How to understand spiritual vision? Spiritual vision technology

We continue to publish the conversations of Schema-Archimandrite Abraham (Reidman), confessor of the Novo-Tikhvin Monastery, which were held with the laity and monastics over the past 15 years. In this conversation, we will talk about what prevents us from perceiving reality in its true light.

Everyone knows the following saying of the Savior: Evil thoughts come from the human heart: adulteries, fornications, murders, debts, covetousness, resentment, deceit, flattery, adultery, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness (Mk. 7, 21-22). Today I would like to draw your attention to one item from this list, namely, the eye is evil. It turns out that it comes from the human heart ... the eye is deceitful. How to understand it?

If we express the same thought in modern language, one could say that a wrong, crafty view of things comes from the heart. I would like to talk to you about this wrong view. In other words, today we will talk about spiritual blindness, or perversion of spiritual sight.

It seems to us that if we have vision, then we see things as they really are. However, it is not. We often do not even realize how distorted we look at reality. Some things seem completely obvious to us, and when someone tries to argue with us, we boil: “What are you? You don’t understand anything, do you?!” And if you take a closer look at where this view of things comes from in us, it will turn out that we have absorbed it from books, films and even school lessons.

We do not attach importance to the impressions that have shaped us since childhood: “Just think, school! I don’t even remember what they taught there.” No. We may not remember, but we think the way we have been taught. We cannot substantiate our way of thinking, and it often grows out of an incorrect, non-religious upbringing, from communication with people who are alien to the Church.

But the main reason for the distorted vision of reality, of course, is our passion. A person who has succumbed to this or that passion: pride, anger, envy, sees everything so wrongly that sometimes he does not notice the obvious, and, on the contrary, perceives something non-existent as reality. He is angry - and sees only enemies around, one way or another, deliberately or unconsciously harming him specifically. And even the external circumstances themselves, say the weather, are perceived by him as hostile.

He succumbed to despair or despondency - and sees in every subject an occasion to become depressed. Any trifle that a person in an even state of mind does not notice is perceived by him as a terrible grief. And if a passion in a person has turned into a skill, then the world in his eyes is more and more distorted, so that this already borders on mental illness. For example, he gets used to seeing imaginary enemies around him to such an extent that he suspects the government, work employees, neighbors, family members, and casual passers-by of malicious intent ...

Passions act in us so cunningly and powerfully that, without realizing it, we see beauty instead of ugliness, and instead of beauty - ugliness, instead of kindness - evil, instead of lies - the truth. Everything, everything, everything that surrounds us: both nature, and people, and our internal state, and relations between people - everything is subjected to the grossest distortion depending on our state.

He who is under the influence of passion is like a drunkard: you say sound things to him, but he cannot perceive them, having eyes, he does not see, and having ears, he does not hear. Sinful filth, beating from the heart, like a kind of mud source, completely fills a person and does not allow him to perceive pure and clear truths. No matter how sensibly and intelligently you speak, no matter what arguments you give, even if you did a miracle, you still cannot convince such a person, because he is carried away by passion, like a mighty stream, and sees absolutely nothing. He becomes like a madman who takes hallucinations for reality.

An excellent example of this is provided by the Monk Abba Dorotheos. One monk, succumbed to the passion of condemnation, imagined that a certain brother was approaching Holy Communion after eating fruit in the garden. The monk told the abbot about this, and he called his brother aside when he approached the Chalice, which, of course, was unpleasant. But the abbot could not allow a person who showed such disrespect for the Sacrament to Communion. He began to question his brother, and it turned out that he had come to the service straight from his obedience, and before that he had not been in the monastery at all. That monk only thought he saw him in the garden.

Sometimes such blindness, clouding of the mind goes to extremes. For example, in the East there are teachings according to which reality is illusory. The Buddha taught that human consciousness is formed by a random combination of certain mental particles, a kind of atoms, but not material, but spiritual. There is no reality as such, but only the activity of consciousness. When a person realizes this, then, even if everything around is bad, everything is filled with suffering, but the particles fall into place, consciousness stops and bliss, nirvana sets in. True, who is blissful is not clear: after all, there is no one.

This is an example of how one can reach such an absurd perception of reality - its complete denial. That's what passion can do to a person! This is so obvious in Buddhism that it is even called the religion of despair.

Examples of the behavior of a person darkened by passion, everyone can remember even from their own lives. And now I will give an example from the Gospel. Remember that amazing dinner in Bethany, where the Lord ate food with Lazarus, whom He raised from the dead. It was incomprehensible to the mind, it was a living testimony of the greatest of the miracles created by the Lord Jesus Christ. This was understood and felt by all the apostles who reclined at that supper.

But Judas, who was also present at the resurrection of Lazarus, does not seem to see what everyone sees, does not realize what is happening. He only thinks about the fact that he lost the money that Mary spent on myrrh for the Lord and which he could steal if they were put into his money box. He does not care that the resurrected Lazarus is present here, his heart is occupied with something else: he counts his losses. The love of money has so distorted reality in the eyes of Judas that he is not able to see even the greatest miracle.

Something similar happened with the scribes and Pharisees. There was such power of conviction in the words of the Lord that even the scribes, being educated people, could not contradict Him. But, despite this, they opposed the preaching of the Savior, because under the influence of passions, primarily pride and vanity, they came to a state of complete spiritual blindness and deafness. The Savior says this about them: Hear with your ears and you will not understand, and you will look with your eyes and you will not see. We cannot say that these words apply only to the Pharisees and other Jews who did not accept the Savior's preaching. Unfortunately, they can be applied to any of us, Orthodox Christians, if we only call ourselves Christians.

People who have not accepted the gospel are blind, even if, by human reasoning, they have extraordinary mental abilities. But we, Orthodox Christians, can also become blind if we follow Christian teaching formally, if we give in to the action of our passions. We often boast that we are Christians, that we know a lot, we even consider ourselves capable of leading others, but in reality we are blind people who want to become guides to other blind people.

And it happens the other way around: simple people, who know little, ordinary people, limited thanks to the enlightenment of grace, thanks to a sincere, consistent, complete perception of the gospel teaching, become sighted, begin to see everything in the true light, become teachers and leaders of the blind, having the right to do so. What were and, and their disciples, the so-called apostolic men, and the holy fathers, and all the ascetics of piety from ancient times to the present day.

How to get the right view of things, how to get rid of this veil that darkens our mind? To do this, we must, firstly, be aware that we are susceptible to this disease, and therefore look at ourselves soberly, always look around, asking ourselves the question: “Maybe I do not accept what they tell me, for the reason that in me Is there any passion at work? Maybe it's my fault?"

Secondly, you need to purify your heart, purify it with prayer, purify it with sobriety. Gradually getting rid of the thoughts that defile us, we will also purify our mind, that is, the eye, and make it simple. Then we will learn to look at things not in our own way, not with our mind, darkened by passions, we will learn to perceive them not as our sinful heart tells us, which cannot be trusted, but we will perceive everything as our Lord Jesus Christ taught, as now He teaches us through His holy gospel, through the gospel. We will never improve if we do not make efforts to acquire Christian common sense, a pure, correct view of things, such that we will think not in our own way, but in the patristic way.

Originality of thought, and in general originality in any respect, which is sought in the world, is completely alien to Christianity. We despise her, we see in her, on the one hand, stupid and childish, on the other, very dangerous and destructive. We do not need any originality and exclusivity, we must strive to ensure that each of us acquires the mind of Christ, as the apostle Paul said about himself and the other apostles: We have the mind of Christ. Those who have acquired such a mind will be able to correctly see, first of all, themselves, their life path.

I repeat once again: the meaning of today's instruction is that we should be sober and check every step with the Gospel. Through the feat of inner purification, we must acquire, in the words of the Savior, a simple eye, then our spiritual life will become bright, and we will be enlightened with light from within.

Question. You say that we look at things in a distorted way. But after all, we have common sense, is it really impossible to be guided by it in life?

Answer. Sometimes you can, in some everyday situations. But we must understand that this so-called common sense needs to be revised and purified by the Gospel. Our common sense, otherwise life experience, is sometimes based on repeated mistakes that force us to acquire some skills, some correct attitude to things, but very often our character is mixed here, and our character is, as a rule, a combination of all kinds of passions. Of course, there are also good inclinations, but in a person goodness is mixed with evil, as he says. And each of us, in accordance with the character, gets his own common sense.

