Lymphatic system of the face and neck. Features of the organization of the lymphatic system

Lymph is the body's fluid tissue contained in the lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels. In the human body, lymph is formed in the amount of 2-4 liters per day. it clear liquid, the density of which reaches 1.026. The reaction of the lymph is alkaline, it is pH 7.35-9.0. This liquid helps to maintain and is able to flush out pathological microorganisms from the tissues.

The composition of the lymph

This liquid tissue circulates in the vessels of the lymphatic system and is found in almost all organs. Most of it is in organs with high permeability blood vessels: in the liver, spleen, skeletal muscles, and also in the heart.

It is worth noting that its composition is not constant, since it depends on the organs and tissues from which it flows. The main constituents can be called water, decomposition products organic compounds, lymphocytes and leukocytes. Unlike tissue fluid, lymph has more high content proteins. Her chemical composition resembles but its viscosity is lower.

Lymph also contains anions, enzymes and vitamins. In addition, it contains substances that increase blood clotting ability. When small blood vessels (capillaries) are damaged, the number of lymphocytes increases. Also in the lymph there is a small amount of monocytes and granulocytes.

It is worth noting that human lymph is devoid of platelets, but it can coagulate because it contains fibrinogen. This forms a loose clot. yellow color. In addition, humoral immunity factors (lysozyme, properdin) and complement were identified in this fluid, although the bactericidal ability of lymph is much lower than that of blood.

The meaning of lymph

The following main functions of lymph can be noted:

The return of electrolytes, proteins and water from the interstitial space to bloodstream;

Normal lymphatic circulation ensures the formation of the most concentrated urine;

Lymph carries many substances that are absorbed in the digestive organs, including fats;

Certain enzymes (such as lipase or histaminase) can only enter the blood through the lymphatic system (metabolic function);

Lymph takes erythrocytes from tissues, which accumulate there after injuries, as well as toxins and bacteria (protective function);

It provides communication between organs and tissues, as well as the lymphoid system and blood;

Maintenance of a constant microenvironment of cells, i.e. homeostatic function.

In addition, lymphocytes and antibodies are formed in the lymph nodes, which take part in the body's immune response. At oncological diseases The lymph is the main route for the spread of cancer cells.

It should be noted that lymph, tissue fluid and blood are closely related, therefore they provide homeostasis.

Lymph formation

This process is based on filtration, diffusion, osmosis and the difference in hydrostatic pressure, which is recorded in the capillaries and in interstitial fluid.

How is lymph formed? In this process great importance has a degree of permeability lymphatic vessels. Yes, the particles various sizes pass through the walls of the lymphatic capillaries in two main ways:

1. Intercellular, when highly dispersed particles pass through the intercellular gaps, the size of which reaches 10 nm - 10 microns.

2. Through the endothelium, such transport of substances is associated with their direct movement with the help of micropinocytic vesicles and blisters.

It is worth noting that these paths work simultaneously.

If you answer the question “how is lymph formed”, it is worth remembering about oncotic pressure. So, high blood promotes the formation of lymph, and high oncotic pressure inhibits this process. The filtration of the fluid takes place in the capillaries, while it returns to the venous bed, since there is a pressure difference at the venous and arterial ends of the capillaries.

It should be noted that the permeability of lymphocapillaries varies depending on functional state organs, as well as under the influence of various mechanical, chemical, as well as humoral or nervous factors. The rate of formation of lymph and its volume depend on the relationship between systemic and lymphatic circulation. So, if the minute volume of blood circulation is 6 liters, then through blood capillaries 15 ml of fluid is filtered, 12 ml of which is reabsorbed back, but 5 ml remains in the interstitial space, after which it returns to the circulatory system through the lymphatic vessels.

To better understand how and where lymph is formed, you should know the structural features of the lymphatic system.

Features of the organization of the lymphatic system

The initial link is They are located in all tissues and organs. They are not only in the brain and spinal cord, eyeballs and during inner ear, as well as in the epithelium of the skin, in the spleen, bone marrow, placenta.

Lymphocapillaries are able to unite, forming lymphocapillary networks and larger lymphatic vessels, which have three membranes:

Internal - consists of cells called endotheliocytes;

Medium - contains cells of smooth muscle tissue;

External - connective tissue sheath.

