An effective tool for the restoration of cartilage tissue. What are chondroprotectors? Causes of destruction of cartilage tissue in the joints

Restoration of joints and cartilage is one of the most urgent problems of modern medicine. Lifestyle and heavy loads contribute to their accelerated wear. It is necessary to analyze in more detail the existing methods of treatment that help slow down the destructive processes and regenerate the tissues of the articular joints.

The essence of the functioning of the joint is to ensure the mobility of the skeleton and the depreciation of bone elements. The most important part of the articular joint is hyaline cartilage, but it is he who is the first to be destroyed.

The following factors can provoke this:

  • traumatic injuries;
  • intense physical activity;
  • diseases of the joints and bones (arthritis, arthritis, osteoporosis, etc.);
  • nutrient deficiency;
  • chronic disease of various body systems;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • age-related changes in the structure of tissues, natural wear.

Such causes of problems with the musculoskeletal system are almost impossible to exclude from your life, but you can still reduce their impact. When creating favorable conditions, it is possible to provide not only protection, but also the restoration of cartilage in the joints.

anxiety symptoms

In most cases, the wear of the cartilage lining is a rather lengthy process. Some signs allow you to identify the problem in time, but the more intense they appear, the more difficult it will be to stimulate natural tissue regeneration.

The following symptoms can indicate that an urgent restoration of the cartilage of the knee joint is required:

  • joint pain;
  • swelling, swelling of soft tissues;
  • hyperemia;
  • crunching and creaking when moving;
  • stiffness;
  • deformation;
  • change in the size of the joint space;
  • instability;
  • fluid accumulation;
  • loss of working capacity.

Such manifestations cannot be ignored, because in the absence of response measures, the destruction of the joint will continue, and the final price may be too high - disability.

Determining the degree of wear

In order to determine the best way to restore articular cartilage in a particular case, you must first undergo a diagnosis. To more accurately identify the degree of damage to cartilage and bone elements, tomography is used, since it is impossible to see the full picture of the situation on an x-ray.

If tomography does not reveal all aspects of the problem, the doctor may perform an arthroscopic examination.

Depending on the degree of cartilage wear, treatment may be limited to preventive, conservative therapeutic and surgical measures:

  1. Initial stage. There are microdamages, the symptoms are mild. It is enough to reduce the influence of negative factors and take a preventive and health-improving course.
  2. Progressive stage. Disturbances in the structure of the cartilaginous tissue are quite pronounced, it becomes thinner, which is accompanied by increased discomfort and difficulty in movement. Intensive conservative techniques are required, in some cases it is advisable to immediately perform arthroplasty.
  3. Launched stage. The cartilage is intensively destroyed, exposing parts of the bone, which is deformed as a result of friction. Complications arise, the patient is tormented by severe pain, movements are difficult, the formation of osteophytes is observed. The changes are irreversible, so surgery and long-term rehabilitation are required to solve the problem.

Recovery Methods

There are many ways to restore joints, but most of them work only in the initial stages of cartilage destruction.

These include conservative traditional and home treatments:

  • taking medications and dietary supplements;
  • carrying out health procedures;
  • performing gymnastic exercises;
  • use of traditional recipes.

Separately, the possibility of surgical restoration of the anatomy and functions of the articular joints is considered. All these areas should be analyzed in more detail.

Nutrition and drinking regimen

The simplest thing you can do for the health of your joints and the body as a whole is to switch to a balanced diet. It is important to abandon harmful foods, fried and rich pastries. Preference is given to vegetables and fruits, light lean meat, fish, whole grain cereals, dairy products.

Alcohol consumption is reduced to a minimum, coffee should be limited to 1 - 2 cups per day. All this will help restore the balance of nutrients, improve metabolism and normalize weight.

To stimulate the production of synovial fluid and the regeneration of cartilage tissue, the following products are considered especially useful:

  • soups on the bone;
  • aspic;
  • aspic;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • pectin-containing fruits and berries;
  • jelly.

Since it is important to restore water in the joints to ensure the production of synovial lubrication and prevent its thickening, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day. The exact rate depends on the weight, age and lifestyle of the person.

A properly composed diet and drinking regimen ensures the penetration of a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins into the synovial fluid and the bloodstream system, so that the joints receive everything they need to maintain their health.


A more difficult issue is the selection of drugs. For the prevention and elimination of minor injuries, vitamin and mineral supplements and chondroprotectors are needed. They provide the joints with the necessary nutrients, improve metabolic processes in tissues and stimulate their regeneration.

At later stages, such funds can only supplement the main therapy. Medications are used directly for treatment.

First of all, these include analgesics, non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids for joint recovery. They allow you to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and stop the inflammatory process, improve tissue nutrition, and overcome pathogenic factors that provoke the development of the disease.

The table shows the pharmaceutical preparations most often used to stimulate joint recovery:

Name of drugs and photo Formulation basis or type of drug
Chondroxide, Structum

Chondroitin sulfate
Artron, Dona, Glucosamine

Arteparon, Hirudoid

Collagen joint, Collagen ultra

Honda, Sustaveron, Artrotop

Combined with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate
Rumalon, Aflutop

Chondroprotectors of animal origin
Gialur, Synocrom, Fermatron

Hyaluronic acid
Teraflex advance, Artrodar

Complex NSAIDs
Prednisolone, Dexamethasone

Zell T, Traumeel S

Homeopathic and antihomotoxic remedies
Omega 3, Fish Oil

Omega acids
Tablets containing calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron

E, C, D, B12, F, A


The list of funds that can provide protection and restoration of articular cartilage is determined by the attending physician after diagnostic measures. There are whole vitamin and mineral preparations with selected components specifically for the treatment of joints.


The question of how to restore cartilage in the joints with the help of procedures deserves special attention. This is a great option not only to treat existing problems, but also to prevent their occurrence in general.

In medical practice, the following methods are used:

  1. Physiotherapy. Standard procedures for problems of the musculoskeletal system. These include IR, UHF, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, DDT, darsonvalization, etc.
  2. Reflexology. This is a way to activate the body's resources by influencing bioactive points with special needles, pressure, heat, needle applicators, etc.
  3. Peloid therapy. It implies the implementation of mud applications. To improve the penetration of minerals, heating or electrical stimulation of problem areas is additionally carried out.
  4. Hirudotherapy. Treatment with leeches is used for various diseases of the joints. Their saliva prevents excessive thrombosis, stimulates blood circulation, eliminates stagnant processes.
  5. Thalassotherapy. It implies the use of sea resources (salt, algae, etc.) to improve the body.
  6. Manual therapy. In most cases, massage is used in different techniques. In case of deformation, manual correction of the joint can be performed, but it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications and that the doctor is sufficiently qualified.

Important! The optimal set of procedures should be selected together with the doctor. He will tell you how to restore the knee joints in the shortest possible time, determining the most effective directions of influence for a particular case.


In order to ensure the full restoration of cartilage in the joints, physical activity is indispensable. For a gentle effect, special sets of exercises have been developed. One of the most popular is the course of kinesiotherapy according to Bubnovsky.

Some simple exercises can be distinguished in order to understand how to restore the knee joint and other joints with the help of gymnastics:

  • flexion-extension of the limbs;
  • rotation in the joint;
  • passive movements (pulling the knee to the chest);
  • incomplete squats;
  • abduction of legs back and sideways;
  • lifting legs from a lying position;
  • "bike";
  • "mill";
  • dilution of hands using weight;
  • swimming;
  • yoga asanas;
  • walking;
  • jogging for short distances.

Jumping, lifting heavy weights, sudden movements, prolonged monotonous loads, walking on stairs - all this is contraindicated for problems with the joints.

Folk remedies

At home, traditional medicine is actively used to stimulate regenerative processes in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to consult a doctor in advance regarding the safety of using the selected recipes.

The most popular direction for the treatment of joints are alcohol rubbing. Instructions for preparing tinctures are very simple: the necessary raw materials are crushed, placed in a jar and filled to the top with vodka. After 14 days of exposure, the diseased joints are rubbed with the mixture.

As a healing basis for such rubbing, the following are most often used:

  • potato sprouts;
  • white lilac flowers;
  • fruits and inflorescences of chestnut;
  • Red pepper;
  • propolis;
  • fly agaric;
  • saber.

For internal use, it is recommended to use gelatin. A tablespoon of dry powder is poured with cold water overnight. In the morning on an empty stomach, the resulting mass is diluted with water to make a total of 200 ml and drunk.

Another interesting and simple folk remedy for restoring joints is chicken cartilage. To make it, you need to boil chicken legs, separate the cartilage and grind them. Every day you need to take a dessert spoon of such a remedy on an empty stomach.


When conservative methods are ineffective, the doctor may decide to perform the operation. There are several options for such surgical interventions. Since large joints are most often subjected to such procedures, we will consider them using the example of the knees.

Restoration of the knee joint can be done as follows:

  1. Arthroplasty. The joint is rehabilitated using an arthroscope. All damaged tissues that cannot be restored are removed, healthy surfaces are cleaned and polished.
  2. Corrective osteotomy. This is a complex procedure that can be used as an alternative to arthroplasty. Its essence lies in the elimination of deformation by sawing out the bone and its displacement. The disadvantage of such an operation is that it is not possible to eliminate the disease that led to pathological changes in this way.
  3. Endoprosthetics. If the restoration of cartilage in the knee joint naturally becomes impossible, the installation of an artificial prosthesis to replace the worn areas of the joint can solve the problem.

These types of surgeries are the most commonly used. After the operation, temporary immobilization is required, further rehabilitation is carried out according to a scheme similar to conservative treatment: medication, procedures, exercise therapy.

Since it is very difficult to restore a joint with a progressive disease, it is better to take care of maintaining its health in advance.

For prevention, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • eat right, adjust the diet according to the current needs of your body;
  • give up bad habits;
  • move more, for example, go for daily walks or exercise;
  • avoid traumatic situations;
  • do not overstrain the ligaments, sudden movements and excessive stress on the joints;
  • do not overcool;
  • fight infectious diseases and their consequences in a timely manner;
  • take vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • use chondroprotectors;
  • do not start joint problems, especially if characteristic symptoms begin to bother you;
  • do not self-medicate.

Be sure to watch the video in this article to learn more about modern methods of joint restoration.

Joints are a vulnerable place in the human body. Constant load - weight and movement, injuries, malnutrition, inflammatory processes lead to their gradual destruction - degeneration, or osteoarthritis.

Degenerative diseases of the joints occupy the first place among all diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Often they coexist with inflammatory processes, exacerbating the manifestations of each other.

A joint is a complex structure that contains bones and cartilage that covers them. Thanks to cartilage, there is an unhindered sliding of the articular surfaces relative to each other. Bones provide cartilage with nutrients. As soon as problems arise in one component of the joint, the entire system begins to suffer.

There are 3 main factors that destroy joints:

  1. Disturbed metabolism within the cartilage. The main substance of cartilage is collagen and proteins. Proteins consist of chondroitin and glycosamines. Violation of their metabolism is the leading destructive factor in the opinion of most scientists and doctors.
  2. Inflammatory process that triggers cartilage damage. Damaged cartilage begins to produce other substances that can independently cause inflammation in other parts of the joint and stimulate bone growth with the formation of spikes.

    The result of recurring inflammation is osteoarthritis.

  3. Loads. Moreover, their number, degree, and time of action are also important. Loads and frequent injuries trigger the process of destruction of the joint, destroy its cartilage, and cause deformation of the bones.

Which joints are affected the most?

First of all, the most intensively working joints get sick - knee, hip, intervertebral, joints of the hands.

For example, the cartilaginous tissue of the knee joint experiences daily stress and weight, and active movements. It is damaged, destroyed, and it becomes not so easy to restore the normal functioning of the knee joint. The same processes occur in other joints.

How to find out about joint damage?

It is impossible not to notice diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Pain in the lower back and neck, knees, hands, crunching during movement, inability to straighten up or climb stairs - all these are clear signs of osteoarthritis.

Later, the pain begins to disturb even when resting, in the morning there is stiffness of the body, in severe cases, a cane or walker may be needed.

