Guidelines for recording and reporting infectious diseases. Completing an Emergency Notification Card Submitting an Infectious Disease Emergency Notification




1. Approve:

1) The list of infectious diseases in which an emergency notification is submitted for each case, in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Order;

2) The list of postoperative infections, in which an emergency notification is submitted for each case, in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Order;

3) The list of diseases in obstetric hospitals, in which an emergency notification is submitted for each case, in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this Order.

2. Heads of medical organizations of the Republic of Altai, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, medical workers of children's, adolescent, health and other organizations, doctors and paramedical workers engaged in private medical practice:

2) ensure the completeness of the submission of information in an emergency notice in accordance with Appendix No. 4 (not given) to this Order;

3) ensure the registration and recording of an infectious disease in the register of infectious diseases of the established form (form 060 / y) at the place of their detection;

4) ensure that the medical organization that has changed or clarified the diagnosis, within 12 hours, submits a new emergency notification for the patient to the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Republic", in rural areas of the Altai Republic - to the branch of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Republic" "at the place of detection of the diseased, indicating the changed (specified) diagnosis, the date of its establishment, the initial diagnosis, the result of a laboratory test;

a) medical organizations located in the city of Gorno-Altaisk and with. Mayma (BUZ RA "Republican Hospital", BUZ RA "Republican Children's Hospital", BUZ RA "Maiminsky District Hospital", BUZ RA "Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS", BUZ RA "Tuberculosis Dispensary", BUZ RA "Republican Skin and venereal dispensary") - in the Department of Epidemiology of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Republic", the BUZ RA "Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination", the BUZ RA "Medical Information and Analytical Center" (curators of infections);

b) district hospitals of the Republic of Altai - in the branches of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Altai";

c) in each medical organization, appoint by order an official responsible for the transfer of operational information to the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Republic" on the identification of infectious patients or suspicion of an infectious disease, also on death from an infectious disease and keeping a register of infectious diseases ( form 060/y);

7) when making final diagnoses for infectious patients (acute viral hepatitis A, B, C, rubella, measles, meningococcal infection, especially dangerous infections, pseudotuberculosis, tularemia, tick-borne encephalitis, rickettsiosis and other rare infections, as well as in case of death from infectious diseases) use the practice of medical consultations with the participation of epidemiological surveillance specialists;

8) ensure the transfer of summary information on detected cases of influenza and SARS to the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Republic", to the branch of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Altai" on a weekly basis, and during the period of epidemic trouble - on a daily basis.

3. To the chief doctor of the Healthcare Institution of the Republic of Armenia "Dermatovenerologic Dispensary" to ensure:

1) monthly (2nd day of each month) submission of information to the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Altai" on the number of registered diseases of gonorrhea, syphilis, trichophytosis, microsporia, scabies, favus, foot mycosis in the context of the city of Gorno-Altaisk, districts Republic of Altai by age groups of the population: total, up to 17 years old, up to 14 years old, up to 1 year old, 1 - 2 years old, 3 - 6 years old (total, of which attending preschool institutions), among residents of rural settlements of the Altai Republic (total, of which children under 17 years of age);

2) submission of emergency notices of accounting form N 089 / u-kv "Notice of a patient with a newly established diagnosis of syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, urogenital herpes, anogenital warts, microsporia, favus, trichophytosis, mycosis of the feet, scabies" with final diagnoses in 3-day period in writing or electronic communication, software "ARM-epidemiologist" in the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Republic", in rural areas of the Altai Republic - to the branch of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Republic" at the place the patient's residence.

4. To the chief physician of the BHI RA "Tuberculosis dispensary":

1) conduct a monthly reconciliation of cases of tuberculosis in the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Altai" up to the 2nd day after the reporting month with the submission of lists of cases in the context of the city of Gorno-Altaisk and districts of the Altai Republic according to the scheme: Full name ., age, gender, place of residence, place of work, study, diagnosis, bacterial excretion, detection (fluoro examination, treatment, tuberculin diagnosis), date and method of disinfection in the outbreak;

2) ensure the submission of emergency notices of the accounting form N 089 / y-tube "Notice of a patient with a first-ever established diagnosis of tuberculosis-1, with a relapse of tuberculosis-2" upon confirmation of the diagnosis (by laboratory and / or x-ray methods) within 3 days in writing or electronic communication, the software "ARM-epidemiologist" in the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Republic", a duplicate of the notice should be sent in the regions of the Altai Republic - to the territorial branch of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Republic" at the place of residence ill;

