Combined bracket system. Features of bite correction with combined braces. Possible material combinations

Needless to say, sapphire or ceramic braces look great. But, they deal a very tangible blow to the family budget.

Is there a less expensive way to correct the position of the teeth with maximum preservation of aesthetics? Yes, this option is possible, and its name is combined braces.

Combination braces are orthodontic devices that have at least one of the following features:

  1. The systems are made from different materials.
  2. Fastening is carried out both outside the dentition (vestibular) and from the inside (lingual).
  3. One system combines ligature and self-ligating type of archwire fixation.

The purpose of using combined braces is to reduce the cost of treatment while maintaining high aesthetics and efficiency.

Basic principles for installing combined devices:

  1. Aesthetic braces are placed on the front (frontal) teeth - sapphire or ceramic.
  2. Metal locks are installed on the chewing rows.
  3. Metal models can be installed on the lower jaw (not only on the lateral, but also on the front teeth), since they are less visible when opening the mouth than the upper teeth.
  4. Lingual braces are used on the upper jaw, while vestibular braces are used on the lower jaw.

System Benefits

The main advantage of combined products is the optimal combination of positive characteristics that various systems of the same type have.

This combination provides:

  • system economy(some of the locks are made of inexpensive metal);
  • good aesthetics(due to the use of ceramic or sapphire plates on the anterior teeth);
  • high efficiency(due to the use of reliable and durable metal locks on chewing teeth).

The disadvantages of combined models include the following features:

  • reduced, in comparison with purely sapphire and ceramic products, aesthetics;
  • lower strength than purely metal devices;
  • possible temporary deterioration of diction due to the complexity of the design;
  • worse care conditions compared to similar systems;
  • increased requirements for the qualification of a dentist, who must have experience with various types of systems.

Possible options

There are the following types of combined braces:

  • lingual-vestibular;
  • metal-ceramic;
  • metal-sapphire;
  • ligature-self-ligating.

Duet of lingual and vestibular systems

Combined lingual-vestibular devices are a system in which a system is placed on the upper jaw, fastened from the inside of the dentition, a vestibular type is fixed on the elements of the lower jaw arch (locks are located outside).

This solution allows you to achieve the optimal combination of price and aesthetics. Lingual braces are expensive, so pairing them with less expensive vestibular devices can reduce the overall price while maintaining acceptable aesthetics.

Jaw Material Combination

The use of different materials on different jaws also makes combined systems more affordable.

A more aesthetic material (ceramic or sapphire) is placed on the upper jaw, and durable and inexpensive metal is placed on the lower jaw. Due to this, the overall cost of orthodontic treatment is reduced, while obtaining sufficiently good aesthetics and high reliability.

Tandem of materials on one jaw

To fix the plates on one jaw, you can use different materials on the front and side teeth. Locks made of sapphire or ceramics are installed on the front elements, and metal locks on the chewing elements.

This reduces the cost of the system due to a slight decrease in appearance while maintaining the pressure force on the entire jaw row.

Possible material combinations:

  • metal (side teeth) + sapphire (frontal);
  • metal (lateral teeth) + ceramics (frontal);
  • ceramics (lateral teeth) + sapphire (frontal).

metal reinforcement

The most stressful place of the device is the groove in which the arc is located. Its walls intensively work on abrasion and compression.

To increase the strength of locks made of plastic, sapphire or ceramic, some manufacturers frame their grooves with stainless steel. Such a modified type is close in strength to a purely metallic device. At the same time, the aesthetic properties deteriorate slightly.

Indications and contraindications

The goals of using combined braces for a doctor and a patient are somewhat different. The latter wants to solve his problem with minimal financial costs and maximum preservation of aesthetics. The doctor is more focused on the result of the treatment.

In general, for combined braces there are the following indications:

  • The patient's desire to save money by installing economical metal braces on the side teeth (and sometimes on the lower front ones), and sapphire or ceramic ones on the front teeth.
  • The need for special adjustment of individual teeth or groups of teeth due to the presence of specific factors. For example, a tooth needs to be moved a long distance, which requires the use of strong and reliable metal locks.

With contraindications, the situation is more complicated, since, firstly, there are quite a lot of them, and secondly, some of them are relative, and some are absolute. The doctor should determine which of the contraindications are relative and which are absolute. The task of the patient is to inform the dentist about the state of his health in as much detail as possible.

