Painlessly remove turunda from the nose. Central Institute of Dermatocosmetology. Vasoconstrictor drugs and nasal douche

Rhinoplasty at CIDC

Rhinoplasty is a surgical correction of congenital anomalies and aesthetic defects acquired during the life and functional disorders of the nose.

Rhinoplasty allows you to create, and in some cases restore the harmony of the face, focusing on the correction of the nose - this kind of "assembly point" of all features: eyes, cheeks, chin ... Plastic surgery in the nose area is one of the most difficult in plastic surgery, they are connected with an organ that performs vital functions in the body: opens the respiratory cycle; serves as a sanitary checkpoint, detaining harmful microorganisms and particles of dirt and dust, preventing them from entering the lungs; serves as an organ of smell, allowing us to enjoy the smell of life itself in all its diversity ...

Precisely because plastic surgery in the nose area is always associated with the maintenance of physiological functions, its implementation requires the high professionalism of the entire operating team - from the rhinosurgeon and the anesthetist-resuscitator to the operating rooms and ward nurses.

The TsIDK clinic has all the technological capabilities to carry out the most complex operations.

Indications for rhinoplasty

Indications for rhinoplasty can be divided into aesthetic and functional. However, in practice, the patient often has both. Thus, a deviated internal septum makes the nose asymmetrical (aesthetics) and, at the same time, makes it difficult to breathe (function).

So, here they are, indications for surgery:

  • nasal curvature,
  • breathing disorder,
  • hump,
  • big nostrils,
  • long, too big or small nose,
  • dropped end,
  • snub nose,
  • saddle nose,
  • wide flattened bridge of the nose,
  • congenital or acquired osteochondral deformities.


  • age up to 18 years,
  • diabetes,
  • oncological diseases,
  • acute infectious diseases,
  • blood clotting disorder,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • mental illness,
  • chronic skin diseases,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • severe somatic diseases.

At what age can rhinoplasty be done?

To achieve an optimal aesthetic result, it is important to contact a plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty in time. In cases where the facial bones have not yet fully formed, the operation is postponed for aesthetic reasons (shape, size of the nose, presence of a large hump) until the bones stop growing and moving. However, in order to decide when it is possible to change the shape of the nose, it is still necessary to come to a consultation with a specialist - a plastic rhinoplasty surgeon, so that he can observe the patient in dynamics and decide not only on the term, but also on the method of future surgical intervention.

Rhinoplasty after injury

In cases where the shape of the nose and respiratory functions are impaired as a result of trauma, on the contrary, the sooner the plastic surgeon intervenes, the better the result will be. You should not wait for the injured bones and cartilage to grow together and form a new nose that will disrupt the harmony of the face.

Perhaps that is why patients often turn to them after previous plastic surgeries in the nose area in order to correct or minimize postoperative defects resulting from contacting inexperienced specialists.

Preparation and planning of the operation

The operation is preceded by a complex medical examination and a consultation of specialists who solve the following practical issues:

- Type of anesthesia. Many patients believe that general anesthesia is much more dangerous than local anesthesia and choose those clinics where they are promised that they will not be put into drug sleep. However, for a person who sees and hears everything that happens to him not only, as they say, in front of his nose, but literally inside his nose, this is a lot of stress, even if pain is not felt. Much more comfortable, and, most importantly, safer - medical sleep, which is controlled by an experienced anesthesiologist-resuscitator, and modern American equipment monitors the patient's condition, and employees in a close-knit operating team understand each other without further ado.

- Type of rhinoplasty. There are many myths that closed rhinoplasty is better than open rhinoplasty. They are associated with the fear that scars will remain on the nose after open rhinoplasty. With closed rhinoplasty, the surgeon works by gaining access through the natural nasal cavities, with open rhinoplasty, by lifting the skin flap and thereby getting the opportunity to excise, connect or implant tissues more carefully and scrupulously. A thin strip of suture at the base of the central dividing column of the nose - the columella - soon after the operation becomes completely invisible.

- The degree of impact. Many patients have little idea of ​​the extent of the changes that allow harmony in facial features to be achieved. Meanwhile, here the calculation goes literally to millimeters, and the rhinoplasty operation in terms of quantitative indicators approaches the microsurgical one, which increases the responsibility of the rhinoplasty plastic surgeon. Here, an accurate hand, mathematical calculation and the ability to foresee the future shape of the nose, considering it in conjunction with the whole face, are very important.

Types of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty surgery can be of two types, which differ from each other in the way of access to the intervention site. They are called open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. Let's say right away that the type of rhinoplasty is always chosen by a plastic surgeon, it is he who plans the operation and knows what tasks on the tissues he will have to solve.

Open rhinoplasty With this type of rhinoplasty, the nose is “opened”, that is, by making incisions at the junction of the nostrils with the upper lip and on the columella (the partition between the nasal openings), the skin is lifted and the entire bone and cartilage structure becomes available to the plastic surgeon. This type of operation is preferable if a complex intervention is to be performed: for example, if the nose is broken, and its basis - both bones and cartilage - must be collected literally piece by piece, or if it is necessary to do the so-called complete reconstruction of the nose. It is unlikely that any of the experienced specialists will agree to perform such an operation without having open access to the tissues, and here the talk about whether scars will remain with open rhinoplasty is secondary. There is a more important task - to collect the nose so that it does not have to do a secondary operation. Moreover, an experienced surgeon will hide the side seams after rhinoplasty in the folds of the skin at the base of the nose, and the incision on the columella will be sewn up by the microsurgical method, and it will soon be practically invisible. Scars after rhinoplasty, which some patients fear, are actually a thin "thread" at the base of the nose, completely invisible to the prying eye.

