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To create a festive mood on a birthday, beautiful congratulatory wall newspapers are traditionally used. They decorate the home or work environment of the office. It will be a great pleasure for the birthday boy to receive a colorful poster as a gift, which relatives and colleagues drew especially for him.

1. Wall newspaper for a woman or a man

If you do not know how to draw, but really want to please the hero of the occasion with an original congratulation, use the blank created by professional artists especially for visitors to our site. If you carefully color the finished drawing, no one will ever guess that the author of the masterpiece is someone else!

Download wall newspaper fragments

The wall newspaper template consists of 8 parts, each of which is a piece of a large drawing.

2. Wall newspaper (poster) for a child's birthday with their own hands

Use the ready-made birthday wall newspaper template.

Download wall newspaper fragments

The template of this newspaper consists of 8 parts, each of which is a piece of a large picture.

How to make a wall newspaper (poster) for a birthday

  1. First of all, all eight fragments should be saved on your computer or printed immediately on a black and white printer.
  2. The next step is gluing the elements into a single pattern. This can be done with glue or adhesive tape pasted on the back.
  3. To seal the newspaper, it is recommended to duplicate it from the wrong side with thick paper or whatman paper.
  4. The last step is to color the poster with paints, pencils or felt-tip pens.
  5. The finished picture can be supplemented with voluminous paper flowers and sparkles.
  6. Can fit into every frame or cloud

It doesn't matter where you are going to celebrate your birthday. It doesn't even matter if it's your holiday or someone close to you. The main thing is that it should be held in a cheerful and warm atmosphere. You should definitely think about beautiful bright posters that will cheer up both you and your guests. You can buy them at the store or make your own.

What should be the perfect poster

Creating a poster for a birthday party is not only a good way to decorate a party space. He also can be a great birthday gift or at least an addition to the main present.

Its production should begin with a sketch. Make it on an ordinary small piece of paper so as not to spoil the drawing paper and not waste your time on reworking.

Here are some simple tips on how to create the perfect greeting poster:

  • Remember that a birthday is a fun holiday that can briefly return a person of any age to a carefree childhood. A poster prepared by you for this occasion, must be bright. Do not spare rainbow colors - only in this case, both the birthday man and the rest of the participants of the event will like it.
  • Do not think that the inability to draw is a reason to refuse to make a poster. You can make it with newspaper and magazine clippings, photographs and printed images.
  • Activate fantasy. This will help you express your personality.
  • Don't forget that a congratulatory poster, in addition to a decorative function, should also perform an informative. In it, you can write the name of the birthday man, his date of birth, the names of the guests, wishes, and so on.

Main types

Congratulatory posters can be of several types:


Such self-made posters should be used when you are sure in the sense of humor of the hero of the occasion and other participants of the event. Otherwise, you risk being misunderstood. The humor involved here should be soft, laid-back and light. Refrain from biting irony, flat and vulgar jokes, as well as unflattering statements about the birthday man or any of the guests. Black humor in this case is also inappropriate..

Such posters can be used instead of traditional postcards. Write everything you would like to wish on a large piece of drawing paper and hand it to the birthday man. Don't forget to decorate your poster with beautiful drawings or photos of the hero of the occasion.

On the poster, you can leave free space and invite guests who have gathered on the occasion of someone's birthday to write a few memorable lines to the birthday man.

Do not forget to bring colorful markers or felt-tip pens with you to the holiday.

Photo collages

If you are well acquainted with the culprit of the identity and you have photos with him, arrange the poster can be in the form of a photo collage. Sign each picture pasted to the poster with an interesting phrase. One part of the poster can be left for congratulations. If you have no ideas on how to make your own birthday poster, use the options below.

poster for boyfriend or girlfriend

To make it, you will need paints, whatman paper and your joint photo. This option will be in the old Russian style. The predominant colors are yellow, beige and red. Draw a scroll in the center of the paper. It will contain your photo with a friend or girlfriend. It can be decorated with an ornate frame. Borrow the necessary pattern for it on the Internet. In the lower left corner, draw two buffoons. One of them can play the pipe, and the other can walk on stilts. Draw the sun in the upper left corner. Above the scroll with the photo, write in pen and ink "Happy Birthday!". On the right side, place your congratulations with wishes. It can also be framed with an old Russian pattern.

poster for loved one or beloved

You can also congratulate your soulmate on your birthday in an original way with the help of a beautiful and original poster. Make it for example in the shape of two hearts. Take pink or red paper for this. If only white drawing paper is available, evenly paint over it with gouache. Draw small circles or hearts all over the poster with a pale outline. This will add expressiveness to the product.

