Exit to the Astral through lucid dreams: the practice of false awakening. Astral projection and astral sleep - the theory and practice of out-of-body experience What is the difference between astral and lucid dream

This has already been said in the chapter "Some basics", here I will briefly repeat myself.

There are only different positions of the assemblage point and the degree of awareness in them. (Let me remind you that Awareness is the ability to perceive as many information fibers as possible).

I will describe in terms familiar to all, since it is in them that disputes are going on.

Dream. The assemblage point is shifted either far or slightly close to the usual position of wakefulness, awareness is small, but practically none.

Some notes on sleep phases:
REM sleep phase - the assemblage point has moved a little distance, into the world gathered by our everyday emotions, events, etc., i.e. closely similar to ours /
Slow phase of sleep - the assemblage point "gone" deep enough, and the person does not have the necessary energy to realize the perceived world. Therefore, he not only does not remember what happened to him there, but CANNOT remember until he has accumulated enough personal power. But even then, you need intention to remember. Or a hypnosis session...

Lucid dream (OS). The assemblage point is just as far away (at the point at which awareness came), but the level of awareness rises. A person begins to remember that he "once" perceived the fibers of physical reality. That is, he understands that now he sees something else - a dream. The events of the dream stop, the characters of the dream disappear. Awareness can once again rise in leaps and bounds.

Astral projection (AP). The assemblage point is just as far away, awareness rises to the highest level - the perception of pure (original) energy. That is, the subconscious stops "making" the world, stops modeling objects of subjective reality from this pure energy.

Out-of-body experience (OBE). Same as astral projection, only the assemblage point is usually near the normal physical frequency range. There is a perception of the world, almost identical to OUR physical, with slight differences. Can smoothly flow into the OS, and then into normal sleep. In general, any higher state can smoothly change to a lower one, not only in the case of an OBE.

An ideal perception of pure energy in all cases is still unlikely to happen. Either some objects appear, or something else that the subconscious immediately turns into a form understandable to the conscious being.

All ASCs are exceptional, important and interesting. I don't care what people call them: WTO, OS or something else.

About the transition from OS to AS
(from a lucid dream to astral consciousness, if you use the standard terminology, or: "about the transition from one altered state to another, more" cleared "of subconscious tinsel" - my terminology).

When you realize yourself in a dream, that's half the battle. Now you see the same dream all around, only you KNOW that it is assembled by your perception. To move to what some people call an OBE, that is, to the perception of almost pure energy, one needs "everything
just "to express the intention to get rid of the dream objects that do not radiate energy. Then the picture will smoothly disappear, and IT will appear behind it ... Or at least partial pieces of energy can be found among the dream objects - that's good.

How to do it? It is possible with one intention. It is best to train with a verbal order: "I want to see the energy!", and point your finger at the object. Etc.

I will immediately distinguish between two concepts that many consider almost synonymous: astral travel and lucid dreaming. The astral is one of the subtle worlds, which is a continuation of the physical world, and entering the astral is an out-of-body journey. That is, your body remains on the bed, and you leave it and begin to walk around the room, down the street, fly to the moon and so on.

At the same time, the body does not sleep, you can return at any time and compare the reality of what is happening with what you see. The differences between the worlds are minimal, and with proper practice, it is quite possible to visit friends. Although the astral is huge, and you can easily travel to other planets, and even to other worlds. But even in this case, your body will not sleep. These are not dreams, this is reality. Just another way to interact with her.

But a lucid dream is, imagine, just a dream. The whole principle is that you are simply aware that you are dreaming. Many people have experienced this at least once in their lives. You sleep, you dream, and suddenly you realize that everything that happens is a dream. It's relatively easy.

In your own dreams you are the king and God!

The first problem is to keep this feeling and learn to call it consciously. The second is to learn to interact with your own dreams. You can be a simple extra and silently observe, realizing that you are sleeping. And you can completely control what happens.

In your own dreams you are a god. And if a dirty magician, a demon, or anyone else visits an experienced dreamer, then after some time after getting acquainted with all the charms of being in a strange, hostile reality, the uninvited guest will cry, hiding in a corner. You can arrange a real hell in your dream for a single visitor. I mainly use lucid dreaming for this. Although in recent years, for some reason, less and less go into my dreams. It's a pity - the gardens are emptying, the torture chambers are dilapidated.

I started lucid dreaming precisely because a hostile group of magicians got into the habit of visiting me right in my dreams. And I really don't like guests. But the express method of entering a lucid dream was mastered quite quickly, and there I already explained to everyone in an accessible way how bad it is to bother a combat magician with a sick fantasy and a penchant for violence.

A simple technique for becoming aware of yourself in a dream

The setting for becoming aware of yourself in a dream can be simple and unpretentious: "Today I am aware of myself in a dream." And you can add some additional condition, say: "When I dream of a polar bear, I realize that I am dreaming." There are quite a few ways, they are not a secret, and on the Internet you can pick up something that suits you more. I shared the simplest, in my opinion, method.

I must warn you: despite the simplicity, this practice still requires some preparation. You don’t need to master energy to master it, but the ability to concentrate and meditate will be a very serious help. Happy lucid dreams!

