Vera is the official name. The meaning and history of the name faith

The calm, kind girl Vera becomes a reasonable, balanced woman. The secret of the name lies in the amazing harmony of the internal and external state. This impression quickly changes when Vera appears as a vulnerable, deeply emotional person. So what is she, a woman with a bewitching name?

Deep longing for what never was and never will be - that's what Vera brings with her. The meaning of the name, its secret is hidden from human eyes. Not every man will be able to understand this woman, her true essence.

Name origin

The name Vera has ancient Slavic roots. It comes from the Greek word "pistis", which means "faithful". In Greek mythology, this is one of the epithets of the god Zeus.

The name has lost its popularity in recent years, and for good reason. Because they will endow their wearer with amazing versatility, originality. The meaning of the name Vera for a girl is undoubtedly great. This name will give her benevolence, awaken her intuition, teach her to feel and understand people.

Short, diminutive forms of the name - Verok, Verusya, Verochka, Verunchik, Veronka.

Characterization of the name by letters

The letters of the names carry an energy vibration that surrounds a person. Gives him the necessary qualities, properties. This halo surrounds the female name Vera. The meaning of each letter carries a hidden potential. This will help her understand what she should look for in life and what she should avoid. The meaning of the letters of the name will slightly open the veil of secrecy over the strengths and weaknesses of the name.

B - creativity in man. Striving forward, everything unnecessary remains in the past. An open view of the world, an appeal to people. Ability to make friends and communicate.

E - developed intuition. The ability to penetrate the thoughts of another person, to understand him. Diplomatic skills, ability to negotiate. The desire for self-expression.

R - a symbol of decisive action, courage. Insight, the ability to delve into the essence of things, to understand their nature. Propensity to take unnecessary risks. Inertia in judgments.

A - striving forward, the initial stage of all future actions. Striving for spiritual and physical comfort.

Girl character

Courageous, decisive - this is the meaning of the name Vera. For a child, she can be too independent and reckless. This little girl is able to protect, not to offend animals, children. She is ready even for a feat for the sake of truth. At the same time, she is very economic, helping her mother to keep order. The girl herself can cook breakfast for the family and go to the store.

The meaning of the name Vera for a girl gives a desire to learn, develop abilities. She has an innate respect for people. She is ready to listen to everyone, to understand, to understand. Often girls with this name have musical abilities or other creative inclinations. This artistic nature wants to show everyone its uniqueness, originality. Her thirst for self-expression attracts friends.

Faith is active, knows how to keep order. She honors the rules of life and strives to fulfill them correctly. She does not like noisy people and big companies. She prefers to have few close friends, but they appreciate her, understand her balanced nature.

Woman character

The woman Vera does not possess leadership qualities. The meaning gives her a penchant for calm analysis, unhurried reflection. Vera is a responsible, reliable worker. But work for her is just a way to earn money for a living. She doesn't put too much emotion into her work. Another thing is if she decides to fulfill herself in a creative profession. Then Vera will throw out all the versatility, the complexity of her nature in a creative impulse.

Some self-doubt makes this woman vulnerable. She is acutely experiencing conflict situations, trying to avoid them. Vera is a subtle diplomat, she does not like open clashes, she is always ready for compromises.

In the family, the meaning of the name Vera gives this woman a penchant for a serious, solid marriage. She prefers stability in relationships and finances. A good hostess, she is always glad to see a select circle of friends in her house. She is a caring mother, demanding of her children, trying to instill in them spiritual values ​​and ideals.

Sexuality of the name

Uncertainty about one's attractiveness suggests two paths for Vera. She can find a partner much older than herself, who will take care of her, love and respect. Another way - confidence in her femininity Vera will look for a change of different partners.

Faith in relation to oneself requires warmth and affection. Only an attentive, understanding man can become her constant companion. The meaning of the name Verad bestows a calm nature of the relationship. A woman with this name allows her man to be in charge, to solve all important issues. She prefers self-confident partners who have achieved career heights in their lives.

Occasionally a woman with that name becomes depressed. Her longing for the perfect man can turn into depression. And only a loving partner will eliminate her doubts and anxieties, make her look at life with a smile, and return Vera to peace and joy in relationships.

Name Faith in religion

In Orthodoxy, the name Vera, its origin and meaning comes from a Christian saint. She died a martyr along with her sisters.

Faith of Rome was 12 years old. The belonging of her family to Christianity caused persecution by the emperor Hadrian (137). Vera, her sisters - Hope and Love - were beheaded. After 3 days, mourning her daughters, their mother Sophia died.

How real this story is is not known for certain. There is a version that all the characters of these tragic events are fictional. That Faith, Hope, Love is just an allegory of the Christian faith.

Faith name in numerology

In Vera numerology, the meaning of the name is subject to the fluctuation of the number 1. The unit is the basis and the beginning of everything. This gives the name a special power, some authority. The number 1 brings ambition and ambition to people. Willingness to achieve the desired in spite of all obstacles.

One will be a lucky number for Vera. The number of the apartment, car, phone must include the number 1. On the first day of the month, important business and negotiations will be successful.

Individuals are creative, active individuals. They do not allow situations when they are trying to command or control. But they themselves are good in leadership positions. Attentive to subordinates and their needs, able to respond quickly, resolve complex issues.

