What is the epiphysis in the human body. Epiphysis - what is it? The structure and functions of the epiphysis. Pineal body and its functions

The pineal gland or pineal gland is the part of the brain responsible for the production of many important hormones, as well as serotonin and melatonin. That is, the pineal gland of the brain functions both day and night, producing serotonin in the daytime, and melatonin in the dark. As for other hormones, they are also used at any time as needed.

The pineal body got its name for its external resemblance to a spruce cone, and is the most important organ endocrine system. Diseases of the pineal gland and any deviation in its work causes serious deviations in the life of the human body.

The pineal body of the brain is the most controversial and mysterious part of it. The epiphysis, or as it is also called, the pineal gland, has quite definite dimensions - about 15 mm long, about 8 mm wide, about 4 mm thick, and even the mass is known - 0.2 g.

Even the fact that the pineal gland looks like spruce or pine chic suggested the study of this organ. However, what it serves the body for and how it works became known only recently. Prior to this, many centuries of the development of medicine, the pineal gland of the brain was considered a rudiment, respectively, of little interest to the scientific world.

But on the other hand, all kinds of esotericists and mystics endowed the pineal gland with a variety of functions. It was called the receptacle of the soul or the third eye. The latter statement was due to the fact that the pineal gland remotely resembles the eye.

And only at the end of the 20th century, it turned out that the pineal gland, this pineal gland, not only produces melatonin and stops growing in adolescence, but also produces various hormones affecting the life of the whole organism.

A detailed study showed that the pineal body of the brain is nothing more than a gland, and accordingly belongs to the endocrine system. This conclusion was made on the basis that the structural structure of the body of the epiphysis is no different from other glands. The cellular composition and structure of the epiphysis was also established. It contains about 95% of parenchyma cells, neurons, endocrinocytes and perivascular cells are also present. The hormone of the pineal gland enters the bloodstream, and spreads throughout the body, thanks to the extensive vascular system surrounding the organ.

What hormones does the pineal gland produce?

The hormones of the pineal gland and their action are being studied to this day. A complete picture describing the pineal gland is not yet available, as this issue is still being studied. However, the structure, functions of the pineal gland and a number of hormones produced by it are already known.

  1. First of all, the long-known serotonin. It turned out that the pineal gland of the brain produces approximately 15% of serotonin.
  2. Adrenoglomerulotropin. This substance causes the activation of such an organ of the endocrine system as the adrenal glands. And they, in turn, begin to produce various hormones, such as aldosterone.
  3. The human brain needs regular sleep, and melatonin causes it. This is what the pineal gland produces. Without daily sleep, brain function is impaired after a few days, and a person may even die.
  4. The pineal gland of the brain produces rare and unexplored hormones. These include penialin. It is only known that it is involved in the regulation of blood glucose levels. The rest of its functions are not yet known.

It is also known that the pineal gland and its functions are most active at night, and therefore the amount of hormones secreted by it increases at this time.

The action of the epiphysis on the body

Pineal hormones affect the human body in a variety of systems and organs:

  1. Normalize arterial pressure blood, which has a beneficial effect on work of cardio-vascular system generally.
  2. Education pineal gland in the body of a child, or rather, an embryo, occurs at 5 weeks of pregnancy. From this moment on, a person can sleep, which allows him to maintain an adequate psycho-emotional state throughout his life.
  3. Over the years brain activity a person is exposed to various stresses, and the pineal gland makes the nervous system stress-resistant.
  4. The pineal gland regulates the age characteristics of the body, or rather its reproductive system. It inhibits the production of hormones and blocks their action until a certain age. Thus, interest in opposite sex a person wakes up only by the age of 13-14, not earlier.
  5. The pineal gland and the hormones it produces, and in particular melatonin, help a person quickly adapt to changes in climate or time of day when moving to a new place of residence. This ability of the brain allows a person to adapt to changing conditions, while maintaining the nervous system and reason.

Having learned what the pineal gland is, scientists have found the answer to the question of what maintains in a person peace of mind and uncomplicated reason. Without this organ in the brain, human life expectancy would be extremely short.

Pathology of the epiphysis

Despite the fact that the pineal gland itself is small, its location allows you to protect the organ from physical influences, it is still susceptible to various pathologies. And any non-standard state of the endocrine chain of the hypothalamus-pituitary-pineal gland can lead to deadly hormonal imbalances in the body.

The pineal gland as an organ of the brain is not fully understood, but the list of its pathologies is already quite extensive:

  1. Deviations in the work of the body, which are genetically transmitted from parents to children.
  2. Secretory disorder inside the pineal gland, which leads to a general imbalance of substances released by it.
  3. The formation of tumors of a different nature in the glandular body of the pineal gland. Tumors and cysts can be both single and group, and of any size. In this case, histology is performed to determine the malignancy of the tumor.
  4. The function of the pineal gland can be impaired by the action of any medical preparation, especially in conjunction with psychological overload.
  5. Infectious lesion of the glandular body. It can be caused by tuberculosis, meningitis, brain infection or localized sepsis.
  6. The anatomy of the pineal gland shows that a violation of the blood supply to the organ can cause a malfunction in its work. This can be caused by trauma, thrombosis of cerebral vessels, or arterial hypertension.
  7. Despite the fact that the pineal gland is located deep in the brain, it is subject to atrophy caused by diabetes mellitus, general intoxication, cirrhosis of the liver or leukemia. That is, to suffer, like any other organ in this situation.
  8. The state of the pineal gland can be disturbed by physiological calcification. This is a situation where undissolved calcium ions accumulate in the body.

Symptoms of the presence of pathologies in the epiphysis

What is an epiphysis? This is part of the brain. Therefore, all the symptoms in the event of a pathology in the pineal gland are similar to any disease in the brain. Basically it's a headache.

In this case, vision may be impaired, it becomes difficult for a person to walk, as he is constantly dizzy. The patient is very sick, sometimes to the point of vomiting. Hydrocephalus may even form, caused by compression of part of the brain by a cyst, followed by obstruction of the outflow of fluids.

The pineal gland and its structure makes it difficult to diagnose by symptoms, because in fact it is a normal brain organ. Symptoms can be of a mental type, epilepsy, dementia, depression sick. Here is a far from complete list of diseases caused by an infection that has penetrated the brain and the pineal gland.

Symptoms may worsen as the tumor or cyst grows. At the same time, the patient's condition worsens, in some cases, doctors are forced to perform urgent unscheduled brain surgery in order to save a person's life. The cyst in some cases is not limited to the pineal gland and can germinate to the diencephalon.

Treatment of pathologies in the epiphysis

epiphysis pretty small organ and its dimensions do not allow, with the help of only one diagnostic study, to determine the type and severity of the pathology. Even magnetic resonance imaging does not reflect the nature of the tumor, if it is detected. Therefore, for accurate diagnosis a biopsy is done during which, and it is determined what you have to deal with, with a cancerous tumor, or is it still benign.

The tumor itself does not go away, and drug treatment is also not given, so the only method of therapy in this situation is a surgical operation. After removal of a cyst or tumor, the patient's condition continues to be monitored for many more months. After all, the source of the development of the tumor is still unknown, in connection with this, the risk of its reappearance is high.

The functions of the pineal gland after removal of a cyst or tumor are usually restored completely, despite the fact that its structure is broken. After a recovery period, the patient should be examined every 6 months using magnetic tomography and a series of blood tests.

Prevention of diseases associated with the pineal gland

Despite the fact that scientists have relatively begun to study the pineal gland and what it exactly is, there are a number of preventive recommendations designed to reduce the risk of developing pathologies of this organ.

  1. In order for the state of the brain to remain stable throughout life, it is necessary to avoid hard gamma radiation of the head, cervical and thoracic regions.
  2. It is necessary to monitor the condition of your blood vessels and heart. Prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in them and the formation of blood clots. To do this, you need to adjust your diet in such a way that there would be no fatty foods in it. There is a table of the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in each type of product; when calculating the diet, it is necessary to rely on it. Mandatory to use seafood rich in iodine. Also for the health of the cardiovascular system, exercise regularly.
  3. Healthy sleep is responsible for the proper functioning of the pineal gland, so the sleep regimen must be observed. The norm of sleep is defined as 7-8 hours a day and it is at night, since some substances in the body are produced only in the dark.
  4. In order for a person not to have congenital pathologies pineal gland, as well as the pituitary and hypothalamus, during pregnancy, his mother should monitor her condition, regularly visit a doctor responsible for the course of her pregnancy.
  5. In order to be able to catch the developing pathology in initial stage need regular medical check-ups. Tumors in the brain grow slowly, so get a brain scan once a year and everything will be fine.

