What to do if water enters the lungs while swimming. Symptoms associated with pulmonary edema in dogs. Hydrostatic and membranous pulmonary edema

During edema in the lungs, gas exchange is disturbed, the capillaries are filled with blood and exudate, subsequently flowing into the alveoli. In the walls of the alveoli, the amount of carbohydrates is sharply reduced, which further disrupts gas exchange in the lungs. This leads to the release of a large amount of chlorine, which contributes to an increase in blood vessels and fluid retention.

The development of the disease is associated with a violation of water metabolism and the colloidal blood system. As a result of pathogenic processes, the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs swell, the lumen of the respiratory tract decreases, and the alveolar walls lose their elasticity. All this together makes it difficult for air to enter and exit the alveoli. Due to the deviations that have arisen, there is:

  • excitation of the respiratory center;
  • simulation of salivation and sweating;
  • excessive thickening of the blood, as a result, overload of the cardiovascular system;
  • violation metabolic processes in tissues;
  • disorder of cellular nutrition of the brain, kidneys, striated muscles.

Pulmonary edema occurs due to the filling of the interstitial space and alveoli with blood and plasma, as a result of which the animal develops respiratory failure. The process of filling with liquids occurs gradually. If the breeder pays attention to the symptoms in time, and the dog quickly receives the necessary treatment, then her life can be saved.

Regardless of the rate of development of the disease, the clinical picture will consist of the following symptoms:

  • the animal feels oppressed and depressed (lack of reaction to treats or food);
  • shortness of breath may appear (this will manifest itself as follows: the dog spreads its front paws wide and stretches its neck, thus straightening Airways);
  • the animal's breathing becomes unnatural (breaths are frequent and tense, accompanied by strongly straightened nostrils);
  • coughing or wheezing may develop;
  • mucous membranes and skin change color (eyelids, gums and tongue may become pale or, conversely, turn blue);
  • body temperature drops;
  • a bloody fluid may be released from the mouth or nostrils (for example, during a cough or just like that);
  • vesicular breathing weakens, and is practically not audible (the symptom will only appear when viewed with a stethoscope);
  • hypoxia develops, the first signs of which can be seen by nervous breakdown animal (convulsions, coordination of movements is disturbed, the pet may lose consciousness).

Pulmonary edema in dogs symptoms may not have all of the list. Basically, only a few signs of the disease can appear.

It is necessary to pay attention to any anomalies in the behavior of the animal, and if necessary, contact the veterinarian.

Cardiogenic pulmonary edema and its causes

There are several main reasons why causing swelling lungs in dogs

  • decompensated heart failure;
  • allergic reaction (anaphylaxis);
  • oncological processes;
  • lung diseases (pneumonia of various origins, etc.);
  • chronic diseases liver and kidneys;
  • various infectious diseases (for example, canine distemper);
  • heatstroke;
  • foreign bodies and aspiration of fluid into the respiratory tract;
  • systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS, or septic shock);
  • intoxication in case of poisoning with various substances;
  • damage to the central nervous system;

Sports and sled dogs are most susceptible to this disease, since the likelihood of edema increases if the animal overheats, long work without rest, running very long distances, breathing too dusty air.

The main causes of this condition in dogs are:

  • Congenital pathologies of the heart.
  • body intoxication.
  • Head injury.
  • Thermal overheating.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Renal failure.
  • Snake bite.
  • Injuries chest.
  • Allergy.
  • Electric shock.
  • Asphyxia.

Such lung pathology as edema is most often found in sled and sports dogs, which is associated with great physical exertion. Often the disease develops against the background of problems with cardiovascular system or due to increased venous pressure in the organ itself. Depending on the form of the disease, its causes can be divided into 2 groups.

Cardiogenic pulmonary edema in dogs is associated with heart failure or increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation, and may be caused by one of the following:

  • congenital pathology, such as a heart park;
  • an increase in the heart muscle or part of it, which was caused by hypertension;
  • violation of the functionality of the cardiac aorta or valve, blockage of the pulmonary artery;
  • diseases of a rheumatic nature (often can develop during childbirth or when carrying puppies, especially if the bitch had toxicosis);
  • coronary insufficiency.

Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema is associated with thinning of capillary tissue, and usually develops against the background of various pathological processes in the body:

  1. The development of the disease can be caused by disruption of the central nervous system. The causes of swelling in this case may be:
    • head injury;
    • inflammatory process;
    • tumors and other neoplasms;
    • thrombus;
    • cerebral hemorrhage.
  2. The disease can be triggered by a pathology of the respiratory system, then the cause of its development must be sought in the following:
    • chest injury (closed or penetrating);
    • transferred severe form of bronchitis or pneumonia;
    • tissue damage or burns caused by inhalation of toxic gases or smoke;
    • asphyxia.
  3. Renal failure of chronic form.
  4. Edema also develops as a result of medical intervention: a complication after surgery (usually on cervicothoracic region), by infusion or blood transfusion.
  5. With a non-cardiogenic type of disease, the cause of edema can be a common household injury:
    • the state of shock of the animal after a strong fright;
    • electrical injury;
    • prolonged exposure to the sun, which can lead to heat or sunstroke;
    • insect bites;
    • poisoning of the body caused by the bite of a poisonous snake;
    • allergic manifestations or anaphylactic shock.

Pulmonary edema in dogs can have various causes, the main thing is to recognize the disease in time.

The causes of the development of the disease are very different, among them:

  • defects and diseases of the heart;
  • hypoproteinemia;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • pneumonia;
  • poison intoxication;
  • electric shock;
  • inhalation of hot air;
  • long runs;
  • overheated body;
  • head injury;
  • kidney failure.

The disease is most common among sports and sled dogs, such statistics are explained by the high physical exertion that they have to experience. The disease can manifest itself at any age.

