Modern fillings. What is the best dental filling? Review of modern materials. Silver filling composition

Filling is popular dental procedure. Sealing - filling special composition dental cavity. Filling materials are diverse, but the light filling is considered the most modern and high-quality. It has many names: photopolymer, reflective, polymer, light curing, etc. Unlike chemical fillings, light-curing fillings are invisible, so they are better suited for front teeth. Photopolymer filling will not only last long years but also preserve the beauty of your smile.

The concept of a light seal

The material from which they are made light seals hardens when exposed to ultraviolet light. A permanent photographic seal has a number of advantages. The most important advantage is considered to be an extensive palette of colors, thanks to which it is almost impossible to notice the sealed area if correct setting fillings.


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The main component of the light filling, to which it owes its properties and name, is the heliocomposite. Under the influence of light, it decomposes into radicals, which leads to the polymerization of the light filling.

In addition to the heliocomposite, the composition of the gel filling includes fillers that affect its appearance and quality. It is on them that the service life depends.

Macrophiles are large inorganic elements. They provide the following properties:

Microphiles are small particles that give such properties as:

  • light polishing;
  • glossy shine;
  • color immutability;
  • instability to mechanical stress.

Mini-fillers combine the properties of the previous particles, but are rarely used. They are suitable for the restoration of teeth with small defects, as they have:

Nanohybrid composites are ultrafine particles that combine best properties. These fillings are suitable for restoring teeth. varying degrees damage. Once placed, the filling is completely invisible.

What does a photofill look like: photos before and after treatment

The dentist selects the material and color of the light filling, which is closest to the natural shade of the enamel. Much depends on the qualifications of the doctor - if he does the job efficiently (without cracks, chips, etc.), then the restored tooth will be invisible. The last thing on which the state of the light-polymer filling depends is the care of the oral cavity.

Subject to certain rules, the design will retain its original view. In the photo you can see what it looks like oral cavity before and after filling.

When is use indicated?

Permanent fillings serve to eliminate many defects, and not necessarily carious. Indications for installing a light seal are:

  • carious cavities on the entire surface of the tooth crown;
  • destruction of the tooth crown up to ½ of its volume;
  • defects of the root or neck of the tooth;
  • pigmentation that is not removed by other means;
  • defects not related to caries.

What are the types of light fillings?

Light polymer fillings differ in their purpose. They can be mounted on the front or chewing teeth. For anterior teeth, materials of higher quality containing microfilaments are selected, as they are not visible during a conversation, smile, etc. For others, macrophiles are suitable, which are inferior to small particles in aesthetic terms, but have advantages in strength.

A type of light seals that can be called universal - containing ultrafine particles. They fill any dental defects.

On the anterior (front) teeth

Treatment of anterior teeth with a composite stands out separately, since not only strength is important, but also appearance. For this reason, a higher quality material for photopolymer fillings is used, it contains micro-filled particles. Thanks to them, it becomes possible to choose the perfect color (and save it for for a long time), they also have a characteristic luster for enamel.

On chewing teeth

For chewing teeth resistance to mechanical damage is important, since during chewing food they bear the entire load. Photopolymer fillings for posterior teeth contain macro-filled particles that provide strength and wear resistance.

Minus - unstable color, but for this type of teeth, aesthetics is less important than treatment. In any case, a light filling is less noticeable than chemical, glass ionomer, etc.

Installation process and service life

The process of installing a light seal differs little from other types of sealing. Tooth filling consists of several stages:

  1. Examination of the oral cavity and the use of local anesthesia.
  2. Removal of carious area.
  3. Choice of shade. The dentist uses a special scale. This stage fillings can be carried out before the procedure.
  4. Preparing for a tooth filling. He will be isolated cotton swabs install a saliva ejector to prevent saliva from entering.
  5. Drying of the treated area. After that, it is covered for 40 seconds with a special preparation that loosens the dentin, for better adhesion of the filling to the tooth. Then it is washed off and the surface is dried again.
  6. Application of adhesive. It enhances adhesion to dentin.
  7. Formation. The material is applied in stages, in layers. Each layer is exposed to ultraviolet light for 1-2 minutes.
  8. Grinding for shaping, bite correction, etc.
  9. Covering the surface of the tooth with a protective fluorine-containing varnish. It strengthens the enamel and further secures the filling in the crown of the tooth.