It should be noted that the lymphatic vessels have valves. Thanks to them, the movement of lymph occurs only in one direction - from the periphery to the center. As a rule, lymphatic vessels from muscles and organs exit with blood vessels and are called deep.

important constituent elements of the lymphatic system are the lymph nodes. They act as a filter and provide immune defense organism. Lymph nodes are located near large blood vessels, as a rule, in groups, they can be superficial or located in internal cavities organism. They accumulate and remove viruses and bacteria, as well as foreign particles from the body. At excessive load the lymph nodes enlarge and become painful, which indicates excessive pollution of the lymph. Lymph nodes in the groin tend to swell with infection in the pelvis or legs. The inflammatory process may also be associated with allergic reactions, presence benign cysts or after muscle strain.

It must be said that in the lymphatic system there are also specific lymph trunks and straits through which the outflow of lymph from various parts body and internal organs.

Features of lymph movement

Approximately 180 ml of lymph enters the lymphatic vessels per hour, up to 4 liters of this fluid can pass through the thoracic lymphatic duct per day. Subsequently, it returns to the general bloodstream. Knowing how lymph is formed, it is worth familiarizing yourself with how it moves through the body.

Since lymph is formed in the lymphatic capillaries, more intensive filtration of fluid from the blood small vessels leads to an acceleration of its formation and to an increase in the speed of its movement. Among the factors that increase lymph formation, the following should be mentioned:

High hydrostatic pressure in capillaries;

High functional activity organs;

High capillary permeability;

Introduction of hypertonic solutions.

The main role in the processes of lymph movement is assigned to the creation of primary hydrostatic pressure. It promotes the movement of the bodice from the lymphatic capillaries towards the outlet vessels.

What ensures its further movement? Lymph is formed from tissue fluid. At the same time, the main force that contributes to its movement from the place of formation to the flow into the veins of the neck is the rhythmic contraction of lymphangions.

Features of the structure of lymphangions. Other mechanisms for moving lymph

Lymphangion is a tubular formation with valves and a muscular "cuff". These formations can be called a kind of lymphatic hearts. So, lymph accumulates in them, which leads to stretching of the “cuff”. In this case, the distal valve of the lymphangion closes, and the proximal valve, on the contrary, opens. As a result of this, the lymph moves to the next lymphangion (and so on until it flows into the venous system).

If we talk about the structure of the walls of lymphangions, then they are represented by adrenergic fibers that modulate spontaneous rhythmic contractions. The smooth muscles of the lymphangion are also capable of contraction, which leads to an increase in pressure in the lymphatic vessels and to the flow of lymph into the bloodstream. This process can be influenced by certain hormones, biologically active substances (for example, histamine), as well as changes in the concentration of metabolic compounds and high temperature.

The described mechanism of lymph movement is the main one, but there are also secondary factors. So, when you inhale, the lymph flows from the thoracic lymphatic duct more intensively, and when you exhale, this process slows down. Due to the movements of the diaphragm, the cisterns of this strait are periodically compressed and stretched, which contributes to the further movement of the lymph.

The intensity of the lymphatic flow is also affected by the rhythmic contraction of the organs (heart and intestines), which leads to a more active transition of tissue fluid into the lumen of the capillaries. The contractions of the skeletal muscles that surround the lymphatic vessels are also capable of squeezing out the lymph, since they contribute to its mechanical movement, and also increase contractility lymphangions, which are located in the muscle fiber. Due to this, the movement of lymph through the vessels is accelerated.

Stagnation in the lymphatic system

Insufficiency of lymphatic circulation is a violation of the formation or movement of lymph. Many diseases are accompanied by disorders in the functioning of the lymphatic system, which is often crucial in the progression of the pathological process.

In case of insufficiency of lymphatic circulation, the lymph cannot cope with its main task - the removal of metabolites from the tissues of the body with sufficient speed. In this case, mechanical insufficiency of lymphatic circulation can be of a general or regional nature.

Lymph stasis appears various symptoms, which depends on a number of factors:

From the zone in which lymphostasis develops;

From the features of the lymphatic network;

From the age of the patient;

From the speed with which lymphatic insufficiency develops.

Violation of the lymph flow leads to the accumulation of toxic products. When the lymphatic vessels are damaged, blood clots occur, which, as a rule, consist of leukocytes and fibrin. They linger so they don't pose a threat.

