How many dogs are in heat. Dog heat: a note to caring owners of girl dogs. Deviations from the cycle

Choosing a girl from affectionate curious puppies, each owner acquires a true friend in her face. Approximately 2 times a year, she turns into a cunning bride, for whom you need an eye and an eye. How is estrus in dogs, you must know in order to successfully mate the animal, as well as to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

A special period in the life of a pet is manifested by the appearance of a positive reaction to males and the beginning of sexual hunting. The onset time depends on several indicators: breed, dietary characteristics and conditions of detention. The duration of estrus is on average 3 weeks.

The manifestations of the first estrus are less pronounced, the symptoms are more blurred. The second estrus in dogs passes with more obvious signs. Well, all subsequent flows against the background of a steady cycle are approximately the same.

Video "What you need to know about estrus in a dog"

In this video, the expert will tell you about the features of estrus in a dog.

How to recognize an attack

It will not be difficult for an experienced dog breeder to determine the beginning of estrus in dogs. The symptoms of estrus are quite characteristic and occur in a complex manner. These include:

  • bloody issues;
  • frequent urination;
  • the need to mark the walking area or even objects in the apartment;
  • changes in behavior - the pet begins to behave restlessly.

Examining the litter, you can see brownish spots - traces of dried blood. The increased interest in your pet from the "grooms" is associated with the release of pheromones in the urine. These are special biosubstances that are sensitive to males. At the very beginning of the process, the bitches do not let the males in, drive away, jump, growl.

The behavior of the dog before estrus changes. During a walk, she ceases to obey, can be aggressive, easily break loose and even run away. In some cases, the girl may not react at all to changes. The beginning of the mating season can be determined only by physical signs.

How does it go

In girls from large breeds, the process of estrus always begins a little later than in small breeds, since it takes more time for their physical development. The usual terms are from 8 months to 1.5 years. In tiny dogs, the emptying begins at 6 months.

The final stage

Metaestrus lasts 7 to 10 days. The heat stops, the discharge no longer bothers the dog. Interest in the opposite sex drops sharply, and the bitch no longer allows males. The loop gradually subsides and returns to its previous dimensions.

Then comes the after-estrus, if the bride did not become pregnant. This is a period of restoration of physiological processes. It takes 30 to 60 days. Sometimes false pregnancy occurs, accompanied by psychophysiological disorders.

sexual rest

Anestrus can last from 100 to 150 days. The older the dog, the longer the pauses between estrus become, but the laying still continues, although it lasts much less (3-5 days). At the end of the period, the maturation of a new egg is stimulated. When this happens, the cycle restarts.

Possible difficulties

About a third of girls have non-standard "schemes", which the veterinarian will help to find out and deal with.

These are the following changes:

  • intermittent leaks. Occurs in young girls before the first estrus. For a short period of time, bloody discharge appears, which disappears in 3-5 days. A month later they start back. There is no forerunner or it has a short period;
  • mild leak. Due to hormonal disruptions, the symptoms are blurred, the bitch does not show a desire to mate;
  • hidden leak. It can be considered normal and is often found in dwarf breeds. But it often happens against the background of hypothyroidism. It flows imperceptibly, there are practically no discharges. The loop does not increase and does not swell. Only by the behavior of the male can one guess about the special position of the bitch;
  • extended ovulation. Occurs in dogs with metabolic disorders and reduced levels of sex hormones.

Estrus begins at 7-8 months and continues throughout the life cycle. In order for the dog to conceive safely and bear offspring and always remain healthy, during this period she needs special care and attention from you.

Heat occurs in every healthy bitch, regardless of breed, and a certain number of days pass. During this period, the dog's behavior or habits may change, especially if the animal is under two or three years old. Caring for pets at such a time should be especially attentive and differ in the implementation of a number of recommendations.

When does the first heat in dogs start?

Estrus is a natural process that indicates the readiness of the bitch for fertilization and further bearing of offspring.

It starts differently for each dog, it all depends on:

  • breeds;
  • the hormonal level of the animal;
  • the presence of any disease.

