Which brand of essential oils are of good quality? Fragrant rules. How to choose a quality essential oil

Selection of essential oils for Russian market is quite large, the range is represented by many domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Aromatherapy lovers are hard to find quality product due to price dispersion and lack of awareness. Is it possible to determine which brand essential oils are of high quality? Quite if you know a little more about the product.

We define quality

The production of essential oil is not regulated by law; there is not even a clear definition of it. Under the guise of natural products, dishonest merchants can quite legally sell ordinary flavored oil, which is completely useless to health. There are several criteria to determine a quality product:

  1. The oil is made from essential oil plants. These include Umbelliferae, Rosaceae, Myrtle, Labiaceae, Conifers, and Citrus. Cucumber or, for example, watermelon oil cannot be essential.
  2. The cost of different oils from the same manufacturer varies. The most inexpensive due to the cheapness of raw materials and ease of production are coniferous and citrus fruits. For 50 ml rose oil it takes a ton of flowers to recycle, so it's the most expensive.
  3. According to the international standard, oils are packaged in dark glass bottles equipped with a dispenser, with a volume of 6-15 ml. Elite products are available in containers from 1 ml.
  4. There are no marks on the label: “environmentally friendly”, “aroma oil”, “100% essential”. For domestic manufacturers, the quality indicator will be the inscription "100% natural essential oil", for foreign - "100% essential" or "pure and natural". Be sure to indicate the botanical (Latin) name of the plant from which the oil is produced.
  5. Price good product cannot be low. Cheap oil is either synthetic or made from low-quality raw materials, in violation of technology.

To determine which company has quality essential oils, you should carefully study the information about the company, its range, and production features. Reviews on the Internet are often false, aimed at promoting a product or discrediting competitors.

Reliable data can be obtained on the official website of the company and thematic forums of aromatherapy lovers. For example, consider several popular manufacturers.

Austrian company with almost century history engaged in the production of oils. A serious international corporation has grown from a small family business. Production points are located all over the world - from Europe to Australia. Styx has been present on the Russian market since 1994 and operates through official distributors.

Essential oils from Styx are of high quality and certified according to the international standard. They can be used for aromatherapy, cosmetology. According to some reviews, oils are imported to Russia that cannot be used in medical purposes i.e. for oral administration. Products suitable for such treatment can be purchased in foreign (European) online stores. The prices of oils "Styx" do not differ in availability. This is an elite high quality product with a corresponding value.

Russian company, more than 20 years on the market. Engaged in the production of aromatherapy, perfumery and cosmetic products. All raw materials, including finished oils, are ordered from trusted foreign suppliers, and production takes place in our own laboratory.

In addition to the production of its own products, Iris offers a number of unique services: aroma diagnostics, aroma peeling, professional aromatherapy services. Has its own clinic The company provides training in aromatherapy on paid basis. All these facts characterize Iris as a serious organization with a responsible approach to business.

Essential oils from Iris have Russian and European certificates. The products are positioned as absolutely natural and safe even for medical use. According to many buyers, the price of oils is too high for a Russian manufacturer. Meanwhile, "Iris" holds the quality bar high, professionally organizes the accompanying service (consultations and training), so that the cost of production is fully justified.

A relatively young company, founded in 2001. It produces cosmetic and perfumery products, raw materials are purchased abroad. The company is quite solid, at the All-Russian exhibition in 2014, Botaniki massage oil won first place in its category. With aromatherapy products, things are more complicated.

The first thing that attracts buyers of Botanica essential oils is the price. It is on average 10 times lower than that of competitors. So hard to manufacture natural product, like a real essential oil, can't be that cheap.

The label contains the botanical name of the ethereal plant, there is an inscription “Essential oil” and is separately marked “100%”. Information speaks well natural origin raw materials. At the same time, the inscriptions indicate that the content of the vial is not real essential oil produced by the traditional extraction method.