Closed rhinoplasty Closed rhinoplasty is performed using a special scalpel in the nasal cavity. This is jewelry work, but again, the choice of method does not depend on which of them the surgeon is better at. An experienced specialist has mastered and uses both methods according to indications. The closed method does not leave scars on the face, the stitches after rhinoplasty are located on the inside of the nose, but the surgeon does not have visual access to all tissues and structures. Therefore, closed rhinoplasty is not performed if it is necessary to assemble the nose piece by piece, connect cartilage structures, remove a large hump of the nose, etc. Talk that if the surgeon is experienced, he does all the operations with the help of closed rhinoplasty - speculation on the patient's fear of possible scars after rhinoplasty. In fact, an experienced rhinoplasty specialist always chooses the method that is less traumatic and more effective in this particular case.

Septoplasty Septoplasty is a type of rhinoplasty. This is an operation to correct the nasal septum. The nose performs an important function of breathing - a large amount of air passes through it - from 50,000 to 100,000 liters per day. And the ease of inhalation and exhalation depends on how open and straight the paths are.

A deviated nasal septum may be the result of a birth injury, an inflammatory disease, or a fracture of the nose (if the bones and cartilage have grown together incorrectly). The situation can be corrected with the help of septoplasty, which will restore open and direct access of air to the lungs.

Secondary rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty is called secondary if there has already been surgery in this area of ​​​​the face before it. In rare cases, secondary rhinoplasty is a stage of long-term restoration of the nose, if all tasks cannot be solved at once. For example, nose deformity in children: first, respiratory functions are restored, and then, when the bones of the face grow and are finally formed, aesthetic rhinoplasty.

However, more often secondary rhinoplasty is the correction of mistakes made during the first operation by other surgeons, or if the healing of the nose occurred with complications. And this is the most complicated intervention, in which you have to literally restore the bone and cartilage structures and reassemble the nose.

Sometimes patients who are not completely satisfied with the aesthetic result of the first operation resort to secondary rhinoplasty. This happens when the doctor could not fully figure out what the patient's idea of ​​​​the desired outcome of the operation is. Or, if the volume of intervention was insufficient, since the patient himself insisted on performing rhinoplasty without a fracture and minimal intervention in bone structures. However, rhinoplasty without a fracture (that is, without osteotomy) can only correct soft tissues, but cannot remove a large hump, significantly narrow a wide nose, that is, a serious change in the shape of the nose, which the patient hopes for, cannot be expected. Therefore, the main task of the patient is to choose an experienced plastic surgeon, whom he fully trusts, and tell him in as much detail as possible about his wishes regarding the future shape of the nose. And in everything related to the technique and methodology of the operation, you need to trust the doctor. Only in this case, the result of rhinoplasty will fully satisfy both the patient and the surgeon.


  1. General blood analysis
  2. Blood chemistry
    • total protein
    • Urea
    • Bilirubin
    • Glucose
    • Potassium
    • Sodium
    • Creatinine
  3. Blood test for RW, HIV
  4. Hbs antigen, anti-HCV
  5. Blood type, Rh factor
  6. Coagulogram
  7. General urine analysis
  8. Mammologist, breast ultrasound
  9. Ultrasound dopplerography of the veins of the lower extremities (USDG)
  10. chest x-ray

tests are taken strictly on an empty stomach and are valid for 14 days

To find out the price for this service, go to the "" section.

What can be done after rhinoplasty and what can not?

The first days after rhinoplasty, you will feel severe discomfort in your nose. You will have to breathe through your mouth. On the 1st day after the operation, to maintain the shape and reduce swelling, cotton swabs or turundas are inserted into the nose, and there will be a plaster or splint on the outside of the face. Both turundas and gypsum cannot be removed independently. Otherwise, serious complications may occur. A day after a rhinoplasty done under general anesthesia, the catheter in the arm, which is necessary for the administration of the necessary medications, can cause inconvenience. When the patient is allowed to go home, he is removed. For the first week, the patient or patient wears clothing that does not need to be removed over the head to avoid accidental deformity of the tip of the nose.

When are turundas removed and cast removed?

After 3-5 days, the turundas are taken out. It gets a little easier. There is an opportunity to breathe a little through the nose. Because of the swelling, the nose will still be heavily stuffed up. At this time, you can not touch the plaster cast yourself, as it causes considerable inconvenience. The skin underneath sweats and itches. We advise you to be patient. Otherwise, you can deform the nose. If a fixing collar was not applied to the nose, then on the third day after the operation, the patient will still see severe bruising and swelling. This is fine. After 7-10 days, the plaster is removed. If after that the nose seems big, you should not be afraid, since the swelling has not yet completely subsided and it is he who visually increases the size of the nose. It happens that a light plaster cast falls off by itself, since by this time the primary swelling of the tissues has subsided. It's not scary either. The main thing is not to remove it yourself. Even after the tampons are removed, threads may remain inside the nose, which were used to sew up the incisions during the correction process. They are also not advised to take them out on their own. This threatens that the seams may open. It is also advised to avoid any emotions. If a person will cry or laugh a lot, this will cause unnecessary tension. The first few weeks after rhinoplasty, due to mucosal edema, there will be a slight nasality in the voice. When the swelling subsides, the nasality disappears.

Can I exercise after rhinoplasty?

Before the turundas are removed within 3-5 days after rhinoplasty, in no case should you lean forward. You can not be subjected to even small physical exertion. At this time, be sure to observe bed rest more rest. You can not do cleaning and other housework. At this time, you can not lift weights, including a child or pets. It is allowed to engage in a gym with a weak load only after 2 to 3 months. At the same time, remember that exercises that cause a rush of blood to the face are unacceptable. These are all exercises where you need to tilt the body or head. For example: leaning forward, running or rotating your head. Even if a person is at home, it is advised not to clean the apartment by bending down. Professional sports with intensive training should not be practiced for at least six months.

Can I box after rhinoplasty?

But for those who love to do boxing or people who do any kind of wrestling or martial arts, doctors forbid to play their favorite sport again after rhinoplasty, as there is a risk of re-injuring the nose. A nose that has undergone surgery, after an injury, heals many times more difficult.

Can I exercise in the pool after a rhinoplasty? Is swimming allowed in the pool?

