Why does a child often have a nosebleed. Nosebleed. Why does the child have a nosebleed

Nosebleeds (epistaxis) in a child is a pathology that can scare not only the baby himself, but also the parents. Basically, this condition does not cause concern, but there are serious situations. Every mother should have an idea of ​​​​why a child’s nose bleeds, about the reasons that provoked the problem and the situations in which you need to urgently go to the hospital.

If a child is bleeding from the nose, then it is problematic to immediately determine the true cause of the pathology. We need diagnostics, tests, and this takes time. Among the most common reasons, Dr. Komarovsky identifies several:

  1. Injury to the nasal mucosa. The inner shell of the nose in children is very delicate, with many fragile blood vessels. It can bleed through the nose if you blow your nose, sneeze, pick, and also in cases of overdrying of the mucosa. Epistaxis can also be provoked by trauma when foreign objects are thrust into the nose, which also often happens in children.
  2. Blood pressure can rise not only in adults, but also in children. This often results in vascular damage and bleeding.
  3. Problems with the vascular network of the nasal cavity. Due to the inherent structural features of the vessels, they can easily be injured. Spontaneous nosebleeds may also occur.
  4. Some viruses and bacteria (flu, measles, scarlet fever) provoke inflammation of the mucosa and, as a result, nosebleeds often occur.
  5. The appearance of epistaxis in some cases warns of the presence of any serious disease, both hereditary and acquired. We are talking about hemophilia, thrombocytopathy, vasculitis, lupus. All of these pathologies can not have the best effect on the ability of blood to coagulate. Anemia, leukemia, hepatitis, hypovitaminosis can provoke recurrent bleeding.
  6. Neoplasms in the nose (benign and malignant). Such pathologies, with proper treatment, resolve and pass, but sometimes they grow and provoke blood flow.
  7. Dysfunction of the liver, bone marrow and other organs.
  8. Allergic rhinitis.
  9. Bleeding can be the result of sun or heat stroke, as well as hypothermia.
  10. Girls during puberty may suddenly bleed from the nose. This is due to the fact that the production of sex hormones estrogen and progesterone increases. The vessels fill with blood, which leads to swelling of the mucosa, its thinning and bleeding.

The causes of epistaxis are determined by the doctor after a thorough examination. Parents can only guess what caused such a reaction.


The primary symptom of the pathology is the appearance of blood discharge from one nostril, less often from both. In the event that the blood is not strong, other signs do not appear. But with abundant secretions and with certain pathologies affecting the internal organs, additional ailments may be added, in particular:

  • weakness, dizziness, tinnitus;
  • tachycardia, shortness of breath;
  • pallor of the skin.

There are situations when the blood in the child's nose is released quite a bit, but the general condition of the baby worsens. Most likely, part of it enters the esophagus and stomach, flowing down the back wall of the nasopharynx. In this case, hematemesis is not ruled out.

Signs of a dangerous nosebleed

The most dangerous are bleeding that opened at night. Such reactions are the result of the most unexpected factors. Among them are allergic manifestations, increased intracranial pressure. If blood flows from the nose in a dream, then it is possible that drops with a vasoconstrictive effect have been used uncontrollably recently. Their use will have to be abandoned and observed whether such a reaction will repeat or not.

If epistaxis occurs predominantly in the morning, it is recommended to be examined for polyps. In addition, such a condition can be observed in the case of the development of chronic physical or emotional overwork of the child.

Scarlet or foamy blood occurs if the lung is damaged. Dark, close to brown, color warns of problems with the stomach or esophagus. Blood secreted along with mucus or clots is a symptom of complications of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Important! Short-term, severe bleeding, when fluid begins to flow from the nose in a jet, is a sign that a large vessel is damaged, or a malignant neoplasm has appeared in the nasal cavity or nearby area.

With severe nosebleeds, the child may immediately lose consciousness. Epistaxis may be complicated by nausea and vomiting. Improperly rendered first aid often leads to unexpected consequences. For example, blood can enter the nasolacrimal canal, a scarlet liquid begins to flow from the eyes. Although this phenomenon is rare, it will scare everyone.

Important! Blood flowing from both nostrils at the same time and not stopping for 10 minutes is a serious cause for concern. It is necessary not to waste time, you need to call an ambulance.

First aid

Each parent should have information on what to do when a nosebleed is discovered in a baby.

What do we have to doWhat Not to Do
The child must be seated in such a way that the head is in a flat or slightly tilted forward position.Do not allow the head to tilt back, otherwise the blood will begin to drain into the esophagus and the general condition will be aggravated by nausea and vomiting.
If the problem occurs at night, the child should be awakened and seated in an upright position.Do not take a lying or reclining position
Open collar, loosen fasteners, open window - patient needs fresh airBlock fresh air
Calm the child, distract with a toy or conversationFall into a panic
Make sure that the baby is calm, does not make sudden movementsActive movement, conversations
A cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide is inserted into the nostril and left for 10 minutes.Insert a cotton swab deeply into the nasal passage
Place a cold object on the bridge of the noseYou can not blow your nose during this period, such actions will interfere with the process of stopping the blood

A one-year-old child will have a similar set of measures. If such actions did not help stop the flow of blood from the nose, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Only a pediatric otolaryngologist can determine the type of bleeding using rhinoscopy and pharyngoscopy. The solution to the problem does not end with stopping the bleeding. Now you need to determine exactly what reasons caused such a reaction.

