Erosion of the uterus - cancer. Erosion turns into cancer? Malignant erosion of the cervix Erosion cancer of the cervix

No woman is immune from various gynecological pathologies, in particular from such as cervical erosion. Cervical cancer often becomes a consequence of this pathology. Therefore, it is important to solve this problem in a timely manner. What is characterized by erosion of the uterine cervix?

The culprits of the development of the disease and its symptoms

Erosion of the reproductive organ can occur for various reasons. It is impossible to say exactly what became the reason for the development of pathology. But experts note several provoking factors, the impact of which adversely affects the reproductive organ and can cause such a disease. These include:

  • Hormone imbalance in women, when estrogens are produced in excess of normal.
  • Damage to the uterus during operations, abortions and other gynecological procedures, as well as after childbirth.
  • Early intimacy.
  • Weakened immune system.
  • The presence of other diseases of the uterus of an infectious and inflammatory nature.
  • Failure in the activity of the endocrine organs.

Among the symptoms of cervical pathology in women, vaginal discharge can be noted, which has a specific odor and has blood impurities. But these signs can be seen only at a late stage in the development of erosion. Before that, she will not manifest herself in any way, therefore she is diagnosed quite by accident.

Varieties of female ailment

There are several types of cervical erosion in women. The first variety is congenital erosion. It involves the displacement of cervical epithelial cells. This disease is observed more often in young girls, does not cause any symptoms and is eliminated on its own. Moreover, it cannot develop into cervical cancer.

The second variety is true erosion. It is acquired during life under the influence of negative factors. Basically, its development does not take much time, since it often turns into pseudo-erosion. This is the third type of pathology of the cervix.

It occurs when the squamous epithelium is replaced by columnar cells. With pseudo-erosion, tissue growth is possible, their degeneration, including into a malignant neoplasm. Therefore, doctors attribute this type of pathology to a precancerous condition.

Dangerous consequences of pathology

Erosion of the reproductive organ can trigger various negative processes in a woman's body that will lead to big health problems. But this is possible if the patient does not take timely measures to get rid of the pathology. The late stage of erosion can be the culprit of problems such as:

  1. Infectious diseases of the genital organ. This complication is considered one of the most unfavorable. Due to the fact that during erosion the mucous membrane loses its ability to protect the uterus from pathogens, bacteria can easily penetrate there.
  2. Benign tumor of the epithelium. When erosion takes too long, epithelial cells begin to be replaced by atypical tissues.
  3. Problems with conceiving a child. Pathology of the cervix in combination with other diseases, for example, an infectious process in the organ, can lead to infertility.
  4. Malignant tumor. The late stage of erosion of the uterine neck can provoke the development of cancer.

When can a degeneration into cancer occur?

Can cervical erosion turn into cancer? Yes, it can, if left untreated for a long time. Most often, the reason for this is the human papillomavirus, which was originally the culprit in the formation of erosive changes. The connection between such an infection and cancer has already been proven.

This virus can be transmitted through contact with a sick person. Most often this happens during intercourse if the partners are not protected. The papillomavirus has many varieties, most of which do not cause degeneration into cancer. However, there are types of bacteria that are highly oncogenic. They can also cause the degeneration of cervical erosion into cancer.

Symptoms of rebirth

You can suspect the development of cervical cancer only if it is already at an advanced stage. Prior to this, the disease may not manifest itself at all. A woman will feel the symptoms of erosion alone. Signs of erosion, turning into oncology, can be considered the following:

  • The occurrence of bleeding after sexual contact.
  • Unusual vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back and lower limbs.
  • Weight loss, loss of appetite.
  • Fast fatiguability.

The presence of these manifestations is a reason for an immediate appeal to a specialist, as this already indicates the advanced development of the disease.

Measures for diagnosing a disease

When visiting a gynecologist, a woman will have to undergo a gynecological examination, after which the doctor will decide what other diagnostic measures will be needed in this case. The most commonly used methods are:

  • Colposcopy. This method is usually prescribed if the result of a cytological examination of a woman's smear caused the doctor to suspect the development of cancer cells.
  • Biopsy. This method is just necessary in order to confirm or refute malignant degeneration and draw up the correct treatment plan.
  • Laboratory studies to check for the presence of infectious pathologies.
  • Human papillomavirus analysis. This diagnostic measure is very important, since such a virus can cause erosion to degenerate into uterine cancer.

