Facial asymmetry in newborns. Facial asymmetry after childbirth in newborns, facial massage for a newborn Baby 6 months asymmetric face

Asymmetry of the face is a condition that gives the patient not only aesthetic discomfort. This problem, especially if her symptoms are prominent, can lead to a violation of the dentoalveolar system.

Facial asymmetry in a child is also considered a sign of any neurological abnormalities. The human body is arranged in such a way that its right and left halves are symmetrical (the same), although this symmetry is very conditional, incomplete.

This is manifested in the dominance of the right or left hand, a slight difference in the size of the feet. However, these phenomena are considered normal.. What can not be said about the asymmetry of the face.

Description and classification

Asymmetry of the face in a child - photo:

Facial asymmetry is the presence of pronounced differences between the right and left half of the face.

Depending on how pronounced the clinical picture of the disease is, we can talk about natural asymmetry (when the differences are insignificant) or pathological (you can see with the naked eye, the difference in the size of parts of the face exceeds 3-5 mm.).

Most common in infants and toddlers under one year of age natural asymmetry.

This problem in infants occurs as a result of deviations in the formation of the lower jaw or mandibular joint in the prenatal period, as well as the incorrect position of the body of a newborn child in the first months of his life (when the baby lies mainly on one side).

Pathological asymmetry is most common in older children (up to 7 years). It occurs as a result of injuries, malocclusion, incomplete dentition, neurological diseases.

Clinical manifestations

How to understand that a child has facial asymmetry? Depending on the type of pathology (natural or pathological), the clinical picture may be different. So, with natural asymmetry, the difference between the right and left half of the face almost invisible.

In this case, it is noted that the right half is slightly wider, with sharp facial features. The left one, on the other hand, is smaller and smoother. The difference in this case does not exceed 2-3 mm.

With pathological asymmetry, the symptoms of the disease has a more pronounced picture. There are such signs of the disease as:

With neuropathy of the facial nerve

Facial neuropathy is one of the most common causes of facial asymmetry.

This disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. At the initial stage, the child is worried pain behind the ear.
  2. After a few days there is facial asymmetry(the corner of the mouth drops, the face becomes motionless, skewed). The patient cannot make the simplest facial movements.
  3. The child loses (partially or completely) the opportunity taste.
  4. Often observed watery or dry eyes.
  5. Over time, the child develops trigeminal neuropathy. This leads to immobility of the entire face, or to involuntary muscle contraction.

You can learn about the treatment of facial neuritis in children from the video:

Causes of the disease

Negative factors provoking the development of asymmetry can be congenital or acquired.

Congenital include anomalies in the structure of the skull, deviations in the formation of the dentition, a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the neck (on the one hand), structural features of the connective tissue, its deformation, and abnormal development.

To acquired factors include:

  • inflammation or injury of the nerve processes of the facial nerve;
  • jaw injuries, fractures of the facial bones;
  • malocclusion, absence of one or more teeth (in older children, when the dentition is already fully formed);
  • negative habits, such as chewing food with only one side of the jaw, sleeping on one side, squinting one eye;
  • some diseases of a dental or neuralgic nature, as well as systemic pathologies of the connective tissue.

What diseases can lead to the development of asymmetry?

The most common cause is neuropathy of the facial nerve.

The causes of the development of pathology can also serve as diseases such as torticollis, soft tissue hemiatrophy in the face, diseases of an infectious nature, the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.


Revealing the asymmetry of the face is quite simple, especially when it comes to the pathological form of the disease.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient, interviews him to identify the possible cause of the disease, performs special measurements, allowing to determine the severity of differences in facial proportions.

Additional diagnostic measures, such as:

  • consultations of other specialists (neurologist, dentist, ophthalmologist);
  • hardware neurological examination;
  • Ultrasound of the skull.

These methods are prescribed if the cause of asymmetry is facial nerve injury.

Complications and consequences

If the necessary measures are not taken in time to treat the pathology, facial asymmetry can lead to the development of complications. These include involuntary contractions of the facial muscles or their pathological tension, facial myoclonus.

We must not forget that the pronounced asymmetry is significantly worsens appearance. patient, and this affects his emotional state.

Thus, the disease can lead to the formation of prolonged depression, cause discomfort, aggression.

Treatment and correction

How to fix the defect? If signs of asymmetry are not pronounced, treatment in this case is not required. If the asymmetry has a pathological course, the patient is prescribed appropriate therapy.

The choice of one or another method depends on the causes of the development of the disease. So, if the cause was a decrease in the tone of the facial muscles, a special facial gymnastics, myostimulation, therapeutic massage.