Mystery of the name

Polarity, duality is carried by Faith. The meaning of the name, character hides a secret deep inside. With all the external activity, confidence, Vera hides doubts and suspicion. Always calm and reasonable, this woman hides feelings about her femininity and sexuality. Uncertainty in her strengths and abilities makes her capricious, emotionally unstable.

Every word and look can hurt her, but Vera tries not to show her weakness. Therefore, it is so important for this woman to have an understanding man nearby, true friends who will encourage her, help her survive the difficulties of perceiving the world, and bring a note of optimism to the wounded soul. Surrounded by warmth and affection, Vera again turns into a kind, sympathetic woman.

Name for the seasons

Winter Faith. The meaning of the name gives a serious and decisive character to this woman. She does not throw words into the wind. Her opinions are considered, decisions are weighed and analyzed. Winter Faith prefers to talk less and do more.

Spring Faith. Light romance envelops her with a veil of mystery and understatement. Gentle, sympathetic, she is ready to help. She is hurt by human lies, hostility. She experiences other people's suffering as her own.

Summer Faith. An active, self-confident woman. She is a pleasant conversationalist, loyal and reliable friend. Summer Faith does not forgive betrayal, it will remember the offender for a long time. But the vindictive nature is not in her nature. Rather, she will cease to trust such a person and exclude him from the circle of her few friends.

Autumn Vera. Pragmatic, purposeful, always knows what she wants and achieves it. She doesn't trust her intuition. Therefore, each step is considered and analyzed. Autumn Faith is extremely punctual and appreciates it in others. He loves home warmth and coziness, a comfortable existence.

Compatibility with other names

Vera goes well with such male names as: Alexey, Maxim, Vadim, David, Sergey, Prokhor, Timofey, Eldar, Arkady.

For a successful marriage, it is better to choose a spouse with a name: Artem, Valery, Efim, Leo, Peter, Kirill, Konstantin, Ruslan, Semyon, Vitaly.

You should beware of relationships with Anatoly, Nikita, Ostap, Taras, Julian, Alexander, Fedor, Andrei, Igor.

This name was quite popular during the World War. At that time, in the meaning of the name Vera they put all their hope for a soon cloudless future. Now the fashion for this name is gradually returning, and interest in it is becoming very versatile: someone wants to know more about the girl they like, someone is looking for familiar features in the interpretation of the name, and someone is interested in the future that is prepared for a girl with that name .

Since childhood, Vera has been quiet and reserved. You will never hear tantrums and empty whims from a child. She likes to collect and collect everything beautiful and shiny: pennies, beads, bolts can always be found among little Vera's toys.

The girl has a logical mind, is quick-witted, studies diligently at school, has a penchant for creativity, mainly musical. At first glance, it seems that the child is in the clouds and lives an exclusively spiritual life. However, this is far from the case, for a child with that name, earthly life is much more attractive than spiritual life, a girl always knows what she wants and will never miss her.


In a love relationship, the girl is a little materialistic, which means that “paradise in a hut” with a loved one is not a song from her romance. However, if a girl meets a guy who will correspond to her concept of an ideal, then money and a beautiful life can fade into the background.

In love, the meaning of the name Vera is a little twofold. On the one hand, this is a quiet creature, next to which it is calm and sincere, and the relentless protracted search for "his person", on the other. However, the girl is always honest with her chosen one, and starts a new love relationship only after the complete termination of the previous ones.

The female name is interpreted in the friendly sphere quite unambiguously. Despite all their positive aspects, girls rarely develop friendly relations with their peers. Vera has no best friends and good acquaintances among women, the girl communicates only with male friends.

A family

In everyday life, a woman is quite neat. The kitchen is her strong point, no matter what she cooks, everything is very tasty and eaten clean. A young woman can get along with everyone. This means that if there are people around who do not like her, they quickly change their opinion of her to positive. The girl tries to make relations with relatives and relatives of her young man sincere and warm.

A wonderful mother, the children love her, her husband appreciates her, her mother-in-law values ​​her. A woman always has order, both in the house and in her head, you will not hear discontent or grumbling from her - she is always restrained, polite, positive and sociable.

Business and career

All Faiths have amazing capacity for work. Although the leadership quality can not be immediately recognized in this fragile and quiet creature, a woman does have the ability to lead people, which means she will perfectly cope with the role of a public figure.

The girl knows how to set goals for herself, strive for them with enviable persistence, and often achieves what she wants. In addition, he has a subtle sense of a psychologist and can easily win the trust of almost any person. She is well suited for such professions as a lawyer, lawyer, diplomat, leader of a political or social party, director of an organization, top manager.

However, the meaning of the name Vera includes not only the possibility of realizing oneself as an active political, social or business figure. A woman can easily run a household and get satisfaction from it. Very often, enterprising housewives start a fairly profitable home business, which is not only a hobby, but also a weighty additional income.

What does the name Vera mean for health and well-being. There are no special health problems for women. Sometimes there are ailments, the causes of which are unknown. In middle age, sleep problems may occur. Operations on the throat, internal organs and face are also possible. You should beware of frequent air travel, beware of fire and thunderstorms.

History and origin of the name Vera

The history of the origin of the name falls on the year 137, in which the Italian emperor Hadrian forced all his subjects to worship the goddess Artemis. Mother Sophia, together with her three daughters Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov openly preached the Orthodox faith. For which they were tortured and executed. Women steadfastly withstood all the bullying, but did not depart from the faith. This is how the Holy Great Martyr Vera appeared, whose name has become a symbol of steadfastness and steadfastness of spirit.

