Purulent surgical infection in cats and dogs. Bacteremia and septicemia in dogs and cats

In nature, there are many bacteria that are found in many body systems. Only a few of them show pathogenic influence. Normally, getting into the blood, the harmful effects of pathogens are neutralized by protective blood cells and do not manifest any infections. However, it often happens that too many of these pathogenic bacteria enter the bloodstream and the defense is unable to cope with them.

As a result of the multiple influx of pathogens, the protective properties of the body are reduced, and sepsis develops.

Sepsis is an inflammatory reaction.

In fact, speaking, sepsis is the body's response to the incessant intake of toxins and pathogenic bacteria into the blood.

Causes and symptoms

The cause of sepsis is the presence inflammatory focus in various body systems: in the lungs, digestive system, genital, urinary. Additional factors:

  • bacteremia in the digestive system;
  • purulent inflammatory process sternum - pyothorax;
  • endocarditis;
  • biting or lacerations;
  • osteomyelitis;

Diseases of the internal organs are the cause of sepsis.


This pathology can also develop as a complication after surgical operations in areas affected by purulent inflammation.

After surgical intervention complications may arise.

Often a minor wound on a dog's body can result in serious consequences. Developing rapidly and short time affects nearby tissues and organs. Against this background, diseases such as meningitis, pericarditis occur.

Signs of sepsis

The first sign of developing sepsis is hyperthermia of the animal's body.

  1. As a result of this fact dog stops eating loses interest in the environment.
  2. Decreased activity - manifested apathy, depression, severe weakness.
  3. The dog is looking for a hiding place not given to the owner.
  4. The pet is feverish , pi palpation palpable rapid pulse. Periodically, the filling of the pulse weakens.
  5. In some cases it develops jaundice, diarrhea, progressive emaciation .
  6. Wherein the wound looks dry , possibly with plaque and surface necrosis.
  7. As the disease progresses the dog's body temperature drops .
  8. Observed anemic mucous membranes, difficulty breathing .
  9. Often the animal comes septic shock .

Loss of appetite is one of the signs of sepsis.


Diagnosis consists of a physical examination.

  • Blood samples are examined for the presence of bacteria in it. This analysis is carried out by bacteriological culture which will take several days.
  • Implemented laboratory research blood in the form of a general and biochemical analysis, which will help detect or rule out neutrophilia or thrombocytopenia.
  • Among other things, in this way it is established albumin level, bilirubin and .
  • Implemented ultrasound procedure peritoneum, radiography chest, which allows you to determine the source of primary infection.

For diagnosis, blood is examined.


As soon as there is the slightest suspicion of sepsis, the animal should be treated immediately. Infection develops rapidly, and any delay can lead to the death of a pet.

First of all, apply infusion therapy . Intravenous infusion of drugs to eliminate intoxication. But medications are also prescribed to keep the heart working.

  1. Shown for use strong antibiotics and antimicrobials.
  2. Next, you should identify and eliminate the source of inflammation. It is recommended that the affected organ be subjected to full or partial removal, depending on the degree of injury. With any degree of sepsis, the prognosis is cautious.
  3. Recommended drugs: streptomycin, tetracycline, bicillin-3, bicillin-5, semi-synthetic penicillin .
  4. Sulfanilamide therapy is shown in combination with vitamin therapy, pathogenetic.
  5. For elimination pain syndrome- Painkillers, antispasmodics.
  6. At the time of treatment and during the rehabilitation period, the animal must be completely isolated and ensure complete rest.
  7. Eat light, nutritious food. For intravenous administration, it is indicated to prescribe: novocaine solution - 25% at a dose of up to 0.5 ml per kilogram of animal body weight, use with it gentamicin- up to ten milliliters.
  8. Against arousal central system can be used intravenously sodium bromide solution .
  9. Against acidosis sodium bicarbonate solution . To normalize work vascular systemcalcium chloride .
  10. To nourish the heart muscle and brain cells - glucose drip and ascorbic acid .
  11. Against intoxication - urotropine solution with caffeine . Antihistamines are also recommended diphenhydramine .