To do this, the child must undergo an examination, which includes:

  • general blood analysis;
  • consultation with narrow specialists (immunologist, oncologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, hematologist);
  • if necessary, an x-ray of the skull may be prescribed.

A complex of diagnostic measures will help to establish the root cause of the pathology and decide on further therapy.


Epistaxis during the first aid phase may require medical therapy. The doctor prescribes drugs that can stop the bleeding. Medications may be prescribed to reduce capillary fragility and permeability. The subsequent treatment of the disease directly depends on the cause of the pathological condition.

If the bleeding was provoked by a foreign body in the nasal region, then you should not try to get it yourself, this can only aggravate the situation. It is required to entrust the baby to a doctor who, in a hospital or outpatient clinic, will quickly cope with the problem. If the patient has lost a lot of blood, a transfusion may be required.

Nosebleeds in a child are not always a sign of dangerous diseases. Do not panic ahead of time. It is important to be able to properly provide first aid and stop the bleeding. After that, contact a doctor who, after certain diagnostic measures, will prescribe treatment, if necessary.

03.09.2016 49806

Nosebleeds in childhood are not uncommon. According to studies, 57% of children under 10 years of age had a nosebleed at least once. In the first year of life, such a problem practically does not occur. Mostly kids from three to six years old suffer, by adolescence, unpleasant phenomena, as a rule, disappear.

Parents are especially worried if bleeding occurs at night. In most cases, this is not dangerous and passes after 2-3 minutes. The child's nose is still very small, the nasal passages are narrow, the mucous membrane is loose and sensitive to any influences. In addition, the sinuses are richly lined with blood vessels, which are supplied by the external and internal carotid arteries. In the nasal mucosa there is a vascular plexus, which is called the "bleeding zone" or Kisselbach's plexus. In 90% of cases, minor damage to this section provokes bleeding.

Possible reasons

To find out the cause of the blood, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. In the presence of concomitant diseases, a blood test for platelet count and coagulability is mandatory.

Additionally, a consultation is held with an ENT specialist, a hematologist, an immunologist.

In children from one year old, the level of platelets ranges from 180 to 320 nanoliters. At a reduced level, hematomas appear on the body, poor blood clotting leads to prolonged nosebleeds. The cause may be serious blood diseases, mononucleosis, hepatitis, but more often a low level of blood cells is observed with colds or certain medications. In any case, the visit to the hematologist should not be postponed.

Basic nose in children:

  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • injury;
  • foreign body;
  • dry air;
  • the use of vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • colds.

There are two types of nosebleeds in children:

  • from the upper anterior sections of the nasopharynx - occurs when the vessels are damaged;
  • from the lower back section - caused by injuries of the nose, various diseases, with increased pressure.

In the first case, the blood from one nostril, the flow slowly and quickly stops.

If the vessels of the lower posterior section are damaged, the bleeding is profuse, from both nostrils, it is difficult to stop.

Often in a child from the nose during sleep due to excessive fragility of blood vessels. This happens when there is a lack of vitamin C, which is involved in protein synthesis. Without it, not a single biochemical reaction in the body takes place. It improves immunity, strengthens blood vessels, prevents the development of many diseases. An unbalanced diet, insufficient intake of foods rich in vitamin C leads to vascular fragility and, as a result, to frequent bleeding.

Fragility causes tobacco smoke, dust accumulation, allergy to pet hair.

A common cause of nosebleeds is injury to the mucosa. Small children have a habit of picking their nose with their fingers, sticking small toys and details into it, which injures the delicate shell and causes blood loss.

An increase in pressure caused by physical exertion, hyperthermia, kidney disease can also provoke bleeding. Under no circumstances should you panic. This will not help the situation, and the child will be even more frightened.

Often at night there is blood from the nose in the cold season. This is due to the fact that the air in the room is too dry - hot radiators, additional heaters are turned on, the windows in the room are tightly closed. The mucous membrane dries up, becomes susceptible to any irritation. The nose creates ideal conditions for the development of inflammatory diseases, rhinitis, and bleeding.

The norm is from 45 to 60%, during the heating season the figure drops to 25%. To normalize the situation, you should ventilate the room more often.

Through ventilation is performed at. The presence of an aquarium, a humidifier contribute to the normalization of the level of humidity.

A strong cough, inability to blow your nose normally, sneezing increase pressure in the walls of blood vessels, which leads to their rupture and bleeding.

How to help properly

Nosebleeds start unexpectedly and take adults by surprise. Do not fuss, make noise, excite the child. Such actions will lead to increased heart rate and increased pressure, which will cause a large loss of blood. It is necessary to calm the baby and take control of the situation.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to tilt the head back or lay the child down!

In this position, blood will begin to drain into the esophagus or airways, and may lead to respiratory arrest. In addition, it is impossible to find out whether the bleeding has stopped or not, how intense it is.

If the nose bleeds, do the following:

  1. the child is seated on a chair, his head is slightly lowered to his chest;
  2. close the nostrils with fingertips for 3-5 minutes, during which time the bleeding should stop;
  3. put cold on the bridge of your nose. Additionally, give the baby to drink cool water or eat ice cream. Cold drink from the inside helps stop bleeding.
  4. moisten cotton swabs in hydrogen peroxide and insert not too deep into the nasal passages;
  5. to ensure the flow of fresh air - unfasten the neck, slightly open the window.

