Unbalanced person. What are unbalanced people

Psychiatry has traditionally dealt with the recognition and treatment of mental illnesses and disorders. Those violations are being studied mental activity a person that manifests itself in thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, behavior in general. These violations may be obvious, strongly pronounced, and may not be so obvious as to speak of "abnormality". Not always unbalanced people are mentally unhealthy.

The line where pathology begins beyond the norm is rather blurred and has not yet been clearly defined either in psychiatry or psychology. Therefore, mental illness is difficult to unambiguously interpret and evaluate. If there are signs of a mental disorder in women, then they can be the same in men. Explicit gender differences in the nature of the manifestation of mental illness are sometimes difficult to notice. In any case, with explicit mental disorders Oh. But the level of prevalence by gender can be different. Signs of mental disorders in men are manifested with no less force, although they are not without originality.

If a person believes, for example, that he is Napoleon or has superpowers, or he has symptoms for no reason sharp drops mood, or anguish begins or he falls into despair because of the most trivial everyday problems, then we can assume that he has signs of mental illness. There may also be perverted desires or his actions will be clearly different from normal. Manifestations painful conditions mentality is very different. But what will be common is that, first of all, the personality of a person, his perception of the world will undergo a change.

Personality is a combination of mental and spiritual properties of a person, his way of thinking, responding to changes. environment, his character. personality traits different people have the same differences as bodily, physical - the shape of the nose, lips, eye color, height, etc. That is, the individuality of a person has the same meaning as physical individuality.

By the manifestations of personality traits, we can recognize a person. Personality properties do not exist separately from each other. They are closely interconnected, both in their functions and in the nature of manifestation. That is, they are organized into a certain complete system, just like all our organs, tissues, muscles, bones form a bodily shell, a body.

Just like a body with age or under the influence external factors undergoes change, the personality does not remain unchanged, it develops, changes. Personality changes can be physiological, normal (especially with age) and pathological. Personality changes (normal) with age, under the influence of external and internal factors occur gradually. The mental image of a person is also gradually changing. At the same time, the properties of the personality change so that the harmony and integrity of the personality are not violated.

What happens when there is a sudden change in personality traits?

But sometimes, a person can change dramatically (or at least, it will seem so to others). Familiar people suddenly become boastful from modest, too harsh in judgments, were calm, balanced, and became aggressive and quick-tempered. From detailed turn into frivolous, superficial. Such changes are hard to miss. The harmony of personality is already broken. Such changes are clearly pathological, are mental disorders. That it is mental illness that can cause such changes is obvious. Doctors and psychologists talk about this. After all, mentally ill people often behave inappropriately to the situation. Yes, and it becomes obvious to others over time.

Factors provoking the occurrence and development of mental illness:

  • Traumatic head and brain injuries. At the same time, mental activity changes dramatically, obviously not in better side. Sometimes it stops altogether when a person falls into an unconscious state.
  • organic disease, congenital pathologies brain. In this case, both individual mental properties and the entire activity of the human psyche as a whole can be violated or "fall out".
  • General infectious diseases(typhus, septicemia or blood poisoning, meningitis, encephalitis, etc.). They can cause irreversible changes in the psyche.
  • Intoxication of the body under the influence of alcohol, drugs, gases, medicines, household chemicals(type of glue) poisonous plants. These substances can cause profound changes in the psyche and disruption of the central nervous system (central nervous system).
  • Stress, psychological trauma. In this case, signs mental disorders may be temporary.
  • Burdened heredity. If a person has a history of close relatives with mental chronic diseases, then the likelihood of the manifestation of such a disease among subsequent generations increases (although this point is sometimes disputed).

There may be other causes among the above factors. There may be many of them, but not all of them are known to medicine and science. Usually clearly mentally unbalanced person noticeable immediately, even to the townsfolk. And yet, the human psyche is perhaps the most poorly understood system human body. Therefore, its changes are so poorly amenable to a clear and unambiguous analysis.

Every case pathological changes mentality must be studied individually. Mental disorder or illness can be acquired or congenital. If they are acquired, it means that a certain moment has come in a person’s life when the pathological properties of the personality come to the fore. Unfortunately, it is impossible to trace the moment of transition from the norm to the pathology, and it is difficult to know when the first signs appeared. Also, how to prevent this transition.

Where and when does the "abnormality" begin?