In order for the hormonal picture in the body to correspond to the normal level, it is necessary to give up alcohol and cigarettes. The disorders and pathologies caused by these habits in people are as diverse as they are deadly.

The pineal gland (pineal gland, pineal gland) is an organ with a complex multi-level structure located in the brain and belonging to the diffuse endocrine system. Iron got its name due to its appearance - it looks like a bump.

Historically, the term "epiphysis" in medicine also refers to the end sections of tubular bones. In this case, the name "proximal epiphysis" is used. The pineal body, for distinction, is sometimes called the "pineal gland of the brain."

Bone epiphyses bear articular surfaces and are located inside the joints of the limbs. Inside, each proximal epiphysis is filled with red bone marrow, which is actively involved in hematopoiesis.

Anatomical structure

pineal gland- a small organ, its length is not more than 1 centimeter. The epiphysis has the shape of an ellipse. The gland is located between the two hemispheres of the brain and is attached to the visual mounds. The epiphysis consists of neuroglial (dark) cells and parenchymal ( light color), which are folded into small slices. The pineal gland is covered with a soft shell of the brain, due to which the organ has a good blood supply.

Along with blood vessels, sympathetic nerve fibers pass through the gland.

The hormones produced by the pineal gland have an inhibitory effect on the sex glands and reduce the amount of secretion they secrete.

Important! If small child there is a neoplasm on the pineal gland, the period of puberty in him comes much earlier than in his peers.

The development of the epiphysis begins in the second month of fetal formation. Its dimensions vary depending on the age of the person: up to puberty the gland grows, then its growth stops, and then reverse development, involution begins.

The physiology of the pineal gland to date remains not fully understood. This is due to the peculiarities of its location in the brain and its very small size, which does not allow to study it thoroughly.

Functions of the pineal gland

The pineal gland has an inhibitory effect not only on the human reproductive system, but also on the functioning of the thyroid gland. According to latest research Romanian physicians, the pineal gland takes an active part in the regulation of mineral metabolism in the body.

The main function of the pineal gland is the production of the hormone melatonin.

Important! The ability of the pineal gland to secrete melatonin varies with the time of day. The maximum activation of the pineal gland and the peak production of melatonin (“shadow hormone”) occurs at midnight, during the day the activity of the pineal gland is minimal. In this regard, there are daily changes in human body weight and a change in the activity of the organs of the reproductive system.

Impact on the human body

Melatonin, which is produced by the pineal gland, is responsible for the daily rhythms of human life.

The endocrine functions of the pineal gland are as follows:

  • Slowing down the aging process of the body's immune system.
  • Normalization of the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
  • Inhibition of the activity of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland at night.

Video about what is the pineal gland and what are its functions

Melatonin has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision and brain function:

  • Protects the organs of vision from the formation of cataracts.
  • Prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Relieves headache.
  • Protects the central nervous system from pathological changes.
  • Prevents the development of malignant and benign tumors.
  • Regulates sleep and wakefulness.
  • Reduces the level of cholesterol in human blood.
  • Strengthens the body's immune system.
  • Normalizes vascular tone and blood pressure.
  • Lowers blood sugar levels.
  • It has an antidepressant effect on the human central nervous system.

Important! In adolescents, melatonin improves memory, so that children have the ability to learn.

Pathology of the pineal gland

Disorders of the activity of the pineal gland are associated with a number of causes, exogenous or endogenous.

Factors of an exogenous nature are injuries of varying degrees and nature of severity: mechanical, electrical, physical. To exogenous reasons also include poisoning with substances such as cyanide, lead, manganese and mercury, alcohol, nicotine.

Another factor that leads to pathology is the entry into the human body. infectious agents poliomyelitis, rabies, encephalitis, or toxins of bacterial origin (with diphtheria, botulism).

Other possible causes of the pathology of the pineal gland are endogenous changes in the human body:

  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Thrombus formation.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Spasm of the blood vessels of the brain.
  • Anemia.
  • Malignant and benign neoplasms.
  • inflammatory processes.
  • Edema of the brain.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Age-related changes in the human body.

There are cases of decreased activity of the endocrine gland (hypofunction). This phenomenon is quite rare and occurs when connective tissue tumors develop in the epiphysis, squeezing secretory cells.

Important! Hypofunction of the pineal gland in children is fraught with early physical and sexual development, sometimes in combination with dementia.

Hyperfunction of the epiphysis occurs with the development of pinealoma - a tumor of secretory cells.

Note. Hyperfunction of the pineal gland causes growth retardation and sexual development in children.

The inflammatory process that can occur in the pineal gland is always secondary. The cause of inflammation is sepsis, meningitis, brain abscess.

Diagnostic methods

For the diagnosis of diseases of the epiphysis and the presence of neoplasms in the gland, x-ray examination, CT, MRI.

On a radiograph in the normal state of the body, the projection of the pineal gland is located strictly along the midline.

Important! In the presence of tumors, abscesses, intracranial hematomas in the brain, the epiphysis is displaced from the midline to the side opposite to the pathological focus.

Clinical picture of dysfunction

Despite the lack of bright symptomatic picture, to recognize dysfunction of the pineal gland is possible in the presence of persistent headaches.

Possible symptoms of pineal dysfunction:

  • Double vision (diplopia) and other types of visual impairment.
  • Constant dizziness.
  • Impaired coordination.
  • Increased sleepiness.
  • Arbitrary movements of the upper and lower extremities (ataxia).
  • Paralysis.
  • Fainting state.
  • Mental changes.

Methods of treatment

Therapy depends on the causes that led to pathological changes epiphysis. Treatment is aimed primarily at relieving existing symptoms. If after taking medications (Melaxen) the patient's condition has not improved, an operation is performed to remove the tumor or echinococcal cyst from the pineal gland. Operations are used only in cases where there is a rapid growth of neoplasms and hyperfunction of the pineal gland.

In the absence of severe pathological processes and infectious diseases that can affect the functioning of the pineal gland, it may be enough to normalize the production of melatonin to restore function.

The patient must strictly observe the daily regimen, sleep only with the lights off, take daily walks on fresh air. Night work is excluded. It is extremely important to protect your nervous system from stress and emotional outbursts. To normalize the daily routine, a time table is created.

Interesting! Since the pineal gland is a little-studied organ, its activity remained mysterious for a long time. The organ was even considered the receptacle of the human soul. Esotericists call the pineal gland the "third eye" and believe that it is responsible for the development of extrasensory abilities. The pineal gland is even stimulated with light, music or various esoteric techniques.

Compliance with the regime of the day, good sleep, maintaining healthy lifestyle of life are preventive measures to prevent any disease of the pineal gland that may occur due to pathological processes in the human body.

Epiphysis - (pineal, or pineal, gland), a small formation located in vertebrates under the scalp or deep in the brain; functions either as a light-receiving organ or as an endocrine gland, the activity of which depends on the illumination. In some vertebrate species, both functions are combined. In humans, this formation resembles a pine cone in shape, from which it got its name (Greek epiphysis - bump, growth). The epiphysis is given a pineal shape by the impulse growth and vascularization of the capillary network, which grows into the epiphyseal segments as this endocrine formation grows. The epiphysis protrudes caudally into the region of the midbrain and is located in the groove between the superior colliculus of the roof of the midbrain. The shape of the epiphysis is often ovoid, less often spherical or conical. The mass of the epiphysis in an adult is about 0.2 g, length 8-15 mm, width 6-10 mm (Fig. 33, Fig. 38, Fig. 39, Fig. 42, Fig. 43, Fig. 75).

By structure and function, the pineal gland belongs to the endocrine glands. The endocrine role of the pineal gland is that its cells secrete substances that inhibit the activity of the pituitary gland until puberty, and also participate in the fine regulation of almost all types of metabolism. Epiphyseal insufficiency in childhood entails rapid skeletal growth with premature and exaggerated development of the gonads and premature and exaggerated development of secondary sexual characteristics.