After rhinoplasty, wait about two months so that some kind of infection does not get into the wound and so as not to catch a cold. After this period, exercising in the pool is even useful.

How to sleep after rhinoplasty?

During the first week after the operation, both day and night, it is necessary to sleep only on the back in a half-bent position on a large pillow. To do this, you can use a special bed that can be slightly raised at the head, or a special orthopedic pillow. Never sleep on your side or stomach. This is to reduce swelling and make it go down faster. You will have to sleep on your back for about 3 weeks after rhinoplasty. Then you can sleep on your side, but very carefully. Complete healing of tissues occurs only after six months - a year.

How to wash after rhinoplasty?

Especially from the very beginning, washing in the usual way will not work. This can be done very carefully. So that the plaster bandage does not get wet in any case. In this case, it is not allowed to bend down. It will be possible to wash in the usual way only two weeks after the operation, when the plaster is already removed. But at this time, it must be done with care. It is advised to wipe your face with a soft towel, just lightly applying it to your face so that excess moisture is absorbed into the fabric. You can't rub the skin.

What to eat after rhinoplasty?

In principle, there are no significant dietary restrictions. There is no special diet after rhinoplasty. You can eat everything. Just keep in mind that too salty, spicy or sour contributes to increased swelling, which slows down the healing process. The only thing that is important to always remember (about half a month) is that you should never eat or drink something very cold or hot. For example, hot coffee or ice cream. And yet, it is more correct to eat after rhinoplasty in such a way as to avoid constipation. This is important, as strong stress on the body can cause the seams to open. Conclusion: you can eat warm food and drink. If possible, stick to a salt-free diet.

Can I rinse my nose after rhinoplasty?

You can wash your nose, but not before the plaster is removed. You can do this only if a doctor prescribes. How to do it right? Slightly bend over the sink to the side. Using a special pipette, pour the rinse solution alternately into one and the other nostril. If the tilt is to the right, then to the left nostril, and if the tilt is to the left, then to the right. It is allowed to snort without touching the nose with hands, slightly blowing out the air. In this case, the mouth should be open. Drip nose with emollient essential oil. For example, you can drip peach oil.

When can I return to work after rhinoplasty?

You can return to work after rhinoplasty in two weeks. Within 14 days, the visible swelling and bruising usually disappears. However, it is worth remembering that the patient should not be subjected to great physical exertion. Therefore, only light work is allowed.

How can and how not to wash your hair after rhinoplasty?

You can wash your hair, only throw it back. This is very convenient to do in a hairdresser or with someone's help at home. If there is still a plaster cast on the face, then it is very important to do everything so as not to wet it. You can not bend your head down over the bath. Also, do not lie in a hot bath. The water must be warm. Since overheating has a bad effect on the healing process.

When can you drink alcohol after surgery?

Both before and after rhinoplasty, it is advised to stop drinking alcoholic beverages. This is necessary so that during the operation there is no heavy bleeding, and there are no complications caused by the incompatibility of some drugs with alcohol. Strong non-carbonated alcoholic drinks can be consumed a little bit a month after the operation. Beer, champagne and other carbonated alcoholic drinks should not be drunk for at least 5-6 months after plastic surgery.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse, to the beach or to the solarium after rhinoplasty?

Within 2 months after rhinoplasty, you should not expose the body to sudden changes in temperature and strong heat. This means that you can not go to the bath, sunbathe on the beach or visit the solarium. A contrast shower and a hot bath are also contraindicated. Do not forget that you can swim in warm water. In this case, it is better not to touch the nose once again. During this time, try to avoid direct sunlight on your nose and use a special protective cream. If this is missed, there is a risk that hyperpigmentation of the skin will appear. Sunglasses must not be worn.

Why can't I wear glasses immediately after rhinoplasty?

At first, glasses cannot be worn (approximately 1.5 months), because in the process of recovery, the shape of the nose has not yet fully formed, wearing glasses on the bridge of the nose can not only be painful, but also lead to unwanted deformations of the back of the nose. This recommendation is especially important for those who have had their hump removed. For people who regularly wear glasses to correct their vision, it is useful to think about getting suitable contact lenses. It is advised to do this in advance.

What can and cannot be done if a person has a flu or a cold after rhinoplasty?

During a cold, if you develop a runny nose within six weeks of surgery, remember not to blow your nose. To eliminate the effects of a runny nose, you will have to use cotton swabs, napkins and other means. Blowing your nose a month and a half after rhinoplasty is already possible, but it is important to do this very carefully so as not to damage the nose. At the same time, you should not press your nose with your fingers so that strong pressure is not created inside, and it does not cause unnecessary harm. If you want to sneeze, then sneeze with your mouth open. This will help relieve the pressure inside the nose.

Is it possible to do a deep cleansing of the face and a nose massage immediately after the rhinoplasty?

A month after rhinoplasty, it is impossible to subject the skin of the face to deep cleaning. During skin care, it is advised to use more gentle cleaning products. If the skin is dry, you can smear it with a moisturizer, and if it is oily, use light cleansing scrubs. Deep peeling will help refresh your face one and a half to two months after surgery. Sometimes a doctor specifically prescribes a nose massage in order to eliminate a small cartilaginous hump and to make the nose look good. It is impossible to make a decision on whether or not to do a massage on your own. Be that as it may, this is agreed with the attending physician.

When can makeup be applied after rhinoplasty?

It is advised to refrain from any cosmetic products for at least two weeks after the operation. In some situations, the doctor allows you to use cosmetics a couple of days after removing the cast or bandage. However, it must be remembered that it will be necessary to wash off the makeup very carefully.

Can I smoke before and after rhinoplasty?

Both before and after rhinoplasty, smoking should be avoided. Smoking harms the body, so it's best to quit smoking for good. For a smoker, rhinoplasty can be the first step to quitting this bad habit. Quitting smoking means giving up cigarette substitutes such as tobacco gum or patches. Still not allowed to smoke hookah. Why is it important? Smoking less than a month before surgery leads to: a weakening of the immune system, complications in the form of tissue necrosis, an increase in pressure, an increase in postoperative hematomas and edema.

