Human wisdom is folly before God. Rasper. Blzh. Theodoret of Kirsky

Hurry to follow Christ! Collection of sermons. (Voino-Yasenetsky) Archbishop Luke

To the words: "The wisdom of this world is foolishness before God"

"Let no one deceive himself. If any of you thinks to be wise in this age, then be foolish in order to be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God, as it is written: He catches the wise in their craftiness. wise men, that they are vain" (1 Cor. 3:18-20).

Let no one think highly of himself, let him not consider himself wise and prudent, let no one be proud of his learning, his erudition, his worldly wisdom - the wisdom of this age. If anyone wants to be wise, leave all this and be foolish.

Well, tell me, who other than the Apostle Paul could say such amazing words? If anyone wants to be wise, then be foolish. Absolutely extraordinary words, but nevertheless, they contain the deepest divine wisdom and truth.

There were many people who understood these words in the most precise sense of the word and, desiring to be wise in Christ, wise in the eyes of God, became fools in the eyes of the world: they appeared foolish. They ran around the city in one shirt, barefoot, they did strange things, causing ridicule. They were chased by crowds of boys who mocked them and threw stones at them. They were persecuted, persecuted, ridiculed, and no one knew how they spent their nights. They usually spent their nights on the church porch in unceasing prayer.

For such a hard life, for reproach and persecution, for unceasing prayer, the Lord gave them spiritual gifts: insight, the gift of prophecy. They read in the hearts of people, as in an open book, predicted the future, and their prophecies came true; they acquired such boldness, such freedom from any fear of people, that they did things that ordinary people would not even dare to think about.

When Tsar Ivan the Terrible arrived in Novgorod, intending to perpetrate a cruel massacre, a holy fool - blessed Nikolai - approached him and served a piece of raw meat.

The king said:

I am Orthodox, I do not eat meat during Lent.

You don't eat meat, - answered the saint, - but you make it worse: you drink Christian blood.

Blessed Vasily of Moscow worked amazing miracles. Ivan the Terrible greatly revered him, invited him to his feasts. Once they brought him a goblet of wine at the royal feast, he did not drink it, but poured it on the floor, brought the second one - poured it out, brought the third one - poured it out again. Grozny got angry and demanded an explanation from Vasily why he did not drink royal wine.

Carcass, pouring fire in Veliky Novgorod.

At that time, a terrible fire was raging in Novgorod, which destroyed almost the entire city.

That's who the holy fools were, who wanted to be insane in the eyes of people. See how the holy Apostle Paul evaluates the wisdom of this age - our wisdom: the wisdom of philosophy, the wisdom of politics. Philosophers were people of great depth of mind, they created teachings that amaze with their depth. In science, deep scientists achieved extremely much, they learned the various mysteries of being, and yet the holy Apostle Paul says that the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God: "God catches the wise in their craftiness."

In his epistle to the Colossians, he warns Christians: "Beware, brethren, that no one captivate you with philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ; for in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily" (2, 8- 9). What does it mean: "according to the elements of the world?" The Apostle Paul warns that we should not rush about with our spirit through the elements of this world, so that in Christ alone we see true wisdom, for in Him is all the fullness of the Godhead, for He is the True God Incarnate, we must seek wisdom from Him alone, as the humble holy fools sought.

Everyone cannot be a fool, this is the share of only the chosen ones of God, who are able to endure what none of us can endure: to walk in rags, barefoot in terrible frosts. Who can endure this: barefoot and in one shirt, wearing heavy chains on his body, spending nights on the church porch, praying all night? Who can endure bullying, beatings for their foolishness?

We must fulfill these words of Pavlova not in such an extreme form. Remembering Pavlov's warning that the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the eyes of God, one must not be carried away by philosophy and science, although one must study them, as the great Fathers of the Church, the most educated people of that time, studied. But while studying, we must remember these words of Pavlova and not be carried away by philosophy, not follow it.

We must seek the highest wisdom only from the Lord Jesus Christ, in His Holy Gospel, in the holy writings of the apostles. All of you follow this path, and you will come to the place where the Eternal Truth shines.