All stages of filling last from half an hour to an hour and are not accompanied by pain. A photo seal can last from three to five years.

How long before you can eat?

After installing any type of filling, you must follow the recommendations of the dentist. The light seal is no exception. Usually everyone is concerned about the first meal after installation. You can eat after 40 minutes, but for reinsurance it is advisable to wait 2 hours. Such precautions will prolong the life of the tooth filling.

For the first few days, it is advisable not to eat foods containing aggressive pigments. You will have to refrain from pomegranate, cherry juices, tea, coffee, borscht, beets and other things. This will preserve the shade of the filling so that it does not differ from other teeth in color.

Sweet and starchy foods are also banned. These products create favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms.

How is it different from other types of filling?

To talk about the difference between light polymer filling materials from others, you need to understand what they are.

Every day, people who want to put a filling on a carious hole, heal canals, build up part of the enamel, etc. get to see a dentist. In this regard, the question regularly arises: “Which fillings for teeth are better?”. There is no single answer to it, since each case is individual, not only the degree of damage is taken into account, but also physiological features organism, the presence of an allergy to a particular material, other factors.

In the article, we will review popular materials for filling, point out their advantages and disadvantages.

The composition of composites, their final properties, aesthetic performance and service life will vary.

Should be remembered that some materials are more suitable for filling, others for artistic restoration, and completely third for crown formation. Also, the choice of filling will depend on age, because in pediatrics less aggressive and tenacious, but at the same time less wear-resistant options are used.

Temporary filling

Absolutely all composites for filling carious cavities are plastic, flexible and tend to harden.

To select the material, the following indicators should be considered:

  • environmental friendliness and harmlessness to humans(components should not be washed out under the influence of saliva, drinks and products in order to prevent intoxication of the body, the occurrence of individual reactions);
  • wear resistance(for many years, the filling must remain in place motionless, retain its shape and texture);
  • color fastness(picking up modern filling the color of the enamel, the patient must ensure that it is not stained with food dyes or natural pigments (nicotine, tea, coffee, wine, etc.).
  • fast setting(a visit to the dentist is not very pleasant for anyone, so modern material should harden quickly, reducing the time for installing a seal to half an hour);
  • strength(the seal must withstand natural loads: chewing, biting of hard objects, crushing, etc.);
  • tightness, ease of grinding, plasticity (indicators that simplify the work of the dentist and reduce the time of admission).

Also, the patient should pay attention to the manufacturer of the material, because foreign (German, Israeli, European, etc.) options often demonstrate best quality and mortgaged properties, and are also considered the most modern and safest. Of course, their cost is much higher than domestic ones. But many are willing to pay extra for long life and reliability.

Consider what are the fillings for teeth and their distinctive features.

Cement Composites

There are several subspecies of cement composites: silicate, silicophosphate, glass ionomer, polycarboxylate, zinc phosphate.

Glass ionomer cement

Dental cement hardens thanks to the standard technology for cements: the dry part of the material is mixed with the liquid ingredient, as a result of which an active chemical reaction occurs.

Let's move on to the main disadvantage. The chemical reaction after kneading lasts very little time, so the filling should be placed quickly, and, therefore, not always with high quality. Moreover, there is no time left to give the tooth the necessary shape and texture.

Many people ask after what types of dental fillings you can immediately eat. In the case of cements, you can eat soft food only 2-3 hours after the procedure, since by this time the maximum hardening of the material is reached.

The shortcomings don't end there. Zinc phosphate species under the influence of time and external factors gradually washed away, reduced in volume.

In such seals, cracks quickly appear, the seal becomes mobile and eventually falls out. As a rule, this type is used as a temporary measure or insulating gasket, as well as to strengthen an artificial crown, veneer, inlay.

The silicate species is poisonous, so it is rarely seen in modern clinics. In addition, such fillings are weak, crumble and dissolve over time.