Can I fly by plane after rhinoplasty?

Flying by plane is allowed after five to seven days. However, doctors advise planning the first two weeks after the operation to be close to your doctor for full observation by a specialist and timely prevention of possible problems. If you do not live in Moscow, plan to stay somewhere near the clinic in one of the local hotels. This is necessary to make it easy to visit the clinic if necessary.

Can antibiotics be taken after a rhinoplasty?

Before deciding whether or not to take antibiotics after rhinoplasty, be sure to discuss this with your doctor. Often, antibiotics during the rehabilitation period are prescribed by a plastic surgeon specifically to prevent the onset of inflammatory processes in the operated area and to ensure successful healing.

When can pregnancy be planned?

It is better to plan the replenishment of the family only six months later, and preferably a year after rhinoplasty. During this time, the body will fully recover and will be able to endure the load associated with childbearing and childbirth. During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background changes due to changes in metabolism. This leads to the fact that tissue scarring is much more difficult and much longer than usual. Therefore, it is best to become pregnant a year after the operation, when the rehabilitation period has passed completely.


I never considered myself a beauty, especially my large nose with a forked tip spoiled my face. I wanted to be beautiful, but it was scary to do rhinoplasty. On the recommendation of friends, I signed up for a consultation with plastic surgeon Pavel Sergeevich Golovanev. Pavel Sergeevich very carefully and with all the subtleties told about the sequence of the operation, and the decision on the operation was finally made. How I regret that I did not get a new nose sooner, no matter how many experiences I have lost. Now I'm beautiful, all the complexes are in the past. I am a self-confident woman and I owe this to a wonderful surgeon. Anastasia

10 years of boxing did not pass without a trace, a broken nose, as a result, a displaced septum and difficulty in breathing. I had to do a rhinoplasty as a man. I did the operation with Pavel Sergeevich Golovanev at the TsIDK clinic. Made a nose well, breathing was restored. Of course, the postoperative period did not give pleasure, swelling and bruising, but all this is temporary, and most importantly, a correct nose and free breathing for the rest of my life. Pavel Sergeevich, thank you very much and you are in great health! Konstantin Sergeevich.

I have had a hooked nose since birth. And no persuasion from my mother that I was already beautiful could not save me from complexes. And all because of this schnobel! In addition to a bad nose, I also suffered from breathing problems. I constantly filled my nose with drops, but the success from their use was short-lived. And so, having suffered, I recently decided on rhinoplasty and had an operation with the surgeon Tapia Rene Fernandez at the CIDK clinic. We managed to kill two birds with one stone! Now I have a straight, neat little nose and easy, free breathing - no congestion. By the way, my friend, who has a problem with breathing, is operated on by Rene Fernandez in a week. I keep my fingers crossed for her! THANKS. Marina

To speed up the recovery of the nose after rhinoplasty, you should follow the medical recommendations, as well as know what you can and cannot do during this period.

First days, month, year, life after rhinoplasty

Of course, after such a surgical intervention as rhinoplasty, life in general changes. This is due to the fact that a person’s complexes disappear according to his appearance, he becomes more self-confident and remains satisfied when looking at himself in the mirror.

However, in order to achieve beautiful noses after rhinoplasty, patients have to go a long way towards perfect appearance.

Since the operation is accompanied by discomfort and has a long recovery period. Frequent questions after or before surgery are: does the tip of the nose drop after rhinoplasty, does it hurt, how long does rehabilitation take, and much more.

  • The first day after rhinoplasty is determined by rather vivid symptoms, at this time there is severe swelling, soreness of the nose, difficulty breathing as a result of the introduction of cotton turundas into the nasal cavities. In addition, in the first days after rhinoplasty, bruises and bruises are often present on the face, which gradually subside over time.
  • The demand for rhinoplasty is determined by a positive final result, complications occur in rare cases. In addition to modeling the nose itself, during the procedure, the deformity of the septum can be corrected and the tip and wings of the nose can be changed.
  • Scarring of tissues after rhinoplasty of the nose occurs, as a rule, during rehabilitation or at the end of it. It all depends on the care of the operated area and the regenerative abilities of the body.

From all that has been described, we can conclude that the life of a person who decides to have an operation changes greatly for the better.

What symptoms and complications are observed in the patient during the rehabilitation period?

As a result of nose rhinoplasty, patients often experience symptoms of complications, which are determined by various conditions, can be short or long, that is, not correctable on their own.

  • Swelling of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty

Swelling of the nose, including the tip, very often occurs after surgical intervention, since as a result of the operation there is a violation of soft tissues and blood vessels. For some people, slight swelling after rhinoplasty can persist for a year.

  1. To eliminate swelling after rhinoplasty, the patient may be prescribed diprospan or other medications.
  2. The duration of edema after surgery may be different, mainly this symptom begins to subside after the first week of the rehabilitation period or at a later date.
  • Bone callus after rhinoplasty

Often, as a result of surgery, patients may
find a callus on the nose area, which occurs due to swelling and is a bulging of cartilage tissue.

  • No breathing and stuffy nose after rhinoplasty

The main and most common complication after rhinoplasty nose is a violation of respiratory activity, which is associated with high swelling, pain and the presence of nasal turundas.

The respiratory function of the nose after the operation is restored, as a rule, the field of reducing swelling and removing cotton turundas. In time, it can be 1-2 or more weeks after rhinoplasty.

  • After rhinoplasty, a hump appeared on the bridge of the nose

The appearance of a hump after surgery appears rare, but possible. This condition is determined by the wrong actions of a medical specialist. Most often, such a defect will need to be corrected only after a minimum of 6 months has elapsed with a second operation.

If, after the convergence of edema, a hump has formed on the nose, you should contact your surgeon.

  • Subcutaneous scar after rhinoplasty

If the surgeon incorrectly applied cosmetic sutures, a subcutaneous scar may form on the soft tissue area, which is well palpable on palpation and may cause some inconvenience.