Botanica oils are most likely synthetically produced from low quality raw materials. They can be used for air deodorization, during wet cleaning, in home experiments with perfumery. For aromatherapy or enrichment cosmetics this product is practically useless. The manufacturer indicates that the oil is not intended for oral administration.


To find a reliable manufacturer of essential oils, you need to carefully study all the available information: the company's website, the presented range, product reviews.

Serious passion for aromatherapy or natural cosmetics- quite an expensive pleasure. It is impossible to save on the quality of essential oil without risking beauty and health.

Aroma treatment, pleasant and effective method recovery, finds more and more fans. Supporters should be able to distinguish a natural product from a fake.

This article is about how to check the quality of an essential oil at the stage of purchase and at home in order to protect your health.

Natural grades of essential oils

natural essential oils produced according to the classical (standard) technology. Compliance accuracy technological process and the quality of raw materials determine the degree of naturalness of the resulting oil.

It is worth noting that most often we are dealing with essential oils that are relatively natural. The thing is that it is very difficult to accurately reproduce the chemical composition of natural raw materials, and proper processing requires experience, high skill, and often intuition.

Azulene containing essential oils belong to a special group and are distinguished by the presence in the composition of isomeric azulenes, which are not contained in plants, but are formed during steam distillation during the production of oil.

Isolates. Some essential oils contain high percent one of the constituent components.

For example, coriander oil contains about 70% linalool. Such oils are used to obtain this particular component (isolate) for the purpose of its subsequent use in perfumery, adding to other essential oils, extracting other elements from them.

Partially natural essential oils(enriched or adjusted) consist of the main essential oil and additives of natural substances isolated from other natural essential oils.

The purpose of fortifying or adjusting an oil is to improve the quality of the product by changing the chemical composition. However, such an adjustment is not always justified, since the biological activity of natural oil and the added component may not be equivalent. The quality of such oils can be considered satisfactory provided that the following conditions are met:

  • the ratio of components characteristic of natural oil,
  • compliance with the biological activity of the added components.

artificial essential oils consist partly or wholly of synthetic substances similar to natural ones.

Synthetic essential oils composed of substances that have no analogues in nature.

Artificial and especially synthetic essential oils are often completely unsuitable for the purposes of aromatherapy, being a gross falsification. They are distinguished by a pungent odor and allergic responses.

Aromatic compositions:

    natural essential oils dissolved in natural fatty oils, or in synthetic solvents (propleglycol, ethyl alcohol, in heavy ethers),

    blends of natural essential oils.

On the one hand, being a natural product, on the other hand, they have no analogues in nature. Aromatic solutions and blends of essential oils often have an unpredictable and complex biological activity. Therefore, their use must be strictly controlled. These compositions are mainly used for the production of perfumes and cosmetics.

Fraudulent essential oils

The low content of essential oils in plants and the complexity of their production process explains high cost final product.

For example, only 2.5 kg of oil is obtained from 100 kg of lavender, and to obtain half a kilogram of rose oil, 100 kg of rose petals will need to be processed.

High demand and the need to reduce the cost of production has led to the flooding of the market with low-quality essential oils diluted with cheap oils, solvents, impurities, as well as "natural copies" - chemically synthesized products ("nature identical").

You can get natural essential oil not from any plant, but only from essential oil.

Essential oils of cucumber, peach, lotus, fern, mango, coconut, banana, magnolia, linden, apricot, lilac, watermelon, kiwi, strawberry, melon, apple, pear, lily of the valley does not exist in nature!

All of the above "essential oils" are fake, and the plants from which they are allegedly obtained are not essential oils! These oils are perfume compositions.

To date, only 4% of the fragrance market is natural essential oils, and 96% are "natural copies" that have a lower cost.

Natural essential oils have a complex chemical composition: several hundred chemical compounds, many of which are unknown. It is impossible to copy this unique composition, which means it is impossible to copy pharmacological properties natural oil.

Artificial analogues not only do not have medicinal properties, but also represent serious danger for our health,

in their composition there are isomers and components alien to natural essential oils.