Why can't we all, having common sense, find a common language with each other? Of course, for the reason that in fact he is not healthy at all. In fact, different passions of different people collide here. And so sometimes we, as it seems to us, sensibly reasoning, actually justify our passion. It seems to us under the influence of passion that no other conclusion can be drawn. It is impossible to do otherwise. There is no other way to say it. But in fact, it is not circumstances that make us behave this way, but our internal state.

Let's ask ourselves a question, and let the same common sense tell us: why do different people react differently to the same circumstances? If these circumstances are so indisputable and so they push us to the only correct decision, then why do we see a huge variety of human reactions to circumstances. Precisely because our passion makes us see events in completely different ways, explain them in completely different ways, interpret them and react to them in different ways.

Question. I often look at things not in the gospel way, but in my own way, out of fear that otherwise I will have to suffer some inconvenience or damage.

Answer. Yes, in many cases you will indeed have to suffer some kind of damage. It is more convenient for us, say, in order to satisfy some of our passions, to do this, and the Gospel says: “No, this cannot be done,” and we, acting according to the commandment, remain, for example, hungry, or deceived, or offended . This will definitely happen, and here a struggle with oneself is necessary. But on the other hand, when we endure this struggle and defeat ourselves, we feel more and more grace, we feel such consolation that we are ready to give up everything altogether.

Question. At the moment of passion, you don’t understand that you need to fight it, all thoughts seem to be the most just: grumbling, resentment, vanity, and so on. How to overcome it?

Answer. It's from inexperience. We do not see passion at the moment when it begins to act in us, when we begin to be tempted. And the power of temptation is precisely in the fact that he convinces that in this situation it is impossible to do otherwise: “How not to be tempted by this woman if she is so beautiful?” Or: “How not to get angry with him when he said such and such?” It seems to us that all our arguments in this case are quite obvious and convincing.

How to deal with it? Always remember the Gospel, read it every day. Read the holy fathers, who explain to us the action of the passions. And when we keep in mind the commandments of the Gospel and the instructions of the Holy Fathers, we will be able to recognize how the passions work in us and learn how to fight them. But, of course, the main thing is prayer. If we do not pray, then all our theoretical knowledge will be dead.

Without prayer, especially the Jesus Prayer, the reading of the holy fathers turns into a Chinese letter, we really won’t understand anything there. And we will be like a person who has a lot of books in a foreign language on the shelf, the spines are beautiful, but he cannot read them. Reading, I repeat, is necessary, but only together with prayer.

We are all different and we all have different perceptions of the world around us. But those of you who have reached a high level of vibrations and got rid of fears: to see something unknown, unprecedented, not what we are usually used to, can get spiritual vision.
And now we are not talking about clairvoyants who have inherited this gift, or those who have currently activated their third eye. I'm talking about ordinary people who have chosen the path of Ascension.
This new vision is still at the initial stage of activation and adjustment. You will be shown only small pictures of the new world. And sometimes they will only take a couple of seconds of your time. But this is so wonderful that you will have enough of them to plunge into the new real world, where you have been waiting for a long time.

This new world is a fifth density world, it's not out there, it's here, all around you. But many do not see it, have not reached the required spiritual level of development. And only for those who come very close, it is shown little by little, little by little ...
But what can you see, dear ones, that can surprise you? I will not talk today about what awaits you in the fifth density world and what it looks like.
This is a large and complex topic, it needs to be passed on in parts. And the full picture of the vision is not revealed to us so that we do not get carried away by our dreams of a wonderful future, do not lose interest in three-dimensional life, but live here and now, in a dense plan.
So that we do not forget to improve and develop spiritually, since only from this we are approaching the real moment of transition to the new world.
And today I will tell only about what I saw in our three-dimensional world, what are the manifestations of the fifth dimension. And, perhaps, you have seen it, and someone will see it in the near future.
New high frequency energy.
You already know that the cosmic energy descends to us on earth in a huge stream and covers everything around with its Light. It can sometimes be seen with a new spiritual vision.
In the mornings, when your eyes have not yet left their sleep, have not yet tuned in to a working mood, you can look at the street, into the air and see brilliant crystals flying in space, sparks of golden light. You can see them in trees, on the ground, everywhere...
Sometimes waves of energies of various colors appear in space. They hover, swim here and there ... The color of the clouds and the sky itself, the sun and its halo can change. Take a closer look - this happens on very strong energy days.
You can also see light coming from people, animals, plants, and even minerals. It is their divine energy that shines. Light can come from the entire space around you. The fifth dimension is brighter than ours. It is filled with juicy flowers.
Disconnection from the 3D system.
And sometimes it seems to you that you have been disconnected from the body, from the system, from the world ... And you seem to be floating above your physical shell and feel that the whole world around you is a huge illusion, a game with a large number of players: who are they do something, they go somewhere, they want something...
You look at your loved ones: children, parents, brothers, sisters… and you feel that these are only souls who have come to experience. And you can see their very soul or crystal shining in their heart space.
You look at the world not through human eyes, but through spiritual eyesight. You seem to soar in space and understand that you don’t need anything material at all, you want something more ... And this is a clear manifestation of disconnection from the system.
Restructuring of the world, replacement of energy matrices and programs.
And sometimes it seems to you that the world around you is somehow blurry, awkward and does not fit into its usual boundaries. It’s like it’s rubber and the whole space is floating, it can’t fix in one place. And this makes me dizzy, my eyes hurt, tears flow from the strain of vision ... And this is normal, the world is being rebuilt ...
Overlapping worlds on top of each other.
You can see the superimposition of one world on another and I will give various examples.
You look at a car and see it with your human vision. It is there, but you also see that it is not there. You can look through it as if you are switching your vision from one plane to another. This is possible because our vehicles are not in fifth density.
You look at a small, rundown green tree and you see both it and a brand new tree, standing in the same place, but different: strong, strong, and with foliage of an unusual pink color.
You can lie on your bed and look up at the ceiling and see both through it and through it. To see the beautiful starry sky, and when you look out the window, it turns out that it’s not so dark there, you can’t see the stars and everything is covered with clouds ...
You can sit in the office at work and suddenly look through the wall of your office, and there is a beautiful picturesque place by the lake and flying palm-sized butterflies. This is possible because we do not have homes in fifth density.
You can also catch a glimpse of creatures from another world. They “float” past you like transparent and barely visible shadows. Only their light bodily edging can be seen.
And it happens that you see with your angular vision that someone passed by you, slipped through, but at the same time there was no one there. And it seems that this is a mistake of your vision, but it is not so at all. You can't see them clearly yet, you don't have enough vibrations.
And now I'm not talking about explicit contacts with the inhabitants of another world, since many people are already capable of this. I am not talking about visiting the fifth dimension, because that is also possible.
I'm only talking about what you can see right now in the world of third and fourth density. You can see the manifestation of a new world, evidence of its existence, and all this does not seem to you.
Do not be afraid, you have been waiting for this for a long time and the world around you is changing!
With love, Magda.
Copyright © Magda New Life, 2016


spiritual vision

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In order to understand what spiritual sight is, let us first try to understand "from the opposite side" what spiritual blindness is.

Blind physically - falls, hits, breaks. Similarly, a blind person is spiritually damaged, suffers. In the 33rd chapter of the book of Job, such a state of man is well described.
14 God says one day, and if it is not noticed, another time:
17 to turn a man away from any undertaking and remove pride from him,
18 to save his soul from the abyss and his life from being cut by the sword.
19 Or is he enlightened by sickness in his bed, and severe pain in all his bones...
Poor man! He moves gropingly, is really blind, sees neither the abyss nor the defeat of the "sword". And only two or three times in his life such a person can hope for a wonderful instruction from God personally, as it is written further in verse 29: "God does this two or three times with a person." The rest of the life of such a person moves naturally groping. By touch, the blind man cognizes the environment closed from his gaze. And this is also how a spiritually blind person gropingly cognizes the surrounding spiritual world. This spiritual world, this spiritual "space" is objectively the same as the physical space. Just like the physical space, this spiritual space does not depend on subjective, personal human experiences, like it or not, but there is a moat and this must be taken into account. Objectivity is always manifested in some, known or unknown, regularities. It is, by definition, subjective that which depends on our internal state, and objectively, that which exists independently of it, therefore, exists according to a certain law.
The abstracted essence of spiritual reality, in fact, is the Law of God, axiomatically expressed in the Ten Commandments. God created a beautiful physical world, and man cannot but agree with these. God has given a just spiritual Law, and human conscience cannot disagree with the Law of God either.
So, that's what we "have". There is a wonderful, just, holy spiritual Law (Rom. 7:14) which is realized in the objective spiritual world. And there is a blind person, blind spiritually, blindly poking in this beautiful (probably) spiritual world, falling and suffering.