  • temperature after rhinoplasty

An increase in temperature after surgery is rare and may be accompanied by individual characteristics of the body, or an infectious lesion.

  • Hard nose tip after rhinoplasty

Due to a violation of the integrity of the cartilage and soft tissues, in addition to edema, a phenomenon such as a hard tip of the nose can be observed. Basically, this condition is not long-term and passes by the end of rehabilitation.

  • Crooked nose tip after rhinoplasty

The development of a crooked tip is a fairly common complication of rhinoplasty and is not eliminated on its own. In most cases, this will require a second operation.

  • Nose bump after rhinoplasty

The appearance of a bump in the nose after surgery can be attributed to swelling of the tissues and after its reduction, the bump, as a rule, decreases.

  • Bad smell in the nose after rhinoplasty

The appearance of a specific odor after nose surgery may be associated with the use of drugs and soft tissue healing processes.

  • Nose breathing after removal of turunda rhinoplasty

As a rule, the respiratory function of the nose after rhinoplasty resumes with a decrease in swelling and removal of turundas. If after such actions the condition has not changed, you should consult a doctor.

  • Different nostrils after rhinoplasty

Such a complication as a different shape of the nostrils does not occur often and depends on the incorrect calculations of the surgeon and the planning of the operation. To eliminate the defect, a second rhinoplasty is prescribed.

  • bruising after rhinoplasty

Bruises after surgery are common and last quite a long time, so patients are often interested in: how to get rid of bruises after rhinoplasty? For this, it is necessary to use local agents that have the property of blood thinning.

  • Upturned nose after rhinoplasty

If the doctor planned the course of the operation incorrectly, then the final result of rhinoplasty may be an upturned nose.

  • Headaches after rhinoplasty

Due to pain as a result of the operation, it can be given to neighboring areas, so the patient also often complains of a headache.

  • Asymmetry after rhinoplasty

If asymmetry of the face occurs, you should consult a doctor. The appearance of this complication should be judged only with the complete convergence of edema.

  • Eye problems after rhinoplasty

Visual impairment and other eye problems as a result of rhinoplasty are very rare and are characterized by infection, severe swelling, or surgeon error. Bloody eyes can occur due to a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels and disappear after a few days.

  • Nose drops after rhinoplasty

If during the operation the surgeon incorrectly fixed the tip of the nose, after complete healing, the descent of the tip will be very dark. To correct this defect, a second operation will be required.

What is impossible and what is possible after rhinoplasty?

What can and cannot be done after rhinoplasty during the recovery and rehabilitation period.

For a quick recovery after surgery, it is imperative to know certain rules, and to know what is possible and what is not possible after the operation.

  • Why you can't sleep on your side after rhinoplasty

It is believed that after this type of plastic surgery, doctors recommend sleeping on your back, since this normalizes breathing and reduces pressure on the nose, which allows you not to spoil the new shape.

  • Alcohol after rhinoplasty

It is believed that alcohol after surgery is harmful, because it provokes vasodilation, which can lead to open stitches and bleeding.

It is best to refrain from alcohol for the entire period of rehabilitation after the operation.

  • Pregnancy after rhinoplasty

How long after rhinoplasty can I get pregnant? This issue should be approached only after a full recovery, and this is not earlier than 6 months or a year.

  • Can I fly by plane after rhinoplasty?

When taking off on an airplane, a person’s blood pressure changes greatly and bleeding may occur, so flights on this type of vehicle are contraindicated after surgery.

  • sex after rhinoplasty

Is it possible to masturbate in the rhinoplasty field? This question can be answered in the negative, since stress is contraindicated for the patient in the postoperative period. You should refrain from intimate life for about 3 weeks.

  • Solarium after rhinoplasty

A visit to the solarium after surgery is strictly contraindicated, as it can provoke bleeding.

  • Glasses after rhinoplasty

In order not to injure the nose even more and not to disturb its shape, you should refrain from glasses for at least 1-2 weeks. In case of poor quality of vision, it is recommended to use lenses.

  • Is it possible to sunbathe after rhinoplasty

Both direct and artificial sun rays in a solarium are contraindicated for a person who has undergone nose surgery. Because high temperatures cause overheating and increase pressure.

  • Can I smoke after rhinoplasty?

Hookah after noplasty or a regular cigarette are contraindicated, because they contribute to circulatory disorders, increase blood pressure and lower the immune status. You should refrain from such a habit for about a month.

  • Can I drink coffee after rhinoplasty?

For about a month after the operation, it is advisable to give up coffee, strong hot tea and hot spicy foods.

  • Why You Shouldn't Blow Your Nose After Rhinoplasty

Since the nasal mucosa is very delicate after rhinoplasty and is just beginning to tighten, various injuries and external influences are extremely contraindicated for it, so it is recommended not to blow your nose during the rehabilitation period.

  • Exercise after rhinoplasty

For about 1-2 months, the patient is prescribed complete rest and no tension. Therefore, sports at this time are contraindicated.

  • Can you pick your nose after rhinoplasty?

Both blowing your nose and picking your nose is impossible, so as not to break the mucous membrane and cause bleeding.

It is possible to speed up the recovery period of the patient after rhinoplasty by following medical recommendations and proper care of the nose.

  • Gypsum after rhinoplasty

To fix the nose after surgery, a plaster splint is applied with which they walk for at least 2 weeks. Removal of plaster after rhinoplasty takes place in a hospital by the attending physician. Often, after removing the plaster after rhinoplasty, the patient develops edema. This is due to soft tissue compression and after a few days it decreases.

  • Nasal pads after rhinoplasty

To stop bleeding, after surgery, the patient is injected with tampons moistened with a drug into the nasal passages.

  • Patch after rhinoplasty

Why put a patch on your nose after rhinoplasty? This is done in order to protect the operated sites from infections and other external influences and to promote faster tissue healing.