On average, after the age of 7 months and up to 1.5 years, breeders should wait for the appearance of estrus in their pet.

Important: in 50% of cases, the first spotting can last only 3-4 days and be scarce. It is recommended not to mate at this time, as the dog is not ready for mating.

How long does a heat last and how often

If a female pet does not have hormonal disorders and any health problems, then spotting occurs twice a year.

Important: in a bitch after 8 years, the discharge is reduced to 1 time per year or fewer days may go.

For any breed, everything goes on average from 21 to 24 days and takes place in 3 stages:


It is the first stage, their beginning is evidenced by the appearance of spotting, which is abundant throughout the entire period.

Proestrus lasts up to 8 - 9 days and is distinguished by characteristic features:

  • more aggressive behavior of the dog;
  • swelling of the vulva;
  • frequent urination.

In the body of the pet, the maturation of eggs occurs, the bitch is not ready for mating.

Note: Approximately 80% of all dogs in proestrus do not allow males to approach them and try to pounce on them.


It is the second stage and lasts from 7 to 10 days. The features of the period are:

  • the appearance of secretions of a pale pink color and not as plentiful as before;
  • calmer behavior of the animal.

It is for this period that breeders organize mating, it is noted that the best time is 2-4 days of estrus.


The final stage and can last from 7 to 20 days.

Important: often the start of the final stage is signaled by the bitch's aggressive behavior towards other male dogs.

The last stage is characterized by:

  • complete cessation of bleeding;
  • the dog stops trying to lick itself:
  • urination is observed less frequently;
  • the behavior of the animal becomes familiar to its breeder.

Important: in each stage, the time intervals can fluctuate by 2 - 3 days up or down. Veterinarians consider this to be normal and does not require examination of the animal and concern on the part of its owner.

In small breeds

Small breeds are distinguished by an early onset of the first estrus, in comparison with large animals. On average, breeders see bloody discharge between 6 and 8 months.

Note: Yorkshire terriers are exceptions, the first allocations can be traced closer to the year.

In the future, in small breeds, everything proceeds regularly and differs in characteristic features:

  1. Pets on the eve become too restless.
  2. They begin to bark for a long time, especially in the evening.
  3. Show aggression or alertness to other animals.

Important: Some small breed bitches can mark their territory.

In time, everything lasts 20 - 22 days, most often the dog is ready to be bred in exactly one week.

Tip: breeders on a walk should always be vigilant and see that a male, especially a large breed, does not approach the pet.


For medium breeds, the appearance of the first bloody discharge at the age of 11 to 14 months is characteristic. Subsequently, for these pets, everything lasts 20-22 days and takes place twice a year (for 90% of huskies once a year).

Tip: cynologists note that it is optimal to choose 8-9 days for mating.

As a rule, medium-sized pets are not prone to aggression in any of the stages of estrus.

The process of estrus in dogs

Such bitches are characterized by:

  • refusal to execute commands;
  • constant attempts to break off the leash on the street;
  • increased playfulness.

Tip: hold a medium breed dog as tightly as possible while walking, and do not remove the collar and leash from them.


In large breed bitches, the first estrus may not come until 13 to 18 months. In the future, everything lasts from 22 to 24 days and is observed 2 times a year.

Note: the best time for mating is considered to be 10 - 12 days.

Large pets are distinguished during this period by more violent behavior, and sometimes expressed aggression even towards their owner.

Signs and symptoms in a dog in heat

Before the appearance of discharge in dogs, any breeder notes changes in behavior, this is due to hormonal changes in the body.

The main signs of estrus are:

  1. Aggressive state of the pet.
  2. Refusal of the usual food or, on the contrary, increased appetite.
  3. Poor execution of commands and manifestation of disobedience.
  4. Playfulness, especially on walks.
  5. Standing up on hind legs.
  6. Regular lifting of the tail up.

Cynologists emphasize that one of the main signs is an increased interest from males. Male dogs begin to chase the bitch, surround her on the street, try to get close and so on.

