What is a silicone breast. Breast examination with implants Is it possible to do fluorography with implants


The difference between natural breasts before surgery and after implant surgery is obvious

The implant can be placed subcutaneously, under the fascia of the pectoral muscle and behind the pectoralis major muscle.

The most natural artificial breast looks in the latter case, however, for the patient, this is the most painful type of breast plastic surgery. The implant stretches the muscle and the sensations at the same time are about the same as with a strong stretching of any other muscle.

This is what a breast implant looks like.

Selected by the patient according to the desired size.

One of the unobvious disadvantages of breast implants will be back pain. The body does not immediately get used to the extra weight in front of the chest.

A sign of an artificial breast will be the non-falling of the mammary glands under clothing, especially with a large size.

On x-rays in direct projection, the implants look like this

The main danger from implants is being accidentally pierced or crushed. In this case, an operation to change the implant will be required.

When implanting, it is very important not to overdo it with the size so that the breast looks beautiful, and not strange.

Patients say that it is easier to get married after the operation.

On the lateral radiograph

Breast implant on MRI

Breast implants on thermal imager

Implant placement method

Implant in soft x-ray

Natural breast size 3

Natural female breasts of the third size in an x-ray image - a positive image

And lastly, x-ray humor


1. Is it possible to do fluorography with silicone breasts? - Can! But the radiologist and X-ray technologist find out that the breasts are not natural. But they won't tell anyone because they're not interested.

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Many girls are wondering how breast examination will take place after breast augmentation. Will all examined areas of the chest be visible on the devices?

Every woman, of course, takes care of her health. And everyone knows that after 35 years you need to undergo a mammogram once a year. And after breast augmentation and even more so. Fluorography is also carried out once a year.

We all want to be healthy and therefore girls who care about their future always undergo examinations on time.

So what will it look like? Do implants interfere with breast exams?

How to do ultrasound after mammoplasty? How is fluorography performed with breast implants? CT and MRI after mammoplasty? Ultrasound after breast augmentation? We will help you figure it out.

We would like to note that the presence of breast implants does not affect the examination in any way, it is always possible to establish an accurate diagnosis using one of the methods.

But of course, with the availability of modern technology for examining the breast after mammoplasty.

Modern clinics are usually equipped with the latest models of technology. When registering at the clinic for an examination of a girl, you should clarify what devices are worth, whether it is possible to conduct an examination in this clinic if there are breast implants, and of course, consult with a specialist to select the exact method of examination in an individual case.

And we will dispel the existing myths about the impossibility of conducting a survey.

ultrasound- ultrasonography. After breast augmentation is carried out annually. One of the most common survey methods in our time. It is also a mandatory examination before plastic surgery on the breast. Ultrasound of the mammary glands after breast augmentation allows you to identify pathologies of the mammary glands before surgery, assess the condition of breast implants and the tissues themselves, as well as exclude possible complications, such as inflammation, tissue changes, and the formation of a capsule during the rehabilitation period.

Mammography after mammoplasty - the most thorough method of examination. Mammography examination method after mammoplasty has some difficulties. You need to know about this! The implant may block some areas of the breast during the examination, to a greater extent and in percentage terms, this applies to cases where the implant is placed above the pectoral muscle. In the case of an implant placed under the muscle, the obstructed area of ​​the mammary gland is much smaller. Also, this research method is not informative in cases of rupture or leakage of breast implants.

MRI after mammoplasty - this is magnetic resonance imaging of the mammary glands.

A method for examining gland tissues using a powerful magnetic field. With this method, foci of tumors, metastases, ruptures of breast implants are detected.

CT or computed tomography after mammoplasty, this type is referred to as X-ray methods for examining the mammary gland. For the diagnosis of cancer is the most informative and accurate type of study. CT is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis already in a narrow circle of women.

FLG after mammoplasty or fluorography after breast augmentation.

Before undergoing this examination, the patient must warn the doctor about the presence of breast implants. Many people wonder if the implants are visible in the FLG image. We will answer, yes, it is clear.

