When to feed a dog after childbirth. How to feed a dog after childbirth so that the puppies are healthy. Feeding a dog for weeks after giving birth

Carrying puppies for 2 months, and after 3-12 hour birth, is a test for the dog's body. After the appearance of the offspring, a new “distance” awaits the “mommy” - feeding the puppies with milk. How to help the pet recover and what is the best way to feed the dog after childbirth is an important question, but it is often overlooked against the backdrop of more “global” problems.

After the first contractions appear, the dog is not fed, and there are a number of reasons for this:

  • The pet loses its appetite and refuses to eat, even if offered (not always).
  • The dog's body temperature drops about a day before the onset of childbirth, in the global sense, "-1 C °" slows down the metabolism and the process of digesting food in order to save energy.
  • It is easier for the first, most often, the largest puppy to go through the birth canal if the mother's intestines are empty.
  • With a full stomach, it is difficult for a dog to push.
  • A full stomach is a serious reason for protracted labor.
  • Contractions and attempts are spasms that affect the entire muscular system. Contractions on a full stomach can provoke vomiting, if the intestines are full - defecation, both "events" will unsettle the dog, cause additional trouble and cause for stress.

Be sure to provide the woman in labor with a warm drink: low-fat broth, milk, tea with honey and milk - to the taste of the pet. You need to offer a drink immediately after the charmed baby is at the mother's nipple and begins to suck.

In the process of childbirth, after the puppy, the dog expels the placenta - the place in which the cub grew and developed. The afterbirth is a sac that, after expulsion, looks like a small piece of the liver. The tissues of the "place" contain a lot of protein, trace elements and moisture, a special composition provokes the hormonal system of the pet to work at an increased "turnover".

Read also: The dog has a delay in estrus: pathology or norm?

Instinctively, the dog will eat all the afterbirths that come out. Whether this is necessary or not is the subject of controversy and reasoning that has dragged on for decades. Subjectively, eating afterbirth is a completely natural phenomenon, however, in nature, canines bring 2–4 cubs and no more. A pet can give birth to 8-9 puppies. As practice shows, in this case the rule of the "golden mean" works - let the dog eat 3-4 "places", remove the rest and distract mommy with puppies. By giving your dog 3-4 afterbirths, you will allow her to regain strength and prevent possible diarrhea, which happens and lasts 2-3 days, for example, with multiple pregnancies.

If the owner listens to the instincts of the animal and gives "places" to be eaten, the dog does not eat for 5-6 hours after giving birth. If the dog refused the placenta or the owner prevented eating, the "mommy" should be offered food immediately after the birth.

Childbirth is considered completed if within 2 hours the dog does not experience contractions and attempts, all afterbirths have departed.

First knocks after childbirth

Take care of possible dehydration and lack of colostrum in advance - stock up on whole goat's milk or a mother's milk substitute. As mentioned above, eating all the placenta can result in severe diarrhea. How to feed a dog immediately after childbirth depends on the condition of the pet. To prevent diarrhea, you need to prepare rice porridge in advance, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

Read also: Discharge in a dog after childbirth: a natural process or a threat


  • Rinse the rice grains thoroughly and put them in a tightly closed container.
  • Pour boiling water over and add some salt.
  • Close the container, wrap it in a towel and let it brew for 6-8 hours.
  • Blend the steamed rice with a blender.
  • For taste, you can dilute with dietary broth, but it is better to give it in its pure form.
  • Warm it up before giving it to your dog.

If the pet continues diarrhea, you will have to reduce the amount of milk in the diet, replacing it with cottage cheese. In some forms of dysbacteriosis, lactic bacteria provoke complications. Carefully monitor the condition of the dog and be sure to consult with a doctor by phone. Unless absolutely necessary, it is not necessary to wean the mother from the puppies for a trip to the veterinarian, it is better to call a doctor at home.

In the first 7–10 days after childbirth, meat and fish are removed from the dog's diet, the “young mother” needs food that is quickly digested. The postpartum diet includes:

  • Offal meat (boiled or in the form of pate liver and heart).
  • Fresh and processed vegetables.
  • Boiled eggs or scrambled eggs.
  • Diet broth, milk.
  • Dairy products.
  • Cereals.

