Immunological compatibility of partners. Genetic incompatibility of spouses impact on offspring. How to get pregnant if you have immune incompatibility with your husband

Collected useful information by rhesus conflict. IN antenatal clinic a pregnant woman must be checked for the Rh factor. If it is negative, it is necessary to determine the Rh affiliation of the father. At the risk of Rh-conflict (in the father - Rh +), the woman's blood is repeatedly examined for the presence of antibodies to the fetal red blood cells and their number. I note that it is not necessary for an Rh-incompatible pregnancy to develop a Rh-conflict. Often rhesus conflict pregnancy runs without any negative consequences for the fetus, as antibodies in the blood future mother may not be produced at all, or produced in small quantities ...

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Pregnancy management after in vitro fertilization

(Clinical lecture) I.O. Makarov Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology FPPOV GOU VPO Moscow medical academy them. I.M. Sechenova (Head of the Department - Prof. I.O. Makarov) The course and management of pregnancy in patients after in vitro fertilization (IVF) is distinguished by a number of features. Thus, most of these women by the time of pregnancy have already reached the age of 30 years and older. Often they have a burdened obstetric and gynecological history, there are various violations reproductive system, concomitant extragenital diseases. The complex of these adverse factors renders Negative influence on the nature and frequency of complications during pregnancy ...

Incredible Facts

Many people know the expression that opposites attract.

Sometimes it really ishowever, if you and your partner have too little in common, your relationship may be doomed to fail. .

There are several ways to find out if you're compatible with a partner, and unfortunately, as hard as it is to admit, sometimes it's best to end the relationship before it's too late.

In addition, you may be more likely to find a new partner with whom you will get along better.

Read also:11 unexpected signs that you and your partner are compatible

Although it is not possible to match in all aspects (which is not really necessary), some things must match to a certain extent.

Here , 15 Signs You're With Your Partnertoo little in common which may not be conducive to a long-term relationship.

Signs of incompatibility

1. You don't compromise.

You may have similar values ​​or just the opposite, but if you are not ready to make concessions in areas where you do not match, this can become a problem when more serious topics and decisions come up.

All relationships require compromise, but if the values ​​are too different and neither party is willing to compromise, this could be a sign that a breakup is coming.

2. You don't try each other's hobbies.

It's one thing when you wonder different hobbies, TV series or cuisine, and you don't have to like everything your partner likes.

However, if you don't want to try something new or do things that make him or her happy from time to time maybe both of you are too incompatible.

3. You have different libidos and don't make concessions.

If your partner is ready for action as soon as you get home from work, and you need a serious effort to tune in, your sexual compatibility may be too distant.

Besides, if a partner constantly finds excuses not to make love, he is bored in bed- this may be a sign that something is wrong in the relationship.

Spouses incompatibility

4. You don't understand each other's jokes.

It seems unimportant, but having the same sense of humor is actually very important. Life is full of challenges and you need someone who will be flexible and keep you in a light mood when the unpredictable happens.

If you don't understand each other's sense of humor, your conversations can be very awkward. Besides, your sense of humor is unlikely to change in the future.

5. You don't know how to fight each other.

Differences in a relationship are normal as long as you both know how to fight productively.

A compatible couple tries to resolve the conflict rationally, without shouting and getting personal. In an incompatible couple, on the contrary, quarrels are often quite unsightly, and partners refuse to listen to each other.

6. Your partner is never on your side.

Notice if your partner is quick to take sides and likes to play the devil's advocate.

your favorite person should be yours best friend, your accomplice, your greatest support. It's not good if it doesn't happen, and it's not something you want to face in the long run.

7. One or both of you are very nervous

If you are very nervous, then in combination with an equally nervous person, this can lead to a very hectic relationship.

An excitable person needs a calm partner to help you look at everything from the side. If there is no balance in the relationship, partners can drive each other crazy.

8. Your clutter level doesn't match.

If you prefer untouched minimalism, and the sight of unwashed dishes in the sink can drive you crazy, then it will be very difficult for you to get along with a person who simply does not notice the garbage.

It seems like a small thing, but over time it turns into a huge disappointment.

9. You have different ideas about the future.

Marriage, children, religion, city, place of residence- all this important questions on which people need to negotiate, come to an agreement and be connected with each other.

