If the child has swallowed sea water. Is it possible to get poisoned by sea water

Water intoxication is a violation of the water-salt balance (hyperhydration) or the ingress of harmful microorganisms through water, which leads to a malfunction of the organ system, in other words, getting water poisoning.

Two types of water poisoning:

  • indirect . Water serves only as a conductor for bacteria, toxic substances;
  • Direct. When it is overabundant, it itself serves as a source of poisoning.

Water intoxication is associated with an excess of fluids in the body - the kidneys can process less than one liter per hour. Each person has his own drinking norm, and is regulated with the help of thirst. It is also worth considering that in addition to water, liquid enters the body under other types - broths, drinks, juicy fruits.

The predominance of fluid in the water-salt balance leads to the fact that the cells of the body, their nuclei begin to wash out, and soft tissues and organs swell. The heart and central nervous system are the first to suffer:

  • The heart rate either accelerates or decreases until it stops completely;
  • There is lethargy, confusion, dizziness, fainting, impaired coordination.

The worst scenario of development is a lethal outcome due to cerebral hypoxia or pulmonary edema, other respiratory organs.

At risk are people who systematically violate the correct drinking regimen - women who are on a water diet, in which all food is exclusively liquid or those who often experience false thirst - athletes, dancers, active lifestyle supporters, drug addicts and alcoholics.

Lead to water intoxication:

  • Pathogenic microorganisms - salmonella, E. coli, staphylococcus, anthrax, cholera live in natural sources (reservoirs, ponds, wells, rivers and lakes);
  • Chemical components - industrial waste, pesticides, cause an upset of the gastrointestinal tract, and provoke severe forms of intoxication;
  • Hyperhydration is an excess of fluid when it goes beyond the cells and begins to penetrate into other organs.

It would seem that drinking tap water is not scary, because it must be purified.

But in practice, the opposite is true - typhoid, staphylococcus, salmonellosis, E. coli, anthrax, rust and chlorine impurities - that's what can be in your glass.

In some regions, in addition to stiffness, it generally has an unpleasant odor and taste.

Tap water intoxication is an example of chemical poisoning, when 300 ml of liquid contains more than 10 chemical compounds.

How not to get poisoned by tap water?

Use a filter to clean or boil for 10-15 minutes over high heat. High temperature kills over 80% of harmful microorganisms. It is best to combine filtration with boiling: there will be no bacteria and no heavy metals either.

How to identify poisoning from the tap?

Clinical symptoms appear both a few minutes after the ingestion of toxins, and after a few hours, it all depends on the degree of the organism and the individual characteristics of the person.

Main symptoms:

  • Nausea, profuse vomiting with little relief;
  • Pain in the abdominal cavity - cutting, stabbing;
  • Diarrhea;
  • General rise in temperature.

Symptoms of general water intoxication: how to identify?

If water poisoning has occurred, the symptoms will make themselves felt soon. They can be divided into two groups: main (manifested in mild forms, any type of intoxication), secondary (report on the severity, duration, and type - overhydration)

General symptoms:

  • Indigestion - profuse, loose stools, uncontrolled vomiting, nausea, cramps;
  • Cutting, stitching pains in the gastrointestinal tract.

Signs of moderate and severe overhydration:

  • Swelling of the extremities due to heavy stress on the kidneys. They simply cannot process such an amount of moisture, and it enters the tissues, cells;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Liquid stool;
  • Violation of the function of urination - either frequent urge to the toilet with a large amount of urine, or the complete absence of its withdrawal from the body;
  • Irregular heart rate - the pulse is fast or weak;
  • muscle spasms and cramps;
  • Increased fatigue, apathy, loss of strength;
  • Derealization - a person is completely disconnected from what is happening, does not pay attention;
  • Loss of consciousness in severe intoxication.

Sea water poisoning: what is it? How to avoid and identify?

Seawater intoxication is most often caused by harmful bacteria that multiply and produce decay products in the marine environment.

Salt and jellyfish diligently kill part of the pathogenic microflora, but they cannot completely cope with its volumes.

Waste, garbage, animals are not all that provokes the appearance of sea water poisoning, often people prefer to go to the toilet right in the sea, and not always healthy people swim.

How can you get poisoned by sea water:

  • During swimming, underwater games, when she is accidentally swallowed;
  • When its particles get into food, drinks;
  • In the absence of basic hygiene after bathing - washing hands, washing.

Sea water poisoning symptoms:

  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting up to complete emptying of the stomach with temporary relief;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Pain in the peritoneum.

What to do? Remain calm, move to a dark, cool place. Seek medical attention. Drink distilled water, if the condition is too severe, flush or induce vomiting.

Caution - intoxication from the pool

Pool water intoxication is the entry of life-threatening toxins through the liquid with which it is filled. The main danger is chlorine, microbes of visitors (not everyone takes a shower before swimming and goes to the toilet)

Despite the fact that special substances are added to the pool that kill harmful microflora, sweat and urine secretions activate a chemical reaction to convert chlorine into cyanogen chloride. A few milligrams of the substance is enough for severe intoxication, death.

Symptoms of intoxication:

  • Wet or dry cough;
  • Feeling of a lump and irritation in the throat;
  • Tearfulness.


  • stop breathing;
  • Weakening of the pulse, temporary cardiac arrest is possible;
  • Fainting.

If the necessary assistance is not provided, and the concentration of toxins exceeds all normal limits, the person dies.

What to do? As soon as you feel worse, leave the water. Wash your face, rinse your nose and mouth with clean water. If the eyes are reddened, irritation is visible, apply an ophthalmic antimicrobial gel, drop 2-3 drops of olive or other natural oil into the eyeball. If the condition only worsens, there is a possibility of loss of consciousness, call an ambulance.

How to protect yourself? Wear a special cap, gloves, bathing suit, nose clip, never swallow water from the pool, always wash after swimming.

First aid for water intoxication

If you or another person is suspected of developing water intoxication, you need to urgently call an ambulance. It is worth washing the stomach, drinking water only if the possibility of overhydration is completely excluded, otherwise the death of the patient can be accelerated.

In case of infectious poisoning - E. coli, typhoid or chemicals, it is necessary to clean the gastrointestinal tract by washing. In case of poisoning that occurred in the aquatic environment - a pool, pond or sea, it is necessary to wash, rinse the mucous membranes (mouth, eyes and nose), induce vomiting to remove contaminated water.

Treatment of hyperhydration occurs under the strict supervision of a doctor, depending on how part of the organ system is affected, therapy is formed. The level of water-salt balance is also adjusted individually.

If you drink water correctly and only purified, no problems will arise. In addition, do not forget that when used correctly, it is a source of vitality and health.

Video: How to purify water at home

Summer, sea and sun - what could be better for a family holiday? But in order to leave only pleasant impressions about the vacation, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of sanitary doctors, allowing you to maintain the health of yourself and your loved ones. Poisoning at sea, like infectious diseases, is not uncommon, since the hot climate, coastal strip and mass gatherings of people from different parts of the world complicate the situation. For a person with a weak immune system, climate change, heat or hypothermia in water can become a serious stress, weakening the body and increasing its susceptibility to pathogenic agents.

Is it possible to get poisoned by sea water, what is easy to confuse with food poisoning at sea and how to provide first aid to the victim? In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor, and when can self-medication be limited? Let's figure it out.

Is it possible to get poisoned by sea water

Vacationers on the sea often complain of sea water poisoning. The disease is accompanied by fever, vomiting, poor health, less often by disorder of the stool. Young children are especially susceptible to such diseases.

What is really happening? Is it dangerous to swim in the sea?

Infectious disease doctors unanimously claim that sea water itself is absolutely safe. The increased content of sea salt and iodine compounds gives it weak antiseptic properties. For this reason, sea water is not able to serve as a medium for the preservation and spread of intestinal or other infections, as is the case in polluted fresh water bodies and water supply sources.

