Outpatient care for the rural population. Outpatient service

Primary health care (PHC) - is the first level of contact of the population with the health care system; it is as close as possible to the place of residence and work of people and represents the first stage of the continuous process of protecting their health.

The organization of the activities of APU (outpatient clinics) is based on 4 basic principles:

1. Locality - assigning a certain area to the clinic.

2. Continuity and stages in treatment (polyclinic - the first stage, patients get to the hospital on the direction of a doctor.)

3. Preventive focus, implemented through a set of measures aimed at preventing the disease (medical examination, health schools, vaccinations, etc.)

4. Availability - i.e. you can easily get into it at any time. The city polyclinic is a multidisciplinary medical and preventive institution designed to provide medical care to the population aged 18 years and older at the pre-hospital stage and to carry out activities to improve the health of the population. According to the organizational principle, polyclinics are divided into those associated with a hospital and those not associated with a hospital.

By capacity, polyclinics are divided into 5 categories depending on the number of visits per shift or the number of people served:

The operating mode of the polyclinic is established by the local authority on whose territory the medical institution is located, while proceeding from the ability of the population to visit the polyclinic in their free time. The most rational work schedule of the city polyclinic should be considered the work of the institution on weekdays from 800 to 20 hours, and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 900 to 16-18 hours. The preferred mode for the city polyclinic is a six-day working week, which creates more favorable conditions for an even distribution of attendance by day of the week. On Saturdays, the reception of patients in the polyclinic is carried out by a general practitioner on duty, medical specialists and an auxiliary medical and diagnostic service.

The main tasks of the clinic:

Providing qualified and specialized medical care in the clinic and at home.

Organization and holding preventive measures– clinical examination of the population, sanitary and educational work, propaganda healthy lifestyle life, anti-epidemic measures.

High-quality conduct of clinical and expert work - examination of temporary and identification of signs of permanent disability.

Timely hospitalization of persons in need of inpatient treatment, with a preliminary maximum examination.

Compliance with successive ties with other health facilities.

In carrying out these tasks, City Polyclinic provides first and emergency medical care to patients with acute and sudden illnesses, injuries, poisoning and other accidents; renders medical assistance at home, patients who, due to health reasons and the nature of the disease, cannot visit the clinic, need bed rest, systematic medical supervision or hospitalization; conducts early detection of diseases (qualified and complete examination of those who applied to the clinic): provides timely and qualified medical assistance to the population (on an outpatient appointment and at home); conducts rehabilitation treatment of patients, all types of preventive examinations, clinical examination, incl. selection of persons (healthy and sick) subject to dynamic observation; carries out dynamic monitoring of the health status of secondary special students and students of higher educational institutions, a complex of medical and recreational activities. Together with the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, it conducts a set of anti-epidemic measures (vaccination, early detection of patients with infectious diseases, dynamic monitoring of persons who have been in contact with such patients, convalescents, etc.). Conducts an examination of temporary and permanent disability (issuance and extension of a certificate of incapacity for work, recommendations for rational employment, etc.), and also sends persons with signs of permanent disability to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

The structure of the city polyclinic includes:

1. control box

    Chief physician's office

    Office of the Deputy Chief Physician

    Chief Nurse's Office

2. registry

3. treatment and prophylactic block

    Cabinet of local therapists

    Office of district surgeons

    Cabin of different specialists

    manipulative, procedural

    Vaccination cab

    Cab Infectious Diseases

    dispensary department

4.laboratory and diagnostic block

Laboratory, ultrasound, ecg, etc.

5. auxiliary unit

Pharmacy, cso

6. administrative block

Accounting, office, service personnel, warehouses

If the polyclinic is combined with the hospital, then it is not managed by chief physician, A

deputy chief physician of the clinic.

And this is for general development

The treatment and prophylactic part of the clinic begins with the registry. The registry organizes preliminary and urgent appointments of patients to see doctors both by direct contact with the clinic and by phone, and regulates the flow of people seeking medical help in order to create an even workload for doctors.

Timely pick up and delivery medical records to doctors' offices, the correct layout of medical records in the card storage. Registrars fill out the front part of medical records, monitor their aesthetic appearance. A book of house calls is kept, the timeliness of taking calls by doctors is controlled. In the registry, patients of the polyclinic receive information about the time of reception of doctors of all specialties, about the procedure for the work of the polyclinic, about the rules for calling a doctor at home, about the procedure for making an appointment with doctors, about the rules for preparing for research, about the time and place of reception of the population by the head doctor and his deputies; addresses of pharmacies, polyclinics and hospitals providing emergency medical care to the population in the evening and at night.

