The composition of the product includes bacillus bacteria. Application restrictions. Method of application of bacillus subtilis and doses

The invention relates to biotechnology, veterinary medicine and can be used to obtain a drug from the group of probiotics. The bacterial strain Bacillus subtilis BKM B-2287 was isolated from the soil. The cells are gram-positive, do not form capsules, form round spores, the type of respiration is aerobic. Hydrolyzes glucose, mannitol, lactose. Does not ferment sucrose, inositol, sorbitol, maltose. Does not form gas during fermentation. Suppresses the growth of staphylococci, coli, enterobacteria, citrobacteria, aeromonas. The strain is used as a production strain to obtain a probiotic preparation, named by the authors "Subtilis+". The drug normalizes activity gastrointestinal tract farm animals, poultry, fish; promising in the treatment and prevention bacterial infections. 1 tab.

The invention relates to biotechnology and can be used in the microbiological industry to obtain a probiotic preparation used in veterinary medicine for the treatment and prevention gastrointestinal diseases animals, birds and fish.

Known strain of Bacillus subtilis 534 - producer of the probiotic "Sporobacterin", which is intended for the prevention and treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis. SU 1708350, class. A 61 K 35/66.

The disadvantage is the short shelf life, tk. contains live bacteria that cannot long time retain their properties, low purity of the drug, which has a narrow scope - as feed additive for animals. The strain is also sensitive to antibiotics, with the exception of polymyxin, which limits the scope of the drug.

Known strain of Bacillus subtilis 3H (GISK No. 248), bearing the property of antibiotic resistance, used to obtain the probiotic preparation "Bactisporin", which is used in conjunction with antibiotics for the treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis, enzyme deficiency digestive organs, purulent infections, food allergies. RU 2067616 C1, class. A 61 K 35/74, 10.10.1996.

Known strain of Bacillus subtilis TPAXC-KM-117, which exhibits inhibitory activity against pathogenic microorganism species and has multidrug resistance. The strain is resistant to tetracycline, rifampicin, alenicillin, chloramphenicol, aprectomycin. Based on it, an antibiotic-resistant probiotic is prepared for the treatment and prevention infectious diseases with the antibiotic therapy of the same name (RU 2118364 C1, class C 12 N 1/20, 08/27/1988).

Known strain of Bacillus subtilis VKM B-2250 (RU No. 2184774, class A 61 K 35/74, 10.07.02), which is the basis of the drug for veterinary purposes and fisheries.

The problem to which the invention is directed is the identification of a new effective strain-producer of a probiotic preparation for veterinary purposes and fisheries.

The technical result achieved in the implementation of the invention is to increase the effectiveness of treatment, increase the digestibility of feed, productivity and weight gain of animals, birds, fish through the use of a probiotic preparation based on the proposed producer strain, stability of the preparation during storage in a wide range of ambient temperatures.

The Bacillus subtilis B-9 strain was isolated from the soil, deposited in the All-Russian Collection of Microorganisms (IBFM named after K.G. Skryabin) under the number VKM B-2287.

The strain of Bacillus subtilis VKM B-2287 can be stored in a lyophilized state for several years or on shoals with an agar medium based on meat-peptone broth with obligatory reseeding at least 1 time in 2 months on the same medium.

Characteristics of the strain.

Cultural and morphological features. Sticks. The size of a one-day agar culture is 3-5 µm. Cells stain positively according to Gram, form round spores, single, central diameters are less than the diameter of the cell. The colonies on the MPA are white, the pigment is not isolated into the medium.

Physiological signs. Aerobe, optimum growth temperature 37°C and pH 3.5-8.0. Growth is possible in the temperature range of 4-50 ° C. Relation to NaCl - growth at a content of up to 3%.

biochemical signs. Breaks down glucose, lactose, mannitol. Non-fermentable carbon compounds: sucrose, inositol, sorbitol, maltose, lactose. Utilizes citrate and acetate. Does not form gas during fermentation. Produces oxidase, catalase.

antagonistic signs. Bacillus subtilis BKM B-2287 strain inhibits the growth of staphylococci, Proteus, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, enterobacteria, citrobacteria, aeromonas, yeast fungi.