Based on the results of these diagnostic measures, the attending physician can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment.

erosion therapy

The absence of clinical manifestations at an early stage of cervical erosion is not a reason to ignore the disease. Even if there are no symptoms, it develops. Therefore, refusal of therapy may lead to adverse consequences that have been described previously.

The most common way to treat erosion is to cauterize it with an electric current. But this method is unsafe for a woman and can cause side effects.

Rehabilitation after such cauterization can take a long time. It is also possible to influence the childbearing function of the patient. In this regard, doctors do not resort to such a procedure if the woman has not yet given birth and wants to have a baby in the future.

But medicine does not stand still, and cauterization can now be done in other, less traumatic ways. These include:

  • Cryodestruction. It involves freezing erosion with the help of a substance such as liquid nitrogen. The point is that under the influence of low temperatures, the affected cells begin to die. The method does not cause scars on the uterus, but swelling and copious vaginal discharge may occur.
  • radio wave method. In this case, the treatment is carried out using high frequency waves. They first cut the affected area, and then the diseased cells are destroyed. It will not take a woman much time to recover from the operation, it will take just a few days. There will be no scarring on the reproductive organ, which allows the method to be used by women who want to have a baby in the future.
  • laser therapy. This method will allow you to get rid of erosion using a laser beam that cauterizes the affected area, leaving a crust. Rehabilitation after such an operation is fast - about 7 days.

After laser therapy, no scars remain on the uterine mucosa, the woman is not bothered by bleeding and pain. This method is excellent for nulliparous patients.

If cervical erosion has developed into a malignant neoplasm, then the treatment methods may be different. The most common way to fight cancer is chemotherapy. But it helps well only in the initial stages of the development of the disease. It is also possible to remove the genital organ in part or completely.

After cauterization of cervical erosion, women should adhere to the following recommendations of doctors:

  1. Do not have sexual intercourse for one month.
  2. Do not take a hot bath, give up baths, saunas, solariums, the beach.
  3. Avoid hypothermia.
  4. Don't lift weights.
  5. Stop using tampons.
  6. Do not overload the body with exercise.

If these rules are not followed, then the mucous membrane of the cervix may be damaged again. It is necessary to carefully monitor the state of the body after cauterization of erosion. If there is bleeding and severe pain in the abdomen, you should immediately see a doctor.

Moxibustion can affect the menstrual cycle, knocking it down. This is considered normal only for two months after surgery. If the cycle is not restored, then it is also worth informing the doctor about this.

Thus, there is a real danger of degeneration of cervical erosion into cervical cancer if it is not eliminated in time. Both of these pathologies at the initial stage do not bother the woman, which makes it difficult to detect them in a timely manner. Therefore, it is so important to be checked by a gynecologist every year, this will help to avoid many health problems.

According to medical practice, cervical cancer, which appears due to erosion, is one of the most common gynecological and oncological diseases. The average age of women affected by this disease is in the range of 30-34 years. Over the past 10 years, statistical indicators have remained approximately at the same level in developed countries.

Before a diagnosis is made, structural changes occur in the cervix and mucosa. It is important to take into account that erosion is not always the main cause of cancer, so it is important to be able to understand when it is really worth being worried.

Considering the domestic approach, there is a certain belief that the appearance of erosion is a precancerous stage. The theory is based on the concept of new cells produced by the body. Their purpose is to protect damaged areas of the mucosa. Over time, there is a threat of their degeneration into cancer cells, which will contribute to the formation of a malignant tumor.

Attention! Until now, the theory has not received irrefutable evidence.

Therefore, with accuracy, only the fact can be stated that in the event of erosion and cervical cancer, similar causes serve. The appearance of small ulcers in size can be caused by:

  • Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix, which can occur through abortion, hard sexual intercourse or labor;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • The development of an inflammatory process in the vagina (the occurrence of candidiasis, or vaginitis);
  • Frequent sexual intercourse until the body is fully mature;
  • The defeat of the female reproductive system through pathogenic bacteria and other agents that cause infectious diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse (gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, herpes).