The silico-phosphate type combines the previous two, having their shortcomings.

Polycarboxylate cements are more durable and wearable, and also contain fluorine, which prevents the development of caries.

The glass ionomer type is the most popular and consists of a powder part (fluoro-aluminum glass), an acid solution based on polyacrylic. Such fillings have high strength, minimal toxicity and good term services.

If you are interested in what kind of dental fillings it is better to put on the milk teeth of children, then pay attention to cement ones: affordable, durable, common and will last for several years.

Filling with amalgam

Amalgam is a group of metals that dissolve and then solidify in mercury.

Filling with amalgam

Such a seal is produced from noble metals - silver, gold and copper, which allows you to achieve maximum reliability and strength, as well as resistance to saliva leaching, natural wear.

Unfortunately, such composites have the lowest aesthetics - they are easy to notice during communication or eating, especially if carious holes were located in chewing molars. Sometimes the teeth are also stained from the metal alloy.

Also, the material thickens very slowly, fills poorly carious cavity therefore, after a few years, a recurrence of caries is possible.

The cost of such a filling for a tooth can also be considered a minus (photo below). Firstly, the use of noble materials significantly increases the price of the work. And secondly, for the installation of amalgams, dentistry purchases specific equipment, which also needs to be recouped at the expense of the patient.

gold filling

And finally, one more minus is galvanism, a common disease associated with a long stay of metal in the mouth. Patients complain of a metallic taste in the mouth, bitterness, increased salivation, discomfort and burning.

Composites based on monomers

These types of dental fillings are used for artistic restoration, crown extensions and, of course, conventional treatment caries.

Composite is a combination of two reagents: organic monomer and inorganic filler. Under the influence of UV rays or a special activator, these materials quickly harden and reliably fill the cavity. However, over the years, composites can deform, wear out and shrink, after which the filling becomes mobile and may fall out. Sometimes, to avoid this, an adhesive component is applied between the filling and the tooth, which acts as an adhesive. Before this, the cavity is dried with phosphoric acid.

The cost of composites is affordable and they are common in every clinic.

This material exhibits excellent aesthetic properties. The doctor with the patient can choose the shade of the filling, corresponding to the natural color of the enamel.

Many people ask which filling is better to put on chewing teeth so that it is not visible during communication. Here is the answer for you - composite fillings are perfect for this purpose, but they are not used for filling milk teeth.

Filling with plastic

Plastic has been used in dentistry for a long time. The dentist independently kneaded the material and placed it in a thick form in the tooth cavity, after which he waited for hardening.

Of the minuses can be identified severe toxicity of the material, low strength and resistance to wear, the ability to change color under the influence of food pigments, dyes and time.

plastic filling

AT modern dentistry plastic is used extremely rarely, because the material has a lot of flaws, it is inconvenient for a doctor to work with it, and patients often show an allergic reaction.

Light composites in dentistry

They are the most up-to-date material that meets the requirements of the patient and the dentist, which hardens under the influence of UV rays. It is based on the process of polymerization.

There are several "recipes" for such composites, which allows you to choose various properties for different elements of the dentition. For example, the most durable and wear-resistant fillings are placed on the side teeth, and the most aesthetic and inconspicuous are placed on the chewing surface and central incisors.

If you ask at the clinic which filling is best for a tooth, then you will more likely they will advise exactly light, since most modern dentistry works with it.

Light seal

What are the advantages of such composites?

  1. The dentist can choose with the patient any shade of the filling, which is fully consistent with the natural color of the tooth.
  2. The material perfectly fills the cavity of the tooth, so it lasts much longer than the other types listed.
  3. Light composites quickly harden, which allows the patient to eat immediately after visiting the doctor's office.
  4. Before drying the filling with a lamp, the doctor has time to give the material desired shape and structure, which allows you to fill even the deepest or most uncomfortable holes, including the lateral ones between the central incisors.
  5. Filling with a light composite takes a minimum of time - the duration of the session is 20-40 minutes.
  6. Grinding such a seal is much easier than cement or, moreover, metal, so the maximum smoothness of the surface is achieved and the patient does not feel it in his mouth.
  7. Light composites are resistant to shape and color changes under the influence of time and other external factors. The service life is at least 3-5 years, but, as a rule, patients walk with them much longer.