Their human is not fully understood and can be unpredictable.

When buying cheap artificial or synthetic oils, it should be remembered

apply them in medicinal purposes it is unacceptable, it is especially dangerous to inhale such "ethers" through aroma lamps,aroma medallions.

It is fraught with allergic reactions, skin infection and more serious consequences in the form of eczema, asthma, general poisoning organism.

Only undiluted, unprocessed essential oils have true aromatherapy properties..


If you are not sure about the quality, never use the oil for medicinal purposes. Counterfeits can be both harmless and very dangerous:

    to harmless include essential oils diluted with alcohol or vegetable oil.

    dangerous can become imitations of essential oils containing high concentration resins, synthetic fragrances, solvents.

Synthetic and artificial essential oils can only be used for domestic purposes: elimination unpleasant odors in wardrobes, shoes, for mopping, aromatization of rooms. Using such drugs in everyday life, you need exercise extreme caution.

Label must contain:

    botanical name of the ethereal plant in Russian and Latin. For example: "Lavender", Lavandula angustifolia;

    the inscription "100% natural essential oil";


    receiving method;

    best before date.

Package. international standards dark brown glass packaging is provided, with a volume of 5-10 ml, and for expensive oils - the packaging volume is even smaller. The bottle is supplied with a dispenser and a cap with a tamper-evident ring.

IMPORTANT: the presence of an orange square with a black cross on the package or label means that we have an active, potent, concentrated undiluted essential oil, which must be used with extreme caution for purposes.

With this sign, Council Directive 67/548/EWG (2008) obligated all European manufacturers of potent biologically active concentrated substances to inform consumers about the need to follow all points of the rules for use and not to exceed the indicated dosages.

Essential oil cost.

Many factors affect the price of the final product:

    the value and rarity of the ether-bearing plant,

    essential oil quality

    percentage of essential oil in the plant,

    labor costs in cultivation, production, transportation,

    commercial markup.

Synthetic and artificial analogues are always much cheaper.

However high price essential oil, unfortunately, is not always a guarantee of its high quality.

We determine the naturalness of essential oils at home

Smell natural oil should not be flat and give off synthetics. Real natural oils smell multifaceted, different notes replace each other.

When opening the bottle, the smell should not hit the nose. Real essential oils are volatile, their smell dissipates in the air.

We sniff correctly: do not bring the bubble to the very nose, keep it at the level lower lip move the bubble from side to side.

Citrus oils cannot smell for long - they are the most volatile. The heaviest and most resinous - conifers, can smell for a long time. If the esters of sandalwood or cedar have evaporated in a couple of hours, you have a fake.

However, modern technologies aromasynthesis allow you to bring the artificial smell as close as possible to the natural one, it can be difficult to distinguish them right away. Therefore, when determining the naturalness of an oil, one should pay attention to one more characteristic property of a natural essential oil - its volatility.

Volatility. The essential oil evaporates rather slowly, with the exception of citrus fruits, and can leave behind a stain, pigments, but in no case is it greasy. The presence of fat may indicate that

    esters are diluted with vegetable oils,

    poorly cleaned of resins,

    in front of you aromatic composition for household needs.

Appearance oils should be clear and clean, without suspensions and sediment.

If you add low-quality oil to cosmetics, then the milk or gel will become cloudy, and the cream will exfoliate.

At home, it is very difficult to determine the naturalness of an essential oil; only chromatographic analysis gives a 100% guarantee.

How do you define the quality of an essential oil?

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project

The main instrument of aromatherapy is the essential oils of medicinal plants. They are obtained from flowers, stems, fruits by steam distillation. Essential oils are a completely natural product. However, there are also synthetic oils that mimic the aromas of plants. Such oils, although they are called aromatic, are not suitable for aromatherapy. How to choose a quality oil?

Read the label. A natural essential oil must have an appropriate inscription, in addition, the botanical name of the plant from which the oil was obtained must be indicated on the label. This name is written in Latin. If you opted for oil foreign production, the label should have the designation: "Essential oil". This suggests that you have a natural oil. But the inscription "Fragrances oil" denotes synthetic oils.