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20 The abode in the city is an open struggle with the passions and lusts of the world in the face of the world. I also urge you, fathers and brethren, to say a feasible word, but I have some fruit in you, as in others. And what will I tell you? Looking at the position of your abode in the face of the world, I do not know what to see in

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What does the words “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness towards God” (1 Cor. 3:19) mean? Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) The Corinthians to whom the message is addressed were Hellenes. In Greek culture, wisdom was valued above all else, but it was deprived of the grace of the Holy Spirit and had as its source

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9. he was a strong hunter before the Lord (God), therefore it is said: a strong hunter, like Nimrod, before the Lord (God) "he was a strong hunter before the Lord ..." This whole verse serves as an explanation of the previous one: having previously pointed out the power and celebrity Nimrod, chronicler

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12. And I turned to look at wisdom and folly and foolishness: for what can a man do after the king beyond what has already been done. The experience of Ecclesiastes gave him full opportunity to make a comparative assessment of wisdom and stupidity from the point of view of happiness. More than others

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36. Jesus answered: My kingdom is not of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, then my servants would fight for me, so that I would not be delivered to the Jews; but now my kingdom is not from here. Christ answers Pilate that he, as a representative of the Roman authorities, the authority to which

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The wisdom of the world is foolishness before the Almighty 18 Those who go to perdition consider the news of the atoning death of the Masih on the cross to be madness, but for us who are being saved it is the power of the Almighty. 19 For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will reject the understanding of the prudent” n.20 Where

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The “Wisdom” of the World and the “Madness” of the Cross 18 Those who go to perdition think that the message of the cross is madness, but for us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will put away the understanding of the wise.” h.20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scientist? i Where is the skillful debater of this

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Wisdom and Folly This is the same David speaking, still opposed to Saul in everything. When he was naked in Navath (1 Samuel 19:24), he reached the bottom of the fall: God, a proud and jealous king, threw him naked at the feet of his rival. On the contrary, David humiliates himself voluntarily. He is not

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Lesson 1. Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos (What should the truth that the Most Holy Mother of God is our glorious Intercessor and Intercessor before God prompt us to?) I. Now, brethren, we are celebrating the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. The beginning of this festival is no doubt known

St. Theophan the Recluse

Wisdom for this world, God has riot. It is written more:

Worldly wisdom is a riot before God, a severe sentence, but completely just, justified by universal experience. The very same wise men of the world pronounce judgment on this wisdom when they know the truth and whole-heartedly enter into the realm of the wisdom of God. The fact that she considers herself all-sufficient, isn't it violent? The fact that she rises above frank wisdom and puts it in almost nothing - is not it rampant? The fact that she only limits her horizons to the external, earthly and created, being herself, albeit indecent, of a smart lofty (rank) quality, is it not riot? The fact that she thinks to arrange her life, her happiness and affairs according to her thoughts, while she palpably sees how everything around her flows in addition to and contrary to human considerations - isn't it riot? What she has thrown out of the subjects of her discussion, what will be beyond the grave, while she clearly sees that real life is instantaneous and cannot contain the final goal of human existence - is it not violence? The fact that she does not even think that her pet man will die today or tomorrow, while humanity flows like a wide river into the gates of death, is it not rampage? So she is a riot, and a riot before God, because she does not see the tactile orders of God, condemns them when others proclaim it to her, and keeps her pets in her gloomy riot, not allowing them to arise from entanglement with herself and turn to the true wisdom of God. . In this respect, she is divine. And it turns out that “it not only does not help (a person in his last goals), but also serves as an obstacle; therefore, it must be left as harmful. Do you see how triumphantly Saint Paul refuted it, proving that it is not only useless, but also harms us? However, he is not content with his own proofs, but gives more evidence: for it is written: stumble the wise in their deceit(Job. 5, 13) "(St. Chrysostom).