Gargle with saline solutions for laryngitis, wash the nose with a runny nose, make pulling baths with them for purulent skin diseases. In addition, to get sick, you need to get a sufficiently large dose of a toxic substance. And this is not fresh water, you can’t drink much of it.

What happens if you swallow sea water while swimming? Usually children do this. If the baby has received a significant portion of water, then poisoning in a child at sea can be manifested by nausea and vomiting, poor health, and loss of appetite. There will be no fever or diarrhea. This condition is caused by the action of salt water on the wall of the stomach. It passes within one day, and to ease nausea, it is recommended to drink plenty of plain water.

Causes of poisoning at sea

If other signs appeared, then, most likely, the sick person became a victim of one of the following factors.

General symptoms of poisoning

At sea, symptoms can manifest themselves in varying degrees. In order to start treatment, it is not necessary to accurately establish the diagnosis - intestinal disorders are treated in the same way. The danger is not to miss serious infectious diseases - typhus, salmonellosis, cholera, botulism or poisoning by toxins. With mild poisoning or infection that can be treated at home, there will be the following signs:

Usually the disease begins acutely with fever and vomiting. Such disorders pass in 2-3 days. Sometimes with a slow development of the disease, diarrhea and high fever occur 2-3 days from the onset.

First aid for poisoning at sea

After taking the first measures, they begin to treat the poisoning.

Treatment of poisoning at sea

Here is an approximate scheme of how to treat poisoning at sea.

If a child is poisoned at sea, it is imperative to consult a doctor in the following cases:

It is also necessary to consult a doctor for both children and adults if vomiting does not go away within 24 hours.

Prevention of poisoning at sea

How to avoid poisoning at sea and other troubles, so as not to spoil your vacation and maintain your health? Be attentive to your well-being and avoid doubtful situations:

Let's summarize. When relaxing in coastal areas, people often face such troubles as intestinal infections and poisoning. Characteristic - vomiting, diarrhea, fever. Symptomatic treatment: taking restorative fluids, enterosorbents, antipyretic drugs. It is recommended to follow a sparing diet. If there are signs of an acute intestinal infection or poisoning with strong toxins, consult a doctor immediately.

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    We rested in the Crimea in the second half of August, after 3 days I got sick, and a few days later my adult grandson. All symptoms of acute intestinal infection. Fruits - they washed their hands, did not swallow water from the sea, etc. It is a pity the days spent on the toilet! It's time for the local authorities to improve the sanitary situation and improve the health of their holiday guests, and not vice versa!

    I read the comments of vacationers because I myself was in shock, last year we rested in Gelendzhik for three weeks at the end of August and half of September, we were very lucky that we didn’t catch any infections, so we decided to go to our Black Sea this year. We are resting in Adler, on the 10th day the child (5 years old) started having diarrhea and vomiting, they called an ambulance, prescribed a lot of medicines, nothing helps, it’s a pity for the child, he’s all exhausted, and frankly, she feels sick herself. In cafes, canteens, flies fly everywhere, and you still don’t know from what and where they picked it up. The desire to come to the sea has completely disappeared. Take care of your children and yourself!

    We rented an apartment in Sochi for 2 months - from the end of July to the end of September. Everything was fine until August 30, but on that day the child (5 years old) started vomiting and diarrhea, then my wife the next day, and the next day I started. But everything went away in one day. They took Polysorb.

    We are resting in Adler as a family, on the 10th day the elder and the younger had vomiting, fever, they were treated with enterofuril and enterosgel, they suffered for a day, it seems to have passed. Tomorrow we go home, we are seized again, the elder is constantly vomiting, my wife too, I don’t get off the pot, the little one seems to be nothing. Fuck knows what it’s all about, I took a sip of water a couple of days ago, and my campaign was hooked from me, they say there is contagious crap. I hope at least today it will pass by the evening, tomorrow morning on the train, there you don’t run into a push. Good luck to all!

    Horror, we are resting in Lazarevskoye, is it like that everywhere?

    We had a great rest in Sochi. We drove 3,000 kilometers to admire the beauties of Krasnaya Polyana, and my husband and I could not resist swimming in the sea. The result caught up on the way back - all the inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. It’s a pity that the vacation took place in a fast mode, but I had to drink more and I wouldn’t have to spend money on medicines. In general, everything is cool, such a vacation will remain in memory for a long time. I wish you a good rest without consequences and take care of the children.

    We have been resting in Anapa since July 9, on the second day the eldest daughter fell ill, then the middle one, then the youngest. We are treated with Entorosgel, Entorofuril. We sit in the room. The WATER in the sea is dirty, near the shore with mud, it's scary to go in. And it was worth flying 7 hours for this? I saw the sea for the first time, complete disappointment. On the beach in the sand, cigarette butts, paper, well, it depends on the upbringing of our people, they sit and smoke without leaving the sea. I remember our beloved and clean Baikal, although even there people litter on the banks, to put it mildly. No more foot on the sea, only on Baikal. It’s a pity, the daughters of the sea have been waiting for six months.

    The second day at sea, and already poisoned - swallowed water in Arkhipo-Osipovka. The sea is like a swamp - dirt, unsanitary conditions. Now I'm suffering - my stomach hurts. The pain is hellish, and in addition, overheating. Most importantly, no diarrhea. It’s better to stay at home and don’t go anywhere, otherwise you will regret it, stay in the hotel for the whole vacation, with pills!

    We rested in Kabardinka from June 27 to July 10. My daughter and granddaughter fell ill on the 3rd day after swimming in the sea. Vomiting, diarrhea in a child, the temperature was. It's good that after 2 days they got up. Vomiting was removed with Motilium syrup, the pharmacy advised us. They drank water in small sips and did not eat for a day. I got sick on the 9th day… Today, on July 20, the diarrhea still does not go away. Everyone sinned against the guest house, but judging by your reviews ... It's not about him. Lopedium did not help and does not help ... I think we need to start antibiotics. We don't want to go to sea. Although we went 3 previous years in a row, we were in Gelendzhik 2 times, in Vityazevo and on Dzhemet near Anapa. This has never happened before. Were at home, we did not feel any adaptation.

    We are now resting in Agoy, out of 10 days 5 passed by - all four of them were ill in turn. Children first. Temperature under 38 and vomiting. They were treated with Enterosgel, activated charcoal. We no longer want to go to the sea, our appetite has also disappeared.

    Spoiled vacation from Adler! It's a pity that I read all the negative points on the Internet very late. Daughter (7 years old) - vomiting, high temperature; then I joined and, to top it off, my mother. They even called an ambulance on the train. We have been at home for two days, and everyone has no appetite, their stomach stops ... The child is lethargic, the temperature has dropped to 36. What a nightmare!

    Good afternoon! We always rested in the Adler resort in May-June. The sea water is cold but clean! There are no infections. Children are happy. Great vacation! In 2017, we were in LOO in August. The water temperature is high, very hot and stuffy. As the locals explained to us, because of the high temperature of the water, the infection that got into it is not destroyed. Vomited (sorry for the expression) ALL vacationers. Vacation was ruined. There is only one conclusion: in July-August, one must be careful with the sea or prepare for such consequences.

    Gelendzhik, Divnomorskoye… Since my arrival, 2 children have caught the virus: snot and a terrible cough. Day 3 began to listen and look closely at others - half sneezes or coughs, or even all together. Okay, I thought, it’s okay, it happens ... Somehow they healed. But on the 10th day, one after another, from our company, they began to fall down with terrible diarrhea for a day, some with a temperature! Thought I'd get over it! But no) it’s night, everyone is sleeping, the neighbors are drinking downstairs ... F I’m sitting on the balcony and running around to puke, sorry, every 20 minutes! And I almost cry from a terrible state. Well, after all, it’s cool to relax on the Black Sea, you must agree !!!

