How to measure pressure without a tonometer. Correct measurement of blood pressure: devices and techniques. Now more about the technique itself.

  • How to determine pressure by complaints and symptoms
  • Quantitative pressure measurement with pendulum and ruler

Blood pressure measurements were carried out even before the invention of the tonometer. people came up with simple ways determine the degree of vascular tension in the body. Their results indirectly, but quite accurately reflected the changes in those indicators, the significance of which was learned only after the discovery of tonometry.

Despite the existence modern techniques, which allow you to measure blood pressure with high accuracy, interest in primary non-hardware methods does not disappear.

The main ways to find out the pressure level are shown in the table, and they are described in detail in the article.

How to determine pressure by complaints and symptoms

The most elementary tonometry by a qualitative method is the features of existing complaints. The desire to measure blood pressure (BP) mainly occurs in people who have some kind of abnormality in the body that cannot be associated with anything (incomprehensible weakness, headache, nausea, etc.). Such a desire healthy people occurs rarely. Since in 70–85% of complaints and symptoms a change in pressure is hidden, by their nature it is possible to indirectly (preliminarily) determine whether it is increased or decreased.

The table describes typical symptoms for hypotension and hypertension:

Headache Pulsating, pressing in the temporal region Aching, pressing in the occipital region
Dizziness It doesn't always happen Strong
Marked weakness Not typical characteristic symptom
Tension, trembling Happens almost always Not typical
Skin color red or unchanged pale
Excitation, anxiety characteristic feature Rarely
Drowsiness Rarely Almost always
heartbeat Strong Weak
Nose bleed With a strong increase Not
Nausea, vomiting recurring Single

There are also additional features that can be seen in both hypertension and hypotension. They are capable of misleading and cannot be a criterion even for an approximate determination of pressure:

  1. Pressing pain in chest.
  2. Shortness of breath or feeling short of breath.
  3. Darkening in the eyes.
  4. Loss of consciousness.

Even an experienced specialist in symptoms and complaints will be able to correctly judge the level of blood pressure only in 60-70% of cases - only to determine whether it is increased or decreased.

Determination of pressure by pulse

The state of the circulatory system is displayed by two main indicators: pulse and blood pressure (BP). They are interrelated, which means that the characteristics of one of them can determine the features of the second. More informative in this regard, the characteristics of the pulse.

It is impossible to accurately determine the level of pressure by the pulse, but everyone can indirectly (approximately) judge this. The table describes the main characteristics of the pulse that you need to pay attention to.

You can evaluate the pulse on any arteries that are more convenient to feel with your fingers. It can be:

  • vessels on the anterolateral surface of the neck immediately below the angle of the jaw;
  • the outer edge of the flexor surface of the lower third of the forearm closer to the outer edge just above the wrist (radial artery);
  • the inner part of the elbow bend;
  • inguinal region (femoral artery).

If you do not know what a normal pulse should be, compare its character in any healthy person or in yourself with the pulse of a patient!

Quantitative pressure measurement with pendulum and ruler

The only way to measure pressure figures without a tonometer is to use a pendulum with a ruler. The effectiveness of this method leaves doubts, since there is not a single official study that would confidently confirm its reliability. This means that there is no scientific justification for the technique. It rather belongs to the field of extrasensory perception and bioenergetics.

However, its great popularity suggests the opposite - a lot of amateur evidence has been created: confirming videos and textual facts. Therefore, to believe or not to believe the pressure indicators, if they are measured with the help of a pendulum and a ruler, everyone must decide for himself.

Technique and sequence of actions when measuring

Everything you need to measure pressure quantitatively without a blood pressure monitor:

  1. Pendulum made from improvised means:
  • thread or thin cord about 20 cm long;
  • a load that will need to be hung on a thread - it can be a ring (gold, copper or another metal), a wire bent into a ring, a paper clip, a pin, a nut. But you can also use a needle and any other small object;
  1. A ruler of any material (20–30 cm) or a centimeter tape.

Step by step instructions for the procedure:

  1. Build a pendulum - tie an existing weight (for example, a ring or a nut) to the end of the thread. The other end of the thread must be free.
  2. Sit down (if you carry out the measurement yourself), seat or lay down the person being examined.
  3. Lay the subject's forearm on a firm, immovable surface with the flexion surface up. It is better to determine on the left hand, but it is also possible on the right.
  4. Lay the ruler with the beginning of the scale in the bend of the elbow. You can also make marks on the skin of the forearm through one or more centimeters.
  5. Take the free end of the thread with an attached weight and hang it over the cubital fossa of the forearm at the beginning of the measuring scale of the ruler so that the pendulum does not touch the skin, but is located as close to it as possible and can oscillate.
  6. Try to keep the pendulum motionless, wait a few seconds and begin to slowly move it parallel to the surface of the forearm towards the hand.
  7. In the course of moving the pendulum can make various chaotic movements. But at a certain distance, there will be clear similar swaying in the transverse direction with respect to the axis of the forearm and ruler.
  8. Mark this point - at how many centimeters the oscillations began. This figure, multiplied by 10, corresponds to systolic (upper pressure).
  9. Move the ruler with the beginning of the scale to the first transverse fold of the skin, located immediately above the brush.
  10. With your right hand, hang the pendulum over the beginning of the ruler, slowly move it towards the cubital fossa along the ruler (forearm).
  11. Note how many centimeters the pendulum will begin to oscillate in the same type in the transverse direction. This figure, multiplied by 10, corresponds to diastolic (lower pressure).

