Epithelial tumors in cats. Cancer in a cat: symptoms and treatment

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What is cancer and its diagnosis in cats?

Term Crayfish(Cancer) is used to describe a group of diseases that cause the formation of tumors (or neoplasms) - a collection of abnormal cells that continue to grow and divide uncontrollably. As a result, growths or seals usually form, which mainly consist of abnormal cells.

Some tumors do not spread to other parts of the body and usually do not invade nearby body tissues. Such tumors are called "benign".

In contrast, tumors referred to by the term "Cancer" are "malignant" - they often spread into surrounding healthy tissue, and can spread to other parts of the body (or "metastasize"), usually via the blood or lymphatic system.

Because of their aggressive nature, malignant tumors (cancers) tend to be more serious than benign ones, often cause severe and extensive illness, and are usually more difficult to treat.

In general, cats develop neoplasia (or tumor formation) less frequently than other animals. Compared to dogs, for example, cats develop tumors about half as often. However, tumors in cats are much more likely to be malignant (3-4 times more likely than in dogs) and therefore more likely to lead to serious health problems.

Most cancers in cats occur in the skin, white blood cells (leukemia and lymphoma), mouth, stomach, intestines, and mammary glands.

Types of cancer in cats

There are many varieties of cancer, which are classified (for example) by the origin of the abnormal cells that form the tumor. Thus, the types of cancer known as "carcinoma" and "sarcoma" are homogeneous tumors that can form in various tissues of the cat's body. By "leukemia" is meant a cancer that affects the bone marrow, which produces white blood cells, and often causes a large number of abnormal cells to enter the bloodstream. "Lymphoma" is a type of cancer that causes the production of abnormal lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that can also be found in body tissues and are part of the immune system.

Due to the large number of potentially cancerous diseases in cats (as, indeed, in other animals), it is impossible to list all possible types and their typical signs. The list below lists just a few of the most common types of cancer in cats:

  • Basalioma (tumor of the basal layer of the skin);
  • Mastocytoma (mast cell cancer);
  • Osteosarcoma (bone cancer);
  • Carcinoma / adenocarcinoma (for example, affecting the lungs, intestines, etc.);
  • Fibrosarcoma - soft tissue sarcoma;

Causes of cancer in cats.

As in human medicine, the causes of cancer in a given cat often remain unknown, especially since many cancers can develop for a variety of reasons.

An inborn (genetic) predisposition to the formation of certain types of tumors in cats is considered almost certainly proven, although relatively little is currently known about the mechanism by which this predisposition is transmitted. During a cat's lifetime, a cat can interact with a variety of substances and be placed in situations that can potentially trigger abnormal cellular processes that eventually lead to the development of cancer - even exposure to sunlight can be among them, not to mention a wide range of chemicals (carcinogens). ) surrounding the cat in modern conditions. In most cases, the causes of cancer remain unknown.

It has been established that some viral infections can cause cancer in cats, and the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is probably the best example. The virus infects the hematopoietic cells of the cat's bone marrow, which can lead to the development of leukemia and lymphoma. Fortunately, in most countries, infection with this virus is quite rare, and the virus is quite easy to detect using simple tests.

Studies show that cats infected with feline leukemia virus are 50 times more likely to develop lymphoma than uninfected cats. Cats infected with feline immunodeficiency virus have an approximately 5-fold increased risk.

When a cat is diagnosed with Cancer, owners usually ask, "What did I do wrong?" or "What should I have done to prevent this from happening?" While this is a perfectly natural response to being told that a cat has cancer, it is important to understand that in the vast majority of cases, it is not known what caused the cancer to develop and therefore could not have been prevented.

Cancer symptoms in cats.

Since cancer can affect any tissue of the cat's body, the clinical signs of its development are extremely diverse. In addition, there are no signs that automatically confirm that cancer is the cause of their manifestation.

Mostly older cats are prone to cancer, in which it develops much more often than in young ones. In many cases, cancer develops over a fairly long period, initially manifesting itself in the form of vague signs of the disease, such as loss of appetite, loss of strength and weight loss. In some cases, more obvious signs are possible, such as persistent lumps in (or on) the skin, changes in the eyes, nausea, diarrhea, unexplained bleeding, or wounds that do not heal.

