Plastic collar for a cat. Plastic version of the protective collar. fabric product

A protective collar for a cat will be needed if she has damage to the skin resulting from:

  • any kind of injury;
  • operations;
  • scratching insect bites.

The animal will definitely lick the wound surfaces treated with ointments. To prevent this from happening, you need to put a device on your pet’s neck that will limit unnecessary movements.

You will also have to wear protection for those pets whose skin is treated with drugs for various infectious skin diseases.

You can buy such a device at any specialized pet store and veterinary pharmacy, or do it yourself at home.

fabric product

In shape, such a cat accessory resembles a funnel, which in its narrow part must be tailored to the size of the pet's neck girth. Even a novice seamstress can sew such a product:

  • The first step is to build a pattern of the future product on paper. To do this, using a compass, draw a semicircle with a diameter of about 23 cm. Then, attachment details and a recess for the neck of the animal are applied to the resulting base (see diagram).
  • Using the resulting pattern, two identical parts are cut out from any natural fabrics.
  • The inner tab (seal) is cut according to the same pattern from felt or dense interlining. If there are no such materials in the house, you can sew several blanks from any thick fabrics, and use them to give the cone the desired shape.
  • All three parts are sewn together, along the entire length of the perimeter. Only a small segment about 4-5 cm long remains unsewn. This pass is left unprocessed so that the product can be turned out through the resulting hole. After turning out, the seal should be inside.
  • The resulting collar is carefully looked at, forming the edges with an iron. The hole through which the product was turned out is sewn up manually or on a typewriter. Velcro or ties are sewn to the side edges.

Such a device compares favorably with its softness, the cat will be comfortable awake and sleeping. The fluffy animal will be able to wear his new accessory around the clock until he fully recovers.

Such fabric products are especially well suited for postoperative cases, after castration, when the pet has to be limited in movement for several days, but at the same time the animal needs healthy sleep and comfort for recovery.

Plastic bottle collar

If for some reason it is not possible to sew or buy protection, it can be made from an ordinary two-liter plastic bottle. Plastic is much stiffer and worse in terms of comfort than fabric.

Therefore, you can put on a device made from a plastic bottle for a short period and only when the animal is awake. A good owner must understand that a very stiff collar creates certain inconveniences for a freedom-loving cat. A pet will not be able to sleep in such a product.

Such protection is made very simply:

  • A cone is cut out of a plastic bucket or bottle; at its base, it must correspond to the size of the girth of the cat's neck.
  • The height of the cone usually does not exceed 25 cm, this is enough so that the cat cannot reach its skin with its tongue.
  • Velcro or fasteners are attached to the edges that should be closed with a stapler. If there is no stapler at hand, at several points along both side edges of the collar, you can make holes with a knife through which you can thread the lacing.
  • The cut that will put pressure on the neck of the animal must be pasted over with a strip of soft cloth or tape. The sections are glued over so that the plastic, when in contact with the pet's neck, does not cause additional damage to it.

It is important that all its edges are completely smooth and even. Otherwise, irregularities and roughness can injure the animal.

Express method

If such protection is needed very urgently, it can be made in a few minutes from ordinary cardboard and adhesive tape.

To make a similar craft with your own hands, you need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials:

  • scissors;
  • centimeter;
  • ruler;
  • compass;
  • stapler;
  • scotch;
  • cardboard.

All of the above is in any home. It is easy to find a plastic bottle if there is no suitable cardboard sheet in size and density.

On a sheet of cardboard, you need to draw and cut out a semicircle with a diameter of 20 to 25 cm. Then the resulting part is folded into a cone. A hole is made at its base, cut out taking into account the girth of the neck of the animal. The resulting protective device is put on the cat, the side sections are connected and fastened together with adhesive tape.

This option will help out when you need to limit the ability of the animal to lick its skin for a short time. For example, after treating the cat's hair with flea and tick preparations.

The operation to remove the testicles of a cat is simple, done under general anesthesia. The wound is small, the sutures are self-absorbable. But, if you give the animal the opportunity to lick it, then the healing process will not be 3-4 days, but longer. A collar for a cat after castration will prevent infection and will not allow the wound to open up. This protective agent can be purchased at a pet store, veterinary clinic or do it yourself.

cat after castration

The cat, waking up from anesthesia, is very weak and uncoordinated. This state may last for a day or two. It depends on his body weight and health. Having visited the tray, he will want to lick his place under the tail. Pain can also cause him to try to alleviate suffering. In the postoperative period, the collar is put on the cat immediately, before she comes to her senses.

A properly selected neck stand will facilitate the care of a cat after castration. It should not be tight or hang around the neck.