3) ensure, in order to promptly carry out anti-epidemic measures, the filing of emergency notifications of registration form N 058 / y "Emergency notification of an infectious disease, food, acute occupational poisoning, unusual reaction to vaccination" among decreed population groups; children and adolescents attending organized groups; among medical workers; among patients who are in medical institutions within 2 hours by phone, within 24 hours in writing or by e-mail to the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Republic", a duplicate notice should be sent in the regions of the Altai Republic to the territorial branch of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Altai" at the place of residence of the sick person;

4) ensure the submission of emergency notifications of the registration form N 058 / y "Emergency notification of an infectious disease, food, acute occupational poisoning, an unusual reaction to vaccination" for patients who have established MBT isolation and in case of death from tuberculosis within 24 hours in writing form or by e-mail to the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Republic", a duplicate of the notice should be sent in rural areas of the Altai Republic - to the territorial branch of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Republic" at the place of residence of the sick person.

5. To the chief physician of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Altai", the chief physicians of the branches of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Altai":

1) ensure the submission of daily information on infectious disease incidence to the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Altai in Gorno-Altaisk and Maiminsky district before 16:00, weekly information on infectious disease in the context of regions of the Altai Republic on Monday until 13:00. Branches of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Altai" provide daily information on infectious morbidity to the territorial departments of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Republic of Altai until 16:00, weekly information on infectious morbidity in the context of the administrative territories of the district on Monday until 13:00;

2) ensure the registration and accounting of emergency notifications from medical organizations located in the city of Gorno-Altaisk and the Maiminsky district about the detection, hospitalization, confirmation (change) of the diagnosis, as well as in case of death from infectious diseases;

3) FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Altai" to promptly ensure the transmission of emergency notifications about the case of an infectious disease, the carriage of an infectious disease or suspicion of an infectious disease, as well as in the event of death from an infectious disease, to the branches of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Republic of Altai" in the case of information received about the detection of the disease, hospitalization of the patient, confirmation (change) of the diagnosis in district patients registered in medical organizations located in the territories of Gorno-Altaisk and the Maiminsky district, and vice versa to the branches of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Republic of Altai" in the case of information received on the detection of the disease, hospitalization of the patient, confirmation (change) of the diagnosis in patients of Gorno-Altaisk and the Maiminsky district, registered in medical organizations located in the territories of the districts in the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Altai" ;

4) ensure the submission of extraordinary reports on emergency situations of a sanitary and epidemiological nature in accordance with the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2009 N 11 "On the provision of extraordinary reports on emergency situations in the field of public health of a sanitary and epidemiological nature";

5) ensure the collection and transmission of information to the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Altai Republic on the incidence of influenza and SARS in the city of Gorno-Altaisk, in the regions of the Altai Republic during the epidemic rise - on a daily basis, during the inter-epidemic period - on a weekly basis (on Mondays);

6) in order to monitor acute intestinal infections, ensure the collection and transmission of information to the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Republic of Altai on the incidence of acute intestinal infections (amount) by week with a cumulative total from the beginning of the year (on Tuesdays);

7) to ensure monthly reconciliation of cases of tuberculosis with the RA "Tuberculosis Dispensary", information on newly registered and deregistered patients by the 2nd day of each month with the compilation of lists of cases in the context of the city of Gorno-Altaisk and districts of the Altai Republic according to the scheme: Full name, age, gender, place of residence, place of work, study, diagnosis, bacterial excretion, detection (fluoro examination, treatment, tuberculin diagnosis), date and method of disinfection in the outbreak, including the chamber method, indicating the disinfectant used;

8) to ensure monthly reconciliation of information on newly registered and deceased patients from infectious diseases with the BHI RA "Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS" by the 2nd day of each month;

9) ensure monthly reconciliation with the RA "Medical Information and Analytical Center" and Altaistat of information about patients who died from infectious diseases within the period from 26 to 30 (31) of the day following the reporting month;

10) ensure the collection and transmission of information to the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Altai on mortality from infectious diseases in the city of Gorno-Altaisk, in the districts of the Altai Republic - on a monthly basis, until the 30th (31st) day following the reporting month;

11) ensure the introduction of electronic interaction with medical and preventive organizations for the filing of emergency notifications and registration of infectious diseases;

12) ensure the implementation of the software tool "ARM-epidemiologist";

6. The heads of the territorial departments of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Altai Republic shall ensure control over the quality of the epidemiological investigation, the establishment of a causal relationship in the formation of an epidemic focus, carried out by the branches of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Republic.