The pineal gland is also a regulator of circadian rhythms, since it is indirectly connected with the visual system. Under the influence sunlight in daytime the pineal gland produces serotonin, and at night, melatonin. Both hormones are linked because serotonin is the precursor to melatonin.

The epiphysis is located in the groove between the superior colliculi of the quadrigemina and is attached by leashes to both visual mounds. The epiphysis is round in shape, its mass in an adult does not exceed 0.2 g. The epiphysis is covered on the outside with a connective tissue capsule, from which connective tissue trabeculae extend into the gland, dividing it into lobules consisting of cells of two types: glandular pinealocytes and glial. The function of pinealocytes has a clear daily rhythm: melatonin is synthesized at night, and serotonin is synthesized during the day. This rhythm is associated with illumination, while light causes inhibition of melatonin synthesis. The impact is carried out with the participation of the hypothalamus. It is now believed that the pineal gland regulates the function of the gonads, primarily puberty, and also acts as a "biological clock" that regulates circadian rhythms.

The pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin, which regulates the body's pigment metabolism and has an antigonadotropic effect. It is possible that other hormonal compounds can also be synthesized and accumulated in the pineal gland. The function of this gland is still not well understood.

The pineal gland develops in embryogenesis from the fornix (epithalamus) of the posterior part (diencephalon) forebrain. In lower vertebrates, such as lampreys, two similar structures can develop. One, located on the right side of the brain, is called the pineal gland, and the second, on the left, the parapineal gland. The pineal gland is present in all vertebrates, with the exception of crocodiles and some mammals, such as anteaters and armadillos. The parapineal gland in the form of a mature structure is found only in certain groups of vertebrates, such as lampreys, lizards and frogs.

Function. Where the pineal and parapineal glands function as a light-perceiving organ, or "third eye", they are only able to distinguish between different degrees of illumination, and not visual images. In this capacity, they can determine some forms of behavior, for example, the vertical migration of deep-sea fish depending on the change of day and night.

In amphibians, the pineal gland performs secretory function: it produces the hormone melatonin, which brightens the skin of these animals by reducing the area occupied by the pigment in melanophores (pigment cells). Melatonin has also been found in birds and mammals; it is believed that in them it usually has an inhibitory effect, in particular, reduces the secretion of pituitary hormones.

In birds and mammals, the pineal gland plays the role of a neuroendocrine transducer that responds to nerve impulses hormone production. So, the light entering the eyes stimulates the retina, impulses from which, along the optic nerves, enter the sympathetic nervous system and the pineal gland; these nerve signals cause inhibition of the activity of the epiphyseal enzyme necessary for the synthesis of melatonin; as a result, the production of the latter ceases. On the contrary, in the dark, melatonin begins to be produced again.

Thus, cycles of light and dark, or day and night, affect the secretion of melatonin. The resulting rhythmic changes in its level - high at night and low during the day - determine the daily, or circadian, biological rhythm in animals, including the frequency of sleep and fluctuations in body temperature. In addition, by responding to changes in night length by changing the amount of melatonin secreted, the pineal gland likely influences seasonal responses such as hibernation, migration, molting, and reproduction.

In humans, the activity of the pineal gland is associated with such phenomena as a violation of the daily rhythm of the body in connection with the flight through several time zones, sleep disorders and, probably, "winter depressions".

Outside, the pineal body is covered with a soft connective tissue membrane of the brain, which contains many anastomosing (connecting to each other) blood vessels. The cellular elements of the parenchyma are specialized glandular cells - pineocytes and glial cells - gliocytes.

The pineal gland primarily produces serotonin and melatonin, as well as norepinephrine, histamine. Peptide hormones and biogenic amines were found in the epiphysis. The main function of the pineal gland is the regulation of circadian (daily) biological rhythms, endocrine functions, metabolism (metabolism) and adaptation of the body to changing light conditions.

Melatonin determines the rhythm of gonadotropic effects, including the duration of the menstrual cycle in women. This hormone was originally isolated from the pineal bodies of cattle, and, as it turned out, it has an inhibitory effect on the function of the gonads, more precisely, it restrains the growth hormone secreted by another gland (pituitary gland). After the removal of the pineal gland, chickens experience precocious puberty (the same effect occurs as a result of a tumor of the pineal gland). In mammals, removal of the pineal gland causes an increase in body weight, in males - hypertrophy (enlargement) of the testes and increased spermatogenesis, and in females - lengthening of the life span corpus luteum ovary and uterine enlargement.

Excess light inhibits the conversion of serotonin to melatonin. In the dark, on the contrary, the synthesis of melatonin is enhanced. This process is under the influence of enzymes, the activity of which also depends on the illumination. This explains the increase in the sexual activity of animals and birds in spring and summer, when, as a result of an increase in the length of the day, the secretion of the pineal gland is suppressed. Given that the pineal gland regulates a number of important reactions of the body, and due to the change in illumination, this regulation is cyclical, it can be considered a regulator of the "biological clock" in the body.

Pineal hormones inhibit the bioelectrical activity of the brain and neuropsychic activity, providing a hypnotic and sedative effect.

The functions of this gland remained incomprehensible for many, many years. Some regarded the gland as a rudimentary eye, previously intended to enable a person to protect himself from above. But structural analogue eyes such a gland - the epiphysis can be recognized only in lampreys, in reptiles, and not in us. In mystical literature, there was periodically a statement about the contact of this particular gland with a mysterious non-material thread that connects the head with the ethereal body hovering above each.

A description of this organ, supposedly capable of restoring images and experience of a past life, regulating the flow of thought and the balance of intellect, and carrying out telepathic communication, migrated from essay to essay. The French philosopher R. Descartes (XVII century) believed that the gland performs intermediary functions between spirits, that is, impressions coming from paired organs - eyes, ears, hands. Here, in the pineal gland, under the influence of "blood vapors" anger, joy, fear, sadness are formed. The fantasy of the great Frenchman endowed the piece of iron with the ability not only to move, but also to direct "animal spirits" through the pores of the brain along the nerves to the muscles. It was later found out that the pineal gland was not able to move.

Our body has endocrine gland, which receives more blood flow per cubic volume than any organ, including the heart. The only exception is the kidneys.

In addition, this gland remains uniquely isolated from the blood-brain barrier system.

This gland is formed in the human embryo within 49 days during pregnancy, and this is the amount of time it takes according to Tibetan Buddhists for the soul to reincarnate into the next physical body.

But, oddly enough, modern medicine deliberately ignores or withholds from us clinical studies and data on a miniature, smaller than a penny organ located in the back of the roof of the third ventricle of the brain, the geometric center of our brain, so epicenter of the Enlightenment.

I will not torment you, because, as you guessed, this material is about magic gland, the size of a pine bud, which causes so many disputes, conjectures, idle opinions, like nothing else in our body - .

If we conduct a survey of different segments of the population about the function of the pineal gland, the answer may disappoint us. For until now, even in traditional science there is no consensus on the nature, functions and capabilities of the epiphysis.

Why are there so many disputes and mystical conjectures about the place called the eye of the Cyclops / Horus, the seat of the Soul, the third eye (and the pineal gland is really connected anatomically with the eyes, being attached by leashes to both visual tubercles diencephalon), a portal between the individual personality, the brain and the Divine Mind?

Yes in that the main secret of the spiritual man, which we have yet to become in full measure, is the secret of controlling the biological and social person which we mostly are now.

One of the clues to this secret is the tiny pine cone-shaped cells commonly known as the pineal gland or pineal gland.


Epiphysis, pineal gland, or pineal gland- corpus pineale, epiphysis cerebri - is the most mysterious organ in the human body.

Until recently, the pineal gland was considered like a coccyx, a rudiment of the tail, a kind of brain appendix.

By the way, the appendix itself, which performs a barrier function, is an organ that is entirely responsible for intestinal immunity. Moreover, he is the first and main violin in an orchestra called the immune system person. Being protected from intestinal contents, the appendix, however, .

The absence of an appendix due to its removal complicates not only the work of intestinal immunity with the production of useful coli and bifidobacteria, and also disrupts the excretory function of the liver and gallbladder.

Good news for those who don't have an appendix. By using , special exercises, as well as periodic intake of beneficial bacteria, you can maintain the function of your intestines in good condition. And if we add to this the absence of meat in your diet, separate meals that take into account your blood type and the mandatory start of any meal with drinking liquids - water or herbal / green tea, then the trouble of the absence appendix can be practically levelled. But back to the pineal gland.