Etymology and where the name came from. Faith is a truly Slavic name, which in Greek means Pistis (Πίστις), this is one of the qualities that the almighty Zeus owned in legends.

Characteristics of the name Vera

The character of Vera is complaisant and calm. However, the girl is very touchy, and can blow her lips for a long time on the person who hurt her. From an early age, she loves to learn, she is also an excellent nurse for her younger children, and respects the elders.

A girl from an early age does not like being forced to do something. If she wants, she will do it herself. If a girl experiences difficulties in something, she becomes gloomy like a cloud, which practically no one can dispel. Sometimes a woman becomes suspicious and suspicious, but in cases where it is necessary to soberly assess the situation, she does not give in to such feelings.

However, this is not the whole characteristic of the name Vera. Affectionate and tender, explosions of passions and vivid emotions are alien to her. A girl rarely marries a peer, mostly a rather mature man becomes her husband.

When choosing a name for a girl, parents try to take into account all the pros and cons of the character. The main advantages are purposefulness, activity, independence, courage, a clear life position. It has an innate potential for singing, developed intuition, is able to inspire and justify trust.

Among the minuses of character, excessive enthusiasm for any business, arbitrariness should be noted. If a girl does not have developed spirituality, then she is capable of desperate acts, risks and even terror.

Mystery of the name

To get to know yourself, your chosen one more deeply, to decide on the future name of your child, the secret of a person’s name will help, thanks to which you can find a worthy couple for yourself or raise a child with the desired qualities.

  • Stone - talisman - beryl, ruby, amber.
  • Name days - February 28, December 15 and 31, September 30, and June 14 according to the Orthodox calendar. September 30 (according to the Catholic calendar), the day on which Vera and her sisters in 137 for their faith in Christ were beheaded in front of their mother Sophia. This day is also called "Baby's name day", at this time it is customary to arrange gatherings, give small gifts and be frank with friends.
  • Horoscope (zodiac sign) - Libra
  • Famous people:
    • Vera Brezhneva (1982). The audience first saw her in the role of a member of the famous pop group "ViaGra", now the girl is actively pursuing her solo career, tried herself as a TV presenter and actress.
    • Vera Farmiga (1973). Famous American actress. One of seven children of Ukrainian emigrants.

Different languages

It is worth noting that the translation of the name Vera in almost all languages ​​sounds the same as its Russian counterpart, and its meaning is similar to the Slavic one - “belief”.

The name "Vera", in Ukrainian it will be - Vira, in Polish - Wiera, Wera (faith), in Bulgarian - Vyara, in Serbian Vјera, Vjera (Viera).

In Chinese, the name sounds like "Weila" - 薇拉 (wéilā). In Japanese - Shinkori 信仰里, which means faith, however, given the religious origin of the name, it can be translated in two more ways: Nobuko (信子), Makoto (信).

Name Forms

Diminutive form, derivatives and variants of the name "Vera": Verochka, Verunka, Veruska, Verusik, Veranya, Verashenka, Verasha, Verchik, Verusinka, Verulya, Verunya, Verulka, Verka, Verasha, Veraha.

Name declension: it declines like all nouns that end with the letter “a”: Faith-Faith-Faith.

According to Mendelev

The name of a woman who is closed, deep in herself, with a contradictory and complex character. With emotional perception, only features of reliability, solidity and stability are felt. Indeed, in old age, Vera is a beloved and caring grandmother.

But back to the character traits of this woman. She is calm, imperturbable, it is almost impossible to captivate her with something, and for a long time and seriously - a hopeless undertaking. In a word, most of the Vera are phlegmatic natures, although in those rare cases when something touches them to the quick, they are able to stubbornly and persistently achieve their goal. Unfortunately, these natures are not very deep, and mercantile, so that the achieved goal does not always justify the efforts expended.

Vera is rarely passionate about her work, her professional activities are more often just a means to earn a living. She devotes a lot of time to self-analysis, rather self-digging, but because of her inherent laziness (especially in her youth), no practical conclusions, let alone actions, follow from these thoughts.

Both her intellect and intuition rarely go beyond the average level: she perceives commonplace thoughts and stereotypes, follows them in everyday life, but they do not become part of her nature.

Her morality and morality are double, but in the opposite generally accepted sense: in words she allows herself everything, but natural restraint and cleanliness protect her from many temptations and troubles associated with strong passions and dizzying adventures. They guard reliably, sometimes even too much: Vera, as a rule, gets married: late and does not differ in special ardor in love.

In the company, she is rather buttoned up than sociable and frank. All this creates additional difficulties for her in contacts with people, although she is even and friendly with friends and relatives (there are few of them).

Faith's colors are emerald green and red (green is brighter and more intense).

By Higiru

This is a Russian name, it has the same meaning as the word "faith".

Faith from childhood amazes adults with its prudence and commercialism. This is always a balanced girl, with a logical mindset, a lover of all kinds of piggy banks and pennies. The bead lost by mom can always be found in her toys. This is not a noisy, not capricious girl. She studies diligently, will not refuse to babysit her brother or sister, the elders are always authority for her. Not scandalous, not quarrelsome by nature, Vera nevertheless rarely has close friends. Doesn't want to get married early.

