Bad blood vessels symptoms. Effective means to strengthen blood vessels

Elastic vessels, which are located throughout the body of our body, have a tubular base and are the conductors of blood throughout the body. But there are some problems that arise in the vessels themselves and weaken them. In medicine, this disease is called neurocirculatory dystonia. Thus, there is a violation of blood circulation and nervous regulation of vascular tone. Blood flow slows down and hypoxia sets in. This causes varicose veins, thrombosis and many other vein problems. Basically, this problem affects the age when a person is already 40 years old. But young people also have weak blood vessels. Let us consider in more detail the causes, consequences, as well as methods of treatment and prevention of problems associated with our vital vessels.

Symptoms of vascular problems

By some signs and symptoms, you can determine the state of our vessels:

  1. When the position of the body changes sharply, with rapid movement, there is a darkening in the eyes;
  2. Feeling of periodic dizziness, motion sickness in transport;
  3. Constantly cool and even cold limbs of the hands and feet, especially in summer;
  4. With light blows, bruises immediately appear on the skin;
  5. When the weather changes, the joints begin to ache;
  6. Blood pressure rises sharply or, conversely, decreases;
  7. There are frequent nosebleeds;
  8. A vascular network is visible on the surface of the skin;
  9. There are even occasional fainting spells;
  10. When passing tests, high cholesterol levels are detected;
  11. There is a sharp increase in blood circulation.

If you experience the above symptoms, you need to contact your doctor and undergo the necessary examination. After all, timely treatment will save you from many other, more complex troubles.

Causes of the disease

There can be many reasons, because weak blood vessels are a complex symptom, which can be determined by a variety of factors.

For example, the first such consequence may be stress. Nervousness, disharmony and taking everything to heart lead to a similar problem. A sharp release of adrenaline can weaken the heart and capillaries. An unbalanced and improper diet leads to such problems.

Eating a lot of fried, salty, rich in spices weakens the walls of blood vessels and causes many health problems. Fatty foods, butter, smoked meats and fatty cheese should be excluded from the diet as much as possible. Reduce baked goods to a minimum.

There is such a factor as genetic predisposition. For some people, an ache of blood vessels is given at birth. Also, after severe illnesses, weakening of blood vessels occurs. Leaving a healthy lifestyle leads to such a consequence of the reaction of the body.

We strengthen the vessels

It is important to know how to prevent the disease and recover from it.

The simplest ways are:

Folk remedies

Weak blood vessels were treated by our great-grandmothers. There are many popular recommendations for eliminating such an ailment.

  1. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of water with a spoonful of honey and lemon juice;
  2. In the morning it will be good to do various squats, stretching the legs and body, walking in the air and light jogging;
  3. You can also do a foot massage with your own hands. You should start from the fingers, ending with the hips;
  4. You can smear varicose veins with tincture of wild chestnut. To do this, you need to collect a chestnut, crush and pour vodka. Put in a dark place. After two weeks, the infusion is ready. Apply to problematic veins twice a day. You can also make baths and lotions for the night;
  5. Still try to use the tincture of partitions of walnut, hawthorn, nettle, sea buckthorn oil and aloe;
  6. Garlic and cranberry juice is used twice a day in small portions for treatment and prevention;
  7. An effective way to get rid of many of these problems is fasting. Such courses should be taken under the supervision of a doctor and at certain times of the year. First you need to consult with a specialist, and then start with short fasts - three days. Gradually increasing to 21, and sometimes up to 40 days of complete abstinence from food.

Only strong-willed people go to such measures. But such cleansing of the body can get rid of all diseases - proven by many years of experience and recognized by official medicine.

  • If you decide to go in for sports, it is better to start with small complexes for twenty minutes a day, but do it every day. Systematic will lead to a good result;
  • If it is not possible to immediately start doing a contrast shower, then you can try contrast foot baths;
  • Eat fresh, healthy food in small portions and often, about 5-6 times a day;
  • To clean the vessels, you need to drink two liters of fresh water a day.

It is worth diversifying your life and filling it with content. Find a job you love and do your favorite hobby. Then many health problems will simply go away by themselves.

Video about strengthening blood vessels

In this video you will learn how to strengthen blood vessels with exercises:

Fragility of blood vessels can occur when the walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity and become brittle. Due to minor injuries, sometimes even spontaneously, hemorrhages begin to appear on the patient's body. Hemorrhages can take on the character of small-point appearances like petechiae or bruises and bruises.