This completes the measurement procedure. To be sure, you can repeat it again.

Not a single conscious physician will recommend anyone to measure pressure without a tonometer. Such an action, if justified, is in exceptional situations, when there is no way at all to find out the indicators traditional way- when you need to make a fundamental decision on which a person's life depends. In all other cases, of course, you can focus on any data, but be sure to confirm them by measuring pressure with a mechanical or electronic tonometer.

This is especially true for people with chronic diseases. of cardio-vascular system suffering from pressure drops, hypertension, who have had a heart attack and stroke. After all, a tonometer is not such an expensive thing that, due to the refusal to purchase it, endanger your health and life.

Blood pressure is used to judge the presence cardiovascular disease, as well as pathological processes in some internal organs.


an indicator of 120/80 mm R.St. is considered. The first (or upper) digit means systolic blood pressure.

pressure, which is created at the time of contraction of the heart muscle. The second (lower) reflects diastolic pressure - the minimum vascular tension during relaxation of the heart. Usually, blood pressure is measured using a special medical device -

tonometer. However, there are a number of objective symptoms by which you can determine the change in pressure without measuring it.


Calculate your physiological norm blood pressure. It depends on age and is determined for people 17-79 years old. Even if you are practically healthy, your blood pressure may be outside


indicator. Systolic pressure is calculated by the formula: 102 + Bx0.6. For diastolic pressure, use another formula: 63 + Bx0.4 times 0.4. In both formulas, the letter "B" denotes the number full years. For example, your age is 38 years old. Systolic pressure will be 102+38x0.6=124; diastolic: 63+38x0.4=78. Your physiological

124/78 mmHg

Measure your pulse. Accelerated, well felt


that doesn't stop even when strong pressure on the artery, indicates an increased

blood pressure

If the pulse almost completely disappears with

on your wrist is intermittent, your blood pressure is most likely below normal.

Describe the nature of the headache you are experiencing. The fact is that this symptom occurs with any change in blood pressure. When the pressure rises, the pain is localized in

It is sharp, strong, pulsating, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, vomiting. Dull, pressing and arching pain is characteristic of low blood pressure. Often it occurs in the fronto-parietal or fronto-temporal part after sleep or mental stress.

Consider your face. Redness of the skin is often a sign of high blood pressure. It acquires a brick hue and is covered with a clearly visible vascular

low pressure

On the contrary, the face will be pale earthy, inexpressive and painful.

pay attention to general well-being. High blood pressure makes itself felt shortness of breath, tinnitus, temporary disruption vision (blurry, double objects, "flies, reddened eyes") and pain in the heart. As your blood pressure drops, you may feel tired even after a good night's sleep. Other symptoms of low blood pressure are memory impairment, weakness, fast fatiguability, difficulty concentrating, heightened perception of smells, sounds and light.

Related article

How to measure pressure: which tonometer is better

pressure associated with reduced vascular tone. These changes bring quite unpleasant and varied sensations, by which hypotension can be determined. But for this you need to observe yourself, and from the very morning.


Hypotension patients often feel overwhelmed from the moment of awakening, which is quite difficult, does not bring a feeling of cheerfulness and, moreover, is accompanied by bad mood. And only after a while there are forces for work. However, they dry up very quickly, and the feeling of fatigue appears again. But by the evening the situation changes in the opposite direction, especially if during the day there were enough physical activity. After all, it is she who helps to increase pressure and stabilize the condition.

One of the signs of hypotension is dizziness, tinnitus, hearing loss and headache. At getting up abruptly from a position, sitting or from a bed, it may darken in the eyes, and in some cases a short-term fainting can occur. These


associated with inadequate blood supply brain and oxygen


The characteristic feature of which is frequent yawning, shortness of breath and discomfort in the region of the heart. For the same reason, memory deteriorates, lethargy and irritability appear.

The cause of a headache with hypotension may also be a reduced tone of the cerebral vessels, in which blood stasis occurs. The pain is pulsating, pressing in nature, mainly in the occipital region. Most often, the hypotonic wakes up with her. But as the blood drains from the brain, the pain subsides, and

then passes

hypotensive patients

meteorological dependence. drops atmospheric pressure aggravate the condition and

make a man



Moreover, unpleasant sensations, at times, spread

on the heart

What causes false suspicions of angina pectoris.

Hypotension may well manifest itself with signs that are not characteristic of it, such as, for example, digestive problems, nausea, stomach discomfort, a feeling of bitterness at the root of the tongue, as well as dyspeptic disorders. In addition, there may be a breach menstrual cycle, a

decrease in potency.

Among other signs by which one can determine low

pressure or at least assume it, one can note cold hands and feet, their increased sweating, muscle and joint pain,

tolerance for stuffy places.

Pulse is the ejection of blood from the heart at the time of contraction. It can be determined by palpation or with the help of instruments. All electronic blood pressure monitors show the heart rate, so if you have health problems, you can independently monitor

There are special devices for measuring heart rate - heart rate monitors, sold separately or built into the watch.

You will need

  • - manometer;
  • - heart rate monitor;
  • - examination in the clinic.


To determine as accurately as possible which one you have

Observe some

Determine the pulse in

calm state

Do not take medications immediately before measuring the heart rate, do not smoke, do not determine the pulse after a heavy meal or on an empty stomach, after a bath, sauna, shower, jogging, stress, after intense physical activity.