Vera has a well-organized practical mind, ingenuity in specific cases, sobriety in assessing what is happening. Faith is not devoid of creative abilities, it is often musical, but the one who, having seen her at the piano, decides that before him is a creature living an exclusively spiritual life, is deeply mistaken. Vera knows perfectly well what she wants from life, and will never miss her. And this quality in her clearly exceeds the emotional perception of the world, reigns over dreams and fantasies.

Vera soberly looks at everything, it would never occur to her that with a sweetheart there can be paradise in a hut. She believes that real things are needed for an earthly paradise. If emotions prevent you from subordinating your reason to logic, consult with the familiar Faith more often - she will quickly return you to the sinful earth.

Vera rarely chooses her future husband among her peers, she prefers older men to them. Most often, she has one child, in whom she does not have a soul, and if this child is a girl, then Vera begins to save up a dowry for her in advance. Children are brought up in severity, a supporter of puritan morality. Vera gets along well with her mother-in-law because she knows that she must get along with her mother-in-law. She does this masterfully - without losing her dignity and satisfying the claims of the most captious mother-in-law. Her delicious dinners and starched napkins, caring attitude towards children, devotion to her husband lead to the fact that even those relatives of her husband who were against marriage begin to love her.

Marriages, as a rule, are successful with Ver.

She will be lucky with Vadim, Alexander, Mikhail, Zakhar, Yegor, Evgeny, but marriage with Oleg, Anatoly, Vyacheslav or Vladislav will most likely be unsuccessful.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: The name Vera came to Russia with Orthodoxy as a tracing paper (literal translation) from the Greek name Pistis, "Vera"

Energy name and character: The name Vera has an amazing balance and calmness, as if it does not imply strong emotions at all, and even more so passions. No wonder the star of silent cinema at the beginning of the century took the pseudonym Vera Kholodnaya, if she had remained just Vera, she would hardly have been able to play her passion, and so, emphasizing the alleged coldness with her surname, she intuitively played on the inconsistency of human psychology, which seeks to strengthen precisely those qualities about the lack which are spoken too openly. However, Vera is simply insured against this, since her balance is due to the fact that the name does not incline her to either excessive cold or excessive heat.

Usually this leads to the fact that since childhood, Vera has been growing up as a very calm and reasonable girl. It is quite easy to get along with her as parents and teachers, and girlfriends. However, her calmness is unlikely to make the number of her girlfriends too grandiose to the point that she can even give the impression of a somewhat reserved person. However, this is only an impression - one has only to talk a little with Vera, and there will be no trace of this illusion, she is so benevolent in communicating with people, just her name does not call her to be in the center of attention.

Such balance leaves its mark on her whole life and destiny. It happens that Vera, left to herself, turns into a terribly lazy person who simply lives in an incomprehensible expectation of something unclear to herself, but much more often in her life, the influence of her parents or friends plays a decisive role. Usually, Vera is easy to educate, and parents can instill in her such traits as housekeeping or an interest in something. In this case, Vera will begin to quite calmly perceive this as her duty and will do this work, albeit without much enthusiasm, but very diligently and without unnecessary nerves.

First of all, the influence of the name is reflected in the practicality of the Faith. Not subject to significant emotional fluctuations, she usually sees the meaning of life in purely concrete life joys and comforts. Even if she chooses some creative specialty for herself, she will most likely regard it as a necessity and an opportunity to achieve life's blessings. Therefore, thinking about family life, Vera seeks to choose among her fans the most successful, in her opinion, option, often giving preference to older people. Of course, such a position is very convenient for life, the only pity is that, behind her calmness, Vera often does not notice many simple human joys. Who knows, perhaps it does not prevent her from learning some passion, or at least a lively wit?

Communication secrets: Often men tend to see in the calm good nature of Vera a sign of her goodwill towards them. However, one should not rush, it is unlikely that Vera will decide to connect her fate with someone without careful reflection and weighing all the pros and cons.

Name trace in history:

Vera Mukhina

The monumental sculpture Worker and Collective Farm Woman by Vera Mukhina (1889–1953) was recognized as a masterpiece of the 20th century at the World Exhibition in Paris. And it's hard to believe that this work, which became the screensaver of Mosfilm and a symbol of Soviet ideology, was made by a woman who, by and large, is indifferent to politics and, in general, is half French.

Vera Mukhina was born in Riga, into a wealthy merchant family; her mother, a Frenchwoman, died when the girl was only three years old, and her father, a talented amateur artist, instilled an interest in art in her. He took her first to Germany, then to Feodosia, so that the childhood of the future sculptor was filled with impressions from successive countries. She received an excellent education, lived in Moscow, then in France, then in Italy, and finally, at the beginning of the First World War, she returned to Russia, where she began her career as a sculptor.

In fact, Vera Mukhina belonged to that breed of people whose talent is diverse and manifests itself literally in everything. So, she did a lot of industrial design, developing sketches of jewelry, fabrics and even labels, and proved herself to be an outstanding fashion designer, whose clothing collection even received the Grand Prix at the 1925 exhibition in Paris. However, her talent as a sculptor turned out to be the most in demand, and already at the end of the 1920s, Mukhina joined a group of artists developing the design of Soviet exhibitions in different countries. The basis of one of these exhibitions was the sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Woman", which brought its creator world fame and forever remained her hallmark.

