Serotonin and an optimistic attitude towards life. What does the decline indicate?

Even some 100 years ago, mankind did not know anything about hormones, which means that they did not take into account their effect on human health at all.

In our time, everything has changed dramatically. Today, every doctor, and even a simple layman, knows that hormones play a key role in the life of the body. The metabolic rate, the formation of fat mass and appetite, and, of course, the process of losing weight or gaining body weight depend on the correct production of these biologically active substances.

But how do hormones affect our weight? To understand this issue, you need to know exactly what a particular hormone is responsible for and how it affects weight change. Let's talk about it in this article.

1. The hormone leptin

Leptin is one of the most important hormones responsible for a person’s weight, and it’s not without reason that in translation from Greek its name “leptos” sounds like “slender”. Leptin in the body is responsible for our appetite, and therefore for the feeling of satiety.

It controls the fat stores in the body, and as their level drops, the level of leptin also decreases, as a result of which the brain receives a signal about the existing deficiency. That is why we have certain period and there is a feeling of hunger.

Why else can leptin levels decrease? According to scientists, the decrease in the level of this hormone is due to chronic sleep deprivation. Studies confirm the fact that people who regularly sleep less than 6-7 hours a day suffer from excess body weight. Thus, in order to bring the hormone level back to normal, doctors recommend observing a rest regimen, giving sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Interestingly, there are a number of foods that promote the production of leptin in the body, thereby helping to lose weight. First of all, they are low fat foods- low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese, low-fat lamb and egg, vegetables, fruits, cereals and legumes. As practice shows, eating foods that increase the level of this hormone and exercising regularly, you can lose weight without even counting calories!

By the way, knowing how the mechanism works, causing hunger, many can draw a specific conclusion - it is enough just to increase the level of the hormone leptin so that the problem of obesity no longer worries us. But not everything is so simple. Studies have shown that in the body of people with overweight body levels of leptin are much higher than those of slender people.

And this fact does not help them lose weight at all! According to doctors, this happens because fat people over the years, lose sensitivity to this hormone, and it begins to be produced in large quantities. As soon as a person's weight returns to normal, the level of leptin also normalizes.

2. Hormone estrogen

Estrogen is the main "female" hormone, and therefore affects many functions in the female body, ranging from regulation menstrual cycle and ending with the distribution of body fat in the fair sex. Thanks to estrogen body fat in young women they are localized in the hips, and in women after menopause - in the abdomen.

According to scientists, weight gain is associated with a deficiency of this biological substance. And, interestingly, over the years, the level of estrogen in the female body inevitably decreases. This process begins at about 35 years old and significantly intensifies during menopause, when hormonal changes occur and the fair sex begins to experience a number of unpleasant symptoms associated with low estrogen production.

Why does obesity develop? The fact is that with a decrease in estrogen levels, the body begins to receive this hormone from fat cells, for which it tries to stock up on them for future use. In addition, as women approach menopause, the production of the “male” hormone testosterone decreases, which means that muscle mass decreases. And since it is the muscles that are responsible for the process of fat burning, the less muscle remains in the body, the more difficult it is for a woman to get rid of fat accumulations. This explains the rapid weight gain in women who have crossed the 40-year milestone.

To activate the body to produce estrogen, the body first of all needs the mineral boron, which is found in soy and buckwheat, beans and lentils, beets, corn, barley and oats. In addition, some products contain a plant analogue of the hormone estrogen, which means that in order to maintain the level of this substance in the body, you need to eat carrots and peppers, beets and tomatoes, apples, pomegranates and plums more often.

And also a sharp decline this biologically active substance can occur against the background of prolonged stress, and therefore it is important to protect yourself from worries and experiences that can nullify all your efforts to increase estrogen levels.

3. Hormone cortisol

The hormone cortisol, better known as the "stress hormone", is a close "relative" of adrenaline, because they are produced by the same organ - the adrenal glands. This biological substance is part of defense mechanism our body, actively produced in response to stressful situations.