A balanced diet is one of the points of disease prevention.

  • Prevent the development of a purulent process, and, if it occurs purulent inflammation– stop the process in a timely and competent manner.
  • The pet's diet must be completely balanced and saturated with all useful substances- vitamins, micro and macro elements.
  • The dog should be kept in accordance with the established standards of asepsis and antisepsis, sanitary and hygienic standards.
  • Avoid dangerous walks and situations associated with injuries.

Video about soft tissue surgery in dogs

Puppy Death Syndrome (Puppy Septicemia)
The disease affects newborn puppies between the ages of 4 and 40 days.
Causes of the disease
1) mother's milk infected with streptococci
2) diseases of the navel An inflamed navel looks red, swollen, and may fester. Since the vessels of the navel are connected to the liver, this condition is real threat puppy health and life

- He may develop sepsis.
The navel needs to be processed hydrogen peroxide, fucorcin and antibiotic ointment, hyoxysone ointment, curiosin (has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects).

Place of localization- gastrointestinal tract
- the puppy is screaming
Weakness, inability to suckle milk
- swollen and tense abdomen, which swells even more and becomes hard as a board. The color of the skin of the abdomen acquires a dark red or bluish tint, which indicates the onset of the development of peritonitis.
- chills
- Loss of appetite resulting in weight loss
- dehydration.
- there may be seizures caused by toxins

Without a timely measures taken the disease ends in the death of puppies.

- take puppies from their mother
- smecta or imodium AD (to eliminate diarrhea and intestinal problems), add a few drops to diluted bitch milk
- antibiotics (Amoxicillin and clavomox, convenient because they can be stored for a long time, and they are easy to give with a regular pipette or syringe without a needle. Having a long shelf life, they become active only when water is added. Antibiotics must be added to milk (should not be used without consultation with a doctor)
- fight against dehydration (Ringer-Locke solution is used, mixed in half with a 5% glucose solution. The dose is 1.8 ml per 100 g of body weight per hour. Drink the solution from a bottle, from a syringe or from a pipette. It is more effective to inject this mixture subcutaneously into the withers, pulling the skin, we introduce a syringe and pour in the solution, a bubble is obtained, which gradually resolves.Alternate the sides of the injection of the drug so that infiltrates do not form. little puppy(150 g) it is necessary to inject 5-8 ml of the solution twice a day, usually for a couple of days. It is important that the skin acquires turgor, that is, when pulled back, it returns to its original state and does not resemble parchment paper, but is thick and elastic.
- At the same time, the puppy is warmed up - wrap it with warm bags of rice or beans (for this, put a bag of 800 g of rice or beans in the microwave for 3 minutes, then shake it so that the heat is evenly distributed, the heating pad for the puppy is ready)
watch the heat in the box where the puppy is located, if the baby has a slightly open mouth, it means he is hot, he should be able to crawl to the side in case of overheating.

The figure shows a heating pad (made in England), which is heated in the microwave for 5 minutes, does not contain liquid and keeps heat up to 12 hours.

Artificial feeding with mother milk substitutes Beaphar Puppy Milk,Royal Caninbabydog milk, Happy Dog Baby Milk(The number and frequency of feedings must be correctly calculated. A puppy weighing 150 g should be given 8 mg of milk 4 times a day. Dilute the milk, strictly following the instructions on the package.
Feeding is done with a catheter and a 20cc syringe (no needle).

Bacteremia and septicemia occur when the presence of bacterial organisms in the bloodstream becomes systemic (bacteria spread throughout the body). This condition is also called blood poisoning and septic fever. With a strong drop blood pressure and an increase in body temperature, blood poisoning can lead to lethal outcome. AT severe cases(septic shock) treatment alone is not enough to save the animal.