The cunning of the wise does not mean malicious intent, but their every trick, in order to comprehend everything and arrange everything in their lives and others here on earth, according to their own thinking. As long as this has the property of only empty work and does not ruin the plans of God's providence for the human race, until then God leaves them to dig in their anthill as much as they want, and build and rebuild everything as they please; but when their attempts go far, then God puts up barriers for them, ruins their plans, as cobweb weaving ruins a child with a light touch of a thin twig. A striking example of this is the pandemonium and scattering of people over the face of the earth. What did the wise men in the time of the Apostles achieve? - To the point that they themselves no longer knew where to stop: they were so divided in thoughts and thought up so many teachings. And there was a need to teach people the truth through the unlearned. - Saint Chrysostom sees in this the entrapment of the wise in their deceit. “In their deceit, that is, catching them with their own weapons. Since they used their wisdom to get along without God, he himself proved to them through it that they had a great need for God. How and in what way? “Through her they reached the point where they themselves did not know where to go; hence through it they are caught. For, thinking to do without God, they came to such a disastrous state that they turned out to be worse than fishermen and unlearned, and they began to have need of them. That is why the Apostle says: stumble them in their deceit. Words: I will destroy wisdom- express its complete uselessness; and the words: stumble the wise in their deceit show the power of God.

The First Epistle to the Corinthians of the Holy Apostle Paul, Interpreted by St. Theophan.

St. Luka Krymsky

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God, as it is written, It catches the wise in their deceit.

To the words: “The wisdom of this world is foolishness before God” (1 Cor. 3:19)

Nobody deceive yourself. If any of you thinks to be wise in this age, he must be foolish in order to be wise..For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God, as it is written, It catches the wise in their deceit.. And one more thing: the Lord knows the philosophies of the wise, that they are vain(1 Cor. 3:18-20) .

Let no one think highly of himself, let him not consider himself wise and prudent, let no one be proud of his learning, his erudition, his worldly wisdom - the wisdom of this age. If anyone wants to be wise, leave all this and be foolish.

Well, tell me, who other than the Apostle Paul could say such amazing words? If anyone wants to be wise, then be foolish. Absolutely extraordinary words, but nevertheless, they contain the deepest divine wisdom and truth.

There were many people who understood these words in the most precise sense of the word and, desiring to be wise in Christ, wise in the eyes of God, became fools in the eyes of the world: they appeared foolish. They ran around the city in one shirt, barefoot, they did strange things, causing ridicule. They were chased by crowds of boys who mocked them and threw stones at them. They were persecuted, persecuted, ridiculed, and no one knew how they spent their nights. They usually spent their nights on the church porch in unceasing prayer.

For such a hard life, for reproach and persecution, for unceasing prayer, the Lord gave them spiritual gifts: insight, the gift of prophecy. They read in the hearts of people, as in an open book, predicted the future, and their prophecies came true; they acquired such boldness, such freedom from any fear of people, that they did things that ordinary people would not even dare to think about.

When Tsar Ivan the Terrible arrived in Novgorod, intending to perpetrate a cruel massacre, a holy fool - blessed Nikolai - approached him and served a piece of raw meat.

The king said:

I am Orthodox, I do not eat meat during Lent.

You don't eat meat, - answered the saint, - but you make it worse: you drink Christian blood.

Blessed Vasily of Moscow worked amazing miracles. Ivan the Terrible greatly revered him, invited him to his feasts. Once they brought him a goblet of wine at the royal feast, he did not drink it, but poured it on the floor, brought the second one - poured it out, brought the third one - poured it out again. Grozny got angry and demanded an explanation from Vasily why he did not drink royal wine.

Carcass, pouring fire in Veliky Novgorod.

At that time, a terrible fire was raging in Novgorod, which destroyed almost the entire city.

That's who the holy fools were, who wanted to be insane in the eyes of people. See how the holy Apostle Paul evaluates the wisdom of this age - our wisdom: the wisdom of philosophy, the wisdom of politics. Philosophers were people of great depth of mind, they created teachings that amaze with their depth. In science, deep scientists achieved extremely much, they learned the various mysteries of being, and yet the holy Apostle Paul says that the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God: God catches the wise in their deceit.

In his letter to the Colossians, he warns Christians: See, brethren, that no one captivate you with philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ; for in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily(Col. 2:8-9) . What means: by the elements of the world? The Apostle Paul warns that we should not rush about with our spirit through the elements of this world, so that in Christ alone we see true wisdom, for in Him is all the fullness of the Godhead, for He is the True God Incarnate, we must seek wisdom from Him alone, as the humble holy fools sought.