The choice of filling depends on the comfort and health of the patient, the likelihood of recurrence of carious disease. Feel free to ask your doctor questions about the manufacturer, positive properties and disadvantages of each type.

Hard tissues of teeth, unfortunately, cannot regenerate (recover). For this reason, those affected carious process or broken off fragments of enamel and dentin need to be replaced with artificial materials. Restoration can be done by placing fillings or making inlays. Significant defects require orthopedic treatment.

Tooth filling: purposes and materials used

Filling has two main goals:

  1. Elimination of affected tissue during tooth preparation stops further development caries and prevent its complications.
  2. The filling replaces the defect, which is important from an aesthetic and physiological point of view.

All materials used to restore dental crowns must necessarily meet the following requirements:

  • safety for the body (no toxic effects);
  • strength (resistance to mechanical and chemical influences);
  • high aesthetic qualities.

Note:a well-placed filling should ideally be completely invisible (according to at least for the non-specialist).

Before placing a filling, a number of preparatory work is carried out, which include:

  • mechanical removal of the affected (infected) tissue;
  • formation of a cavity in compliance with certain requirements;
  • isolation of the tooth from saliva;
  • treatment of the cavity with an antiseptic solution.

Direct filling involves:

  • applying an insulating gasket (if necessary);
  • surface treatment with an adhesive (or enamel etching);
  • introduction of material into the cavity and its compaction;
  • filling modeling;
  • exposure to a special lamp (for photopolymers);
  • grinding and polishing after final curing.

What are fillings for? The answer to this question in the video review is given by the dentist:

Classification of dental fillings

According to their purpose, all fillings can be divided into temporary and permanent. The former can serve to temporarily isolate the cavity into which medicinal preparation(Some materials contain medicines). A temporary filling can also be placed if the dentist is not completely sure that pulpitis will not develop (such fillings can be called "diagnostic" fillings).

Temporary fillings differ from permanent fillings in their composition. For their manufacture, less durable materials are used, which allows the doctor to easily remove such a temporary filling after 1-3 days during the next visit of the patient. A common material for such fillings is artificial dentin, which is mixed with water. With its help, in particular, arsenic paste is fixed and isolated, which is necessary for the devitalization (destruction, removal) of the pulp (neurovascular bundle) of the tooth.

Important:arsenic is a poisonous substance. A small amount of a preparation containing arsenic is introduced into the tooth cavity to “kill the nerve”.

Permanent fillings made from quality material, and delivered in compliance with all the rules, are designed to stand for many years and even decades.

Note: if the filling was lost after a few months, then either there was a violation of the technology, or the doctor did not take into account mechanical loads (i.e., an artificial crown was required).

metal fillings

Metal fillings are made from amalgam, an alloy of certain metals with mercury. Until recently, silver amalgam was the most common. Before placing such a filling, the doctor had to carefully mix the fine silver powder with mercury. Working with this hazardous to health required compliance with especially strict rules. In fairness, it should be noted that the finished amalgam is almost non-toxic ( tobacco smoke contains much more mercury).

The disadvantage of this type of filling is the likelihood of developing the effect of "galvanism" (the appearance of a weak current) in the presence of metal crowns or bridge prostheses. Disadvantages can also be considered the separation of the filling against the background of the tooth (characteristic metallic sheen), the duration of curing (up to 3 hours) and the expansion coefficient, which differs significantly from that for the natural tissues of the tooth (chips may occur when cold and hot food). Obvious advantages- Possibility of setting metal fillings into a wet cavity, their negative shrinkage and fantastic wear resistance. To this day, dentists can detect an amalgam in the patient's mouth that was placed in the last century.

cement fillings

Several types of cements are used in dentistry, but for fillings, as a rule, either phosphate or glass ionomer cements are used.

note: cements are two-component materials. When kneading, powder and liquid are mixed.