Lawrence Johnston in his work Soul ReceptacleThe Seat of the Soul describes the epiphysis in this way: “More recently, the pineal gland was considered vestigial organ without any function. Then scientists showed that it produces melatonin, a hormone that strongly affects us. The pineal gland converts the amino acid tryptophan into serotonin (a neurotransmitter) and then into melatonin. Melatonin is released into the bloodstream through the cerebrospinal fluid, from where it is carried throughout the body. Release is closely related to the sleep-wake cycle.”

However, “the results of clairvoyant research indicate that the pineal gland is active throughout life.and at certain conditions its activity can increase markedly.“. – M.P. Hall. Healing.

In other words, until a person is spiritually awakened/unconscious, he is “controlled” by the pituitary gland, and the pineal gland corrects the body at night. When a person is self-conscious, the pituitary gland yields its controlling role to the pineal gland, and the latter, to one degree or another, determines its metaphysical influence.

Moreover, the best conscious work with the pineal gland is MEDITATION, both including concentration on it or on any other object of meditative contemplation and concentration (objective), and ugly (non-objective), involving the senses.

Besides, the pineal gland is internal dowsing device , which is similar to that of animals that respond to geomagnetic changes with the ability to orient themselves in space and find the “right” place.

“Researchers did find magnetite clusters near the pineal gland. Like domestic pigeons humans have a residual ability to navigate geomagnetic field lines, a capacity that is lost with dysfunction of the pineal gland."


And here is what the famous occult encyclopedist and initiate Manly Palmer adds to this score Hall :

The pineal gland, as seen by the clairvoyant, is located near the center of the magnetic field, or aura, which varies in diameter from twelve (30.5 cm) to sixteen (40.6 cm) inches. This aura does not have strict or clear boundaries, and its radiations are not entirely uniform. Rather, it looks like a pulsating, flickering energy field, the glow of which becomes more intense when irritated or excited, and gradually fades almost completely due to extreme mental or physical exhaustion.

As for the term "aura", all living organisms continuously and imperceptibly exude a kind of perspiration. These subtle emanations are in fact the extension of the etheric nerve force beyond the closed circuit that outlines the physical nervous system. Therefore, the aura, or physical magnetic field, is the emanation of the nerve endings that surrounds the body with a dull but visible radiance.

These auric emanations flow from the nerve endings, resembling thin, delicate fur in appearance. With a strong magnification, each individual emanation looks like a stream of tiny particles, pouring from the surface of the skin with great speed.

Not only the human body itself is surrounded by a field of these emanations, but all parts of the body - organs, systems and secretions - have their own emanations, or auras. Even individual cells, molecules, atoms and electrons look to the clairvoyant as centers of fields of magnetic emanations.

The colors, sizes, and vibration intensity of these magnetic fields indicate true nature structures that give rise to them. Important changes in the structure of any living organism are inevitably accompanied by a change in its aura.

The aura of the pineal gland belongs to the main systems of emanations, distinguishable in a complex structure. human body. In brightness and size, it is second only to the aura of the heart, which is the most extensive and most perfect in its structure. magnetic field in the human body. The diameter of the aura of the heart is large enough to cover all vital important organs physical body. The aura of the pineal gland is large enough for all the vital organs of the brain to be within it.

The aura of the pineal gland receives energy and strength from the aura of the heart, which is also the source of the auric field of the reproductive system. These three organically related electromagnetic fields support the bodily "economy" and explain the functional balance that manifests itself everywhere in life.


The pineal gland, according to Jacob Lieberman, author of the work " Light is the Medicine of the Future», “looks like an eye, and in a sense, she and is literally an eyeball. It is spherical and has a hole in one lobe; this hole has a lens to focus the light. It is hollow and has color receptors inside. Her main field of vision (although this has not yet been scientifically proven) is above, towards the heavens. Melchizedek said the same. Drunvalo in his book "Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life".

By the way, in my personal practice I also discovered a similar connection, moreover, in order to connect the pineal gland with the rest of the glands and “include it” in the conscious control of the body, it is not enough to activate the pineal gland itself, it is also necessary to include in the work - literally connecting the head with the rest part of the body in area 1 cervical vertebra- Atlanta.

THE LIGHT IN THE HEAD is not only an esoteric statement,and first of all, the glow of the pineal gland, for with According to scientific data, the pineal gland is an integral partphotoneuroendocrine system. Such usual daylight for us has an inhibitory effect on the activity of the pineal gland, and darkness has a stimulating effect. Light does not penetrate directly to the pineal gland, but the latter has a ganglionic connection with the retina: the retina perceives light and sends signals along the retino-hypothalamic tract to the hypothalamus, from where it reaches the hypothalamus through a chain of neurons. cervical sympathetic nervous system, switch to ascending sympathetic fibers that pass through the superior cervical ganglion into the skull and finally innervates (feeds) the pineal gland.

I discovered this magnetic ability in myself "accidentally" when one of my colleagues asked a question about the nature of magnetism. Being primarily a practitioner, I tried it on myself. What came out of it - you can see in the photo. By the way, on the left top photo, not a metal, but a natural mineral / stone / carnelian, with small oxides / iron impurities (in a brown / reddish mineral more iron in composition).

"The whole body, and the whole life of a person, are enclosed in the magnetic field of the pineal gland." – M.P. Hall.


Insufficient knowledge does not at all indicate the limitations of a particular system or organ. So it is with the pineal gland.Known general (but not well-known) functions of the pineal gland include:

      • inhibition of the release of growth hormones;
      • braking sexual development and sexual behavior;
      • inhibition of tumor development (how do you like such a rudiment?)
      • impact on sexual development and sexual behavior. In children, the pineal gland is larger than in adults; upon reaching puberty melatonin production decreases.

But not only plays a role in active reproductive function, and a peptide extract of the pineal gland, called epithalamin which, by the way, prolongs youth.


Russian scientist Anisimov V.N. believes that “melatonin has a circadian rhythm, i. the unit of its measurement is the chronological metronome - the daily rotation of the Earth around its axis. If the pineal gland is the body's sundial, then, obviously, any changes in the length of daylight hours should significantly affect its functions and, ultimately, the rate of its aging. A change in the length of daylight hours significantly modifies the functions of the body, in particular, reproductive and immune, the development of age-related pathology and, therefore, can affect life expectancy.”


Once again, I will highlight a fragment regarding the treatment of cancer and the connection with the pineal gland, melatonin and epithalamin. For for some, this is a real chance to save and improve the condition and quality of cancer therapy. But it does not consist in taking synthetic drugs, which in their dosage significantly exceed the production of their own melatonin.

However, who said that it is impossible to use informotherapy, homeopathy and remote mental activation of the pineal gland together with

It is necessary to treat tumors in the dark or at night, through prolonged meditative and healing effect. Moreover, the patient can be either in a state of sleep, or in a hypnotic or meditative state. Night time, by the way, is most preferable in receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy, in case of conservative treatment.

What does it mean? If you are a supporter traditional therapy, then you, at a minimum, should turn your attention to the "night treatment". If your attending physician is not aware of such possibilities, then please contact me and I will select the most suitable for you. optimal time for taking drugs, as well as the effectiveness and toxicity of a particular method of anticancer therapy.

For those of you who do not accept harsh traditional methods, I can recommend a more gentle intake of plant poisons along with the above-mentioned drugs and the accompanying diet, rest-wake regimen, meditation, light and color healing. But that's not all. For the pineal gland is crystal filter, which the prevents negative programming , doubts and even .


The Modern Father of Nutrition Robert atkins wrote: “The more we learn about melatonin, the active hormone of the pineal gland, the more we realize that it is a first-class antioxidant. By stimulating our most important antioxidant enzyme, melatonin protects us from two of the most dangerous free radicals- hydroxyl and peroxyl.

Thus, being present in optimal quantities, melatonin may protect against cataracts, heart disease (a decrease in melatonin in the body leads to an increase in cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood), headache, neurological disorders (including Alzheimer's disease) and cancer. - Dr. Atkins supplements.

