Ugly nose. I consider myself ugly, how to be. Complexes or imperfect appearance

A woman often lives in a misalliance with herself. Psychologists call this "rejection of one's own appearance." Sometimes the sight of her face in the mirror is so unpleasant that a woman uses mascara with her eyes closed...

Why don't we love ourselves?

Hatred of one's own appearance is based on a deeper rejection self. The prehistory of self-dislike often begins in childhood, when, out of good intentions, parents inspire the girl: "It's okay that you are so ugly with us, happiness is not in beauty." By the way, it causes especially deep trauma if it comes from the father.

Completes the modeling of the image "I'm terribly ugly" the opinion of the boys in adolescence. Sometimes, forming their own unattainable ideal, they reject even a pretty, but simply insecure girl. She immediately transfers the negative assessment of her peers to her "ugly" body. Communication with boys is limited. Feeling ugly, she strives to be smart and lucky, but this does not make her happy: "Anyway, I'm not like everyone else!"

To women suffering from fullness, all thin ones seem beautiful. Those who are worried because of their small stature look with envy at tall ones ...

It would seem that such a ridiculous nose "duck" or short crooked legs compared to real tragedies: the loss of a loved one, for example? However, psychologists are not at all inclined to consider hatred of one's own appearance as whims. Feeling disgusted with herself, a woman is able to completely destroy her personality. It can lead to serious illnesses with irreversible consequences.

Is it her or me?

Psychologists practice various methods combating women's self-loathing. One of them is group training. Women sit in a circle and tell what they like about each other. Only the truth. And very sincerely. For many, these other people’s confessions sometimes become a real discovery of themselves: “It turns out that others are attracted to me by exactly what I didn’t appreciate at all before. And they don’t notice at all what pleasantly pricked my pride.”

The accents are shifting. This is a very strong shake-up of ideas about yourself. business game, like any other, liberates and returns immediacy. After its completion, the women leave like children, with gifts. One - with the conviction that this once "disgusting fullness" really suits her. Another is proud of her glasses as a sign of her sophistication. The third proudly carries the profile that until recently she considered the cause of all her misfortunes. Now this is the "look thoroughbred woman". And how did she not see this before?

Is it possible to analyze a dream?

If there is such an opportunity, try to experiment in a circle of friends in whose benevolence you are sure. You will learn a lot about yourself! If you prefer to deal with your problems on your own, start with a test. Ask yourself: do I have strong mood swings from euphoric to desperate "No one loves me!"? In simpler terms, does the position "I'm the best" quickly turn into the opposite - "I'm the worst"?

The second question is: do I always react normally to criticism in my address? Just answer it honestly. If you admit to yourself that any tough requirement unsettles you for a long time, then you started working on yourself on time. Another exercise: write short story about a woman who seems to you an unsurpassed ideal. How does she look, how does she spend her day, how does she communicate with others? What does it have that you don't have? Experts say: according to the laws of psychology, you will definitely blind this image, relying on ... your own. So children, drawing a fantastic animal, always endow it with familiar features. Meeting your ideal is a truly exciting event! Those who went to this meeting experience, as they admit, tremendous relief. There is nothing strange in this: after all, we are often oppressed by disbelief in the very possibility of approaching the ideal. When you are convinced that the created image is not so contrary to your own "I", you will inevitably ask yourself the question: "Maybe I'm not so bad?"

By the way, sometimes this unbelief becomes especially painful because it hides the roots of envy and even malice. You have probably heard how some of your friends evaluate the winners of beauty contests: "Yes, she is terrible and bow-legged! She only has a broom in her hands!" Or - frankness so frankness! you said so yourself. True reason such aggression - uncertainty in their own attractiveness. It's just that not everyone wants to admit it to themselves.

The next stage of work. Focus and make time detailed analysis of your dreams. What are you striving for? Do you want to become a fashion model at a Balzac age? Maybe not worth it? Maybe it's better to give up the passionate desire to have the waist of a Hollywood movie star? Maybe there is no point in conquering all men at once? Is your ideal too high? Maybe lower the bar? Then you will get a chance to take this bar. Moreover, you will suddenly discover in yourself huge reserves for this. Try to set realistic goals based on your strengths, and it will be easier for you to cope with your weaknesses. Live your virtues like new apartment. This is your territory!