Look at the bubble. It doesn't have to be transparent. Direct sunlight degrades the quality of essential oils.

Study the composition. Some phyto essences consist entirely of the oil of a particular plant, and some of the essential oil and base (usually jojoba oil, sea buckthorn, almond, peach, olive, grape oil are used as the base). In this case, the percentage of both should be indicated on the label.

Smell the oil of a plant whose aroma you know well. The smell should not be too sharp, clean, without impurities.


Essential oils should not be used in pure form. They contain too high a concentration of active substances, and this can cause allergic reaction or skin irritation. Therefore, you will have to stock up on base oil, which is used to dilute the main component. For one teaspoon of base oil, there should be 5-10 drops of the essential oil that you are going to use for aromatherapy.

It is not safe to take essential oils internally. This can cause severe poisoning.

Where to add

Essential oils can be used in different ways. For example:

Light the aroma lamp. It will serve to prevent colds, relieve stress, relieve insomnia or increase efficiency - it all depends on which oil you use.

The aroma lamp is a saucer that is heated from below. Water is poured into a saucer, then dripped into essential oil at the rate of 2 drops per 5 sq. meters of the area of ​​​​the room in which you will conduct an aromatherapy session. When heated, the oil will evaporate, filling the room with the aroma of medicinal plants. Aroma lamps can be electric or conventional, when the mixture is heated with a small candle. If you opted for an ordinary lamp, make sure that the candle is located at least 10 cm from the saucer - otherwise the heating will turn out to be too strong, the water will start to boil, and the oil will burn out. Another point to pay attention to when choosing a lamp is the size of the saucer. It must hold at least 50 ml of water. It is not worth spending more than an hour indoors with the aroma lamp turned on - this can cause headache. And for the first session, 20 minutes will be enough.

Take a fragrant bath. This procedure will improve the condition of the skin, relieve sleep problems, relieve anxiety and improve general well-being. Essential oils can be diluted in base oil and add directly to the water, or you can pour this mixture into bath salts. Optimum temperature water for an aromatic bath - 36-38 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Make an inhalation. You can cope with a cold if you breathe over fragrant steam. Pour into a saucepan hot water, drop essential oil into it at the rate of 1-2 drops per 100 ml of water, lean over the pan, cover your head with a towel and breathe for 5-10 minutes.

Prepare scented cosmetics. It will help improve complexion, smooth the skin, get rid of acne and inflammation on the skin. Add an essential oil to your face cream (preferably a neutral, fragrance-free cream). The optimal dosage is 5 drops of oil per 150 ml of cream. You can also make cosmetic ice. Drop 1-2 drops of essential oil into a spoonful of honey, dilute honey in 100 ml of water, pour into molds and put in the freezer.

Choosing essential oils

  1. Cold- oil of eucalyptus, sage, lemon, pine, cedar.
  2. Stress- oil of bergamot, orange, mandarin, lavender, rosemary.
  3. Insomnia- lavender, chamomile, vanilla, rose oil.
  4. Apathy, decreased performance- mint oil, pine oil, citrus oil.
  5. Acne, pimples- sage, chamomile, tea tree oil.
  6. wrinkles- citrus oil, rose oil.
  7. Headache- lavender, ginger, thyme oil.

Essential oils are odorous substances that are produced by essential oil plants. These aromatic products, subject to their quality and naturalness, can have a beneficial effect on the body. However, in the conditions of modern competition and highly developed technologies, one can often encounter fakes that, in fact, bring more harm than good. For this reason, it is important to know how to choose the best essential oils correctly, so that later you do not regret either the money spent or the undermined health.


