Celandine for cleansing the body. Decoction of celandine for skin, hair and face. The correct use of celandine decoction is celandine treatment. Celandine, medicinal properties and contraindications: recipes for treatment

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the home kingdom

Hello, friends. The appearance of today's article about the medicinal, beneficial properties of celandine and contraindications was preceded by a letter from a blog reader Alexander. He wrote that he “rummaged through” the entire site in search of a recipe for Bolotov’s kvass on celandine, but, alas, he did not find such information. In turn, Alexander said that several years ago he was cured with the help of this a simple remedy from eczema and told a very simple recipe for making kvass on whey, which he uses all the time - he prepares a drink and uses it 2 times a year for prevention.

I want to express my deep gratitude to the attentive reader: both for the excellent topic for the article, and for the really excellent recipe for Bolotov's kvass. I decided that I need to write not only about healing drink, but also about all the useful and healing properties of celandine, be sure to also talk about contraindications, and give many recipes for the treatment of various diseases. I don't think there will be any objections.

Celandine: photos and unique facts

Did you know that celandine is also called swallow grass? This name was given to the plant by the ancient Greeks - because the flowering period of the grass coincided with the arrival of these cheerful birds. The Greeks fixed the “swallow” nickname for the celandine, giving it Latin name Chelidonium (Chelidon martin).

However, the Slavic people are inventive, and other names appeared among the people - warthog (it’s clear where it came from), yellow milkman, chistuha, damn milk, golden grass, chistoplot, witch grass, etc. That's how rich a simple celandine is in nicknames! They are very characteristic and betray the attitude of people towards the plant - from recognition and love (golden grass, cleanliness) to some fear and distrust (damn milk, witch grass). Paying tribute to the beneficial properties of celandine, people did not forget about the harm that the plant can cause if used improperly.

Photo of celandine

Celandine, medicinal properties and contraindications: recipes for treatment

Despite the fact that the plant is poisonous and can cause harm, the benefits of celandine are enormous - it is used to treat a number of diseases:

  • eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, diathesis, psoriasis, scabies and skin cancer, lupus erythematosus;
  • impetigo, psoriasis, skin tuberculosis, vitiligo;
  • diseases of the stomach and duodenum (ulcers, gastritis, etc.);
  • hepatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis;
  • gout, rheumatism;
  • bronchial asthma, whooping cough;
  • hemorrhoids, polyps in the rectum, fissures and cancer of the rectum;
  • papillomatosis of the larynx, goiter, thyroid diseases;
  • glaucoma, cataracts;
  • allergies different kind(on pollen, on the sun);
  • otitis, plugs in the ears;
  • papillomas in various parts of the body;
  • used after chemotherapy to consolidate the effect and prevent the growth of metastases;
  • dysbacteriosis and putrefactive processes in the intestine;
  • fibromas, fibromyomas;
  • tonsils, adenoids and other diseases of the nasopharynx.

Well, which of us in childhood did not remove warts with yellow celandine juice? I plucked the stem, waited a few seconds until a bright orange drop stretched on the tip, and lubricate the hated wart several times a day. You will do this for a week or two, you see - and the skin is clean! Warts and a trace caught a cold.

It turns out that celandine juice can be treated various diseases, and even harvest it for the future. It is suitable for instillation into the nose with polyps, as anticancer agent, for the treatment of hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. He has no equal in the fight against skin infections and rashes.

Celandine, contraindications

Many herbalists and herbalists believe that the harm of this plant is too exaggerated, and there are much more useful properties in celandine than contraindications. And yet, the plant is considered poisonous, and therefore exceeding the recommended doses and long-term use celandine can lead to intoxication. Symptoms of celandine poisoning:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • paralysis of the respiratory center is possible!

Celandine is contraindicated for external application with epilepsy, angina pectoris, with neurological syndromes.

Removal of papillomas with celandine

For treatment with celandine papillomas in the intestines 50 g of grass with stems, leaves and flowers should be passed through a meat grinder. Pour the resulting slurry with 500 ml of boiling water and insist under the lid until completely cooled. Cleanse the intestines with an enema 2-3 hours before the procedure. Then, with the infusion of celandine, microclysters are made, holding the liquid for at least 30 minutes in the rectum. In total, you need to do at least 10 procedures.