The main and in most cases the first doctor in the clinic, to whom the patient addresses, is the local general practitioner. Specialists with a higher medical education in the specialty "General Medicine" or "Pediatrics" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Therapy" are appointed to the position of a local general practitioner - order of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 2005 No. 765. The district general practitioner carries out his activities to provide primary health care to the population in medical organizations predominantly of the municipal health care system: polyclinics; dispensaries; inpatient polyclinic institutions of the municipal health care system; other medical and preventive institutions providing primary health care to the population.

The work of most outpatient clinics in our country is based on the district principle. The entire territory served by the clinic is divided into sections, each of which is assigned to a district doctor and a district nurse. The organization of the medical site creates favorable conditions for effective treatment and prevention work. The local doctor has the opportunity to know not only the patient, but also his family, for a long time in dynamics to monitor the health status of those living on the site, to consider the incidence in connection with specific working and living conditions, which is necessary for the implementation of medical and recreational activities. Plots are formed on the basis of population standards per site. District standards: for a general practitioner - 1,700 residents aged 18 and over; for a general practitioner - 1,500 residents aged 18 and over; For family doctor- 1200 people of all ages.

All doctors of the polyclinic provide medical care at home according to the schedule within the monthly norm of working hours. The volume of home care, as well as the contingent of people providing treatment at home, largely depends on the availability of various organizational forms of home care - a hospital at home, emergency departments (points), departments for the care of the sick and the elderly, short-term or day care. hospitals with subsequent aftercare of the patient at home. The vast majority of polyclinic patients seeking help at home are patients with a therapeutic profile. The duration and nature of treatment at home depend on the patient's condition. At acute diseases the doctor is most often limited to 1-2 visits, then transferring the patient to ambulatory treatment to the clinic. However, it should be remembered that the practice of prematurely transferring patients with acute diseases from home to outpatient regimen threatens to cause complications and the development of chronic forms of the disease. It should also be taken into account that, despite the higher cost of one medical visit at home compared to outpatient appointments, the correct organization of the treatment and diagnostic process, including at home, allows you to quickly achieve positive results and thus contributes to greater economic efficiency in in general. During an exacerbation of chronic diseases, home visits often take the form of systematic treatment, in some cases as close as possible to hospital conditions. In this situation, it is especially important to organize a full-fledged examination of the patient, timely and regular fulfillment of all appointments at home, and, if necessary, care for the patient by relatives, medical staff, employees of social security institutions.

The ratio of acute and chronic diseases, which served as the reason for seeking help at home, differs by the seasons of the year. During the summer period, a significant part of the home visits of local therapists are visits to people suffering from chronic diseases, mainly cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system. The share of doctor's house calls due to acute illnesses noticeably increases in autumn and winter. To a certain extent, the quality of the doctor's work at the site can be judged by repeated visits to patients at home. Active visits initiated by the attending physician testify to the correct organization of home care. Repeated calls to the doctor for the same disease, especially requests for emergency and emergency care, are most often associated with the inadequacy of the prescribed treatment, underestimation by the doctor of the severity of the patient's condition, and incorrect planning of the timing of repeated active visits.

Nursing staff may be entrusted with repeated visits to check patient compliance with bed rest, the implementation of the prescribed treatment. A large role belongs to the nursing staff in the implementation of such an active form of home visits as patronage, especially for lonely elderly citizens with malignant neoplasms. The effectiveness of preventive and curative work is largely determined by the relationship between the medical staff and the patient, the ability of the doctor and nurse to find ways to influence the lifestyle of a sick or healthy person. Therefore, each visit at home should be used more widely for preventive work in the family, conversations with relatives of patients, explaining to them the peculiarities of the psychology of patients, caring for them, and teaching rehabilitation measures at home.

Home care in the evening and at night for residents of the neighborhood served by the polyclinic (or several polyclinics) is provided by the emergency department, organized in one of the polyclinics. By decision of the local health authority, the provision emergency care in the evening and at night can be fully entrusted to the centralized ambulance service.

