What medicines to take to the sea is mandatory. What medicines to take on vacation. Mandatory list of medicines for an adult traveler

First aid kit on a trip or what medicines to take on the road? Let's talk about the necessary thing in any trip - a first aid kit. I have a standard set that I always take with me. I will share with you my experience: which of the medicines I consider necessary on any trip. In addition, preparing a first-aid kit will not take you much time, and having it on a trip will remove many possible problems.

When completing a first-aid kit, you need to choose those medicines that suit you best and have the best effect on your body.
It should be noted that this set of drugs is not standard and mandatory. If you take any drugs without fail, then put them in the first aid kit, first of all. This set of medicines is recommended for healthy people who do not suffer from serious illnesses, and is intended primarily to help with everyday situations.

All drugs can be divided into several groups:

  1. Antipyretic drugs
  2. Painkillers
  3. Drugs that help the stomach and abdomen
  4. Antiallergic drugs
  5. Disinfectants
  6. Means for protecting the skin

Why this particular set? I'll try to explain.

  • Antipyretic drugs. Why: at first, due to a possible temperature drop, you can catch a cold out of habit. Modern antipyretic drugs are designed not only to reduce body temperature, but also to relieve the symptoms of a cold, so I advise you to take several different mixtures with you on a trip. They contain Paracetamol, which can also be bought separately at a pharmacy, it costs less than powder mixtures with different pleasant tastes. But still, different people (and children) may have different sensitivity to different types of antipyretic drugs, it is recommended to have two types of them: paracetamol (trade names: Efferalgan, Kalpol, etc.) and ibuprofen (Nurofen). It is also recommended to have both candles and syrup. Candles are convenient to use if you have a child with you and he is vomiting.
  • Painkillers. Why: pressure drops, climate change - it is not known how they can affect your body - a head may ache, or a long-healed tooth may ache. So it is better to have proven painkillers in your arsenal. I take cheap analogues of well-known painkillers in my first aid kit for traveling: instead of No-shpa - Spazmol, instead of Nurofen - Ibuprofen, and also Tempalgin, Analgin and Upsarin Upsa, which can also be used as an antipyretic.
  • Everything for the stomach and intestines. Why: the stomach can easily react to a change of water, new food, and instead of resting, you will sit for several days and be sad. Usually these problems are limited to two or three days, but anything can happen. The medicines that are suggested here can be used in case of moderate malaise. For these cases, I take Pancreatin (an analogue of the famous Mezim), Loperamide (an analogue of Imodium) for diarrhea, Furazolidone for food infections, Smecta and, of course, native activated charcoal. Smecta and activated charcoal are agents that adsorb in the intestinal lumen, i.e. "take on" harmful microorganisms that have entered the body, and their toxins. This is a fairly large group, but from the point of view of transportation, Smecta (powder bags) and Filtrum (tablets) are the most convenient. Separately, advice on taking smecta: a sachet is diluted into 100 ml. water, but then it is drunk not in one gulp, but fractionally, in a sip for several hours. An adult will need 3 sachets per day, children, depending on age, 1-2. In principle, adsorbents are the first thing to start with in case of intestinal malaise (in combination with diet and drink). Other medications may not be needed. If the salt balance is disturbed, which often happens with vomiting, it’s good to have 2-3 bags of Regidron with you - it contains a more optimal combination of salts and you can drink such a low-salt solution not only in case of intestinal problems, but also when overheating.
  • Antiallergic drugs. Why: unusual food, water, local delicacies that you will definitely want to try, yes, corny, a hotter and more active sun can cause allergic reactions on the skin or as an irritation of the mucous membranes (someone has it), so I take it with me travel-tested tablets (loratadine, zodak, telfast) and ointments (fenistil or sinaflan, for example). If you have children with you, then it is better to take Zirtek in drops - a second-generation antihistamine. It does not have a sedative (hypnotic) effect, but is used in not the most acute situations. First of all, these are allergy medicines. But not only. At high temperatures, if they are given simultaneously with antipyretics, the effect will come faster and be more pronounced. There are quite a few drugs in this group on the market. If someone constantly uses some of his own, proven, means - of course, he can replace our version with his own.