As the disease progresses, additional complications usually develop, usually related to the affected tissues and organs. Although cancer may be only one potential cause of various clinical signs (especially in older cats), it is important to understand that many diseases have the same symptoms as cancer. Even in cases where cancer is confirmed, there may be treatment options to slow or delay the progression of the disease, at least for a period of time. However, it is important to diagnose cancer as early as possible in order to start treatment on time.

Diagnosis of cancer in cats.

If you suspect that the cause of the symptoms observed in a cat is cancer, you should contact your veterinarian. However, it should be understood that clinical symptoms, as well as the results of a veterinary examination, cannot be sufficient grounds to reliably diagnose cancer in a cat.

To determine the location and / or size of the tumor, additional studies are often needed - X-ray or ultrasound, but an accurate diagnosis of cancer can only be made after microscopic examination of tissues by an experienced pathologist. For this, as a rule, a biopsy is performed (surgical removal of a small piece of the affected tissue). In some cases, the diagnosis can be made using "fine needle aspiration" (when a few tissue cells are "sucked out" by a fine needle inserted into the tumor, which are then subjected to examination), or "puncture biopsy" (when a small portion of tissue is taken for analysis with a large hollow needle "nucleus" of the affected tissue).

In addition to these, other methods are used to obtain tissue samples with abnormal cells in order to diagnose cancer. A blood test, for example, is a standard procedure for suspecting cancer in a cat - partly to detect any indirect effects of cancer, partly to detect any other diseases.

Some types of cancer may sometimes require more complex procedures to diagnose. Of the most common and becoming more accessible - it can be, for example, computed axial tomography or magnetic resonance scanning. Such examinations are most effective, for example, in diagnosing brain tumors and assessing the degree of invasion (the ability of malignant tumor cells to separate from it and penetrate into surrounding tissues).

It is quite difficult for a person to find out that his beloved pet is diagnosed with cancer. This is especially true for cats. Yes, these animals can also develop cancer. It is worth saying that cancer in cats is not much different from a similar disease in humans. There are a lot of similarities. Yes, and in treatment there are similar moments. In veterinary medicine, there is even a separate area for the fight against oncological diseases, which is developing better every year. Today we will try with you to recognize the causes of this disease, ways to deal with it, as well as preventive measures.

Cancer - what is it?

Despite the constant development of medicine, technology and advanced training of doctors, we still hear quite often about such a disease as cancer. What is this ailment? Why does it arise? Let's deal with these questions in more detail.

Cancer is an oncological disease in which the cells of the body can grow and develop rapidly, affecting vital tissues and penetrating into other organs of a living being. Most often, these ailments are asymptomatic, which complicates the further treatment of the pet and the desired recovery. Cancer in cats is divided into several stages. There are also malignant and benign tumors. In fact, just like people.

The danger of this disease lies in the late diagnosis, due to the fact that it is almost asymptomatic, and the first signs appear when it is almost pointless to treat. But, at the moment, veterinary medicine is beginning to practice in the safe treatment of cats, and the world already knows the first positive results in this matter.

Causes of Cancer in Cats

Unfortunately, it is impossible to establish exactly what is the causative agent of this disease. In fact, just like a person. There are many factors that lead to cancer.

In most cases, cancer occurs due to a genetic predisposition. But there are other factors as well:

  • selection carried out of poor quality;
  • non-compliance with the rules for keeping an animal;
  • lack of a balanced diet.

Naturally, these are not all reasons. Very often, a severe bruise, etc., can become a factor in the occurrence of cancer.

Very often we think, but how did we live before? Did such diseases occur in cats in ancient times? Yes, but much less often than at the moment. Perhaps another cause of mass oncological diseases is the problem of environmental pollution. In addition, a very low level of food, most of which consists of chemical compounds.

A lot of veterinary oncologists agree that a variety of viruses are the cause of cancer in cats. This theory has been confirmed. To date, science has already known more than a hundred types of various cancer viruses that mutate in cells. These pathogens tend to enter the body, and are in it for a very long time, completely without showing themselves. That is, while the animal can be a carrier.