Phosphate cement fillings were relatively recently placed for everyone as part of the provision of free dental care. The undoubted advantages of materials in this category are their low cost and ease of use. Mechanical strength, i.e. resistance to abrasion, leaves much to be desired and, in addition, there is a poor "marginal fit" to the walls of the formed cavity. As a result, a gap gradually forms between the filling and the walls of the crown defect, into which food residues fall, and secondary caries develops. To increase the mechanical strength, finely dispersed silver powder was often introduced into the composition of such cements, but this did not solve the problem of poor marginal fit.

A much more perfect material is glass ionomer cements, which are characterized by a rather high degree of affinity with hard tissues tooth. They contain fluorine ions, which contribute to the remineralization of enamel. Due to this circumstance, glass ionomer fillings are often placed on children's milk teeth. The adhesive properties of such cements are much higher than those of phosphate cements, which partly solves the problem of marginal fit. However, seals of this category are not distinguished by high mechanical stability and no additives have helped to radically solve this problem.

All cements have a very short "working time". After mixing the composition, it is necessary to introduce it into the cavity and form a seal within a matter of minutes. Then the material begins to quickly "seize", i.e., lose the necessary plasticity.

Plastic fillings

A breakthrough in dentistry was the emergence of plastic and composite fillings. Most filling resins are based on acrylic acid compounds. The material is characterized by high mechanical strength, which ensures the durability of the seals, provided they are properly placed. The advantages include the ability to choose the material by color. In some cases, after grinding and polishing, the plastic may be indistinguishable in appearance from healthy enamel.

But there are many disadvantages of plastic fillings. During polymerization, a great amount microscopic pores, which subsequently becomes the cause of the development secondary caries. The porous surface is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms that contribute to the development of a number of oral diseases. Aesthetic merits also quickly disappear "to nothing"; the material tends to darken, especially under the influence of food dyes and nicotine. The major disadvantage is toxicity. acrylic plastics. Aggressive chemical compound affects the pulp. If the filling is installed on a tooth from which the nerve has not been previously removed, then even if there is a high-quality insulating lining made of cement, the likelihood of developing pulpitis is very high.

Two-component (“paste-paste”) composite materials based on epoxy resins have significantly fewer drawbacks. The toxicity of the composition takes place, but it is not as pronounced as with acrylic polymers. Composite fillings wear out even more slowly, but the fragility is somewhat higher. They are perfect, for example, for filling a defect on chewing surface crowns, but it is not recommended to restore the cutting edge with them.

Light-curing fillings (photopolymer fillings)

Photopolymers (helio seals, light seals) are the most modern materials. Compounds of pasty consistency tend to harden under the action of ultraviolet radiation, the source of which are special dental lamps.

The doctor can not rush at all in the process of introducing the material into the cavity and the final formation of the seal, which, among other things, ensures the high quality of the seals. There is no need to grind a significant amount after curing; it is only required to carry out polishing with fine abrasive nozzles to give shine. The widest range of shades allows you to achieve perfect matching of the color of the filling with the color of the surrounding healthy enamel. A well-placed and polished photopolymer filling cannot always be detected even by a specialist. High aesthetic properties make it possible to use such composites for the restoration of the frontal (most noticeable when smiling or during a conversation) group of teeth. The toxicity of the material is minimal, as is the degree of shrinkage. Abrasion is also low, thanks to which light-cured fillings can last for many years.

If the financial situation allows, then, of course, we recommend giving preference to photopolymer fillings. AT this case the cost is fully justified!

You can see how composite fillings are installed by watching this video review:


Inlays are a cross between a filling and a small crown prosthesis. In fact, this is a finished filling made in dental laboratory and then fixed by the doctor in the prepared cavity by means of composite material. The installation process is very similar to fixing a crown.

According to the materials from which the structures are made, the following types of tabs are distinguished:

  • plastic;
  • composite;
  • ceramic;
  • metal.

According to the manufacturing technology, it is customary to distinguish the following varieties:

  • inlays modeled in the oral cavity;
  • tabs made on the model.

In the first case, after the preparation of the tooth, softened dental wax is introduced into the cavity. Then an inlay is completely formed to replace the defect, and the wax model is transferred to the foundry at the clinic, where exactly the same metal structure is cast on it.