Everyone cannot be a fool, this is the share of only the chosen ones of God, who are able to endure what none of us can endure: to walk in rags, barefoot in terrible frosts. Who can endure this: barefoot and in one shirt, wearing heavy chains on his body, spending nights on the church porch, praying all night? Who can endure bullying, beatings for their foolishness?

We must fulfill these words of Pavlova not in such an extreme form. Remembering Pavlov's warning that the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the eyes of God, one must not be carried away by philosophy and science, although one must study them, as the great Fathers of the Church, the most educated people of that time, studied. But while studying, we must remember these words of Pavlova and not be carried away by philosophy, not follow it.

We must seek the highest wisdom only from the Lord Jesus Christ, in His Holy Gospel, in the holy writings of the apostles. All of you follow this path, and you will come to the place where the Eternal Truth shines.

Hurry to follow Christ. To the words: "The wisdom of this world is foolishness before God."

Rev. Ephraim Sirin

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God, as it is written, It catches the wise in their deceit.

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness, that is, rejected at God; for So written: catches the wise in their tricks(Job 5:14), that is, He who judges them according to their thoughts.

Commentary on the Epistles of the Divine Paul.

Blzh. Theophylact of Bulgaria

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God

For not only does it not contribute to the acquisition of true wisdom, but, on the contrary, it still hinders this, because, thinking highly of itself, it rejects the divine teaching and thus leaves in constant ignorance those who have this wisdom; therefore they are caught by God as fools.

As it is written: He catches the wise in their deceit.

He gives evidence of how human wisdom is foolishness before God, and says that God catches the wise as fools, that is, subdues them with their own weapons. For, with all their cunning and wisdom, they are convicted of stupidity and madness. For example: some thought that they did not need God, but they could comprehend everything by themselves; but God showed them by deed that both the power and the art of the word did not benefit them at all, and that they, especially before others, had a need for God, they who thought to do without any help. So, with all their skill, according to which they considered themselves omniscient, they turned out to be completely ignorant, and in necessary subjects more uneducated than fishermen and tanners.

Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians of the Holy Apostle Paul.

Blzh. Theodoret of Kirsky

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God, as it is written, It catches the wise in their deceit.

By the wisdom of the world the apostle calls wisdom, devoid of the grace of the Spirit, which relies only on human thoughts.

Interpretations on the Epistles of the Apostle Paul.

The Apostle Paul said: "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God, as it is written, He catches the wise in their guile" (1 Cor. 3:19). What does it mean?

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

The Corinthians to whom the letter is addressed were Greeks. In Greek culture, wisdom was valued above all else, but it was devoid of the grace of the Holy Spirit and had its source only in the limited human mind. Such proud wisdom is worthless in the sight of God. The holy apostle, in the verse under consideration, quotes the book of Job: “He [God] deceives the wise in their own guile, and the counsel of the cunning becomes vain” (Job 5:13). According to the psalmist, “The Lord knows the thoughts of men that they are vain” (Ps. 94:11). This is what the apostle Paul meant when he said that “the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God.” Christians contrast it with true wisdom, which not only enlightens the mind, but transforms the whole person: “the wisdom that comes from above is, first, pure, then peaceful, modest, obedient, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and not hypocritical” (James 3 : 17).


Wisdom and madness.

(1 Corinthians 3:18) No one deceives himself.
If any of you thinks to be wise in this age,
the one be mad to be wise.
(1 Corinthians 3:19) For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God<…>

In addition to the above verses, there is a story in the Bible about King Solomon, to whom God appeared while sleeping in Gibeon and asked him what he would like to receive from God. And Solomon answered God:

(1 Kings 3:9) Grant your servant an understanding heart to judge your people and discern where is good and where is evil;<…>
(1 Kings 4:29) And God gave Solomon wisdom and a very great understanding, and a vast mind, like the sand on the seashore.

Please help me understand the following questions:

1. How can one be insane in order to be wise?
2. Did Solomon have the wisdom of this world and was it foolishness before God?

  • Gives blessings: Proverbs 3:13 "Blessed is the man who has gained wisdom, and the man who has gained understanding".

    Research by psychologists from the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences has led to conclusions that significantly change traditional ideas about wisdom. This is not a rare property of a person, based on life experience and acquired with age, not a static system of knowledge, deep and extensive, but an expert system of knowledge and intuition, which can manifest itself even in early childhood, sometimes surprising the person himself, who does not consider himself a sage.