If the cat's immunity is sufficiently developed, then it blocks the development of viruses, and otherwise, it contributes to the fastest spread. Also in the latter case, other diseases help, lack of quality nutrition, non-compliance with maintenance standards, and much more.

In principle, we have analyzed the main causes of cancer in cats. But, one important thing was left for the end. This is vaccination. In recent years, this procedure has significantly increased the number of sick animals for oncological diseases.

The essence of this problem lies in the fact that after vaccination quite often there are seals that must be removed, even if they are benign. If you notice any changes in your pet after the vaccination, then you need to take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible to determine the nature of the tumor.

From the foregoing, it can be understood that the most susceptible animals to cancer are individuals that are poorly cared for. True, absolutely all cats can be at risk, regardless of their conditions of detention and breed.

Types of cancer

In veterinary medicine, there are a lot of types of cancer, in fact, as in medicine. Cancer can affect almost the entire body. As a result, there are many types of cancer. Although, there are several such diseases that stand out especially.

Initially, all ailments are divided into two types: benign and malignant. In the first case, the disease has a localized character, it does not grow very quickly, and at the same time, it does not cause discomfort to the animal. In the second case, on the contrary, tumors develop quite quickly, having a negative impact on the body and its condition as a whole.

There are several types of cancer that are most common. So, the main oncological diseases in four-legged animals:

  • breast cancer in a cat;
  • tumor of the genital organs;
  • squamous cell carcinoma in cats;
  • thyroid tumor;
  • skin cancer in cats;
  • oncological diseases of the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

The latter ailment is much less common than the previous ones.

All these diseases have a common structure, similar symptoms, and stages of development. Let's take a closer look at the last point.

All ailments can be divided into several main periods:

  1. Initial - the appearance of a small formation, a nodule. At this stage, the disease is asymptomatic.
  2. The second - during this period there is an active growth and development of the tumor. It can affect tissues more deeply, affecting neighboring cells.
  3. Third - at this stage, the development of the neoplasm ends. Although, despite this, the disease affects other parts of the body more seriously.
  4. The fourth is the final phase of the development of a cancerous tumor. During this period, the entire body is already completely affected, which leads to its destruction. Unfortunately, this stage is considered, most often, lethal.

How to diagnose cancer in a pet?

Many animal lovers are wondering: how to understand that a cat has cancer? And, this is a very good idea. After all, the further fate of the pet, and the chance for a successful recovery, depend on the timely diagnosis of this disease.

It is important for a livestock breeder to constantly look after his pet, as well as monitor the slightest changes in his health. At the first external appearance of any seal, it is better to take the pet to the veterinarian. Yes, with external diseases it is a little easier. They can be diagnosed in time, than to ensure the recovery of the cat. Well, what about diseases of the internal organs? This issue is much more complicated, and it is almost impossible to detect cancer at the first stage of development. But, for the owner, any changes in the behavior of the animal, and its general state of health, should serve as the first signs. This does not mean that you should immediately admit the thought of cancer, just better to play it safe. If the behavior of a pet is alarming, then it is better to contact a veterinarian and take the necessary tests to make sure that there are no oncological diseases.

For example, if a cat lives with you, then you need to monitor the condition of his testicles. Pay attention that there is no swelling and asymmetry, and urination is normal.

In a cat, you need to monitor the condition of the mammary glands. It is these organs that are at risk for oncology. It is important to monitor the condition of the mammary glands in cats. Watch that they do not swell and do not harden. An adult female who has reached the age of six years should be shown to the veterinarian every six months for a thorough examination and testing.

Symptoms of cancer

The most important step in successful recovery is identifying the first symptoms of cancer in cats. If you notice these signs and start treating the animal in time, then you may save him, and otherwise, you can lose your pet. Therefore, pay attention to the following points and watch your cat to make sure that he is healthy.

So, the first signs of oncology in cats:

  • swelling and swelling on the skin;
  • inflamed boils, of unknown origin;
  • secretion from the mammary glands;
  • weakness, drowsiness, and sometimes, on the contrary, excessive activity and aggressiveness;
  • opened a wound on the jaw;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • unusual changes in the behavior and body of the animal.

