Phytolax for constipation in the form of chewable tablets: composition, description and price in the Russian Federation. for pregnant women and during lactation. Conditions and terms of storage of Phytolax

Phytolax is a food supplement consisting only of natural ingredients. She is capable of as soon as possible improve bowel function and eliminate constipation. Phytolax has a fruity taste that children love, so they drink it without being capricious.

Phytolax constipation remedy is available in the form of chewable tablets and bars, and is also contained in filter bags for making tea.

Phytolax tablets have Brown color are located on one blister. They and tea bags are supplied in cardboard boxes in the amount of 20 pieces, instructions are attached to them. Bars are packaged in 50 grams.

Any of the forms of release of Phytolax can help the intestines and naturally normalize its work by eliminating constipation.

Phytolax is not a medicine

Composition and action of the drug

The product contains only natural ingredients:

  • senna leaves are good for common constipation and atony of the large intestine. They contain anthraglycosides, which, once in the gastrointestinal tract, break down and stimulate the receptors of its mucous membrane, thereby helping to eliminate constipation;
  • apricot pulp contains vitamins, minerals and fiber. These substances simultaneously relax and strengthen the intestines. And the potassium contained in the fruit is able to restore the reserves of this substance in the body, which were lost during cleansing after constipation;
  • dill improves the functioning of the digestive glands. It has carminative and antispasmodic properties that can help with constipation;
  • plantain has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect on the diseased organ. It is also able to increase the acidity of the juice contained in the stomach, which helps to eliminate constipation.

The composition of Phytolax in the bar is supplemented with the following components:

  • beets, which contain fiber. Due to its properties, it improves intestinal motility, and in its last section it nourishes beneficial bacteria, which cleanse the body of food debris and thus prevent constipation;
  • prunes. It contains a lot of ballast substances that improve the activity of the digestive tract and help get rid of constipation. This fruit is known for its antibacterial properties.

The complex action of all of the above ingredients of the Phytolax constipation remedy is able to soften the stool at one time, and with subsequent doses, completely improve bowel activity.

Phytolax can not be used often, so as not to be addictive.

How to use the remedy correctly?

Treatment for constipation should not last more than 14 days. The dose of Phytolax is prescribed depending on the type of remedy.


Its tablet form can be taken by adults and children who have crossed the 12th milestone, two pills with food during dinner. If necessary, the dosage of Phytolax for adults can be increased to 4 pieces.


They can only be used by the older generation, but they should not exceed daily dose sweet medicine in the amount of two pieces. The course of admission is a week.

tea bags

Brewed with boiling water. To prepare one filter-package of Phytolax, you need to take 200 ml of liquid and pour it. Let it brew, and then drink it all. This product can only be used by adults. single dose at the beginning of the disease, you can increase to two glasses. Phytolax in the form of tea is used for constipation twice a day.


The main argument in refusing this remedy is individual sensitivity to its components. It is strictly forbidden to drink Phytolax for pregnant women.

It can cause miscarriage or premature birth. This is due to the presence of senna, which can cause uncontrollable spasms, similar to labor pains.

For the same reason, Fitolax should not be taken during lactation. Since this herb can cause intestinal colic ov, then the product should not be used by children under 12 years of age.

Any form of release of Phytolax is able to support and restore intestinal function, whether it be chewable tablets or bars. Phytolax can be purchased at online pharmacies at affordable price.

When studying several pharmaceutical online stores, it is possible to buy Phytolax at a substantial discount. In any case, it is worth buying for those who often suffer from constipation. Phytolax is able to quickly eliminate the causes of this phenomenon.

Biologically active additive Phytolax is a natural laxative.

Phytolax description

Phytolax is a dietary supplement, which is designed by its action to support bowel function.

Phytolax composition

The composition of the drug Phytolax includes exclusively herbal ingredients. Based on the content of the constituent components in one tablet of the drug contains:

  • 170 milligrams of dried apricot pulp;
  • 40 milligrams of hay leaf;
  • 7.5 milligrams of plantain leaf;
  • 100 milligrams of sena extract;
  • 7.5 milligrams of dill fruits;

Phytolax release form

The drug is produced in tablets of a convenient form of use, which are intended for resorption. Tablets are packed in blisters of twenty pieces each.

Storage conditions Phytolax

Blisters with tablets should be stored out of the reach of children, which in turn should be dry and cool.