In addition, as I already wrote, melatonin being sundial our body “is capable of resetting our internal clock with Swiss precision, making it excellent remedy for travelers and those who work in shifts”. - R. Atkins. And we are talking not only about natural melatonin, but about its supplements in an amount of 1 to 3 mg once in the evening for a week.

However, do not abuse supplements, but focus on meditative practices. Well, if natural resources are still not enough for you, then limit yourself to a dosage of 1 mg, which will allow you to use a melatonin supplement for a longer time if necessary.


As history shows, esoteric truths always precede scientific discoveries. From this, the value of the latter does not diminish in the least, but the importance of the former only increases.

In our case, the esoteric truth regarding the pineal gland testifies to its significance for us no less colossal than science has discovered. For besides its unique physical and biochemical properties, there is also a spiritual area that can be actively included in the area of ​​our attention and consideration.

So, the pineal gland is:

      • Organ spiritual vision- third Eye(in its ethereal state), the eye of the spirit, while physical eyes present, respectively, the right eye is the soul and the left eye is the personality. It is "the eye of the super-self, the focal point between the two states of form, the invisible primary form and the visible physical body."
      • One of the main signature cells our body(the matrix of the correct state of the body that we can have). If suddenly some kind of misfortune happens to us (in our understanding), then meditation on the signature cell revives it and leads to the fact that we recover or resolve the problem.
      • "Bio Stargate", the bridge between the physical and the non-physical, between duality and the higher dimension.
      • Physical body seeking.
      • The center connecting noumenal and phenomenal man, day and night consciousness, through the formation of a continuous thread of consciousness, preparing a person for existence in other conditions and states that have been changed beyond the conscious, without loss of self-identity.
      • Mediator of advanced knowledge in the manifestation of reality. It works with the pituitary gland to open a bridge, a portal between the physical and the non-physical, between mind and spirit. Here is how Dr. W. X puts it. downer says: “Molecular movements in the pineal gland cause spiritual clairvoyance. However, in order for this clairvoyance to illuminate the field of the universe, the fires of the pituitary gland must unite with the fires of the pineal gland. This union signifies the fusion of the sixth and seventh senses, or, in other words, that the individual consciousness is turned inward to such an extent that the magnetic sphere of the higher mind and the higher spiritual sense are united.
      • Finely tuned calcite crystal(piezoelectric in nature, similar to quartz). This is a frequency screen, a kind of filter. which, in a rather constructive form, does not allow the manifestation of some negative thoughts. It also does not allow any thoughts with a negative field to enter. negative thoughts are thoughts “infected” with fear, doubts, , .

Explorer David Wilcock devoted an entire film to the pineal gland, called "Enigma" (2012)original film .

Inside the pineal gland, according to Melchizedek Drunvalo, “Even in its wrinkled state, all sacred geometry and an accurate understanding of how this Reality was created are preserved. It's all there in place, in each of the people. But this understanding is not available to us now, because we lost our memory during the fall, and having lost our memory, we began to breathe differently. Instead of taking Prana through the pineal gland and passing it up and down our central tube, we began to breathe it in through our nose and mouth. This led to the fact that prana began to pass by the pineal gland, which is why we began to see all phenomena in a completely different way, giving them a different interpretation (called good and evil, or consciousness of opposites) of the One Reality. The result of this consciousness of opposites is us, thinking that we are inside the body and looking out, somehow separated from what is "outside". This is pure illusion. It seems real, but there is no truth in this perception at all. It is only a view of reality that we have in this fallen state.” - The ancient secret of the flower of life.


In the article I examined in detail the relationship between the pituitary gland and the pineal gland - the organ of the personality and the organ of the soul.

Here I will also give a short quote from M.P. Hall, explaining the whole deep essence of this connection, especially in interaction with the body and its distortions in the form of various functional or organic disorders: “there is a causal relationship between the function of each gland in this circuit, stretching from the pituitary to the testicular bodies, and the aura of the pineal gland. Dysfunction, disease, irritation or atrophy of any of the other glands is instantly manifested by a modification of the energy center corresponding to it in the pineal gland system.

pineal gland - it is, literally, a cosmic multidimensional portal that allows us to connect with all fragments of the soul during sleep, and during , to keep the silver thread of consciousness (Sutratma) uninterrupted in the transition from the earthly plane of existence to a state of being unlimited neither by space nor time.

That is, if we use activity of the pineal gland(third eye) during wakefulness by connecting the triangle ajna (pineal gland) - pituitary and alto major (occipital center), then we can literally build our own Antahkarana. And for this it is necessary to fill with color, separately, the pineal gland, the pituitary gland and the viola center, spinning different spirals, spheres, triangles in them clockwise, as if stringing them on the positive vortex of the central spinal canal.

This triangle is not the only one in the context of activation and constructive work. So, for example, pineal, thyroid and thymus glands- the main receivers, transmitters and converters of lower energies to merge them with the energies of the soul and spirit.

By the way, an interesting connection between the centers / chakras is described by Melchisidek Drunvalo in his book “The ancient secret of the flower of life”, moreover, drawing an analogy of the movement of energy with a labyrinth: “When passing through a labyrinth, a person involuntarily passes through various states of consciousness, which leads to very characteristic sensations. This causes your life-giving energy to move through the chakras. following scheme: three, two, one, four, seven, six, five. Energy starts moving from the third chakra, then goes to the second, then to the first; here it jumps up to the heart (fourth), then to the center of the head in the pineal gland (seventh), then to the forehead to the pituitary gland (sixth) and from there down to the throat (fifth).


“The pineal body appears in the human embryo at the fifth week of development as a blind-ending sac branching off from the part of the brain immediately anterior to the midbrain, the diencephalon, which includes the area of ​​the third ventricle and adjacent areas.

The peripheral, or distant, part of this sac turns into the body of the gland, the nearest (to the place of attachment or starting point) remains the leg.

As a result of germination inside the connective tissue from the pia mater (soft meninges), this delicate and extremely vascularized membrane that envelops the head and spinal cord, then the body of the gland is divided into lobules. By the time of birth, this structure becomes relatively large, and by the age of twelve it reaches normal size. – M.P. Hall. Occult Anatomy.

pineal glandmost active from birth to 1 year, by the time the fontanel closes, since most time the child sleeps. It is during sleep that the pineal gland shows its greatest activity (associated with physical growth).

Esoterically, this gland is associated with the channel of the spirit, through which the soul of a newborn child (hologram / a fragment of a larger or whole soul, consisting of 13 = 1 + 12 fragments), connects with the Divine House or states of consciousness, above the third density / dimension (4-12).

Later, by 7 years, the gland is attuned to the physical existence/body/feelings.

By the age of 12-14, the pineal gland practically ceases to function during the daytime.(as noted, it is by the age of 12 that iron reaches its normal size).

At the time of puberty and up to its end, due to the increase / activity of the pituitary gland and sex glands, the pineal gland begins to gradually atrophy and by the age of 21 its internal potential becomes dormant.

At crystal children the pineal gland does not atrophy during puberty, but still slows down its growth/activity.

Rainbow children will incarnate with a fully activated gland that will not be significantly affected by hormonal storms.

However, to stop the atrophy of the pineal gland and, moreover, to bring it to the level of infant activity with a change in the control model: from unconscious to conscious, is possible and expedient.


“Until the pineal gland is awakened by the kundalini, it is the bearer of kama-manas - the animal mind (Aphrodite), but saturated with spiritual light, it turns into Buddhi-Manas - the divine mind (Hermes).” – M.P. Hall. Occult Anatomy.

Again By connecting it with the crystal of the heart, we naturally prepare the physical body for existence in 4-5 dimensions/density, and also slow down the aging process.

Moreover, activation can be most effectively used during the new moon, since in addition to solar influences, the pineal gland reacts to lunar activity.

So, once a month at the new moon, the pineal gland produces a relatively large amount of melatonin.

What does it give? We can experience an inexplicable feeling of joy, happiness, harmony, if we keep our mind, emotions and body clean. At this time, melatonin, as if "washes" and revitalizes all the glands, and our mind calms down, being directed inward. If our mind is chaotic and involved in gross or external-directed thoughts, as well as destabilizing emotions, then melatonin simply burns out and it becomes very difficult for us to experience the refined, rejuvenating and stimulating effect that it has on all glands of the endocrine system, including consciousness and mind.

Of course, a developed consciousness is necessary for the successful activation of the pineal gland. But this does not mean that everyone cannot take advantage of it.