In order to establish such a diagnosis as cancer, you only need to conduct an extensive examination of the tumor or diseased area. That is, it is necessary to do blood tests, ultrasound, biopsy and X-ray. Only after such a complete examination, the veterinarian will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Let's take a closer look at each type of cancer in cats.

jaw cancer

This disease is scientifically called squamous cell carcinoma. And this type of cancer is not so rare. It is important to recognize it in time.

Quite often in cats, a wound can open on the jaw, which occurs due to severe inflammation of the oral cavity, or, in other words, cancer. If you find this disease, then you need to show your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Also, an abscess appears on the jaw or tongue, which can later break through. All these moments give the animal very painful sensations. A cat, with this type of cancer, loses its appetite, cannot chew and swallow food, and, accordingly, loses weight dramatically.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, a biopsy is performed, and appropriate treatment is prescribed. Most often, an operable intervention is performed if other organs in the animal's body are not affected. They also prescribe chemotherapy. The effectiveness of this procedure is already known to all. Naturally, a cat is much easier to cure if cancer is diagnosed at the first stage of the disease, when there are no metastases in other organs.

Skin cancer in cats

In this case, bumps, tumors, abscesses, which tend to open up, may appear on the skin of the animal. All this is very painful for a pet. True, in this case it is easier to notice the disease at the first stage of development, and start treatment in a timely manner, which will lead to a successful recovery of the animal. It is worth noting that most often, formations on the skin of cats are malignant. Therefore, it is necessary to treat with the help of a veterinarian.

The first symptoms are neoplasms on the skin of a different nature. The cat also has a general change in behavior, loss of appetite, which in turn leads to a decrease in body weight.

Mammary cancer

This type of cancer is quite common. Diagnosing breast cancer in a cat is fairly simple.

First of all, there is a slight seal in the mammary gland. Depending on the nature, tumors can be malignant or benign. In the first case, the neoplasm develops very quickly, affecting other organs of the animal.

This type of cancer is also divided into four stages. Naturally, at the first stage of neoplasm development, cancer can be successfully cured. When the form is running, it is very difficult to achieve the same result. In the third and final stage, it is likely that the animal can no longer be cured. Although, there are cases when the animal recovered contrary to the expectations of oncologists. And all because such a disease as cancer has not yet been thoroughly studied, and is absolutely unpredictable.

With any type of cancer in a cat, it is important to establish a diagnosis at an early stage, when the tumor is very small. And then you can start treatment, which will lead to recovery. Let's discuss this issue in more detail.

What is the treatment?

At this stage in the development of oncology in veterinary medicine, there are already first successes in curing cats from cancer. True, only at the initial stage, when the disease has not yet spread throughout the body, and is not fully launched.

Treatment of cancer in cats is carried out by operable, radiation, immune and chemotherapy. In the first phase of the disease, most often, special drugs are prescribed. In the case when the cancer is in the middle or last stage, the treatment consists in prescribing painkillers, and ultimately, it is proposed to euthanize the animal.

However, do not give up in advance. Cancer is a very unpredictable disease. There were cases when doctors already refused to treat the animal, and the owner continued to take good care of him, feed him properly, and as a result, the cat recovered.

In any case, you must comply with all measures for keeping pets. Show them to the veterinarian in a timely manner. And, you will be able to avoid most diseases in cats.

Of course, the outcome of cancer is not entirely dependent on the efforts of the individual. The decisive factors in this matter are the type of oncology, its nature, as well as the stage of the disease. There are cancers that can be prevented if timely preventive measures are taken. For example, this group includes breast cancer in a cat.

In the issue of prevention, there is no specific purpose and necessary actions. You can avoid most diseases in animals if you adhere to the correct maintenance and nutrition of the animal. Careful care of the general condition of the cat will also help in this matter. For example, if you bathe your pet in a timely manner, monitor the condition of the coat and skin, you can avoid skin cancer. You also need to keep track of what other animals your pet will “communicate” with. Naturally, a variety of infections can be picked up from abandoned street cats.

In order to avoid breast cancer, experienced veterinarians recommend spaying your cat at an early age.

It is important to remember that absolutely any cat can get cancer, regardless of breed and health status. All animals are susceptible to this disease. A person can help a pet only with good care, maintenance, and also if he monitors his health in order to start treatment on time, while choosing the most effective way.