It should be noted that lymphostasis is especially dangerous when infectious pathologies and malignant diseases, since it causes the generalization of the lesion and the appearance of retrograde metastases (spread against the flow of lymph).

general clinical manifestation insufficiency of lymphatic circulation are edema. Lymph stagnation is accompanied by tissue hypoxia, impaired metabolic processes and water-electrolyte balance, as well as dystrophic and sclerotic phenomena. With a general stagnation of the lymph, varicose changes in the lymphatic vessels develop, hypertrophy of their muscle fibers, as well as intin sclerosis, changes in valves.

Violation of the coagulation ability of the lymph

It is known that the lymph contains almost all components that are responsible for the processes of coagulation, anticoagulation and fibrinolysis, therefore, intravascular coagulation is characteristic not only of blood vessels, but also of lymphatic vessels. At the same time, tissue coagulation factors affect not only hemostasis, but also vascular permeability and interstitial transport of tissue fluid. At the same time, the mechanisms that cause blood clotting can provoke similar phenomena in the lymphatic capillaries, vessels and nodes.

It should be noted that the relationship between the various components of blood and lymph has been little studied, but it is known that various pathological processes able to affect lymph clotting in different ways. So, with the introduction of heterogeneous blood, the ability of the lymph to coagulate disappears, since the amount of natural anticoagulants increases. It is believed that a significant amount of anticoagulants in this case formed in the liver, and the lymph only transports them into the blood.

Almost nothing is known about the violation of lymph coagulation during the development of thrombosis. There are experimental data that confirm that quantitative changes in the blood and lymph may differ slightly, but their direction is identical. In addition, it is known that thrombosis is accompanied by a slight slowdown in lymph flow from the drained thoracic lymphatic duct, and the formation of a venous thrombus is accompanied by pronounced changes both in blood and lymph. This pattern indicates that there is every reason not only to theoretically study the features of coagulation processes in the lymphatic system, but also to use them in clinical practice.

Lymph cleansing: indications

In case of violation normal operation the lymphatic system, a significant amount of harmful compounds accumulate in the intercellular space. In this case, the lymph is polluted, which leads to the development of lymphostasis. This state accompanied by an increase in the load on the organs, especially the liver, kidneys and intestines. To prevent the damaging effects of toxins, it is necessary to provide lymphatic drainage and a constant outflow of interstitial fluid.

Indications for cleaning the lymphatic system are the following conditions:

Insufficient due to disturbances in the liver and intestines (hepatitis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, constipation and bile stasis);

Frequent colds;

Chronic infection pelvic organs (for example, cystitis, adnexitis or endometritis);

Intestinal infections or other pathologies that are accompanied by significant intoxication;

Skin diseases;

Allergic lesions (for example, neurodermatitis, eczema or atopic dermatitis);

Conditions accompanied by massive tissue damage and absorption of decay products into the bloodstream (injuries, burns and fractures);

Circulatory disorders due to blood loss, thrombosis, embolism;

Endocrine pathologies, especially obesity, diabetes and thyroid pathology.

The main methods of cleansing the lymph

Before cleaning the lymph, you should consult a doctor who will determine possible contraindications and help you choose the best option.

Method number 1. Gives positive results with arthrosis and arthritis, which occur with the formation of edema, the indication is also ischemic lesion heart, chronic thrombophlebitis and lesions of the respiratory system, osteochondrosis. You can not use this technique for allergies to citrus fruits, as well as if the patient has diabetes.

You need to take 900 ml of orange juice, the same amount of grapefruit juice, as well as 200 ml of fresh lemon juice. All this should be diluted with 2 liters of melt water. Do not have breakfast in the morning, make an enema of 2 liters of water, in which you must first add 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar. After setting the enema, you should drink 100 ml of water, in which it is diluted immediately take hot shower, then drink 200 ml of a pre-prepared mixture of citrus juices and melt water. In the future, you should drink all 4 liters of this mixture (in portions, 100 ml every half hour).

Cleansing the lymph by this method must be carried out for three days. It should be remembered that after this it is impossible to suddenly switch to the usual diet, the diet should be expanded gradually. It is recommended to drink juices, eat fruits, boiled vegetables and porridge.

Method number 2. It helps to cleanse the lymph, remove toxins and saturate the body with vitamins. Should be done in the morning cleansing enema. Then you need to eat one grated lemon with steamed zest, combined with honey and fruit sugar. Every day you need to use one lemon more, bringing the amount to 15. Then their number should be reduced, eating 1 less lemon every day.