That is why in moments of great excitement or stress we want to eat so much. This body accumulates strength to withstand difficult life situations. In addition, due to the fault of cortisol, they slow down metabolic processes in organism. In this way, the body tries to conserve energy reserves to deal with stress.

A person cannot influence the production of the hormone cortisol through nutrition. However, we can still resist the active production of this substance. In this regard, any relaxing practices and methods of relaxation, such as yoga and meditation, will help. And yet, knowing about the activity of the insidious hormone, a person must restrain himself and try not to "seize" stress.

4. Hormone adrenaline

As noted above, the “relative” of cortisol is the well-known hormone adrenaline. This hormone also affects the metabolic processes in the body, but in a slightly different way. The bottom line is that cortisol is produced in response to stress, while adrenaline is produced in response to strong emotional arousal.

That is, when a person makes a parachute jump for the first time and at the same time feels fear, cortisol is produced in his body, but an experienced skydiver who experiences emotional excitement with each jump produces adrenaline.

This hormone also works a little differently than cortisol. In case of emotional arousal, when large portion adrenaline enters the bloodstream, a person's metabolism is accelerated and the process of splitting fats is enhanced. A small boost body temperature in this case is just related to accelerated combustion fats. In addition, the release of adrenaline drives away appetite, which also prevents weight gain. Finally, it should be remembered that increasing body weight reduces the body's ability to produce this important hormone.

5. The hormone insulin

It is known that insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and is responsible for normalizing blood sugar levels. In response to the food entering the body, the pancreas immediately throws in a dose of insulin, which utilizes glucose for its further breakdown and conversion into energy.

However, if we consume too much starch and sugar, the gland is forced to overproduce the hormone. As a result, the penetration of glucose into cells slows down, and sugar turns into fat, which is deposited on the thighs and peritoneum.

Thus, in order not to burden the pancreas and not provoke the formation of adipose tissue, we need to reconsider our diet and remove dishes from it that use refined sugar. These are all kinds of confectionery and other sweets, white bread, muffins, sweet carbonated drinks and purchased juices.

At the same time, we can improve pancreatic function by replenishing vanadium, chromium and niacin (vitamin B3) in the body. To constantly replenish vanadium, you should regularly add seafood to the diet, as well as mushrooms, parsley and spinach, cereals and dairy products.

Known for its high chromium content beef liver, pearl barley, beets and meat marine fish, in particular, mackerel, capelin, tuna, salmon and flounder. And to maintain normal levels of niacin, you should consume regularly. chicken eggs, mushrooms and peas, beans and barley groats. Finally, for the normal production of insulin, you can take supplements containing the listed vitamins and minerals.

6. Thyroid hormones

Thyroid hormones are hormones thyroid gland: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). They are responsible for many processes in the body, including regulating weight. And if the function of the “thyroid gland” is inhibited, this leads to a decrease in the production of the hormones in question, and, as a result, to weight gain.

In the same time, increased production of the hormones in question, although it leads to a sharp weight loss, it is accompanied by so many pathologies (including heart problems, bulging eyes, hand tremors) that it would be blasphemy to call this condition weight loss.

Thus, it becomes clear that thyroid hormones must be produced strictly in the norm. To achieve this, iodine should regularly appear in your diet, which we get when we use iodized salt and vitamin-mineral complexes. In addition, iodine is found in some foods, among which it is worth highlighting seaweed and feijoa, shrimp and squid, pink salmon, cod and haddock. It is especially useful to use iodine together with selenium, which is abundant in rice, eggs and corn.

In addition, people who have a reduced thyroid function should stop eating soy products and peanuts. And further. The work of the “thyroid gland” is negatively affected by stress, and therefore if you want to lose weight, you should learn ways to avoid stress and get rid of its consequences.