Phytolax can be purchased at almost any pharmacy, where it is sold without a doctor's prescription, since it is a dietary supplement for food and it is not a drug.

Phytolax laxative effect

Each component of the drug is of plant origin and is capable of exerting its biological effects on the body:

  • Apricot contributes to the provision of a laxative and restorative effect. It has rich content fiber, vitamins and minerals, especially potassium. Therefore, when taking Phytolax, its loss, which usually accompanies laxatives, is not terrible.
  • Senna leaf (Alexandrian leaf) has long been known as a remedy for constipation and has been used to treat sluggish bowels. Anthraglycosides, which are contained in the plant, have a pronounced laxative effect and stimulate the large intestine.
  • Plantain is known for its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects, but it can also relax.
  • Dill fruits, like plantain, have properties similar to it in providing anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and laxative effects, and also increase the secretion of digestive glands.

The instructions for the drug contain information that it enhances peristalsis and, acting on the softening stool, helps the intestines to empty regularly. The result of Phytolax exposure manifests itself approximately seven or eight hours after ingestion.

Phytolax bar

Evalar offers a convenient and pleasant-tasting Phytolax bar for those who are prone to constipation, which contributes to a mild laxative effect.

The product consists exclusively of natural ingredients:

  • Three types of valuable dietary fiber;
  • Prunes;
  • beets;
  • Psyllium husks;
  • dill;
  • Does not contain any dye and artificial preservative;

Bars can only be consumed by adults no more than two pieces per day. Take no more than a week. If necessary, a periodic repetition of the course is allowed.

Phytolax indications

Phytolax is suitable for those who suffer from constipation and intestinal atony.

Phytolax contraindications

Having composition plant origin, the drug Fitolax is contraindicated only for those who have intolerance to its components. However, it is absolutely unacceptable to apply it even if the need arises for women preparing to become a mother, since possible increase uterine tone, which can be caused by the action of the drug, can serve as a threat of miscarriage or cause premature birth. During breastfeeding, a woman should also not take this drug.

Phytolax application

The course treatment with Fitolax consists of two weeks. Adult patients are prescribed one or two tablets at one time. You need to take them at night. In the event that the effect is not achieved, the dosage can be increased. It is allowed to take 4 tablets once.

Phytolax during pregnancy

According to the instructions for use with Fitolax, pregnant women are strictly prohibited from using it, as it can lead to premature birth or induce a miscarriage. Senna, which is part of the drug, is capable of delivering such problems. Its effectiveness in relaxing, which, by the way, for people suffering from constipation, can do a lot of harm to the expectant mother, causing an uncontrolled flow of muscle contractions similar to attempts.

Of course, it's great that the instructions from the manufacturer indicate reliable information about contraindications, since you can’t joke with this, especially during pregnancy. In general, a woman in a position is not allowed to focus on advertising and, with the slightest doubt, she should consult a doctor.

Phytolax for children

Oddly enough, but about the appointment of the drug for children, the instructions do not say anything. So you need to find out on your own. This is not difficult to do by carefully considering the composition of Phytolax. And if apricots and dill do not arouse suspicion, and plantain, although from the second year of life, is still acceptable, then senna leaves are a little alarming. And not in vain. Since the instructions for the medicinal product containing this component as the main one, prohibits its appointment for children under the age of twelve. And this means that the same can be said about Fitolax.

Phytolax for weight loss

Dietary supplement Phytolax is also able to help those who lose weight, because with its help you can clean your body. To use the drug for these purposes, it should be used for five days, but not more than a week, taking a tablet at dinner. In the morning Phytolax will have to demonstrate its effect.

Since the tablets are chewable, they do not need to be swallowed, but should be sucked or chewed. As stated by the manufacturer, they should have a fruity taste.

Side effects of Phytolax

No side effects were found, as indicated in the instructions for the use of the drug.

Phytolax analogues

Analogues of drugs are drugs that are similar in pharmacology and indications, however, each has its own active substance. There are such brothers and the drug Phytolax. Here is some of them:

In the event that the doctor advised the use of Fitolax, then you should not replace it with another drug on your own.

Phytolax price

The drug today can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. Its prices may vary slightly depending on delivery, storage and trade margins, however, the estimated price of the package chewable tablets(20 pieces) is no more than 150 rubles.