Method number 3. You need to take lemons, beets, carrots, pomegranates (all 2 kg each), squeeze the juice, mix with honey and take 50 ml on an empty stomach for 10 days, then take a five-day break. Repeat such courses until the end of the prepared mixture, which should be stored in the refrigerator with a tightly closed lid.

Method number 4. Tibetan doctors it is recommended to cleanse the lymph as follows. You need to take 200 ml fresh juice carrots and beets in a ratio of 4:1 daily before meals. At the same time, an infusion of celandine should be taken according to the appropriate scheme: on an empty stomach in the morning - 1 drop, before lunch - 2 drops, in the evening for dinner - 3 drops, etc., bringing the dose to 15 drops, and then reducing the amount of infusion to the initial dosage ( up to 1 drop).

To prepare this infusion, celandine grass should be crushed and squeezed out the juice, then strain it. After that, for every 450 mg of juice, add 70 ml of alcohol. The resulting infusion should be stored in the refrigerator.

It should be noted that this method of cleaning the lymphatic system is also favorable in patients with hypertension, diseases of the digestive system, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis.


To summarize, we can say that lymph is a fluid that surrounds and washes all cells. human body. The primary task of the lymph is to clean tissues and organs from decay products. Lymph circulation is closely related to blood circulation and ensures optimal physical state human and high level his life energy.

How is lymph formed? As mentioned above, this is a rather complex process that goes through several schemes and depends on many factors. Cleansing the body due to lymph is that it takes away excess liquid, as well as metabolic products from the intercellular space, and transfers them to the lymph nodes, which are "filtration stations". In addition, lymph performs protective function, as it helps to get rid of foreign agents and pathogenic microbes.

Lymph is an important regulator of metabolic processes in the body, as well as a factor good nutrition cells. In cases of violation of the formation of lymph or a slowdown in its circulation, stagnation of the intercellular fluid develops, which leads to the appearance of edema. It should also be noted that the slow circulation of the lymph leads to the appearance of excessive fatigue, as well as to the inertia of the vital important processes, which may later lead to various kinds illness and premature aging cells.

They are one of the important immune organs. Among them are many important role play lymph nodes on the face. On the face, nodes are distinguished, medical name which:

  • infraorbital or maxillary - they are scattered over the zone of the infraorbital region, located between the nose and cheek (groove section to the zygomatic arch);
  • buccal - can be from one to several, located on the muscle opposite the corner of the mouth;
  • mandibular - mental (located on the chin) and, are on the upper surface of the lower jaw in contact with the maxillary external artery, as well as with the facial anterior vein.

Through their afferent vessels, fluid washes the eyelids, skin covering, conjunctiva, inner surface nose, cheeks, and passes into the glands called submandibular. In addition, several buccal nodes are distinguished, near the ears (they are called parotid). Mandibular most often cause concern.

There are two groups of parotid glands. Smaller glands are sometimes found in the subcutaneous tissue. The lymph of their afferent vessels flows through the eyelids, root of the nose, frontotemporal region, tympanic cavity, external sound passage, back of the palate and nasal cavity.

In the classification of lymph nodes, there is such a thing as the sides of the face, which, in addition to the infraorbital and maxillary glands already described above, includes the supramascular and articular glands. Their function is to collect lymph from the cheeks, conjunctiva, mucous areas of the nose and eyelids.

You can meet the name of the group: submicrobial. These are 3-6 submandibular glands. They can be found in the submandibular triangle, below the lower jaw. They receive fluid from upper lip, side parts lower lip, cheeks, vessels of the nose, gums and tongue.

How are the lymph nodes located?

The location of the lymph nodes is rational. Their person is such as to be an obstacle to bacteria, viruses, malignant cells and all other foreign impurities that enter the body and are captured by the lymph. Lymph flows in one direction: from the feet of a person to the head, and then flows by gravity down to the feet. Along the way, the fluid flowing through the capillaries and vessels is collected in larger ducts, flows to the center, where it flows into the veins. The glands are placed so as to filter the lymph entering the blood vessels and internal organs.

Location of lymph nodes on the face

1) undereye; 2) buccal; 3) submandibular; 4) chin; 5) parotid; 6) behind the ear

Places where the lymph nodes are located: inner corner eyes, infraorbital foramen, upper section“nasolabial” furrows, nasal openings, fiber above the middle of the buccal muscle, near the ear (this is the line connecting the corner of the mouth with the auricle).