  • disinfectants. Why: to treat wounds and burns, take Bandage, Plaster, Hydrogen Peroxide, Iodine or Iodine marker or Zelenka with you. Here I want to write about the Rescuer ointment, which can be used to treat wounds, burns and Sinaflan ointments - which is suitable for treating skin with cuts, burns, as well as skin itching from insect bites.
  • Means for protecting the skin. Why: the sun can be very aggressive and hot, so we take with us a burn cream - Panthenol, for example. For insect bites, Fenistil-gel is useful to relieve itching. It can also be used for sunburn. With injuries (bruises, bruises), arnica ointment helps (it can be under that name, or it can be called Steripan - a convenient tube). The choice - for those who know and love this tool - Traumgel ointment (there are also tablets).
  • I take with me another sedative - valerian. Good old valerian gives a stable sedative effect. So it comes in handy when changing time zones. However, it does not come very quickly. Some clinical studies indicate that the effect of valerian does not exceed placebo. Also in the first aid kit for traveling, I take with me Furacilin tablets (for rinsing), Strepsils-type lollipops. For the nose, you can take any drops - I have Nazivin.

Something else: If you are going to move a lot by sea, then take with you funds from motion sickness, for example Avia-Sea or Validol - it is not so expensive.

How to transport a travel first aid kit?

In the cabin of an airplane, you are unlikely to need it. If you are flying with luggage, then pack a first aid kit in your suitcase. But if you need to take any medications regularly, then you need to take them with you to the salon. You can carry medicines in hand luggage, but you need to keep in mind two points:

  • If you are carrying several packs of the same drug, ask your doctor for a prescription certificate.
  • Remember about the restriction on liquids (including cream and gel) - each container should be no more than 100 ml. In total, it is allowed to take with you up to 10 such containers, with a total volume of not more than 1 liter.

All liquids must be placed in a separate transparent bag with a zipper. If you have any chronic medical condition that requires you to take liquid medicines regularly, then the liquid restrictions do not apply to you. Just do not forget to take a certificate translated into English with you (if you are traveling abroad). Most airlines prohibit the carriage of mercury thermometers. For travel, buy an electronic counterpart.

Also, do not take scissors in hand luggage. Although some airlines allow knives and scissors with a blade up to six cm, it's not worth the risk, they are very often taken away. It happened to me. We hope that now it will not be difficult for you to choose which medicines to take on vacation. Last advice: it is better to play it safe than to get into an unpleasant situation on vacation. When traveling in Russia, do not forget to take a medical policy with you. It's better not to need it - but it will be!

Experienced travelers, going on a trip, will never forget about a very important detail of preparation. This is a travel first aid kit. The list of needed drugs can be standard, or it can be selected taking into account chronic diseases.

A tourist's first aid kit is especially useful when traveling abroad, because in many countries it is simply impossible to buy even the simplest painkillers without a doctor's prescription. To insure yourself and your children, you need to make a list of medicines in advance so that you have everything you need at hand without extra vials and bags.

How to properly complete a first aid kit on the road?

If you are going on a trip for the first time, then simple packing rules will help you decide how to assemble a first aid kit on any trip:

  • Under the influence of high temperature, medicines deteriorate. Therefore, it is better if the travel first aid kit is one of the options for a thermal bag. It can be purchased once and then used on any trip.
  • Take on the road only those drugs, the expiration date of which will not expire in the near future.
  • Separate bags for each type of medicine will not only help you quickly navigate in an emergency. They will prevent abrasion of the inscriptions on the packages. Then you will know exactly which package contains the right tablets, suppositories or drops.
  • All drugs must be packaged with instructions, because in many situations, an overdose of drugs can cause serious complications. This is especially important for a first aid kit when traveling with a child.
  • If you or your children have any chronic diseases, then you should use the recommendations of your doctor and draw up an individual list of medications.

Healthy people can use the standard list when compiling a first aid kit on the road. In all other cases, the case should be approached more seriously, given their illnesses, as well as the possibility of transporting certain medicines abroad.

Standard set of medicines on the road

The traveler's first aid kit should include the necessary drugs, if not for all occasions, then at least to solve the most common problems that may arise directly on the road or during the holidays. Preparation of medicines on the road is easier to carry out according to their categories and purpose.