To begin with, you should understand a little about the concepts in order to understand how essential agents affect the body. So, the following types of aromatic oils are distinguished:

  1. Purifying. They contribute to the removal of harmful toxic elements from the body, which positively affects the condition of the skin. These include: lavender, rosemary, lemon.
  2. Exciting. Raise psycho-emotional state at the level of feelings. This is facilitated by: ylang-ylang, jasmine, rose, sandalwood.
  3. Tonic. have a corresponding effect on internal organs and also improve appearance skin cover. They do an excellent job with this task: basil, lemon balm, cinnamon, dream.
  4. Relaxing. Effectively relieve stress and restore mental balance. In this category it is worth noting: lavender, oregano, chamomile.
  5. Harmonizing. With the restoration of inner peace and a sense of peace cope: geranium, marjoram, tangerine.
  6. Firming. Used as strengthening agents for hair and nails. These include: cedar, vetiver, verbena.
  7. Refreshing. Saturate the body with a charge of vivacity and keep it in good shape. This is facilitated by: fir, immortelle, orange.
  8. Soothing. Relieve stress and anxiety. To do this, it is advisable to use funds based on: lemon balm, vanilla, bigardia.

Most essential oils have several properties at once, which equally affect problem areas.

How to get

In the manufacture of high-quality aromatic products should be used traditional methods proven over the years:


This technique is ideal for obtaining citrus species based:

  • orange;
  • lemon.

The process itself uses the technology of cold pressing, which involves squeezing the rind of the fruit, resulting in a flavored mixture of liquid consistency. Subsequently, this mixture is carefully infused, forming an oily film, which is the basis of the essential oil.


AT this case used only active substances plants that are extracted by infusion in a liquid medium. The raw materials are petals, inflorescences or rhizomes of plants. A special fluid environment is created using:

  • glycerin water;
  • vegetable oils;
  • alcohol with water.

In order to get more concentrated mixture the infusion process can take several weeks, during which regular stirring is necessary. The final stage of maceration comes down to filtering the finished mixture.


There are two types of distillation used to obtain essential oils:

  • steam;
  • direct.

The technology itself comes down to placing raw materials in a special mesh, which is subsequently installed in a container located above boiling water. As a result of the impact high temperatures flavored components are evaporated, which are then condensed in a gravity separator designed to separate liquids. It is through this equipment that the transformation of raw materials into an essential mixture takes place.


The presented technology is used to obtain floral aromas. The most commonly used rose or jasmine. The process itself is reduced to the use of pre-purified beef or pork fat, which is applied to a glass surface. Flower petals are laid on top of the fat, after which the process of absorption of essential compounds by the fat is started, which can last for weeks. The result is lipstick, which is subsequently dissolved with alcohol and thoroughly shaken throughout the day to separate finished product called "absolute".
The absolute is a flavored substance with a rich aroma of high quality, which has healing effect on the body. Most widely this remedy used in the cosmetics industry to produce quality cosmetics. There is an opinion that the use of the absolute in aromatherapy is contraindicated, which is due to the possibility of containing residues of chemical-type components in the form of acetone, ethanol and hexane.

How to define quality?

Before continuing to study the information, we recommend that you watch the following video from a Russian expert, the creator of the Aromatherapy Association:

Most often, aromatic products are purchased for the treatment of certain ailments and diseases. For this reason, you should know what to look for when choosing the best essential oils:

In order to select a quality essential agent you can use the following test:

  • three paper sheets are taken, on each of which one drop of aromatic oil is dripped with an interval of half an hour;
  • after an hour and a half period, the characteristic of the smell is checked: the first drop reveals the lower tones of the smell: earthy, balsamic; the second is tart, the third is fresh. If the smell is felt in this way, then the oil is natural.

Effective essential oils

Regardless of the variety of essential oils, they are all unique and useful in their own way. However, there are in some way universal species that differ a wide range beneficial effect, as well as high efficiency. For example:


It is a flower with white or yellow petals. Essential oil based on jasmine has a warm and exotic aroma that helps to get rid of depression, restore skin's water balance. You can use the product by adding it to the bath, cream, applying to the temporal zone and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrists on the hands.