The main contraindications for installation include:

  • absence of abutment teeth;
  • the presence of dental diseases (before installing the bracket system, they must be eliminated);
  • allergy to the components of the orthodontic system;
  • some systemic somatic diseases (tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, oncological neoplasms, impaired hematopoiesis, bone pathologies);
  • the impossibility for any reason to provide the bracket system with proper care;
  • mental illness, including alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • immunodeficiency states (AIDS, etc.);
  • venereal diseases.

Preparation and installation methods

Treatment with braces is a very serious event that requires thorough preparation. Mistakes can be very costly.

Preparatory activities must include the following points:

  1. Doctor-patient conversation, during which the dentist finds out the wishes of his client and acquaints him with the essence of the procedure ahead of him.
  2. Physical and radiographic diagnostics, consisting in the examination of the RP, radiography of the teeth, the study of the anamnesis in order to identify contraindications for orthodontic treatment.
  3. Determining the method of treatment and the type of bracket system that best fit the clinical situation.
  4. orthodontic treatment, including the main and retention period.

Installation of braces

There are two main ways to install braces - direct and indirect. The first involves gluing locks, one for each tooth in the patient's mouth.

The second consists in the manufacture of a special cap, with plates fixed into it. A cap is put on the teeth, as a result of which all the locks are installed at the same time.

Direct Installation

The sequence of operations for direct installation is as follows:

  1. Tooth enamel cleaning. Carried out by excavators and brushes using various cleaning materials (pumice, abrasive powders). After brushing for 10-15 seconds, the teeth are washed with a water jet under pressure.
  2. Installation of retractors and drying of teeth.
  3. Etching of tooth enamel. A special gel with phosphoric acid is used, which is applied to the enamel for 40-90 seconds (according to the instructions), and then removed - first with a cotton swab, then with a stream of water for 1 minute.
  4. Drying and applying the bond to the enamel and the base of the bracket, pressing the latter to the tooth, keeping it pressed for about 20 seconds.
  5. Setting the arc. The procedure starts approximately 10 minutes after the last bracket is fixed.

The advantages of the direct method are the absence of preparatory operations for the manufacture of caps, which are quite time-consuming and require special equipment.

The disadvantages include:

  • the difficulty of positioning each bracket on a tooth in the oral cavity, and therefore errors in their location may occur;
  • the inability to see on the plaster model how the system looks in its final position;
  • the duration of the procedure for the patient, who must be in the chair all the time when the braces are installed one by one in the oral cavity.

Indirect installation

As already noted, the operation involves the manufacture of a special cap, with which all the braces are installed on the teeth at the same time. In this case, the sequence of procedures is as follows:

  1. An impression is made from the jaw.
  2. A plaster mold is made from the impression.
  3. Braces are placed on the form.
  4. The shape is made of thin plastic cap. The result is a product that, like in a blister pack, contains all the braces, fixed in exactly the position in which they should be on the teeth.
  5. After appropriate preparation of the enamel of the teeth (as in direct installation) and bonding of the teeth and braces, the cap is put on the teeth. After its removal, all the locks remain on the teeth in the desired position.

Advantages of the indirect method:

  • exclusion of doctor's errors when positioning braces, which can occur with the direct method;
  • short time and accuracy of system installation;
  • comfort for the patient.

The disadvantages of the indirect method include the need to make a cap, which in turn requires time and the availability of special equipment.

But, despite this, due to the accuracy and manufacturability of the indirect method, it is more often preferred (subject to conditions).

Terms of treatment

The timing of wearing depends on the age of the patient, the characteristics of his dental anomalies, as well as the type of orthodontic system. It should be noted that they are long-term. Even with a small displacement of the teeth, it will not be possible to correct their position in less than six months.

The maximum duration of treatment is about 3 years. But this is without taking into account the time it takes to stabilize the results. And it can take several years.

Care rules

Any orthodontic devices need careful care. It cannot be said that the combined models in this sense are somehow different from the same type of products.

To maintain proper oral hygiene, in addition to general brushing, it is necessary to pay attention to each bracket individually, so a regular toothbrush needs to be supplemented with a wider range of tools.

It should include:

  • single-bundle brush (with bristles collected in one bundle);
  • toothbrush;
  • floss;
  • irrigator for rinsing.

You need to spend more time brushing your teeth with braces than usual - preferably at least 5 minutes.