7. Recognize invalid the joint order dated 22.01.2013 N 7/11 "On the procedure for filing emergency notifications of a case of an infectious disease, carriage of an infectious disease or suspicion of an infectious disease in the Altai Republic."

8. To impose control over the execution of this Order on the First Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Altai (Munatov V.Yu.) and the head of the epidemiological surveillance department of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Republic of Altai (Zarubin I.V.).

Office of the Federal
services for supervision in the field
consumer protection and
human well-being
in the Republic of Altai

Minister of Health
Republic of Altai


Appendix No. 1
to the Order
Office of the Federal
services for supervision in the field
consumer protection and
human well-being
in the Republic of Altai,
Ministry of Health
Republic of Altai
dated March 4, 2015 N 39




Acute HAV

Astrakhan spotted fever

Acute HBV

Acute HCV

Acute HEV

Bacterial carriers of dysentery

Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, including vaccine-associated

Diphtheria carriers

Bacterial carriers of typhoid fever, paratyphoid

Acute flaccid paralysis


Brill's disease

Omsk hemorrhagic fever

Lyme disease



Paratyphoid A, B, C and unspecified

Typhoid fever

Mumps epidemic

Chicken pox


Pneumonia community-acquired

Vibrio carriers of cholera

Pneumonia viral

Congenital cytomegalovirus infection

Pneumonia bacterial

Pneumonia call. pneumococcus


Intrauterine infections

Vaccine Associated Poliomyelitis

Poliomyelitis acute

Hemorrhagic fever

Poliomyelitis acute wild

Generalized meningococcal infection

Poliomyelitis, acute, unspecified

Other acute SH

Hemophilus infection

Other chronic CH



Other helminthiases

Post-vaccination complications

human granulocytic anaplasmosis

Salmonella B

GSI in newborns

Salmonella C

Salmonellosis D

Dysentery Sonne

Salmonellosis etc.

Flexner's dysentery


Clinical dysentery

Scarlet fever


Streptococcal septicemia


Streptococcal infection (new)

Other helminthiases

Other protozoal diseases




congenital rubella syndrome

Infectious mononucleosis

TVS respiratory organs. extrapulmonary

Tick-borne Siberian typhus

TVS bacillary forms

Tick-borne encephalitis




Pertussis caused by Bordetella parapertussis







Tuberculosis active

Crimean hemorrhagic fever



Biting, licking, scratching by animals, incl. wild



Tick ​​bites

West Nile fever

Dengue fever

Q fever

Chronic HBV


Chronic HCV

Cytomegolovirus infection

Malaria Pl.falciparum

Meningococcal infection

Generalized form of meningococcal infection



Human monocytic ehrlichiosis

Enteroviral infection

Enteroviral meningitis

Hepatitis B carriers


Hepatitis C carriers

epidemic typhus

HIV carriers

AII caused by Norwalk viruses

Deaths from infectious diseases

AII caused by Yersinia

AII caused by Escherichia

AII caused by EPKD

OKI by campylobacter

OKI rotavirus

OKI installed viral

OKI established bacterial

AII of established etiology

AII of unknown etiology


Appendix No. 2
to the Order
Office of the Federal
services for supervision in the field
consumer protection and
human well-being
in the Republic of Altai,
Ministry of Health
Republic of Altai
dated March 4, 2015 N 39


Viral and bacterial pneumonia.

Other septicemia including:

sepsis, gas gangrene, bacterial meningitis, meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis.

Other infectious diseases, carriage of pathogens of infectious diseases that arose during the stay in a medical organization.

Infections associated with infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection.

Infection associated with prosthetic heart valves, other cardiac and vascular devices, implants and grafts.

Infection associated with a procedure, not elsewhere classified.

Infections caused by arthroplasty, internal fixation devices, implants, grafts.

Infection of the amputated stump.

Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts.

Urinary tract infection without established localization.

Unsuccessful medical abortion, complicated by infection of the genital tract and pelvic organs.


Acute peritonitis.

Acute cystitis.

Streptococcal septicemia.