If there is damage to the facial nerve, the child being treated in a hospital.

For this, physiotherapeutic methods, electromyography, myostimulation, and special massage are used.

If the symptoms of the disease expressed very strongly, methods such as:

  • orthodontic treatment;
  • jaw surgery;
  • plastic surgery.


This method of therapy helps well with slight asymmetry. It is important to remember that massage is done exceptionally clean hands on previously cleansed skin.

Before starting, you need to put on your hands a little special massage cream or gel(you can use a regular fat cream). Otherwise, there is a risk of stretching the muscle, damaging it.

Massage movements should be light (stroking, pressing, stretching, rubbing). The whole area of ​​the face should be treated, paying special attention to the problem area.

Massage begins with stroking. Then there are light rubbing movements that help warm up the muscles and prepare them for further procedures. Then the muscles are stretched, slightly pressed. Finish the massage with stroking.

It is important to remember that all movements carried out along the massage lines of the face, that is, from its center to its periphery.


It is in our power to prevent the development of such an unpleasant phenomenon as facial asymmetry. For this you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Visit your dentist regularly for preventive check-ups.
  3. Give up the bad habits mentioned above.

Perfectly symmetrical faces do not exist in nature. As a rule, small deviations are not noticeable to the naked eye and are perceived as the norm.

In particular, the right side of the face is almost always wider and has sharper facial features. This can be seen if you alternately look into the mirrors located on different sides of the face.

Such a state considered natural and does not require any correction. Treatment is prescribed if the differences are obvious, give the patient some discomfort, entail the occurrence of certain health problems.

You can learn about the method of wearing a special helmet to correct the irregular shape of the head from the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Sign up to see a doctor!

The human body is inherently asymmetrical. If you look closely, you can see a slight difference between the length of the arms and legs, the size of the eyes and ears on the right and left sides of the body.

Usually these differences are quite small and not striking, but in the case of infants, everything is different. The most common type of asymmetry in infants is the different size of the eyes.

In some cases, the difference is noticeable at birth, in some cases it manifests itself in the first weeks of life. This nuance becomes a cause for concern for newly minted parents. What are the reasons, and is there any reason for concern in a situation where a baby has one eye larger than the other?

Causes of different eye sizes in a baby

Almost all children are born with an irregularly shaped skull, but during development the bones fall into place and the shape of the head is evened out. The situation is quite different with a pronounced difference in the size of the right and left eyes. In the first minutes of a baby's life, several doctors examine it at once. One of them is a pediatric orthopedic doctor. He then must determine the causes and severity of the visual defect.

There are several reasons:

Here we should talk about changes in the bones of the skull, soft tissues and nerves of the face. These changes lead to the appearance of a significant difference between the left and right half of the face, which is reflected in the size of the eyes. There are several factors that lead to the appearance of eye asymmetry:

  • Incorrect formation of the bones of the skull of the embryo in the womb. At the stage of development of the skeletal system, the child's body for some reason does not receive a sufficient amount of the necessary trace elements. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy may also be the cause.
  • Birth trauma, in which the head of the child is severely deformed. The bones of the skull of a newborn are quite soft, but due to the incorrect position of the fetus, for example, breech presentation, they can be deformed during childbirth.
  • Muscular dystonia or increased facial muscle tone. This symptom is associated with a violation of the nervous system of the child.
  • Violation of the facial nerve or damage to it during childbirth.
  • As a consequence of another defect - torticollis. The head and body of the child is bent to one side. Over time, there is also a change in the facial tissues, which leads to the expansion of one palpebral fissure and the narrowing of the other. This disease requires immediate treatment, as over time it will be much more difficult to correct it.

Disease of the upper eyelid - ptosis

This disease is characterized by the weighting of one eyelid, which leads to the fact that the affected eye looks less healthy. By its nature, ptosis can be congenital or acquired. Sometimes the disease is recognized only after a few days after the birth of the child. The fold of the upper eyelid on the diseased eye is smoothed out in this disease, and the eyelid becomes visually higher in relation to the healthy eye. Thus, the eye visually changes size, becoming narrower.

Ptosis is a serious disease often leading to severe consequences. Over time, the eyelid can completely close the diseased eye, which will lead to abnormal development of vision and astigmatism.

It should be understood that any deviation from the norm in infants is purely individual. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Therefore, the method of treatment in each case will be different.

