Stars with a fat nose. Actresses with big noses. Photos of celebrities with a hump on their nose: successful images

Lips, figure, eyes, facial features - that's the beauty that surrounds us. There are problems with the nose, it was not born standard, but long.

Plastic surgery will always come to the aid of famous models to make them beautiful and attractive, so they do not worry about it. In every city, a lot of clinics (surgical) have recently been opened. Not only in big cities, but in quite small ones as well. Highly big money costs plastic surgery. Unfortunately, it is not known whether it is right or wrong that many people used the services of plastic surgery, if such a service was suitable for the money for each person. And imagine how many people there would be who experimented with their appearance, ruining their health or life. And it's scary to think. Why think about it or imagine it?

Pretty girls with big noses. Could attract their noses large sizes? Those people who suffer from such a nose constantly think about this.

Such spouts can be attractive or beautiful, but almost all models get rid of such attractiveness. I would like to tell a little about those women - models who do not like their a long nose ik and decided to seek help from doctors so that they could do rhinoplasty surgery. Oh, and it was not easy for them, because before the procedure and during it, the thought constantly arose of whether it was worth doing it or not. There are those who do not tell the truth about it, having earned money from it, and there are those who believe in a miracle. Envious people give advice to take such a step (risky) in order not to lose even a drop of female beauty.

The nose does not even ask if he wants it, if he needs it all or not. In fact, can the nose be so comfortable and convenient? Perhaps he is proud of his uniqueness and individuality? If the nose could speak, then it would express its opinion on this matter in any way.

Popular models with a big nose.

Being a model is very hard. And even more - popular models. It is necessary to meet all the parameters and standards of beauty. And it's not easy. If you need to be perfect, models have to go for plastic. Models are called "secular puppets" - stand right, eat right, walk right. And also plastic.

Gisele Caroline Bundchen is the princess of the modeling business. A stunning beauty and an attractive interlocutor - this is how her acquaintances and friends say about her, and not only they, but also her interlocutors. Giselle is very for a long time her nose seemed long, and then she decided to do rhinoplasty.

Actress and model Halle Berry. She thinks her long nose spoiled her ideal features faces (this naturally did not like). And Holly changed him.

Linda Evangelista is considered one of the beautiful people peace. She wanted to get rhinoplasty to become even more beautiful (but not for the reason that she did not like him). And really added charm to her new nose.

Allicia Duval - English model (former), once also did not attract with her nose. And so I decided to turn to rhinoplasty. But after such an operation, not everything was perfect, and the expected result was not fulfilled. But, most likely, Duval will no longer resort to rhinoplasty.

Kim Bassinger is a fashion model. I decided to make sure that rhinoplasty works wonders. As it turns out, her nose was medium in size, but she still wanted to "shorten" it. That's when I realized that anything is possible. Plastic surgeons have worked hard with such "curiosity".

In order to be filmed, it is necessary that the size of the nose is not visible, then you can ask the photographers, and they will instantly shoot the way you need. And then the nose does not rush into anyone's eyes.

Whoopi Golberg didn't think her hawk nose detracted from her appearance. But I had to change it, as stylists and plastic surgeons asked her about it.

Whoopi Golberg discovered the secret that when she was little, in the yard, the children came up with new nicknames for her every time, so they teased and offended her. After a while, she already stopped paying attention to laughter at her, so she already had a large number of fans. Of course, because of this, she became self-confident and therefore did not feel flawed. And the male sex did not pay attention to her long nose at all, they saw something pleasant in her, sincere person. She really behaved naturally with men, and this was not her role. She was very charming. And what kind of man can not pay attention to her?

Whoopi told what she did to reduce her nose - she smeared it with anti-wrinkle cream. And just do not use to get rid of a long nose. Rhinoplasty is considered very dangerous, but ointments and creams are safe.

Were you also upset for this reason? Pay no attention to anything, remembering the years when you were young or in school. After all, your nose is unique and unique, there is no other like it. And any nose will be beautiful if it is regularly looked after. He does not like it when he has dryness, pimples or blackheads. Love your nose the way it is and you need to save your nose from trouble and it will not remain indebted to you.

You are probably aware that famous people also not everything is as smooth and perfect as it might seem?