In the second case, after preparing the cavity, an impression is taken from the tooth with an elastic material based on silicone. A plaster model is cast on the cast, on which a wax tab is already being modeled and the model is “translated” into necessary material(plastic, composite, etc.). A ceramic inlay can also be created on the model.

Such "microprostheses" have a lot of advantages over traditional and fillings.

They fit perfectly to the walls of the cavity, unlike fillings, in which the formation of the so-called. "undercuts" with insufficient compaction during setting. Ceramic models are characterized by excellent aesthetic properties, due to the translucency of the material and a wide range of colors.

By means of inlays it is possible to create an anatomically perfect "contact point" between adjacent teeth. The abrasion of inlays is even less than that of healthy tooth enamel, not to mention composite fillings. Models with bump overlap can in some cases be an excellent alternative artificial crowns requiring a thorough preparation of all dental surfaces. In addition, there is no need to pre-depulp the tooth, since modern ceramic "micro prostheses" are completely non-toxic.

In dentistry, a filling is a certain material that fills a cavity in an affected tooth in order to isolate its sensitive tissues and protect it from microbes. Today there are different types fillings for teeth, each of which has certain properties, characteristics and purpose.

What are dental fillings?

The main difference between all types of fillings is the material from which they are made.


A cement filling consists of a powder and a liquid, which, under the influence of chemical reaction converted into a rapidly thickening mass.

The main disadvantage of this type is too fast hardening, which limits the time for installing a filling and creating a dental relief.

In addition, such a filling becomes as strong as possible only after 2 hours, during which food intake is unacceptable.

At the same time, cement fillings are the most affordable.


This type of filling was very popular and often used due to its quick installation and low cost. The main material is plastic plastic, which is introduced into the tooth cavity and hardens. Over time, it was found that plastic is toxic, wears out very quickly, changes color, does not tolerate mechanical stress and can cause allergic reactions. This was the reason for the termination of its use.

Amalgams or metal

These materials consist of a solution of metals, silver and mercury. They can be silver, copper and gold. Seals from them are very strong, hard and most resistant to mechanical stress and the influence of saliva.

But there are also disadvantages that have led to the extremely rare use of amalgams:

  • ugly appearance (absolutely unsuitable for fillings on the front teeth);
  • very slow hardening;
  • decrease in volume over time (shrinkage);
  • high probability around the filling (a few years after installation);
  • partial staining of the tooth with metals that are part of the alloy;
  • the occurrence, burning, taste of metal, requiring replacement of the seal.

In addition, the installation of such seals today is complicated by the lack of dental offices specially designed for this equipment.


The durability and strength of fillings is influenced not only by the quality of materials and the professionalism of the doctor, but also by some individual characteristics buildings and, food quality, availability bad habits at the patient.

Types of dental fillings and their cost

The cost of different ones depends on the degree of damage and structural features of the tooth, the manufacturer of the material and the clinic in which the installation is carried out.

On average, their cost is:

  • about 500 rubles - cement;
  • about 1000-1500 rubles - glass ionomers;
  • about 1500 rubles - metal (in public clinics- is free);
  • about 2000-4500 rubles - light-hardening;
  • about 2700 - composite.

Usually in the dentist's office they ask you: "What kind of filling for your teeth is best for you?". And this question is often confusing, because there are a lot of types of fillings.

In order to no longer get lost in this issue, let's figure out what kind of dental fillings are, what are the most reliable and best types of them.

In dentistry, they are distinguished by composition and application. These can be plastic, ceramic fillings, as well as temporary and permanent.

Temporary are used when long-term treatment when it is necessary to use drugs inside the cavity, and permanent - with instant treatment at a time.

This is a classic of dentistry, but it is used for not very large damage, but if the defect is especially large, then an alternative to fillings is used - tabs that can cover larger sizes.

Today, clinics use several different materials to make fillings.

Materials used to make fillings

All modern materials are divided into several groups. Let's look at the types of dental fillings.