Treatment Methods

With facial asymmetry:

  1. Massage. Starting from the first days of life, massage is able to solve the problem of facial asymmetry, thereby returning the eyes to the same size. Massage is prescribed for the tone of the facial muscles, for birth injuries, for pinched facial nerves. With proper facial massage, blood circulation increases, muscles are toned. With torticollis, massage should also be done on the collar zone. At the same time, weakened muscles “train” and acquire the necessary elasticity, which leads to the alignment of the neck and, as a result, all facial features.
  2. Physiotherapy. With the help of a course of physiotherapy, you can also achieve the restoration of correct posture.
  3. to achieve an equal size of both eyes, the eyelid of the larger eye is pulled up with an adhesive plaster and fixed. This tension helps to smooth out the asymmetric eyelid.
  4. In order for the treatment to be effective, you should not forget about the correct position of the body of the baby during sleep. You need to lay the child as straight as possible and change the position of the body during sleep, turning it from side to side.
  5. Medical treatment. It is prescribed for advanced cases, when other treatment options have not brought results.

With ptosis:

  • Conservative treatment. Galvanotherapy and UHF-therapy are widely used. The method of fixing the eyelid of the diseased eye with a plaster is also used. If these procedures do not give the desired results, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.
  • Surgery. It is used in most cases, as it is more effective. The operation should be carried out at the earliest age of the child in order to avoid complications. The optimal age for such an operation is 4-5 years, when the eyelid tissue has already formed in the child, which will avoid postoperative cosmetic defects.

A different eye size in a baby is always a symptom of a deviation from the norm or a consequence of a disease. For a timely diagnosis, do not put off going to the ophthalmologist. The baby needs to visit an ophthalmologist at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. And if the problem exists and is visible from the moment of birth, you should immediately seek advice from a competent children's ophthalmologist.

As you know, the first thing that a person pays attention to when meeting with another person is the face. At the same time, they do not notice the asymmetry of the face, which everyone has, that is, this is the difference in shapes, sizes and distances of one half from the other. Asymmetry of the face is considered an individual feature of the external characteristics of a person. In nature, there are no identical faces in terms of asymmetry.

The root causes of facial asymmetry

Of the many manifestations of the facial skull, including bone and cartilage structures, the nose is considered the most important aesthetic and cosmetic formation. Its dimensions and shapes not only determine this aesthetics, but are also considered the main ones in the moments of asymmetry formation. Of course, if you look very carefully, differences and irregularities in the contours of the eyebrows, the depth of the nasolabial folds, as well as in the different shapes of the corners of the mouth, the position of the wings of the nose, in different shapes and sizes of the auricles, and so on, can be expressed.

Facial asymmetry correction is not considered necessary.

The absence of ideal asymmetry not only in the matter of the face, but also in other parts of the body and skeleton, is mainly due to personal morphological and anatomical features of development, both various kinds of causes that manifest themselves throughout the life path, and congenital nature.

Outwardly, the violation of the asymmetry of the face is almost imperceptible, and occurs in absolutely all people. Deviations in proportions, which range from three to five degrees or from two to three millimeters, is a physiological norm.

The diagnosis of causes greatly influences the approach to solving the question of whether it is necessary to remove the asymmetry of the face.

Facial asymmetry groups

Due to the nature of the causes, absolutely all asymmetric states are put into three huge groups:

  1. Acquired;
  2. combined;
  3. Congenital.


It is caused by anomalies, which are mainly associated with a genetic predisposition, or by violations of a different nature, which were formed during the intrauterine formation of the fetus.

This may include:


If the asymmetry of the face was formed after birth itself, then this defect is considered acquired.

The main causes of acquired facial asymmetry are:


In this case, neurological pathology is considered the main one and is represented by a huge number of problems that can lead to mimic disorders.

These include:

Neurology tries to consider the causes of facial asymmetry. Its final conclusions are taken into account in cases where a cosmetologist or a plastic surgeon needs to choose a treatment for facial asymmetry.

Relation of neurology to asymmetry

If we talk about the disease from the side of neurology, mimic asymmetry of the face is primarily revealed by a lack of symmetry in the cerebral hemispheres. Each of the huge hemispheres microregulation of sensations (that is, sensory), as well as the motor skills of the corresponding halves of the body, is carried out in different ways. At the same time, the acceptance by one person of the facial expressions of another also depends on the degree of reaction between the hemispheres of a particular person.

Neurology as a science considers the problems of facial asymmetry as a personal perception by the observer.

In other words, the conclusion of one person about asymmetry can be erroneous, while the other person, due to the peculiarities of the interaction of the hemispheres, is able to come to the opposite conclusion.

That is why in neurology, the following types of facial asymmetry are distinguished, which should also be taken in plastic surgery and cosmetology when finalizing the issue of correcting facial asymmetry.