The fragility of blood vessels, a decrease in the tone and resistance of the vascular walls in some cases can lead to a disruption in the supply of nutrients to it as a result of significant changes in the activity of the endocrine and central nervous systems. In particular, the reason for this is the appearance of petechiae in various neuroses, states of hysteria or strong emotional upheavals.

The resistance of the vascular wall with vascular fragility can be reduced due to toxic-allergic changes or inflammatory processes in it, which can occur with influenza, other infectious diseases, chronic tonsillitis, nephritis, rheumatism, diseases. In addition, increased fragility of blood vessels may be due to various diseases in the blood system.

Causes and symptoms of increased vascular fragility

The fragility of blood vessels with a decrease in the tone of the vascular walls is considered a direct consequence of the lack of vitamins P and C, respectively, rutin and ascorbic acid. Fragile vessels prone to destruction are an integral symptom for many diseases associated with disorders in the cardiovascular system. Transformations of the walls in the veins and capillaries can occur after influenza, tonsillitis, nephritis or rheumatism.

Fragility and fragility of blood vessels can manifest itself in a variety of forms, for example, in the form of nosebleeds, subcutaneous hemorrhages. The walls of thin blood capillaries lose their elasticity and firmness. Vessels weaken and wear out. Vessels need to be strengthened. In some people, with fragility of the vessels, the legs freeze, even in hot weather, there is a low temperature of the extremities. Blue discoloration of the skin covering the extremities is rare. Deformations in the walls of blood capillaries occur when vascular star formations are clearly visible on the surface of the thighs and legs.

Very often, increased fragility of blood vessels can manifest itself in the cold period. Doctors attribute this fact to the fact that in the warm season people consume more vitamins, take sunbaths, and are regularly outdoors.

In this regard, the walls of blood vessels need additional nutrition. If the body is not supplied with a sufficient amount of vitamins, then there is a decrease in their tone and resistance. Since the lack of these vitamins can adversely affect changes in the nervous system, hysteria, emotional breakdowns, depression, neuroses and other mental manifestations are possible with increased fragility of the vessels.

Determination of vascular fragility

To determine the state of blood vessels, fragility of blood vessels, it is possible to carry out observation in the following ways:

  1. pinch symptom;
  2. tourniquet symptom;
  3. hammer symptom.

In the study of the symptoms of a pinch, the doctor performs the clamping of the skin fold with the index and thumb in front and on the side in the chest area. The best variant of the reception is the capture of folds in the second intercostal space. The gap should not be more than two or three millimeters. The right and left parts of one fold are shifted alternately in different directions. If a hemorrhagic spot is detected at the pinch site, then this can be regarded as a positive symptom.

The tourniquet symptom is determined by applying a rubber tourniquet. For this procedure, a cuff from a pressure measuring device is used. A tourniquet is applied to the patient in the region of the middle third of the shoulder. The force of application blocks the outflow of venous blood in this case. However, arterial blood flow should be maintained and the radial pulse should also be checked. When using the cuff, the pressure rises to diastolic. Such testing does not last long, within three to five minutes, after which it is necessary to examine changes in the skin in the elbow and forearm. For a normal condition, skin changes should not be observed. If a rash of a petechial nature occurs, then this indicates fragility of high-order vessels.

The malleus symptom in the sternum is determined by the percussion hammer. The doctor gently taps the patient's skin without causing pain. If, as a result of the manipulation of tapping, hemorrhagic elements begin to appear on the skin, then the symptom is considered positive.

The doctor conducts an examination, reveals the symptoms that determine the fragility of blood vessels. Treatment is prescribed after it is known to what extent the disease is expressed.

Prevention and treatment of vascular fragility

To find out what can cause the appearance of fragility in the vessels, you must first undergo a thorough examination. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to consult a therapist. The doctor may also refer the patient to other specialists for a complete examination. With fragility of blood vessels, you need to enrich your diet with foods with vitamins C and P as much as possible, eat vegetables and fruits. Vitamin P is found in freshly brewed tea, and vitamin C is found in rosehip infusion.

The doctor prescribes means to strengthen blood vessels, as well as drugs that can increase vascular tone. The use of drugs is required not only with the appearance of vascular fragility. During the restoration of normal resistance in the vascular walls, a course of therapy should also be taken. Treatment of vascular fragility is prescribed on an individual basis.

In the prevention of vascular fragility and various hemorrhages on the skin, the prevention of chronic and acute infectious diseases, heavy physical exertion and hypothermia plays an important role.