Physicians consider the buccal and mandibular or supramaxillary glands to be unstable. They are found in cellular tissue near the point of attachment. masseter muscle, outside the lower jaw. They are from 1 to 2.

Near the ears, one can find superficially located nodes of the face, located under the parotid-chewing fascia, in front of the external auditory canal.

In addition, there are from one to two deep nodes between the lobules parotid glands, at the level of the earlobes; a few can, behind the angle of the lower jaw, they are covered by a salivary gland located near the ear. "Posterior" nodes are located near the mastoid process.

Below the angle of the jaw are the submandibular lymph nodes in the bed salivary gland located below the jaw, but do not lie in its capsule. Knots are placed behind, in front and in the middle.

Several mental nodes are located in a triangle between the anterior bellies of the "bigastric" hyoid bone.

The location of the lymph nodes in the tongue

Located between the "maxillary-lingual" and "chin-lingual" muscles in its thickness.

The buccal, mandibular, "submandibular" and mental nodes are characterized by the fact that, together with the lymph coming into them from the jaws, teeth, salivary glands, paranasal sinuses nose, mucous membrane, oral cavity get an infection.

Problems associated with the lymph nodes

Since they are filters by antibodies that fight infection in the human body, they react to any infection in the body. There is swelling of the lymph nodes, their redness or they become hard. Such glands usually hurt, and when pressed on them, the pain intensifies. Pus accumulates in the swollen gland, the abscess can burst and the pus then spreads along the cheek and other nearby areas. In this case, the patient may have an increase in body temperature, a headache, and malaise. Enlarged lymph nodes on the face (cheekbones, cheeks, chin and other places) are dangerous for people, they can develop severe complications such as encephalitis, meningitis.

The consequences of swelling of the lymph nodes that are located deep in the body may differ from the consequences that accompany swelling of the nodes under the skin. Blockade in swollen lymph flow deep knot can lead to such consequences as swelling of the limbs, swelling of the lymph nodes in the lungs, cause chronic cough

First of all, the glands react to an infection of a nearby organ. For example, if the infection is related to the ears, then the reaction will be either superficially located ear nodes or deep glands behind the ear. Symptoms of swollen facial nodes can be: swollen cheeks, pain when chewing.

Treatment for a swollen lymph node in the cheek

Treatment for swollen cheeks should focus on recovery normal state lymph nodes. There are many conditions that cause an abnormally round face. Among them:

  • A dental abscess is an infection that causes throbbing pain, facial swelling, redness, fever, and other painful conditions.
  • Sinusitis causes redness and swelling of the face.
  • Toothache in .
  • Nasal congestion is often accompanied by blocked ears.
  • Mumps - viral disease causing swelling of the glands and the secretion of saliva.
  • A broken, fractured bone causes bruising, swelling, and redness of the face.

Causes of inflammation of the facial lymph nodes

If dehydration occurs, a decrease in immunity, or a person catches a cold, gets sick infectious disease, then the infection spreads through the lymphatic vessels, invasion throughout the face, which causes swelling of the glands and pain. Facial lymphadenitis is most often a symptom inflammatory processes in the body, not independent disease. If , then the nodes that are in front and


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Today we will talk about beauty again, but instead of testing new face creams and masks, we will turn our attention deep into the body, namely, we will study the lymphatic system, lymphatic drainage and their impact on beauty and health in general.

The skin is of great importance for us, and not only because it is well-groomed and beautiful, it makes us beautiful. The skin does a lot various functions- protection from harmful external influences, maintains the temperature of internal organs, softens the body as a whole, poisonous waste products of the body are constantly released through the skin. In other words, the skin is an intermediary between the body and the external environment.

The respiratory and excretory functions of the skin are vital to health. If it stops normal functioning skin, poisoning of the body may occur. Skin disease always affects the health of the body, in the same way, a disease of any organ affects the condition of the skin. By acting on the skin with various medical means, it is possible to influence the entire body, for example, hydrotherapy, massage, etc.

And so, everything in our body is interconnected. When we talk about skin care, we always start with cleansing, then moisturizing, and so on. But most importantly, if the body is not cleansed from the inside, then all efforts with skin rejuvenation will be in vain. So let's think about health first. What we are going to talk about now will tell us what efforts and where each of us needs to make in order to combine beauty and health.