Important! The legs must be kept warm - this helps to reduce the circulation of fluid in the nasal region and leads to a stop of bleeding.

If the nose is bleeding due to the ingestion of a foreign object, do not get it yourself. Such actions lead to the fact that it will move into the respiratory tract and cause suffocation.

If nasal congestion occurs regularly, you should seek the advice of a doctor. To prevent repeated relapses, the ENT performs cauterization of the mucosa with silver nitrate. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and does not cause pain.

Treatment of vascular fragility begins with the intake of "Ascorutin" and calcium preparations, as well as vitamin complexes with ascorbic acid, routine. The course of therapy lasts up to 1 month.

Humidity in the room should be brought in line with the norm.

When to call a doctor urgently

  • the general condition deteriorates sharply;
  • become damp and pale;
  • blood flows from the nose for more than 10 minutes, there are no clots;
  • there was a severe head injury;
  • bleeding from two nostrils;
  • vomiting began with spotting, blood began to flow from the ear or throat.

Nosebleeds are usually caused by broken blood vessels. However, in some cases, this can be triggered by a serious illness, so a doctor's consultation is necessary in any case.

Any nosebleed, or, as doctors say, the outflow of blood from the nasal cavity, occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels. Most often this happens with children from two to 10 years. The reasons are extremely varied.

Why is the child bleeding from the nose?

If a child's nose bleeds, there is a reason. And it cannot be determined immediately. It takes time to diagnose. And at first they assume:

  1. traumatic injury to the nasal mucosa. It is very vulnerable in children, because it is thin and contains many blood vessels. Problems can occur when the mucosa is too dry, for example, during the heating season or as a result of strong blowing, sneezing and picking your nose. A special problem relevant for young children is foreign bodies, which babies often put into their noses, then forget about it or deliberately hide from adults. A foreign body injures the mucous membrane and provokes bleeding or causes inflammation, and then the bloody discharge is accompanied by purulent with an unpleasant odor. The mucosa can also suffer from frequent rhinitis of any origin (allergic or infectious);
  2. deviated septum of the nose, leading to uneven expansion and excessive vulnerability of blood vessels;
  3. nose and/or face injury when falling, hitting a ball or a hand in contact sports. Particularly severe nosebleeds occur with cranial injuries, for example, a fracture of the base of the skull in the anterior region of the cranial fossa;
  4. infectious disease with high fever- influenza, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, etc. In acute inflammation, blood vessels become very vulnerable, toxins released by viruses and bacteria literally corrode and thin their walls;
  5. problem of the vascular network of the nasal cavity. A congenital feature is considered a variant of varicose veins, which can "show" itself in different parts of the body;
  6. increase in blood pressure. It is believed that hypertension is characteristic only of adults, but recently it has become more common in young patients, in particular, due to problems with the kidneys, the endocrine system, metabolic disorders, such as cholesterol, an overdose of vitamin D, overheating, and heart defects. In fact, a protective-compensatory mechanism is triggered: when a small amount of blood exits through the nose, blood pressure decreases slightly, reducing the likelihood of cerebral hemorrhage;
  7. violation in the blood coagulation system (hemostasis). The most famous is hemophilia, and there is also thrombocytopathy, in which platelets that have an irregular structure are not able to participate in the process of blood clotting.
  8. polyp or swelling in the nose;
  9. failure of the liver, bone marrow and other organs.
  10. nosebleeds are sometimes caused by medications for example, anticoagulants that inhibit blood clotting, among them aspirin.

Blood from the nose of a child: we determine the strength of the "flow"

"Spring" can originate in different places. If in the front of the nose, blood usually comes out of one nostril in drops or a trickle. This area is called the Kisselbach zone, it contains a plexus of small and narrow capillaries that quickly clog, so the flow is short-lived and blood loss is minimal. They begin due to trauma to the nasal mucosa with fingers, hard objects (cotton bud, pencil, toy). This type of bleeding accounts for about 90% of all and, as a rule, does not pose a threat to life.

If the source of bleeding lies in the middle or back of the nose, the situation becomes more complicated: blood flows from a wide artery, and significant blood loss is not ruled out. Such bleeding is more difficult to notice, because the blood flows in a strong stream along the back of the throat, the baby swallows it first. But at some point he vomits blood or bloody diarrhea (melena). But by this time, the baby manages to lose a large amount of blood. And as a result, he has tinnitus, dizziness, lowering blood pressure, increased heart rate, general weakness of the body, shortness of breath. Suffocation is also possible: the liquid can get into the respiratory tract. Causes of the posterior type of nosebleeds are more serious: increased blood pressure, trauma to the face or nose, etc.

Attention! The flow rate is also different: from insignificant to profuse - life-threatening. Children do not tolerate blood loss well: a deficiency of 50 ml of blood in a small child is equivalent to the loss of 1 liter in an adult!

A single and short nosebleed with timely and correct first aid is not fraught with great danger. But a repetition of the situation or abundant flows is a reason to consult a doctor for a thorough search for the true cause of what happened.