Dehiscence of surgical wound margins, not elsewhere classified.

urethral abscess.

Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis.

Encephalitis, myelitis or encephalomyelitis, unspecified.


Appendix No. 3
to the Order
Office of the Federal
services for supervision in the field
consumer protection and
human well-being
in the Republic of Altai,
Ministry of Health
Republic of Altai
dated March 4, 2015 N 39


In newborns:

For puerperas:

Viral hepatitis B, C, other infectious diseases


postpartum sepsis


Other infections during childbirth


Panaritium, paronychius

pyoderma, impetigo

Surgical obstetric wound infection

Omphalitis, phlebitis of the umbilical vein


Other genital tract infections after childbirth

Sepsis of the newborn

neonatal infectious mastitis

urinary tract infection after childbirth

Conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis in a newborn

Other urinary tract infections after childbirth

Intra-amniotic infection of the fetus, not elsewhere classified

Hyperthermia of unknown origin after childbirth

neonatal urinary tract infection

Other specified postpartum infections

Neonatal skin infection

Other specified infection specific to the perinatal period

Divergence of seams after caesarean section

Infection specific to the perinatal period, unspecified

Divergence of the sutures of the perineum

Intrauterine infections

Nipple infections associated with childbearing

Breast abscess associated with childbearing

An emergency notification is drawn up by doctors and paramedical personnel of the HZ in the event that a patient has pediculosis, an infectious disease (suspicion of it), food, acute occupational poisoning, an incorrect reaction to vaccination, regardless of the conditions for detection: when applying for treatment, preventive examination, examination in inpatient section, etc.

Serves for information by the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology (TsGiE) at the place of detection of the disease in order to take the necessary anti-epidemic measures.

Fill algorithm

1. Clearly and accurately fill out the passport part of the notice.

2. Rewrite the diagnosis without changes and distortions from the primary document, i.e. medical card.

3. An emergency notification must be delivered to the Center for Health and Establishment in the given territory within 12 hours from the moment the diagnosis was established. Upon receipt of an emergency notification, the CG&E organizes disinfection at the place of residence and work of the sick person.

Notification of the detection of an infectious disease (f. N 058 / y)

1. Diagnosis __________________________________________________________________

laboratory confirmed: yes, no (underline)

2. Surname, First name, Patronymic _______________________________________________

3. Gender ____________________________

4. Age (for children under 14 - date of birth) ___________________________________

5. Address, settlement _______________________________ district _____________

Street _____________________________ building No. _________ apt. No. ____

individual communal, hostel - enter

6. Name and address of the place of work (study, children's institution) _________________


diseases ________________________________________________________________________

initial treatment (detection) __________________________________________

establishing a diagnosis ___________________________________________________________

subsequent visit to a children's institution, school ____________________________

hospitalization ____________________________________________________________

8. Place of hospitalization ____________________________________________________________

9. If poisoning - indicate where it happened, what poisoned the victim _______


10. Conducted primary anti-epidemic measures and

additional information _____________________________________________________________________

11. Date and hour of the primary signaling (by phone, etc.) in the SES ____________________


Surname of the person reporting ____________________________________________________

Who received the message ____________________________________________________

12. Date and hour of sending the notice __________________________________________

Signature of the sender of the notice __________________________________________

Registration number __________________________ in the journal f. No. _____ sanitary epidemiological station.

Signature of the person receiving the notice ______________________________________________


All products that do not have contact with the wound surface, blood or injectables should be disinfected.

Products used during purulent operations or surgical manipulations in an infectious patient are subjected to disinfection before pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization.

In addition, medical devices are subject to disinfection after operations, injections, etc. persons who have had hepatitis B or hepatitis with an unspecified diagnosis (viral hepatitis), as well as those who are carriers of the HB antigen.

Disinfection should be carried out by one of the methods indicated in Table. 9.

Table 1. Pre-sterilization cleaning

* The temperature of the solution during the washing process is not maintained


1. If an instrument contaminated with blood can be washed under running water immediately after use in an operation or manipulation, do not immerse it in a corrosion inhibitor solution (sodium benzoate).

2. If necessary (duration of operation), the instrument can be left immersed in a corrosion inhibitor solution (sodium benzoate) for up to 7 hours.