Medicines for motion sickness

On the road, both adults and children often get sick. Taking pills with you to solve this problem, you need to know for sure whether they are suitable for the child. Read the instructions carefully before putting the treasured pills in the tourist first aid kit. For travel, they often take pills such as dramina, air-sea, aeron.

For a child, the children's drug bonin is suitable. Almost all such tablets have contraindications. Before you pack antiemetic and antinausea tablets on the road, read the instructions or consult your doctor.


Each of us knows exactly which remedy is best for toothache, headache or menstrual pain. The action of drugs is individual, since it is aimed at eliminating different mechanisms of pain. Therefore, the list of the traveler's first aid kit may include No-shpa, baralgin, spazmalgon, caffetin. For a child, you can take Nurofen in tablets or syrup with you.

If on vacation you noticed that abdominal pain arose without previous causes, then you should not take risks and immediately take painkillers. The pills collected on the road can remove an important symptom of a gastrointestinal disease, eliminating pain. And this will greatly complicate the diagnosis.

Antipyretic drugs

Colds, flu, SARS, accompanied by fever, are often taken by surprise even in hot countries. From antipyretics, you can take paracetamol, nurofen, ibuprofen, ibuklin, efferalgan on the road. Not all remedies that can help adults are suitable for children.

A first aid kit on the road with a child should be equipped with antipyretics that you usually use at home. Most often it is nurofen, panadol or paracetamol in syrup. For older children, the same funds can be used in tablets.


On vacation, when all sense of proportion and caution is lost, it is easy to catch a cold or catch some kind of virus. It is good if one of the antiviral drugs, for example, arbidol or cycloferon, is at hand. Soluble anti-cold powders - teraflu, coldrex, fervex - also work effectively. You can take with you some lollipops for sore throats, for example, Falimint or Strepsils. If your colds are usually accompanied by a runny nose and ear pain, then you need to take the usual drops with you.

But it is better not to take antitussives in those cases when a first-aid kit is going on the road abroad. This is due to the fact that most of these drugs contain substances that suppress the cough center in the brain, which means they can be used to produce drugs. To smuggle them abroad means to get yourself a lot of trouble, up to criminal liability.

Medicines needed for poisoning

A standard first-aid kit at sea or on a trip abroad should contain the drugs needed in case of poisoning. Unfortunately, during the holidays, many are faced with this problem. First of all, you need to take sorbents with you on vacation, designed to remove toxins from the body. It can be white coal, smecta, enterosgel, sorbex. Together with these drugs, you need to take funds that prevent dehydration if the poisoning is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. It can be rehydron or orsol. It would be useful to take antimicrobial intestinal agents (nifuroxazide or bactisubtil) and probiotics (bifiform or linex) with you to the sea.

Gastric remedies

Unfamiliar food can cause digestive problems. In this case, enzymes will help - festal or mezim-forte. When tasting unusual dishes and drinks, many people are helped by drugs such as almagel, phosphalugel, maalox. See which of these remedies are right for you and your baby. These are the ones you need to take with you.


Means against allergies must be in the tourist's first aid kit. An unusual environment, pollen from exotic plants, unusual foods, insects, living conditions can cause an unpleasant allergic reaction even for those who have never experienced such a problem.

Among the huge variety of anti-allergy drugs, it is sometimes difficult to sort out. If you have ever taken them before, then you need to take them on the road. If you do not know what medicines to take with you, then you need to choose modern drugs that do not cause side effects.

Particular attention should be paid to drugs intended for the child. Tourists on vacation often encounter insect bites. In this situation, Fenistil gel, which can be used from any age, will effectively cope with the problem. If a rash appears on the body, then tavegil, fenistil, suprastin, zodak can help.

Be sure to read the instructions to know exactly what medicines can be given to children and from what age. If an allergic reaction leads to Quincke's edema, then it is better not to try to cope with the problem on your own, but to seek medical help from a qualified specialist.

Antiseptics and anesthetic ointments

On vacation, no one is immune from injuries, scratches, bruises and cuts. Therefore, the first aid kit should be equipped with iodine, hydrogen peroxide, dressings. Indovazin or Rescuer ointment will help you cope with pain from sprains, bruises, and dislocations.

sun protection

If you plan a beach holiday, then you should take to the sea, first of all, foam or cream with a degree of protection corresponding to skin color. If you are going to the sea with a child, then you can choose panthenol spray as sun protection. You will be calm if it is in your first aid kit. At sea, it will also help a child with allergic skin reactions, chafing, wounds and scratches.