Signs of bad blood vessels

Bad vessels are:
- frequent dizziness
- darkening in the eyes with a sharp change in body position
- poor heat tolerance
- motion sickness
- cold hands and feet
- aching joints
- weather sensitivity
- weakness in the morning and afternoon
- fainting
- palpitations, "knocking" in the temples
- unstable pressure
- an increase in body temperature to 37.2 - 37.3 degrees and its sharp jumps during the day.

What in everyday language is called "bad" or "weak" vessels is diagnosed by medicine as neurocirculatory dystonia. This is a circulatory disorder caused by malfunctions in the nervous regulation of vascular tone. And, by and large, the vessels in this story turn out to be guilty without guilt: they are given the wrong orders - they obey.

Causes of neurocircular dystonia

The causes of vascular dystonia are varied. Sometimes it is inherited, but still more often occurs after severe stress, prolonged nervous tension, severe illness. Often it is provoked by a long series of troubles and even boring work. And no pills will help here. The only way to get rid of dystonia is to set your life on a healthy wave and try to "re-educate" the whole body.

Therapeutic sports

As studies by scientists have shown, just a week of regular physical activity in the gym improves the well-being of those suffering from vascular diseases by 20 percent. Experts are sure that without this it is difficult to count on a positive result. True, it is recommended to observe two important conditions:
- exercise at least 4 times a week, and better - at least 15 minutes, but every day;
- do not overwork, because excessive loads can cause a "breakdown" of your vascular system.
By the way, jogging is an excellent "shaking" for capillaries, and swimming is "hardening" of blood vessels. But at the initial stage, avoid exercises associated with a sharp change in body position.

Water procedures

A contrast shower is one of the best "educational" means for blood vessels. It is better to take it in the morning: the vessels get the right mood for the whole day, and you are in a good mood. However, such a shower will not hurt in the evening, 3-4 hours before bedtime. It will relieve fatigue after a hard day and relieve stress.

If you are unable to engage in such hardening, then do at least contrast foot baths. Pour hot water into one basin, cold water into the other, so that it reaches the ankles. Keep your legs in each of the basins alternately for no longer than 1-2 minutes. This procedure, like a contrast shower, ends with cold water.

Regular visits to the bath (2-4 times a month) can set even naughty vessels on the right path. This is both a "massage" and "gymnastics" for the vascular system. Give preference to the bath, although a sauna is also suitable. And be sure to douse yourself with ice water every time you leave the steam room.


Always eat small meals. The stomach, filled with a large amount of food, takes a large part of the blood from the general circulation. And if you have problems with blood vessels, then overeating can cause weakness, dizziness, tinnitus, and even fainting. As for coffee, drink it in moderation, and it is better to exclude Coca-Cola altogether. Although these drinks increase vascular tone, their use in large quantities leads to serious loosening of the vascular system.

To maintain the desired volume of circulating blood, drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. And eat more fruits and vegetables. Just be careful with bananas - they lower the pressure. Do not deny yourself salt - in a small amount it is necessary for the body. And an unexpected desire to eat something salty is nothing more than an SOS signal of your blood vessels.

All in your hands

This massage is part of the Tibetan technique. It helps to restore the disturbed balance in the work of the vascular system. Perform it sitting or standing.
1. Raise your arms to chest level with your palms facing you and interlace your fingers. Then slowly, with tension, pull them in different directions until the fingers separate. Repeat 5-10 times.
2. Interlock the little fingers, pull the hands until the "link" opens. Do the same with all fingers in turn.
3. Hold the little finger of the right between the middle and index fingers of the left hand, then pull it out. Perform the exercise with the remaining fingers, first of one, then of the other hand.
4. Close your palms and rub them well.

There is truth in the legs

Place a massage mat next to your bed and massage your soles every time before you get out of bed. Such therapy can be carried out during the day, when you do not feel well.

And more fun

Most often, people who live boring and monotonous suffer from "bad" blood vessels. Break the chain "home - work - shop - home - work", insert new links into it. Go to the movies and visit, make new friends, skydive or cross-stitch, sing in a choir, or finally redecorate your apartment.

Many of us can do a lot and work well. Meanwhile, monotonous loads that cause fatigue of all body systems can negate your good intentions. Do you want to feel good? Then learn to rest.

Sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. It is difficult to demand good health from the vessels if you do not get enough sleep regularly. By cutting off the night's rest, you thereby disrupt the "adjustment" work of your own body.