Morphological or static type

This type of asymmetry disorder is characterized by the presence of differences in the resting state of other elements in the structure, proportions, shapes and sizes. The reasons for all these differences are mainly in the personal properties of development, diseases of the mimic and chewing muscles, in the consequences of the disease and traumatic injuries, and in the pathology of the bones of the facial skull.

Functional (dynamic) type

It mainly consists in asynchronous contractions of the muscles of the face and formed during facial expressions. For example, an asymmetry that was absent at rest, or just a small disproportion at rest, is formed or seriously intensified when the lips are stretched with a tube or a smile. The dynamic form of facial asymmetry is associated with an acquired or congenital pathology of the muscles of facial expression, residual effects of lesions of the facial central nerve, or peripheral in nature in the form of Bell's palsy. With all this, the severity of asymmetry depends on the degree of damage to the facial nerve.

Asymmetry Correction

The therapy of this pathology is based on the causes, as well as establishing the degree and type of the pathological condition and prescribing the treatment of the corresponding pathology in combination with the use of neurotrophic methods.

Since neuropathy of the facial nerve is considered the most common cause, the main principles of treatment are:

In addition, in almost all cases, special gymnastics exercises against facial asymmetry, as well as electrical stimulation sessions, can be used, unless of course you have contraindications to its implementation.

Bolus toxin injections

Various types of botulinum toxin preparations can be used for botulinum therapy:

  • Dysport.
  • Botox
  • Lantoks.

With paresis and paralysis, correction by these means is done on the healthy half of the face, because it is there that the increased muscle tone is formed.

In the case of the presence of muscle contractures, synkinesis and hyperkinesis, injections are made into dependent muscles. Often, such therapy is able to rehabilitate facial asymmetry without surgery within four to six months.

Dermal gels

At the next stage, the volumes of soft tissues are adjusted and contour plastic is performed using hyaluronic acid fillers.

All drugs in the composition of the embracing therapy are capable of achieving high aesthetic and functional results in patients with long-term and severe forms of mimic muscle paralysis.

Preparations of stabilized hyaluronic acid can not only remove the disproportion of areas and rehabilitate the aesthetic state, but also have an excellent effect by improving microcirculation and trophic processes in tissues.

Thread lifting and surgical treatment

In such cases, when the asymmetry of the face is characterized by a serious severity in the amount of more than five centimeters, surgical correction is necessary, because conservative methods of treatment will not be able to help.

At the same time, in case of paresis, in the presence of certain concomitant diseases, local defects in the terminal sections or the 1st branch of the facial nerve, or the patient's refusal from surgical intervention, correction is possible with the help of minimally invasive thread lifting, that is, braces.

Basically, thread lifting is done in combination with botulinum therapy, and correction after surgery with stabilized hyaluronic acid fillers or during lipofilling, that is, with autofat.

The combination of all these methods can significantly improve the patient's condition, greatly increase the quality of his life and facilitate the so-called social adaptation.

Gymnastics with facial asymmetry

There are different exercises, here are the main ones:

  • brain encephalopathy

    Due to some circumstances and difficult childbirth, from the moment the baby was born, I worry about not overlooking some deviations in him. I know that, for example, brain encephalopathy is very difficult to diagnose in babies. Mine is almost 5 months now. Sometimes I notice that the child does not fall asleep well and is naughty for a long time before going to bed. and sometimes for a long time he cannot focus on any subject. What examination would you recommend to undergo to rule out encephalopathy, thank you!

  • hyperactive child

    What to do with a hyperactive child? Doctor, please advise what to do, I no longer have the strength to deal with a third child. The birth was difficult, almost immediately after the second pregnancy. The third child was born prematurely, but now he has more or less gained weight. And now he is almost a year old, not a minute of literally rest. He crawls, howls, if I don’t look at him or don’t work with him, he starts screaming, crying, banging his head on the floor ((They did soothing baths, massage, everything helps for a while. Such hyperactivity - is there a reason to prescribe special treatment? And you can can home methods do? thank you very much

A slight asymmetry of the body (virtually imperceptible differences in the structure of the right and left halves) is a normal ubiquitous phenomenon, due to genetic characteristics and the dominance of the functions of the right or left limbs. Facial asymmetry is also found in all people, but in this case, the phenomenon can cause complexes, discomfort, and even nervous disorders. In some cases, even what is considered the norm among specialists, the owner of a non-standard face may seem like a pathological deviation. The causes of the condition can be varied. In some cases, the formation of inconsistencies can be avoided, it is only necessary to eliminate the effect on the body of certain factors.