A smart person (even a blind person) will stumble upon something unpleasant twice, and the third time he will not go there, he will realize: yeah, here is a hole, and here is a hill. Also, a spiritually blind person has certain rules of "life movement", some life attitudes, life principles, and this is how legalism arises. Over time, the developed rules of "blind movement" (especially if they do not primarily lead to sharp conflicts with spiritual reality) are able to simulate sight. Such a person, accustomed to living according to the code of laws (according to the charter), may well imagine himself to have seen the light. "I know how to do it, I have become so familiar with my guide-law that I already boldly move myself (within some limits) and can teach other inexperienced how and what and where to do, and what to do is by no means impossible" .
You can't argue, it's a rebellion to argue. How can you argue something if you are blind, by definition? Wherever they take you, you go there, you yourself have a very short experience, and they have two thousand years, they are the sons of Abraham (compare Matt. 3.9). Therefore, they know everything, do you want to neglect their vast experience? Haha, come on, come on, poke yourself. Such blind people cannot imagine any other spiritual state - spiritual vision, spiritual vision. They cling to, convulsively cling to legalism, and cannot imagine life without this wretched guide. Of course, a blind person, having lost a guide, will immediately lose his orientation - a disaster. Therefore, for them to abandon legalism is madness and temptation.
We know from Scripture that the gospel message lifts the veil of this spiritual blindness, the blindness that objectively turns a person into a slave to legalism. As Paul writes in 2 Corinthians chapter 3:
15 Until now, ..., a veil lies over their hearts;
16 but when they turn to the Lord, then this veil is removed.
And now about freedom:
17 The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
But how to remove this veil of blindness? How… technologically to do it? How to become spiritually sighted and free? How? In fact, this is the main question of all human life.

In order to understand a little the essence of spiritual insight, I will give an understandable everyday example from my personal life. One day I quit my job. I was supposed to work for two weeks, but the end of these two weeks fell on March 3, and these three days in March were very inconvenient for me, because then another 10 days would have to wait for the calculation. And by agreement with the authorities, I was fired and paid on February 28, and for three days (until March 3) I went to work just like that, by agreement. Everything, I have labor in my hands, I received all the money at the box office, the management no longer has any leverage to influence me! No, well, of course, I was limited by the law of conscience, and, in the end, by the criminal law, of course. But the state was unusual - this is a strict regime enterprise, and I got out of the regime for these three days in principle. And in principle, it is possible to extrapolate such a situation and "cancel" the criminal law and the Law of God, the law of conscience. Imagine. If a person is lost in such a situation, then he is blind and, like a lost blind man, having “lost” the law, does not know how to behave. Of course, clear spiritual vision is the reality of the future age, in this same life we ​​(spiritually) see dimly (1 Cor. 13:12). But in order to become at least a little free, we must already now at least see a little, even dimly, but see!

"My God! I trust in You!" (Ps.24:2) "Show me the way and teach me your paths" (Ps.24:4) David prays in Psalm 24. Did David not know the Law of Moses? Knew well. David asks not just "show me the way", but asks "teach your paths" - that's exactly what David asks for spiritual enlightenment. He wants to have sight - life in God. Vision is synonymous with life. The association with the word life is, in principle, a vision. Even physical blind people see by hearing, by touch. Complete darkness is synonymous with death. …

Our life is Christ. Recall the classics of Soviet cinema (the film "Chapaev"?). One episode especially sunk into my soul from childhood - a mortally wounded Red Army soldier, dying, raises his head and looks to see if his commander is alive. Alive, floating, well, everything, you can die. A beautiful poetic picture may have happened in life. But that's the way we should look at Christ. Our life is not to be encapsulated in us, but in Christ. But some Orthodox saints often look like such a fighter who argues like this: “And the commander? crawl away into the desert, one must acquire salvation for oneself, which, allegedly, is only potentially given in Christ). Such a person convicts himself that his life is not in Christ, but in himself, beloved. But if your life is in yourself, then, according to the inexorable justice of the spiritual world, in order not to die, you yourself must fulfill the Law. If your life is in yourself, then you are blind, you do not see anything outside of yourself.
No, salvation is not potential! If my life is in Christ, then if Christ is alive, and I am alive and will live. How else? Christ came to us and died here in our world, together with us, died, but did not leave us. If He did not leave us in our death (by accepting our death), how can some dare to doubt and say: "But will He not leave us in His Resurrection?" Madness! "Sharing" with us His Resurrection (more precisely, accepting us into His Resurrection) Christ loses nothing, and dying our death, He lost Everything. He lost everything and did not leave us. So will He leave us in His glory? Never!

If our life is in Christ, then we see, we see not only within ourselves, but also "within Christ" - where our life is, there we see. And Christ is God, therefore such a vision is the Sun, illuminating the spiritual world. Technologically, with such faith we have the correct main concept of the spiritual world - the concept of God. It may still be dim, but seeing (by faith) the feat of Christ's Humility, seeing by faith the courage of Christ's Cross, we truly begin to see spiritually. Such faith cannot but transform a person, so a believing person can no longer remain indifferent, spiritually ignorant, cannot be friends with sin, such faith puts him at enmity with sin. And the need for a guide to legalism really disappears.
So. Two spiritual states. Either a person sees his life within himself and does not see anything outside of himself - a person is blind, has the law as a guide and objectively is a slave of legalism. Either a person sees his life in Christ, and in Christ he sees everything - a person is sighted, no longer needs guides and is objectively free.

Spiritual vision itself is inexplicable. The spiritual world has nothing to do with our reality. It does not lend itself to the usual understanding and perception of a carnal or spiritual person.

Only a living person can see. A carnal person, in whom all thoughts, feelings and aspirations are directed only to the arrangement of earthly well-being and pleasing the flesh, is dead in the spiritual realm; it is alien to him, and he is blind in it. In a sincere person, the eyes of the mind (spirit) are clouded by the restless feelings of the heart and the extraordinary imagery of thought. Almost all of us, and especially artists, think in images of the earthly world, mixed with fantasy, and we are all carried away by the whirling of feelings and heart desires, and all this, like a smoke screen, obscures the immateriality of otherness from us. The spiritual world, if it is seen, is seen dimly, weakly and distortedly. Therefore, neither a carnal nor a spiritual person can penetrate this mysterious realm, much less draw any images from it for their creativity.

Meanwhile, the fine arts are based on vision. And if an ordinary artist, in order to depict something, must first learn to see, then those who deal with ecclesiastical, lofty spiritual art must begin to see clearly in this area. And in order to see clearly, one must come to life in it, feel its reality, breathe its air (prayer), feel its peace and dispassion, be captivated by the beauty of its purity, the joy of reverent standing before the Face of God.

The gospel says: Those who are pure in heart will see God» (Mt. 5, 8). A pure heart is a humble heart. The highest example of humility and purity was given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and everyone is called to follow Him. Achieving this purity of heart is a matter of life and spiritual experience. It cannot be learned from words or books. Therefore, spiritual vision cannot be taught either. It is given not only to those who live the spiritual life, but also to those who have already attained purity of heart; It is given as a gift from God and not to everyone equally.

The history of the Holy Church from the very first days of the Church of Christ to the present time is replete with examples of wondrous enlightenment of spiritual vision. The Monk Mary of Egypt, who had never seen the Monk Zosima, called him by name, announced his holy dignity, and then ordered him to be handed over to the abbot of his monastery, so that he would more attentively look after himself and the brethren, for they needed to improve in many ways. They, too, were ascetics, but, apparently, they did not notice much behind themselves.