The Bacillus subtilis BKM B-2287 strain is not pathogenic for plants, animals, fish and humans.

The data in Table 1 show the antagonistic activity of test strains of microorganisms (delayed antagonism method).

For cultivation of the strain Bacillus subtilis BKM B-2287 use a liquid nutrient medium containing casein hydrolyzate - 5 cm 3 · DM -3 (N aM =300 mg%); corn extract - 80 cm 3 dm -3 (N am \u003d 290 mg%), MnSO 4 5H 2 O - 0.250 g-dm -3; MgSO 4 7H 2 O - 0.300 g-dm -3; FeSO 4 7H 2 O - 0.015 g-dm -3; CaCl 2 2H 2 O - 0.052 g-dm -3; NaCl - 11,000 g-dm -3 , distilled water.

Preliminary dry biomass of microorganisms is sown in a test tube with broth. When visible growth appears, the colonies are subcultured on meat-peptone agar in test tubes.

Typical colonies are selected and subcultured onto a liquid medium in vials. After 22 hours, the entire grown mass is transferred to a 20-liter bottle with 10 liters of nutrient medium and cultivated for 26 hours at 37-39 ° C, obtaining inoculum.

A nutrient medium based on casein hydrolyzate is placed in a biological reactor, sterilized for 60 minutes at 1 atm, cooled to 39°C, and inoculated with inoculum from a bottle in a ratio of 1:9.

In the process of aerobic cultivation, the pH of the medium is maintained within the range of (6.8-7.2) units. pH, feeding the medium with (10-15)% glucose to a final concentration of (0.1-0.2)%. Upon reaching the biological concentration of BC (15-20) 10 9 -3 and (8-10) 10 9 -3 BKt stop adding glucose to lower pH 4.0 and turn off the air supply. Then the heating of the reactor is turned off, the medium is cooled to (15-19) ° C. The resulting cooled culture is pumped into containers or packaged in vials.

At specified method cultivation receive a probiotic preparation in the form liquid form containing (80-95)% spores and live vegetative cells of bacteria of the strain Bacillus subtilis VKM B-2287.

The proposed probiotic preparation is harmless, does not contain extraneous microflora. Harmlessness was tested on white mice weighing (18-20) g, which were orally administered the drug in a volume of 1.0 ml.

The drug has a specific activity: the number of cells in one dose of the drug (8-20)10 9 -3 antagonistic activity - the growth inhibition zone of test microorganisms is from 10 to 38 mm.

Thus, the proposed strain of Bacillus subtilis VKM B-2287 can be used as a production strain for obtaining a probiotic preparation recommended for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases in animals, poultry, and fish.

The invention is illustrated by examples.

Example 1. Tests of the proposed probiotic preparation on newborn calves and piglets.

The effectiveness of the drug based on the proposed strain of Bacillus subtilis VKM B-2287 was tested on newborn calves and piglets diagnosed with diarrhea, which occurred against the backdrop of a difficult epizootic situation on the farm. The control groups of calves and piglets were kept according to the technology adopted in the farm. The calves and piglets of the experimental groups were additionally given a drug based on the proposed strain of Bacillus subtilis BKM B-2287 orally with a small amount water 20 minutes before feeding in a single dose per head, 15 ml for calves and 20 ml for piglets three times a day for three days. Observations showed that in the experimental groups, one day after giving the drug, the general state all animals, diarrhea stopped, and two days later all animals were practically healthy. The condition of the animals in the control groups was characterized by the continuation of the state of diarrhea, the death rate was 10% in calves and 22% in piglets.

Example 2. Addition of the probiotic preparation "Subtilis+" to the feed of aquarium fish.

The reared juveniles of goldfish (oranda) were fed with extruded feed with the addition of the probiotic preparation Subtilis+. The amount of food was 10 kg, added probiotic 1 ml. The number of fish in the experimental and control groups was 250 specimens each. Feeding was carried out 4-6 times a day. The food was eaten willingly. The growth rate of juveniles in the experimental group compared to the control group was 22%. The output of fish in the experimental - 98%, in the control - 78%. The water in the aquariums did not deteriorate, there was no turbidity.