According to Popov

The intentions of the Faith are earthly. Perseverance does not hold her. Therefore, her dreams come true. By the way, it is easier to conquer the heart of the Faith by fundamental intentions than by promises, passionate, but having a touch of adventurism.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

She is doomed to longing for the only partner - the ideal one she has been looking for all her life. Lives with a sense of incompleteness of life perceptions. If she finds her ideal, then her life becomes a paradise, but, alas, this happens extremely rarely. She can be happy only if she meets a man close to her ideal. An ordinary man who enters into a relationship with her is not able to understand her. At times, she falls into a state of deep depression, as if yearning for a loved one. Wanting to make sure of her attractiveness, she changes partners.

Faith craves intimacy, touch, affection, kindness, warmth. She can be easily offended (this applies to "summer" women), if you reject her affection, she herself never experiences overwork from an excess of erotic impulses. Faith always belongs to only one man, and only after breaking with him can she look for another. If her first marriage is unsuccessful, she does not remarry for a long time after that - her fate does not always go smoothly, no matter how much she wishes it.

"Winter" Vera is a relatively cold and reserved woman - that's how she loves. She, as it were, thinks through her sexual behavior with a partner in advance and tries not to deviate from the developed plan. She is constantly busy and even an intimate date is ready to combine with a business trip. Her sense of duty often conflicts with her sexual passions.

For the "summer" Vera, sex is one of the main and important aspects of life, if she has failures here, she reacts very nervously, becomes irritable, and may even get sick. Outwardly, she is very sexy, attracts close attention of men, but she never uses her attractiveness to achieve her intended goal. She is unsophisticated and does not know how to "use" men.

You should not expect violent passions and exaltation from Vera, she was created for affection and tenderness, and this gives closeness to her a unique feeling of warmth and peace. It gives her great joy that she is able to please a man.

According to Florensky

Faith is the conviction of things invisible. Indeed, the name Faith gives the power to come into relation with that which is not given sensibly and which denies the present sensible; it is given to her to receive news of what is hoped for and confidence in what is not perceived by the senses. Faith in its main decisions makes surprise not only for others, but also for itself. She suddenly breaks calculations, traditions, decency. But then she no longer returns to the broken and makes her act the beginning of a new coherent kind, that is, new calculations, new traditions and new decorum. In other words, it follows a new path in direction, but ordinary in nature.

In her thinking, as in her actions, Vera is clear and definite. Her nature is distinguished by honesty, and honesty, in addition, is the first commandment of the Faith, which she sets herself consciously with emphasis and opposition to many other commandments. All this makes the thinking and actions of the Faith dissected-clear and simplified in their claim to perfection and ultimate clarity: there is nothing hidden, nothing is said.

Names: origin and forms

Faith- (from Old Slavonic) faith, belief.

Derivatives: Verka, Veranya, Verakha, Verasha, Verulya, Verunya, Verusya, Rusya, Veruha, Verusha.

Directory of Russian names

Faith(from Old Russian).

Smart, kind, warm. Diligent, appreciate order. Honest, helpful. Reaching for the sublime. Sometimes - losers. And yet: "unexpected joy" is her frequent guest.

The secret of the name

Faith- Russian translation of the ancient Greek name Pistida ("pistis" - faith) - faith, belief.
The name is quite common.
name zodiac: Scales.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: grey.
Talisman Stone: beryl.
auspicious plant: maple, heather.
name patron: ant.
Happy day: Friday.
happy season: autumn.
Diminutive forms: Verka, Verunya, Verakha, Verukha, Verusha, Verusya, Rusya.
Main features: truthfulness, balance.


Faith of Rome, maiden, martyr, September 30 (17). Together with the sisters Lyubov and Nadezhda, one after another, after suffering for the faith of Christ, they were beheaded before the eyes of Mother Sophia. On the third day after this, at their grave in Rome in 137, their mother died.


This day is called the all-world women's name day - women arrange small holidays: gatherings, get-togethers.


Vera is a calm, not capricious, but touchy girl. If she was offended, she will not say a word, pout her lips, sit in her corner and it is very difficult to call her out of there. Vera loves to play with her mother's trinkets and jewelry.

The girl studies diligently, is always ready to help her mother in cleaning, cooking dinner, she will not refuse to look after younger children. Adults for Faith are always authority.

Adult Vera is calm, balanced and very active. She hates coercion, if she wants to, she will do it herself. She is thoughtful, logical and very practical. To many it seems proud, but by nature she is kind and devoted. She is not a leader in the company, but her presence is always felt, everything is no-no, and they will look in her direction to make sure that everything is fine.

Vera has a somewhat gloomy character, she experiences troubles for a very long time, but her character is strong-willed, she does not give up, she knows perfectly well what she wants from life - and will not miss her. Sometimes Vera is overly suspicious and suspicious, but in specific cases she soberly assesses the situation.

Faith is stubborn, does not hover in the clouds, its very specific earthly dreams come true. She rarely takes a great interest in her work, she just earns her living. She can be an engineer, technician, laboratory assistant, biologist, teacher. The exception is creative professions, and Vera has abilities, and here she gives herself completely.

It is better if Vera chooses an older husband, but sometimes she marries a peer, this marriage most often ends in divorce, because the young man is unable to understand her. In the family, Vera is always the main one, the young husband begins to resist, this suits an older person quite well.