Causes of nosebleeds in children

Frequently repeated, albeit minor, bleeding from the nose requires a thorough examination. First of all, anemia is ruled out. Be sure to conduct a study of the rate of blood clotting; if it is below normal, a consultation with a hematologist is recommended. It is important to measure blood pressure, check the function of the liver and kidneys. For prolonged bleeding with an unclear cause, additional tests are involved.

Attention! Measures to prevent nosebleeds are moisturizing and purifying the air in the nursery, careful handling of the nasal passages, correct blowing your nose, choosing safe toys and sports.

First aid for nosebleeds

The reaction of adults to blood from the nose is urgent, the bleeding must be stopped immediately, wherever it starts - in the garden, on the street, at home. And for this you need:

  • Soothe or distract with a conversation, a toy.
  • Learn to breathe evenly and deeply. With excitement, the heartbeat always quickens, and with it the speed of blood flow increases.
  • The baby should be seated or placed in a semi-sitting position with the head slightly tilted forward and down.
  • Provide access to fresh air - unbutton the collar, loosen the fasteners, open the window.
  • Put a cold lotion or an ice pack on the bridge of the nose and nose to narrow the vessels of the nasal mucosa, and a warm heating pad to the legs.
  • In case of minor bleeding, press the wing of the nose against the nasal septum with your finger and apply an ice pack there.
  • If the child's nose does not stop bleeding, a ball of sterile cotton wool or gauze moistened with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is inserted into the anterior nasal cavity. The child himself can press it against the nasal septum and hold it for 10-15 minutes.
  • If this does not help, go to the clinic or emergency room.

Attention! A severe cause of bleeding (hemophilia) requires hospitalization, so call an ambulance immediately.

When bleeding from the nose, do not:

  • remove the pillow from under the baby's head;
  • raise his legs above the level of the body;
  • sharply tilt your head back: this makes it difficult for the outflow of blood through the veins of the neck, as a result of which bleeding may increase;
  • abruptly change the position in which it all began.

Nosebleeds in children are a fairly common phenomenon, and although the sight of suddenly appearing red spots on a child’s clothes, a pillow, often shocks parents, as a rule, it does not contain anything particularly dangerous. When asked why children bleed from the nose, doctors answer quite reasonably: in order to understand the cause of any fears that arise, you should first go to your clinic and pass the appropriate prescribed tests. Only in this way can we definitely say what exactly is happening with the baby. However, there are some causes of nosebleeds that are common to most cases.

The nasal cavity of a person, and especially a child, is distinguished by an abundant blood supply, in addition, a developing organism has its own characteristics in anatomy and physiology. In children, the nasal mucosa is very delicate and sensitive to external influences, so any mechanical damage to the nose can lead to profuse bleeding.

A very common cause of nosebleeds is that children often like to stick their fingers up their noses, and sometimes other things. foreign objects. In such cases, with bleeding, you should not only do everything necessary to stop the bleeding, but also carefully check if there are any foreign objects in the child’s nose that can damage the delicate nasal mucosa. The Kisselbach zone is the name given to the plexus of vessels located in the nasal mucosa, which are distinguished by their bleeding, and not even necessarily with mechanical damage, but often spontaneously, for no apparent reason. That is why the Kisselbach zone is also called the bleeding zone, since the vascular plexus is located very close to the surface of the nasal mucosa and in the vast majority of cases it is the main source of blood coming from the nose.

The number one reason why children (as well as adults, by the way) bleed from the nose is pressure increase. Very often, a child's nose bleeds at night, during sleep. It is very, very important in such cases not to let the child be very afraid of the sight of his own blood, and for this, the parent himself should immediately stop twitching and calmly take all the necessary actions to eliminate this phenomenon, which is unpleasant in all respects. It is necessary to calm the child, explain to him that nothing terrible has happened, you should not take stupid actions, get scared yourself, run, fuss and scream. Often, many parents, as well as their children, have to explain that with nosebleeds, all this vital fluid will not come out of the child’s body, especially if all necessary actions are taken clearly and in a timely manner. In the house where children live, first aid should always be ready, so they should not be neglected.

Another, very common reason why a child, regardless of his age, is bleeding from the nose, may be increased fragility of blood vessels. A similar phenomenon can occur when there is a lack of vitamin C in the body of a child, since this vitamin is involved in the synthesis of a special protein that gives the vessels elasticity. Insufficient intake of foods rich in this vital vitamin can cause bleeding in the skin as well, gums become weak and bleed. Scurvy, a disease that affected sailors in past centuries, was caused precisely by an acute lack of vitamin C in the body, perhaps there is not a single sane person who would want to bring himself or his children to such an ailment, therefore , rich in various vitamins, is extremely necessary, especially in the winter - spring periods of the year.

In addition, the fragility of the vessels of the nose can be caused by the extreme dryness of the air in the room. Very often, especially in the cold season, it happens that the room in the room where the child is, in order to avoid a cold and all that unpleasant that accompanies it, is closed tightly. All the cracks are plugged, the windows are closed, the heater and steam heating are turned on. However, this is not entirely correct, since the air in the room must be constantly refreshed. It is quite possible to do this during the absence of the child, so as not to catch a cold. In addition, special devices designed to humidify the air, as well as indoor plants, will help to cope with this inconvenience.

Why children very often bleed from the nose, we, in general terms, found out. Now a few words about what exactly should be done if this trouble happened, and, as always, at the most inopportune moment (during the game or, quite often, at night, during sleep).