The difference between normal and abnormal

Distinguishing physiological asymmetry from pathology is quite simple. Under normal conditions, the difference is not obvious, only small differences are noted when comparing the two halves of the face. Most often, the left half of the face is characterized by more feminine and smoothed features, slightly elongated vertically. At the same time, the right half is slightly wider, more masculine and sharper. Specialists even set specific indicators to facilitate the process of making a diagnosis - the difference in proportions should not exceed 3-5 ° or 2-3 mm.

In particularly difficult cases - for example, with lesions of the facial nerve - facial asymmetry is accompanied by severe symptoms.

  1. On the affected half, facial muscles weaken, which leads to sagging of the cheeks, drooping of the corner of the mouth.
  2. The affected part of the face becomes like a mask due to the impossibility of performing traditional movements.
  3. Natural frontal and nasolabial folds are smoothed out.
  4. The palpebral fissure is noticeably widened.
  5. Unlike the healthy half, a pained expression appears on the affected part.
  6. Mimicry suffers greatly: the ability to close the eye, lift the lip, wrinkle the nose or forehead disappears. All this applies only to the sick side.
  7. Over time, signs of speech impairment appear, and the risk of nutritional problems is high.
  8. In some cases, external signs are accompanied by severe pain.

In the event of a violation of the muscles on one side of the neck, specific symptoms may form, for example, a strong tilt of the head to one side, an obvious predominance of the volume of one cheek, and a smoothing of the shape of the head.

Causes of asymmetry

The causes of asymmetry of the body and face are divided into congenital and acquired. The degree of development of the pathology and the method of its elimination depend on the type of provoking factor.

Congenital asymmetry of the face may be a consequence of the following conditions due to a violation of intrauterine development or a genetic predisposition:

  • pathology of the development of the bones of the skull;
  • violation of the process of formation of the joint that attaches the lower jaw to the temple;
  • connective and muscle tissue defects;
  • slow development of the lower jaw.

Acquired pathology usually results from injuries, previous diseases and improper care of the jaws and muscular apparatus. There are many such reasons.

  • Prolonged lying on one side of the body or a consequence of torticollis in children.
  • Violation of the visual function of the eyeballs with the formation of strabismus.
  • Inflammatory and infectious processes (for example, a breakthrough of a boil), leading to damage or pinching of the facial nerve.
  • Absence of teeth on one side of the face, severe malocclusion.
  • Fractures of the facial bones with displacement and incorrect fusion of the edges.
  • Systemic diseases of the muscle or connective tissue.
  • Wrong lifestyle (regular squinting of one eye, using only one part of the jaws while chewing, sleeping on one side, constant use of chewing gum).

Often, facial asymmetry is a side effect of a stroke and occurs as a result of permanent paralysis of the facial muscles.

Diagnosis and treatment

Often, a visual examination of the patient, taking an anamnesis, identifying injuries and inflammatory processes is sufficient to make a diagnosis. In addition, facial proportions can be measured using special devices.

To clarify the degree of damage to the facial nerve and identify the area of ​​influence, it is necessary to additionally go through the following steps:

  1. get a consultation with a neurologist;
  2. undergo a complete neurological examination;
  3. make an x-ray of the skull;
  4. get advice from specialized specialists (oculist, dentist or neurosurgeon);
  5. perform an MRI of the face.

Treatment of pathology depends on the cause and can be conservative. Massage and gymnastics of the muscular frame with increased stimulation of problem areas help well. In some cases, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed. It is important to consider that the treatment of the condition at home without the recommendation and regular supervision of a doctor is prohibited!
If the face is not severely disfigured, then correctly applied cosmetics, a certain form of hairstyle, the use of a beard or mustache (for men) are enough.

If the asymmetry of the face leads to its disfigurement, radical methods are used: treatment by an orthodontist, surgical correction of the maxillofacial apparatus, plastic surgery.

Negative consequences and preventive measures

If the pathology is not treated, there is a high risk of deterioration of the condition, which can lead to nutritional problems, hearing loss, pain as a result of constant muscle tension. Do not forget about the deterioration of the mental state of the patient. Neuroses, aggressiveness, pathological isolation and chronic depression are possible. After an unsuccessful surgical intervention, facial expressions often change, a nervous tic appears, and a tendency to inflammatory processes is formed.

The development of such an unpleasant condition as facial asymmetry can be prevented. You just need to lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly visit a dentist and, if necessary, an orthodontist, give up bad habits, consult a doctor in a timely manner when risk factors form.

If a person is unable to come to terms with his external data, a harmonious existence is impossible. Even with a slight asymmetry that confuses the patient, he is shown conservative and even radical therapy at the discretion of the specialist.

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