    Wisdom is not a state, but a process characterized by contextuality, relativism and uncertainty. In other words, a wise person understands that the development of a situation depends on temporal and socio-cultural circumstances, understands that different people and different social groups have different values, meanings, priorities, and understands the unpredictability of life.

    The works of Professor of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Psychology L.I. Antsyferova show that the list of the given signs of wisdom should be supplemented with another important characteristic, the most significant among others - this is the gift of foresight. This is not about the “foresight” that healers and fortune-tellers hunt for, but about determining the trends of life, transforming situations, and social relations.

    The gift of foresight as a characteristic of wisdom suggests that a person has the following abilities:

    1) to realize and understand the meaning of usually unnoticed events, small changes,
    2) trust your own intuition,
    3) find out the causes of their own vague anxiety,
    4) determine the moment when it is necessary to perform actions necessary for a favorable outcome of the situation or blocking an unpleasant outcome (“now or never”).

    It can be assumed that the Russian Emperor Alexander II possessed such a wise gift of foresight, who regarded the unsuccessful outcome of the Crimean War not as a catastrophic defeat, but as an unfortunate combination of circumstances. The social transformations carried out by Alexander II can be called fully wise: the abolition of serfdom, judicial and zemstvo reforms, the liberation of friendly Bulgaria from the Turkish yoke.

    An analysis of such examples of "wise-like" activity allows the author to assert that wisdom is inherent not only in old age. A young person can also show wisdom if he manages to find a solution to life's problems, that is, he is able to analyze the situation, identify its essence (problem), determine the obstacles that stand in the way of a solution, as well as the time needed for a solution. In this case, you can refer to your own life experience, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is not to retreat in the face of difficulties, but also not to beat your forehead against the wall, but to re-analyze the problem, find the will in yourself to come to the desired solution (perhaps at later stages of life).



    It is better to immediately take up the mind, so as not to grab your head later! D. Zverev

    Our age is such that it prides itself on machines that can think, and is afraid of people who try to show the same ability. G. Mumford Jones

    Those who know do not speak, those who speak do not know. Lao Tzu

    Try to be wise first, and a scientist when you have free time. Pythagoras

    Only one deity can possess comprehensive wisdom, and it is natural for a person to strive only for it. Pythagoras

    Who is wise, he is kind. Socrates

    When asked why people give alms to the poor and do not give to philosophers, he said: "Because they know that they may become lame and blind, but they will never become wise." Diogenes

    Not the smart one who knows how to distinguish good from evil, but the one who knows how to choose the lesser of two evils. Al-Harizi

    It is better to be unhappy with reason than to be happy without reason. Epicurus

    Reason is the gaze of the soul, by which it itself, without the mediation of the body, contemplates the true. Augustine

    Almost always, wisdom and strength go apart: that one vegetates when this one blooms, and when that one awakens, this one fades - otherwise human undertakings would be more successful, the outcome of the undertaken is more favorable, but for now, alas, a person usually only then begins to know when he stops be able. F. Petrarch

    There is no greater wisdom than timing. F. Bacon

    Stupid cap brains do not spoil. W. Shakespeare

    The wiser is the ignoramus who is ignorant of wisdom,

    Than the ignorance-hungry sage. W. Shakespeare

    Today more is required of one wise man than in ancient times of seven. B. Gracian

    Do not flaunt everything that you have - tomorrow you will not surprise anyone. Always keep in reserve something to shine again: who discovers something new every day, a lot is expected of him? and never reach the bottom of his treasury. B. Gracian

    Our reason is good only to confuse everything and cause doubt in everything. P. Bayle

    If you can, be smarter than others, but don't show it. F. Chesterfield

    I can only doubt. F. Voltaire

    Easy to see, hard to predict. B. Franklin

    The only way to immediately free science from a lot of dark questions? it is to seriously investigate the nature of the human mind, and to prove, by an accurate analysis of its powers and faculties, that it is not at all adapted to such distant and abstract subjects. D. Hume

    Only those who are as stupid as us are smart. D. Diderot

    Usually, the more intelligent a person is, the less importance he attaches to it. L. Mercier

    We have no idea how much intelligence is needed not to seem ridiculous! N. Chamfort