3. The washing solution may be used before contamination (until a pink color appears, which indicates that the solution is contaminated with blood, which reduces the cleaning efficiency). Detergent solution of hydrogen peroxide with synthetic detergents can be used within 24 hours from the date of manufacture, if the color of the solution has not changed. The unchanged solution can be heated up to 6 times; during the heating process, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide does not change significantly.

4. The mode of drying of endoscopes and products made of natural latex, as well as the requirements for immersion of endoscopes in solutions, should be set out in the instructions for use of these products.

Purpose: to inform the SES center at the patient's place of residence about the case

Indications: as directed by a physician.

Contraindications: no.


1. emergency notice (account file No. 058/u);

2. medical record of an outpatient or inpatient.
The sequence of actions with ensuring the safety of the environment

1. clearly and accurately fill out the passport part of the notice;

2. rewrite the diagnosis without changes and distortions from the medical record;

3. An emergency notice must be delivered to the SES within 12 hours.

Manipulation #67

Conducting sanitization of patients.

Purpose: prevention of nosocomial infections. Indications: observance of personal hygiene. Contraindications: serious condition of the patient. Sanitization can be:

1. Complete - pest control, disinfection, hygienic bath or shower.

2. Partial - only one of the components of complete sanitization in
depending on the severity of the disease and the contamination of the skin -
or washing or wiping certain parts of the body.

The type of sanitization is determined by the duty doctor of the admission department. Equipment:

1. bath, washed with detergents, disinfected
double wiping with a rag with an interval of 15 minutes, then washed

2. a set for the treatment of patients with pediculosis;

3. individual set for washing each patient (towel,
washcloths, soap);

4. water thermometer;

5. a set of underwear and clothes.
Possible patient problems:

Negative attitude towards intervention;

Unreasonable refusal;

Mental excitement.

1. inform the patient about the upcoming manipulation and its progress
execution; obtain consent to conduct;

2. fill the bath with water T = 37 -40 C;

3. wash your hands; help the patient to take a comfortable position;

4. monitor the patient's condition in the bath;

5. help get out of the bath; mark the type and date in the medical record


Treat the bath in accordance with the requirements of sanitary
anti-epidemic regime;

Hygienic bath time - 20 minutes;

In the presence of pediculosis, before taking a bath, the patient should
pest control;

Full sanitization is carried out 1 time in 7 - 10 days from
subsequent change of linen and a mark in the "medical record".

Manipulation #68

Patient transportation.

Purpose: safe patient transport.

Indications: serious condition of the patient.

Contraindications: no.

Equipment: - stretcher; bedding set;

Wheelchair; wheel chair;

Disinfectant solution, rags, container; gloves.

Possible problems of the patient: - negative attitude;

Psycho-emotional discomfort.

The sequence of actions to ensure the safety of the environment:

1. inform the patient about his movement, obtain consent;

2. unfold the stretcher, fix the solutions; spread a sheet;

3. lay the patient down; cover with a sheet, depending on the ambient temperature and a blanket;

4. porters are out of step;

5. when transporting up the stairs, carry the stretcher with the head end forward, raising the foot end of the stretcher;

6. when transporting down the stairs, carry the stretcher with the foot end forward, raising the foot end and slightly lowering the head end.


The question of the method of transportation is decided by the doctor;

If it is difficult for the patient to lie down, transport on a wheelchair;

The patient is transported head first on a gurney;

With any method of transportation, the accompanying patient is obliged to transfer the patient and his medical history to the medical worker;

After transportation of each patient, the wheelchair and wheelchair are disinfected by wiping twice with an interval of 15 minutes by means regulated by SNiP.

To prevent the spread of dangerous infections, the Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated 10/04/1980 No. 1030 approved the "Emergency notification of an infectious disease, food, acute occupational poisoning, an unusual reaction to vaccination." This is an operational accounting document. Legislatively established form No. 058 / y is filled out on one sheet from both sides. A sample emergency notice 058/y is as follows:

Front side

Back side

Answering the question in which cases an emergency notification of an infectious patient is filled out, we note that the document is drawn up by a medical worker of an enterprise who has identified:

  • infection;
  • food poisoning;
  • acute occupational poisoning;
  • suspicion of the above diagnoses.

And also with animal bites and if the previously diagnosed diagnosis has changed.

Filling order

It is necessary to fill out an emergency notification of an infectious disease in form 058 / y in two copies and then send it to:

  • to the territorial sanitary and epidemiological station of the system of the Ministry of Health at the place where the disease was detected;
  • to the departmental sanitary and epidemiological institution.