Symptoms and types

There are several symptoms of septicemia and bacteremia in dogs. It must be remembered that septicemia and bacteremia - various diseases , although they are similar and often confused.

Sepsis and bacteremia in dogs may come on slowly or suddenly

Symptoms may vary or include various systems body (including cardiovascular)

Symptoms are often confused with those of many other immune diseases.

Clinical symptoms are more severe in the presence of Gram-negative organisms. These types of organisms cause diseases most often

Usually, the symptoms primarily affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Primary physical signs usually include chills, fever, and lethargy

Animal is depressed

Often there are symptoms such as tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) and heart murmurs

The reasons

Common causes of sepsis and bacteremia in dogs are gram-negative organisms or bacteria, disease-causing from their hosts (for example, E. coli). Risk factors include pre-existing diseases such as diabetes mellitus, kidney or heart failure. Dogs with a weakened immune system are in a vulnerable position, skin infections or diseases urinary tract. Any disease that weakens immune system, puts the dog in the risk zone.


The veterinarian will take a biochemical blood test, urinalysis and will also calculate blood cells. Before making a diagnosis, the doctor will try to establish other possible reasons ailments, such as immune-mediated diseases that cause similar symptoms (such as thyroiditis or lupus).

Abscesses of internal organs can be detected using x-ray.


Successful treatment includes fast diagnostics diseases and timely medical care. With sepsis and bacteremia, time plays essential role. The most common complication of the disease is low blood pressure. Other complications include reduced level blood sugar and electrolyte imbalance. Often infections develop. Abscesses usually occur in the area infected wound, under the skin.

Extra food can significantly improve the health status of patients with sepsis and bacteremia. If your dog is unable to feed on its own, it will need intravenous nutrition until it stabilizes. Drugs that can significantly improve treatment outcomes include antibiotics, antimicrobials, and special antibiotics, designed specifically for this type of infection (unlike conventional antibiotics).


For sepsis and bacteremia complications often occur. The death rate is high. greatest danger represent electrolyte imbalance, low blood pressure, and shock. If you suspect your dog is suffering from an infection, seek immediate medical attention.

Against the background of generalization of local purulent, putrefactive and anaerobic infections, a general infectious-toxic process called sepsis may develop. With this disease, the dog's immunity is sharply reduced, neurohumoral regulation, trophism of all types of metabolism and the functioning of vital organs are disrupted. There is hypersensitivity to infections.

Treatment of sepsis is primarily aimed at suppressing the microorganisms that affected the animal, restoring neurohumoral regulation and detoxification. It should be comprehensive, early and intense. As intravenous injections recommended 0.25% solution of novocaine at a dose of 0.25-0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight of the animal in conjunction with 5-10 ml of gentamicin per 100 ml of novocaine. Semi-synthetic penicillin is also used a wide range actions. In order to remove the overstimulation of the central nervous system, intravenously administered 5-10 ml of 10% sodium bromide solution.

In most cases, sepsis cannot be cured without a compatible blood transfusion.

To reduce acidosis, a 4% sodium bicarbonate solution should be administered intramuscularly to the dog. In order to remove potassium, normalize the condition cell membranes and reduce vascular permeability, 5-10 ml of 10% calcium chloride. Also, as a food for the heart muscle and brain, the dog is given a dropper with 50-100 ml of 20% glucose with a dose of ascorbic acid. Toxins are removed by intravenous injection of 3-4 ml of a 40% solution of urotropine with a dose of caffeine.

With sepsis, antihistamines are indicated, for example, 0.5 tablets of Diphenhydramine 1-2 times a day. Intravenous administration of a 30% sodium thiosulfate solution at a dose of 3-5 ml helps to reduce sensitization. It also makes sense to introduce 20-40 ml of Kadykov's or Plakhotin's camphor serum.

It is best to feed dogs during the treatment period with easily digestible, vitamin-rich food.