Today we'll talk about this important system, which plays in the human body special role is the lymphatic system. In order for you to seriously think about how important it is for the skin and the whole organism as a whole, you will have to delve a little deeper into the structure of your body. Perhaps then many of us will understand what prevents our skin from having beautiful colour, to be elastic, elastic and velvety.

lymphatic system is a part vascular system in the human body. The lymph circulating in the body moves slowly under slight pressure, since there is no organ in the lymphatic system that acts as a pump, which the heart does in circulatory system. The speed of its movement is 0.3 mm/s. Lymph moves in one direction - towards the large veins.

It plays an important role in the metabolism and cleansing of the cells and tissues of the body. Thus, we already see where the cleansing of the body begins, and in particular the skin, which we take care of in the first place.

The lymphatic system includes:

Lymphatic vessels and capillaries
The lymph nodes
Lymph trunks and ducts
Tonsils, thymus, or thymus.

How is lymph formed and in general, what kind of structure is it?

Even the ancient Greek doctors discovered that in addition to the red liquid in the human body, there is also a transparent one, which they called lymph, which means in Greek - “ pure water, moisture.

As a result of the contraction of the heart liquid part blood penetrates through the walls of blood vessels, tissue fluid is formed. Part of the tissue fluid returns to the blood again. Since the heart works, and blood constantly flows through the vessels, the difference in fluid pressure outside the vessels and inside always exists.

It looks like a perpetual motion machine that works while the heart lives... But part of the tissue fluid, washing the cells, enters the lymphatic capillaries that penetrate the tissues of the whole body, so lymph is formed. Tissue fluid nourishes the cells, removes their waste and moisturizes the body.

The fluid that enters the lymphatic system is already called lymph. The smallest lymphatic capillaries merge into lymphatic vessels, which have thin walls and valves that prevent the outflow of lymph. Lymph moves in one direction along the lymphatic vessels, along which there are also lymph nodes.

The lymph nodes, these are soft and small internal structures produce immune cells. It is the nodes that act as filters in which microbes are neutralized. When there is a threat to our body from an infection, and various bacteria enter the lymph, the lymph nodes increase production protective cells, which are actively involved in the destruction of microbes and foreign substances.

From the lymph nodes, filtered lymph through the lymphatic vessels enters the veins, that is, it returns to the blood. The largest lymph nodes you can feel yourself, they are in the cervical regions. Large nodes are also found in the axillary, popliteal and groin areas. When you get a sore throat, there is an increase in the lymph nodes - the tonsils, because it is here that the battle between microbes and the protective substances of the body takes place.

The lymphatic system contributes to the redistribution of fluid in the tissues of the body, since its capillaries drain all tissue intercellular spaces. From here we see that the lymphatic system not only cleanses our body, but also moisturizes it. And we hope to achieve skin hydration only with the help of moisturizing creams, when all this directly depends on the lymphatic system.

If everything is in order in our body, there are no failures, tissue fluid does not accumulate in excess in the tissues, since the lymphatic system moves it through the lymphatic vessels and returns it to the blood. Otherwise, fluid accumulates in the intercellular space, and edema occurs.

For example, in cellulite, the accumulation of fluid in the tissues is often associated with the presence of toxins in the body. Thus, the lymphatic system cleanses and moisturizes all tissues of the body, and also transfers nutrients.

Beauty machine for lymphatic drainage

If, after reading, you understand everything, then you will be able to answer the question of why it is so important for our body, at least morning work-out? The answer is simple. After all, the lymph moves very slowly. But if there is no “pump” in the lymphatic system, then how does it move, no matter how due to muscle contraction, which pushes the lymph further along its difficult life path.

Lymphatic capillaries and vessels penetrate the muscle tissue, the muscles contract - the lymph is pushed through, but there is no way for it to go back, the valves in the lymphatic vessels do not pass. But if the muscle around the vessel does not work, then where does the movement of the lymph come from? Now you understand what movement means and, in general, physical exercise.

Stagnation and damage to the lymph from the fact that the muscles are lazy, because we are too lazy to do exercises, leads to sad consequences. Physical exercises significantly accelerate the movement of lymph. And this, in turn, improves the condition of tissues with edema and stagnation.

A sedentary lifestyle combined with a heavy meal leads to an overload of the lymphatic system, and often for this reason there are various diseases and immune disorders.