In sexual terms, one should not expect violent passions from Vera, she is closer to tenderness, affectionate relationships. Vera most often has one child, she gives him all of herself. Mother-in-law Vera endures, realizing that it is necessary to get along somehow. Vera is a strong-willed woman, she needs time to think about her actions, but if resentment prevailed and Vera left her husband on a momentary impulse, she would never return to him. Vera rarely marries a second time, she remains to live alone. Appeasement is brought to her by her grandchildren, whom she adores and pampers beyond measure. Happy Vera will be married to Alexander, Eugene, Yegor, Zakhar, Mikhail, Pavel or Yakov.


Vera Fedorovna Komissarzhevskaya (1864-1910) - Russian actress. Creativity for her was the purpose and meaning of existence.

At the age of nineteen, Komissarzhevskaya falls madly in love with Count V.L. Muravyov and marries him. The marriage turns out to be extremely unsuccessful: the young woman has to endure scandals, her husband's drunkenness, his constant betrayal. Two years later, her husband leaves her, and perhaps the most difficult time for Komissarzhevskaya comes; after a failed suicide attempt, she slowly comes back to life...

Changes for the better begin after she meets the Siloti family - passionate art lovers. Komissarzhevskaya, who loved the theater since childhood, enthusiastically plunges into the creative atmosphere: she participates in home performances, enters the opera class at the Society of Art and Literature in Moscow, from where she enters the troupe of N.N. Sinelnikova in Novocherkassk, 1893. Despite her obvious penchant for the dramatic repertoire, she has been playing in vaudeville for a long time. Her roles in the classical repertoire of the time are Lisa in Woe from Wit (1893) and Betsy in Tolstoy's Fruits of Enlightenment.

Since 1896, Komissarzhevskaya has been playing on the Alexandrinsky stage. She creates an amazing image of Larisa in "Dowry". Her heroine is a smart, intelligent woman experiencing a spiritual tragedy, trying to hide from inner emptiness in crazy love. The extraordinary success of the role with the audience was due to the extreme sincerity of the performance: the actress in the image of Larisa embodies her doubts, her search for the path and meaning of life. Nina Zarechnaya has much in common with the image of Larisa - Komissarzhevskaya played her on the infamous evening of the failure of Chekhov's "The Seagull" in 1896. For her benefit performance in 1899, she chooses the role of Varya in Ostrovsky's "Wild Woman". Her Varya pleased the audience with her youth and spontaneity; she was compared with Tolstoy's Natasha Rostova.

Despite the obvious successes and recognition of the public, at the turn of the century, the actress is experiencing an internal crisis. At forty, as at twenty, she is tormented by the question of the meaning of life.

Komissarzhevskaya turns to her contemporary dramaturgy. In 1900, she plays Sonya in the production of Uncle Vanya, she speaks to people about the hope and beauty of the world. She is gradually moving away from purely acting activities, devoting all her time and energy to creating her own theater. In 1904 Komissarzhevskaya plays Nora in H. Ibsen's "A Doll's House", her Nora is full of joy when she starts a new life - Komissarzhevskaya feels the same on September 15, 1904, on the opening day of her Drama Theater. Its theater was oriented towards modern dramaturgy; plays by Ibsen, Maeterlinck, Gorky, L. Andreev, A. Blok were staged there. Since 1906, Komissarzhevskaya has been collaborating with V.E. Meyerhold. Unfortunately, after a few years the theater began to lose the public and the interest of critics, and in 1910 it was closed. In the same year, Vera Fedorovna also died.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

The meaning of the name Vera for a girl, a girl and a woman. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Read a full analysis of the nature, compatibility and fate of the name Vera in this article!

Full name: Vera

Meaning: from the ancient Greek name Pistis - "faith"

Similar names: Faith, Fe, Veera, Vyara

Church name: Faith

What does the name Vera mean?

Vera is a beautiful female name popular in Russia. Its origin has Slavic roots, meaning: faith, belief, truth. Although many scientists associate the emergence of the name Vera with the time of the baptism of Russia and its Christian virtues: Faith, Hope and Love, the mention of this name was also found in pagan times. The name Vera in a similar phonetic sound is found among the Greek people and is translated as "belief".

There is another version of the origin of this name from Byzantium. According to legend, Byzantine girls - Pistis, Elpis and Agape, whose names translated into Russian as Faith, Hope and Love were executed in Rome in 137 for the Christian faith, and three days later their mother, Saint Sophia, died on the grave of their daughters. According to this version, in Russian church books, the names of the three great martyrs were recorded in translation. The heavenly patroness of the owner of this name is the Holy Great Martyr Vera of Rome, revered on February 26, June 14, September 30 and October 14.

Full name is Vera.

Diminutive names - Verochka, Verunya, Verunchik, Verushka, Verusya, Verchik, Verusha.

The meaning of the name leaves an imprint on the character and behavior of Vera in different life periods. It forms moral values ​​that are not subject to emotional outbursts, affects finding one's place in life, health and happiness. The psychological properties of Vera, given by the meaning of the name - phlegm and equanimity, will become a lifesaver, allowing you to weigh and think over all statements and actions in advance. For parents, the meaning of a name indicating its strengths and weaknesses is important to know when raising a child.

