Postinor: clear instructions for use. What are the consequences of taking "postinor"

The choice of modern contraceptives is great. Their actions boil down to two principles. Some need to be taken constantly, others - once and only in emergency cases. Postinor refers to emergency drugs. The drug reduces the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy by 5-10 percent.

There is an opinion that postinor is a means of aggressive influence. Indeed, if the drug is used incorrectly, health problems can occur. It cannot be used continuously. In addition, before use, be sure to read the instructions. Postinor has contraindications and side effects. The drug is released in pharmacies by prescription. Therefore, it is better to consult a gynecologist in advance.

The consequences of taking postinor

The consequences of taking postinor may not be dangerous to health if taken too often. Some doctors recommend using it no more than 1 time in 3 months. Others - no more than 1 time per month. Abuse can lead to menstrual irregularities and hormonal imbalance. This is due to the active substance of the drug. It contains a concentrated dose of hormones. If there are no negative consequences of taking it, you can not consult a doctor. Otherwise, a consultation with a gynecologist is required. Untimely diagnosis and treatment of the consequences of the use of prostinor can lead to many female diseases.

Pregnancy after postinor

  1. If you have taken the pill within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse, pregnancy after postinor is unlikely. In the first 24 hours, its effectiveness reaches 95 percent.
  2. If, nevertheless, conception has occurred, then the consequences can be negative. There is a possibility of changes in the structure of the uterus, the occurrence of a miscarriage, etc.
  3. But if the pregnancy persists, do not worry. The dangers of the influence of prostinor on the fetus have not been identified by physicians.

Menstruation after postinor: features

Menstruation after postinor can begin in a timely manner. Cycle failure is also possible. It may return to normal after some time. The instructions for the drug say that it can only be used by women with regular periods. In order to avoid serious consequences after application, you should consult a gynecologist.

Postinor action

Pastinor pack contains two tablets. First you need to take one, then after some time - another (after 12-16 hours). Some doctors recommend drinking two at once. It often happens that women forget to take the second dose of the drug.

The remedy works as follows: the active substance levonorgestrel, an artificially created hormone, slows down the movement of the egg to the uterus. If she nevertheless reached the goal, she does not allow to attach to the wall. This is due to a change in the surface of the uterus due to the action of the drug.

The effectiveness of contraceptives most of all depends on how quickly you take the pill. Should not be tightened. After 72 hours, the chance of getting pregnant will increase. The effectiveness of postinor may decrease due to the use of other drugs: for tuberculosis, for HIV therapy, for epilepsy and fungus. In addition, a similar result is achieved by combining the drug and drugs containing St. John's wort.

Bleeding after postinor

Many confuse bleeding after postinor with the onset of menstruation. Actually it is not. The action of the contraceptive may cause acyclic discharge. They look like very scanty menstrual flow. Bleeding may last for 1-2 days. A delay of up to 5 days is considered normal. If the period is longer, you should consult a doctor. There may be pregnancy or hormonal failure.

Postinor: side effects

Many after taking postinor feel nausea, pain in the lower abdomen, general malaise and weakness. This does not mean that all women should have such a reaction. Side effects may not appear

Before using the drug, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. Postinor should not be taken in adolescence. It can greatly affect the natural hormonal background of a growing girl's body. The drug is contraindicated in people who are sensitive to the active substance, levonorgestrel, those who have suffered, women with liver disease and thrombosis.

Postinor is used in emergency cases to prevent pregnancy. Tablets are drunk once. Contraceptives can be up to 95% effective if used correctly. The main thing is timely use, no later than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. Abuse of the drug can lead to health problems.

No matter how sad it is to write about it, but postinor in Russia ranks second among contraceptive methods. On the first, as you know, is. And yet, many women, despite the large selection of contraceptives, use postinor to prevent unwanted pregnancy, forgetting or not knowing about the complications, and what danger the harmless 2 pills pose in the future.

Meet Postinor

Postinor is produced in a package in which there are only 2 tablets (only the number of tablets should suggest that this is not a drug for regular use). One tablet contains 750 mcg of levonorgestrel, which has an emergency contraceptive effect. Levonorgestrel has antiestrogenic and progestogenic properties.

Postinor refers to emergency or fire contraception, and should be used only in exceptional cases, and not constantly and regularly.

How does postinor work?