As you can see, the silicone implants that are used in mammoplasty are X-ray permeable, their presence will not complicate the examination of the lungs in FLH.

Let's summarize.

To study the breast after mammoplasty, studies (ultrasound, CT, MRI) are carried out to obtain the most accurate data, and the presence of implants does not interfere with these examinations. As well as examination of the lungs with FLG can also be carried out without fear.

Be healthy and beautiful.

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Every woman should take care of her health and know that after 35 years it is necessary to undergo breast ultrasound and fluorography once a year. And after breast augmentation it is extremely necessary. But most girls after plastic surgery are wondering whether the examination after the operation will be reliable, and whether all breast zones will be visible on the devices.

It is very important to take care of yourself and think about the future, so it is necessary to pass all examinations on time. Will implants interfere with ultrasound, mammography, CT, MRI? This is the most popular question among women who have breast augmentation. The answer is no! The presence of breast implants will not affect the examination in any way, and will not interfere with the final diagnosis, provided that the examination is carried out using modern technology.

Before the examination, it is recommended to carefully select a clinic. As a rule, all modern clinics are equipped with the latest models of technology. Beforehand, it is recommended to clarify whether it is possible to conduct a breast examination with implants, as well as to consult a specialist who will select the most appropriate examination method.

Types of examinations:

1. Ultrasound - ultrasonography. Ultrasound must be done before plastic surgery, and then repeated annually after it. Today it is the most common method of examination. Ultrasound allows you to study the mammary glands before surgery, as well as to exclude various complications, inflammation and adverse changes already during the rehabilitation period.

2. Mammography. Despite the fact that mammography is the most accurate method of examining the breast, it still has some difficulties. In cases where the implant was placed over the pectoral muscle, during the examination, it may block some areas of the breast. If the implant is placed under the muscle, the blocked area is insignificant. The disadvantage of this method is that it will not help to determine the rupture or leakage of the breast implant. When performing mammography, each gland is compressed first horizontally, then vertically, so the patient should warn the doctor in advance about the presence of a breast implant in the mammary glands.

3. MRI - magnetic resonance imaging. A feature of the method is the use of a powerful magnetic field. MRI allows you to determine the rupture or leakage of the implant, to identify foci of tumors and metastases.

4. CT - computed tomography. This type of examination is considered the most accurate for the diagnosis of breast cancer. Computed tomography is referred to as an X-ray method for examining the breast.

5. Fluorography. Breast implants can be seen on the x-ray. The patient should warn the doctor in advance about their presence, but they will not interfere with the examination of the lungs in any way, because. implants easily transmit x-rays.

Thus, the presence of breast implants will not interfere with any of the listed types of examinations and obtaining accurate data on the condition of the patient's mammary glands and lungs.

A safe method for studying the pathologies of internal systems and organs is magnetic resonance imaging. This type of diagnostics is successfully used in all areas of medicine. Can I do an MRI with dental implants? In certain cases, this may be a contraindication to the procedure.

The essence of the method

MRI is a modern and universal method for diagnosing disorders of the human body. The essence of tomography is the use of such a physical phenomenon as nuclear magnetic resonance. During the study, hydrogen atoms located in the tissues of the human body give weak radio signals. They are "caught" and arranged by a special device - a tomograph, consisting of a magnet and maintaining a constant magnetic field. A computer helps to process and convert the received information into a three-dimensional image.

Completely excludes x-ray radiation. Therefore, most patients with certain indications can have an MRI. With the procedure is assigned only on an individual basis. The magnetic resonance method is completely safe for the human body.

Indications for appointment

The range of diseases in which a patient can be prescribed an MRI is quite wide. Due to the absence of x-ray radiation, the method is used to study pregnant women and children from a very early age.

Can I do an MRI with dental implants, braces or crowns? This method is an alternative that has more contraindications.

Most often, the technique is used when it is necessary to diagnose soft tissues and blood vessels. Diagnostics is recommended in the following cases:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • thrombosis;
  • hemorrhages;
  • vascular aneurysms;
  • heart diseases;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  • inflammatory processes of various origins;
  • diseases of the internal organs.