The name Vera in different languages ​​of the world

Arabic: إيمان

Armenian: Հավատք

In Belarusian: Vera

Greek: Πίστη

Georgian: რწმენა

In Chinese: 信仰

German: Vera

Polish: Wera and Wiera

Slovenian: Vera

Slovak: Viera

Serbian: Faith

Ukrainian: Vira

Finnish: Veera, Vera

Czech: Věra, Viera

Swedish: Vera, Wera

Japanese: 信仰

Characteristics and astrology of the name Vera

Favorable day: Friday


Ruler Planet: Saturn

Talisman Stone: Beryl

Color: steel

plant: heather

Animal: Eagle

What does the name Vera mean for a girl, a girl and a woman?

In early childhood, Vera is a calm, balanced and reasonable girl. Easily succumbing to education, she obeys her parents, helps them with the housework, considering it her duty. If there are younger children in the family, Verochka takes good care of them.

From an early age, the girl treats toys with care, begins to save money, putting them in a piggy bank. When making remarks to Vera, parents should choose words. Despite the absence of violent emotions, the girl is very touchy, deeply worried in her soul, which can lead to isolation.

Vera has an analytical mindset, mastering school subjects without difficulty. Parents completely trust her, not controlling her studies and social circle. Since her school years, Vera has respected teachers, favorably treats the opinions of older people, striving to justify their trust in everything. The girl does not like to be in the center of attention. She easily gets along with her peers, but makes few friends. Her parents are her undisputed authority.

Having matured, Vera does not strive for leadership, but setting goals on her own, she knows how to find a way out of any situation and achieve the desired result. She is respected by those around her, who consider her a reasonable and courageous girl. All the actions and actions of the Faith, apart from personal life, are characterized by iron logic. Seemingly proud and arrogant to others, Vera has a kind heart. Deep down, she is not confident in herself, she is very worried about every remark from people, she closes herself and tries to rethink her behavior.

The opinion of society has a huge impact on the girl, although her inner beliefs and values ​​​​do not always coincide with generally accepted norms. Those who want to find a girlfriend in Vera should praise her more often, but not overdo it, as the girl intuitively feels lies and falsehood. Vera does not have a sense of humor, so it’s better not to joke about her. In search of her soulmate, Vera can often change guys. In her understanding, life should consist of financial well-being and domestic comfort. Due to the phlegmatic character, she does not experience small joys and pleasures in small things.

The Vera woman stands out for her prosaic and practical nature. She is not interested in unattainable dreams. Before herself, she sets only realistic goals and without too much haste, thinking step by step, she achieves success. Following her logic, life should bring satisfaction from a stable material well-being created by a well-paid job and a solid husband. She does not tolerate coercion and does only what she wants. In relation to colleagues and friends, he is distinguished by loyalty and devotion, doing everything to avoid serious conflicts.

The limit of her dreams is a house that has turned into a full bowl and prosperous children. Her behavior is guided by a sober calculation that prevents her from achieving harmonious relations with men who consider her uncompromising and cold. Love desires do not leave Vera, but she sacrificially prefers a quiet life in the bosom of her family to their satisfaction, depicting tender and devoted love for her husband.

The nature and fate of the name Vera

The nature of the name is influenced not only by its meaning, but also by the sign of the zodiac guarding it. The constellation named Vera - Libra, helps to balance the positive and negative character traits, in which often positive traits, speaking in an exaggerated form, can play a cruel joke in Vera's life.

Positive features:

  • independence
  • purposefulness
  • openness
  • determination
  • intuition
  • honesty
  • equanimity
  • benevolence

The character of a businesslike and purposeful Faith is characterized by honesty, which sometimes makes life difficult for her. She does not flaunt her emotions, discouraging equanimity, helping to make informed decisions in difficult situations. Not trying to attract undue attention to herself, she is actually a sociable person, capable of good deeds. Faiths born in the winter months are laconic, determined women, distinguished by their utmost honesty and efficiency.

Autumn Faiths are practical natures, calculating their actions in advance and loving home comfort. Summer Vera stands out for her benevolence and responsiveness, being an interesting companion and reliable friend. The spring owner of the name is a woman shrouded in a veil of mystery, tender, experiencing other people's troubles as her own.

  • excessive courage
  • ambition
  • fanaticism
  • resentment
  • hoarding
  • uncertainty
  • suspiciousness

The courage of the Faith in achieving the goal often develops into excessive courage, perseverance - into fanaticism. Feeling lack of control and freedom, a woman can show arbitrariness. Trying to appear confident and unflappable in society, Vera lives with a whole bunch of complexes. She is too touchy and suspicious. Even a minor remark leads her to strong feelings, lowering her self-esteem. In relation to business partners, unreasonable suspicions may arise, leading to conflicts.

In relationships with men, she is very jealous, which creates difficulties in creating a family union. Winter Faiths are too wayward natures, tough with subordinates and uncompromising. Faiths born in the spring are very touchy and vulnerable, rarely forgiving lies. Summer Faiths are ambitious. The pragmatism and practicality of the autumn owners of the name sometimes develops into greed. These persons are closed and infinitely punctual, which is required of others.

Fate of Faith

The name of Vera is patronized by the planet Saturn, which can have a strong influence on the fate and health of a person. He endowed Vera with independence and love of freedom, the ability to overcome the difficulties that arise in life. The beryl talisman stone helps in the fate, giving Vera peace of mind and protecting her from diseases. His presence in the life of Vera gives her strength, courage and determination, helps to attract good luck and prosperity.