How to remove celandine papillomas on the genitals: fill half a half-liter jar with fresh grass, and pour to the top vegetable oil. Infuse for 21 days, strain through two layers of gauze. It is used in this way: a cotton ball is moistened in oil, squeezed a little and applied to the papilloma. Secure with a piece of cloth and underwear. Keep all night. Treat until you recover.

Recipes for the treatment of fibroids with celandine

This recipe is suitable for the treatment of celandine uterine fibroids, mastopathy and for the prevention of tumors.

Alcohol tincture with honey: with uterine fibroids, you need to mix 100 g of celandine with 100 ml of alcohol and 200 g of honey. Infuse the mixture for five days and eat a dessert spoon with a piece butter. Do this three times a day - always half an hour before meals.

Douching with celandine: brew 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh chopped herbs with flowers a liter of boiling water, insist until room temperature and douche 2 times a day - in the morning and before bedtime.

How to treat psoriasis with celandine: recipes

This is very insidious disease and curing it is not so easy. However, there are very good recipe, but healing is possible with one condition - before starting psoriasis treatment with celandine, give up smoking and alcohol as soon as possible! Otherwise, everything is useless.

Buy plain sea salt (regular, gray-white) and a few packs of string grass and celandine (if they do not grow in your area) at the pharmacy. Take a handful of each herb, about 2 tbsp. spoons, and pour into a saucepan. Add a glass of water and boil for five minutes with the lid closed. Leave the broth for 4 hours, then heat it to be hot, and dissolve a handful in it sea ​​salt. Moisten a piece of sterile bandage in the solution and lubricate all ulcers and lesions. It will bake, but you have to be patient. The solution should dry on the skin.


  1. do not wet the wounds with water!
  2. don't scratch!

A crust will appear on the wound sites, which must be abundantly moistened with a solution of salt and herbs until completely cleansed. Lubricate itchy ulcers with a bandage with vegetable oil (dipped a sterile bandage in refined oil and wiped the wounds), but it’s better to be patient. The skin will clear up. At night, make compresses with the solution - moisten a sterile bandage and apply to the wounds, cellophane on top and fix ( elastic bandage, cloth, etc.). Store the solution in the refrigerator.

Another way: cut fresh celandine(two full handfuls) and pour 3 liters cold water. Boil and insist hour. Pour into the bath and lie down in the healing solution for 10 minutes. Do it every other day for a complete cure.

♣ To recover from psoriasis as quickly as possible, you need to drink celandine juice 1 teaspoonful with a sip of water (taken one hour after eating). Drink a month, then a break of 10 days and repeat the course.

How to drink celandine to cleanse the body

To be always in good shape, get sick less and get rid of toxins, you need to regularly cleanse the blood and blood vessels. And swallow grass is the best suited for those regions where it grows everywhere. How to drink celandine to cleanse the body:

Treatment of prostate adenoma with celandine

Useful properties of celandine, as well as contraindications, are used to treat men from the most common disease - prostate adenoma. It is necessary to pick grass with leaves and flowers, rinse, pass through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice, mix it with vodka 1: 1 and put in a cold place. For the treatment of prostate adenoma, celandine juice is taken according to the scheme:

  • 1 day - 1 drop of juice in a third of a glass of water
  • Day 2 - 2 drops of juice, etc. until you reach 30 drops (on the 30th day). Then in reverse order until you reach 1 drop again. Then a break of 12 days and repeat the treatment again. For prevention, conduct a course once a year.

Celandine and nail fungus treatment

First you need to steam the nail in a decoction of celandine: brew 50 g of grass with one and a half liters of water and leave for 10 minutes. Then add hydrogen peroxide (50 ml) to the solution and keep your finger in a tolerably hot solution for 10-15 minutes. Dry and smear the nail with celandine juice on the outside and how much it will turn out under the plate. If there is Money Tree(fat woman), then it is best to apply a fresh cut of a leaf of the plant to the nail after steaming and bandage it. Keep the night. Do until complete recovery.

Also for successful treatment celandine nail fungus you need to drink an infusion of herbs 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. The infusion is prepared as follows: pour 1 teaspoon of dry grass into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. They insist on an hour.