In addition to cleaning with brushes and brushes, you need to add rinsing with special solutions. Depending on the brand, they are endowed with many useful properties - aseptic, remineralizing, refreshing.

If the doctor deems it necessary, pastes and gels containing useful trace elements (phosphorus, calcium, etc.) can be added to all this.

It is advisable for lovers of chewing gum to give up addiction, since the gum tends to stick to the elements of the bracket system in the most inaccessible places. It is also necessary to exclude solid foods and coloring foods (berries, coffee, red wine, etc.).

The video provides patient feedback on the wearing, comfort and effectiveness of combined braces, as well as how to care for the systems.


Finding beauty is always expensive, so it is not surprising that braces treatment is not a cheap service. And, nevertheless, the patient who came to the orthodontist for help has the opportunity to achieve his goals with minimal expenses.

The table below shows the estimated cost of treatment with combined braces. It is only necessary to take into account that the given prices can vary significantly depending on the category of the clinic and its location.

So, what are combined braces? This is a vestibular orthodontic apparatus, which consists of different materials. A clear (and most common) example is when sapphire or ceramic systems are installed in the smile zone, and metal systems are installed on chewing teeth. Some specialists also refer to combined treatment cases in which different types of braces (for example, ceramic and metal) are used on the upper and lower jaws. Someone thinks that such a wording is not entirely correct, since there is no principle of prefabricated construction here. However, talk about the authenticity of a particular solution is very conditional, since any type of combined system is designed to perform the same tasks.

Advantages of combined braces

Such designs are a common and quite successful solution for many clinical situations. Installation of combined braces is the same as in the case of other types of these systems. The nuance is that not all specialists (especially in the regions) are able to work with several types of braces, so keep this in mind if you are inclined towards this treatment option.

  • High aesthetics.
  • Saving money for treatment.
  • A more complex hygiene and care procedure.
  • Not all specialists are able to work with combined braces.

Indications for use

  • A compromise between functionality and aesthetics. With significant curvature of the dentition, metal braces are recommended for the most effective treatment, but not everyone is ready to wear them. In this case, it is possible to find a compromise between beauty and benefit by installing different types of systems (according to functional and aesthetic indicators) for the anterior and chewing teeth.

  • Each jaw has its own braces. The case when different types of devices are used to correct the bite on different jaws. This is especially true if the lower dentition is more curved than the upper one, and it is recommended to wear metal braces to correct it. And on the upper teeth, you can safely install a more aesthetic design.

  • Financial question. Metal structures are more often advised for serious anomalies, however, bite can be successfully corrected on any system. But whether there is enough money, say, for sapphire braces, is a big question. Combined systems can serve you very well in a limited budget.

Types of combinations of braces

In the vast majority of cases, combined systems consist of metal braces (on chewing teeth) and more aesthetic metal-free structures (ceramic, sapphire).

Combined ceramic braces

Combined braces made of metal and ceramics are considered one of the most common. Experts advise not to give ceramic products too much stress, so its use in the anterior part of the upper jaw is highly justified. At the same time, metal braces correct the rest of the dentition.

Combined bracket system Damon.

Ormco offers a good selection of orthodontic structures, including combined ones. This manufacturer has a Damon 3 non-ligature system, consisting of metal and ceramics in a ratio of 40% to 60%. The most commonly used combined Damon Clear bracket system (made of all-ceramic) in combination with metal Damon Q.

Combined sapphire braces

The combination of metal and sapphire is successful in terms of aesthetics and comfort. In addition, a combination of sapphire and ceramics is possible, which is even more beneficial in terms of beauty. The only drawback is the high cost, even taking into account the use of metal locks.

They also combine vestibular and lingual systems due to the high cost of the latter. Invisible braces are placed on the inside of the dentition of the upper jaw, and any others (most often metal) on the lower jaw. It is the upper teeth that are most noticeable when smiling, so hiding the braces from others is pretty good.

Features of care for combined braces

Anyone who decides to get braces should be prepared for regular visits to the orthodontist and review their habits and diet. Any bracket system, including a combined one, implies strict adherence to hygiene rules. For oral care during orthodontic treatment, you will need:

  • toothbrush (orthodontic, monobundle);
  • dental floss (orthodontic);
  • brushes for interdental spaces;
  • special toothpaste and rinse;
  • remineralizing gel;
  • oral irrigator.