What else to take with you on the road?

During the trip, you may also need other medicines and technical equipment:

  • If you have chronic diseases, you should take with you the medicines that you take constantly so as not to interrupt the course of treatment.
  • For people suffering from high blood pressure, it is sometimes vital to have a tonometer with you at all times.
  • The thermometer is an indispensable travel companion for families with children. It is better not to take a mercury thermometer on the road. The choice should be stopped on the electronic version.
  • If the child suffers from frequent obstructive bronchitis, then you need to carry a nebulizer with you.

What should not be taken with you?

Absolutely no need to take antibiotics with you. In most cases, with problems that arise on vacation, they are useless. And without a doctor's prescription, it is better not to use them. If, nevertheless, a situation has happened when you cannot do without them, then it is important to have medical insurance with you so that you can consult a doctor. All costs in this case will be reimbursed by your insurance company.

Video: first aid kit for a tourist.

Medicines prohibited from being transported across the border

Each country has developed its own rules for transporting drugs across the border. When planning a trip, you need to carefully read the list of drugs that you can bring with you. This information is publicly available. You can ask for it at the travel agency where you buy tickets, or at the consulate of the country where you are going to go, as well as on the Internet.

You can not transport medicines that contain narcotic and psychotropic substances. They can be found in the following preparations:

  • strong painkillers;
  • sleeping pills;
  • antidepressants;
  • drugs for the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases;
  • weight loss and appetite control products.

Drops such as Corvalol and Valocordin, as well as some other heart medicines, contain the banned substance phenobarbital. Therefore, they are prohibited for transportation to some countries.

If you are carrying essential medicines that have been prescribed to you by a doctor and contain prohibited substances, then you will need to fill out a customs declaration and list all these medicines. You must have a doctor's note with you about the need to use these drugs.

When planning a long trip abroad, you need to remember to take care of your health and pack a first aid kit, because anything can happen.

Before traveling to Thailand, we read a lot of articles on how to pack a first aid kit for travel, what medicines to take with you on long trips, and what medicines to take to Thailand. Based on them, we made our own list of medicines for the trip, which we took with us.

All drugs can be divided into several groups:


    Drugs that help the stomach and abdomen

    Antiallergic drugs

    Anti-infective drugs

    Medicines for the nasopharynx, ears and eyes

    Means for protecting the skin

But first things first

Why: at first, due to frequent temperature changes (it is very hot outside, and air conditioners are always working in the rooms), you can catch a cold out of habit. Modern antipyretic drugs are designed not only to reduce body temperature, but also to relieve the symptoms of a cold, so we advise you to take several different mixtures with you on a trip. They include Paracetamol, which can also be bought separately at a pharmacy, is cheaper than powder mixes with different pleasant tastes.


Why: pressure drops, climate change - it is not known how they can affect your body - a head may ache, or a long-healed tooth may ache. So it is better to have proven painkillers in your arsenal.

We took cheap analogs of well-known painkillers into our first aid kit for the trip: instead of No-shpa - Spasmol instead of Nurofen ibuprofen, and further Tempalgin, Analgin and Upsarin Upsa, which can also be used as an antipyretic.

All for the gastrointestinal tract

Why: in Thailand, almost all food is very spicy, to which the stomach can easily react, and you will sit on the “white horse” for several days. In addition, a banal change of water can also provoke unpleasant reactions, so stock up on diarrhea pills first.

For the trip to the first aid kit we took Pancreatin(analogue of the famous Mezim) and Maalox for stomach pain, loperamide(similar to Imodium) for diarrhea, Furazolidone from food infections Smektu and, of course, native Activated carbon.

Antiallergic drugs

Why: unusual food, water, local delicacies that you will definitely want to try, yes, corny, a hotter and more active sun can cause allergic reactions on the skin or as an irritation of the mucous membranes (for someone as it happens), so take proven tablets ( loratadine, zodak, telfast) and ointments ( fenistil or sinaflan, for example).