Can I do an MRI with dental implants?

A huge number of people now have dental structures and products for various purposes, but this is not a reason not to undergo medical diagnostics. In dental practice, magnetic resonance imaging allows you to assess the state of visible and hidden elements for a simple overview of the dentition. If the patient has pins and other metal structures in the oral cavity, can an MRI be done? Many people undergo this procedure with dental implants.

Dentists assure that the presence of metal elements is not a contraindication to magnetic resonance therapy. To get the right result, you must first warn the specialist about the presence of metal elements and the type of material from which they are made.

When is an MRI used in dentistry?

Patients suffering from the following pathological conditions need to be diagnosed:

  • pain when chewing food;
  • crunching when moving the jaws;
  • pain syndrome in the lower jaw;
  • spasm when closing and opening the mouth.

brain MRI

In neurology, the method of magnetic resonance therapy is used to study violations of the functionality of the vessels of the brain and spinal cord, and the spinal column. MRI of the brain with dental implants is indicated for increased intracranial pressure, suspected stroke, and skull trauma. Diagnostics will help determine the cause of frequent headaches, developmental pathologies, and the presence of infectious diseases.

A more detailed picture of the disease allows you to get the use of contrast in the diagnostic process. To do this, the patient is injected with a special substance that enters the blood vessels of the brain through the bloodstream. When exposed to a magnetic field, coloring of problem areas in the image occurs.

Implant materials

The material from which the dental structure is made can be paramagnetic, ferromagnetic or diamagnetic. They behave differently when exposed to a constant magnetic field. Are MRIs made from ferromagnetic alloys? It is quite possible to carry out the procedure, however, the final result can be greatly distorted.

Currently, experts prefer paramagnets - non-magnetic alloys. Titanium is one of the most popular materials. It has several advantages over other alloys:

  • no toxic effects;
  • high rates of survival of titanium implants with tissues;
  • high strength and ductility;
  • the absence of vanadium in the alloy;
  • the presence of an oxide film on the surface that protects against the effects of the external environment;
  • the material is not allergenic.

Features of the procedure

MRI with dental implants made of alloys of gold, platinum, palladium can show a distorted picture of the disease. Research in this case is not recommended. It should be borne in mind that the procedure will not bring any harm to a patient with ferromagnetic implants. Although some tend to think that the dental product may be dislodged or heated. Implants are small in size and well-fixed products, and therefore you should not be afraid of anything at all.

However, the resulting image will be unreliable and will not allow the doctor to make a correct diagnosis. Before the procedure, it is necessary to clarify with the dentist the type of material of dental structures. In the future, this information must be reported to the specialist who will conduct magnetic resonance imaging. This will allow you to properly configure the equipment and get a true picture of the patient's condition.

What is silicone?

Silicone is made from silicon, a semi-metallic or metal-like element that naturally combines with oxygen to form silicon dioxide, or silica. Beach sand, crystals and quartz are all silica. Silicon dioxide is the most common substance on earth. When silica is heated with carbon at a high temperature, silicone can form. With further processing, the silicone can be converted into a long chain compound, or polymer, which is called a siloxane; it may be a liquid, gel, or rubbery substance. Various silicon-containing compounds are used in lubricants and oils, as well as silicone rubber. Silicone compounds are found in many everyday items such as nail polishes, sunscreen and hand creams, antiperspirants, soaps and chewing gum.

Are silicone implants safe?

Specific studies have shown that cow's milk and commercially available infant formula contain significantly higher levels of silicon dioxide than the breast milk of women with implants. The Institute of Medicine concluded: "There is no evidence that silicone implants are responsible for the development of any serious disease in the body. Women are constantly exposed to silicon dioxide in their daily lives." For more information on the safety of silicone, see the Report of the Institute of Medicine ( IOM) at: www.nap.edu.

What is capsular contracture?