And here is how the author describes the activation of the Pineal Gland Metatronic Keys, archangel Metatron:

Every 3 - 7 - 12 years there are outbreaks of activation / increase in activity of the gland leading to personality crises and spiritual quests.

Among the main stages of the crisis can be identified - 28, 33, 35, 42, 45, 53, 57 years and others.

On those life periods influence, of course, their own numerological cycles associated with

In a sensitive person, during these periods, the scale of values ​​often changes, which can vary within different limits and change the angle of life orientation up to 180%.

This is a change of priorities and profession, a change in the qualities put forward for relationships, and much more that no longer fits into the usual framework for him.

Thus, knowledge manifests itself as an expanding light, when the pineal gland is more and more involved - the throne of the Soul and the organ of spiritual perception when using meditation, mind control and the influx of spiritual power from higher centers (through the construction of the Antahkarana *).

This Light in the head, the Master is called a "lighted lamp", which indicates a readiness for more knowledge.


And the activation and production of melanin, of course, is influenced by many factors. It is rather difficult to single out the main and secondary ones, because they all directly or indirectly affect its functionality.

I hope that the following information will help you in the reasonable pursuit of your natural ability to be a healthy and harmonious person.

So what harms the pineal gland, as well as the pineal-thymus ligament?

Of course, these are not all factors that predispose to blocking the work of the pineal gland. For if we ourselves introduce into ourselves a state of depression, disbelief, censure, contempt, then their influence is no less, and even more significant than those described above.


METAtonin is a close relative of melatonin. Melatonin, as you already know, is
the secretion of the pineal gland, which prompts our consciousness to enter a dormant state. Metatonin belongs to the same chemical family as melatonin; it is produced by the same gland, and it also affects consciousness, but in a more pronounced way. The messenger METAtonin does not suppress the awakening of self-awareness in the same way that melatonin does during sleep; instead, it alters the boundaries of consciousness by temporarily reprogramming our brain circuitry in a unique way, allowing the self-consciousness to separate from the consciousness of the body, remaining in the body and being fully conscious / aware. The main psychoactive ingredient in METAtonin is chemically known as DiMethylTryptamine or DMT.

The actual production process of METAtonin occurs when the pineal gland internally secretes an enzyme called methyltransferase (INMT), which catalyzes two methyl groups in combination with a serotonin molecule, resulting in endogenous DMT or metatonin. Recent studies confirm the presence of this enzyme in the human pineal gland, as well as the presence of a gene associated with its production. When needed, the pineal gland can trigger a surge of METAtonin, which is immediately delivered to the central brain via the cerebral spinal fluid.

Thus, METAtonin is the exclusive secretion of the pineal gland, which is predominantly DMT, but, like any other secretion, may contain minor amounts of additional cofactors that enhance and target a specific goal or effect - in this case, the nature and intensity out-of-body experience, deep insight or lucid dream.

Various researchers believe that about production of metatonin by the pineal gland can be carried out in the following five states:

1. Traveling out of body mental concentration and the desire for transformation: a state of transcendent bliss, ecstasy or enlightenment that is consciously distorted, while maintaining concentration of the mind or dedication to spiritual discipline alone or with the help of a spiritual guide.

a) Nirvana, Satori, Samadhi, Shakti, Kundalin and or God-realization: a state of inner peace and holiness of God, achieved through Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, yogic, Christian and other methods aimed at expanding consciousness. In this context, the pineal gland functions as a bridge bardo. Gopi Krishna, an advanced Indian yogi, states that when the pineal gland is activated by the kundalini energy, the door to universal knowledge, evolution and genius.

b) Vision Quest: A Native– An American ritual that includes fasting and prayer, which leads to a deep vision of life.

in) dreamtime: a cultivated state of mind that allows Aboriginal Australians to rise above the landscape and perceive the location of pathways and sources of water and food in what appears to be nothing more than an endless wilderness. Aborigines are true minimalists and pride themselves on using as few tools as possible to survive, relying instead on their carefully cultivated ability to read the landscape with an awareness of stunning dreams to reveal places of food, water, shelter, trails, and other necessities. This is an example of one of the many ancient cultures that have demonstrated the use of the METAtonin pineal gland experience as a guide to daily life.

G) Sufi Enlightenment: an ecstatic transcendental spiritual discipline based on a special form of swirling meditation dance. Another form of dance education is the practiceDance Trance, This form of dance comes from the San people of South Africa.

e) Daoist mild fever. Pineal Activation Effect (Pineal Gland Activation): Complete immersion in darkness for 12-20 days, which theoretically stimulates the pineal gland to produce METAtonin in quantities high enough to induce cosmic awareness. Developed by Thai master Mantak Chia, a Taoist scholar and healer, this is an ancient method of enlightenment. Dr. Mantak created a special chamber that can accommodate more than 60 people.

e) Rapture/ecstatic rapture/awe and other states of transcendental experience which are the result of devotional worship, prayer, devotion and/or abstinence/spiritual austerity. A living example, the bhakti yogi Ramakrishna, the Athonite Elder Father Siluan, the nun Matrona of Moscow and others.

and) creative ecstasy: as many artists experience it, as described in Rollo's books May. It can also refer to the concept of "flow" - a state of completely satisfying absorption in a task, as described by Mikhail Cissentmihaly, an ego-ecstatic state achieved during a creative or athletic pursuit.

H) Extreme sports and athletic ecstasy , as described in the bookAlchemy of action» Duga Robinson and Norman Schaefer.

and) Specialized brain stimulation. One device that uses light stimulation is the Lucia Light Simulator invented by Austrian researchers Dr. Engelbert Winkler and Dr. Dirk Prokeke, creating a "hypnagogic experience of light" using elaborate flashing lights.

Another device is Shakti helmet, which when used in conjunction with meditation can help activate specific areas of the brain to initiate an episode of METAtonin.There are several other mind-enhancing remedies; many use subthreshold audio frequencies to induce a theta psychic resonance state, which can also help induce METAtonin orOBE release. There is also Hemi-Sync sound recording developed by pioneer Robert A. Monroe and available from the Monroe Institute in Virginia. Mr. Monroe, originally an audio engineer, stumbled upon a combination of simultaneous sound patterns that reverberated in brain activity that suddenly launched him into the realm of out-of-body experience.

j) remote monitoring(a type of radiesthesia/dowsing) is a mental discipline eventually used by the CIA and the US military for remote viewing of strategic targets. A similar technology was also used in the USSR. Russell Targ and others developed this talent under a US government contract at the Sanford Institute. Remote viewers discovered a ring around Jupiter before it was confirmed by a NASA satellite and were linked to the search for Saddam Hussein's hiding place. Remote viewing has also been confirmed by research conducted at the Institute for Engineering Anomaly Research (PEAR).

2. events that occur when a person sleeps in the dream state. This is usually called
a lucid/lucid dream or "night flight" in which the person becomes fully awake, conscious, and in control while the person is still in the dream state. This could be a situation where both melatonin and METAtonin work together. This connection has not been verified with scientific point vision, although many experienced subjects in DMT injection sessions noted that the environment induced by DMT is very similar to environment with clear vision.

There are some stimulants known to promote lucid dreaming impressions:Calea zacatechichi, the herb of Mexican sleep, Silene capsensis, the herb of the South African dream, Mugwort, from the sage family, herb of European sleep, Choline, an amino acid that also promotes the production of acetylcholine, which can stimulate the pineal gland, galantamine, an alkaloid synthesized from a combination of plants known as " clear hypnotic tablet, and Huperzine-A- a powerful ancient Asian lucid dream. In addition, there is an addition 5-HTP, which increases serotonin levels at night and accelerates the REM (REM) cycle, which amplifies the effect of the previously mentioned poisonous dreams.

3. In near-death experience/near-death experience - feeling about out-of-body torture described by those who have undergone near-fatal or NDE, as reported in a study by Elisabeth Kubler -Ross, Dutch cardiologist Dr. Pim Van Lommel, Dr. Rick Strassman, Raymand Moody and many others. Dr. Wang's bookLommel « Consciousness outside of life: the science ofcomparative experience of death - this is Scientific research real and accurate conscious memories of deceased patients who witnessed operating room procedures that took place when their brain EEG were flat. That is to say, their brains were clinically silent, their eyes were sealed, and their ears stuffed up, and yet, repeatedly, after resuscitation, patients accurately recalled the events in the surgery room that they had observed from above the surgical theater. At first, a skeptic, an intrigued cardiologist, did a very scientific study of NDE phenomena and came to the same conclusion as Dr.Strassman, which onedid earlier: the most likely candidate for such a phenomenon is DMT, and its most likely source is none other than the pineal gland. This book follows a methodical medical science approach to a subject that has long been rejected by the scientific community and comes to the scientific conclusion that consciousness can exist outside the parameters of the physical brain.