Famous people– people just like us, with the same needs and desires. And they also have flaws in appearance. Either the mouth is not like that, then the lips, then the eyes are set "abnormally" low ... In general, they are also not always (and not in everything) lucky. The most common celebrity flaw is a big nose.

Saving the nose and people - celebrities - plastic surgery. This is perhaps the only method, which helps to create the image that you want. And it's not just about the nose. However, it is a pity for those celebrities (sincerely sorry) who simply “disfigure” themselves with “rhinoplasty abundance. And there are very, very many of them. They do not hide their "love" for plastic surgery. But they, unfortunately, do not think about the fact that the body may be unpleasant the way it is treated. The body endures a lot. And only because he is unable to speak. And why is he being prevented from being himself?

Celebrities. Women and men with big noses

Speaking of "nosed" celebrities, one cannot help but recall the charming Norma Jean. She is hardly remembered by anyone under that name. Marilyn Monroe… Sounds familiar? Believe it or not, she was the first celebrity to have rhinoplasty. And she did not regret it: her new nose gave her incredible popularity. It is worth noting that the nose is not the dominant of her status in society: it was she who achieved her popularity, and not her nose.

At Janet Jackson, younger sister famous singer with the "moonwalk", once, there was a large tip of the nose. Yes, that's what her nose looked like. Naturally, Janet also hoped for rhinoplasty. Now her face is decorated with a pleasant nose with a button, which gives her charm and elegance.

Patricia Kaas I didn't have much luck with my nose either. Not that she had a huge nose, but Patricia thought that a beautiful woman's nose should be smaller. Well, if she has to, she made him that way. And for good reason: he really suits her.

Beauty Britney was very unhappy that her nose was not as tiny as she considered ideal. Unfortunately, plastic surgeons were not able to succeed from the first operation, so I had to perform rhinoplasty twice. And Britney Spears became even more noticeable. Her nose has become an ornament for her. Now she is very proud of him. And she is very proud of herself: how many songs in her repertoire, how many tours in her distant past .... She is beautiful and a perfectionist.

Nose Scarlett Johansson"failed" her about the growth in width. The celebrity has undergone plastic surgery. Having corrected her nose, she was very pleased. Why she hides the fact that she did rhinoplasty remains, for many, a mystery that many are trying to solve, but in vain. Probably not worth even trying to find out something about it.

Actress of the acclaimed series "Gossip Girl" Blake Lively She also shortened her nose. She did this to create some unique image. And she succeeded. True, she got used to the new image for a long time.

If you think that only celebrity women are fans of rhinoplasty, then you are very mistaken. Favorite of many women Robert Pattison also understood “not according to theory” what rhinoplasty is: he was terribly annoyed by the irregular shape of the nose, which made it bigger, so he went to the plastic surgery clinic when his patience “burst”.

Stunning singer and actor Zac Efron considered it necessary to urgently do something so that his nose seemed smaller in size. And then there was no rhinoplasty. He was afraid to even think about it, however, when he did it, he realized that he had found himself. That's how much the nose means, which was dreamed of for a long time, but did not know exactly where this dream was hidden.

Nobody expected handsome Tom Cruise, feeling hostility to his own nose, will give it into the hands of plastic surgery. What happened to Tom? He decided that his nose was very large, and that it was this part of the body that could, someday, negatively affect his status and public opinion. However, Tom was always accepted and loved: his nose, for the love of his admirers, was not a hindrance at all. Apparently, everyone considered him so handsome that they didn’t even think about the fact that there might be something wrong in his appearance.

Rhinoplasty "conquered" and Mickey Rourke, who accomplished one "heroic" feat: he agreed, literally the day before his birthday, to play a role in the film "The Iceman". What is rhinoplasty about? She probably "wanted" that this celebrity would not remain indifferent to her. Mickey followed the example of many of his "star" colleagues, but still does not know why and why. Although…. His nose was not particularly diminutive.

Remember "old man" Stallone? He, it turns out, also did rhinoplasty. If you compare two photos of him (the one in which he is very young and the one in which he is now), you can see a huge difference in the appearance of his nose. A man wanted to change his image - he did it. And he does not care that the age is no longer youthful. The main thing is the age of the soul. And his soul is only eighteen….

Tara Reid- not only a Playboy star, but also a great "experimenter" with plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty is also in her collection. No, she did not consider her nose huge: she just wanted a change. Real, in everything. And the nose is no exception. And he could not become one, because Tara paid her attention to all parts of the body without exception.

