Mumps vaccine contains. Vaccination against mumps or mumps. Reactions and complications

In this issue of the magazine will be discussed about a disease that is colloquially called mumps. Such an unsympathetic name for the disease was given by the most commonly observed symptom - an increase in the parotid salivary glands. Children of the first year of life rarely get sick with mumps: babies are reliably protected by antibodies obtained in the womb. Problems begin, as a rule, when children begin to walk in Kindergarten or to school. Therefore, parents should take care in advance to insure their child.

Mikhail Kostinov
Head of the Immunoprophylaxis Center at the Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums. I. I. Mechnikova, MD

"Portrait" of the disease

Mumps is an infectious disease in which pathogenic viruses damage the cells of the salivary glands, pancreas, testicles, ovaries, and the central nervous system. Parotitis is less contagious than, for example, measles or chicken pox in addition, the virus is very unstable in the external environment. Therefore, for infection with the mumps virus, fairly close contact with the patient is required in the first 9 days of the disease. Mumps is transmitted by airborne droplets. Penetrating through the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, pharynx and nose, the virus spreads throughout the body with blood and populates its “favorite” places. From the moment of infection to the development of symptoms of the disease, 11-23 days pass. The disease begins with loss of appetite, malaise, headaches, then the temperature rises and a painful pasty swelling of the parotid gland appears, first on one side, then, after 1 to 3 days, on the other. The submandibular salivary glands may also swell. Usually, after 4-5 days of illness, the temperature decreases, complaints decrease, swelling disappears.

As already mentioned, most often the mumps virus affects the salivary glands. However, in some patients with pathological process other organs are also involved. When the pancreas is affected, the child is disturbed by pain in the abdomen in the epigastric region and the left hypochondrium, sometimes nausea and vomiting appear. If the disease occurs during or after puberty, in boys it can be complicated by inflammation of the testicles (there is swelling and pain in the testicle, swelling of the scrotum), and in girls - inflammation of the ovaries. As a result of serious damage to the cells of the glandular organs, a child may develop juvenile diabetes(a consequence of inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis), in 10% of sick boys, male infertility may occur in the future.

The defeat of the central nervous system leads to inflammation of the membranes of the brain, which in most cases proceeds benignly, i.e. cured without consequences for the health of the child. AT rare cases damaged auditory nerve resulting in the possibility of developing hearing loss. Unfortunately, at present there are no such drugs that would fight the mumps virus. With the development of the disease, you can only reduce its individual manifestations. Therefore, it is very important to vaccinate in a timely manner, which is the main means of preventing this disease.

Vaccination rules

According to the Russian vaccination schedule, vaccination against mumps is carried out with a live attenuated vaccine twice: at the age of 12-15 months and then at 7 years of age for previously healthy children. The effectiveness of vaccination is quite high, it reduces both the risk of the disease itself and the likelihood of developing its complicated forms. In other words, even after vaccination, the child may get sick (with a probability of no more than 5%), but the disease will proceed in much more time. mild form and without complications. Vaccination forms a sufficiently long and stable immunity, which lasts for many years. And given the constant contact with the virus throughout life, we can talk about virtually lifelong immunity as a result of vaccination.

In addition, vaccination in some cases is also carried out in order to prevent the disease after contact with a patient with mumps. In this case, the vaccine is administered no later than 72 hours after contact with the patient, however, the vaccine does not always protect against the disease, since immunity reaches the level necessary to protect the body rather slowly. Faster, but less reliable effect in terms of emergency prevention mumps has a normal human immunoglobulin containing protective antibodies. It should be remembered that if immunoglobulin is administered earlier than 2 weeks after preventive vaccination, antibodies can neutralize the vaccine strain, thereby preventing the formation of immunity. For the same reason, vaccination is not carried out earlier than 3 months after the introduction of human immunoglobulin.


Since mumps vaccines contain even weakened, but still live viruses, contraindications for them are similar to contraindications for vaccination with other live vaccines. The mumps vaccine should not be given if:

  • acute diseases; exacerbations chronic diseases;
  • long-term serious illnesses (viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, diseases of the nervous system) - in these cases, vaccination is carried out individually 6-12 months after recovery;
  • states of immune deficiency;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe allergic reactions to aminoglycosides, hen and quail egg protein, severe allergic general and local reactions to previous administration of measles vaccine.