On constipation, many prefer to bashfully keep silent or speak in a whisper. But it is important to know that this disease must be fought without postponing this matter for long box. Frequent or chronic constipation requires mandatory treatment! For effective solution of this urgent problem, specialists from the leading Russian pharmaceutical company Evalar have developed a natural medicine "Fibralax" - analogue imported drugs at an affordable price.

From such delicate issue like constipation, no one is immune. Someone suffers from constipation regularly, for someone these cases are rare. This disease has become a truly serious problem in our time. According to medical statistics, half of the world's inhabitants experience problems with stools due to malnutrition.

Fibralax is the first domestic drug with unique composition based on the shells of the seeds of psyllium oval among the laxatives of plant origin * acts in several directions at once:

Gently relieves constipation
Restores bowel function
Relieves symptoms of hemorrhoids
Does not cause spasms or pain

The drug "Fibralax" used for acute or chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, anal fissures and in postoperative period with interventions in the anorectal region (in order to create a softer stool consistency).

Plantain oval - annual herbaceous plant, which grows in India, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan. The seeds of this plant have a flesh-pink hue with a purple stripe in the hilum.

How does the drug "Fibralax" work?

The fibers contained in the shell of psyllium oval seeds increase in volume due to the absorption of water and cause a reflex increase in intestinal motility, restoring it normal activity. The resulting mucus gel helps soften the stool and acts as a "lubricant" to facilitate bowel movements.

How to take "Fibralax"?

The novelty is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension, which must be taken orally. To do this, the contents of 1 sachet must be poured into a glass cold water, stir and drink immediately, then drink another glass of liquid. It is recommended to take the laxative "Fibralax" 1 sachet 1-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals.

The drug "Fibralax" can be applied long time because it is not addictive. Other benefits include:

Does not contain senna
Thanks to the convenient shape, the medicine sachets can be taken to work or on a trip.
Does not affect the ability to drive

Ask for "Fibralax" in pharmacies! The medicine is released without a prescription.

*According to DSM Group

For problems with defecation, violations of intestinal motility, doctors recommend tea, concentrate, bars or Phytolax tablets. These funds belong to biologically active additives (BAA), which makes them universal and practically safe. Learn from the instructions for use about the properties of the drug, the method of administration. Remember that self-medication is not worth it - it is risky for health.

Laxative Phytolax

natural remedies Phytolax Evalar are laxative nutritional supplements that relieve constipation and other problems with the functioning of the intestines. The effectiveness of the action is due to the presence in the composition active ingredients plant origin - apricots, senna, plantain. Usage different forms the release of the drug will help speed up the process of emptying the intestines.

Composition and form of release

There are four forms of release of food additives, differing in composition and purpose. Their characteristics:

Chewable tablets

liquid concentrate



Round dark gray tablets weighing 0.5 g, sweetish, smell of herbs and fruits

Tea with inclusions of vegetable raw materials

concentrated liquid

Bar covered with icing

Apricot Powder, Dill Extract, Senna Extract, Natural Strawberry Flavor, Fructose, Croscarmellose Sodium, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Calcium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, Psyllium Extract

Natural strawberry flavor, senna leaves, dry apricot pieces, chamomile flowers, tea leaf

Plum juice, fennel, senna and buckthorn extracts, plantain leaves

Prunes, natural strawberry flavor, wheat fiber, dill extract, beetroot powder, psyllium husk, confectionery glaze, protein concentrate whey


Blisters of 20 or 40 pcs.

Pack of 20 filter bags (2.1 g)

Bottle 50 or 100 ml

One bar 50 g, pack 12 pcs.

Pharmacological properties

The drugs are not a medicine, they are dietary supplements with a laxative effect. Natural products of the Fitolax line have the following effects:

  • strengthen the body;

    have an anti-inflammatory effect;

    increase glandular secretion gastrointestinal tract;

    relieve spasms;

    retain potassium, calcium;

    liquefy stool;

    enhance intestinal motility;

    stimulate colon receptors;

    saturate the body with vitamins, minerals;

    normalize the regularity of bowel movements.

Such effects are achieved by including phytocomponents in the composition, each of which has certain properties. Active components of a non-drug:

    Apricots are rich in vitamins ascorbic acid, minerals, fiber, have a strengthening, laxative effect. The fruits contain a lot of potassium, which prevents its deficiency. Due to the content of pectin and polysaccharides, hydrocolloids are formed in the intestines, which increases the absorption of essential components.