During each estrus, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Increased urination. Note: the animal asks for 5 - 6 times on the street, and can also involuntarily urinate at home.
  2. Pupil dilation. Note: characteristic of large breeds.
  3. Constant licking of the vulva.
  4. Bloody discharge from the genitals.

Important: in the first 7-10 days they are the most abundant, later they become viscous and transparent, and by the end of the third stage they completely stop.

The veterinarian can accurately determine the approach of estrus after examining and feeling the belly of the bitch.

Rules for care on such days

The dog during this period needs proper care. Filmmakers recommend:

  1. Buy specialized panties for your pet. Advice: the main thing is to choose them in the right size, so that while wearing the animal does not experience discomfort or difficulty in moving.
  2. Reduce the duration of walks by half.
  3. Always wear a collar when outdoors and keep your pet on a leash. Advice: for large dogs wear muzzles.
  4. Try to choose places for walks where the likelihood of meeting other dogs, especially homeless ones, is minimized.
  5. It is better not to walk with small breeds, but to teach them to go to the tray.
  6. Encourage the animal to lick itself.

Caring for a dog in heat

Since bloody drops remain everywhere after the dog during this period, all breeders are advised:

  • remove carpets at home; Important: the bloody discharge of bitches is then poorly washed off, and for a long time they emit a specific smell.
  • at least 2 - 3 times a week to do wet cleaning;
  • keep the pet's place clean and change the bedding as needed.

You also need to change the drinking water in the bowl more often and pay more attention to the animal's diet so that there are all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other components.

Heat is a normal phenomenon, characteristic of all female dogs. During this period, most pets change their behavior, and in addition, on such days they need to pay increased attention and properly care for them.

  • if the bitch is more than 18 months old and has not had a single estrus, then contact the veterinarian;
  • in the case when the pet begins to shiver during this period, the temperature rises and other uncharacteristic symptoms are observed, it is worth immediately calling a specialist to the house;
  • always record the beginning and end of selections in the calendar;
  • do not organize mating earlier than 7 - 9 days from the onset of the first bloody discharge;
  • in anticipation of estrus, prepare everything in advance: purchase special underpants for animals, clean carpets, and so on.

Estrus is a natural phenomenon that is better known as estrus in a dog. The first signs of this natural process indicate that the animal is ready for mating, since the main phase of puberty has been completely completed by this moment. Breeders of four-legged females need to know everything about what estrus is, when it first appears and whether there are any peculiarities in the behavior of the pet during this period. The owner can do everything possible to ensure that unwanted fertilization of the female does not occur.

Determining that an animal is in heat for the first time is easy if you know how everything happens. As a rule, the first signs of estrus can be noticed between the ages of 6 and 12 months. Estrus often begins in almost two-year-old pets. The owner of the pet should be alarmed if the pet's estrus does not make itself felt even after this age.

An indicator of the animal's health is also the cyclicity and correct periodicity of the process. In most cases, discharge from the female occurs no more than a couple of times a year. Otherwise, with more frequent estrus, its frequency may be a reason to visit the veterinarian. Most likely, the four-legged pet in the body experienced serious hormonal disruptions.

How long does a heat last?

How long estrus lasts in dogs is also an interesting point about which it is important to know at least general information. The duration of this biological process in animals depends on many factors:

  • at what age is the pet;
  • her breed;
  • general condition of the body;
  • living conditions, etc.

Often the duration of estrus in tetrapods is about 20 days. Although often it goes up to 35 days. In any case, the duration of estrus in all pets can be different and predetermined by some features.