If the fortification of food is insufficient, multivitamins are administered intramuscularly according to the course prescribed by the veterinarian. In general, it is worth noting that the treatment of sepsis cannot be carried out independently. A dog with this disease needs the help of a veterinarian and his control.

Fluctuating phlegmons operate and treat their cavities in the same way.

Sepsis- an intractable infectious-toxic process, accompanied by deep neuro-dystrophic shifts and sharp deterioration all body functions resulting from intoxication and generalization of the pathogen from the primary infectious focus.

So far, sepsis cannot be considered a fully studied disease, especially in productive animals. In this regard, there are no common views on the etiology, pathogenesis of sepsis and treatment in farm animals. It has been established that sepsis is a very severe acute, subacute and even fulminant infectious-toxic disease of animals. With appropriate and timely treatment of local surgical infection, sepsis is relatively rare form its generalization.

Etiology. The specific causative agent of sepsis has not been identified. With sepsis, hemolytic, anaerobic, non-hemolytic streptococci, aureus and other staphylococci, Escherichia coli, gas gangrene bacilli and some other microbes are found. Until recently important symptom sepsis was considered bacteremia. However, it has been established that it can also be observed in local purulent processes, but does not cause sepsis, while at the same time, with severe sepsis, bacteremia is often absent. This gave grounds to a number of modern authors to consider sepsis as a toxic general infectious disease. The fact is that the microbes that have entered the blood partly die under the influence of its bactericidal action, the remaining ones are introduced into various organs. With pronounced general immunity, phagocytic activity physiological system connective tissue these microbes are destroyed, and with a reduced protective reaction and sensitization of the body, they "settle" in the organs and cause the development of metastatic abscesses. From these abscesses, microbes periodically enter the bloodstream. The detection of the same microbe in the blood in a number of studies confirms the presence of sepsis, while negative results do not give grounds for its exclusion.

The development of sepsis is facilitated by conditions that worsen the reactivity of the macroorganism, reduce resistance and cause its sensitization. Basic external cause sepsis is an extremely virulent microbial factor that causes sepsis in the body. The latter is most often preceded by a local septic focus in the form of an abscess, carbuncle, phlegmon, random and gunshot wounds soft tissues, osteomyelitis, purulent arthritis, pleurisy, pneumonia, peritonitis, purulent and putrefactive metritis, etc. There have been cases of sepsis after abdominal and other surgical operations without strict observance of asepsis and antisepsis, due to inept obstetric care, as well as as a result of a violation postoperative medical procedures conditions for the care and maintenance of animals.

Sometimes sepsis can occur unexpectedly, without clinical detection local infectious focus. Such sepsis is called cryptogenic. It, as a rule, is the result of an outbreak of a dormant infection (a carious tooth, healed wounds, an accustomed wounding object, etc.). Thus, for the occurrence of sepsis, the presence of an acute primary septic focus is not necessary, but penetration into the animal's body through the skin or mucous membranes is absolutely necessary. pathogenic microbes. However, the state of the animal's organism turns out to be decisive in its occurrence or non-emergence. Overheating, hypothermia, exhaustion of the body, a decrease in its immunobiological reactions, the activity of the physiological system of the connective tissue, the antitoxic function of the liver, pain and other overstimulation of the vegetative centers and cortical structure serve as a favorable background for the onset of sepsis.

The development of sepsis is not directly dependent on the degree of tissue damage and the severity of the primary septic process. The primary septic focus and the virulence of microbes play mainly the role of a trigger. Along with primary focus in the body, then several secondary foci are formed in the form of metastases, or the entire body turns into a common septic focus. That is why, if with purulent-resorptive fever, careful surgical treatment of the primary septic focus leads to improvement and subsequent recovery, with sepsis, even complete prompt removal primary septic focus from the body does not improve its course. It should be taken into account that the severity of the local septic focus aggravates the septic process and, conversely, the septic process enhances the course of the local septic focus, therefore, in case of sepsis, it is advisable to use not only general, but also local treatment that suppresses the activity of the microbial factor in the septic focus and improves blood and lymph circulation. , drainage.