Cardiogenic can be attributed to hydrostatic pulmonary edema. It occurs as a result of disorders in the cardiovascular system of animals.

Its main reasons can be identified:

  • blockage of a pulmonary artery by a thrombus;
  • heart failure;
  • hypertension.

The non-cardiogenic type can be both hydrostatic and membranous.

Hydrostatic edema is in the event that diseases and internal problems of the body have led to a decrease in protein in the body:

  • kidney problems;
  • the animal's diet contains insufficient amounts of protein;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Membranous edema is in case of severe intoxication of the body:

  • Sepsis.
  • The dog was bitten by a snake.
  • Electric shock.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Poisoning.
  • The dog is overheated.

The generally accepted cause of the development of pathology is considered to be diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. However, the possible spectrum is very wide and most often, true reason, without a serious examination, it is impossible to establish. Distinguish between cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema.

Cardiogenic pulmonary edema in dogs occurs due to increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation or heart failure. The reasons:

  • Hypertension followed by an increase in the heart muscle or part of it.
  • Blockage of the pulmonary artery, dysfunction of the cardiac aorta or valve.
  • coronary heart disease.

Non-cardiogenic edema is not associated with the cardiovascular system, most often occurs due to thinning of the capillary tissue against the background of general violations in the body.

From the side of the central nervous system, the reasons may be:

  • Head injury.
  • Tumor, inflammation, thrombus or cerebral hemorrhage.

From the respiratory system:

  • Closed and penetrating chest injuries.
  • Severe bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Burns or tissue damage due to inhalation of poisonous chemical gases or smoke.

Possible causes include chronic renal failure or medical interventions: pulmonary edema in a dog after surgery on the cervicothoracic region, reaction to an infusion or blood transfusion. Also, "domestic injuries" are not excluded:

  • Electric shock.
  • Bites from poisonous snakes or insects.
  • stretching hollow organs: esophagus, stomach, urinary or gallbladder.

Prevention of the development of pathology in dogs

The best treatment is prevention. First of all, the health of the dog depends on the attention of the owner and compliance with the standards of maintenance. The dwelling must be adapted and completely safe for the pet. Dogs experiencing serious stress, especially hunting and hounds, should have breaks in the "work", good rest, the possibility of privacy and enhanced nutrition.

Symptoms of Pulmonary Edema in Dogs

It is possible to assume that a dog develops pulmonary edema by the following symptoms:

  1. Oppression of the general condition (refusal of food and water, weakness, inactivity);
  2. Shortness of breath (noisy and/or rapid breathing, sometimes with open mouth, unproductive cough, abdominal type of breathing. In particular severe cases there may be a discharge of foamy (white or reddish) fluid from the oral and nasal cavities);
  3. Visible mucous membranes may become pale (anemic) or cyanotic (cyanotic).

All these signs in a sick animal can appear simultaneously, or be present in various combinations. It depends on the cause and severity of pulmonary edema.

If the owner notices any of the above symptoms in the dog, then the animal should be examined as soon as possible. veterinarian who will prescribe manipulations to stabilize the condition and further diagnostics.

Unfortunately, pulmonary edema can develop both gradually and very quickly, depending on the reasons that caused it. Symptoms can occur spontaneously or develop progressively. During pulmonary edema, the animal is in a very depressed state - it has no reaction to food, the dog is very lethargic.

The animal begins to shortness of breath, and the dog opens its mouth, stretches its neck and tries to spread its paws as wide as possible in order to straighten the airways; the dog starts coughing, can be both with and without wheezing, breathing becomes intermittent, deep.

Gradually, the shade of the skin and mucous membranes changes in the dog, if the nose and ears had light shade, then they begin to turn blue. From the nostrils and mouth of the animal, masses similar to emetic light pink begin to stand out, bloody foam may stand out. The dog's body temperature drops sharply, tachycardia begins.

Pulmonary edema is considered a critical condition, it can be determined by the following signs:

  • depressed state - the dog is depressed, there is no reaction to food;
  • shortness of breath - the animal stretches its neck, spreads its paws wider, straightening its ribs and airways, opens its mouth;
  • altered breathing;
  • cough - obvious or in the form of wheezing;
  • change in the shade of the skin and mucous membranes, with light pigmentation, the ears and nose turn blue;
  • discharge from the mouth and nostrils, the consistency is different from transparent pinkish to bloody foam;
  • low temperature;
  • chaotic, fussy behavior;
  • weakening of vesicular respiration.

During normal breathing, an even noise is heard, in some cases, when the chest is tapped, a dull thud is heard.

Let's highlight the main symptoms of pulmonary edema in dogs:

  • Decrease in activity. The dog becomes depressed, does not respond to calls and food.
  • Dyspnea. The dog is breathing heavily and trying to adopt a position that makes breathing easier. At acute form the dog lies on its side and tries to take uneven breaths.
  • The dog may become restless. Wander aimlessly without finding a place.
  • Dry and hoarse cough.
  • The dog's body temperature drops.
  • The tongue, gums and eyelids become pale.
  • Excreted from nostrils and mouth clear liquid with a pink tint. Sometimes the discharge can be bloody.
  • On examination, the doctor may hear moist rales in the lungs and a heart murmur.

The listed symptoms of pulmonary edema in dogs can occur suddenly or appear gradually. If the owner notices at least some problems with the dog's breathing, you should immediately seek help. Even if the cause is not pulmonary edema, there is still a fairly large amount serious illnesses accompanied by similar symptoms.

The lungs are the main organ and part of the respiratory system of humans, animals, birds, most amphibians and reptiles. The organ is divided into two "bosoms", which consist of segments. Main functional part organ, these are alveoli, gas exchange occurs in them - oxygen is taken into the blood and carbon dioxide is removed. For the full enrichment of the body with oxygen, the alveoli are shrouded in capillaries, which, in turn, are connected with blood vessels.