Having set a life goal from her youth, Vera, by perseverance and diligence, will achieve the desired position in society and prosperity. When in the professional sphere her work is adequately appreciated, and life is surrounded by love and mutual understanding of loved ones, luck will accompany Vera, bringing unexpected surprises.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Vera can choose a profession that is not prestigious, but provides an opportunity for good earnings. It can be realized in any professional field. Not possessing the qualities of a leader, Vera manifests herself as an executive and responsible worker, not striving to climb the career ladder. A huge capacity for work makes it possible not to yield to men in work, earning on a par with them. Working without passion, she can be a successful engineer, technician, health worker, biologist, bank worker. teacher. Specialties that do not require quick decision-making are suitable for her. An exception may be creative professions. Vera, who is not devoid of talent, can go headlong into acting, directing and musical creativity, sacrificing money for them.

Being engaged in business, Vera can collect a decent fortune, which cannot be saved if she is carried away by some new project. He does not make a tragedy out of failures in business, but will undertake to make up for losses with increased perseverance. An analytical mindset, the ability to select like-minded people usually lead to success. She can sacrifice her financial position not only for the sake of an idea, but for the sake of women's happiness and children.

Marriage and family

Vera chooses her husband from among older fans with a stable financial position. Taking a pragmatic approach to marriage, she sensually impoverishes life for the sake of material well-being, depriving herself of ordinary female joys. If Vera marries early and to a peer, succumbing to surging love, such a marriage most often ends in divorce. The reason for this is Vera's desire to subjugate her young husband and her jealousy. At the second marriage, the mistakes of the past will be taken into account.

Vera, remaining the main one in the family, will show herself to be a housewife and practical housewife, who knows how to properly manage money and create comfort in the house, which suits older husbands. She will remain faithful to her husband, becoming his reliable friend. Most often, Vera has one child, whom she brings up in severity. She maintains a good relationship with her mother-in-law, demonstrating respect for her. If the husband offends, she will not be able to forgive him: having left, she will never come back.

Sex and love

Before marriage, Vera can often change sexual partners, being in search of the only ideal man. Needing tenderness and beautiful words, she is not fed up with love pleasures. Without showing violent passion with a partner, a woman open to affection endows a man during sex with tenderness, a unique feeling of warmth and peace. Having by nature restraint and cleanliness, Vera will never allow intimacy with two partners. Relations with another man will begin only after the final break with her lover.

The manifestation of the sexual temperament of Vera is influenced by birth at a certain time of the year. Winter and autumn women with this name are less emotional, more restrained in intimacy, unable even during sex to be distracted from thoughts about current affairs. Faiths born in spring and summer are emotional persons who constantly need sex. In the absence of a sexual partner, they become irritable and touchy. A man who has managed to satisfy Vera's sexual desires will transform her into a temperamental and tender woman, capable of an all-consuming feeling.


Faith is characterized by strong nerves with poor health. Since childhood, she often suffers from tonsillitis and suffers from all childhood infectious diseases. Weak immunity is the cause of all her ailments. Swimming in the sea, hardening and physical education will help strengthen it. Since birth, Verochka has been suffering from dermatitis. At a young age, diseases of the stomach and intestines can disturb.

In more mature years, gynecological problems may arise. Retirement age threatens the development of arthritis or rheumatism. Vera, born in September, is prone to cardiovascular diseases, otitis and rhinitis. Verochka "March" is predisposed to throat diseases and gallstone diseases. January women may suffer from headaches due to disorders in the vessels of the brain.

Interests and hobbies

From a young age, Vera has many talents, which are the task of parents to develop. Since childhood, she has been fond of activities containing creativity - music, drawing, modeling, sewing soft toys. In adulthood, a woman finds a passion for cooking, experimenting with recipes for all kinds of dishes, pastries and desserts, earning the approval of households and friends. Vera enjoys caring for animals. In her house there will always be a place for pets surrounded by love. But most of all, Vera is passionate about travel.

Vera name compatibility with male names

The equanimity of Vera can be maintained by a man with a similar character, distinguished by self-control and non-conflict. Vera's love relationship with the stronger sex is far from all-consuming passion and recklessness. If a man in love manages to unravel the cold mystery of Vera, awakening the sensuality of his beloved, an ardent and tender love will be born, making hearts beat in unison.

Compatibility in love

Love in the understanding of Vera is not a passion, but a manifestation of a romantic and tender attitude towards her, coming primarily from a man. This awakens in a woman a deep feeling that develops into respect. Such relationships with Vera are very likely to develop with Denis, Igor, Andrey, Ilya, George, Ivan, Vladislav.

With a pragmatic Faith, they will not achieve psychological compatibility in love, partners who are disappointed in its earthliness, unadapted to life - Vadim, Victor, Evgeny, Konstantin, Yuri.

Marriage Compatibility

Vera sees the essence of marriage in the union of two like-minded people, and then already in their love. When there is complete mutual understanding between spouses, family life will become a harmonious and strong union that can withstand any situation. Such a marriage is real with Dmitry, Anatoly, Alexei, Maxim, Oleg, Vladimir, Artem, Anton, Boris, Boris, Pavel, Fedor.

Marriages are short-lived because of the quarrels of the demanding and scrupulous Vera with freedom-loving men who do not want to make concessions in anything - with Alexander, Konstantin, Sergei, Roman, Mikhail, Nikolai.

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