After mild illness, live mumps vaccine can be administered no earlier than 2 to 3 weeks after recovery. After the introduction of immunoglobulin and plasma, vaccination is not carried out for 3 months.

Children infected with HIV should also be vaccinated, since the likelihood of developing complications after vaccination is much less than the likelihood severe course mumps against the background of an immunodeficiency state caused by HIV.


Anna Khrustaleva, Today, 14:41


A viral disease that primarily affects the salivary glands. Parotitis is transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets.

The incubation period in most cases is 14-21 days. The danger of infecting others occurs 2 days before the enlargement of the glands and persists until complete recovery.

After past illness, as a rule, lifelong immunity is formed. In Russia, about 50,000 people suffer from mumps every year.


After a short prodromal period, accompanied by loss of appetite, irritability, fatigue, headaches, sore throat, against the background of a rise in temperature, a painful pasty swelling of the parotid gland appears. Usually one side is affected, mainly the left, then after 1-3 days - the other. Sometimes the disease spreads to other glands (submandibular and sublingual). After 4-5 days, the temperature decreases, complaints decrease, the enlargement of the salivary glands disappears.


1) In addition to the salivary glands, other glands may also be involved in the pathological process. Inflammation of the pancreas is manifested by the occurrence of pain in the left upper abdomen, vomiting. As a result, juvenile diabetes can develop.

2) In patients typical shape EP is often affected by the CNS (Typical, combined form). Serous meningitis occurs, as a rule, before the 6th day of illness, and may be the only manifestation of mumps infection. Most often mumps meningitis occurs in children aged 3 to 9 years.

3) Damage to the pancreas (pancreatitis) occurs in half of the patients. In most children, it develops simultaneously with the defeat of the parotid salivary glands, less often - on the 1st week. disease and in isolated cases - on the 2nd week. Almost always, nausea, repeated vomiting, loss of appetite, hiccups, constipation, and in rare cases, diarrhea are noted. In children of the first 2 years of life, the nature of the stool changes - liquid, poorly digested, with the presence of white lumps. Tongue coated, dryish. At severe forms there is repeated vomiting; pulse quickened, arterial pressure reduced, the development of a collaptoid state is possible.

4) The incidence of orchitis in men reaches 68%, in boys up to school age- 2%. With the onset of puberty, orchitis occurs more often: in age group 11-15 years old - 17%, 16-17 years old - 34%. Cases of the development of mumps orchitis in boys are described. infancy. Orchitis develops acutely, more often on the 3-10th day of illness. Orchitis may occur on the 14-19th day from the onset of the disease and even after 2-5 weeks. In EP, a predominantly unilateral lesion of the seminal glands is observed. Right testicle is involved in the process more often than the left one, which is due to the peculiarities of its blood circulation.

5) Defeat prostate(prostatitis) occurs mainly in adolescents and adults. sick notes discomfort, pain in the perineum, especially during bowel movements and urination. An enlarged prostate is detected by finger research rectum.

6) The defeat of the female gonads. Oophoritis occurs in girls during puberty. Inflammation of the ovaries is characterized by the severity of the process, sharp pain in iliac region, high body temperature. The reverse dynamics is usually fast (5-7 days). Outcomes of oophoritis are often favorable.

7) Mastitis of mumps etiology occurs in women and men. There is an increase in body temperature, soreness, compaction of the mammary glands. The process is eliminated quickly - in 3-4 days; suppuration of the glands is not observed.

8) Defeat thyroid gland(thyroiditis) is extremely rare. The disease proceeds with high body temperature, pain in the neck, sweating, exophthalmos.

9) The defeat of the lacrimal gland (dacryoadenitis) is characterized by severe pain in the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, their pain on palpation.

10) Meningoesophalitis is rare. In typical cases, it develops on the 6-10th day of the disease, more often in children under 6 years of age. Involved in the pathological process cranial nerves, pyramidal and vestibular systems, cerebellum.