    From 07/25/2018 we are in Gelendzhik, on the second day after swimming in the sea, two adults fell ill, immediately dripped droppers and started antibiotic injections ... And of course, the diet (black tea with sugar and crackers) on the fourth day, a 3-year-old child has a stuffy nose, diarrhea and a temperature of 37.6 ... Think for yourself whether it is worth going to the Krasnodar Territory and spending your health, nerves and money.

    Literally yesterday at one o'clock in the morning I woke up with nausea, ran to the toilet, everything seemed to let go and then bam - exploded, and so for 5-6 hours, I didn’t sleep all night, in the morning I somehow fell asleep for a couple of hours ... And closer to the day the temperature rose, which was terrible, it was sausage strong, he drank smecta and activated charcoal, and, by the way, when he vomited, he could not drink, he immediately vomited. But this morning it let go, but when I inhale, I have pain in my lungs and ribs, and wild discomfort in my stomach, I can’t eat, I have no appetite at all.

    We often relax in the Krasnodar Territory, we rent housing with a kitchen, we cook and eat only our own homemade food, and we don’t buy anything on the beach. We sunbathe from 7-10 in the morning and after 16 hours. Everything is always good, no poisoning.

    We have been resting since July 27, 2018 in Gelendzhik. The sea is dirty. On day 4, my 5-year-old son had vomiting and diarrhea. And today it rinses me from all the cracks. Terrible abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting. Horror. You save money for the sea and you have rest. Your food. While I am being treated: Regidron, Polysorb, coal.

    Last year I already left a comment, the vacation in August in Gelendzhik was ruined ((Then I only transferred my daughter, at the first of her symptoms I also started drinking medicine and it didn’t touch me! And for the third year in a row, history repeated itself! July - Dzhubga - hello infection! We live in Krasnodar, so it seems like a sin not to go to the sea ... I thought that I wouldn’t go in August, having the experience of the past 2 years, but this time it’s July, and already all infections have multiplied (Now we’ll limit ourselves to June! We were always treated with Enterosgel and Enterofuril , found an analogue of Enrofuril - Elufor, the same active ingredient, but it costs 2-2.5 times cheaper, the effect is completely the same!But it's better to buy in advance at home, because you can hardly find it in pharmacies at sea, and the prices there are crazy. From food, oatmeal salted on water, in small portions (literally a spoon or two), crackers (not sweet), strong tea without sugar and without additives, boiled water.On the second day, broth (not fatty, better than the 2nd or 3rd, but I don’t bother and take the breast), also with su harikami. Restores in a day. On the second day, my daughter completely departed, but I took over) Tomorrow I plan to be hearty! It is necessary to think not about public beaches, perhaps ...

    We rest every year on the Black Sea. Now in Vardan. We do not catch any infections, we just drink Polysorb for prevention and everything is fine.

    Gurzuf, his eight-year-old son, caught a rotavirus, I brought one hundred grams of vodka with pepper and a little salt, drank it, even my son seemed to feel better!

    Yeysk, Sea of ​​Azov. Stayed here many times, everything was good. This year I took my daughter 4 years old for the first time to the sea, a week later vomiting began and the temperature rose at night. We drink Laktofiltrum. The sea is just tin - a bunch of dead fish. Mothers are not shy about taking their children to the sea to write. It would be better if we went to Karelia 🙁

    Before going to the sea, I read the Internet and on all sites they trumpeted about the infection. But I really wanted to go to the sea, I didn’t go for 2 years, I thought it would blow over. We went as a family with a 2-year-old son to Loo. On the 2nd day of stay, the child developed vomiting and diarrhea. They called an ambulance, which arrived after almost 3 hours. They agreed to hospitalization, the polyclinic was full, there was no water for a day, breakfast was served only at 10. The son more or less left on the 3rd day of his stay, but I got infected in the infectious disease! I think it's in the hospital! So many patients and many come close to try to contact each other, sneezing, horror. I wrote a refusal and my husband took us to recover at home. Bottom line: dear, do not come on vacation with children! No, it won't! 85% will get infected! And there it is ... Take care of yourself and your loved ones. In the near future we will not set foot on the sea.

    Arkhipo-Osipovka, currently on vacation 6th day. This morning my son's temperature rose to 39.5. They shot down with Nurofen, lay down for 10 minutes and, as if nothing had happened, went to play on the playground. After 2 hours t 40!!! We went to the doctor, except for t no symptoms. According to the symptoms, the doctor ruled out an intestine and a sore throat, the only thing is that the tonsils are a little loose. Prescribed Hexoral in the throat 3r / day, rinse the nose with Aquamaris, from t Nurofen alternate with Cefekon suppositories. After the doctor, t rose another time to 39, they put candles. Of all the guests in the hotel, one more adult also has t and also has diarrhea. The rest are all ok, and there are people who have been resting for 10-14 days already.
    Regarding the Black Sea coast, guys, they are poisoned in Turkey, and in Egypt, and in Greece. If you want to protect yourself and your children from this and at the same time relax on the sea, then you need to go in the cool months - March, April, May, October, or not go at all. My husband and I go every year, sometimes twice, and always on the Black Sea coast. I felt bad once - on the very first visit, acclimatization, so to speak. With a child, the second year, that year passed. This is not. There is only one conclusion - once at a time it is not necessary, unfortunately, and maybe for the better. All health and strong immunity.

    We returned from Gelendzhik, were in the Blue Bay. I didn’t swim at all, the water was dirty, straight brown, I only wet my feet. But I was not spared either. Diarrhea, terrible cough, runny nose, legs ache, muscles all ache, head splits. It looks like the flu, only the temperature is 37.1. No more foot on the Black Sea. The people are dark, there are flies everywhere in the cafe, the heat is terrible, the sea is brown like a stinky river.

    Barely returned from Adler! I haven't experienced such hell in a long time! On the 3rd day I thought I caught the strongest flu! And diarrhea and vomiting! By the way, two weeks have not passed! What I just didn’t try! There is local water and water in the sea! In short, they came from Vorkuta and how I visited a concentration camp! I don't know what to do - nothing helps! People be vigilant! This is hell!

    Our seas have not been set a foot for a long time.
    She brought an infection from Sochi, a sore throat in the Crimea, she treated bronchitis from Bulgaria for 2 months.
    And I'm afraid to Turkey, there, too, it mows down the coasts.

    They took the child to the sea to Greece, to Crete in 2017. As a result, the virus was caught not by a stomach virus, but by a temperature of 40, with great difficulty it went astray, first my son was 2 years old, then mine, then my husband coughed for 3 weeks. Some kind of infection was walking around the hotel, in the restaurant everyone was coughing all the time.

    Then Cyprus, Limassol 2018, again the temperature and the virus is not stomach, the doctor said, one of the children shared. Again temperature 40.

    Now in Rhodes, Ixia beach, Greece. I caught an enterovirus, all morning I danced in different places near the pot, vomiting and diarrhea. On the beach, the nearest person is 50 meters away.

    The sea was the cleanest everywhere, I choose deaf places so that there are not a lot of people. I sin in principle on hotels. While at the buffet they touch everything with dirty hands, although we already process our hands right at the table before eating. We shy away from people. We never appear in the pool, all doctors forbid it, and rotavirus breeds there too.

    I just want to say that it is already pointless to go to the Black Sea, there are too many people, a dirty hot sea with bacteria breeding there and feces that merge into the sea is a breeding ground for infection. And how much did you save? Friends left in the high season to a good hotel in Turkey for all inclusive for 100t.
    But in other countries it is necessary not to turn off the head. To give the body time to adapt, we sunbathe in the morning before 11, in the evening after 16. And for those mothers who are worried about doctors abroad. We provide insurance without a conditional deductible, i.e. any doctor's call is free. The child fell ill in Cyprus, at 9 they called the insurance, the doctor came at 13 o'clock. I had a doctor called yesterday, came in 3 hours later.
    Healthy and happy everyone, full of great vacation memories!