Look at life with wide open eyes and enjoy every new day. 80 percent of all those suffering from neurocircular dystonia are skeptics, pessimists and whiners. No wonder some scientists seriously suggest that this vascular disease is one of the forms of neurosis. Constant fears, doubts, dissatisfaction with yourself and others are very harmful to health. Eliminate them, and you will forget about the vessels!

The most vulnerable part of the human body is the blood vessels. Vascular diseases are one of the most dangerous types, which in most cases lead to death. And not only.

Weak blood vessels are one of the many possible causes of malaise, which manifests itself with a variety of, but very unpleasant symptoms throughout the body, on the face, and legs.

This is due to the fact that blood flow in fragile vessels with thinned walls is disturbed. As a result, tissues and organs are deficient in oxygen and nutrients. As a result, this process leads to the failure of all body systems without exception.


Usually, people do not take seriously the signs indicating impaired blood flow and weak blood vessels. But in vain. Even the slightest ailment, left unattended, can subsequently turn into serious health problems.

The most eloquent symptoms that indicate the poor condition of the blood vessels are:

If any of these signs appear, you need to think about what to do to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This is a long process that requires systematic action and a mandatory integrated approach. Weak vessels need healing and strengthening not in any one part of the body, for example, on the face or legs, but throughout the body.

You need to start small - the correction of nutrition and lifestyle. The rules are simple, but their strict observance is the best prevention of vascular diseases:

To strengthen and heal weakened, brittle walls of blood vessels, it is useful to eat:

If the symptoms of weakened vessels listed above are disturbing, spider veins and spiders appeared on the face, the venous network is clearly visible on the legs, you need to eat as many fresh vegetables, berries, fruits, and greens as possible.

It is advisable to completely abandon salt. Switch to fractional meals.

Feedback from our reader - Alina Mezentseva

I recently read an article that talks about the natural cream "Bee Spas Chestnut" for the treatment of varicose veins and cleaning blood vessels from blood clots. With the help of this cream, you can FOREVER cure VARICOSIS, eliminate pain, improve blood circulation, increase the tone of the veins, quickly restore the walls of blood vessels, clean and restore varicose veins at home.

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered one package. I noticed the changes in a week: the pain went away, the legs stopped "buzzing" and swelling, and after 2 weeks the venous cones began to decrease. Try it and you, and if anyone is interested, then below is a link to the article.

Vessel cleaning

The complex of preventive measures that reduce the risk of developing vascular diseases includes course cleaning of blood vessels. The most popular product for cleansing blood vessels is garlic.

To prepare a medicinal infusion, pour 250 g of chopped garlic with 96% alcohol (250 ml). Close tightly. Insist 12 days. Strain. Take according to plan.

How to do it right:

The remaining volume of garlic tincture is taken 25 drops diluted with 75 ml of milk three times a day. The treatment is continued until the tincture is over. Then they take a break for 3 months and repeat the course.

Folk remedies

The symptoms of rosacea, manifested on the face due to weakened capillaries, noticeably spoil the appearance of the skin. You can cope with this aesthetic defect with the help of herbal masks and compresses.

For example, parsley infusion helps to get rid of spider veins and meshes on the face. In a glass of boiling water, insist 2 handfuls of chopped herbs, insist 20 minutes, filter. The infusion is mixed in a 1:1 ratio with warm milk. Soak a clean gauze napkin with this composition and apply to the face in the form of a compress for 30 minutes.

For the treatment of VARICOSIS and cleaning blood vessels from blood clots, Elena Malysheva recommends a new method based on Cream of Varicose Veins cream. It contains 8 useful medicinal plants that are extremely effective in the treatment of VARICOSIS. In this case, only natural ingredients are used, no chemicals and hormones!

In the home treatment of weakened vessels on the legs, decoctions of medicinal herbs are also used. For example, from hops or yarrow.

To prepare a medicinal decoction of hops, brew a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. herbs and heated in a steam bath for 15 minutes. Cool, filter. The decoction should be drunk per day, dividing it into 3 parts.

Unfortunately, the fragility of blood vessels is an extremely common problem in our time, perhaps the lifestyle of a modern person or the environmental situation in the world affects, but more and more people suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Bad blood vessels are the cause of many ailments, because they entangle our entire body with a whole mesh, and circulatory disorders without proper treatment will certainly lead to the development of a particular disease. That is why for many, such a question is important, how to strengthen the vessels of the brain? But first, let's list the main causes of vascular fragility, and also consider the symptoms of this pathology and all possible ways to strengthen blood vessels.