Why: take with you to treat wounds and burns Bandage, Band-Aid, Hydrogen Peroxide, Iodine or Iodine marker or Zelenka. We also took with us Potassium permanganate and at first, until they found where to get drinking water, they added it to tap water so that they could cook on it.

Here I want to write about the ointment Rescuer, which can be used to treat wounds, burns and ointments Sinaflan- which is suitable for treating skin with cuts, burns, as well as skin itching from insect bites.

Anti-infective drugs

Why: Since we initially planned to eat in various street eateries and go to public places a lot (markets, public beaches, shops), we, firstly, got vaccinated against abdominal infections (typhoid) and, secondly, took drugs with us, able to quickly cope with infectious diseases - Biseptol(it has a wide spectrum of action from the treatment of typhoid and dysentery to otitis media and sinusitis), and, also, Tsiprinol and Furadonin- infections of the urinary system.

Medications for the nose, throat, ears and eyes

Why: as already mentioned, the air conditioners are siphoning here, be healthy, it’s hot outside and ice-cold water is sold everywhere, so it’s very easy to get a cough or a runny nose.

We took pills with us in the first aid kit for travel Furacilina(for rinsing), Strepsils-type nipples were not taken - they can be bought here at any hypermarket. For the nose, you can take any drops - we have Sanorin.

Swimming and cycling can cause eye irritation or even infection, as well as ears, so take drops. For the eyes we took - Levomecithin(another option is Albucid or Ophthalmoferon), for the ears we advise you to take Otipax.

Means for protecting the skin

Why: the sun is very aggressive and hot here, so NECESSARILY We take with us a cream with a maximum degree of protection and do not forget to smear it. For those who want to tan, I’ll say that even with a thick layer of protective cream on the skin, you will not only tan, but even burn, especially from 12 to 3 days. Don't forget to lubricate your skin with after-sun cream after sun exposure.


The first thing you need is sunscreen.

If the child has not sunbathed before in the first days, it is better to use a cream with a degree of protection of 40-50 from rays of type A and B, gradually reducing it to 15-20 by the end of the rest. Well, if the cream contains vitamin E, it additionally protects the skin from burns. Apply the cream to the skin every 2 hours.

Currently, pharmacies have a large selection of sunscreens for children from 6 months. On the packaging of sunscreens of recognized brands such as Vichy, Avon, Nivea, there is a warning: it is not recommended to sunbathe from 11 to 16 hours. It's worth taking note of.

Before use (preferably before departure), a small amount of cream should be applied to the child's skin in the forearm area, if the skin does not turn red after 20-30 minutes, the child is not allergic to the cream and can be used.

Remedy for the treatment of sunburn.

The most reliable and proven remedy is panthenol. It has wound healing, analgesic and antimicrobial effects. Panthenol spray works best. Panthenol cream or ointment is also effective, but it is not so convenient and painful to apply them to burned skin.

In case of skin wounds, you need:

plaster, bactericidal and conventional,

sterile bandage,

Medications for oral administration.

Candles are not very suitable for a trip (they need to be stored in the refrigerator). Syrups and potions are inconvenient to carry; once opened, the vial is easy to spill. Tablets on the road are the most convenient medicine if the child takes them without problems. For children, there are sweet and soluble tablets. It is better to take those medicines that the child has already taken before and there was no allergy to them.

Be sure to take an antipyretic.

For children, you can use analgin, paracetamol or nise. They are also suitable as a remedy for headaches. The temperature is recommended to be reduced from 38°C and above.

Paracetamol is allowed from birth, it happens in children's tablets at a dose of 0.2 g, it is more convenient to divide it, and in tablets for adults - 0.5 g. Dosage in children - 10-15 mg / kg. A year old will need half a children's tablet, and a child at 5 years old can be given a whole one.

Nise. It is very convenient to use in children over 2 years old. There are children's sweet soluble tablets in a dose of 50 mg. The standard single dose is 1.5 - 2 mg / kg. From 2 to 5 years, half a tablet will be enough, from 5 to 7 - 3/4 tabs, over 7 years old, you can give a whole one.


I recommend taking an antibiotic on a trip that the child had previously successfully taken (that is, the medicine helped him) for sore throat or protracted bronchitis (flemoxin, flemoklav, supraks, sumamed). Whenever possible, if the child is sick, you should consult a doctor. You can use the medicine on your own, only as a last resort, only a proven medicine, only in the dose that the doctor previously recommended.