Where is the line beyond which mental illness immediately begins? If there was no obvious interference from the outside in the psyche (head injury, intoxication, illness, etc.), in any case, there was no, in the opinion of both the sick person himself and his environment, then why did he get sick or mental disorders occurred, Even if not psychogenic? What went wrong, at what point? Physicians do not give answers to these questions yet. One can only speculate, carefully study the history, try to find at least something that could provoke changes.

Speaking of congenital, it is assumed that the mental properties of a person have never been in harmony. The person was born already with the broken integrity of the personality. Mental disorders in children and their symptoms represent a separate area for study. Children have their own mental characteristics, which differ from adults. And it should be borne in mind that the signs of a mental disorder can be obvious and obvious, or they can appear as if gradually and by chance, occasionally. Moreover, anatomical changes (in this case, most often they mean changes in the brain, in the first place) in diseases and mental disorders can be visible and obvious, but it happens that they cannot be traced. Or their changes are so subtle that they cannot be traced at a given level of development of medicine. That is, from a purely physiological point of view, there are no violations, but the person is mentally ill and needs treatment.

The pathophysiological basis of mental illness should be considered, first of all, disorders of the functions of the central nervous system - a violation of the basic processes of higher nervous activity(according to I.P. Pavlov).

If we talk directly about the signs of mental disorders, then we should take into account the peculiarities of the classification of mental illness. In each historical period in the development of psychiatry, classifications have undergone various changes. Over time, it became obvious that there is a need for consistent diagnosis of the same patients by different psychiatrists, regardless of their theoretical orientation and practical experience. Although even now this can be difficult to achieve, due to the conceptual disagreement in understanding the essence of mental disorders and diseases.

Another difficulty is that there are different national taxonomy of diseases. They may differ from each other according to various criteria. On the this moment in terms of reproducibility significance, are used international classification diseases 10 revision (ICD 10) and American DSM-IV.

Types of pathology of the psyche (according to domestic classification) depending on the main reasons causing them:

  • Endogenous (under the influence of external factors) mental illness, but with the participation exogenous factors. These include schizophrenia, epilepsy, affective disorders and etc.
  • Exogenous (under the influence of internal factors) mental illness, but with the participation endogenous factors. These include somatogenic, infectious, traumatic diseases, etc.
  • Diseases caused by developmental disorders, as well as due to dysfunctions or disruptions in the functioning of the formed body systems. These types of diseases are various disorders personalities, and so on.
  • Psychogeny. These are diseases with signs of psychoses, neuroses.

It should be noted that all classifications not perfect and are open to criticism and improvement.

What is a mental disorder and how can it be diagnosed?

Patients with mental disorders may visit physicians frequently. Many times they can be in the hospital and undergo numerous examinations. Although, first of all, mentally unhealthy people often complain about their somatic condition.

The World Health Organization has identified the main signs of a mental disorder or illness:

  1. Clearly expressed psychological discomfort.
  2. Impaired ability to perform normal work or school duties.
  3. Increased risk of death. Suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts. General violation mental activity.

It is worth alerting if even a thorough examination does not reveal somatic disorders (and complaints do not stop), the patient has been “treated” for a long time and unsuccessfully by different doctors, and his condition does not improve. Mental illnesses or mental illnesses can be expressed not only by signs of a violation of mental activity, but in the clinic of the disease there may also be somatic disorders.

Somatized symptoms caused by anxiety

Anxiety disorders are twice as common in women as in men. At anxiety disorders patients are more likely to present somatic complaints than complaints about changes in the general mental state. Often somatic disorders are observed in different kind depression. It is also a very common mental disorder among women.

Somatized symptoms caused by depression

Anxious and depressive disorders often found together. ICD 10 even has a separate anxiety-depressive disorder.

At present, a complex psychological examination is actively used in the practice of a psychiatrist, which includes a whole group of tests (but their results are not a sufficient basis for making a diagnosis, but only play a clarifying role).

When diagnosing a mental disorder, a comprehensive personality examination is carried out and various factors are taken into account:

  • The level of development of higher mental functions (or their changes) - perception, memory, thinking, speech, imagination. What is the level of his thinking, how adequate are his judgments and conclusions. Are there any memory impairments, is attention exhausted? How do thoughts correspond to mood, behavior. For example, some people can tell sad stories and laugh at the same time. Assess the pace of speech - whether it is slow or vice versa, the person speaks quickly, incoherently.
  • Evaluate the general background of mood (oppressed or unreasonably high, for example). How adequate are his emotions to the environment, to changes in the world around him.
  • They monitor the level of his contact, readiness to discuss his condition.
  • Assess the level of social, professional productivity.
  • The nature of sleep is assessed, its duration,
  • Eating behavior. Whether a person suffers from overeating, or vice versa, takes food too little, rarely, haphazardly.
  • The ability to experience pleasure, joy is assessed.
  • Can the patient plan his activities, control his actions, behavior, are there any violations of volitional activity.
  • The degree of adequacy of orientation in themselves, other people, in time, place - do patients know their name, are they aware of who they are (or consider themselves a superhuman, for example), do they recognize relatives, friends, can build a chronology of events in their lives and the lives of loved ones.
  • Presence or absence of interests, desires, inclinations.
  • The level of sexual activity.
  • The most important thing is how critical a person is to his condition.