Unfortunately, cancer also affects pets. To date, the situation has improved slightly with the development of new drugs, treatments and vaccines. However, not all pathologies can be cured, and it is not always possible to prolong the life of pets.

The occurrence of cancer in cats

The factors that cause cancer are not yet fully understood.

Many experts believe that the main factor may be wrong content pet, not attentive to his problems, ignoring minor symptoms and untimely treatment.

Improper maintenance of cats can lead to cancer.

Poor quality feed

Poor quality feed contains carcinogens that disrupt the cellular genome.

One of the reasons is just poor quality feed saturated with preservatives, chemical additives to improve taste and smell. Carcinogens present there provoke a violation of the cellular genome, as a result of which cell mutation occurs, tissue degeneration and tumor formation.

If the cat refuses to eat food - this is a reason to think.

Cancer viruses

However, one should not discount oncological viruses, of which there are more than a hundred species.

Cancer viruses can appear in a cat due to stress.

Such viruses are present in the body of most animals in a dormant state, and any pathological factor contributes to their "waking up". These factors can be:

  • stress;
  • improperly selected diet, poor quality feed;
  • frequent illnesses;
  • infection;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • long-term chronic processes;
  • wrong treatment.

genetic predisposition

We should not forget about the genetic predisposition.

Often, cancer can be provoked by obesity.

Often, oncology can be provoked by a violation of the diet and, as a result, obesity. Failure of the hormonal balance, prolonged stay of the animal in poor conditions. A large dose of radiation, a sedentary lifestyle, limited access to fresh air. Oncological cat diseases for humans are not dangerous.

Types and stages of cancer in cats

The transformation of cells and tissues can occur on any organ, in any system of the body. There is no particular predisposition.

The transformation of cells and tissues can occur on any organ.

Neoplasms distinguished by type : benign and malignant tumors.

benign tumors

Benign neoplasms are characterized by slow progress, absence of pain syndrome, absence. Surgical removal of such tumors usually results in complete recovery of the cat.

Surgical removal of benign tumors leads to recovery of the cat.

Malignant tumors

Tumors of a malignant nature are manifested by more severe symptoms.

There is an increased growth of pathogenic cells, the presence of bleeding. The growth of foci of affected tissues - metastases, to other nearby organs and tissues. In the last stages, a strong pain syndrome manifests itself. Such neoplasms are very rarely amenable to complete cure, especially in the last stages, which are manifested by the presence of metastases.

Malignant tumors are rarely curable.

Formation types

There are different types of formations: sarcoma - the spread of pathogenic cells throughout the body, without being tied to a specific organ, skin cancer, oncology of the reproductive system, breast cancer.

Skin cancer in a cat.


According to the development of the pathological process, four stages are distinguished.

During the first stage, a small cancerous nodule appears.

  1. During the first stage, a small cancer nodule , possibly consisting of several degenerated cells. Such compaction of metastases does not give and is quite amenable to complete cure.
  2. The second stage is manifested by the progressive growth of the neoplasm, germination into the depth of the affected organ, "capture" of the lymphatic system in the form of metastases.
  3. The onset of the third stage slows down the growth of the tumor itself, but makes it possible for metastases to grow throughout the body.
  4. The most difficult and already incurable stage is the fourth. The whole body is affected and ends in death.

The main symptoms of cancer

With cancer, the cat becomes depressed and lethargic.

Depending on the location of the lesion, different symptoms will occur.

  1. The first stage is usually is asymptomatic , and it is extremely difficult to notice the presence of a tumor. That is why a systematic full medical examination of the animal is important, which allows you to notice the problem in time.
  2. Then there is a decrease in appetite, a sharp weight loss.
  3. The coat becomes dull, clumps form, an untidy general appearance.
  4. The pet is oppressed, lethargic, reluctantly there is no contact.
  5. Light scratches or wounds do not heal well, nosebleeds are possible.
  6. Failure of natural processes - defecation, urination.
  7. Difficulty breathing, possible shortness of breath, the presence of an unpleasant odor.
  8. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands in females, a painful seal is felt.
  9. In the early stages, a positive result will be given by surgical removal of the tumor.