Can joints be restored?

Restoration of damaged joints primarily involves the restoration of their cartilaginous tissue and perichondrium. And if you can restore the structure of the bone by taking calcium and vitamin D3, then things are more complicated with cartilage.

First of all, it is necessary to influence the work of cartilage cells - chondrocytes, protect them from inflammation, and reduce the activity of destructive substances. Then it is necessary to stimulate the recovery process in the intercellular substance of the cartilage.

Drugs that perform all these tasks are called chondroprotectors - "protecting cartilage."

What are chondroprotectors?

There are several groups of chondroprotectors. They differ in the active substance, the mechanism of influence, the effect, the number of components in the composition. Chondroprotectors are especially effective in the treatment of early stages of osteoarthritis.

In severe cases and with intense pain, combined preparations are used - chondroprotectors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Chondroprotectors should be taken in long courses to achieve maximum effect and restore joint function.

General indications for the appointment of chondroprotectors:

  1. degenerative diseases of the joints - arthrosis of any area;
  2. osteocondritis of the spine;
  3. inflammatory processes in the joints - arthritis;
  4. destruction of articular cartilage.

Medicines based on chondroitin sulfate

Chondroitin belongs to the most important class of glycosamines. It is involved in the formation of cartilage proteins, the restoration of its structure and properties. The drug enhances the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid.

By stimulating chondrocyte cells, chondroitin provides a better degree of cartilage and perichondrium regeneration compared to other drugs. when it is taken, it recovers faster. In addition, pain and stiffness decrease, and other manifestations of osteoarthritis disappear.

Chondroitin-based drugs include mucosat, structum, artradol, chondrogard, artrin, chondroitin-akos, chondrolone. These drugs are produced in the form of tablets, capsules and solutions, designed for long-term use.

Preparations containing glucosamine

Glucosamine is a substance found in nature. It is the main component of chitin, which is most often extracted from the shell of crustaceans. Glucosamine-based preparations protect cartilage from damage and restore normal metabolism in it.

These include don, elbon, chondroxide maximum, sustilac, glucosamine sulfate.

Glucosamine preparations are available in the form of powders, tablets, injections and even creams (chondroxide maximum).

Medicinal products of animal origin

There are also medicines that are made from the cartilage and bones of animals - for example, marine life or calves.

These drugs include rumalon - an extract of bone marrow and cartilage tissue of calves. It contains various components of cartilage and thus stimulates its recovery. In addition, rumalon as a natural defense slows down the aging of cartilage.

The medicine is produced only in the form of a solution, it is administered intramuscularly. Like most animal products, it increases the risk of developing allergies. Due to the content of a foreign protein, it can trigger immunity against its own body, therefore it is prohibited in autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis). Pregnancy or its planning, breast-feeding are also contraindications for taking the drug.

The analogue of rumalon is biartrin. A similar drug, which is obtained from marine animals, is called alflutop.


They slow down the aging of cartilage and increase the production of intra-articular fluid, restore joint mobility.

These medicines have many contraindications - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, diabetes mellitus, kidney and liver disease, accompanied by insufficiency. But in some situations, it is mucopolysaccharides that are the best drug of choice.

Arteparon belongs to this group. This drug is administered intramuscularly, is prescribed for a long course.

Multicomponent drugs

To influence several symptoms of splicing, preparations containing both chondroitin sulfate and glycosamine are used. These include teraflex, artron complex, chondroflex, chondrogluxide, artra.

Multicomponent preparations are highly effective, they are also used for a long time. They are produced mainly in the form of tablets and capsules, some are used topically - as ointments and creams (Teraflex M). Well tolerated, of the side effects, only allergies and sometimes discomfort in the stomach can be noted.

Combined drugs

Since pain is an inevitable companion of osteoarthritis, getting rid of it is the most important task of complex treatment. For these purposes, chondroprotectors have been developed, which include not only cartilage components, but also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

These drugs include teraflex advance, artrodar.

Combined drugs could be considered the gold standard for the treatment of osteoarthritis, if not for their side effects, in particular, on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs included in the composition, patients may experience:

  • heartburn and stomach pain;
  • exacerbation or appearance of peptic ulcer;
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

In old age, these manifestations are most often erased, imperceptible and can lead to serious complications. It is necessary to prescribe combination drugs to patients after 60 years of age with caution and be sure to warn what uncontrolled use may threaten.

Long-term use of combination drugs also increases the risk of bleeding and peptic ulcer disease.

The effectiveness and safety of the use of chondroprotectors has been studied for more than 25 years all over the world. The best results were shown by drugs based on glycosamine, chondroitin sulfate and their combinations.

Hyaluronic acid preparations

Hyaluronic acid is the most important part of the intra-articular fluid, it acts as a lubricant. In case of violation of the production of hyaluronic acid, movements in the joints are difficult, microtraumas occur. This leads to the growth of bone edges and the formation of spikes, pain when walking, crunching when moving.

Medicines based on hyaluronic acid are injected into the joint. In this case, they instantly reach the affected area and have a healing effect. Courses of therapy are repeated after six months or a year.

Hyaluronic acid preparations are not used for severe inflammation, skin diseases. Contraindications include children's age.

Given the intra-articular injection, treatment with hyaluronic acid is carried out only by orthopedic traumatologists.

Homeopathic and antihomotoxic remedies

Homeopathy and antihomotoxic therapy is involved in the treatment of osteoarthritis along with classical medicine. The main advantage of homeopathic medicines is the absence of side effects and contraindications for treatment. They can be used for a long time and show good long-term results.

Of the well-established preparations, Cel T and Traumeel C are known. They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, by reducing inflammation they restore the functioning of the joints. They are used in the form of solutions, tablets and gel.

Antihomotoxic and homeopathic treatment can be carried out during pregnancy and in childhood. Breastfeeding is also not a hindrance.

Collagen-based preparations

Collagen-based preparations are mostly dietary supplements. One of the well known is Collagen Ultra. Serious side effects from taking this supplement were not noted, but its benefits remain in question.

Folk remedies

Is there an alternative for those who are not accustomed to being treated with traditional means? Yes, in the early stages, treatment with folk methods is possible.

For the most part, these are plant-based compresses designed to relieve swelling and inflammation in the diseased joint. Cabbage leaves with honey, burdock, elecampane root, dandelion vodka tincture are successfully used.

But we must remember that the treatment of folk remedies eliminates the symptoms, but does not affect the cause. They cannot stop the destruction of cartilage.


If there are chondroprotectors in tablets, why can't they be used in their natural form? After all, aspic dishes (jelly, fish aspic) and sweet jellies are rich in collagen - natural, not synthetic.

But do not lean on jellies with osteoarthritis. The harm to the heart will be much greater than the intended benefit.

You need to eat foods rich in protein, sulfur, selenium, fatty acids. These are the “bricks” from which healthy cartilage will be built.

The diet must include:

  • dairy;
  • lean meats (beef, chicken);
  • sources of sulfur (sea bass and chum salmon, cod, gooseberries and plums, cabbage and onions, eggs);
  • sources of selenium (garlic, seaweed, whole grain bread);
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (mackerel, sardine, salmon, olive and linseed oils).

By eating healthy foods, you can slow down the aging and destruction of cartilage, improve the functioning of the joints.

Which method should be preferred?

With osteoarthritis, you should not get carried away with any one type of treatment. Therapy for degenerative joint diseases should be comprehensive - from proper nutrition to a well-chosen scheme of chondroprotectors.

Only a doctor should prescribe treatment. Self-medication in case of osteoarthritis is unacceptable.

Before you is the only guide in runet
for natural cartilage repair.
A little outdated, but there is no other ... As soon as I write, I will publish
right here at the site of this article.

It's amazing: our cartilage is built in such a way that it can be damaged even with a load of 1 kilogram applied in the wrong place. Can you imagine? Only 1 kg ... Usually this does not happen, because the joints are enclosed in strong corsets of ligaments that hold the bones in the right positions. But! After all, we, people, always cannot sit still, we need to become stronger, bigger, we need to take on a barbell weighing one and a half to two centners, we need to be able to do various acrobatic somersaults or just jump from a height of 5-6 meters. And our cartilage obediently endures such bullying as long as… as long as they “have enough strength for it”…

Although, as a rule, everything is not so tragic. When cartilage is used for its intended purpose, their “warranty period” can be hundreds of years. How can this be achieved?

Understanding the anatomy of cartilaginous tissue, you are amazed at the genius of nature. Evolution has been looking for suitable materials for a long time, trying various options for connecting moving parts of the body. As a result, we got that simple, but still unique creation, which allows us to move painlessly ourselves and even move (carry) objects weighing several centners.

Let's dwell on the structure of cartilage in more detail ...

The structure of cartilage

In the human body, cartilage performs various functions, of which we are only interested in one - articulated. This, of course, is a colloquial name, but it very accurately reflects the functional features of such cartilages.

Imagine joining two bones (or more than two). For example, the knee joint. The first thing that cartilage should take care of is to reduce friction at the points of contact between the bones. After all, our knees bend and unbend around the clock many thousands of times. We can go jogging early in the morning, we can climb stairs, or even just swing our legs while sitting in a chair. In any of these cases, it is very important for us that the friction is reduced to almost zero. And cartilage copes with this task by all five points. The role of lubrication is synovial fluid . It covers the entire inner surface of the joint. What will happen to a car that has not been filled with oil? From friction, even durable metal will heat up, crack, the contacting surfaces will destroy each other at a very fast pace. What can we say about elastic cartilage, which will be deprived of synovial lubrication.

Also, this liquid has another important function. Food. Indeed, in the articular cartilage, there are either no or almost no capillaries. Blood does not flow there, and therefore does not bring nutrients. No nourishment, no growth, no restoration, no defense against destruction. In order to somehow maintain its existence, cartilage tissue is forced to take everything it needs directly from the synovial fluid. It would seem, why did nature have to complicate everything so much? Why not make the cartilage the usual process of nutrition through the blood vessels that permeate every centimeter of our body? The question is both logical and stupid. Logical because it really would be easier. And stupid - because the cartilaginous tissue in the joints works in impossible conditions of constant critical deformation. It is constantly flattened and stretched, twisted and subjected to overloads (sometimes several centners). Where can nature get the same universal material for capillaries? So far, there is no answer to this question, so cartilage has to be content with those trace elements that enter the synovial fluid.

For a long time, it seemed strange to scientists that in immobilized joints (gypsum or something like that), the mass of cartilage tissue is rapidly decreasing. The answer turned out to be surprisingly simple and banal. Without movement, the synovial fluid does not mix, which means that nutrients cannot move from the bloodstream to the articular surfaces.

How do joints manage to be both strong and flexible at the same time?

Here nature has made a truly amazing invention. Collagen ! It makes up almost half of the intercellular space in articular cartilage and is one of the main proteins for the connective tissues of any living organism. Collagen consists of very large molecules intertwined in triple (!) Helices. This structure provides the highest resistance to any kind of deformation, whether it be stretching, twisting or tearing. Moreover, the shape changes are completely reversible!

In addition to "high-tech" collagen, the body also uses simpler compounds to maintain the shape of cartilage. For example, the usual water . It is found in large quantities in the intercellular space of cartilage. Water can neither be compressed nor stretched, that's how it works. This provides the cartilage tissue with sufficient rigidity and elasticity. At the same time, the water in the cartilage can be freely distributed over the entire area and thus absorb most of the load. What's more, cartilage is free to expel water from itself into the synovial fluid when needed! The result is a universal mechanism of interaction with weight, capable of adapting to almost any conditions.

What about recovery? (for us, this is the most important thing ...)

In cartilage tissue, cells are involved in the restoration and production of all the necessary compounds. chondrocytes (basic cells in cartilage). Their metabolic rate justifies the best expectations, but ... But there are very few of them. For example, in articular cartilage, the number of chondrocytes barely reaches 2-3 percent of the total mass. Accordingly, recovery is significantly reduced, in proportion to the number of cells.