    Senna or Alexandrian leaf - helps with atony of the large intestine, constipation. The plant contains proteins and anthraglycosides that stimulate receptors digestive tract.

    Plantain is an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and laxative plant, gently envelops the gastrointestinal mucosa. Basic active ingredient aukubin glycoside.

    Dill - increases the secretion of the digestive glands, has a carminative, antispasmodic effect.

Indications for use

The instructions for use of Phytolax supplements indicate their indications for use. These include:

    problems with intestinal motility;

    atony of the colon;

    chronic constipation;

    periodic congestion in the intestines;

    the body's need for organic acids, bioflavonoids, macro and micronutrients, choline.

Method of application and dosage

Depending on the diagnosis of the patient, the form of release of the drug, the method of use and the course of treatment differ. The mode also depends on individual characteristics patient, type of dietary supplement used. All products of the Fitolax line are intended for oral (internal) use. It is undesirable to combine them with each other, so the effect will be too strong. Drink plenty of water during treatment to prevent dehydration.

Chewable tablets for constipation

For adolescents over 14 years of age and adults, Phytolax chewable tablets are intended. Doctors advise taking them two lozenges in the evening with meals. After chewing the tablets, you need to drink water. The laxative effect occurs after 8-12 hours. For chronic constipation, the dose can be increased to four tablets. The course of admission lasts 14 days, if necessary, it is repeated.

liquid concentrate

Before using the Phytolax liquid concentrate, the bottle with the product should be shaken well to remove possible sediment. The liquid dissolves in the amount of one teaspoon in half a glass of water. It is optimal to drink the mixture during dinner or the last meal before bedtime. If necessary, the dosage is increased to four tablespoons. The course of therapy lasts seven days.

Phytolax tea

Women often use Phytolax tea for weight loss as an independent remedy or in combination with diet, food restriction and sports. One filter bag is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 5-10 minutes. Adults are supposed to take a glass / day during meals, you can increase the dose to two glasses. The course of admission lasts up to two weeks, if necessary, repeated.

A more pleasant taste than all other preparations of the line has a Phytolax bar. Adults can eat 1-2 pieces / day for no more than seven days in a row. If necessary, the course can be continued after the permission of the doctor, or periodically repeated. In addition to the laxative effect, the bars have valuable nutritional properties.

special instructions

Phytolax refers to dietary supplements and contains only natural ingredients, therefore, the product is not a medicine and should not be used as self therapy. Sweet bars contain the prebiotic inulin, which helps to normalize the intestinal microflora and prevents constipation in a natural way. Patients with fructose intolerance should use with caution nutritional supplements. lasting impact resins in the composition of drugs can lead to dystrophy, disorders of the liver and metabolism.

Phytolax during pregnancy

During childbearing, Phytolax is prohibited, as it contains many herbal ingredients that have allergic properties. The use of this drug can lead to impaired fetal development. Phytolax at breastfeeding not recommended because its components penetrate into breast milk, can negatively affect the fragile body of the newborn.

Phytolax for children

The entire Fitolax line is prohibited for use by children and adolescents under the age of 14 years. Such a ban is associated with the presence of senna extract in the composition. He is very active laxative effect and can lead to intestinal colic, severe pain even in adults, in children, the effect can be even more tangible. Before taking dietary supplements, consult with pediatricians.

drug interaction

Doctors do not recommend combining Phytolax with other laxative medicines, especially those based on senna extract. This leads to a mutual increase in effectiveness and may result in the development of severe pain in the intestines. The combination of the product with other dietary supplements is also prohibited - at least two hours must pass between their doses. You can not combine the intake of dietary supplements with alcohol.

Side effects

Patients who have taken dietary supplements of the Phytolax line respond positively to their effect. Means are well tolerated, rarely cause adverse reactions. To common negative consequences dietary supplements include allergic reactions(edema, urticaria, redness of the skin and mucous membranes), diarrhea, loss of appetite and flatulence. About others side effects the instructions don't say.


Excess daily dose Phytolaxa or daily long-term use additives threaten to overdose. It is manifested by symptoms of bloating, pronounced diarrhea, painful spasms and colic. If they appear, you must immediately stop taking the drug, consult a doctor for an appointment. symptomatic therapy. With the development of allergies, take antihistamines.