    The complex of therapeutic measures depends on the degree of damage and the stage of the disease.

  • In the early stages, a positive result will be given by surgical removal of the tumor and subsequent use of chemotherapy.
  • The use of maintenance therapy will help to slightly extend the life of the pet: heart medications, pain medications.
  • In the last stages, the animal is euthanized so as not to prolong the agony.

Video about a tumor in a cat

Oncological disease is a terrible diagnosis that can be made not only to a person, but also to a pet. Cats suffer from neoplasms less often than, for example, dogs, but this is no reason to relax when the health of your beloved cat is at stake.

Cancerous tumors are an area of ​​infected cells that are constantly dividing and filling large areas of the pet's body. Under the influence of an increase in the number of dividing cancer cells, this area increases.

Cancer in a cat has many varieties, and identifying a specific cause of its development is quite difficult. There are many factors that can trigger the occurrence of this disease.

For example, frequent and heavy exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause the development of squamous cell carcinoma, which spreads to the nose, ears, eyelids, and paw pads of a pet. Feline leukemia can be passed from mother to kitten during pregnancy. It is also transmitted through direct contact between cats. It is one of the most common forms of cancer in cats and mostly affects young cats. Tumors of the spleen, intestines, stomach, as well as breast cancer and lung cancer are no less common.

Tumors in cats are becoming more common. Experts believe that this is due to the detrimental effect of human lifestyle on pet health. Many owners do not suspect that the actively advertised economy class food can cause a cellular mutation in the stomach, which, in fact, leads to the appearance of tumors in various internal parts of the cat's body.

According to another theory, cat cancer can be transmitted as a viral disease, which, when ingested, does not initially manifest itself under the influence of natural immunity. However, as soon as the immune system switches to fighting another irritant (worms, stress, etc.), the containment of the process can break through, and the virus will begin to actively spread throughout the body, developing into tumors.

Poor ecology, unhealthy diet, constant stress, sedentary lifestyle, lack of access to fresh air, radioactive radiation, poor genetics, underdeveloped immunity, other body diseases, the presence of a hairball in the stomach (called trichobezoars), etc., can contribute to the development of cancer in a cat. d.

Thus, it is difficult to establish the specific causes of cancer in a cat, although specialists are working hard in this direction. In addition to the causes, it is important to know how cancer manifests itself in cats.

Development of the disease

So, under the influence of certain factors, cell mutation occurs. Infected cells are distinguished by uncontrolled division due to the destruction of cells of a healthy tissue or organ of the body, which causes their destruction. In some cases, the mutation is transmitted to nearby sites and grows further.

The cancer cells eventually end up in the lymph node and are transported along with the blood to distant areas of the body, where they grow at the expense of other healthy cells. This growth of cat cancer is called metastasis.

The word "cancer" refers to a malignant formation that causes a severe deterioration in the health of a pet until his death. Benign tumors are distinguished by the fact that they are not transmitted to other areas of the body. It is easier and more effective to treat such formations.

Types of cancer

As already mentioned, a tumor in a cat can be benign and malignant. The first, as a rule, proceeds slowly and without pain. Since the disease in this case is not transmitted to other parts of the body, a complete recovery of the pet is possible after removal of the cat's cancer by the surgical method.

A malignant formation is manifested by rapid and aggressive growth, severe pain in the last stages of development, multiple metastases, bleeding and other symptoms. This cat cancer is difficult to treat.

A tumor in a cat can occur in any area of ​​the body. Depending on where the focus of abnormal cells is located, there are the following types of cancer:

  • skin cancer in cats;
  • squamous cell carcinoma in cats;
  • sarcoma;
  • lymphoma (damage to the lymphatic system), etc.

In the early stages of the development of the disease, it can be difficult to detect cancer in a cat, the symptoms of which are almost invisible. Therefore, the owner may not even suspect that his cat has a tumor inside the skin, caused by certain factors. In order to detect a tumor in a cat as early as possible, it is necessary to regularly attend general examinations at the veterinarian.


Depending on whether the tumor is located on the neck of the cat, the tumor is on the abdomen, in the stomach, intestines or mammary gland, the tumor is on the nipple or in the lungs of the cat and in other places, the symptoms may vary slightly. However, there are a number of common symptoms for all types of feline cancer.