These are only the most general criteria, the list is far from complete. In each specific case, age, social status, state of health, individual characteristics personality. In fact, the usual behavioral reactions can serve as signs of mental disorders, but in an exaggerated or distorted form. Of particular interest to many researchers is the creativity of the mentally ill, its influence on the course of the disease. Mental illness is not such a rare companion even for great people.

It's believed that " mental illness have the ability to open sometimes suddenly the springs of the creative process, the results of which are ahead of ordinary life sometimes for a very long time." Creativity can serve as a means of calming and beneficially influence the patient. (P.I. Karpov, “Creativity of the mentally ill and its influence on the development of art, science and technology”, 1926). They also help the doctor to penetrate deeper into the soul of the patient, to better understand him. It is also believed that creators in the field of science, technology and art often suffer from nervous imbalance. According to these views, the creativity of the mentally ill often has no less value than the creativity of healthy people. Then what should be mentally healthy people? This is also an ambiguous wording and approximate signs.

Signs of mental health:

  • Adequate external and internal changes behavior, actions.
  • Healthy self-esteem, not only of yourself, but also of your capabilities.
  • Normal orientation in one's personality, time, space.
  • Ability to work normally (physically, mentally).
  • Ability to think critically.

A mentally healthy person is a person who wants to live, develop, knows how to be happy or sad (shows a large number of emotions), does not threaten himself and others with his behavior, is generally balanced, in any case, this is how he should be assessed by people around him. These characteristics are not exhaustive.

Mental disorders most common in women:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depressive disorders
  • Anxiety and depressive disorders
  • Panic Disorders
  • Eating Disorders
  • Phobias
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Adjustment disorder
  • Histrionic Personality Disorder
  • dependent personality disorder
  • Pain disorder, etc.

Often, signs of a mental disorder are observed in women after the birth of a child. Especially, signs of neuroses and depressions can be observed. different nature and degree of expression.

In any case, doctors should deal with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. The success of the cure is highly dependent on the timeliness of therapy. The support of family and friends is very important. In the treatment of mental disorders, combined methods of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy are usually used.

what are unbalanced people

  1. Unbalanced, not possessing mental balance; emotionally and mentally unstable, easily excitable. N th woman. N. teenager, child. N th nature, psyche. #9665; Unbalance, and; and. N. appeared in her character.
    The state of mind of a person is also manifested in human relationships. An unbalanced person is usually irritated, his mood often changes, he is offended by all sorts of trifles and easily finds himself in conflict situation. Such a person himself does not feel very well among people and represents increased factor mental burden for their loved ones.

    Working with an unbalanced colleague or being subordinate to a nervous boss is nothing pleasant. But more negatively, such a person affects the atmosphere in his family. An irritable mother has an adverse effect on her children. Unbalance is usually socially hereditary. The child "inherits" it from the people with whom he communicates most intensively.

    In families where both parents at least one of them is nervous, very often there is an imbalance in their children. Improving the state of mind, achieving balance between a woman - a mother and a spouse, has a positive effect on the general family atmosphere.

    Mental balance has a positive effect on performance. An unbalanced person usually only concentrates with great difficulty on what he has to do, he is indecisive and inaccurate, he has, as they say, a weak character.

    The most common symptom is increased irritability. It is followed, in order of severity, by anxiety, impaired attention, inability to relax, disturbed sleep, difficulty in making decisions, feelings of boredom, mood swings, agitation, panic, depression, and finally a complete loss of performance.

    If these and other signs of imbalance (such as fatigue, blanching or redness, tics, stuttering, twitching of the eyelids, trembling in the fingers, a feeling of self-doubt, an inferiority complex, an agitated state) everyone should think first of all about what exactly he himself can do for his peace of mind?