The contraceptive effect of the drug is in three points. Firstly, levonorgestrel prevents the release of the egg from the follicle, that is, it inhibits ovulation (this moment is especially relevant in the preovulatory and ovulatory phases). Secondly, levonorgestrel, as a progestogen, changes the structure of the uterine mucosa and causes "glandular regression" of the endometrium, which makes it impossible for a fertilized egg to penetrate into the uterine wall (violation of implantation). This mechanism is comparable to, that is, conception has already occurred, but the uterus expels the egg. And thirdly, levonorgestrel causes changes in the mucus in the cervical canal, making it viscous and thick. Such mucus plays the role of a barrier and makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterine cavity.

From the described mechanisms of action of postinor, it becomes clear that the effectiveness of the drug is directly proportional to the time it is taken after unprotected sex. After using postinor 24 hours or less after sexual intercourse, it will protect against unwanted pregnancy in 95% of cases, when taking pills after 25-48 hours, the effectiveness is 85%, and if postinor was taken in the interval from 49 to 72 hours, its reliability decreases up to 58%.

Rules for accepting a postinor

Postinor can be taken on any day of the menstrual cycle. If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, the absence of pregnancy should be confirmed. The first tablet from the blister should be taken no later than 72 hours after intercourse. The second dose should be taken exactly 12 hours later (an interval of 4 hours is allowed, that is, no more than 16 hours later).

If a woman vomits within three hours after taking a postinor tablet (regardless of the first or second one), an additional tablet should be taken. Menstrual-like bleeding (withdrawal bleeding) can occur a few days after taking the drug (on average after 3 to 7 days) and about a month later (at the time of the expected period).

Postinor is not a means for regular contraception, if a woman has an active sex life, she should consult a doctor and choose the best method of contraception. It is believed that you can not use the drug more than once a month, and preferably no more than 4 times a year. In fact, it is better not to resort to postinor at all, but to use it only in an exceptional situation.

When is postinor justified?

Life is an unpredictable thing and there are situations when it is necessary to prevent pregnancy:

  • rape;
  • the condom broke;
  • unprotected intercourse for various reasons;
  • expulsion of the intrauterine device or shift of the vaginal diaphragm;
  • missed taking a pill from a series of combined oral contraceptives.

Consequences after using postinor

Since the drug contains an "elephant" dose of the hormone, its use can adversely affect a woman's health. Firstly, there is a high probability of uterine bleeding, which can only be stopped surgically (that is, by curettage of the uterus). Secondly, taking postinor, especially more than once in a lifetime, hits the ovaries, which leads to menstrual irregularities, hormonal imbalance and anovulation. All of these effects are a direct path to infertility. Thirdly, a large dose of levonorgestrel cannot but cause side effects:

  • nausea and vomiting, diarrhea;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • mood swings (emotional lability, panic fears);
  • delay of menstruation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, fatigue;
  • pain and engorgement of the mammary glands.

The mechanism of action of levonorgestrel (D-13b-ethyl-17b-ethynyl-17-hydroxy-4-gonen-3-one) at the indicated dose is mainly due to the inhibition of ovulation and the prevention of fertilization (in the event that sexual intercourse occurred before ovulation, when the probability of fertilization is higher), as well as changes in the endometrium when taking the drug, preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg. The drug is ineffective if implantation of a fertilized egg has already occurred. When using Postinor, unwanted pregnancy can be prevented in approximately 85% of cases. The longer the interval between sexual intercourse and taking Postinor, the lower the effectiveness of the drug (in the first 24 hours - 95%; from 24 to 48 hours - 85%; from 48 to 72 hours - 58%). There are no data on the effectiveness of the drug when taken 72 hours after sexual intercourse. At the recommended dose, levonorgestrel does not have a significant effect on blood clotting, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
After oral administration, levonorgestrel is rapidly and almost completely absorbed. After taking 1 tablet of Postinor, the maximum concentration of levonorgestrel in the blood serum (on average, 14.1 ng / ml) is reached after 1.6 hours. Then the decrease in the concentration of levonorgestrel occurs in two stages, the half-life ranges from 9 to 14.5 hours.
Levonorgestrel is excreted from the body in the form of metabolites with urine and feces in approximately equal amounts. The biotransformation of levonorgestrel is similar to that of steroids. The drug is hydroxylated in the liver, and its metabolites are excreted in the form of glucuronides. Known metabolites of levonorgestrel do not have pharmacological activity.
Levonorgestrel binds to plasma proteins, mainly albumin and sex hormone-binding globulin. Only 1.5% of the administered dose is in the blood serum in free form, and 65% have a specific relationship with sex hormone-binding globulin. Absolute bioavailability is almost 100%. About 0.1% of the drug dose is excreted in breast milk.

Indications for use of the drug Postinor

Emergency prevention of unwanted pregnancy if the drug is used within 72 hours after sexual intercourse and other contraceptives were not used or they turned out to be unreliable.