Phases of estrus in a pet

For breeders who would like to breed puppies, it is extremely important to know how this process generally goes, how long it takes and when is the best time to mate. To do this, you need to deal with each stage of estrus, which takes place in the dog's body:

  1. Proestrus lasts on average from a week to 10 days. At this time, there is a significant change in the reproductive system, although there is no ovulation as such yet. The first manifestations of the process in the form of spotting, swelling of the external genital organs help to determine that soon the pet will be ready for mating. During this period, the interest of males to her becomes noticeable, but when trying to mate, the animal does not make contact. This behavior is explained by the excitability and uncharacteristic playfulness of the dog.
  2. When ovulation begins, the female's tactics change dramatically. In the first couple of days from the moment when the pet becomes ready for mating, she is in constant arousal. She can allow males to mate for several days. The dog begins to do everything in order to attract the attention of males. If the discharge by this period has not acquired a pale pink hue, it is likely that ovulation has not yet occurred.
  3. The fact that estrus is passing is evidenced by both the external symptoms of the genital organs and the behavior of the female. If she stops letting males approach her, then such a manifestation can only speak of the cessation of flowing secretions.

As already mentioned, estrus in dogs goes differently. Both the duration and the frequency of cycles in representatives of different breeds can differ. As a rule, estrus often occurs twice a year in dogs: in winter and in mid-autumn. But often, for example, in northern breeds, estrus occurs once a year, at the beginning of spring.

How does estrus manifest itself?

To understand what this phenomenon looks like, you need to have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow it all begins. Signs that your dog is about to go into heat:

  1. Frequent urge to urinate.
  2. Bloody discharge from the vulva.
  3. Aggression and behavior change.
  4. interest from males.
  5. Molt.

The first estrus in dogs is an extremely important life stage. Often it passes when the female has already completed the change of milk teeth to permanent ones. But it is almost impossible to determine the period of its onset for sure. Meanwhile, it is worth paying attention to some features of estrus in four-legged pets, due to breed differences. If the dog shows significant deviations from the expected timing of estrus, it is worth contacting a doctor.

Features of estrus in animals of different breeds

So, in animals of small size, estrus begins at 6 months. In general, the deadline for showing signs of estrus in small dogs is 10-12 months. By the year, females usually have a fully formed cycle, and the duration of the discharge becomes the same. The signs of the process in dogs of small breeds can be called clearly expressed, regardless of whether this is the first estrus in a dog or not.

Meanwhile, in larger animals, as well as representatives of medium breeds, they often appear only at 7-8 months. The occurrence of estrus closer to a year is also considered the norm. At 14 months, in the absence of pathology in all healthy dogs, the main manifestations of estrus can be seen. However, it often happens that the first heat they have is sluggish. This is indicated by minor mild symptoms. Due to the low intensity of secretions, males practically do not pay any attention to the female. But regardless of how estrus proceeds, it is a full-fledged part of the sexual cycle in a dog.

Postpartum estrus: how soon does it occur?

Often the vigilance of the owners lulls the birth of puppies. The appearance of babies into the world and feeding them with milk does not mean that the dog will not go into heat after childbirth. Definitely, estrus can appear as early as a few months after childbirth. As a rule, the maximum time interval between the date of birth and the renewed estrus is 6-7 months. You can judge the new sexual activity of the pet by the same signs that occur during estrus in all dogs.

Meanwhile, if the animal is in heat after giving birth, this does not mean that the dog is ready to mate. Many breeders try to do everything possible to prevent early unplanned mating, which can adversely affect the health of a female who has not yet recovered from previous births.

Estrus lasts as long in four-legged pets as in nulliparous females. In general, you can notice changes in the behavior of the animal and discharge from the vulva for 20-30 days. When, after giving birth, the first bloody compartments appear in the female, approximately 9 days should be counted from this moment. This period is the beginning of ovulation, which can go from 5 to 10 days.

After giving birth, the number of estrus per year in dogs should not exceed their number before the birth of puppies. As a rule, estrus in an animal that occurs 3-4 times a year indicates problems in the functioning of the reproductive system against the background of hormonal imbalance.

What should the owner do during estrus at the pet?

In most cases, when a dog goes into heat after giving birth, this can turn into a lot of trouble for the owner. If the owner wants to avoid such problems, there is no need to do something supernatural. To prevent dirt throughout the house, you can use special underpants for dogs. They are sold at any pet store and veterinary pharmacy.