Pregnancy is a responsible test even for a healthy animal, so many owners are interested in what to feed a dog after childbirth. Feeding during this period requires a special approach so that there is a lot of milk for the puppies, and the bitch herself can recover quickly. About what foods to include in the diet, and how often to feed the animal - in this article.

A very important question that also worries the owners of pregnant bitches with what needs to be done if she does not eat before giving birth. This refers to how normal this phenomenon is, and whether it is worth trying to feed the animal somehow.

Many dogs refuse to eat before giving birth.

In fact, a decrease in appetite immediately before childbirth is a normal physiological phenomenon.

In addition, experienced owners deliberately do not feed her before this (or significantly reduce portions), because:

  1. The body begins to prepare for the birth of puppies, so all the energy is spent on this - if you feed plentifully, a significant part of the energy will go to the digestive process.
  2. One of the main reasons is that a full stomach and intestines make it difficult for the fetus to move normally through the birth canal, especially for the largest puppy, which comes out first.
  3. Overfeeding is dangerous in some cases - it is hard for the dog to push, the birth canal becomes narrower, so there is a real risk that the puppies may suffocate during the exit.
  4. Finally, it will be more difficult for the bitch herself to give birth on a full stomach, because an unexpected bowel movement may occur, and even a gag reflex may work.

Attention. The animal obeys its instincts, so if the bitch refuses to eat, you should not force her to eat. It is best to provide it with liquid nutrition - milk and broth.

Feeding on the first day

The first hours after childbirth is the most crucial period in the life of both females and puppies.

Many dogs immediately after the end of childbirth eat the placenta.

First of all, it is important to check if she has eaten afterbirth. There is still a dispute between breeders about whether it is possible to allow a dog to eat them, but in general, even if this happened, there is no threat to the health of the animal. Besides placenta is a protein that is easily absorbed by the body, therefore, its entry into the stomach will not complicate the digestive processes at all.

If the pregnancy was multiple, and the dog ate all the afterbirths, it is better to give her crushed activated charcoal at the rate of 2 tablets per 10 kg of live weight. This facilitates digestion and ensures that there are no complications.

Moreover, if the bitch ate the afterbirth, then it is allowed to start feeding her no earlier than 5-6 hours after birth. Until then, only water is allowed.

If you haven’t eaten, you can start feeding earlier, while in both cases they offer only liquid food, which is easily absorbed by a weakened body:

  • chicken and beef broths;
  • warm tea with milk or honey;;
  • warm milk with honey.

In the first days after giving birth, the dog must have free access to water.

On the first day, they do not give any solid food and do not feed the animal abundantly - this can provoke loose stools not only in the dog, but also in puppies, which will negatively affect their health and slow down development. However it is important for the owner to ensure constant access to fresh, clean water. The dog should drink exactly as much as needed - there will be no harm from this, and if there is not enough water, the animal will feel worse.

Usually, bitches often have diarrhea - loose stools in the first hours after whelping. It is better to cook rice porridge in advance, which is gradually mixed into milk or broth - rice will act as a natural fixative and also provide additional calories to restore strength.

Features of feeding with postpartum toxicosis

Quite often, against the background of childbirth, the so-called (or toxicosis) is observed - a painful condition of the bitch caused by a lack of calcium in the body.

At the same time, the so-called :

It is not difficult to determine the symptoms of the disease, since the animal has a clearly painful appearance, and the following signs are observed:

  1. Great fatigue, general lethargy.
  2. Severe tremor - cramps of the limbs.
  3. Dyspnea.
  4. A clear loss of coordination.
  5. Photophobia.

In this case, you need to act like this:

  1. First of all, it is desirable to pour valocordin or Corvalol into the mouth, taken in the proportion of 5 drops per 2 tablespoons.
  2. Pour a solution of calcium gluconate (concentration 10%) into the mouth at the rate of 2 ml per 1 kilogram of live weight.
  3. Strengthen nutrition with foods containing calcium - especially cottage cheese. It is recommended to give fat-free cottage cheese for 10-15 days.
  4. If the treatment does not work, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

With eclampsia, the dog is fed calcium gluconate.

Attention. If it is known that the animal suffers from a lack of calcium (there are chronic bone diseases), it is better to give calcium-containing drugs and food at least 2 weeks before the expected birth.

Features of feeding after childbirth

After whelping, the responsible period of feeding the dog begins, so it is advisable for owners to take into account several rules at once. For example, if before that she ate dry food, the drink should be especially plentiful. It is better to give more liquid food than solid food, because dry food takes a lot of liquid, and on the other hand, water is used to produce milk.