How to drink celandine to prevent metastases after chemotherapy


Mix equally celandine grass, calendula flowers and nettle leaf. Pour a tablespoon of the collection into a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and insist overnight. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink half a glass of infusion, do the same before dinner. The course is a month. And so every year.

For the prevention of cancer and after oncological operations, celandine is drunk in courses according to the following system:

Kvass Bolotova on celandine, preparation and use

There are legends about the medicinal properties of this drink, but when reading the recipes, hands drop - they seem too complicated. But blog reader Alexander kindly shared a really simple and affordable recipe cooking kvass on celandine according to Bolotov, which, I am sure, everyone can do. Very accessible and simple - judge for yourself:

Serum celandine recipe

It has many useful properties and a minimum of contraindications for celandine whey recipe. For cooking, you need to buy two or three three-liter jars homemade milk, wait for souring - so that the whey separates. Pour a glass of granulated sugar into a clean 3l jar. Then my freshly picked celandine grass, dry with a towel and finely chop (about a glass of raw material should be in volume). Put this gruel of grass in a gauze bag, tie a load (a spoon, any clean heavy object) and also put a jar of sugar on the bottom. Then carefully pour the grass and sugar with the released whey to the top of the jar. We cover the neck with three layers of gauze and put the jar in a warm place for three weeks. Mold may appear - you just need to remove it and leave the kvass to ferment further.

Pour the resulting kvass into another bowl and store in the refrigerator. With eczema and neurodermatitis, use it in half a glass three times a day. Drink it, as a rule, 30 minutes before meals for two weeks. In addition, kvass is also good several times a day to wipe weeping places (if eczema) and rashes with dermatitis, neurodermatitis, etc.

In addition to the above, Bolotov's kvass on celandine has other medicinal properties. Its use reduces the risk oncological diseases, eliminates dysbacteriosis and problems in the intestines, relieves constipation. In order to prevent all these diseases, it is recommended to conduct a two-week course of "quasotherapy" 2 times a year.

Celandine oil for age spots

Cut fresh or dry celandine and put it tightly in a jar, without adding a third to the top. Pour vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn, etc.), put on water bath and simmer for 3-4 hours. Cool down. Do not strain! Lubricate with celandine oil dark spots 3-4 times a day and at night.

Polyp celandine

Treatment of celandine polyps of the rectum

There are many recipes for the treatment of rectal polyps with celandine. Basically, these are enemas with a medium decoction or infusion of herbs, but the best solution is a solution of freshly squeezed juice:

Squeeze the juice from fresh celandine grass, and dilute it with warm boiled water in half. Make a microclyster in the rectum and keep the solution for 20-30 minutes. Increase the amount of juice daily, and vice versa - reduce the amount of water. The course is 10-20 days.

The same solution is treated fibromyoma of the uterus Douching is carried out daily, and a tampon with a solution of juice and water 1: 1 is put at night.

Celandine from polyps in the uterus

Make a strong decoction of celandine - 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 liter of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, insist until warm and strain. Douche with decoction twice a day. At night, you need to put a swab with celandine oil, and in the morning, douche with a decoction. The course is 15-20 days. If the polyps in the uterus did not disappear during the treatment with celandine, a five-day break should be taken and the treatment should be repeated.

Celandine treatment: short recipes

Ulcerative blepharitis

Infusion of celandine (1 tablespoon per one and a half cups of boiling water, leave for half an hour), moisten cotton pads, squeeze a little and put on the eyelids. Make such lotions up to 5 times a day.

Constipation, joint pain

Pick the top of the celandine (flower), brew a glass of boiling water and leave. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Do it every morning and constipation will stop bothering you. Joint inflammation is also treated.


Grind the color of one plant and boil in 0.5 liters of milk. Cool and gargle with warm decoction.

cataract, eyesore

Fill a mayonnaise jar to the top with celandine flowers and fill to the brim pharmacy tincture calendula. Insist 12 days. To be treated like this: dilute 20 drops of the resulting tincture in 100 ml boiled water and instill 1-2 drops into the affected eye. You also need to dilute the fresh celandine juice in half with water, moisten the cloth and apply to the eyes for 2 hours. Do before bed.