Example 3. The safety of chickens in the first weeks.

“Subtilis+” was tested on chickens of a broiler poultry farm (5 poultry houses in the experimental and control groups). The waste of chickens in the control group that did not receive the probiotic was 4%, experimental - 0.2%. In the experimental groups, chickens gained weight more intensively. After the first three days average weight chicken in the control group was 61 g, in the experimental group - 70 g.

The conducted tests have shown the effectiveness of the drug "Subtilis+", obtained on the basis of the proposed strain of Bacillus subtilis BKM B-2287.


The bacterial strain Bacillus subtilis BKM B-2287 used to obtain a probiotic preparation intended for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases in animals, poultry and fish.

Not everyone can answer what Bacillus subtilis is. However, most of us are very familiar with this creature. Anyone who has ever lifted freshly cut grass has seen a whitish coating under it. This is the bacteria Bacillus subtilis. This bacterium, unusually common in nature, was originally grown on broken hay. That is why we call her hay stick.

Microbiological "model"

Various branches of biology have their own "model" organisms, which become the main object of study and experiments. For example, in genetics, the Drosophila fruit fly became such an organism, in the microbiology of protozoa - the ciliate shoe, and in bacteriology - Bacillus subtilis.

Thanks to this bacterium, the process of spore formation and the mechanism of operation of the motor motor of flagellar bacteria have been thoroughly studied. Molecular biologists were among the first to decipher the genome of this bacillus.

Today, Bacillus subtilis is grown under weightless conditions and its effect on the genome of the population is being studied. In space biology, it is irradiated with cosmic ultraviolet and its ability to survive in conditions close to those on Mars is examined.

Short description

First described in 1835 by the German biologist Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (1795-1876). The bacillus grew well on hay extract, which is why it received the first part of the name. Externally, these are rod-shaped bacteria, so they are called rods.

These are rather large bacilli (length up to 0.008 mm, diameter 0.0006 mm), which can be seen even with a school microscope. On the surface of the cell membrane in Bacillus subtilis there are many flagella.

These motile bacteria are aerobes (they need atmospheric oxygen to ensure their vital processes). But some strains (artificially grown genetically homogeneous groups) can become facultative anaerobes.

Optimal temperature regime for hay sticks is in the range from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. But they will survive at -5 and at +150 degrees, thanks to the formation of spores.

Nutrition and distribution

In nature, Bacillus subtilis lives in the soil, but is found in water and dust. These microorganisms are part of the microflora of our intestines and the gastrointestinal tract of animals.

These are saprophytic bacteria, they feed on organic residues. The main source of energy for them is polysaccharides based on glucose of plant (cellulose and starch) and animal (glycogen) origin.

Hay bacillus metabolism products are amino acids, vitamins, various enzymes, antibiotics. Man has long learned to use these features of bacteria in his activities.

Features of biochemistry

To the most important properties hay bacillus should be attributed to their ability to increase the acidity of the environment and produce antibiotics.

These bacilli are antagonists for yeast fungi, salmonella, amoeba Proteus and dysentery, strepto- and staphylococci.

In the process of life, hay bacilli synthesize amino acids, antibiotics, enzymes and immunoactive substances. Today, strains of this bacillus are used in the production of enzymes, antibiotics, biological products (odor enhancers, nutritional supplements), insecticides.

How to grow a colony

In Petri dishes, the colonies of these bacilli look like wrinkled pancakes with wavy edges, white or pinkish in color, dry and velvety texture.

In laboratories, hay bacillus strains are grown on meat-peptone broth or agar, artificial media, or on a substance with the remains of a plant organism.

At home, it is enough to boil ordinary hay and put the infusion in a warm place for 1-2 days. On a surface water infusion a film will appear exclusively from the bacteria of the hay bacillus. All other microorganisms will die during boiling.

Opportunistic pathogens

As part of the microbiota gastric tract, hay stick promotes the decomposition of complex polysaccharides (cellulose), breaks down proteins, promotes the inhibition of pathogenic microflora.