As a rule, animals are fed with ready-made feeds, however, in the case of childbirth, you need to pay attention to such nuances:

  1. Immediately after childbirth, dry food is not given - it can be introduced gradually after 2-3 days, and initially it must be soaked in water or broth.
  2. Be sure to supplement the diet with fermented milk products and vitamin and mineral supplements (if the food already contains vitamins, you can not resort to additional funds).
  3. It is important that the minimum amount of protein in the diet is from 25% in terms of the dry mass of food.

Week 1

In the first week after giving birth, the dog should receive fermented milk products.

It is fundamentally important to observe a special feeding regimen during the first six weeks.

So, in the first week, the bitch is given liquid and semi-liquid food, which is easily absorbed even by a weakened body:

  1. Dairy products.
  2. Kasha on water and milk.
  3. From day 4 - boiled, chopped meat (it is better to give low-fat varieties first).
  4. In parallel with meat, the liver, heart and other offal are introduced into the diet.
  5. They also feed fish and cottage cheese.

It is important to consider that in the first week meals should be frequent (6 times a day - every 2 hours), and portions are much smaller than usual quantities.

2 and 3 weeks

During this period, you can feed the dog a little less often - every 3 hours (four times a day).

In this case, the diet increases based on the following calculation:

  • if 4 puppies were born, portions increase by 2 times;
  • if 8 puppies were born - 3 times (by weight).

Along with the above products, boiled vegetables are added to the diet:

  • beet;
  • cauliflower;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini.

The introduction of small amounts of raw meat on the bones is allowed. At the same time, it is important to constantly monitor the condition of both the dog and the puppies - if diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy is observed, the diet should be immediately adjusted - strengthened with broths, boiled meat and cottage cheese, as well as rice.

4.5 and 6 weeks

When 1 month has passed, the dog can be transferred to three meals a day and start feeding puppies. At the same time, fresh herbs, raw vegetables and fruits are additionally introduced into the diet. To wean the pups, you can help the dog and on one day give only a quarter of the usual amount of food, and then gradually increase the amount of food over the course of a week (up to the usual norm).

A month after giving birth, puppies begin to feed, and more vegetables and fruits are introduced into the mother's diet.

Consequences of malnutrition

Feeding during lactation is a particularly responsible task, because even small deviations from the diet lead to developmental problems in puppies and diseases of the bitch, which is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • liquid stool;
  • significant weakening of the body;
  • puppies lag behind in development, lethargic;
  • nausea and vomiting of the female;
  • loss of appetite.

In such cases, the owners immediately adjust the diet itself and the amount of feed. It is preferable to give lean boiled meat and fixing foods. And if these measures do not work, you need to urgently contact a veterinarian.

After the successful outcome of the birth of the dog, the time comes for pleasant worries about the puppies and their mother. Carrying babies, giving birth is always a lot of stress for a pet. She will need proper care and a balanced menu. We will figure out how not to harm the babies, how to feed the dog after childbirth and how to help her recover.

Why is it important?

After the appearance of the offspring, the behavior of the dog will change. The awakened maternal instinct is so great that it overshadows all others, even hunger. The mother will not leave her babies, so you should equip the feeding area near the bed. Nearby there should always be a feeder with food, a bowl of clean water, you can pour milk.

In the first few days after giving birth, the pet eats sluggishly, may completely refuse to eat. In the future, the appetite of a nursing mother will only increase. And the more puppies were born, the higher the need for food. Feeding a dog after childbirth is significantly different from her usual diet. Now preference is given only to natural, healthy products.

If the pet ate the placenta (the places where the babies grew up), then she will need food in 5-6 hours. These small bags look like a piece of liver. Their tissues contain a large amount of proteins, fluids and useful microelements necessary for the dog to recover. The dog eats the afterbirth instinctively, but may refuse. Some dog breeders consider this harmful and remove the children's places, preventing the bitch from absorbing them.

Under natural conditions, canids lead no more than 4 cubs. Their domestic relatives may have twice as many puppies. Eating so many afterbirths will result in diarrhea lasting up to three days. Do not give a lactating dog antibiotics and other medications. It is better to choose ways that are less harmful for babies to deal with indigestion:

  • herbal decoctions;
  • gastric lavage;
  • probiotics;
  • Activated carbon.

