vouchers at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund are provided to categories of citizens, the circle of which is determined by federal law. Children from large and single-parent families and those who have suffered serious illnesses have the right to sanatorium treatment at the expense of the state. A legitimate refusal to issue a voucher is only the submission of documents not at the place of registration.

Sanatorium-resort treatment of war veterans

According to Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans”, no more than once a year, war veterans can visit a dispensary free of charge for treatment and recreation with free travel in both directions. The duration of treatment is 18 days. The queue for providing a place in the sanatorium is formed by the date of application. To obtain a ticket, a citizen must apply to social protection at the place of registration with the following documents:

  • statements;
  • copies of the passport;
  • certificates of a participant in hostilities;
  • certificates of form No. 070 / y-40;
  • certificates of the Pension Administration for the right to receive a preferential voucher for the current year.

How can I get a ticket to the sanatorium for free

It will not be difficult for an adult to get a free ticket to a sanatorium. To begin with, you should contact a doctor at the place of residence, which, if there are medical indications, will issue a certificate of the established form. Fill out the application and, attaching a certificate, a document of the Pension Fund for the right to social assistance, a document on the preferential category of citizens and a passport, contact the Fund or an authorized body.

In accordance with the order, receive a completed voucher, after which, having visited a medical institution at the place of residence, you will receive a completed card, on the basis of which treatment will be carried out. The grounds for refusing free sanatorium treatment are the submission of documents not at the place of registration and the presence of an established list of diseases.

Where to go

Today you can get free sanatorium treatment through social or medical insurance. At the expense of the FSS, only privileged categories of citizens, the circle of which is established by the Federal Law, which was mentioned above, can receive a ticket. It is necessary to contact a therapist at the place of residence, undergo an examination, obtain a certificate and confirm the right to a benefit in the social fund, and then wait for your turn to receive a voucher.

Free treatment through health insurance bodies is possible for all categories of citizens under certain circumstances. As a rule, such a ticket is provided after an illness to resume the activity of the body. An application for a free visit to a sanatorium is considered by a medical commission, after which it gives an opinion on the possibility of receiving free sanatorium treatment.

How to write an application

One of the necessary conditions for receiving sanatorium treatment is a correctly completed application to the bodies of the Fund, social protection or authorized bodies, but this procedure is not easy for many due to legal illiteracy. When filling out the application in accordance with the details of the documents, it is necessary to indicate:

  • the name of the authority to which the application is submitted;
  • data of a person entitled to a free visit to a dispensary, indicating the place of birth;
  • the number and date of issue of the certificate of the established form, indicating the institution that issued it;
  • passport data or an identity document.

When submitting an application by a representative of a citizen, an incapable person or a minor, it is necessary to indicate in it:

  • Full name, date of birth and place in accordance with the passport;
  • full information about the document of the representative;
  • information about the document confirming the authority of the representative.

Free travel for medical reasons

It is possible for a working person to get a ticket to a sanatorium for free for medical reasons. There is no need to write an application for its provision, since it is based on the fact of inpatient treatment on rehabilitative grounds. The list of diseases for which it is possible to visit a sanatorium as a rehabilitation program for free:

  • angina;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • diabetes;
  • operations on the heart, stomach ulcer and gallbladder;
  • violation of the blood circulation of the brain;
  • surgery to remove the gallbladder;
  • orthopedic and traumatological operations;
  • endoprosthesis and reendoprosthetics;
  • limb replantation,
  • operations for pancreatitis (pantheronecrosis),
  • pregnant women at risk.

Financial compensation

The legal right to receive preferential treatment is not always feasible. Many wait their turn for a long time, so most count on monetary compensation. The law did not grant this right to everyone; invalids and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military personnel and members of their families, disabled people for whom sanatorium treatment cannot be carried out for health reasons can receive compensation in monetary terms. The rest of the beneficiaries have the right to refuse this social service and declare to the regional branch of the Pension Fund their desire to receive it in monetary terms.


A trip to the sea is not only an opportunity to relax, but also one of the most effective ways to improve your health. Therefore, when forming social policy in the country, the Government designated the right of large families to receive free vouchers to seaside sanatoriums. True, only children can use this benefit and under strictly limited conditions. The question of how to take a ticket to the sea for a large family is regulated by NLA at the federal level.

Legislative regulation

  • federal laws - fix the list of beneficiaries, and also guarantee the right to sanatorium rehabilitation of the child;
  • municipal legal acts - are authorized to make changes to state bills, but only within the framework of the expansion of preferences;
  • departmental documents (in particular, in the field of medical care) - fix the requirements for applicants and the rules for registration.