AT open wounds on the human body, these bacteria secrete antibiotics and enzymes that destroy dead tissue. It has already been proven that these bacilli adversely affect pathogenic organisms with surgical infection (salmonella, staphylococcus, streptococcus).

However, they are conditionally pathogenic, because they have such abilities that are negative for people:

  • May cause an allergic rash.
  • Lead to food poisoning when eating spoiled foods.
  • May cause infections of the mucous membranes of the eyes.

hay stick and man

From the point of view of human use, bacteria are of interest in the context of two questions:

  • How can they help us.
  • How can they harm us?

With a hay stick, human cooperation began a very long time ago. Today, microbiologists have grown many strains of this bacillus with well-defined qualities. This microorganism is used in crop production, animal husbandry, the production of medicines, waste management methods within the framework of the "green" economy.

Bacilli in medicine

Biochemical features allow wide use given organism in the manufacture of medical products. Bacillus subtilis on pharmacological grounds refers to:

  • Antidiarrheals.
  • Immunomodulators.

Preparations based on hay bacillus ("Sporobacterin", "Bactisubtil", "Biosporin") are prescribed for dysbacteriosis of the intestines and genital tract, in the postoperative period with purulent complications.

However, it is worth remembering about contraindications, the main of which is hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug.

This microorganism is widely used in biological active additives.

Other applications

In crop production, the most common preparation based on hay bacillus is Fitosporin. It is effective against fungal and bacterial diseases cultivated plants. In this case, the fruits can be eaten even on the day of spraying them with the drug.

In animal husbandry, the peculiarity of hay sticks is used to ferment cellulose, which contributes to better absorption of carbohydrates by animals. In addition, drugs antibacterial action on the basis of this stick are widely used in animal husbandry, poultry farming, fish farming.

On an industrial scale, proteases and amylases are produced - enzymes of hay bacillus, which are part of detergents, preparations for dressing and cleaning skins.

There are individual strains that have very narrow specialization. So, they are used to prepare the Japanese dish natto based on soybeans.

Future plans

Development genetic engineering also impossible without bacteria. And the hay stick is not the last in the list of "models" for creating transgenic organisms.

We have already written about assistance in space exploration.

Today, the study of the distribution of hay bacillus in nature is actively developing from the point of view of environmental safety. There is already work on the assessment of the state environment based on the distribution correlation of this unique microorganism in the ecotope.

Bacillus subtilis is one of the Gram-positive aerobic species. Due to the fact that hay extract is used to obtain enrichment cultures of this microorganism, the second name of the bacillus is Hay bacillus. was first introduced by the famous German naturalist Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg in 1835, but in his interpretation this microorganism was called Vibrio subtilis. And my modern name He received Bacillus subtilis as early as 1872. To date, it is one of the most famous and carefully studied representatives of the genus Bacillus.

Biological properties

Bacillus is characterized by the shape of a straight stick, which has a transparent structure. The approximate thickness of Bacillus subtilis is 0.7 micrometers. And in length, such a bacillus can reach from two to eight micrometers.

Hay bacilli, like other bacilli, reproduce by division. In some cases, after transverse division has occurred, the bacteria continue to remain connected into thin threads.

Among the most important biochemical properties inherent in Bacillus subtilis, one should single out the ability to acidify the environment, as well as to produce antibiotics. It is thanks to these properties that Hay bacillus from the genus Bacillus is able to reduce the impact of various opportunistic, as well as pathogenic microorganisms. Bacillus subtilis is an antagonist for:

  • yeast fungi;
  • salmonella;
  • proteus;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci.

Other characteristic properties of Bacillus include:

  • synthesis of vitamins, amino acids and immunoactive factors;
  • active production of enzymes capable of removing putrefactive decay products of tissues.

The bacterium Bacillus subtilis is characterized by flagellation of the peritrichous type, as well as the central location of oval-shaped spores and a size that does not exceed the size of the cell. As for the colonies of Bacillus, they are white or pink, they have a wavy edge, as well as a dry and velvety structure, covered with fine wrinkles.