If treatment does not occur in the acute form of the disease, there is a possibility of acquiring a chronic stage. As a result, serious damage to the reproductive system occurs and it is almost impossible to avoid the development of erosion.

Because modern life dictates too fast a pace and a constant solution of problems, adult women often treat their health indulgently no less than girls in their teens. Every woman should know that self-medication can only cause a worsening of the situation. As for the formation of cervical cancer, it occurs with the development of a malignant tumor localized in the epithelium.

There are the following factors that contribute to the occurrence of oncology:

  • Damage to the mucosa through surgical interventions (abortions) or labor;
  • The development of inflammatory processes and other pathologies in the endometrium associated with hormonal disorders;
  • If for a long time an inflammatory process developed in the body, which was not treated.

In the latter case, infectious papillomaviruses or genital herpes are extremely important. Since these viruses are carcinogenic, there is often no favorable outcome.

Important! The statement that the erosion of the cervix that has appeared smoothly flows into an oncological disease is not always true. It can only be noted that the process of their emergence and development is similar. The symptoms are so similar that at an early stage it is impossible to distinguish diseases on your own, only through professional diagnostics.

Cervical cancer and erosion

Erosion can be of different types. Most often, ectopia occurs when the squamous epithelium is replaced by a cylindrical type. When it comes to a real disease, the death of epithelial cells first appears, which is extremely rare.

When false erosion occurs, it is called a form of precancerous condition. There are several reasons for this:

  • The emergence of a threat of transition of this condition into dysplasia is the appearance of epithelial cells with an atypical structure. There are three stages of the state. When the first period occurs, the probability does not exceed 1%, and in the third it reaches 30%;
  • When diagnosing the papillomavirus, the likelihood of developing a malignant tumor increases 100 times;
  • Before the onset of erosion, there may be a change in the structure of the epithelium in the uterus, in the vagina, an altered hormonal background and vaginal flora, which contributes to the degeneration of cells.

How often does cervical erosion turn into cancer?

There is no generally accepted opinion about how often erosion can develop into cancer. This is due to the fact that the appearance of a malignant tumor does occur for other reasons mentioned above. However, it is still worth monitoring the growth of erosion by regularly visiting a doctor and following his recommendations.

Erosion of the cervix turns into dysplasia

Dysplasia is often characterized as a precancerous condition. Symptoms may appear at different ages. But it often occurs in women who have not lost their reproductive function. When this disease occurs, changes occur in the structure of the epithelium.

If the patient is diagnosed with pseudo-erosion, then dysplastic processes can form against its background. However, it is worth noting that erosion does not affect structural changes, unlike dysplasia. This is a serious diagnosis, the treatment of which must be started as early as possible. But the symptoms may not appear immediately, which makes it difficult to fight further in the later stages. Often gynecologists diagnose this disease during preventive visits of patients. The sooner dysplasia is diagnosed, the greater the likelihood of a complete cure.

The main characteristic of the disease is the active degeneration of normal epithelial cells into elements characteristic of cancer. Depending on how far the progression of the disease has progressed, the severity of the pathology depends:

  1. considered the most easily portable. In this case, structural changes occur only at the level of the lower epithelial layer;
  2. At a moderate (second) degree, changes in the epithelial structure occur at the level of two layers;
  3. In the severe stage (third), atypical cells fill the entire thickness of the epithelium.

Cervical cyst turns into cancer

The formation of a cyst of the cervix occurs as a result of blockage of the gland. This is a tumor that is formed by the accumulation of secretions in the glands, due to which the gland begins to actively increase in size. Speaking about whether it can degenerate into cancer, gynecologists say that this cannot happen, since a cyst, as a neoplasm, is not capable of malignancy.

It is also worth noting that the cyst is not able to inhibit the development of the fetus during pregnancy or affect the production of hormones. However, with late diagnosis and finding the formation, the following complications may occur:

  • The cyst is often a provoking factor in the occurrence of bleeding. If the formation is large, and blood clotting is reduced, then there is a serious risk to the patient's life;
  • Since the accumulation of bacteria increases simultaneously with the volume of the cyst, this can lead to the development of inflammatory processes and diseases. These include colpitis;
  • When diagnosing a large number of formations, access to the uterine cavity may be closed, which is one of the causes of infertility. As a result, access for the sperm is closed.