  1. Seals (mammary gland, gastric region, lower abdomen in a cat and other areas, depending on the focus of tumor development).
  2. Tumors (a tumor in a cat inside the skin or in organs, such as lung cancer).
  3. Lots of wounds that don't heal well.
  4. Weight loss.
  5. Unsteadiness of gait.
  6. Violation of bowel movements (diarrhea, constipation, blood in the urine or feces).
  7. Vomit.
  8. Difficulty breathing (for example, with lung cancer).
  9. Pigmented spots on the skin.
  10. Unpleasant smell from the mouth.
  11. Apathy and lack of appetite.
  12. General deterioration in appearance (you can see the photo on the Internet) and other symptoms.

How long a cat will live depends only on the timeliness and quality of treatment. Therefore, to save a pet, it is very important to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible to diagnose the disease.


Before the start of the examination, the standard procedure for asking the owner of the cat about the life of the pet, the manifestation of symptoms, changes in behavior and appearance, and other information is carried out. After collecting anamnesis, the patient is examined and standard procedures are prescribed: blood and urine sampling for tests, x-rays (in the case of lung cancer, a chest x-ray is taken), ultrasound, and it is also possible to take tumor material to examine its nature.

Only after the specialist makes an accurate diagnosis, treatment can begin, which can also be prescribed only by a veterinarian.


Cancer is a terrible disease, so it is very important to strictly follow the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor. For the accuracy of the results, it is recommended to contact several specialists.

It should be noted right away that the treatment of cancer in cats is impossible at home, so it is necessary to refrain from various traditional medicines. So, garlic is one of them. Among people, garlic is often used to curb the development of oncological processes. Garlic contains useful substances that block the reproduction of abnormal cells, but garlic is absolutely not suitable for animals. Garlic also contains substances that are toxic to cats. A cat can die from home treatment.

With a mild course of the disease, chemotherapy, pharmacological correction of the disease, surgical excision of infected tissue and other procedures prescribed individually in each individual case are carried out.

At advanced stages, when the cat dies, being in a very serious condition, it makes little sense to apply many procedures. In such cases, veterinarians recommend euthanizing the animal so that it does not suffer.

For those cats that have been diagnosed with cancer, it is difficult to predict how long the pet can live, as it all depends on the severity of each individual case and how much the owner is willing to devote himself to treating the cat. In any case, cancer is not the end. Modern veterinary medicine boasts happy stories of recovery.

Oncological diseases among domestic animals, including cats, are the least studied area in veterinary medicine. Every year the situation improves: new medicines, technologies, treatment regimens appear that can make life easier for a pet, and in some cases lead to a complete recovery. In many ways, the quality of treatment depends on the owner and on how timely he notices the onset of the cancerous process.

Causes of Cat Cancer

The use of low-quality feed can contribute to the development of cancer in cats

Oncology statistics are approaching catastrophically high rates. What is the reason for the increase in the percentage of cases - one can only speculate. According to many veterinarians, it is life near humans, the use of modern low-quality food, half consisting of preservatives, chemicals and what is not yet clear, is one of the reasons for the increase in cancer cases among cats. Carcinogens disrupt the cell genome, it mutates, multiplies intensively and turns into a tumor.

According to another theory, neoplasms are of a viral nature. Once in the macroorganism, oncoviruses (there are more than 100) are in a dormant state or their growth is blocked by the immune system.

Anything can become an impetus to the activation of the oncoprocess: stress, poor nutrition, frequent illnesses, infection, worms. At this moment, the forces of immunity are aimed at eliminating a specific momentary problem: the malignant cells created by the virus take the opportunity and multiply vigorously, which leads to a neoplasm.

Favorable conditions for the development of cancer

We have more or less figured out the reasons, but there are also predisposing factors that can start the destructive process:

  • weak immunity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • the use of low-quality feed;
  • underfeeding or overfeeding;
  • violation of hormone metabolism;
  • bad ecology;
  • frequent;
  • lack of walks;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • radioactive radiation.

susceptibility to cancer

There is no specific age category: both a kitten up to a year old and an already elderly cat can get sick. If we cover general statistics, then most often neoplasms are registered in pets who have crossed the five-year milestone. In cats, tumors account for about 20% of all diseases.