A day hospital is a progressive and effective form of providing qualified medical care to patients, which allows for treatment at the hospital level without hospitalization of the patient. A day hospital can be organized for 5-25 or more beds, work in one or two or three shifts. It provides treatment for persons with chronic pathology and some acute diseases. In surgical day hospitals, operations can be performed to remove benign tumors of soft tissues, hernias; orthopedic interventions. In day hospitals, patients are examined: phonocardiography, urography, endoscopy, etc. The number of working doctors, paramedical and other personnel, the list of necessary equipment is established by the head of the institution. The treatment in day hospitals of patients with vascular diseases of the lower extremities, chronic diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs, and the consequences of an acute disorder is quite effective. cerebral circulation and others. Transportation of patients to the day hospital can be organized by the transport of the polyclinic for medical reasons. Day hospitals widely use physiotherapy, balneological treatment, mud therapy, massage, physiotherapy and other types rehabilitation treatment. The average length of stay of patients in a day hospital is 10-12 days.

A home hospital is organized to treat patients who suffer from chronic diseases and, due to social and domestic reasons, refuse to be hospitalized. Treatment is carried out by a polyclinic doctor who visits the patient at home at least 3 times a week, his appointments are performed by nursing staff.

Analyze the activities of the clinic according to the annual report. The analysis of the work of the polyclinic should begin with determining the scope of its activities, the dynamics and structure of visits (preventive, for diseases). It is very important to establish the population per doctoral area, the staffing level, and the actual workload of doctors. According to the polyclinic, it is possible to study the incidence of the population, as well as the organization of preventive work and its results.

Outpatient outpatient care- This is the most massive type of median care, which is received by about 80% of all patients who apply to healthcare organizations. The main types of outpatient clinics (APUs) include: polyclinics (for adults, children, dental), dispensaries, general medical (family) practice centers, women's consultations and etc.

The organization of the APU activity is based on four fundamental principles shown in fig. 10.1.

Rice. 10.1. Basic principles for the provision of outpatient care

Preventive focus

APUs are called upon to play a leading role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle as a set of measures that allows maintaining and strengthening the health of the population and improving the quality of life.

The priority activity of the polyclinic is dispensary work. Clinical examination is a line of activity of medical institutions, which includes a set of measures for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, prevention and early diagnosis of diseases, effective treatment patients and their dynamic observation.

In the preventive activities of APU, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention(see section 2.9).

dispensary method, primarily used in working with certain groups healthy people(children, pregnant women, athletes, military personnel, etc.), as well as with patients subject to dispensary observation. In the process of clinical examination, these contingents are taken into account for the purpose early detection diseases, complex treatment, carrying out measures to improve working and living conditions, restore working capacity and extend the period of active life.

Vaccination is an important area of ​​preventive work of the APU. Preventive vaccinations for children are carried out according to the appropriate vaccination schedule, for adults - at will and indications.


Most of the APUs work according to the precinct principle, i.e. certain territories are assigned to institutions, which, in turn, are divided into territorial sections. Plots are formed depending on the population. Each site is assigned a local doctor (therapist, pediatrician) and a local nurse.

When forming sites to ensure equal working conditions for district doctors, one should take into account not only the population, but also the length of the site, the type of development, remoteness from the clinic, transport accessibility and other factors.


The implementation of this principle is ensured by a wide network of APUs operating on the territory of the Russian Federation. In 2008, there were 11,241 APUs in Russia, providing medical assistance to more than 50 million people. Any resident of the country should not have obstacles to contacting the APU both at the place of residence and in the territory where they currently reside. The availability and free of charge of outpatient care to the population are provided within the framework of the Program of State Guarantees for the Provision of Free Medical Care to Citizens.

Continuity and stages of treatment

Outpatient care is the first stage of a unified technological process provision of medical care: polyclinic-hospital-institutions of rehabilitation treatment. As a rule, the patient first turns to the local doctor of the clinic. If necessary, he can be sent to a consultative and diagnostic center, a dispensary (oncological, anti-tuberculosis, neuropsychiatric, etc.), a hospital, a center for medical and social rehabilitation.

There should be continuity between these links in the provision of medical care to avoid duplication. diagnostic studies, maintaining medical records, thereby ensuring the complexity in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients. One of the ways to achieve this is the introduction of an electronic medical history (electronic patient passport).

Further development of outpatient care should be aimed at solving the following problems: ensuring the availability of this type of medical care for all groups of the population living in any regions of the country; full satisfaction of the needs of the population in qualified medical and preventive and medical and social assistance; strengthening the preventive orientation in the activities of the APU; increasing the efficiency of the APU, improving management; improving the culture and quality of medical and social care.