If it is extremely important for the dog owner to avoid new "consequences" of heat after childbirth, it is advisable to walk the pet only on a leash. It will be possible to forget about precautionary measures when the estrus is completely completed. If the appearance of another litter from a dog is not included in the plans of the owner, it may be more appropriate to consider spaying, which can be done even during estrus.

Estrus in females is the period of sexual activity of females. It is during estrus that a dog can become pregnant.

When does estrus start in dogs?

The first estrus in dogs can begin at the age of 6 to 24 months (depending on the breed and heredity). The first heat in dogs of small breeds most often occurs between the ages of 6 and 12 months. However, it is important to remember that the onset of estrus does not mean that the bitch is fully mature for mating. Veterinarians and breeders do not recommend mating bitches younger than 15 months (and older than 7 years).

Most dogs retain the ability to bear children until the end of their lives. Sometimes estrus in an older dog may be less pronounced. But more often, estrus in an old dog occurs with a large interval (at the age of 7-9 years, estrus is not uncommon once every 12-18 months).

How long does estrus last in dogs?

Estrus in dogs of small breeds lasts about 20-25 days, but each organism is individual, and therefore the owner must observe the bitch during this period and be sure to record the start dates of estrus and their duration. This is the only way to know exactly how long your dog's heat lasts.

As a rule, estrus in small dogs happens 2 times a year with an interval of about 6 months. If the interval between estrus is less than 4 months or more than 9, we recommend that you contact your veterinarian and examine the dog.

Signs of heat in dogs

Estrus in dogs is conditionally divided into three periods.

The first period is proestrus (7-10 days). The behavior of the bitch begins to change: the girl becomes more affectionate, requires increased attention to herself, the bitch often leaves marks on walks, constantly sniffs, literally without raising her muzzle from the ground (from the side it seems that the dog is following the trail). At this stage, males already show interest in the bitch, begin to care, constantly following her on the heels. But the dog is not yet ready for mating, and therefore snaps and does not allow the males to mount. Physiological changes: the loop swells, brown spotting appears, the blood supply to the uterus increases.

The second period is estrus (3-7 days). Estrus in bitches is accompanied by significant behavioral changes, and it is during this period that they are most noticeable. The dog begins to actively flirt with males, stands in a characteristic pose, arches its tail like a sickle. The bitch marks literally every three meters, some lick the marks of the dog. Estrus - the period of estrus, favorable for conception. Physiological changes: the discharge either disappears altogether, or becomes less intense and not so bright (more often it is a smearing discharge of a pinkish hue). The loop becomes loose, very soft. The eggs are released from the ovaries and mature in the uterus (ovulation).

The third period is metestrus. During this period, the uterus and the loop gradually return to normal. Allocations are gradually disappearing into "no". The bitch's behavior is back to normal. A dog after estrus (if fertilization has not occurred) may show signs of a false pregnancy.

The fourth period of the bitch's sexual cycle is called anestrus - the period of rest between estrus.

How to determine a favorable day for mating?

Since it is necessary to determine the estrus in a dog (or rather, the first day of estrus) as accurately as possible, the owner should look closely at the dog even before the onset of estrus. If the dog sleeps in the owner's bed, it is easier to notice the estrus - in the morning blood stains remain on the sheets, because in a dream a dog cannot be neat.

So, we write down the date when you first noticed bleeding in a bitch. We count from the date of the start of estrus 10-12 days and get a date favorable for conception. Sometimes estrus in small dogs does not last long (14-17 days), then the mating date is shifted to the beginning of estrus (8-9 days). However, everything is individual, and therefore the owner must carefully observe the bitch's cycle, starting from the very first estrus.

Important: many breeders consider it bad manners to attend shows with a dog in estrus, as the bitch will certainly distract all other dogs.