The document is filled in the following columns:

  • diagnosis;
  • patient data: full name, age, home address, place of work;
  • information about the anti-epidemic measures taken with the sick person and contact persons;
  • date and place of hospitalization;
  • date, time of primary signaling to the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (TSGSEN);
  • a list of citizens who have been in contact with the sick person, their home addresses and telephone numbers;
  • FULL NAME. and the signature of the nurse.

Document submission deadline

To prevent the spread of a dangerous infection among the population, it is necessary to act quickly and efficiently. It is necessary to report the detection of the disease to the appropriate authorities as soon as possible. At the place of detection of the disease or bite, an emergency notification is submitted to the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service no later than 12 hours from the moment of detection. The doctor of the enterprise immediately sends it to the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

Often there are cases when, after some time, the diagnosis previously made by the doctor changes or is clarified. This is due to the fact that many diseases have similar symptoms. In case of a change in the diagnosis, the health worker is obliged to submit a new emergency report for the sick employee of the enterprise to the SES at the place where the disease was detected within 12 hours. Clause 1 of the notice should indicate:

  • modified or revised diagnosis;
  • date of diagnosis;
  • initial diagnosis.

Registration, accounting and reporting on infectious diseases are regulated by the Order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated December 29, 1978 No. 1282. It is this document that contains a list of infectious disorders that are subject to registration in healthcare institutions, regardless of the place of infection of the patient. This list consists of more than 40 items, including:

  • plague, cholera, smallpox and fever, leprosy (quarantine);
  • skin and venereal diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, favus);
  • tuberculosis;
  • salmonella (for example, typhoid fever);
  • various foodborne infections caused by bacterial pathogens;
  • whooping cough, measles, rubella, diphtheria, chickenpox;
  • rabies, foot and mouth disease;
  • tropical diseases;
  • animal bites and wounds from them;
  • atypical reactions to vaccinations, etc.

If they are found or suspected, it is necessary to immediately notify the Sanepidnadzor service. To do this, a doctor or nursing staff fills out an emergency notification of an infectious disease in the form 058y. Also, this document must be drawn up by a medical worker of the enterprise, who, during a medical examination or examination of an employee, revealed in him:

  • infection with an infection;
  • food poisoning;
  • acute occupational poisoning;
  • suspicion of these diagnoses.

The Ministry of Health also specifies that emergency notifications of dangerous diseases are filled out by doctors who have identified or suspected a source of infection in:

  • polyclinics (at a doctor's appointment or when calling at home);
  • hospitals;
  • maternity hospitals;
  • kindergartens, schools and any other educational institutions;
  • sanatoriums.

Sample Form 058y (Emergency Notice)

When do I need to send a notice to the SES

After filling out an emergency notification of an infectious disease, it must be sent to the territorial sanitary and epidemiological station within 12 hours, while the place of registration of the outbreak is important, and not the place of residence of the patient.

The resulting data is used by health oversight bodies to:

  • preventing the spread of infection and isolating patients;
  • control over the development of the disease and the organization of vaccinations;
  • improving existing prevention programs;
  • statistical accounting.

How to fill out an Infectious Disease Notice

A unified form can be found in Appendix No. 1 to the Order, according to which the following must be indicated in the form:

  • diagnosis;
  • Full name, passport data of the patient, his age, address and place of work;
  • information on anti-epidemic measures taken with the patient and contact persons;
  • date and place of hospitalization;
  • date and time of the initial notification of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (TSGSEN);
  • a list of people in contact with the patient, their contacts;
  • FULL NAME. and the signature of the healthcare professional who issued the notice.

Then the message is urgently sent to the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service - no later than 12 hours from the moment an infectious disease is detected or suspected. At the same time, it is worth duplicating all the information by phone in order to speed up the process as much as possible. After the work done, it is necessary to register a notification in the journal of infectious patients of registration form No. 60.

Since many diseases have similar symptoms, it is not uncommon for the initial diagnosis to be incorrect. If such an error is found, the doctor must send a second notification with a changed diagnosis, indicating in the first paragraph:

  • changed diagnosis;
  • the date of its establishment;
  • initial diagnosis.

The same rule applies to cases where the diagnosis is specified. For example, if as a result of the analyzes received, new details of the disease and the causes of its occurrence were discovered.

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