The use of the drug Postinor

Inside 2 tablets. To achieve a more reliable effect, the first tablet should be taken as soon as possible after intercourse (but not later than 72 hours), and the second - 12 hours (but not later than 16 hours) after taking the first. If vomiting occurs within 3 hours after taking any tablet, another 1 tablet should be taken.
Postinor can be taken on any day of the menstrual cycle, but only if the previous menstruation was timely. After using the drug until the next menstruation, it is necessary to use barrier contraceptives. After using Postinor, taking a permanent oral hormonal contraceptive is not contraindicated.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Postinor

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, age under 16 years (insufficient experience with the drug).

Side effects of Postinor

Nausea, pain in the lower abdomen, headache, fatigue, dizziness, tension in the mammary glands, vomiting, diarrhea, spotting menstrual bleeding. There may be a violation of the menstrual cycle, but in most women the next menstruation occurs on the expected date. If menstruation is delayed by more than 5 days, pregnancy must be excluded.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Postinor

The drug can be used only in extreme cases. Postinor is not a contraceptive for regular use. Its reception does not always prevent pregnancy. If a woman does not remember when sexual intercourse took place, or if unprotected intercourse has already taken place in the same menstrual cycle 72 hours before taking the drug, fertilization is possible. In this case, the use of the drug is ineffective. If menstruation is delayed by more than 5 days or its onset is timely, but the course is different from usual, pregnancy must be excluded.
If, despite the use of the drug Postinor, fertilization still occurred, the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy should be considered.
The use of Postinor is not recommended for severe liver dysfunction. Severe bowel disease (eg, Crohn's disease) may cause impaired drug absorption .
After using the drug, menstruation occurs at the expected time and occurs as usual. In some cases, menstruation may begin a few days earlier or later than expected. After using Postinor, a doctor's examination is recommended to decide whether to use the method for regular contraception.
If Postinor was taken due to missing a regular hormonal contraceptive, and during the next 7-day break in taking the contraceptive, menstruation did not occur, pregnancy should be excluded.
Repeated use of Postinor during one menstrual cycle is not recommended due to a possible violation of this cycle.
Postinor should not be taken during pregnancy; The drug does not terminate an already existing pregnancy. In the event of pregnancy with the use of progestogens, a teratogenic effect was not detected.
Levonorgestrel practically does not pass into breast milk. The potential impact of levonorgestrel on the development of an infant can be reduced if both tablets are taken immediately after breastfeeding and refrain from feeding after taking the drug.

Interactions of the drug Postinor

With simultaneous use with inducers of hepatic enzymes, the metabolism of levonorgestrel is accelerated. The effectiveness of levonorgestrel can be reduced by barbiturates (including primidone), phenytoin, carbamazepine, St.
Preparations containing levonorgestrel may increase the toxicity of cyclosporine due to inhibition of its metabolism.

Overdose of the drug Postinor

Severe side effects after taking the drug in a high dose are not described. Nausea, bleeding are possible. There is no specific antidote, treatment is symptomatic.

Storage conditions of the drug Postinor

At a temperature of 15-25 °C.

List of pharmacies where you can buy Postinor:

  • St. Petersburg

Modern women have a unique opportunity that our grandmothers did not have - to decide on their own whether to give birth or not. Moreover, each representative of the fair sex can prevent an unwanted pregnancy without resorting to the help of doctors. This has become possible thanks to the latest developments in the field of medicine. For several years, women have been using hormonal drugs that can quickly solve all problems with unwanted pregnancy. Postinor also belongs to them.

Postinor- This is a drug that belongs to the means of emergency contraception. The remedy is used after sexual intercourse. To date, a lot of rumors are associated with the action of this drug, and conflicting statements about the consequences of postinor can be found in any reviews. We offer to understand this important issue for many women.

Postinor action

Postinor is a hormonal agent that blocks the natural process - ovulation. The action of postinor is as follows: the substances that make up its composition stop the movement of spermatozoa. Thus, after taking a postinor, fertilization becomes impossible.

In order for the postinor to be effective, the following rules should be followed when taking it:

  1. The first tablet should be taken as soon as possible. Preferably immediately after unprotected sex. The earlier the pill is taken, the more effective the remedy. A tablet taken later than 72 hours later does not give a result.
  2. The second postinor tablet should be taken 12 hours after the first.
  3. Both tablets must be taken with water.

A woman should know that taking postinor 48-72 hours after intercourse protects against unwanted pregnancy by no more than 58%.