Chamomile smells fresh and sweet aroma, which has a relaxing effect, thereby normalizing the state of mind and sleep.


A mixture based on rosemary is actively used for massage treatments relaxing type, as they effectively release the legs and body from fatigue and tension.

Tea tree

It has a fresh camphor aroma. This essential oil is a fairly strong antiseptic. Also suitable for getting rid of dandruff and is excellent. For this purpose, the agent is rubbed into skin covering heads. In addition, the tool has a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. In some way, in the world it is believed that tea tree this is the best essential oil.


Lavender essential oil found wide application in the field of perfumery. AT therapeutic practice Lavender has a relaxing effect, relieving stress. Perfectly copes with diseases of the common cold. In this case, inhalation procedures are performed, involving the inhalation of lavender vapor.


Helps relieve cough and pain in the throat, for this reason it is often added to mouthwashes, as well as cough syrups.


You can determine the best essential oils by manufacturing companies that have proven themselves in the market. The most reliable and proven of them are:

  • Bergland-Pharma (Germany). The company is known for producing high quality essential oils. About 30% of the European market is allocated to its products.
  • "Aromaterapie Karel Hadek" (Germany). Another German manufacturer producing aroma oils therapeutic type original quality.
  • "Styx Naturcosmetics" (Austria). The company specializes in the production of essential oils, as well as other aromatic products. Every year, company representatives monitor the conditions for growing and transporting essential oil crops in order to obtain the best quality of their product.
  • "Just International" (Switzerland). The products of the Swiss company are distinguished by a high degree of purification. The reason for the frantic demand for the products of this company is the absence of any chemical components.
  • Vivasan (Switzerland). The company specializes in the production essential mixtures and cosmetics medical type based on natural raw materials.
  • "Floressence" (France). The French also excelled in the manufacture of essential oils and aromatic fragrances. A wide range of raw materials is used in the production of oils.
  • Lekus (Russia). Produces natural quality cosmetics using unique ingredients. The production technology complies with all international standards.

In order not to run into a fake, look at how the bottles of the listed manufacturers look like:

    Vivasan essential oil
    Essential oil from Styx Naturcosmetics
    Lecus essential oil Essential oil from Just International

Aromatherapy marches victoriously around the world, and that's all more people addicted miraculous properties essential oils. Where demand increases, negligent manufacturers always appear, caring little about their own reputation, and even less about the health of their customers. Thanks to them, the shelves in pharmacies are loaded with counterfeit products in packages promising 100% natural products. Specialists easily distinguish fakes, but how to choose an essential oil for an ordinary user?

What is the danger of synthetic oil

It is difficult for a beginner to distinguish between a natural essential oil and a synthetic fragrance by smell. This is a professional who will tell you how many levels and notes the remedy has, and an artificial fragrance may seem even more interesting to a person from the street. The difference becomes noticeable only after application, and, unfortunately, instead of a magical transformation of appearance or improvement in well-being, a person gets a headache, fever and other "joys" of allergies.

The use of surrogates in the absence of such a reaction also poses a threat, especially in the case of making solutions for inhalation, use in aroma lamps, flavoring food (for example, tea).

Artificial components, penetrating the body, can cause unintended consequences, up to the appearance of an asthmatic attack, jumps blood pressure, eczema, general poisoning. Even in everyday life, it is very dangerous to dispose of pseudo-essential oils - washed floors or cabinet walls will exude a specific smell for a long time to come.

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Low price pitfalls

The crudest fake of aromatic oil is a mixture of a solvent with aromatic fragrances. This is the most obvious example of falsification, but there are many other production methods that reduce the cost of the final product with significant damage to its quality.

These include replacing an expensive component with a cheaper one: lavender is replaced with lavender, kananga takes the place of ylang-ylang, and dill - fennel. In addition, to the essential oil (allegedly in order to improve consumer properties) vegetable oil eg jojoba.