O.P. Shchepin, V.A. Medic



Cabinet organization healthy child

Prepared by: Sultanbayeva Zhansaya

Faculty of OM

Group 81-1

Almaty - 2016

outpatient care as component primary health care is the most massive type of medical care, it is about 80% of all patients. The main principles of outpatient care are accessibility, preventive orientation, continuity and staging of diagnostic, treatment, preventive and rehabilitation measures.

Ambulatory-polyclinic care.

The children's city polyclinic is the leading outpatient and polyclinic institution providing medical care to children from birth to 17 years old inclusive. A children's polyclinic can be an independent institution, or it can be a structural subdivision of a children's regional (regional, republican, district) and central district hospital. At present, some children's polyclinics have been reorganized into departments of city polyclinics that provide assistance to both the adult population and children.

The main tasks of the children's clinic:

Organization of clinical examination of the child population, including a set of preventive measures;

Providing qualified medical and preventive care to children in the clinic and at home;

Referral, if necessary, of children for treatment to hospitals, sanatoriums, specialized nurseries, kindergartens, children's recreation facilities, etc.;

Organization of medical and preventive work in children's educational institutions;

Carrying out a complex of anti-epidemiological measures

Ensuring the legal protection of children.

On the issues of protecting the health of children and adolescents, the children's polyclinic coordinates the work of all other medical institutions: it collects, summarizes and analyzes information on the state and problems of somatic, reproductive, mental health, on the basis of which it determines the priority areas of preventive, curative and health-improving and corrective work, develops proposals for improving the health of children and adolescents in the relevant territory.

To carry out preventive work with healthy children early age as part of the children's polyclinic, a room for preventive work with children (a room for a healthy child) is being organized. To work in it in a polyclinic serving up to 10 thousand children, 1 position is provided, more than 10 thousand children - 2 positions of nurses for preventive work with healthy children.

The main task of the office of a healthy child is to teach parents the basic rules for raising a healthy child (mode, nutrition, physical education, hardening, care, etc.) in order to prevent diseases and deviations physical development child.

Preventive orientation and clinical examination are leading in the activities of children's clinics. The most important link in the clinical examination of the child population is medical examinations, among which special place occupy neonatal and audiological screening. The problem of hereditary congenital diseases extremely important for our country. Congenital and hereditary diseases occupy the second place among the causes of death in children under the age of 1 year and account for 19.0% of the causes of childhood disability. Late detection and absence specific treatment hereditary diseases lead to the development severe symptoms diseases - mental retardation, blindness, deafness, dwarfism, renal and hepatic insufficiency and other violations of vital important functions organism.

Complete solution prevention issues, early diagnosis and therapy of congenital and hereditary diseases is possible only on the basis of a medical genetic service, one of priority areas development of which - neonatal screening.

Indicators pathological affection for individual hereditary diseases, established during neonatal screening within the framework of the national project "Health", were: phenylketonuria - 0.15, congenital hypothyroidism - 0.28, adrenogenital syndrome- 0.11, cystic fibrosis - 0.1, galactosemia - 0.03 cases per 1000 examined.

A feature of the work of the children's polyclinic is that all sick children with acute diseases are observed by the district service at home. The clinic accepts healthy children, patients suffering from chronic diseases, as well as repeated infectious diseases(without acute events) and convalescents.

Great importance in the activities of the children's clinic has vaccination work. The timing of the vaccination is determined National calendar preventive vaccinations.

Preventive vaccinations are given to children in vaccination rooms at children's clinics. Children attending educational institutions are vaccinated in these institutions. It is strictly forbidden to vaccinate at home.

Children attending preschool educational institutions and schools must be notified in advance about the day of the upcoming preventive vaccinations for children attending preschool educational institutions and schools. All children on the day of vaccination are examined by doctors, taking into account anamnestic data and thermometry. Children who have relative contraindications, vaccinations should be carried out according to an individual scheme, according to the recommendations of the relevant specialists.

Acute infections And noncommunicable diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases are considered temporary contraindications for vaccination. Scheduled vaccinations carried out 2-4 weeks after recovery.

Hygienic education and training at the site should be closely related to the medical and preventive work of the doctor and nurse and carried out according to plan.

Unlike the polyclinic for adults, the structure of the children's polyclinic includes a department for organizing medical care for children and adolescents in educational institutions and a department for medical and social assistance.