The root cause of pulmonary edema is the overflow of veins, vessels and capillaries with blood. Gradually, under the influence blood pressure or thinning of the vascular walls, plasma and blood are released through the membrane of the capillaries, filling the interstitial space and alveoli. Filling occurs gradually, from the bottom up, therefore, with a timely reaction of the owners, the edema is successfully diagnosed and the animal can be saved. The predominant risk group among animals is dogs and horses.

There are acute and slow course of the disease, however, they have common signs:

  • Depressed state- the dog is depressed, does not respond to food or treats.
  • The appearance of shortness of breath- the dog tries to spread its front paws wider and stretch its neck, straightening the airways and straightening the ribs, can open its mouth. In a critical condition, the same signs appear, but the dog lies on its side.
  • Unnatural breathing- the dog takes jerky, frequent and intense breaths, strongly spreads its nostrils. Signs of "abdominal" breathing are visible to the naked eye.
  • Cough - may be obvious or in the form of wheezing. It sounds like a dry "hearty" cough of people.
  • Discoloration of mucous membranes and skin (cyanosis) Eyelids, gums and tongue turn pale or blue. The transition to "cyanosis" occurs quite quickly. With light pigmentation, a blue nose and ears are noticeable.
  • Decrease in body temperature.
  • Discharge from nostrils and mouth- at the time of coughing or spontaneous leakage of fluid. The consistency can vary from clear with a slight pink tinge to a bloody foam.
  • Decreased vesicular respiration- diagnosed with a stethoscope, practically not audible with wheezing. During normal breathing, throughout the entire inhalation, an even noise is heard, reminiscent of the sound of the letter "f", with edema, it is heard only at the beginning.
  • Muted response when tapping the chest- is not mandatory, can be observed when falling into an extremely serious condition.

The presence of absolutely all the signs is not mandatory, depending on the causes of the development of the pathology, additional manifestations may be observed.


Diagnostic methods used in this pathological condition:

  • general clinical examination, with mandatory auscultation of the lungs and heart (for the presence of respiratory and cardiac murmurs);
  • organ radiography chest cavity(it is used to identify opacities specific to pulmonary edema, assess the trachea and bronchi, large pulmonary vessels, cardiac silhouette);
  • ultrasound diagnostics of organs chest and abdominal cavity (allows you to assess the presence of free fluid in the cavities, neoplasms, assess the structure and function of the heart, visualize internal organs, see their pathological changes);
  • tonometry (blood pressure measurement);
  • blood tests (general clinical and biochemical) reveal the presence or absence of inflammation, anemia, dehydration in the animal, suggest renal or hepatic insufficiency, and evaluate the content of blood protein fractions.

Often, the condition of dogs that have been admitted with signs of pulmonary edema does not allow for a phased and simultaneous necessary diagnostics, so they are first admitted to the intensive care unit to stabilize their vital signs.

In a hospital, the animal receives oxygen support (using a mask or an oxygen box), as well as drug therapy (prescribed by a doctor, depending on the cause that caused given state). When the signs respiratory failure recede and the dog becomes better, the doctors continue the planned diagnostic plan.

For correct setting diagnosis, the veterinarian needs to know the entire clinical picture of the development of the disease. To do this, listening to the lungs of the animal is carried out, it is necessary to x-ray examination. The dog is also required to take a blood sample, and echocardiography - these studies will help identify the cause of the edema.

If the treatment is not carried out on time, the dog will die from asphyxia. That is why it is so important to diagnose the disease in time and start therapy.

The veterinarian will be able to make a diagnosis based on the collected anamnesis and clinical symptoms ailment. Also appointed general analysis blood. The disease will be manifested by leukocytosis, increased activity blood enzymes, hyperazotemia. To put correct diagnosis, the veterinarian should exclude diseases with a similar clinical picture. These include:

  • lobar pneumonia;
  • tracheal collapse;
  • paralysis of the larynx;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  • infectious disease in the acute phase.

For confirmation pulmonary edema an X-ray examination may be prescribed, which will also determine the cause of the disease. Diagnosis is an important step on the road to recovery. Treatment of the animal will be effective only if the correct diagnosis is made.

When confirming pulmonary edema, the main thing is not to self-medicate. The disease is quite serious qualified assistance the animal can only get in a veterinary clinic.

In the clinic, edema will be removed based on the following provisions:

  1. If possible, it is necessary to establish and eliminate the cause of the disease. Otherwise, the treatment will be aimed only at stopping the symptoms, which will immediately return after the drug is discontinued.
  2. During treatment, the animal is placed in a cool place with good ventilation.
  3. Reduce the physical activity of the dog, as any load increases the need for oxygen.
  4. Carry out drug therapy:
    • a solution of Calcium Chloride or Gluconate is injected intravenously, as well as a solution of Glucose;
    • if the disease was the result of heart failure, then additional injections of cardiac preparations are made (Caffeine solution, Cordiamin, etc.);
    • with nervous behavior of the animal, sedatives may be prescribed.
  5. Carry out oxygen therapy. Oxygen inhalations should reduce the manifestations of hypoxia.

To remove puffiness and stop the symptoms accompanying the disease is the first thing that treatment is aimed at. Sometimes surgery may be needed to improve a dog's health. This is mainly due to the elimination of the root cause of the disease.

In the event of symptoms of pulmonary edema in a dog, the pet must be urgently taken to the hospital. The veterinarian should listen to the dog's breathing for moist gurgling sounds in the lungs.

How is a dog x-rayed? The animal is placed on an iron table in correct posture holding it so it doesn't come loose. The doctor takes a picture of the desired area. To detect pulmonary edema, the dog is taken pictures in two projections. On x-ray, you can see a decrease in the transparency of lung tissue. Most often, edema can be noted over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lung, and not in its individual parts. The doctor should do a complete blood count. In pulmonary edema, it may show increased content leukocytes in the blood.