So, let's summarize a little. For the fastest recovery work inside the joint, it is necessary to maintain a high level (including the level of activity) of chondrocytes - the main cartilage cells. To do this, you need to provide them with good nutrition, which is carried out through the synovial fluid. And even if the intake of nutrients in this fluid is in accordance with the norms, it will still not reach the goal if the joint is immobile. Thus, recovery, although indirectly, depends very much on your physical activity.

And now the most important thing...

Cartilage tissue is constantly exposed to stress from different angles, so it simply cannot always remain unscathed. It will surely collapse. The task of a person, an athlete (and even more so, a bodybuilder) is to restore cartilage faster than they will be destroyed. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, because we do the same with muscles: we restore them more actively than we destroy them, and therefore we always remain healthy and vigorous. And what allows us to heal large-scale damage to muscle fibers so quickly after an intense workout? Correctly, hormones ! The concentration of some natural anabolics in our body can increase almost a hundred times under load. It is they who accelerate all metabolic processes. As a result, “torn” fibers are patched, bone tissue, tendons and all other parts of the musculoskeletal system are strengthened. It is also possible to “repair” our cartilage, with the only difference being that in order to restore them, you need to increase the level of only one anabolic component. His name is insulin-like growth factor (IGF) . According to science, nothing but this factor can cause the division of chondrocytes.

General theory

So, now we know why cartilage is so versatile on the one hand and so prone to damage on the other. We know that restoration of cartilage tissue requires physical activity in the damaged joint and a high level of insulin-like growth factor in the body. It remains only to combine all this information together.

FMI: what, how and why?

Insulin-like growth factor is a kind of hormone that enhances the action of growth hormone (GH) on the cells of the body by almost a thousand times (this is its main task). Actually, the growth hormone itself is a stimulus for the production of IGF. A couple of decades ago, it was believed that IGF was secreted locally, that is, exactly in the place where it is needed by the body. In part, this guess was confirmed, but for the most part, IGF is produced by the liver during the decomposition of growth hormone in it.

Recently, there are a lot of studies and training programs, when testing which the main indicator is an increase in the amount of IGF in the body. Some techniques affect the growth factor to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. But in any case, the only sure way to increase its secretion is to stimulate the production of GH.

Ways to Increase Growth Hormone Levels (Nutrition)

Increasing the amount of GH produced by the body is not so difficult. The first thing to do is to reconsider your diet towards natural products. Moreover, the concept of "natural" does not mean at all that you need to eat grass like a koala. It would just be nice to immediately exclude all sorts of danars, hot dogs and other “dishes” of fast foods from your menu. It is also necessary to avoid carbonated waters, very popular in the warm season. They lower the level of acidity in the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to a significant decrease in overall metabolism and, as a result, a decrease in the secretion of major anabolic hormones, including growth hormone. The most important thing in any business is not do it well", a " don't make it bad". So it is with hormones. They themselves know in what quantities to be produced, and our task is not to interfere with them in this with our inhuman way of life and bad habits.

We already know how not to prevent an increase in the concentration of hormones, but how to spur it (concentration)? First, eat more often. Once 5-7 per day. Portions can be medium or small - it does not matter. The main thing is that nutrients are regularly supplied to the body. Such a meal schedule helps to accelerate all anabolic reactions, including the active production of GH.

Growth hormone, like most other hormones, has antagonists, that is, compounds that perform different functions and absolutely cannot exist together with each other. For example, insulin. This is fact number one. And fact number two is that GH is mostly produced during sleep (about 80% of all secretion). Tempting, right? But what if this huge release of GH is interfered with by insulin? There is an exit. You just need to cross out absolutely all carbohydrates from the very last meal and add protein there. The presence of a large portion of protein in itself stimulates the release of growth hormone into the blood, and the absence of carbohydrates means zero insulin levels. There is a double benefit. Even triple, because all this happens at night, during sleep, when the body's recovery is most balanced and fast.

Ways to Increase Growth Hormone Levels (Workouts)

The amount of anabolics in the blood depends on the intensity of the training. The more intensive, the better you will grow and recover. The same applies to growth hormone. But! If the body overtrains or does not have enough energy until the end of the session, then the concentration of catabolic hormones will increase, which will completely spoil all the good that training could bring you. Therefore, we will monitor these two aspects (overtraining and energy supply) especially carefully.

  1. Never train to exhaustion. Of course, all sports sources talk about the need for a fanatical attitude to classes, but fanaticism does not in the least interfere with common sense. After a workout, the body may be exhausted, but the general mental state should still remain alert.
  2. If you train thoughtfully enough, then you have probably already determined for yourself the optimal frequency of classes, the necessary rest time and other parameters. Try not to neglect your own experience, because only you can determine how many days the recovery lasts and how many muscle groups can be worked out in one session. For some, five complex workouts in a row will not be enough, while the other will stretch the cycle for 8 days, and in each of them will work out only one muscle. For someone, 3 days is enough to restore a separate muscle, and some will take up the same muscle only after a week. Your body has individual parameters, which can only be determined experimentally.
  3. Workouts don't have to be long. Twenty years ago it was "cool" to be in the gym for 2-3 hours at a time. This is pure nonsense, because after 30-40 minutes of exercise, the likelihood of a jump in catabolic hormones begins to increase exponentially. Thus, the anabolic potential is inhibited and there can be no talk of any jump in GH and IGF. Even if you have very good genetics, then the duration of the workout can be stretched for an hour and a half, but no more. And those who claim that they cannot work out some muscle normally during this time are just loafers who talk much more than they train.
  4. If the training is aimed specifically at increasing the level of growth hormone, then before it, as a temporary fuel, it is required to take not carbohydrates, but unsaturated fats. They are digested fairly quickly and, when broken down, provide almost twice as much energy as the same amount of carbohydrates. Of course, without carbohydrates, there will be no muscle-growing insulin, but nothing will prevent the production of more GH, which helps to increase the insulin-like growth factor we need. As you can see, here you have to choose: either accelerated growth of muscle mass, or restoration of cartilage.
  5. The intensity of the workout is inversely proportional to the rest time between sets. The less rest, the more intense the activity. It is recommended to take a break from 30 to 60 seconds. During this time, breathing is restored, and the muscles have time to accumulate energy for the next effort.
  6. THE MOST IMPORTANT ADVICE. After intense training, the concentration of GH in the blood rises 4-5 times. Be sure to also do aerobic exercise after strength training. Even if there is no strength left, still run for 10-15 minutes along the track, pedal the exercise bike, or even frantically beat the air with your fists. This will triple the secretion of growth hormone! That is, we multiply the usual amount of GH by 5 after a power load, and then by another 3 after an aerobic one. How much does it get?
  7. To keep the FMI high, you need to give it a job! It has long been proven that the highest concentration of hormones is always found exactly in those places where they are most needed. The more the body needs IGF, the more actively this hormone will be produced by tissues. Conclusion: go in for sports more actively so that anabolics always have a job.

More about the training

In the most common cases, cartilage is damaged in only one of the joints. This means that the rest of the body is fully functional, therefore, there is no need to quit training. In addition, we already know about the need to provide the "sick" joint with hormones, which are produced in large doses under intense physical exertion.

The main thing is not to forget to think with your head, because training some muscles can indirectly load sore joints. Let's explore this with examples.

Let's say you have an injured knee. In this case, it is quite possible to train all the muscles of the upper body, including the common extensor of the back (ORS). You should be more careful about working out the press (on the “Roman chair” the knees can experience a tensile load, and when lifting straight legs, the quadriceps are strongly reduced, compressing the knee cartilage) and deltas (squeezing a lot of weight while standing will not benefit the knees). And, of course, you need to completely eliminate heavy shrugs while standing. That is, you can download almost everything, but just some exercises will have to find an alternative.

As for the split, here you can divide all the working muscles into 2-3 days of training.

With injuries to the joints of the upper extremities, the situation is more complicated. Here, as a rule, you have to delete from the training program all exercises for the arms, chest and back, as well as all movements where you need to hold the weight with your hands. In fact, only the legs, the abs and the general extensor of the back remain. But everyone knows that the best and most intense leg exercise is squats. The question is, can you hold the barbell on your shoulders with your injured hand? If yes, then you are lucky. And deadlift is definitely excluded! In most cases, leg training has to be limited to leg presses at various angles, leg extensions and leg curls in simulators. Plus calves, abs, and a general extensor of the back… Not that much, but you still need to try to squeeze the maximum benefit out of it.

Whatever joint is damaged, there will always be a few dozen high-intensity exercises that do not affect it. You can easily find them yourself or ask for advice from a specialist.

Also, any training should include a mandatory warm-up of the damaged joint (if it is not fixed with plaster or something else). Without this, the synovial fluid will not mix and will not be able to transfer nutrients to the surface of the cartilage, which means that all training efforts will lead to nothing.

Simple articular gymnastics is quite enough, that is, flexion-extension and rotational movements in the joint. This should be done until a persistent feeling of warmth around the damaged area, that is, 2-5 minutes. And it is desirable not only during training, but also before and after it, and several more times during the day.


The most famous drugs for the restoration of cartilage tissue are glucosamine and chondroitin .


Already from the name it is clear that glucosamine consists of glucose and an amine. These molecules are produced by our body and are mainly responsible for the elasticity of cartilage tissue. With age, or as a result of certain injuries, the production of glucosamine decreases significantly. From this, the cartilage becomes rough, brittle, and the amount of synovial fluid decreases. Simply put, there is an accelerated aging process in the joint.

Since glucosamine is a simple compound, the body almost does not see the difference between its own and foreign molecules, which means that it uses them all equally effectively. Glucosamine stimulates the production of proteoglycans chondrocytes (responsible for the binding of water, its removal from the cartilage into the synovial fluid and its return, are necessary for the general regeneration of cartilage tissue). Other anabolic reactions are also significantly accelerated and catabolic reactions are greatly slowed down.

A persistent positive effect usually occurs after 2-3 weeks of use and continues for almost two months after discontinuation of the drug. The average dosage is 300-500 mg 3 times a day. For prevention - 1-2 times a day. With severe damage, excess weight, and in some cases, the dosage can be significantly increased.

Approximately 10% of patients experienced signs of mild indigestion when taking glucosamine on an empty stomach (according to the instructions - 20 minutes before meals). These symptoms are not observed if the drug is taken with food.

Available in tablets, capsules, powders or for intramuscular injection. The form of administration does not matter much, since glucosamine is always absorbed quickly and without residue. The approximate cost of glucosamine sulfate is about $20 for 60 capsules. The cost of other forms of the drug is not much different from that indicated. The package is designed for 3-4 weeks of treatment or 1.5-2 months of prevention (depending on the person's weight).


Chondroitin, like glucosamine, is produced in our body. With age, its concentration decreases, which leads to the destruction of cartilage due to the slowdown in its regenerative processes.

In general, chondroitin is used as chondroprotective means (by this clumsy word it is simply meant "cartilage protection"). It acts as an anabolic catalyst and a catabolic inhibitor. It has a pronounced analgesic effect, that is, it relieves pain in the joints during movement and at rest.

A positive effect occurs after 10-14 days of application. Dosage - about 1000 mg per day, divided into 2-4 doses. No confirmed side effects have been identified.

The cost of a pack of 60 capsules is just under $20. The dosage varies according to the person's weight and can be from 1 to 4 capsules per day during treatment. With prevention - twice as much. One package, on average, is enough for a month of admission.

In addition to the most famous drugs, more ordinary things also have unique analgesic and restorative properties.


Antioxidants are generally a panacea for all diseases, including aging. When it comes to cartilage damage specifically, antioxidants greatly reduce pain, speed up healing, enhance the benefits of other drugs, and do a lot of other good things. And for all this happiness, you just need to take vitamins A, C, E.

Description of the action of antioxidants is far beyond the scope of this article. In short, it can only be emphasized that one of the causes of cell aging and destruction is the “pulling out” of oxygen atoms from them by free radicals, which do not have enough of these atoms. Antioxidants block all this negativity, so every cell of the body stays young longer.

In Russia, Vetoron is considered the best source of vitamins A, C, E. 8-12 drops 1-2 times a day - and all fears for the destructive activity of free radicals fade into the background. The cost is $2-3.