Phytolax contains natural herbal ingredients, but this does not prevent them from having contraindications for taking. Prohibitions for the use of dietary supplements include:

Terms of sale and storage

Means of the Phytolax line do not require special conditions storage - temperature not higher than 25 degrees, protection from humidity. Shelf life - three years, dispensed without a prescription.


Completely identical means do not exist, Phytolax is unique in its composition. From analogues with a similar action, but different active substances, allocate:

    Phytoplus - contains herbal ingredients, has a laxative effect.

    Glycelax is a laxative in the form of suppositories.

    Guttalax - drops, tablets based on sodium picosulfate.

    Chitosan - for the breakdown of lipids.

    Duphalac is a syrup based on lactulose.

Phytolax price

You can buy Phytolax through pharmacies or online sites. The cost of a dietary supplement depends on the form of release, the volume of packaging. Approximate prices for funds.

violate the intestinal microflora, resulting in a failure in the digestion and assimilation of food. This state of the body can be caused by many factors: poor diet, nervous experiences, poisoning toxic substances etc.

The pharmaceutical market offers an abundance medical preparations which have a laxative effect on the intestines. In this list, Phytolax from constipation from Evalar is no exception. This article will be about him.

This phenomenon, which is characterized by systematic slow and difficult bowel movements, occurs two to three times a week, or is absent altogether for a long period.

With constipation, bowel movements occur only two to three times a week

Children and adults experience constipation differently.

Defecation in an adult is usually carried out about twice a week, and in childhood from one year to five years - appears three to four times a week. A child older than four years of age is emptied two to three times a week.

How to recognize the appearance of constipation, and what features should be expressed in this case?

So, difficult emptying includes the following symptoms:

  1. Formation of hard, dry stools.
  2. Strong tension during a trip to the toilet.
  3. Incomplete bowel defecation.
  4. Feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.
  5. Intense pain in the intestinal region.
  6. Nausea and urge to vomit.
  7. Specific odor from the mouth.
  8. Migraine.

The causes of stool disorder in adults are:

  1. Irrational nutrition.
  2. The predominance of dry writing; lack of fluid.
  3. Little mobility.
  4. Taking medications.
  5. Stress shocks.
  6. Leaking inflammation in the body.
  7. Improper circulation.
  8. Hormonal imbalance.
  9. Weakness and flabbiness of the muscles of the pelvic region.
  10. The appearance of neoplasms (cysts, polyps) in the intestine.
  11. Hemorrhoid seals.
  12. Anal fissures.
  13. Poisoning with toxic poisons.

Phytolax preparation

In the composition of homeopathic medicinal product Phytolac for constipation (Evalar) includes exclusively natural natural ingredients: apricot powder, senna extract, plantain extract, sweetener, cellulose, anti-caking agent, coscaramellose, natural strawberry flavor, dill extract.

All of these components are well absorbed by the body, and provide a quick effect.

Release form

The biologically active food supplement for constipation Phytolax is available in the form of tablets, as well as chocolate bars, tea, a bar, and a dry mix for preparing a drink.

Action for constipation


The dietary supplement tastes pleasant and is easily chewed without additional drinking water.

The elimination of constipation occurs in the morning, during the night the drug is active, while the intestines relax and a soft stool is formed.

The ingredients that are included in this drug help to establish the following processes:

  1. Normalize food digestion.
  2. Recovery defense mechanism from the harmful effects of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Remove toxins and waste from the intestines.
  4. To prevent the occurrence of flatulence (accumulation of gases).
  5. Provides a pronounced analgesic effect.
  6. Saturates digestive system fiber.
  7. Stabilizes a balanced vitamin and mineral composition, in particular the potassium element.
  8. It has an irritating effect on the receptors of the intestinal walls.
  9. Neutralizes the inflammatory process.


The price of Phytolax constipation chewable tablets is available to every consumer, however, like any other medicine, they are limited in use in the following cases:

  1. Personal intolerance to the components of the drug.
  2. The period of bearing a child.
  3. lactation period.

Instructions for use

Each package contains an available and clear instruction how to take Phytolax for constipation. The adult dosage is two tablets per evening time before eating. If this amount of medicine is not enough, then you can increase up to four tablets. Duration of treatment - no more than two weeks.

Dry concentrate for adults to take one to two teaspoons in the evening before meals. Can be increased to four spoons. The number of days for admission is ten, but not more. Shake the concentrate bottle before use.

Phytolax tablets

Medicinal laxative begins to act actively approximately in an eight-hour interval after reception.

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