To obtain reliable results, the most the right time the period is considered to be 2 hours after breakfast and until lunch. If you do not have devices for measuring the pulse, then you can measure it by palpation. To do this, put three fingers

on the wrist

left hand, press lightly, time 30 seconds and count the number of strokes. Multiply the result by two. Do the same

hand. The count may vary slightly, which is quite normal. But this method cannot be very accurate and therefore it is better to measure the pulse with the help of instruments.

Most reliable result you can get with the help of a manometer for measuring pressure, a heart rate monitor for direct monitoring of the pulse, as well as graphic measurements in



To measure the pulse using a manometer, put the device on your arm and turn it on, the display will show the results of pressure and heart rate.

If you measure the pulse using a heart rate tachometer, put it on your wrist or on your finger, depending on the model, turn it on, the results of the number of beats per minute will appear on the display.

In a polyclinic, a specialist will fix on all

arteries with special suction cups, the monitor will show a graphic

pulse, at the same time the device will record on the tape. Based on the examination, the doctor will be able to determine the strength of cardiac output.

Currently, a compact device has appeared that is fixed in certain areas and the heart rate is measured throughout the day. But so far it has not become widespread and is available only in private clinics and in the country's leading cardio centers.

Normal heart rate may vary by individual


But you need to focus on the following


Newborn children - 140 beats per minute, from a month to a year - 130, from one to two years - 100, from three to seven years - 95, from eight to fourteen - 80, from fourteen to forty-five - 72-75. From the age of forty-five, the pulse becomes less and less every year and in old age it is 65 beats per minute.

How to check blood pressure without a blood pressure monitor

Everyone who suffers from hypertension or hypotension should know how to determine the pressure without a tonometer. A person may become ill on the street, where there are no partings for measuring blood pressure. In addition, most measuring devices are expensive and, for example, often retired people cannot afford them. Taking medication immediately can save a life. Therefore, it is useful to know how to correctly measure blood pressure at home.

High blood pressure symptoms

As soon as the patient notices symptoms of high blood pressure, it is worth informing the doctor about it.

The following symptoms indicate high blood pressure:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • fear of death;
  • smut pain (in the frontal part) and in the heart;
  • sweating;
  • redness of the face.

High blood pressure is determined by other symptoms. Everyone has their own. Easy to detect without a tool high pressure by the fact that a person feels a heartbeat in the temples. It is easier to measure pressure with a tonometer, but it is not always available. If the blood pressure is very high, then you need to call ambulance. At home, you can take medications that normalize blood pressure and pulse.

I want to tell you about how to measure the pressure without a tonometer to yourself and other people. Not everyone has a blood pressure monitor at home. Of course, if you have hypertension or a tendency to frequent fluctuations pressure, such a device is simply necessary. But you can still do without it.

And if you feel bad at work or on the street, in the theater? What to do? Have three devices - at home, at work and in your purse? I have just three for all cases, only this is not a tonometer, but an ordinary stationery ruler and a nut on a string.

I will tell you how this device works. And I learned about this method from the book of Valentina Travinka, a healer and writer known to many. I use a lot of her advice on a healthy lifestyle and apply it quite successfully.

How to measure blood pressure with a ruler

First, let's figure out how to measure the pressure yourself. We take any ruler - plastic, wooden, iron - it doesn’t matter. We also need an ordinary nut or ring, in principle, any item. I use a paper clip at work. We tie a small rope to the nut (ring, paper clip) - an ordinary thread about 20 centimeters long. We sit comfortably on a chair, put our hand extended forward on the table (it is most convenient to measure the pressure on the left hand). Right in the clothes, it does not interfere at all. We put a ruler on the hand so that the beginning of the divisions is at the bend of the elbow.

We take the rope with the nut by the free end with the right hand, bring the nut over the ruler at its very beginning and lead the hand along the ruler, without touching it, to the wrist. We breathe freely, do not strain, do not get distracted and do not talk. The movement is slow and smooth. Here the Gadget suddenly came to life and began to sway across the ruler.

We look at the division of the ruler in this place. This is the mark of the first pressure value (upper). For example, the nut pumped at around 12. So, your pressure is 120 units. Like an astronaut! Now we put the ruler on the contrary with the beginning to the wrist and lead the nut up to the elbow. Gadget swayed at a mark corresponding to the value lower pressure. What is the focus here? What does science say? I don't know, but it doesn't matter.

The main thing is that it works and everything turns out! In the same way, you can measure the pressure with a ruler and another person. We seat him at the table with his arm outstretched, put the ruler on his arm and lead a nut on a thread along it. It is more comfortable for the measurer to sit next to opposite side table, but you can measure while standing. I have been using this method for a long time and I measure the pressure of all employees at work if necessary. They even called me a "surgeon". This method has never failed before.

How interesting it was funny case. I felt bad, it seemed to me that the pressure was increased. Usually I determine by how I feel, whether the pressure has increased or decreased. But here you can be mistaken, since the signs are often similar. I was at that moment with my mother and asked her to measure my blood pressure with a tonometer. The tonometer showed slightly low blood pressure. So I did not believe it, I thought the device had deteriorated. I took my ruler with a nut, I decided to check it. Gadget showed the same results as the tonometer, one to one.

But recently at work, an employee suddenly fainted. They brought her to her senses and, I measured the pressure with a ruler with a nut (a paper clip, to be more precise). It turned out that it fell very sharply. And when they quickly found out the reason in this way, they took the right necessary measures without leaving the place. And if you call an ambulance, it is not known when she would have arrived.