7. The hormone ghrelin

Ghrelin is another hormone that, like leptin, sends a hunger signal to the brain. Only unlike leptin, ghrelin is produced in the stomach, and its synthesis increases dramatically when the stomach is empty. At the same time, in a full stomach, the production of this biological substance practically stops, which means that a person feels full and does not want to eat anymore. But there is one feature.

If the food you eat is high in refined sugar or fructose, ghrelin does not stop being produced even after you have eaten a decent portion. As a result, a person overeats and, accordingly, begins to suffer from obesity.

We can draw an unambiguous conclusion: in order to stop constantly overeating, you should remove foods that contain refined sugar from your diet (cakes, pastries, other confectionery, muffins, White bread), as well as reduce the consumption of sugary vegetables and fruits that are rich in glucose.

I would like to complete the article with the following wish - if all your attempts to lose weight while on a diet do not bring results, try to get tested and check the level of the above hormones. It is possible that you only need to adjust your diet a little to bring your levels back to normal. the right hormone, and feel how the weight gradually begins to go away.
Beauty to you and a slim figure!

The functioning of our body depends on hormones, because they regulate all processes. But often hormones are the culprit. overweight. And negotiating with them is much more difficult than just going on a diet or strengthening physical exercise. What in the body prevents you from losing weight and how to deal with it, read in our article.

  1. Insulin

Imbalance of the hormone insulin in the blood is the first cause of overweight. It manifests itself in the form of unprocessed glucose, which instantly turns into fat. This does not mean that you diabetes, however, is a sign that the body needs help processing sugar. Help in this case Maybe Apple vinegar - Eating it before meals helps keep sugar levels in check.

  1. cortisol

Cortisol is called the stress hormone - it is produced in the body as a response to all the factors that disturb us. Residents of the metropolis have high levels of cortisol. This is not very good, as constant stress is harmful. nervous system spoils sleep and makes you lean on flour and sweets.

Also, cortisol can destroy muscles, which in turn slows down the metabolism. To lower cortisol levels, you need to reduce coffee consumption, spend more time physical activity, walking fresh air and breathing practices. Ideal for yoga classes.

  1. Estrogen

Estrogen has a detrimental effect not only on a woman's weight, but also on libido, it also contributes to frequent migraines, depression, severe PMS, and can even cause disruption reproductive system. In order to keep the capricious hormone under control, give up fast food and stick to the right and balanced nutrition in which you must find a place for cabbage, spinach, citrus fruits, green tea and brown rice.


  1. Testosterone

Testosterone also affects a woman's weight. Its deficiency manifests itself in the same way as an excess of estrogen - it results in apathy, a slowdown in metabolism and a decrease in libido. Can cope with this hormone physical activity, products containing soy, olive and linseed oil, avocado and good rest.

  1. Adiponectin

This hormone helps the body burn fat. The higher its concentration in the blood, the more you lose weight. Adiponectin level naturally decreases when we get better, but you can stimulate its production by eating regularly pumpkin seeds, spinach and cabbage.

  1. Ghrelin

Ghrelin is also known as the hunger hormone. When its concentration is too high, we cannot get enough, which leads to overeating. Its highest rates are observed in the evening and at night, that is, it is he who makes you eat something fatty or sweet before going to bed.

Recent studies have shown that ghrelin levels are most directly affected by our dream: even the slightest lack of sleep provokes its growth. Therefore, sleep at least 6-8 hours a day and do not get carried away with coffee - an invigorating drink also helps to increase the level of a hormone that affects weight. Ghrelin can be lowered with proteins Make it a rule to eat meat, eggs and dairy products daily.

  1. Leptin

This hormone is responsible for appetite and satiety - you yourself understand how important control over it is for losing weight. Low levels of leptin in the blood cause overeating. You can increase leptin by eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are found mainly in fish: salmon, trout, sardines and mackerel.

And it is known that all the processes in our body are controlled by hormones. mood, health, appearance, appetite, sleep, intelligence - this, and much more, depends on hormones.