Cyst on the kidney

Pick up fresh celandine, fill 2/3 of a half-liter jar and pour boiling water over it. Infuse for four hours and drink a tablespoon 3 times a day. Of course, you need to take it before meals - 30 minutes before. Drink according to the scheme:

5 days to drink - 2 days break and so on again. Then increase the rate to 2 tbsp. spoons at a time. Drink a month, then a break of 30 days and again treatment. Continue until the complete disappearance of the cyst.

For pancreatitis and fatty liver

Infuse a tablespoon of dry grass in a glass of boiling water. Strain and drink a tablespoon after any meal. Drink for a month and a half, then take a two-week break and be treated again. If the disease is severely neglected, 3-4 courses will be needed.

Celandine ointments for the treatment of various skin diseases

Ointment on interior fat (with water bath)

Dry the celandine and grind in a coffee grinder to a fine powder. Mix with pork fat(can be any interior) and put in a water bath for 2-4 hours. Pour into glass jar and chill. Keep refrigerated. Lubricate itchy places with eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, etc.

Celandine ointment with baby cream

Squeeze out the celandine juice and mix 1:1 with any baby cream. Lubricate wounds with neurodermatitis, dermatitis and other skin diseases.

Dear readers. I was glad to introduce you to medical and useful properties celandine, with contraindications and prescriptions for treatment, since the plant is available, it grows almost everywhere and can be useful for a variety of needs. Just be careful and do not exceed the indicated doses.

All health!

With love, Irina Lirnetskaya

In the course of a person's life, his diet, the body accumulates harmful substances(slags). Over time they negative impact vascular walls, articular bags, kidneys and gallbladder where they can appear as stones. All body systems are subject to the deposition of toxins.

This process is exacerbated malnutrition, alcohol abuse, smoking, overeating, harmful conditions labor, poor environmental conditions and, as a result, by the age of 40-50, or even much earlier, can lead to various diseases in chronic form or worse, cancer.

Used to cleanse the body various techniques aimed at removing toxins from the body and restoring its performance. One of the ways of cleansing is cleaning the body with celandine.

Warning: The plant is poisonous! You can use only celandine, collected during its flowering period or bought at a pharmacy.

The orange milky juice of celandine contains several alkaloids, similar in composition to opiates, which are characterized by a cytotoxic effect - the ability to destroy cells, including malignant ones.

In addition, according to its action, celandine is antispasmodic, soothing and cholagogue and is usually used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in weak activity intestines and stasis in the gallbladder.

The reason for the effectiveness of cleaning with celandine is the bactericidal effect of some of the alkaloids contained in it.

If you want to cleanse the body with celandine specifically for the purpose of removing toxins, and not treating any disease, then you can use this infusion: pour a teaspoon (Required without a slide!) of celandine leaves with boiling water, leave for about an hour and then strain.

Take the infusion before meals strictly one tablespoon and no more than 5 times a day. The course of such cleaning is no more than three days.

In diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and even with polyps in the colon, cleansing can also be done with celandine. For cleansing the intestines, you can use only freshly picked leaves and stems of celandine, properly washed and dried.

After that, the celandine should be ground in a meat grinder to get a mushy mass, to which you then need to add hot water in a ratio of one to ten and the resulting mass is cooled to room temperature.

After the slurry has cooled, it should be well filtered, for which you can use gauze fabric, in several additions. After that, you need to do an enema with plain water, and then, after a few hours, an enema with a prepared mass of celandine.

The volume of liquid in an enema with celandine should contain 500 ml of liquid. Ideally, if the solution of celandine in the intestine can be kept from 1 to 2 hours.

To completely clean the intestines, this procedure should be carried out 10 to 20 times. If the result does not suit you and the intestines are still worried, then repeated procedure cleansing can be done only after 2 or 3 months.

By cleansing the body with celandine, you simultaneously remove toxins and kill cells that are unnecessary (it will not give the necessary!) For the body, thereby giving it health, for which it will certainly thank you in the future.

A decoction of celandine cures many diseases. About how it is prepared, in what cases it is drunk or used externally, read the article.

Celandine is a well-known, proven effective and affordable medicinal plant. Decoctions from it can be used at home for treatment and personal care.

Medicinal properties of decoction of celandine

A decoction of celandine is used both externally and internally. When used internally, it is required to follow the instructions for preparation and dosage for each specific case of the disease.