11) The pathological process may involve: liver, spleen, organ of hearing (labyrinthitis, cochleitis), organ of vision (conjunctivitis, scleritis, keratitis, neuritis or paralysis optic nerve), serous membranes of the joints.

Mumps vaccination

Vaccination efficiency - 96%

Duration of action - more than 12 years

Side effects

Most children do not have vaccine reactions. Sometimes there may be an increase in body temperature (from 4 to 12 days after vaccination), slight malaise for 1-2 days. Sometimes a short-term (2-3 days) slight increase in the parotid salivary glands. Serious Complications extremely rare. These may include convulsions associated with fever in susceptible children; severe allergic reaction. Extremely rarely, easily occurring aseptic meningitis can develop. To very rare complications also includes encephalitis and parotitis.


The vaccine is contraindicated in:

immunodeficiency states;
oncological diseases;
allergies to aminoglycosides (kanamycin, monomycin), eggs;
within 3 months after the introduction of immunoglobulin

List of vaccines

Vaccine mumps cultural live dry
Production: Russia

Live cultural mumps vaccine, lyophilizate for preparation of solution for subcutaneous injection, prepared by cultivating an attenuated strain of mumps virus Leningrad-3 on a primary cell culture of quail embryos.
The drug is a homogeneous porous mass of pink color.

One inoculation dose of the vaccine (0.5 ml) contains:
at least 20,000 tissue cytopathogenic doses (TCD50) of the mumps virus;
stabilizer - a mixture of 0.08 ml aqueous solution LS-18 and 0.02 ml of 10% gelatin solution;
no more than 20 mcg of gentamicin sulfate.

Immunological properties
The vaccine stimulates the production of antibodies to the mumps virus in seronegative children, reaching a maximum level 6-7 weeks after vaccination.
The drug complies with WHO requirements.

Prevention of epidemic parotitis.
Scheduled vaccinations are carried out twice at the age of 12 months and 6 years for children who have not had mumps.
Emergency prophylaxis is carried out for children from 12 months old, adolescents and adults who have had contact with a sick mumps who has not had mumps or has not previously been vaccinated against this infection. In the absence of contraindications, the vaccine is administered no later than 72 hours after contact with the patient.
severe forms of allergic reactions to aminoglycosides (gentamycin sulfate) and chicken eggs;
primary immunodeficiency states, malignant diseases blood and neoplasms;
severe reaction (temperature rise above 40°C, hyperemia and/or edema of more than 8 cm in diameter at the injection site) or complication to previous administration of mumps or mumps-measles vaccines;

In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (paramedic) on the day of vaccination conducts a survey and examination of the vaccinated person with mandatory thermometry. If necessary, conduct an appropriate laboratory examination.

Note: HIV infection is not a contraindication to vaccination.

Persons temporarily exempted from vaccinations should be taken under observation and account and vaccinated after removal of contraindications.

Side effects

In most children, the vaccination process is asymptomatic. Some children may experience:
from 5 to 15 days- temperature reactions, catarrhal phenomena from the nasopharynx (hyperemia of the pharynx, rhinitis);
from 5 to 42 days- a slight increase in the parotid salivary glands lasting 2-3 days;
in rare cases in the first 48 hours after vaccination local reactions, expressed in skin hyperemia and mild edema at the injection site, which disappear without treatment.

At mass application vaccines, an increase in body temperature above 38.5 ° C should not be more than 2 percent of vaccinated children.

Complications that develop extremely rarely include allergic reactions that occur in the first 24-48 hours in children with altered reactivity. Extremely rarely, in vaccinated people, in 2-4 weeks, a benign leaking can develop. serous meningitis. Each case of serous meningitis requires differential diagnosis.

Note: An increase in body temperature above 38.5 ° C in post-vaccination period is an indication for the appointment of antipyretics.

Shelf life, storage and transportation conditions
The shelf life of the vaccine is 15 months. An expired drug should not be used.