For beginners and those who have been practicing out-of-body experience for the first time, it will be useful to know how you can enter the Astral through lucid dreaming through practice false awakening. I really love this technique for its simplicity, because all you need is an electronic timer on your phone, a little time at the beginning of the day and the desire to become an astral traveler. To get a feel for yourself, what it is like to be in the astral body and leave your "physical clothes", do not move when you wake up. Otherwise, you can frighten off a sleepy state, tone your muscles and destroy the fragile balance between sleep and wakefulness.

The principle of operation of this method of exit from the body

You will be woken up by the sound of an alarm clock or timer every time it goes off. Due to the fact that the intervals between calls will be uneven, you will be able to tune in in such a way that you wake up in the Astral, want to turn off the alarm and separate from the physical body. It always works 100%.

The main thing is that the intervals are uneven.

Since it's easiest to get out at 4 or 5 am, I recommend setting your alarm for that time, followed by 5:15, 5:30, then 5:45, 6:00, 6:10, 6:25 and 6:35. The body will adapt and will not overreact to each subsequent signal. Gradually, he puts himself into a mode of existence on the fine line between sleep and wakefulness.

From now on you will know why out-of-body technique it really works, because when you go into a state when the mind is awakened, and the body, on the contrary, is immersed in the arms of Morpheus, a portal opens through which you can easily enter the Astral or OS.

What can't be done?

You shouldn't be moving when you wake up, which means keeping your phone close at hand to quickly turn it off. Ignore further signals, noting them to yourself, but continue to sleep. Better not to turn around and not open your eyes. Your task is to keep the body motionless.

What will happen after 4-6 awakenings?

The body will not fall into a deep, prolonged sleep, because it subconsciously waits for the signal to sound again. We wait a little more and "voila" - a false awakening comes. At this moment, it is possible to experience for yourself what lucid dreams are, the practice will help you wake up in a dream, see the room and understand that you are actually dreaming.

You will have a slight vibration in the body, tingling and even heaviness in the limbs.

My students, whom I helped to master out-of-body techniques, they said that sometimes such a state is determined by the stone immobility of the whole body. Sometimes they simply could not move, being in a lucid dream or Astral.

Immediately, as soon as you understand what happened, try to get out of bed, if you have not already got up. This will be the division. Get out of the apartment and start exploring a new world.

I remember when I managed to get out using this technique, I went to the gym and worked out a little. I wanted to see how the workouts would show up on the physical body. Really works! The experiment was a success, and I still do it.

I recommend before going to bed, at night, to read books, reviews on forums about lucid dreams, OBE and Astral. So you prepare yourself even better, and by morning the subconscious will already know what awaits it. But please do not treat leaving the body as an exam. Keep calm and read more just in case.

Astral projection in our world is inextricably linked with lucid dreaming - processes that have similarities and, at the same time, characteristic differences. Astral sleep is induced, subject to the technique, and the astral projection comes out of one's own physical body in the format of its subtle component - this makes it possible to travel through times and spaces, to reach any place that is inaccessible in reality.

In this article

Differences between astral and lucid dreaming

- this is the comprehension of oneself and exclusively in a dream. At the same time, the astral is a person’s wanderings around the outside world, but a lucid dream is more like a journey within one’s own subconscious, acquaintance with it.

The next stage is an attempt to hear noises in your head, listen to each overflow and feel a loud increase. Some can increase the volume by an effort of their own will, it is after this that the exit to the astral happens. Noises can take the form of a piece of music, which takes the subtle into other prostrations and worlds.

When you can't hear the sounds and noises- it is worth resorting to the technique of rotation around the longitudinal axis of the body, a special phantom swing. It is enough to move any, no matter what part of the body, while it is important not to strain the muscles, gradually increasing the amplitude. An attempt to consciously feel the movement of the astral body will make it possible to control it. Try to stand in the projection and at the same time not physically move, remaining lying on the bed.

Try the practice of "separation", tying it to any of your own sensations that exist on the physical level. For example, the technique of training a mobile phone is popular - it is easier to imagine it in your own hand. Just feel how it lies in your own hand and, starting from this, try to sit or stand, separating from the physical body. Remember the feeling, linger on it and repeat until there is a complete separation from the body, which you will feel immediately.

Rookie Mistakes

First of all, the beginner separates the worlds - the physical and the more subtle, astral. The problem is that they should be perceived as one whole, a continuation of each other - it is important to understand that both of these terms are united by the word, world. To master the technique of entering the astral, it is important to understand that you continue to live in the subtle astral world even after returning to the physical, waiting for a new adventure.

The second mistake of someone who cannot enter the astral world is the inability and inability to control their own feelings and emotions. Yes, and too serious attitude to the practice of leaving the body is also an obstacle to astral travel. Therefore, if difficulties scare you, just switch thoughts and emotions. This will work, and after two minutes of falling into a dream, you can successfully practice entering the astral projection.