Pathogenesis. According to A.D. Speransky and A.V. Vishnevsky, sepsis is a complex neurodystrophic complex, primarily arising as a result of the strongest bacterial-toxic irritations of the nervous system from the primary and subsequent septic foci. The primary neurodystrophic process under the influence of bacterial toxic factors of the septic focus is supported and enhanced by them, as a result of which the septic process deepens more and more. On the other hand, the neurodystrophic process contributes to the intensification of bacterial toxic effects and further development sepsis. Occurs in the body vicious circle pathological influence of the nervous system on the functions of the body and the reverse influence on it from the side of functional and morphological disorders that have arisen in organs and tissues. As a result, dystrophic, purulent-necrotic and other destructive processes progress.

Against the background of neuro-dystrophic disorders and intoxication of the body, there are sharp shifts in the interstitial metabolism; violated acid-base balance, decompensated acidosis develops. Significant changes occur in protein metabolism, hypoproteinemia occurs, characterized by an increase in coarse protein fractions with a simultaneous decrease in gamma globulins. Shift in carbohydrate metabolism causes depletion of liver glycogen. The vitamin balance is disturbed, the amount of all vitamins decreases sharply, especially thiamine and ascorbic acid. Their deficiency causes toxic beriberi, a violation of carbohydrate and water-mineral metabolism. This is manifested by dehydration processes in the body. Under the influence of the loss of glycogen and ascorbic acid, the antitoxic function of the liver is sharply reduced. Morphological changes occur in it, leading to atrophy and degeneration of its parenchyma. A decrease in the antitoxic function of the liver adversely affects the condition of the kidneys. The latter have to excrete microbes and their toxins in the urine in much larger quantities, which adversely affect the kidneys. In this regard, allergic and degenerative changes, their concentration function sharply decreases, the density of urine becomes below normal. As a result of toxic disorders of the hematopoietic apparatus, progressive hypochromic or hyporegenerative anemia is observed.

The toxic effect on the heart muscle and peripheral vessels significantly worsens hemodynamics. Due to increased vascular permeability, peripheral blood circulation is greatly upset. This results in a drop in blood pressure. At the same time, the secretory and motor function gastrointestinal tract, excretory function of the pancreas and salivary glands. Digestion worsens, putrefactive processes develop in the intestines.

Under the influence of protein degradation products and especially foreign protein resulting from mass death microbes in the blood and the reticuloendothelial system, sensitization of the body occurs. In the organs of the animal, capillary permeability increases, edema and foci develop serous inflammation and necrosis; there is a fibrinoid swelling of the walls of blood vessels, arteries and veins are obturated by blood clots. Along with this, septic, more often capillary, bleeding occurs sporadically. There are trophic disorders in the skin, muscles and internal organs. Clinically, this manifests itself in the form of bedsores, muscle atrophy and functional disorders. parenchymal organs.

By the nature of the pathogen, streptococcal, staphylococcal, anaerobic and mixed sepsis are distinguished. According to the etiological basis, sepsis is divided into wound; inflammatory, or purulent-necrotic; postoperative; gynecological and cryptogenic. According to the localization of the primary septic focus, it can be odontogenic (with dental disease), myogenic, arthrogenic, ungular (hoofed), postpartum, etc. Most authors distinguish surgical sepsis. It includes the listed types of sepsis, as it develops as a result of generalization of a local surgical infection with injuries, burns, frostbite, etc. At the same time, the complex of its treatment necessarily includes surgical treatment of septic foci. Even N. I. Pirogov subdivided surgical sepsis into pemia, or bacterial form sepsis, in which there are microbes in the blood, and metastatic ulcers in organs and tissues; septicemia, or putrefaction, i.e. infectious- toxic form sepsis, where intoxication of microbial and tissue origin is of paramount importance, iseptic-pyemia (purulent-rotten blood), i.e., a mixed form of sepsis, in which, along with the formation of metastases, intoxication of the body is pronounced.