I told you how to measure pressure without a tonometer, so try and learn how to measure your own pressure with a ruler, this method can be of great benefit to you.

What to do if the pressure deviates from the normal value? The standard pressure of a healthy person is considered to be 120 * 80 units. But it can be different for every person.

How to lower blood pressure in folk ways

To lower the pressure, try not to immediately resort to strong tablets. It is impossible to sharply lower the pressure, this can lead to nausea and dizziness. First of all, with your index (or other) finger, press on the tragus in the ear and rotate it clockwise.

Here you need to take into account that we rotate clockwise only in the first half of the day until 16 o'clock in order to wake up the energy. After 4 p.m., in the evening, we already need peace, so we make rotational movements counterclockwise.

This rule applies to everything, to any points on the body that we will ever massage.

To lower the pressure, you can still drink Corvalol, or even better, a mixture of tinctures of valerian, hawthorn and motherwort. I buy tinctures at the pharmacy, pour everything into one vial. One teaspoon of the mixture should be diluted with about 50 ml of water and drunk. Very good pressure relief green tea. You can brew it with a mint leaf. Peppermint will also help lower blood pressure, besides, it relieves the feeling of nausea.

Great for lowering blood pressure with lemon. You can also add it to green tea. With increased pressure, I cut the lemon into slices, sprinkled with sugar and ate. Moreover, my body really wanted and asked for this.

Generally lemon water helps to reduce pressure. It is very useful to drink it, especially in the morning. I had such a very effective experience. But since in recent times became more inclined to reduced pressure stopped drinking water with lemon.

The main thing is not to think about the sore, to distract yourself from it for some business, to believe in recovery.

What to do to increase pressure

We try to do without drugs by the contact method: we find the tubercle of the seventh vertebra on the back (it is located where the neck ends and the back begins) and we also massage according to the above rule clockwise or counterclockwise.

A slice of bread sprinkled with salt also increases blood pressure. I recently discovered this very simple and effective method. I used to reach for chocolate, but you don’t always have it at home, you still have to run to the store for it.

You can, of course, have a cup of coffee. But the doctor scolded me somehow for this. After all, coffee has a bad effect on the heart, it’s better to drink strong sweet black tea. Tea is good, tincture of Eleutherococcus or ginseng also helps. But now I prefer bread with salt.

That's all for today, what I wanted to tell you.

The tonometer is a relatively new device, it was created about three centuries ago, but the measurement of blood pressure was practiced long before its appearance. The ancient Egyptians knew how to determine the level of tension in the vessels of the circulatory system by the pulse. The appearance of a tonometer greatly simplifies this task, and the latest modern models are generally automated, which allows you to complete the procedure in just a few seconds.

However, there are unforeseen circumstances when you need to urgently set the level of blood pressure, and the device is missing or broken. In what ways can pressure be measured without a tonometer and what is required for this?

First of all, each of us should know our normal blood pressure level. True, in individual episodes, its rhythmic frequency may be individual due to the presence of certain factors. These include:

  1. Age.
  2. Body type.
  3. Psycho-emotional state.
  4. Times of Day.
  5. environmental conditions.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Meteorological dependence.
  8. Wrong nutrition.
  9. Taking certain medications.
  10. individual body temperature.
  11. Pathology of the urinary system.
  12. Overwork.
  13. Hormonal disbalance.

The presence of such serious illnesses like hypertension or hypotension also need to be considered. The main clinic of these diseases is manifested in sharp jumps blood pressure both upwards (hypertension) and downwards, which is characteristic of hypotonic pathology. Patients with these ailments require constant monitoring of blood pressure levels in order to timely prevent the development of complications.

  • Systolic level - add your age multiplied by 0.6 to the number 102, add the result obtained with the weight index multiplied by 0.1.
  • Diastolic level - add your age multiplied by 0.5 to the number 63, and add the total amount to the weight indicator multiplied by 0.15.

However, such calculations give only an approximate figure for the actual state of blood pressure. On a note: low rate indicates violations in the cardiovascular structure, high - on the pathology of the heart.

To date, there are two types of methods that allow you to find out the parameters of blood pressure without a device:

  • Quality.
  • Quantitative.

By means of qualitative methods, the level of blood pressure is established without numbers, based on the presence of:

  1. Patient's complaint.
  2. external symptoms.
  3. Pulse rate parameter.

The quantitative version represents the state of blood pressure in numbers, through the use of a pendulum and a ruler.

Let us consider in more detail each of these options, which can help the patient understand what kind of pressure force the blood flow has.

The method of determining pressure without a tonometer by symptoms and complaints is often used by those people who have individual health disorders when it is not possible to associate them with something:

  • Nausea.
  • Headache.
  • Unexplained soreness.

Similar symptoms in quite healthy people appear quite rarely, but as practice shows, about 85% of complaints and signs still appear due to disturbed pressure. Therefore, according to the characteristics of the clinic present, it can be preliminarily established whether blood pressure began to increase or still decrease.

The table below shows characteristic symptoms, which will help the patient determine high or low pressure without a device.