Side effects of postinor

Every woman is interested in the question "Is postinor harmful?". Since postinor is a potent hormonal drug, it can have a negative effect on the body. Different women experience different effects after taking postinor. It depends on the characteristics of the body of each of the fair sex and on the individual tolerance of the components of the drug. The most common effects after postinor use are vomiting, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, menstrual irregularities and hormonal disorders.

The instructions for postinor indicate all of the above side effects. However, very often women complain of heavy bleeding in the first days after taking the drug, which do not stop for a long time - in this case, you should not listen to anyone's advice, but you need to urgently consult a doctor. At such a moment, your life and the life of your future children will depend on the right decision.

Contraindications to postinor

Postinor is contraindicated during breastfeeding. Also, the drug is contraindicated in the presence of the following diseases:

  • liver disease;
  • kidney disease;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • thrombosis.

This hormonal remedy should be taken only in the most urgent cases, no more than once a month. In no case should postinor be taken as regular contraception.

Before taking the drug, every woman should learn about the dangers of postinor. The drug postinor is sold in every pharmacy, and the package includes an insert - a detailed annotation for use. But, unfortunately, even there it is not indicated how postinor affects our body. Before using the tablets, you should carefully read this leaflet - after all, you are taking the drug at your own peril and risk. Do not forget, if after taking the first tablet of postinor there is a strong malaise, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Elena asks:

Hello! My name is Lena, I'm 22 years old. Sexual intercourse was on July 25, the condom broke. About an hour later I took a postinor tablet, followed by 17 hours later. Monthly constants, cycle of 28 days. My period is due on July 27th. Please tell me how much this drug will help me, because I was late with the second pill for a couple of hours. And is pregnancy possible during these periods, like these are safe days. Thanks for the help!!!

If semen enters the female genital tract, pregnancy is possible. Prem drug postinor significantly reduces the likelihood of pregnancy. Important in the case of emergency contraception is the earliest taking the first pill.

Katya asks:

Hello! I took Postinor 25 hours after the unprotected PA, the next pill - 12 hours later, according to the instructions. For the third day I have not observed any consequences, only yellowish discharge, similar to thrush. Can you tell me, please, is it possible that these are signs of pregnancy ??
Thank you!

If intermenstrual bleeding does not begin on the 5-7th day of taking the drug, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and donate blood for hCG, to exclude pregnancy.

Karina asks:

Hello! I took Postinor after 36 hours, and after 5 days the action will begin? If there is no pregnancy, will there still be bleeding?

Postinor begins to act immediately after taking the tablet (after it is dissolved and absorbed in the intestine). Bleeding, which should appear 5-6 days after the use of this drug, indicates the highest contraceptive effect and the exact absence of pregnancy. If there is no bleeding at all or it occurs later, you will need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist to exclude pregnancy. You can read more about Postinor and its effects on the body in our section: Postinor.

Karina asks:

thanks for the answer! I have another problem ((in general, I drank as expected, after 5 hours menstruation began, my stomach hurt for 3 days, yesterday I started tingling in the lower abdomen, intensified in the evening, it hurts to press on the lower abdomen, today is the same, only it hurts less .can it be from postinor?

The listed symptoms may be associated with taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor, so you should not worry. As a rule, these symptoms disappear on their own, specific measures are not required. You can get more information about this in the section: Hormonal contraceptives

Anya asks:

hello! immediately after unprotected intercourse, I drank a glass of milk with iodine, after which, within 24 hours, I drank the first postinor tablet (the second one, as per the instructions), but after 5 days there were no changes, is there a chance that there is a pregnancy?

As a rule, bleeding after Postinor begins 6 days after taking the last pill. If it is absent, then it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pregnancy. To do this, I recommend that you do a blood test for hCG 7-10 days after intercourse. You can get more information on this issue in the section: Analysis for hCG

Maria asks:

I had intercourse for two days in a row, and both times they didn’t use protection, everything about me, 48 hours after the first time, I drank Postinor, but it turned out that I got pregnant anyway, could it be?

Unfortunately, this situation is possible, since Postinor is not a 100% effective remedy. In addition, the time of taking Postinor is also important - the longer the interval from sexual intercourse to taking Postinor, the less its effectiveness. You can get more information on this issue in the thematic section of our website: Postinor

rita asks:

torn condom torn drank after 8 hours postinor further according to the instructions I have a question, menstruation should go in 1-2 days how to understand if menstruation goes, did postinor work

In the event that you begin menstrual flow, then pregnancy can be completely excluded and this will mean that the drug has worked. Read more about the effect of the drug Postinor, read in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Postinor.