Does pseudo-erosion of the cervix turn into cancer?

Pseudo-erosion has a negative effect on the vaginal region of the cervix. During the examination, it can be diagnosed. In the normal state of the reproductive system, cylindrical epithelial cells should line the cervical canal. When an uneven distribution of cells occurs, we can talk about the impact of the following possible factors:

  • Development of infectious diseases;
  • age period;
  • The state of the immune system;
  • hormone concentration.

With the development of pseudo-erosion, cylindrical cells begin to go beyond the canal. As a result, the transformation zone is subject to displacement. A gynecologist can notice such changes during a routine examination. It is important to note that the causes of pseudo-erosion are not well understood. However, this is a background disease that manifests itself only with the development of an infectious disease. If the inflammatory process has not begun, then this form is not subject to treatment with a congenital form.

If this is an acquired form, then it must be treated. Otherwise, over time, it can develop into cervical cancer, which suggests a more dangerous outcome. In order to detect a pathology in time, it is necessary to visit a doctor in time for an examination, since the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the more likely it is to get rid of it without consequences.

Video: cervical cancer. Symptoms, treatment, operation

Video: treatment of advanced cases of epithelial cancer

Video: cancer. What is carcinomatosis?

Without proper medical care, cervical erosion can turn into an oncological disease, but not in every case.

This is due to the fact that erosion of the cervix in combination with the human papillomavirus easily leads to dysplasia- the affected mucosal tissues do not die off completely, but are converted into atypical ones and accumulate. A benign neoplasm is formed, which, without timely treatment, passes to stage 2-3, which is a precancerous condition.

At the same time, it can develop in just 5-10 years, depending on the state of the woman's immune system. But usually the process lasts at least 10-15 years, and may not occur at all.

The danger lies in the fact that in the initial stages, erosion may not manifest itself in any way and not disturb the patient. In these cases, you can easily start your health condition.

Groups and risk factors

Erosion occurs both in women experiencing the onset of menopause, and in girls during puberty. Besides, erosions are often found in women who have recently given birth.

This is due to changes in the hormonal background during these periods of the life of patients.

There is also a high risk of developing the disease for those who are sexually promiscuous, do not undergo preventive examinations on time, and have genital injuries due to operations.

Factors that increase the risk of developing cancer include:

  • the presence of papillomavirus in the body (oncogenic types are dangerous);
  • the presence of chronic sexually transmitted infections;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives without interruption for more than 5 years;
  • frequent abortions;
  • genetic predisposition to cancer;
  • reduced immunity, which is chronic, as well as bad habits;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system.

The earlier a girl begins to have sex, the more she is prone to erosion of the cervix. In young patients, the epithelium is very thin, so it is easily and quickly damaged.

Medical supervision and treatment

You need to see a gynecologist at least once a year in the absence of symptoms and with normal urogenital tests. Those who already have erosion are advised to see a doctor 2-3 times a year and even more often if any abnormalities are found. If there is discomfort in the cervical region, it is better not to postpone a visit to the gynecologist.

For the treatment of cervical erosion, different methods are used, which are selected individually depending on the stage of the disease, course, concomitant diseases, individual tolerance of drugs and much more.

The most popular treatments are:

Drug treatment is effective only in the early stages and is not recommended in the absence of contraindications for surgical treatment of the pathology. It includes douching with antibacterial agents, taking drugs to strengthen the immune system and can last up to 30 days.

When cancer is detected, the following methods can be used:

  1. traditional surgery. The doctor excised all the affected areas, if necessary, performs a radical removal of the cervix and nearby organs.
  2. Radiation therapy directed to the pelvic organs. Often combined with brachytherapy.
  3. Chemotherapy. Irradiation gives hope to patients even at advanced stages.
  4. The use of highly toxic drugs in combination with one of the above methods.

It is possible to reduce the risk of adverse effects after erosion treatment:

  • carrying out postoperative measures recommended by the doctor: taking maintenance medications, douching, using suppositories;
  • regular visits to the doctor for examination and processing of tissue excision sites;
  • abstinence from sexual activity for 1-1.5 months;
  • use of barrier contraception for another 2 months after surgery and a period of abstinence;
  • refusal to use tampons during menstruation until the tissues are completely healed.