The nature of the symptom Elevated blood pressure Low blood pressure
Headache Painful throbbing and pressing discomfort in the area of ​​the temples of the head Pressing and aching pain in the back of the head
Dizziness Appears in rare episodes Quite intense
Increased weakness Doesn't show up Symptomatic sign
Trembling and tension Hypertension is always noted Missing
Hue skin faces It can be a constant color or turns red from a strong rush of blood Paleness, a bright manifestation of earthiness
Excitement, anxiety Frequent symptom Celebrated sporadically
Symptoms of excessive sleepiness Occasionally Appears constantly
heartbeat excessive Weakened
Bleeding from the nose Seen at very high blood pressure Missing
Vomiting and nausea Occurs periodically Appears once
Redness of the white of the eye Present Missing

In addition to individual pathological signs for high and low pressure There are also common anomalous manifestations. Their presence can lead to extremely erroneous calculations, so they are not taken into account when checking pressure. These symptoms include:

  • Fainting.
  • Darkening in the eyes.
  • , shortness of breath.
  • Pressive and painful discomfort in the sternum.

It must be emphasized that even physicians with considerable experience in practice can only correctly determine the parameters of blood pressure by their presence in 70% of cases. Therefore, for common man this technique cannot be considered completely reliable.

The degree of correctness of blood pressure can easily be calculated from the pulse, since their indicators are very closely interconnected, that is, by the nature of the state of one of them, deviations in the second can be determined. However, even in this case, it will not be possible to find out the maximum accuracy of blood pressure, but it is quite possible to set approximate parameters, which can also be important.

How to measure pressure without a tonometer by pulse, and how accurate will the results of such readings be? If you don't know what beat frequency normal pulse, then it is set based on the age of the person, so for people of different age group normal counts:

  1. 20-45 years - 70 strokes / min.
  2. 50-55 years old - 74 beats / min.
  3. 60 years and older - 79 beats / min.

So, how to determine the pressure by the pulse? In the proposed plate, specific pulse deviations are indicated, by which you can independently find out what exactly is happening in the vessels.

You can study the rhythm of the pulse on any arteries that are more convenient for palpation, for example, in such places of the body:

  • Inner crease of the arm (elbow).
  • Femoral artery (groin area).
  • Armpit area.
  • Popliteal region of the leg.
  • Dorsal artery of the foot.
  • Vessels located on the front side of the neck slightly below the angle of the jaw.
  • The outer side of the flexor region of the lower 1/3 of the forearm near the outer edge near the wrist, the so-called radial artery.

Finding out your pressure without a tonometer by setting the number of heartbeats is quite simple. To do this, you need a stopwatch, instead of it, a watch with a second function is also suitable. Before you start measuring, pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Before measuring, try to relax as much as possible.
  2. An hour before the procedure, do not take drinks such as alcohol, tea and coffee. They are able to provoke an increase or decrease in blood pressure.
  3. Be sure to go to the toilet.
  4. No smoking in last hours before measurement - nicotine can lower or increase blood pressure.
  5. It is necessary to take the most comfortable position.
  6. Remove rings, bracelets, and similar items from your hand that may interfere with normal blood flow and work of the pulse.
  7. During the procedure itself, it is forbidden to move or speak.
  8. Middle and index finger right hand lightly touch the wrist of the left hand and find the location of the pulse.
  9. To check his rhythm, you need to count the number of beats in 30 seconds, and then multiply this figure by 2. The number that turned out as a result is the level of blood pressure.

Normal rhythm - 60-80 beats / min., Less than 60 - low blood pressure, more than 80 - a high rate. In doing so, be sure to consider your age category. For a more correct determination of blood pressure, it is necessary to measure the pulse on both upper limbs. If there is a significant difference in pulse beats on the right and left hand, then this indicates the development of serious cardiac pathologies.

There is one more effective method how to determine pressure without a tonometer using ordinary objects. You can measure blood pressure with obtaining numbers without a tonometer using a ruler and a ring. However, it should be borne in mind that this method of checking pressure official medicine considers it rather doubtful, since no specific studies have been carried out in relation to it, therefore there is no information about its reliability.

On the other hand, there are enough facts and reviews of people claiming that this method really works. Whatever it was, but in some situations, this option for determining blood pressure can be useful for patients with hypertension or hypotension. So, how to measure pressure with a ruler and a ring if there is no special apparatus?

The technical side of this process is completely simple, the main thing is to carefully follow the sequence. In order to measure pressure at home, you need to make a pendulum, which will require:

  • Strong thread or thin cord 20 cm long.
  • As a load for the thread, a ring is suitable, both made of precious and other metal, or just a piece of wire bent into a ring. A nut, pin, paperclip or needle will also work.
  • A ruler (plastic, wooden, metal) 20-30 cm long, but a centimeter tape will do instead.

When all the necessary things are prepared, you can begin the procedure for measuring blood pressure:

  1. Tie a weight (ring or needle) to one end of the thread, and its other end should be free.
  2. Now you need to sit down or seat, lay down the person whose pressure you will measure.
  3. Place the forearm on a sufficiently hard and immovable surface, so that its flexor side is directed upwards. Blood pressure should be measured on the left arm, but is also allowed on the right.
  4. The ruler is positioned so that the beginning of its report is located strictly on the elbow bend. For greater convenience, marks can be placed on the forearm at a distance of 1-2 cm.
  5. Now you need to take the free end of the thread and place the attached weight directly above the elbow cavity of the forearm at the very beginning of the ruler report, so that the pendulum does not contact the skin, but is as close as possible to it (1-2 cm), while being able to move freely.
  6. The pendulum itself must be held in an immovable position for several seconds, then begin to slowly move it over the surface of the forearm towards the hand.
  7. As it moves, the pendulum will perform unsystematic swings, however, at some point, the nature of its movement changes to more distinct oscillations in the transverse directions from the forearm and ruler.
  8. This place should be marked with a dot, and see at what distance such swaying occurred. The resulting number must be multiplied by 10, this result will correspond to systolic blood pressure.
  9. Next, the ruler with the beginning of its report is moved to the first transverse skin fold, which is located just above the brush.
  10. Place the thread with the pendulum above the zero indicator of the ruler, slowly moving the load above its surface towards the cubital dimple.
  11. When the pendulum begins to show pronounced movements in the transverse direction, these centimeters should be noted and again increased by 10. Thus, the lower state of pressure is determined.
  12. This completes the blood pressure test.