    We rested with my family in the Adler resort from August 26 to 30, in the Delfin boarding house. Briefly describe the rest - horror, nightmare. Big mistake to take 1.3 g of a child to the sea. On the second day, the temperature was under 40, vomiting, etc. And no one said a word anywhere that they had a rotavirus infection everywhere or something incomprehensible, they got to antibiotics and droppers.

    Everyone! Urgently make a decision whether to rest on the Black Sea in Russia and Abkhazia. If there are children, then immediately refuse. The situation is critical. The entire coast of Russia and Abkhazia was built up with private houses for rent. And the sewerage all leads to the sea, so the entire coast is infected as it is considered rotavirus, I will call it intestinal, because the symptoms are the same for everyone - vomiting and diarrhea do not stop continuously all day, then the frequency decreases and on the third or fourth day there may be an improvement if lucky. It's time to boycott holidays on the Black Sea until the local authorities solve the problem with sewage, because fines for drunk driving and not allowing pedestrians helped.
    The review is real. Today we returned from Gagra (Abkhazia), we were also in Sochi - the situation is the same. Gagra - 20 km of beaches, the entire coast was cut down and private houses were set up for rent. In the city of Gagra, there are no sewage treatment plants at all, all the sewage goes to the sea, in the evening, when it gets dark and early in the morning at five or six in the morning, everyone's motors are noisy - they drain water, some openly pour it onto the road, even near the hospital. In the area of ​​​​the city beach near the water park, there are three open sewage drains, one in the form of a river to the right of the water park, if you look at the sea, local businessmen don’t even set up sunbeds there, the second one in front of the water park beats on the beach - this is a drain from restaurants, the third stream from the water park ( issue price 2 thousand to the inspector). And now the question is - vomiting and diarrhea, where do you put the contents - correctly into the sewer. And if the sewer goes out to sea, and even the temperature is under 30, this is an epidemic. Three of us went to Gagra - a child, a man, a woman. A trip for a week to a sanatorium. Day one - cheers for the sea, the child swallowed water. In the evening at dinner (19-30) he complained that it was hard to breathe on the right, then vomited. The child was taken to the room. Vomiting did not stop, it was worth drinking a little water - he vomited again, then when the entire intestine was empty, he vomited bile. The child constantly wanted to sleep. The temperature rose to 38.6. At 22-00 we ran to the doctor on duty of the sanatorium - solder the advice of the doctor, but we demanded an ambulance. The ambulance did not arrive, after 30 minutes we were advised to take a taxi directly to the hospital. For 10 minutes they called all the phone numbers of taxi drivers known to the workers of the sanatorium. The doctor on duty at the sanatorium immediately said that they would only put a dropper in the hospital and send him home. The child was taken to the hospital in a taxi. The children's department of the hospital is just terrible - complete unsanitary conditions, dirt, the child was put on a dirty sheet, put on a drip and diagnosed with heat stroke. The doctor did not approach at all, the temperature was not measured, as it turned out later, they generally have two thermometers per department, there are no nurses, the floors are washed by nurses in parallel with the setting of droppers. There are no disposable gloves at all, there are no trash cans, the floors are swept with a broom, there are no shoe covers. There are no rags to dust. At the same time (23-00) there were seven more children in the children's department, the same under droppers, with diarrhea and vomiting. All of them were allowed to go home before 3:00.
    After a "personal thanks" they brought a clean sheet. After a “repeated gratitude” with a request to at least keep the day under droppers with an antiemetic drug, the doctor paid attention to us. In order to retain water in the child’s body and not plant the kidneys and heart, the doctor prescribed treatment: a dropper, a stay in the hospital for four days, and most importantly, antibiotics - and it immediately became clear to us that this was not a heat stroke, but a viral one. The doctor left the child until the morning, in the morning another doctor came and also did not approach the child. After a "personal gratitude" he prescribed a second dropper and left. The child slept all day, vomiting and diarrhea were much less frequent, by the evening the child began to eat rice water and drink water. Doctor on duty for 24 hours. In the morning we went back to the doctor with "personal gratitude". Another dropper, they also allowed to take the child home, but they gave a recommendation that the child should not swim and not be in the sun until the end of the holiday. Continue antibiotics. So our two sleepless nights and three days of vacation passed. During this time, we saw that children were constantly brought to the hospital by taxi. And in the evening for seven or eight people. In the afternoon, some of them are brought back by their parents for injections or droppers, who agreed on what and for how much. Some children are transferred to the infectious diseases department (for gratitude), where, according to the doctor of the children's department, it is much cleaner and better, repairs have been made. Since our child was sleeping all the time and was lethargic, we wanted to urgently take the child to Russia in Sochi to the hospital, we called our relatives, but they said that in Sochi the entire children's infectious disease department was overcrowded, and all the children were also sick. By the way, adults get sick with the same symptoms, but they endure the disease more easily due to alcohol, but more on that below.
    It was decided to wait a day and a night, to see how the child survives the day, to take the Gagra-Adler train to Sochi, and then by plane to Moscow. Having had dinner in the dining room of the sanatorium, by the evening we (a man and a woman) began to stir up, the child felt fine, ate, but dietary. The man drank vodka and the urge to vomit slept until the morning, the woman drank vodka did not sleep all night and vomited with two fingers in the morning. After that, she developed diarrhea, her temperature rose to 37.4. Taking those drugs that the doctors prescribed the child allowed him to get sick for a day. And husband. in the morning I drank vodka again and again removed the vomiting impulse, and so it lasted for a day, after which, on the fifth day of rest, diarrhea appeared in the morning, continued until the intestines were completely empty, but there was no vomiting and temperature. I was ill for only 12 hours, taking all the same drugs, but without alcohol.
    It no longer made sense to leave Gagra, the train was coming soon. For all the time of rest, watching the guests of the sanatorium in the dining room, constantly from behind each table designed for four, someone disappeared for two days, and from conversations in a half whisper it became clear that everyone had the same thing - diarrhea and vomiting, and worse if it's time for you to leave (everyone is shy, but you have to yell about it in order to change something).
    The result - in the sanatorium it was necessary to announce the epidemic, but they hushed up the situation, putting wine on the tables at lunch for each vacationer in a glass. According to the taxi driver at the hospital, the locals have not been swimming in the sea for decades and go to the mountains to the rivers, children have been taken to the hospital constantly since May. According to the words of a neighbor in the compartment, on the way back, two daughters, a daughter-in-law, and two granddaughters fell ill during the rest, who also traveled on the train, but in a different car. One of the granddaughters was sick twice during the holidays. From the very first day, the owner of the house treated her neighbor with chacha. The conductors on the Moscow-Sukhum train did not clean up during the movement and did not warn that the situation was critical, and on the way back on the Sukhum-Moscow train they constantly wiped the floors and washed the toilets. Local doctors in Gagra hide the situation, saying that everyone has a heat stroke. The only thing they do is put a dropper for free and send them home to recover on their own as best they can without advice or prescriptions.
    There is a possibility that the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets. The whole rest had to boil purchased water and there is nothing local, except for what is given in the dining room of the sanatorium. In the hope that for the struggle for vacationers, all the same, the management of the sanatorium will force the kitchen workers to wash their hands more often. By the way, in Sochi they decided to make toilets on the beach free from 2018, so that they don’t go to the sea - this is how they fight infection.
    Relatives who were vacationing in the Crimea have the same situation - two children also fell ill. The authorities are hushing up all this in order not to disrupt the holiday seasons and to recoup the money invested in the southern resorts.

    Hello everyone! 10000% confirm the words of the previous comment!!! We were with my family in the Adler resort from August 26-30, this was enough to start hell. Temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, head bursting, the child was injected with antibiotics. We are still healing. One conclusion is not to come there until they put things in order !!! Do not waste your money and Health!!!

