All about lamp teeth whitening. Features and disadvantages of the cold light teeth whitening technique. How is the teeth whitening procedure performed?

The number of people who visit the office aesthetic dentistry for teeth whitening, grows every year.

Specialists are developing new techniques for home and office clarification, striving to make the process more gentle, painless, easy to carry out and affordable for most people.

One of latest developments is teeth whitening with cold light.

The essence of the method

This method is based on the use of a gel with a special composition as a clarifying agent and a lamp that activates and accelerates its action with directed rays.

The main chemical component of the gel is hydrogen peroxide, the quantitative ratio of which to all other components is chosen so that its effect on the enamel appears gradually and not aggressively.

It also gently acts on enamel and a halogen (cold) light lamp. It, unlike LED and ultraviolet instruments, does not have a heating ability, and therefore does not harm the enamel.

Due to the fact that the lamp does not heat the tooth surface during the session, the patient does not experience pain. Cold lightening is considered the most gentle way to restore a smile to its former attractiveness.

The mechanism of the procedure is quite simple - the light emitted by the lamp, falling on the gel, activates the release of oxygen from it. The element, penetrating into the dental tissues, contributes to the breakdown of accumulated pigments. The result of such a reaction is the lightening of the enamel.

Advantages and disadvantages

In comparison with other similar methods, the technique differs in the following characteristics:

  1. Ease of implementation, which experts have already managed to evaluate.
  2. A gentle action. Does not change the primary structure and integrity of the enamel.
  3. The maximum effect is achieved in one session, No multiple office visits required.
  4. The duration of the session does not exceed 50 minutes.(together with preparation for the procedure).
  5. High lightening rate(up to 6-8 tones per session).
  6. Painless procedure. There is no physical discomfort during execution.
  7. Safety. Missing side effects and recurrent manifestations.
  8. Duration of saving the result. Effect persists long time without corrective action.

The disadvantages include:

  • high price;
  • a large number of restrictions to conduct.

Dentists also point to the effective limitation of cold lightening, i.e., with a naturally gray tone of enamel. this technique powerless, and the result of bleaching is almost imperceptible. This fact is also a disadvantage.

Indications and restrictions

Reason for teeth whitening procedure this method is a visible darkening of the enamel, a change in its shade, as well as pigmentation, which is fragmented or general.

Such changes are well eliminated if they were caused by:

  • nicotine resins;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea;
  • juices and drinks with strong food colors;
  • poor-quality oral hygiene, the result of which is the formation of a stone or plaque.

Besides, cold light bleaching may be recommended and those patients whose enamel naturally has a yellowish tint. But the result in this case will be less pronounced.

Despite the fact that the procedure is absolutely safe for human body, it is undesirable to carry out under the following conditions:

  • pregnancy (at any time);
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • children, adolescents (up to 16 years) or advanced age;
  • the tendency of enamel to pathological erasure;
  • diabetes;
  • respiratory dysfunction (asthma);
  • malignant neoplasms, regardless of location, stage and degree of progression;
  • intolerance (allergy) to medical preparations that are used during the procedure;
  • dental diseases (for example, caries);
  • bruxism;
  • partial destruction of the surface layer of teeth (chips, cracks);
  • a large number of fillings, crowns, prostheses or implant systems;
  • thinned enamel.

Many of the listed restrictions are relative, and after their elimination, whitening becomes possible.

In any case, deciding similar procedure you need to consult a specialist. Only he will be able to determine the adequacy of its implementation, and in case of contraindications, he will suggest an alternative solution to the problem.

Types of lamps

For this method of clarification, several models of lamps are used from different manufacturers. But the leader of sales among them is the products of the USA. All manufactured devices are united by reliability, safety and durability of use.

In domestic dental clinics and salons, the following lamp models are most often used:

  1. C-Bright-II. The device is intended only for use in a clinic, capable of simultaneously illuminating both jaws. The lamp is equipped with a screen LED panel, has 4 light beam intensity modes, and can be fixed in any position convenient for the doctor.
  2. double white. The lamp is able to lighten each jaw individually. Its features are advanced control functions, organic and safe design.
  3. LED TE-600. It differs from analog products in compatibility with any means used for cold clarification, compactness and low cost. It provides two modes of intensity of light supply, convenient fastening. The set comes with 6 lamps.
  4. beyond power whitening System. L amps are distinguished by increased power, universal light filters with 30 protective layers. Its use reduces the session to 30 minutes.
  5. Beyond Polus. Patented unique model in which clarification comes from a source located at the rear of the device.