In case of an intestinal infection.

A fairly common problem is conjunctivitis - inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye. First aid eye drops: chloramphenicol 0.25%.

Some children often suffer from otitis - take sofradex or otinum. Ear pain is a very unpleasant problem, the sooner you help your child, the better.

Some children have a local allergy to insect bites or contact dermatitis - an external antiallergic agent, such as fenistil-gel, will help.

Sometimes, due to drafts, there are severe muscle pains - myositis - for example, it is impossible to turn the neck or unbend in the lower back. This is more common in adults or teenagers. Help here


When planning your vacation in warm countries on the seashore, we carefully collect a travel first-aid kit. At the same time, we do not always take the really necessary drugs with us on a trip, which is why we can be defenseless in the face of the health dangers that await tourists on vacation.


When going on vacation to the seaside, do not forget to take sunscreen or emulsion with you, which will allow you to get a beautiful tan, but at the same time protect you from the negative effects of the scorching rays of the sun and minimize the risk of sunburn.

This is especially true for children and owners of fair skin, prone to the appearance of freckles.

When choosing a sunscreen, pay attention to two main criteria: water resistance and SPF.

Choose products that are waterproof and last at least 40 to 60 minutes, whether you're in the water or just sunbathing.

Also, get your child a sunscreen labeled "children's" that is formulated specifically for children's skin.

The choice of sunscreen today is simply huge, so everyone can choose the best option for themselves, taking into account skin type, level of protection and price.

  • Also Read: 10 Home Remedies for Sunburn

Remedies for burns

If it was not possible to avoid sunburn, then you cannot do without a remedy for burns. It will help relieve redness, reduce pain and restore the integrity of the skin.

Spray Panthenol should be applied to the skin and wait until it is completely absorbed.

The undeniable advantage of Panthenol is that it can be used by both adults and children.

Moisturizing cream

The scorching sun, wind, salt water - all these factors can lead to overdrying of the skin in open areas of the body. And in this case, the usual baby cream, which can be inexpensively purchased at any pharmacy, will help out.


Allergy is a frequent holiday companion, especially if you decide to go to some exotic country with unusual food and unfamiliar plants. We should also not forget about insect bites and possible contact with jellyfish, sea urchins and poisonous fish, which abound in the seas and oceans.

Antihistamines can help manage allergy symptoms.

Allergic rhinitis, tearing, skin rashes and itching will effectively eliminate the time-tested Loratadin or Suprastin.

It is better for people with an increased risk of developing allergic reactions to take the hormonal drug Prednisolone in tablets or ampoules to stop Quincke's edema, accompanied by respiratory failure and loss of consciousness, which can be fatal if medical assistance is not provided in time.

For local skin treatment, you can use Hydrocortisone ointment, which will relieve redness and itching not only with insect bites, but also help with sunburn.

If you are going on vacation with a small child, then the first-aid kit should have Claritin in syrup and Fenistil gel.

These medicines do not take up much space in the first aid kit, do not empty the wallet, but can save lives in severe allergies.

  • Also Read: 6 Natural Remedies for Allergies

Insect repellents

Mosquitoes and insects living in tropical countries are carriers of dangerous infections, not to mention the fact that their bites can provoke the development of severe allergic reactions.

If you don't want your vacation to be ruined, don't forget about repellents when packing your first aid kit at sea.

The most convenient and affordable repellents are in the form of a spray, which can be applied both on the body and on clothes. However, insect repellent creams still have a longer duration of action.

The most effective repellents, which include diethyltoluamide (DEET).

Important! Get children repellents designed specifically for children, otherwise a severe allergic reaction may develop! Insect bite baby cream should include IR3535 (ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate), which is less toxic than diethyltoluamide.

And remember the main rule: repellent cream is applied in a thin layer to the skin, but it is not rubbed into it!

Remedies for poisoning

Unusual local cuisine, not always fresh food, an abundance of alcoholic beverages cause poisoning.

At the first signs of intoxication of the body, it is necessary to take activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight (more expensive analogues of activated charcoal are taken according to the attached instructions).