  • Correction of keloid scars after rhinoplasty

To eliminate keloid scars after plastic surgery, drugs are used - glucocorticosteroids, which are injected with an injection into the places of scar formation.

  • Strips after rhinoplasty

To eliminate puffiness and fix the correct shape of the nose, strips are used, which are something like adhesive tape.

  • Seam after rhinoplasty

On what day is the suture removed after rhinoplasty and when do the sutures dissolve after rhinoplasty?

As a rule, this is done on the 4th day, they are removed on soft tissues, and on the mucous surface they dissolve on their own after 2-3 weeks.

  • How to sneeze after rhinoplasty

To avoid damaging your nose after surgery, you should sneeze with your mouth and nose open.

  • Treatment with chlorhexidine after rhinoplasty

In order to prevent infection of the mucous membrane after surgery, it should be regularly lubricated 2-3 times a day with a solution of Chlorhexidine or another antiseptic.

Effective remedies after rhinoplasty

  • How to do massage after rhinoplasty

To improve blood circulation and metabolic reactions, after rhinoplasty, doctors recommend doing a massage that can be performed at home.

When performing it, it is worth remembering that the procedure is done slowly and with light circular movements.

  • Diprospan injection for edema after rhinoplasty

The drug Diprospan has a large number of pharmacological properties and most importantly - helps in reducing swelling. The agent is injected into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bedema or intramuscularly.

Diprospan contains many active ingredients, so it effectively eliminates swelling after surgery.

  • Dimexide after rhinoplasty

Like Diprospan, Dimexide is determined by a pronounced
decongestant action and is widely used to relieve complications during nose surgery.

  • How to rinse your nose after rhinoplasty?

You can reduce swelling, normalize breathing, and also help accelerate healing with regular nasal lavages. After the operation, it is allowed to use medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, calendula, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The duration and frequency of washing is determined by the doctor.

  • Lyoton after rhinoplasty

To reduce swelling and improve blood circulation
after surgery, the patient is recommended to use Lyoton 1000 gel. It is advisable to use it daily until the edema is completely reduced 2-3 times a day.

  • Peach oil in the nose after surgery

To remove nasal crusts, soften the mucous membrane and reduce swelling, after surgery, peach oil is prescribed, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The cost of the medicine is acceptable.

  • Dolobene after rhinoplasty

To exclude complications of the operation in the form of edema, you should daily smear the nose with Dolobene gel. Such a drug, in addition to this property, effectively accelerates blood circulation and metabolic processes.

  • Self-absorbable turundas after rhinoplasty

At present, ordinary cotton turundas are often replaced with self-absorbable ones, which do not require such careful maintenance and are more convenient to use.

  • Physiotherapy after rhinoplasty

To speed up the process of tissue repair and reduce swelling of the mucosa, physiotherapy procedures are widely used after surgery. They are used only as prescribed by the attending physician, and if the patient has no contraindications for this.

As physiotherapy, electrophoresis, ultraphonophoresis, phototherapy and darsonvalization can be prescribed.

Updated on 07.08.2019 12:26

The most common pathology of the ENT organs is a deviated nasal septum. Nobody thinks that even the slightest curvature causes serious diseases, such as,. Why is this happening? In a healthy state of the ENT organs, only clean and warm air enters the lower respiratory tract, since it is warmed and disinfected in the nasal cavity. With a deviated nasal septum, these functions are impaired due to the fact that the air stream hits the curvature of the septum.

The nose is called a septoplasty. This operation helps the patient to return to normal and natural breathing. But, unfortunately, many patients try to avoid it and continue to live with a deviated septum, which leads to complications in the future. What worries people before the operation:

  • how to breathe after nose surgery?
  • Will tampons be placed in the nose?
  • How long after the operation will I need to lie in bed?

These questions stop the patient from making the decision to undergo surgery.

How is rehabilitation after septoplasty?

With the development of technology, septoplasty has ceased to be uncomfortable. The operation begins with the patient being anesthetized, then the doctor, through a small incision, enters between the layers of the mucosa with an endoscope and straightens the septum.

During the rehabilitation period, technologies were also created that allow the patient to avoid discomfort and breathe through the nose. Reiter intranasal septal splints or splints have been created. They are made of soft silicone, as it does not cause any harm to the nasal cavity and is painlessly removed from it. Splints have a seven-sided shape, which completely repeats the shape of the nasal septum at the site of the operation. The essence of splints is that they hold the septum in the midline. After the operation, while the patient is under anesthesia, a silicone splint is sewn.

Splints come in different modifications. According to the shape of the nose, they can be both large and small. Between the silicone of the splint, a tube can still be inserted through which the patient can breathe immediately after the operation. The septal splint stays in the nose for about 5-7 days, during which time the nasal septum takes its position.

Septal tires

Recently, septal splints or intranasal splints are an integral part of operations on the nasal septum. In septoplasty, rhinoseptoplasty and closure of perforations of the nasal septum, the final stage of the operation is the placement of septal splints on either side of the nasal septum.

The reason for the popularity of splints among surgeons is a number of advantages that improve the result of the operation, reduce the risk of postoperative complications and speed up the recovery of the patient.