1. You should calm down yourself and calm the child: senseless actions and panic can only interfere and harm.

2. It is necessary to seat the victim and tilt his head forward. As a rule, capillary bleeding stops on its own in a few minutes.

3. A pre-prepared first aid kit, in which everything you need should take place, will greatly simplify the process. Cotton swabs can be inserted into the child's nostrils after wetting them with hydrogen peroxide. If it so happened that there is no cotton wool at hand, you can pinch the sinuses of the nose with your fingers for a couple of minutes.

4. You can not lie down, throw back your head, blow your nose. If the bleeding does not stop for a long time, you need to call an ambulance.

A consultation with a doctor at a pediatric clinic seems necessary if nosebleeds follow a child with increased regularity. Most likely, to strengthen the vessels of the nose, the doctor will prescribe the drug Askorutin, as well as additional strengthening drugs and vitamins.

Why does a child bleed from the nose at night and what to do

When a child's nose bleeds at night, both the parents and the baby are usually very frightened. They begin to suspect that something is wrong with the health of their child and fall into a state of panic. Fortunately, in most cases, bleeding from the nose of a child at night does not conceal anything dangerous in itself. But with frequent nosebleeds, you should still consult a doctor who will prescribe an examination. This will help you calm yourself down and make sure that everything is really good.

So why does a child have a nosebleed at night and what to do in this case?

Reasons why a child's nose bleeds at night

The inner surface of the nasal cavity is too fragile and delicate, while it is literally littered with small blood vessels located close to the surface. It is very easy to damage them, therefore, most often, both daytime and nighttime nosebleeds in a child begin due to a mechanical injury to the nasal mucosa. During the day, this can be an accidental injury in a game or fight, and at night, an unsuccessful "landing" on the side of the bed or one's own hand while turning over in a dream.

Nosebleeds in a child at night only look terrifying, but in fact, so much blood is lost. Other reasons for this phenomenon include:

high sensitivity of blood vessels, which, even without mechanical injury, burst in very hot and dry weather; infections that affect the nose, sinuses, or throat; cold or flu; allergy; increased fragility of blood vessels; the presence of foreign bodies in the nasal cavity; physical overstrain during sports; the use of certain anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor drugs.

Also a common cause of blood from the nose in a child at night or during the day is the love of many children for picking in the nasal passages, especially after an illness, when the mucous membrane is thinned from the use of drugs and causes discomfort.

What to do if a child has a nosebleed at night

First of all, you should not fuss and frighten an already frightened baby with your chaotic actions. First you need to calm the child, who had a nosebleed at night, and calm down the parents themselves, in no case should you scold him or show your dissatisfaction with the situation. If he cries, the bleeding will only get worse.

If a child has a nosebleed at night, it is strictly forbidden to lie down and even more so to throw back his head and blow his nose! Since the result of such a situation will only be an imaginary cessation of bleeding. In fact, blood begins to flow into the throat, the child, swallowing it, may choke and this will lead to coughing and vomiting, which will only increase bleeding.

After the child calmed down, stopped crying, realized that nothing terrible had happened, you need to seat him comfortably and ask him to tilt the body forward a little (not back and not throw his head back, as they usually do!).

Fingers need to squeeze the nostrils and hold it for 8-10 minutes. A soft cloth or gauze should be pressed against the nose so that the blood is absorbed and does not stain everything around. Checking whether the bleeding has stopped before 10 minutes is not worth it. After this time, a cold compress should be applied to the nose.

It is also possible to install a 3 x 0.5 cm tampon in the nasal passage, made of sterile cotton wool and moistened with 3% hydrogen peroxide or vasoconstrictor drops, for example, such as Naphthyzinum. "Galazolin" and "Sanorin".

So that in the future the child does not bleed from the nose at night, you need to monitor the level of humidity in the room, if necessary, you should get a humidifier. Ventilation of the room and daily wet cleaning and elimination of all sources of dust are required.

Hospitalization if the child bleeds from the nose at night

When is hospitalization needed? If, despite all efforts, it is not possible to stop the bleeding within 20-25 minutes or more, or, on the contrary, it intensifies, it is urgent to contact an ambulance. With repeatedly appearing and quickly ending bleeding, you also need to seek help from the clinic.

If a child has a nosebleed at night and his condition has deteriorated sharply, a call to an ambulance is mandatory. Children with renal hypertension, bleeding disorders, nausea and vomiting are subject to emergency hospitalization.

If you have questions for the doctor, please ask them on the consultation page. To do this, click on the button:

Nosebleed in a child.

Every parent at least once in their life is faced with such a problem as nosebleeds in a child. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to properly stop bleeding, how to provide first aid to a child, in which cases you can handle it yourself, and in which you need to contact a specialist.

Causes of nosebleeds

Causes of nosebleeds are general and local. Local nosebleeds occur due to microtrauma of the nasal mucosa, such injuries occur quite often, not only in children, but also in adults. In another case, nosebleeds in a child become one of the symptoms of systemic blood diseases or some somatic disease, such as acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.
As a rule, if the nosebleed is local, then the blood comes from one nostril, if the cause is common, then the blood comes from both. But only an otolaryngologist can make a diagnosis by examining the child.