Types of Cancer in Cats

There is no specific organ or tissue that infects tumor cells. Cancer growths can appear anywhere and anytime. By its nature, the tumor can be benign and malignant.

The benign process is different:

  • slow development;
  • painlessness;
  • localization - the capsule does not allow to germinate in other organs and tissues;
  • surgery in most cases ends with the recovery of the cat.

In turn, malignant tumors are much more aggressive and are characterized by:

  • intensive growth;
  • metastases - the appearance of new foci of the pathological process as a result of germination in other organs and tissues;
  • bleeding;
  • pain in the last stages;
  • poorly treatable.

Most often, the following types of neoplasms are recorded in cats:

  • sarcoma (proliferation of epithelial mutant cells, not tied to a specific organ);
  • skin cancer;
  • cancer of the reproductive organs;

Cancer staging

The pathological malignant process has a staging in its development, in total there are 4 phases:

  1. The first, initial, is accompanied by the appearance of a limited tumor nodule, there are no metastases.
  2. In the second stage, growth continues, the size of the formation increases to 6 cm, it grows deep into the organ and metastasizes to the nearest lymph nodes.
  3. The third stage is characterized by a decrease in the mobility of the tumor, the appearance of more and more metastases throughout the body.
  4. The fourth stage is the most difficult and hopeless, the tumor process affects more and more areas, ends with the death of the animal.

Symptoms of Cancer in Cats

This is what an animal with skin cancer looks like

It is logical that the symptoms depend on the location. If the process is somewhere outside, then it is not difficult for a person to suspect that something was wrong; things are more difficult when the focus is hidden deep inside the body.

Common signs that may indicate the presence of a tumor:

  • poor appetite;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • dullness and disheveled coat;
  • oppression and apathy;
  • swelling;
  • non-healing wounds;
  • bleeding from natural openings;
  • violation of the processes of breathing, defecation, urination;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor emanating from the cat.

In addition, owners should always pay close attention to any formations that have appeared on the body of the animal (muzzle, ears, mammary glands), and their nature: growth rate, soreness, swelling, swelling, etc.

Cancer Diagnosis in Cats

Early diagnosis is the way to timely treatment of the process. A lot depends on the owner here: the diagnostic process will depend only on his help and on the basis of the data that he provides to the veterinarian (especially in clinics without proper equipment, for example, in rural areas).

The scheme is standard: a study of blood, urine, as well as ultrasound (X-ray) of internal organs. In some cases, it is required to take a puncture from the tumor to determine its nature.


Cancer is one of the diseases that does not tolerate self-treatment or the use of traditional medicine methods. Therapy largely depends on the type of education, and on the stage of development - on how strongly the process is running. In order to stop the growth of malignant cells in the initial stages of the disease, surgery may immediately be required with complete excision of pathological tissues, and sometimes pharmacocorrection, chemotherapy, and radiation help - everything is very individual.

It is especially difficult to choose a treatment regimen at the last stage of the disease, when the animal is quite weak and is on the verge between life and death. The requirement of the owners to remove the tumor is not always justified, and the main goal of the veterinary specialist is rather not to cure the animal, but to alleviate its general condition so that the cat does not suffer and suffer. Sometimes in such situations it is necessary to go to extreme measures, putting the animal to sleep, giving him the opportunity to free himself from suffering.

In any case, you need to understand: cancer is not a sentence, and miracles happen. In addition, the diagnosis is not always correct: if there is no confidence in the competence of this veterinarian, no one forbids going to another and double-checking the results.


No one can prevent cancer, this is a disease that is not particularly amenable to prevention, but it is quite possible to catch the beginning of the process with a timely and periodic complete examination of a pet at least once every six months.

Spaying cats before puberty can prevent breast or uterine cancer. The method is not particularly suitable for valuable reproductive pets involved in the reproduction and maintenance of the breed. If the cat or cat is not of pedigree value, then it is better to castrate them.

Another option for prevention is the complete rejection of the use of special hormones as contraceptives for animals: their excessive use is the cause of cancer of the reproductive system.


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