The point is that, in addition to the mass useful substances such as flavonoids and carotenes, vitamins and various organic acids, celandine, belonging to the poppy family, has about 20 alkaloids in its composition. Alkaloids, like, for example, snake venom, can be useful in a small dose, and be poisonous in another dose.

A decoction prepared from celandine can help in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • constipation, polyps and other intestinal problems, as it has a positive effect on intestinal motility
  • colds and infectious diseases top respiratory tract due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
  • cough caused by asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, even tuberculosis, since this decoction has antitussive properties
  • gastritis, ulcerative colitis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis
  • problems with bladder, edema different nature and increased blood pressure, because the decoction of celandine has a diuretic effect
  • neurosis, nervous tension, convulsions, even epilepsy and paralysis due to the antispasmodic properties of celandine decoction
  • rheumatic pains, vasospasm
  • toothache, periodontal disease, since the decoction has a wound healing and bactericidal effect
  • liver problems
  • allergies
    various skin problems - sores, eczema, acne, other inflammations, since the main properties - cleaning the skin (body) are already emphasized in the very name of the plant
  • oncological diseases, such as cancer of the stomach, intestines and skin, because celandine can even stop the appearance of metastases

Is it possible to drink a decoction of celandine

If juice from fresh plant celandine is used externally as a means of cleansing problem areas of the skin, if the infusion of celandine is used for various specific purposes, then a decoction of celandine is prepared in order to take it inside (it can also be used externally).

You can brew fresh or dried leaves in boiling water, insist them certain time and take according to the recipe, or you can simply add one leaf of celandine to the composition with others garden plants like: mint, lemon balm, currant, cherry, sage, and get herbal tea.

IMPORTANT: so herbal tea you can treat the disease, or you can drink it with preventive purpose as a disinfectant and cleanser. It all depends on the concentration of the decoction.

The concentration of the decoction is weak, strong and medium.

How to prepare a decoction of celandine of different concentrations

Decoctions of celandine are prepared as follows:
RECIPE: Strong concentration
2 tablespoons of a dry or fresh plant should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour, then strained. Take 3 times a day for the th art. spoon. A decoction of strong concentration of celandine is suitable exclusively for external use.
RECIPE: Average concentration
1 st. a spoonful of herbs for 1 cup of boiling water is also infused for about an hour, filtered and applied inside for 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.
RECIPE: Weak concentration:
1 teaspoon of herbs + 1 cup of boiling water infused for an hour, filtered. Such a decoction is also taken in 2 tbsp. spoons before meals 3 times a day.

IMPORTANT: A decoction of celandine for oral administration should be prepared fresh every day.

IMPORTANT: You should always start taking a decoction of celandine with a decoction of a weak concentration, gradually increasing it, if necessary.

The use of a decoction of celandine


  • for healing wounds, scars, ulcers and eczema, psoriasis and seborrhea as compresses and lotions
  • for the treatment of joints and blood vessels
  • to improve metabolism
  • for rheumatism and convulsions
  • as a pain reliever
  • get rid of allergies

IMPORTANT: With the help of external application of celandine decoction, they treat very unpleasant diseases- deprive, scabies, fungal diseases, lupus erythematosus, and skin cancer


  • for the treatment of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder
  • for the treatment of blood vessels
  • for the regulation of the cardiovascular system
  • for the treatment of bronchitis and bronchial asthma
  • to fight hypertension
  • to strengthen immunity
  • for the treatment of the pancreas
  • as an antispasmodic

Like an enema- to relieve pain in the intestines, treat constipation, treat polyps.

For household purposes:

  • for dyeing fabric yellow-orange
  • for metal etching

Douching with a decoction of celandine

For douching:

  • to relieve uterine spasms
  • for the treatment of cervical erosion
  • for douching urethra in men with infectious prostatitis
  • for the treatment of trichomonas colpitis

Decoction of celandine and nettle, application

A decoction of celandine and nettle, together with calendula flowers, is recommended for the treatment of cancer. It is noticed that such a decoction helps to cope with cancer of the stomach, lungs, skin and other organs, stops the development of metastases.

RECIPE. To prepare a decoction, celandine (leaves), stinging nettle, calendula flowers are mixed. 1 tablespoon of raw materials should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water, then left to infuse for 2 to 3 hours. Strain the infusion and take 1/3 of a glass on an empty stomach, and then in the evening 1 hour before meals.
The duration of treatment with such a decoction is 10-14 days. If necessary, after the same period, the course can be repeated.