Simple prevention can help prevent relapse:

Young women are advised to get vaccinated against the human papillomavirus as a way to prevent the development of cancer. In most cases, it is he who causes damage to the tissues of the epithelium of the internal genital organs.

Cervical erosion by itself cannot develop into cancer, but can develop into a concomitant disease (dysplasia), more dangerous and capable of becoming precancerous.

Erosion is easy to get rid of, especially in the early stages. To do this, it is enough to visit a doctor regularly for timely diagnosis and proper treatment.

Modern medicine involves painless and safe removal of affected tissues.

Even if cancer has already been detected, it is one of the types that can be treated. The doctor will select the most appropriate method of surgical intervention and retain as many healthy cells as possible.

Useful video

We suggest watching a video on whether cervical erosion can develop into cancer:

Any woman can face the problem of cervical erosion. This disease is very common and is caused by a complex of various causes.

Erosion can be congenital or acquired, true or false. When it comes to cervical erosion, in most cases they talk about pseudo-erosion, in which there is no violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane. Fortunately, erosion is fairly easy to treat. However, the insidiousness of this disease is that most often it is asymptomatic, and it can only be determined during a routine gynecological examination. It is important to know that neglected erosion can develop into cancer.

As soon as the patient found out that she had found erosion, she should immediately begin treatment - for this you can use effective folk remedies (our website has special articles on this topic). This will help restore women's health and avoid the serious consequences of the disease.

  • What is erosion?

    With erosion, a violation of the normal structure of the epithelium lining the cervix occurs. The uterus connects to the vagina at its narrowest part. This place is called the neck. Normally, the vagina and cervix are lined with stratified squamous epithelium, and the walls of this organ are lined with a single-layer cylindrical epithelium. These two types of epithelial tissue differ in structure and properties. Squamous epithelium is more elastic, while columnar epithelium is more rigid. The acidity of the cervix and the uterine cavity also differ. Normally, the cylindrical epithelium will secrete a secret that creates an alkaline environment, while the environment in the vagina and cervix is ​​acidic. This balance is critically important, as it is one of the factors in protecting a woman's genitals from infection. With erosion, the normal squamous epithelium of the cervix is ​​replaced by a cylindrical one. This condition manifests itself in the form of a red spot surrounding the cervical canal.

    Many mistakenly believe that cervical erosion does not pose any danger. The disease most often does not show any symptoms, but if left untreated, it can lead to unpleasant and dangerous consequences, in particular, cancer can occur.

    Why does erosion occur?

    There are congenital and acquired erosion of the cervix.

    Congenital occurs due to a violation of the normal balance of female sex hormones and most often disappears after the birth of the first child.

    The following factors can lead to the development of acquired erosion:

    • early onset of sexual activity
    • mechanical damage to the mucosa after gynecological procedures, late-stage abortion;
    • mucosal ruptures after childbirth;
    • chronic infectious diseases of the mucosa;
    • state of immunodeficiency;
    • diseases of the endocrine system and hormonal imbalance;
    • viral infections.

    Types of cervical erosion

    Currently, the following classification of erosions is used in medical practice.

    Is cervical erosion dangerous?

    Erosion of the cervix is ​​quite easy to treat. If the disease is detected in a timely manner and appropriate therapy is carried out, no negative consequences will arise. But the danger of the disease is that it is almost asymptomatic. Often, erosion can only be determined as a result of a routine gynecological examination. In the absence of proper treatment, the disease progresses.
    Cervical erosion at a late stage can provoke a number of other problems.


    One of the biggest dangers of erosion is the likelihood of developing acute and chronic infection of the cervix and uterine cavity. This is due to the fact that the eroded mucosa is unable to perform its functions and no longer serves as a barrier against bacteria. The causative agent of infection can be lactic acid bacteria, which normally inhabit the vaginal mucosa, or bacteria and fungi that enter the woman's body from the external environment.


    Both the infectious process and the very development of erosion can lead to it. At the same time, in some cases, proliferation of epithelial tissue is observed. This neoplasm can block the entrance to the uterine cavity.