1. Female Hormone: Estrogen

One of the best known female hormones is estrogen, which is produced in the ovaries. This is a sex hormone that gives a woman a feminine figure and female character. The roundness of the figure, the soft, compliant character, emotionality - all this we have as a result of the production of the hormone estrogen in the body.

In addition, it is able to accelerate cell renewal throughout the body, maintain youthful shine and healthy hair, skin, and also protects blood vessels from cholesterol deposits.

It is clear that the hormone must be produced in the right amount.

Too much and too little estrogen

Excess estrogen can cause excessive fullness in the lower abdomen and thighs. In addition, various benign tumors doctors associate with an excess of this female hormone.

Its deficiency often causes increased hair growth in unwanted places: on the face, legs, arms.

In the case of a lack of this hormone, a woman ages faster: the skin is more prone to wrinkles and fading, the hair becomes dull and lifeless, etc.

2. Female Hormone: Testosterone

In women, the hormone testosterone is produced in the adrenal glands.

Excess and lack of testosterone

Its excess often turns a woman into an ardent lover of men. Thanks to testosterone, we can experience sexual desire, be purposeful and persistent.

This hormone can make a woman not only lay down her arms, waiting for a man, but also go hunting for him herself.

The more testosterone a woman produces, the easier and faster it is for her to build up her muscles and get involved in active games. With an excess of the hormone, a woman becomes aggressive and quick-tempered.

If the body does not produce enough testosterone, then the woman does not want to have sexual relations at all.

3. Female Hormone: Oxytocin

The female hormone oxytocin is the hormone that forces us to be tender, attached. IN in large numbers Oxytocin is released after childbirth. This explains our boundless love for the tiny creature that was born.

Excess and lack of oxytocin

This hormone is produced in large quantities during stress. That is why a woman tries to get rid of depression and anxiety by taking care of her children, her husband, doing good deeds.

4. Female hormone: thyroxine

Thyroxine is a hormone that affects our mind and figure. It regulates metabolism. The faster it happens, the more difficult it is for a woman to gain weight and vice versa.

In addition, thyroxine affects our intelligence. Thanks to this hormone, a woman can have slim figure, smooth skin and graceful movements. Interestingly, it is thyroxin that allows a woman to instantly respond to an interested male look. The hormone is synthesized in thyroid gland.

Too much and too little thyroxine

If the body produces thyroxine in excess, then the woman loses weight very quickly. In addition, it is difficult for her to concentrate. One thought constantly replaces another, a woman experiences constant anxiety, suffers from insomnia, while her heart jumps out of her chest. The lack of this hormone causes drowsiness, lethargy and obesity, as well as memory impairment.

5. Female Hormone: Norepinephrine

Norepinephrine is called the hormone of rage and courage. During stressful situation This hormone is produced in the adrenal glands. Many people know the hormone opposite to this - the hormone of fear, which makes us run away from danger. Norepinephrine, on the contrary, awakens in a woman a sense of confidence and readiness for action.

The hormone dilates the blood vessels, the blood rushes to the head, and brilliant ideas come to our minds, blush covers the cheeks, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the eyes sparkle with bright fire. Norepinephrine helps a woman with her head held high to solve all problems, find ways out of troubles and look great at the same time.

Many men will not let you lie that sometimes, during stress, a woman does not fade, but, on the contrary, only blossoms.

There is no feeling of anxiety, no insomnia overcomes. Very often you can observe that the slightest trouble takes us out of balance, makes us feel depressed. And sometimes nothing can piss us off! Thanks to the hormone norepinephrine!

6. Female hormone: insulin

Insulin is commonly referred to as the "dolce vita" hormone. It enters the blood from the pancreas, it controls the level of glucose in the blood. Insulin breaks down all incoming carbohydrates, incl. sweets and converts them into glucose (an energy source). That. Insulin gives us the energy that allows us to live.