Merck Sharp & Dohme, USA

Ingredients: (1) ATTENUVAX (live measles vaccine, MSD), lower virulence measles virus derived from an attenuated (Enders") strain of Edmonston and grown in chick embryo cell culture; (2) MUMPSVAX ( live vaccine against mumps, MSD), Jeryl Lynn strain (level B) of mumps virus grown in chick embryo cell culture, and (3) MERUVAX II (rubella live vaccine, MSD), Wistar RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella virus grown in a culture of human diploid cells (WI-38). The viruses in the vaccine are identical to those used to manufacture ATTENUVAX (live measles vaccine, MSD), MUMPSVAX (live mumps vaccine, MSD) and MERUVAX II (live rubella vaccine, MSD). The three viruses are mixed prior to lyophilization. The preparation does not contain preservatives.

The diluted vaccine is intended for subcutaneous administration. After dilution according to the instructions, the dose for injection is 0.5 ml and is equivalent to at least 1000 TCID50 (tissue cytopathic dose) of the standard measles virus (USA), 5000 TCID50 of the standard mumps virus (USA) and 1000 TCID50 of the standard rubella virus (USA). Each dose contains about 25 micrograms of neomycin. There are no preservatives in the preparation. Sorbitol and hydrolyzed gelatin are added as stabilizers.

pregnancy; if vaccination is carried out at post-pubertal age, pregnancy should be avoided for 3 months. after her
The presence of anaphylactic or anaphylactoid reactions to neomycin, eggs;
Any disease respiratory system or any other infection accompanied by fever. Active untreated tuberculosis. Patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy (this contraindication does not apply to patients receiving replacement therapy with corticosteroids). Patients with blood disorders, leukemias, lymphomas of any type, or other malignant tumors striking Bone marrow or the lymphatic system. Primary and acquired immunodeficiency; violation cellular immunity; hypogammaglobulinemia or dysgammaglobulinemia. The presence of congenital or hereditary immunodeficiencies in the patient's relatives until his sufficient immunocompetence is proven.

Adverse reactions:

Most often, local reactions are possible: a quickly passing burning sensation and / or soreness at the injection site. Less common (usually between 5-15 days) general reactions: fever and dermatological reactions: rash. RARE General: mild local reactions including erythema, induration and skin sensitivity; pain in the throat, malaise. Digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. blood system and lymphatic system: regional lymphadenopathy, thrombocytopenia, purpura. Hypersensitivity: allergic reactions at the injection site; anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions, urticaria. Musculoskeletal system: arthralgia and / or arthritis (usually transient, in rare cases chronic - see below), myalgia. Neuropsychic: febrile convulsions in children, convulsions without fever, headache, dizziness, paresthesia, polyneuritis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, ataxia. Leather: erythema multiforme. Sense organs: various options optic neuritis, otitis media, deafness associated with nerve damage, conjunctivitis. genitourinary system: orchitis.

The incidence is recorded in all countries of the world both in the form of sporadic cases and epidemic outbreaks (in children's groups, barracks for recruits). Outbreaks are characterized by a gradual spread over 2.5-3.5 months, an undulating course.

Age structure. EP occurs at any age. Children 7-14 years old are most often ill; in children under the age of 1 year, especially the first 6 months. life, EP is extremely rare. Males are affected slightly more often than females.

Implemented since 1987, the planned vaccination of mumps with the help of a live mumps vaccine from strain L-3 had a significant impact on the epidemic process of this infection. The incidence has sharply decreased: for 10 years (1988 - 1997), its rate did not exceed 100.0 per 100 thousand of the population, and the lowest (23.3 per 100,000) was registered in 1992.

From 3 - 4 to 10 years, the inter-epidemic period increased; the last pronounced increase in the incidence (98.9 per 100 thousand of the population) was observed in 1998.

Under the conditions of vaccination, the main regulator of the epidemic process of this infection is the level of vaccination coverage of the child population. However, even in last years this figure did not exceed 90.0%, varying significantly in individual territories. Only with the introduction of repeated immunization at the age of 6, vaccination approached 90.0%. Moreover, the level of vaccination coverage does not correlate with the actual protection of the population, which is associated with the quality of the vaccine itself, violation of the rules for its transportation, storage and use.

The modern live mumps vaccine from the Leningrad-3 strain ensures the formation of immunity in more than 80% of those vaccinated.