For convenience and greater terminological clarity, most modern clinicians refer to pyemia as common. purulent infection with metastases, and septicemia - a common purulent (anaerobic) infection without metastases. Both forms of sepsis can be fulminant, acute and subacute.

Some authors distinguish between chronic sepsis. In essence, this is a purulent-resorptive fever with more or less pronounced signs of wound or traumatic exhaustion. Fulminant sepsis lasts from several hours to 2-3 days with symptoms of pronounced intoxication and usually ends in death; acute sepsis lasts 2-4 weeks, and subacute - 6-12 weeks. The outcomes of the last two forms depend on the severity of the process and the timely application of complex treatment.

Treatment for sepsis. To date, not fully developed effective methods treatment for sepsis. However, therapy should be early, complex, aimed at suppressing the microbial factor, neutralizing and removing toxins from the body, and normalizing all functional disorders. A sick animal is isolated, kept in a spacious, well-ventilated, warm, draft-free room, often replaced with a soft, warm, well-draining bedding.

The complex of antiseptic therapy includes the following general and local measures.

1. Mobilization defensive forces body, improving nutrition and reducing acidosis. For this purpose, the animal is provided with easily digestible fortified, alkalizing food: germinated oats, bran mash with the addition of drinking soda(large animals up to 30-40 g), carrots and other vegetables containing vitamins.

With severe purulent-resorptive fever, and especially with sepsis, toxic, and often alimentary beriberi, develops. As a result, immunogenesis and antitoxic function of the liver are weakened, phagocytic activity worsens. Resistance to infection decreases especially sharply with a deficiency of retinol, since the epithelium loses its barrier properties, and the microbial factor penetrates through it into internal environment organism.

Vitamin therapy allows you to eliminate the noted violations and increase regenerative processes, improve the function of organs and systems. Therefore, in addition to vitamins supplied with feed, it is necessary to parenterally administer vitamins in a triple dose: retinol, ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin.

The effectiveness of ascorbic and folic acid, as well as cyanocobalamin increases when combined with pentoxyl, methyluracil or prodigiosan. At the same time, leukopoiesis, phagocytosis, restorative and regenerative processes are stimulated, the synthesis of antibodies is accelerated and the overall resistance is rather increased.

Metabolic and alimentary acidosis is eliminated by exclusion from the diet of silage and other acidic feed, infusion of bicarbonate or trisamine (THAM).

To relieve cellular hypokalemia, pronounced in purulent-resorptive fever, purulent process, and especially in sepsis, a 1-5% solution of potassium chloride is administered intravenously at a dose of 20-30 meq / l per 500 ml of infusion fluid.

The lack of sodium is compensated by the introduction of 10% sodium chloride at a dose of 1.5-2 meq / l per 1 kg of animal weight per day (A. P. Kolosov, V. I. Nemchenko).

2. Increasing the reactivity of the body; activation defensive reactions, immunological processes, hematopoietic organs, detoxification and improvement of the function of parenchymal organs. This can be achieved by the following curative measures. At the beginning of the septic process, it is advisable to transfuse intravenously compatible blood preserved with a 10% solution of calcium chloride 1:10 or a 10% solution of sodium salicylate 2:10 (large animals 1000-2000 ml, small animals 50-100 ml). To avoid re-irritation of sensitized angioreceptors nerve centers and the development of colloidoclasic shock, it is better to transfuse with a drip or slow jet method, with the obligatory addition to 1000-2000 ml of canned blood, respectively, 1.25-2.5 ml of novocaine or administration 15-20 minutes before blood transfusion into a vein 0.25% - novocaine solution at the rate of 0.25 ml / kg. Blood transfusion should be done every other day.