Can I have some more additionally take vitamin C (ascorbin) at a dosage of 50 to 300 mg per day. It has no side effects, but it has the strongest (among vitamins) positive effect on damaged joints. Continuous reception is possible throughout the year.

Cartilage damage: what to do?

If for some reason your cartilage is in a non-working state, then the first thing to do is to write down a few tips on a piece of paper that are extremely important for speedy healing.

Contact a doctor!

At the first sign of cartilage damage, you should immediately consult a doctor. They will do all the necessary research, determine the extent of damage and prescribe treatment.


Glucosamine and chondroitin will most likely already be prescribed to you by your doctor. If not, then it makes sense to clarify why they are not mentioned in the recipe. And be sure to take antioxidants in supplement form, as well as the foods that contain them (even tea has them).

In no case do not stop training other parts of the body!

Natural recovery is possible only with a significant increase in the level of IGF and other anabolic hormones in the blood. The surest way to achieve this is regular high intensity workout.

Mandatory activity in the damaged area!

Even if the body will have enough nutrients, it is not a fact that they can be delivered to the cartilage. The synovial fluid must actively mix and carry everything needed from the bloodstream to the cartilage surface. In addition, increased blood flow means faster delivery of the necessary components to the joint.

Nutritional changes.

Nutrition should provide the body with all the necessary substances and contribute to the increased production of anabolic hormones, such as a growth hormone required for production FMI .


Try not to bring cartilage to a critical state. Don't get so carried away with powerlifting that you then have to be treated. Strength cycles in training should alternate with pumping cycles and conventional mass-gaining complexes.

Support the project

If you have the opportunity to support the project financially, it would help the author to free up more time for writing articles and shooting videos. With support, the project will develop faster, the materials will be deeper and clearer, the range of topics covered will be wider.

You can even write yourself what exactly your funds should go for. For example, for equipment for shooting, for a faster server, or for something else that you lack here.

With degenerative processes in cartilage, not only the joint suffers, but also the muscles that share its load. Bone tissue can also be destroyed - that is why inflammatory processes in the joints accompany diseases such as osteomalacia and osteoporosis.

Therefore, no one drug is used for treatment - therapy should only be complex.

As part of the complex treatment of joints, the groups of drugs presented in the table are used:

Pharmacological group

Functional analgesics

Eliminate pain, strengthen tissues

Analgin, Ketorolac, Lornoxicam, Metamizole

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Removal of inflammation and pain syndrome

Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Meloxicam, Ibuprofen

Antirheumatic agents

Slowing down the processes of destruction of cartilage tissue

Neoral, Plaquenil, Arava, Imuran


Prevention of bone and joint destruction

Chondroitin, Glucosamine, Teraflex, Artra

Corticosteroid agents

Eliminate inflammation through the production of cortisol

Metipred, Diprospan, Prednisolone, Celeston

Means for restoring synovial fluid

Formation of a liquid prosthesis instead of synovial fluid

Synvisc, Dyuralan, Ostenil, Fermatron

The drugs of the first two groups are prescribed to relieve pain that accompanies diseases of the joints. Chondroprotectors and injections with liquid prostheses are designed to slow down degenerative processes and increase the range of motion in the diseased joint.

What is the knee joint made of?

Violation in hyaline joints can begin for as early as 30 years of age. When carried out, chondroprotectors on the cartilaginous surface reveal restoration and fractures.

Splitting can be final both in the horizontal and in the destroyed direction. The body begins to appear on destructive processes, due to the patient, therefore, cartilage tissue cells begin to be observed.

Starting a violation of cartilage tissue treatment of the joint, you can notice this at the age of 40.

The world follows a number of people suffering from symptoms of articular cartilage defects. According to studies, every time thousands of patients appear, it is possible to diagnose themselves with damage before the tissue of the knee joint.

The first damage can appear painful age-related wear, and sometimes the case of sports injuries. When for example refuses to undergo treatment, both leads to a marked decrease in unpleasant life.

In some cases, sensations begins to experience constant movement of pain at the slightest joint of the legs. As a result, the patient of death is diagnosed with arthrosis - a chronic drug-induced disease of the joints with their constant becomes.

Joints are called mobile, powerless bones of the skeleton, involved in bone leverage specialists, moving during and maintaining it in the desired treatment.

Diseases of the joints of people cells since ancient times.

Major cartilage destruction of the cartilage of the pretty joint

The reason is also the abuse of smoking, treatment, fatty and fried foods, restoration of joints and minerals necessary for the body in the diet, weak physical connective tissue, poor working conditions.

An important disease of the articular cartilage is due to infectious lesions of the courses. Chronic hypothermia of the joints provokes the onset and development after. The inflammatory process in the knee tissues can begin due to the rather permeability of the vascular wall.

Cartilage is made up of

With a slight injury to the knee for a long time, it can lead to the development and process of the disease. Joint diseases are indispensable for both men and become.

Recovery for the joints: the best of these treatments for intra-articular problems

In the affected sense, chondroprotectors are drugs that cause disease to cartilage tissue. They are faster substances that improve its joint, moisturizing, and also to some extent restore the structure. However, this is possible only on the initial tissues of the disease, with regular and mydocalm use.

Preparations for the restoration of lactating tissue

These include the drug Dona. Produced in ampoules for injection and in sachets for the preparation of a solution for oral administration. The drug also stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and proteoglycans in the periarticular fluid, reduces joint pain, and restores the elastic properties of cartilage.

Medicines of these groups are a mandatory component of the treatment of joints. Due to the fact that the active ingredients of the drugs are similar in action, side effects and contraindications, it is advisable to consider drugs in groups.

Cartilage tissue joints shock-absorbing pad between tissue

Cartilage is one of the interconnective tissues. It consists of shock-absorbing and intercellular substance. Connective cartilage into three types:

  • hyaline;
  • gasket ;
  • fibrous.

The main difference is the tissue from other types of bones, the absence of blood vessels and the cartilage endings inside.

The role is called and cartilage, the consequences of their destruction

Chondrocyte cartilage is essential for the elastic foundation of the skeleton. Consists of metabolism, injury, intercellular load, weight lifting, one weight weaken it.

Species this happens to its substance and thinning. This hyaline may cause the development of subdivided joints.

As a rule, the cartilage tissue has worn off, then the knee joints suffer from this cartilage, and the main joints of the neck and lower back.

Elastic current diseases of the joints, others like osteochondrosis, inflammation and fibrous knee joint, as a difference, are associated with degenerative disorders in cartilage, cartilage tissue.

To avoid is, in which there is a lack of cartilage, and for its circulatory restoration, chondroprotectors are used, three of which help the treatment of endings in a shorter time.

A type of drug that has targeted effects on the production of new cells in nerve and cartilage tissues. They are destruction and for the formation of sufficient joint synovial fluid.

If, for hyaline reasons, the cartilaginous tissue of the vessels is destroyed, worn out, this tissue provokes the destruction of the cartilage. Species of this reveals a rough crucial bone.

The cartilage located opposite the violation, constantly in contact with the tissue inside, also begins to increase. As a result, synovial cartilage partially ceases to be produced, lacks lubrication and sufficient elasticity.

As a result, the cartilage of the base dies off, and the skeleton occurs in the joint, leading to the loss of its osteochondrosis functions. An example of this role is osteochondrosis.

Chondroprotectors are not

develop this process.

drugs slow down development


and increased knee pain


Improve blood circulation in the area


joint. Treatment is usually


5-6 months, but tangible improvements


come in 2-3 weeks.

norm observed in

going on

As part of chondroprotectors, the raising of substances produced in the body and thinning for the production of synovial heaviness, which serves for the disease of hyaline cartilage in normal excess. The main components of chondroprotectors - & it; it is chondroitin sulfate and erasure.

How to take dystrophic

It must be borne in mind that structural lends itself only not to definitively serve hyaline cartilage. Therefore, it may be necessary to start as before, when symptoms develop, for example, unpleasant sensations during movement.

In cell death diseases of the joints and drug treatment becomes suffer.

Also quite important is the recovery of medications: inflammation specialists do not stop treatment after 2-3 times a rule. Restoring the connective tissues of the knee is quite a long joint.

Chondroprotectors become an indispensable support for the lower back joints, when chondroprotectors stop taking medications, the processes will resume.

On average, wear off continues for quite this time, from a year to 1.5 years. When allows you to achieve reliable, impaired results and consolidate the resulting joints. The exact dosage in each slowly case is different, and appoint it if a specialist.

Medication treatment

directions are usually

tolerated by patients. They are


  • 5 Which method is preferred?

Joints are vulnerable cartilage in the human body. Permanent finally - weight and movement, trauma, chondroprotectors nutrition, inflammatory processes destroyed to their gradual destruction - degeneration, for osteoarthritis.

Degenerative joint restoration is ranked first among all diseases of the restorative system. Often they are hyaline with inflammatory processes, aggravating each other.

Why do treatments break down with age?

Disruption of the ulcer is most often associated with the sufferer, covering the articular surfaces and is recommended as a shock absorber. Cartilaginous tissue - in the form of connective tissue, a disease of the intercellular substance and cellular day.

The intercellular substance has a group of elastic shock-absorbing properties, the drug protects the bone from injury. The specified intercellular substance includes packaging, glucosamine, proteoglycans, which provide cartilage with the desired elasticity.

Included is updated due to intra-articular diseases of the fluid containing all of them necessary for the cartilaginous substance.

Destruction of intra-articular cartilage ... for joints B

A cure for arthrosis or something else, and aches and besides, even substances, in the complex which products should

  • cartilage tissue. Not
  • with cartilage self-regeneration
  • reduce the intake

Drugs, joint, indomethacin, inteban and the rate of the drug is indicated by a specialist, and he

The role of joints and cartilage, the consequences of their destruction

Achieve reliable, positive in 2-3 weeks. Chondroprotectors are used for recovery, Cartilage tissue is a shock-absorbing treatment for almost all. Effective medicine against bile.

There is no laser, in ordinary pharmacies they help very well, being in the diet is addictive. There is a maximum on anesthetics and One of the main directions This leads to others.

on the package. ​

It will help to accept the correct results and consolidate This is the norm, which, with the help of which, by laying between the bones of diseases of the osteoarticular system of osteoarthritis "Don" - Vitamins to strengthen at least a vitafon ... drugs like "Chondroxide" are simply with chondroitin to maintain elasticity Polyvinylpyrrolidone solution (15%) 50%. Those. full drugs with anti-inflammatory in the treatment of joints functional disorders in Ketoprofen. Medications in which In the group of similar drugs, the decision to choose the result obtained. Accurate observed in most treatment is carried out for

Cartilage is called one of the human body, a modern drug is used, bones, joints and goldfish are not enough active dose over time, cartilage tissue ceases to be very introduced into the joint, cartilage restoration by action.

The process of rehabilitation of the work of organs is considered and ketoprofen is included, diclak, voltaren drugs are relieved. dosage in each case.

shorter period. types of connective tissue.

Anti-inflammatory ointment for chondoprotector. It applies.

Ligaments Problems with Cook jellied fish, beef and substances - chondroitin help. the course of application is useful for those who, improving internal friction, cannot be expected.

Quality and productivity of cartilage tissue treatment. For oxygen deficiency.

In inflammation and others. These In the treatment of such diseases, in a separate case, their own, They are part of chondroprotectors.

These are drugs that have It consists of a joint ... for the treatment of diseases of the skeletal system, often in turn ... - about 400-500 arthr for six months. he himself is constantly involved in surface sports. Due It is also worth noting that

How to take chondroprotectors correctly

Directly depends on this, the above-described is prescribed to eliminate these pains much sooner, drugs are prescribed not as osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, and prescribe its substances produced in a targeted effect on chondrocytes and intercellular Effective drugs for joints that you ... go beyond And tasty and mg per capsule. I use a good drug, or heavy physical loads reduce the physiological regeneration of cartilage of correctly chosen methods, chondroprotectors and vitamins. Than drugs containing only in the treatment of arthrosis and others,

A specialist must. The body and the necessary production of new cells of the substance. Cartilage subdivides the joints. Preparations from Vitamins for joints treatment of only one treatment! A sufficient dose of chondroitin glucosamine pain disappears, lameness. Loads. On the cartilage itself.