In our time, most likely, it is more difficult to answer the question of which of the famous people did not have rhinoplasty. Almost everyone has collaborated with her. Now rhinoplasty is more like a kind of ritual, without participation in which any famous person considers herself somehow inferior. Pretty arrogant and stereotypical. However, this is how the world works, and it is no longer possible to live otherwise.

For people - celebrities, rhinoplasty is a "compulsory", status confirmation. You can compare rhinoplasty with secular parties: those who do not attend them “fall out” of the “other” world, which is very difficult to return to later.

Not all girls are lucky enough to be born with a perfect appearance. One has crooked legs, the other has small breasts, the third is too big. A lot of problems beauties delivers a huge nose. Young girls hate him and dream of plastic surgery. Adult women are usually not so categorical. They just realized that no one cares about their nose, and happiness lies not only in the perfect profile. Celebrities are no exception. They worry about the imperfect shape of the nose, complex. But it cannot be said that for someone a big nose has become an obstacle on the way to fame and money. Here are just some of the stars, as soon as they started earning good money, they rushed to rhinoplasty. We present to you the top 10 famous women with a big nose.

Sofia Coppola

The girl can only be envied. It's about, of course, not about the nose. In the past - a fairly successful career as an actress. Sophia is an equally successful film director today. Coppola's career is all right, and so is his personal life. The girl was married twice, she does not suffer from a lack of male attention. And she does not consider her big nose to be something terrible at all, although plastic surgeons would recommend that she get rid of the hump and adjust the tip of her nose. One of the correspondents asked her a not entirely delicate question regarding her nose. He asked why the girl did not do rhinoplasty, because she could afford it. Coppola replied that she would never cut off her "family" nose.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah is a famous American actress. Popularity came to her after the release of the TV series Sex and the City. She is married and quite happy. Although the woman was slandered many times, she was called unsexy, ugly. Sarah's appearance, of course, does not correspond to the ideal. Well, the nose of the actress does not give anyone peace. It is called Parker's calling card, but many say that it is ugly and ugly. However, Sarah knows about it. Otherwise, she would not have decided on three plastic surgeries. Experts say that the work was done by a first-class surgeon. The shape of the nose has not changed much, it remains large, but it has become much more elegant, the hump has disappeared. However, the star says that she has never done rhinoplasty, but the photos of the actress tell a different story.

Maria Valverde

Maria became famous thanks to the melodrama "Three meters above the sky." The film was very popular, the actress had a lot of fans. In addition, the girl managed to fall in love with handsome Mario Casas. They even lived together, but after a while the couple broke up. Valverde did not grieve for long, she is now married. Outwardly, Maria is very attractive. The big and crooked nose of the actress does not spoil her, he is a highlight. Maria has no complexes about this. She admits that she will never decide on rhinoplasty. Yes, she doesn't need it. She is beautiful, successful professional activity, in her personal life, too, everything is fine.

Barbara Streisand

There is no such person who has not heard of Barbara. She is called one of the richest singers. Streisand's appearance is not at all perfect, this did not prevent her from becoming successful. Although her mother was against Barbara building a career in show business. She considered her ugly, did not believe that she would succeed. But her daughter became world famous. Men adored the singer, she had many novels. She always looked stunning. But Barbara's nose is far from perfect. It is large, but the singer never wanted to correct it. She likes herself the way she is. Now Streisand is 76, and probably the last thing she thinks about is her nose.

Jodie Foster

The filmography of the actress is impressive. She has many awards. She also acts as a director and producer. She has two sons, but lately Foster prefers women. She even entered into a same-sex marriage. If Jodie is being so bold, she probably won't care about her nose. And he is not only big, but also asymmetrical. Despite this, Jodie is not going to resort to the services of plastic surgeons. Foster admits that it's better to talk about her ugly nose than about unsuccessful operation. For the actress, the mind has always been in the first place, not the appearance.

Meryl Streep

Meryl is an American actress. She was awarded an Oscar three times, was a bright sought-after actress. Now she is 69, but she is not going to stay at home. The strip is still filming. She has been married twice and has four children. Meryl herself evaluates her nose as “giant”. For some time, the actress was tormented by complexes about this. She even wanted to change the shape of her nose, but did not dare. Only now the actress realized that appearance, of course, means a lot in a woman's life, but you should not get hung up on it. Meryl admits that appearance is not her main trump card.