Other adsorbents will also help to quickly neutralize the action of toxins: Enterosgel, Polysorb.

In addition, exotic food can disable the digestive system, which will be manifested by heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence, and heartburn.

Enzymatic preparations such as Mezim, Festal, Pancreatin will help to cope with nausea, heaviness and bloating in the abdomen.

Rennie or Gastal will relieve heartburn.

In case of constipation, you can take Senadexin or Picolax.

Important! In case of severe and severe poisoning, accompanied by fever, severe vomiting and diarrhea, the use of antibacterial agents such as Ftalazol or Nifuroxazide is indicated, so it is better to take one of them with you on a trip.

Remedies for diarrhea

Often, against the background of food poisoning and intestinal infection, diarrhea develops, which Loperamide or Imodium (a more expensive analogue of Loperamide) will help to cope with.

But remember that diarrhea is a defensive reaction of the body to toxins that are thus excreted from the body. Long-term use of antidiarrheal drugs slows down the process of removing toxins and promotes their absorption into the blood. And this is fraught with serious complications.

And further! With diarrhea and repeated vomiting, there is a violation of the water-electrolyte balance and severe dehydration of the body (especially in children), and this is a life-threatening condition. Replenish the water-electrolyte balance of the drug Regidron, one sachet of which should be diluted in a liter of boiled water at room temperature. The resulting solution is drunk during the day.

In the absence of Regidron, it is necessary to drink as much ordinary mineral water as possible.

Children with food poisoning and diarrhea can take Nifuroxazide in syrup, Smecta and Regidron.

  • See also: Diarrhea - treatment at home

Remedies for stomach pain

Abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite and general malaise, may occur due to food poisoning or exacerbated gastritis.

The pain in such cases is cutting and paroxysmal. It is concentrated in the upper part of the abdomen, while it is diffuse in nature, so the patient cannot accurately indicate the place that "hurts".

Antispasmodics will help to stop the pain syndrome: No-shpa, Drotaverine.

Those who suffer from gastritis or ulcers need to prepare their body for new foods in advance. And the drug Almagel A will help in this, which you should definitely take with you on a trip.


Climate change, sudden temperature changes, air travel can trigger a headache.

If the pain syndrome is moderately expressed, analgesics Citramon, Aspirin will help.

With intense headache, dental, menstrual, joint pain, it is better to give preference to stronger drugs: Solpadein, Tempalgin, Nimesil.

Pain can also occur due to bruises, sprains or pinched muscles, because rest also involves active pastime. To cope with these troubles will help not only tablet preparations, but also products for external use: Diclofenac, Diclak-gel, Voltaren.

Pain syndrome in children is stopped with the help of Nurofen in syrup or tablets (depending on the age of the child).

Means for the treatment of wounds

Be sure to equip the first aid kit with antiseptics and dressings, because any vacation is often associated with injuries, abrasions and cuts, as a result of which you can not only "catch" the infection, but also lose a lot of blood.

For first aid you will need:

  • Antiseptics: hydrogen peroxide (not only kills almost all pathogenic microorganisms, but also helps stop bleeding), iodine or brilliant green (most effective in treating shallow abrasions and cuts). These drugs can be purchased in the form of a felt-tip pen, which is very convenient for transportation and use.
  • Sterile bandage , with which you can not only treat the wound surface, but also apply a bandage if necessary.
  • Sterile plaster , which will protect small damaged areas of the epidermis from infection. It is better to have several options for patches of various sizes.
  • Ointment Rescuer promoting rapid wound healing.

Cold remedies

A cold can catch you by surprise in the midst of a holiday, even in the hottest countries. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and take with you funds that will help to cope with a cough, sore throat, runny nose and fever.


  • For adults: Groprinosine, Isoprinosine.
  • For a child: Anaferon tablets or suppositories.


Ambroxol and Lazolvan in tablets for adults and syrup for children.

But keep in mind that many cough medicines contain substances that suppress the cough centers in the brain and can become raw materials for the manufacture of drugs, and therefore are prohibited from being transported across the border in most countries of the world. It is difficult for a non-specialist to determine by the active substance whether it can be transported or not. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and familiarize yourself with the list of drugs and active substances that cannot be transported across the border before traveling.

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