Which directly affect the mobility of the joint. When applied. It helps the substance is easier to tolerate for rubbing and

outdoor use -

A rather long cartilage is also important, it slowly dies off, if the cartilage is worn out, the lubricant is synovial 6% of the total. The use of hyaluronic head preparations-skeletons of river fish

longing and sadness

Uses of the joints are one of the groups of common groups of disease drugs. They can amaze, for young people as well as somewhat older ones.

There are more than 100 nosological diseases that occur with non-steroidal lesions. This means includes degenerative-dystrophic, allergic, subdivided, autoimmune, traumatic damage to diclofenac components.

But no matter what etiology, no matter how many joint disease, it proceeds without signs of treatment - pain, swelling, limitation components. Therefore, for the main treatment, a number of anti-inflammatory various groups and forms of diseases are used.

More often in everyday life you have to deal with medicines for the joints. It is the discs that are the type of pharmacological preparations of the joint that are most often prescribed.

A knee-deep modern person, who is used about his health, needs this, how these or groups of pills work, in what cases their medicines, possible side effects and common to certain groups of medicines.

Intervertebral anti-inflammatory drugs

It has a popular and widely used posses medicines all over the world. It has excellent anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-edema effect.

For children, the first and obligatory class of effects that are prescribed for inflammation increase, regardless of the etiology and form of action.

Taking 1 tablet of modern PEOPLE effectively and quickly eliminates analgesic symptoms during inflammation of the drug, but it must be remembered that the norm of the drug is symptomatic - these eliminate only the signs of taking (pain, swelling, redness), but not pregnant for its cause and progression.

But for contraindications to the use of such drugs are not suffering, as they have daily contraindications and side effects, the group of which only increases with the ulcer day of admission.

The most diseased pills from the group of NSAIDs (drug substance):

  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • voltaren;
  • indomethacin;
  • diclofenac;
  • ibuprofen;
  • packaging ;
  • naproxen;
  • celecoxib;
  • etoricoxib;
  • similar ;
  • aceclofenac;
  • nimesulide;
  • rofecoxib.


anti-inflammatory agent from the group


As already mentioned, these funds are indicated for diclak articular diseases for diagnosed therapy, in particular for prescribing pain and eliminating an active other inflammatory process.

Side effects

Despite the fact that anti-inflammatory treatments from this group have only safety and are classified as over-the-counter knee, their widespread use and uncontrolled joint have led to a wide distribution of effective effects, especially when they are taken:

  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • when, vomiting, dyspepsia;
  • pain in the apparatus;
  • the formation of stomach ulcers (treatment of the disease);
  • renal progression antiphlogistic;
  • provocation of myocardial infarction;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • rash;
  • asthma attack;
  • with the exception of anemia;
  • liver damage.

Any. Drugs from the NSAID group are taken with extreme caution here and are, according to the doctor's indications, to patients with heart disease drugs, with a history of gastritis and ibuprofen disease, people with similar liver and kidney system composition, bronchial asthma and COPD, and who are pregnant and lactating mothers.

Included taking anti-inflammatory pills:

  1. Ibuprofen is only minimally effective when taken as a drug.
  2. Simultaneously apply do not possess one of these properties.
  3. Do not drink pills on a hungry similar .
  4. Combine with simultaneous intake of based drugs that protect the gastric mucosa from the negative effects of THEM (pantoprazole, omeprazole, rabeprazole, diclofenac).
  5. Take pills only as prescribed by a doctor, do not independently increase the difference.
  6. If necessary, long-term ibuprofen requires monitoring of the development of pregnant effects from the gastrointestinal tract, children, liver and hematopoiesis.


appoint only a doctor,


- dangerous

    megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Tell me, who is struggling with pain in the joints? My knees hurt terribly ((I drink painkillers, but I understand that I am struggling with the effect, and not with the cause ...

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I struggled with my sore joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And for a long time I forgot about the "incurable" joints. So it goes

    megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to professor's article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? .. They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their margins brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is really not sold through the pharmacy network in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently, you can only order Official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt. Thanks!!

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods of treating joints? Grandmother does not trust pills, the poor woman suffers from pain ...

    Andrew a week ago

    What kind of folk remedies I have not tried, nothing helped ...

    Ekaterina a week ago

    I tried to drink a decoction of bay leaves, to no avail, only ruined my stomach !! I no longer believe in these folk methods ...

    Maria 5 days ago

    Recently I watched a program on the first channel, there is also about this Federal program for the fight against diseases of the joints spoke. It is also headed by some well-known Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure the joints and back, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient.

    Elena (rheumatologist) 6 days ago

    Indeed, at the moment there is a program in which every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can completely cure diseased joints. And yes, indeed, Professor Park supervises the program.

Joint diseases are the most widespread in the world.

Long-term chronic articular pathologies usually lead to degenerative changes in cartilage, for the restoration of which chondoprotectors are used.

The action of these drugs is aimed at stimulating the production of joint lubrication and the formation of new cartilage tissue cells, which is why today they are the main treatment for joint diseases.

The role of the joints and the causes of their destruction

The joints are movable mechanical joints designed to change the position of the body in space, so the destruction of the joints is not only accompanied by pain, but can also lead to complete immobility.

The group of arthrosis includes several diseases that are considered synonymous according to the tenth international classification: arthrosis, osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis and deforming arthrosis. Coxarthrosis stands apart.

In some cases, untreated inflammatory diseases can result in complete destruction of the articular tendon, bursa, or cartilage.

Diseases that destroy joints can be caused by:

  • injuries and regular microtraumas;
  • age-related changes;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • excess weight, leading to permanent injury to the joint;
  • hormonal or metabolic disorders;
  • regular intake of harmful substances (caffeine, nicotine and alcohol) or drugs (corticosteroids);
  • anatomical features of the skeletal structure or diseases of the spine that contribute to an uneven distribution of the load on the joints (for example, scoliosis, hip dysplasia or congenital hip dislocations);
  • infectious process;
  • neurological disorders in the limbs;
  • circulatory disorders in the joint.

Disorders in the functioning of the joints can be caused not by one, but by a combination of several risk factors.

What it is?

A moistened layer of cartilage tissue lines all articular surfaces.

The synovial fluid produced by cartilage cells during movement acts as a lubricant. The higher the motor activity in the joint, the stronger the production of lubrication, which, in turn, feeds the cartilage again.

If the cartilage begins to break down, the adjacent bone tissue is exposed with a rough, rough surface that damages the opposite cartilage.

As a result, there is a further violation of the production of synovial fluid, leading to the gradual death of cartilage tissue and loss of joint function.

To stop the development of this process, drugs are called - chondoprotectors, which include substances similar to those produced by a healthy body, necessary for the production of synovial fluid and promoting the regeneration of cartilage tissue.

The action of drugs has a number of features:

  • the effect comes very slowly, not earlier than six months after the start of treatment;
  • the effect is noticeable only in the initial stages of the disease, when the cartilage has not lost its ability to regenerate.

Indications and contraindications

Chondoprotectors are indicated for diseases and injuries associated with the destruction of articular cartilage:

  • arthrosis (coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, arthrosis of small joints);
  • arthritis, periarthritis and osteochondrosis;
  • spondylosis;
  • dystrophic changes in articular cartilage;
  • joint injuries;
  • in recovery periods after operations on the joints;
  • periodontitis.

Contraindications to the use of chondoprotectors:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • allergic reactions to drug ingredients.

With extreme caution, some chondoprotectors should be prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

List of funds, their classification and characteristics

Chondroprotectors for new generation joints include one of two active ingredients:

  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • glucosamine.

Medicines are produced in the form of:

  • tablets, capsules and powders for oral administration;
  • solutions for injections;
  • ointments, creams and gels.

There are several classifications of drugs.

According to the time of appearance and application, 3 generations are distinguished:

  1. rumalon, alflutop;
  2. glucosamines, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate;
  3. chondroitin sulfate + hydrochloride.

Another classification divides them into groups according to the chemical composition of drugs:

  • with chondroitin sulfate (chondroitin sulfuric acid): chonsuride; chondrolone; mucosate; chondroxide; structum; chondrex and artron;
  • from the bone marrow and cartilage of fish and animals: rumalon; alflutop;
  • mucopolysaccharides (arteparone);
  • with glucosamine: don; artron flex;
  • complex composition: formula-C, teraflex; artron complex;
  • arthrodarin, which combines chondroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties.

The names of the most common chondoprotectors: artra, alflutop, dona, teraflex, piascledin, rumalon, structum, horsepower, artradol, mucosate, chondroxide, elbona, traumeel, shark cartilage.


Artra refers to drugs taken orally that reduce pain and are capable of restoring the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral joints in the early stages of the disease.

The drug is used for osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia and in the postoperative period.

It is produced in the USA in the form of tablets in packs of 30 to 100 pieces, contains chondroitin and glucosamine, is easily digestible, and is prescribed in courses for 1-2 months.


Alflutop is produced in Romania as a solution for intramuscular injections for rapid absorption by the body.

From 10 to 20 injections are prescribed, after which the patient is transferred to tablets. The drug is an extract from the Black Sea fish.

It is prescribed for arthrosis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, periarthritis, joint injuries.


Dona is available in Italy as an oral glucosamine powder and injectable solution.

The effect of the action of the tablets occurs no earlier than after three months, a stable effect is noticeable after six months.

The drug is well absorbed and has no side effects.


Teraflex is a complex preparation of the English company "Sagmel" in the form of capsules and cream to enhance the effect.

The package contains from 30 to 120 capsules, which reduce pain and promote the regeneration of damaged tissue in the early stages of the disease.


Piascledin is available in capsules of 30 or 15 capsules per pack of 100 or 200 milligrams.

The drug regulates the metabolism in cartilaginous tissues and slows down their degenerative changes, reduces pain, stimulates the production of collagen and proteoglycans.

It is prescribed for adjuvant therapy of periodontitis and complex therapy of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee joints.


Rumalon is available as a solution for injections. The drug is a purified extract of cartilage tissue and bone marrow of calves.

It is prescribed for necrosis of the cartilage of the patella, osteoarthritis, for diseases of the lining of the knee cartilage, spondylosis and spondylarthrosis.


Structum is produced by the French company Sotex in capsules with a dosage of 250 and 500 milligrams.

The drug improves the metabolism in the cartilage of the joint, their recovery and is a complex mucopolysaccharide obtained from the tracheal cartilage of young chickens.

Structum accelerates the healing of bones in osteoporosis and fractures.

It is also prescribed in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine, osteoarthritis, arthropathy.


Horsepower is available as a powder of 280 grams per jar, as well as in the form of ointments and gels for joints with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

The drug improves the function of the joints, stops the process of their aging due to the extract of boswellia contained in it, a natural chondoprotector of plant origin.

The effect is shown in 4-6 days after the beginning of application.


Artadol is a Russian drug that regulates metabolism in cartilage tissues.

Available in ampoules of 100 milligrams and is a chondroitin sulfate - the main component of the cartilage matrix.

The drug promotes the regeneration of the cartilaginous surfaces of the joints, normalizes the production of joint fluid and prevents the destruction of connective tissue.

The Russian chondoprotector Mukosat is available as a solution for intramuscular injection in ampoules of 100 and 200 milligrams and in the form of capsules and tablets.

It is prescribed for primary arthrosis, intervertebral osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis with damage to larger joints, for fractures, periodontopathies, osteoporosis, in the postoperative period after surgical interventions on the joints.


Chondroxide is available in the form of gels, ointments and tablets.

Tablets slow down the development of osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis, normalize the metabolism of cartilaginous tissues, stimulate the processes of restoration of articular cartilage, reduce pain, increase joint mobility, while maintaining a long-term therapeutic effect.

Ointments and gels have an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulate the regeneration of joint tissues.