Local causes of nosebleeds

One of the most common local causes of epistaxis is the proximity of the vascular bundle to the surface of the mucous membrane. In this case, the child’s nose can bleed when sneezing, laughing, crying, blowing his nose, physical exertion, since the walls of the most delicate blood vessels cannot withstand stress and burst. A deviated nasal septum can also cause frequent relapses.
Another local problem of nosebleeds is too vulnerable mucous membrane. It is enough for the baby to pick more actively in the nose and as a result, nosebleeds will open.

How to stop nosebleeds?

Nosebleeds must be stopped, because blood loss can lead to such unpleasant consequences as a drop in blood pressure, anemia, etc.

If the baby has nosebleeds, and you are sure that it is of a local nature, then first of all reassure the child. The more the baby is nervous and crying, the more his blood vessels expand, which means that the bleeding will increase.

Make sure that the child breathes through the mouth, otherwise the nosebleed may get worse.

Many parents think that with nosebleeds it is necessary to tilt the child's head, this is an erroneous opinion. Never tilt your child's head back when his nose is bleeding, because in this position, blood can enter the respiratory tract and into the gastrointestinal tract. If blood enters the respiratory tract, inflammation of the respiratory system and breath holding may occur. If blood enters the gastrointestinal tract, the child may vomit, which will increase nosebleeds.

The baby’s head must be tilted down so that the blood comes out easier, ask him to blow his nose, but only very carefully so that the clots come out, after which a cotton swab moistened with a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide or any vasoconstrictor drops.

Then seat the baby so that he does not run and jump, but sits quietly for a while. It is also recommended to put a cold compress on the bridge of the nose or the back of the head, the cold will help the vessels narrow faster.
The above measures are usually enough to stop a child's nosebleed. But if the nosebleed does not stop within twenty minutes or after some time it resumes again, you need to seek help from specialists, call an ambulance.

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Nosebleeds are a common problem in childhood and adolescence. This is due both to the physiological features of the structure of the nasal passages and the functioning of the immune system in children.

The opinions of parents about nosebleeds differ: someone does not see the danger in this phenomenon and does not attach much importance to the problem, while someone, on the contrary, begins to worry and worry, even if there are no visible reasons for this.

In any case, recurrent bleeding should not be ignored - they can be the first signal of possible health problems.

Runny nose and other causes of nosebleeds in one-year-olds and adolescents

Nosebleeds are the result of damage to the capillaries, of which there are a huge number in the nasal cavity. Young children can simply "pick" the surface of the mucosa, which leads to the flow of blood.

But not always the reasons for this phenomenon can be harmless. Sometimes frequent nosebleeds indicate a serious pathology, so this symptom (especially if the baby is too small) cannot be ignored.

Reduced air humidity.

Dry air contains a lot of dust and harmful elements, which, when inhaled, settle on the mucous membranes and form growths (crusts). In addition, low air humidity adversely affects the condition of the mucosa, leading to its depletion. This process is called mucosal atrophy. If a child, picking his nose, picks up a dried outgrowth, a wound is formed, and capillary bleeding occurs.

Arterial hypertension.

Pressure problems can also lead to nosebleeds. In this case, bleeding only benefits the child, as it prevents more serious consequences, such as cerebral hemorrhage. Bleeding is usually preceded by headache, weakness, deterioration of health. After the bleeding stops, the child feels much better.

Diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Violations in the processes of blood clotting (coagulopathy) is another serious cause of nosebleeds. In this case, the gums and other areas with mucous membranes will also bleed.

Vitamin deficiency.

A poor and monotonous diet with a low content of useful elements (minerals and vitamins) can lead to various deviations and diseases. A lack of vitamin C negatively affects the condition of blood vessels - they become brittle, and their walls are depleted, which increases the likelihood of damage.


Especially often children get sun and heat strokes during summer walks. To avoid them, it is necessary to follow the rules for children to stay in the sun in the summer. Walking during the high solstice (from 12 to 17 hours) for children under 6 years old is strictly prohibited.

Infectious and respiratory diseases.

Colds, as well as diseases caused mainly by viruses, lead to the formation of edema of the nasal mucosa and an increase in pressure in the capillaries, which cannot withstand the increased load and burst.

Inflammatory pathologies.

Inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis), as well as adenoids, contribute to the filling of the mucous membranes with blood.

fluctuations in barometric pressure.

During an air flight or traveling in the mountains, a child may have a nosebleed. The reason will be the increased rarefaction of air in unusual conditions for the child.

Pathology of the heart and blood vessels.

Pressure surges in the vessels located in the neck and head area leads to fragility of the vascular walls and the onset of bleeding.

Anatomical features of the structure.

Some children have very narrow nasal passages, so any impact in the nasal cavity leads to injury to the mucous membrane and bleeding.

Taking medication.

Some parents are too zealous in treating a runny nose and use vasoconstrictor drugs designed to eliminate swelling and restore normal breathing.

Such drugs should not be used for more than 3 days, as they not only lose their effectiveness (addiction sets in), but also dry out the mucous membrane, making it thin and susceptible to mechanical stress.

Injuries and bruises.

If a child is bleeding from the nose, the cause may be a bruise. During a fall, children often hit their head and face, so you should carefully examine the surface and nasal cavity for lacerations. If any are found, you should take the baby to the children's hospital.

Why does the nose bleed in a baby?

In newborns and infants, frequent nosebleeds are usually the result of anatomical features.