At first, the process of brushing your teeth will not be quick, but after getting used to, no difficulties should arise during hygiene procedures. It is necessary to brush your teeth after each meal and it is recommended to do this for at least 5-7 minutes.

With combined systems, it is especially important to monitor the products used, because strong metal braces and more fragile ceramic braces are installed. Unsuitable food can get stuck in the structure, causing the braces to deform or come off. The difficulty is that when the ceramic elements are peeled off, they cannot be reinstalled, you will have to order new ones. In addition, some foodstuffs may stain the ceramic and impair its aesthetic properties. It is necessary to exclude:

  • hard, crunchy and sticky foods (eg nuts, crackers, chewing gum, toffee);
  • coffee, drinks of bright colors, etc.;
  • smoking.

Prices for combined braces

The cost of the combined system directly depends on the material used and the type of construction. The most expensive are sapphire and lingual.

It's impossible not to smile these days. Without smiles, you will be considered an angry and unsociable person. But what to do if the teeth are not in perfect condition, and for this reason the person is very complete? Everything can be fixed with braces. There are quite a few types of such structures today. Often now use braces combined. In this article we will consider their main characteristics.

A little about braces

In case of malocclusion, the patient may have both aesthetic and psychological problems. The pathology of the bite, in addition, is fraught with bad consequences regarding the skeletal system of the jaw. Asymmetry of the face may occur or the teeth, which bear the maximum load during chewing, may be destroyed.

For this reason, the question of whether malocclusion should be treated should not arise at all. Of course it needs to be treated. Moreover, braces available on the modern market allow you to correct almost all malocclusion, and this can be done at any time, regardless of the age of the patient.

Braces are different. The patient can choose ceramic, lingual, sapphire or metal braces, depending on his financial capabilities and the nature of the defect. Often, orthodontists recommend wearing combined braces, which can immediately consist of different materials.

Economical Combined Systems

Braces made of modern materials are far from cheap. If the patient needs to straighten his teeth, but he does not have the necessary financial resources, you can do the following:

  1. Apply combined designs, when inconspicuous braces are placed only on the front teeth. This way you can save a lot of money.
  2. The remaining teeth are aligned with metal braces, which are much cheaper than sapphire and ceramic ones. At the same time, the metal presses harder on the teeth, accelerating the correction process.

What is special about combined systems?

Patients for whom it is important that others do not notice that they are engaged in bite treatment, most often choose combined alignment structures.

Combined systems are designed so that in the smile zone (front teeth from canine to canine) there are less noticeable braces (for example, from artificial sapphires), and then the design flows into a metal, stronger and more reliable.

About ten years ago, in order to correct an overbite, the patient needed a lot of patience and constant visits to the dentist. Today there are non-ligature combined designs, which greatly facilitates the situation.

Such braces are very aesthetic and at the same time give an excellent treatment effect. The bracket fixes the arch by means of a lock, while the work on alignment of the dentition is carried out continuously.

What is the essence of combined braces?

It is clear that, which system is most suitable for a particular patient, the specialist decides. When choosing, he considers the nature and severity of the defect, as well as the material possibilities of the client and his aesthetic wishes.

The goals of installing combined leveling systems are usually the following:

  • carry out inconspicuous wearing of braces;
  • save money spent on the procedure;
  • enhance the effect of the correction.

Types of structures

Braces are classified according to the following criteria:

  • manufactured material;
  • method of fixing on the teeth;
  • method of fixing the leveling arc.

Regarding the material used for the manufacture, braces can be:

  1. Metal (made of medical steel, gold, nickel-titanium alloy). Such braces appeared in the first place and are popular in the modern world, keeping up with polymer structures. The arc of such braces is fixed into the groove of the bracket using a metal or elastic ligature. Such systems are cheaper than others, while they look much less aesthetically pleasing compared to other types. In order to make a not very expensive, but quite attractive treatment option, orthodontists often combine metal braces with sapphire or ceramic braces in the smile zone.
  2. Plastic braces are almost transparent. With a significant natural whiteness of the patient's teeth, they will be almost invisible. The material is inexpensive, but it is significantly fragile and can be stained with coloring products, such as tea, beets, coffee, and so on.
  3. Ceramic or imitation sapphire systems are the most popular option when they are made entirely of clear sapphire brackets or combined with ceramics that are also less visible on the teeth. You can choose the shade of ceramics so that the design is as similar as possible to the color of the patient's teeth. Artificial sapphires are generally transparent, while being very strong, they do not accumulate plaque and they do not stain. But such designs are of course quite expensive.