Both among schoolchildren from 7 to 14 years old and among the entire population, the most high performance registered in St. Petersburg (2026.8 and 322.3 per 100 thousand of the corresponding population); Ryazan region (1647.8 and 349.5); Murmansk (1313.3 and 247.7); Orlovskaya (1151.7 and 226.1); Republic of Altai (1145.2 and 263.8); Leningrad region (964.8 and 204.6): the Republic of Tyva (899.3 and 229.2). Up to 7% of the total population of the Federation lives in these territories, about 11% of school-age children, but at the same time, more than 40% of those with mumps and more than 45% of those with mumps aged 7 to 14 years.

In Russia, about 50,000 people suffer from mumps every year.

Mumps (mumps) is a highly contagious viral disease. Every year, the disease is registered in 3-4 thousand people. The mumps vaccine prevents thousands of cases of meningitis and testicular inflammation each year. The disease is a "managed" infection and depends entirely on the effectiveness of vaccination. Since the introduction of the mumps vaccine, the number of detected cases of the disease has decreased tenfold.

The disease is common mainly among adolescents and young adults. The culprit of mumps is an RNA-containing virus that affects the glandular organs and the central nervous system. The disease is dangerous for men due to the risk of damage to the reproductive apparatus.

Rice. 1. Mumps in an adult and a child.

Mumps vaccination

Mumps vaccination: when is it done?

Mumps vaccination is carried out for all previously unvaccinated and not ill children aged 15 months and up to 7 years. Vaccination is subject to children whose information about the previous vaccination is unreliable.

Mumps Vaccines

Mumps monovaccine

  • For specific prevention mumps, a live mumps culture vaccine (LPV) is used. The vaccine is prepared from a strain of mumps virus L-3, completely devoid of virulence. Primary cell culture of Japanese quail embryos was used for its growth.
  • ZhPV is administered once subcutaneously in the subscapular or outer area of ​​the shoulder in a volume of 0.5 ml.
  • The live vaccine can be given at the same time as the measles and rubella vaccines, but in different parts of the body.
  • Re-introduction of a live vaccine is carried out to persons who, for some reason, did not give an immune response to the first vaccination.
  • If the child has not previously had mumps and has not been vaccinated, but has been in contact with the patient, according to the instructions, it can be vaccinated, but no later than 3 days (72 hours) after contact with the patient.

Rice. 2. The cultured live mumps monovaccine is used to prevent mumps.

Rice. 3. The vaccine against mumps is administered once subcutaneously in the subscapular or outer area of ​​the shoulder in a volume of 0.5 ml.

Combined measles, rubella and mumps vaccines

  • The use of trivaccines M-M-R II and Priorix allows you to simultaneously vaccinate a child against measles, rubella and mumps.
  • The use of divaccines allows you to simultaneously vaccinate a child against measles and mumps.
  • Combined vaccines are administered intramuscularly in the shoulder area or subcutaneously twice at 12 months and 6 years.

Combination vaccines reduce the number of injections

Rice. 4. The use of trivaccines M-M-R II and Priorix allows you to simultaneously vaccinate a child against measles, rubella and mumps.

Rice. 5. The photo shows a divaccine. It is used for the simultaneous vaccination of children against mumps and measles.

Effectiveness of vaccination

After vaccination for the introduction of a vaccine preparation, protective antibodies are produced in the child's body, which are determined in 96% of children. However, their titer after vaccination is 5 times less than after mumps. Despite this, post-vaccination antibodies retain their effect on viruses for a long time.

Vaccination against mumps allows you to create immunity in 95% of those vaccinated, which lasts for 15 years or more.

Adverse reactions to the mumps vaccine

Adverse reactions to the mumps vaccine are extremely rare. Sometimes on the 4th - 12th day after the introduction of the vaccine, it is noted fever body and mild catarrhal phenomena. Very rarely, on the 42nd day after the introduction of the vaccine, there may be an increase parotid glands.

Complications of mumps vaccination

Complications of the mumps vaccine are extremely rare. These include: skin allergic reaction, abdominal pain and vomiting, febrile convulsions. Serous meningitis and short-term testicular edema are extremely rare.