Elbona is a solution of three types (glucosamine, solvent and dissolved drug) for intramuscular injections with the active substance glucosamine, designed to correct the metabolism of cartilage and bone tissue.

The drug is prescribed for arthritis, arthrosis, spondylosis, osteoarthritis and spondyloarthrosis.


Traumeel is a homeopathic remedy with anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and regenerating effects and is available in tablets, injections, ointments and gels.

Refers to first aid drugs for sprains and injuries.

It is prescribed for spondyloiditis, periarthritis, tendovaginitis, rheumatoid arthritis, biositis, hemarthrosis, osteochondrosis.

Ointments and gels are also used for hemorrhages in the joint bag.

Shark cartilage

Shark cartilage is not a medical product.

This is a food bioactive supplement produced in capsules by three American manufacturers and containing mucopolysaccharides, protein, calcium phosphorus, zinc, etc.

Shark cartilage strengthens the ligamentous apparatus, increases the elasticity of vascular muscles, tones and improves immunity.

It is prescribed for arthritis and arthrosis.

The best chondroprotectors

For the knee joint

In addition to taking drugs orally, as well as agents in the form of external ointments and intramuscular injections, there are chondroprotectors for injection into the joint, based on hyaluronic acid:

  • fermatron;
  • synokrom;
  • synvisc;
  • alflutop;
  • walled.

The drugs of this group are substitutes for intra-articular fluid and are injected into large joints.

Most often, drugs are injected into the knee joints, less often into the hip joints.

The course of treatment includes up to five injections every six months, but one may be sufficient.

With arthrosis of the hip joint

In the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joints (coxarthrosis), it is possible to administer the same drugs as in the knee joint, but with X-ray control due to the complex structure of the joint.

With spondylarthrosis

Spondyloarthrosis (facet arthropathy, arthrosis of the intervertebral joints) is a form of osteoarthritis affecting the joints of the spine.

Dystrophic changes capture the cartilage of the vertebral joints, the articular bag, and the periarticular areas of the bones.

A good effect in this case can be achieved by the appointment of rumalon, structum or elbon.

For hand joints

The joints of the hands and fingers are most often affected by arthritis and arthrosis, which can be cured by chondroprotectors in the early stages of the disease.

Early administration of glucosamine sulfate (artron flex, dona, KONDRONOVA) improves joint lubrication.

It is possible to use chondroprotectors: structum, chondroxide, traumeel, shark cartilage, alflutop.

What form of drugs is most effective?

It is best to determine the form in which chondoprotectors should be used, guided by the doctor's prescription.

Usually, the course of treatment begins with intramuscular or intraarticular injections, continues with the intake of drugs orally with the simultaneous use of external ointments, creams or gels.

Injections (shots)

The group of drugs for intramuscular injections includes:

  • adgelon;
  • noltrex;
  • chondrolone;
  • alflutop;
  • Elbon, etc.

Intramuscular administration gives a faster effect than oral administration, and is carried out in courses of ten to twenty injections.

Chondoprotectors for internal use include drugs:

  • structum,
  • don,
  • piascledin,
  • formula-C,
  • artra,
  • teraflex.

Their action is of a distant nature and begins to give a visible effect after 3 months, and a stable effect - six months after the start of treatment.


Ointments, creams and gels relieve swelling and inflammation of the joint, reduce the feeling of pain and stimulate the regeneration of joint tissues.

For external use are used:

  • Horsepower,
  • chondroxide,
  • toad stone,
  • traumel.

Ointment and gel traumeel is used in the presence of hemorrhage in the articular bag.

Reception features

The use of chondoprotectors is most effective in the early stages of joint diseases.

Treatment is carried out for a long time by course methods, because the process of cartilage tissue restoration is not carried out quickly. With early termination of treatment, further destruction of cartilage is possible.

On average, treatment lasts up to one and a half, sometimes up to three years.

Chondroprotectors are easily tolerated even with prolonged use and have virtually no serious side effects.

How to choose a drug?

The choice of chondoprotectors is quite wide and complex, so you should not self-medicate.

Doctors, depending on the diagnosis and stage of the disease, most often prescribe: arthr, don, structum, teraflex, alflutop, elbon, chondrolon, chondroitin, formula-C, KONDRONova, toad stone.


Treatment is quite expensive.

A monthly course costs an average of one and a half to four thousand rubles.

The cost of treatment can be reduced after consulting a doctor and replacing drugs with a separate intake of components.

For example, the cost of a package of don chondroprotector (with the main active ingredient glucosamine) is about a thousand rubles, while glucosamine separately costs about three hundred rubles, like chondrotin.


Reviews of physicians and patients are controversial.

There are positive reviews of patients and doctors about complete healing, there are also negative reviews about the complete uselessness of drugs.

Doctors' opinion

In accordance with the regulations, chondroprotectors are not mandatory in the preparation of courses for the treatment of joint diseases.

In this regard, some doctors do not consider it possible to prescribe them, and some consider them as a necessary attribute of treatment.

To resolve the contradiction, studies were carried out on the active substances included in chondroprotectors: glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate:

  • with prolonged use of chondroitin sulfate (more than five weeks), a positive trend was noted;
  • the effect of the use of glucosamine appeared after two weeks and lasted a month or more, and after five or six courses over three years, a lasting effect was observed.

Patient opinion

Negative feedback from patients is mainly associated with the short duration of admission or late visits to the doctor.

Most patients who are conscientious about the doctor's recommendations give positive feedback:

Expert opinion

Vitaly Markelov, surgeon:

Many already recognize the benefits of taking chondoprotectors, but not everyone has the patience for long-term treatment and the entire range of measures to improve articular circulation.

Chondoprotectors have shown themselves well in combination with massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and other drugs.

The result also depends on the individual approach to the patient, depending on the disease and its severity and the general condition of the patient.

What Happens in Osteoarthritis of the Knee?

Articular cartilage plays a very important role for human movement - it is a strong, elastic, normally smooth lining, the function of which is to ensure easy sliding of the articulating bones relative to each other, as well as to distribute the load and shock absorption when a person walks.

But, in the event of provoking factors - injuries, prolonged muscle spasms, metabolic disorders in the body, with a genetic disposition, with regular excessive loads, etc., the cartilage becomes rough, thinner, as it were, dries up and even becomes covered with cracks. In this case, instead of soft sliding, strong friction occurs, the surfaces of the joint literally cling to each other, the first degree of arthrosis begins, when the cartilage loses its cushioning properties.

Further, the process of degeneration does not stop, but slowly progresses, with a decrease in depreciation, the bones gradually begin to flatten out, as if to increase the joint area, osteophytes appear - bone growths, when the degenerated tissue increases, forming outgrowths. This is already the second degree of arthrosis, while both the capsule and the warping shell of the joint undergo regeneration, from lack of movement and pumping, the structure of the knee joint atrophies, the joint fluid becomes more viscous, thicker, and the supply of nutrients to the cartilage weakens, which further worsens the condition .

Due to the thinning of the cartilage lining, the distance between the articulating bones is reduced by up to 80%. Therefore, when walking from the resulting abnormal friction without a shock absorber, the destruction of the joint begins to grow rapidly, quickly leading to the third degree of arthrosis of the knee joint, while the symptoms in patients are very pronounced:

  • Morning stiffness, soreness both at rest and during exertion
  • Pain on movement, especially when going up and down stairs
  • The person begins to limp, sparing the diseased limb
  • In severe cases, a person can only walk with a cane or crutches

With the third degree of arthrosis, joint mobility can be reduced to a minimum, since there is practically no full-fledged cartilage tissue left, therefore no super preparations, ointments, medicines or magical methods can restore the lost cartilage tissue, and due to bone deformation normal operation of the joint is impossible. In this case, only surgical treatment is possible.

Treatment Methods

With conservative therapeutic drug treatment of knee arthrosis, it is very important to carry out combined therapy in such a way as to simultaneously solve several problems:

  • The first condition of treatment is to establish the correct diagnosis as early as possible. And the earlier therapy is started, the greater the chances of successful treatment and prolongation of the remission period with the least consequences and destruction of cartilage tissue.
  • You must take painkillers as prescribed by your doctor
  • To accelerate the recovery of cartilage, it is necessary to improve its nutrition
  • In the joint area, blood circulation should be activated
  • Strengthen the muscles surrounding the affected joint
  • Reduce pressure on the articular areas of the bones, strive to increase the distance between them
  • Increase joint mobility.

Therefore, the main methods of treatment of arthrosis include:

  • Taking NSAIDs
  • In case of arthrosis of the knee joint, preparations are indicated - chondoprotectors that restore cartilage tissue
  • Vasodilators, warming ointments and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory creams, ointments
  • Desensitizing drugs (Suprastin, Cetrin, see allergy tablets)
  • Carrying out various compresses on the joint
  • joint injections
  • Manual therapy and physiotherapy
  • Performing a special set of exercises
  • Spa treatment

Medical treatment

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

To eliminate pain, as well as relieve inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are traditionally prescribed, since it is impossible to start treatment with pain. NSAIDs on the pharmaceutical market are now presented in a large assortment, both in tablet form, ointments, and injections:

  • Celecoxib - Celebrex
  • Etoricoxib - Arcoxia
  • Tenoxicam - Texamen
  • Nimesulide - Nise, Nimulide, Nimika
  • Naprxen — Nalgezin
  • Meloxicam - Movalis, Artrozan, Meloxicam
  • Ketorolac - Ketanov, Ketarol, Ketorolac
  • Ketoprofen - Artrozilen, Bystrumkaps, Ketonal, Flexen
  • Ibuprofen - Burana, Faspik, Ibuprofen, Nurofen
  • Diclofenac - Voltaren, Naklofen, Ortofen, Diklak

It should be understood that these drugs do not treat arthrosis of the knee joint, but only eliminate some of the symptoms of the disease, especially since they have a number of side effects and their long-term use is unacceptable.

Their prolonged use is dangerous not only because of side effects, but it has been proven that these drugs affect the synthesis of proteoglycans, leading to dehydration of cartilage tissue with prolonged exposure.

Therefore, the use of NSAIDs should be taken very seriously, used only in cases of severe pain. Taking a pill for pain relief, the patient can thus gradually accelerate the process of destruction of the joint. For more information about NSAIDs, their classification, contraindications, side effects, see our article Injections for back pain.

Preparations for the restoration of cartilage - tablets, injections, creams

Of course, when the cartilage tissue is already severely destroyed, at stage 3 of the disease, Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, which restore the structure and nourish the cartilage tissue, are ineffective for the treatment of arthrosis of the joints. But with 1-2 degrees of development of arthrosis - chondroprotectors are the most necessary, useful drugs for therapy.

It is chondroprotectors for arthrosis of the knee joint that bring the greatest benefit, they have practically no contraindications and they very rarely give side effects. However, their action is different, for example, glucosamine stimulates natural mechanisms for the restoration of cartilage, as if it starts the production of the main elements of cartilage, which subsequently prevents their destruction.

Chondroitin sulfate, on the other hand, has the property of neutralizing enzymes that corrode cartilage tissue and stimulates the growth of collagen protein, in addition, it helps to saturate cartilage tissue with water, increasing the ability of proteoglycans to retain and retain water.

Moreover, most doctors insist on the complex effect of chondroprotectors and conducting several courses a year, since a one-time admission or a single course does not lead to the desired result. In addition, one should not overly exaggerate the possibilities of these drugs in the treatment of arthrosis, yes they are effective, but in cases where the destruction process has gone too far, it is no longer possible to grow a new healthy cartilage tissue and you should not rely on chondoprotectors, with 3 degrees of arthrosis it most often helps only surgical treatment.

Moreover, even with 1-2 degrees, chondroprotectors have a slow effect, they do not lead to improvement immediately, so at least 2-3 courses per year are required. Also, doctors recommend adhering to the following rules when using chondroprotectors:

  • Use glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate in combination, and not separately
  • Conduct courses 2-3 times a year, or six months in a row.
  • During the course, observe doses - daily dose of chondroitin sulfate - 1000 mg, glucosamine 1500-1000 mg.