Table No. 1 "Legal regulation of the issue"

Acceptance dateName of NPA
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures of social support for large families"
Federal Law "On Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation"
Federal Law "On State Social Assistance"
Federal Law "On Large Families"
Labor Code of Russia
Order of the Ministry of Health "On the rules for the selection of applicants for free vouchers"
Order of the Ministry of Health "On the adoption of a list of resorts within which preferential vouchers for recovery can be provided"
Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development "On the rules for issuing preferential vouchers for children"
Moscow law "On social support for families with children"
Letter from the Ministry of Health and Social Development on the direction of children for sanatorium treatment in the relevant institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry
Order of the Ministry of Health "On the adoption of lists of diseases that are the basis for sanatorium treatment"

All the above-mentioned documents indicate the right of children to health improvement (if there are medical indications for this). It is also fixed that the Government of the Russian Federation and municipal authorities, in accordance with budgetary possibilities, must guarantee free treatment to privileged categories of the population.

Who is eligible for special conditions

The answer to the question: are families with many children entitled to free vouchers? - you need to look in the specifics of the conduct of regional policy.

Table No. 2 "List of applicants for benefits"

According to federal lawsIn the regions
Children with disabilities who are not only guaranteed but also promised travel reimbursement in 2019low-income families
Parents and legal representatives of minors with disabilities (equally recover free of charge together with the child)Children of parents with many children (moreover, each region has its own indicators of large families)
A child aged 4-8 who has undergone surgery and needs additional rehabilitation (plus one of the parents, if accompaniment is required)Orphans
Minors aged 4-18 who have a chronic illness and need constant medical care and supervision (plus a legal guardian)
Children who were left without one of their parents (death or missing of an adult while participating in WBD)
Underage Chernobyl survivors
Children of those who died in the line of duty of law enforcement officers

The first column provides an exhaustive list of beneficiaries. No one else is given a year from the state budget. The second column is the benefits of the regions, so the list is constantly being corrected and supplemented by the municipal authorities of various subjects of the Federation.

Important! Obviously, in some cases, parents can also arrange free rest in a boarding house, but only if the child - due to age or health status - requires accompaniment.

Certificate of having many children

It has already been mentioned that vouchers for large families in 2019 are provided based on the possibilities and requirements of local budgets. But for this, it is necessary to have an appropriate certificate of the beneficiary.

You can get the status of having many children if the following conditions are met:

  • official marriage of parents;
  • joint upbringing of three or more children (biological relationship or adoption);
  • the age of the wards - up to 18 years (in some regions up to 16);
  • joint registration of all children with at least one of the parents.

It gives the right not only to take a ticket to a spa treatment, but also to receive partial compensation for the cost of a family vacation. This is a situation where the family independently chose where to go on vacation, and after arrival decided to request a refund of part of the costs from the municipal budget.

Table No. 3 "Features of regional cost compensation"

If the family is applying for monetary compensation, you need to collect the following documents:

  • a receipt for the purchase and payment of health improvement services in full;
  • an extract from a health institution stating that the child was there throughout the entire duration of the voucher;
  • a package of papers confirming the preferential status.

Obtaining permits at the place of work of parents

Managers are not required to provide free wellness trips to their employees. The administration of the company can independently make such a decision in the form of a reward for good work. This is practiced on the railway, in some government agencies. But this is more an exception to the rule than the rule.

Regardless of who will issue a free ticket, the beneficiary will need a certificate from the workplace, which contains the following information:

  • period of employment of a citizen;
  • position held;
  • average income for the last three months of work.

A document is drawn up for the purpose of submission to the social protection authorities.

Registration through a trade union or social security authorities

The Union of Independent Trade Unions operates on the territory of the Russian Federation. This is an all-Russian fund that makes it possible to purchase a vacation in a boarding house with a significant discount (as a rule, it is 20% of the cost of the tour). What is characteristic of the help of the trade union fund is the right to buy a ticket not only for children, but also for close relatives of workers.

To use the right of discount, you need to contact the trade union of your company. If there is none on the basis of the enterprise, a written application should be submitted to the regional fund. Then collect the required documents and start looking for a suitable option.

Social security authorities will issue vouchers to sanatoriums for low-income families in 2019 only if they are registered. To enter information about the child in the register, you must submit a package of the following documents:

  • parents' passports;
  • income statement of each employed spouse (should contain information about the last three months of work);
  • baby's personal document;
  • certificate from the clinic;
  • doctor's referral;
  • beneficiary certificate.

Having collected the papers, the parent independently applies to the social security authorities with a handwritten statement about the desire to receive a free referral to the resort recovery of the child. The application indicates the approximate period when it will be convenient to use the benefits. Then a free ticket is expected.

Applicant's procedure

The most common mechanism for obtaining a referral for sanatorium treatment is through a polyclinic. Parents have to complete a number of mandatory actions.

Table No. 4 "Algorithm for obtaining a referral through a medical institution"

ActionImplementation features
Contacting a medical facilityYou can use the right to free rest at sea only after the issuance of an appropriate conclusion from a doctor. To do this, parents together with the child must contact the state clinic at the place of registration. The initiative does not always come from the parents. It is possible that the doctor himself will offer to add the child to the list of beneficiaries.
RegistrationThe doctor (based on the characteristics of the disease), conducts an examination and states the need for spa rehabilitation. What he writes about his conclusion, which is a sufficient basis for registration as a beneficiary
Collection of documentsParents provide the following documents:
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • civil passport of one of them;
  • personal document of the ward.