Under the influence of systematic blood transfusion, the reactivity of the organism increases, immunobiological processes and the function of hematopoietic organs are activated, and intoxication decreases. In the phase of severe decompensation of cardio-vascular system blood transfusion, especially jet, can enhance the phenomena of decompensation of parenchymal organs and blockade of reticuloendothelial tissue. In such cases, only drip transfusion of compatible citrate-novocaineated blood is possible in half the doses indicated above.

In case of nitrogen deficiency, to replenish the body with proteins, stimulate immunogenesis, erythropoiesis and reduce intoxication, protein hydrolysates or amino acid solutions are included in infusion fluids. They come out fairly quickly. bloodstream into tissues and are utilized by them to a greater extent than whole proteins. Deserve the use of hydrolysin (L-103) and an aminopeptide made from bovine blood proteins, as well as casein hydrolyzate COLIPC, prepared from milk protein. Protein hydrolysates are poured dropwise at a rate of not more than 60-70 drops per 1 minute. With an increase in the rate of administration, there may be adverse reactions worsening the patient's condition. The selected hydrolyzate is transfused daily for several days to small animals in the amount of 150-200 ml, to large animals - 2000-3000 ml and more.

Products of partial hydrolysis (polyglucin and rheopolyglucin) are recommended as plasma-replacing detoxification solutions; they are administered intravenously at a rate of 80-90 drops per 1 min: 3000-4000 ml for large animals, 100-400 ml for small animals daily or every other day.

It is advisable to administer 33% intravenously ethanol on the isotonic solution sodium chloride every other day. The therapeutic effect of intravenous injections of alcohol is due to the bactericidal action and the stimulating effect on the reactive processes of the body. However, prolonged use of alcohol can cause re-irritation of the reticuloendothelial tissue and adversely affect the functional state of the liver.

3. Measures to eliminate dehydration are reduced to the introduction of infusion fluids, including blood, plasma substitutes, as well as providing the animal with fresh water ad libitum. The amount of fluid administered during the day should be adjusted with the amount of excreted urine, pus, sweat and liquid feces. If the excretory function of the kidneys is not impaired, the calculation of the total volume of infusion fluid is 30-40 ml per 1 kg of animal weight per day. For large animals weighing 400 kg, the daily fluid infusion will be approximately 15-16 liters.

4. The removal of the parabiotic state of the nervous system and the normalization of trophism are carried out using the means and methods of protective therapy. To do this, make novocaine blocks of sympathetic ganglia and nerve plexuses(cranial, middle cervical, stellate, sympathetic ganglia), epipleural block according to V. V. Mosin, 0.25% solution of novocaine is administered intravenously at the rate of 0.5 ml / kg with antibiotics. In order to influence the septic foci of the head, abdominal and pelvic cavities, urinary organs and pelvic limbs, intracarotid injections of the mentioned solutions are used. To remove the overexcitation of the nerve centers, it is advisable to intravenously inject a 10% solution of sodium bromide (large animals 100-150 ml) daily for three days, and then, depending on clinical condition and taking into account the possibility of the appearance of bromism.

5. Suppression of infection in the body is advisable to carry out according to the following method. An animal suffering from sepsis is administered intravenously at the beginning of treatment. higher doses benzylpenicillin sodium salt 2500-3000 U / kg in a 0.25-0.5% solution of novocaine or morphocycline at a dose of 0.002 g / kg in 10-20 ml of a 5% glucose solution. Before administration, it is advisable to determine the sensitivity of isolated microorganisms to antibiotics.

An hour after the intravenous administration of the antibiotic, semi-synthetic penicillins (oxacillin, methicillin, etc.) or monomycin and others are injected intramuscularly, taking into account the sensitivity of microbes.

For a more successful suppression of microbes, it is advisable to combine antibiotic therapy with intravenous slow administration of soluble sulfonamides (5-10% norsulfazole solution, 10-20% etazol solution). It is advisable to give inside sulfadimethoxine and especially sulfalene, which are easily absorbed and provide a long-term high therapeutic concentration in the blood and tissues.