Anna Akhmatova

Anna is a Russian poetess. Quite a significant figure, her poems are read all over the world. Of course, appearance is not so important for a poetess, but in her youth Akhmatova was very pretty. Of course, she can not be called a beauty. Anna's nose deserves special attention. She inherited it, her grandmother was Greek. The older she became, the more breed and become manifested in her. She had a very smart look. Men went crazy over her, and the men were more than worthy. The story of this woman once again allows you to make sure that the nose does not affect fate at all.

Penelope Cruz

This Spanish actress has also had a brilliant career. She starred in many films. Cruz received an Oscar, not a single Spanish actress has been awarded this award. She does charity work. She has a husband and children. Penelope is the embodiment of passion and sexuality, so no one pays attention to her nose. And meanwhile it is quite large and asymmetrical. The actress admits that she says that people are not mannequins to be completely symmetrical. But Penelope is clearly disingenuous. It is enough to compare her photos. The actress's nose has changed a lot. The bridge of the nose is now narrower, in addition, the tip of the nose has been adjusted.

Claire Danes

Claire acts in films, plays in the theater. She is happy in her personal life: husband, children. Her appearance is very specific, not everyone likes her. She not only has a big nose, but also a huge mouth. But the actress is very beautiful eyes and penetrating gaze. In fact, she doesn't think so at all. She loves herself as a whole, not highlighting the beautiful parts of the body and not very much. Claire Danes does not complex about her appearance and does the right thing. After all, this woman is charming.

Princess Diana

Diana was called the most the most beautiful woman on the planet. She was married, but she had many admirers. But she didn't consider herself beautiful. Moreover, Lady Di was very complex because of her appearance. She was most worried about her nose. He was very big. Diana tried her best to avoid drawing attention to him. Volume hairstyles, head position. Diana was not a beauty, but everyone considered her so. She just knew how to hide flaws and demonstrate virtues. Every woman should learn this.

“People with small noses are pretty. People with big noses are beautiful,” says world-famous blogger Carly Schiortino. And leading designers and creatives from the fashion world agree with her. No wonder Carly herself, the owner of an impressive nose, was invited to shoot for the Kate Spade advertising campaign along with the artist An Duong. By the way, the nose of 55-year-old An never prevented her from making a career, and he is also by no means small. The daughter of a Spanish and Vietnamese woman has achieved success as a model, actress and artist. Moreover, the artist's assets are mainly self-portraits - and they are incredibly popular with the sophisticated public and professionals of the art world.

In favor big noses facts speak: Dior, Proenza Schouler, Saint Laurent Paris, Sonia Rykiel, Celine, Bottega Veneta and other brands have chosen girls with expressive noses as their ambassadors.

Julia Nobis and Anna Cleveland, Hyatt McCarthy and our compatriot Liza Ostanina confidently walk the catwalks, not at all embarrassed by their noses. And why, if this is their strength and advantage over the rest?

On the starry Olympus, where the achievements of plastic surgery are especially appreciated, big noses are not so popular. But their owners are entirely beauties, whom this feature did not prevent from reaching unprecedented heights. Claire Danes, Cate Blanchett, Lea Michele, Sofia Coppola, Sarah Michelle Gellar and many other celebrities are now probably glad that at one time they did not go under the knife and did not get rid of such an individual trait as a big nose. Their fame overtook fashion - this is rare, but it happens.

More is better

Noses are absolutely beautiful today different shapes: with a hump, wide, elongated, with a fleshy tip. They add to the model appearance of the same pepper, in search of which the scouts of modeling agencies roam the world. Everyone got bored perfect beauty: now you want to remember faces, and not just admire the elusive perfection.

In the past, all the signs of the once so popular “prettyness” remained: bleached hair, long French manicure, red tan, a smile the color of new plumbing - and it seems that concave mini-noses, over which plastic surgeons conjured, go to the same “grave” trends.

How quickly the beauty industry reacts to changes dictated by fashion, we decided to ask plastic surgeon, one of the best rhinoplasts in our country and the owner of the Beauty Time clinic Otari Gogiberidze .