Regarding the place of attachment, braces are:

  • lingual (attached to the back of the dental organs);
  • vestibular (attached to the front visible side of the teeth).

Bracket systems according to the method of connecting individual brackets are divided into the following types:

  • ligature;
  • non-ligature, (self-ligating).

Advantages and disadvantages of combined structures

Combination braces, like other alignment systems, have their pros and cons.

Consider the advantages of this method:

  • is an economical method;
  • quite effective;
  • you can choose plates for most cases;
  • high aesthetics when worn.

The disadvantages include:

  • the visibility of metal locks when the patient opens his mouth;
  • such systems are more difficult to maintain;
  • there may be disturbances in the patient's speech;
  • non-metallic segments are quite brittle.

Innovative Damon Systems

For the work of orthodontists, a breakthrough was the technology of straightening teeth with the help of self-ligating braces, developed by Dwight Damon. They do not have ligatures that hold the arc. For this reason, the friction force is significantly reduced, which leads to a decrease in the load on the teeth. In addition, due to the lack of ligatures, visits to the doctor when wearing braces are required much less frequently. One visit per month is enough. The duration of treatment is also reduced.

To date, Damon designs are represented by the following types:

  1. Damon 3MX metal braces have a rounded design with a smooth contour and a vertical slot for additional hooks.
  2. Damon Q metal (more advanced) designs. Their staples are much smaller than conventional metal systems. And the presence of a convenient lock and an additional groove make it possible to distinguish this model from the previous one.
  3. Ceramic braces - Damon Clear are made from a new generation of polymer, or rather from polycrystalline aluminum oxide. Such material is not subject to staining and does not change its color throughout the treatment.
  4. Combined designs Damon 3 consist of metal and plastic. Staples have a transparent plastic base. It is very strong due to metal reinforcement. Teeth are moved painlessly by the slight friction of the alignment archwire.

Advantages of the Damon 3 design

Damon 3 braces have the following advantages:

  • pressure, due to which the teeth move in the right direction, blood circulation in the root zone is disturbed;
  • teeth begin to change their position already a month after the installation of the system;
  • outwardly, such braces are more attractive due to their smaller size relative to analogues and the transparency of the base of the bracket;
  • the edges of the staples are rounded and have a soft contour, which increases wearing comfort;
  • there is more than one prescription option, which allows you to choose the most suitable program for each patient;
  • for installation, it is not necessary to remove fours or sixes, which is often necessary when installing other types of structures.

On average, treatment with Damon costs from 59,000 rubles per jaw.

One of the quite commonly used options is the joint installation of metal braces and ceramic or sapphire braces in the following order. Ceramic products are attached to the six front units, and metal brackets are installed on the teeth from the fourth to the seventh. At the same time, the smile zone has an attractive appearance, and the patient's money is saved. It happens that only the teeth of the upper jaw fall into the smile zone, then metal brackets can be placed on the entire lower row.

That is, when choosing combined products, the patient receives good aesthetics, comfortable wearing and saves the budget.

Installation Features

Before the process of installing combined systems, it is important to sanitize the oral cavity. That is, to cure, if necessary, caries or gum disease.

The bracket system is attached to the surface of the teeth by means of small brackets interconnected by a metal arc, which, with pressure on the teeth, makes them move in the right direction. The design of the braces makes it work on the teeth, forcing them to change their position. The process occurs even during the patient's sleep.

The arc to the bracket can be attached with elastic ligatures, or without them on a special glue (direct fixation) or by means of fasteners (indirect fixation).

Direct fixation is characterized by low cost, speed and invisibility. But often with this method there is a need to reinstall the entire system if the doctor made a mistake during the initial installation.

Direct fixation is fast, cheap and invisible to others. However, this method of attachment is fraught with the need for repeated reinstallation due to frequent medical errors.

With indirect fixing, the best fixing result is achieved. You can, if necessary, change the position of the braces and put the lingual system of braces. The disadvantages of such fixation include: considerable cost and strong visibility.

Solution for moderately crooked teeth

For a patient with lower teeth that do not fall into the smile zone, the following combined leveling structure can be installed:

  1. Plastic, ceramic or sapphire systems are placed on the upper teeth.
  2. The lower jaw is framed with metal braces.

There are two reasons for this approach. The first is the much greater affordability of metal braces. The second is the greatest effect of durable structures.