    This change ensures complete and uniform coverage of the tooth surface with light and 100% neutralization of UV rays. Today, there are no analogue offers on the market of dental products.

Modern ways

In dentistry, there are several methods of clarification. Some of them have long been fully tested in our country, others are only winning their customers.

Among the popular procedures are the methods of cold clarification. Consider the features of the most popular of them.

Beyond Polus

In Russia, this technique appeared relatively recently, but is already the most popular. It is chosen by almost 80% of all patients for the following reasons:

  • high whitening result - by 12 tones;
  • session duration - only 30 minutes;
  • the effect of the procedure lasts for 2 years;
  • point exposure allows you to lighten individual areas on the teeth or individual units;
  • the adverse effect of the system on the enamel is reduced to a minimum, thanks to the built-in filter system.

This technique is suitable for people with a too dark tooth surface, and with high sensitivity enamel.

Luma Cool

A popular procedure in European countries, but very limited use in Russia. Is the safest and only patented technology in the world, which allows during the procedure to use not a halogen (as is customary), but a diode lamp.

Its advantages include the following characteristics:

  • whitening by 8-10 tones;
  • session time - 25-30 minutes;
  • guarantee of saving the result - 1 year.

Amazing White

It is a new development. Activation chemical processes comes from the LED lamp. The advantages are:

  • whitening by 7-8 tones;
  • procedure time - 45 minutes;
  • The result lasts up to 2 years.

All of the above methods of cold bleaching are painless and safe for the patient, do not harm the teeth. Their only downside is their high cost.

Fundamentals of preparation

Teeth whitening with cold light is performed only under conditions dental office. Compact portable devices for use at home have not yet been created.

Before starting clarification, the doctor carries out some preparatory activities:

  1. Examination of the oral cavity and elimination of identified diseases. All dental pathologies are necessarily treated, periodontal tissues are brought into normal condition. Whitening is contraindicated in the presence of any dental disease.
  2. professional cleaning. For the gel to act directly on tooth enamel, plaque and tartar are removed from their surface. At the same stage, the dentist performs enamel fluoridation with preparations that strengthen and protect the structure.
  3. Vita Tone Scale the original shade of the teeth.

Immediately before starting whitening, a liquid cream is applied to the gums, which, after hardening, forms a protective barrier and protects the mucous membrane from the action of the gel. Instead of a cream, a retractor can be installed. The patient wears goggles to protect the eyes.

The last action of the dentist in the preparatory process is the drying of the tooth surface.

Important! 7-10 days before lamp clarification, it is undesirable to consume drinks and foods that contain strong food colors - wine, sweet soda, coffee, sauces, berries, carrots, beets, seasonings.


Regardless of the model of the lamp used, the whitening procedure takes place in the following sequence:

  1. A brightening gel is applied to the surface of the teeth and evenly distributed.
  2. The lamp turns on and is directed to the units included in the smile zone (the usual duration of clarification is 10-15 minutes).
  3. The remains of the drug are removed, and the next layer of gel is applied to the problematic elements, which is again dried with a lamp. These manipulations are repeated three times.
  4. Then the doctor evaluates the result.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the gel is washed off, the oral cavity is dried with air.

If the result does not suit the patient, the session can be repeated only after 7-10 days.

The video shows the technique of the procedure.

To maintain the result, experts advise their patients to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Properly and thoroughly brush your teeth daily, using only professional tools for this.
  2. Supplement oral care with the use of an irrigator.
  3. Adjust nutrition by minimizing the use of "coloring" drinks and foods. Increase the amount of dairy products, fruits and vegetables in the diet.
  4. Quit smoking and alcohol.
  5. After each snack, rinse your mouth with mouthwash.

Expected Result

According to dentists and patient reviews, the procedure for brightening enamel with cold light has good result. During the session, it is possible to lighten the tone of the enamel by 6-10 tones, which is often beyond the power of other methods.