If you and your partner have different values ​​or opinions about your future or the future of a couple, it may mean that you do not have enough in common.

Partner incompatibility

10. You have different ideas about money.

Again, this may not seem like such a big deal at first, but partners need to agree when it comes to spending money. Couples whose attitudes towards money do not match, and where they are used to spending money in different ways, are unlikely to get along.

11. If you have children, you cannot agree on their upbringing.

When partners become parents, their values ​​begin to clash more clearly as each tries to contribute to the child's development.

If the parents do not raise the child with a united front, this unbalances the family and weakens the basic strength of the relationship.

12. You are insecure.

IN healthy relationships you feel content and confident rather than restless and suspicious. If you feel the latter, it may be a sign of incompatibility.

The right person gives you the attention you need and vice versa, so neither of you feel anxious.

13. You have different eating habits.

If one of you is a vegetarian and the other is a meat eater, this does not always indicate a problem in a couple. However, nutritional differences can be a stumbling block for some couples.

For example, if one of you likes to try new things and the other is very picky about food, it can become much bigger problem than you think. And if one partner adheres to dietary restrictions while the other does not, this can also complicate the relationship.

14. You communicate differently.

For example, you may become angry and your partner knows when to use humor to diffuse tension. This is called complementary communication style. This is the essence of relationships with each other. If you are not very compatible in this area, your relationship may be less successful in the future.

Not always difficulties with procreation arise due to diseases of the male or female reproductive system. According to statistics, every 10 infertile couples have problems caused by the incompatibility of partners during conception. It occurs in primary and secondary infertility.

Incompatibility of partners at conception: causes

The causes of infertility are distributed in equal proportions between both spouses: 30% are associated with women, 30% with men, the last third is due to mutual inability to conceive (20%) and unexplained cases (10%).

If within a year of regular sexual intercourse without protection against the onset of pregnancy by all known methods, conception did not occur, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

10 out of 100 infertile couples laboratory research reveal the incompatibility of partners at conception. The inability to maintain a pregnancy when the mother's body rejects the fetus for early dates also a signal that a pair check for compatibility is required. In addition, the birth of children with malformations or stillbirth in relatively healthy people should not be ignored by parents.

The main types of incompatibility

There are several types of incompatibility that interfere with the conception and bearing of children.

Immunological mismatch

It is, simply put, an allergic reaction to male sperm. female body perceives seminal fluid, as a foreign invasion, and seeks to destroy by producing antibodies. Provocative reasons:

  • weak immunity of one or both partners, caused by in the wrong way life, a sluggish form of chronic diseases or previously undergone gynecological operations;
  • promiscuity in the recent past;
  • continual protection with lubricated condoms before attempting to conceive. Lubricants are toxic to male sperm and disrupt the function of cervical mucus.

Sometimes sperm cells die due to antibodies in male body produced when you are allergic to your own sperm. Or the female body rejects seminal fluid - a specific partner or all representatives of the stronger sex.
The female body synthesizes antibodies that kill sperm

Rhesus conflict

The combination of protein fractions located on the erythrocyte membrane is called the Rh factor. Depending on the presence or absence of antigens, it is positive or negative.

In couples with a positive Rh in both partners or negative only in a man, there are no difficulties with conception (in the absence of other problems with fertility).

Women with Rh negative can give birth to a child from a partner with a positive Rh, and the first pregnancy usually proceeds without complications. But during repeated attempts to bear a child, the mother's body often rejects the fetus as a result of a Rh conflict with the baby, who inherited the antigen from the father. The first-born in the process of childbirth, when his blood enters the mother's bloodstream, provokes the production of antibodies to a foreign antigen, but this amount is not life-threatening. With subsequent children, difficulty conceiving and the likelihood of miscarriage increase.
If the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, then the good news about pregnancy can be overshadowed by the development of a conflict between her blood and the blood of the baby

Incompatibility of microflora

The reproductive system has its own microflora, inhabited by beneficial bacteria. But in the mucous urinary organs conditionally present pathogenic microorganisms. For own organism these microbes are not dangerous because the human immune system strictly controls their number. However, harmless to one partner, they are dangerous to another. So, after unprotected contact, candidiasis (thrush) often develops, as evidenced by irritation and itching of the genital organs. Up to 3% of couples are unable to conceive due to microflora conflict when beneficial bacteria die under the influence of foreign microbes. Fertilization and gestation becomes an unattainable dream.