Dog in heat at home

If the dog behaves carelessly during estrus (most dogs constantly lick themselves during this period and do not cause any trouble to the owners), then disposable panties can be used. Dog "diapers" are very reminiscent of ordinary children's, only panties for animals have a hole for the tail. Such panties will prevent the appearance of blood stains on the floor and furniture, on the master's bed (if the dog sleeps with you). Panties should be changed at least once every 6 hours, as heat and moisture are a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

Dog in heat outdoors

During this period, the bitch can only be walked on a leash, even if you are sure that there are no males nearby. A dog's behavior changes during estrus, and even the most obedient girls may try to run away in search of a mate. In addition, most bitches react aggressively to dogs in heat, just as females in heat tend to be aggressive towards other bitches.

During estrus, it is not recommended to allow the dog to swim in the reservoirs, since during this period the bitch is most vulnerable from the genitourinary system. Physical activity should be limited, calm walking is preferable.

Males should not be allowed to approach a bitch during estrus, even just to say hello, mating can occur in a matter of minutes.

Estrus in dogs after childbirth

Estrus in dogs after childbirth will come when it should have begun if there had been no pregnancy. That is, childbirth does not push back the estrus in time.

Frequent estrus in dogs

If the interval between estrus is less than 4 months, you should contact your veterinarian. Frequent estrus can be the result of a serious disease of the internal organs, a symptom of a sexual infection, or hormonal dysfunction.

Estrus and preventive measures

Heat and sterilization

A spayed dog is in heat unless the uterus and ovaries are removed (i.e., the oviducts are cut). However, in veterinary medicine, complete sterilization (removal of the uterus and both ovaries) is more often practiced. Such dogs do not have estrus, as there are no internal genital organs. If you notice bleeding in a spayed bitch, be sure to see a doctor! Such discharge may be the result of serious diseases of the internal organs.

Some veterinarians leave a piece of the ovary to maintain the cycle (sometimes this is the result of an unprofessional operation). Most veterinarians consider it inappropriate to leave one ovary or a fragment of it, as over time, a tumor can form on the remaining ovary. Therefore, after sterilization, it is advisable to perform an ultrasound to make sure that both ovaries and uterus are completely removed.

Incessant estrus in a dog, what to do?

If your dog is in heat for more than 30 days, be sure to contact your veterinarian! It is urgent to go to the clinic if the discharge from the loop has greenish or yellowish blotches, the bitch has reduced appetite, and her body temperature is elevated.

Inexperienced dog breeders often confuse atypical discharge from a loop with estrus. Remember that estrus in dogs happens 1-2 times a year with a certain interval. If at other times you notice spotting from the bitch's loop, most likely this is not estrus, but a symptom of some disease - be sure to consult your veterinarian.

False heat in dogs

“False” is the early estrus of young females, when the girl has characteristic signs of estrus, but ovulation does not occur (sometimes estrus is interrupted for several days and starts again, already with ovulation). False estrus in young bitches is not a health hazard.

Having a pet in the house is a big responsibility. It must not only be loved, it must be looked after and taken care of. And if you start a bitch, you must understand what will happen to her as she develops and matures. One of the moments is the onset of the first estrus. We will talk about this and much more in our article.

How can you tell if a dog is in heat?

Estrus is a natural inevitable natural process. Therefore, think several times before taking a bitch. So, how to determine estrus in a dog?

The first comes from six to twelve months, but for some reason it can begin at two years. As a rule, after all milk teeth change. The first molt is also a harbinger of the onset of the empty. If it does not appear within the prescribed period, you need to contact the veterinarian, this may indicate a hormonal failure or signal another ailment. It takes place twice a year, if more often - an alarming sign. In healthy bitches, the emptying is twenty days, plus one or two days.

You see how serious this is, so when a girl puppy is unknowingly born, the first emptying causes panic and fear. In our article we will talk about this in detail.


The first thing you involuntarily pay attention to is the swelling of the loop (vulva). And then the following signs appear:

  1. The dog starts to urinate more often.
  2. Blood comes out of the loop, droplets of which are visible on the floor. And they are dark in color at the beginning.
  3. Taking you outside, you will notice the increased interest of males in your bitch.
  4. Estrus may be accompanied by molting.
  5. The pet's appetite improves.
  6. Sometimes there is anxiety.
  7. There is salivation.
  8. Pupils may dilate.