Contraindications for vaccination against mumps

  • Immunocompromised diseases are contraindications for vaccination.
  • It is not recommended to vaccinate persons with severe allergies, as well as persons allergic to chicken and quail eggs, aminoglycosides and other products that are used in the manufacture of vaccines.
  • Vaccination of ZhPV is postponed in case of exacerbations of chronic diseases and the presence of an acute disease.

Rice. 6. In the photo, the complications of mumps are orchitis, which often ends with testicular atrophy and impaired spermatogenesis.

Anti-epidemic and preventive measures for mumps

The main tasks of anti-epidemic and preventive measures when sick:

  • Identification of the patient.
  • Notification of the authorities of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Isolation of the patient.
  • Determining the boundaries of the epidemic focus.
  • Separation of contact persons.
  • in the hearth.
  • Identification among contacts who are not protected from an infectious disease for emergency immunization.

Identification of the patient

  • The diagnosis of typical mumps is not difficult. In a typical course of the disease, an elevated body temperature is recorded (often up to 39 - 40 ° C), at the same time, pains appear in the region of the glands, aggravated by opening the mouth and chewing. In 90% of cases, pain precedes the development of organ edema, which develops by the end of the first day of the disease. Edema quickly spreads to the area of ​​the mastoid process, the area of ​​the neck and cheeks. At the same time, the earlobe rises up, because of which the face takes on a “pear-shaped” shape. Edema increases within 3-5 days. The skin on the gland is glossy, but its color never changes. Conduct differential diagnosis during this period follows with acute respiratory infections and influenza. Help clarify the diagnosis serological methods research.
  • Differential diagnosis of mumps is carried out with bacterial, viral and allergic parotitis, Mikulich's disease, salivary gland duct stones and neoplasms. Parotitis in the stage of edema salivary gland has similarities with swelling of the cervical tissue, which develops with toxic form throat diphtheria.
  • Serological methods of research will help to clarify the diagnosis.

Rice. 7. In the photo, the mumps is in a child and an adult. Enlargement of the salivary glands is the main symptom in the typical course of the disease.

Notification of Rospotrebnadzor authorities

During the first 2 hours, the doctor who identified the patient with mumps or suspected the disease sends emergency notice to the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor.

Isolation of the patient

In severe and complicated course of the disease, patients are hospitalized. In an uncomplicated course, the treatment of the patient is organized at home under the constant supervision of a local doctor.

Isolation of patients occurs for a period until clinical recovery, but not less than 9 days from the onset of the disease.

Separation of contact persons

In institutions where a sick mumps is detected, quarantine is established for 21 days.

Anti-epidemic measures in the outbreak

Mumps viruses are very sensitive to environmental factors and disinfectants, which is why the final disinfection in the focus of infection after isolation of the patient is not carried out. Daily wet cleaning, frequent airing of the room, disinfection of the patient's dishes, his towels and handkerchiefs are sufficient measures to prevent the disease.

Vaccination against mumps according to emergency (epidemic) indications

When a patient with mumps is identified, all persons in contact who have not previously been vaccinated and have not been ill are subject to emergency vaccination. According to the instructions, they can be vaccinated with the ZhPV vaccine, but no later than 3 days (72 hours) after contact with a sick person.

Rice. 8. Daily wet cleaning - important component anti-epidemic measures in the focus of infection.

Vaccination against mumps protects the child from the disease, and in case of illness, it will protect him from the development of serious complications.

Articles of the section "Mumps (mumps)"Most popular

Among the most common infectious diseases, entailing dangerous consequences, belongs to parotitis. That is why the mumps vaccination for children is included in the list of mandatory preventive vaccines. Parotitis, or "mumps", leads to serious violations in the functioning of the nervous system, the parotid glands are also affected. Especially dangerous disease considered for boys, as it often causes male infertility.

At what age do boys and girls get the mumps vaccine?

Mumps vaccination, according to statistics, creates reliable protection from this infectious disease, the effectiveness of vaccination reaches 96%.

Immunity is maintained for 12 years from the date of immunization.