At the same time, the system installed by this method is very aesthetic.

Option for curved lower units

There are frequent cases of severe curvature of the lower teeth, when the upper ones look more attractive. In such a situation, ceramics will not give the desired straightening effect. For patients with this state of affairs, the specialist recommends the following:

  1. Use combined designs. For the lower jaw, use metal products, since this is the most durable material.
  2. Put a construction of any more aesthetic material on the upper dental organs so that the attractiveness of the smile does not suffer.

Option for quick bite correction

Consider the option that makes the leveling structure the most durable. At the same time, the time of its use is significantly reduced.

The upper and lower teeth are framed in ceramic or plastic, which, with careful selection, merge with a shade of enamel and become almost invisible.

The structure is reinforced in the grooves where the arc is inserted with metal. Aesthetics does not suffer. And for advanced cases or if emergency alignment is needed in a short time, this option is the most optimal.

Thus, braces can be combined in different ways. The main goals of such structures are the desired leveling effect, physical and psychological comfort when worn. The latter is most important for teenagers, who are often embarrassed by unattractive designs on their teeth.

Which braces are the most preferred?

Depending on the existing defects, the possibilities and wishes of the client, the orthodontist may advise the use of one of the following structures:

  1. Large interdental spaces or severe crooked teeth can be corrected with any type of braces.
  2. If the tooth needs to be moved a considerable distance, designs with freely moving sapphire, plastic or ceramic ligatures are more suitable.
  3. When treating a deep bite for the lower jaw, it is better to use a metal structure. The use of polymer structures is not recommended due to the fact that the upper jaw can cling to the lower one, erasing the braces.
  4. When expanding the jaw, Damon braces are most often used.

How to care for combined systems?

No matter how the patient corrects the bite, he needs special oral care throughout the treatment. Combined designs require more careful maintenance. After all, it is clear that if there is a small lock on each tooth, the complexity of care increases.

With a neglected attitude to oral hygiene, stains may appear at the site of the locks and caries may form. Each process of eating should be completed with a high-quality and long (at least five minutes) brushing of the teeth. In this case, you need to use a special orthodontic, single-beam brush or brush. With the help of a brush, it is easy to clean each lock individually, as well as the bracket into which a piece of food has fallen.

Regular cleaning while wearing braces can not be dispensed with. It is also important to rinse your mouth with special products that reduce the risk of damage to the mucosa.

It's important to know: A categorical ban for braces is the use of chewing gum, as well as very sticky, viscous and hard foods.

Therefore, it is important to closely monitor how the patient is eating. Meat, hard vegetables such as carrots and even apples must first be cut into small pieces, and then chewed.

For owners of plastic braces, there are even more prohibitions. Anything that can stain the plates must be excluded.

When using thermoactive arc bracket systems, it is also forbidden to use very cold or hot food.

The cost of structures

When installing combined braces, the unnecessary use of expensive materials is eliminated, which significantly reduces their cost.

Such structures cost differently in different cities of Russia, depending on the material from which they are made and the type of structure itself. Ligature braces, for example, will cost about 27 thousand rubles per jaw. Whereas the cost of self-ligating will be at least 54 thousand.

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Modern bracket systems are a proven way to solve the problem of malocclusion and curvature of the dentition. The choice of models of orthodontic appliances is huge.

Braces are made of metal, plastic, ceramic or sapphire. With this in mind, medical specialists have created combined braces.

Combined braces - vestibular orthodontic apparatus, made up of various materials. Combined treatment includes such medical situations when one type of braces is used on the upper jaw, and another type on the lower jaw.

Indications for treatment

For example, if the lower dentition is uneven in relation to the upper dentition, and a metal variant will be used to correct it, then it is recommended to use an aesthetic variant for the upper dentition.

  • At the same time, priority is given to both functionality and ethics. Different systems are recommended for anterior and posterior teeth, which creates a compromise between medical efficiency and aesthetic appearance.
  • Improving the productivity of the correction course.
  • Limited budget. It is advisable to make the installation of a combined system, using an aesthetic inconspicuous material only for the anterior dentition. This will help save a lot of your budget.

Features of combining systems

Patients for whom it is important that in social life what they wear is not conspicuous combination bracket system, give preference to combined leveling structures ( using 2 materials).