With the first heat, the character of the dog changes. Large bitches become aggressive, stop following commands, bark a lot, while small bitches, on the contrary, become more cheerful and mobile. This applies, for example, to taxes.

Another sign, when you notice that the dog constantly licks the vagina, is the beginning of estrus.

A very important point, in the first estrus, the dog should not become pregnant. Therefore, when walking a bitch, keep her on a leash. She will attract males in every possible way, take a certain pose, raise her tail. Only you can save her from unwanted conception. Now we know how to determine the approach of estrus in a dog.

Signs of the first emptying and duration

The exact number of days cannot be determined. You can ask the owners of the pet's mother how long her first estrus lasted. As a rule, these physiological features are inherited by puppies.

The first heat will be the fastest. Sometimes it can be accompanied by a very small amount of bloody discharge and the absolute indifference of males to the bitch's play. The process is also hidden. According to veterinarians, it can quickly start and also end. Ovulation does not occur in this case. But this applies to the first emptying, the next one must be carefully prepared.

Monitor your dog's physical condition

When in heat, the bitch curls her tail to facilitate the mating process, called "flagging". This standing can be provoked by intense scratching of the vulva. If the hind legs snuggle and freeze, the tail moves away, a muscular wave-like contraction passes along the back, which means that the bitch is flagging.

Now it becomes more clear how to determine estrus in dogs. During this difficult period, it is necessary to take special care and attention to your pet.

How to determine the day of estrus in a dog?

We already know that it takes place twice a year, with an interval of six months. This will help determine the day of the next estrus. Do not worry if the time interval between estrus is 4-8 months, it is different for all dogs. It usually lasts three or four weeks.

How does estrus occur in stages

Consider the stages:

  1. Proestrus. (Forerunner from 7-10 days). The dog has already started bleeding. Special hygienic underpants are sold, for all breeds, for every taste, they will insure the pet from unwanted pregnancy and infections and help keep the house clean.
  2. Estrus. (Hunting from 4-12 days). The discharge becomes pale, or disappears altogether. At this point, the bitch is ready to mate. If you plan to have offspring, it must be mated with a male on the second, third day from the beginning of the cycle, it turns out on the 10th, 11th day. This is ovulation - the egg is released from the ovary.
  3. Metaestrus. From 17-22 days. Selections are downloaded. The swollen loop decreases, the dog comes to the usual state of sexual rest, drives away the males.
  4. Anestrus. The recovery period of the animal.

Let's look at the example of a photo, how to determine estrus in a dog.

Forerunner period

How to determine the beginning of estrus in dogs, we figured out, let's talk about the initial stage. The bitch's behavior changes. She is easily excitable, restless. It stops for a long time in places where males leave marks, marking the territory with urine. It can jump on males, play with its tail, but at the same time, growls and bounces, and then returns again. Knitting is not yet the time. At the initial stage, the pet does not allow males, because the uterus is not yet ready for fertilization, and she does not see the point in mating. But when the blood spots change into thick, beige-colored slimy clots, then the time has come.

Ready for mating

We learned when and how to determine the first estrus in dogs. Let's move on to the next step. So, the best time for mating is on the 9-17th day, and in some bitches on the 21st day. As soon as the discharge becomes transparent or disappears, you can start knitting. Some dogs practically never go into heat, so you can reduce it as soon as the loop swells.

Third stage

Now we will learn how to determine the end of estrus in dogs. At this stage, the natural processes in the uterus begin to recover. This period is from 60 to 105 days, the bitch will drive away the males. After the first estrus, there may be an increase in the sternum and loop. There is no blood in the third stage. The genital organs take on their former form, and the level of the pregnancy hormone (progesterone) in the body increases, which will be at the time of pregnancy and in its absence. At this time, a false pregnancy may occur. This is when fertilization after mating did not happen, but mental and physiological disorders occur.