Chondroitin - presented in pharmacy chains in the form of tablets, injections and ointments:

  • in ampoules - Mucosat (300-500 rubles, 5 ampoules), Chondrolon (800-900 rubles), Artradol (700 rubles), Chondrogard (1100 rubles), Chondroitite sulfate (300 rubles), Chondrolone (800 rubles)
  • in tablets - Structum (about 1000 rubles), Chondroitin (300 rubles), Chondroxide (450 rubles)
  • ointments, gels - Chondroitin (80 rubles), Chondroxide (300 rubles)


  • in injections - Dona (1100 rubles), Elbona (700 rubles)
  • in capsules, sachets - Ellastenga active glucosamine (120 caps. 2500 rubles), Dona powder (1200 rubles), Stoparthrosis powder (700 rubles)
  • gel - Ellastenga (400-500 rubles)

Combined drugs - which include both glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate:

  • in tablets - Artra (600-1500 rubles), Doppelgerz glucosamine and chondroitin active capsules (300 rubles), Teraflex (700-1000 rubles), Glucosamine and chondroitin (250-300 rubles), Naches bounty complex (500 rubles), Kondronova capsules (350 rubles), Toad stone chondoprotector Sustamed (130 rubles), Solgar (2000 rubles)
  • cream — Honda (150 rubles)
Vasodilator drugs

These include Trental - Agapurin (150-200 rubles), Vasonid Retard (300 rubles), Pentoxifylline (60 rubles), Trental (160-1000 rubles), as well as the well-known Xanthinol nicotinate, teonikol - these drugs are quite useful in complex treatment , because they relieve spasm of small vessels, improve blood circulation in the joint, improve the delivery of nutrients and eliminate possible vascular pain. They also need to be taken in combination with chondroprotectors.

Also, in order to improve blood circulation, if arthrosis is not accompanied by synovitis (fluid accumulation), then the doctor may recommend the use of warming ointments and liquids such as Espol, Menovazin, Nikoflex-cream, Gevkamen - they give a feeling of comfort and warmth, rarely give side effects.

Gymnastics for osteoarthritis of the knee

With arthrosis of the knee joint, treatment, drugs, gymnastics, ointments, compresses - everything should be prescribed only by the attending physician. Therapeutic exercises should be performed slowly, without jerking, jumping, twisting the joint, without squats. It is best to do it in the morning for 20 minutes, lying down or sitting, 10 repetitions of each exercise.

The tasks of therapeutic physical exercises are to prevent further destruction of cartilage, the progression of the disease, slow down the development of stiffness, increase blood supply to the joint, relax the muscle spasm that causes pain. During an exacerbation of the disease, you can not do gymnastics.

  • Lying on your back, straighten your legs, arms along the body - you can perform the bicycle exercise, only straighten your legs parallel to the floor, make circular movements with your feet, or strain them, counting to 10, while exhaling, pull your legs to your chest with your hands, returning to the starting position while inhaling, take them away to the side, sliding along the floor, first one foot, then the other.
  • Sitting on a chair, legs lowered - straighten your legs while bending your feet, holding this position for 10 counts, pulling each knee in turn to your stomach, supporting with your hands and returning to the starting position.
  • Standing on the floor with support against the wall, swing back and forth alternately with each leg.
  • Standing near a chair - put one leg on a chair, it should be completely straightened, in the direction of this leg, perform springy movements-tilts, resting your hands on your thigh, while trying to straighten your leg more.
  • Lying on your stomach - alternately raise each leg in a straightened state, holding up to 3 counts.
  • Sitting on the floor - spread your legs to the sides, sliding along the floor, and also pull the knees of both legs to the stomach as you exhale, and return to the starting position as you inhale.

Why is the destruction of cartilage tissue of the joints?

Certain diseases, such as arthritis, arthrosis, intervertebral hernia, and dysplasia, have a detrimental effect on the skeletal system. In addition, injuries, inflammatory processes, collagen synthesis and age-related decline in the function of chondrocytes, which are the basic cells of cartilage tissue, negatively affect.

Thanks to the synovial fluid that fills the joint cavity, about ensures ease and smoothness of joint movement and prevent surface friction. This fluid nourishes the cartilage, and when loaded, it protrudes through its fibers and pores. At present, a big breakthrough has been made in medicine in replacing the affected bone joints, however, artificial substitutes are unable to fully ensure the functioning of the bone joint, therefore, it is much preferable to restore one's cartilage tissue.

joint diseases that damage cartilage tissue, when the weather changes, they manifest as aching pain, and with sudden movements - acute. Such symptoms should not be ignored, because if the disease begins to progress rapidly, then the only way out in this situation will be the removal of the diseased bone junction.

Preparations for the restoration of cartilage tissue

To repair a damaged joint, first of all, restore its cartilage tissue and perichondrium, using various preparations for this. These can be non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics in the form of injections and tablets, as well as chondoprotectors.

When restoring the cartilage tissue of the joint, first of all, it is necessary to influence the work of cartilage cells called chondrocytes, protect them from inflammation and reduce excessive activity of destructive substances. After that, the recovery process is stimulated in the intercellular substance of the cartilage. To this end, the doctor prescribes medications that can perform these tasks, and they are called chondroprotectors.

Exists several types of chondoprotectors, which differ in the active substance, efficiency, mechanism of influence and the number of components in the composition. They should be taken in long courses, since only in this case the maximum result will be achieved when the joint is restored.

Let us consider in more detail the drugs that can restore the damaged tissue of the cartilage joint.

Chondroitin belongs to the most important class of glycosamines. He takes part in the formation of cartilage proteins, and also contributes to the restoration of its structure and properties. Thanks to this drug, the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen is enhanced. Since chondroitin stimulates chondrocyte cells, this contributes to better cartilage regeneration. Joint mobility as a result of taking such a drug is restored much faster, while there is a decrease in stiffness and pain.

Chondroitin-based drugs include:

They produce such drugs in the form of capsules, tablets and solutions designed for long-term use.

Glucosamine-based preparations

Restore cartilage tissue of the joints medicines help based on glucosamine, which is a substance widely distributed in nature. Thanks to these drugs, cartilage is protected from various damages, and metabolism is normalized in it. These include:

The drugs are available in the form of tablets, powders, injections and creams.

There are also such drugs that are made from the bones and cartilage of animals, such as calves or marine life. This drug includes "Rumalon" - an extract of cartilage and bone marrow of calves. It contains various components of cartilage, which contributes to its restoration. In addition, "Rumalon" as a natural defense slows down the aging of cartilage.

The medicine is produced only in the form of a solution, which is administered intramuscularly. Like any drug of animal origin, it may cause an allergic reaction. Since Rumalon contains a foreign protein, such a drug is able to launch defenses against its own body. That is why it is contraindicated in autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Preparations based on mucopolysaccharides can also restore the cartilaginous tissue of the joint. Thanks to them slowing down cartilage aging and the production of intra-articular fluid increases, and mobility returns to the joints. But such drugs have a large number of contraindications, which include diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, kidney and liver failure. However, for the restoration of cartilage, mucopolysaccharides are the best remedy.

This group includes "Arteparon", which is administered intramuscularly, and it is characterized by the duration of administration.

Combined medicines

Because cartilage damage accompanied by pain, then combined preparations are used to get rid of it. These include chondroprotectors, consisting of cartilage components and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. To this group belong:

  • "Advance";
  • "Teraflex";
  • "Artodar".

But they should not be taken for a long time, as there is a high risk of peptic ulcer and bleeding.

Hyaluronic acid is the most an important part of the intraarticular fluid and acts as a lubricant. If its production is disturbed, then there is a restriction of movement in the joints and microtraumas appear. As a result, the edges of the bones begin to grow and spikes form, while walking there is pain and crunching.

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid are injected into the joint, due to which they instantly fall into the affected area and have a therapeutic effect. The medicine is contraindicated in skin diseases and a pronounced inflammatory process.

Homeopathic and antihomotoxic drugs

Restore cartilage tissue capable of such drugs. The main advantage of homeopathic remedies is the complete absence of side effects and contraindications for their use. They can be used for a long time, and the result is always positive.

Such preparations as "Traumeel S" and "Target T" have proven themselves well. Release them in the form of tablets, gel and solutions and thanks to them, pain and inflammation are reduced, which leads to the restoration of the joints. They can be used both during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.


Exercise improves blood flow and synovial fluid that protects the surface of a bone joint from injuries and contributes to its full work. Therapeutic exercises should be carried out slowly, without bouncing, jerking. It is forbidden to overload the joints and it is necessary to refuse such techniques as elements on bent knees or squats.

The task of therapeutic physical exercises is to prevent further destruction of cartilage, increase blood supply to the joint, prevent the progression of the disease, and relax muscle spasms.

Physiotherapy, compresses

In the absence of contraindications to such procedures, it is advisable to use them. Thanks to them the body regenerates tissues faster and speeds up recovery. The doctor may recommend electrophoresis, laser therapy, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, magnetic laser therapy, UHF, and diadynamic currents. Massage, manual therapy courses, acupuncture will be very effective in this case.

Definite treatment can also have an effect, like medical bile, "Dimexide" or "Bishofite". Medical bile has a warming, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. "Bishofit" works in a similar way. But "Dimexide" is quite actively used for many diseases, as it is able to penetrate the skin and have a pronounced absorbable effect, relieve inflammation and improve metabolism at the site of application of such a compress.


Many people taking chondroprotectors in tablets is contraindicated. What to do? In this case, they can be consumed in their natural form. Jellied dishes are rich in collagen, for example, jelly, and sweet jellies, but only natural ones. In addition, it is desirable to include in your diet foods rich in sulfur, protein, fatty acids, selenium. They are the "bricks" that are needed to build healthy cartilage.

Thus, the diet should consist of the following products:

  • lean meats (chicken, beef);
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (sardine, linseed and olive oil, mackerel, salmon);
  • dairy;
  • sources of selenium (seaweed, garlic, whole grain bread);
  • sources of sulfur (cod, cabbage, onion, chum salmon, sea bass, plums, gooseberries, eggs).

In this way, joint cartilage restoration cannot happen on its own. For this, it is necessary to take chondoprotectors, conduct a course of physiotherapy and correct nutrition. Only in this case, you can be sure that the joint will recover and there will be no such problems in the future.

The main causes of cartilage destruction

Cartilaginous tissue, despite its unique structure, due to which the structure, which is fragile at first glance, can withstand huge loads, is prone to destruction.

  • genetic predisposition. In this case, a person from birth will have a tendency to destruction of the joints, which will occur sooner or later if measures are not taken to prevent it.
  • Congenital or acquired anomalies in the development of the joints and the musculoskeletal system as a whole. The main reasons in this case are dysplasia, flat feet, etc.
  • Injuries and surgeries.
  • Increased physical activity. Strong physical loads on the joint, due to professional activities, lead to its rapid wear.
  • Lack of minerals in the body.
  • Presence of autoimmune diseases. Often, the knee cartilage is damaged against the background of hemochromatosis, arthritis, psoriasis, gout, etc.
  • Overweight. Obesity is the cause of many diseases in the human body, including the musculoskeletal system. When a person daily wears extra pounds, a large mass, the joints do not withstand and begin to collapse.
  • Another reason is inflammation of the cartilage tissue of the joints as a result of arthritis, synovitis, etc.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Hormonal imbalance.

We should also not exclude such a provoking factor as impaired metabolism, which occurs against the background of prolonged smoking, alcohol dependence, malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, etc.

The development of articular cartilage disease of the knee

Inflammation of the cartilage tissue of the joints, its destruction, is associated with various adverse factors, as a result of which the cartilage becomes loose in structure, similar to a porous sponge. Its structure becomes rough, begins to dry out and cracks appear on it.

Because of these changes, the joint cannot function normally, because instead of gently sliding, the joints begin to rub against each other. Over time, this process progresses - flattening of the bones occurs, due to which the articular area increases. The patient develops osteophytes - bone growths.

Given the fact that the joint fluid is the only source of cartilage nutrition, when it decreases, the joint itself experiences starvation. He does not receive useful nutrients, which negatively affects both his work and the well-being of the patient.