Growing bacilli

To be effective, several types of environments may be required:

  • liquid medium, namely meat-peptone broth;
  • dense medium - meat-peptone agar;
  • obtained synthetically;
  • media containing plant residues.

Under the concept of meat-peptone agar, it is customary to mean universal, which can have both a dense and semi-liquid texture. This medium contains components such as meat water, salt, as well as crushed and thoroughly washed agar. To sterilize it in an autoclave, a temperature of at least 120 ºC is required, and this process should last approximately twenty to thirty minutes. After sterilization is completed, the prepared medium will cool down naturally, acquiring a denser texture.

Maximum favorable development Hay sticks are guaranteed at an air temperature level of +5 to +45 ºC.

Dangerous or not?

There are several opinions regarding the pathogenicity of Bacillus. So, in accordance with the officially valid in the territory Russian Federation sanitary regulations and norms, Bacillus subtilis belongs to the genus of opportunistic bacteria.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Girl looking through a microscope" width="300" height="188" srcset="" data-srcset=" 640w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"> Однако Большая Советская Энциклопедия, а также авторитетные зарубежные источники твердо настаивают на безопасности Бациллюса субтилис, утверждая, что данный микроорганизм является абсолютно не патогенным. В результате !} scientific research The safety of these bacteria from the genus Bacillus has been proven for both humans and animals. Thus, the United States Food and Drug Administration has rightly awarded Bacillus subtilis the status of a completely safe organism.

However, despite this fact, the presence of Hay sticks in a variety of canned food, in particular, fish, meat and vegetable, is by no means allowed. It should always be borne in mind that if for some reason spores remain in canned food that have retained their viability, this means that during storage this product at temperatures exceeding +20 ºC, the reproduction of pathogens will be inevitable. Therefore, in order to protect canned food from the content of Bacillus, it is necessary to carefully observe all the technologies and standards for the preparation of products of this type. As a rule, the presence of Bacillus subtilis in canned food is signaled by the presence of a characteristic grayish coating. In addition, certain adverse changes occur with the smell and consistency of canned food.

Application in medicine and other fields

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:bactisubtil" width="300" height="236" srcset="" data-srcset=" 382w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"> Благодаря биохимическим свойствам достаточно широко распространено применение Бациллюса в производстве медицинских препаратов. Так, Bacillus subtilis из рода бацилл, согласно фармакологическому указателю, принадлежит к таким категориям, как:!}

  • Antidiarrheals.
  • Other immunomodulators.

The main function of these drugs is to regulate normal activities intestinal flora and her balance. As a result of keeping it normal level any manifestations of dysbacteriosis are completely eliminated.

Bacillus preparations are prescribed for conditions such as:

  • intestinal dysbacteriosis with different character and origin;
  • acute intestinal infections, widespread in children;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • postoperative period with purulent-septic complications.

All their beneficial features Bacillus preparations subtilis are ideally preserved if the storage rules are followed. The optimum air temperature in this case is 25 ºC. In addition, it is very important to pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the package. The preparation of Hay stick has the form medicinal suspension presented in vials of 2, 5 and 10 milliliters.

It should be remembered that the use of this bacterium from the genus Bacillus also has certain contraindications. Mainly it is hypersensitivity to constituent components drugs.

To the most popular medicines, created on the basis of Bacillus as active ingredient, belong to:

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Features of the bacterium thuringiensis

Another bacterium that is Gram-positive and belongs to the genus Bacillus, Thuringiensis (Bacillus thuringiensis), has the ability to form inclusions during sporulation that have a crystal-like structure. In its composition, it contains delta-endotoxins - substances belonging to the category of insecticidal proteins. The shape of such a "crystal" can be different - cubic, bipyramidal or rounded. The special properties of this bacterium make it possible to use it in the field of biological plant protection.

Important properties and features of Bacillus subtilis

Bacillus is characterized by special properties that allow it to be widely used in the medical field. The main bacilli of the genus are:

  • widespread in wildlife;
  • safety and harmlessness for both people and animals;
  • high enzymatic activity for optimal regulation and stimulation of the digestive system;
  • excellent resistance to digestive and lytic enzymes;
  • environmental safety and resistance to a wide temperature range.