It is worth doing an echocardiographic study, which will help rule out heart problems as a possible cause of pulmonary edema. It is necessary to measure the pulse, which, with a problem with the lungs, often becomes fast and thready.

Blood pressure needs to be measured. High values ​​may indicate hydrostatic edema.

It is important to correctly differentiate pulmonary edema from others possible problems with lungs that have similar symptoms.


Treatment of pulmonary edema is carried out only in medical institution. An important condition treatment is to limit physical activity and minimize stressors. For the treatment of pulmonary edema, the animal is given inhalation with oxygen and drug therapy. As a rule, diuretic drugs (furosemide and mannitol), bronchodilators - eufillin, glucocorticoids are administered to the animal, sedatives can also be prescribed to stabilize the state of stress.

Depending on the severity of the dog's condition, bloodletting may be performed, glucose solutions may be administered intravenously and calcium chloride. To maintain cardiac activity, the animal is prescribed caffeine or cordiamine. If the swelling is accompanied by pneumonia, then antibiotics are added. When edema is concomitant disease, then therapy is directed to the treatment of the underlying disease.

Intensive therapy is carried out until the moment of complete stabilization of the dog's condition. This usually happens within 24-72 hours and further treatment the dog doesn't need it.

However, if an animal develops respiratory distress syndrome then the animal dies.

If pulmonary edema is not a secondary symptom of the underlying disease, then after the treatment, the animal will gradually fully recover and return to its previous physical form.

After returning the dog home, it is very important to maintain comfortable conditions for complete rehabilitation of the animal. At first, it will be necessary to carefully monitor the dog's breathing during exercise and at rest. The room should be kept clean, well ventilated, the air temperature, preferably, should not exceed 18 degrees, the dog should not soft bedding, feeding should be carried out strictly according to the regime, during rehabilitation period the dog follows a salt-free diet, stress and physical exercise should be minimal.

Treatment of pulmonary edema in a dog should be carried out as soon as it is delivered. accurate diagnosis. The animal must be calmed and immobilized as much as possible. The dog should wear an oxygen mask.

Doctors sometimes bleed dogs to slightly reduce blood pressure in the vessels. They give drugs to maintain the work of the heart muscle. At first, the animal is given sedatives, bronchodilators, diuretics.

An important task is to determine the cause of pulmonary edema. If the cause cannot be eliminated, doctors may refuse to carry out rescue operations. It is important to prevent the state of shock in the animal, because in itself it is very dangerous and can lead to death.

When successful treatment upon returning home, the dog should be provided special conditions content:

  • refrain from long walks and other physical activities;
  • eliminate all possible sources of stress for the animal, because the dog needs peace;
  • follow all the recommendations of the doctor and give the animal the necessary medicines;
  • the dog must always have clean drinking water in the access zone;
  • food should be selected based on the advice of the attending physician.


The best treatment for any disease is its proper prevention. It is very important that the room where the animal lives is adapted to its characteristics. Dogs that constantly experience strong physical exertion should have a good rest, they should have the opportunity to retire; very correct for the dog to adhere to proper diet and dietary patterns.

The best treatment for any disease is prevention, the health of the animal largely depends on compliance with the conditions of detention and how much attention the owner pays to these rules. The premises must be safe for pet and adapted to his needs.

Dogs that move a lot, especially hounds and hunting dogs, should have a good rest, be able to retire, and special attention should be paid to nutrition. If there is a predisposition of the animal to heart disease, there should always be a first aid kit in the house; the skills of providing resuscitation and first aid are very important for the owner.

One of the most common causes pet health problems is a violation of the rules of its content. Lack of long walks and constant activity can lead to problems with the animal's cardiovascular system. However, too much activity of the animal without proper rest can be dangerous.

Animals must be closely monitored. It is worth remembering that a harmless walk in the forest can end up with a snake or other poisonous animal biting the dog. Wounds and cuts must be disinfected and treated. Overheating is very dangerous for a dog - you should not leave it tied up under the rays of the scorching sun or in stuffy rooms.

The pet's diet should contain all essential minerals and vitamins. You should not buy the cheapest dry pet food, because often their quality does not meet the needs of the animal. Food should contain enough protein. When feeding natural food it is necessary to adhere to a special recipe, and not feed the animal “from the table”.

It is worth carefully monitoring the health of your pet. If the animal has heart problems, you should visit the veterinarian periodically for preventive examinations. Any deviation in behavior or well-being should be a signal for a visit to the doctor.

Prognosis for pulmonary edema in a dog

Further maintenance and monitoring of the animal is possible at home, in compliance with all recommendations for treatment and care indicated by the veterinarian.

Unfortunately, in some pathological conditions, such as chronic heart failure, the dog may experience a relapse of pulmonary edema. This problem requires a second visit to the veterinary specialist for diagnosis and, possibly, adjustment of the treatment plan.

Prevention of pulmonary edema in a dog is also developed on an individual basis by the attending veterinarian.

Health to your pets!

Pathological conditions are conditionally divided into mild, moderate and critically severe. Pulmonary edema in dogs is a critically ill condition that is considered difficult to diagnose and treat. At home, the chances of saving the animal are small. In order to prevent negative consequences, if necessary, consider possible reasons, symptoms and emergency first aid for pulmonary edema.

The lungs are the main organ and part of the respiratory system of humans, animals, birds, most amphibians and reptiles. The organ is divided into two "bosoms", which consist of segments. The main functional part of the body is the alveoli, in which gas exchange occurs - oxygen is taken into the blood and carbon dioxide is removed. For the full enrichment of the body with oxygen, the alveoli are shrouded in capillaries, which, in turn, are connected with blood vessels.