It is preferable to check blood pressure using the pendulum method on both arms, which allows you to get more accurate information about pressure.

It is not difficult to measure pressure without a tonometer at home, but the methods proposed above cannot completely replace a measuring device that will actually show real blood pressure.

However, measurement options without special device have the right to exist, because they can be used in emergency situations when there is no tonometer, and human life depends on competent and prompt assistance. In other episodes, a person decides for himself how to check the pressure at home, but it is advisable to clarify the calculations obtained with a tonometer, especially for hypertensive patients.

Experts emphasize using helper methods measuring blood pressure, patients with chronic cardiovascular disease put themselves at unnecessary risk. After all, the difference in 2-3 measuring units can have critical indicator and provoke serious situations dangerous to the patient's life.

Candidate medical sciences, neurologist L. MANVELOV (State Research Institute of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences).

Again and again we have to return to the topic of hypertension and high blood pressure. The age is too short for men (and recently for women) in Russia. Very often, the cause of strokes and heart attacks is an indifferent attitude to one's health. And here it is important that we do not monitor blood pressure. A beer bath or many hours of effort over the beds under the scorching sun for hypertensive patients can turn into a disaster. Only very often people do not even realize that they have high blood pressure. However, you also need to be able to measure it, even with the help of the smartest instruments.

What is blood pressure?

1. Indicators of daily monitoring of blood pressure within the normal range.

2. Indicators of daily monitoring of blood pressure in a patient with hypertension (increased blood pressure during the day and at night).

3. The same indicators after five years of non-systematic treatment.

Determination and classification of blood pressure levels (in mmHg) in persons over 18 years of age.

Normal blood pressure is considered to be between 139 (systolic) and 60 mm Hg. Art. (diastolic).

The correct position of the cuff and tonometer when measured with an aneroid manometer.

Correct measurement pressure apparatus with display.

The German physiologist Johann Dogil used this apparatus in 1880 to study the effect of music on blood pressure.

Blood pressure (BP) - blood pressure in the arteries - is one of the main indicators of the activity of the cardiovascular system. It can change with many diseases, and maintaining it at an optimal level is vital. No wonder the doctor accompanies any examination of an unwell person with a measurement of blood pressure.

In healthy people, blood pressure levels are relatively stable, although in Everyday life he hesitates often. This also happens with negative emotions, nervous or physical overstrain, with excessive fluid intake, and in many other cases.

Distinguish systolic, or upper, blood pressure - blood pressure during the contraction of the ventricles of the heart (systole). At the same time, about 70 ml of blood is pushed out of them. Such an amount cannot immediately pass through small blood vessels. Therefore, the aorta and other large vessels are stretched, and the pressure in them rises, reaching a normal 100-130 mm Hg. Art. During diastole, the blood pressure in the aorta gradually falls to a normal value of 90 mm Hg. Art., and in large arteries- up to 70 mm Hg. Art. We perceive the difference in systolic and diastolic pressure in the form of a pulse wave, which is called the pulse.

arterial hypertension

An increase in blood pressure (140/90 mm Hg and above) is observed in hypertension, or, as it is commonly called abroad, essential hypertension (95% of all cases), when the cause of the disease cannot be established, and in the so-called symptomatic hypertension (only 5%), developing due to pathological changes a number of organs and tissues: in diseases of the kidneys, endocrine diseases, congenital narrowing or atherosclerosis of the aorta and others large vessels. It is not for nothing that arterial hypertension is called a silent and mysterious killer. In half of the cases the disease long time is asymptomatic, that is, the person feels completely healthy and does not suspect that insidious disease already undermining his body. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, severe complications develop: for example, a stroke, myocardial infarction, retinal detachment. Many of those who survived after a vascular accident remain disabled, for whom life is immediately divided into two parts: “before” and “after”.

Recently I had to hear a striking phrase from a patient: “Hypertension is not a disease, blood pressure is elevated in 90% of people.” The figure is, of course, highly exaggerated and based on rumors. As for the opinion that hypertension is not a disease, this is a harmful and dangerous delusion. It is these patients who, which is especially depressing, the vast majority, do not accept antihypertensive drugs or are not treated systematically and do not control blood pressure, thoughtlessly risking their health and even life.

In Russia, 42.5 million people, that is, 40% of the population, currently have elevated blood pressure. At the same time, according to a representative national sample of the Russian population aged 15 years and older, 37.1% of men and 58.9% of women were aware of the presence of arterial hypertension, and only 5.7% of patients received adequate antihypertensive therapy. men and 17.5% women.

So in our country to be big job for the prevention of cardiovascular accidents - to achieve control over arterial hypertension. The target program “Prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension in Russian Federation”, which is currently underway.

How blood pressure is measured

Diagnosis hypertonic disease” puts the doctor, and the right treatment he chooses, but regular monitoring of blood pressure is already a task not only medical workers but every person.