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Formula, chemical name: no data.
Pharmacological group: organotropic agents/ gastrointestinal agents/ antidiarrheals; immunotropic agents / immunomodulators / other immunomodulators.
Pharmachologic effect: antibacterial a wide range, immunostimulating, antidiarrheal.

Pharmacological properties

The active substance Bacillus subtilis is a lyophilized microbial mass of a live antagonistically active strain of Bacillus subtilis 3H, which was selected for chromosomal resistance to rifampicin from the production strain of Bacillus subtilis 534. One dose of the drug contains from one to five billion live bacteria. Bacillus subtilis have antagonistic activity, secrete broad-spectrum antibacterial substances that inhibit the growth of opportunistic and pathogenic fungi and bacteria. At the same time, the growth of saprophytes, including normal microflora intestines, is not oppressed. Due to the release of Bacillus subtilis proteolytic enzymes (including lipases, lysozyme, amylases and others), the drug promotes the breakdown of fats, proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, improves digestion and absorption of food, helps to cleanse wounds, inflammatory foci from necrotic tissues. Bacillus subtilis has a pronounced immunostimulating effect, including on the digestive and absorption activity of phagocytic blood cells. Bacillus subtilis also have a moderate anti-allergic effect.


Intestinal dysbacteriosis of various origins (including complicated by allergic dermatosis and food allergy); acute bacterial intestinal infections (including salmonellosis, acute dysentery and others); bacterial vaginosis; bacterial vaginitis; osteomyelitis (in the absence of large sequesters); surgical soft tissue infections; treatment and prevention of purulent-septic complications caused by conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms in obstetrics and gynecology and surgical operations, in postoperative period.

Method of application of bacillus subtilis and doses

Bacillus subtilis is applied orally 30-40 minutes before meals, intravaginally, in the form of irrigations or applications (on a tampon). When taken orally, Bacillus subtilis is pre-dissolved with boiled, cooled water. Dosage, method of administration, duration of treatment are set individually depending on the indications and age of the patient.
Treatment of acute bacterial intestinal infections, including acute dysentery, salmonellosis, lasts for 7-10 days.
Treatment of dysbacteriosis after bacterial infections or the use of antibiotics continues for 20 days.
Treatment of allergic dermatoses continues for 10 - 20 days.
Treatment bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis continues for 5 - 10 days.
Prevention of purulent-septic complications in the postoperative period: within 5 days before surgery and 5 days after surgery or injury.
Treatment and prevention surgical infection soft tissues continues for 7-10 days.
If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated.
When using Bacillus subtilis according to indications in recommended doses adverse reactions not found. In case of development adverse reactions they completely disappear within a day when the dose is reduced or the drug is discontinued.
The effect of Bacillus subtilis on women during pregnancy has not been studied.
The diluted powder of Bacillus subtilis cannot be stored.
With caution, bacillus subtilis is prescribed for polyvalent drug allergies.
Bacillus subtilis is not used in case of violation of the integrity of the package, change physical properties, the presence of impurities, the absence of marking.
The use of Bacillus subtilis has no effect on the performance of potentially dangerous species activities that require increased concentration attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity (including to the auxiliary components of the drug).

Application restrictions

Polyvalent drug allergy, childhood.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The effect of Bacillus subtilis on women during pregnancy has not been studied. Bacillus subtilis can be used as prescribed by the attending physician during breastfeeding.

Side effects of bacillus subtilis

Digestive system: diarrhea, abdominal pain.
Others: fever, chills, skin rash.

Interaction of Bacillus subtilis with other substances

When sharing bacillus subtilis with antibiotics, the therapeutic efficacy of bacillus subtilis may decrease.
When used together with bacillus subtilis with sulfonamides, the therapeutic efficacy of bacillus subtilis may be reduced.
It is allowed to use Bacillus subtilis in conjunction with other medicines in consultation with the attending physician.

Among the microbes that are very widespread in nature is this bacterium. Hay stick was described in 1835. The microorganism received this name from the fact that it was originally isolated from overripe hay. In the laboratory, in a sealed container, hay was boiled in liquid, then insisted for two or three days. After that, a colony formed. Thus began a detailed study of this common bacterium.