Decoction of celandine for the face

For facial skin problems such as acne, pimples, various inflammations, as well as to improve skin elasticity and relieve oily sheen prepare such a decoction of celandine.
RECIPE: 1 tablespoon of herbs is poured into 200 ml (glass) of boiling water, infused for 39 minutes. It is good to wash your face with this decoction in the morning or in the evening, cleansing the skin on the face. You can do compresses or lotion. If there are places on the skin of the face that need to be cured.

Decoction of celandine for allergies

It can be applied internally (tea, drink) or externally by applying moistened gauze or bandage to places of itching or irritation.
The internal use of the decoction is indicated for cleansing the body as a whole and the intestines, in particular, which will help fight allergies.

Lotions from a decoction of celandine

Lotions from a decoction of celandine are made on those areas where there is any damage to the skin.
First, a decoction is prepared according to the standard proportion (1 tablespoon per 1 cup of boiling water), a bandage is lowered into it and soaked in the decoction. The bandage soaked in the decoction is then used as a lotion.

In spite of wide range the use of a decoction of celandine for the treatment a large number diseases, it should still be taken after the patient has passed the necessary clinical trials, doctor's consultations and along with basic treatment medicines. This is especially true for oncological diseases.

VIDEO: Celandine treatment and contraindication

Celandine grows almost everywhere, this plant loves moisture. It grows near settlements, near hedges, fences, on roadsides. AT folk medicine Celandine is used to cleanse the body, as well as to treat many diseases. However, the plant is poisonous, ie. should be used with caution.

Various alkaloids, flavonoids and bitter substances of celandine act, in particular, on the liver and gallbladder. When using celandine, for example, in the form of tea, active substances plants stimulate liver function and have an anticonvulsant effect.

In folk medicine, the juice of the plant is most often used externally, for example, to treat the removal of warts. Also, celandine can be used to eliminate eye fatigue, for example, from long work at computer. How to get rid of bags under the eyes ().

Recipe: take dry celandine 1 tbsp. spoon, pour 100 ml of water, boil for 1 - 2 minutes, then let it brew for 10 minutes. Soak 2 cotton pads in the infusion, apply to the eyes for 10 minutes. The finished broth can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 - 3 days.

The chemical composition of celandine

Celandine contains active substances: various alkaloids close to opiate alkaloids (yellow juice); saponins; flavonoids; some essential oils; carotenoids; cardiac active substances and enzymes. Other substances: chelidonin, chelerythrin, sanguinerin, berberine, protopine and spartein.

These substances indicate that celandine is a weak sedative and antispasmodic. Used for bronchitis, jaundice, gallstones, pneumonia, asthma, from neuralgia, externally from warts and others skin diseases. However, before using celandine, you should consult your doctor.

The benefits of celandine

For thousands of years, celandine has been used to treat the liver, gallbladder, and eliminate warts. In our time, celandine is recognized medicinal plant, which perfectly copes with spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates cramps and pain in the bile ducts.

In Western folk medicine, celandine is used for liver diseases, inflammation of the mouth and throat, skin lesions and for the treatment of tuberculosis. Externally, it is used to treat warts, skin ulcers, and corneal opacity. Traditional Chinese medicine uses celandine to improve blood circulation, to treat pain in gastrointestinal tract or during menstruation.

Numerous studies have confirmed that celandine is effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses. In addition, celandine has painkillers, anti-cancer effect. However, celandine should be used with caution! It cannot be used in liver failure.

How to use celandine?

Traditionally, celandine is used as a decoction, infusion externally for the treatment of warts. You can also make an ointment. Celandine can cleanse the skin, i.e. rinse with decoction after washing.

What kind side effects can cause celandine?

Celandine can cause liver damage, including jaundice, liver failure(symptoms: yellowing of the skin, eyes, dark urine, pale stools, pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue). After stopping the use of celandine, these phenomena can be restored. These cases occur when wrong dosage, incorrect application. To avoid overdose, you need to know maximum dose 2.5 mg. In such a way daily dose should not exceed 2.5 mg of alkaloids.