    Dysplasia of the epithelial layer

    With a long course of erosion, normal epithelial cells are replaced by atypical ones, and a disease such as dysplasia occurs. Dysplasia is a benign neoplasm, but if left untreated, dysplasia can develop into cancer.

    Cervical cancer

    A direct relationship has been proven between erosion at a late stage and the occurrence of a malignant neoplasm in the cervix. In most cases, cervical cancer is caused by a viral infection, namely. This virus at the beginning of the infectious process is the cause of erosion, which then degenerates into a malignant tumor.

    Human papillomavirus (HPV) and cancer

    The relationship between viral infection and the development of cancer has been proven. According to recent data, the risk of developing a malignant neoplasm in women infected with HPV increases a hundred times. In this case, a viral infection is often asymptomatic and can only be detected as a result of a targeted examination.

    The human papillomavirus is quite widespread. It can only be transmitted through contact. Most often, infection occurs during unprotected sex.

    Currently, more than a hundred types of HPV are known, but most of them do not lead to the development of the disease. Basically, the body copes with the virus on its own, and the destruction of the pathogen occurs within a few months after infection. However, some types of the virus are highly oncogenic and lead to the development of cancer of the cervix, vulva or anus.

    With HPV infection, it can take 5 to 20 years to develop. The speed of this process depends on the immunity of the woman.

    Other types of HPV do not cause cancer, but they do cause benign growths that, although not fatal, can cause a number of symptoms or lead to infertility.

    Like other cancers, cervical cancer can only be successfully treated if it is diagnosed early. In this case, up to 90% of patients completely get rid of the neoplasm, without losing the ability to give birth to a child.

    The danger of this disease is that the signs of cancer appear only at a late stage of the disease. These signs include:

    1. Bleeding after sexual intercourse of a non-menstrual nature. Bleeding may be regular or occur intermittently.
    2. Atypical vaginal discharge that often has an unpleasant odor.
    3. Pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, legs.
    4. Decreased appetite, weight loss, chronic fatigue.
    5. Thus, cervical erosion may indicate the presence of HPV infection and the risk of cancer.

    Should erosion be treated?

    There are conflicting opinions about whether cervical erosion should be treated.
    If the disease is congenital in nature, it is considered that it cannot lead to oncological diseases, since in this case we are not talking about the viral nature of the disease. Congenital pseudo-erosion is most often not treated until the first child is born. After that, the body of a young woman is often rebuilt, the hormonal background changes, and the disease goes away on its own.

    If erosion is acquired, then the need for treatment is determined by a number of factors. The disease should be treated if:

    • erosion is accompanied by chronic inflammation of the cervix or uterine cavity.
    • lesions occupy a large area;
    • the disease is at a late stage, the appearance of atypical cells or dysplasia of the epithelial layer is observed;
    • erosion is accompanied by a viral infection with HPV.

    Traditional medicine suggests treating erosion with cauterization. However, it is important to remember that cauterization is not recommended for girls before the birth of their first child, as this can lead to infertility, early termination of pregnancy, or difficult labor with multiple ruptures.

    In addition, it is very dangerous to cauterize erosion if the patient has already developed cancer. Cauterization of a malignant neoplasm, even at an early stage, can lead to a more rapid spread of the disease. Also in this case, any injury to the mucosa that damages its integrity is dangerous. This leads to the fact that cancer cells enter the blood and lymph and spread throughout the body; metastases occur.

    But even if there are no contraindications to cauterization of erosion, this treatment is still very traumatic. After that, scars form on the mucous membrane of the cervix, it is not able to fully perform its functions. This increases the risk of infectious processes. In addition, at the birth of a child, the opening of the uterus is difficult, ruptures and bleeding may occur.

    A more gentle method of treatment is therapy with folk remedies. Folk therapy includes douching with herbal decoctions, using tampons with healing agents and taking drugs inside. Such treatment has a complex beneficial effect on the body, restores the integrity and normal functioning of the epithelial layer and does not lead to dangerous side effects.

  • Cervical erosion and cancer can develop simultaneously, how to protect yourself from this pathology? To accurately answer the question, you should learn better about each disease - its symptoms, signs and treatment. Today, cervical erosion causes fear and horror in women, although the disease, if detected in a timely manner, does not cause serious problems with the health and functioning of the genital organs, including including oncology.