The study

In science there is such a term - "model organism". When representatives of nature are selected for intensive study of processes, properties, for scientific experiments. A vivid example is the ciliate shoe, which is well known to us from biology lessons.

Hay stick is also a model organism. Thanks to her, the formation of spores in bacilli has been thoroughly studied. It is a model for understanding the mechanism of flagella in bacteria, and has played a role in molecular genetics research.

Scientists conducted experiments on the cultivation of Bacillus Subtilis in conditions close to weightlessness, studying the change in population genomes. These microorganisms are also used in impact studies. ultraviolet radiation space, adaptive abilities of living organisms to it. Using the example of hay bacillus, they study the possibility of bacteria living in conditions of other planets solar system(today more and more attention is paid to Mars).

Brief characteristics

Bacteria of hay bacillus have a straight and elongated shape, blunt rounded ends, usually colorless. The average diameter is 0.6 microns, and the length varies - 3-8 microns. With these parameters, a hay stick under a microscope can be perfectly examined and even photographed using modern technologies. The bacillus is motile due to its flagella. They grow on the surface of the cell, and this can be seen in the pictures.


Hay sticks are traditionally referred to. It then gets on the leaves of plants, on fruits and vegetables. At the same time, it is found in the dust of the air, in the aquatic environment. And it is even a segment of the intestinal microflora in both animals and humans. It develops at temperatures from +5 to +45 degrees Celsius (optimally - around 30).

Hay stick. reproduction

Like other bacteria, it reproduces by simple cell division (longitudinal). New organisms formed as a result of such a division in half, often remain connected to each other by a thread. Such connections are easily distinguishable in photographs.

Bacillus subtilis is classified as a spore-forming microorganism. This allows you to survive in the event of an attack. adverse conditions for life. The sporulation of bacilli begins as follows: the contents of the cell acquire a granular structure. Some of the grains, more often in the central part, begins to grow, become covered with a hard shell. At the same time, the shell of the original cell is destroyed. The final process ends with the extrusion of a characteristic spore into the external environment. Any of the cells after division retains its ability to form spores, most of which are round or oval. They are quite resistant to external factors and temperature increase - for example, they withstand heating over 100 degrees Celsius. It is characteristic that a bacterium that has developed from a spore is immobile, and the ability to move appears only in subsequent generations of the microorganism.

How hay stick eats

This bacterium is classified as a saprophyte, it feeds on dead organic matter. Being a heterotroph, the hay bacillus cannot synthesize the substances necessary for its nutrition from inorganic matter. Therefore, it uses organic matter that was produced by other organisms. From it, it extracts the carbon necessary for energy exchange.

In nutrition, the main source is polysaccharides of plant (starch) and animal (glycogen) origin. The process produces amino acids, vitamins, various enzymes and antibiotics through synthesis.

Interaction with other microorganisms

This bacillus is able to suppress the development of opportunistic and pathogenic microbes: salmonella and streptococcus, staphylococcus and other "pests". For example, many generations of predators have developed a reflex to eat certain types of plants. And this method not only gives the body vitamins, but contributes to the fact that spores of Bacillus Subtilis get there, which can destroy pathogenic varieties microflora, while increasing immunity.

And this bacillus can serve as food for protozoa. For example, the beginning of the food chain may look like this: hay stick - infusoria-shoe - certain kind shellfish - fish - man.


By various classifications this bacillus is not pathogenic for both humans and animals. It is involved in the process of digestion of food, breaks down proteins with carbohydrates, fights intestinal pathogens, skin mammals. The researchers found that among the bacteria that are, for example, in the wounds of people, there is always a hay bacillus. It produces enzymes that destroy dead tissue, as well as antibiotics that inhibit pathogenic microflora, render light impact as an antiallergic drug. Proven by science: this bacterium also suppresses the development of infectious agents during surgical interventions.

But, by the way, the negative effect of this bacillus is also noted: it can cause an allergy, expressed in a rash on the body; sometimes causes food poisoning after eating food spoiled by the vital activity of this microorganism; can cause severe eye infection person.

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