When working on yourself, do not overdo it! On the one hand, find the strength not to deny your shortcomings completely: after all, in order to hide them, you must admit that they are. But don't exaggerate them either! It happens that the experience because of "this nasty thing that jumped up on the cheek again" overshadows the whole wide world. And already it seems that everyone around sees only "this muck". Have you ever noticed that we are involuntarily ready to attribute any merits to the beauty? And the one that we don’t consider beautiful, as if we are always forcing something to prove. Psychologists speak in this case of such a law of perception as "the halo of dignity and disadvantage." Get rid of the halo of lack! Break the prejudice in others and in yourself! However, breaking and defending, do not go to extremes, such as narcissism. It happens that excessive self-admiration becomes defensive reaction, but only. It doesn't solve problems. And then, for example, very fat woman wears a flashy miniskirt. At the same time, even the most friendly remark about this is perceived as a personal insult.

Physical defect or special charm?

Oddly enough, but women with obvious physical defects are often more flexible and wiser. They win by presenting their advantages in such a way that others simply do not notice the shortcomings. Take a closer look at a woman who has a long nose: as a rule, she masterfully masters the art of makeup and emphasizes her eyes so favorably that her face acquires a special charm. Take a closer look, and it already seems: if the nose were shorter, it would be worse.

How many women have so many opinions. All women agree on only one thing - everyone wants to be beautiful. However, not everyone is satisfied with her appearance. Today we will consider dissatisfaction with the female sex with their noses. The nose is the most prominent part of the face. And at the same time most of all attracts attention. Not all female representatives can boast of a miniature and beautiful nose.

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery

To correct shortcomings, women go to extreme measures. One of these is the correction of the nose with the help of surgery. Such an operation in plastic surgery called rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is a surgical correction of defects in the nose or its complete restoration. Nose is a very sensitive part of the body, which is why rhinoplasty is one of the most complex operations in plastic surgery.

To perform such an operation, the following indications are needed: an unsatisfactory hump on the nasal septum, a curvature of the nasal septum, which interferes with normal inhalation and exhalation, an elongated nose or a thickened one at the tip, the consequences of injuries or the presence of enlarged nostrils that spoil the aesthetic appearance of the nose. However, women of fashion without all these indications own will go under the plastic surgeon's knife. In private clinics, for a certain amount, most people can do such an operation.

Upon arrival to the doctor, you will be asked to develop a model of your future nose. You are photographed in full face and in profile. After the photo is placed in a special program on the computer. This program will allow you to change your nose exactly according to your wishes. Be very attentive to the choice, as you can change the nose in the photo, but not after the operation.

There are two types of surgery in rhinoplasty. One of them is closed. The advantages of this operation are hidden seams. All sutures are inside the nose. But such an operation is bad because plastic surgeon cannot take part in it. At the same time, open surgery allows the surgeon to see all the components of the nose as much as possible. But after open operation a scar remains, which in most cases becomes invisible over time. However, not in all cases.

Rhinoplasty can only be performed from the age of 17. Since only at this age cartilage tissue the nose is already formed. One of the advantages of rhinoplasty is the choice of anesthesia. It could be local or general anesthesia. The choice is determined by the doctor. Some people are allergic to general anesthesia, so they use local anesthesia.

The operation to change the nose takes about two hours. it maximum time providence of the operation. After that, you will stay in the hospital for a few days. There will be tubes sticking out of your nose through which you will have to breathe. And since they quickly clog, basically everyone breathes through their mouths. After ten days, plaster fasteners can be removed from the nose. Don't be scared when you see your nose in the mirror. The bruising and bruising will go away with time. And you will see your nose the way you wanted. The healing period is from several weeks to several months, depending on your body. Only after 3-4 months you will be able to see the beauty of your nose. And only a year later you will see final result. And then you can truly appreciate the work of a plastic surgeon.

Will Your Nose Say Thank You After Surgery?