On top of one half of the heart, write "Beloved / Beloved", and on the second "Happy Birthday!". You should not write a standard wish on such a poster. Give preference to randomly written compliments. Here is an approximate list of them (an option for a birthday man): affectionate, gentle, breathtaking, the sexiest, the only, unique, the very best, only mine, Mr. radiant smile, an angel descended from heaven, charming, best, beloved, dear and etc. Add a few lines to the compliments with a confession: “After our hearts have merged into one, my life without you has no meaning, because I am you! Happy birthday! I love you! yours (name or affectionate nickname)» . Paste your joint photo into the other half of the heart.

Cool poster for a student friend

If the birthday is celebrated in student hostel, then for a friend who is a student of a college or institute, you can draw a congratulatory essentials poster. On a large sheet of drawing paper in a chaotic manner, stick the following objects with adhesive tape and put inscriptions next to them:

  • Rollton noodles: image is nothing, hunger is everything!
  • Tablet "Alka-Prim" - the morning is never good.
  • A cigarette is a spare if you suddenly quit smoking.
  • Another cigarette is on duty, if suddenly the spare is not enough.
  • Socks - A fresh pair of SAME socks.
  • Condom - if you urgently need to go on a date.
  • Deodorant - if you urgently need to go on an important date.

Write "Happy Jam Day" on the poster at the top. Do not forget to sign on it with your whole company and make the additions “Friends will not leave you in trouble” and “Who was not a student will not understand”.

sweets poster

On a large sheet of drawing paper, write the inscription “Happy Birthday!” with small sweets. You can stick these and other sweets on both regular and double-sided tape. On the rest of the poster space, you must place the following sweets with the appropriate inscriptions:

hand print poster

It's quick and easy to make the next poster. To make it you will need:

  • a large sheet of drawing paper;
  • bath for rolling paint;
  • gouache or finger paint;
  • multi-colored markers.

Place a photo of the birthday person in the center of the sheet. However, before starting work, it is better to just leave free space on the poster so as not to accidentally stain the picture.

Ask the friends of the hero of the occasion to dip their hand into the paint and attach it to the poster. This should be done in such a way that the prints seem to surround the photograph. Under each palm of paint, its owner can write a cheerful and kind wish for the birthday man. In the midst of a birthday celebration, you can invite him to guess where whose fingerprint is.

Poster for a child

Children, like no one else, love everything bright and colorful. You can make a do-it-yourself poster in honor of the child’s birthday using a large number of his photos. If the baby is three or five years old, choose pictures where he is a month old, six months old, a year old, and so on. If the baby is only a year old, photos by months will do. Don't forget to write your wishes. You can design a poster with images of animals, funny people, and your child's favorite cartoon characters drawn or cut out from magazines. The main inscription can be made like this “Our (daughter's name) already a year old "or" Our (child's name) six whole years."

In order to make such a poster, you will need pictures of the baby, mom and dad. Decorate the top of the sheet of paper with the inscription “To our baby today (number of years)» . Place a picture of the poster in the center of the poster. On one side and on the other, there should be photographs of mom and dad. At the bottom, write "Dear guests, who do I look like?".

In addition, whatman paper can be decorated with images of animals and cartoon characters. You can also leave space for a small table on the poster. It will have two columns - "Mom" and "Dad". Each guest who came to the holiday will have to make an entry in the appropriate column. At the end of the event, you can do the calculations and find out who, according to the guests, your child looks like. To make the next poster, you only need a piece of drawing paper, a few multi-colored felt-tip pens and a little creativity. Watch the video:

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