The dog will act like she is pregnant. Look for a secluded place, raking up warm master's things. Place soft toys in the nest. Moreover, her nipples may swell, from which milk will even stand out. In this case, the owners need to take care of the end of lactation. To do this, you should limit drinking, portions of food, exclude dry food and spend more time in the fresh air, trying in every possible way to distract the pet from the “nest” and false motherhood.

Final fourth stage

We already know how to determine that a dog is out of heat, so let's move on to the last step. Stage of absolute sexual dormancy. Lasts 100-150 days. In a healthy pet, the test takes place twice a year, for example, at the end of summer and the middle of winter. In case of any deviations, it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist. So, we figured out how to determine estrus in dogs.

How to behave with a dog during estrus?

We learned how to determine the estrus in a dog, now we will summarize once again what needs to be done during this difficult period. You must adhere to the following rules:

  1. When you go outside, keep your pet on a leash.
  2. Don't let the dogs near her.
  3. Avoid places where there are a lot of dogs.
  4. Make every effort so that the bitch does not pick up an infection, does not get cold.
  5. Swimming in public waters is prohibited.

For cleanliness in the house, use special hygienic underpants, which must be of high quality and not have coarse seams. See that they do not squeeze the stomach and genitals. It is very important to check the rubber bands, which can rub and cut. If the dog has a tail, make sure that they have a special hole in them. The fabric should be waterproof. Cynologists say that it is better if the dog itself licks the blood during the test. It is beneficial for physical and mental health. If you go down this difficult path, then remove all the carpets in the house.

As the pet ages, the number of heats and their duration will also decrease. But it should be borne in mind that even in old age, when mating, there is a very high probability of becoming pregnant.

Despite the fact that during this period their appetite increases, it is strictly forbidden to overfeed the animal. It is also necessary to reduce physical activity, do not allow the pet to overcome high obstacles. When meeting a persistent male, it is better to take the female to a safe place. And in no case do not scold for frequent urination, this is nature against which nothing can be done. And yet, do not teach the dog new commands during this period.

Is it possible to vaccinate during estrus?

Definitely not. The animal is vaccinated at a young age. Vaccination is given only to healthy dogs. Estrus is not a disease, but changes are definitely taking place in the body. If the vaccination period coincides with the emptying period, it is better to postpone this moment. You can vaccinate the bitch after estrus. And not immediately, but after a certain number of days. And it is better to vaccinate before estrus, in advance of its onset, otherwise it will be ineffective and can harm.

Is it possible to deworm a dog during estrus?

This procedure must be done twice a year, two weeks before the start of the test. Especially if you decide to knit a pet. The procedure will be effective and will not cause harm to health.

How to bathe an animal during estrus?

Of course, hygiene is simply necessary so that the dog does not pick up an infection. But here you should be careful. You can not swim in open water, rivers and lakes. The animal can get an inflammatory process. Coming from a walk, it is not necessary to completely wash the dog, you can rinse the paws in the bath. After water procedures, make sure that the animal does not sit on the cold floor.

Is it possible to do sterilization during estrus?

In general, this is a sensitive and delicate question for every dog ​​owner. This operation can be carried out during emptying, but is not desirable. It is carried out in two ways:

  1. By tubal ligation. The estrus continues, it will be possible to knit, but fertilization will not occur.
  2. Removal of the ovaries. This method not only eliminates the likelihood of pregnancy, but also the heat itself.

As a rule, this operation is resorted to in case of diseases of the genital organs of the pet, it is possible to stop the development of breast cancer and uterine tumors. Sterilization is also carried out during pregnancy, but at the earliest possible date, but with a false one this cannot be done.

Thus, sterilization can save the life of the animal and, of course, save the owners from unnecessary trouble. But if the bitch is healthy and suitable for the reproduction of offspring, the right decision will be to find a suitable male and mating.

So, we learned when the first estrus in dogs begins, how it proceeds, stages and signs. The main thing is not to panic. It is better to prepare in advance, read the necessary information and follow the rules for care and maintenance during this difficult period for both the bitch and the owners. You need to be patient, not get angry, because the animal is not to blame for the fact that this natural process is irreversible in his life.

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