The advantages of septal tires are reflected in the table

Traditional septoplasty method Septoplasty with septal splints
Discharge in the nose After the operation, the mucous discharge in the nose and the remnants of blood dry up. Crusts form in the nasal cavity, which adhere to the mucous membrane of the nasal septum and are difficult to remove. They also impair breathing and cause severe discomfort to the patient in the postoperative period. Septal splints cover the entire mucosa of the nasal septum and prevent the formation of crusts on the mucosa of the nasal septum. And due to the fact that they are made of silicone, all the pathological contents in the nose do not find adhesion and are easily washed off with a nasal shower.
Mucosal edema After the operation, the nasal mucosa begins to swell and close the nasal passages due to surgical exposure. Because of this, the patient cannot breathe through the nose, has to breathe through the mouth, so dry mouth develops, etc. Silicone splints do not allow the nasal mucosa to swell and close, as they are very flexible and elastic enough. And thanks to special channels, the patient does not have breathing problems after the operation.
Spikes in the nose Often, during a second visit to the doctor, the patient is informed about the formation of adhesions in the nose (synechia). The reason for adhesions in the nose is that the mucous membrane of the nasal septum due to edema begins to come into contact with the mucous membrane of the lateral (opposite) wall of the nose, as a result of which they stick together, and this threatens the patient with an additional operation. Being a barrier between mucous membranes, splints help to avoid this complication.
Removal of the septum after surgery High risk of bias. Splints, like plaster cast on a broken limb, hold the nasal septum strictly in the midline and give it additional support. Thus, splints help to avoid such complications as a secondarily displaced nasal septum.
Frequent nosebleeds. Tightly holding the nasal septum along the midline, the splints squeeze the vessels and blood does not accumulate between the layers of the mucous membrane of the nasal septum. Thus, frequent complications, such as nosebleeds or hematoma of the nasal septum, do not occur with installed splints.
Packing Mandatory padding. Tampons in the nose create additional discomfort. It is possible to avoid plugging the nasal cavity. Due to this, the rehabilitation period for the patient is easier. But still, it should be remembered that it is up to the surgeon to decide whether to pack the nasal cavity or not, depending on the circumstances after the installation of the splints.

Postoperative period

Pain in the nose

Often in the postoperative period, patients experience pain in the nose. This is due to both the surgical effect itself and the presence of tampons in the nose. If the pain is severe, the doctor may prescribe opioid-containing narcotic painkillers - such as tramadol, promedol. Most often, patients themselves refuse opioid analgesics. In this case, doctors use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: ketorol, diclofenac, analgin. However, these drugs are contraindicated in the deterioration of blood clotting, and an increase in the risk of postoperative bleeding, so doctors do not recommend the frequent use of these drugs, especially in the first days after surgery.

To reduce pain after septoplasty, it is recommended to raise the head end of the bed if the patient is undergoing rehabilitation in a hospital. At home, you need to lie with an elevated head end, using 2-3 pillows for this. It is also recommended to apply ice 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes to the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and forehead.

In the postoperative period, do not touch the nose, especially avoid pressing on the tip of the nose. This can cause severe pain and will cause poor tissue healing in the postoperative area. Also, trauma to the nose after septoplasty often causes displacement of the nasal septum to the side.


During the rehabilitation period, antibiotics are prescribed to reduce the risk of infection. Usually these are antibiotics of the penicillin series. It is necessary to strictly observe the time of taking and the dose of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.

Vasoconstrictor drugs and nasal douche

The day after the removal of the tampons, it will be necessary to use vasoconstrictive nasal drops, for example, xylometazoline, nazivin and saline nasal solutions (aqua-lor, dolphin). Vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed to reduce swelling in the nose and expand the nasal passages. This improves nasal patency during nasal douching with saline solutions. Salt solutions wash out mucus, frozen blood, crusts from the nose, speeding up recovery. On average, vasoconstrictor drops and nasal douche are prescribed for 5-7 days.

General recommendations for the patient during the postoperative period

The postoperative period lasts for 3 weeks after the operation. At this time, the main thing is to speed up the metabolism in the body, which will speed up recovery. To do this, the patient is assigned to drink plenty of fluids - up to 3 liters of fluid per day, and moderate walking - 3-4 hours during the day. However, you should not engage in physical exercises and strain - physical activity is contraindicated during the entire period of rehabilitation.

Septoplasty at the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic

The doctors of our clinic have extensive experience in performing septoplasty operations. The modern techniques that our doctors possess allow not only to perform the operation using the latest advances in medicine, but also to ensure the comfort of the client in the postoperative period: significantly reduce pain and allow breathing immediately after surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions about Septoplasty

Why is it necessary to put tampons in the nose after the operation?

At the end of the operation, the doctor places tampons in the nasal cavity to prevent bleeding. For this reason, the first day after the operation, you need to breathe through your mouth.

Why does my nose bleed after surgery?

In the postoperative period, bloody discharge from the nose during the first 12 hours after surgery is considered normal.

Why does dry mouth appear after surgery?

After the operation, you will experience a feeling of dry mouth. This is due to the medications used during anesthesia.

Why can't you blow your nose and sneeze during the rehabilitation period?

This can lead to damage to healing tissues that have undergone surgical treatment and lead to complications. If you want to sneeze, then you need to sneeze with your mouth open, this will reduce the tension in the nasal cavity.

Why do bruises occur in the cheeks and eyelids after surgery?

Rarely, but still there are such postoperative phenomena as slight swelling or traces of bruising in the cheeks and eyelids. This occurs more often if, in addition to the nasal septum, a surgical effect was also performed on the paranasal sinuses. Typically, swelling increases on the second day and begins to subside over the next 5-6 days. Postoperative swelling and bruising do not indicate the quality of the operation and do not affect the postoperative result.

How long are splints set for?

After removing the tampons from the nasal cavity, silicone splints will remain in the nose. Usually they are placed for a period of 3 days to 2 weeks, depending on the goals set by the surgeon. Carefully read the doctor's instructions on how to clean the splints if they are dirty.

How many times after the operation do you need to come to the doctor?

On average, 3-4 visits are necessary in the rehabilitation period. In the postoperative period, it is important to come to the doctor for examination and toilet of the nasal cavity. This helps to speed up the recovery of the respiratory function of the nose.

Why does a pinkish liquid similar to blood flow from the throat and nose after septoplasty?

Within a few days after the operation, a pinkish-reddish liquid may come out of the nose and throat - this is a bloody discharge. Over time, the amount of such discharge will decrease until it stops completely. But do not confuse such a discharge with bleeding, which often appears after surgery. If there is a long term, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What should I do if my nose hurts a lot after tamponation?

After surgery, patients complain of discomfort caused by tampons in the nose. In case of pain, it is necessary to take painkillers prescribed by a doctor.