This operation has its pros and cons. There is bleeding after the operation. For several days, and possibly weeks, you will have to breathe through your mouth. Since breathing through the nose will be excruciatingly painful, and sometimes even impossible.

An infection may be introduced during the operation. This can lead to bloating. And if the source of infection is not detected in time, then your nose may start to fade. Another disadvantage of rhinoplasty may be the loss of sensation in the nose.

If you stumble upon a bad doctor, then this will threaten you with consequences. The choice of a specialist must be approached with great responsibility. It is necessary to analyze reviews about plastic surgery clinics and their employees. Remember that the plastic surgeon does not bear any responsibility. And his medical error can cost you your health.

The disadvantages of rhinoplasty include a long rehabilitation period. This period may take whole year. However, the main symptoms after the operation will go away in about three months. If you do not want others to know about your operation, then you should leave your usual place of residence for three months, or not leave your home. Both of these are very complex.

Another disadvantage of rhinoplasty is the inaccessibility of the operation. This operation It is very expensive and not everyone can afford it. In some clinics, operations are introduced in installments, but this innovation has not yet gained the necessary momentum.

There are many benefits to rhinoplasty. During surgery due to a violation respiratory function long-awaited relief comes. You can fully inhale and exhale air. You will be able to perceive the smells around you as much as possible, since the olfactory function will work to the maximum for you.

In terms of aesthetics, you will get the desired shape of the nose. And your mental state will improve. Once a young girl turned to the plastic surgery clinic. She was in a severe car accident, the main blow fell on her face, namely on her nose. The septum of the nose was pressed inward - not a pleasant sight. Psychologically, the girl was crushed. She did not want to live not because of hellish pain, but because of ugliness. The doctors of the clinic took up this case and made the girl new nose. This operation literally saved the girl's life. Since before it was held, the girl tried to commit suicide. This is one of the biggest advantages of rhinoplasty - the hope for a new life.

A person who is not satisfied with his appearance is in constant depression. stressful state negatively affects the human body. From psychological state a person depends on his physical condition. Having corrected nose, you can look at yourself differently, love your appearance to find happiness. Rhinoplasty will give you self-confidence.

Correcting the nose without a knife

Due to imperfections in appearance, women develop whole complexes. However, you should not go under the knife on trifles. Now there are a lot of ways to get rid of shortcomings and without cardinal methods. You can, for example, use optical illusion. Make-up artists are the same surgeons, but removing flaws without a knife, but with the help of their tools.

To correct your nose without a knife, you will need: a thick face brush, a correction blush, a dense pressed powder light shade, a face pigment for highlighting, a brush that breaks up shadows.

So, if your nose is too long, you need to powder the tip of the nose with dark powder. It is worth darkening the part that goes after the highest line of the nostril. We take a dark-colored corrector or powder and shade it. Thus, visually your nose has become much smaller.

If the wings of your nose are wide, then this can also be corrected with cosmetics. It is necessary to darken the back of the nose, even the slightest darkening will make your nose visually longer. By darkening the septum between the nostrils and highlighting the tip of the nose, you will remove the so-called snub nose.

If your nose is wide, then you need to highlight the front of the back of the nose with a corrector. It is necessary to draw a straight line, about five millimeters. And the side surface of the nose needs to be darkened. If your nose short and thin, then highlight the back of the nose. And it will become visually wider.

The hump on the nose can also be removed without surgery. It is only necessary to highlight the front wall of the nose. At the same time make dark side surfaces nose. And do not forget to matte the hump itself. A potato nose can be corrected in much the same way as a wide one. nose. The front surface of the nose needs to be brightened, and the sides darkened. A corrector works well for this. The main thing is to visually lighten and darken so as to create the desired shape of the nose. If your nose was broken, then such a hump can be hidden with the help of cosmetics.

Not only women are turning to makeup, but also strong half humanity. It is customary to call a photographer for solemn events. Let's take a wedding, for example. The groom on the eve of the event broke his nose. And in the photo for posterity you need to look good. Rhinoplasty is out of the question, because there is little time, and there is no need. It's up to the makeup artist. The makeup artist will help you get rid of all the defects and look attractive in the photo.