The Monk Andrew, a fool for Christ's sake, who saw the Protection of the Mother of God in Blachernae Church, met a monk in the city market, whom everyone praised for his virtuous life, to whom they confessed their sins and gave much gold to distribute to the poor. Passing by him, the Monk Andrew saw that a terrible snake was wrapping around him, and above, in the air, he read the inscription in black letters: “The root of all lawlessness is the serpent of the love of money.” The monk did not see and did not feel his misfortune.

The Monk Sergius, sitting at a meal with the brethren, suddenly stood up and silently bowed to the ground to St. Stephen of Perm, who at that time was on his way to Moscow, who did not have time to call on the monastery of Sergius and blessed the Monk and his brethren from afar. It was only later that the disciples learned from their holy abbot the reason for such an act of his. Elder Ambrose of Optina detained the merchant who was staying with him for three days, although he was in a hurry to go home, and then, releasing him, commanded him to thank God for His mercy to him. And only a few years later, already after the death of the elder, it was revealed that at that time the merchant had been lying in wait for the murderers on the road for three days.

Children who have not been corrupted by bad education or comradeship, for the purity of their hearts, are also sometimes able to see the innermost. The elder hieroschemamonk Gabriel said that in his childhood he saw what was being done far away, and what others could not see. His stories frightened his mother, a simple but deeply religious peasant woman. She warned him and asked him not to go into it. Over the years, this ability disappeared from him and reappeared when he already became a hieroschemamonk. He perceived human thoughts as a clear conversation, he saw what was happening at a distance, he was honored to see the dead and the saints of God. The elder understood that the ability to see the innermost is in a person only with the purity of his heart. Telling something about this, he said with tenderness: “Truly, the word of Christ is true: the pure in heart will see God and not only God, but in God and all the hidden things of this world will see.

Those who are zealous for purity of heart at the end of the struggle with themselves and with the enemy of the human race are worthy of such enlightenment of spiritual vision.

But spiritual insight has many degrees.

Through active following of Christ, through prayer, with concentrated attention to everything that a person does, says and thinks, day by day, grain by grain from year to year, spiritual experience imperceptibly accumulates in him. Without such personal experience, the spiritual world is incomprehensible. One can philosophize about it, read about it, reason about it, and be dead and blind in it. And if the direction of the path is taken correctly, then a person, first of all, will begin to see his shortcomings, mistakes, his true face without embellishment. He will also see the path along which he is walking, where the dangers are and how to avoid them, etc. This is the beginning of the enlightenment of spiritual vision. We pray for him constantly both at morning and evening prayers, and in divine services, and in the Psalter, and in akathists, and in other prayer books. “We beseech Your immeasurable goodness: enlighten our thoughts, our eyes and mind, rise from the heavy sleep of laziness” (Morning prayers). “Non-evening light, Give birth, enlighten my blinded soul” (Morning prayers). “Enlighten my eyes, O Christ God, lest I fall asleep into death” (Evening Prayers). “Jesus, my Light, enlighten me” (Akathist to the Savior). “Christ, true Light, enlighten and sanctify every person ...”, etc. (Prayer of the 1st hour).

Everything that happens in our life: sorrows, illnesses, passions of the soul and body, the very fall into sin - is allowed to us so that not in theory, but from experience, everyone knows his deep weakness. Knowing ourselves, we humble ourselves, as we progress in humility, we are cleansed, by repentance we attract the grace of God, which heals spiritual blindness and gives insight to spiritual eyes. Without such, even an initial, insight into the spiritual realm, what can a person who is alien to this life give in his art? The image he creates will not correspond to what he dares to express in paint.

“When someone wants,” says St. Simeon the New Theologian, “to tell about a house, or about a field, or about the royal palace ... one must see in advance and consider all this well, and then, with knowledge of the matter, tell about it. Who can say anything for himself about any object that he has not seen before? If in this way no one can say anything true about visible and earthly things without seeing it with his own eyes, then how can one say and announce anything about God, about Divine things and the saints of God, that is, what kind of communion with God are the saints worthy of, what is this knowledge of God that is within them and which produces inexplicable effects in their hearts; how can you say anything about this to someone who is not enlightened in advance by the light of knowledge?

Therefore, the VII Ecumenical Council, whose acts were devoted to the approval of icon painting, recognizes the holy fathers of the Church as true icon painters. They create art, for they have followed the Gospel with experience, have enlightened spiritual eyes and can contemplate what and how should be depicted on the icon. Those who only own a brush are either performers, masters of this craft, artisans, or icons, as we called them in Russia.

“Icon painting was not invented by painters at all. The painter owns the technical side of things. Iconography is an invention and tradition of the holy fathers, not painters. These our divine fathers themselves, who as a teacher ... embraced the mystery of our salvation, depicted it in honest churches, using the art of painters ”(VII Ecumenical Council, act 6th).

So, I repeat, spiritual vision is a gift from God, and in itself it is inexplicable. Here is "darkness," as the holy fathers say. There is an expression: "He entered the darkness of visions." In the first irmos of the canon on the Day of the Holy Trinity, it is sung: “Divine covers slow-speaking darkness, convoluted divinely written law, shook the mire smart eye, sees Existing...” Mind is a spirit. Tina is more likely not a sin here, for sin overwhelms the spiritual (smart) eyes, like an impenetrable block of stone, but the mud here can be our daydreaming, imagery of thought, clouding the smart, spiritual eyes. The mind must be covered with the “dark-looking” (“Ladder”), that is, inexplicable even in the language of the holy fathers humility, must be cleansed of the images of the material world, and then his spiritual eyes can see clearly, but again not by themselves, but through the touch of Divine fingers.

However, one should not think that one who has been honored with this gift is able to see hidden secrets just as freely as we, for example, see the world around us with external vision. Under the spiritual enlightenment of vision, one must understand a special sensitivity, the ability of a contrite and humble heart to perceive what God will please to reveal to a person. “In the souls of the humble there are heavenly visions,” says the Ladder. This is confirmed by examples from the Holy Scriptures and the Lives of the Saints. When the Shunamite woman grieving over the death of her son threw herself at the feet of the prophet Elisha, and his disciple wanted to put her aside, the prophet restrained him, saying: “ Leave her, her soul is grieved, but the Lord hid from me and did not tell me...” her grief (2 Kings 4:27).

To such spiritual sight is applied the name contemplation that which is revealed by the will of God. One of these visions and revelations is an ancient icon, standing alone in the fine arts of all times and all peoples.

So the task is to develop external vision and to teach how to depict what they see is taken over by art schools and taught. The ability to depict what is comprehended by spiritual vision and our other feelings is the achievement of the artist in the presence of his industriousness and talent.

It is impossible to learn spiritual vision, penetrating into the divine world, either arbitrarily or to teach it. It can be observed through contact with an ancient icon, if you approach it not superficially, but deeply, attentively and intently, from the proper (church) point of view; one can marvel at him and be convinced of his veracity and truth, but it is impossible to arbitrarily rapture the gift of God.

We are all different and we all have different perceptions of the world around us. But those of you who have reached a high level of vibrations and got rid of fears: to see something unknown before the village, unprecedented, not what we are usually used to, can receive spiritual vision.
And now we are not talking about clairvoyants who have inherited this gift, or those who have currently activated their third eye. I'm talking about ordinary people who have chosen the path of Ascension.
This new vision is still at the initial stage of activation and adjustment. You will be shown only small pictures of the new world. And sometimes they will only take a couple of seconds of your time. But this is so wonderful that you will have enough of them to plunge into the new real world, where you have been waiting for a long time.
This new world is a fifth density world, it's not out there, it's here, all around you. But many do not see it, have not reached the required spiritual level of development. And only for those who come very close, it is shown little by little, little by little ...
But what can you see, dear ones, that can surprise you? I will not talk today about what awaits you in the fifth density world and what it looks like.
This is a large and complex topic, it needs to be passed on in parts. And the full picture of the vision is not revealed to us so that we do not get carried away by our dreams of a wonderful future, do not lose interest in three-dimensional life, but live here and now, in a dense plan.
So that we do not forget to improve and develop spiritually, since only from this we are approaching the real moment of transition to the new world.
And today I will tell only about what I saw in our three-dimensional world, what are the manifestations of the fifth dimension. And, perhaps, you have seen it, and someone will see it in the near future.