Until digestion improves, the first 2-3 days will have to carefully consider how to feed the dog after childbirth. Light, low-fat foods should be included in the diet so as not to complicate the situation. It is advisable to grind it or puree it. Porridge from steamed rice helps well. The grated grits are poured with boiling water, wrapped and insisted for 6 hours. It can be prepared ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

What is important to get with food?

A lactating bitch should eat her fill. She needs to be fed 6-7 times a day in small portions. During lactation, the dog needs to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients:

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals;
  • fats;
  • vitamins.

Calcium and plenty of fluids are important for nursing. The body uses a lot of fluid to produce milk, so it needs to be replenished regularly. Milk, decoctions of herbs (melissa, oregano), tea with milk and cream with a fat content of 10% help lactation. The dog should drink every 3 hours at least. In case of refusal - pour by force.

Animal bones can be another great source of calcium and other minerals. But when they are used, there is a risk of injuring something in the mouth or intestines. Therefore, we recommend - a worthy bone substitute, even more micro and macro elements, lasts longer.

Attention! You can fool your dog by dissolving a small piece of butter in a warm drink. His smell will attract the bitch and provoke him to drink the offer.

Dry food lovers will have a hard time. Such food takes a lot of liquid necessary for lactation, therefore from the first weeks of pregnancy, dry food should be removed from the diet.

The nutrition of a dog after childbirth in the first 10 days should consist of light, well-digestible food: cereals, omelettes, vegetable soups, pates. It is better to refuse proteins of animal origin during this period. Season porridge with vegetable oil, replace meat with fish and offal. Be sure to give cottage cheese - a source of calcium.

Postpartum dog feeding by week

The health of her and the puppies directly depends on the quality of the products, the correctness of the diet of the nursing bitch. An unbalanced, low-calorie diet can lead to malnourished dogs or starving babies. As feeding progresses, the amount of food needed changes. Consider the approximate diet of a dog for the entire feeding period.

First week

In the first 2-3 days, it is better to cook porridge for the dog (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat). You can dairy, if there is no disorder. First, boil the cereal in water, then add milk and boil for another 5 minutes. Be sure to include dairy products in your diet:

  • whole milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir;
  • cheeses.

Lean meat should be introduced only after 5 days, gradually, starting with broths. You can give any pasta, low-fat fish (cod, pollock, hake). All foods must be cooked. They cannot be offered raw. This is especially true for vegetables or juices. Such experiments will lead to diarrhea in the pups. The portion increases one and a half times from the usual norm.

Second week

Starting from the second week, soups on meat broth with the addition of vegetables and cereals are included in the menu of a nursing dog. On day 10-12, the bitch is offered a small piece of raw meat, only without bones. It is necessary to ensure that the daily norm of nutrients is within:

  • fiber - 70 grams;
  • fats - 20 grams;
  • proteins - 90 grams;
  • light carbohydrates - 150 grams.

The serving size doubles.

Important! Observing the behavior of the puppies will help determine if the dog is getting enough food. Well-fed babies are calm, sleep a lot, and hungry babies squeak, fall to the nipples. In this case, it is necessary to increase the amount of food for nursing.

Third week

It's time to add a portion and diversify the menu, because the kids have grown up, they want more milk. A threefold increase would be just right. The menu is complemented by bone meal, fresh vegetables and juices, herbs. A vitamin complex, a mineral mixture will not be superfluous, it is allowed to give the dog ascorbic acid with glucose. To maintain lactation or enhance it, use the drug Apilak, a coffee drink or tea with milk and a drop of honey, walnut.

Fourth week

As a rule, dogs nurse their cubs for 4-6 weeks. The puppies will soon begin to feed on their own, so the mother's milk will be less and less. It's time to reduce the amount of food and liquid. Portion should gradually return to prenatal size. Until the complete cessation of lactation, the calorie content of food should not be reduced.

How long lactation lasts depends not only on nutrition, but also on the characteristics of the body. The more milk the dog produces, which is sucked out by the puppies, the more abundant the food should be. And vice versa, you should not feed a bitch that feeds babies poorly. Dog food needs to be salted, the need for salt increases during lactation.

All pets, and especially lactating dogs, need round-the-clock access to filtered water. In order to provide your pet with the opportunity to drink at any time, we advise, thanks to which the water will circulate and be enriched with oxygen all the time.