Studies in the US and Germany indicate that 4.2% of the population has experienced an NDE - a near-death experience.

4. Traumatic or expressive experience (consistingexperiencing or overcoming physical, mental, or emotional extremes that lead to extra-existent/extra-composite consciousness/OBC):

a) Rebirthing– now known as Holotropic Breathwork – pioneered by Dr. Stanislav Grog, Holotropic Breathwork is a transcendental experience that can be induced by controlled hyperventilation with the help of an experienced guide. This process may lead to the activation of rarely used synthetic METAtonin pathways in the pineal gland, or may somehow stimulate the lungs to increase DMT production beyond normal levels.

b) Ecstatic transcendent collective experience can be experienced by members of an emotionally charged group, gathering, celebration, or revolutionary movement, as in the aforementioned dance.

in) Extremely intense personal emotional or intellectual challenge can sometimes lead to an emotionally uplifting core OBE or epiphany. In his autobiography, R. Buckminster Fuller describes such an impressive rise at a point of deep depression in his life; this experience completely changed his life; it gave him a new sense of himself and showed him a vision of how he could make his unique contribution to humanity. Joseph Chilton Pier in his "Spiritual Initiation" and "Breakthrough of Consciousness" discusses these phenomena in the opening chapters of this book. Edward and Emily Kelly in his book"Irreducible mind - to psychology in the XXI century" have devoted an entire chapter to the most important mystical experiences and to the many studies that have been made on the subject. Kelly acknowledges Strassmann's work, but the book was published before the latest discoveries in DMT pineal production were announced.

d) Out-of-body consciousness can be invoked as an escape mechanism by someone in severe pain, torture, or a dangerous emergency. In this case, METAtonin is secreted to allow the person to get away from the painful physical pain or injury, as reported by many victims of child abuse and victims of combat trauma, torture, exhaustion, or severe pain during an emergency. hemingway in " Farewell to weapons” and Jack London in "Star Rover" describe such a situation. In his autobiography, Charles Lindberg claims that he experienced OBC during his transatlantic flight due to the effects of extreme exhaustion. This is also discussed in chapter 3 of the book. "Secrets of the Soul: Uses out-of-body experiences to understand our true nature by William Bulman titled "Combat and Trauma Caused by Body Experiences". In this mode, the out-of-body phenomenon functions as a survival mechanism.

e) The out-of-body experience sought by those who use self-inflicted pain as a means of transcendence, for example, in the ceremony of the American Indian Sundance or self-flagellation, as practiced by some devout Christian sects (Tolstoy). The real historical figure is Grigory Rasputin.

e) Out-of-body experiences may be the result of deeply connected sexual experiences a. Naomi wolf in his book Vagina" describes the complex hormonal orchestration that occurs during sexual arousal and orgasm, as well as the deep relationship between our brains and our sex centers. Several neurohormones are secreted by the pituitary gland as a result of sexual activity, including oxytocin (bonding, nurture, empowerment), dopamine (pleasure, reward), and norepinephrine. The production of the latter neurohormone could stimulate the production of endogenous DMT by the pineal gland, leading to OBE.
Dr. Jenny Wade describes OBE in his book " transcendent sex", which is based on the stories of 91 people who did not use drugs or did not practice tantric or other sexual or meditative methods to achieve an increase in the state of consciousness during sex. Apparently, there may be a special connection between the two partners, which can lead to a joint experience out of one's body. This unique connection occurs randomly; it does not seem to refer to devotion, commitment, or intent. It seems to be a form of resonance generated by some kind of subconscious alignment.

Taoist philosophy sees sexual energy in a third light.Western, mostly puritanical thought thinks that expressing sex for both procreation and lust gratification creates a dualistic sacred/unprofessional incompatibility. However, according to Tao, the "way", philosophy, healthy understanding of sexual energy is natural and indispensable for human health and longevity, since "the rain that falls on the fields is the life of plants"; and is the main flame that can be used to purify and illuminate the higher aspects human wisdom and dedications. They recognize that human design includes portals of access to a higher and clearer consciousness brought about by the involvement of a fully aligned and activated endocrine system controlled by the pineal gland, and that the primary and primary force that catalyzes this process is the psychically conditioned sexual energy. According to their philosophy, when the primary sexual energy is wasted, the person becomes exhausted; if it is suppressed, undermined, or improperly resolved, it can lead to unlimited greed, rage, bitterness, and sociopathic obnoxiousness. This wisdom is drawn from the Taoist study of the potentials of human nature, which dates back to 2500 B.C. during the reign of the yellow emperor. The goal of Taoist discipline is a form of continuous enlightenment that is achieved by activating the pineal gland through the primal life force, resulting in a superior conscious state of mind embodying a solidly grounded, flexible, yet completely relaxed and fully aware physical presence.

g) G-LOC or gravity-induced loss of consciousness. Sudden events have been experienced by pilots in high G situations both during maneuvers and in high gravity simulators.

h) In the lives of many of our greatest leaders, writers, artists and researchers, as well as everyday people, many out-of-body episodes are reported.Sometimes these episodes are simply reported as being touched by the hand of God.Usually an epiphany is the culmination of a long mental or emotional struggle and results in a complete restructuring of perspective.

5. AT s work of metatonin at mental illness ,for example, schizophrenia(when METAtonin is consistently produced in higher than normal amounts).

“It is unusual that schizophrenia develops in adulthood after a completely normal life. Those who have experienced the sudden onset of this mental disorder report a feeling of inattention to mental reactions and their connection in the body and a sudden ability to concentrate on the thoughts of people who pass by (telepathy? - ed.). This is a very unpleasant experience, especially when this sensation cannot be turned off and if there is no explanation for it. These symptoms are very similar to a moderate release of metatonin, which does not lead to a quantum leap of consciousness. This may be the result of inhibition of the secretion of monoamine oxidase, MAO, whose job it is to neutralize any trace amounts of metatonins in the bloodstream, as mentioned earlier. Autism is also associated to some extent with a “malfunctioning” pineal gland.

It is interesting to note that two of the most common and often harmful habits of mankind are the consumption of coffee and tobacco. Both contain light beta-carbolines that compromise the flushing effect of MAO, the blood scavenger of endogenous DMT. More than 30 tissues in the body are capable of creating DMT, and the purpose of MAO is to cleanse the blood of this highly psychoactive secretion. Ingestion of tobacco smoke and coffee subtly compromises MAO, thus raising the default blood levels of endogenous DMT. Cigarette manufacturers were well aware of the effects of beta-carbolines and were confident in using a beta-carboline additive in their blend. They took advantage of the fact that people are naturally attracted to substances that raise the level of the alcohol molecule in their blood.” - Metatonin research. The pineal gland and the chemistry of consciousness. Metatonin Research.


And again I want to return to. The symbolism of many spiritual teachings is hidden and incomprehensible to those who do not develop their consciousness and do not nourish their spiritual heart.

German scientist and religious thinker Rudolf Mayer, exploring the spiritual history of the image of the Holy Grail through all known works, poems and legends, noted:


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In the anatomy of the apparatus of the human brain, the pineal gland, or corpus pineale, stands out. It belongs to the endocrine group of the neurogenic type, it looks like a pine cone, where its name comes from. Until now, science has not exactly established what the pineal gland is responsible for, but doctors are aware of its role in the production of certain hormones. It is useful to get acquainted with its structure, functions, its probable diseases and methods of treatment.

What is the epiphysis

The pineal gland, or pineal gland, shaped like a pine cone, is a small formation in the depths of the brain. The organ belongs to the type of internal secretion, perceives light, is activated when illuminated. The pineal gland develops from the posture of the epithalamus, located in the back of the forebrain. Animals also have this organ, it serves as their “third eye” - it distinguishes the level of illumination, but not visual images.