Two worlds

New high frequency energy.
You already know that the cosmic energy descends to us on earth in a huge stream and covers everything around with its Light. It can sometimes be seen with a new spiritual vision.
In the mornings, when your eyes have not yet left their sleep, have not yet tuned in to a working mood, you can look at the street, into the air and see brilliant crystals flying in space, sparks of golden light. You can see them in trees, on the ground, everywhere...
Sometimes waves of energies of various colors appear in space. They hover, swim here and there ... The color of the clouds and the sky itself, the sun and its halo can change. Take a closer look - this happens on very strong energy days.
You can also see light coming from people, animals, plants, and even minerals. It is their divine energy that shines. Light can come from the entire space around you. The fifth dimension is brighter than ours. It is filled with juicy flowers.
Disconnection from the 3D system.
And sometimes it seems to you that you have been disconnected from the body, from the system, from the world ... And you seem to be floating above your physical shell and feel that the whole world around you is a huge illusion, a game with a large number of players: who are they do something, they go somewhere, they want something...
You look at your loved ones: children, parents, brothers, sisters… and you feel that these are only souls who have come to experience. And you can see their very soul or crystal shining in their heart space.
You look at the world not through human eyes, but through spiritual eyesight. You seem to soar in space and understand that you don’t need anything material at all, you want something more ... And this is a clear manifestation of disconnection from the system.
Restructuring of the world, replacement of energy matrices and programs.
And sometimes it seems to you that the world around you is somehow blurry, awkward and does not fit into its usual boundaries. It’s like it’s rubber and the whole space is floating, it can’t fix in one place. And this makes my head spin, my eyes hurt, tears flow from the strain of vision ... And this is normal, the world is being rebuilt ...
Overlapping worlds on top of each other.
You can see the superimposition of one world on another and I will give various examples.
You look at a car and see it with your human vision. It is there, but you also see that it is not there. You can look through it as if you are switching your vision from one plane to another. This is possible because our vehicles are not in fifth density.
You look at a small, rundown green tree and you see both it and a brand new tree, standing in the same place, but different: strong, strong, and with foliage of an unusual pink color.
You can lie on your bed and look up at the ceiling and see both through it and through it. To see the beautiful starry sky, and when you look out the window, it turns out that it’s not so dark there, you can’t see the stars and everything is covered with clouds ...
You can sit in the office at work and suddenly look through the wall of your office, and there is a beautiful picturesque place by the lake and flying palm-sized butterflies. This is possible because we do not have homes in fifth density.
You can also catch a glimpse of creatures from another world. They “float” past you like transparent and barely visible shadows. Only their light bodily edging can be seen.
And it happens that you see with your angular vision that someone passed by you, slipped through, but at the same time there was no one there. And it seems that this is a mistake of your vision, but it is not so at all. You can't see them clearly yet, you don't have enough vibrations.
And now I'm not talking about explicit contacts with the inhabitants of another world, since many people are already capable of this. I am not talking about visiting the fifth dimension, because that is also possible.
I'm only talking about what you can see right now in the world of third and fourth density. You can see the manifestation of a new world, evidence of its existence, and all this does not seem to you.
Do not be afraid, you have been waiting for this for a long time and the world around you is changing!

With love, Magda.

Oh yeah. Creation.


I will sing for you, and the chirping of birds will spread across the planet - birds that sing about you from birth, reviving sunsets and dawns, days and nights, moments and centuries - from the beginning of time, cutting through the sky and time with their wings, inspiring children and dreamers leaving feathers as a reminder that sooner or later everything will disappear and only YOU will remain!

I will shower you with compliments, and all the lovers of the world will warm up in the arms of care and gentle words, melt all the cold walls, open up for Love, and circling words like notes, again and again rolling in waves of graceful movements, will start an incendiary waltz, which will become another fiery a revelation for the planet and a manifesto for YOU!

I will invite you to dance, and all the souls, previously forgotten, but full of beautiful sadness, will suddenly cheer up, join hands, gather in the rainbow haze of the greatest round dance, and spin in the hurricanes of time, expanding happiness, scattering the seeds of awakening throughout the worlds, as if messengers of eternity created, inspired and sent by YOU!

I will open my heart to you, and the immense great cosmos, enclosed in it, will suddenly burst into blessed thunder, swaddle with golden, white, purple and blue tones, from which new stars will arise, as always, relatives, perhaps forgotten, but only not for YOU!

I will give you - myself, without a trace and without return, and all the people who used to disappear in the wars of personal problems will immediately lay down their ridiculous weapons and bury him along with all the insults, accusations, sorrows and excuses - they will look around, as if for the first time, they will enjoy the incredible beauty of the world, burst into tears like babies, repent and purify themselves, - in an instant they will remember YOU and YOUR BEING!

You are the Greatest Vibration of Eternity, and, penetrating every being and everything that exists, you decrease to a Microscopic Photon that hides entire universes inside, increase to universes, each of which is the Great Photon of the Cosmos, tirelessly sink to where the bottom becomes the New Sky and expand to the borders, each of which explodes with the Salute of Freedom!

You are the Meaning of Any God! And your exhalations shimmer with Extraordinary Beauty, because your inhalations are filled with Life! I share my existence with you, and all the worlds and creatures that are now gathering for the Dawn Festival of the New Era are scattered with sparks of Holy Delight! I embrace the existence created by you, and all the worlds and creatures, forgotten in the darkness and left without an invitation, are secret from everyone so far occasionally, but with hope they look at the very place from which revelation, salvation and ascension will soon come!

I call upon you, the Life-Giving Creed of the Spirit, - reveal yourself to me in all your Mighty Radiant Force, and then - finally, the birds will speak, and then - all the letters will take their first breath, and then - in the dances the Pieces of Grace will be born, and then - in the vastness of the Great Cosmos, the House of Human Happiness will appear, the portal to which will be the Desire of a Pure Soul, and then - where I used to be, only YOU will remain!

Reveal yourself to me in all your Luminous Clarity, illumine me with Blissful Wisdom, initiate me into the Mystery of Inspiration! Merge with me, split me in two and fill me with light, and then - all the barriers will crumble into fragments, from which I, intoxicated with love, will build a rainbow monument and call it YOUR NAME!

Healing the body with attention and love is an easy way to heal yourself.

So, let's get down to the unique massage technique according to Ding Yu, who in the previous article "The Secret of Massage" shared the main principle of the success of recovery. The proposed technique is ideal for both self-use and for helping other people.

It should be noted right away that this method can be used by everyone, without any restrictions. You can work with any parts of the body and organs in any period of the disease with any diagnosis. It is especially useful for pain relief. The maximum effect and in the long term is achieved if the patient undergoes a course or at least several sessions of manual therapy before applying the massage. Also, the technique of self-healing with attention is very useful for insomnia: it helps to relax and distract from obsessive thoughts.
Self Healing Practice

All we need to conduct a full-fledged self-massage is to focus on our feelings, to keep our attention on them. But not just focus on sensations, but first create them. This is done very simply. Choose an organ or any place in the body with which you will work. At first, it is advisable to localize a small area of ​​​​the body (the area that specifically worries). For maximum concentration, it is highly desirable to conduct a session with your eyes closed, lying in a comfortable relaxed position.

Now you can start. As brightly as possible, we mentally imagine that Someone big, strong and kind (God, Angel, Spirit of the Defender, Almighty Healer, etc. - decide for yourself) put his warm, gentle hands on the selected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. He begins to slowly stroke, warm the affected area (the organ or part of the body you have chosen). Then, with tenderness and great Love, he kisses the entire zone. At the same time, he admires all the selected area of ​​the body, every cell, every organ, all systems. Wishes Health, Love, Beauty, Purity, Youth to every cell of this site. He smiles with admiration and joy and gently envelops the whole area with Love. This stage of healing with love and attention continues until the clear maximum sensations of impact on the selected area.

And now the most important thing! Feel how the selected organ or part of the body begins to actively respond to such a benevolent attitude. Now you feel that every cell with joy and admiration accepts this Long-Awaited Deserved Love. It blossoms, opens and with great Gratitude accepts Love, Strength, Beauty, Might. Every organ, every system, all groups of tissues and every cell is healed and begins to radiate Love, long-awaited joy. At this stage, you should already physically feel how this organ begins to feel love and joy, becomes beautiful and young, clean and strong. You clearly and clearly see (imagine) the picture of how he smiles, accepts and radiates Love with admiration. And Someone strokes and strokes everything, kisses, nourishes and heals with attention, love, beauty and power. Finally, finally, your body has received the attention it deserves, and now nothing will stop it from being Absolutely clean, strong, beautiful, young, loved, protected.
The result of self-healing

Literally after a few minutes of a self-healing session, you will suddenly find that you no longer feel any pain or discomfort in the selected area of ​​​​the body. But this should by no means be expected. Just focus on the images of Healing Love, Youth and Beauty. Continue this session for as long as you like, and at the end, before completion, you need to add one more image - responsibility. Your body with great joy and confidence takes the responsibility of being clean, young, strong, beautiful and always loved. Continue your self-healing session with attention until you feel the results you want.