Teeth are whitened somewhat worse, the tone of which is far from ideal due to genetic reasons. By nature, yellowish or gray enamel is the most difficult to lighten.

With proper care of the teeth and the implementation of medical recommendations, the result obtained lasts from one to two years.


It is difficult to give an exact cost for this service. The formation of the price is influenced by the region of residence of the person and the status of the dental clinic.

But the determining factor in pricing is the method that was used during the procedure:

  • Luma Cool- costs from 18 thousand rubles. up to 22 thousand rubles;
  • Beyond Polus- will cost 10-16 thousand rubles;
  • Amazing White- from 12 thousand rubles.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that you will have to pay separately for all the preparatory manipulations carried out, which will significantly increase the final cost.

Safety, efficiency and comfort are the three conditions that the creators of the Beyond whitening system rely on. The manufacturer of this system is the world leader in the production of professional equipment for aesthetic dentistry. Any photobleaching of teeth involves the use of a gel containing hydrogen peroxide and exposure to a light beam (hot or cold). The light from the lamp activates the whitening gel, speeding up the process, releasing active oxygen that penetrates the tooth enamel and dentin (the tissue underneath the enamel) and oxidizes dark pigments, whitening your teeth. Beyond whitening is cold whitening using a special lamp that combines LED (Light Emitted Diode) technology without filament and halogen light (Light Bridge) to enhance the whitening effect. The main advantage of Beyond cold light whitening is that it does not heat up the tooth enamel. As a result, the teeth and oral cavity remain healthy, and the risk of discomfort during the bleaching process is close to zero.

Beyond Polus Teeth Whitening

The Beyond Polus is an improved Beyond lamp with a choice of settings and additional options. Before starting the procedure, the device can be set to the appropriate operating mode (for example, for whitening with fluorosis or high risk hypersensitivity), and it is convenient to control the lamp through the touch screen. Many patients also comment on the pleasant, modern design of the Beyond Polus. This is important because cold whitening is not a cheap procedure (in Moscow clinics, the price of Beyond whitening varies from 12,000 to 15,000 rubles), and expensive equipment should inspire confidence, including by its appearance. During whitening, the dentist will offer you a special remote control - with it you can “call” the doctor at any time sound signal if, for example, he leaves the office.

Whitening Beyond or Zoom - which is better to choose?

A few years ago, Zoom whitening - photobleaching using oxygen gel and hot lamp light - was in unprecedented demand among those who want to get snow-white smile. However, with the advent new system many patients began to wonder which is better - Beyond or Zoom. Main disadvantage of the Zoom whitening system is that during the procedure the lamp does not filter harmful ultraviolet and heats up the tooth enamel. As a result, the risk of tooth hypersensitivity increases and often there are pain. There is another disadvantage: in order to protect the oral mucosa from possible burns, and the area around the mouth from unnecessary sunburn, the doctor has to carefully cover these areas with a special cloth, spending a lot of time.

When whitening teeth with the Beyond system, the oxygen gel activator is safe cold light blue spectrum, which is filtered through approximately 12 thousand optical fibers and passes through two optical lenses. The latter are covered with several dozen protective layers that remove infrared and ultraviolet radiation. This technology eliminates damage to tooth enamel and injury to soft tissues. At the same time, the whitening effect of Zoom and Beyond technologies is the same.

After removing the braces, our heroine Daria decided to bring her smile to the ideal and did whitening with cold light in the Insmile Dental Lounge studio. How it was - read in our material.

About two years ago I already whitened my teeth. Then it was excruciating: after the procedure, the teeth hurt terribly (it's good that this lasted only until the next morning). But the effect of the procedure was worth it. Time passed, and I decided to update the result, thinking that during this time technologies have certainly stepped forward and now it will be possible to whiten my teeth without pain.