Combined systems are designed in such a way that the front teeth are discreet braces(for example, sapphire), and after the "smile zone" the design turns into a metal one (the difference is greater reliability).

The bracket holds the arc with a lock, while the process of correcting the teeth occurs non-stop.

Pros and cons


  • High efficiency of treatment.
  • The right choice of inserts for most situations.
  • Beautiful and neat appearance of a smile during the correction period.
  • Financial savings.


Types of combined braces

The combinations are very different. metal combine with ceramic, composite or artificial sapphires.


Metal braces (gold, medical steel, nickel-titanium alloy) - one of the first (and main) methods of orthodontic treatment.

Thanks to the use of medical stainless steel, the products are multifunctional, affordable, and strong. Such braces are able to withstand almost any load.

The pluses include: ease of installation, low probability of damage, the admissibility of the use of different types of metal and low price.


Aesthetic plastic braces are considered the first system to become a worthy alternative to the metal version.

In terms of their aesthetic qualities, the products are comparable to ceramic and sapphire. The color of the plastic is chosen according to the natural shade of the teeth, which makes them almost invisible.

Advantages: the use of hypoallergenic material, quick addiction to a foreign object in the mouth, decent aesthetic performance and low price.

Correction with plastic braces is a high-tech, time-tested method of bite correction.

In addition to straightening teeth, lower and upper jaws aligned, "closes" the space from the teeth removed at the initial stage of treatment.

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Ceramic braces are a popular and effective option for correcting bite pathology. Designs look neat on the teeth and practically devoid of such a disadvantage as inconvenience when wearing. They are safe, durable, and relatively inexpensive.

Apply two types of ceramic braces: ligature (a classic for working with severe pathologies) and non-ligature. Indications: imperfection of the profile with malocclusion, anomalies of individual teeth (as well as dentition and bite) and correction of diction defects.


Sapphire braces are becoming more and more popular every year. accessible and popular.

Foundation - excellent visual effect such braces and unusual shine on the teeth. The single-crystal structure makes them transparent and translucent, originally "glaring" in the light.

Artificial sapphires are transparent, but at the same time durable, they practically do not accumulate plaque, products do not “paint” from food and drinks. For the correction of serious pathologies, the sapphire version is not suitable - friction between grooves and arc make the correction process rather lengthy. The pressure exerted on the teeth is not as strong as when using metal systems.

Important! According to the strength of the impact, metal systems cost in 1st place, ceramic on 2, and sapphire systems for 3, after the metal and ceramic options.


So that after removing the braces, the teeth remain not only straight, but also healthy, it is recommended follow the rules:

Attention! Malocclusion leads not only to low smile aesthetics. Over time, bite pathologies adversely affect the jaw skeletal system, leading to facial asymmetry and tooth decay, bearing a large load when chewing food.

When communicating with an opponent, first of all, the gaze falls on his teeth. And if they are crooked and irregular in shape, then this is unlikely to make a lasting impression. Fortunately, today many dental structures have been invented that can easily correct these defects. To treat malocclusion and correct crooked teeth, doctors recommend installing combined braces. Why exactly these structures should be paid attention to in case of dental anomalies and what is their peculiarity, we will find out further.

What are combined braces?

Dentists have been working on orthodontic structures that solve the problem of crooked teeth and malocclusion for decades. Now the emphasis is not only on the functionality of dental products, but also on the aesthetic appearance. It is these qualities that combined braces have. Thanks to their neat appearance, people easily agree to treatment and are not embarrassed by their appearance.

Combined braces differ from other orthodontic designs in that they include not one material, but several. Why is this being done?

From all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion: combined bracket systems have a lot of advantages over other types of orthodontic structures for correcting bite and curvature of teeth.

Are there any disadvantages of combined braces?

Unfortunately, combined designs have their drawbacks. These include the following.

  1. Compared to other types of braces, the care of combined structures is more complicated and inconvenient.
  2. In the first 1-2 weeks from the beginning of the installation of products, problems with speech may be observed.
  3. Sometimes metal locks when opening the mouth can be visible to others.
  4. The non-metal parts of the braces are too fragile.

Important! Unpleasant moments can also occur after the installation of orthodontic combined structures. In the first days of wearing, patients often complain of aching pain in the teeth due to the increased load on them. In addition, at the beginning of treatment, bleeding, itching and inflammation of the oral mucosa are often noted.