Today, the most common method for measuring blood pressure is based on the method proposed back in 1905 by the Russian doctor N. S. Korotkov (see “Science and Life” No. 8, 1990). It is associated with listening to sound tones. In addition, the palpation method (palpation of the pulse) and the method of daily monitoring (continuous monitoring of pressure) are used. The latter is very indicative and gives the most accurate picture of how blood pressure changes during the day and how it depends on different loads.

To measure blood pressure by the Korotkoff method, mercury and aneroid manometers are used. The latest, as well as modern automatic and semi-automatic devices with displays, are calibrated to the mercury scale before use and periodically checked. By the way, on some of them, the upper (systolic) blood pressure is indicated by the letter “S”, and the lower (diastolic) - “D”. There are also automatic devices adapted to measure blood pressure at certain fixed intervals (for example, this is how you can monitor patients in a clinic). For daily monitoring (tracking) of blood pressure in a polyclinic, portable devices have been created.

Blood pressure levels fluctuate throughout the day: it is usually lowest during sleep and rises in the morning, reaching a maximum during hours of daytime activity. It is important to know that in patients with arterial hypertension, nighttime blood pressure indicators are often higher than daytime ones. Therefore, for the examination of such patients great importance It has daily monitoring Blood pressure, the results of which make it possible to clarify the time of the most rational use of drugs and provide full control over the effectiveness of treatment.

The difference between the highest and the most low values Blood pressure during the day in healthy people, as a rule, does not exceed: for systolic - 30 mm Hg. Art., and for diastolic - 10 mm Hg. Art. With arterial hypertension, these fluctuations are more pronounced.

What is the norm?

The question of what blood pressure should be considered normal is quite complicated. The outstanding domestic therapist A. L. Myasnikov wrote: “In essence, there is no clear boundary between the values ​​of blood pressure, which should be considered physiological for a given age, and the values ​​of blood pressure, which should be considered pathological for a given age.” However, in practice, of course, it is impossible to do without certain standards.

The criteria for determining the level of blood pressure, adopted in 2004 by the All-Russian Society of Cardiology, are based on the recommendations of 2003 European Society on Hypertension, experts from the United States National Joint Committee on the Prevention, Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. If systolic and diastolic blood pressure are in different categories, then the estimate is based on more than high rate. With a deviation from the norm, we speak of arterial hypotension (blood pressure below 100/60 mm Hg) or arterial hypertension (see table).

How to measure blood pressure correctly?

Blood pressure is most often measured in a sitting position, but sometimes it is necessary to do this in a supine position, for example, in seriously ill patients or when the patient is standing (with functional tests). However, regardless of the position of the examined forearm of his hand, on which blood pressure is measured, and the device should be at the level of the heart. The lower edge of the cuff is placed approximately 2 cm above the elbow. The cuff that is not filled with air should not compress the underlying tissues.

Air is quickly pumped into the cuff to a level of 40 mm Hg. Art. higher than the one at which the pulse disappears on the radial artery due to clamping of the vessels. The phonendoscope is applied to the cubital fossa at the point of pulsation of the artery directly under the lower edge of the cuff. The air from it must be released slowly, at a speed of 2 mm Hg. Art. for one beat of the pulse. This is necessary to more accurately determine the level of blood pressure. The point on the pressure gauge scale at which distinct pulse beats (tones) appeared is marked as systolic pressure, and the point at which they disappear - as diastolic. Changes in the volume of tones, their weakening are not taken into account. The cuff pressure is reduced to zero. The accuracy of fixing and registering the moments of appearance and disappearance of tones is essential. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for blood pressure measurements to be rounded to zero or five, making it difficult to evaluate the data obtained. Blood pressure must be recorded with an accuracy of 2 mm Hg. Art.

It is impossible to count the level of systolic blood pressure at the beginning of the fluctuations of the mercury column visible to the eye, the main thing is the appearance of characteristic sounds; during the measurement of blood pressure, tones are heard, which are divided into separate phases.

Phases of tones by N. S. Korotkov
1st phase- BP, in which constant tones are heard. The intensity of the sound gradually increases as the cuff is deflated. First on at least of two consecutive tones is defined as systolic blood pressure.
2nd phase- the appearance of noise and “rustling” sound with further deflating of the cuff.
3rd phase- the period during which the sound resembles a crunch and increases in intensity.
4th phase corresponds to a sharp muting, the appearance of a soft “blowing” sound. This phase can be used to determine diastolic blood pressure when hearing tones up to zero division.
5th phase characterized by the disappearance of the last tone and corresponds to the level of diastolic blood pressure.

But remember: between the 1st and 2nd phases of the Korotkov tones, the sound is temporarily absent. This occurs at high systolic blood pressure and continues throughout the blowing of air from the cuff up to 40 mm Hg. Art.

It happens that the level of blood pressure is forgotten during the time between the moment of measurement and the registration of the result. That is why you should record the received data immediately - before removing the cuff.

In cases where it becomes necessary to measure blood pressure on the leg, the cuff is applied to the middle third of the thigh, the phonendoscope is brought to the popliteal fossa at the site of the artery pulsation. The level of diastolic pressure at popliteal artery approximately the same as on the shoulder, and systolic - by 10-40 mm Hg. Art. above.

The blood pressure level can fluctuate even in short intervals time, for example during measurement, which is due to a number of factors. Therefore, when measuring it, it is necessary to observe certain rules. The room temperature should be comfortable. One hour before measuring blood pressure, the patient should not eat, exercise, smoke, or be exposed to cold. Within 5 minutes before measuring blood pressure, he needs to sit in a warm room, relaxing and not changing his comfortable posture. The sleeves of the clothes should be loose enough, it is advisable to expose the arm by removing the sleeve. Blood pressure should be measured twice with an interval of at least 5 minutes; the average value of two indicators is recorded.