The root cause of pulmonary edema is the overflow of veins, vessels and capillaries with blood. Gradually, under the influence of arterial pressure or thinning of the vascular walls, plasma and blood are released through the capillary membrane, filling the interstitial space and alveoli. Filling occurs gradually, from the bottom up, therefore, with a timely reaction of the owners, the edema is successfully diagnosed and the animal can be saved. The predominant risk group among animals is dogs and horses.

There are acute and slow course of the disease, however, they have common signs:

  • Depressed state- the dog is depressed, does not respond to food or treats.
  • The appearance of shortness of breath- the dog tries to spread its front paws wider and stretch its neck, straightening the airways and straightening the ribs, can open its mouth. In a critical condition, the same signs appear, but the dog lies on its side.
  • Unnatural breathing- the dog takes jerky, frequent and intense breaths, strongly spreads its nostrils. Signs of "abdominal" breathing are visible to the naked eye.
  • Cough- may be obvious or in the form of wheezing. It sounds like a dry "hearty" cough of people.
  • Discoloration of mucous membranes and skin (cyanosis) Eyelids, gums and tongue turn pale or blue. The transition to "cyanosis" occurs quite quickly. With light pigmentation, a blue nose and ears are noticeable.
  • Decrease in body temperature.
  • Discharge from nostrils and mouth- at the time of coughing or spontaneous leakage of fluid. The consistency can vary from clear with a slight pink tinge to a bloody foam.
  • Decreased vesicular respiration- diagnosed with a stethoscope, practically not audible with wheezing. During normal breathing, throughout the entire inhalation, an even noise is heard, reminiscent of the sound of the letter "f", with edema, it is heard only at the beginning.
  • Muted response when tapping the chest- is not mandatory, can be observed when falling into an extremely serious condition.

Read also: Stomach ulcers are becoming more common in dogs

The presence of absolutely all the signs is not mandatory, depending on the causes of the development of the pathology, additional manifestations may be observed.

When diagnosing a disease, due to the similarity of symptoms, pulmonary edema is often confused with pneumonia, asphyxia (suffocation), and impaired gas exchange.

When one or more symptoms appear, the owner must be aware that the condition is serious, regardless of the future consequences, and qualified assistance to the animal will be provided only in a veterinary clinic.

The first thing to do is to stop panicking, you need to act quickly, clearly and without emotions.

On the way to the clinic, the dog needs to be helped by everyone. possible methods: maintain a comfortable posture, remove excess saliva and secretions, provide ventilation vehicle and calm the animal. For more accurate diagnosis if the condition allows, the dog is x-rayed. With successful intensive care, the dog should be under constant supervision, on the first day or longer, if possible, the animal remains in the clinic.

After returning home, the pet needs to provide a number of conditions:

  • Clean, moderately cool, well ventilated area.
  • Bedding of medium hardness, located at a distance from climatic devices.
  • Minimize stress and exercise.
  • Timely feeding and drinking, recommendations for which are given by a veterinarian.

Medical support:

  • Bloodletting - carried out only by a veterinarian.
  • Intravenous injections of calcium chloride and glucose are done only by a specialist.
  • Diuretic (diuretic) drugs.
  • Glucocorticoids are steroids that are normally produced by the adrenal glands.
  • Stimulants of the heart muscle - caffeine, cordiamine or adrenaline.
  • Expectorants – Herbs may be used.
  • Sedatives - with increased excitability of the nervous system.
  • Antibiotics - in case of pneumonia.

Read also: Adenovirus in dogs: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Reasons for the development of pathology

The generally accepted cause of the development of pathology is considered to be diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. However, the possible spectrum is very wide and most often, the true cause, without a serious examination, cannot be established. Distinguish between cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema.

Cardiogenic pulmonary edema in dogs occurs due to increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation or heart failure. The reasons:

  • Congenital heart disease.
  • followed by an increase in the heart muscle or part of it.
  • Blockage of the pulmonary artery, dysfunction of the cardiac aorta or valve.
  • . Increased Risk- childbirth; pregnant individuals experiencing toxicosis.
  • coronary heart disease.

Non-cardiogenic edema is not associated with the cardiovascular system, most often occurs due to thinning of the capillary tissue against the background of general disorders in the body.

From the side of the central nervous system, the reasons may be:

  • Head injury.
  • Tumor, inflammation, thrombus or cerebral hemorrhage.

From the respiratory system:

  • Closed and penetrating chest injuries.
  • Severe bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Burns or tissue damage due to inhalation of poisonous chemical gases or smoke.
  • Choking (asphyxia).

Possible causes may be chronic renal failure or medical interventions: pulmonary edema in a dog after cervicothoracic surgery, reaction to an infusion or blood transfusion. Also, "domestic injuries" are not excluded:

  • Severe fear or shock.
  • Electric shock.
  • Bites from poisonous snakes or insects.
  • Stretching of hollow organs: esophagus, stomach, urinary or gallbladder.
  • Allergic reaction, drug overdose.

In the summer, trips to the reservoirs are a sweet thing, and how not to take a four-legged pet with you for a walk. Most dogs are excellent swimmers, but they can also gulp water by fetching a stick or toy. May also lead to accidents cold water with fast undercurrents and whirlpools. In addition, there are breeds that find it difficult to swim due to the characteristics of the exterior: French and English bulldog, pug, basset and other breeds with a massive body and short legs.

In order not to get confused at a crucial moment, we offer a short list of first aid actions if the dog is drowning.

Get the dog out of the water, but don't risk your life. Remember that in a state of shock, even the most good-natured and peaceful dog may try to bite.

If the animal is conscious, cover it with a blanket to keep it warm.