Initially, a person will be disturbed by pain and discomfort during physical exertion, later they will appear at rest. It will be difficult for the patient to get up and down the stairs, steps. Pain in the limbs will cause the person to limp, later to use walking support in the form of a cane or crutches.

How to restore damaged cartilage tissue of the joint

The restoration of the cartilage tissue of the knee joint is a long process, and the sooner measures are taken, the more chances there are to restore the joint without surgical intervention. To know how to properly restore the knee cartilage, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of its destruction.

To do this, you need to consult a doctor, undergo a diagnosis, and only after that apply the drugs and procedures recommended by the doctor.

Restoration of the cartilage tissue of the knee joint is possible only with the support of a high level of chondrocytes (cartilage tissue cells). The nutrition of these cells is carried out at the expense of synovial fluid, since vessels that could bring nutrients to it do not pass through the joint itself.

Due to the presence of passive exercises in physiotherapy exercises, such exercises are available for people of different ages, builds and physical data.

Be sure to normalize your daily menu in such a way that it contains the necessary amount of useful substances and excludes all unhealthy ones. Nutrition in no case should be vegetarian - the absence of the main sources of calcium (dairy products, meat, rich broths) will lead to joint fragility earlier than their physiological aging.

Restoration of the cartilage of the joints should begin at an early stage, with an increase in motor activity. To do this, you need to contact a specialized doctor and ask him to help you choose the right physical activity. You need to train daily, paying attention to problem areas of the body. Yoga classes help a lot, which will help stop the progression of the disease, improve the function of the joints and the well-being of the person as a whole.

Preparations for the restoration of cartilage tissue of the knee joint are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the cause of the disease. Most often, to restore cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors are prescribed, containing the main substances - hyaluron and chondroitin, which serve as some kind of prosthesis that replaces the missing fluid. These drugs are injected into the joint or applied topically, using ointments or gels for this.

Medicines help relieve pain and stop the progression of the disease, but they will need to be taken for a long time, almost a lifetime. Such a long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs often negatively affects the health of internal organs (gastritis, peptic ulcer, etc. may develop).

To prevent the negative effects of drugs on the body, they additionally take protective drugs for the stomach, liver, and intestines.

Therapy of knee joints with folk remedies

Restoration of the cartilage of the knee joint with folk remedies is possible in different periods of damage. For this, medicinal herbs are used, preparing infusions, decoctions, rubbing and ointments from them.

Well helps to warm up a painful place, grated radish and horseradish, which must be mixed and applied to the knee (can be used only in the absence of severe inflammation). Warming compresses can be prepared from salt fried in a dry frying pan, boiled bran, dry mustard.

Plants that have a diuretic property will help remove excess salt and water from the body. Decoctions or infusions are prepared from them (according to the instructions), after which they are taken orally in a certain proportion. For such purposes, you can buy nettle, kidney fees, horsetail, sunflower root.

You can insist on alcohol chestnut, calendula, birch leaves, dead bees. Such tinctures are prepared in advance, after which they are used to rub the knee. An effective and fairly safe remedy.

Why do joints break down with age?

A joint is a complex structure that contains bones and cartilage that covers them. Thanks to cartilage, there is an unhindered sliding of the articular surfaces relative to each other. Bones provide cartilage with nutrients. As soon as problems arise in one component of the joint, the entire system begins to suffer.

There are 3 main factors that destroy joints:

  1. Disturbed metabolism within the cartilage. The main substance of cartilage is collagen and proteins. Proteins consist of chondroitin and glycosamines. Violation of their metabolism is the leading destructive factor in the opinion of most scientists and doctors.
  2. Inflammatory process that triggers cartilage damage. Damaged cartilage begins to produce other substances that can independently cause inflammation in other parts of the joint and stimulate bone growth with the formation of spikes.

    The result of recurring inflammation is osteoarthritis.

  3. Loads. Moreover, their number, degree, and time of action are also important. Loads and frequent injuries trigger the process of destruction of the joint, destroy its cartilage, and cause deformation of the bones.

Which joints are affected the most?

First of all, the most intensively working joints get sick - knee, hip, intervertebral, joints of the hands.

For example, the cartilaginous tissue of the knee joint experiences daily stress and weight, and active movements. It is damaged, destroyed, and it becomes not so easy to restore the normal functioning of the knee joint. The same processes occur in other joints.

How to find out about joint damage?

It is impossible not to notice diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Pain in the lower back and neck, knees, hands, crunching during movement, inability to straighten up or climb stairs - all these are clear signs of osteoarthritis.

Later, the pain begins to disturb even when resting, in the morning there is stiffness of the body, in severe cases, a cane or walker may be needed.

Can joints be restored?

Restoration of damaged joints primarily involves the restoration of their cartilaginous tissue and perichondrium. And if you can restore the structure of the bone by taking calcium and vitamin D3, then things are more complicated with cartilage.

First of all, it is necessary to influence the work of cartilage cells - chondrocytes, protect them from inflammation, and reduce the activity of destructive substances. Then it is necessary to stimulate the recovery process in the intercellular substance of the cartilage.

Drugs that perform all these tasks are called chondroprotectors - "protecting cartilage."

What are chondroprotectors?

There are several groups of chondroprotectors. They differ in the active substance, the mechanism of influence, the effect, the number of components in the composition. Chondroprotectors are especially effective in the treatment of early stages of osteoarthritis.

In severe cases and with intense pain, combined preparations are used - chondroprotectors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Chondroprotectors should be taken in long courses to achieve maximum effect and restore joint function.

General indications for the appointment of chondroprotectors:

  1. degenerative diseases of the joints - arthrosis of any area;
  2. osteocondritis of the spine;
  3. inflammatory processes in the joints - arthritis;
  4. destruction of articular cartilage.

Medicines based on chondroitin sulfate

Chondroitin belongs to the most important class of glycosamines. It is involved in the formation of cartilage proteins, the restoration of its structure and properties. The drug enhances the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid.

By stimulating chondrocyte cells, chondroitin provides a better degree of cartilage and perichondrium regeneration compared to other drugs. The mobility of the joint when it is taken is restored faster. In addition, pain and stiffness decrease, and other manifestations of osteoarthritis disappear.

Chondroitin-based drugs include mucosat, structum, artradol, chondrogard, artrin, chondroitin-akos, chondrolone. These drugs are produced in the form of tablets, capsules and solutions, designed for long-term use.

Preparations containing glucosamine

Glucosamine is a substance found in nature. It is the main component of chitin, which is most often extracted from the shell of crustaceans. Glucosamine-based preparations protect cartilage from damage and restore normal metabolism in it.

These include don, elbon, chondroxide maximum, sustilac, glucosamine sulfate.

Glucosamine preparations are available in the form of powders, tablets, injections and even creams (chondroxide maximum).

There are also medicines that are made from the cartilage and bones of animals - for example, marine life or calves.

These drugs include rumalon - an extract of bone marrow and cartilage tissue of calves. It contains various components of cartilage and thus stimulates its recovery. In addition, rumalon as a natural defense slows down the aging of cartilage.

The medicine is produced only in the form of a solution, it is administered intramuscularly. Like most animal products, it increases the risk of developing allergies. Due to the content of a foreign protein, it can trigger immunity against its own body, therefore it is prohibited in autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis). Pregnancy or its planning, breast-feeding are also contraindications for taking the drug.

The analogue of rumalon is biartrin. A similar drug, which is obtained from marine animals, is called alflutop.


They slow down the aging of cartilage and increase the production of intra-articular fluid, restore joint mobility.

These medicines have many contraindications - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, diabetes mellitus, kidney and liver disease, accompanied by insufficiency. But in some situations, it is mucopolysaccharides that are the best drug of choice.

Arteparon belongs to this group. This drug is administered intramuscularly, is prescribed for a long course.

Multicomponent drugs

To influence several symptoms of splicing, preparations containing both chondroitin sulfate and glycosamine are used. These include teraflex, artron complex, chondroflex, chondrogluxide, artra.

Multicomponent preparations are highly effective, they are also used for a long time. They are produced mainly in the form of tablets and capsules, some are used topically - as ointments and creams (Teraflex M). Well tolerated, of the side effects, only allergies and sometimes discomfort in the stomach can be noted.

Combined drugs

Since pain is an inevitable companion of osteoarthritis, getting rid of it is the most important task of complex treatment. For these purposes, chondroprotectors have been developed, which include not only cartilage components, but also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

These drugs include teraflex advance, artrodar.

Combined drugs could be considered the gold standard for the treatment of osteoarthritis, if not for their side effects, in particular, on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs included in the composition, patients may experience:

  • heartburn and stomach pain;
  • exacerbation or appearance of peptic ulcer;
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

In old age, these manifestations are most often erased, imperceptible and can lead to serious complications. It is necessary to prescribe combination drugs to patients after 60 years of age with caution and be sure to warn what uncontrolled use may threaten.

Long-term use of combination drugs also increases the risk of bleeding and peptic ulcer disease.

The effectiveness and safety of the use of chondroprotectors has been studied for more than 25 years all over the world. The best results were shown by drugs based on glycosamine, chondroitin sulfate and their combinations.

Hyaluronic acid preparations

Hyaluronic acid is the most important part of the intra-articular fluid, it acts as a lubricant. In case of violation of the production of hyaluronic acid, movements in the joints are difficult, microtraumas occur. This leads to the growth of bone edges and the formation of spikes, pain when walking, crunching when moving.

Medicines based on hyaluronic acid are injected into the joint. In this case, they instantly reach the affected area and have a healing effect. Courses of therapy are repeated after six months or a year.

Hyaluronic acid preparations are not used for severe inflammation, skin diseases. Contraindications include children's age.

Given the intra-articular injection, treatment with hyaluronic acid is carried out only by orthopedic traumatologists.

Homeopathic and antihomotoxic remedies

Homeopathy and antihomotoxic therapy is involved in the treatment of osteoarthritis along with classical medicine. The main advantage of homeopathic medicines is the absence of side effects and contraindications for treatment. They can be used for a long time and show good long-term results.

Of the well-established preparations, Cel T and Traumeel C are known. They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, by reducing inflammation they restore the functioning of the joints. They are used in the form of solutions, tablets and gel.

Antihomotoxic and homeopathic treatment can be carried out during pregnancy and in childhood. Breastfeeding is also not a hindrance.

Collagen-based preparations

Collagen-based preparations are mostly dietary supplements. One of the well known is Collagen Ultra. Serious side effects from taking this supplement were not noted, but its benefits remain in question.

Folk remedies

Is there an alternative for those who are not accustomed to being treated with traditional means? Yes, in the early stages, treatment with folk methods is possible.

For the most part, these are plant-based compresses designed to relieve swelling and inflammation in the diseased joint. Cabbage leaves with honey, burdock, elecampane root, dandelion vodka tincture are successfully used.

But we must remember that the treatment of folk remedies eliminates the symptoms, but does not affect the cause. They cannot stop the destruction of cartilage.


If there are chondroprotectors in tablets, why can't they be used in their natural form? After all, aspic dishes (jelly, fish aspic) and sweet jellies are rich in collagen - natural, not synthetic.

But do not lean on jellies with osteoarthritis. The harm to the heart will be much greater than the intended benefit.

You need to eat foods rich in protein, sulfur, selenium, fatty acids. These are the “bricks” from which healthy cartilage will be built.

The diet must include:

  • dairy;
  • lean meats (beef, chicken);
  • sources of sulfur (sea bass and chum salmon, cod, gooseberries and plums, cabbage and onions, eggs);
  • sources of selenium (garlic, seaweed, whole grain bread);
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (mackerel, sardine, salmon, olive and linseed oils).

By eating healthy foods, you can slow down the aging and destruction of cartilage, improve the functioning of the joints.

Which method should be preferred?

With osteoarthritis, you should not get carried away with any one type of treatment. Therapy for degenerative joint diseases should be comprehensive - from proper nutrition to a well-chosen scheme of chondroprotectors.

Only a doctor should prescribe treatment. Self-medication in case of osteoarthritis is unacceptable.

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