  2. It is precisely such unbalanced people who find their use. This is especially appreciated in the Army, when discipline can be maintained only by shouting and harsh measures. Needless to say, there are many PNPs among subordinates. This is the specificity of our society. And what about the Caucasians. Or other nationalities. Warmth is in their blood. These are also hard to work with.

Here we will talk about who an unbalanced person is, it is important not only to know who an unbalanced person is, but also to see him in himself, if he exists.

At present, almost all the inhabitants of our planet are unbalanced. Yes, and that's exactly what it is. Just some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. Usually, people consider those who have various mental disorders to be unbalanced, it’s true, just people with mental disorders most lives are spent in an unbalanced state, when both average person occasionally.

Before helping oneself to become pivotal or balanced at all, a person needs to and realize that there are signs of imbalance inside him, then he will be able through certain actions to balance himself from all sides.

Below will be given the signs of an unbalanced person in order to understand them and see them in oneself.

Sign #1. Hot temper

Oddly enough, short temper comes first. Hot-tempered people explode quickly and waste huge reserves of energy simply for nothing. The reason can be anything, an undesirable situation.

Like, for example, a traffic jam, and a person is in a hurry to work. But there's nothing you can do about the cork. You must either accept what is and calmly wait, or look for a way out of the situation. Suppose you immediately warn your superiors that you are late and are ready to work off the missed hours.

But from the fact that a person will simply explode, scream and get nervous, the cork will not disappear anywhere, and this must be understood. But health can be damaged, and good damage. When a person collects dust, just a huge supply of energy comes out of his body, which he could spend properly, with benefit.

A person will not be so tired if he physically works all day than when he yells with all his might, gets nervous and explodes for five minutes.

Sign number 2. Fears

Yes, fears are also the cause of imbalance. A person who constantly lives in is not able to soberly assess the environment and the situation in his life. As a rule, it is very difficult for his relatives to contact such a person. Constant fears they do not allow them to communicate openly, besides, it bothers their loved ones so much that if there is an opportunity, they would be happy to contact such a person less often.

After all, you yourself will become the same if you constantly communicate with a person who sees dangers everywhere and is afraid of everything.

Sign #3 Worry and anxiety

Worry and anxiety are related, and their progenitor is fear. In general, everything negative emotions have one source - fear. Worry drives a person. And how the body suffers is beyond words. The nervous system is loosened, strokes and heart attacks are all a consequence of anxiety. If a person stopped just worrying about what was or will be, then his life would improve significantly, and his health would improve significantly.

The same can be said about anxiety. Worry and worry less. There is one wise proverb, if you stick to it, it will be easier to live.

If the problem can be solved, then there is no need to worry about it; if it cannot be solved, then it is useless to worry about it.

Sign #4: Fussiness

This is another sign of a person's imbalance. A fussy person, always in a hurry somewhere, doing something, he cannot stop for a couple of minutes and just sit in silence. He constantly needs to do something. The reason for this is the thoughts in the head, which do not stop for a second, and the body simply follows them. Peace is out of the question here. Naturally, fears, anxiety, and anxiety are also associated with the chaotic activity of thinking, behind which there is not even a drop of awareness.

Such a person does not see the difference between reality and in his head. This is a very subtle question, to see your thoughts, so delicate process that there are very few people on Earth who are conscious, able to see thoughts. They are masters of life.

Of course, there can be no question of the effectiveness of actions. Again, a lot of energy was spent, but there is no result.

Fussiness is the enemy of a person, which makes him very inefficient in life.

Sign number 5. Importance

This, perhaps, is also one of the main signs of imbalance. important or arrogant people very easy to freak out. Importance makes such people heavy and clumsy. They consider themselves the best. They are unable to see their mistakes and learn from them.

They attribute all the laurels to themselves, although there are people who helped them achieve certain successes in life.

They try to surround themselves with people of lower rank in order to always surpass them.

An important person cannot laugh at himself, and in general he has a problem with humor.

Take life too seriously. These people are very easy to get hold of.

Conclusions on the topic "Unbalanced person":

  • quick-tempered people spend a lot of energy, but the result is zero;
  • fear is one of the main signs of a person’s imbalance, only the fear that arises in response to an illusory danger, and not the fear that arises in response to a danger that is present here and now;
  • worry and anxiety are the children of fear, they greatly unbalance a person, shake nervous system and make a person unstable, it is better to refuse them;
  • fussiness is another sign of a person's imbalance, a fussy person does a lot of actions that do not give a great result, therefore, the efficiency of a fussy person is at zero;
  • it is very easy to hook and piss off an important person, be simpler, know how to laugh at yourself, do not consider yourself better than anyone;
  • an unbalanced person spends a lot in life vitality and energy, and the result is most often at zero. The effectiveness of his actions is not great.