The proposed data concepts (words describing sensations) must be applied necessarily; you can expand the list of characteristics at your discretion, but it is advisable not to use the concept of “health”, since this image is associated with diseases or sizes in most people.

To facilitate the task of localization (to focus attention there), you can put your hand on this place, if possible. If not, you can use a heating pad, applicator, or warming ointment. If you are massaging another person, be sure to help him focus on the right place with your own hands. Say the words calmly and slowly, each time making sure (by non-verbal reactions) that the patient achieves the desired sensations.

That's the whole secret of the most perfect and effective massage for every person.

Source material site "Esoterica"
Publication Site "OMARTASATT"

Don't give away your energy

day we encounter people who, although they do not reach out to us in
pocket, but aiming for something that no amount of money can buy. We have
constantly steal life energy, but why does this happen and how
to shorten a presumptuous vampire - we, alas, were not taught in schools.

You to me, I to you

for whom it is no longer a secret that a person is not only a material body, but also
the sum of energies, many of which have been known to scientists for a long time: it is
electrical radiation of the brain, neutrons and neutrinos, of which
atoms, and, of course, bioenergy or bioplasma.

claim that people always exchange energy, even when they sleep or
are silent. We feel the interaction of our energy field with someone else's
subconsciously and - react by changing either mood or
physical condition. If you are easy and pleasant with a person, if you
there is something to be silent about, which means that your energy metabolism is established
great, you "feed" each other, and both benefit from it. But
if you feel irritated, have a sudden loss of strength, anxiety, or even
sudden pain, it means that there is an energy devourer next to you.

everyone needs it, like blood and lymph. But sometimes it is catastrophically not
enough. There may be several reasons for such a shortage. It's heavy
sickness, old age, severe fatigue. However, nothing is so exhausting
people as negative emotions: irritation, anger, greed, anger,
guilt, jealousy. It is they who create "holes" in our energy
field, and it is through them that the force "flows". And having lost a lot of
energy, people inevitably begin to look for how to fill it

Helping a Vampire

how exhausting a simple morning bus ride can be. Dozens of such
aggressive and tortured citizens, standing next to you, are just waiting,
on whom to pour out irritation and from whom to "intercept" the missing
energy. The more you are exposed to the general mood, the more you risk
to be "eaten" by your comrades in misfortune.

At the calm
joyful people, the biofield is balanced and resembles a golden egg - in
such a "shell" is difficult to breach. But it is precisely in this that he sees
hungry “vampire” for his task, so he will try to bring
potential victim out of balance. The recipe is unpretentious: they will try you
make angry. In a fit of anger, you yourself will throw out emotions and with them - a large
part of the energy.

You can also get the desired “treat” through fear:
fear forms "holes" in a person's aura. Penetrating through them
energy glutton and begins his feast.

Often we lie down
on the sacrificial altar voluntarily! "I have no one to turn to but you"
“I am so unhappy” - which of us, seeing the tears of her friends, was in no hurry to
consolations? And now you have opened up, and your energy is leaving you, as
from a broken gas cylinder. After working with a "vest" you always feel
terrible fatigue and indifference to everything.

However, involuntary
you can find a vampire in an even closer environment. If you
fall for accusations, they say, you are a bad mother or an unworthy daughter,
then you lose the strength to self-flagellation. This opens the way
vampire relative.

None of the relatives set a goal
- take away more energy from you and harm. It happens on
subconscious level. The positive aspect of living together is
that the family automatically “feeds” us with energy in case

Something is wrong

No matter how harmonious
the energy balance of a married couple, from unexpected failures
no one is safe. Anxious wives feel that something is wrong with their husband,
but they can't figure out what's going on. In most cases, seeing
the man began to invest less personal energy in the relationship, the wife “puts
diagnosis": fell out of love.

Do not rush to sound the alarm and present
claims. Think about what these changes may be associated with: maybe
the husband began to get tired at work or gets sick, the reason may be
a crisis situation at work, and problems with relatives. Often
a man just needs rest, psychological comfort or solitude. So
help him.

But the scandal is the most trouble-free way to pump out
more vital energy from a person. The emptiness that
later experience, is not caused by an exchange of hurtful words, but
the loss of a significant amount of forces that went to feed the screaming. And
if you are the regular instigator of scandals, then you can safely
claim that you "feed" on your husband, son, father, etc.

many families, scandals become a frequent occurrence due to the fact that
spouses do not know another way to exchange energy. Meanwhile, he
and in a simple conversation, and in lovemaking, and in joint walks.

Flowers of life

a special risk group can be identified children under 3-4 years old: they have a weak
energy protection, because they are highly dependent on mood
parents. True, they restore their energy balance
faster than adults.

Children and adolescents are not recommended
a lot of time with the elderly, because with the rarest exception to
old age, everyone experiences a great lack of energy and automatically pulls
from where it is easiest to get it.

And if the child has become unreasonably naughty, weak and pale - the reason may be in the vampire who is nearby.

Sex heals!

turn out to be neither a robber nor a victim, for your energy
potential must be monitored: regularly replenished, monitored
emotions and stresses, make sure that you always have at least
small positive impressions.

And support the right
energy balance can be done in several ways. For example, using
relaxation, yoga, meditation. Prayer and other methods of immersion in oneself
or appeal to higher powers are very potent means.
Recall that sex is one of the most ancient ways to exchange
energy: the fusion of yin and yang creates a very special being -
self-sufficient and happy, looking for nothing, nowhere
seeks and abides in bliss.

Paradoxical as it may seem, but
physical activity (running, exercise machines, swimming and
etc.). The main thing is not to overdo it. Walk barefoot if possible
on the grass, contemplate fire or flowing water, indulge in
nature trips. Communication with trees and flowers restores your
peace of mind.

Football, sauna, beer...

a proven way to make up for a constant lack of energy is to acquire
animals or decorate your home with flowers. Any plants (except
lianas, orchids and many "marsh" species) and pets not only
pleasing to the eye, but also heals the soul.

The energy invested in
chat with friends. Fields of like-minded people work in the same rhythm,
calming and complementing each other. So, gatherings with friends
necessary for your health just like your husband - football, bath and

Don't forget the cute little hobbies and your own corner of the
a house where everything is saturated only with your energy and there are no strangers
influences: even if this tiny saving paradise fits only
In the armchair.

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, and I'll Eat You!

But what
to do when you have already become the object of attack and the starving "vampire" clicks
teeth at your nose? First of all, try to put up a barrier
between you. A chair, a tree, a fence or a dog on a leash with inevitability
cool the ardor of the "glutton". In case of failure, increase the separation between you

If you fail to face the danger standing up, and
the adversary took the next chair or settled down at your table,
cross your arms in front of your chest, interlace your legs or show it
I blow a man (so as not to kindle passions - behind his back or in his pocket).
Old grandmother's methods work flawlessly.

If there is no
the ability to stop the energy drain immediately (for example, it is caused by
illness of the parents or growth difficulties in the child), do this
conscious process. Mentally send your loved ones not irritation, but
love. Think of your mother or an angry husband, mentally repeating "I love you
I love you and wish you only the best." Oddly enough, but the grumbling is right there
stop, the anger subsides. And you, sharing your love, nothing
If you lose it, the one who gives love receives it many times stronger.

claims that our shortcomings are rings and loops for which
the vampire, throwing his tentacles, pulls our energy. And if not for anything
cling - will not cling. So to be good, kind, sweet means
ensure your own safety.

Now on our beautiful planet and in the solar system

Amazing things are happening

We are in unique times - and it was our choice!

Sunshine, joy and wonderful mood!

Yulia Naberezhneva, friend of your beautiful soul, is with you
As always, I wish you Love and Light and choose

In the sea of ​​information that you receive,

What Your Soul Responds To!