The reasons

It must be remembered that the fragility of the vessels of the brain eventually leads to a stroke. WHO data are disappointing, it is stroke that is one of the most common diseases with fatal outcomes. So, what weakens our vessels? There are several internal and external causes that provoke the fragility of the vessel wall, which must be considered when contacting a doctor.

Vascular resistance can be affected by various diseases, such as:

  • increased production of estrogen;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • congenital pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • violation of internal metabolism;
  • various blood diseases (leukemia, thrombocytopenia and others);
  • diabetes;
  • genetic pathology of connective tissues.

Also, weakness of the cerebral vessels can cause insufficient intake of certain vitamins and minerals. For example, one of the most important substances for the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system are vitamins C, E, A and P. Most often, the lack of certain trace elements occurs in the autumn and winter periods of the year, when there is a lack of sunlight and a low intake of microelements from food.

Due to a deficiency of nutrients, the vessels of the brain lose their resistance, symptoms of their fragility appear, which leads to the development of a number of diseases.

And the most important vitamin in this situation is ascorbic acid (C), its lack is observed in the following cases:

  • in chronic forms of respiratory diseases;
  • in allergy sufferers during an exacerbation of the course of allergies;
  • with various cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • with excess weight.

Bad habits can also worsen the functioning of the cerebral vessels, one of the main enemies of the body is smoking: nicotine and harmful substances that make up cigarettes can lead to spasm of the intima of the vessel. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages also leads to the destruction of blood vessels. Constant stress, food that is poor in vitamins and minerals, passion for fast food and an inactive lifestyle also affect the weakening of the blood vessels. And of course, this problem develops with age, older people more often than others suffer from this disease.

How the disease manifests itself

Symptoms of violation of the resistance of cerebral vessels are manifested not only in the elderly, but also in patients of young and middle age. Any artery or vein has a muscular membrane, with a decrease in its tone, the patient begins to respond, for example, to changes in the weather or atmospheric pressure. The main signs of a weakening of the blood lines are frequent headaches, especially the reaction is observed to temperature changes, this is due to a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the head vessels.

Along with the above factors, the following symptoms also indicate weak cerebral vessels:

  • the appearance of black dots or blurry spots before the eyes;
  • feeling dizzy;
  • with a sharp change in body position, it may darken in the eyes;
  • frequent fainting;
  • panic attacks;
  • feeling of fear for no apparent reason (night terrors);
  • insomnia;
  • sleepiness during the day;
  • causeless depression;
  • as mentioned above, frequent headaches, migraines;
  • sudden numbness of hands or feet;
  • "ice" limbs;
  • poor heat tolerance;
  • dyspnea;
  • strong weather dependence;
  • noise in ears.

Unfortunately, often people do not pay attention to most of the signs of weakening of the blood vessels, which over time leads to an aggravation of the condition of the circulatory system. Therefore, at the very first symptoms of fragility of the cerebral vessels, it is necessary to seek the advice of a specialist, and the attending physician, after a detailed examination, will prescribe the proper treatment and give the necessary recommendations.

Also, there are risk groups among people, and patients included in this list should periodically undergo preventive examinations of blood vessels and monitor their timely strengthening.

At-risk groups

Of course, everyone should monitor the state of their body, but especially with age, many factors appear that negatively affect our health. Certain categories of patients need to more carefully monitor the work of the brain and the entire cardiovascular system:

  • professional athletes, because sometimes they experience the strongest physical exertion, during this period the blood presses especially hard on the walls of the blood vessel, and it must withstand such pressure. Any weakening of the vessel wall can lead to irreversible consequences;
  • people with a sedentary, sedentary activity, especially office workers. When a person denies himself physical activity, the blood begins to flow more slowly, which can lead to edema and the formation of blood clots. And with an increase in physical activity, blood flow improves;
  • people who experience chronic stress. During severe stress, hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are released in the human body, which lead to a sharp decrease in the lumen of the brain vessel, which affects the destabilization of the entire vascular system;
  • obese patients, unfortunately, excess weight has an extremely negative effect not only on blood supply, but also on the work of the whole organism as a whole;
  • patients with cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the endocrine system;
  • people whose close relatives have suffered strokes and heart attacks, the hereditary factor is taken into account here;
  • smokers;
  • alcohol abusers.

And now let's talk directly about how to strengthen the walls of the vessels of the brain, what measures should be taken to increase the tone of the blood lines?


Firstly, to strengthen the thin wall of the vessel, it is necessary to monitor the sufficient intake of vitamins and trace elements. So what vitamins affect the vascular condition?