One of the methods for extracting esters is extraction, which involves the secondary processing of natural raw materials. Thus it becomes possible to maximum amount aromatic substances from a smaller volume of raw materials, but the potent reagents used in this case significantly change the chemical composition.

The oils obtained in this way are called naturally reconstituted. They are great for perfumery and cosmetic products, but completely unsuitable for therapeutic purposes. Knowing how to choose the right essential oil will help you not to run into a fake.

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How to choose the right natural product

The only way, which guarantees reliable information about the real chemical composition essential oil, is a chromatographic study. In large cities, there are laboratories that provide such a service for a fee. For those who do not have this option, they have to limit themselves indirect signs characterizing the product good quality. Some of them can be determined even before making a purchase, and the second part needs to be studied by experimenting with oil (but not with health!) at home.

Only a chromatogram of an essential oil gives a detailed idea of ​​its naturalness.

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What to look for when examining packaging in a store

A conscientious manufacturer always tries to indicate all the information that is important for the end buyer. If the packaging contains a lot of advertising promises with a minimum of specifics, the product should already arouse suspicion.

When choosing a natural essential oil, you should definitely pay attention to the following points:

  1. The label must say "100% natural, pure and whole" (or 100% Essential Oil, Pure and Natural, 100% Naturelle, Pure et Complète). Other inscriptions - "100% essential oil", "100% environmentally friendly oil" are often marketing ploy.
  2. The bottle in which the aromatic concentrate is located must have a dispenser protected from opening, and must be made of dark glass. Any other container does not ensure the proper safety of the product. The volume of the bottle is no more than 10 ml, and even less for the most expensive types of oil (rose, mimosa, verbena).
  3. The following information is very significant:
  • the name of the plant in Latin, its genus and species, the part from which the ether was obtained;
  • country and address of the manufacturer (countries with highly developed essential oil production include Austria, Switzerland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy);
  • the composition of the components in percentage terms and the expiration date.
  1. The cost of the bottle also indicates the quality of its contents. The prices of natural and synthetic oils can differ tenfold. However, the high price in itself is not a guarantee of the purity and naturalness of the product.
  2. It is great if the packaging has one or more of the following certification marks:
  • Ecocert certifies that this oil is 100% natural, as described, and contains no additives;
  • Agriculture Biologique certifies the origin of the plant material from which the EO has been extracted;
  • NaTrue is assigned only to genuine organic products, while classifying them with a 3-star system;
  • Nature Progres demonstrates that the product is free from artificial colors and fragrances.

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Quality control at home

Aroma oils should be purchased in stores that have positive recommendations from regular customers. Here, experienced sellers will advise you on how to choose a quality essential oil, select the type you need, and suggest how to use it.

  1. Smell the contents: real oil will have a subtle unobtrusive aroma that changes character over time.
  2. Consider: a high-quality blow is transparent or has a uniform natural shade, without any precipitation.
  3. Put a drop on white paper and observe it from 30 minutes to several days: natural essential oils tend to evaporate without leaving greasy and colored spots.
  4. Refrigerate: The esters of some plants (such as anise or rose) freeze at low temperatures.

After making sure that the purchase corresponds to the declared characteristics, you can proceed to its direct use.

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How to test an essential oil for allergies

To exclude troubles in the form of rebellious immunity, before the first experience of using any type of essential oil, it is imperative to examine the reaction of your body. To do this, it is recommended to go through 3 stages:

  1. Apply a few drops of the product to a cotton pad and periodically inhale the fragrance. natural oil should not cause headaches and discomfort during the whole day.
  2. Mix the concentrate with any neutral herbal (olive, jojoba) in a ratio of 1:4 and apply the mixture on the crook of the elbow. positive result the absence of any signs of inflammation is considered.
  3. Add 3-5 drops of an aromatic product to 50 g of honey, mix and pour the mixture into a warm bath. You can take it no more than 5 minutes.

If all steps are completed without negative reactions, you can safely use the selected essential oil for its intended purpose and open with it endless possibilities natural cosmetology and aromatherapy.

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