Despite the fact that the microflora only in some cases affects reproductive function organism, such incompatibility brings a lot of trouble to the life of a couple

Genetic incompatibility

IN human cells there is a leukocyte antigen (NLA), which acts as a defense against foreign agents. A similar set of chromosomes in both parents causes rejection of the embryo female body, perceiving it as an underdeveloped or cancerous own cell (the immune system synthesizes antibodies). Healthy offspring are born only in pairs with different sets of parental chromosomes.
The resulting pregnancy with genetic incompatibility very rarely ends safely

What tests are given if partner incompatibility is suspected

With doubts about the birth or birth of children, they turn to doctors specializing in this problem. Doctors prescribe a number of studies that identify the cause of the couple's failures in the reproductive sphere:

Video: geneticist about medical genetic counseling

My close friends have been married for 12 years, they know each other even more. Both are successful in the profession and have no problems in material terms. Their life is overshadowed only by the absence of children. Behind - great amount fruitless attempts to become parents, liters of material submitted for analysis and examinations that did not reveal anything. According to all indicators, Sasha and Katya are absolutely healthy. But there are no children. But there are acquaintances and even relatives who, at each meeting, are interested in when they will be called to the christening.
Despair is a feeling familiar to all who face insurmountable obstacles. They have no indications for IVF, and personal beliefs do not allow them to go against nature. Sasha has reconciled himself and is happy to nurse his nephews and children of friends. But Katya is a fighter! “If it seems to you that my hands dropped, you are mistaken. I bent over the tire iron "- this is about my girlfriend.
Recently came running, her eyes are shining, a smile from ear to ear. It turns out that a year ago they turned to the regional center of reproduction, where the husband did not agree to go for 5 years. He wanted and wants a baby, but he is tired in Once again hear: "We don't see any problems with you." A small town like ours (only 16 thousand inhabitants) is a poor prospect for the professional growth of a doctor, and narrow specialists can be counted on the fingers. So the gynecologist-andrologist-reproductologist in one person for all these years has never sent them to take compatibility tests. Yes, this happens in the 21st century.
So, in the regional clinic they promised to help. And they helped. The cause was determined and treatment was prescribed. The joy of a woman who at the age of 36 saw the cherished stripes is endless. There are 5 months of waiting for a meeting with the baby, the risks of the first trimester are behind, there are no complications, but Katyusha is under the special control of the attending physician. And Sasha is learning to swaddle his little blood. Everything will be fine. Now for sure. The main thing is not to give up.

Ways to overcome the incompatibility of partners during conception

With immunological incompatibility, also called biological:

  • a course of immunostimulants is prescribed that increase the body's natural defenses. All drugs have a different mechanism of action, you can not do without consulting a doctor. When pregnancy occurs, the reception is immediately stopped so that the child, who has inherited half of the father's genes, is not rejected by the mother's body;
  • Corticosteroids are recommended a week before ovulation. A hormone synthesized by the adrenal glands reduces susceptibility human body to infections, inflammatory processes and even stressful situations. Corticosteroids are used to prevent rejection of the fetus by the mother's body. It is mandatory to consult a doctor when choosing a drug;
  • used to prevent allergic reactions antihistamines that relieve allergy attacks. Dosage and frequency of use are adjusted by the attending physician.

If drug therapy does not help, they resort to artificial insemination, most often IVF or ICSI, in which a ready-made embryo is placed in the uterus. Less commonly prescribed intrauterine insemination.
Artificial insemination is a way to help couples who cannot conceive a child naturally

With genetic incompatibility, it is important to know that an absolute mismatch of indicators is extremely rare. In other cases, after the results of the couple's tests are deciphered by the geneticist, a comprehensive compatibility adjustment is carried out. Techniques have been developed to make conception and pregnancy possible for patients. But universal solutions will not, each treatment is prescribed individually.

In case of Rhesus conflict, the primiparous mother from the moment of treatment is put on a special account in the antenatal clinic. The level of antibodies in the blood is checked monthly. Complications during the first pregnancy due to Rhesus are usually not observed. And with the second and subsequent ones, in order to reduce the risk for mother and baby, 3 days before delivery, a dose of immunoglobulin is injected into the woman's blood. This is necessary to inhibit the production of antibodies.
Immunoglobulin helps to avoid the consequences of Rhesus conflict

At inflammatory processes microflora prescribe treatment to neutralize pathogens. The bacterial conflict practically does not act as a cause of incompatibility, but neglected inflammation and candidiasis negatively affect general condition organism. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of a malfunction in the microflora, a doctor is consulted. Tips and tricks for antibiotic therapy performed by both partners.