What to do if the formed crusts in the nose cause pain or interfere?

You can gently clean the crusts around the nostrils without getting inside. This is done with cotton swabs dipped in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

After the operation, the ears and head hurt very much, what is the reason for this?

Discomfort in the ears and head is a normal postoperative factor. In this case, you need to ask the doctor to prescribe an anesthetic.

What is the risk of infection in the nasal cavity after septoplasty?

After septoplasty, the risk of infection of the postoperative wound is very small. However, if you are concerned about nasal pain, swelling, redness around the nose, and a body temperature that rises to 38 degrees Celsius, this may be a sign of an infection. This must be reported to the doctor and come for an examination.

Why does my throat hurt after septoplasty?

One of the most common complaints after surgery is. This is due to the fact that during anesthesia a special tube is installed in the throat. After its removal, unpleasant sensations in the throat may remain. The sensations usually go away within a few days.

After septoplasty, lips and teeth become numb. What is it connected with?

The feeling of numbness in the area of ​​​​the teeth and upper lip often worries the patient. This is due to swelling of the nerve endings. You shouldn't be afraid of this. The sensation usually returns within a few weeks.

What should be avoided during the rehabilitation period?

It is necessary after the operation to limit physical activity for 2-3 weeks, avoid bending your head down, do not lift heavy objects, do not push. Avoid hot water procedures (baths, saunas, etc.).

Can I smoke during the rehabilitation period?

Smoking in the postoperative period is also contraindicated, as well as being in rooms with tobacco smoke, as it causes swelling and impairs the healing of the operated tissues.

How much does it cost to abstain from alcohol after surgery?

It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages during the first 10 days after the operation - when drinking alcohol, the risk of bleeding from the operated surfaces increases significantly!

After surgical correction of the nose, special tampons are inserted into the nostrils. Many patients are very afraid to take them out because they believe that the procedure will be painful. However, this is not always the case.

After any surgical intervention, the body needs time to recover. As for rhinoplasty itself, it involves damage to soft tissues, as well as cartilage and bone skeleton of the nose as a result of corrective manipulations. All this inevitably affects its appearance and main function. Gradually the state is normalized. The final result of the operation largely depends on how “smooth” the rehabilitation will be.

First stage of rehabilitation
The healing process takes place in several stages. The first, the most difficult, lasts about a week. The patient experiences discomfort: it is difficult to breathe, it is inconvenient to wash and brush your teeth, the parted mouth constantly dries up. In addition, bruises, bruises, and swelling appear on the face. For many, the fact that immediately after surgery, turundas are inserted into the nostrils is also a problem.
I had to deal with people who were more afraid of the extraction procedure than the operation.
Turund functions
To begin with, I want to draw your attention to the fact that turundas do not provoke discomfort, but minimize them. It is special tampons that do not allow blood to flow directly into the patient's throat on the first night. It is they who hold back edematous tissues, not allowing them to completely close the nasal passages.
And modern turundas smell good. They are impregnated with a special oil that moisturizes the nasal mucosa and promotes regeneration. The oil softens the seams, so that blood and ichor do not accumulate on them.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to keep turundas in the nose for a long time and blood crusts have to be dealt with in other ways. One or two days - this is the period during which you will need to endure a little discomfort.
Feelings depend on the quality of tampons

It is noteworthy that turundas are different: from the simplest and cheapest, made right in the operating room, to high-quality and expensive ones. Perhaps this explains the diversity of stories about rehabilitation after rhinoplasty. In some of them, the turundas are given more space than the operation itself, while in others these devices are not even mentioned. I care about my patients and therefore I use only high-quality turundas. Taking them out doesn't hurt at all.

The dynamics of recovery processes, and with it the aesthetic and functional result of rhinoplasty, largely depends on the patient's behavior during the recovery period. Immediately after the operation, a plaster bandage or a special fixative is applied to the middle third of the face, which protects the nose from accidental mechanical damage and keeps the elements of the nasal skeleton in the correct position. It is strictly forbidden to remove, correct or wet the plaster! It is removed by a plastic surgeon after 7-14 days.

Sleeping after rhinoplasty and septoplasty is possible only on the back, otherwise there is a high risk of injuring vulnerable structures. The head of the bed should be high, you can sleep on high pillows; this simple measure will help reduce the severity of edema.

Wearing glasses is strictly prohibited, as even a light frame can disrupt the integration of bone structures and lead to a complication known as saddleback deformity. In the early rehabilitation period, it is desirable to limit the activity of mimic and chewing muscles. Do not laugh, cry, violently express emotions through facial expressions.

Do not expose the body to high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation. You should take a break from sports, do not take hot baths, do not go to the solarium and sauna. Women should not use cosmetics during the early postoperative period (3 weeks). From intimacy should refrain during the same period of time.

It is necessary to give up alcohol, since ethanol blocks enzyme systems, disrupts metabolism and slows down regenerative processes. In addition, alcohol promotes fluid retention in the intercellular substance and increases swelling. It is also advisable to stop smoking.

After rhinoplasty and septoplasty, you should not sneeze with your mouth closed and blow your nose. A jet of air, which at the same time passes through the nasal passages under pressure, can deform the elements of the nasal skeleton. If you need to sneeze, do it with your mouth open. To cleanse the nasal passages of clots, dust, microorganisms, crusts and mucus, use saline irrigation (nasal douche) and soft cotton turundas.

You can resume your usual social, sexual and labor activity three weeks after rhinoplasty. You can return to sports by the end of the first month, but only light loads are allowed at this time. Full physical activity is allowed no earlier than three months after aesthetic or functional rhinoplasty.

The final result of rhinoplasty can be evaluated after 12 months. The aesthetic and functional outcome of surgical correction largely depends on the disciplined attitude of the patient to the rules of the rehabilitation period.

Do not neglect the instructions, ask your doctor all the questions that concern you, seek advice if you have the slightest cause for concern. The consolidated efforts of the doctor and the patient are an essential condition for successful rhinocorrection!

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