The work of the pineal gland in humans is associated with the production of melatonin, the establishment of biological rhythms, the determination of the frequency of sleep and changes in body temperature. The pineal gland is complex anatomically and physiologically, it affects the disruption of the daily rhythms of the body during flights, a decrease in the synthesis of melatonin, diabetes, depression, insomnia and oncology.

Where is

The pineal gland is located under the scalp, inside the brain. The pineal shape is due to the growth impulse of the network of capillaries within the gland, growing into the segments as the organ grows. Increasing in size with age, the epiphysis penetrates into the region of the midbrain and is fixed in the groove between the upper mounds of its roof. The mass of the formation is not more than 0.2 g, the length is 15 mm, the width of the gland does not exceed 10 millimeters.


When studying the functions and work of the gland, it is necessary to know the structure of the epiphysis. Outside, the pineal body is enveloped by a soft connective tissue membrane of the brain, interconnected blood vessels. It consists of specialized cells - pinealocytes and gliocytes. With the development of the embryo, the pineal gland appears in the second month in the form of a choroid plexus, as its walls grow thicker, two lobes become visible, between which the vessels grow, gradually merging into one pineal organ.


An intensive exchange of proteins, nucleicides, lipids and phosphorus takes place in the organ. Additionally, pineal hormones can be distinguished: peptide and biogenic amines. The epiphysis produces:

  1. Serotonin - turns into melatonin inside the gland with a lack of light. Serves as a "hormone of happiness", improves mood, is responsible for the psychological state of a person, regulates vascular tone.
  2. Melatonin - determines the rhythm of gonadotropic effects, including the menstrual cycles of women. It inhibits the function of the genital organs and inhibits the growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland. When the epiphysis is removed, premature puberty, increased spermatogenesis and an increase in the uterus occur. Hormone production is enhanced in the dark.
  3. Norepinephrine - the "mediator" of wakefulness, is released in daylight.
  4. Histamine - protects the body from the effects of unwanted substances.


Until now, doctors have not sufficiently studied the functions of the pineal gland, but they attribute the following:

  • production of melatonin to synchronize circadian rhythms (sleep-wake);
  • effect on immunity;
  • stimulation of aldosterone production due to adrenoglomerulotropin;
  • inhibition of excessive secretion of growth hormone;
  • support for a temporary period of sexual development and behavior;
  • inhibition of tumor development;
  • fine regulation of metabolism.


The pineal gland is activated by light. Along with it, when illuminated, the hypothalamus begins to work, which is responsible for thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock of aging. When the pineal gland awakens, a person feels pressure at the base of the brain. According to Indian teachings, the pineal gland is considered a powerful source of ethereal prana energy, which a person needs to get into his inner world or realms of higher consciousness.

Followers of yoga practice its activation in order to open the "third eye". To do this, they raise the frequency of vibrations, which makes the pineal gland work more actively. The third eye, hidden inside, helps to see the world beyond the physical shell, travel out of body and connect the physical world with the soul. There are teachings on clairvoyance.

Pineal gland "Third eye"

If you wake up the third eye (signature cell) correctly, then the person begins to see more vivid, lucid dreams, goes into the astral plane and sees with eyes closed. To get this core of esoteric skill, yogis are advised to follow the following rules for influencing the gland:

  • eliminate red meat, carbonated drinks, artificial foods from the diet;
  • exclude products containing fluoride;
  • eat algae, iodine, zeolite, ginseng, omega 3;
  • introduce cilantro, watermelons, raw cocoa, bananas, honey, coconut oil, hemp seeds, lemon, garlic, apple cider vinegar into the diet;
  • use aromatic oils of lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, pine, lotus, wormwood;
  • look at the sun for 15 minutes just after sunrise and at sunset every day;
  • meditate, repeat the sound "om" to stimulate the pineal gland;
  • place an amethyst between the eyebrows, Moonstone, sapphire, tourmaline and others suitable minerals(check according to a special table);
  • use magnets for detoxification.


Scientists identify the following diseases epiphysis, which are diagnosed in children and adults:

The formation of accumulations of undissolved calcium and its salts is the calcification of the pineal gland. This process in the tissues of the organ in 40 percent of cases occurs at the age of up to 20 years. Otherwise, it can be called calcification, which manifests itself in the formation inside the pineal gland of compact deposits less than a centimeter in diameter. With an increase in the size of the calcification, doctors study it for the precedence of oncology.

The cause of the appearance of the pathology of the pineal gland are injuries, operations, ischemia, chemotherapy, lack of melanin production. If treatment is not started on time, it will develop multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia, will increase the risk of developing depression, anxiety, nervous exhaustion and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. To prevent calcification of the pineal gland, it is recommended to undergo an examination and eat algae, caviar, apple cider vinegar, carrots and seaweed.

Pineal cyst

Transformation, the consequence of which is a cyst of the pineal gland of the brain, begins in the tissues of the organ due to blockage of the ducts to remove secretions or the development of echinococci and helminths. The process leads to the formation of cavities filled with liquid. The cyst does not affect the functioning of the pineal gland and is almost asymptomatic.

You can guess about the cyst by complaints of headaches. It is diagnosed by MRI. Small cystic cavities are safe as long as they do not start to grow due to effects that are not yet clear to doctors. When enlarged, they can put pressure on parts of the brain, block the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, and there is a high probability of developing hydrocephalus. Treatment of a cyst in the pineal gland is not performed: if it is large, surgical removal is required.


A type of tumor of the epiphysis is pinealoma-adenoma, which is considered the cause of the development of pathologies in the body. Outwardly, the pineal formation is a gray-red nodule with liquid inside. Pinealoma can be harmless and malignant, it develops from the parenchymal cells of the gland. Benign pineal pinealoma is called pineocytoma, oncology - pineoblastoma. The first occurs without symptoms, but can develop into cancer.

If the pinealoma is oncological, then the tumor grows rapidly, it puts pressure on the brain, leading to the loss of its functions. The patient feels severe pain, fatigue, rapidly losing weight or gaining weight, losing balance and coordination. Tumors of the pineal gland are diagnosed on MRI, ultrasound, in the analysis of cerebrospinal fluid. Treatment is surgical removal, if necessary, chemotherapy or radiation exposure is added.


Pelicia's syndrome, or hypofunction, is precocious puberty. Already by the age of 10, the production of genital organs increases in boys and girls. The cause of hypofunction of the gland is a violation of the production of melanin, leading to the formation of cysts, sarcomas, teratomas, infectious granulomas. The disease develops slowly, has symptoms of drowsiness, lethargy, mental retardation.

The nervous system of the child suffers, he experiences increased intracranial pressure, pain, nausea, impaired coordination. Hypofunction is detected on MRI, tomography, ultrasound, hormonal analysis blood. Treatment of the pineal gland depends on the cause: the infection is eliminated with antibiotics, the neoplasm - with surgery. After therapy, the physiology of children returns to normal.


Marburg-Milk syndrome, or hyperfunction, occurs due to cell tumors and intake a large number melatonin in the blood. At the same time, there is a delay in growth and sexual development. On examination, the underdevelopment of the genital organs is visible, the absence of spermatogenesis in boys at 14-15 years of age and menstruation in girls at 17 years of age. Other symptoms of hyperfunction are irritability, drowsiness, apathy, failure of sleep cycles.


After diagnosing diseases, doctors prescribe treatment. Popular methods are surgery and chemotherapy. The first is used to eliminate cysts, benign formations, echinococcosis. It is performed under anesthesia, includes craniotomy, pumping out excess fluid, excision of the tumor.

Malignant tumors require chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The latter is applied when it is impossible surgical intervention- if there is a hard-to-reach tumor, a serious condition of the patient, accompanying illnesses. Radiation therapy consists in radiation exposure for a course of several weeks, five sessions each. The advantage of the treatment method is non-invasiveness, and the disadvantage is the inability to completely destroy the formation.

In addition to chemotherapy (the effect of substances on the blood), a patient with a neoplasm may be prescribed radiosurgery. It's modern innovative method, the essence of which is the action of a thin beam of radiation on the tumor from different sides. The advantage is harmlessness, accuracy of exposure, the possibility of use during pregnancy. With hypo- or hyperfunction of the pineal gland, hormone therapy is prescribed to correct the background and return it to normal.

Video: epiphysis

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