Some women produce slightly less insulin from birth than others, or the hormone is not as active.

When we eat too much sweet or starchy foods, excess glucose "wanders" through the body and negatively affects the condition of cells and blood vessels. As a result, diabetes can develop. The risk is especially high if members of your family suffered from such a disease.

7. Female hormone: somatotropin

This female hormone responsible for strength and harmony. The hormone is produced in the pituitary gland internal secretion which is located in the brain. Somatotropin is responsible for fat burning, building muscle mass, strength and elasticity of ligaments, incl. and those that support the female breast.

In childhood and adolescence, an excess of this hormone leads to very high growth. If in an adult body this hormone is produced in excess, what else can grow grows: the chin, nose, knuckles. Excess amount hormone during pregnancy can lead to enlargement of some facial features, hands, feet, hands, but after the birth of the baby, everything usually falls into place. In children, a lack of somatotropin is fraught with a slowdown, and often a complete stoppage of growth.

If a woman constantly does not get enough sleep, often overeats and overworks, the level of somatotropin hormone decreases, the muscles become weak, flabby, and the breasts lose their shape. At the same time, no enhanced training will correct the situation.

Hormones control all processes in the female body.. Reception hormonal drugs can lead to imbalance hormonal background, and the results of such treatment can be the most unexpected!

Therefore, before you start taking them, you need to assess the existing risk.

A lot has been written about hormones, however, many still do not realize that our health, mood, appearance, sleep, appetite, willpower and even intelligence depend on their quantity. Let's talk about the seven main hormones and what symptoms an excess or deficiency of these substances can cause.

ESTROGEN- the hormone of femininity and beauty.

Estrogen is the best known female sex hormone, which is produced in the ovaries. He is in literally creates a woman. After all, it is thanks to this miracle hormone that the figure acquires lovely feminine roundness, and the character acquires pliability, softness and emotionality.

The appearance of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity also depends on the content of estrogen in the body. With its lack of collagen fibers begin to break down, which causes wrinkles. The female hormone accelerates cell renewal, preserves youthful skin, shine and splendor of hair, protects blood vessels from cholesterol deposits.

But an excess of estrogen does not add to attractiveness, because it often turns out for female representatives to be overweight in the thighs and lower abdomen, as well as the development of uterine fibroids. In turn, the lack of this substance leads to dryness of the vaginal mucosa, which causes pain, burning or bloody issues during intercourse.

Three to five years after menopause, a deficiency of this hormone can result in bone loss (osteoporosis) and, consequently, bone fracture (for example, the femoral neck, which is difficult to treat).

By the way, it is the lack of estrogen in the body in women after 45 years of age that is one of the causes of atherosclerosis of the vessels, which increases the risk of developing angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and stroke. Another insidious symptom lack of this hormone - increased hair growth where it would not be desirable, that is, on the arms, legs and face.

TESTOSTERONE- hormone of strength and sexuality

This hormone in women is produced in the adrenal glands. For normal health, a small amount is enough. It is he who makes us feel sexual attraction, makes us persistent and purposeful, able not only to wait for the “prey” to approach, but also to prepare traps, and some even go hunting.

An excess of testosterone in the female body leads to enhanced growth muscles, the character acquires quick-tempered and aggressive features, the skin becomes rough and oily, appears acne. Testosterone deficiency affects only sexual attraction, thanks to which a woman from a passionate tigress gradually turns into a sluggish doll.

OXYTOCIN- care hormone

This hormone, like the previous one, is produced by the adrenal glands. IN huge number Oxytocin is released into the blood after childbirth with the contraction of the uterus, making us love the tiny creature that we gave birth to.

For all kinds of stress female body reacts with the release of oxytocin, so we are looking for relief from longing and anxiety, strenuously guarding our husband and children, caring for an old lonely neighbor or picking up a stray kitten. Lack of oxytocin leads to persistent irritability, and sometimes frequent depression.