Travel danger

You should not get too carried away and zealous in mastering the techniques - everything should be in moderation, the psyche itself improves gradually:

  1. Addiction. You should not go into the astral plane, escaping from reality. Here it is important to understand your own life, whether it brings you pleasure or other worlds hide from reality. Use dreams as a means to change real life for the better.
  2. Inadequacy in the perception of the world. Manifests itself with an unstable psyche. In a dream, a person succeeds a lot, and if he transfers such abilities to reality, then this becomes a problem when communicating with the environment at work and at home.
  3. Personal destabilization. This threatens those who previously did not remember their dreams and succeeded through the practice. As a result, the boundaries between the subconscious and consciousness itself, reality and fantasy, are blurred. That is why it is so important to sort dreams from reality.
  4. Mystic. Many practitioners, traveling in dreams, may encounter a terrible and inexplicable force that will take away energy. Therefore, recovery, on a mental and physical level, after the experience can be delayed for 3-5 days. And here it is important to exclude or practice polite treatment of all creatures and entities.
  5. False awakenings are forming. An attempt to get out of a dream is often unsuccessful and if it seems that you have woken up, the dream continues. This may awaken fear, and it is important to think about actions through which you can stop sleep.

additional literature

The authors of the book “Out-of-body travel for the lazy”, M. Raduga and A. Budko, combined most of the terms that others consider different, imply incompatible phenomena. They note that everything that you touch in a dream, conscious and incorporeal, is based on experience and fantasy. Dreams are multifaceted - communication and travel, obtaining data and self-treatment, recovery from serious illnesses.

To learn how to fully enter the astral- It is important to succeed in the task at least once. It is for this purpose that the practices and methods described in the book are aimed. The book is perfect for experienced and novice travelers.

Regarding the dangers, for example, encounters with dark forces and the capture of a physical body in the real world while in the astral plane, the authors express the opinion that these are our own fears and prejudices that have no basis. The main thing is to wait only for the positive - and it will come.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

My name is Vladimir, 17 years old.

About three years ago, I came across an article on the Internet about sleep paralysis, which says that you need to lie on your back with your eyes open and without moving, then the body will fall asleep, but the brain will remain conscious, and you will experience hallucinations. I tried but without success. Then I began to study this issue in detail.

I found out that there are two types of exits in the OS (lucid dreaming):

1. Indirect exit. Here it is necessary, being in a dream, to understand that this is a dream, and then you will be able to subjugate the surrounding reality. The easiest way to do this is by looking at your hands or in the mirror.

2. Direct exit or exit to the astral plane. He goes through a state of sleep paralysis. You (or your astral body) just get out of bed and see your body from the side, you find yourself in your room, but you can walk through walls and fly. It is much more difficult and causes concern for many practitioners, as despite the assurances of scientists, this method has been little studied.

I will not give detailed instructions here, you can find them on any site. I will just talk about a few cases.

I started keeping a dream diary (just every morning write down dreams, their fragments, or at least a word that is associated with a dream). This allows you to dream more often (usually up to 5 per night) and remember them.

Then I tried to go into a state of sleep paralysis, but nothing worked. When I approached this state, I began to suffocate, and fear seized me. And the fear is not mine, it seemed to penetrate from the outside. Then I began to move, and the body woke up.

I've read that it's easiest to exit the OS in the morning. The main thing when you wake up, do not open your eyes and do not move, then you will still be in a state of SP (sleep paralysis). So I did. I woke up and lay there, not moving. Then I suddenly tried to get up. I managed to get out of the body only halfway (upper part). A sharp pain pierced me, I don’t know what it looks like. I was able to look around the room. It was light, because it was already morning, and everything around was playing with the colors of the rainbow. I collapsed back onto the bed and woke up.

In the evening, I decided to do without trying to get out and just fell asleep. I dreamed that I was at my friends' dacha, etc. There I found a bed and fell asleep (the action takes place in a dream). There I decided to do the exit techniques (phantom rocking) and ended up on the floor in my room. It was dark. I saw myself sleeping on the bed. The feeling was that I was not in a dream, but just standing in my room. I realized that I was in the “astral plane”. I experienced joy. And then a feeling of fear came over me. Again unreasonable. But I did not pay attention, as the articles taught. I decided to fly. I went out to the balcony and jumped out the window. Then I saw just an extraordinary landscape: the sky is bright, lilac, the trees are black. Very cold. I hung in the air for ten seconds. Then I turned around and looked at my house (I live on the fourth floor). Then I saw some kind of luminous ball approaching the window, quite impressive in size. I was seized with a feeling of anxiety, and I hurried back to the body. I managed to get ahead of this ball, and I woke up.

I did not understand what it was, so I just wrote everything down in my diary. Fell asleep again. I found myself on the floor of my room again, saw my body again. Remembering everything, I decided not to go far from the body and just wandered around the room. Then I remembered that in dreams people try to look in the mirror. I was about to go out into the corridor, but then fear seized me again, as if warning me. I did not approach the mirror and returned to the body.

Since then, I have not tried to go into the astral, but lucid dreams have become more frequent. I flew in my dreams as much as I wanted, etc.

Now I'm wondering if going into the astral really belongs to lucid dreams? Maybe it's something more that people have yet to discover. I think that exits to the astral should not be treated irresponsibly, because who knows what they can lead to.

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