If the animal has been under water for some time and is unconscious, then it is possible to free the lungs from the water that has got there by lifting the animal by hind limbs for 10-20 seconds and shaking several times. After that, lay the dog on its side so that the head is below the level of the chest for the fluid to flow freely.

The oral cavity must be cleaned of foreign objects, and the tongue should be stuck out to free the airways.

Assess the condition of the mucous membranes, which normally have pink color. Check for breathing and heartbeat. The presence of respiration can be judged by respiratory movements chest, breathing sounds or air vibrations near the nostrils, which can be detected by palpation or with the help of, for example, a piece of cotton. If the heart is beating, but the animal is not breathing, you need to do artificial respiration. To do this, fix the jaws in the closed position with your hands, press your lips to the nasal passages and take a few exhalations (1 exhalation in 4 seconds), making sure that the chest rises and falls.

After 5 full breaths, check for a heartbeat. This can be done as follows: a) squeeze the chest on both sides with the palms at the level elbow joint; b) on inner surface find the femoral artery by palpation and feel the pulse. If there is no heartbeat, then cardiopulmonary resuscitation in which artificial respiration is combined with cardiac massage. Heart massage is carried out by rapid pressure (approximately 100 shocks per minute) with the palms on the middle of the chest. The fast rhythm of the massage is especially important for small dogs. For every 5-6 shocks, there should be 1 exhalation into the nasal passages, while periodically checking the pulse. If within 5 minutes resuscitation did not bring positive result further implementation is considered inappropriate.

After the restoration of breathing and heartbeat, the dog must be taken to the veterinarian. Even if the animal simply swallowed water, without loss of consciousness and other threatening symptoms, careful monitoring of its condition and a visit to the veterinary clinic will not be superfluous, since water entering the lungs can lead to the development of inflammation.

To avoid accidents, keep a close eye on your pet while on the water. Avoid bathing areas with strong currents, as well as bodies of water with stagnant water and waterfowl. The shore and the bottom at the bathing place must be clean, without dangerous debris (glass, construction waste). When swimming, the dog can become entangled in mud or reeds, so avoid such overgrown waters.

Pet stores sell special dog life jackets, which are especially recommended for the breeds mentioned at the beginning of our article, due to their exterior features, they are not suitable for long-term swimming. Also, vests will be useful when bathing elderly, sick, injured or overweight dogs.
Avoid swimming during intense heat. The best time for swimming is morning or evening. Also, do not let the dog into the water in cold weather, as this can lead to the development of pneumonia. Don't let a dog get into the water if it's hot from running on the beach. If the dog does not feel the measure and is ready to frolic in the water until he is blue in the face, then keep the animal on the shore on your own. Bathing your dog after he has eaten is not recommended.

Pulmonary edema in dogs is a serious pathological condition where there is a direct threat to her life. It is very important that the owner knows what his symptoms are, can provide first aid to his pet and take him to the veterinary clinic without delay. From how much time will pass from the beginning of the attack, it will depend on whether it can be cured, and whether the further life expectancy will be great.

A prerequisite for the life of the mammalian organism is the presence of pulmonary respiration. This is the name of a set of processes that ensure the supply of oxygen to the tissues and the removal of exhaust air containing carbon dioxide. Oxygen is necessary for the cells of the body to oxidize organic substances and release the energy necessary for life. Pulmonary respiration is based on gas exchange: on inhalation, oxygen-enriched air enters the lung structures for further use by the body, on exhalation, exhaust air, with great content carbon dioxide is removed to the environment.

The main structures of the lungs through which pulmonary respiration is carried out are called alveoli. These are peculiar vesicles that open into the lumen of the respiratory bronchioles. The alveoli are surrounded by a dense network of small vessels and capillaries, the terminal branches of the arterial system.

With pulmonary edema, different reasons the pulmonary vessels overflow with blood, which causes the release of its liquid part - plasma outside. Fluid-filled alveoli cannot carry out normal gas exchange. Pulmonary respiration becomes insufficient and then stops completely. This process has an upward direction, so the deterioration of health the dog is coming gradually.

Causes of the disease

There are two types of pulmonary edema in dogs:

  1. Hydrostatic edema accompanies diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Membranous edema is caused by exposure to toxins.

Hydrostatic edema can have two development mechanisms:

  • A large volume of blood in the vessels causes its pressure to rise significantly. The permeability of the vascular walls increases. As a result liquid part blood enters the interstitial (extracellular) space, and then fills the alveoli.
  • Low oncotic blood pressure (pressure of the protein component of blood - plasma), which occurs due to insufficient protein content, creates a large difference in pressure between the fluids in the vessels and in the intercellular space. Physical laws demand to equalize this difference. Therefore, part of the fluid passes through the walls of the vessels, filling the interstitial spaces.

Edema of the membranous type is based on damage to the walls (membranes) of blood vessels as a result of exposure to external toxic substances or autotoxins. As a result, the fluid enters the intercellular space through the broken walls of the vessels.

Cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic edema

In dogs, the disease can be various reasons. They depend on the type of disease. There are two of them: cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic.

Cardiogenic pulmonary edema is much more common in dogs. It can be attributed to the hydrostatic type. The provoking factors are:

  • heart failure (congenital or acquired);
  • hypertension;
  • blockage of a pulmonary artery by a thrombus.

The non-cardiogenic type of edema can be either hydrostatic or membranous.

The hydrostatic type develops if the dog has pathologies in which blood protein is reduced, namely:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • kidney disease;
  • a diet low in protein.

A common cause of hydrostatic edema is the uncontrolled use of diuretics (Furosemide).

Any pathologies and injuries accompanied by severe intoxication of the body can lead to the development of membranous edema:

  • bites of snakes and poisonous insects;
  • sepsis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergic and autoallergic reactions;
  • electric shock;
  • heat or sunstroke.