Retinol (A) strengthens the venous wall, improves its structure, and is responsible for elasticity. The required intake of this vitamin should be at least 3-7 mg per day. Vitamin A is found in large quantities in carrots, greens, especially parsley, tomatoes and plums.

Tocopherol (E) is responsible for accelerating the resorption of blood clots, preventing their formation, and also enhances the strength of capillaries. A person needs about 20 mg per day. vitamin E. The main sources of tocopherol are sprouted wheat grains, nuts, seafood and some cereals.

Rutin (P) strengthens and thickens the walls of veins and capillaries, and also enhances the beneficial properties of the same vitamin C. This vitamin is especially useful for older people to prevent age-related changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The daily requirement for an adult is about 60 mg per day.

The highest concentration is found in foods such as blackcurrant berries, chokeberry, rose hips and green tea.

Ascorbic acid (C) helps to strengthen the inner wall of blood vessels, and also prevents its destruction, improves vascular tone. The daily dose should be at least 1.5 g. Most vitamin C is found in sauerkraut, cranberries, blackcurrants, and all citrus fruits. According to doctors, daily it is necessary to eat up to 500 grams of fruits and vegetables, which contain a large amount of vitamins that help strengthen blood vessels.

Also, to strengthen the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to use trace elements such as calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium and chromium. If there are not enough foods rich in the above vitamins and minerals in the diet, then it is necessary to take vitamin complexes (Vitrum, Complevit, etc.). Remember, a properly selected diet is the key to a long life, clean blood vessels and a healthy circulatory system.


Special exercises can also be used to strengthen the vessels, but it is rather difficult to train these vessels, because if the vessels throughout the body are located between the muscles, then in the head they lie in the brain tissues.

However, there are several exercises that are aimed at improving the blood circulation of the vessels of the brain, which, accordingly, helps to strengthen them:

  1. Improves the stimulation of capillaries and increases blood microcirculation gymnastics called "Aspen leaf trembling in the wind." To perform it, it is necessary to lie on your back, the upper and lower limbs are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the spine. You need to shake your arms and legs in this position for three minutes, then rest for four minutes and repeat the exercise again.
  2. The “Goldfish” exercise, which is performed in the morning without getting out of bed, accelerates blood circulation in the vessels. It is necessary to stretch the arms up and stretch the toes of the toes, in a fixed position it is necessary to turn the torso, imitating the movements of the fish.
  3. Also, strengthening exercises such as head rotation and tilting from side to side contribute to the improvement of blood circulation and strengthening of the walls of blood vessels; it is necessary to perform this simple gymnastics daily.


There are a number of therapeutic agents that help strengthen and increase vascular tone, as well as improve blood circulation in the brain. The following medicines must be taken to increase the resistance of blood vessels:

  • Ascorutin and Dihydroquercetin are used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • to increase the mental activity of the brain, nootropics are used (Nootropil, Phenotropil, etc.);
  • to accelerate blood circulation and strengthen the walls of veins and capillaries in the brain, Detralex is used;

However, it is not worth self-medicating and strengthening blood vessels at home with the help of medications, which drug and in what dosage should be prescribed by a competent doctor. At the first sign of a decrease in tone, you should seek medical advice.

Vessel hardening

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, it is useful to apply hardening procedures, but it is worth remembering that it is necessary to approach a sharp change in temperature gradually, you need to prepare the body. To begin with, during the week it is better to wipe yourself with a waffle towel dipped in cold water, it is recommended to wipe after a warm shower. After, for about seven days in a row, it is necessary to pour cold water on the hands and feet. Having tempered the body enough, you can proceed to the procedure of a contrast shower. A contrast shower is taken after a warm shower, first adding hot water and pouring water on the body for about half a minute, then you need to change the water to cold and pour on for about 20 seconds. It is worth remembering a few rules: pouring hot water should be longer than pouring cold water, and each procedure should always be ended with hot water. Contrast douches are an effective tool for strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving the blood supply to the whole body.

Also, to increase the tone and elasticity of the vessels of the brain, there are many recipes of traditional medicine, but it must be remembered that it is recommended to use only popular and proven methods of traditional healing. Do not forget that it is better to take preventive measures in time than to resort to a medical method of strengthening blood vessels later. You need to constantly monitor your diet and proper intake of vitamins, move more, play sports, control excess weight and high cholesterol, and then diseases of the cardiovascular system will not affect you.

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