The protective cone will not interfere with movement, drinking, eating, recovering. But an unusual accessory will cause irritation and nervousness. For this reason, the owners of the animal, feeling sorry for him, do not put on a special device recommended for castration. A complication that can arise if the wound is allowed to lick is inflammation of unhealed sutures, their suppuration. To avoid this phenomenon, after castration, the cat needs to walk in a collar.

Postoperative care of the animal consists in an attentive and affectionate attitude. It is necessary to remove the collar from time to time after the castration of the cat so that he can take a break from it, drink, eat, sleep.

The tray should be lined with a light filler to monitor the bleeding of the wound and urine. The cat, moving away from anesthesia, will freeze, and then his temperature can rise to 39.5 degrees. Anything that is unusual and interferes will worsen the condition of a sick pet. How much to wear a cat collar after castration depends on the healing of the wound.

Types of collars

To cause less inconvenience to your pet after castration, you need to choose a collar in size. The protective device is also called the Elizabethan collar, as it was invented by the English Queen Elizabeth. The inconvenient part of the wardrobe quickly went out of fashion, but became widely used in veterinary practice in the treatment of cats and dogs. Depending on the material, special equipment is of the following types:

  • plastic;
  • cardboard;
  • tissue.

The finished product is made of transparent plastic, has several standard sizes. You can buy it at a pet store, sometimes at a veterinary clinic. A truncated cone is put on, tightly covering the neck, without interfering with looking around, eating. Depending on the width of the field, it can be of the following sizes (for cats):

  • No. 8 (8 cm);
  • No. 10 (10.5 cm);
  • No. 12 (12 cm).

A simple and hygienic device has one drawback - a rather high price for a short period of use: from 100 to 130 rubles. Collar for a cat after castration should be worn for 4-5 days, so you can make this simple rack with your own hands. If it breaks, it is easy to replace it with a new one.

Similarly to an industrial design, a home-made product is cut out of a plastic bottle, a pot. A model from a pet store is taken as a sample.

A truncated cone of the desired width and diameter is cut out with 4-5 radial slots for fastening. The cuts must be smooth. Where the neck is, gauze or other material is attached, lacing. If you want to make the cone more beautiful, it is sheathed with a cloth. After castration, you can make a cardboard version of the collar for your cat. It is simple, will not last long, but cheap, does not shock the animal.

Collar - protection for dogs: do it yourself

The life of pets is filled with a variety of events. Often there are sad moments with them. Sometimes it happens that the dog needs an operation or, as a result of a fight in which your pet took part, he received a wound and now he should not be given the opportunity to lick the wound. In addition, there are many other situations that occur in the life of a dog. If your pet's health has been damaged and needs healing, a protective collar must be used in order for it to heal properly. You can find this accessory for dogs in any pet supply store. If you do not want to spend money on purchasing this item, then you can easily make it yourself. How to make such an accessory at home, this is what will be discussed in this article.

Features of the protective design of the dog collar

As an element of restrictive therapy, a protective collar designed for dogs should be considered. The use of such an accessory allows you to exclude damage to your pet in the form of scratching and biting. Through the use of this item, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of wound healing in your dog. Veterinarians quite often prescribe just such restrictive devices. Their wearing is prescribed in cases where, when examining an animal, diseases of a dermatological nature were found in it. In addition, veterinarians prescribe such devices after the surgery performed on the pet. In addition, there are many other cases in which such an accessory is prescribed for a pet.

Often, being in a clinic is not a joy for a pet. For this reason, in order for the dog to be in the hospital as little as possible, the owners decide to purchase such an accessory as a protective collar. This prevents the pet from touching its wound. He will not be able to bite or comb her. As a result, this has a positive effect on the wound healing process. Injuries heal faster, which contributes to the rapid recovery of the pet. In addition, thanks to the protective collar, the risk of poisoning with drugs that are often used by veterinarians to treat the skin on damaged areas is reduced.

Speaking in detail about such an accessory as a protective collar for dogs, it should be noted that its appearance is a cone, the main feature of which is the presence of a cropped top. Plastic and nylon are used as the material for the manufacture of such an accessory. In addition to them, cardboard can also be used. One of the main advantages of such an item is that when such an accessory is worn on a pet, it does not create any obstacles for him to eat. If you make some effort and you can accustom your dog to a protective collar, then you will not have any problems with your pet. He will feel comfortable in such an accessory. Over time, the pet will perceive this item as a familiar thing, and will not be nervous when such a protective collar is present on its head.

Making your own protective collar for dogs

If you have a need for such an accessory as a protective collar, then you do not have to run to the pet supply store and purchase it. After spending some time and making some effort, you can make it yourself. At the same time, doing this business, you can make such an accessory that will be optimal for your dog. Note that when it is made, it is worth focusing on the breed of a pet. In principle, each owner can make a protective collar of absolutely any size, starting with a small one designed for Chihuahuas and ending with voluminous accessories that can be used on shepherds or bulldogs.