On the initial appointment in the Insmile Dental Lounge, Elena Alexandrovna Rodionova (doctors, by the way, are called “angels of a smile” here - apparently, this was invented for those adults who still experience an overwhelming fear of the old punitive dentistry) removed plaque and tartar using ultrasound and Air cleaning flow. Then she polished the enamel and applied a special Energy complex to the entire surface of the teeth - it creates a special invisible film that penetrates the tooth structure, filling all the voids and restoring the integrity of the enamel. The doctor explained that by whitening teeth without brushing, we act on plaque and calculus, and our task is to work on the surface of the teeth without any obstacles. And after that, the preparatory period began: for about a week (depending on the condition of the teeth), you need to use a special one that reduces sensitivity in order to reduce the risk of pain after whitening.

The special spacer looks intimidating, but actually helps to endure the entire session without tension.

For reference: any "office" teeth whitening, regardless of the temperature of the light, works with gels containing hydrogen peroxide. This composition penetrates into the dentin of the teeth - the tissue that is located under the enamel - and acts there, and not on the surface. And the light is used solely to activate the whitening composition. The main advantage of cold whitening is that if you do not heat your teeth during the procedure, this significantly reduces the risk of pain.

In my case preparatory process took 10 days. Then the very day came: I came to the clinic, settled in a chair, my “smile angel” applied a special strengthening gel to my teeth - preventive measure, since the clarifying composition inevitably penetrates under the enamel, the gel helps to minimize the effects. The doctor then applied a whitening gel to the surface of the teeth and hooked up the Beyond laser system, a machine that resembles Wally's robot. “Unlike conventional systems that heat the surface of the tooth, this device emits cold light of the blue spectrum,” Elena Alexandrovna said in the process. - Harmful ultraviolet radiation completely removed by the filtration system, leaving only a focused beam of light.”

I was under the lamp for 15 minutes, then the doctor removed the whitening gel and reapplied another layer for another 15 minutes under the light. I didn’t feel any pain in the process, only a slight tickling sensation - as if tiny oxygen bubbles were exploding on the surface of the teeth, this was the whitening gel working. Then the teeth were cleaned of the gel, and Tooth Mousse was applied on top - a product based on lactobacilli, calcium and phosphate, which restores the enamel and strengthens it after the procedure.

During the procedure: pain none, I want to take a nap

Well, then we began to look at the result. My teeth have brightened to the very white color in the table. To maintain it, you can order the manufacture of caps and from time to time repeat the whitening procedure at home. Although without this result should be enough for a year, and subject to simple rules and longer. Basically, the restrictions relate to food - at first, while the enamel has not yet fully recovered, it is necessary to completely exclude “coloring” foods from the diet: wine,

Light whitening

There are many methods of teeth whitening in the world. One of them is teeth whitening with light. AT dental practice dentists use white light or cold light whitening.

Teeth whitening with white light

Teeth whitening with white light, or White Light this is modern way whitening at home.

The advantages of such bleaching are:

  • Relatively inexpensive cost;
  • Ease of use (the choice of time depends on the patient himself).

White Light Teeth Whitening Technology

The whitening gel is applied to the tray, which is inserted into oral cavity. For ten minutes, the kappa will be treated with a beam of light using a lamp with LEDs. For such a beam, the radiation length is strictly defined. After that, the lamp will turn itself off, which will mean the completion of the white light whitening procedure.

The light of the lamp affects the active elements of the special gel. Oxygen is released. He destroys dark spots in the enamel of the teeth, as a result of which the teeth are whitened, while their structure is not destroyed.

White light teeth whitening procedure can be repeated at any convenient time.

Depending on the contamination of the tooth surface, the duration of the white light whitening course is set. If the total time of the procedure per day can reach up to 30 minutes, then maximum amount days for the white light whitening procedure - five days.

Benefits of White Light Whitening

Teeth whitening with white light

  • The special gel is harmless because it does not contain acids.
  • The effectiveness of bleaching when exposed to lamp light is greater than that of kappa whitening.
  • The result after the white light teeth whitening procedure lasts up to a year.
  • This type bleaching has no special contraindications.

Disadvantages of white light bleaching

  • Not very comfortable mouthguards for teeth due to their lack of individuality.
  • The special gel may be accidentally removed by saliva.
  • Gel for home whitening will contain less carbamide peroxide than gels professional whitening in the clinic.

Prevention of teeth whitening with white light

After the white light teeth whitening procedure, the patient needs to devote sufficient time to caring for the oral cavity, do not drink tea, coffee and products that contain dyes, do not smoke, and visit the dentist more often.