Victoria asks:

Tell me, within 12 hours after intercourse I drank postinor, then the second pill, all on time. Menstruation began (as it should be according to the cycle, it coincided) 6 days after the act and taking the postinor. after 2 weeks, menstruation began again, more precisely spotting, often black. 4 days later, heavy periods began. Can you tell me if this may be a consequence of taking Postinor and will it return to normal in the next month or is it necessary to urgently consult a doctor?

These bleedings are associated with taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor. In such cases, nothing needs to be done, the menstrual cycle will recover on its own. I recommend that you use barrier methods of contraception. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor

Damira asks:

Hello. On February 1, I had sexual intercourse and the condom broke within an hour, I took 1 tablet of Postinor, then after 12 hours the second one. should arrive around February 15. What should I do?

As a rule, after taking Postinor, bleeding begins on the 6th day, but in some cases it may be later. Given that you took the drug correctly, you should not worry, nothing needs to be done now. You can get more detailed information on the issue that interests you in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. You can also get additional information in the following sections of our website: Probability of getting pregnant, Menstrual cycle and menstruation

Marina asks:

Hello! I'm 40 years old. Yesterday at 19.00 there was unprotected intercourse, the very middle of the cycle, a dangerous week. This morning at 10.00 I took the first Postinor tablet, 15 hours passed after PA. The lower abdomen ached, the heartbeat became more frequent, in general, all the signs, the effects of the drug. Waiting for the bleeding to start. My question is: Can I start taking Tri-regol on the first day of bleeding after taking Postinor?

In this situation, you should take the second Postinor tablet 12 hours later, after which, after 6 days, as a rule, menstrual bleeding begins. It is not the beginning of menstruation, so you do not need to take Tri-regol - wait for the next menstruation and from the first day of the cycle you can use cyclic hormonal contraceptives if they are prescribed to you by your gynecologist.

You can get additional information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor, as well as in the section: Emergency contraception Hormonal contraceptive Tri-regol: instructions for use and in a series of articles: Hormonal contraceptives

Valentina asks:

Menstruation was on June 18, June 2 was an unprotected PA, but the partner did not finish me, I believe him.
After about 10 hours I drank Postinor, after 12 hours another one, just in case.
Is it possible to rule out pregnancy?
Or what should I expect?

In this situation, there was no need to use emergency contraception if there was no ejaculation in the vagina. Taking Postinor excludes pregnancy, so there is no reason to worry. Further I recommend you to apply barrier methods of contraception. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor and in a series of articles: Emergency contraception. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Marina asks:

Hello, I took postinor after 40 hours, 4 days have already passed and visions of a dark color appeared and my stomach hurts all the time, I had sex 2 days before my period, tell me if the drug will help and what is the probability of pregnancy ?!

The probability of pregnancy is excluded if you have taken the hormonal contraceptive Postinor in a timely manner. The presence of spotting confirms that pregnancy has not occurred, so there is no reason to worry. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor and in a series of articles: Emergency contraception. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Elena asks:

Unprotected intercourse, after 3 hours I immediately drank 2 Postinor tablets (I didn’t read the instructions, unfortunately), then I had sexual intercourse during the day. It's been 5 days with slight bleeding. Q: Is it a long acting drug?

The emergency contraceptive Postinor, according to the instructions, must be used according to the scheme - 2 tablets with an interval of 12 hours, and the contraceptive effect extends to sexual intercourse that took place before Postinor was taken. The presence of spotting indicates the absence of pregnancy, so you should not worry. We recommend that you do not panic and continue to use barrier methods of contraception, and if you have regular sex life, personally consult with your gynecologist to select a reliable contraceptive.

You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor and in a series of articles: Emergency contraception. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Elena asks:

The condom broke in the middle of the menstrual cycle. After 4 hours I drank the first tablet of Postinor, after 12 hours the second. There are no sensations, today is the 4th day after unprotected intercourse, there is no discharge. Did Postinor work?

As a rule, after taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor, spotting is observed after 6 days, but in some cases it may be absent, which, nevertheless, does not give grounds to judge the absence of the effect of the use of this emergency contraceptive. Given that the drug was taken in a timely manner, there is no reason to panic.

Elena asks:

On the 8th, my partner and I had an unprotected PA. He did not cum inside me, after about 25 hours I took the first pill and after 12 hours I took the second. Can you please tell me how to help? How soon should menstruation start?

If during intercourse there was no ejaculation in the vagina, then there is no chance of pregnancy. In this situation, there was no need to use Postinor emergency contraception. After taking this medicine, spotting usually starts after 6 days, and the next menstruation may come late.

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