How to restore the animal after childbirth and feeding

Carrying puppies, giving birth, feeding require a lot of energy from the pet. For the restoration of the body, it is important to have a high-quality nutrition of the dog even after the end of lactation. A complex of vitamins, which include fatty acids, sulfur, seaweed, will not be superfluous.

You need to pay attention to the mammary glands. In the process of feeding, cracks and injuries from the teeth appeared, which causes pain and discomfort. To solve this problem, there are special gels, ointments and pastes. Physical activity for the dog is introduced gradually, and the examination by the veterinarian is carried out regularly.

Complete, high-quality nutrition of a lactating bitch is a guarantee of the health of the pet and her cubs. Together with mother's milk, babies receive "building material" for growth and strong immunity for the future. In addition, a balanced diet will help resolve the issue of how to restore the dog after childbirth and feeding.

First of all, we want to appeal to those who have recently become the owner of a dog. Don't be fooled by the apparent simplicity of keeping a pet. He should not be given what is left of your dinner, this can threaten serious health troubles.

However, there are periods in the life of an animal that have special nutritional requirements. This is pregnancy and lactation, as well as feeding puppies. During this time, nutrient deficiencies can become fatal. Today we will talk about what to feed a lactating Yorkie. We chose this particular breed, because the lovely crumbs are very demanding on nutrition and at the same time capricious.

What is important to know

Today the choice is great. There are dry mixes, canned food, as well as complexes of vitamins and minerals that can supplement and optimize the diet. At the same time, many owners decide that they will feed their pet only natural food. With quality ingredients and a balanced diet, you can use both professional food and conventional food. However, the owners make a lot of mistakes that end with an appeal to a veterinarian, or even the death of a small creature.

Most often, when thinking about what to feed a nursing Yorkie, we try on his needs for ourselves. Based on this, non-compliance with the feeding regimen occurs. But worst of all are the delicacies from our table, to which we accustom shaggy pets. Sugar and salt, sausage and sweets - this is the best way to kill a dog. And the worst thing is the bones. For some reason, it is believed that the dog will not live without them. But in fact, it is because of the bones that most babies end up on the operating table, often without any chance of recovery.

Basic Rules

If you have a Yorkie living in your family, or you decide to seriously engage in breeding this breed, you should definitely consult with a veterinarian and draw up an approximate diet for a week. It will need to be adhered to throughout the life of the dog, but you should especially pay attention if you are thinking about what to feed a lactating Yorkie.

So, the daily rate of feeding depends on the level of physical activity. That is, the dog should not receive much more than it manages to spend. However, while the bitch is feeding the puppies, her need for proteins, fats and carbohydrates increases greatly. To fully feed 2-3 puppies, she needs to eat about one and a half times more than usual, even considering her predominantly passive lifestyle.

But despite all the rules, you need to focus on your pet. A healthy appearance, well-developed muscles and a shiny coat - all this indicates that the dog is eating normally. If she constantly looks into the kitchen, and after feeding she licks the cup for a long time, begins to lose weight, and her hair grows dull, these are signs that you need to optimize the diet.

be careful

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, the load on the body of a tiny dog ​​only increased. In addition, during childbirth, he spent an enormous amount of energy, after which he had to immediately begin to produce milk and feed the puppies. Therefore, the question of what to feed a nursing Yorkie is quite acute.

It is extremely important to maintain the water balance in the body of the animal. For this, tea with milk is ideal. You can add glucose to it to restore energy. After giving birth, the dog's stomach is weakened, so diarrhea may develop. This once again suggests that it is extremely important to pay attention to the quality and quantity of feed.

Handbook from the early days

What can I feed a Yorkie in the first week after giving birth? It must be nutritious, but low-fat food. It is extremely important to allow the digestive system to recover. The most important and necessary foods will be quality sources of protein, which we will talk about a little later. If you are feeding your pet dry food, your best bet is to choose a premium quality product that is formulated specifically for puppy bitches. There are already all the mineral supplements and vitamins, which are so lacking for a tiny body to recover.