Parents who vaccinate their children according to national calendar vaccinations, it is important to know at what age the mumps vaccination is given to protect against the disease. Vaccine in children's body administered three times - in infancy, before school and at adolescence. Vaccination is carried out in a year, the first revaccination - at 6-7 years old, the second - at 15-17.

Vaccination against mumps is carried out simultaneously with immunization against measles and rubella, other equally common and no less dangerous infectious diseases. What kind of mumps vaccine is given to children to protect against infection? For vaccination, preparations containing attenuated measles, rubella and mumps viruses are used. Over the past few years, imported drugs have proven themselves well - these are the vaccines MMRII (USA), Priorix (Belgium) and Ervevax (England). A live vaccine is also used domestic production L-3. Immunologists recommend this vaccine to children who have been in contact with people infected with mumps. However, you should know that the vaccine will be effective only if it has time to enter the body for the first three days after contact with the carrier of the infection. If the child is allergic to chicken protein, it is also better to use a domestically produced vaccine.

For the past few years, the Belgian-made Priorix vaccine has been popular, and it is her doctors who most often recommend it to parents who decide to protect their children from dangerous infection. Mumps vaccination in children is administered subcutaneously under the shoulder blade or in the shoulder area. One vaccination requires 0.5 ml of the vaccine preparation.

After vaccination against mumps in children, immunity is developed after 15-20 days and is a reliable protection against the development of the disease. It is up to the parents of the child to decide whether or not to be vaccinated, however, before refusing immunization, adults should familiarize themselves with the consequences of such actions. In addition to male infertility, mumps can lead to dysfunction of many organs and systems. The disease is dangerous not only for boys, but also for girls, it can cause swelling of the ovaries, which leads to some gynecological disorders. Complications of parotitis in the future in a person who had this infection in childhood can manifest itself in the form of myocarditis, pyelonephritis, meningitis, pneumonia.

Reactions after vaccination against mumps in children

Reaction to mumps vaccination in children usually does not occur, vaccination is well tolerated by them. Only in some children from 4 to 12 days temperature reactions, rhinitis, coughing, slight hyperemia of the pharynx can persist. Rarely, an enlargement of the parotid glands can occur, while general state the child is not getting worse. Redness or hardening of the skin at the injection site is also not excluded.

On the body of a child, as a reaction to the introduction of the mumps virus, a pink or red rash may appear. Older children may complain of pain in the muscles and joints, in babies they can cause capriciousness and irritability. Such reactions to the vaccine occur in only 10-20% of vaccinated children. The first day after the administration of the drug, it is impossible to wet the injection site, it is also better to refuse walking and contact with strangers.

Mumps vaccination may cause delayed reactions. This is due to the fact that the vaccine contains live measles, rubella and mumps viruses, however, greatly weakened. Once in the child's body, they begin to develop, developing immunity, which is why reactions up to 4 days, as a rule, never occur.

Mumps vaccination is especially necessary for adolescent boys. The disease suffered at this age can cause complications such as testicular swelling. Usually it is unilateral, but if the lesion extends to two sides, there is high probability development of infertility.

Mumps vaccine is contraindicated in such cases:

  • severe allergic reaction to aminoglycosides and egg protein;
  • immunodeficiency states of the body, blood diseases and the presence of tumors;
  • severe reaction and complications to a previous vaccination.

In some children, the temperature reaction can be very strong, the temperature sometimes rises to 40 degrees. Against the backdrop of such high temperature febrile seizures can occur in children, and even this condition is not a pathology. An increase in body temperature becomes an obstacle to the formation of immunity against mumps, so it must be brought down by giving the child antipyretics.

The mumps vaccine may cause a reaction such as a rash on the body. It can appear on its entire surface or on separate parts, usually rashes are localized on the buttocks, face, back, behind the ears, on the baby's neck.

Pain in the joints and muscles, as well as increased lymph nodes are also possible, but normal reactions for vaccination against mumps.

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The mumps disease is called mumps because the swelling of the parotid salivary glands makes the child's face look like a piglet's muzzle. This disease is especially dangerous for boys, as it can cause infertility. For vaccination against mumps in Russia, a well-proven domestic drug which is injected subcutaneously.