It can also be caused by injury and mechanical damage chest, leading to pleurisy or pneumothorax.

Symptoms of the disease

Pulmonary edema may present in dogs with symptoms of acute or lingering current, but it always starts the same way: depression and signs of lack of air. The following behaviors are characteristic:

  • the appearance of shortness of breath, swelling of the veins;
  • forced posture with widely spaced paws, outstretched neck and open mouth;
  • in the event that the forces leave the animal, it lies on its side;
  • intermittent breathing - intense breaths, hoarse exhalations;
  • dry cough;
  • pale or bluish mucous membranes of the lips and nose.

In severe cases from oral cavity a pinkish foam is released. When listening to the lungs, moist rales are clearly audible.

Prolonged lack of air leads to the fact that the dog falls into a hypoxic state due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients- hypoxic coma. This is a serious condition, the signs of which are judged by the oppression of consciousness, muscle cramps, paresis or paralysis, hyperthermia.

Diagnosis of the disease

The main diagnostic methods for diseases of the respiratory system are as follows:

  1. Auscultation of the lungs and heart. The disease indicates hard breathing, the presence of wet rales.
  2. A complete blood count allows you to see a large number of leukocyte cells in the blood, indicating the presence of inflammatory process or tumors.
  3. Radiography of the lungs in two planes. Pulmonary edema is characterized by reduced transparency lung tissue, the enhanced pulmonary pattern is clearly visible.
  4. Pulse measurement. In diseases of the lungs - the pulse is rapid, thready.
  5. Measurement of blood pressure. High blood pressure may indicate hydrostatic edema.

Urgent care

The first step an owner can give to a dog with suspected pulmonary edema is to get the animal to the veterinarian's office as soon as possible. This must be done correctly so as not to aggravate the patient's condition. It is necessary to carry the animal in a position on its side, so that its airways are not clamped.

Accumulated foam should be removed in time so that it does not interfere with breathing. During the trip, it is recommended to ventilate the interior of the car. You need to try to calm the animal.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of severe lung pathology should be carried out in a veterinary clinic. The method of therapy is chosen by the doctor and depends on the condition of the dog, and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

If the animal is in critical condition, then intensive therapy is carried out by placing the animal in an oxygen chamber or prescribing oxygen inhalations. This will help relieve the attack.

After the condition improves, a comprehensive drug therapy. During it, the lungs are freed from excess fluid, the activity of the heart and lungs stabilizes, and the state of the nervous system improves. The following drugs are prescribed:

  • diuretics (Diakarb, Furosemide, Veroshpiron) - they eliminate edema, removing excess liquid from fabrics;
  • antihistamines and decongestants (Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil) - relieve swelling, eliminate allergies;
  • hormonal agents, glucocorticoids (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone) - used in more serious cases;
  • sedatives (Acepromazine) - stabilize the state of the nervous system, eliminate the consequences;
  • vasodilators and bronchodilators (Nitroglycerin, Broncholithin) - normalize the work of the heart and respiratory system.
  • drugs that stimulate cardiac activity (Cordiamin, Caffeine) - are prescribed in the presence of heart failure.

Bloodletting is a good treatment for hydrostatic edema.

After stabilization of the condition, the dog is discharged home. During the rehabilitation period, it is important to provide her with the most favorable conditions recovery. How to organize her lifestyle will tell the attending physician. It is important to fulfill the following conditions:

  • limit physical activity as much as possible;
  • carry out the recommended therapy;
  • carefully select a therapeutic diet;
  • protect the animal from stress.

Preventive measures

Prevention of pulmonary edema is good care. special attention require dogs that live with a predisposition to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

To avoid dangerous state the following activities will help:

  • drafting a complete diet rich in trace elements and vitamins;
  • providing sufficient rest, especially for dogs undergoing heavy physical exertion;
  • conducting periodic check-ups with a veterinarian.

The owner must know what are the ways of providing the first medical care with pulmonary edema, helping to save the animal's life. AT home first aid kit drugs necessary for initial resuscitation should always be present.

Pulmonary edema has a favorable prognosis in dogs if the cause can be corrected. chronic process threatens with constant relapses and requires the owner to pay close attention to his pet.

Pulmonary edema in dogs is common, it is not an independent disease, but only accompanies some pathological processes in the body of an animal.

It is important to understand that the development of pulmonary edema threatens not only general condition animal, but also his life.

The respiratory organs in dogs are divided into two sections: the upper and lower respiratory tract. The upper respiratory tract includes the nostrils, nasal passages with paranasal sinuses, and the larynx. The lower respiratory tract is located behind the glottis and is represented by the trachea, two main bronchi, small bronchioles, and the lungs directly. Distinguish between the right and left lungs, which occupy the corresponding sides of the chest.

Lung tissue in dogs is represented by lobes, separated by fairly deep interlobar fissures. The left lung is made up of the cranial (anterior) and caudal (posterior) lobes, they are approximately equal in size. The right lung has, in addition to the cranial and caudal, one more additional lobe.

In addition to the thoracic part of the trachea and lungs, the thoracic cavity contains the heart and passing into abdominal cavity esophagus.

The chest cavity is airtight, the pressure in it, relative to atmospheric pressure, is negative. Due to this, the lungs, which are similar in structure to a delicate elastic sponge, passively follow the movements of the chest. The sliding of the lung tissue is ensured by the unimpeded movement of the parietal (external) and visceral (internal, lining the organs of the chest cavity) pleura. This is how you inhale and exhale.

The smallest structural and functional unit of the lung tissue is the alveolus. It is a kind of small bubble, or a group of bubbles with the thinnest wall. It is in the alveoli that milestone respiration - gas exchange between atmospheric air and the blood of the body. Carbon dioxide produced in the process of tissue respiration enters the air, and the blood, in turn, is saturated with oxygen.