    Our south is just something. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t get hurt from sea water. In pursuit of money, some merge, others close their eyes, others sell motilium at 1.5. That's all.

    Now in Gelendzhik, the sea is dirty. We've been here for three days. One swim was enough. Virus, vomiting, diarrhea... Temperature, kick-ass, if someone else says, let's go to the sea... I'll kill... Not a foot on the sea anymore.

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Summer, sea and sun - what could be better for a family holiday? But in order to leave only pleasant impressions about the vacation, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of sanitary doctors, allowing you to maintain the health of yourself and your loved ones. Poisoning at sea, like infectious diseases, is not uncommon, since the hot climate, coastal strip and mass gatherings of people from different parts of the world complicate the situation. For a person with a weak immune system, climate change, heat or hypothermia in water can become a serious stress, weakening the body and increasing its susceptibility to pathogenic agents.

Is it possible to get poisoned by sea water, what is easy to confuse with food poisoning at sea and how to provide first aid to the victim? In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor, and when can self-medication be limited? Let's figure it out.

Is it possible to get poisoned by sea water

Vacationers on the sea often complain of sea water poisoning. The disease is accompanied by fever, vomiting, poor health, less often by disorder of the stool. Young children are especially susceptible to such diseases.

What is really happening? Is it dangerous to swim in the sea?

Infectious disease doctors unanimously claim that sea water itself is absolutely safe. The increased content of sea salt and iodine compounds gives it weak antiseptic properties. For this reason, sea water is not able to serve as a medium for the preservation and spread of intestinal or other infections, as is the case in polluted fresh water bodies and water supply sources.

Gargle with saline solutions for laryngitis, wash the nose with a runny nose, make pulling baths with them for purulent skin diseases. In addition, to get sick, you need to get a sufficiently large dose of a toxic substance. And this is not fresh water, you can’t drink much of it.

What happens if you swallow sea water while swimming? Usually children do this. If the baby has received a significant portion of water, then poisoning in a child at sea can be manifested by nausea and vomiting, poor health, and loss of appetite. There will be no fever or diarrhea. This condition is caused by the action of salt water on the wall of the stomach. It passes within one day, and to ease nausea, it is recommended to drink plenty of plain water.

Causes of poisoning at sea

If other signs appeared, then, most likely, the sick person became a victim of one of the following factors.

    vomit; diarrhea; heat; weakness; sometimes sneezing and runny nose.

    Usually the disease begins acutely with fever and vomiting. Such disorders pass in 2-3 days. Sometimes with a slow development of the disease, diarrhea and high fever occur 2-3 days from the onset.

    First aid for poisoning at sea

    In case of poisoning with sea water, if a child or an adult has swallowed a lot of it, it is recommended to drink more liquid and eat easily digestible foods. If you are sure that this is food poisoning, then you need to rinse the stomach with a large amount of salted water or a slightly pink potassium permanganate solution - drink, vomit, drink again, and so on several times until the stomach is cleared of food masses. If viral enteritis is suspected, then vomiting should not be provoked. A mild form will pass in a couple of days, with a severe course of the disease - consult a doctor. In case of heat stroke, the victim is placed in the shade, wiped with cool water.

    After taking the first measures, they begin to treat the poisoning.

    Treatment of poisoning at sea

    Here is an approximate scheme of how to treat poisoning at sea.

      With severe vomiting and diarrhea, it is imperative to take dehydration drugs: Regidron, Hydrovit. If they are not available - drink mineral water, after releasing gas from the bottle. The home analogue of Regidron is also suitable - sweetened water with a pinch of salt (1 teaspoon of salt and 4-6 teaspoons of sugar per liter). Drugs against infection. In order to prevent the opportunistic intestinal microflora from clearing up, they take Enterofuril. Antibiotics are not recommended to drink (doctors prescribe them only in 10% of cases of intestinal infections). If rotavirus or coronovirus enteritis is suspected, antiviral drugs are taken - Tsitovir. The universal medicine for poisoning at sea among tourists is Smekta. It stops diarrhea, has emollient properties and is an adsorbent - a substance that absorbs toxins. Analogues of "Smecta", which have only an adsorbing effect (in descending order of efficiency): "Polysorb MP", "Enterosgel", "Polifepan", activated carbon. You need to take them in between other medicines. Antipyretic drugs are drunk at temperatures above 38.5 ° C. Remember that children should not be given aspirin, they need a remedy based on paracetamol or analgin. In order to reduce body temperature, you can wipe the child with a damp towel. It is good to bring down the heat by wiping with a solution of table vinegar (9%) - 1 part of vinegar to 2 parts of water. Drink plenty of fluids to restore fluid loss and accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body. The first day - a starvation diet, then they switch to a sparing diet: liquid cereals, pureed soups.

      If a child is poisoned at sea, it is imperative to consult a doctor in the following cases:

    a child under the age of three; signs of dehydration (loss of skin elasticity, sunken eyes, chapped lips, little urine); jaundice; dark urine; uncharacteristic signs (difficulty swallowing, respiratory failure, rash, swelling of the joints).

    It is also necessary to consult a doctor for both children and adults if vomiting does not go away within 24 hours.

    Prevention of poisoning at sea

    How to avoid poisoning at sea and other troubles, so as not to spoil your vacation and maintain your health? Be attentive to your well-being and avoid doubtful situations:

      take the necessary medicines with you on a trip to the sea in advance; do not be in the sun during the peak of the heat; wear hats and light clothing; wash all vegetables and fruits thoroughly; do not eat purchased salads; if possible, use disposable or personal utensils; try to eat in the same dining room, and not in different ones; in the heat, try not to buy meat products; do not buy food from private sellers who carry it on the beach; Watch the quality of drinking water - it is best to buy bottled water.

    Let's summarize. When relaxing in coastal areas, people often face such troubles as intestinal infections and poisoning. Characteristic - vomiting, diarrhea, fever. Symptomatic treatment: taking restorative fluids, enterosorbents, antipyretic drugs. It is recommended to follow a sparing diet. If there are signs of an acute intestinal infection or poisoning with strong toxins, consult a doctor immediately.

    Escherichia coli?

    Summer vacation at sea is a great time that you want to spend with pleasure and without problems. But what should parents do if a child at sea suddenly starts vomiting and diarrhea? What can cause such a condition and how to deal with this situation?

    The reasons

    The seaside resort is a special place with extremely favorable conditions. Unfortunately, these conditions are favorable not only for people, but also for a whole army of dangerous microorganisms, which are precisely capable of causing similar symptoms in a child - diarrhea and vomiting. These microorganisms can enter the child's body in a hundred different ways.

    The child could not wash his hands before eating or choke on sea water, which is also full of all kinds of microorganisms.


    Usually the so-called Escherichia coli becomes the cause of such poisoning with diarrhea, vomiting. This protozoan has many varieties (they are called strains). Some of them are even present in the human intestine.

    They help a person digest food and even produce important vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body.


  • Severe nausea, which usually ends in vomiting.
  • Diarrhea (sometimes the opposite picture can be observed - constipation).
  • It is possible that the child will have to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy, but only a qualified doctor can prescribe any medication. Parents should not experiment with such an important point as the health of the baby.

    When ingested by a child, they can provoke the occurrence of vomiting and diarrhea.

    Fruits sold in the southern markets can also be a source of intestinal infection if the child consumes them unwashed.

    Unwashed fruits, contact with other people's children, swallowing sea water, toys in a common sandbox are potential sources of bacterial infection while relaxing at sea.

    In cases where the child remains active enough, there is no strong fever, no skin changes have appeared, all assistance measures are reduced to drinking plenty of water and observing a diet.

    If a small person refuses to eat, then you should not try to force feed him.