All papers are submitted in original and copies

You can find out about the availability of places in the sanatoriums of the Russian Federation by the Ministry of Defense by clicking on this link. The military profession is associated with great physical and psychological stress, and often with a risk to life and health, therefore the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has developed a social protection program for employees of the department, one of the main aspects of which is the coverage of sanatorium and resort services. Where, in addition to rest, you can improve your health and cure a number of diseases.

Important! In connection with the entry into force of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 654 “On Amending the Procedure for Sanatorium and Resort Provision in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”, paragraph 3 (How to issue a ticket) of this article has lost its relevance. From December 22, 2018, the distribution of vouchers is handled directly by the administration of the sanatoriums. It is to the chosen sanatorium that you need to send an application for a ticket. Preferential vouchers are distributed according to the time of receipt of the application. Since applications are submitted electronically, the time is entered automatically, which excludes any possibility of out-of-order allocation. Registration of applications for the next year begins at 00:00 on November 1 of the current year and continues until the limit of preferential vouchers is completely exhausted. Information about the availability of places in the sanatorium is provided at.

You can find out about changes in prices for vouchers to military sanatoriums.

Who is eligible to receive a preferential voucher to a military sanatorium

The provision of preferential vouchers to military personnel and civilian employees of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is regulated by the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2011 No. 333, as amended and supplemented on March 9, 2016. The following are entitled to preferential sanatorium and resort services:

  • Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation serving under a contract, military pensioners; members of their families; persons who are dependent on them.

Note: retired officers and warrant officers are entitled to preferential sanatorium and resort services, provided that their service life before retirement was at least 20 years.

July 4, 2018 V.V. Putin promised to quadruple the number of free vouchers for military children.

Important! In this case, family members mean only children (up to 18 years old; up to 23 years old, provided they study at a university in a hospital) and spouses of military personnel, as well as persons who are dependents of persons in a privileged category.

  • Widows (widowers), parents of retirement age and children of military personnel who died (deceased) during the period of service.
  • Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and combat operations (all benefits).
  • Military personnel who did not take part in hostilities, but who served in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least 6 months, as well as those who were awarded orders and medals for service during the specified period.
  • Persons working in wartime at air defense facilities, construction of defense and military facilities, crew members of ships interned in June 1945 in foreign ports.
  • Family members of the dead or deceased participants in the Great Patriotic War and the category of citizens equated to them.
  • Persons awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad".
  • Civilian personnel of military units, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Defense (only if established by an industry agreement between trade unions of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense).

Important! Military pensioners who are entitled to free sanatorium and resort services receive free vouchers only if they are not working anywhere at the time of application.

Important! The bank of applications for free and preferential vouchers for the next year is formed from November 1 of the previous year. Since 2016, a personalized system for recording incoming applications for vouchers has been operating, which makes the distribution procedure transparent. But this date may change, so you can subscribe to our news below and you will receive a notification by mail about the start of sales.

Information about the availability of vacancies is displayed on the sites of sanatoriums. If you have found a suitable option after the specified period, you should contact the department for sanatorium support of the Ministry with a statement indicating the sanatorium and the date of arrival you are interested in, or directly to the sanatorium voucher sales department by phone indicated on the website.

If there are grounds for granting a preferential voucher to a sanatorium, do the following:

  • Familiarize yourself on the website with military sanatoriums of the Russian Federation. Choose an institution that suits your profile of illness and the expected date of arrival..
  • Pass an examination (commission) at the clinic at the place of residence or at the medical institution where you are registered. After that, get a certificate from the local general practitioner in the form No. 070 / y-04.

Important! Certificate No. 070/у-04 is valid for 6 months. If more time has passed from the date of receipt of the document to the trip to the sanatorium, you should contact the medical institution for a certificate again.

  • Apply in person or via the Internet to the regional department for sanatorium support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or to the State Military Medical University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by mail (Znamenka St., 19, Moscow, 119160). Fill out the application of the established form, if desired, indicate the spouse, children or dependents with whom you are planning a vacation in a military sanatorium, and together with certificate No.
  • Within 30 business days, the department must approve or reject the application, stating the reason. After that, in this organization you should get a decision on the issuance of a ticket. If the application was made via the Internet, a notification will be sent to the e-mail address indicating the date of arrival and the reduced cost of the tour. The notice must be printed out for presentation to the health resort upon arrival.
  • On the day indicated in the notice (decree), you must arrive at the sanatorium, having the necessary documents with you.

Important! If a by respectful For reasons (described in order 333, clause 23), you cannot use the preferential voucher within the time specified in it, you should write a statement of the established form about its cancellation. At the same time, the right to sanatorium-and-spa services is preserved. And you can get a refund.

For military personnel:

  1. Military ID.
  2. Vacation ticket.
  3. If available, a passport.

For military pensioners

  • The passport.
  • Pension certificate with a mark on the right to social guarantees.
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