The scar tissue, or capsule, that normally surrounds the implant can tighten and compress the implant. This condition is called capsular contracture. Capsular contracture is more often observed after an infection, hematoma and seroma. In addition, it is more common with subglandular implant placement. Symptoms may be hard to the touch and mild discomfort, but pain, shape change, the ability to feel the implant and its displacement may occur. In case of severe pain, pronounced compaction, additional surgical intervention is required. Oneration may involve removing the tissue of the implant capsule to release it, and possibly replacing the implant itself. After these additional interventions, capsular contracture may develop again. You should be aware that closed capsulotomy, the technique of forcibly squeezing or compressing the fibrous capsule around the implant to destroy the scar capsule, is not the recommended method as it may cause the implant to rupture.

Why does a capsule form around the implant in the body?

The natural reaction of the body to the presence of any foreign body in it, in particular, a breast implant, is to form scar tissue on its surface with the formation of a capsule

Does the presence of an implant affect the development of breast cancer?

A report from the European Committee for Quality Assurance and Medical Devices for Plastic Surgery stated that "Modern research continues to show that silicone gel implants do not cause cancer or other malignant diseases."

How do implants affect mammography results?

Breast implants can interfere with the detection of signs of breast cancer on mammograms and make it difficult to perform mammograms. It is important that you tell your doctor if you have an implant before your mammogram. It may be necessary to use special techniques for moving and taking pictures in additional projections.

Is it possible to be allergic to silicone?

Everyone can be allergic to almost any substance on earth, but silicone allergy is extremely rare. In our daily life, we constantly encounter silicon dioxide. It is found in many everyday items such as nail polishes, sunscreen and hand creams, antiperspirants and chewing gum.

What is the average life span of an implant?

Implants are not a lifelong device, so chances are that sooner or later in your life you will need to have your implant replaced. The service life of the implant is individual for each woman. Some women will need a replacement within a few years, while others may live with them for up to 10-20 years. There are several different reasons why a woman may need implant replacement surgery. In some cases, this is done at the request of the woman herself, for example, to change or type of implant, and in other cases it is the result of a complication, for example, displacement of the implant.

How long should I refrain from physical activity and other activities after breast implant surgery?

Only your doctor can estimate the length of recovery time you need and advise you when and how best to resume your activities. The duration of the recovery period is individual for each woman. As a rule, the first days are the most difficult. The average time to return to full activity takes four to six weeks. It is important that the wound does not get wet during the healing period. In this regard, it is necessary to reduce physical activity and sunbathing until the incision heals and completely closes. Do not start excessive physical activity too early, especially related to the upper body. Give your body a chance to rest and heal itself. In addition, you will want the swelling around the implant to subside as soon as possible, and excessive physical activity does not contribute to this. As a rule, it is possible to take a bath after about a month. In the early postoperative period, one to two weeks after surgery, the suture should not be wetted. Be sure to check with your doctor before returning to work. Recovery time varies greatly from patient to patient. Walking is generally recommended to improve circulation. The larger the implant, the heavier the iron will be. When running, you should wear a well-supported bra, which will reduce skin displacement and reduce the likelihood of ptosis (sagging) of the breast.

Can I visit the solarium after breast augmentation?

Salon tanning and sunbathing will not damage the implant, but may worsen scarring. You should avoid sun exposure and solarium exposure to the scar area for at least one year after surgery, as these rays can darken the scar color permanently. The implant, like any tissue, can heat up and take longer to cool down than the rest of your body.

When can I fly or swim after breast augmentation?

Many women with implants go scuba diving and fly airplanes. With changes in pressure, some stretching and contraction of the implant shell can be observed. This may lead to the formation of some air bubbles inside the implant. With both gel and saline-filled implants, you may feel or hear sounds associated with fluid movement (gurgling). These effects should resolve on their own within 24-48 hours.

When can I wear a bra again?

Many doctors ask that after implantation, women should not wear a bra with wire inserts (underwire) for 3 months after the operation. During this period, scar tissue will form around the implant. Therefore, the additional pressure of the wire may cause the formation of marks in the scar tissue that will remain permanent. After the initial healing period has ended, the bra with wire inserts should also not be worn continuously to prevent such marks.