With the help of cosmetics, you can change any part of the body. If you correctly darken or highlight parts of the body, you can achieve a stunning result. Such a correction is temporary and is suitable mainly for photo shoots or events. AT Everyday life such a correction would be useless.

At birth, each person has his own facial features, his hair color, the shape of his lips and the shape of his nose. It is these traits that make a person individual, not like others. Doing all sorts of operations to change a particular part of the body, you lose your zest. These operations are good when there is a medical referral to them. And if there is none, then you should not go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

Women basically carry out all operations not for themselves, but for men to please them. Think about it, perhaps it is your nose that will attract your soulmate to you. And if you change it, then your fate will pass you by.

It turned out that Chiara is allergic to EVERYTHING. For wheat, rye, corn, buckwheat, oatmeal, pears, apples, plums, potatoes, pork and in general ... Just everything. She could only have rice, barley, baked apple and beef. Well, yes, peas and other green vegetables, but she hates them.

I don’t understand, - Tatyana was confused, - wheat is not allowed here. And no bread? Even from the Volkonsky bakery? Well, you know, it's in the center, a very solid bakery...

I don’t know, ”the Lizard snapped,“ you can only barley and rice.

Girl! Yours! You will feed according to the list - everything will be fine. And smear creams. Ours. This one is for a thousand, this one is for one and a half.

She handed Tatyana two plastic cans without inscriptions. Tatyana breathed a sigh of relief. She obviously hasn't caught up yet that Kirka is allergic to both baby biscuits, which she only eats, and cow's milk(on a goat - no, cheers!), and on cornflakes and it's all banned now. But expensive creams are, of course, according to Tatyana's part. Here she is.

Good! - She nodded happily, taking out the money. - Of course! This morning and evening. This time a day, after bathing. Does it really moisturize? What's in it? Oh, herbal extract! Excellent. I will have to try too. My skin on my hands dries, it's just awful. Don't believe me.

With a sigh, I began to collect Chiara. Gave her a bull, which I specially bought this morning in a tent. I had one like this when I was a kid. You press your finger on the stand, and he falls, bending his thin legs.

You are an amazing doctor, - said Tatyana, - how cleverly everything is set up with you. The patient came, and you are immediately a remedy for him.

She opened the jar of Chiarine Cream and sniffed.

And what a remedy! This is how all doctors should work. Just give out medicines right away. That's great. Very comfortably. I'm so glad you were recommended to us. You have so many accomplishments...

Tatyana nodded at the wall, and the Lizard pouted with importance, although she waved it away in embarrassment. And then suddenly she got up and said:

Wait a minute. I have one thought emerged.

Oh, Dr. House also has constant insights! - Tatyana was delighted. - I love it when he suddenly ...

Show me your leg, - the Lizard told me, coming up to us. Now she stared at the red spot for a long time. She even took out a flashlight and turned it on. And suddenly she frowned.

And you know what… I had my doubts. And they seem to be confirmed.

Is this not an allergy? Tatyana asked with a smile.

This is oncology, - the Lizard answered, looking into Tatyana's eyes.

I glared at the doctor.

Well, - said the Lizard, - you wait a while. Need to check. But very similar.

N-oncology? Tatyana muttered.

Only now I saw that she had an unrealistically ugly nose. Because suddenly he swelled up, as if a wasp had bitten at the very tip, blushed, and then it was not possible to see anything, Tatyana covered her face with her hands and sobbed.

It can't be! she screamed through her sobs. - She recently passed medical examination!

Well, - the Lizard said offendedly, returning to the laptop, - you never know how IT happens. Here is my case...

She clicked the keys. But Tatyana shook her head. Chiara looked and looked at her mother, and then she began to cry too.

Listen, - I finally remembered that I can speak, - Tatyan, maybe you can calm down a little while in the corridor? You scare Kirka.

Yes, - the Lizard said softly, - I understand, stress ...

Tell me what's up with my daughter! - shouted Tatyana and immediately said: - Well ...

Her nose began to run, and she began to pat her pockets in search of paper handkerchiefs.

Take a napkin from the nurse at the post, - Lizard advised and pointed to the door.