The nasal passages are still too narrow, and the capillaries are weak, so they often burst with any overvoltage or exposure to an irritating factor. For example, with a long and strong crying, the baby may bleed from the nose.

If the house is hot, and the air humidity does not meet the required standards, nosebleeds can also be repeated with enviable frequency.

Nosebleeds in teenagers: causes

The causes of nosebleeds in teenagers are the same as for other children. But some features can still be distinguished. For example, during puberty (especially in girls), the likelihood of bleeding increases by 2 times. Increased workload at school, rare walks also adversely affect the state of blood vessels, including nasal capillaries.

Walking is essential for children of all ages. Teenagers are no exception. Children over 12 years of age should be outside for at least 3-4 hours in good weather, and at least 2 hours if the temperature is low or there is little wind. Algorithm of actions Rules for the provision of first (emergency) care for nosebleeds in a child: Calm the child and persuade him to spit out the blood. If the child is too small and cannot spit, gently tilt his head down and try to open his jaws with his hands. In cases where the baby resists too actively, the action should be stopped. Apply a clean, dense cloth to your nose and press it for 8-10 minutes. If there are no tissues, or the bleeding is quite intense, you can take a towel. Apply a cold compress to the bridge of the nose. You can use frozen vegetables from the freezer, after wrapping them with a towel or a thin diaper. If after 10-15 minutes, the blood does not stop, call an ambulance. In the video, Dr. Komarovsky describes to parents the main mistakes they make when traveling to stop bleeding. How to stop bleeding in the chest? The technology for stopping bleeding in infants is not much different from the rules applied to older children and adolescents. First you need to calm the baby. If the baby is very frightened, this can cause an increase in blood pressure and increased bleeding. The baby should not be allowed to cry. Babies do not know how to spit out the blood that has accumulated in the oral cavity, therefore, with an attack of strong crying, there is a possibility of blood clots getting into the throat and respiratory tract. If the baby already knows how to sit, he should be put on his knees and tilt his head slightly forward. If a newborn or a one-year-old baby is bleeding, you should take him in your arms with his back up, but at the same time you need to support his head with one hand so that it is constantly raised. Then proceed according to the algorithm: attach a napkin or cloth and apply cold to the bridge of the nose. What can not be done? It is forbidden to tilt the child's head back, as he may choke on blood. For the same reason, do not use cotton swabs (put them in the nostril) in infants, as they do not know how to breathe through their mouths, and blood can enter the respiratory tract. By the way, plugging the nostrils with tampons is not recommended for teenagers either, since during extraction they can again injure the mucous membrane, which will lead to repeated bleeding. Going to the hospital with frequent bleeding Despite the fact that blood from the nose is most often not a sign of pathology, in some cases you still have to show the baby to the doctor. The baby needs urgent medical attention when: blood comes from both nostrils; it is not possible to stop the bleeding on its own (within 15 minutes); blood comes from the nose and from other organs (for example, bleeding from the vaginal tract is observed at the same time); blood went after taking any drug (may mean the beginning of an anaphylactic reaction); blood flows like a fountain. Important! These conditions are the reason for the urgent hospitalization of the child and a thorough examination. If blood from the nose flows regularly (with a frequency of more than 1 time in 10-14 days), you should take tests, find out why bleeding is bothering you and get expert advice. You can start with a visit to a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist, who, after reviewing the results of laboratory tests, will prescribe additional studies and an examination of specialized specialists, for example: a cardiologist; pediatric oncologist; hematologist. Walking and twisting in the morning as a preventive measure In order for the vessels to be strong and elastic, it is important to ensure sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals (zinc, potassium, sodium, vitamins C, A, E) in the body. To do this, the child's diet should contain all the main food groups recommended for the nutrition of children of a particular age category. Without fail, fruits and vegetables (according to the season), meat and fish, eggs, liver, nuts, dairy products, greens and cereals must be present on the table. Regular ventilation and humidification of the air in the room where the child spends most of the time will help to avoid thinning of the mucous membrane.

Ideally, a humidifier should be in the children's room, but if it is not possible to purchase one, you can use the old method: hang wet towels on the radiators or put pots of water on the shelves.

The use of heating devices is best done only in case of emergency. The optimal air temperature for a child's room is 20-22 °C in the morning (and 16-18 °C at night).

Regular walks, and in any weather, in the mornings and evenings, are also the key to the health of the mucous membranes. If a little rain drips outside, this is not a reason to cancel the walk. On the contrary, such air has a very positive effect on the condition of the nasal cavity, helping to fight bacteria and viruses.

Bleeding from the nose cannot be called a pathological condition, since in most cases the causes of this phenomenon are associated with anatomy and physiology. But it's not worth starting the problem, especially if it comes back again and again. With timely access to a doctor, violations can be detected in the early stages, which allows you to successfully treat many diseases and prevent the development of complications.

Everyone knows that if you hit in the nose, blood will flow. Who wants to experience this? Nobody.

Unfortunately, parents often notice scarlet spots on their pillows or clothes in their children, realizing that no one beat them. Some panic, thinking that their beloved child has a deadly disease. In fact, the blood that appeared from the nose of a child and the reasons behind it are not always threatening.