You can ask all questions in the comments, which are located immediately below this article.

Even if you don't have any questions, you, dear reader, can leave positive feedback under this article in the comments, if you liked it, I, as the author, will be immensely grateful to you.

Tantrums and conflicts that arise over trifles, outbreaks of aggression from scratch, frustrated plans and unfulfilled obligations - these are just a small list of "gifts" that can be expected from unbalanced people. You need to learn to recognize them in advance in order to be able to protect yourself, and maybe even help them.

At first glance, it is not always easy to identify an unbalanced person, because outwardly he may seem calm, reserved and even quiet. And yet there are signs that betray an unbalanced person: a tense, frozen expression on the face, the lack of naturalness, spontaneity in behavior, as if a person is constantly trying to control himself, nervous fingers that are constantly pulling something. But it happens differently when the imbalance is obvious: a person looks irritated, nervous, sharp notes break through in his voice every now and then, or he generally constantly speaks in raised tones.

The difficulty of communicating with an unbalanced person is that his behavior cannot be predicted. His mood can change at any moment without any visible reasons. A seemingly harmless remark can provoke a tantrum or an outburst of anger in them - simply because they have accumulated internal stress, and you fell under the arm. Such a person can be both relatively harmless and representing serious danger for those around you.

Moments of imbalance can happen to almost everyone. But usually people, having gone out of balance, easily come back. The difference between an unbalanced person lies in the fact that it is very difficult for him to return to a state of balance. On the contrary, the further, the more he goes "peddling".

The main rule: in no case do not conflict with an unbalanced person and try not to provoke conflicts with criticism, reproaches, offensive remarks addressed to him. Remember that his reaction to such things may be inadequate. You want to achieve educational goals with your remark - but instead you will get an outbreak of uncontrollable aggression.

If you have witnessed nervous breakdown uncontrollable person, the best thing you can do is to distance yourself from the situation as much as possible, not get emotionally involved in it and behave calmly, even emphatically politely. In no case do not object, do not argue, do not swear! Let the unbalanced rage as much as he wants. Silently listen to everything he says. Treat him as kindly as possible - remember that most often an unbalanced person behaves this way not because he is bad or evil, but because deep down he feels insecure, confused and scared. His breakdowns are nothing more than an attempt to make up for the lack of attention from other people and to establish control over the situation. So try with all your appearance to demonstrate to the person that everything is fine, you are listening to him carefully, the situation is under his control. It is possible that after a while he himself will become ashamed of his behavior.

But there are times when unbalanced behavior is associated with a real mental disorder. If the brawler does not calm down, but only inflames more and more despite all your attempts to calm him down, if you are afraid that he may harm himself or others, seek medical help without delay.

It is best not to have any serious business with unbalanced people at all - after all, it is difficult to rely on them, because you never know what to expect from them. If it so happened that you are somehow dependent on an unbalanced person (for example, he is your boss), behave with him extremely carefully. Carefully consider your every word and every deed, trying not to provoke his breakdowns.


Take a closer look at the people with whom you have to communicate. If there are frankly unbalanced among them, develop a new tactic for communicating with them. Instead of objecting, arguing, succumbing to their emotional mood, that is, to some extent becoming like them, start acting in the exact opposite way: maintain your calm, even state and perceive their outbursts as kindly as possible. To do this, this technique helps: imagine that you have a small, capricious child in front of you, and you are a smart and strong adult who behaves calmly and independently, no matter what, and can nullify any conflict with his wise behavior.

If there is a person in your environment whom you suspect of being unbalanced, check whether this is really the case by applying a simple trick. Start a conversation with this person on some neutral topic - about the weather, sports, fashion, food, etc. Express your disagreement with him on any issue. You can even express some obviously absurd thought: for example, if you are a champion of all kinds of diets, say that, according to the latest scientists, abundant fatty food very good for health. Follow the reaction of the interlocutor. Will he react calmly or literally climb up to the ceiling and start to prove to you with foam at the mouth how wrong you are? In the second case, it is likely that you have an unbalanced person in front of you. Think about whether it is worth dealing with him - if he explodes even over trifles, what can you expect when we will talk about something more serious?

Just when conducting such a kind of test, remember that you must do it gently, do not say obviously offensive things or things that affect the interlocutor as a person.

Mentally unbalanced person

noun, number of synonyms: 2

Psycho (37)

Psychopath (18)

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