If we talk about the choice of materials for the manufacture of a protective collar, it should be noted that it is not limited in any way. Therefore, having looked closely, in your house you can easily find items that can suit you to create this accessory. Some people use buckets made of plastic to create this item. Some create a collar using x-rays as the main material. There are dog breeders who take old canisters and fit them into this canine accessory. Some use a material such as cardboard. Also, a tablecloth made of high-density fabric may be suitable for creating such an item. In general, there can be a lot of things in the house, subjecting which to certain manipulations, you will eventually be able to get the accessory you need. If you are the owner of a small pet, then when creating a protective collar, it is best to opt for a softer material. If a large-sized animal lives in your house, then the material should be quite dense so that the pet cannot get to the wound and comb it, aggravating its situation. By choosing the right material to create a protective collar, you can create a comfortable and reliable accessory that will ensure a faster recovery of your pet.

Materials and tools for making a collar for a dog

If you set yourself the goal of making a protective collar for your pet at home, then, of course, in the course of this work you will need certain tools and material from which the accessory itself will be created.

It is best to use cardboard as the main material, or you can opt for plastic. It must be found in your home in advance before starting work. If you did not find it, then you should buy plastic products or cardboard in the store. If you have some other suitable material at home, then it should be prepared before starting work.

As for the tools to carry out the work of creating a protective collar for a dog, you will need scissors, and in addition to them, adhesive tape. Alternatively, you can use a stapler. It is also necessary to prepare soft materials in advance or find an old collar.

Step-by-step instruction

Having decided to make a protective collar for a dog on your own, you can not worry, it will take you very little time to complete the work on creating this accessory.

The first step in the manufacture of an accessory is to take measurements. You need to measure the diameter of your dog's neck. This will be the starting point for creating the drawing.

After the measurements are taken, it is necessary to draw a circle on the material that you have chosen to create a protective collar. Note that when drawing the radius, the circle created must be significantly larger than the actual diameter of your pet's neck. In order for the created drawing to be as correct as possible, you should use a compass when creating a circle. If you don’t have such a tool at home, then in order to draw the most accurate circle, you should use a plate that will be slightly larger in diameter than your dog’s neck.

Next, you need to draw the outer circle. Note that 5 centimeters less than the length of the muzzle of your pet should be the distance between the outer and inner circles. By following this requirement, in the end, you will be able to create an accessory that your dog will not experience any discomfort when wearing.

The next step is to cut out the outer circle. Next, you need to cut out the inner. In order to do this, you need to make an incision in the center.

Then you need to pick up an adhesive tape or a prepared stapler and fasten the sides of the collar. To do this, they must be superimposed on each other. As a result, you will get something similar to a cone with a cut off top.

After that, you need to try on the collar on your dog in order to understand whether it is comfortable for your pet to be in it.

Then it is necessary to make short cuts of vertical orientation along the rim of the middle hole.

The subtleties of making a collar for a dog

Particular attention must be paid to the fact that you do not have sharp corners and surfaces on the created collar collar. Otherwise, in the process of using the finished accessory, they can lead to injuries to your pet.

Another important point: two fingers should fit freely between the neck and the collar. If this condition is met, then you can not worry, your pet will be quite comfortable wearing such a protective collar.

If you could not find a collar at home that is suitable for use as part of a protective collar, then you can very well apply various harnesses or use a suitable fabric.

If, when creating a protective collar, you decide to use a protective collar that is made of cardboard, then its service life will not be long. However, it is in your power to extend its operation. To do this, you need to take the tape you have and wrap it around the surface of the future collar. In this case, the saliva and water that will fall on it will not soak the cardboard. This means it will last longer.

In contact with

A cat in the house is not only warmth, comfort and purring. The pet imposes responsibility on the owner, which often results in quite serious problems. Broken dishes, torn wallpaper or marked slippers do not count: to the best of their ability and ability, the owners are struggling with such manifestations of feline disposition. And with those features that they could not win, they put up and forgive. It is much worse if some kind of medical trouble has occurred with the pet. And some of them lead to the fact that you have to buy a collar for cats. Having encountered it for the first time, people look with distrust at a strange device, perceiving it almost as though the doctor prescribed it, so you need to wear it!

What is a veterinary collar for?

Of course, this design is not very convenient for your pet. But in some cases, you can't do without it. A protective collar for cats is essential when:

  1. The animal underwent abdominal surgery. The seam must heal, and to speed up the process, it must remain dry. Cats diligently lick it, especially after treatment with prescribed drugs - they consider themselves dirty. And if you remember the roughness of the cat's tongue, then you begin to realize that the animal can achieve a divergence of the seam by a purely mechanical action.
  2. The cat has bad ears. She begins to comb them, nullifying all your attempts to eliminate the disease.
  3. Treatment is carried out with poisonous or hormonal drugs. In particular, in the fight against fleas and ticks, the treatment of postpartum mastitis, smearing skin eczema, etc.