Contraindications to the use of celandine:

  • gallstone disease, liver failure
  • blockage of the bile ducts
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding

Cleansing with celandine skin: celandine is combined with chamomile, nettle. Take 50 g of each herb, pour 200 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes. After washing, rinse the whole body with this decoction, or add the decoction to the bath.

Juice: fresh juice celandine can treat herpes on early stage. Lubricate the problem area.

Cleansing the body: pour 1 tsp. dry grass without a slide 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 1 - 2 times a day before meals. Cleansing course: 3 days. Contraindications: hypertension.

For eczema: take 20 g of fresh celandine, pour warm water 300 ml, close the lid and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Use decoction to wash the body.

Bath: for the treatment of various skin diseases, skin cleansing, you can take a bath with the addition of a decoction of celandine. Take 10 g of fresh leaves of the plant, pour 100 ml of water, bring to a boil, then cool to 37 degrees Celsius. Take a daily bath with the addition of decoction (from 15 to 20 minutes). You will see results in 2-3 days. Celandine soothes itching, reduces swelling, restores, protects.

Ear diseases: make an ointment from celandine. To do this, take 50 g of the plant, 25 g of lanolin, 25 g of fat. Lubricate with prepared ointment outer part ear 2-3 times a day.

celandine - herbaceous plant, which in these autumn days is still pleasing to the eye with bright green foliage.
It blooms in early summer with bright yellow flowers. It grows everywhere: in the Moscow region, the Volga region, in southern regions Russia. Stems, leaves, flowers of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials.
Carefully! The plant is VERY poisonous! Its use requires a strict dosage! It is harvested from late spring to late autumn. It grows mainly on acidified soils, in shady places. During the flowering period, it pleases the eye with bright yellow flowers. Distyas are always cool and tender to the touch.

It is difficult to confuse celandine with something else: at the break of branches and leaves, fiery orange juice is released, bitter and caustic in taste. They can cauterize warts or lubricate problem areas of the skin: the juice has antiseptic properties but highly toxic. However, everything is poison, everything is medicine: poisonous plants, used in small doses, have a blow to the immune system of the body, the liver, kidneys and the entire excretion system begin to work hard. Therefore, fees, which include 25-35 components of poisonous plants in small quantities: henbane, mistletoe, celandine, tansy - have an immunomodulating effect on the body.

You can take celandine juice drop by drop every morning half an hour before meals. The juice is prepared as follows: pass the all-collected celandine through a meat grinder, squeeze through gauze, and for long-term storage, add vodka in an amount of 1: 1 to the juice (but not alcohol!). Starting with 3 drops, gradually increasing to 10 drops. The course is 2 weeks, between courses take a break of about 3 months.
It is necessary to monitor your well-being, as there is such a thing as individual intolerance to a particular plant or drug.

You can also brew tea from dried celandine, but drink no more than 2 times a day, and literally throw a pinch of celandine on a half-liter teapot. Again, no more than 10 days!!

If you still overdo it ... Very rarely, but there may be a reaction, especially in those who had jaundice in childhood, in the form of increased bilirubin. The face, the whites of the eyes turn yellow. Stop taking immediately, drink choleretic fees(cmin sandy) - see picture more liquid, rest and a warm heating pad on the liver area. If there are no positive changes, immediately see a doctor!!! Of course, in this case, it is more effective to clean the liver with vegetable oil and lemon juice. This is a disgusting procedure, but the effect is wonderful. To do this, do not overload yourself with breakfast in the morning, then eat a dish of boiled beets for lunch, and instead of dinner, drink 20-250 ml of heated vegetable (refined oil) and juice of 2-3 lemons.

To do this, the oil poured into a glass or bottle is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 36-40 degrees, 2-3 sips are taken through a straw and washed down with a sip - two lemon juice - also through a straw. You can then walk around, lie down, you can in the bathroom to warm up the liver. Or tie a heating pad to the right hypochondrium. As ripe - again approach the oil and take 3-4-5 sips and rather drink sour juice. Rest again. You can drink everything at once, you can within an hour, two or three. And then - bainki with a heating pad under the right side. In the morning, if you don’t get carried away, you need to curse. To do this, take 5 liters clean water. In the afternoon, repeat the enema. You can help cleansing by taking warm choleretic decoctions of herbs - but this is already the next day after taking the oil with lemon juice.

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