Infertility is a common problem in modern world and there are many reasons for it. First of all, these are diseases in the male and female parts, and the incompatibility of partners can also be the cause of problems with conception.

Incompatibility can provoke miscarriages on different terms therefore, patients with such a violation are given special attention, and an examination is prescribed. Even if the pathology is confirmed, this does not mean that the couple will never be able to have children. In this case, you need to special attention refer to the planning period, and be observed by a doctor in the first days after conception in order to maintain pregnancy.

Incompatibility of partners during conception is divided into the following types:

  • biological;
  • by microflora;
  • by blood;
  • genetic factor.

Checking partners for compatibility is carried out in a clinic, using special analyzes. Which analysis will be prescribed depends on the patient's history and the type of incompatibility expected, the decision is made by the doctor.

Let us consider in detail all types of incompatibility of partners.


Such incompatibility of partners occurs most often. The woman's body secretes immune bodies that kill sperm, preventing them from fertilizing the egg. This is due to the fact that the body perceives the male sperm as an infection or an allergen.

Causes of immunological incompatibility:

  • complication after abortion;
  • infectious diseases in both partners;
  • drinking and smoking;
  • malnutrition, vitamin deficiency;
  • promiscuity of a partner or the woman herself;
  • Allergy to ejaculate in a man.

It happens that a woman has an allergic reaction to the sperm of one man, but this is rare.


The cause of miscarriages in the early stages or the development of fetal pathology may be the genetic incompatibility of the parents. In order for pregnancy to occur and the child to be born healthy, it is necessary that different sets of chromosomes meet. If they are very similar, then the partners are considered incompatible.

If the chromosomes of the parents are different, then the uterus begins to produce substances that protect the embryo from attacks by the female body. But if the couple is genetically incompatible, then the body destroys the embryo as if it were a tumor or an inflammatory process.

This problem can be solved with the help of IVF under the supervision of specialists. And to diagnose genetic incompatibility, the couple takes a blood test.

By microflora

A fairly rare species is the incompatibility of partners in the microflora. In this case, the spermatozoa cannot survive in the too aggressive environment of the vagina and die. This condition can be diagnosed with a smear for bacterial culture.

As a rule, the cause of incompatibility is various infections in the vagina and urethra. After eliminating the pathogens and normalizing the microflora of the vagina, it is possible to restore the possibility of conception.

By blood

The reason for the incompatibility of partners may be a negative Rh factor in a woman. If a man also has a negative one, then no problems will arise, and if it is positive, then the woman’s body will be hostile to the embryo and destroy it.

Usually, the Rh conflict does not appear during the first pregnancy. But if a woman had an abortion during her first pregnancy, or is planning a second child, then possible problems with conception and gestation. To diagnose the disorder, both partners are tested for the Rh factor.


Can there be incompatibility of partners during conception, we figured it out, consider the signs that allow us to suspect such a violation:

  • the couple has not been able to conceive a child for more than a year, and the reasons for the results of the survey have not been identified;
  • a woman constantly miscarries, for no apparent reason.

As a rule, infertile couples with incompatibility are completely healthy, but pregnancy still does not occur.


Treatment will depend on the type of incompatibility of partners, it is carried out individually. But even genetic incompatibility is not a complete contraindication to the conception of a baby. The only but, the fertilization process will have to be carried out in artificial conditions using IVF with ICSI.

With immunological incompatibility, a woman will be prescribed drugs that suppress the production of immunity. Intrauterine insemination can also help with solving the problem.

It often happens that spouses are perfectly healthy, but to conceive long-awaited baby does not work. The reason may be the incompatibility of partners during conception, which is observed in 30% of cases of infertility.

You can talk about incompatibility only after complete examination both spouses to exclude others possible reasons infertility. If the couple is healthy, then the doctor can diagnose "incompatibility of partners at conception." Signs indicating a pathology, spouses can note even before a visit to the doctor.