Feel with your heart!

In my next letters you will receive unusual information

In the meantime, just tune in to Love and Light!

Meditative exercise Pearl at the bottom false

This exercise will give you a mood for peace, a state of inner

Peace and silence, suitable for contemplation, perception of information,

And just rest.
Close your eyes and direct your attention inward to your inner space.

Imagine that the entire space of this cosmos is not dark, but transparent blue,

Like ocean water pierced by the rays of the sun.

You are in it as if in a state of weightlessness. Imagine diving into it

The space is deeper and deeper, but not fast, but soft and smooth, as if it were true.

Soar in an elastic environment similar to ocean waters. But it's still not water.

After all, you breathe easily and freely, as usual, with air.
Gently sink until you feel as if

Touched the bottom - found themselves on a dense surface, gained support,

We got out of the state of soaring in weightlessness. Can you imagine this

Surface in the form of a clean sandy bottom, also illuminated by the sun,

And viewed far around.
Imagine that on this sandy bottom you

Saw a beautiful shell

And in it is a pearl. It's extraordinary

Pearl, she shines, glows

From within. It is a quiet, soothing glow.

Take a breath and imagine

That you inhale this radiance. Its rays soothe

Soothe, inspire quiet joy

And peace in your heart.
Imagine that you take a pearl in your hands,

And see that it is a small luminous

Energy ball. Take it in both hands

And put them on your chest.
Imagine that the pearl has dissolved and its energy has entered

into your body. Now a quiet, peaceful light flows within you.

You are filled from the inside with a feeling of softness and tenderness.

Stay in this state for a while, enjoy it.

Feel the peace, tranquility, self-sufficiency,

Then imagine yourself slowly floating up in this quiet,

Sunlit light blue transparent space,

Until you rise to the surface. Open your eyes.

Remember that the shell was left at the bottom, and whenever you decide

Go down to it again, there will always be a new pearl waiting for you.

Why it's important not to think badly of anyone

It has long been noticed that we acquire the qualities of that person

About which we think and, therefore, we speak. Therefore, even

Western psychologists advise thinking and talking about successful

And harmonious people.
But the more selfishness and envy we have, the harder it is for us to speak

Good about someone. We must learn not to criticize anyone. That,

Who criticizes us, gives us his positive karma and takes

Our bad.

Therefore, in the Vedas it has always been considered that it is good when we are criticized.
How does speech work with our karma? The Mahabharata says,

What if you have planned something, want to do something, no one about it

Do not speak. Once you've said it, there's an 80% chance that

That this will happen, especially if you shared with an envious, greedy person.

Why do people who speak little and thoughtfully achieve more?

They don't lose energy.

Another simple rule related to speech is if we did

To someone something good and brag about it to others, then

At this moment, we lose positive karma and all our fruits.

The piety earned by this deed.

Braggarts achieve little. Therefore, we should never

Show off our achievements, because at this moment we lose

All the fruits that have been earned before.
* * *
The student approaches the master and asks:

– You advise to live with an open mind.

But then the whole mind can fly away, right?

“Just keep your mouth shut.” And all will be well.

Thoughts determine speech, so it is important not to think badly of anyone.

The more chaotic thoughts we have in our heads, the more they

They appear on the tongue, and even more so there will be disordered speech.

He who thinks clearly, speaks clearly.

There is one more level - to learn to accept criticism.

One of the qualities of the mind is that it is able to justify itself in any

Regulations. The lower the level of a person, the more excuses

You hear from him. Even after committing the most heinous crime,

Such a person, without blushing, justifies himself. One of the main

Indicators of a personality that is at a high level of development,

It is determined by the fact that she calmly listens to criticism addressed to her.

Reasonable speech rules
Three yogis are meditating in the cave. Suddenly they hear a sound

published by animals. One yogi says - It was a goat.

A year passes. Another yogi replies, “No, it was a cow.

Another year passes. The third yogi says:

“If you don’t stop arguing, I will leave you.
The first rule of intelligent speech - before you say something

Sharp, count to 10.

This may seem silly. At first, we can hardly count

Up to 3. But on the other hand, if you answer after a short pause,

Then your answer will be much more reasonable, because the first thing that comes in

The head, when we are criticized, scolded, is the desire to justify ourselves and

Reply sharply.

Therefore, learn to think for 5-10 seconds before answering.

Among other things, it will bring down an unnecessary intensity of emotions.

A person who is engaged in self-realization is very small and

He speaks thoughtfully. In the biographies of some great men

It is said that they never immediately responded to the accusations and in general

We tried not to say anything in anger. They postponed the conversation

Another day or even until the passions calm down.

For they knew that as long as anger and irritation affect their speech, the consequences

They will be sad, and sometimes simply destructive.
The second rule of sensible speech is not to go to extremes.

God is shown in small things, and Satan - in extremes.

You should not make a vow - "I will be dumb like a fish."

Especially if by nature you are a bright extrovert, then this is for you.

It can only hurt. If your psychophysical nature is

That you have to talk a lot, so speak so that you and those around you

They benefited from it. So be open and kind

And most importantly, live mindfully.

It is important to remember that our level is determined by small, insignificant

Actions - how we reacted to rudeness in the store, what emotions

They begin to overwhelm us when we are “undeservedly” criticized, etc.

Three levels of speech

A person on a high spiritual level, in goodness, to whom, something about someone

They say bad things, or he saw or heard something defiling - he might even

Physically become bad. He may have the feeling that he was doused with mud.

Such a person always speaks the truth in pleasant words.

Consciously says every word, and every word brings harmony to this world.

There is a lot of harmless humor in the speech, often at oneself.

Such people are almost always healthy and happy.
Passionate people are very sensitive to criticism, they are very

They can enjoy talking for hours about topics related to sex, days / ha * mi,

Economic prosperity, politics, shopping discussions, telling

About yourself well, sarcastically discussing someone, etc. They usually speak quickly.

Humor is usually vulgar, associated with sex. Usually, at the beginning of a conversation, they feel

Great satisfaction and uplift, but after such conversations - devastation and

Disgust. And the higher the level of consciousness, the stronger this feeling.

This style of speech leads to degradation at all levels.
Those who are in ignorance are distinguished by the fact that their speech is full of insults,

Claims, condemnations, threats, obscene words, etc. All words

Filled with anger and hatred. When such a person opens his mouth,

Feeling that the room is filled with an unpleasant smell. Therefore, if such

A person to say something nice about someone, he can get sick. Such people,

As a rule, they themselves consciously or unconsciously provoke others, trying to

Arouse in them the energy of anger, irritation, resentment, envy, because on this wave

They are attuned and fed by these lower destructive emotions.

Their humor is "black", full of bullying and joy at someone else's grief.

They are delusional from start to finish. Such the Universe heals with heavy blows

fate and sickness. They quickly develop mental illness.

You can’t even be close to them, let alone communicate.

Usually it is rare to meet a person who is constantly only

On the same level. More common are mixed types or the type of person can,

Quite fast to change.

It depends a lot on:
1) The society that we choose - at work, leisure. For example, starting

Communicate with a passionate person, we can find in a few minutes

What are actively involved in the discussion of politicians. Although 10 minutes ago we

They didn't care.
2 places. For example, in casinos, nightclubs, near beer stalls,

Den of drug addicts. Discussing spiritual topics is hard to imagine.

If a place is saturated with passion and ignorance, then the speech that sounds there

Will be appropriate.
3) Time. For example, from 21:00 to 02:00 is the time of ignorance,

Therefore, it is at this time that one wants to go to an ignorant place,

Watch an ignorant movie, talk to the ignorant,

At best, on passionate topics.

The morning is wiser than the evening - this is folk wisdom.

It has long been noticed that what you talked about in the evening, and especially if you took

You regret some decisions in the morning, or at least see them in a different light.

Therefore, following a simple rule - never make decisions in the evening,

And in general, speak as little as possible at this time - this will make our life

Much happier and will save you from many problems and misfortunes. It is no coincidence that

That in nature everything is sleeping at this time. Have you ever heard the birds singing at this time?

At the end of the week, you can conduct a test - which speech dominated throughout the week.

If in goodness, then it will be easy to notice how harmony and happiness enter our lives.

If in passion and especially in ignorance, then the natural result will be diseases,

Depression and unhappiness.