In all these cases, a cat collar will prevent much more intractable problems: poisoning, complications and reoperations.

How to choose

A veterinary device already seriously complicates the life of an animal, so the choice of a collar must be taken wisely so as not to make the cat's existence completely unbearable.

First, choose a collar for cats exactly the size of your pet. If you buy it, the volume of the neck is indicated on the finished one. Measure your cat before buying.

Secondly, try to buy a more transparent collar. It obscures the view of the cat, and if she does not see through the barrier, she will get nervous and try to remove it from herself. In the postoperative state, this is especially dangerous.

Third, pay attention to the design. Most often, the collar for cats is made in the form of a semicircle, which is fastened with tongues inserted into the slot. Putting such a design on a dissenting cat is a real torment. Over time, maybe she will get used to it, but at first you definitely can’t do it alone. Pay better attention to the "sticky" collar for cats. Its price, of course, will be higher (200-250 rubles versus 60-100), but it is attached to the anti-flea collar, and Velcro is simply glued on the back of the animal.

Terms of use

It is not enough just to buy a collar for cats and put it on, you need to remember that a hindrance is attached to the animal, and he will have to help him live with it. To begin with, the collar must be removed for each feeding - the cat simply will not reach the food in it. The same will have to be done when your pet is thirsty, so you need to keep an eye on her constantly.

If injections are given in the scruff of the cat, the collar must be put on so that its clasp (the roughest part) does not fall into this place.

Possible problems

Even the most expensive and high-quality collar for cats does not guarantee the absence of problems with it. Most often you will encounter these.

  1. The animal clings to everything. Most likely, the protective part is too long. The simplest way out is to cut off the edge by a centimeter and a half and see if this measure helped the cat.
  2. The same symptoms plus the inability of the cat to jump onto a chair and a constantly tilted head position. The collar is made of too heavy plastic - it will have to be changed.
  3. Rubbing the neck. Usually near the loops, but may be along the entire line of contact with the neck. Too sharp edge; Cover it with duct tape so it doesn't scratch.

Alternative Solutions

Cats are wayward animals. Some of them are simply not able to come to terms with an extra “toilet detail” worn against their will. If the animal does not calm down in any way and stubbornly tries to remove the cat collar, while using improvised means like furniture legs, you will have to rid the pet of the annoying object. True, this may not be the case in all cases. For example, if the cat is after surgery, you can replace the collar with a bandage tied at the back. It is put on quite simply, and animals perceive the “shirt” much calmer. In this case, the licking of the seam will become impossible.

Some cats with sore ears agree to wear a cap made of soft fabric or even a bandage.

However, if poisonous treatment is underway, or it is impossible to cover the injured areas, you will have to patiently and persistently persuade the animal to wear a cat collar.



It is a transparent plastic collar in the shape of a truncated cone. The collar is equipped with four radial strips for fixing a harness or collar. The collar is produced in various sizes depending on the width of the protective field: (7.5 cm), (10.5 cm), (12 cm), (15 cm), (21.5 cm), (25 cm).


The use of a protective collar prevents the animal from self-harming (licking, scratching, scratching wounds on the head, neck and body), thereby facilitating and accelerating the wound healing process. The conical shape does not interfere with the animal when feeding, sleeping and walking. The transparency of the collar allows the animal not to lose orientation in space. The collar is practical, hygienic and easy to use.


The protective collar is designed to prevent scratching or licking of the body, head and neck in the treatment of wounds, burns and skin diseases in animals. In the postoperative period to prevent scratching of the sutures.


Before use, you should choose the correct size of the protective collar so that the collar does not fall off or, on the contrary, is not too tight. No. 8 protective collar fits a kitten, No. 10 for a medium cat and small dog, No. 12 for a large cat and small dog, No. 16 for a medium dog, No. 20 for a large dog and No. 25 also for a large dog dogs. After the size of the protective collar is selected, it is assembled according to the scheme and put on the neck of the animal.

Collar Assembly Diagram

Rice. 1. Apply the right edge with the cut out rectangles to the paired slots on top.

Rice. 2. Tuck the long strap into the slots that are visible in the rectangular cutouts. Tuck short straps into paired slots on top.

Rice. 3. Collar assembly. Through the resulting loops, a dog collar or harness, bandage, gauze or braid for cats is threaded.


With proper use, side effects are not observed.


Not installed.


There are no special precautions.


In a dry place, protected from direct sunlight. Shelf-life Unlimited.


IP Troitskaya E. G., Russia.

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