THIROXIN- hormone of figure and mind

Thyroxine is synthesized in the thyroid gland, regulates the rate of metabolism and thinking, and therefore, completely and completely affects our weight, as well as thought processes. Required amount thyroxin gives the body harmony, the skin - smoothness, movements become dexterous and graceful, but the reaction to an interested male look follows immediately.

An excess of the hormone contributes to weight loss, and to abnormal levels, when a woman loses her natural forms and begins to resemble a teenage boy. In addition, the heartbeat quickens, insomnia torments, constant anxiety and inability to concentrate are haunted. The lack of thyroxin, on the contrary, leads to obesity, lethargy and drowsiness, plus a complete emptiness in the head, impaired memory and concentration.

NORADRENALINE- hormone of courage and rage

It is not constantly present in the body, but is produced in the adrenal glands during stress. Surely you have heard more than once about the so-called fear hormone, which encourages us to seek salvation in times of danger.

Norepinephrine has the opposite effect: it dilates blood vessels, blood rushes to the head, which sometimes contributes to the occurrence brilliant ideas, a bright blush fills her face, wrinkles are smoothed out, her eyes sparkle, and a woman who looks like a formidable and beautiful goddess says: “I flourish from stress!”

She rushes into trouble, successfully solves all problems and at the same time looks great and sleeps soundly at night. So we wish everyone to have norepinephrine in enough to overcome any stress!

INSULIN- sweet life hormone

Insulin comes from the pancreas and in parallel "monitors" the level of glucose in the blood. It is he who breaks down all the carbohydrates we eat, including sweets, and sends the glucose (an energy source) obtained from them to the tissues. Some people produce less insulin from birth, or it is not as active as others.

When more flour and sweets enter the body than insulin is able to process, excess glucose begins to have a very negative effect on cells and blood vessels. This is how diabetes develops, the risk of which increases if one of the relatives suffered from this disease.

SOMATOTROPIN- hormone of strength and harmony

This substance is produced in the pituitary gland - an endocrine gland located in the brain. If you are visiting Gym, are engaged in fitness, you have probably heard about somatotropin, the idol of sports instructors and bodybuilding coaches.

He is responsible for building muscle mass and burning fat, for the elasticity and strength of the ligaments, including those that support the chest. Excess somatotropin in childhood and adolescence contributes to increased growth, in adults the nose, chin and knuckles may increase. The natural abundance of somatotropic hormone during pregnancy leads to some enlargement of facial features, feet, hands, but after childbirth, all changes disappear by themselves.

The lack of this hormone in children is fraught with a slowdown and a complete halt in growth. If you constantly lack sleep, overwork and overeat, then the level of somatotropin will decrease, the muscles will be flabby and weak, and the bust will lose its attractive shape. At the same time, the situation cannot be corrected by any aerobic and power loads.

What to do when the ovaries stop producing their own sex hormones? It would seem that the answer is simple: it is necessary to artificially maintain the content of the necessary hormones in the blood at a level that would provide protection against angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, hypertension, depression, osteoporosis and other diseases of aging.

Today there are enough medical preparations for effective hormone replacement therapy, with the help of which the body replenishes the missing hormones. As hormone levels recover, menopause symptoms quickly subside.

In addition, this therapy prevents the development long-term effects menopause, such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases Therefore, it is better to resort to it as early as possible, even before the first symptoms of menopause appear.

When choosing the means of therapy, both the doctor and the patient always evaluate the risk of possible side effects. The decision to take hormone replacement drugs can only be made after consultation with your doctor. It is important to take into account the need long-term treatment and choose products that provide not only efficiency, but also high safety with prolonged use.

By chemical nature, hormones are divided into:

    Hormones of protein-peptide nature. These are hormones of the anterior pituitary gland, hypothalamus, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, and parathyroid gland.

    Hormones are derivatives of amino acids. These are epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal medulla, triiodothyronine and tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine) from the brush gland, melatonin from the pituitary gland.