Sufficiently pronounced antimicrobial and antitoxic effect, improving cardiovascular function, has "camphor serum" according to I. I. Kadykov (Camphorae tritae 4.0; Glucosi 60.0; Spiritus aethylici 300.0; Sol. Natrii chloridi 0.8% - 700.0). Enter intravenously large animals 200-300 ml 2-3 times a day, small animals - 20-30 ml. We recommend another version of the "camphor serum", which has more universal action on the body of a sick animal, large animals intravenously 500-1000 ml, small animals - 20-50 ml 1 time per day. It is advisable to combine the use of this "camphor serum" with a triple dose of ascorbic acid (large animals 6-8 g per day).

3. Replenishment of energy deficiency, protection of the liver barrier and restoration of the antitoxic function of the liver can be achieved by intravenous infusion of 20% glucose (large animals 1000-2000 ml, small animals 50-100 ml) better mixed with ascorbic acid (large animals 2- 4, small - 0.06-0.15 g). Infusions should be carried out systematically, at first daily, and then every other day, until improvement general condition. However, it must be borne in mind that the acid reaction hypertonic solutions glucose increases with their concentration, as well as the duration and temperature during sterilization.

Under equal conditions injection solutions 20% glucose have a pH of about 6.0, and 40% - 5.4. Intravenous administration of large amounts of its hypertonic solutions increases the acidotic state and increases the risk of phlebitis, helps to reduce the albumin-globulin coefficient, inhibition of albumin synthesis and the occurrence of dysproteinemia (an indicator of deterioration in the functional state of the liver). Given the above, it is more appropriate to use a 20% glucose solution, and when large doses and repeated use, insulin should be additionally injected into a vein or under the skin (A. P. Kolesov and V. I. Nemchenko, 1976): horses 100-200 IU, large cattle 150-300, small animals 5-20 units.

4. Neutralization and removal of toxins from the body. The above-mentioned vitamin therapy, blood transfusion, intravenous administration hydrolysates, polyglucin, rheopolyglucin and "camphor serum" to a certain extent reduce intoxication. In addition to them, you can intravenously inject a 40% solution of hexamethylenetetramine (urotropine) in combination with caffeine (large animals of the first 15-20 g, the second 2-3 g, small animals, respectively, 0.3-2 ml and 0.2-0.3 G). Caffeine, while improving cortical and cardiac functions, is a gentle diuretic.

Hemodez deserves great attention. Being an active adsorbent, it easily enters into complex compounds with toxins of endo- and exogenous origin. Its detoxification effect appears 10-15 minutes after intravenous drip (20-80 drops per 1 minute). The drug has diuretic action. Hemodez is used once a day for 2-3 days (large animals are injected with 1000-2000 ml, small animals - 50-150 ml); then, if necessary, treatment is continued.

3. Decreased sensitization, vascular permeability, cell membranes and normalization of the ratio of K and Ca. For this purpose, it is recommended to administer a 30% solution of sodium thiosulfate intravenously (50 ml for large animals, 3-5 ml for small animals). It is advisable to combine with the use of vitamin C. To normalize the ratio of K and Ca, a 10% solution of calcium chloride is administered intravenously (large animals 100-150 ml, small animals - 10-15 ml). In order to reduce the adverse effects of histamine, diphenhydramine is injected under the skin (0.2-0.5 g for large animals, 0.02-0.04 g for small animals); inside - respectively 0.2-1.0 and 0.04-0.08 g. Other antihistamines are also used.

4. Symptomatic treatment is reduced to the application of appropriate medications aimed at improving the functional state of the organ involved in the process.

5. Local treatment septic focus should be pursued by the creation favorable conditions for the free removal and prevention of resorption of tissue decay products (drainage, counter-opening, the use of osmotherapy, proteolytic enzymes); excised dead tissue; locally apply antimicrobial agents; make short novocaine-antibiotic blockades.

Prevention of sepsis. Early, fully performed surgical treatment of wounds and timely treatment closed purulent, putrefactive and anaerobic foci.

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