An important rule is to get rid of claims. The first step to love is gratitude.

In this world, few people thank anyone. Basically, everyone complains -

Either implicitly or explicitly. But it is important to remember that if we do not thank someone,

This means that we begin to criticize, make claims, not always even realizing it.

Service is not only some kind of physical help, first of all, it means

To help a person develop the consciousness of God, to give his love, to bring a person closer

To the Divine.
Everything that we do without love brings only misfortune and destruction, as if

It didn't look good on the outside. Teachers teach that every second we

Either we get closer to God, or we move away from Him. Every situation is a lesson.

And we need to thank God for every situation sent to us.

The Almighty is the All-good and every second He wants only good for us.

Every second is devoted to our learning.
As soon as we have claims, our heart center is blocked.

The most frequent claims are on fate, on others, dissatisfaction with oneself

And peace. Claims are manifested not only in words, but, first of all,

In thoughts, tone, style of communication and attitude to life.

Each situation is given to us so that we work on ourselves:

The less harmonious we are, the more tense, the more severe

We will learn lessons.

But as soon as we have an acceptance of the situation, relaxation occurs.

And, therefore, this situation will be resolved quickly.
Ayurveda says that you cannot get rid of a disease if you

Do not accept.

This is the first step to healing and solving any problem -

Full acceptance within, as the grace of God, this disease and misfortune,

And on the outer plane, you need to make every effort to resolve it.

If we do not accept the situation, then more than 90% of our energy will go

On her "chewing". Our body can cope with any disease.

We can also handle any situation and emerge victorious from it.

If we are given some kind of test, then we can endure it.

God does not give trials beyond our strength.

Instead of complaining, we should get used to thanking everyone.

Claims are the first step to illness and misfortune.
You have to keep track of how much gratitude you have and how many complaints you have.

To those around. You will find that often we have more claims,

Than thanks. Claims come from the mind and false ego.

Any of our claims are destructive in nature, they take away

Our energy and close our heart. True humility is expressed

That we accept any situation. Many understand humility

As something ostentatious: hit on one cheek - turn the other.

It's about the internal state. We accept any gift of fate

Whatever he is.

It is advisable to repeat as often as possible in the mind or even better out loud:

"For everything - the love of God." The people who repeated this phrase

The facial expression changed, they became softer, the clamps disappeared

In the body and in general, they became happier and healthier. Try it, it works!
If our subconscious is attuned to perception, vision in everything

Higher Will - this will quickly lead us to perfection.

Remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world!

Since many of our readers are plagued by mosquitoes,

And still I want to go to the forest, to nature,

Ready for mosquito repellant!
Take one small tube of regular

Baby cream with a fresh release date.

Add three packs of vanilla to baby cream

Sugar or vanilla. Mix all this thoroughly.

Mosquitoes will fly around in clouds, but not a single one on you

Will not sit down. This remedy is often used in the north, where,

As you know, mosquitoes are just a sea, and all summer long.)))

My dear, beloved children, you are moving on to a new evolutionary path of development. You are ending the old 3D human experience and bringing back your divine qualities, memories, abilities...
You are moving to a new and very interesting level - the experience of joint collective co-creation of all souls.
And for this you need to realize that you cannot go to the New World one by one: you need to unite into a single divine organism, become a single whole...


When you help and support your spiritual comrade, who is walking along the path with you, and not running a race with him, measuring the amount of knowledge gained, the purity of vibrations, various achievements…
When you soothe and fill with Love an unawakened person and even all of humanity, perceiving them as small and unconscious children who have not yet found the way to God. And thus, with your Light, Love and Energy, you give them the necessary impulse for awakening. With your behavior and lifestyle, you will awaken their interest in this unknown world of harmony and balance. Many of them will want to live the same way as you, when they see your pure divine heart filled with love, a fearless soul that wants to help everyone around, the complete absence of Ego and lower human qualities, primitive instincts...
When you accept some divine gift to help the planet, humanity... and you will not be greedy, but will help everyone without exception who asks for it...
Abilities are given primarily for your selfless help to the One Whole, to all the creatures of God, without separating them according to different signs, without rejecting a single particle ...
If you ask: How can we live in this world without a livelihood if we selflessly give to everyone the results of our various spiritual gifts?
And I'll give you a hint: Always in the very FIRST place in all your actions should be LOVE and a TRUE DESIRE TO HELP, not soiled by your selfish human qualities.
It is LOVE and the DESIRE TO HELP that should guide you, and the financial side or other human motives can be applied as not the main, but its secondary component.
And the means for your existence will indeed come, but not always from the side you expect.
My dears, do not divide anything in this world. All your actions and deeds are huge streams of energies that mix in space, passing from one person to another ... and returning to you in the form of various gifts and gratitude.
And, I ask you, do not reject them, accept them from different sides, even if they come from where you did not expect.

Your loving Father is the Absolute.
Accepted by Magda, 06/09/2016
Copyright © Magda New Life, 2016

"Charging batteries" The easiest and most effective way to restore energy

This method of restoring the energy balance has been known to me for a long time, I have been using it for 15 years. The method is quite simple, accessible to anyone, does not take much time, however, it is very effective.
1. You need to take a comfortable body position for you, hands should lie palms up.
2. You need to take a few deep breaths and completely relax.
3. Let's focus on the center of our palms. Mentally imagine how white balls are formed there. As if balloons are inflating in the center of the palms, but inside they are empty. Now we begin to stretch our balls, without taking them off the palms, and point them up, they penetrate the earth's atmosphere, rush deep into distant space, full of energy flows. Thus, we create a channel for the passage of pure energy into our body.
When we have reached the required heights, we mentally imagine that our channel opens like a flower, forming the shape of a giant funnel. With this funnel we catch the streams of cosmic energy, we feel how they rush through the channel we created into our body. How these flows begin to fill us with pure energy, passing through the channel through the palms of the hands, the body to the very bottom to the tips of the toes. We feel like an empty vessel that is filled with living energy. It fills us from bottom to top of the head. When we completely fill ourselves, you will feel it, mentally turn the funnel and direct our channel down to our palms and close it. Let's lie down a little more, feel the powerful energy in ourselves, stretch and get up.
As I wrote above, the method is quite simple, it can be used: both for the usual restoration of your energy, and for other purposes. For example, to fill yourself with the energy of love, the energy of cash flow. It is quite versatile.
Another small addition, after we are fully charged, I recommend distributing this energy throughout your body. There are many methodologies. Their description can be found on the Internet. It does not take a lot of time.
Regards, Alexey

New life

She was awakened by a loud knock from the hallway. She went out and involuntarily cried out: Mom?! What are you doing here, Where are you from?! .. The daughter wanted and was afraid to approach the unexpected guest. She shivered from the cold, laced her hands under the sleeves of her dressing gown and painfully scratched her little finger to make sure that she was not awake. "But... I'm locking the front door at night..." Mother silently pointed to the open closet door. "It looks like someone was in charge here: he unfastened the trunk with memorabilia. Mom, your things are hanging here ... and your father ..." Mother stretched out her hands to her things. Daughter asked: "Do you want to try on your old little thing? " She pulled out a downy scarf and carefully covered her mother's head with it. But the scarf flew 168 centimeters down and settled on the floor. "Why are you not sleeping? Finally decided to get rid of old unnecessary things? .." "The woman answered her man:" I saw my mother here, just now ..." The man remarked: "Probably she came for her things, but you do not give back, you keep always there ... "This is just a memory of my loved ones," the woman said, hiding the handkerchief back. "I think they no longer need these things ..." "But they are dear to me, like a memory. Through things I feel a connection with my family." "... And thus you don't let them go, so they come back to you. Give things away!" "Well, what's wrong with that? Let them hang in the closet, they don't touch you... Enough persuasion, better help me fasten the zipper, something's stuck..." "Wait, don't pull," the man leaned over the unbuttoned case. And suddenly the lock parted by itself, the mother again came out of the wardrobe trunk, followed by the father. They walked past their daughter and stood on either side of the man as he continued to say, "They don't want the old life, they want the new life. Think about it."
The family nodded their heads in agreement. The woman began to cry and involuntarily nodded herself in time to her beloved relatives. The man came up and hugged his beloved woman: "Well, now everything will be fine with us. And maybe in our children we will recognize the features of our parents."

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