General characteristics and symptoms of mumps (mumps)

Epidemic parotitis (synonyms: mumps, mumps) - viral disease; characterized by fever, an increase in one or more salivary glands, often damage to other organs and the central nervous system.

The only source of mumps is man. The patient becomes contagious 1-2 days before the onset of symptoms and in the first 5 days of illness. After the disappearance of the signs of the disease, the patient is not contagious.

The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, but transmission through contaminated objects (for example, toys) is possible.

Susceptibility to infection is high. Children get sick more often. Boys suffer from parotitis 1.5 times more often than girls.

The incubation period of mumps lasts from 11 to 23 days (usually 15-19 days). In some patients, 1-2 days before the development of a typical picture of the disease, precursors are observed in the form of fatigue, malaise, muscle pain, headache, chilling, sleep disturbance and appetite.

With development inflammatory changes salivary gland, the following first signs of mumps are noted: dry mouth, pain in the ear, aggravated by chewing, talking.

In typical cases, fever reaches its maximum severity on the 1st-2nd day of illness and lasts 4-7 days. characteristic symptom mumps (mumps) - damage to the salivary glands (in most patients - parotid). The area of ​​the enlarged gland is painful to the touch.

With an enlarged salivary gland, skin lesions over it are also noted (depending on the degree of enlargement).

The skin becomes tense, shiny, swelling can spread to the neck. The enlargement of the salivary gland progresses rapidly and reaches a maximum within 3 days. At this level, the swelling lasts 2-3 days and then gradually (within 7-10 days) decreases.

These photos show the symptoms of parotitis in children and adults:

Complications of parotitis in men and women

The main complication after mumps is orchitis - inflammation of the testicles. The incidence of orchitis depends on the severity of the disease (in moderate and severe forms, orchitis occurs in about half of patients).

Signs of orchitis are noted on the 5-7th day from the onset of the disease and are characterized by a new wave of fever (up to 39-40 ° C), the appearance severe pain in the scrotum and testis. The testicle is enlarged. The fever lasts 3-7 days, testicular enlargement - 5-8 days. Then the pain disappears, and the testicle gradually decreases in size.

A complication of mumps suffered in childhood in men can be priapism (prolonged painful erection of the penis with blood filling the cavernous bodies, not associated with sexual arousal) and infertility.

Possible, although rarer, complications of mumps include serous meningitis and meningoencephalitis, pancreatitis, oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries in women and girls), damage to the organ of hearing (deafness).

It is now established that the mumps virus in women during pregnancy can cause damage to the fetus.

Treatment of parotitis, like any viral disease, presents difficulties. An important task of treatment is the prevention of complications. Compliance required bed rest at least 10 days.

Mumps vaccination and reaction to vaccinations

Mumps vaccine (mumps):

  • Mumps vaccine (Moscow Enterprise of Bacterial Preparations, Russia).

The mumps vaccine is made from live attenuated viruses. It is injected subcutaneously, under the shoulder blade or in the shoulder.

Vaccination, according to the vaccination calendar, is carried out for children at the age of 1; revaccination - at 6 years.

Most children do not have vaccine reactions. Sometimes there may be an increase in body temperature (from the 4th to the 12th day after vaccination), slight malaise for 1-2 days.

The reaction to mumps vaccination may be a short-term (2-3 days) slight increase in the parotid salivary glands. Serious complications are extremely rare. These may include convulsions associated with fever in susceptible children; severe allergic reaction.

Extremely rarely, easily occurring aseptic meningitis can develop.

Is it worth it to get vaccinated against mumps - a short video from Dr. Myasnikov:

* Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov - Honored Doctor of Moscow, chief physician urban clinical hospital named after M.E. Zhadkevich of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow

Contraindications to vaccination

The vaccine is contraindicated in:

  • immunodeficiency states;
  • oncological diseases;
  • allergies to aminoglycosides (kanamycin, monomycin), quail eggs;
  • pregnancy.

Non-specific prophylaxis

After the diagnosis of mumps is established, the sick child is isolated at home until recovery (on average, for 9 days). AT children's team quarantine for 21 days. If among the contacts there are unvaccinated children against mumps, they are given emergency vaccination.

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