Will my breasts retain their natural mobility after breast augmentation with implants?

It depends on many factors, such as the type of implant, the method of incision, how your body tolerates the presence of the implant, and whether there is any degree of capsular contracture. For many women, breast implants remain soft and move well, while for others, the breasts may become firmer and the implant will be more likely to be fixed in a certain position.

How much does an implant weigh?

The mass of the implant depends on its size and the filling volume. A 200 ml implant filled with gel (about 250 ml) weighs about 250 grams.

Will implants cause stretch marks on my breasts?

Implant placement can cause tissue stretch marks (“stretch marks”), but this is extremely rare. If this problem bothers you, choose a smaller implant to avoid wrinkling of the skin, or choose a volume-adjustable implant that stretches the skin more slowly, gradually increasing volume.

What effect does smoking have on healing after breast augmentation with implants?

Smoking leads to the fact that all blood vessels are compressed, which leads to a deterioration in blood supply and the transfer of oxygen to the areas of surgical intervention. To heal, tissues need a blood supply and oxygen from the blood. With reduced blood supply, tissue heals more slowly.

Does breast (nipple) sensitivity disappear after breast augmentation?

The sensitivity of the breast (nipples) after the increase may vary. Sensations in the nipples can either increase or decrease. A variety of changes - from absence to hypersensitivity - can be either temporary or permanent.

What weight should I be before breast augmentation surgery?

You should stick to a body weight close to ideal. Significant weight loss after breast implants may adversely affect the outcome of the operation. There may be some ptosis (sagging) and a reduction in breast size. A significant increase in body weight can lead to an increase in breast size.

What changes will occur during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the breasts enlarge and go through all the changes associated with pregnancy. The degree of changes in different women is individual, while one of the important factors is the size of the implant.

How does breast augmentation surgery affect breastfeeding?

Many women with breast implants successfully breastfeed their children. Recent studies have shown that women with breast implants do not have an increase in silicone levels in their milk compared to women without breast implants. However, breast implants may affect the ability to breastfeed in some women. The greatest probability of violation of this ability is noted in the behavior of the periareolar incision. Some women develop mastitis, an inflammation of the milk ducts that can lead to capsular contracture. You should always report signs of inflammation to your doctor.

When to return to work after mammoplasty?

It all depends on how quickly your rehabilitation will proceed, on average, you need to take a vacation for 2-3 weeks

When will the breast become soft after mammoplasty?

When the swelling is completely gone, by 6 months.

When is the best time to do an ultrasound after mammoplasty?

When can a capsule form after mammoplasty?

The capsule begins to form after a few days, by a month it completely covers the implant, so it is recommended to wear a compression bra for 1-2 months.

When will the pain after mammoplasty go away?

The pain goes away for everyone in different ways, on average 2-5 days. During this time, you need to take painkillers.

When are stitches removed after mammoplasty?

The sutures are usually self-absorbable and do not need to be removed.

When will the swelling subside after mammoplasty?

The most noticeable edema subsides within 2 months, completely by 6 months.

When can I drink alcohol after mammoplasty?

Not earlier than in 3-4 weeks.

When can I go to the bath, sauna, solarium after mammoplasty?

You can go to the bath, sauna, solarium 2 months after the operation.

When can I drive after mammoplasty?

Behind the wheel can be in 1 month.

When can I sunbathe after mammoplasty?

After 2 months

When can I play sports after mammoplasty?

You can start doing sports from 2 months, the upper shoulder girdle (arms) can be loaded from 3-4 months.

When can I swim after mammoplasty?

You can take a shower already 5-7 days after the operation.

When can I smoke after mammoplasty?

Smoking after mammoplasty and other operations is not recommended for at least 2 weeks, as smoking slows down healing.

When can I fly a plane after mammoplasty?

You can fly in a few days.

When can I swim in the sea after mammoplasty?

You can swim, swim in the sea 2 months after the operation

When can I sleep on my side, on my stomach after mammoplasty?

You can sleep on your side and on your stomach 1 month after the operation.

When is compression underwear removed after mammoplasty?

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