    A man's mind can be measured by the care with which he considers the future or the outcome of a case. G. Lichtenberg

    In order to perceive other people's thoughts, one must not have one's own. L.N. Tolstoy

    The most invincible person is the one who is not afraid to be stupid. IN. Klyuchevsky

    Whoever lives by the labor of others will inevitably end up by beginning to live by the mind of others, for one's own mind is worked out only with the help of one's own labor. IN. Klyuchevsky

    I don't want to have a point of view. I want to have vision. M.I. Tsvetaeva

    A strong thought transfers a particle of its strength to the enemy. M. Proust

    An intelligent person would often find himself in a difficult situation if he were not surrounded by fools. F. La Rochefoucauld

    He swallowed a lot of wisdom, but it all seemed to fall into the wrong throat. G. Lichtenberg

    The man was so smart that he became almost useless. G. Lichtenberg

    Thinking and being are not one and the same? Parmenides

    This made such a deep impression on his mind that he no longer showed any signs of life. B. Show

    The difference between a smart person and a fool is that a fool repeats other people's nonsense, and a smart one invents his own. Unknown

    Wisdom, like turtle soup, is not available to everyone. K. Prutkov

    To have wisdom and not move a hand (i.e., to remain silent) - this is true introspection. Kang Yuwei

    In life - with age - you begin to understand the power of a person who constantly thinks. This is a huge force, conquering. Everything perishes: youth, charm, passions - everything grows old and collapses. Thought does not perish and the person who carries it through life is beautiful. V. Shukshin

    You need to study philosophy until you understand that there is no difference between the leader of the troops and the donkey driver. Cratet

    One of the misfortunes of a high mind is that he inevitably understands all v and vices and virtues. O. Balzac

    Reason is given to man so that he lives rationally, and not only so that he understands that he lives unreasonably. V. G. Belinsky

    A person who speaks little is considered by many to be intelligent for a long time, just as a calm character is often mistaken for a strong one. L. Berke

    Few minds perish from wear and tear, most of them rust from disuse. C. Bowie

    Everyone has stupid thoughts, only the smart one does not express them. W. Bush

    Wit is not the same as intelligence. The mind is distinguished by ingenuity, wit is distinguished only by resourcefulness. K. Weber

    The mind achieves great things only by impulses. L. Vauvenargues

    Where intelligence is lacking, everything is lacking. D. Halifax

    A smart person is not the one who knows a lot, but the one who knows himself. I. Goethe

    It is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to use it well. R. Descartes

    In order to improve the mind, one must think more than memorize. R. Descartes

    The mind is a burning glass, which, when ignited, remains cold itself. R. Descartes

    The art of being wise is knowing what to ignore. W. James

    Strong minds are precisely distinguished by the inner strength that makes it possible not to succumb to ready-made views and systems and to create their own views and conclusions on the basis of living impressions. They do not reject anything at first, but they do not stop at anything, but only take note of everything and process it in their own way. N. V. Dobrolyubov

    The real sign by which one can recognize a true sage is patience. G. Ibsen

    Wisdom is the mind infused with conscience. Fazil Iskander

    There are three paths before man to reason: the path of reflection is the noblest; the path of imitation v is the easiest; the path of personal experience is the hardest. Confucius

    The mind of all people taken together will not help those who do not have their own: the blind is not in favor of someone else's vigilance. J. La Bruyère

    One who is always smart in the same way cannot be liked for a long time. F. La Rochefoucauld

    Everyone complains about their memory, but no one complains about their mind. F. La Rochefoucauld

    We consider sane only those people who agree with us on everything. F. La Rochefoucauld

    A limited but sound mind, after all, tires us less than a broad but muddled mind. F. La Rochefoucauld

    A wise person understands that it is better to forbid a hobby than to fight it later. F. La Rochefoucauld

    You need to have a great mind in order to be able not to show your mental superiority. F. La Rochefoucauld

    Strongly hinders being smart zealous desire to show off like that. F. La Rochefoucauld

    It is much easier to show wisdom in other people's affairs than in one's own. F. La Rochefoucauld

    He who has never committed recklessness is not as wise as he thinks. F. La Rochefoucauld