If you have not yet decided what to feed your Yorkie, and are leaning towards natural products, then supplements are indispensable. Vitamin and mineral mixtures will not allow the body to be emptied, and the most important thing is the health of the mother herself. Without this, it will be impossible to grow viable offspring. However, it is best to consult with a doctor leading a pregnancy, because each organism is individual.

natural diet

This is one of the most pressing questions. Many people ask veterinarians about how to properly feed a straight Yorkie. A lot speaks in favor of natural foods. Nature itself gives us a clue. Wolves and early canids ate natural meat, as well as semi-digested grains and herbs from the stomachs of their victims. However, they did not suffer from beriberi and health problems. However, it must be said that the lifestyle of these animals was seriously different from that of our couch pets. In addition, the meat of wild animals has a richer and more balanced composition than the analogue from the supermarket.

An undeniable plus, which is noted by all pet nutrition experts, is that natural food is easier to digest and assimilate. It does not contain salt and other harmful impurities. At first glance, it seems that meat for a dog is expensive. However, really high-quality and natural professional food will become a much more significant burden for the family budget. Although Yorkies are so small that it is not difficult to feed them.

Feeding a lactating Yorkie is somewhat complicated because the dog's tiny size does not allow him to eat too much. As a result, the owner has an additional responsibility - to choose only the most valuable foods so that a small portion allows you to cover all nutritional needs.

Natural breastfeeding also has its downsides. Meat can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, the owner has additional responsibilities for heat treatment and cooking. Again, meat is not a balanced diet. It is necessary to supplement it with vegetables and grains.

Product selection

If your pet did not know industrial feed before, then pregnancy and lactation is not the time for experimentation. Therefore, choosing what to feed a lactating Yorkie dog, you need to opt for natural products. The diet of the German Shepherd and the Yorkshire Terrier differ only in proportions. It should be borne in mind that when it comes to dwarf breeds, we are faced with a specific structure of the gastrointestinal tract.

What should a basic diet include?

Prohibited Products

Speaking about how to feed a Yorkie after childbirth, you must immediately draw up a list for yourself of what should not be given under any circumstances. These are sweets and legumes that cause severe bloating. Bread - only in exceptional cases, in the form of crackers. Make sure that spices and flavorings do not get into food, even if they are of natural origin.

From the first day the dog appears in the house, not to mention the period of pregnancy and lactation, exclude any sausage products, as well as products from the table. Raw and fatty meat, lamb and pork, economy class feed - all this must be removed and in no case should be given to the animal.

Balanced food ratio

It was developed by experts in the field of veterinary medicine and dietary nutrition of pets, so you must definitely listen to their authoritative opinion. The most optimal ratio of products is 50% protein, that is, meat and fish, cottage cheese. You can use boiled chicken and turkey, as well as offal. In addition, allocate 25% for vegetables and 25% for cereals (rice or buckwheat boiled in salted water). For a lactating bitch, you need to buy special vitamins and minerals.


Based on the weight and age of the dog, it is calculated how many times a Yorkie needs to be fed. The scheme is quite simple: for 500 g of dog weight, 1 tablespoon of food is required. That is, a terrier weighing up to 2 kilograms should receive about 4 tablespoons of food. Multiplicity of feeding - twice a day. However, for a lactating bitch, two additional meals in the same volume are introduced. Additionally, once a day, you need to give a tablespoon of an apple in the form of a dessert. If the dog has not eaten the entire amount of food in 20 minutes, then it must be removed and no longer offered. Vitamin and mineral supplements should be purchased only on the recommendation of a veterinarian.


Every owner wants to pamper their pet with something delicious. However, now you need to think exclusively about the benefits for your pet, and even better, ask your veterinarian how to feed a Yorkie other than food. You can not use professional food as a treat. Make a choice in advance - either natural products or ready-made. To rid yourself of guilt, keep fruit on hand. Yorkies are happy to eat bananas and apples, peaches.

With great pleasure, these dogs eat marine invertebrates. These are shrimp and squid, rich in iodine and other useful substances. You can stock up on sugar bones, but be sure to make sure that the Yorkie cannot tear off and swallow a single piece that could contain sharp edges. In this case, chewing the veins will be safe entertainment for him. You can buy similar pressed strands at a veterinary store, they come just in the form of bones.

The postpartum period is different in its nuances. So, for example, the body of an animal spends a lot of energy on the production of milk. In addition, the new mommy now shares nutrients with her litter. From the article you will learn how to feed a dog after childbirth for normal lactation.