    Got an intestinal virus

    With the development of a viral infection in the intestines of a child, a high temperature rises almost immediately.

    If the child begins to suffer from severe vomiting, which does not bring relief, diarrhea, fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. Without the appointment of special medications, children will not be able to quickly cope with viruses in the intestines.

    Prevention of diarrhea and nausea at a beach resort

    The doctor will also advise immunomodulators, which will prepare the child's defenses for possible infection attacks.

    While at sea, parents need to monitor the purity of fruits and vegetables that are included in the diet of a small person.

    It is also necessary to control the cleanliness of the hands of the baby before he sits down at the dinner table. When bathing, try to prevent the baby from swallowing sea water.

    Child vomiting at sea

    If a child vomits while relaxing at sea, it is likely that pathogenic enterobacteria or opportunistic microorganisms have entered the body. The first thing mom should do is to determine the cause of this condition. It can be unwashed fruits, stale food. The second is to assess the well-being of the crumbs: is he active, is his skin turned pale, is his eyes clear, is there a fever. If there is at least one of these symptoms, then run to the first-aid post, which should work on any official beach. When the child feels normal, and loose and frequent stools normalize within a few hours, the body is able to remove toxins on its own. In this case, the main treatment for vomiting and diarrhea at sea is to maintain a diet and dehydration.

    Of the drugs for vomiting in a child after the sea, glucose-salt solutions in the form of powders (regidron, gastrolith, sugar-salt solution) demonstrate high efficiency. You can also replenish the loss of fluid with a warm bath, because the skin perfectly absorbs moisture. The longer the child sits in the bath, the better, especially since children usually really like such procedures.

    Announcement of the entry in the category: Health. Opposites don't attract. The people who were most selective in assessing a person's wealth, social status, family responsibilities, appearance and attachment to a potential mate were also the most likely to have the same traits. Both women and men who rated themselves highly were more picky about the qualities they preferred when choosing a partner. The researchers also argue that men looking for a mate are likely to take into account a wider range of traits and other attributes besides evaluating her as the mother of their future children. Based on this, scientists conclude that the search for a marriage partner for young people needs to be rethought and just look for a person with a similar character. Married couples that were formed from people with similar characters and interests are stronger and more friendly. Permanent record address: Opposites do not attract http://deglon.ru/protivopolozhnosti-ne-privlekayut

    Announcement of the entry in the category: Health. How to improve your nutrition. According to Dr. Hector Burges, Dean of the Department of Dietetics at the Salvador Subirán National Institute of Medical Sciences and Dietetics in Mexico, a balanced diet requires a balanced intake of sufficient amounts of all three food groups. He advises that we "include in our diet at least one food from each group, and diversify these foods, as well as the way they are prepared." Permanent record address: How to improve your nutrition http://deglon.ru/kak-uluchshit-svoe-pitanie

    Sources: http://ahbolit.ru/ru/31-rvota-i-ponos-u-rebenka-na-more.html, http://medrox.ru/ru/15-rvota-i-ponos-u- rebenka-na-more.html, http://deglon.ru/rvota-u-rebenka-na-more

    Rest by the sea and children's vomiting: how to cope with malaise?

    Vacation with a child. The sea, the golden sand, the sun... But even a tropical paradise can be overshadowed by "home" problems, for example, a baby's poor health. Weakness, abdominal pain, vomiting in a child at sea should alert parents!

    The sea coast is a favorite place not only for sunbathers, but also for pathogens. Gastrointestinal disorders, poisoning, diarrhea and vomiting are common “side effects” of a baby’s first acquaintance with the sea.

    Vomiting in a child. First aid

    If, after returning from the beach, a little resort visitor vomits, the first action of the parents is to make it clear to the baby: you should not be afraid. Crying and panic can aggravate the situation, vomit during a sob can enter the respiratory tract.

    Before taking measures to stop vomiting, it is necessary to establish the causes of its occurrence. This will determine the algorithm of actions to provide assistance.

    Reasons why vomiting may occur:

  • motion sickness or motion sickness;
  • salt water entering the esophagus when bathing;
  • hypothermia;
  • sunstroke after prolonged exposure to heat;
  • viral infection;
  • poisoning;
  • acclimatization.
  • If the vomiting is single, there is no temperature and diarrhea, after bathing the baby does not shiver, the skin does not become covered with a rash, and the mood is in order - nothing special needs to be done. It's a symptom motion sickness (from a long road or sea waves) or the fact that the child simply swallowed water.

    Manifestations of motion sickness in the form of general weakness and nausea (vomiting) usually disappear after a short time after the cessation of the provoking factor. Anti-nausea drugs can help manage the discomfort.

    Hypothermia (hypothermia) arises from a long stay of the child in the water. As a rule, the temperature of the water is below the usual 36.6 degrees of the human body, and the body gives off its heat: in water, its loss occurs twenty times faster than on land. Hypothermia can also occur if clothes remain wet for a long time after bathing.

    The body temperature is lowered, a bluish color of the hands and feet is observed, the skin is covered with goosebumps, the baby is shivering - these symptoms are easily recognizable. Vomiting can occur due to stomach spasm due to temperature changes. The main thing to do in this case is to bring the child into the room, warm up the body by rubbing. After wrapping the baby in a blanket and giving him a warm (not hot!) drink.

    Overheating is much more dangerous than hypothermia. Children who neglect headgear are most susceptible to it. The body reacts to a violation of thermoregulation with a headache, fainting, fever and vomiting. If sunstroke occurs, see a doctor.

    Heatstroke does not cause diarrhea, so overheating should not be confused with a viral infection or poisoning. And although the causes of vomiting in the latter cases are different, the first aid before the doctor arrives is the same.

    What to do if the child vomits:

  • Lay the baby in a cool room on its side, making sure that the head is higher than the body.
  • Make breathing easier by taking off your child's clothes.
  • Wipe the skin with water to reduce the temperature, if it is elevated.
  • Give a drink, at least a teaspoon every 5 minutes.
  • Viral infection: a dangerous gift from the beach

    Children can catch E. coli or infection both in water and on land. Warm and humid air, a large crowd of people, garbage left by vacationers is an ideal environment for "beach" infections.

    The following symptoms will tell you that the baby has caught the virus:

  • clouding of the eye sclera;
  • frequent and loose stools of a greenish color and with mucus;
  • convulsions;
  • pale skin;
  • fever.
  • What to do in this case? Be sure to call a doctor. With incessant vomiting, you need to give water every 5 minutes in a teaspoon, and bring down the temperature with antipyretic drugs. Children's "Nurofen" or "Paracetamol" do a good job with this task.

    For very small ones, rectal forms of preparations are needed (the same Nurofen in candles or inexpensive Cefekon). In severe cases of the course of the disease, you should not refuse hospitalization.

    Resort Trouble: Poisoning

    If during a vacation at sea the child vomits, it is possible that pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms have entered the body. The cause of poisoning can be poorly washed fruits and vegetables, poor-quality water and stale food.

    The first thing to do is to assess the well-being of the baby. Paleness, fever, frequent watery, fetid stools with foam, incessant vomiting - even one of the symptoms is a reason to visit a doctor.

    If it is not possible to show the poisoned person to a doctor, and the symptoms are subsiding, treatment is reduced to normalizing the stool and maintaining a diet and water balance. In this case, vomiting helps the body in the removal of toxic substances, is not excessively abundant and frequent, and stops after a couple of hours.

    Acclimatization: you need to get used to the sea gradually

    Feeling unwell and vomiting can be symptoms of acclimatization. A sudden change in environment becomes stressful for children, especially those who are changing the climate for the first time. It is harder for babies up to three years of age. And in order for the vacation to bring joy, parents should know how the process of acclimatization proceeds in children and how to help them survive it.