    Steroid hormones. They are formed from cholesterol. This group includes hormones of the adrenal cortex, sex hormones, vitamin D.

    prostaglandins- derivatives of arachidonic acid.

By action on the body:

    Hormones of endocrine glands.

    Tissue hormones - act only on certain tissues.

    Prostaglandins are produced within the cell and act only within the cell.

Sometimes a distinction is made between hormones and hormonoids. Hormonoids or hormone-like substances are substances that act only at the sites of their formation. These include tissue hormones, biogenic amines and prostaglandins.

tissue hormones- are produced in various tissues and have

local action. For example, in the stomach, gastrin controls the synthesis of HC1 and the release of gastric juice, in the duodenum secretin promotes the production of bile. Tissue hormones include a large group of biogenic amines, for example, histamine - stimulates the secretion of HC1 in the stomach, dilates blood vessels and increases their permeability, serotonin - causes contraction of smooth muscles, increases blood pressure and constricts the bronchi.

There are a number of substances in the body that are classified as antihormones. Antihormones- These are substances that prevent the binding of hormones to receptor proteins. They can have their own activity and act on the metabolism in the cell.

7. 4. Brief description of some hormones.

Among the hormones, the pituitary hormones are the most important. The pituitary gland has three functionally distinct divisions: the anterior, middle, and posterior lobes. The middle share is underdeveloped.

The anterior pituitary gland produces the following protein hormones:

    STH - somatotropic hormone or somatotropin, a growth hormone, affecting the formation of bone and muscle tissue, stimulates growth and development in young age. This hormone provides these processes with energy, enhancing the breakdown of fats and glycogen.

    ACTH is an adrenocorticotropic hormone or corticotropin that stimulates the synthesis of hormones in the adrenal cortex from cholesterol.

    TSH is a thyroid-stimulating hormone or thyrotropin that enhances the production of hormones in the thyroid gland.

    Lipotropic hormones or lipotropins - have a fat-mobilizing effect (activate lipolysis). Beta-lipotropin during hydrolysis becomes a source of formation of peptides with analgesic effect (endorphins, enkephalins).

    Melanotropin regulates the functions of melanocytes responsible for skin pigmentation.

    HTG-gonadotropic hormones:

    Luteinizing hormone, or lutropin, stimulates the development of interstitial cells.

    Follicle-stimulating hormone or follitropin - regulates the maturation of follicles in the ovaries and spermatogenesis in the testicles.

    Prolactin or lactotropin - stimulates the development of the mammary glands, lactation, the growth of internal organs.

Posterior pituitary hormones:

    Vasopressin (antidiuretic) - in small quantities stimulates the reabsorption of water in the renal tubules, reducing diuresis, and in large quantities causes vasoconstriction. With a lack of this hormone, urination insipidus (diabetes) develops, while a person can excrete up to 20 liters of water per day.

    Oxytocin - causes contraction smooth muscle(uterus) and stimulates the secretion of milk by the mammary glands.

The adrenal glands secrete two types of hormones: hormones of the adrenal cortex and hormones of the medulla.

Hormones of the adrenal cortex(corticosteroids), synthesized from cholesterol:

    Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone and deoxycorticosterone) regulate water-mineral metabolism, retaining sodium, chlorine, carbonate ions in the body, while increasing potassium losses. With an excess of aldosterone, Conn's disease (hyperaldosteronism) develops - edema is observed, the excitability of the heart muscle and nervous tissue is disturbed. With a lack of aldosterone (hypoaldosterionism), sodium excretion increases, potassium is retained, water excretion increases, and acidosis develops. With a deficiency of all corticosteroids (Addison's disease, bronze disease) - there is a decrease in the body's resistance to the damaging effects of the external environment, the metabolism is disturbed minerals, muscle weakness.