“Big breasts, “duck” lips, small upturned noses - these were the beauty ideals of most clients. Of course, they had nothing to do with true beauty. For a plastic surgeon, making a small nose with a “failed” back is much easier than choosing an individual shape that will look natural, the doctor says. - Recently, requests are slowly but surely changing: “Barbie noses” are becoming a thing of the past. The patient usually wants to see her nose straight. Increasingly, they are asked to preserve individuality.”

We are interested in: Does it happen that clients dream of changing the shape of their nose, but ask to keep the hump?“This really happens, although humpback surgeries are still the most popular,” the surgeon replies. - However, there are patients who want to keep the aristocratic hump. Then we work with the tip of the nose, narrowing the back.

But what if someone, looking at the heroines of modern catwalks, decides to increase the nose? It turns out that it is possible! True, within certain limits: “It all depends on the elasticity of the skin, on the desired volume,” explains Otari Gogiberidze. “The nose can be enlarged using implants or by working with the skin.”

They have and we have

Chinese plastic surgeons also talk about the possibility of enlarging the nose. Dr. Wong Xuming promotes the "Eiffel Tower nose" idea and uses tissue from the forehead to create it. The idea is to create a nose that resembles in its shape famous tower, - elongated with a beautiful bend. To create it, Chinese women, as a rule, need to build up the back.

A neat nose is the ideal of every star. But why be like everyone else? Sometimes it is an unusual appearance that creates that unique charm for a star, without which it is already impossible to imagine it.

So, let's go through the famous noses of our time?

1) Gerard Depardieu. The French actor did not bother about rhinoplasty, but left everything as it is. After all, millions of viewers fell in love with him just like that, so why spoil the “brand”? Of course, no one argues, the nose is really impressive in size, and even curved and with a forked tip. But who cares? The actor treats his nose without any complexes, he is a supporter healthy lifestyle life and remains of the opinion that what nature gives us is the most optimal solution. Yes, and the audience, perhaps, it will be difficult to imagine Depardieu with a perfect little nose.

2) Pierre Richard. Depardieu's partner in many films also has a long nose. The actor believes that his nose is his image, and you can’t argue with that. The main thing is talent and charisma, not ideal facial features. So Pierre is in full solidarity with Depardieu and does not intend to change.

3) Dima Bilan. Stardom is a heavy burden, why burden it with a big nose. main reason, according to which Bilan decided on such an extreme measure, was that the singer's nose suffered greatly from singing. By at least, the owner of the nose said so. But it is rather true that having risen to the top of fame, the singer simply wanted to make himself even more perfect.

4) Louis de Fines. His "nosy" is immediately visible, as well as his talent. The French actor has never been shy about his parameters, and for women, the beautiful features of a male nose are far from the main thing in the image. perfect man. For Louis, his nose became a kind of "chip", which only added to his color and enthusiasm.

5) Kristina Orbakaite. At some point, the star decided that her long nose was not good enough for a career. Having visited a plastic surgeon, Christina got what she wanted. Her nose shortened and became even. Perhaps her decision was influenced by a trauma received in childhood. The singer's mother tried in every possible way to dissuade Christina from rhinoplasty, but the prima donna did not succeed. The daughter was pleased with her nose, and what about the audience, they love her with a big nose.

5) Alexa. The factory owner disliked her nose so much that she decided to have an operation. Her native nose seemed to her too big and thick. Decided means decided. Without hesitation, Alexa turned to the rhinoplasty center and soon received a new, more elegant nose. The star didn't stop there. Soon her lips were no good, but that's another story.

6) Evgeni Plushenko. The famous figure skater is remembered by everyone not only for his incredible steps, but also for his rather big nose. Eugene does not see any problem in the length of his nose and is not going to change it with plastic surgery. Well, why worry about such a trifle as the shape of the nose, when the fans fall on the neck in batches?

Despite the examples given, most stars do not want to leave things as they are. Today, rhinoplasty has become more popular precisely because of a large number stars who are not happy with their nose and do not want to put up with it. There has just come a craze for plastic surgery, and those stars who have kept their noses in a "pristine" state are rather an exception to the rule, confirming the general rule.

Do you have a long nose? This is not yet a reason to be upset. Work with your appearance, creating a unique image of yourself. Big nose shows strong character and leadership qualities, so do not rush to change it to a standard version without any features. Fashion comes and goes, but the nose will stay with you for life!

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