    Usually, the adaptation of a child's body to a new environment is not dangerous. However, it can be exhausting for both the child and the parents. The kid becomes irritable, whiny; due to the change of time zones, sleep is disturbed; unusual air and chemical composition of water, new food can cause malfunction of the digestive tract. This causes diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

    To alleviate the condition, eliminate vomiting will help the use of "Phosphalugel", "Mezim" or "Motilium".

    During acclimatization, vomiting is usually not periodic, its mass consists of food absorbed by the child, and does not contain impurities of mucus, blood or foam. After 7-12 days, the acclimatization process subsides, the body adapts to new conditions, and nausea ceases to bother.

    When vomiting has nothing to do with the sea

    Sometimes a child can vomit for completely different reasons, not related to climate change or poisoning with unusual food. This may be a symptom of a dangerous disease. By the nature of the vomit, it is easy to see that the baby's life is in danger if:

  • there is a pronounced sour smell - a possible sign of chronic lesions of the gastric mucosa;
  • there are bloody impurities - possible internal bleeding;
  • vomiting smells like feces and has a consistency similar to it - suspicion of intestinal obstruction;
  • Any anomalies accompanying vomiting should be the reason for an immediate visit to the hospital! Temperature, skin rash, abdominal pain, seizures are manifestations of possible life-threatening diseases.

    Vomiting stopped: stabilizing the condition

    Regardless of the reasons that caused the gag reflex, there are general rules that must be observed. Firstly, you should not immediately after the disappearance of nausea run with the child to the water and go out into the sun (even in a hat). It is necessary to rest for a few hours and watch that the bad state of health does not resume.

    Drinking regimen is the most important condition not only in the fight against vomiting, but also in its prevention. A sugar-salt solution that you can prepare yourself helps prevent dehydration.

    It is impossible to feed the child immediately after prolonged bouts of vomiting. Food is introduced gradually, fractionally, in small portions. It is necessary to exclude fatty, smoked, fried, fruits, raw vegetables.

    On the first day, it is better to limit yourself to fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt without fillers), they help restore intestinal microflora and deliver proteins and calcium to the body. Decoctions of wild rose, dried fruits, raisins and dried apricots make up for the deficiency of fluid and potassium.

    Breastfed babies under one year of age should receive milk from a mother on a strict diet. If the baby is already familiar with complementary foods, it should be excluded for a while. Artificialists are recommended to switch to milk-rice or buckwheat mixtures. After six months, cereals for children cannot be cooked with whole milk, it must be diluted with water 1: 1 or completely replaced with water for a while.

    Going on vacation with your child to the sea, you should take care of the first aid kit: it should contain sorbents, drugs to restore the digestive tract and antipyretics.

    We collect a children's first aid kit at sea

A trip to the sea is the best rest from everyday work. While traveling, unpleasant health events can occur. A common occurrence is the occurrence of intoxication. Basically, poisoning at sea occurs due to weakened immunity during climate change.

With the penetration of pathogenic microbes and toxins, the body does not resist, as a result, a general malaise develops.

Is it possible to get poisoned by sea water

Often vacationers claim that poisoning at sea was due to salt water. Characteristic signs appear, accompanied by headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. According to doctors, sea water does not cause intoxication of the body. On the contrary, due to the large amount of salt and iodine, it is used as an antiseptic. Kills pathogenic bacteria and viruses that cause colds.

Salt water poisoning occurs in children when they swallow a lot of it. The salts contained in the water irritate the gastric mucosa. There are pains in the abdomen and vomiting, the symptoms disappear in a day with plenty of drinking a simple liquid. With such toxicosis, there is no fever and diarrhea. Do not give your child medication, the malaise will go away on its own.

Causes and symptoms of poisoning at sea

If there are signs of intoxication, it is worth identifying the causes of their appearance. No need to write off for sea water, it does not pose a health hazard. Poisoning occurs due to other factors.

Causes of intoxication:

  • Infections - due to the large concentration of vacationers, it is easy to catch rotavirus or enterovirus.
  • Food poisoning - poor quality of food due to the hot climate, food in places with violations of sanitary rules, the introduction of exotic dishes into the diet that are radically different from the usual diet.
  • Sun or heat stroke - thermoregulation is disturbed, headaches, nausea, vomiting appear. In severe cases, fainting and disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory system are possible.

With pronounced signs of toxicosis that do not go away for a long time, self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Symptoms of intoxication

Intoxication at sea can have symptoms of varying severity. Depends on the type of pathogen that has entered the body.

Characteristic signs of toxicosis:

  1. vomiting reflex;
  2. nausea;
  3. diarrhea;
  4. general malaise;
  5. high body temperature.

With a rotavirus infection, sore throat, runny nose and sneezing are added to the general symptoms. If intoxication is caused by E. coli or salmonella, then fainting and muscle spasms occur, the temperature rises above 39 degrees.

First aid for poisoning

Food toxicosis and mild intestinal disorders in children and adults do not require targeted treatment. If symptoms occur, general recommendations should be followed.

First aid:

  1. Plentiful drink.
  2. Bring down the high temperature with drugs with paracetamol.
  3. Eat easily digestible foods.
  4. Rinse the stomach with plenty of salted water, induce vomiting.
  5. Take enterosorbents.

How to treat a victim of heat or sunstroke? Put it in a dark place, wipe the body with cool water. Without a doctor's prescription, any pills and medications are prohibited.

What medications should you take with you?

Intoxication of the body is a common occurrence during a holiday at sea. To provide first aid, you need to have a first aid kit with you. It does not matter where a person plans to go, to the Black or Azov Sea, or abroad.

Required medicines:

  • - normalizes the water-salt balance.
  • , - bind and remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Cytovir - taken with rotavirus infection.
  • Paracetamol, Nurofen - reduce high body temperature.

Do not use antibiotics for intoxication. They are quite heavy drugs, can contribute to poor health. In case of an overdose, they have a negative effect on other organs.

If poisoning occurs in children, you need to carefully monitor their well-being. The manifestation of symptoms can be of varying severity and duration. Certain situations exclude self-treatment, require immediate medical attention.

Expert help is needed:

  1. Child under 3 years old.
  2. Symptoms of dehydration.
  3. Darkening of the urine.
  4. Yellowed skin.
  5. Dropping eyes and fontanel.
  6. The appearance of a rash and irritation on the body.

If children and adults vomit for more than a day, then sorbents alone cannot be dispensed with. It is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence.

Prevention measures

To avoid the appearance of intoxication during a holiday at sea, you must carefully monitor your well-being. Follow the preventive measures recommended by experts.


  • Wash food thoroughly.
  • Observe personal hygiene.
  • Do not include exotic foods in your diet.
  • Do not buy meat products in the heat.
  • Try to drink bottled water or monitor its quality.
  • Do not buy food on the beach.
  • From 12 to 16 hours do not be in direct sunlight, wear a hat.

It is impossible to foresee all situations in which an upset stomach occurs. By following simple rules, you can reduce the likelihood that your vacation will be ruined.

Poisoning at sea often occurs due to the ingestion of pathogenic microbes or toxins. Perhaps its manifestation as a result of heat or sunstroke. To stop the symptoms of malaise, you need to know what to take with you on vacation from medications. Treatment of toxicosis lasts no longer than 2-3 days. With severe symptoms, you should seek help from a doctor, self-medication is strictly prohibited, since serious complications and consequences can occur.

Video: 7 vacation medicines are required

Many people prefer to spend their long-awaited vacation at sea. Indeed, a seaside vacation provides an excellent opportunity to relax, get away from problems and fuss, and improve your health. Among other things, a beach holiday gives wonderful impressions and memories. But poisoning with sea water can spoil the idyll. Such intoxication is a frequent occurrence during a beach holiday.. Children of preschool and school age are especially predisposed to it.