    Glucocorticoids (cortisol, corticosterone) stimulate the synthesis of glucose from amino acids and fats (gluconeogenesis), promote the deposition of glycogen in the liver, and inhibit the synthesis of proteins and RNA. IN large quantities have an effect on water-mineral metabolism, increasing the reabsorption of sodium and the excretion of potassium by the kidneys, this causes water retention in the body.

    sex hormones in small amounts.

Adrenal medulla hormones or catecholamines synthesized from the amino acid tyrosine:

    adrenaline - increases the strength and frequency of heart contractions, increases blood pressure, activates the breakdown of glycogen and fat, thereby increasing the level of glucose and fat in the blood, mobilizes the body's reserves in stressful situations.

    Norepinephrine - differs from epinephrine in that it only slightly increases blood glucose and oxygen uptake by tissues.

Thyroid hormones contain iodine in their composition:

    Thyroxine and triiodothyronine - have a pronounced effect on the mental and physical development of a person, regulate metabolic processes in the nervous, cardiovascular, muscular systems, affect immune system, change the properties of membranes, the intensity of bioenergetic reactions. In physiological concentrations, they increase the number and size of mitochondria in the muscles, and in the liver - the synthesis of enzymes of the tissue respiration system. In high doses, they give an uncoupling effect in the mitochondria of the liver.

    thyrocalcitonin or calcitonin is a protein hormone that regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in bone and muscle tissues.

Decreased thyroid function – hypothyroidism- can come along different reasons: congenital absence of the gland, lack of iodine in the diet, surgical removal glands, dysfunctions of the pituitary gland, changes in the activity of enzymes involved in the synthesis of hormones. With a pronounced deficiency of hormones - myxedema - there is a growth halt, a violation of osteogenesis and sexual development, a decrease in basal metabolism and the metabolism of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. At the same time, the mass of the thyroid gland (goiter) may increase.

Increased thyroid function - hyperthyroidism or Graves' disease- characterized by an increase in basal metabolism, an increase in the release of calcium and phosphates, an increase in the breakdown of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, mental disorders in the form of high irritability, insomnia, acceleration of the heart rate (tachycardia).

Parathyroid hormones

    parathormone - regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in bone and muscle tissues.

    calcitonin - regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in bone and muscle tissues.

Pancreatic hormones:

    Insulin is produced by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in response to elevated blood glucose levels. calcium ions, arginine, leucine and glutamic acid. The mechanism of interaction with the target cell is membrane-intracellular. Chemically, it is a protein. Insulin helps to reduce the level of glucose, calcium ions, arginine, leucine and glutamic acid in the blood. It activates the synthesis of glycogen, TAG, proteins, glucose oxidation. Inhibits synthesis ketone bodies, gluconeogenesis, glycogenesis, urea formation. With a lack of insulin, a disease develops - diabetes mellitus.

    Glucagon - synthesized by alpha cells, increases blood glucose levels, accelerates the breakdown of glycogen in muscles and liver, gluconeogenesis, breakdown of fats in fat depot, oxidation fatty acids, synthesis of ketone bodies. Inhibits protein synthesis.

Sex hormones. There are female male sex hormones. By chemical nature, these substances are derivatives of cholesterol.

    male sex hormones, androgens - testosterone and dihydrotestosterone - provide sexual differentiation, characteristic behavior, regulate the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, stimulate spermatogenesis, growth of the musculoskeletal system, protein biosynthesis.

    female sex hormones estrogens (estriol, estrone and estradiol) - activate the synthesis of specific proteins that affect cell growth and differentiation, protein synthesis, prevent the deposition of fat in the liver, increase the excretion of cholesterol from the body, regulate the development of secondary sexual characteristics, sexual cycle, pregnancy and lactation. The hormone progesterone inhibits uterine contraction, prepares the uterine mucosa for pregnancy, stimulates the growth of milk passages and lactation. During pregnancy, a woman's body produces the following hormones - chorionic gonadotropin, placental lactogen, thyrotropin.

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