Causes of Pulmonary Edema in Dogs

There are three main mechanisms for the development of pulmonary edema:

  1. rises blood pressure in vessels of the lung, there is an increase in permeability vascular wall for fluid, causing it to sweat into the extravascular space. It accumulates in the alveoli, pulmonary edema develops.
    This is the most common type - hydrostatic.
  2. There is also a membranous type of pulmonary edema, in which the integrity of the alveolar wall or capillaries (alveocapillary membrane) of the lung is violated under the influence of toxic substances.
  3. With a decrease in oncotic (protein) blood pressure: with an insufficient number of protein molecules in the blood, its liquid part is not sufficiently retained in bloodstream and begins to seep through the walls of blood vessels.

In any case, the area of ​​the lungs involved in gas exchange with air decreases, as a result of which an insufficient amount of oxygen enters the blood (hypoxemia), an excess of carbon dioxide accumulates (hypercapnia) and oxygen starvation all body tissues (hypoxia). First of all, the brain and heart, as active consumers of energy, suffer from a lack of oxygen.

By the time of formation and accumulation of fluid in the lungs, edema usually develops quite quickly, that is, acutely; or slowly, chronically, which is observed in slowly progressive diseases (chronic renal failure, chronic diseases of the lungs themselves).

Pulmonary edema is a decompensated state of the body, when the forces and reserves to maintain balance (homeostasis) are exhausted. There are various physiological mechanisms that prevent both the emergence and development of such critical condition. Thus, in an animal with pulmonary edema, it is required to identify the cause that led to such significant changes in the body.

Typically, pulmonary edema is caused by following states body:

  • decompensated heart failure;
  • kidney failure;
  • neoplasms;
  • intoxication;
  • allergic reactions (anaphylaxis);
  • various infectious diseases;
  • choking with water or other liquids;
  • entry into the lungs of foreign objects.

With heart failure, stagnation of blood occurs in the pulmonary circulation. It starts from the right ventricle of the heart, from which venous blood pulmonary arteries enters the lungs, where it is depleted of carbon dioxide, enriched with oxygen, and then through the pulmonary veins the same blood, which has become arterial, returns to the left atrium.

However, on this stage with developed problems with the heart, it does not enter the left half of the heart in full, and with each cardiac cycle, the volume of unaccommodated blood increases, pressure rises and pulmonary edema develops.

Symptoms (clinical signs) of pulmonary edema in dogs

The main symptom of developed pulmonary edema is shortness of breath. The dog breathes often - tachypnea is noted. In severe cases, this may be accompanied by wheezing, coughing, foaming from the mouth and nose.

The animal breathes through an open mouth.

Activity decreases: the animal does not play, reacts poorly to external stimuli.

Attention should be paid to the visible mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Conjunctiva: they become pale (anemic) or develop a blue color (cyanosis).

Diagnosis of pulmonary edema in dogs

Diagnosis to confirm the presence of pulmonary edema is possible using:

  • radiography;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • auscultation;
  • trial puncture (thoracocentesis, pleural puncture);
  • tonometry (measurement of blood pressure);
  • studies of the gas composition of the blood, auscultation.

Pulmonary edema in a dog (X-ray)

At large dogs it is possible to detect changes in percussion sound when tapping (percussion) of the chest with a percussion hammer on a plessimeter, however this method instrumental diagnostics it is used quite rarely, and in small dogs it is not very informative.

A coagulogram that reflects blood clotting ability can indicate pulmonary edema that has developed as a result of pulmonary thrombosis.

The dog must be listened to with a stethoscope or phonendoscope. In the case of pulmonary edema, pathological hard breathing, wheezing is noted.

Emergency care for pulmonary edema

If you suspect that a dog is developing pulmonary edema, then first of all you should limit the animal's mobility: when moving, oxygen consumption by the tissues increases, and when respiratory failure is present, the body is already lacking. The second point is the calmness of the dog and its owner. Do not panic yourself and calm the sick animal as much as possible. At this moment, it is difficult and painful for the dog to breathe, it becomes scary, panic grows, and against the background of stress, oxygen starvation of tissues progresses rapidly.

Ensure sufficient airflow: open windows, etc.). To provide emergency assistance you can inject a diuretic - loop diuretic Furosemide (aka Lasix).

Treatment of pulmonary edema in dogs

In the clinic, the dog is urgently placed in an oxygen box, or an oxygen mask is brought up. They receive either oxygen concentrated from the air, or oxygen from cylinders, which is in a liquefied state. Sometimes tracheal intubation is required, that is, the introduction of a special tube into it, through which passive ventilation of the lungs is possible.

Also intravenously in urgently drugs are administered to maintain cardiac and respiratory activity.

With a sufficiently large volume of accumulated fluid in the lungs, it is removed.

Prognosis for pulmonary edema in a dog

The development of pulmonary edema can aggravate the condition of the heart: in particular, acute heart failure.

As a result of insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues, internal organs such as the heart, brain, adrenal glands, liver, kidneys, and others can suffer.

The lungs themselves may also be affected, in which case they develop:

  • collapse of the lung (atelectasis);
  • germination by connective tissue (sclerosis);
  • emphysema;
  • pneumonia;
  • sepsis.

Directly in case of failure to provide timely emergency assistance A dog that shows signs of pulmonary edema may develop conditions such as:

  • lightning-fast form of pulmonary edema;
  • circulatory instability;
  • cardiogenic shock;
  • contraction violation different departments hearts
  • blockage of the airways.

With toxic pulmonary edema, the prognosis for a cure is quite good, however, the mortality rate is quite high as a result of rapid development.

Be attentive to your pets and remember: assistance in case of developing edema lungs should be provided immediately and in a clinical setting - both in human medicine and in veterinary medicine.

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