    It is easier to judge a man's mind by his questions than by his answers. G. Lewis

    Teaching reason and being reasonable are two very different things. G. Lichtenberg

    To look for small flaws has long been a property of minds that have little or no rise above mediocrity. Sublime minds are silent or object to the whole, while great minds create themselves, without judging anyone. G. Lichtenberg

    It is very useful v to sharpen and polish your mind against the minds of others. M. Montaigne

    The best proof of wisdom is a continuous good mood. M. Montaigne

    It's not enough to be smart. You have to be smart enough not to let yourself get too smart. A. Morua

    A learned man is a vessel, a sage is a source. W. Algerai

    The wise man creates his own destiny. Plautus

    Doubt is halfway to wisdom. Publilius Sir

    A man's mind is stronger than his fists. F. Rabelais

    The mind enlightens the senses. R. Rollan

    Wit is like a talent: it is better not to have it at all than not to have enough. Sommery

    There are no such positions and there are no such insignificant matters in which wisdom could not be manifested. L. N. Tolstoy

    All thoughts that have huge consequences are always simple. L.N. Tolstoy

    The heart can add intelligence, but the mind cannot add heart. A. France

    The first sign of real political wisdom is always the ability to give up the unattainable in advance. S. Zweig

    Learning wisdom is just as impossible as learning how to be beautiful. G.Shaw

    Wise is the one who knows not much, but the necessary. Aeschylus

    There are far more smart people in the world than talented people. Society is teeming with smart people who are completely devoid of talent. A. Rivarol

    We have no idea how much intelligence is needed not to seem ridiculous! N. Chamfort

    The natural mind can replace any education, but no education can replace the natural mind. A. Schopenhauer

    He who denies reason in the higher animals must himself have little of it. A. Schopenhauer

    Intelligence rarely leads to wealth, but wealth makes everyone smart. B. Johnson

    A scientist knows what an ignoramus is, because he himself was once one, but an ignoramus does not understand the state of a scientist, because he never was one. Eastern saying

    Man's powers, as far as experience and analogy teach us, are unlimited; there is no reason to believe even some imaginary limit on which the human mind will stop. G. Buckle

    Distrust is the wisdom of a fool. G. Shaw

    The sage is least alone when he is alone. D. Swift

    It is better to judge a man's mind by his questions than by his answers. J. Lewis

    The degree of intelligence required to please us is a fairly accurate measure of our own intelligence. K. Helvetius

    The smartest and the dumbest can't change. Confucius

    Suffering is the father of wisdom, love is its mother. L. Berne

    Smart people are not learned; scientists are not smart. Lao Tzu

    A smart person gets bored where most people find pleasure. Unknown

    Many people mistake their memory for intelligence and their views for facts. P. Masson

    A person who seeks wisdom may be called intelligent, but if he thinks he has found it, he is insane. Persian saying

    The whole life of a sage is hardly enough to write as many sheets as could be usefully read in one day. Pythagoras

    Mind is undoubtedly the first condition for happiness. Sophocles

    The art of being wise is knowing what to ignore. W. James

    The world is small, but the human brain is immense. F. Schiller

    Smart people are the same fragrant flowers: one is pleasant, but the head hurts from the whole bouquet. Y. Averbakh

    1 comment

    5. Intuition - it can be seen as the response of the unconscious based on past experience. And it is possible and as a part of revelation.

    6. Revelation - information received from a higher mind (say, God).

I believe it is time, nevertheless, to stand up for wisdom, separating it from slyness. This is how many centuries have passed since the time of the Apostle Paul, before this very craftiness became obvious. The world has not changed since those times, but what was then obvious only to the initiated has already come to the surface of our life, not letting go, not letting and shouting.

The Apostle Paul said: "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God, as it is written, He catches the wise in their guile" (1 Cor. 3:19).

We can correctly understand these words if we look closely at the word: "THIS". Not the world, in general, not the world created by God so wisely and beautifully, revolted the Apostle Paul, but THIS world. Those. the world that was invented and managed to be implemented by the EVIL, who also declared themselves sages.

Let me call on Blaise Pascal to help - one of the greatest minds of France, a physicist, mathematician and theologian:

“I have studied a lot and I know a lot, and I believe, like a Breton peasant,
but if I knew more, I would believe like a Breton peasant woman.”