I am now, - Tatiana grumbled, got up and headed for the door, still covering her face with her hands. I looked at her back and thought about taking Chiara out, but as soon as Tatyana came out, the girl calmed down and began to play with the bull.

Skin cancer is treated quite successfully, - said the Lizard, - here I had a case. Caught at the very beginning. And cured. I call it a successful cancer case.

Skin cancer, I repeated.

And for the first time in my life I felt how bitter the word "cancer" can be when it is used in THIS sense.

This word did not fit with the rosy-cheeked plump Kyarka, who giggled every time the bull fell. Although it seems to be normal. Gotta mourn. It is supposed not to believe.

I did not immediately believe that my father was taken away.

Here and here. As soon as I thought this, it was as if someone grabbed my throat with a cold iron hand.

I won't cry! - I said not even to the doctor, not to Chiara, but to the bull, who fell with a satisfied look, showing that it can be pleasant to fall.

Maybe the bull is nice. And if I fall here - so who will drag Chiara home?

“I want to go to my mother,” flashed through my head.

Hide under your mother's wing, snuggle up to your shoulder, close your eyes, forget everything! Never go to visit Andryusha! Do not take this stupid rabbit! Live, read, wait for dad and dream of becoming a lighthouse keeper! Not to see how a girl cries when her hand is scratched and an allergen is dripped, not to hear that she may have skin cancer.

I looked around anxiously. It was like I was surrounded. Although there was no one in the office, except for Chiara playing with the bull, and the doctor, who kept clicking keys, going over her successful cancer cases.

I thought: on the other hand, who will then hear and see? Here, along the way, there is no one else. Bychku only if.

I swallowed metal hedgehog, stuck in her throat, tapped on the hole in her chest, into which they just splashed boiling water, and said:

It's clear. Please give me the oncologist's phone number.

Are you more expensive? Or cheaper?

And click-click again. And Kyarka the bull - bam! And threw. Almost missed the window.

I got up, walked around the table, leaned behind the doctor, picked up the toy, and when I straightened up, I saw that the doctor was looking at his laptop.

Best Recipes Chinese food. Stuffed carp.

And although the Lizard handed me two phones (And more expensive! And cheaper!), shoved me a jar of cream (a small bonus for seriously ill children!), Helped me get out of my lair and not forget anything (Phone, baby, don't forget the phone! It will come in handy for you , call an oncologist), and although we went out, crushed like someone else's heavy fur coat, by this word "cancer", a stuffed carp danced and spun in my head. As if hinting: wait to faint, girlfriend.

A dream about noses is our premonitions. Examining your nose in a dream means that you should pay attention to what confused you before. Hair growing on the nose portends good luck in a cunning plan that you yourself have been hatching for a long time. See interpretation: hair.

The more your nose is in a dream, the more you will learn about what interests you, the more faithfully you will behave in a certain situation. This will help you avoid dangerous mistakes and avoid losses.

Big nose in a dream is also a symbol of wisdom. Sometimes a dream about an enlarged nose predicts promotion and wealth. To remain in a dream without a nose is a sign of losses, losses, unfortunate mistakes. The same will mean a dream in which you see that you have many noses or a forked nose.

Seeing people in a dream long nose warns you that some people are watching you and trying to find out more about your affairs. Sometimes such a dream predicts that someone will try to pry into your business. In addition, such a dream portends that your ill-wishers will spread bad rumors about you in order to discredit you. If you recognize a person with a long nose in a dream, then you should be careful with him.

An ugly nose in a dream means that your instinct will let you down and you can get into an unpleasant mess. To be noseless in a dream means that you will act thoughtlessly, and as a result it will come to your side. Seeing noseless people in a dream is a sign of deception. Literally - they lead you by the nose.

If you dream that your nose is stuffed up and you cannot breathe, then beware of deceit or a cunning trap. See interpretation: suffocate. Wiping your nose in a dream is a sign that you will recognize something unpleasant. Bleeding from the nose in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failures or illness of a loved one.

Grabbing someone by the nose in a dream means that success in love awaits you. Whatever you say to the object of your passion, you will be unconditionally believed. An enlarged nose in a dream portends wealth and money.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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