In addition, one should remember about the shortcomings in the determination of blood pressure, due to the error of the Korotkov method itself, which, in ideal conditions, at a normal level of blood pressure is ± 8 mm Hg. Art. Additional source errors may be violations heart rate in the patient wrong position his hands during the measurement, poor cuff placement, non-standard or defective cuff. For adults, the latter should have a length of 30-35 cm in order to wrap around the subject's shoulder at least once, and a width of 13-15 cm. A small cuff is a common cause of erroneous determination of elevated blood pressure. However, for obese people, a larger cuff may be required, and for children, a smaller one. The inaccuracy of blood pressure measurement can also be associated with excessive compression of the underlying tissues by the cuff. An overestimation of blood pressure indicators also occurs when a weakly applied cuff is inflated.

I recently spoke to a patient who nurse In the clinic she said, having measured the blood pressure, that it was elevated. Arriving home, the patient measured blood pressure with his own apparatus and was surprised to note significantly lower values. The typical presentation of white-coat hypertension is explained emotional reactions(our fear of the doctor's verdict) and is taken into account when diagnosing arterial hypertension and determining optimal level blood pressure during treatment. Hypertension "white coat" is common - in 10% of patients. It is necessary to create an appropriate environment in the room: it should be quiet and cool. It is unacceptable to conduct extraneous conversations. It is necessary to talk with the subject calmly, benevolently.

And finally ... We are far from powerless in front of insidious disease. It responds well enough to treatment, as convincingly evidenced by large-scale preventive programs to combat arterial hypertension, conducted both in our country and abroad, and which made it possible to reduce the incidence of stroke by 45-50% within five years. All patients received adequate treatment and strictly followed the doctor's instructions.

If you are over 40 years old, systematically measure your blood pressure. I would like to emphasize once again that arterial hypertension often asymptomatic, but this makes the disease even more dangerous, causing a "stab from behind." An apparatus for measuring blood pressure should be in every family, and every adult should learn how to measure it, especially since this does not present significant difficulties.

“The knowledge that is most necessary for human life is the knowledge of oneself.” The well-known French writer and philosopher Bernard Fontenel (1657-1757), who lived exactly 100 years, came to such a conclusion that is still relevant today.

According to statistics, up to a quarter of the world's population suffers from symptoms of hypertension - high blood pressure. Episodes of increased pressure can be almost asymptomatic, and may be accompanied by a variety of characteristic features(headache, sensation of heat, throbbing in the temples). A change in the weather, emotional overstrain, excessive physical effort can provoke a pressure surge.

It is desirable for everyone to know their working pressure (at which a person feels good) and be able to correctly measure pressure using a special device. Such a device is indispensable for persons with diagnosed pathologies of the cardiovascular, endocrine, excretory systems. This article will describe how to measure blood pressure. manual sphygmomanometer, as well as a sphygmomanometer-automatic and semi-automatic, how to measure pressure correctly so as not to get false information.

Often, the attending physician advises his patients to keep a special diary, where information about blood pressure is entered every morning and evening. Thus, the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy can be monitored. Morning measurement is carried out immediately after waking up, before breakfast. In the evening, you should take everything prescribed by your doctor. medications, and then in a calm environment to measure.

Tonometers for measuring pressure (synonym - sphygmomanometer) - devices various designs which can be used to measure blood pressure.

The design of the sphygmomanometer

Devices that can be used to measure blood pressure:

General rules for measuring pressure

Exist general rules relevant regardless of the design of the device used.

Measurement of pressure with a tonometer will allow you to get reliable information only under the following conditions:

Measurement with automatic and semi-automatic instrument

The cuff of the device is put on a limb (usually the shoulder), after which the device is turned on by pressing the corresponding button. The display shows the number "0", which should be regarded as the readiness of the device for operation. The patient self-inflates or the cuff inflates and then deflates automatically. The display shows the measurement result. In order to verify the reliability of the data, it is recommended to repeat the manipulation on the opposite side.

Measuring with a mechanical instrument

How to measure pressure with a tonometer without having the skill?

This procedure is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance:

  1. The patient sits on a chair, leans against the back and puts his hand on the table. Usually, measurements are taken on a non-working hand (for right-handers on the left, for left-handers on the right).
  2. The doctor puts a cuff on the patient's arm, palpation determines the brachial artery, sets the head of the stethoscope over the vessel and holds it with his fingers.
  3. The doctor looks at the pressure gauge and with the help of a pear pumps air up to the level of 200-210 mm Hg. Art., and then slightly opens the valve so that the air slowly comes out of the pneumatic chamber.
  4. The appearance of the first pulsation distinguishable by the ear through a stethoscope is noted as systolic pressure. The cessation of pulsation corresponds to the value of diastolic pressure.

Manipulation is performed in a similar way on the second limb.


Based on the above, we arrive at the following:

  1. Automatic and semi-automatic devices are easy to operate, but their work is associated with the need to charge batteries or buy batteries regularly. Mechanical tonometer does not depend on any power source.
  2. The readings of a mechanical device are considered reference, but its independent use difficult due to the difficulty in fixing the head of the stethoscope.
  3. A tonometer is a device necessary for patients with various diseases affecting the state of the vascular bed.
  4. Compliance with the measurement rules will allow you to get the most truthful information.
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