    What is erosion? This disease is a proliferation of the epithelium, which leads to a deterioration in the condition of the cervix.

    Malignant erosion of the cervix appears only when the patient completely ignores the symptoms of the disease - if the treatment is on time, and the woman does not refuse to comply with complex therapy, it will be possible to get rid of erosion quickly and effectively. Today, many women are sure that the disease is considered life-threatening - indeed, the disease has a danger.

    The reasons why erosion of the uterine cervix and the uterine cavity itself occurs:
    • gonorrhea, is the cause that most often causes the disease;
    • trichomoniasis;
    • chlamydia;
    • papillomavirus infection;
    • genital herpes.

    If the proliferation of the epithelium begins on the mucous membrane of the cervix, the woman will be able to notice signs of the disease in time, since they are usually characteristic of the disease.

    It is important to note: the causes of erosion are not always associated with a woman's sexual life - sometimes the disease appears due to the action of negative factors on the body.

    To identify the development of erosion, a cytological examination can be performed in any hospital. This must be done without fail, because without a diagnosis, the doctor does not have the right to prescribe treatment.

    In the body for a long time with the development of the disease, changes occur that adversely affect the state of health. Can erosion, if left untreated, develop into cancer? Many modern scientists believe that with the growth of the epithelial layer, new and healthy cells in the female body begin to produce. This leads to a covering of the damaged surface of the uterus, as a result of which the cells can eventually degenerate into malignant and dangerous to health. As a result, a long treatment that does not benefit health, or a complete lack of therapy, can cause the formation of malignant cells on the surface of the genital organs. However, modern medicine has proven that epithelial cells are not cancerous, since there are no malignant components in their structure that can begin to grow at any time. Summing up, it can be noted that if a woman has erosion on the surface of the genital organs, the possibility of her degeneration into a cancerous tumor will depend on a number of factors.

    These include:
    • the genetic predisposition of the patient;
    • the state of the immune system;
    • the presence of more dangerous diseases occurring in the body;
    • improper treatment of erosion, as a result of which different drugs are used.

    After cauterization, cervical erosion does not cause cancer. This is facilitated by the action of the laser on the body, which destroys all affected cells.

    Even the chronic form of the disease cannot cause cancer if a woman starts fighting it in time, and also strictly follows the doctor's recommendations. Negligent attitude to health, and the presence of certain factors, lead to the formation of a tumor, not each of which can be completely cured.

    Erosion is a benign cavity formation, during the development of which a woman can immediately notice the development of the disease. However, sometimes patients, on the contrary, do not notice the appearance of pathology, justifying their own condition with fatigue. Dysplasia of the epithelial layer and other modern diagnostic methods will help to correctly diagnose even at the initial stage of the development of the disease, when a woman is attacked only by dubious signs of erosion.

    Erosion signs:
    • pain during intimacy, passing from the lower abdomen to the cervix;
    • transparent discharge;
    • bleeding with blood clots;
    • pain when going to the toilet;
    • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
    • pain when lifting weights.

    Usually, in the presence of favorable factors, erosion (even with its recent appearance) is detected by a gynecologist on an armchair, where with the help of mirrors it is possible to consider all the features of the course of the disease. It is often possible to identify pathology with a detailed examination of the cervix - this diagnostic method is called colposcopy. It is required to carry it out if the doctor cannot make a correct diagnosis and careful identification of the affected organs is required if erosion is suspected.

    Why erosion can cause cancer development? A malignant neoplasm can attack the female body due to the combination of two epithelium (the walls of the cervix and the erosion border). Therefore, it is not worth starting the course of the pathology, otherwise it can lead to a long and difficult therapy.