I think now, Blaise Pascal, perhaps, would not have persisted in the impeccability of these words - women, and even peasant women, in our vain and practical age, have already become different. But, not at all for the sake of this, I quoted these words, but in order to emphasize what Pascal so successfully noticed:

No, no, I’m not talking about what the same evil ones are now introducing into our consciousness under the motto: “Back to nature!” Why rush to extremes - to survive in the wild forest, naked, eating the fruits and gifts of the forest. Wouldn't that be even more cunning than a computer-controlled apartment. Indeed, by doing this and that, we deliberately destroy our inner world, with its wisdom, developed and accumulated over the centuries. Wouldn't it be better not to destroy and reduce that wisdom, but on the contrary, to accumulate it, understanding and accepting it with reasonable actions.

We do not want to understand that the WORLD is WISE. Our body is wise - this wisdom has accumulated over the centuries, and that this wisdom is either added, even if supported by our reasonable behavior towards it, or melts and melts in the monstrous clutches of our cunning, our dubious whims and addictions. I was struck, somehow, by the answer of a father to his son:
- Dad, what is more in the world - good or evil?
- Of good! If there were more evil, the world would cease to exist.
Evil is attractive, intrusive, fashionable and eloquent, but we always pay for it with good. It's just hard for us to imagine how much effort our body needs to fix overnight everything that we've done to ourselves in the evening at a disco, a party, a friendly booze. But, we scoop out and scoop out these resources of good, given to us by nature, our ancestors, far and near. And when we have less of this very good than evil - and that very tragic, but natural denouement comes. On the fate of a particular person, this is easier to explain, but this, after all, also applies to other worlds - the family and society, and the state, and humanity as a whole.

I, perhaps, would not write about the cunning of wisdom if it were not for this article in the News:

“The wise men have long noticed that our planet is not very “equipped for happiness.” But even just for life, it turns out to be of little use. So the brilliant British scientist Stephen Hawking has long been agitating earthly humanity to think about colonizing other planets. there is no future for the human race if it does not go into space, "the theorist is absolutely sure. In his book How to Create a Spaceship, he described the details of the embodiment of his idea of ​​conquering other planets by man."

And, isn’t it about these crafty wise men we are talking about here - they polluted the planet, instead of protecting and decorating it, and now we will colonize others. What else could an Anglo-Saxon say in his defense! More than they, no one, perhaps, not so much did evil and misfortune on our planet. And this person still claims to be a genius - these are the crafty “geniuses” today. Besides, maybe he himself is a colonist. And what - to build this same ship - but the last resources of the planet will go to this. You have seen the houses abandoned by the owners - everything is broken, destroyed, in anticipation of a new and happier one. No one will fight off the arriving colonists - the Giza Valley, and nothing more. So even the pyramids remained there, but what will remain after us, crafty wise men and such "geniuses" - a polluted and used desert, which was once an earthly paradise.

So what else scares earthlings this newly minted "genius":

“Hawking assures readers that life on planet Earth is in ever-growing dangers. Among the risks, he names such factors as the danger of technological and natural disasters, nuclear war and the attacks of viruses subjected to genetic mutation by careless humanity. He constantly and tirelessly repeats these dangers on over the past few years."

So he would - since he is such a genius - and tell about how to avoid these very technological and natural disasters, nuclear wars, and gene mutations. How clearly can be traced the nature of his ancestors - the colonialists: to capture, enslave, and finally, having spoiled everything and vulgarized their culture, go further along the paths of Christopher Columbus in order to do the same there. Do not these crafty sages and "geniuses" of our time understand that the world is not a golden mountain and the planet does not have a bottomless well of good, and that their wealth, the possession of which they justify everything, actually reduces and reduces the amount of good on our planet.

And I would like to end with the prophetic words of a real genius of mankind:

“When you were betrayed, it’s like breaking your arms…..
You can forgive, but you won’t be able to hug .... "
L. N. Tolstoy

Hawking is not the first to propose betraying the Earth - this has already been done before him, and not in words, but in practice many, many times. And after all this, how can we expect THAT SHE WILL EMBRACE US AND MAKE OUR LIFE ON HER HAPPY AND COMFORTABLE.

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