  • Pregnancy does not occur within a year. If partners lead sexual life and do not use contraception, but conception does not occur, incompatibility is obvious. In this case, it is recommended to undergo an examination to identify the cause.
  • Regular miscarriages. They occur mainly in the first weeks of pregnancy. Even if pregnancy occurs, the mother's body rejects the fetus.
  • Itching and burning of the genitals after intercourse. This factor indicates the incompatibility of the microflora of the partners.

Treatment of incompatibility will directly depend on its type and causes.


The common name of this species is biological incompatibility. It is the cause of infertility in 10% of cases. The essence of the pathology is that the female body perceives male spermatozoa as alien, dangerous and begins to produce antibodies to them. As a result, spermatozoa die.

Immunological incompatibility of partners for conception in its mechanism is very similar to allergic reaction and can have several reasons:

  • weakened immunity of a woman or a man (may be accompanied by an unhealthy lifestyle, chronic diseases in a sluggish form, previously transferred gynecological operations);
  • an allergic reaction in a man to his own sperm, as a result of which the spermatozoa die;
  • frequent change of partners in the recent past;
  • prolonged use of condoms prior to conception.

Today, doctors cannot name all the reasons that cause the immunological incompatibility of partners for conception. Sometimes a woman is allergic to the sperm of a certain man, and sometimes - several partners.

There are many tests that allow you to install immunological incompatibility. Both men and women need to go through them. As a result, the number of antibodies in the partner's body, dead and live spermatozoa, etc. is determined. For example, your doctor may suggest taking a mucus sample from your cervix. The test is carried out 6 hours after the last sexual intercourse, but no later than 12 hours later. The consistency of the mucus is studied using a microscope, sperm motility is assessed, etc.

Treatment can take place in several ways:

  • the use of condoms to reduce the sensitivity of the female body to sperm;
  • antihistamines and immunosuppressive drugs;
  • immunostimulants;
  • IVF (in vitro fertilization) when it is impossible to get pregnant naturally.

By Rh factor

Sometimes partners may experience blood type incompatibility. It is not the group itself that matters, but the Rh factor - positive or negative. The Rh factor is a combination of proteins located on the outer part of the erythrocyte membrane. In the presence of an antigen, one speaks of Rh positive, in the absence - about the negative.

Chance of getting pregnant and giving birth healthy child couples have:

  • a positive Rh factor in a woman;
  • Both partners have the same Rh factor.

If a woman is Rh negative and her husband is Rh positive, the first pregnancy can proceed normally. If you want to give birth to a second child, such partners may have problems. The female body will reject the fetus as a foreign body, producing antibodies to the paternal Rh factor. The result is a miscarriage.

The danger is also the ingress of blood with the opposite Rhesus into the mother's body during childbirth. The immune system begins to actively produce antibodies, which invariably leads to complications.

It is easy to identify the Rh conflict in advance: it is enough for partners to donate blood for analysis. If the doctor is aware of the Rh conflict, he will take appropriate measures:

  • three days before childbirth and a few days after the woman is given immunoglobulin to suppress the activity of the immune system;
  • in the absence of other methods of treatment, a blood transfusion is done.

Blood group incompatibility is not a sentence. Medicine has learned to cope with such problems. It is only necessary to inform the doctor about them in time.

By microflora

It is stated only in 2-3% of cases of infertility. The reason is the perception of microorganisms in the microflora of the partner as pathogenic and posing a threat. In this case, the spermatozoa die in the woman's microflora.

To determine this type of incompatibility, a smear of the microflora of the vagina or urethra is taken and bacteriological culture. With its help, the pathogen is determined and the incompatibility of the microflora of the partners is finally diagnosed. Treatment consists in taking antibiotics, to which the causative agent of the pathology is sensitive. After completing the course, a smear is re-taken for analysis.


Every human cell contains a leukocyte antigen that protects against dangerous objects. If the partners have a similar set of chromosomes, the pregnancy is perceived by the antigen as an introduction foreign body. IN immune system an impulse is sent, and the production of antibodies begins. The chance to bear a child arises only with a different set of chromosomes.

To identify genetic incompatibility, you need to donate blood for analysis. The answer is given in 2 weeks. You can take this test at any genetic center.

The problem can be solved only by IVF (in vitro fertilization) or ICSI (method artificial insemination) with the help of geneticists who will select for married couple individual program.

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