However, with careful observation of the dentist, severe complications after the installation of structures can be avoided. As a rule, discomfort will soon disappear on its own.

On what grounds are combined bracket systems classified?

Most people who have crooked teeth or malocclusion believe that these anomalies are not harmful to health. This opinion is wrong. Such neglect of one's health can lead to dangerous consequences. Therefore, malocclusion and curvature of the teeth must be treated. For this, orthodontists recommend installing braces. And to achieve the best result, you should use combined orthodontic constructions that will correct the shortcomings in compliance with aesthetic standards.

Important! What materials will be used in the treatment process, only the orthodontist decides.

Combined braces used in dentistry today are divided depending on:

  • what method of fastening will be used;
  • What material will the structure be made from?
  • how will the archwire be attached to the braces.

As the main component for creating combined products, use:

  • ceramics;
  • plastic;
  • sapphire;
  • metal.

Metal structures have been used in dentistry to correct bite for a long time. The cost of this material is low, but if the aesthetic component is more important for the patient, then it is better to give preference to orthodontic products made of another material.

If the desire to install braces invisible to others is above all, then orthodontists recommend ceramics. It is practically invisible on the teeth, since it is matched to the color of the enamel (ceramic material can be selected with varying degrees of transparency and haze).

Braces made of sapphire material have maximum transparency. This element is highly valued and such a design on the teeth is invisible to others.

Lingual braces also have high aesthetic qualities. This product is ideal for those whose work is related to communication. A feature of this design is its attachment to the inner side of the teeth. When communicating, neither the arc nor the locks are visible.

What combinations should be used in each specific case?

The combination of materials for creating braces will depend on the neglect of the patient's problem. Next, we consider each individual case and which combinations are best used in this case.

What options do orthodontists use for slightly crooked teeth?

When the teeth are slightly curved, and the bite is slightly disturbed, then in this case it is also recommended to use combined designs.

Important! On those teeth that are constantly visible, it is better to use a more inconspicuous material - sapphire or ceramic. On others that are hidden (for example, the bottom row, which is almost invisible when smiling and communicating), install metal.

If the teeth in the bottom row are crooked

There are situations when the teeth in the lower row are much more crooked than in the upper row. In this case, ceramics will not work, since this material is quite fragile. What to do?

In this situation, the teeth in the lower row will straighten due to the metal material, while the upper row will retain its aesthetic appearance.

How to care for combined braces?

No matter what material the braces are made of, each of them requires careful care. This is especially true for combined structures.

  1. If possible, strong pressure on sapphire and ceramic brackets should be avoided, as this material is too fragile.
  2. For hygiene, it is better to use dental floss, a special brush and a V-shaped toothbrush.
  3. Dental hygiene should be carried out 2 times a day - in the morning and before bedtime.
  4. If part of the braces is made of plastic material, it is recommended to avoid the use of foods and drinks containing dyes. Coffee, red wine, berries, etc. are also banned when wearing such designs.

Important! Refuse when wearing combined braces should be from viscous and solid foods. Such food can provoke peeling of locks and violation of the power arc.

How are combined braces installed?

Before installing the structure, the doctor must conduct a survey and the necessary studies, during which it turns out that there are reasons that may interfere with orthodontic treatment. Then professional teeth cleaning is carried out, caries is treated and the inflammatory process (if any) is eliminated.

Mounting methodsHow are
Direct fastening methodWith the help of special glue, a lock is attached to the surface of each incisor. This method requires increased caution from oneself, since the slightest mistake will lead to the re-installation of the structure.
Method of indirect fixationFirst, a plaster prototype of the dentition is made individually for the patient, according to which a cap is created. Locks are attached to the teeth in one step. The doctor then sets up a force arc

Remember! The latter method is most preferred among dentists, since in the process of manipulation there is a possibility of correcting the location of the locks.

How long do you need to wear combined braces?

The duration of wearing structures depends on the neglect of the pathology. On average, doctors recommend treatment for 6 to 12 months. If the bite is seriously broken, or the teeth are severely crooked, then therapy can last from a year to 1.5 years. This period is due to too slow movement of the teeth.

The combined bracket system is very convenient in terms of aesthetics and functionality. With the help of this design, the wrong bite is corrected and crooked teeth are straightened. At the same time, you can make the braces completely invisible to others. And this, as it turned out, is very convenient. Especially for shy teenagers or those whose work is directly related to communication.

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