From all that has been said, we see that the lymphatic system

Redistributes fluid in the body;

Protects the body from infections and diseases by removing and destroying various bacteria in the lymph nodes; human immunity depends on it;

Removes foreign substances and waste products;

Transfers nutrients from tissue spaces to the blood.

Now imagine that the lymph nodes are clogged, what will happen then, because they are the body's filter? Then, let's say, dirty lymph cannot pass through the lymph node, and the body throws it out, onto the skin. What will you see on your skin? - There will be dermatitis, furunculosis, acne, acne, diathesis, psoriasis ... Probably enough to list.

When we catch a cold, we get a runny nose and stuffy nose. Since the body is fighting microbes, and lymph is directly involved in this, before it enters the blood, it must be cleansed of toxins. The lymph gets rid of this rubbish through the mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, use for a long time vasoconstrictor drops during a runny nose should not, we interfere with the work of the lymphatic system.

The second example, when we deliberately disrupt the work of the lymph nodes, is a sweat deodorant. Sweat is the release of not just moisture from the body, but also toxins. If you constantly use deodorant that blocks sweat, you are harming your body by leaving harmful substances in tissues in certain areas, such as underarms. In this zone, the mammary glands are very close. And then you should understand a lot.

And what will help the work of the lymphatic system, except for charging?

In Russia, treatment with a steam bath with a broom has long been used, tea with currant leaf or raspberries. The use of the bath should be consulted with a doctor.

Breathing techniques can also stimulate lymph flow, improving your health.

The movement of the lymph is also helped by massage, which increases the outflow of tissue fluid. However, the massage should be in the form of light and gentle circular strokes and kneading. In addition, you need to know for sure that massage is not contraindicated for you.

The main reason for contraindications may be malignant neoplasms(crayfish). After all, massage movements make the lymph move, and with it malignant cells which promotes the formation of metastases. And in general, any procedures that affect the lymphatic system are unacceptable for cancer.

How does massage affect the lymphatic system?

Accelerates the movement of lymph in the lymphatic vessels. Massage movements should occur in the direction of the outflow of lymph to the nearest lymph nodes. pressure on muscle tissues facilitates the penetration of tissue fluid through the walls of blood vessels, and this prevents or reduces swelling.

Harmful substances that easily pass through the walls of the lymphatic vessels are removed from the body faster. Massage movements - stroking, pressing and squeezing should be gentle. With swelling of the legs, the outflow of fluid will help if they are raised, since in this case the movement of fluid and lymph will be helped by gravity.

Do lymphatic massage to the benefit, and not to the detriment, can a professional massage therapist. You can do it yourself at home, but for this you need to get instructions on the basic techniques from a specialist. the volume of the lymphatic flow can be increased 20 times, which means an increase in the ability of the lymphatic system to remove toxins and harmful bacteria, enhance immunity.

It is useful not only for problems with the lymphatic system, but also in the case when you have a cold or just want to relieve fatigue. All touches should be gentle and soft.

Massage with essential oils such as geranium, rosemary and juniper, grapefruit, Atlas cedar and lemon oils is effective to activate the movement of the lymph and reduce swelling. Also used essential oils anise, orange, basil, cloves, oregano, ginger, hyssop, cypress, coriander, lavender, lemongrass, carrot, naioli.

Carrier oils can be wheat germ oil, almond oil, avocado, Peach oil, jojoba, macadamia oil, safflower oil.

Lymphatic drainage of the face and body at home

At home, you can use a bath with a lymphatic drainage mixture, which includes:

geranium -3 drops
lemongrass - 3 drops
hyssop - 2 drops
naioli - 2 drops
wild carrot - 2 drops

If you add 30 ml of oil to this mixture grape seed, it can be used for self-massage.

Malfunctions in the functioning of the lymphatic system are indicated not only by edema or cellulite, but also by other diseases where there is inefficient excretion from the body harmful substances. For example - frequent colds, headaches, skin problems, etc.

Lymphatic drainage will help in stimulation immune system removing toxins from the body, bad color face, aging skin, and bruising under the eyes. After a course of lymphatic drainage, cell nutrition usually improves, the body is cleansed, metabolism improves, skin regeneration processes are stimulated, its dryness is eliminated, bags under the eyes disappear, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Now you see the necessity and importance of the lymphatic system, on which human immunity depends. Immunity is life!

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