Teeth whitening with cold light

The method of whitening teeth with cold light is based on exposure to light on hydrogen peroxide of a certain concentration and its activation. Peroxide has an effect on coloring pigments that are under the tooth enamel. After the procedure, the teeth are visibly brighter.

The first bleaching llamas produced ultraviolet radiation and in a small amount infrared, as a result of which, during bleaching, due to the heating of the tissues of the teeth, pronounced painful sensations arose and, with insufficient insulation, a burn of mucous and soft tissues could occur.

In our time, other lamps have appeared. These are cold light lamps and LED lamps.

Teeth whitening with cold light began to be called Beyond (that was the name of the manufacturing company).

Recent responses by destination

Asked by: Anastasia

Good afternoon, I plan to install a bracket system, which cement should I use for crowns?

Answer: Svitnev Petr Sergeevich

Good afternoon, Anastasia. Better bet temporary crowns, and cement, which your orthopedic doctor considers necessary.

Among home remedies for whitening, there are many original and unusual devices, for example, an LED lamp for teeth whitening. It is believed that the set allows you to quickly and painlessly create Hollywood smile. Let's see how it works and how effective it is.

Very often, chemical reagents are used for cosmetic teeth whitening. In particular, it is carbamide peroxide. Lamp teeth whitening is another type of chemical bleaching. To lighten the pigment, it is necessary to apply a special brightening gel, while the lamp is used to enhance and speed up the reaction. In the normal state, the gel shows the pigment in 8-12 hours, and with a lamp - in just 1-2 hours.

Before using the lamp, it is advisable to carry out professional cleaning teeth. For example, do purge air flow. Must be carried out preventive examination at the dentist to exclude the presence of microtraumas in the gums and carious holes in the teeth.

Cleaning air flow

If you want to achieve an excellent result, you need to do a full cycle of preparatory activities:

  • bring the oral cavity into proper condition;
  • renew old fillings;
  • get rid of mouth infections;
  • do an allergy test;
  • clear upper layer enamel from pigmented spots.

After preparatory measures, the gel is applied to the teeth and the lamp is turned on. Be sure to wait until the light segment is ready for operation. A special indicator on the device will report about it.

The gel-treated areas are illuminated with a lamp for 45-60 minutes. After that, the gel is gently cleaned from the oral cavity.

Usually, 2-3 lightening treatments are required to achieve optimal results.

Dmitry Sidorov


Do not get carried away with such clarification, because maximum effect achieved only on the third day after the procedure. If re-lightening is done before then, the final color of the teeth may be unnaturally bright.

Only in case correct use instructions, the effectiveness of the procedure will overshadow the side effects and harm from it.

Before and after lamp whitening

Harm and contraindications

All methods of chemical bleaching, one way or another, are harmful. Peroxide (urea, hydrogen, etc.) penetrates into the dentin through the enamel, violating its integrity. In addition, the LED tooth whitening lamp causes dentin ossification. Due to this, its elasticity changes, and in some cases this can lead to a pinched nerve.

In addition, peroxide is an acid that causes serious allergic reactions may cause gum burns.

Allergy after using peroxide

Constant exposure to acid, including when whitening teeth with an LED lamp, leads to an increase in the sensitivity of the enamel. People suffering from this pathology are forced to refuse sour, cold and hot foods and drinks, constantly feel pain in their teeth. In this case, you will have to additional prevention and treatment nerve endings damaged by acid attack. And if this does not help, you will have to remove the nerves.

The use of peroxides is unacceptable in the third trimester of pregnancy, because it can lead to a violation of the integrity of the dentition, cause health problems in the child.

Summing up

LED teeth whitening is a fairly effective, but expensive procedure. It requires not only current composition, but also a special developer. It is much easier and safer to carry out such bleaching in dental clinic under the supervision of a physician.

LED lamp for dentistry LED lamp for home whitening

This will help to avoid side effects and unexpected troubles. Towards folk remedies and other types of chemical lightening, the use of LED beams can significantly reduce the harm of peroxide, but not completely eliminate it.

In the video, a popular blogger reviews a home whitening kit with an LED lamp:

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