    In addition to the examination on the armchair, the doctor will also prescribe a number of diagnostic procedures for the patient:

    • delivery of a smear for microflora;
    • PAP test;
    • sowing the microflora of the vaginal cavity;
    • PCR tests to detect an infection that is hidden in the body.
    Also, the patient must pass:
    1. Analysis for HPV. It is carried out after the detection of bleeding in a patient that does not coincide with the onset of the menstrual cycle. In this case, the doctor conducts an analysis to confirm the alleged diagnosis, as well as to identify the condition of the cervical mucosa, which, in the presence of adverse factors, often turns into cancer.
    2. Biopsy of the cervix. A cancerous tumor can begin to grow at any time, so if signs of the disease are found, the doctor will definitely perform a biopsy. This diagnostic method involves the use of a small element of the cervix, which is carefully examined under a microscope for the presence of malignant cells.

    As a rule, problems with the health of the genital organs should cause alertness in a woman, therefore, if symptoms of erosion are detected, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

    Can cervical erosion turn into cancer? In the absence of treatment of the cervix, certain factors can activate the growth of a malignant tumor.

    These factors include:
    1. Infection of the female body with papillomavirus. In the early stages of the disease, papillomavirus infection is considered the most important factor in the development of cervical cancer. The papilloma virus is able to infect a large number of cells in the body, which include cells in the mouth, genitals, pharynx, skin, anus, and so on. When it enters the cavity of the reproductive organ, especially if a woman suffers from erosion, PVI can cause cancer, forming small papillomas after itself.
    2. Smoking. Various diagnostic methods make it clear that smoking greatly increases the risk of cervical cancer. In patients who smoke, there is a small amount of tobacco combustion products in the cervical mucus. These unhealthy components disrupt the structure of the DNA of the cells that make up the mucous membrane, which becomes a serious factor in the appearance of a malignant tumor.
    3. Violation of the functions of the immune system. HIV greatly aggravates the state of immunity, so if a woman has AIDS, her risk of developing a tumor is too high.
    4. Taking contraceptives. Long-term use of contraceptives also causes the growth of cancer cells.
    5. Nutrition. A lack of vitamins in a woman's diet can lead to the appearance of a malignant tumor. The risk increases significantly if the patient has sexually transmitted diseases.

    It is important to pay attention to these factors, which can greatly worsen the state of health.

    Therapy of a benign process must be carried out by a woman until the disease has acquired an aggressive course.

    Today, the disease is treated with the help of modern procedures, such as:

    1. Laser. As the tumor develops, doctors often prescribe laser treatment for women. After all, its radiation is the safest and most effective for the health of the patient, since the power of the device helps to heal even the deep layers of the epithelium. The doctor directs the laser only at diseased cells, causing them to evaporate.
    2. radio waves

    In the absence of proper treatment, doctors often prescribe radio wave therapy. Its principle is as follows - damaged areas of the cervix are processed by radio waves using various devices, for example, Surgiton. After the procedure, no scars remain on the surface of the epithelium.

    1. Cryodestruction. Depending on the cause of the disease, doctors prescribe this method of treatment. When it is performed, the affected areas are treated with liquid nitrogen, which, as it freezes, destroys harmful cells due to its low temperature. Also, this treatment option does not cause scarring.

    In addition to such procedures, the patient is also prescribed drug treatment. Thanks to drugs, damaged cells are quickly replaced by healthy ones.

    These drugs include:
    • Vagotil;
    • Solkovagin.

    It is important to take medicines after they are prescribed by a doctor - this is the only way to achieve a complete recovery and not cause other diseases of the reproductive system.

    Preventive actions

    Symptoms such as the release of blood clots and pain in the lower abdomen should definitely alert the woman. If the patient has just undergone a course of treatment for cervical erosion, she should definitely follow preventive measures to help avoid the recurrence of the disease.

    These include:
    • obligatory observance of personal hygiene (and this should be done not only by a woman, but also by her sexual partner);
    • itching, burning and discomfort in the genital area should be a mandatory reason to visit a doctor - remember that the sooner the disease is detected, the faster it can be cured;
    • the use of contraceptives during intimacy, especially if a woman enters into a relationship with a stranger to her;
    • refusal to change partners frequently, as this causes a strong change in the microflora of the vagina, which can lead to various infections;
    • regular examinations at the gynecologist, which will help to identify the disease at the initial stage of its development, and also will not allow the disease to start.

    What can erosion become? Apart from cancer, the disease can no longer cause any serious consequences for the body. However, in most cases, cancer does not develop during erosion, so if you start therapy correctly, you can completely cure the disease.

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