The Department of Organization of Medical Care for Children and Adolescents in Educational Institutions provides for the organization of medical and preventive work among children and adolescents in educational institutions of a general and correctional type, boarding schools and institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, in addition, interacts with military registration and enlistment offices to place adolescents in primary military registration and preparation for conscription into the army, provides work on medical and professional counseling and career guidance.

To ensure work in educational institutions, it is planned to allocate positions of pediatricians at the rate of one position for:

180-200 children in nurseries (nurseries of nurseries);

600 kindergarten children (corresponding groups in kindergartens);

1200 students of school, primary and secondary vocational education institutions.

In addition, the department provides for the positions of nurses or paramedics at the rate of one position for 100 kindergarten children and 600 students of educational institutions.

The Department of Medical and Social Assistance provides medical and psychological assistance, hygiene education and legal assistance to children. Its main tasks:

Medical and social patronage in families, identification of persons with risk factors and in need of medical and social protection and support;

Hygienic (including sexual) education, provision of activities to prepare young people for the upcoming family life, orientation to healthy family;

Sanitary and educational work aimed at creating the need for a healthy lifestyle, the rejection of the so-called self-destructive forms of behavior (smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction, substance abuse, early sexual activity, juvenile delinquency, vagrancy, etc.).

The structure and staffing of the department are set individually, depending on the size of the attached contingent, the nature and volume of work. The department may include positions of a psychologist ( medical psychologist), pediatrician, pediatrician, social worker. To solve problems related to reproductive health, an obstetrician-gynecologist, urologist, surgeon or other specialist may additionally be involved. A lawyer may work in the department to provide legal assistance.

IN dispensary observation for a child, the pediatrician is given a leading, coordinating role, he is fully responsible for the timeliness, complexity and necessary volume of preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation work. The main tasks of the district pediatrician include: further reduction of morbidity and mortality in children of all ages, ensuring optimal physical and neuropsychic development children through the widespread introduction of a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures.

A large role in the treatment and rehabilitation of children and adolescents belongs to doctors of narrow specialties (specialist doctors). The number of specialist doctors working in the polyclinic is determined in accordance with staff standards (see Table 10.1). The doctor-specialist of the children's city polyclinic provides medical care to the children's population in their specialty. The main task of a specialist doctor is the organization and conduct of therapeutic and preventive work with children and adolescents.

The specialist doctor works in close contact with other doctors of the children's city polyclinic (department), participates in the rehabilitation of children and adolescents in educational institutions. Specialized assistance children's clinic can be provided additional tricks reproductive health specialists (pediatric gynecology, andrology, STI prevention counseling, unwanted pregnancy), mental health, etc.

Upon reaching the age of 18, adolescents with medical documentation for them are transferred to the APU of the general network, for which a special medical board, which is annually approved by a joint order of the chief physicians of polyclinics for adults and children.

Outpatient clinics include all polyclinics, different kinds dispensaries, antenatal clinics, an outpatient clinic, health centers. According to the nomenclature, polyclinics are divided: By profile: general (territorial) children's dental physiotherapy resort consultative and diagnostic (specialized) On a territorial basis: urban rural On an organizational basis: united independent Principle of organization and features of outpatient care: district principle; mass character; general availability; preventive orientation; professionalism of doctors and paramedical personnel. The main functions and tasks of the city polyclinic: providing qualified specialized medical care to the population directly in the polyclinic and at home; first aid for acute illnesses, injuries, poisonings and other emergency conditions regardless of the place of residence of the patient; timely hospitalization of those in need of inpatient treatment (in a round-the-clock hospital, in a hospital day stay at a hospital, in a day hospital at a polyclinic), in a hospital at home; examination of temporary disability, release of patients from work, referral to medical and social expertise persons with signs of persistent disability; organization and implementation of a set of preventive measures aimed at reducing morbidity, disability and mortality among the population living in the service area, as well as among those working at attached enterprises; preventive medical examinations population in order to detect diseases in initial stages and carrying out the necessary therapeutic and prophylactic and health-improving measures; organization and implementation of medical examination of the population (healthy and sick); for each specialty, a special list of patients subject to clinical examination is established. referral of patients to Spa treatment; organizing and conducting activities for sanitary and hygienic education of the population, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

You can also find information of interest in the scientific search engine Otvety.Online. Use the search form:

More on the topic 33. Principles of organization of outpatient care for the population. The main tasks of the city clinic. The division of polyclinics according to the nomenclature.:

  1. City polyclinic, structure, tasks, management. Key performance indicators of the polyclinic.
  2. 38. Reorganization of the outpatient service in the Russian Federation. Organization of the work of polyclinics in conditions of medical insurance.
  3. Children's polyclinic, structure, tasks, sections of work. Peculiarities of providing medical care to children on an outpatient basis.
  4. Organization of medical care provided to the population on an outpatient basis. Basic principles. institutions.
  5. 35. Preventive work of the clinic. Dispensary method in the work of the clinic, its elements. Criteria for placing patients on dispensary registration. Department of prevention of the polyclinic, structure, purpose.
  6. The district principle of organization of outpatient care to the population.
  7. 90. Health planning. The main sections of the health plan of the territory. Planning outpatient and inpatient care for the population.