Useful qualities and harm of sea water

Sea water has healing properties, so many go to beach resorts to improve their health. Often, doctors themselves advise their patients on a maritime climate, and such a decision is justified in many ailments. Sea water hardens the body and strengthens the defenses, normalizes thermoregulation, improves blood circulation, as well as heart rate. Sea baths perfectly increase vitality and endow the body with negative ions, which help to displace harmful positive ones.

Salt water provides the body with many beneficial substances. For example, swimming in the sea helps to improve health with endocrine ailments, as the water contains a large amount of iodine. The water of the seas and oceans is also useful for all those who often suffer from colds and chronic ENT ailments. Such water perfectly heals rheumatic and nervous ailments. Sea baths perfectly cleanse the skin of various rashes and help to cope with chronic diseases such as psoriasis and eczema.

Sea water has many useful qualities, but in some cases it can be harmful. For example, salt water can cause allergies or dry skin. But all these ailments can occur if a person has an increased sensitivity to sea water. For the most part, sea water does not adversely affect human health.

So, in what case can swimming in the sea cause poisoning? Several reasons contribute to this.

Causes of poisoning

According to experts, sea water contains a large amount of salt and iodine, as a result of which it has antiseptic properties. That is why sea water itself cannot cause poisoning, since in such an environment dangerous microorganisms are not able to live and multiply. The reasons are mainly a dirty coastline, a hot climate and a large crowd of people with a wide variety of diseases, including infectious ones.

Due to the poor environmental situation in some resorts, there is a favorable environment for the reproduction of harmful bacteria. Sea water can become toxic if the resort does not take into account sanitary standards or if there is, for example, an industrial plant nearby. As a result, sea water off the coast becomes dirty and unhealthy.

An insufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation can cause contamination of water with harmful microorganisms. It is known that ultraviolet rays help to neutralize the harmful effects of microbes. With insufficient sunlight, water becomes unsafe.

Given this situation, today it is often possible to hear that an outbreak of an epidemic of rotavirus infection or E. coli occurred at a particular resort. Young children are especially susceptible to these infections, since while bathing, babies often involuntarily swallow large amounts of water. It is not difficult for a fragile organism to catch such an infection, especially if the child has low immunity.

A large concentration of tourists from various cities of the world also leads to poisoning. Everyone can relax at the resorts, and no one needs to undergo a special examination for this. Swimming near the shore with others, you can easily catch this or that infection.

Overheating can also cause discomfort during sunbathing. Violation of thermoregulation causes an increase in body temperature, as a result of which the victim begins to experience weakness and headaches. Often with sunstroke, one-time vomiting and a debilitating feeling of nausea are possible.

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61 years old

It is quite possible to get poisoned at sea if you encounter poisonous marine life. For example, it is not uncommon to encounter poisonous invertebrates that can easily sting and thereby harm. A large number of vacationers become victims of sea jellyfish, octopuses and shellfish. Even a small dose of poison can cause severe poisoning in the victim. In mild cases, poisoning from marine invertebrates resolves quickly, within a couple of days. But in severe cases, professional medical assistance is required. Quite rare, but still in some situations, death from bites is possible.

Great care should be exercised while relaxing in exotic resorts.. For example, you can stumble upon poisonous mollusks of the genus Conns near coral reefs. Outwardly, they look very beautiful, but they are poisonous. A person receives a dose of toxin during the impact of sharp spikes, after which he begins to have convulsions, confusion and severe salivation. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable and medical assistance is required.

And, of course, during a holiday at sea, cases of food poisoning are not uncommon. In hot resorts, food quickly deteriorates, accumulating harmful bacteria. A warm and humid environment is an excellent breeding ground for harmful microorganisms. That is why it is very important that food in resorts is stored in the right conditions.

General symptoms

If an adult or a child has swallowed sea water that is contaminated with dangerous microorganisms, then poisoning may occur. First of all, the gastrointestinal tract suffers from intoxication. so the typical symptoms are:

  • pain and cramps in the abdomen;
  • unpleasant nausea and urge to vomit;
  • general weakness of the body and lethargy;
  • acute diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • heat.

If the poisoning is severe, then signs such as convulsions, changes in heart rhythm, swelling of the lower extremities, and confusion may join.

Symptoms of poisoning mainly depend on the specific cause of intoxication, because in certain cases the signs of poisoning may differ slightly. The severity of symptoms also depends on the amount of toxins that have entered the body. The tactics of therapy depend on the cause and the general condition of the victim.

Sea water for medicinal purposes can be used far beyond the resort. For example, the Aquamaris preparation, which includes purified water from the Adriatic Sea, is very popular. In this case, the water is completely safe and can be used by both adults and children.

"Aquamaris" does not cause an overdose therefore, even with excessive use, no negative symptoms are observed.

First aid and treatment for intoxication with sea water

During seawater poisoning, you need to try to accurately determine the cause in order to properly treat. If a child or adult has swallowed sea water, it is necessary to drink more pure water so that the body begins the process of purification. Drinking plenty of fluids flushes out toxins and prevents dehydration that can occur with vomiting or diarrhea.

If the characteristic symptoms of food poisoning appear, then a gastric lavage procedure should be performed to neutralize the absorption of toxins into the body. To do this, the victim must drink a large amount of boiled water with the addition of salt or potassium permanganate (weak solution). Then you need to induce vomiting. This procedure should be carried out until clean water comes out of the stomach.

This procedure should not be done if there is a suspicion of viral enteritis. With mild intoxication, a viral illness will pass in a few days on its own. If the symptoms are severe, it is necessary to seek medical help, as a result of which the correct treatment will be prescribed. With viral intoxication, it is necessary to use non-specific antiviral agents.

If sunstroke occurs, the victim should be hidden in the shade and then cool the body temperature. To do this, you can pour water on the body or wrap the patient in a wet towel. Alternatively, you can immerse the victim in a bath of cool water. You should also wet a towel and apply alternately to the forehead, temples, chest. As soon as the body temperature drops to 38 degrees, the cooling procedure must be stopped. The victim should be offered plenty of fluids. It is advisable to give cool water to drink with the addition of salt. If you have rehydron on hand, it will be even more useful.

After providing first aid, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin the necessary treatment. If poisoning has occurred with biotoxins (poisonous jellyfish, etc.), you should immediately seek professional help. It is impossible to self-medicate even when the victim is a child under 5 years old, since the consequences are unpredictable. Immediate medical attention is also needed when atypical signs are observed (breathing disorder, swelling of the body, rash, difficulty swallowing).

An excellent remedy for all types of poisoning are sorbent preparations. Sorbents effectively absorb all toxic substances and leave the body naturally. The sooner the victim takes any sorbent, the faster he will be freed from toxins and all related ailments. Proven sorbents are polysorb, enterosgel and the well-known activated carbon. With great success, you can use other sorbents that are at hand.

The drug smecta also has pronounced adsorbing properties. The tool helps to stop diarrhea and protects the gastric mucosa from the negative effects of toxins.

To restore the intestinal microflora, it is useful to use probiotics, for example, Bioflor or Linex. For this, it is better to consult a doctor.

During recovery from poisoning, the food taken should be easily digestible. For a while, fried, smoked, dairy and other products should be excluded. Vegetables and fruits should also be avoided. It is recommended to adhere to fractional, as well as separate nutrition.


While relaxing at sea, you need to follow simple rules that will help avoid poisoning:

  • take with you on the trip all the medicines that you may need;
  • at the resort it is better to use purchased bottled water;
  • explain to the child how to swim so as not to swallow sea water;
  • all vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed before consumption;
  • you should not buy food from private sellers who carry it on the beach;
  • teach your child to wash their hands regularly;
  • wear hats, and during the peak of the heat be in the shade;
  • try to eat in quality establishments;
  • do not give the child poorly fried meat, as well as raw eggs.

Following these simple steps will help make your vacation enjoyable and as safe as possible. Remember that a lot depends on you.

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