Vitamins for a nursing dog and the basic daily diet must be considered by all means if you are seriously worried about her health and well-being of puppies. Do not forget that the fat content and quality of her milk depends on how nutritious the menu for the newly-made mother is. The importance of a well-designed diet for a dog can hardly be overestimated, because it will certainly affect the intensity of growth and development of small pussies.

Video "Pregnancy of dogs"

From this video you will learn how to care for a pregnant dog, what food to choose during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Features of the diet in the early days

A dog after childbirth often refuses to eat. This is due to the fact that the woman in labor ate the afterbirth. If this happened to your pet, you should not offer her food within 5-6 hours after giving birth. During this period, it is advisable to ensure that the dog has constant access to fresh water. From the treat of the pet should be abandoned for now.

By the way, some dog owners forbid them to eat the placenta after the birth of puppies. However, this is a natural phenomenon: the placenta contains proteins that are absorbed very easily. The placenta also includes micronutrients that your dog will definitely benefit from. Thanks to these substances, the pet will be able to produce colostrum.

Moreover, the placenta also contains hormones that promote active lactation. That is why it is better to let the woman in labor eat the afterbirth. Consider the fact that if the offspring turned out to be numerous, and the dog eats all the afterbirths, it is better to give her 1-2 tablets of activated charcoal to prevent gastric upset.

The first diet for a new mommy most often consists of crushed rice, which is recommended to be soaked for 8-12 hours. Brew it with boiling water, add a little salt and vegetable oil. This feed mixture is both satisfying and easy to digest. She should also be given preference if the dog suffers from diarrhea in the first days after birth.

For now, refuse animal proteins, as they will be difficult to digest by the pet’s body, which has weakened after childbirth. Feed her cereal, low-fat cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, cream. It is advisable to feed mommy 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. Give her water every 3 hours. You can also stock up on goat's milk - such a product will not hurt the dog.

What to feed at 2 and 3 weeks

What is recommended to feed a lactating dog 2-3 weeks after birth is an important issue for its owner. First of all, the portions are gradually increasing, the concentration of vitamins should be moderately high. It is desirable to offer food to mommy 4-5 times a day. If she has 4 puppies, then by this time it is advisable to double the portions, and if she has 8 babies, then triple.

In addition to the main products, give your dog mashed boiled vegetables. You can include zucchini, pumpkin, beets, cauliflower and carrots in its composition. If desired, prepare a light broth for your pet and feed her some raw boneless meat.

4-6 weeks of lactation

Feeding a dog that littered a month ago is gradually changing, coming to the usual regime for its owner. At this time, it is advisable to start feeding puppies, since they no longer have enough milk alone. The dog is recommended to be transferred to 3 meals a day. In this case, it is best to gradually accustom her to non-liquid feed.

Do not forget to include fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as greens, in your mom's daily menu. They contain a lot of vitamins, which only stimulate her to recover as soon as possible after childbirth.

After the puppies have stopped drinking milk from the dog, it is recommended to organize a fasting day for it. Feed her ¼ of her usual diet. For the next 5 days, portion sizes gradually increase, and the dog switches to its usual full-fledged diet.

Remember that 4-6 weeks of lactation can sometimes be debilitating for a dog, since the nutrients that its milk includes are almost running out.

To help your pet, give her ascorbic acid with glucose from time to time. It is also advisable to feed it with walnuts (but no more than three pieces a day). Interestingly, you can treat a tailed mother with not too strong coffee with milk and honey or tea with milk. Sugar should not be added here.

Rules for feeding prepared foods

Sometimes, when a dog eats exclusively ready-made food, its owners can leave their usual diet even for lactation. In this case, you are advised to consider several important rules:

  • it is better to give preference to super premium food, since their range is usually wide and includes food designed specifically for pregnant and lactating dogs;
  • it is important that the percentage of protein does not exceed 24-28%;
  • if the manufacturer you prefer does not produce food for pregnant or lactating pets, buy puppy food;
  • during the first 2-3 weeks after the start of lactation, it is advisable to soak the dry food with water, since it is digested by the dog with great difficulty;
  • even under the condition of dry feeding, it is recommended to dilute the diet with fermented milk products, cottage cheese, vitamin and mineral supplements.

Whatever breed your dog is, you need to prepare food for her during lactation correctly. In this case, small puppies will receive all the necessary nutrients along with mother's milk.

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