Outpatient care I

Outpatient care includes preventive, treatment, diagnostic and rehabilitation measures aimed at reducing morbidity, disability and mortality. An important part of this is preventive examinations(see Medical Examination) , Clinical examination , as well as the population and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Emergency medical care is provided regardless of the place of residence and work of the patient.

The network of territorial and guild medical districts is constantly growing, they are being subdivided. To improvement A. - the item. the item is promoted by its specialization and creation of a multilevel system At the first level in territorial policlinics and medical units A.-p. the item turns out, as a rule, according to the main medical profiles (therapeutic, surgical, neurological, otorhinolaryngological, ophthalmological, dermatovenereological, gynecological). At the second level, in the city polyclinics of consultative and diagnostic care, there are specialized rooms and departments (urological, endocrinological, gastroenterological, pulmonological, etc.). The third level can be represented by city centers of specialized medical care, including a polyclinic advisory, an inpatient department of the appropriate profile, and sometimes a round-the-clock emergency service.

Outpatient care is interconnected with emergency and inpatient care. the degree of interaction and continuity in the work of medical and professional institutions depends on the effectiveness of not only A.-p. etc., but also the entire treatment and diagnostic process (see Treatment and prophylactic care) . A.'s development - the item. etc. affects the use of the final fund of hospitals and sanatoriums.

The relationship of institutions providing A. - p. etc., with other medical institutions, it is provided with document management (see Medical Documentation) , joint scientific and practical conferences, the practice of rotation in joint hospitals (doctors take turns working for a certain period in a polyclinic and a hospital) and other events.

In order to improve the qualifications of outpatient doctors in a number of institutions (including in Central Institute) improvement of doctors, special courses, departments, faculties are organized, in some cities there are permanent seminars.

A great deal of further improvement in A. p. p. is given in the Main Directions for the Development of Public Health and the Restructuring of Public Health in the USSR in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan and for the period up to the year 2000, which provide for the expansion of the network of outpatient clinics and the strengthening of their material and technical base. diagnostic centers (Diagnostic Center) , equipped with high-performance equipment and medical equipment, staffed with specialists, intends to use the potential of higher medical educational institutions, advanced training institutes for doctors, research institutions, multidisciplinary hospitals. It is planned to increase the number of people who will be examined in polyclinics and at home, to ensure continuity in the work of dispensaries and other outpatient clinics, to expand the network of departments active treatment and hospitals at home with free allocation of medicines, to intensify the work of polyclinics and dispensaries for the prevention of diseases and the improvement of the population, to increase their role in the medical and social rehabilitation of patients, to organize departments (rooms) for prevention and rehabilitation treatment. Provided to provide A.-p. workers mainly in their free time, taking into account the mode of operation of enterprises and organizations. In regional, regional and republican centers it is planned to organize self-supporting polyclinics (including dental and physiotherapy), cosmetology clinics and health centers. It is planned to radically restructure the work of outpatient institutions for women and children, strengthen their preventive activities, and promote a healthy lifestyle. In urban polyclinics, it is planned to develop a shop service for employees of industrial enterprises, which employ less than 1,000 people. It is planned to increase the role of the FAP in the implementation of preventive measures in the countryside; the network of mobile medical outpatient clinics, clinical diagnostic laboratories, fluorographic, dental and other rooms will be expanded.

Bibliography: Guide to social hygiene and healthcare organization, ed. Yu.P. Lisitsyna, vol. 2, p. 121, M., 1987; Serenko A.F., Ermakov V.V. and Petrakov B.D. Bases of the organization of the polyclinic help to the population, M., 1982, bibliogr.

II Outpatient care

out-of-hospital medical care provided to patients who come to the reception or at home.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical Encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Bolshaya Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

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    Out-of-hospital medical care provided to patients who come to the reception or at home ... Big Medical Dictionary

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