When not to worry

Quite often, nosebleeds in a child occur for no apparent reason. In medicine, this phenomenon is called - epistaxis. It has a direct relationship with the delivery of blood to the nasal mucosa. Since in children under 7 years old it is too tender, and the vessels are fragile, they may encounter such a problem.

If the bleeding occurred once, was short-lived and quickly stopped, you should not worry. But, when a child often complains of a scarlet liquid from the nose, you should seek help.

In order to make intelligent decisions in unexpected situations, parents should know why the child has a nosebleed. Here are some of the reasons causing the problem:

  1. Nose injury.

When an unexpected blow to this part of the face occurs, its delicate mucous membrane cannot stand it. As a result of damage to the capillaries, a small amount of fluid comes out. Mobile children under 5 years old often fall, getting injuries on the face.

Note to parents.

Only a specialist can determine the severity of the injury on the face. After that, you should contact Laura for further treatment.

Smaller children, cleaning the organ from dried crusts, hit it with sharp nails. Sometimes they can put small objects into it, after removing which, a blood trail may appear.

  1. Hysterical crying or tantrum.

When a one-year-old baby cries hysterically for a long time, his vascular pressure increases. As a result, the vessels in the nose rupture. The weakest point in the organ is Kisselbach's plexus.

Plexus of Kisselbach
(click to view)

  1. Excessive activity during games.

Although it is very useful for children to move, excessive activity leads to overwork. The body reacts to this with nosebleeds. If the baby is less than 4 years old, parents should control his leisure time.

  1. Habitat.

Long stay of the baby in the sun leads to overheating. As a result, nose bleeds at night when the body is at rest. In this situation, it is advisable for parents to be there to help a sleepy baby.

This problem also occurs in winter, if the child is in the cold for a long time.

When the heating is turned on during the cold season, the air in the room becomes dry. If a child has sensitive and weak blood vessels, they will certainly react to this. A small amount of blood will indicate their condition, which will serve as a signal to the mother.

A sharp change in climate for a baby can be expressed in the fact that he will experience epistaxis. A trip from the northern part of the country to the south will result in his nose bleeding. Even after returning from the sea, the situation may not change.

  1. Sudden pressure drops.

During air travel, children experience congestion. Since their mucosa is still very tender, pressure drops provoke their destruction.

Often, parents, wanting to please their child, lead him to a swing. Unfortunately, children with weak blood vessels can bleed from the nose after skiing. In view of this, it is desirable to control the amount of such entertainment.

Sometimes the baby is hard to endure a trip to the mountains. Sudden pressure drops affect the nasal capillaries, destroying them. Therefore, choosing a way to relax, it is important for parents to think not only about themselves.

The factors listed above, in general, are not dangerous for the health of little men. After all, a small amount of scarlet fluid from the nose appears for a short time, and then disappears.

When blood is a sign of trouble

The question of why a child often bleeds from the nose arises in parents when they do not see the obvious reason for this phenomenon. Indeed, the root of the problem is often hidden inside the body.

One of the most common causes of scarlet fluid from the nose is all kinds of infections. Children under 6 years old are prone to colds. They, in turn, are associated with that part of the body. Edema or inflammation of the inner lining of the organ leads to vascular tension. If they are brittle, the appearance of blood is inevitable. The situation is aggravated by high body temperature, which causes general weakness of the body. Therefore, the baby may suffer from nocturnal bleeding from the facial organ.

When children get a runny nose, from a cold or an allergy, they often sneeze. Weak capillaries on the mucous membrane inside the nose do not withstand and break.

In addition, some drugs affect the strength of the vessels inside this organ.

When blood often flows from the nose of a child, the root of the problem lies in the pathological development of the organ. The narrowing of the nasal passages can appear through a serious injury that the little man received. If such cases were not observed, then this is a congenital pathology.

Studies show that a lack of vitamins in children in early spring leads to nosebleeds.

It is important for mothers to know.

Despite the fact that in winter there is little vitamin, efforts should be made to ensure that the child's nutrition is balanced. Do not neglect simple vegetables rich in vitamins.

Psychological disorders are also the reason why a child's nose bleeds. If the little man is closed in on himself and is very worried about something, it ends with bleeding. To help him cope with negative emotions, it is advisable to constantly maintain communication with him. Only close friendship will help to identify a real threat to the health of the child.

Helping parents in an emergency

Everyone knows that children have a fear of blood. It is especially manifested when it flows from them. In view of this, it is important to defuse the situation.

At the sight of blood in a baby, parents should not pronounce various exclamations loudly. He is already frightened by the appearance of a scarlet liquid. Instead, it is better to put the baby on a flat place. If this is not possible, you can put him on a chair.

Some believe that it is imperative to throw your head back. In fact, this posture will exacerbate the problem. Blood fluid will flow into the esophagus or airways, which is very dangerous.

When he sits down, let him tilt his head slightly forward, and cover his nose with cotton or tampons. This will allow the liquid to stop. Later, blood clots should be carefully removed from the nose.

If the blood does not clot for a long time, it is advisable to put cold on the bridge of the nose. In case of serious problems, it is worth calling a doctor for help.

After a thorough examination, the doctor will prescribe a treatment that will help strengthen the blood vessels. Vitamin preparations are usually prescribed. If necessary, he can do cauterization of the capillaries.

Be that as it may, blood from the nose is a serious signal of the body. And, if we love our children, then we do not follow the emotions, but solve problems seriously.

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