Cement (silicate and silicophosphate) fillings

This material is also able to withstand re-development tooth decay, however, it is very fragile and can last for a very short time, or be used as a temporary option.

Although this material has outlived its best years popularity, however, it is not forgotten in some cases, as it has a low cost and is easy to use.


Their popularity is due to the same factors as the previous ones - this is low price and quick easy installation.

However, they have large quantity disadvantages:

  • when the material hardens, strong shrinkage occurs;
  • after a while there is a change in color;
  • increased abrasion of the material;
  • often possible .

Such fillings are the prerogative of free medicine.

Amalgams or metals

This material includes silver and mercury, or other alloys containing the second element. It is distinguished by its hardness and service life of up to 10 years. This material is of concern due to its mercury content and possible harmful effects this element on the seals. It hardens for a long time and is difficult to use, the dentist must be highly professional in order to put a filling from such a material.

On a note: When installing a product made of this material, the dentist should take into account the fact that it greatly expands during the curing process, and, accordingly, a fragment of the tooth wall, which is located near the filling itself, is possible.

Their use is popular on posterior teeth, as well as under crowns when the composite is not visible.


What dental fillings are considered the best of the inexpensive options are composite fillings. They include plastic, but they hallmark the composition is quartz powder, which provides them with the desired hardness. In addition, they are distinguished by relatively good color fastness and strength. Their service life averages 2-5 years.

Light curing composites

This is a group of materials that require special equipment in the form of a halogen lamp, they are also known as heliocurable or photopolymer. It is with its help that the lamp is given the necessary hardness. When asked which fillings are the best, you can accurately answer that these are those that are made from this material.

Important: However, in order for the product made of this material to be as strong, durable and aesthetic as possible, it is necessary to carefully grind and polish it.

If polishing is carried out every six months, then the color will last much longer. The most memorable feature of such materials can be called mandatory application adhesives special purpose capable of fixing raw materials "tightly".

It consists of various fillers and polymers that harden under the influence of the same blue lamp.

It has a fairly wide color palette, so you can pick up any desired color and shade, as a result - as close as possible to a healthy tooth.

This material will last at least 5 years.

But such a seemingly flawless material has three main drawbacks:

  • shrinkage, due to chemical composition can be up to 5%, which reduces the quality installed seal. That is why it is better to use such material in small areas;
  • with strong shrinkage, deformation is possible in such sizes that the thin wall of a natural tooth is chipped off;
  • incomplete hardening. The hardening of this material occurs only by 70%, more is impossible due to the peculiarities of the use of the lamp.

Glass ionomer cement

Dental fillings, which are considered the best for use in pediatric dentistry, as they contain 10-15% fluoride, which helps protect against reinfection. In addition, they are chemically bound to a natural tooth, and therefore the likelihood of various cracks is minimal. The coefficient of expansion under the influence of temperature is as close as possible to the same as that of dental tissues, therefore, this minimizes the risk that the tooth will crack.

However, even such a seemingly ideal material has its drawbacks. These are reduced strength indicators, both in abrasion and in bending. In addition, they do not look particularly attractive, and, therefore, they are better used with more aesthetic fillings.

Chemically Cured Composites

This material was developed in order to replace conventional cement options. Them fundamental difference- this is the filler used, in this case it is porcelain. These composites can be further divided into:

  1. Light cured.
  2. Acrylic.
  3. On epoxy resin.

Composites that include acrylic are highly durable and resistant, but they are very toxic. It is often noted that after the installation of seals from this material, a large number of since. And the consequence may be the development or secondary caries both on this tooth and on neighboring ones.

Resin-based composites are more brittle, although they wear less. They are not as toxic as their acrylic counterparts, however, they will inevitably darken after a number of years of installation.

How much do the products cost?

What seals are better to put on the basis of their cost? It seems that the only correct answer to this question is that everything good comes at a cost. However, this is not so, in each specific case, it is necessary to build on specific features, and only they will dictate the future price of the seal.

However, in order to gain some insight into pricing policy, you should know that inlays cost between 3000-14000 rubles, compomers from 650 to 1000 rubles, chemically cured composites from 600 to 800 rubles.

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